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Γιαθάνεια ζηα δίγλωζζα δεδομένα:
Προθεηικόηηηες και επιλογές αναπαράζηαζης

Ατιλλέας Κωζηούλας

Δρεσνώνηας με πολλές γλώζζες, 22-23 Μαΐοσ 2012
Πανεπιζηήμιο ηοσ Μάνηζεζηερ, Ηνωμένο Βαζίλειο
Transparency in bilingual data :
Intentionalities & representational positions

Achilleas Kostoulas

Researching Multilingually, 22-23 May 2012
The University of Manchester

   My study           Intentionalities

    Participants        Linguapolitical        Unedited

                        Epistemological      Standardised
     A linguistic
 hierarchy of power
                        Methodological        Unabridged

    Challenges              Ethical          Summarised
Research participants
• Learners:
  – Predominantly Greek (first language: Modern Greek)
  – Some with immigrant heritage (first language: Greek
    or Albanian, bilingual?)
  – Various levels of competence in English
• Teachers
  – Native speakers of Modern Greek
  – Formally trained in English
  – Some variance in English language competence
• Researcher
  – Native speaker of Modern Greek
  – Competent in English
A linguistic hierarchy


             Proficient learners

          Not so proficient learners
A linguistic hierarchy


                   Proficient learners

                Not so proficient learners
1.   Lingua-political
2.   Epistemological
3.   Methodological
4.   Ethical
Lingua-political (I):
The spread of English
• Mounting concern about the global spread of English
  (Crystal, 2000, Calvet 1999, Ngugi 1986, Phillipson
  1992, 2009b).
• The spread of English in the academic domain, may lead to
  social capital deprecation among speakers of other languages.
  (cf. Phillipson 2009a).
• It would be helpful if scholarship could be produces in forms
  that acknowledge the diversity of the local linguistic ecology.

Crystal, D. (2000). Language death. Cambridge ; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Calvet, L. J. (1999). La guerre de langues et de politiques linguistiques. Paris: Hachette.
       wa Thiongʼo     (1986). Decolonising the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature. London : J. Currey.
Phillipson, R. (1992). Linguistic imperialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Phillipson, R. (2009a). English in globalisation, a lingua franca or a lingua frankensteinia? TESOL Quarterly, 43, 335-339.
Phillipson, R. (2009b). Linguistic imperialism continued. New York, NY: Routledge.
Lingua-political (II):
Greek as a tri-graphic language
  Ἑλληνικὰ: Πολυτονικῆ Γραφῆ

  • Falling into disuse.
  • In need of preservation.

  Ελληνικά: Μονοτονική Γραφή

  • Current standard; largely standardised
  • Unmarked.

  Ellhnika: Latinotropos grafh

  • Non-standardised; controversial
  • In need of legitimating.
• Is 1-to-1 semantic equivalence…
  – desirable?
  – possible?
• Whose ‘voice’ does a translation convey?
   Στο μάθημα των Αγγλικών πρώτα γράφουμε ορθογραφία, στη
συνέχεια λέμε το μάθημα, μετά κάνουμε ασκήσεις, και στο τέλος μας
   βάζουν ασκήσεις για το σπίτι, αλλά και λέξεις για ορθογραφία.
Literal translation            Interim document
In the lesson of English,      In a [typical] English lesson,
first we do the dictation,     we start with a vocabulary test,
then we say the lesson,        then we go through a presentation,
next we do exercises,          next we do exercises,
and in the end they put on     and in the end we are assigned
us exercises for the house,    homework,
but and words for dictation.   and [told to learn] some words.
M: I think it is very important. I. I don’t say that, teachers who are
  not native speaker, speakers are not good at their job, but I >if
  we take into consideration the fact that students are
  examined< (2 sec) in . <the part where they have to listen to a
  tape, which is, is recorded by, English>. I I think it is very
  important because they come into contact with. new forms of
  language that perhaps is used by, the speaker (2 sec) with the
  pronunciation, intonation and, this helps them, a lot.
M: and then ask my students to give me examples. For example
  (2 sec) I when I teached the passive voice, I gave them the
  rule, and I told them ‘try to give me an example’. But this
  didn’t work with everybody because they feel the pressure
  that ‘I have to use the foreign language’ and they couldn’t do
1.   Verbatim
2.   Standardised
3.   Unabridged
4.   Summarised
A cline of representational positions

           Transparent                   Opaque

    Verbatim        Standardised   Unabridged       Summarised
      data              data          data             data

             Bilingual                     Monolingual
          representation                  representation
Verbatim bilingual data
Amy: Και το ξζρεισ κι εςφ καλφτερα από Amy: And I’m sure you know this better
   μζνα, πωσ ςτθν ςχ- >το μάκαμε και        than I do, that at uni- >when we were
   απ’ τθν ςχολι< ότι για να μάκει το       at University< we learnt that for a child
   παιδί κάτι πρζπει απαραίτθτα να γίνει    to learn there needs to be some kind of
   καποιο «noticing», ζτςι; (2 sec) Αλλά    noticing, right? But when an
   ο Άγγλοσ όταν μιλάει με ςωςτι, με        Englishman speaks in correct, in RP
   RP, κα πει «dishes» αλλά επειδι είναι    [Received Pronunciation], he will say
   native speaker, κα είναι με devoicing    “dishes” but because he’s a native
   ςτο /d/, ξζρεισ, και καλά ςαν            speaker it will be with devoicing in the
   *«tishes» (3 sec)                        /d/, you know, as in, like *“tishes”
Achilleas : Πιςτ- Νομίηεσ ότι αυτό       Achilleas: Do you belie- Do you think that
   είναι, ότι αποτελεί πρόβλθ*μα;           this is, it amounts to a prob[lem?
Amy:                *Ναι, αλλά ο Αγγλοσ Amy:                         [Yes, but the
   αυτό το κάνει χωρίσ να το                Englishman does this without
   καταλαβαίνει, γιατί είναι native         understanding, because he’s a native
   speaker. Και όχι μόνο αυτό, δεν          speaker. And not only that, he doesn’t
   καταλαβαίνει κιόλασ ότι αυτό             even understand that this is, ti
   είναι, ςυνιςτά πρόβλθμα για τον          constitutes a problem for the Greek
   Ζλλθνα μακθτι, αν μιλάει ζτςι.           students, if that’s how he speaks.
Verbatim bilingual data
Amy: Και το ξζρεισ κι εςφ καλφτερα από Amy: And I’m sure you know this better
   μζνα, πωσ ςτθν ςχ- >το μάκαμε και        than I do, that at uni- >when we were
   απ’ τθν ςχολι< ότι για να μάκει το       at University< we learnt that for a child
   παιδί κάτι πρζπει απαραίτθτα να γίνει    to learn there needs to be some kind of
   καποιο «noticing», ζτςι; (2 sec) Αλλά    noticing, right? But when an
   ο Άγγλοσ όταν μιλάει με ςωςτι, με        Englishman speaks in correct, in RP
   RP, κα πει «dishes» αλλά επειδι είναι    [Received Pronunciation], he will say
   native speaker, κα είναι με devoicing    “dishes” but because he’s a native
   ςτο /d/, ξζρεισ, και καλά ςαν            speaker it will be with devoicing in the
   *«tishes» (3 sec)                        /d/, you know, as in, like *“tishes”
Achilleas : Πιςτ- Νομίηεσ ότι αυτό       Achilleas: Do you belie- Do you think that
   είναι, ότι αποτελεί πρόβλθ*μα;           this is, it amounts to a prob[lem?
Amy:                *Ναι, αλλά ο Αγγλοσ Amy:                         [Yes, but the
   αυτό το κάνει χωρίσ να το                Englishman does this without
   καταλαβαίνει, γιατί είναι native         understanding, because he’s a native
   speaker. Και όχι μόνο αυτό, δεν          speaker. And not only that, he doesn’t
   καταλαβαίνει κιόλασ ότι αυτό             even understand that this is, it
   είναι, ςυνιςτά πρόβλθμα για τον          constitutes a problem for the Greek
   Ζλλθνα μακθτι, αν μιλάει ζτςι.           students, if that’s how he speaks.
Verbatim bilingual data
• Highlights theoretically significant aspects of
• Promotes visibility of languages other than
• Can we completely avoid being selective &
• Is the word-space used at the expense of
• Can the dissemination outlet typographically
  support this?
Standardised bilingual data

«Δε μου αρζςει και τόςο όταν βαργεμε (sic) *...+ γιατι οταν
βαργεμε (sic), βαργεμε (sic)». [I don’t really like it when I’m
bord (sic) […] because when I’m bord (sic), I’m bord (sic).]

«Δε μου αρζςει και τόςο όταν βαριζμαι [...] γιατί όταν
βαριζμαι, βαριζμαι». [I don’t really like it when I’m
bored […] because when I’m bored, I’m bored.]
Standardised bilingual data
• Removes language infelicities that might
  detract attention from the participants’ view.
• Levels off differences between competent
  and not-so-competent users.
• Whose standard is used? Why?
• Is the data distorted in this way?
Unabridged monolingual data
 … to write, we don’t make mistakes and readind        grammar rules.
             In an English class we should to learn    grammar, reading and listening, because with them …
             Νομίηω ότι το ςθμαντικότερο είναι θ       γραμματικι και το λεξιλόγιο …
                   Πιςτεφω ότι πρζπει να ξζρουμε       γραμματικι, λεξιλόγιο, listening και speaking για να …
        My opinion is a little bit more important.     Grammar lessons because this will help us speak …
         Εγώ πιςτεφω ότι πρζπει και να ξζρουμε         γραμματικι και να μιλάμε καλά χωρίσ πολλά λάκοι.
          I will have lots of exercises, reading and   grammar, because I will have more exercise for it, …
Γραμματικι, γιατί πιςτεφω ότι εάν ξζρεισ καλά τθ       γραμματικι ξζρεισ και να μιλάσ και να διαβάηεισ αλλά

   Views such as the following were typical of the students’ responses: “I believe
   that the most important [thing] is grammar and vocabulary…”
Unabridged monolingual data
• Useful when presenting quotes that
  symbolically represent large sets of bilingual
  data, rather than actual utterances.

• How is the quote selected?
• Does it reinforce language inequalities?
Summarised monolingual data
When I asked one of the teachers, whom I knew to
present very comprehensive notes, to comment on this
practice she replied that:
  …the grammar sections [in the books] were not very useful to
  the students, as they tend not to read them, but they are
  quite useful to the teachers, because they allow them to
  elaborate on the grammatical content of the lesson. After
  prompting, she explained that learners are of course exposed
  to new grammar in the language input sections of the
  materials, but this is not always comprehensive as it did not
  cover all eventualities or exceptions. For instance, there may
  be a text in the students’ books demonstrating the plural
  forms of nouns, but it’s unlikely to contain enough input to
  cover all the irregular forms. (Donna)
Summarised monolingual data
• Highlights content rather than form.
• Useful when transcript might damage
  participants’ confidence and / or reputation.

• Is transparency compromised?

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Researching Multilingually (slideshare, expanded)

  • 1. Γιαθάνεια ζηα δίγλωζζα δεδομένα: Προθεηικόηηηες και επιλογές αναπαράζηαζης Ατιλλέας Κωζηούλας Δρεσνώνηας με πολλές γλώζζες, 22-23 Μαΐοσ 2012 Πανεπιζηήμιο ηοσ Μάνηζεζηερ, Ηνωμένο Βαζίλειο
  • 2. Transparency in bilingual data : Intentionalities & representational positions Achilleas Kostoulas Researching Multilingually, 22-23 May 2012 The University of Manchester
  • 3. Overview Representational My study Intentionalities Positions Participants Linguapolitical Unedited Epistemological Standardised A linguistic hierarchy of power Methodological Unabridged Challenges Ethical Summarised
  • 4. Research participants • Learners: – Predominantly Greek (first language: Modern Greek) – Some with immigrant heritage (first language: Greek or Albanian, bilingual?) – Various levels of competence in English • Teachers – Native speakers of Modern Greek – Formally trained in English – Some variance in English language competence • Researcher – Native speaker of Modern Greek – Competent in English
  • 5. A linguistic hierarchy Teachers Proficient learners Not so proficient learners
  • 6. A linguistic hierarchy Teachers Researcher? Proficient learners Not so proficient learners
  • 7. INTENTIONALITIES 1. Lingua-political 2. Epistemological 3. Methodological 4. Ethical
  • 8. Lingua-political (I): The spread of English • Mounting concern about the global spread of English (Crystal, 2000, Calvet 1999, Ngugi 1986, Phillipson 1992, 2009b). • The spread of English in the academic domain, may lead to social capital deprecation among speakers of other languages. (cf. Phillipson 2009a). • It would be helpful if scholarship could be produces in forms that acknowledge the diversity of the local linguistic ecology. Crystal, D. (2000). Language death. Cambridge ; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Calvet, L. J. (1999). La guerre de langues et de politiques linguistiques. Paris: Hachette. wa Thiongʼo (1986). Decolonising the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature. London : J. Currey. Phillipson, R. (1992). Linguistic imperialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Phillipson, R. (2009a). English in globalisation, a lingua franca or a lingua frankensteinia? TESOL Quarterly, 43, 335-339. Phillipson, R. (2009b). Linguistic imperialism continued. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • 9. Lingua-political (II): Greek as a tri-graphic language Ἑλληνικὰ: Πολυτονικῆ Γραφῆ • Falling into disuse. • In need of preservation. Ελληνικά: Μονοτονική Γραφή • Current standard; largely standardised • Unmarked. Ellhnika: Latinotropos grafh • Non-standardised; controversial • In need of legitimating.
  • 10. Epistemological • Is 1-to-1 semantic equivalence… – desirable? – possible? • Whose ‘voice’ does a translation convey?
  • 11. Methodological Στο μάθημα των Αγγλικών πρώτα γράφουμε ορθογραφία, στη συνέχεια λέμε το μάθημα, μετά κάνουμε ασκήσεις, και στο τέλος μας βάζουν ασκήσεις για το σπίτι, αλλά και λέξεις για ορθογραφία. Literal translation Interim document In the lesson of English, In a [typical] English lesson, first we do the dictation, we start with a vocabulary test, then we say the lesson, then we go through a presentation, next we do exercises, next we do exercises, and in the end they put on and in the end we are assigned us exercises for the house, homework, but and words for dictation. and [told to learn] some words.
  • 12. Ethical M: I think it is very important. I. I don’t say that, teachers who are not native speaker, speakers are not good at their job, but I >if we take into consideration the fact that students are examined< (2 sec) in . <the part where they have to listen to a tape, which is, is recorded by, English>. I I think it is very important because they come into contact with. new forms of language that perhaps is used by, the speaker (2 sec) with the pronunciation, intonation and, this helps them, a lot. [...] M: and then ask my students to give me examples. For example (2 sec) I when I teached the passive voice, I gave them the rule, and I told them ‘try to give me an example’. But this didn’t work with everybody because they feel the pressure that ‘I have to use the foreign language’ and they couldn’t do this.
  • 13. REPRESENTATIONAL POSITIONS 1. Verbatim 2. Standardised 3. Unabridged 4. Summarised
  • 14. A cline of representational positions Transparent Opaque Verbatim Standardised Unabridged Summarised data data data data Bilingual Monolingual representation representation
  • 15. Verbatim bilingual data Amy: Και το ξζρεισ κι εςφ καλφτερα από Amy: And I’m sure you know this better μζνα, πωσ ςτθν ςχ- >το μάκαμε και than I do, that at uni- >when we were απ’ τθν ςχολι< ότι για να μάκει το at University< we learnt that for a child παιδί κάτι πρζπει απαραίτθτα να γίνει to learn there needs to be some kind of καποιο «noticing», ζτςι; (2 sec) Αλλά noticing, right? But when an ο Άγγλοσ όταν μιλάει με ςωςτι, με Englishman speaks in correct, in RP RP, κα πει «dishes» αλλά επειδι είναι [Received Pronunciation], he will say native speaker, κα είναι με devoicing “dishes” but because he’s a native ςτο /d/, ξζρεισ, και καλά ςαν speaker it will be with devoicing in the *«tishes» (3 sec) /d/, you know, as in, like *“tishes” Achilleas : Πιςτ- Νομίηεσ ότι αυτό Achilleas: Do you belie- Do you think that είναι, ότι αποτελεί πρόβλθ*μα; this is, it amounts to a prob[lem? Amy: *Ναι, αλλά ο Αγγλοσ Amy: [Yes, but the αυτό το κάνει χωρίσ να το Englishman does this without καταλαβαίνει, γιατί είναι native understanding, because he’s a native speaker. Και όχι μόνο αυτό, δεν speaker. And not only that, he doesn’t καταλαβαίνει κιόλασ ότι αυτό even understand that this is, ti είναι, ςυνιςτά πρόβλθμα για τον constitutes a problem for the Greek Ζλλθνα μακθτι, αν μιλάει ζτςι. students, if that’s how he speaks.
  • 16. Verbatim bilingual data Amy: Και το ξζρεισ κι εςφ καλφτερα από Amy: And I’m sure you know this better μζνα, πωσ ςτθν ςχ- >το μάκαμε και than I do, that at uni- >when we were απ’ τθν ςχολι< ότι για να μάκει το at University< we learnt that for a child παιδί κάτι πρζπει απαραίτθτα να γίνει to learn there needs to be some kind of καποιο «noticing», ζτςι; (2 sec) Αλλά noticing, right? But when an ο Άγγλοσ όταν μιλάει με ςωςτι, με Englishman speaks in correct, in RP RP, κα πει «dishes» αλλά επειδι είναι [Received Pronunciation], he will say native speaker, κα είναι με devoicing “dishes” but because he’s a native ςτο /d/, ξζρεισ, και καλά ςαν speaker it will be with devoicing in the *«tishes» (3 sec) /d/, you know, as in, like *“tishes” Achilleas : Πιςτ- Νομίηεσ ότι αυτό Achilleas: Do you belie- Do you think that είναι, ότι αποτελεί πρόβλθ*μα; this is, it amounts to a prob[lem? Amy: *Ναι, αλλά ο Αγγλοσ Amy: [Yes, but the αυτό το κάνει χωρίσ να το Englishman does this without καταλαβαίνει, γιατί είναι native understanding, because he’s a native speaker. Και όχι μόνο αυτό, δεν speaker. And not only that, he doesn’t καταλαβαίνει κιόλασ ότι αυτό even understand that this is, it είναι, ςυνιςτά πρόβλθμα για τον constitutes a problem for the Greek Ζλλθνα μακθτι, αν μιλάει ζτςι. students, if that’s how he speaks.
  • 17. Verbatim bilingual data • Highlights theoretically significant aspects of form. • Promotes visibility of languages other than English. BUT • Can we completely avoid being selective & reductive? • Is the word-space used at the expense of argument? • Can the dissemination outlet typographically support this?
  • 18. Standardised bilingual data «Δε μου αρζςει και τόςο όταν βαργεμε (sic) *...+ γιατι οταν βαργεμε (sic), βαργεμε (sic)». [I don’t really like it when I’m bord (sic) […] because when I’m bord (sic), I’m bord (sic).] «Δε μου αρζςει και τόςο όταν βαριζμαι [...] γιατί όταν βαριζμαι, βαριζμαι». [I don’t really like it when I’m bored […] because when I’m bored, I’m bored.]
  • 19. Standardised bilingual data • Removes language infelicities that might detract attention from the participants’ view. • Levels off differences between competent and not-so-competent users. BUT • Whose standard is used? Why? • Is the data distorted in this way?
  • 20. Unabridged monolingual data … to write, we don’t make mistakes and readind grammar rules. In an English class we should to learn grammar, reading and listening, because with them … Νομίηω ότι το ςθμαντικότερο είναι θ γραμματικι και το λεξιλόγιο … Πιςτεφω ότι πρζπει να ξζρουμε γραμματικι, λεξιλόγιο, listening και speaking για να … My opinion is a little bit more important. Grammar lessons because this will help us speak … Εγώ πιςτεφω ότι πρζπει και να ξζρουμε γραμματικι και να μιλάμε καλά χωρίσ πολλά λάκοι. I will have lots of exercises, reading and grammar, because I will have more exercise for it, … Γραμματικι, γιατί πιςτεφω ότι εάν ξζρεισ καλά τθ γραμματικι ξζρεισ και να μιλάσ και να διαβάηεισ αλλά κ.α. Views such as the following were typical of the students’ responses: “I believe that the most important [thing] is grammar and vocabulary…”
  • 21. Unabridged monolingual data • Useful when presenting quotes that symbolically represent large sets of bilingual data, rather than actual utterances. BUT • How is the quote selected? • Does it reinforce language inequalities?
  • 22. Summarised monolingual data When I asked one of the teachers, whom I knew to present very comprehensive notes, to comment on this practice she replied that: …the grammar sections [in the books] were not very useful to the students, as they tend not to read them, but they are quite useful to the teachers, because they allow them to elaborate on the grammatical content of the lesson. After prompting, she explained that learners are of course exposed to new grammar in the language input sections of the materials, but this is not always comprehensive as it did not cover all eventualities or exceptions. For instance, there may be a text in the students’ books demonstrating the plural forms of nouns, but it’s unlikely to contain enough input to cover all the irregular forms. (Donna)
  • 23. Summarised monolingual data • Highlights content rather than form. • Useful when transcript might damage participants’ confidence and / or reputation. BUT • Is transparency compromised?