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Big JVM and garbage collection

                      Alexey Ragozin
                           Sep 2012
What it is all about?

• Automatic memory management,
  how it works
• Why JVM need Stop-the-World pauses
• Tuning GC in HotSpot JVM
Automatic memory management

 Languages with automatic memory management
  Java, JavaScript, Erlang, Haskell, Python, PHP, C#,
   Ruby, Perl, SmallTalk, OCaml, List, Scala, ML, Go, D, …
  … and counting
 Langauges without automatic memory managment
  C, C++, Pascal/Delphi, Objective-C
  Anything else, anyone?
How to manage memory?

Garbage – data structure (object) in memory
unreachable for the program.

How to find garbage?
 Reference counting
 Object graph traversal
 Do not collect garbage at all
Reference counting

+   Simple
+   No Stop-the-World pauses required
–   Cannot collect cyclic graphs
–   15-30% CPU overhead
–   Pretty bad for multi core systems
Object graph traversal

• Roots
   Static fields
   Local variables (stack frames)
• Reachable objects - alive
• Unreachable objects - garbage
In general, graph should not be mutated during graph
   traversal. As a consequence, application should be
   frozen for period of while runtime is collecting
Garbage collection
Copy collection
   Traverse object graph and copy reachable object to other
   Mark old space as free
Mark / Sweep
   Traverse object graph and mark reachable objects
   Scan (sweep) whole memory and “free” unmarked objects
Mark / Sweep / Compact
   … mark … sweep ….
   Relocate live objects to defragment free space
Garbage collection
S – whole heap size               Total amount
L – size of live objects           of garbage

Copy collection
 Throughput ≈ c ⋅
Mark / Sweep
                    S−L        S−L
 Throughput ≈ c1 ⋅     + c2 ⋅
                      L         S
 For all algorithms based on reference reachability.
 GC efficiency is in reverse proportion to amount of
                      live objects.
Garbage collection
Generational approach
Garbage collection
                Terms dictionary
Stop-the-world (STW) pause
  – pause of all application threads require
Compacting algorithms
  – can move objects in memory to defragment free space
Parallel collection
   – using multiple cores to reduce STW time
Concurrent collection
   – collection algorithms working in parallel with application
Garbage collection
  Throughput vs low latency
Throughput algorithms
 – minimize total time of program execution
 – economically efficient CPU utilization
Low pause algorithms
 – minimize time of individual STW pause
 – may use background (concurrent) collection
 – may incremental collection
Oracle HotSpot JVM

Throughput algorithms
 Parallel GC (-XX:+UseParallelOldGC)
 Young: Copy collector Old: Parallel Mark Sweep
Low pause algorithms
 Concurrent Mark Sweet (-XX:
 Young: Copy collector Old: Mark Sweep
 – not compacting (prone for fragmentation)
 – most work is in background
 – young collections are STW
Oracle HotSpot JVM

Low pause algorithms
  Garbage First – G1 (-XX:+UseG1GC)
  Young: Copy collector Old: Incremental copy collector
  – incremental – more STW but shorter
  – collect regions with more garbage first
  – compacting, but had problems with large objects
G1 – algorithm of future, hopefully not forever
  – bad throughput
  – pauses normally are twice longer than CMS
Garbage collection
        Generational approach
Young space collection
    High throughput
    Low memory utilization
    Eden (nursery) -> Survivor (keep) space -> Old space
Old space collection
    Better memory utilization
    Orders of magnitude lower throughput
Memory barrier
    JVM “tracks” references from old to young space
Oracle’s HotSpot JVM

Default (serial) collector
 Young: Serial copy collector, Old: serial MSC
Parallel scavenge / Parallel old GC
 Young: Parallel copy collector, Old: serial MSC or parallel
Concurrent mark sweep (CMS)
 Young: Serial or parallel copy collector, Old: concurrent mark
G1 (garbage first)
 Young: Copy collector (region based) Old: Incremental MSC
Oracle’s HotSpot JVM

Young collector                  Old collector                             JVM option
Serial (DefNew)                  Serial Mark-Sweep-Compact                 -XX:+UseSerialGC
Parallel scavenge (PSYoungGen)   Serial Mark-Sweep-Compact (PSOldGen)      -XX:+UseParallelGC
Parallel scavenge (PSYoungGen)   Parallel Mark-Sweep-Compact (ParOldGen)   -XX:+UseParallelOldGC
Serial (DefNew)                  Concurrent Mark Sweep                     -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
Parallel (ParNew)                Concurrent Mark Sweep                     -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
G1                                                                         -XX:+UseG1GC

Oracle’s Jrockit JVM

-Xgc: option                 Generational         Mark        Sweep/Compact
genconcon or gencon         Yes               concurrent     incremental
singleconcon or singlecon   No                concurrent     incremental
genconpar                   Yes               concurrent     parallel
singleconpar                No                concurrent     parallel
genparpar or genpar         Yes               parallel       parallel
singleparpar or singlepar   No                parallel       parallel
genparcon                   Yes               parallel       incremental
singleparcon                No                parallel       incremental

Azul Zing JVM

• Generational GC
• Young – Concurrent mark sweep compact
• Old – Concurrent mark sweep compact MSC)
Azul Zing can relocate objects in memory
  without STW pause.
Secret – read barrier (барьер чтения).
Requires special linux kernel modules to run
Concurrent Mark Sweep

Initial mark - Stop-The-World
 Collect root references (thread stacks) – mark them gray
 Mark them as gray

Concurrent mark - concurrent
 Do three color marking until grays exhaust
 Mark all black objects on dirty regions as gray (by card table)
 Repeat

Remark - Stop-The-World
 Final remark

Sweep - concurrent
 Scan heap and reclaim white objects
Cost structure of pauses (CMS)
             Summary of pauses
Direct memory buffers

• Memory is allocated out of heap
• Memory is deallocated when ByteBuffer is collected
• Cross platform, native java
•   Fragmentation of non-heap memory
•   Memory is deallocated when ByteBuffer is collected
•   Complicated multi thread programming
•   -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<value>

Scoped memory
• Objects can be allocated in chosen memory
• Scoped and immortal areas are not garbage
• Scoped areas can be release by whole area
• Cross references between areas are limited
  and this limitation is enforced in run time
Unsafe java

• Unsafe.allocateMemory(…)
• Unsafe.reallocateMemory(…)
• Unsafe.freeMemory(…)
Thank you
- my articles

                                Alexey Ragozin
Memory spaces in HotSpot JVM

   Memory geometry
   • Young space: -XX:NewSize=<n> -XX:MaxNewSize=<n>
   • Survival space: Young space / -XX:SurvivorRatio=<n>
   • Young + old space: -Xms<n> -Xmx<n>
   • Permanent space: -XX:PermSize=<n> -XX:MaxPerSize=<n>

* G1 has same set of spaces but they are not continuous address ranges but dynamic sets of regions
How young collection works?
Collect root references
    Stack frame references
    References from other spaces (tenured + permanent)
     does it mean scanning old space?
Travers object graph
    Visit only live object
    Copy live object to other region of young space or old space
Consider whole Eden and old survivor space to be free memory

      Write barrier is required to effectively collect
          references from old to young space.
How young collector works
       Collecting root references

                          Card marking barrier
                   Each 512 bytes of heap is associated
                   with flag (card).
                   Once reference is written in memory,
                   associated card is marked dirty.
How young collection works?
             Coping live objects

                  Card table is reset just before copy
                  collector starts to move objects.
How young collection works?
             Collection finished

                 Since every object in young space has
                 been relocated, clean card means that
                 there is no references to young space in
                 particular 512 bytes of heap.
Thread local allocation blocks
                        TLA in HotSpot JVM
 •   Each thread preallocates block in Eden
 •   Thread is allocating new objects in its TLAB
 •   Then TLAB is full, new TLAB allocated
 •   If object does not fit TLAB
     • Allocate in Eden space
        • If does not fit Eden (or ‑XX:PretenureSizeThreshold)
             • Allocate in old space
Young collection stop-the-world

  Total STW time
      Collect roots
           Scan thread stacks
           Scan dirty cards
               Read card table ~ Sheap
               Scan pages marked as dirty ~         C−
                                                          S heap
      Copy live objects
      Process special references
* You can use -XX:+PrintGCTaskTimeStamps to analyze time of individual phases
* You can use -XX:+PrintReferenceGC to analyze reference processing times
HotSpot: Old space collection

Stop-the-World Mark-Sweep-Compact
   Single threaded
   Multithreaded
Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS)
   Background collection of old space
G1 (Garbage Fisrt)
   Incremental Stop-the-Wolrd collection
HotSpot: Old space collection
                 Concurrent Mark Sweep
HotSpot’s CMS (Concurrent Mark Sweep)
•   Does not compact
•   Prone to fragmentation
•   Use separate free lists for each object size
•   Use statistic to manage fragmentation
•   Introduces 2 short STW phases
HotSpot: Old space collection
                    Incremental collection
HotSpot’s G1
•   Space is divided into regions
•   Regions can be collected individually
•   Write barrier tracks references between regions
•   Subset of regions collected during STW pause
     Live object are “evacuated” to other regions
• Young collections – all Eden regions collected
• Partial collection – few old regions collected
• Global marking is used to estimated live population
Concurrent Mark Sweep
         Three color marking
Concurrent Mark Sweep
          Three color marking
Concurrent Mark Sweep
          Three color marking
Concurrent Mark Sweep
          Three color marking
Concurrent Marking Artifacts
           SATB barrier example
Concurrent Marking Artifacts
           SATB barrier example
Concurrent Marking Artifacts
           SATB barrier example
Concurrent Marking Artifacts
           SATB barrier example
Concurrent Marking Artifacts
           SATB barrier example
Concurrent Marking Artifacts
           SATB barrier example
Concurrent Marking Artifacts
           SATB barrier example
Concurrent Mark Sweep

Initial mark - Stop-The-World
 Collect root references (thread stacks) – mark them gray
 Mark them as gray

Concurrent mark - concurrent
 Do three color marking until grays exhaust
 Mark all black objects on dirty regions as gray (by card table)
 Repeat

Remark - Stop-The-World
 Final remark

Sweep - concurrent
 Scan heap and reclaim white objects
Cost structure of pauses (CMS)
             Summary of pauses
Patching OpenJDK
                          Serial collector gain
Patching OpenJDK
                           CMS collector gain
Concurrent Mark Sweep
                               Full GC
Concurrent mode failure
If background collection cannot free memory fast enough. CMS
    will perform Stop-The-World single thread Mark-Sweep-
Promotion failure
Due to fragmentation. Old space may not have continuous block
  of memory to accommodate promoted object even if free
  space is available.
CMS will perform Stop-The-World single thread Mark-Sweep-
  Compact to defragment memory.
Common reasons for long STW
 [Times: user=0.53 sys=0.06, real=0.15 secs]
 •   Full GC
 •   OS Swapping
 •   Too many survivors in young space
 •   Long reference processing
 •   JNI delays
 •   Long CMS initial mark / remark
CMS Check list

•   jdk6u22 - jdk6u26 – broken free lists logic
•   -XX:CMSWaitDuration=…
•   -XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark=…
•   -XX:-CMSConcurrentMTEnabled
•   Consider CMS for permanent space
•   Size your heap -Xmn / -Xms / -Xmx
     Expected data + young space + CMS overhead
     CMS overhead ~30% of expected data
Tuning young collection

Eden size
 too small – frequent YGC, objects promoted to old space early
 too large – more long lived objects need to be copied
Survivor space size
 too small – overflow, objects prematurely promoted
 too large – memory wasted
Tenuring threshold
 higher – objects are kept in young space for longer
 higher – more objects in young space, more copy time
Tuning young collection

Eden size
 -XX:MaxNewSize=<n> -XX:NewSize=<n>
 Eden size = new size – 2 * survivor space size
Survivor space size
 -XX:SurvivorRatio=<n>
 Survivor space size = new size / survivor ratio
Tenuring threshold
 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=<n>
Tuning young collection

Small heap sizes
 Balance tenuring threshold / survivor space to keep objects in
  limited young space for longer

Large heap sizes (4Gb and greater)
 Limit tenuring threshold to avoid increase in copy time
 Limit survivor space to avoid accidental long young collections
 Increase Eden size instead of increasing tenuring threshold
Tuning young collection

 GC tuning is based on application allocation
 If application allocation patterns is changed –
  you are in trouble
 In practice application always have different
  “modes of operation”
 GC tuning – choosing better evil
Surviving with huge heap

• CMS is very good in terms of pauses
   You can reliably keep pauses under 150ms – 50ms
    on 30GiB – 50 GiB
• Fragmentation treat
   Not big deal for server type of applications
   XML processing is GC disaster
• Very narrow GC comfort zone
   If you tune for “long run” you are likely to have
    pauses during initial loads / bulk refreshes

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«Большие объёмы данных и сборка мусора в Java

  • 1. Big JVM and garbage collection Alexey Ragozin Sep 2012
  • 2. What it is all about? • Automatic memory management, how it works • Why JVM need Stop-the-World pauses • Tuning GC in HotSpot JVM
  • 3. Automatic memory management Languages with automatic memory management  Java, JavaScript, Erlang, Haskell, Python, PHP, C#, Ruby, Perl, SmallTalk, OCaml, List, Scala, ML, Go, D, …  … and counting Langauges without automatic memory managment  C, C++, Pascal/Delphi, Objective-C  Anything else, anyone?
  • 4. How to manage memory? Garbage – data structure (object) in memory unreachable for the program. How to find garbage?  Reference counting  Object graph traversal  Do not collect garbage at all
  • 5. Reference counting + Simple + No Stop-the-World pauses required – Cannot collect cyclic graphs – 15-30% CPU overhead – Pretty bad for multi core systems
  • 6. Object graph traversal • Roots Static fields Local variables (stack frames) • Reachable objects - alive • Unreachable objects - garbage In general, graph should not be mutated during graph traversal. As a consequence, application should be frozen for period of while runtime is collecting garbage.
  • 7. Garbage collection Algorithms Copy collection  Traverse object graph and copy reachable object to other space  Mark old space as free Mark / Sweep  Traverse object graph and mark reachable objects  Scan (sweep) whole memory and “free” unmarked objects Mark / Sweep / Compact  … mark … sweep ….  Relocate live objects to defragment free space
  • 8. Garbage collection Economics S – whole heap size Total amount L – size of live objects of garbage Copy collection S−L  Throughput ≈ c ⋅ L Mark / Sweep S−L S−L  Throughput ≈ c1 ⋅ + c2 ⋅ L S For all algorithms based on reference reachability. GC efficiency is in reverse proportion to amount of live objects.
  • 11. Garbage collection Terms dictionary Stop-the-world (STW) pause – pause of all application threads require Compacting algorithms – can move objects in memory to defragment free space Parallel collection – using multiple cores to reduce STW time Concurrent collection – collection algorithms working in parallel with application threads
  • 12. Garbage collection Throughput vs low latency Throughput algorithms – minimize total time of program execution – economically efficient CPU utilization Low pause algorithms – minimize time of individual STW pause – may use background (concurrent) collection – may incremental collection
  • 13. Oracle HotSpot JVM Throughput algorithms Parallel GC (-XX:+UseParallelOldGC) Young: Copy collector Old: Parallel Mark Sweep Compact Low pause algorithms Concurrent Mark Sweet (-XX: +UseConcMarkSweepGC) Young: Copy collector Old: Mark Sweep – not compacting (prone for fragmentation) – most work is in background – young collections are STW
  • 14. Oracle HotSpot JVM Low pause algorithms Garbage First – G1 (-XX:+UseG1GC) Young: Copy collector Old: Incremental copy collector – incremental – more STW but shorter – collect regions with more garbage first – compacting, but had problems with large objects G1 – algorithm of future, hopefully not forever – bad throughput – pauses normally are twice longer than CMS
  • 15. Garbage collection Generational approach Young space collection  High throughput  Low memory utilization Promotion  Eden (nursery) -> Survivor (keep) space -> Old space Old space collection  Better memory utilization  Orders of magnitude lower throughput Memory barrier  JVM “tracks” references from old to young space
  • 16. Oracle’s HotSpot JVM Default (serial) collector  Young: Serial copy collector, Old: serial MSC Parallel scavenge / Parallel old GC  Young: Parallel copy collector, Old: serial MSC or parallel MSC Concurrent mark sweep (CMS)  Young: Serial or parallel copy collector, Old: concurrent mark sweep G1 (garbage first)  Young: Copy collector (region based) Old: Incremental MSC
  • 17. Oracle’s HotSpot JVM Young collector Old collector JVM option Serial (DefNew) Serial Mark-Sweep-Compact -XX:+UseSerialGC Parallel scavenge (PSYoungGen) Serial Mark-Sweep-Compact (PSOldGen) -XX:+UseParallelGC Parallel scavenge (PSYoungGen) Parallel Mark-Sweep-Compact (ParOldGen) -XX:+UseParallelOldGC Serial (DefNew) Concurrent Mark Sweep -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:-UseParNewGC Parallel (ParNew) Concurrent Mark Sweep -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC G1 -XX:+UseG1GC
  • 18. Oracle’s Jrockit JVM -Xgc: option Generational Mark Sweep/Compact genconcon or gencon Yes concurrent incremental singleconcon or singlecon No concurrent incremental genconpar Yes concurrent parallel singleconpar No concurrent parallel genparpar or genpar Yes parallel parallel singleparpar or singlepar No parallel parallel genparcon Yes parallel incremental singleparcon No parallel incremental
  • 19. Azul Zing JVM • Generational GC • Young – Concurrent mark sweep compact MSC) • Old – Concurrent mark sweep compact MSC) Azul Zing can relocate objects in memory without STW pause. Secret – read barrier (барьер чтения). Requires special linux kernel modules to run
  • 21. Concurrent Mark Sweep Initial mark - Stop-The-World  Collect root references (thread stacks) – mark them gray  Mark them as gray Concurrent mark - concurrent  Do three color marking until grays exhaust  Mark all black objects on dirty regions as gray (by card table)  Repeat Remark - Stop-The-World  Final remark Sweep - concurrent  Scan heap and reclaim white objects
  • 22. Cost structure of pauses (CMS) Summary of pauses
  • 24. Direct memory buffers java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect() Pro • Memory is allocated out of heap • Memory is deallocated when ByteBuffer is collected • Cross platform, native java Con • Fragmentation of non-heap memory • Memory is deallocated when ByteBuffer is collected • Complicated multi thread programming • -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<value>
  • 25. RTSJ Scoped memory • Objects can be allocated in chosen memory areas • Scoped and immortal areas are not garbage collected • Scoped areas can be release by whole area • Cross references between areas are limited and this limitation is enforced in run time
  • 26. Unsafe java sun.misc.Unsafe • Unsafe.allocateMemory(…) • Unsafe.reallocateMemory(…) • Unsafe.freeMemory(…)
  • 27. Thank you - my articles Alexey Ragozin
  • 29. Memory spaces in HotSpot JVM Memory geometry • Young space: -XX:NewSize=<n> -XX:MaxNewSize=<n> • Survival space: Young space / -XX:SurvivorRatio=<n> • Young + old space: -Xms<n> -Xmx<n> • Permanent space: -XX:PermSize=<n> -XX:MaxPerSize=<n> * G1 has same set of spaces but they are not continuous address ranges but dynamic sets of regions
  • 30. How young collection works? Collect root references  Stack frame references  References from other spaces (tenured + permanent) does it mean scanning old space? Travers object graph  Visit only live object  Copy live object to other region of young space or old space Consider whole Eden and old survivor space to be free memory Write barrier is required to effectively collect references from old to young space.
  • 31. How young collector works Collecting root references Card marking barrier Each 512 bytes of heap is associated with flag (card). Once reference is written in memory, associated card is marked dirty.
  • 32. How young collection works? Coping live objects Card table is reset just before copy collector starts to move objects.
  • 33. How young collection works? Collection finished Since every object in young space has been relocated, clean card means that there is no references to young space in particular 512 bytes of heap.
  • 34. Thread local allocation blocks TLA in HotSpot JVM • Each thread preallocates block in Eden • Thread is allocating new objects in its TLAB • Then TLAB is full, new TLAB allocated • If object does not fit TLAB • Allocate in Eden space • If does not fit Eden (or ‑XX:PretenureSizeThreshold) • Allocate in old space
  • 35. Young collection stop-the-world  Total STW time  Collect roots  Scan thread stacks  Scan dirty cards  Read card table ~ Sheap 1  Scan pages marked as dirty ~ C− S heap  Copy live objects  Process special references * You can use -XX:+PrintGCTaskTimeStamps to analyze time of individual phases * You can use -XX:+PrintReferenceGC to analyze reference processing times
  • 37. HotSpot: Old space collection Stop-the-World Mark-Sweep-Compact  Single threaded  Multithreaded Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS)  Background collection of old space G1 (Garbage Fisrt)  Incremental Stop-the-Wolrd collection
  • 38. HotSpot: Old space collection Concurrent Mark Sweep HotSpot’s CMS (Concurrent Mark Sweep) • Does not compact • Prone to fragmentation • Use separate free lists for each object size • Use statistic to manage fragmentation • Introduces 2 short STW phases
  • 39. HotSpot: Old space collection Incremental collection HotSpot’s G1 • Space is divided into regions • Regions can be collected individually • Write barrier tracks references between regions • Subset of regions collected during STW pause  Live object are “evacuated” to other regions • Young collections – all Eden regions collected • Partial collection – few old regions collected • Global marking is used to estimated live population
  • 40. Concurrent Mark Sweep Three color marking
  • 41. Concurrent Mark Sweep Three color marking
  • 42. Concurrent Mark Sweep Three color marking
  • 43. Concurrent Mark Sweep Three color marking
  • 44. Concurrent Marking Artifacts SATB barrier example
  • 45. Concurrent Marking Artifacts SATB barrier example
  • 46. Concurrent Marking Artifacts SATB barrier example
  • 47. Concurrent Marking Artifacts SATB barrier example
  • 48. Concurrent Marking Artifacts SATB barrier example
  • 49. Concurrent Marking Artifacts SATB barrier example
  • 50. Concurrent Marking Artifacts SATB barrier example
  • 51. Concurrent Mark Sweep Initial mark - Stop-The-World  Collect root references (thread stacks) – mark them gray  Mark them as gray Concurrent mark - concurrent  Do three color marking until grays exhaust  Mark all black objects on dirty regions as gray (by card table)  Repeat Remark - Stop-The-World  Final remark Sweep - concurrent  Scan heap and reclaim white objects
  • 52. Cost structure of pauses (CMS) Summary of pauses
  • 53. Patching OpenJDK Serial collector gain
  • 54. Patching OpenJDK CMS collector gain
  • 55. Concurrent Mark Sweep Full GC Concurrent mode failure If background collection cannot free memory fast enough. CMS will perform Stop-The-World single thread Mark-Sweep- Compact. Promotion failure Due to fragmentation. Old space may not have continuous block of memory to accommodate promoted object even if free space is available. CMS will perform Stop-The-World single thread Mark-Sweep- Compact to defragment memory.
  • 57. Common reasons for long STW [Times: user=0.53 sys=0.06, real=0.15 secs] • Full GC • OS Swapping • Too many survivors in young space • Long reference processing • JNI delays • Long CMS initial mark / remark
  • 58. CMS Check list • jdk6u22 - jdk6u26 – broken free lists logic • -XX:CMSWaitDuration=… • -XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark=… • -XX:-CMSConcurrentMTEnabled • Consider CMS for permanent space • Size your heap -Xmn / -Xms / -Xmx  Expected data + young space + CMS overhead  CMS overhead ~30% of expected data
  • 59. Tuning young collection Eden size  too small – frequent YGC, objects promoted to old space early  too large – more long lived objects need to be copied Survivor space size  too small – overflow, objects prematurely promoted  too large – memory wasted Tenuring threshold  higher – objects are kept in young space for longer  higher – more objects in young space, more copy time
  • 60. Tuning young collection Eden size  -XX:MaxNewSize=<n> -XX:NewSize=<n>  Eden size = new size – 2 * survivor space size Survivor space size  -XX:SurvivorRatio=<n>  Survivor space size = new size / survivor ratio Tenuring threshold  -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=<n>
  • 61. Tuning young collection Small heap sizes  Balance tenuring threshold / survivor space to keep objects in limited young space for longer Large heap sizes (4Gb and greater)  Limit tenuring threshold to avoid increase in copy time  Limit survivor space to avoid accidental long young collections  Increase Eden size instead of increasing tenuring threshold
  • 62. Tuning young collection  GC tuning is based on application allocation pattern  If application allocation patterns is changed – you are in trouble  In practice application always have different “modes of operation”  GC tuning – choosing better evil
  • 64. Surviving with huge heap • CMS is very good in terms of pauses  You can reliably keep pauses under 150ms – 50ms on 30GiB – 50 GiB • Fragmentation treat  Not big deal for server type of applications  XML processing is GC disaster • Very narrow GC comfort zone  If you tune for “long run” you are likely to have pauses during initial loads / bulk refreshes