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         By Aimee Beardslee
         Spring 2012
   Let‟s talk about sex…versus gender

   What does “Intersex” mean? (It‟s more common than you think!)

   What does “Transgender” mean?

   Hormone Therapy & Sex Reassignment Surgery

   Gender Development Theories

   Gender Variance Across Cultures

   Gender identity development in childhood and adolescence

   DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria for Gender Identity Disorder &
    Proposed Criteria for DSM-V

   Why is studying gender identity and gender variance important?
                  SOME BASICS:

   SEX: a term that typically describes an individual‟s
    anatomical structure. “Biology”

   GENDER: a term that describes an imposed or adopted
    social and psychological condition. “Culture/Society”

   GENDER ROLE: a term that describes the patterns of
    behavior that are learned or “acted” based on one‟s
    gender identification.
                                       (Diamond, 2002)

*Gender role scripts, rules, and expectations vary across
  cultures…but more on that later!

   Not everyone is born either “male” or “female”.

   Although one‟s sex and gender are expected to be congruent,
    not everyone grows up feeling that the two “match”.

   Historically, the concepts of masculinity and femininity have
    changed, and how they are defined varies across cultures.

   There are many cultures that accept the existence of more
    than two genders-and have for centuries!

   Gender and sexual orientation are NOT the same. Gender
    variance should not be conflated with homosexuality.

   An intersex person is “born with external
    genitalia, chromosomes, or internal reproductive
    systems that are not traditionally associated with
    either a „standard‟ male or female” (NCTE, 2009).

   Medical experts state that 1 in 1,500 to 1 in 2,000
    infants are born with “noticeably atypical” genitalia
    (ISNA, 2008).

   However, the actual number is likely to be
    significantly higher, because many variations do not
    show up until later in life (and some may never be
    noticed! ISNA, 2008).
HOW COMMON IS INTERSEX? (FROM                              ISNA)

Not XX and not XY                    one in 1,666 births

Klinefelter (XXY)                    one in 1,000 births

Androgen insensitivity syndrome      one in 13,000 births

Partial androgen insensitivity
                                     one in 130,000 births

Classical congenital adrenal
                                     one in 13,000 births

Late onset adrenal hyperplasia       one in 66 individuals

Vaginal agenesis                     one in 6,000 births

Ovotestes                            one in 83,000 births

Idiopathic (no discernable medical
                                     one in 110,000 births
Iatrogenic (caused by medical treatment,
for instance progestin administered to     no estimate
pregnant mother)

5 alpha reductase deficiency               no estimate
Mixed gonadal dysgenesis                   no estimate
Complete gonadal dysgenesis                one in 150,000 births

Hypospadias (urethral opening in
                                           one in 2,000 births
perineum or along penile shaft)

Hypospadias (urethral opening between
                                           one in 770 births
corona and tip of glans penis)

Total number of people whose bodies
                                           one in 100 births
differ from standard male or female

Total number of people receiving surgery
                                           one or two in 1,000 births
to “normalize” genital appearance
   “An umbrella term for people whose gender
    identity, expression, or behavior is different from
    those typically associated with their assigned sex at
    birth, including but not limited to transexuals, cross-
    dressers, androgynous people, genderqueers, and
    gender non-conforming people. Transgender is a
    broad term and is good for non-transgender people
    to use. „Trans‟ is shorthand for „transgender‟”

   Prevalence of transgenderism varies widely, from 1
    in 30,000…to 1 in 5,000…to 1 in 500 (Pleak, 2009).

   Transgender man or “transman”: individual born
    biologically female who identifies as male. Also
    referred to as “FTM” (female-to-male)

   Transgender woman or “transwoman”: individual
    born biologically male who identifies as female.
    Also referred to as “MTF” (male-to-female)

   Many transgender individuals undergo hormone therapy
    to develop secondary sexual characteristics.
    Transwomen receive estrogen, and transmen receive

   Some effects of testosterone on secondary sex
    characteristics include deepening of the voice, cessation
    of ovulation/menstruation, growth of facial and body hair,
    enlargement of the clitoris.

   Some effects of estrogen on secondary sex
    characteristics include breast growth, redistribution of
    body fat (hourglass shape), reduction of musculature,
    softening of facial contour.

   SRS may also be called gender reassignment surgery, genital
    reconstruction surgery, sex affirmation surgery, sex realignment
    surgery, or a sex-change operation.

   “Surgery” can include hysterectomy, mastectomy (“top
    surgery”), removal of the ovaries, removal of testicles, breast
    augmentation, genital reconstruction, and facial plastic surgery.

   “Pre-op”: indicates individuals who have yet to undergo SRS but
    desire it.

   “Post-op”: indicates individuals who have undergone SRS.

   “Non-op”: indicates individuals who do not desire to undergo SRS.

   Biological theories: posit that gender differences
    are “ancestrally programmed” or that hormonal
    influences are the basis of gender differences in
    social behavior.

   Psychoanalytic theories: posit that identification
    with a certain gender is a result of child adopting
    characteristics and qualities of the same-sex
   Kohlberg’s Cognitive Developmental Theory: When children
    achieve “gender consistency” they place value on their own
    gender and seek to act in ways that are consistent with their

   Kohlberg’s stages of Gender Development:

    Gender Identity: Ability to label oneself a boy or girl and others
    as boys or girls (usually by age 2).

    Gender Stability: Ability to recognize gender remains constant
    over time. “I was born a boy and will grow up to be a boy”
    (usually by age 4).

    Gender Consistency: Understanding that gender is invariant
    despite outward changes. “That woman has short hair and is
    wearing shorts but is still a woman” (usually by age 6 or 7).

   Gender Schema Theory: similar to cognitive-
    developmental theory. However, this theory posits
    that as soon as a child masters gender identity (“I
    am a boy” or “I am a girl”), gender schemas begin
    to develop. These schemas expand and grow to
    include “knowledge of activities and
    interests, personality and social attributes, and
    scripts about gender-linked activities” (Bussey &
    Bandura, 1999, p. 5).

   Social Cognitive Theory: In this theory, “gender
    conceptions and roles are the product of a broad
    network of social influences operating interdependently
    in a variety of societal subsystems. Human evolution
    provides bodily structures and biological potentialities
    that permit a range of possibilities rather than dictate a
    fixed type of gender differentiation” (Bussey & Bandura,
    1999, p. 676).

   Basically, biology is not destiny, and multiple factors
    (parents, peers, educational institutions, the media,
    culture, etc.) interact to determine gender identity.

   Transgender experiences do not readily fit into stage
    models, because they do not fit into the traditional
    gender binary construction (Bilodeau & Renn, 2005).

   “Mallon argued that it is inappropriate for social service
    practitioners to use traditional human development
    models, including those of Erikson and Marcia, because
    these theorists posit concepts of gender role
    identification in traditionally gendered, biologically based
    constructions” (Bilodeau & Renn, 2005, p. 33).

   D‟Augelli‟s model has been used to understand
    transgender development, but there is a need for the
    creation of new models.

   Many North American Indian tribes have a “third
    gender”. Called “two-spirit” (formerly “berdache”),
    these cross-gender individuals have been
    documented in over 150 groups. (Newman, 2002).

   In the Dominican Republic (guevedoche), Papua
    New Guinea, and the South Pacific, children with
    enzymatic deficiency (who have ambiguous
    genitalia) are often raised female, but if virilization
    occurs at puberty, the child is allowed to adopt a
    male identity and this change is socially accepted
    (Newman, 2002).
           CULTURES (CONT’D)

   “There is no consensus across world cultures regarding
    the appropriate traits, characteristics, and patterns of
    behavior that males and females should have” (Langer
    & Martin, 2004, p. 13).

   Even within the same country, different cultures and
    subcultures have different roles and expectations for
    men and women.

   For example, there may be more gender role equality
    among African Americans but more rigid gender roles for
    Latin American families (Langer & Martin, 2004).
            IN CHILDHOOD
   Some children express feelings of wanting to be the other sex
    as young as 1 and a half to 2 years old and pretend to be the
    other sex when playing “pretend”.

   Parents may be tolerant of such behavior up until the child
    enters school; this is commonly when parents take children to
    see psychiatrists.

   Gender variant children may be quite isolated in early school
    years. At age 8-10, teasing worsens and they may be targets
    of bullying and violence.

   Only a small number of gender variant children will remain
    gender variant into adolescence and adulthood.

   Outcomes for gender atypical children: most become gender
    typical gay and lesbian adults, some become gender typical
    straight adults, and a few will become transgender adults.
                                           (Pleak, 2009)

   Around age 11 to 13, gender atypicality or gender variance
    does not change much going forward.

   Considerable consensus that these young people will
    continue to be transgender or transexual as they mature.

(Pleak, 2009)

   Note: individuals may “transition” later in life, which may be
    due to the necessity of suppressing their gender variance until
    more freedom (or safety) is attained in adulthood.

   Angie, transgender teen, 17 years old, NYC, trans

   “Hill and Lynch proposed that puberty plays a role in the
    differentiation of masculine and feminine characteristics
    by serving as a signal to socializing others
    (parents, teachers, peers) that the adolescent is
    beginning the approach to adulthood and should begin
    to act accordingly, that is, in ways that resemble the
    stereotypical male or female adult” (Lerner &
    Steinberg, 2004, p. 240).

   "Straightlaced (a documentary) unearths how popular
    pressures around gender and sexuality are confining
    American teens."

   As Smith and Leaper (2005, p. 102) assert:

    “Noting only the relation between gender typicality and
    self-worth without considering the social context might
    imply that gender typicality per se leads to

    However, “multiple patterns of gender identity and
    adjustment exist for adolescents with peer acceptance
    being a critical mediator. Importantly, there was no
    difference in the self-worth of non-conforming and
    conforming adolescents if they felt accepted by their
    peers” (emphasis in original).

   Option of delaying puberty via hormone therapy: this
    allows a transgender adolescent to delay onset of
    secondary sex characteristics (Ex/breast growth and
    menstruation in females and facial hair growth and voice
    deepening in males) so that he or she may have more
    time to decide on a gender identity that feels right.

   As mentioned, most adolescents are very aware their
    minds and bodies don‟t “match” and have the desire to
    make their sex and gender congruent. However, for the
    few that may decide against changing their gender, the
    treatment can be stopped and genetic puberty will
    resume within 6 months.

(Spack, 2009)
               IDENTITY DISORDER
A.   A strong and persistent cross-gender identification (not
     merely a desire for any perceived cultural advantages of
     being the other sex).

B.   Persistent discomfort with his or her sex or sense of
     inappropriateness in the gender role of that sex.

C.   The disturbance is not concurrent with a physical intersex

D.   The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or
     impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of
(Under criterion A) In children, the disturbance is manifested by four (or more) of the
   repeatedly stated desire to be, or insistence that he or she is, the other sex

   in boys, preference for cross-dressing or simulating female attire; in girls, insistence
    on wearing only stereotypical masculine clothing

   strong and persistent preferences for cross-sex roles in make-believe play or
    persistent fantasies of being the other sex

   intense desire to participate in the stereotypical games and pastimes of the other

   strong preference for playmates of the other sex

    In adolescents and adults, the disturbance is manifested by symptoms such as a
    stated desire to be the other sex, frequent passing as the other sex, desire to live or
    be treated as the other sex, or the conviction that he or she has the typical feelings
    and reactions of the other sex.

(Under criterion B)

   In children, the disturbance is manifested by any of the
    following: in boys, assertion that his penis or testes are
    disgusting or will disappear or assertion that it would be better
    not to have a penis, or aversion toward rough-and-tumble play
    and rejection of male stereotypical toys, games, and activities;
    in girls, rejection of urinating in a sitting position, assertion that
    she has or will grow a penis, or assertion that she does not
    want to grow breasts or menstruate, or marked aversion
    toward normative feminine clothing.

    In adolescents and adults, the disturbance is manifested by
    symptoms such as preoccupation with getting rid of primary
    and secondary sex characteristics (e.g., request for
    hormones, surgery, or other procedures to physically alter
    sexual characteristics to simulate the other sex) or belief that
    he or she was born the wrong sex.
   Would change Gender Identity Disorder to Gender Incongruence

   For Gender Incongruence in Children, children must meet criteria
    1: "a strong desire to be of the other gender or an insistence that he
    or she is the other gender“

   "This will appropriately prevent children with a gender variant
    expression without an incongruence between gender identity and sex
    assigned at birth to receive the diagnosis, which was a common
    point of critique for DSM IV" (DeCuypere, Knudson, & Bockting,

   The distress criterion is proposed to be removed, which would make
    the diagnostic criteria "so broad that almost any transgender person
    could meet criteria for a mental disorder regardless of whether or not
    they experience clinically significant distress and desire or need
    intervention" (DeCuypere, Knudson, & Bockting, 2010).
          “MENTAL DISORDER”?

   What it means to be a “man” or a “woman” has changed over
    time and is still changing (ex: “stay-at-home dads”).

   Gender roles vary across cultures; some cultures allow for
    more than two genders. Also, gender roles vary within

   So-called “distress” or “dysphoria” is not inherent in being
    gender variant; “incongruence” is not inherently unhealthy.

   There is MUCH controversy over the GID diagnosis and many
    argue for its removal; arguments parallel those that eventually
    resulted in homosexuality being removed from the DSM in
           OUR FIELDS?

   Our conception of gender influences the questions
    we ask in research.

   The lens through which we view gender while
    performing research affects the outcome of that

   How we view gender identity influences how we
    treat transgender and gender variant
    individuals, including children.
   Being aware of LGBTQI issues helps us understand struggles
    (across the entire lifespan) that are common among these

   Awareness can also teach us to respond in ways that affirm
    individuals with a transgender or gender variant identity,
    increasing their chances for healthy outcomes. We can also
    develop important interventions, some of which may be literally
    life saving.

   For example, the suicide attempt rate for adolescents diagnosed
    with GID has been found to be as high as 50 percent (Spack,

   Other areas of concern are higher incidences of bullying, suicide,
    drug abuse, domestic violence, rape, hate crimes, homelessness,
    and HIV transmission (Youth Pride, Inc., 2010)

   Both the APA and ACA have ethical principles that
    prohibit discrimination based on gender identity
    (separate from gender).

   Broadening our view of gender identity impacts
    everyone, even “gender congruent” individuals.

   A respect for gender diversity gives all people more
    freedom to be themselves!
   Books:
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg (a transgender man)
Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us by Kate Bornstein
  (a transgender woman)
Transgender Warriors : Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis
   Rodman by Leslie Feinberg
Middlesex (a novel) by Jeffrey Eugenides

   Films:
Boys Don‟t Cry (based on the true story of Brandon Teena)
Ma Vie en Rose
Transamerica (starring Felicity Huffman)
Southern Comfort (a documentary on the life of Robert Eads, a
  transgender man)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch (an entertaining musical/comedy/drama
  about a transgender German glam rocker)
The Trevor Project: The leading national organization providing
  crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to
  lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth.

National Center for Transgender Equality: Non-profit
  organization dedicated to advancing the equality of transgender
  people through advocacy, collaboration, and empowerment.

Human Rights Campaign (HRC): The largest civil rights
  organization working to achieve equality for
  lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans.

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force: Non-profit corporation
  that works to build the grassroots political power of the LGBT
  community to win complete equality.
   American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical
    manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text rev.). Washington, DC:
   Bilodeau, B. L., & Renn, K. A. (2005). Analysis of LGBT Identity
    Development Models and Implications for Practice. New Directions
    for Student Services (111), 25-39.
   Bussey, K., & Bandura, A. (1999). Social Cognitive Theory of Gender
    Development and Differentiation. Psychological Review, 106, 676-
   DeCuypere, G., Knudson, G., & Bockting, W. (2010, May 25).
    Response of the World Professional Association for Transgender
    Health to the Proposed DSM 5 Criteria for Gender Incongruence.
    Retrieved from World Professional Association for Transgender
    Health Web site: Reaction to the
    proposed DSM - Final.pdf
   Diamond, M. (2002). Sex and Gender are Different: Sexual Identity
    and Gender Identity are Different. Clinical Child Psychology and
    Psychiatry, 7 (3), 320-334.
   Intersex Society of North America. (2008). How common is
    intersex? Retrieved from Intersex Society of North America
    Web site:
   Langer, S. J., & Martin, J. I. (2004). How Dresses Can Make
    You Mentally Ill: Examining Gender Identity Disorder in
    Children. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 21 (1), 5-
   Lerner, R. M., & Steinberg, L. (2004). Handbook of Adolescent
    Psychology. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons.
   Manners, P. J. (2009). Gender Identity Disorder in
    Adolescence: A Review of the Literature. Child and
    Adolescent Mental Health, 14 (2), 62-68.
   NCTE. (2009, May). Transgender Terminology. Retrieved from
    NCTE Web site:

   Newman, L. K. (2002). Sex, Gender and Culture: Issues in the
    Definition, Assessment and Treatment of Gender Identity
    Disorder. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 7 (3), 352-
   Pleak, R. R. (2009). Formation of Transgender Identities.
    Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 13, 282-291.
   Smith, T. E., & Leaper, C. (2005). Self-Perceived Gender
    Typicality and the Peer Context During Adolescence. Journal
    of Research on Adolescence, 16 (1), 91-103.
   Spack, N. P. (2009). An Endocrine Perspective on the Care of
    Transgender Adolescents. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental
    Health, 13, 309-319.
   Youth Pride, Inc. (2010). Statistics. Retrieved from Youth
    Pride, Inc. Web site:

   Talking With My Parents About Being Transgender

   “This footage is the first time I have EVER talked
    openly about being trans with my parents. It was
    very hard to do, but the love was strong and I was
    impressed. To feel acceptance from family is very

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From a Black and White to a Technicolor View of Gender: A Discussion on Gender Identity and Gender Variance

  • 2. TOPICS OF DISCUSSION  Let‟s talk about sex…versus gender  What does “Intersex” mean? (It‟s more common than you think!)  What does “Transgender” mean?  Hormone Therapy & Sex Reassignment Surgery  Gender Development Theories  Gender Variance Across Cultures  Gender identity development in childhood and adolescence  DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria for Gender Identity Disorder & Proposed Criteria for DSM-V  Why is studying gender identity and gender variance important?
  • 3. SEX VS. GENDER… SOME BASICS:  SEX: a term that typically describes an individual‟s anatomical structure. “Biology”  GENDER: a term that describes an imposed or adopted social and psychological condition. “Culture/Society”  GENDER ROLE: a term that describes the patterns of behavior that are learned or “acted” based on one‟s gender identification. (Diamond, 2002) *Gender role scripts, rules, and expectations vary across cultures…but more on that later!
  • 4.
  • 5. GENDER, AND EVEN SEX, ARE NOT DICHOTOMOUS CATEGORIES  Not everyone is born either “male” or “female”.  Although one‟s sex and gender are expected to be congruent, not everyone grows up feeling that the two “match”.  Historically, the concepts of masculinity and femininity have changed, and how they are defined varies across cultures.  There are many cultures that accept the existence of more than two genders-and have for centuries!  Gender and sexual orientation are NOT the same. Gender variance should not be conflated with homosexuality.
  • 6. WHAT DOES “INTERSEX” MEAN?  An intersex person is “born with external genitalia, chromosomes, or internal reproductive systems that are not traditionally associated with either a „standard‟ male or female” (NCTE, 2009).  Medical experts state that 1 in 1,500 to 1 in 2,000 infants are born with “noticeably atypical” genitalia (ISNA, 2008).  However, the actual number is likely to be significantly higher, because many variations do not show up until later in life (and some may never be noticed! ISNA, 2008).
  • 7. HOW COMMON IS INTERSEX? (FROM ISNA) Not XX and not XY one in 1,666 births Klinefelter (XXY) one in 1,000 births Androgen insensitivity syndrome one in 13,000 births Partial androgen insensitivity one in 130,000 births syndrome Classical congenital adrenal one in 13,000 births hyperplasia Late onset adrenal hyperplasia one in 66 individuals Vaginal agenesis one in 6,000 births Ovotestes one in 83,000 births Idiopathic (no discernable medical one in 110,000 births cause)
  • 8. HOW COMMON IS INTERSEX? (CONT’D) Iatrogenic (caused by medical treatment, for instance progestin administered to no estimate pregnant mother) 5 alpha reductase deficiency no estimate Mixed gonadal dysgenesis no estimate Complete gonadal dysgenesis one in 150,000 births Hypospadias (urethral opening in one in 2,000 births perineum or along penile shaft) Hypospadias (urethral opening between one in 770 births corona and tip of glans penis) Total number of people whose bodies one in 100 births differ from standard male or female Total number of people receiving surgery one or two in 1,000 births to “normalize” genital appearance
  • 9. WHAT DOES “TRANSGENDER” MEAN?  “An umbrella term for people whose gender identity, expression, or behavior is different from those typically associated with their assigned sex at birth, including but not limited to transexuals, cross- dressers, androgynous people, genderqueers, and gender non-conforming people. Transgender is a broad term and is good for non-transgender people to use. „Trans‟ is shorthand for „transgender‟” (NCTE).  Prevalence of transgenderism varies widely, from 1 in 30,000…to 1 in 5,000…to 1 in 500 (Pleak, 2009).
  • 10. TRANSGENDER TERMINOLOGY  Transgender man or “transman”: individual born biologically female who identifies as male. Also referred to as “FTM” (female-to-male)  Transgender woman or “transwoman”: individual born biologically male who identifies as female. Also referred to as “MTF” (male-to-female)
  • 11. TRANSGENDER HORMONE THERAPY  Many transgender individuals undergo hormone therapy to develop secondary sexual characteristics. Transwomen receive estrogen, and transmen receive testosterone.  Some effects of testosterone on secondary sex characteristics include deepening of the voice, cessation of ovulation/menstruation, growth of facial and body hair, enlargement of the clitoris.  Some effects of estrogen on secondary sex characteristics include breast growth, redistribution of body fat (hourglass shape), reduction of musculature, softening of facial contour.
  • 12. SEX REASSIGNMENT SURGERY  SRS may also be called gender reassignment surgery, genital reconstruction surgery, sex affirmation surgery, sex realignment surgery, or a sex-change operation.  “Surgery” can include hysterectomy, mastectomy (“top surgery”), removal of the ovaries, removal of testicles, breast augmentation, genital reconstruction, and facial plastic surgery.  “Pre-op”: indicates individuals who have yet to undergo SRS but desire it.  “Post-op”: indicates individuals who have undergone SRS.  “Non-op”: indicates individuals who do not desire to undergo SRS.
  • 13. GENDER DEVELOPMENT THEORIES: AN OVERVIEW  Biological theories: posit that gender differences are “ancestrally programmed” or that hormonal influences are the basis of gender differences in social behavior.  Psychoanalytic theories: posit that identification with a certain gender is a result of child adopting characteristics and qualities of the same-sex parent.
  • 14. GENDER DEVELOPMENT THEORIES (CONT’D)  Kohlberg’s Cognitive Developmental Theory: When children achieve “gender consistency” they place value on their own gender and seek to act in ways that are consistent with their gender.  Kohlberg’s stages of Gender Development: Gender Identity: Ability to label oneself a boy or girl and others as boys or girls (usually by age 2). Gender Stability: Ability to recognize gender remains constant over time. “I was born a boy and will grow up to be a boy” (usually by age 4). Gender Consistency: Understanding that gender is invariant despite outward changes. “That woman has short hair and is wearing shorts but is still a woman” (usually by age 6 or 7).
  • 15. GENDER DEVELOPMENT THEORIES (CONT’D)  Gender Schema Theory: similar to cognitive- developmental theory. However, this theory posits that as soon as a child masters gender identity (“I am a boy” or “I am a girl”), gender schemas begin to develop. These schemas expand and grow to include “knowledge of activities and interests, personality and social attributes, and scripts about gender-linked activities” (Bussey & Bandura, 1999, p. 5).
  • 16. GENDER DEVELOPMENT THEORIES (CONT’D)  Social Cognitive Theory: In this theory, “gender conceptions and roles are the product of a broad network of social influences operating interdependently in a variety of societal subsystems. Human evolution provides bodily structures and biological potentialities that permit a range of possibilities rather than dictate a fixed type of gender differentiation” (Bussey & Bandura, 1999, p. 676).  Basically, biology is not destiny, and multiple factors (parents, peers, educational institutions, the media, culture, etc.) interact to determine gender identity.
  • 17. TRANSGENDER DEVELOPMENT MODELS: ARE THERE ANY?  Transgender experiences do not readily fit into stage models, because they do not fit into the traditional gender binary construction (Bilodeau & Renn, 2005).  “Mallon argued that it is inappropriate for social service practitioners to use traditional human development models, including those of Erikson and Marcia, because these theorists posit concepts of gender role identification in traditionally gendered, biologically based constructions” (Bilodeau & Renn, 2005, p. 33).  D‟Augelli‟s model has been used to understand transgender development, but there is a need for the creation of new models.
  • 18. GENDER VARIANCE ACROSS CULTURES  Many North American Indian tribes have a “third gender”. Called “two-spirit” (formerly “berdache”), these cross-gender individuals have been documented in over 150 groups. (Newman, 2002).  In the Dominican Republic (guevedoche), Papua New Guinea, and the South Pacific, children with enzymatic deficiency (who have ambiguous genitalia) are often raised female, but if virilization occurs at puberty, the child is allowed to adopt a male identity and this change is socially accepted (Newman, 2002).
  • 19. GENDER VARIANCE ACROSS CULTURES (CONT’D)  “There is no consensus across world cultures regarding the appropriate traits, characteristics, and patterns of behavior that males and females should have” (Langer & Martin, 2004, p. 13).  Even within the same country, different cultures and subcultures have different roles and expectations for men and women.  For example, there may be more gender role equality among African Americans but more rigid gender roles for Latin American families (Langer & Martin, 2004).
  • 20. GENDER IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDHOOD  Some children express feelings of wanting to be the other sex as young as 1 and a half to 2 years old and pretend to be the other sex when playing “pretend”.  Parents may be tolerant of such behavior up until the child enters school; this is commonly when parents take children to see psychiatrists.  Gender variant children may be quite isolated in early school years. At age 8-10, teasing worsens and they may be targets of bullying and violence.  Only a small number of gender variant children will remain gender variant into adolescence and adulthood.  Outcomes for gender atypical children: most become gender typical gay and lesbian adults, some become gender typical straight adults, and a few will become transgender adults. (Pleak, 2009)
  • 21. GENDER IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT IN ADOLESCENCE  Around age 11 to 13, gender atypicality or gender variance does not change much going forward.  Considerable consensus that these young people will continue to be transgender or transexual as they mature. (Pleak, 2009)  Note: individuals may “transition” later in life, which may be due to the necessity of suppressing their gender variance until more freedom (or safety) is attained in adulthood.  Angie, transgender teen, 17 years old, NYC, trans
  • 22. THE GENDER INTENSIFICATION HYPOTHESIS  “Hill and Lynch proposed that puberty plays a role in the differentiation of masculine and feminine characteristics by serving as a signal to socializing others (parents, teachers, peers) that the adolescent is beginning the approach to adulthood and should begin to act accordingly, that is, in ways that resemble the stereotypical male or female adult” (Lerner & Steinberg, 2004, p. 240).  "Straightlaced (a documentary) unearths how popular pressures around gender and sexuality are confining American teens."
  • 23. PEER RESPONSE TO GENDER NON- CONFORMITY IN ADOLESCENCE  As Smith and Leaper (2005, p. 102) assert: “Noting only the relation between gender typicality and self-worth without considering the social context might imply that gender typicality per se leads to adjustment…” However, “multiple patterns of gender identity and adjustment exist for adolescents with peer acceptance being a critical mediator. Importantly, there was no difference in the self-worth of non-conforming and conforming adolescents if they felt accepted by their peers” (emphasis in original).
  • 24. TREATMENT OF TRANSGENDER ADOLESCENTS  Option of delaying puberty via hormone therapy: this allows a transgender adolescent to delay onset of secondary sex characteristics (Ex/breast growth and menstruation in females and facial hair growth and voice deepening in males) so that he or she may have more time to decide on a gender identity that feels right.  As mentioned, most adolescents are very aware their minds and bodies don‟t “match” and have the desire to make their sex and gender congruent. However, for the few that may decide against changing their gender, the treatment can be stopped and genetic puberty will resume within 6 months. (Spack, 2009)
  • 25. DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR GENDER IDENTITY DISORDER (DSM-IV-TR) A. A strong and persistent cross-gender identification (not merely a desire for any perceived cultural advantages of being the other sex). B. Persistent discomfort with his or her sex or sense of inappropriateness in the gender role of that sex. C. The disturbance is not concurrent with a physical intersex condition. D. The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
  • 26. DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR GID IN CHILDREN (DSM-IV-TR) (Under criterion A) In children, the disturbance is manifested by four (or more) of the following:  repeatedly stated desire to be, or insistence that he or she is, the other sex  in boys, preference for cross-dressing or simulating female attire; in girls, insistence on wearing only stereotypical masculine clothing  strong and persistent preferences for cross-sex roles in make-believe play or persistent fantasies of being the other sex  intense desire to participate in the stereotypical games and pastimes of the other sex  strong preference for playmates of the other sex In adolescents and adults, the disturbance is manifested by symptoms such as a stated desire to be the other sex, frequent passing as the other sex, desire to live or be treated as the other sex, or the conviction that he or she has the typical feelings and reactions of the other sex.
  • 27. DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR GID IN CHILDREN (DSM-IV-TR) (Under criterion B)  In children, the disturbance is manifested by any of the following: in boys, assertion that his penis or testes are disgusting or will disappear or assertion that it would be better not to have a penis, or aversion toward rough-and-tumble play and rejection of male stereotypical toys, games, and activities; in girls, rejection of urinating in a sitting position, assertion that she has or will grow a penis, or assertion that she does not want to grow breasts or menstruate, or marked aversion toward normative feminine clothing. In adolescents and adults, the disturbance is manifested by symptoms such as preoccupation with getting rid of primary and secondary sex characteristics (e.g., request for hormones, surgery, or other procedures to physically alter sexual characteristics to simulate the other sex) or belief that he or she was born the wrong sex.
  • 28. PROPOSED CRITERIA FOR DSM-V  Would change Gender Identity Disorder to Gender Incongruence  For Gender Incongruence in Children, children must meet criteria 1: "a strong desire to be of the other gender or an insistence that he or she is the other gender“  "This will appropriately prevent children with a gender variant expression without an incongruence between gender identity and sex assigned at birth to receive the diagnosis, which was a common point of critique for DSM IV" (DeCuypere, Knudson, & Bockting, 2010).  The distress criterion is proposed to be removed, which would make the diagnostic criteria "so broad that almost any transgender person could meet criteria for a mental disorder regardless of whether or not they experience clinically significant distress and desire or need intervention" (DeCuypere, Knudson, & Bockting, 2010).
  • 29. IS GENDER VARIANCE REALLY A “MENTAL DISORDER”?  What it means to be a “man” or a “woman” has changed over time and is still changing (ex: “stay-at-home dads”).  Gender roles vary across cultures; some cultures allow for more than two genders. Also, gender roles vary within cultures.  So-called “distress” or “dysphoria” is not inherent in being gender variant; “incongruence” is not inherently unhealthy.  There is MUCH controversy over the GID diagnosis and many argue for its removal; arguments parallel those that eventually resulted in homosexuality being removed from the DSM in 1973.
  • 30. WHY IS STUDYING GENDER IDENTITY AND GENDER VARIANCE IMPORTANT IN OUR FIELDS?  Our conception of gender influences the questions we ask in research.  The lens through which we view gender while performing research affects the outcome of that research.  How we view gender identity influences how we treat transgender and gender variant individuals, including children.
  • 31. AWARENESS LEADS TO ACTION!  Being aware of LGBTQI issues helps us understand struggles (across the entire lifespan) that are common among these populations.  Awareness can also teach us to respond in ways that affirm individuals with a transgender or gender variant identity, increasing their chances for healthy outcomes. We can also develop important interventions, some of which may be literally life saving.  For example, the suicide attempt rate for adolescents diagnosed with GID has been found to be as high as 50 percent (Spack, 2009).  Other areas of concern are higher incidences of bullying, suicide, drug abuse, domestic violence, rape, hate crimes, homelessness, and HIV transmission (Youth Pride, Inc., 2010)
  • 32. GENDER DIVERSITY ACCEPTANCE IS A SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUE!  Both the APA and ACA have ethical principles that prohibit discrimination based on gender identity (separate from gender).  Broadening our view of gender identity impacts everyone, even “gender congruent” individuals.  A respect for gender diversity gives all people more freedom to be themselves!
  • 33. SOME RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER LEARNING  Books: Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg (a transgender man) Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us by Kate Bornstein (a transgender woman) Transgender Warriors : Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman by Leslie Feinberg Middlesex (a novel) by Jeffrey Eugenides  Films: Boys Don‟t Cry (based on the true story of Brandon Teena) Ma Vie en Rose Transamerica (starring Felicity Huffman) Southern Comfort (a documentary on the life of Robert Eads, a transgender man) Hedwig and the Angry Inch (an entertaining musical/comedy/drama about a transgender German glam rocker)
  • 34. WEBSITES: The Trevor Project: The leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth. National Center for Transgender Equality: Non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the equality of transgender people through advocacy, collaboration, and empowerment. Human Rights Campaign (HRC): The largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans. National Gay and Lesbian Task Force: Non-profit corporation that works to build the grassroots political power of the LGBT community to win complete equality.
  • 35. REFERENCES:  American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text rev.). Washington, DC: Author.  Bilodeau, B. L., & Renn, K. A. (2005). Analysis of LGBT Identity Development Models and Implications for Practice. New Directions for Student Services (111), 25-39.  Bussey, K., & Bandura, A. (1999). Social Cognitive Theory of Gender Development and Differentiation. Psychological Review, 106, 676- 713.  DeCuypere, G., Knudson, G., & Bockting, W. (2010, May 25). Response of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health to the Proposed DSM 5 Criteria for Gender Incongruence. Retrieved from World Professional Association for Transgender Health Web site: Reaction to the proposed DSM - Final.pdf  Diamond, M. (2002). Sex and Gender are Different: Sexual Identity and Gender Identity are Different. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 7 (3), 320-334.
  • 36. REFERENCES  Intersex Society of North America. (2008). How common is intersex? Retrieved from Intersex Society of North America Web site:  Langer, S. J., & Martin, J. I. (2004). How Dresses Can Make You Mentally Ill: Examining Gender Identity Disorder in Children. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 21 (1), 5- 23.  Lerner, R. M., & Steinberg, L. (2004). Handbook of Adolescent Psychology. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons.  Manners, P. J. (2009). Gender Identity Disorder in Adolescence: A Review of the Literature. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 14 (2), 62-68.  NCTE. (2009, May). Transgender Terminology. Retrieved from NCTE Web site: df
  • 37. REFERENCES  Newman, L. K. (2002). Sex, Gender and Culture: Issues in the Definition, Assessment and Treatment of Gender Identity Disorder. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 7 (3), 352- 359.  Pleak, R. R. (2009). Formation of Transgender Identities. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 13, 282-291.  Smith, T. E., & Leaper, C. (2005). Self-Perceived Gender Typicality and the Peer Context During Adolescence. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 16 (1), 91-103.  Spack, N. P. (2009). An Endocrine Perspective on the Care of Transgender Adolescents. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 13, 309-319.  Youth Pride, Inc. (2010). Statistics. Retrieved from Youth Pride, Inc. Web site: ault.aspx#h
  • 38. FOREST (FTM) TALKS WITH HIS PARENTS ABOUT GROWING UP TRANS  Talking With My Parents About Being Transgender  “This footage is the first time I have EVER talked openly about being trans with my parents. It was very hard to do, but the love was strong and I was impressed. To feel acceptance from family is very important.”

Notas del editor

  1. Gender role: “How boys/girls and women/men should behave or be treated”
  2. Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Biological Sex, and Sexual Orientation can all be considered to exist on a continuum. There are innumerable combinations of the four.
  3. NCTE: National Center for Transgender Equality
  4. Increasingly, this group of conditions is being called “disorders of sex development” (DSDs).
  5. Because some statistics on the number of trans individuals have been based on the number of people seeking SRS, the number is probably much higher. Numerous individuals cannot afford SRS, are waiting to have it done, or do not want to have it done. Also, the U.S. census does not have a category for a third gender. Interestingly, Nepal added a third gender category to their census last year (2011).
  6. Note: if a person is transgender, he or she may not necessarily always want to be referred to as a “transman” or “transwoman”. Trans individuals often want to just be called the gender they identify as: man or woman. Some people are openly trans, but some people would prefer to “pass”. Still, others prefer “trans” or other variations like “genderqueer”, “gender non-conforming”, “bigender”, etc. Note: If you have a transgender or gender variant client or student, simply ask them in private how they would like to be addressed. Many trans individuals prefer pronouns that match their gender identity. If they are transmen may want to be referred to as “Mr.” or “Sir”Transwomen: “Ma’am”, “Ms.”, “Miss”, or “Mrs.”’Some people prefer “gender neutral” pronouns such as ze (instead of he/she) and hir/hirself (instead of her/his and him/herself). It is better to politely ask rather than to assume and be wrong!
  7. Some transgender individuals may desire “Sex Reassignment Surgery” (SRS) but not all of them wish to have surgery. Some individuals only utilize hormone therapy, and some may desire neither surgery nor hormone therapy.Quote from a transgender college student:I’d use the word transgender. I’d also use “non-operational female to male.” I’d also use the word “genderqueer.” I identified as a feminist before identifying as trans. It was really embedded in me. It played a big part in my decision not to have surgery. I’ve tried with my identity to not reinforce the gender binary system, and options have been limited to the trans community by focusing so much on transsexualism (involving gender reassignment surgery). The only option is, if you’re male, to become female, or vice-versa. Transgender youth have felt that binary gender system is not for them. We want to increase the number of genders (Bilodeau, 2005).
  8. 1-Basically, the belief that gender roles came about as a result of biologically driven mating preferences, reproductive demands, parental investment in child-rearing, and male aggression. 2-So, girls identify more with mom, and boys reject femininity and come to identify with dad. 3-Research to support either biological or psychoanalytic theories has been ambiguous at best and with very little empirical evidence at worst.
  9. Criticism: studies have found children (typically) show preference for their own gender and choose “gendered” toys and playmates way before age 6!
  10. Although gender schema theory would predict that the more elaborate children’s knowledge of gender is, the more they would show gender-linked preferences, there is no empirical support. Adults typically have very broad knowledge of gender stereotypes but this does not automatically mean they act more stereotypically.
  11. 1-The “two-spirit” individual transcends the male/female categories and is regarded as having a high social status in a spiritual system. 2-5-alpha-reductaseAnother Example: In Zuni tribe of North American Indians, they do not assign sex at birth regardless of genitalia because they believe it may change. Rituals are performed to “discover” the sex of an infant and to determine how the child should be reared.
  12. Also, a third gender (or even fourth, fifth, etc.) has been recognized throughout history in several cultures and religions.-Mesopotamian mythology (one of the earliest written records of humans) references a third gender, as do Ancient Egyptian pottery shards.-Hermaphroditus in Greek mythology.-Many creation myths reference three genders.-Also, references to third gender in texts of Indian spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.-The Hijra in India have been recognized for centuries (This third gender is mentioned in the Kama Sutra).-Fa'afafine may be viewed as a third gender specific to Samoan culture.A recognized and integral part of traditional Samoan culture, fa'afafine, born biologically male, embody both male and female gender traits.
  13. Example of later transition: biological males growing up in the 50’s or 60’s who feel like women, but because of the culture they grew up in had to suppress their feelings and act more “gender typical”. Many such individuals got married to a woman, had a family, and then transitioned later in life to become transwomen. (The same could go for transmen.)
  14. Clearly, this can be problematic for transgender youth whose bodies are becoming more gender-typed against their wishes.
  15. Based on this research, I would postulate that support from other social systems (such as family, religious and educational institutions, the media, the legal system, etc.) would increase self-worth in gender variant youth.
  16. Note: hormone therapy to delay puberty has been used for “precocious puberty” in children.Two important reasons to delay puberty in trans teens: Bodily changes that cause them to appear even more like the gender they do not identify as can be extremely traumatic and even greatly increase suicidality.Also, pubertal changes cannot be reversed. Although hormone therapy and SRS can alter the body later in life, these procedures and treatments are costly and can be painful (ex. mastectomy) and take years to complete. The paper begins like the others with a description of a 15 year-old girls abnormal gender role presentation: tomboyish, stocky, laconic (p. 356); her refusal to carry a purse were uncharacteristic of girls her age (p.357). Her problems began at puberty when she drank, took speed and engaged in sexual activities with boys in an attempt to make herself feel normal. At 14 she took an overdose, she said in order to die and come back as a boy (p. 357). When she realised this wasn't a solution she took up bodybuilding; unsatisfied with the results she began pursuing SRS, which she was initially denied.After a series of suicide attempts coinciding with her menstrual periods, the process of SRS began with endocrine treatment. She stabilised, changed her name to a male name and had a bilateral mastectomy and hysterectomy just after turning 18. The authors report that he continues to do well and is active in the campaign for recognition of transgender disorder and SRS.
  17. All four must be met.
  18. What are your thoughts? Do you see any inherent problems with this diagnosis?
  19. 1-perhaps this is less stigmatizing than "Disorder"? But this still treats "congruence" as the norm and "incongruence" as inherently problematic.2-Along with 5 other indicators that are similar to the current ones in DSM-IV
  20. Example: psychiatric diagnoses have been used for ages to pathologize minorities, the oppressed, and marginal groups. Political dissidents in the former Soviet Union were diagnosed as schizophrenic, 19th century African American slaves who tried to run away from their masters were diagnosed with “drapetomania” or “flight from home madness”, and women have been diagnosed with depression, agoraphobia, sexual dysfunctions, and eating disorders as a result of living in a society that values rigid, traditional sex roles for women (Langer & Martin, 2004). Also, keep in mind that homosexuality was once included in the DSM as a mental disorder.
  21. 1-Ex./Something as simple as having only “male” or “female” as options in a survey can lead to a misrepresentation of that population and cause us to overlook important data. (As well as invalidate people!)2-For example, the allocation of resources can be affected, such as when we conduct the census and limit gender categories.3-It impacts how we treat and interact with them in a clinical (i.e., therapy), instructional (i.e., school), or personal (i.e., family/friends) setting.