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INSTALL     EXE - Installation program
UNZIP       EXE - Program to unzip the .ZIP files
README      COM - Reads the readme file
CHELP31     ZIP -
   CHELP          C - Windows 3.1 example file
   CHELP       DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
   CHELP       HLP - Windows 3.1 example file
   CHELP       HPJ - Windows 3.1 example file
   CHELP       PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
   CHELP        RC - Windows 3.1 example file
   CHELP       RTF - Windows 3.1 example file
   CHELPM         H - Windows 3.1 example file
   CHELPR         H - Windows 3.1 example file

   MAKEFILE        - Makefile for building class library

CLASSINC ZIP - Include files for C++ class library
   ABSTARRY   H - Header file for classlibs
   ARRAY      H - Header file for classlibs
   ARRAYS     H - Header file for classlibs
   ASSOC      H - Header file for classlibs
   BAG        H - Header file for classlibs
   BAGS       H - Header file for classlibs
   BTREE      H - Header file for classlibs
   CHECKS     H - Header file for class libs
   CLSDEFS    H - Header file for classlibs
   CLSTYPES   H - Header file for classlibs
   COLLECT    H - Header file for classlibs
   CONTAIN    H - Header file for classlibs
   DBLLIST    H - Header file for classlibs
   DEQUE      H - Header file for classlibs
   DEQUES     H - Header file for classlibs
   DICT       H - Header file for classlibs
   DLISTIMP   H - Header file for classlibs
   HASHTBL    H - Header file for classlibs
   LDATE      H - Header file for classlibs
   LIST       H - Header file for classlibs
   LISTIMP    H - Header file for classlibs
   LTIME      H - Header file for classlibs
   MEMMGR     H - Header file for classlibs
   OBJECT     H - Header file for classlibs
   PRIORTYQ   H - Header file for classlibs
   QUEUE      H - Header file for classlibs
   QUEUES     H - Header file for classlibs
   RESOURCE   H - Header file for classlibs
   SET        H - Header file for classlibs
   SETS       H - Header file for classlibs
   SHDDEL     H - Header file for classlibs
   SORTABLE   H - Header file for classlibs
   SORTARRY   H - Header file for classlibs
   STACK      H - Header file for classlibs
   STACKS     H - Header file for classlibs
   STDTEMPL   H - Header file for classlibs
   STRNG      H - Header file for classlibs
   TIMER      H - Header file for classlibs
   VECTIMP    H - Header file for classlibs

CLASSSRC    ZIP - Source files to C++ class library
ABSTARRY   CPP   -   Abstract array class definitions
   ARRAY      CPP   -   Source file for classlibs
   ASSOC      CPP   -   Association class (used by dictionary class)
   BABSTARY   CPP   -   Source file for classlibs
   BDICT      CPP   -   Source file for classlibs
   BIDS       DEF   -   Source file for classlibs
   BSORTARY   CPP   -   Source file for classlibs
   BTREE      CPP   -   Source file for classlibs
   BTREEINN   CPP   -   Source file for classlibs
   BTREELFN   CPP   -   Source file for classlibs
   CLASMAIN   CPP   -   Source file for classlibs
   COLLECT    CPP   -   Ordered collection class definitions
   CONTAIN    CPP   -   Container class definitions
   DBLLIST    CPP   -   Doubly linked list class definitions
   DEQUE      CPP   -   Source file for classlibs
   DICT       CPP   -   Dictinary class definitiions
   HASHTBL    CPP   -   Hash table class definitions
   LDATE      CPP   -   Date class definitions
   LIST       CPP   -   List class definitions
   LTIME      CPP   -   Time class definitions
   MEMMGR     CPP   -   Source file for classlibs
   OBJECT     CPP   -   Base class for other objects
   SORTARRY   CPP   -   Sorted array class definitions
   STACK      CPP   -   Source file for classlibs
   STRNG      CPP   -   String class definitions
   TCLASS     DEF   -   Definition file for classlibs
   TIMER      CPP   -   Source file for classlibs
   TMPLINST   CPP   -   Source file for classlibs

EXAMPLES ZIP - Example programs
   BARCHART   C - C example file
   DEF2     CPP - C++ example - another version of DEF.CPP
   DEF2       H - Header file for DEF.CPP
   FILTER     H - Header file for TASM2MSG.C and GREP2MSG.C
   GETOPT     C - Parses options in command line
   GREP2MSG   C - Example program for Borland C++ filters
   HELLO      C - Example Borland C++ program
   IMPL2MSG   C - Source for IMPLIB filter program
   LIST2    CPP - Another version of LIST.CPP
   LIST2      H - Header file for LIST2.CPP
   MYFUNCS  CPP - C++ example file
   MYFUNCS    H - C++ example Header file
   MYMAIN   CPP - C++ example file
   RC2MSG     C - Example program for Borland C++ filters
   TASM2MSG   C - Example program for Borland C++ filters
   VCIRC    CPP - C++ example program
   VCIRC    PRJ - Project file for VCIRC.CPP
   VPOINT   CPP - C++ example program
   VPOINT     H - Header file for VPOINT.CPP

INCLUDE    ZIP - Borland C++ Header files
   _DEFS        H - Definitions of _FAR, _Cdecl, _CType, _CLASSTYPE
   _NFILE       H - Header file for classlibs
   _NULL        H - Definition of NULL
   ALLOC        H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
   ASSERT       H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
   BCD          H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
   BIOS         H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
   COMPLEX      H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
   CONIO        H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
   CONSTREA     H - Borland RTL Header file
   CTYPE        H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
   DIR          H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
DIRECT      H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   DIRENT      H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   DOS         H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   ERRNO       H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   FCNTL       H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   FLOAT       H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   FSTREAM     H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   GENERIC     H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   GRAPHICS    H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   IO          H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   IOMANIP     H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   IOSTREAM    H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   LIMITS      H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   LOCALE      H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   LOCKING     H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   MALLOC      H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   MATH        H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   MEM         H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   MEMORY      H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   NEW         H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   PROCESS     H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   SEARCH      H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   SETJMP      H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   SHARE       H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   SIGNAL      H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   STAT        H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   STDARG      H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   STDDEF      H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   STDIO       H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   STDIOSTR    H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   STDLIB      H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   STRING      H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   STRSTREA    H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   TIME        H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   TIMEB       H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   TYPES       H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   UTIME       H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   VALUES      H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   VARARGS     H   -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file

RWBCINC   ZIP - Compressed Borland C example include files
   BWCC        H - Header file for interface to Borland Window's Custom

RWBCLIB   ZIP - Compressed Borland C example library files
   BWCC      LIB - Import library for Borland Window's Custom Controls

STARTUP   ZIP - Startup code files
   BUILD-C0 BAT - Batch file for building the startup code modules
   C0        ASM - Assembler source for startup code
   C0D       ASM - Assembler source for startup code - Windows DLL
   C0W       ASM - Assembler source for startup code - Windows EXE
   RULES     ASI - Assembler include file for interfacing with Borland C++

TASMEXMP ZIP - zip file
   ASMPSCL  ASM - Tasm example          file
   AVERAGE  ASM - Tasm example          file
   BIOS     INC - Tasm example          file
   CALCAVG  CPP - Tasm example          file
   CALLCT   CPP - Tasm example          file
   CALLPROC ASM - Tasm example          file
   CASMLINK ASM - Tasm example          file
   COMPROG  ASM - Tasm example          file
   CONCISE  ASM - Tasm example          file
COUNT      ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   COUNTADD   ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   COUNTADD   CPP   -   Tasm   example   file
   COUNTLG    ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   CSPEC      ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   DBLCOLON   ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   DLLPROG    ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   DOS        INC   -   Tasm   example   file
   DOTOTAL    ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   ENVMOD     ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   ENVSTR     PAS   -   Tasm   example   file
   EXCHMOD    ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   EXEPROG    ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   FINDCHAR   ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   HELLO1     ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   HELLO2     ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   HELLO3     ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   HEX        ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   HEX        PAS   -   Tasm   example   file
   HEXMOD     ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   KBD        INC   -   Tasm   example   file
   LINK2ASM   CPP   -   Tasm   example   file
   MBIOS      MAC   -   Tasm   example   file
   MDOS       MAC   -   Tasm   example   file
   MMACROS    MAC   -   Tasm   example   file
   PRIMES     ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   PRMSTACK   ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   REVERSE    ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   SHOWTOT    CPP   -   Tasm   example   file
   SOMESTR    ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   VAREXCH    ASM   -   Tasm   example   file
   VAREXCH    PAS   -   Tasm   example   file
   WINPROG    ASM   -   Tasm   example   file

TD          CA2 - Split File of TD.ZIP
TDW         CA2 - Split File of TDW.ZIP
WBIN        CA1 - Windows binary files
    BC         ICO - Borland C++ Icon file
    BC         PIF - PIF file for BC
    BCW        EXE - Borland C++ for Windows IDE
    BORTE      FON - Font file for BCW.EXE
    BRC        EXE - RC compatible shell program
    BRCC       EXE - Command Line Resource Compiler
    BRCWIN     DLL - Resource compiler DLL
    BUILDSYM EXE - Build .SYM file for .EXE file
    DFA        EXE - Program to process Winspctr's log files
    EXEMAP     EXE - Borland .EXE to .MAP file program
    FCONVERT EXE - ASCII <> ANSI conversion utility
    GROUPS     EXE - Build Windows group for Borland's window compatible
    HC31       ERR - Win 3.1 help compiler error list
    HC31       EXE - Win 3.1 help compiler
    HC         BAT - Batch fiel to call Win3.1 help compiler
    HELP       ICO - Borland help icon
    IMPLIBW    EXE - Utility to convert windows LIB files to DEF files
    RC         EXE - Resource Compiler
    RC2MSG     EXE - RC filter program for Programmer's Platform
    RCPP       ERR - Resource Compiler error file
    RCPP       EXE - Resource Compiler file
    RLINK      EXE - Resource Linker
    TBROWSER DLL - Borland Class Browser for Window Apps
    TCOLORCC DLL - Custom color control for BCW.EXE
    TMAPSYM    EXE - Borland .MAP to .SYS file program
    TOOLHELP DLL - Win 3.1 toolhelp file
WINHELP    EXE   -   Windows 3.1 help file
   WINSIGHT   EXE   -   WinSight program for Windows
   WINSIGHT   HLP   -   Help for WinSight
   WINSPCTR   EXE   -   Program to log UAE's in the Windows Invironment
   WINSPCTR   HLP   -   WINSPCTR's help file
   WINSTUB    EXE   -   Windows stub program
   WORKOPT    DOS   -   Parameter file for BRCC.EXE
   WSIHOOK    DLL   -   Support DLL for WinSight
   WSIWIN     DLL   -   Support DLL for WinSight

WHELP2    CAB - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP
README        - File contains last minute information

BGI         ZIP - Graphics drivers
    ATT        BGI - Graphics driver for ATT400 graphics card
    BGIDEMO      C - Graphics demonstration program
    BGIOBJ     EXE - Conversion program for fonts and drivers
    BOLD       CHR - Font for Bold char set
    CGA        BGI - Graphics driver for CGA
    EGAVGA     BGI - Graphics driver for EGA and VGA
    EURO       CHR - Font for European char set
    GOTH       CHR - Font for gothic character set
    HERC       BGI - Graphics driver for Hercules
    IBM8514    BGI - Graphics driver for IBM 8514 graphics card
    LCOM       CHR - Complex char font set
    LITT       CHR - Font for small character set
    PC3270     BGI - Graphics driver for PC3270
    SANS       CHR - Font for sans serif character set
    SCRI       CHR - Font for script char set
    SIMP       CHR - Font for Simplex char set
    TRIP       CHR - Font for triplex character set
    TSCR       CHR - Font for tiny script char set

   BC30RTL    DLL - Borland run-time library DLL for Windows
   BIDS31     DLL - Library file for C++ classes with templates
   TCLASS31 DLL - Library file for C++ classes

CMDLINE   CA1 - Files in Borland C++ Compiler - Command-Line version
   BCC       EXE - Command-line version of Borland C++ Compiler
   BUILTINS MAK - File containing default inference rules and macros for
   CPP       EXE - Borland C++ preprocessor
   MAKE      EXE - Protected mode version of program for managing projects
   MAKER     EXE - Real mode version of program for managing projects
   TLINK     EXE - Borland Turbo Linker

RWCDEMO    ZIP - Compressed Borland C++ demo files
   BITBNAPP     C - Demo app using bitmapped button DLL
   BITBNAPP RES - Bitmapped button application resources
   BITBTN       C - Demo bitmapped button dll with custom control API
   BITBTN     DEF - Bitmapped button dll linker definitions file
   BITBTN     PRJ - Bitmapped button DLL IDE Project file
   BITBTN     RES - Bitmapped button dll resources
   BITBTNCO     H - Bitmapped button dll resource #defines
   BTNBNAPP PRJ - Bitmapped button application IDE project file
   RWCDEMO    CPP - BCC Demo app
   RWCDEMO    DEF - BCC Demo linker definitions file
   RWCDEMO      H - BCC Demo app .h file
   RWCDEMO    PRJ - Project file for building demo app with "standard" windows
   RWCDEMO     RC - Demo resources using "standard" controls
RWCDEMO    RES - Demo resources using "standard" controls
   RWCDEMOB   PRJ - Project file for building demo app with Borland Custom
   RWCDEMOB    RC - Demo resources using Borland Windows Custom Controls
   RWCDEMOB   RES - Demo resources using Borland Windows Custom Controls
   RWCDEMOC     H - Demo .h file for resource id's
   RWCDLG     CPP - BCC Demo app dialogs
   RWCDLG       H - BCC Demo app dialogs .h file
   RWCWND     CPP - BCC Demo app windows
   RWCWND       H - BCC Demo dialogs .h file
   RWDEMO     CUR - Demo cursor file
   RWDEMO     ICO - BCC demo icon
   STATBAR    BMP - Demo status line bitmap
   STATLINE   BMP - Demo status line bitmap

WHELP2     CAA - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP
WHEREIS    ZIP - zip file
   BIOS       INC - Tasm example file
   BIOSMAC    DOC - Tasm example file
   DEMO1      BAT - Tasm example file
   DOS        INC - Tasm example file
   DOSMAC     DOC - Tasm example file
   IASCIIZS ASM - Tasm example file
   IBIOS      MAC - Tasm example file
   IBYTECPY ASM - Tasm example file
   IDELCHAR ASM - Tasm example file
   IDOS       INC - Tasm example file
   IDOS       MAC - Tasm example file
   IEXECDOS ASM - Tasm example file
   IFINDBYT ASM - Tasm example file
   IFINDFIL ASM - Tasm example file
   IFINDREP ASM - Tasm example file
   ILOCSTRG ASM - Tasm example file
   IMACROS    MAC - Tasm example file
   IPARAM     ASM - Tasm example file
   IPARSEFN ASM - Tasm example file
   ISKPWHIT ASM - Tasm example file
   IWHEREIS ASM - Tasm example file
   IWHGLOBL INC - Tasm example file
   IWRITEPS ASM - Tasm example file
   KBD        INC - Tasm example file
   WHEREIS    DOC - Tasm example file
   WHEREIS    MAK - Tasm example file
   WHUSAGE    INC - Tasm example file

WINLIB     CA1 - Window libraries
   C0DC       OBJ - Compact model startup code - Windows DLL
   C0DL       OBJ - Large model startup code - Windows DLL
   C0DM       OBJ - Medium model startup code - Windows DLL
   C0DS       OBJ - Small model startup code - Windows DLL
   C0WC       OBJ - Compact model startup code - Windows EXE
   C0WL       OBJ - Large model startup code - Windows EXE
   C0WM       OBJ - Medium model startup code - Windows EXE
   C0WS       OBJ - Small model startup code - Windows EXE
   CRTLDLL    LIB - Import library for BC30RTL.DLL
   CWC        LIB - Compact model run-time library - Windows
   CWL        LIB - Large model run-time library - Windows
   CWM        LIB - Medium model run-time library - Windows
   CWS        LIB - Small model run-time library - Windows
   MATHWC     LIB - Compact model windows math library
   MATHWL     LIB - Large model windows math library
   MATHWM     LIB - Medium model windows math library
   MATHWS     LIB - Small model windows math library
CLASSLIB ZIP - C++ class library
   BIDSDBS  LIB - Library file for   C++   classes with templates
   BIDSDLL  LIB - Library file for   C++   classes with templates
   BIDSS    LIB - Library file for   C++   classes with templates
   TCLASDBS LIB - Library file for   C++   classes
   TCLASDLL LIB - Library file for   C++   classes
   TCLASSS  LIB - Library file for   C++   classes

DOC        ZIP - Miscellaneous documentation
   BRIEF      TEM - Editor Macros file for Brief emulation
   CMACROS    TEM - Editor Macros file for C emulation
   DBGBOARD    TD - Info about the TD hardware debugging interface
   DEFAULTS TEM - Sample Editor Macros file
   DOSEDIT    TEM - Editor Macros file for Dosedit emulation
   EPSILON    TEM - Editor Macros file for Epsilon emulation
   H2ASH      TSM - Documentation for .H to .ASH conversion utility
   HDWDEBUG    TD - How to use 386 hardware debugging features
   HELPME!    DOC - Answers to commonly asked questions
   HELPME!    PRF - Answers to commonly asked PROF questions
   HELPME!     TD - Answers to commonly asked DEBUGGER questions
   HELPME!    TSM - Answers to commonly asked TASM questions
   MANUAL      BC - Corrections to the manual
   MANUAL     PRF - Additions and corrections to the PROF manuals
   MANUAL      TD - Additions and corrections to the DEBUGGER manuals
   MANUAL     TSM - Additions and corrections to the TASM manuals
   SAMPLES     BC - Samples documentation
   TCREF      TSM - Info about the TASM TCREF utility
   UTIL       DOC - Information about Borland C++ utilities
   UTILS      PRF - Info about the TPROF TDRF utility
   UTILS       TD - Info about various TD utilities
   WIN31      DOC - Documentation to convert to Windows 3.1
   WINPEN     DOC - Documentation on Pen Windows
   WINMEM     DOC - Information about windows specific memory manager
   WINSPCTR DOC - Winspector documentation

TDWEXMPL ZIP - Turbo Debugger Example Programs for Windows
   BCWDEMO    C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features of TDW
   BCWDEMO  DEF - Definition file used to Build BCWDEMO*.C Programs
   BCWDEMO  EXE - Executable file For C Program to run in TDW
   BCWDEMO    H - Header file used to build sample BCWDEMO* Programs
   BCWDEMO  ICO - Icon file used to attached to Sample BCWDEMO* Programs
   BCWDEMO  PRJ - Makefile to build sample BCWDEMO.C Program
   BCWDEMO   RC - Resource file used to Build BCWDEMO*.C Programs
   BCWDEMOA   C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features of TDW
   BCWDEMOA EXE - Executable file For C Program to run in TDW
   BCWDEMOA PRJ - Makefile to build sample BCWDEMOA.C Program
   BCWDEMOB   C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features of TDW
   BCWDEMOB EXE - Executable file For C Program to run in TDW
   BCWDEMOB PRJ - Makefile to build sample BCWDEMOB.C Program

WHELP2    CA8 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP
WHELP2    CA9 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP
   COMPRESS EXE - Dos version of LZ compression utility
   MCISTRWH HLP - Win 3.1 media control interface help file
   MRBC      EXE -
   PENAPIWH HLP - Win 3.1 pen api help file
   SHED      EXE - Program to manage HotSpots within dialogs(MS)
   SHED      HLP - Help file for HotSpots(MS)
   TOOLHELP DLL - Win 3.1 toolhelp file
WIN31MWH   HLP - Win 3.1 multimedia help file
   WINHELP    EXE - Windows 3.1 help file program

CLIB       ZIP - Compact model libraries
   C0C        OBJ - Compact model startup code
   CC         LIB - Compact model run-time library
   MATHC      LIB - Compact model math library

   CLIOLE       C    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   CLIOLE    DEF     -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   CLIOLE       H    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   CLIOLE    PRJ     -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   CLIOLE     RC     -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   CLIOLEER     C    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   CLIOLEER     H    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   CLIOLERC     H    -   Windows   3.1   example   file

   CMDLG        C - Windows 3.1 example            file
   CMDLG     DEF - Windows 3.1 example             file
   CMDLG        H - Windows 3.1 example            file
   CMDLG     PRJ - Windows 3.1 example             file
   CMDLG      RC - Windows 3.1 example             file
   CMDLGR       H - Windows 3.1 example            file

DDEML31    ZIP -
   DDECLNT       C   -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   DDECLNT    DEF    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   DDECLNT    DOC    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   DDECLNT       H   -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   DDECLNT    ICO    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   DDECLNT    PRJ    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   DDECLNT     RC    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   DDESRVR       C   -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   DDESRVR    DEF    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   DDESRVR       H   -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   DDESRVR    ICO    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   DDESRVR    PRJ    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   DDESRVR     RC    -   Windows   3.1   example   file

HLIB       ZIP - Huge model libraries
   C0H        OBJ - Huge model startup code
   CH         LIB - Huge model run-time library
   MATHH      LIB - Huge model math library

LLIB       ZIP - Large model libraries
   C0L        OBJ - Large model startup code
   CL         LIB - Large model run-time library
   MATHL      LIB - Large model math library

RWDOC      ZIP   - Compressed Resource Workshop documentation files
   BWCCAPI       RW - Borland Custom Control API documentation
   BWCCSTYL      RW - Borland custom control style guidelines
   CUSTCNTL      RW - custom control api documentation
   MANUAL        RW - manual corrections

TDEXMPL    ZIP - Turbo Debugger Example Programs for DOS
   BCDEMO       C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features
   BCDEMO     EXE - Executable file For C Program
   BCDEMOB      C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features
BCDEMOB   EXE - Executable file For C Program

WEXAMPLE ZIP - Windows example files
   BITMAP   CPP - Windows sample app - source
   BITMAP   DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file
   BITMAP     H - Windows sample app - Header file
   BITMAP   PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
   BITMAP    RC - Windows sample app - resource file
   BULLET   BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
   CHKBOFF  BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
   CHKBON   BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
   CODEC    BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
   CONTINUE BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
   DDECLNT    C - Windows sample app - source
   DDECLNT    H - Windows sample app - Header file
   DDESRVR    C - Windows sample app - source
   DDESRVR    H - Windows sample app - Header file
   DLLDEMO  CPP - Windows sample app - source
   DLLDEMO  DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file
   DLLDEMO  ICO - Windows sample app - icon file
   DLLDEMO  PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
   DLLDEMO   RC - Windows sample app - resource file
   DLLDEMO1 BMP - Windows sample app - bitmap file
   DLLDEMO2 BMP - Windows sample app - bitmap file
   DLLSHELL CPP - Windows sample app - source
   DONE     BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
   FFIND      C - Windows sample app - Source
   FFIND    DEF - Windows sample app - Module definition file
   FFIND      H - Windows sample app - Header file
   FFIND    ICO - Windows sample app - icon file
   FFIND    PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
   FFIND     RC - Windows sample app - resource file
   HDUMP      C - Windows sample app - source
   HDUMP    DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file
   HDUMP      H - Windows sample app - Header file
   HDUMP    ICO - Windows sample app - icon file
   HDUMP    PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
   HDUMP     RC - Windows sample app - resource file
   HELP     CUR - Help compiler example file
   HELPEX     C - Help compiler example source file
   HELPEX   DEF - Help compiler example module definition file
   HELPEX   DLG - Help compiler example dialog file
   HELPEX     H - Help compiler example Header file
   HELPEX   HPJ - Help compiler example file
   HELPEX   PRJ - Project file for help compiler examples
   HELPEX    RC - Help compiler example resource file
   HELPEX   RTF - Help compiler example file
   HELPICON BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
   HELPIDS    H - Help compiler example Header file
   KEYS     RTF - Help compiler example file
   MSGPROC    C - Windows sample app - source
   MSGPROC    H - Windows sample app - Header file
   MSGWND     C - Windows sample app - source
   MSGWND   DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file
   MSGWND     H - Windows sample app - Header file
   MSGWND   ICO - Windows sample app - icon file
   MSGWND   PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
   MSGWND    RC - Windows sample app - resource file
   TERMS    RTF - Help compiler example bitmap file
   TODO     DEF - Windows sample app - Module definition file
   TODO     PRJ - Windows sample app - Project file
   TODODEFS   H - Windows sample app - Header file
   TODODLGS CPP - Windows sample app - Source
   TODODLGS   H - Windows sample app - Header file
TODOLIST   CPP   -   Windows   sample   app   -   Source
   TODOLIST     H   -   Windows   sample   app   -   Header file
   TODOWIN    CPP   -   Windows   sample   app   -   Source
   TODOWIN      H   -   Windows   sample   app   -   Header file
   TODOWIN     RC   -   Windows   sample   app   -   Resource file
   TSTAPP       C   -   Windows   sample   app   -   source
   TSTAPP     DEF   -   Windows   sample   app   -   module definition file
   TSTAPP       H   -   Windows   sample   app   -   Header file
   TSTAPP     ICO   -   Windows   sample   app   -   icon file
   TSTAPP     PRJ   -   Windows   sample   app   -   project file
   TSTAPP      RC   -   Windows   sample   app   -   resource file
   WHELLO     CPP   -   Windows   sample   app   -   Source
   WHELLO     DEF   -   Windows   sample   app   -   Module definition file
   WHELLO     ICO   -   Windows   sample   app   -   icon file
   WHELLO     PRJ   -   Windows   sample   app   -   project file
   WHELLO      RC   -   Windows   sample   app   -   resource file

WHELP2     CA6 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP
WHELP2     CA7 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP
XLIB       ZIP - Math and utility libraries
   C0FC       OBJ - Compact model startup code - assume SS=DS
   C0FH       OBJ - Huge model startup code - assume SS=DS
   C0FL       OBJ - Large model startup code - assume SS=DS
   C0FM       OBJ - Medium model startup code - assume SS=DS
   C0FS       OBJ - Small model startup code - assume SS=DS
   C0FT       OBJ - Tiny model startup code - assume SS=DS
   EMU        LIB - 8087 emulator library
   FILES        C - Source file for open files configuration
   FILES2       C - Source file for open files configuration
   FP87       LIB - 8087 library
   GRAPHICS LIB - Graphics library
   IMPORT     LIB - Windows imports library
   MATHERR      C - Source code for handling math library exceptions
   OVERLAY    LIB - Overlays library
   WILDARGS OBJ - Object code for module to expand wildcard arguments

BWCC      ZIP - Compressed BWCC.DLL
   BWCC      DLL - Custom controls dynamic link library

CLASSEXM ZIP - C++ class library example files
   DIRECTRY CPP - Directory class example file
   DIRECTRY   H - Header file for DIRECTRY.CPP
   DIRECTRY PRJ - Project file for DIRECTRY.CPP
   FILEDATA CPP - FileData class example file
   FILEDATA   H - Header file for FILEDATA.CPP
   LOOKUP   CPP - Lookup table example
   LOOKUP   PRJ - Project file for LOOKUP.CPP
   QUEUETST CPP - Queue class example file
   QUEUETST PRJ - Project file for QUEUETST.CPP
   REVERSE  CPP - String class example file
   REVERSE  PRJ - Project file for REVERSE.CPP
   STRNGMAX CPP - String class example file
   STRNGMAX PRJ - Project file for STRNGMAX.CPP
   TESTDIR  CPP - Directory example file

DRAG      ZIP -
   DRAGDROP     C   -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   DRAGDROP DEF     -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   DRAGDROP PRJ     -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   DRAGDROP   RC    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
FILT       ZIP - zip file
   CONVERT1 INC - Tasm example            file
   CONVERT2 INC - Tasm example            file
   DEMO2      BAT - Tasm example          file
   DEMO3      BAT - Tasm example          file
   FILT       ASM - Tasm example          file
   FILT       DOC - Tasm example          file
   FILT       MAK - Tasm example          file
   FILT       RSP - Tasm example          file
   GLOBALS    INC - Tasm example          file
   OBYTEHI    ASM - Tasm example          file
   OBYTELOW ASM - Tasm example            file
   OBYTENRM ASM - Tasm example            file
   OCMDNUM    ASM - Tasm example          file
   OERREXIT ASM - Tasm example            file
   OFCREATE ASM - Tasm example            file
   OFILALOC ASM - Tasm example            file
   OFILCLOS ASM - Tasm example            file
   OFILEFIL ASM - Tasm example            file
   OFILFREE ASM - Tasm example            file
   OFILREAD ASM - Tasm example            file
   OFILWRIT ASM - Tasm example            file
   OFLFLUSH ASM - Tasm example            file
   OFOPENR    ASM - Tasm example          file
   OFOPENW    ASM - Tasm example          file
   OLOCASE    ASM - Tasm example          file
   OPARSCMD ASM - Tasm example            file
   OPRCBYTE ASM - Tasm example            file
   OPROCDOC ASM - Tasm example            file
   OPROCLIN ASM - Tasm example            file
   OSETOPTN ASM - Tasm example            file
   OSPACES    ASM - Tasm example          file
   OSTORSPC ASM - Tasm example            file
   OSTORTAB ASM - Tasm example            file
   OTABCLR    ASM - Tasm example          file
   OTABNEXT ASM - Tasm example            file
   OTABRSET ASM - Tasm example            file
   OTABSET    ASM - Tasm example          file
   OUPCASE    ASM - Tasm example          file
   SHOW87     ASM - Tasm example          file
   SHOW87     DOC - Tasm example          file
   VIDEO1     INC - Tasm example          file
   VIDEO2     INC - Tasm example          file

MLIB       ZIP - Medium model libraries
   C0M        OBJ - Medium model startup code
   CM         LIB - Medium model run-time library
   MATHM      LIB - Medium model math library

   SOUNDER       C   -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   SOUNDER    DEF    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   SOUNDER       H   -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   SOUNDER    PRJ    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   SOUNDER     RC    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   SOUNDER    WAV    -   Windows   3.1   example   file

TASM       CA1 - Turbo Assembler 3.0 and Utilities
   H2ASH      EXE - Utility to convert .h files to .ash files
   TASM       EXE - Turbo Assembler 3.0 DOS
   TASM       TAH - Turbo Assembler Help text file
   TASMX      EXE - Turbo Assembler 3.0 with DPMI Support
   TCREF      EXE - Turbo Assembler cross-reference utility
TFEXMPL   ZIP - Packed example files for Turbo Profiler
   CALLTEST    C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler   Features
   CALLTEST EXE - Executable file For C Pascal Program
   PLOST       C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler   Features
   PLOST     EXE - Executable file For C Program
   PRIME0      C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler   Features
   PRIME0    EXE - Executable file For C Program
   PRIME1      C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler   Features
   PRIME1    EXE - Executable file For C Program
   PRIME2      C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler   Features
   PRIME2    EXE - Executable file For C Program
   PRIME3      C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler   Features
   PRIME3    EXE - Executable file For C Program
   PRIME4      C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler   Features
   PRIME4    EXE - Executable file For C Program
   PRIME5      C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler   Features
   PRIME5    EXE - Executable file For C Program
   PRIME6      C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler   Features
   PRIME6    EXE - Executable file For C Program
   PTOLL       C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler   Features
   PTOLL     EXE - Executable file For C Program

WHELP2     CA5 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP
   MARS       DLL - Pen windows character recognition dll
   MARS       MOB - Pen windows character recognition file
   DIB        DRV - device independent bitmap driver
   DIB        DRV - device independent bitmap driver
   EXPAND     EXE - DOS command-line expansion (LZ)
   MSMOUSE    DRV - mouse driver(pen windows)
   PENWIN     DLL - pen windows dll
   PENWIN     DLL - pen windows dll
   PENWIN     INI - Pen Windows configuration file
   REGLOAD    EXE - registration database support
   REGLOAD    EXE - registration database support
   SHELL      DLL - registration, drag&drop, icon extraction
   STRESS     DLL - stress testing dll
   VGAP       DRV - VGA driver(pen windows)
   YESMOUSE DRV - mouse driver(pen windows)

CMDLINE    CA2 - Split File of CMDLINE.ZIP
HEAP       ZIP - zip file
   DEMO_MEM BAT - Tasm example file
   DISPLAY    ASM - Tasm example file
   DISPLAY    INC - Tasm example file
   MEM        ASM - Tasm example file
   MEM        INC - Tasm example file
   MEMTEST    ASM - Tasm example file
   MEMTEST    MAK - Tasm example file
   VMTUTIL    INC - Tasm example file

IDE        ZIP - Files in Borland C++ Compiler - IDE version
   GREP2MSG EXE - GREP filter program for IDE
   IMPL2MSG EXE - IMPLIB filter program for Programmer's Platform
   PRJCNVT    EXE - Utility to convert from Turbo C 2.x project files to
                    Borland C++ project files
   TASM2MSG EXE - TASM filter program for IDE
   TEMC       EXE - Turbo editor macro compiler

   LIST      ASM - Turbo Assembler queue example file
LIST       ASO   -   Turbo   Assembler   queue   example   file
     NODE       ASM   -   Turbo   Assembler   queue   example   file
     NODE       ASO   -   Turbo   Assembler   queue   example   file
     OOP        ASM   -   Turbo   Assembler   queue   example   file
     QUEUE      ASM   -   Turbo   Assembler   queue   example   file
     QUEUE      ASO   -   Turbo   Assembler   queue   example   file
     STACK      ASM   -   Turbo   Assembler   queue   example   file
     STACK      ASO   -   Turbo   Assembler   queue   example   file

RW           CA1 - Compressed Resource Workshop files
     LOADBWCC EXE - Loads bwcc.dll for custom apps
     WORKED1    DLL - Menu editor
     WORKED2    DLL - Icon, cursor, bitmap, and font editors
     WORKED3    DLL - Dialog editor
     WORKED4    DLL - Stringtable editor
     WORKED5    DLL - Accelerator table editor
     WORKHELP HLP - Help file
     WORKLIB1 DLL - Resource compiler, resource data base
     WORKLIB2 DLL - Custom controls
     WORKSHOP EXE - Main program

SLIB         ZIP - Small model libraries
   C0S          OBJ - Small model startup code
   C0T          OBJ - Tiny model startup code
   CS           LIB - Small model run-time library
   MATHS        LIB - Small model math library

TASM       CA2 - Split File of TASM.ZIP
TCALC      ZIP - Tcalc sources and doc
   TCALC        C - TurboCalc main program source code
   TCALC      DOC - TurboCalc documentation
   TCALC        H - The Header file for TurboCalc
   TCALC      PRJ - The TurboCalc project file
   TCDISPLY     C - TurboCalc screen display source code
   TCINPUT      C - TurboCalc input routines source code
   TCOMMAND     C - TurboCalc commands source code
   TCPARSER     C - TurboCalc input parser source code
   TCUTIL       C - TurboCalc utilities source code

WHELP1    CA1 -
   TCHELP    TCH - C++ help file for command-line tools
   THELP     COM - Pop-up help utility program

WHELP3     CA1 -
   WINHELP    TCH - Windows help file for command-line tools

TD           CA1 - Turbo Debugger Programs for DOS Debugging
   TD           EXE - Turbo Debugger Program for DOS
   TD286        EXE - Protected Mode Turbo Debugger
   TD386        EXE - Utility for 80386/80486 Virtual Mode Debugging

TDW          CA1 - Turbo Debugger Programs and Utilities for Windows
     TDDEBUG    386 - Device driver for 80386/80486 processors
     TDW        EXE - Turbo Debugger Program for Windows
     TDWHELP    TDH - Help file for the TDW Debugger
     TDWINST    EXE - Custom configuration Program for TDW
     WREMOTE    EXE - Remote Debugging Utility for use in MS-Windows w/ TD.EXE
     WRSETUP    EXE - Utility to set Parameters in MS-Windows for WREMOTE.EXE

WHELP2       CA1 -
TCWHELP   HLP - Help file with Windows API

WHELP2    CA4 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP

BC        CA1 - Borland C++ compiler - IDE version
   BC        EXE - Borland C++ compiler (IDE)

BIN        ZIP - Miscellaneous binary files
   DPMI16BI OVL - Borland C++ DPMI Server
   DPMIINST EXE - Borland C++ DPMI Configuration program
   DPMILOAD EXE - Borland C++ DPMI loader
   DPMIMEM    DLL - Borland C++ DPMI memory manager
   DPMIRES    EXE - Borland C++ DPMI resident loader(user executable)
   EMSTEST    COM - Utility program for detecting expanded memory
   GREP       COM - Turbo GREP program
   IMPDEF     EXE - Utility to convert DEF files to LIB files
   IMPLIB     EXE - Utility to convert LIB files to DEF files
   OBJXREF    COM - Object file cross-reference utility
   PATCH      COM - Patch program
   PRJ2MAK    EXE - Utility to convert a BC project file into a BCC make file
   PRJCFG     EXE - Utility to convert a BC project file into a TURBOC.CFG
   SERVER     DIF - Patch file for EMM386
   TLIB       EXE - Borland Turbo Librarian
   TOUCH      COM - Program that updates a file's date and time
   TRANCOPY EXE - Utility to copy Transfer items between .PRJ files
   TRIGRAPH EXE - Trigraph conversion utility

TDUTIL     ZIP - Turbo Debugger Utility Programs for DOS
   TD286INS EXE - Kernel Configuration Program for Installing TD286.EXE
   TDDEV      EXE - Program to Display Currently Active Device Drivers
   TDH386     SYS - Device Driver for TD386.EXE
   TDHELP     TDH - Help file for the TD, TD286, and TD386 Debuggers
   TDINST     EXE - Custom Configuration Program for TD, TD286, TD386
   TDMAP      EXE - Converts .MAP files Generated for CodeView to TD Format
   TDMEM      EXE - Utility to Display Current Memory Mapping and Usage
   TDNMI      COM - Program to Clear NMI switch
   TDREMOTE EXE - Remote Debugging Utility for use at DOS w/ TD.EXE/TDRF.EXE
   TDRF       EXE - Remote file Transfer Utility for use with TDREMOTE.EXE
   TDSTRIP    EXE - Utility to Strip Debug Information from .EXE files
   TDUMP      EXE - Dumps Symbolic Information from .EXE/.OBJ files

   TRUETYPE    C   -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   TRUETYPE DEF    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   TRUETYPE DLG    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   TRUETYPE    H   -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   TRUETYPE ICO    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   TRUETYPE PRJ    -   Windows   3.1   example   file
   TRUETYPE  RC    -   Windows   3.1   example   file

WHELP2     CA3 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP
WINCLUDE ZIP - Windows Header files
   CDERR        H - Borland C++ RTL Header          file
   COLORDLG     H - Borland C++ RTL Header          file
   COMMDLG      H - Borland C++ RTL Header          file
   CPL          H - Borland C++ RTL Header          file
   CUSTCNTL     H - Borland C++ RTL Header          file
   DDE          H - Borland C++ RTL Header          file
   DDEML        H - Borland C++ RTL Header          file
   DLGS         H - Borland C++ RTL Header          file
   DRIVINIT     H - Borland C++ RTL Header          file
LZEXPAND     H     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   MMSYSTEM     H     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   MMSYSTEM   INC     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   OLE          H     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   PENWIN       H     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   PENWOEM      H     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   PRINT        H     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   SHELLAPI     H     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   STRESS       H     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   TOOLHELP     H     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   TOOLHELP   INC     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   VER          H     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   WFEXT        H     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   WIN30        H     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file (for Windows 3.0 development)
   WINDOWS      H     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   WINDOWS    INC     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file
   WINDOWSX     H     -   Borland   C++   RTL   Header   file

   TFWHELP    TFH - Help file for TPROFW.EXE
   TPROFW     EXE - Turbo Profiler program for Windows

WBIN       CA2   -   Split   File   of   WBIN.ZIP
WBIN       CA3   -   Split   File   of   WBIN.ZIP
WBIN       CA4   -   Split   File   of   WBIN.ZIP
WHELP1     CA3   -   Split   File   of   WHELP1.ZIP

BC        CA2 - Split File of BC.ZIP
RW        CA2 - Split File of RW.ZIP
TPROF     ZIP - Turbo Profiler Programs and Utilities
   TDH386    SYS - Device Driver for TPROF.EXE
   TF386     EXE - Utility For 80386/80486 Virtual Profiling
   TFHELP    TFH - Help file for TPROF.EXE
   TFINST    EXE - Configuration Customization Program for TPROF.EXE
   TFREMOTE EXE - Remote Profiling Kernel for TPROF
   TPROF     EXE - Turbo Profiler program

WBIN       CA5 - Split File of WBIN.ZIP
WIN31BIN   CA2 - Split File of WIN31BIN.ZIP

RW         CA3   -   Split   File   of   RW.ZIP
WHELP1     CA2   -   Split   File   of   WHELP1.ZIP
WHELP3     CA2   -   Split   File   of   WHELP3.ZIP
WHELP3     CA5   -   Split   File   of   WHELP3.ZIP
WINLIB     CA2   -   Split   File   of   WINLIB.ZIP

   DUAL8514 DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW                 with an 8514 video
   STB       DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW                with an STB video
   TDVESA    DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW                with an VESA video
   VESATEST EXE - Program to test for VESA video card
   ATI       DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW                with an ATT video
   TDWIN      DLL - DLL for Turbo Debugger for Windows
   TSENG      DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW with a TSENG based
                    video card
   ULTRA      DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW with an ULTRA video

WHELP2     CA2   -   Split   File   of   WHELP2.ZIP
WHELP3     CA3   -   Split   File   of   WHELP3.ZIP
WHELP3     CA4   -   Split   File   of   WHELP3.ZIP
WIN31BIN   CA3   -   Split   File   of   WIN31BIN.ZIP

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Building robust and friendly command line applications in goBuilding robust and friendly command line applications in go
Building robust and friendly command line applications in go


  • 1. FILES ON DISKS -------------- DISK 1 ------ INSTALL EXE - Installation program UNZIP EXE - Program to unzip the .ZIP files README COM - Reads the readme file CHELP31 ZIP - CHELP C - Windows 3.1 example file CHELP DEF - Windows 3.1 example file CHELP HLP - Windows 3.1 example file CHELP HPJ - Windows 3.1 example file CHELP PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file CHELP RC - Windows 3.1 example file CHELP RTF - Windows 3.1 example file CHELPM H - Windows 3.1 example file CHELPR H - Windows 3.1 example file CLASSBLD ZIP - MAKEFILE - Makefile for building class library CLASSINC ZIP - Include files for C++ class library ABSTARRY H - Header file for classlibs ARRAY H - Header file for classlibs ARRAYS H - Header file for classlibs ASSOC H - Header file for classlibs BAG H - Header file for classlibs BAGS H - Header file for classlibs BTREE H - Header file for classlibs CHECKS H - Header file for class libs CLSDEFS H - Header file for classlibs CLSTYPES H - Header file for classlibs COLLECT H - Header file for classlibs CONTAIN H - Header file for classlibs DBLLIST H - Header file for classlibs DEQUE H - Header file for classlibs DEQUES H - Header file for classlibs DICT H - Header file for classlibs DLISTIMP H - Header file for classlibs HASHTBL H - Header file for classlibs LDATE H - Header file for classlibs LIST H - Header file for classlibs LISTIMP H - Header file for classlibs LTIME H - Header file for classlibs MEMMGR H - Header file for classlibs OBJECT H - Header file for classlibs PRIORTYQ H - Header file for classlibs QUEUE H - Header file for classlibs QUEUES H - Header file for classlibs RESOURCE H - Header file for classlibs SET H - Header file for classlibs SETS H - Header file for classlibs SHDDEL H - Header file for classlibs SORTABLE H - Header file for classlibs SORTARRY H - Header file for classlibs STACK H - Header file for classlibs STACKS H - Header file for classlibs STDTEMPL H - Header file for classlibs STRNG H - Header file for classlibs TIMER H - Header file for classlibs VECTIMP H - Header file for classlibs CLASSSRC ZIP - Source files to C++ class library
  • 2. ABSTARRY CPP - Abstract array class definitions ARRAY CPP - Source file for classlibs ASSOC CPP - Association class (used by dictionary class) BABSTARY CPP - Source file for classlibs BDICT CPP - Source file for classlibs BIDS DEF - Source file for classlibs BSORTARY CPP - Source file for classlibs BTREE CPP - Source file for classlibs BTREEINN CPP - Source file for classlibs BTREELFN CPP - Source file for classlibs CLASMAIN CPP - Source file for classlibs COLLECT CPP - Ordered collection class definitions CONTAIN CPP - Container class definitions DBLLIST CPP - Doubly linked list class definitions DEQUE CPP - Source file for classlibs DICT CPP - Dictinary class definitiions HASHTBL CPP - Hash table class definitions LDATE CPP - Date class definitions LIST CPP - List class definitions LTIME CPP - Time class definitions MEMMGR CPP - Source file for classlibs OBJECT CPP - Base class for other objects SORTARRY CPP - Sorted array class definitions STACK CPP - Source file for classlibs STRNG CPP - String class definitions TCLASS DEF - Definition file for classlibs TIMER CPP - Source file for classlibs TMPLINST CPP - Source file for classlibs EXAMPLES ZIP - Example programs BARCHART C - C example file DEF2 CPP - C++ example - another version of DEF.CPP DEF2 H - Header file for DEF.CPP FILTER H - Header file for TASM2MSG.C and GREP2MSG.C GETOPT C - Parses options in command line GREP2MSG C - Example program for Borland C++ filters HELLO C - Example Borland C++ program IMPL2MSG C - Source for IMPLIB filter program LIST2 CPP - Another version of LIST.CPP LIST2 H - Header file for LIST2.CPP MYFUNCS CPP - C++ example file MYFUNCS H - C++ example Header file MYMAIN CPP - C++ example file RC2MSG C - Example program for Borland C++ filters TASM2MSG C - Example program for Borland C++ filters VCIRC CPP - C++ example program VCIRC PRJ - Project file for VCIRC.CPP VPOINT CPP - C++ example program VPOINT H - Header file for VPOINT.CPP FILELIST DOC - File List INCLUDE ZIP - Borland C++ Header files _DEFS H - Definitions of _FAR, _Cdecl, _CType, _CLASSTYPE _NFILE H - Header file for classlibs _NULL H - Definition of NULL ALLOC H - Borland C++ RTL Header file ASSERT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file BCD H - Borland C++ RTL Header file BIOS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file COMPLEX H - Borland C++ RTL Header file CONIO H - Borland C++ RTL Header file CONSTREA H - Borland RTL Header file CTYPE H - Borland C++ RTL Header file DIR H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
  • 3. DIRECT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file DIRENT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file DOS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file ERRNO H - Borland C++ RTL Header file FCNTL H - Borland C++ RTL Header file FLOAT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file FSTREAM H - Borland C++ RTL Header file GENERIC H - Borland C++ RTL Header file GRAPHICS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file IO H - Borland C++ RTL Header file IOMANIP H - Borland C++ RTL Header file IOSTREAM H - Borland C++ RTL Header file LIMITS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file LOCALE H - Borland C++ RTL Header file LOCKING H - Borland C++ RTL Header file MALLOC H - Borland C++ RTL Header file MATH H - Borland C++ RTL Header file MEM H - Borland C++ RTL Header file MEMORY H - Borland C++ RTL Header file NEW H - Borland C++ RTL Header file PROCESS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file SEARCH H - Borland C++ RTL Header file SETJMP H - Borland C++ RTL Header file SHARE H - Borland C++ RTL Header file SIGNAL H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STAT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STDARG H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STDDEF H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STDIO H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STDIOSTR H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STDLIB H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STRING H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STRSTREA H - Borland C++ RTL Header file TIME H - Borland C++ RTL Header file TIMEB H - Borland C++ RTL Header file TYPES H - Borland C++ RTL Header file UTIME H - Borland C++ RTL Header file VALUES H - Borland C++ RTL Header file VARARGS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file RWBCINC ZIP - Compressed Borland C example include files BWCC H - Header file for interface to Borland Window's Custom Controls RWBCLIB ZIP - Compressed Borland C example library files BWCC LIB - Import library for Borland Window's Custom Controls STARTUP ZIP - Startup code files BUILD-C0 BAT - Batch file for building the startup code modules C0 ASM - Assembler source for startup code C0D ASM - Assembler source for startup code - Windows DLL C0W ASM - Assembler source for startup code - Windows EXE RULES ASI - Assembler include file for interfacing with Borland C++ TASMEXMP ZIP - zip file ASMPSCL ASM - Tasm example file AVERAGE ASM - Tasm example file BIOS INC - Tasm example file CALCAVG CPP - Tasm example file CALLCT CPP - Tasm example file CALLPROC ASM - Tasm example file CASMLINK ASM - Tasm example file COMPROG ASM - Tasm example file CONCISE ASM - Tasm example file
  • 4. COUNT ASM - Tasm example file COUNTADD ASM - Tasm example file COUNTADD CPP - Tasm example file COUNTLG ASM - Tasm example file CSPEC ASM - Tasm example file DBLCOLON ASM - Tasm example file DLLPROG ASM - Tasm example file DOS INC - Tasm example file DOTOTAL ASM - Tasm example file ENVMOD ASM - Tasm example file ENVSTR PAS - Tasm example file EXCHMOD ASM - Tasm example file EXEPROG ASM - Tasm example file FINDCHAR ASM - Tasm example file HELLO1 ASM - Tasm example file HELLO2 ASM - Tasm example file HELLO3 ASM - Tasm example file HEX ASM - Tasm example file HEX PAS - Tasm example file HEXMOD ASM - Tasm example file KBD INC - Tasm example file LINK2ASM CPP - Tasm example file MBIOS MAC - Tasm example file MDOS MAC - Tasm example file MMACROS MAC - Tasm example file PRIMES ASM - Tasm example file PRMSTACK ASM - Tasm example file REVERSE ASM - Tasm example file SHOWTOT CPP - Tasm example file SOMESTR ASM - Tasm example file VAREXCH ASM - Tasm example file VAREXCH PAS - Tasm example file WINPROG ASM - Tasm example file TD CA2 - Split File of TD.ZIP TDW CA2 - Split File of TDW.ZIP WBIN CA1 - Windows binary files BC ICO - Borland C++ Icon file BC PIF - PIF file for BC BCW EXE - Borland C++ for Windows IDE BORTE FON - Font file for BCW.EXE BRC EXE - RC compatible shell program BRCC EXE - Command Line Resource Compiler BRCWIN DLL - Resource compiler DLL BUILDSYM EXE - Build .SYM file for .EXE file DFA EXE - Program to process Winspctr's log files EXEMAP EXE - Borland .EXE to .MAP file program FCONVERT EXE - ASCII <> ANSI conversion utility GROUPS EXE - Build Windows group for Borland's window compatible products HC31 ERR - Win 3.1 help compiler error list HC31 EXE - Win 3.1 help compiler HC BAT - Batch fiel to call Win3.1 help compiler HELP ICO - Borland help icon IMPLIBW EXE - Utility to convert windows LIB files to DEF files RC EXE - Resource Compiler RC2MSG EXE - RC filter program for Programmer's Platform RCPP ERR - Resource Compiler error file RCPP EXE - Resource Compiler file RLINK EXE - Resource Linker TBROWSER DLL - Borland Class Browser for Window Apps TCOLORCC DLL - Custom color control for BCW.EXE TMAPSYM EXE - Borland .MAP to .SYS file program TOOLHELP DLL - Win 3.1 toolhelp file
  • 5. WINHELP EXE - Windows 3.1 help file WINSIGHT EXE - WinSight program for Windows WINSIGHT HLP - Help for WinSight WINSPCTR EXE - Program to log UAE's in the Windows Invironment WINSPCTR HLP - WINSPCTR's help file WINSTUB EXE - Windows stub program WORKOPT DOS - Parameter file for BRCC.EXE WSIHOOK DLL - Support DLL for WinSight WSIWIN DLL - Support DLL for WinSight WHELP2 CAB - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP README - File contains last minute information DISK 2 ------ BGI ZIP - Graphics drivers ATT BGI - Graphics driver for ATT400 graphics card BGIDEMO C - Graphics demonstration program BGIOBJ EXE - Conversion program for fonts and drivers BOLD CHR - Font for Bold char set CGA BGI - Graphics driver for CGA EGAVGA BGI - Graphics driver for EGA and VGA EURO CHR - Font for European char set GOTH CHR - Font for gothic character set HERC BGI - Graphics driver for Hercules IBM8514 BGI - Graphics driver for IBM 8514 graphics card LCOM CHR - Complex char font set LITT CHR - Font for small character set PC3270 BGI - Graphics driver for PC3270 SANS CHR - Font for sans serif character set SCRI CHR - Font for script char set SIMP CHR - Font for Simplex char set TRIP CHR - Font for triplex character set TSCR CHR - Font for tiny script char set BINDLL ZIP - BC30RTL DLL - Borland run-time library DLL for Windows BIDS31 DLL - Library file for C++ classes with templates TCLASS31 DLL - Library file for C++ classes CMDLINE CA1 - Files in Borland C++ Compiler - Command-Line version BCC EXE - Command-line version of Borland C++ Compiler BUILTINS MAK - File containing default inference rules and macros for MAKE.EXE CPP EXE - Borland C++ preprocessor MAKE EXE - Protected mode version of program for managing projects MAKER EXE - Real mode version of program for managing projects TLINK EXE - Borland Turbo Linker RWCDEMO ZIP - Compressed Borland C++ demo files BITBNAPP C - Demo app using bitmapped button DLL BITBNAPP RES - Bitmapped button application resources BITBTN C - Demo bitmapped button dll with custom control API BITBTN DEF - Bitmapped button dll linker definitions file BITBTN PRJ - Bitmapped button DLL IDE Project file BITBTN RES - Bitmapped button dll resources BITBTNCO H - Bitmapped button dll resource #defines BTNBNAPP PRJ - Bitmapped button application IDE project file RWCDEMO CPP - BCC Demo app RWCDEMO DEF - BCC Demo linker definitions file RWCDEMO H - BCC Demo app .h file RWCDEMO PRJ - Project file for building demo app with "standard" windows controls RWCDEMO RC - Demo resources using "standard" controls
  • 6. RWCDEMO RES - Demo resources using "standard" controls RWCDEMOB PRJ - Project file for building demo app with Borland Custom Controls RWCDEMOB RC - Demo resources using Borland Windows Custom Controls RWCDEMOB RES - Demo resources using Borland Windows Custom Controls RWCDEMOC H - Demo .h file for resource id's RWCDLG CPP - BCC Demo app dialogs RWCDLG H - BCC Demo app dialogs .h file RWCWND CPP - BCC Demo app windows RWCWND H - BCC Demo dialogs .h file RWDEMO CUR - Demo cursor file RWDEMO ICO - BCC demo icon STATBAR BMP - Demo status line bitmap STATLINE BMP - Demo status line bitmap WHELP2 CAA - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP WHEREIS ZIP - zip file BIOS INC - Tasm example file BIOSMAC DOC - Tasm example file DEMO1 BAT - Tasm example file DOS INC - Tasm example file DOSMAC DOC - Tasm example file IASCIIZS ASM - Tasm example file IBIOS MAC - Tasm example file IBYTECPY ASM - Tasm example file IDELCHAR ASM - Tasm example file IDOS INC - Tasm example file IDOS MAC - Tasm example file IEXECDOS ASM - Tasm example file IFINDBYT ASM - Tasm example file IFINDFIL ASM - Tasm example file IFINDREP ASM - Tasm example file ILOCSTRG ASM - Tasm example file IMACROS MAC - Tasm example file IPARAM ASM - Tasm example file IPARSEFN ASM - Tasm example file ISKPWHIT ASM - Tasm example file IWHEREIS ASM - Tasm example file IWHGLOBL INC - Tasm example file IWRITEPS ASM - Tasm example file KBD INC - Tasm example file WHEREIS DOC - Tasm example file WHEREIS MAK - Tasm example file WHUSAGE INC - Tasm example file WINLIB CA1 - Window libraries C0DC OBJ - Compact model startup code - Windows DLL C0DL OBJ - Large model startup code - Windows DLL C0DM OBJ - Medium model startup code - Windows DLL C0DS OBJ - Small model startup code - Windows DLL C0WC OBJ - Compact model startup code - Windows EXE C0WL OBJ - Large model startup code - Windows EXE C0WM OBJ - Medium model startup code - Windows EXE C0WS OBJ - Small model startup code - Windows EXE CRTLDLL LIB - Import library for BC30RTL.DLL CWC LIB - Compact model run-time library - Windows CWL LIB - Large model run-time library - Windows CWM LIB - Medium model run-time library - Windows CWS LIB - Small model run-time library - Windows MATHWC LIB - Compact model windows math library MATHWL LIB - Large model windows math library MATHWM LIB - Medium model windows math library MATHWS LIB - Small model windows math library
  • 7. DISK 3 ------ CLASSLIB ZIP - C++ class library BIDSDBS LIB - Library file for C++ classes with templates BIDSDLL LIB - Library file for C++ classes with templates BIDSS LIB - Library file for C++ classes with templates TCLASDBS LIB - Library file for C++ classes TCLASDLL LIB - Library file for C++ classes TCLASSS LIB - Library file for C++ classes DOC ZIP - Miscellaneous documentation BRIEF TEM - Editor Macros file for Brief emulation CMACROS TEM - Editor Macros file for C emulation DBGBOARD TD - Info about the TD hardware debugging interface DEFAULTS TEM - Sample Editor Macros file DOSEDIT TEM - Editor Macros file for Dosedit emulation EPSILON TEM - Editor Macros file for Epsilon emulation H2ASH TSM - Documentation for .H to .ASH conversion utility HDWDEBUG TD - How to use 386 hardware debugging features HELPME! DOC - Answers to commonly asked questions HELPME! PRF - Answers to commonly asked PROF questions HELPME! TD - Answers to commonly asked DEBUGGER questions HELPME! TSM - Answers to commonly asked TASM questions MANUAL BC - Corrections to the manual MANUAL PRF - Additions and corrections to the PROF manuals MANUAL TD - Additions and corrections to the DEBUGGER manuals MANUAL TSM - Additions and corrections to the TASM manuals SAMPLES BC - Samples documentation TCREF TSM - Info about the TASM TCREF utility UTIL DOC - Information about Borland C++ utilities UTILS PRF - Info about the TPROF TDRF utility UTILS TD - Info about various TD utilities WIN31 DOC - Documentation to convert to Windows 3.1 WINPEN DOC - Documentation on Pen Windows WINMEM DOC - Information about windows specific memory manager WINSPCTR DOC - Winspector documentation TDWEXMPL ZIP - Turbo Debugger Example Programs for Windows BCWDEMO C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features of TDW BCWDEMO DEF - Definition file used to Build BCWDEMO*.C Programs BCWDEMO EXE - Executable file For C Program to run in TDW BCWDEMO H - Header file used to build sample BCWDEMO* Programs BCWDEMO ICO - Icon file used to attached to Sample BCWDEMO* Programs BCWDEMO PRJ - Makefile to build sample BCWDEMO.C Program BCWDEMO RC - Resource file used to Build BCWDEMO*.C Programs BCWDEMOA C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features of TDW BCWDEMOA EXE - Executable file For C Program to run in TDW BCWDEMOA PRJ - Makefile to build sample BCWDEMOA.C Program BCWDEMOB C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features of TDW BCWDEMOB EXE - Executable file For C Program to run in TDW BCWDEMOB PRJ - Makefile to build sample BCWDEMOB.C Program WHELP2 CA8 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP WHELP2 CA9 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP WIN31BIN CA1 - COMPRESS EXE - Dos version of LZ compression utility MARKMIDI EXE - MCISTRWH HLP - Win 3.1 media control interface help file MRBC EXE - PENAPIWH HLP - Win 3.1 pen api help file SHED EXE - Program to manage HotSpots within dialogs(MS) SHED HLP - Help file for HotSpots(MS) TOOLHELP DLL - Win 3.1 toolhelp file
  • 8. WIN31MWH HLP - Win 3.1 multimedia help file WINHELP EXE - Windows 3.1 help file program DISK 4 ------ CLIB ZIP - Compact model libraries C0C OBJ - Compact model startup code CC LIB - Compact model run-time library MATHC LIB - Compact model math library CLIOLE ZIP - CLIOLE C - Windows 3.1 example file CLIOLE DEF - Windows 3.1 example file CLIOLE H - Windows 3.1 example file CLIOLE PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file CLIOLE RC - Windows 3.1 example file CLIOLEER C - Windows 3.1 example file CLIOLEER H - Windows 3.1 example file CLIOLERC H - Windows 3.1 example file CMDLG31 ZIP - CMDLG C - Windows 3.1 example file CMDLG DEF - Windows 3.1 example file CMDLG H - Windows 3.1 example file CMDLG PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file CMDLG RC - Windows 3.1 example file CMDLGR H - Windows 3.1 example file DDEML31 ZIP - DDECLNT C - Windows 3.1 example file DDECLNT DEF - Windows 3.1 example file DDECLNT DOC - Windows 3.1 example file DDECLNT H - Windows 3.1 example file DDECLNT ICO - Windows 3.1 example file DDECLNT PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file DDECLNT RC - Windows 3.1 example file DDESRVR C - Windows 3.1 example file DDESRVR DEF - Windows 3.1 example file DDESRVR H - Windows 3.1 example file DDESRVR ICO - Windows 3.1 example file DDESRVR PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file DDESRVR RC - Windows 3.1 example file HLIB ZIP - Huge model libraries C0H OBJ - Huge model startup code CH LIB - Huge model run-time library MATHH LIB - Huge model math library LLIB ZIP - Large model libraries C0L OBJ - Large model startup code CL LIB - Large model run-time library MATHL LIB - Large model math library RWDOC ZIP - Compressed Resource Workshop documentation files BWCCAPI RW - Borland Custom Control API documentation BWCCSTYL RW - Borland custom control style guidelines CUSTCNTL RW - custom control api documentation MANUAL RW - manual corrections TDEXMPL ZIP - Turbo Debugger Example Programs for DOS BCDEMO C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features BCDEMO EXE - Executable file For C Program BCDEMOB C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features
  • 9. BCDEMOB EXE - Executable file For C Program WEXAMPLE ZIP - Windows example files BITMAP CPP - Windows sample app - source BITMAP DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file BITMAP H - Windows sample app - Header file BITMAP PRJ - Windows sample app - project file BITMAP RC - Windows sample app - resource file BULLET BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file CHKBOFF BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file CHKBON BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file CODEC BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file CONTINUE BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file DDECLNT C - Windows sample app - source DDECLNT H - Windows sample app - Header file DDESRVR C - Windows sample app - source DDESRVR H - Windows sample app - Header file DLLDEMO CPP - Windows sample app - source DLLDEMO DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file DLLDEMO ICO - Windows sample app - icon file DLLDEMO PRJ - Windows sample app - project file DLLDEMO RC - Windows sample app - resource file DLLDEMO1 BMP - Windows sample app - bitmap file DLLDEMO2 BMP - Windows sample app - bitmap file DLLSHELL CPP - Windows sample app - source DONE BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file FFIND C - Windows sample app - Source FFIND DEF - Windows sample app - Module definition file FFIND H - Windows sample app - Header file FFIND ICO - Windows sample app - icon file FFIND PRJ - Windows sample app - project file FFIND RC - Windows sample app - resource file HDUMP C - Windows sample app - source HDUMP DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file HDUMP H - Windows sample app - Header file HDUMP ICO - Windows sample app - icon file HDUMP PRJ - Windows sample app - project file HDUMP RC - Windows sample app - resource file HELP CUR - Help compiler example file HELPEX C - Help compiler example source file HELPEX DEF - Help compiler example module definition file HELPEX DLG - Help compiler example dialog file HELPEX H - Help compiler example Header file HELPEX HPJ - Help compiler example file HELPEX PRJ - Project file for help compiler examples HELPEX RC - Help compiler example resource file HELPEX RTF - Help compiler example file HELPICON BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file HELPIDS H - Help compiler example Header file KEYS RTF - Help compiler example file MSGPROC C - Windows sample app - source MSGPROC H - Windows sample app - Header file MSGWND C - Windows sample app - source MSGWND DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file MSGWND H - Windows sample app - Header file MSGWND ICO - Windows sample app - icon file MSGWND PRJ - Windows sample app - project file MSGWND RC - Windows sample app - resource file TERMS RTF - Help compiler example bitmap file TODO DEF - Windows sample app - Module definition file TODO PRJ - Windows sample app - Project file TODODEFS H - Windows sample app - Header file TODODLGS CPP - Windows sample app - Source TODODLGS H - Windows sample app - Header file
  • 10. TODOLIST CPP - Windows sample app - Source TODOLIST H - Windows sample app - Header file TODOWIN CPP - Windows sample app - Source TODOWIN H - Windows sample app - Header file TODOWIN RC - Windows sample app - Resource file TSTAPP C - Windows sample app - source TSTAPP DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file TSTAPP H - Windows sample app - Header file TSTAPP ICO - Windows sample app - icon file TSTAPP PRJ - Windows sample app - project file TSTAPP RC - Windows sample app - resource file WHELLO CPP - Windows sample app - Source WHELLO DEF - Windows sample app - Module definition file WHELLO ICO - Windows sample app - icon file WHELLO PRJ - Windows sample app - project file WHELLO RC - Windows sample app - resource file WHELP2 CA6 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP WHELP2 CA7 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP XLIB ZIP - Math and utility libraries C0FC OBJ - Compact model startup code - assume SS=DS C0FH OBJ - Huge model startup code - assume SS=DS C0FL OBJ - Large model startup code - assume SS=DS C0FM OBJ - Medium model startup code - assume SS=DS C0FS OBJ - Small model startup code - assume SS=DS C0FT OBJ - Tiny model startup code - assume SS=DS EMU LIB - 8087 emulator library FILES C - Source file for open files configuration FILES2 C - Source file for open files configuration FP87 LIB - 8087 library GRAPHICS LIB - Graphics library IMPORT LIB - Windows imports library MATHERR C - Source code for handling math library exceptions OVERLAY LIB - Overlays library WILDARGS OBJ - Object code for module to expand wildcard arguments DISK 5 ------ BWCC ZIP - Compressed BWCC.DLL BWCC DLL - Custom controls dynamic link library CLASSEXM ZIP - C++ class library example files DIRECTRY CPP - Directory class example file DIRECTRY H - Header file for DIRECTRY.CPP DIRECTRY PRJ - Project file for DIRECTRY.CPP FILEDATA CPP - FileData class example file FILEDATA H - Header file for FILEDATA.CPP LOOKUP CPP - Lookup table example LOOKUP PRJ - Project file for LOOKUP.CPP QUEUETST CPP - Queue class example file QUEUETST PRJ - Project file for QUEUETST.CPP REVERSE CPP - String class example file REVERSE PRJ - Project file for REVERSE.CPP STRNGMAX CPP - String class example file STRNGMAX PRJ - Project file for STRNGMAX.CPP TESTDIR CPP - Directory example file DRAG ZIP - DRAGDROP C - Windows 3.1 example file DRAGDROP DEF - Windows 3.1 example file DRAGDROP PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file DRAGDROP RC - Windows 3.1 example file
  • 11. FILT ZIP - zip file CONVERT1 INC - Tasm example file CONVERT2 INC - Tasm example file DEMO2 BAT - Tasm example file DEMO3 BAT - Tasm example file FILT ASM - Tasm example file FILT DOC - Tasm example file FILT MAK - Tasm example file FILT RSP - Tasm example file GLOBALS INC - Tasm example file OBYTEHI ASM - Tasm example file OBYTELOW ASM - Tasm example file OBYTENRM ASM - Tasm example file OCMDNUM ASM - Tasm example file OERREXIT ASM - Tasm example file OFCREATE ASM - Tasm example file OFILALOC ASM - Tasm example file OFILCLOS ASM - Tasm example file OFILEFIL ASM - Tasm example file OFILFREE ASM - Tasm example file OFILREAD ASM - Tasm example file OFILWRIT ASM - Tasm example file OFLFLUSH ASM - Tasm example file OFOPENR ASM - Tasm example file OFOPENW ASM - Tasm example file OLOCASE ASM - Tasm example file OPARSCMD ASM - Tasm example file OPRCBYTE ASM - Tasm example file OPROCDOC ASM - Tasm example file OPROCLIN ASM - Tasm example file OSETOPTN ASM - Tasm example file OSPACES ASM - Tasm example file OSTORSPC ASM - Tasm example file OSTORTAB ASM - Tasm example file OTABCLR ASM - Tasm example file OTABNEXT ASM - Tasm example file OTABRSET ASM - Tasm example file OTABSET ASM - Tasm example file OUPCASE ASM - Tasm example file SHOW87 ASM - Tasm example file SHOW87 DOC - Tasm example file VIDEO1 INC - Tasm example file VIDEO2 INC - Tasm example file MLIB ZIP - Medium model libraries C0M OBJ - Medium model startup code CM LIB - Medium model run-time library MATHM LIB - Medium model math library SOUNDER ZIP - SOUNDER C - Windows 3.1 example file SOUNDER DEF - Windows 3.1 example file SOUNDER H - Windows 3.1 example file SOUNDER PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file SOUNDER RC - Windows 3.1 example file SOUNDER WAV - Windows 3.1 example file TASM CA1 - Turbo Assembler 3.0 and Utilities H2ASH EXE - Utility to convert .h files to .ash files TASM EXE - Turbo Assembler 3.0 DOS TASM TAH - Turbo Assembler Help text file TASMX EXE - Turbo Assembler 3.0 with DPMI Support TCREF EXE - Turbo Assembler cross-reference utility
  • 12. TFEXMPL ZIP - Packed example files for Turbo Profiler CALLTEST C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features CALLTEST EXE - Executable file For C Pascal Program PLOST C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features PLOST EXE - Executable file For C Program PRIME0 C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features PRIME0 EXE - Executable file For C Program PRIME1 C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features PRIME1 EXE - Executable file For C Program PRIME2 C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features PRIME2 EXE - Executable file For C Program PRIME3 C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features PRIME3 EXE - Executable file For C Program PRIME4 C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features PRIME4 EXE - Executable file For C Program PRIME5 C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features PRIME5 EXE - Executable file For C Program PRIME6 C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features PRIME6 EXE - Executable file For C Program PTOLL C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features PTOLL EXE - Executable file For C Program WHELP2 CA5 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP WIN31DEV ZIP - MARS DLL - Pen windows character recognition dll MARS MOB - Pen windows character recognition file DIB DRV - device independent bitmap driver DIB DRV - device independent bitmap driver EXPAND EXE - DOS command-line expansion (LZ) MSMOUSE DRV - mouse driver(pen windows) PENWIN DLL - pen windows dll PENWIN DLL - pen windows dll PENWIN INI - Pen Windows configuration file REGLOAD EXE - registration database support REGLOAD EXE - registration database support SHELL DLL - registration, drag&drop, icon extraction STRESS DLL - stress testing dll VGAP DRV - VGA driver(pen windows) YESMOUSE DRV - mouse driver(pen windows) DISK 6 ------ CMDLINE CA2 - Split File of CMDLINE.ZIP HEAP ZIP - zip file DEMO_MEM BAT - Tasm example file DISPLAY ASM - Tasm example file DISPLAY INC - Tasm example file MEM ASM - Tasm example file MEM INC - Tasm example file MEMTEST ASM - Tasm example file MEMTEST MAK - Tasm example file VMTUTIL INC - Tasm example file IDE ZIP - Files in Borland C++ Compiler - IDE version GREP2MSG EXE - GREP filter program for IDE IMPL2MSG EXE - IMPLIB filter program for Programmer's Platform PRJCNVT EXE - Utility to convert from Turbo C 2.x project files to Borland C++ project files TASM2MSG EXE - TASM filter program for IDE TEMC EXE - Turbo editor macro compiler QUEUE ZIP - LIST ASM - Turbo Assembler queue example file
  • 13. LIST ASO - Turbo Assembler queue example file NODE ASM - Turbo Assembler queue example file NODE ASO - Turbo Assembler queue example file OOP ASM - Turbo Assembler queue example file QUEUE ASM - Turbo Assembler queue example file QUEUE ASO - Turbo Assembler queue example file STACK ASM - Turbo Assembler queue example file STACK ASO - Turbo Assembler queue example file RW CA1 - Compressed Resource Workshop files LOADBWCC EXE - Loads bwcc.dll for custom apps WORKED1 DLL - Menu editor WORKED2 DLL - Icon, cursor, bitmap, and font editors WORKED3 DLL - Dialog editor WORKED4 DLL - Stringtable editor WORKED5 DLL - Accelerator table editor WORKHELP HLP - Help file WORKLIB1 DLL - Resource compiler, resource data base WORKLIB2 DLL - Custom controls WORKSHOP EXE - Main program SLIB ZIP - Small model libraries C0S OBJ - Small model startup code C0T OBJ - Tiny model startup code CS LIB - Small model run-time library MATHS LIB - Small model math library TASM CA2 - Split File of TASM.ZIP TCALC ZIP - Tcalc sources and doc TCALC C - TurboCalc main program source code TCALC DOC - TurboCalc documentation TCALC H - The Header file for TurboCalc TCALC PRJ - The TurboCalc project file TCDISPLY C - TurboCalc screen display source code TCINPUT C - TurboCalc input routines source code TCOMMAND C - TurboCalc commands source code TCPARSER C - TurboCalc input parser source code TCUTIL C - TurboCalc utilities source code WHELP1 CA1 - TCHELP TCH - C++ help file for command-line tools THELP COM - Pop-up help utility program WHELP3 CA1 - WINHELP TCH - Windows help file for command-line tools DISK 7 ------ TD CA1 - Turbo Debugger Programs for DOS Debugging TD EXE - Turbo Debugger Program for DOS TD286 EXE - Protected Mode Turbo Debugger TD386 EXE - Utility for 80386/80486 Virtual Mode Debugging TDW CA1 - Turbo Debugger Programs and Utilities for Windows Debugging TDDEBUG 386 - Device driver for 80386/80486 processors TDW EXE - Turbo Debugger Program for Windows TDWHELP TDH - Help file for the TDW Debugger TDWINST EXE - Custom configuration Program for TDW WREMOTE EXE - Remote Debugging Utility for use in MS-Windows w/ TD.EXE WRSETUP EXE - Utility to set Parameters in MS-Windows for WREMOTE.EXE WHELP2 CA1 -
  • 14. TCWHELP HLP - Help file with Windows API WHELP2 CA4 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP DISK 8 ------ BC CA1 - Borland C++ compiler - IDE version BC EXE - Borland C++ compiler (IDE) BIN ZIP - Miscellaneous binary files DPMI16BI OVL - Borland C++ DPMI Server DPMIINST EXE - Borland C++ DPMI Configuration program DPMILOAD EXE - Borland C++ DPMI loader DPMIMEM DLL - Borland C++ DPMI memory manager DPMIRES EXE - Borland C++ DPMI resident loader(user executable) EMSTEST COM - Utility program for detecting expanded memory GREP COM - Turbo GREP program IMPDEF EXE - Utility to convert DEF files to LIB files IMPLIB EXE - Utility to convert LIB files to DEF files OBJXREF COM - Object file cross-reference utility PATCH COM - Patch program PRJ2MAK EXE - Utility to convert a BC project file into a BCC make file PRJCFG EXE - Utility to convert a BC project file into a TURBOC.CFG file SERVER DIF - Patch file for EMM386 TLIB EXE - Borland Turbo Librarian TOUCH COM - Program that updates a file's date and time TRANCOPY EXE - Utility to copy Transfer items between .PRJ files TRIGRAPH EXE - Trigraph conversion utility TDUTIL ZIP - Turbo Debugger Utility Programs for DOS TD286INS EXE - Kernel Configuration Program for Installing TD286.EXE TDDEV EXE - Program to Display Currently Active Device Drivers TDH386 SYS - Device Driver for TD386.EXE TDHELP TDH - Help file for the TD, TD286, and TD386 Debuggers TDINST EXE - Custom Configuration Program for TD, TD286, TD386 TDMAP EXE - Converts .MAP files Generated for CodeView to TD Format TDMEM EXE - Utility to Display Current Memory Mapping and Usage TDNMI COM - Program to Clear NMI switch TDREMOTE EXE - Remote Debugging Utility for use at DOS w/ TD.EXE/TDRF.EXE TDRF EXE - Remote file Transfer Utility for use with TDREMOTE.EXE TDSTRIP EXE - Utility to Strip Debug Information from .EXE files TDUMP EXE - Dumps Symbolic Information from .EXE/.OBJ files TRUETYPE ZIP - TRUETYPE C - Windows 3.1 example file TRUETYPE DEF - Windows 3.1 example file TRUETYPE DLG - Windows 3.1 example file TRUETYPE H - Windows 3.1 example file TRUETYPE ICO - Windows 3.1 example file TRUETYPE PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file TRUETYPE RC - Windows 3.1 example file WHELP2 CA3 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP WINCLUDE ZIP - Windows Header files CDERR H - Borland C++ RTL Header file COLORDLG H - Borland C++ RTL Header file COMMDLG H - Borland C++ RTL Header file CPL H - Borland C++ RTL Header file CUSTCNTL H - Borland C++ RTL Header file DDE H - Borland C++ RTL Header file DDEML H - Borland C++ RTL Header file DLGS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file DRIVINIT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
  • 15. LZEXPAND H - Borland C++ RTL Header file MMSYSTEM H - Borland C++ RTL Header file MMSYSTEM INC - Borland C++ RTL Header file OLE H - Borland C++ RTL Header file PENWIN H - Borland C++ RTL Header file PENWOEM H - Borland C++ RTL Header file PRINT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file SHELLAPI H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STRESS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file TOOLHELP H - Borland C++ RTL Header file TOOLHELP INC - Borland C++ RTL Header file VER H - Borland C++ RTL Header file WFEXT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file WIN30 H - Borland C++ RTL Header file (for Windows 3.0 development) WINDOWS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file WINDOWS INC - Borland C++ RTL Header file WINDOWSX H - Borland C++ RTL Header file DISK 9 ------ TPROFW ZIP - TFWHELP TFH - Help file for TPROFW.EXE TPROFW EXE - Turbo Profiler program for Windows WBIN CA2 - Split File of WBIN.ZIP WBIN CA3 - Split File of WBIN.ZIP WBIN CA4 - Split File of WBIN.ZIP WHELP1 CA3 - Split File of WHELP1.ZIP DISK 10 ------- BC CA2 - Split File of BC.ZIP RW CA2 - Split File of RW.ZIP TPROF ZIP - Turbo Profiler Programs and Utilities TDH386 SYS - Device Driver for TPROF.EXE TF386 EXE - Utility For 80386/80486 Virtual Profiling TFHELP TFH - Help file for TPROF.EXE TFINST EXE - Configuration Customization Program for TPROF.EXE TFREMOTE EXE - Remote Profiling Kernel for TPROF TPROF EXE - Turbo Profiler program WBIN CA5 - Split File of WBIN.ZIP WIN31BIN CA2 - Split File of WIN31BIN.ZIP DISK 11 ------- RW CA3 - Split File of RW.ZIP WHELP1 CA2 - Split File of WHELP1.ZIP WHELP3 CA2 - Split File of WHELP3.ZIP WHELP3 CA5 - Split File of WHELP3.ZIP WINLIB CA2 - Split File of WINLIB.ZIP DISK 12 ------- TDDLL ZIP - DUAL8514 DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW with an 8514 video card STB DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW with an STB video card TDVESA DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW with an VESA video card VESATEST EXE - Program to test for VESA video card ATI DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW with an ATT video
  • 16. card TDWIN DLL - DLL for Turbo Debugger for Windows TSENG DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW with a TSENG based video card ULTRA DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW with an ULTRA video card WHELP2 CA2 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP WHELP3 CA3 - Split File of WHELP3.ZIP WHELP3 CA4 - Split File of WHELP3.ZIP WIN31BIN CA3 - Split File of WIN31BIN.ZIP