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Запорізька гімназія №47
              Запорізької міської ради
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      План-конспект відкритого уроку
з англійської мови в 7-А класі (з поглибленим
         вивченням іноземної мови)
         на тему: Охорона природи

                                вчитель англійської мови,
                                спеціаліст I категорії
                                Дакуніна А.В.

                      2010 р.
Тема: Охорона природи.

   Тип уроку: комбінований.

   Практична мета: удосконалювати лексико-граматичні навички з теми “The
   Environment”, the second conditional, modal verbs; практикувати учнів виражати
   особисте ставлення до проблем навколишнього середовища.

   Освітня мета: розвивати комунікативні навички.

   Розвиваюча мета: розширити кругозір учнів,             прищеплювати інтерес до
   вивчення навколишнього середовища.

   Виховна мета: розвивати активну життєву позицію, спонукати до бережного
   ставлення та захисту навколишнього середовища.

   Обладнання: підручник Tim Falla, Paul A Davies “Solutions Pre-Intermediate”,
   Oxford; мультимедійний проектор; презентація учительська “The Earth is our
   home”, учнівська “Global problems of our planet”; тематична пісня “Promise Song”;
   відеоролики “Our planet”, “The Rainforests of Indonesia”, “Protect the
   Environment!”; роздатковий матеріал: граматичні вправи MultiROM Unit 8;
   екологічний тест “How green are you?”.

   (Перед початком відкритого уроку гостям пропонується переглянути тематичний
   відеоролик “Our planet”)

   I Вступна частина

1. Організаційний момент
   T: Good morning children!
   P: Good morning teacher!
   T: I’m glad to see you. Today we have an unusual lesson. There are many guests in our
class room. Great our guests please.
   P: Good morning!
   T: Thank you. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today?
   P: I am on duty today.
   T: Who is absent today?
   P: All are present.
   T: What is the day today?
   P: Today is Saturday.
   T: What is the date today?
   P: It is the thirteenth of March.
T: Thank you. Sit down, please.
2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

  Слайд 1-2

  T: The topic of our today’s lesson is “The Earth is our home”. By the end of our lesson
  you should be able:
     - to actively use the knowledge of the vocabulary studied on the topic;
     - to use the Second Conditional;
     - to answer the global question how we can help the environment.

  Слайд 3

  Here’s the plan of our lesson. You will
    - practice the grammar (the Second Conditional);
    - watch the video “The Rainforests of Indonesia”;
    - try the quiz “How green are you?”;
    - play games;
    - read the text “Teen Action”;
    - create the environmental club.

3. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

  Фонетична розминка

  Слайд 4

  T: Now, to make your speech more fluent and to make your sound natural, let’s speak
  the tongue-twister (Додаток 1).

                        Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

     -   Listen to the tongue-twister.
     -   Listen to the tongue-twister and repeat it chorally line by line.
     -   Read the tongue-twister all together.
     -   Read the tongue-twister as quickly as you can.
         Who’s the best?
Лексична гра

  Слайд 5

  T: Let’s play the lexical game. Take the cards (Додаток 2) and divide into two groups
  (red and green). Find the topic words in the word square. I’ll give one minute.

    P       S       G       I       E       W       A       T       E       R       P
    P       O       L       L       U       T       I       O       N       H       R
    T       C       O       F       Q       R       E       U       S       E       O
    R       U       B       B       I       S       H       A       I       R       T
    E       T       A       O       R       E       C       Y       C       L       E
    E       X       L       W       A       R       M       I       N       G       C
    S       R       A       I       N       F       O       R       E       S       T

  Слайд 6

  T: Count the words. How many words have you found? Read the words.

  Ps: water, pollution, global warming, rainforest, cut, trees, rubbish, air, recycle, reuse

  II Основна частина

1. Контроль домашнього завдання

  Слайд 7
T: Let’s check your home task. It’s the group project “Global problems of our planet“
   (презентація учнівська).
   Ps: (захист групової презентації)

   Слайд 8

   T: Now, answer the questions. What is the main problem of our city? Why?
   Ps: (pupil’s answers)

2. Узагальнення знань учнів з граматики (the Second Conditional).

   Граматична гра

   Слайд 9

   T: Let’s revise some grammar rules. When do we use the Second Conditional? How do
   we form the sentences?
   Ps: We use the second conditional to describe an imaginary situation or event, and its
   result. We use the past tense in the if clause, and would/wouldn’t + verb in the main

                                If +V2, would/wouldn’t + V

   Слайд 10

   T: Let’s play the grammar game. Take the cards (Додаток 3) and divide into two
   groups (red and green). Use the Second Conditional and continue the sentences. Each
   correct sentence gets one point.

                                              If we didn’t leave taps
                  If we didn’t drop litter…

                  If we recycled plastic, If we didn’t eat fast
                  metal and glass…        food…

                  If the plants and factories
                                              If we didn’t use the
                  didn’t throw waste into
                  the sea…
If we put cans          into If we took care of animals
                  recycling bins…              and birds…

  T: Count the cards.
     Who’s the winner?

  Виконання граматичних вправ

  Слайд 11

  T→Ps: Let’s use the computers and practice the grammar exercises (MultiROM Unit 8
  grammar test). Take your places.
  Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. I’ll give you 3 minutes.

      Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets

  If we…. (recycle) more plastic bottles, we … (not have to) produce so much
  plastic. If we … (produce) less plastic, we … (burn) less oil. If we... (burn) less oil,
  there ...(not be) so many “greenhouse gases” in the atmosphere. If there … (not be)
  so many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, we … (be able to) reduce global
  warming. If we… (reduce) global warming, the Earth’s climate … (not change) so

  T: Have you done the exercise? Read the sentences.
  Ps: If we recycled more plastic bottles, we would not have to produce so much
  plastic. If we produced less plastic, we would burn less oil. If we burnt less oil, there
  would not be so many “greenhouse gases” in the atmosphere. If there were not so
  many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, we would be able to reduce global
  warming. If we reduced global warming, the Earth’s climate would not change so
  T: Take your places.

3. Розвиток навиків аудіювання з метою отримання інформації.

  Слайд 12

  T: Watch the video “The Rainforests of Indonesia”.
     Have you understood the text?
T: Now, take the cards (Додаток 4) and read the questions. Watch the video again and
 answer the questions.

 Слайд 13

    1.   What is the man’s name?
    2.   How old is he?
    3.   What is his job? Why?
    4.   What did he do six month ago? Why?
    5.   What would happen if there weren’t any rangers in the forest?

 Ps: His name is Muhtar. He is 44 years old. He is a ranger because he loves the forest
 and wants to protect it. He cut down trees in the rainforest because he didn’t have
 enough money. If there weren’t any rangers, the forest would be destroyed.

 Слайд 14

 T: What would you do if you were a ranger?

 Ps: (pupil’s answers).

4.Виконання тесту “How green are you”.

 Слайд 15

 T: How do you understand the expression “green people”?

 Ps: (pupil’s answers).

 T: How green are you? Try the quiz to find out! Let’ use the computers.

 (Виконання екологічного тесту “How green are you” (Додаток 5).

 T→Ps: Are you Green?

 Ps: (pupil’s answers).

5.Розвивати навички мовлення на основі тексту для читання.

 Слайд 16

 T: Read the text (ex.3, p.76 “Teen Action”) and complete it with the words in the box.

 T: Let’s check the task.
Key: 1. Countries; 2. environment; 3. energy; 4.letters; 5. rubbish, 6. turn off, 7. use.

 Слайд 17

 T: Answer the questions.

 How old were the members of the first Youth Eco Parliament?

 What plans did they make?

 What problems did they focus on?

 Why did they meet in Berlin?

 Which of their suggestions are easy to follow?

 Ps: (pupil’s answers).

6. Практикувати учнів виражати особисте ставлення до проблем
   навколишнього середовища. Створення клубу з захисту навколишнього

 Слайд 18

 T: Do you know any environmental organizations or clubs? Would you like to create
 your own environmental club? Let’s create it! Take the cards and divide into two
 groups (read and green).

 Here’s the club’s card (Додаток 6).

       Name your club
       Create a slogan (a phrase which describes your club’s activities)
       Write the environmental problems
       Write down your ideas and solutions (How can we help the environment?)

 I’ll give you 6 minutes.

 (фоновий відеоролик “Protect the Environment!”)

 Ps: (презентація клубів з захисту навколишнього середовища).
III Заключна частина

 Слайд 19-20

1. Домашнє завдання

      T: Invite your friends to join the club (write the invitations).

2.Підведення підсумків уроку

  T: We love the Earth. The Earth is our home! We should help the environment. Our
  future is in our hands! The lesson is over. Good bye, my friends.

  (Звучить тематична пісня “Promise Song”)
Додаток 1

Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
Додаток 2

Find the topic words in the word square

P       S      G       I      E      W    A   T   E   R    P
P       O      L       L      U      T    I   O   N   H    R
T       C      O       F      Q      R    E   U   S   E    O
R       U      B       B      I      S    H   A   I   R    T
E       T      A       O      R      E    C   Y   C   L    E
E       X      L       W      A      R    M   I   N   G    C
S       R      A       I      N      F    O   R   E   S    T

Find the topic words in the word square

P       S      G       I      E      W    A   T   E   R    P
P       O      L       L      U      T    I   O   N   H    R
T       C      O       F      Q      R    E   U   S   E    O
R       U      B       B      I      S    H   A   I   R    T
E       T      A       O      R      E    C   Y   C   L    E
E       X      L       W      A      R    M   I   N   G    C
S       R      A       I      N      F    O   R   E   S    T
Додаток 3

If we     didn’t   drop If we didn’t leave taps
litter…                 on….
If we recycled plastic, If we didn’t eat fast
metal and glass…        food…
If the plants and
                       If we didn’t use the
factories didn’t throw
waste into the sea…
If we put cans into If we took care of
recycling bins…     animals and birds…
Додаток 4

Watch the video and answer the questions.

1.   What is the man’s name?
2.   How old is he?
3.   What is his job? Why?
4.   What did he do six month ago? Why?
5.   What would happen if there weren’t any rangers in the forest?

Watch the video and answer the questions.

1.   What is the man’s name?
2.   How old is he?
3.   What is his job? Why?
4.   What did he do six month ago? Why?
5.   What would happen if there weren’t any rangers in the forest?

Watch the video and answer the questions.

1.   What is the man’s name?
2.   How old is he?
3.   What is his job? Why?
4.   What did he do six month ago? Why?
5.   What would happen if there weren’t any rangers in the forest?

Watch the video and answer the questions.

1.   What is the man’s name?
2.   How old is he?
3.   What is his job? Why?
4.   What did he do six month ago? Why?
5.   What would happen if there weren’t any rangers in the forest?
Додаток 5
Додаток 6




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2766 план конспект уроку

  • 1. Запорізька гімназія №47 Запорізької міської ради Запорізької області План-конспект відкритого уроку з англійської мови в 7-А класі (з поглибленим вивченням іноземної мови) на тему: Охорона природи підготувала: вчитель англійської мови, спеціаліст I категорії Дакуніна А.В. 2010 р.
  • 2. Тема: Охорона природи. Тип уроку: комбінований. Практична мета: удосконалювати лексико-граматичні навички з теми “The Environment”, the second conditional, modal verbs; практикувати учнів виражати особисте ставлення до проблем навколишнього середовища. Освітня мета: розвивати комунікативні навички. Розвиваюча мета: розширити кругозір учнів, прищеплювати інтерес до вивчення навколишнього середовища. Виховна мета: розвивати активну життєву позицію, спонукати до бережного ставлення та захисту навколишнього середовища. Обладнання: підручник Tim Falla, Paul A Davies “Solutions Pre-Intermediate”, Oxford; мультимедійний проектор; презентація учительська “The Earth is our home”, учнівська “Global problems of our planet”; тематична пісня “Promise Song”; відеоролики “Our planet”, “The Rainforests of Indonesia”, “Protect the Environment!”; роздатковий матеріал: граматичні вправи MultiROM Unit 8; екологічний тест “How green are you?”. (Перед початком відкритого уроку гостям пропонується переглянути тематичний відеоролик “Our planet”) I Вступна частина 1. Організаційний момент T: Good morning children! P: Good morning teacher! T: I’m glad to see you. Today we have an unusual lesson. There are many guests in our class room. Great our guests please. P: Good morning! T: Thank you. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? P: I am on duty today. T: Who is absent today? P: All are present. T: What is the day today? P: Today is Saturday. T: What is the date today? P: It is the thirteenth of March.
  • 3. T: Thank you. Sit down, please. 2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку Слайд 1-2 T: The topic of our today’s lesson is “The Earth is our home”. By the end of our lesson you should be able: - to actively use the knowledge of the vocabulary studied on the topic; - to use the Second Conditional; - to answer the global question how we can help the environment. Слайд 3 Here’s the plan of our lesson. You will - practice the grammar (the Second Conditional); - watch the video “The Rainforests of Indonesia”; - try the quiz “How green are you?”; - play games; - read the text “Teen Action”; - create the environmental club. 3. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу Фонетична розминка Слайд 4 T: Now, to make your speech more fluent and to make your sound natural, let’s speak the tongue-twister (Додаток 1). Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you - Listen to the tongue-twister. - Listen to the tongue-twister and repeat it chorally line by line. - Read the tongue-twister all together. - Read the tongue-twister as quickly as you can. Who’s the best?
  • 4. Лексична гра Слайд 5 T: Let’s play the lexical game. Take the cards (Додаток 2) and divide into two groups (red and green). Find the topic words in the word square. I’ll give one minute. P S G I E W A T E R P P O L L U T I O N H R T C O F Q R E U S E O R U B B I S H A I R T E T A O R E C Y C L E E X L W A R M I N G C S R A I N F O R E S T Слайд 6 T: Count the words. How many words have you found? Read the words. Ps: water, pollution, global warming, rainforest, cut, trees, rubbish, air, recycle, reuse II Основна частина 1. Контроль домашнього завдання Слайд 7
  • 5. T: Let’s check your home task. It’s the group project “Global problems of our planet“ (презентація учнівська). Ps: (захист групової презентації) Слайд 8 T: Now, answer the questions. What is the main problem of our city? Why? Ps: (pupil’s answers) 2. Узагальнення знань учнів з граматики (the Second Conditional). Граматична гра Слайд 9 T: Let’s revise some grammar rules. When do we use the Second Conditional? How do we form the sentences? Ps: We use the second conditional to describe an imaginary situation or event, and its result. We use the past tense in the if clause, and would/wouldn’t + verb in the main clause. If +V2, would/wouldn’t + V Слайд 10 T: Let’s play the grammar game. Take the cards (Додаток 3) and divide into two groups (red and green). Use the Second Conditional and continue the sentences. Each correct sentence gets one point. If we didn’t leave taps If we didn’t drop litter… on…. If we recycled plastic, If we didn’t eat fast metal and glass… food… If the plants and factories If we didn’t use the didn’t throw waste into cars… the sea…
  • 6. If we put cans into If we took care of animals recycling bins… and birds… T: Count the cards. Who’s the winner? Виконання граматичних вправ Слайд 11 T→Ps: Let’s use the computers and practice the grammar exercises (MultiROM Unit 8 grammar test). Take your places. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. I’ll give you 3 minutes. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets If we…. (recycle) more plastic bottles, we … (not have to) produce so much plastic. If we … (produce) less plastic, we … (burn) less oil. If we... (burn) less oil, there ...(not be) so many “greenhouse gases” in the atmosphere. If there … (not be) so many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, we … (be able to) reduce global warming. If we… (reduce) global warming, the Earth’s climate … (not change) so fast. T: Have you done the exercise? Read the sentences. Ps: If we recycled more plastic bottles, we would not have to produce so much plastic. If we produced less plastic, we would burn less oil. If we burnt less oil, there would not be so many “greenhouse gases” in the atmosphere. If there were not so many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, we would be able to reduce global warming. If we reduced global warming, the Earth’s climate would not change so fast. T: Take your places. 3. Розвиток навиків аудіювання з метою отримання інформації. Слайд 12 T: Watch the video “The Rainforests of Indonesia”. Have you understood the text?
  • 7. T: Now, take the cards (Додаток 4) and read the questions. Watch the video again and answer the questions. Слайд 13 1. What is the man’s name? 2. How old is he? 3. What is his job? Why? 4. What did he do six month ago? Why? 5. What would happen if there weren’t any rangers in the forest? Ps: His name is Muhtar. He is 44 years old. He is a ranger because he loves the forest and wants to protect it. He cut down trees in the rainforest because he didn’t have enough money. If there weren’t any rangers, the forest would be destroyed. Слайд 14 T: What would you do if you were a ranger? Ps: (pupil’s answers). 4.Виконання тесту “How green are you”. Слайд 15 T: How do you understand the expression “green people”? Ps: (pupil’s answers). T: How green are you? Try the quiz to find out! Let’ use the computers. (Виконання екологічного тесту “How green are you” (Додаток 5). T→Ps: Are you Green? Ps: (pupil’s answers). 5.Розвивати навички мовлення на основі тексту для читання. Слайд 16 T: Read the text (ex.3, p.76 “Teen Action”) and complete it with the words in the box. T: Let’s check the task.
  • 8. Key: 1. Countries; 2. environment; 3. energy; 4.letters; 5. rubbish, 6. turn off, 7. use. Слайд 17 T: Answer the questions. How old were the members of the first Youth Eco Parliament? What plans did they make? What problems did they focus on? Why did they meet in Berlin? Which of their suggestions are easy to follow? Ps: (pupil’s answers). 6. Практикувати учнів виражати особисте ставлення до проблем навколишнього середовища. Створення клубу з захисту навколишнього середовища. Слайд 18 T: Do you know any environmental organizations or clubs? Would you like to create your own environmental club? Let’s create it! Take the cards and divide into two groups (read and green). Here’s the club’s card (Додаток 6).  Name your club  Create a slogan (a phrase which describes your club’s activities)  Write the environmental problems  Write down your ideas and solutions (How can we help the environment?) I’ll give you 6 minutes. (фоновий відеоролик “Protect the Environment!”) Ps: (презентація клубів з захисту навколишнього середовища).
  • 9. III Заключна частина Слайд 19-20 1. Домашнє завдання T: Invite your friends to join the club (write the invitations). 2.Підведення підсумків уроку T: We love the Earth. The Earth is our home! We should help the environment. Our future is in our hands! The lesson is over. Good bye, my friends. (Звучить тематична пісня “Promise Song”)
  • 10. Додаток 1 Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
  • 11. Додаток 2 Find the topic words in the word square P S G I E W A T E R P P O L L U T I O N H R T C O F Q R E U S E O R U B B I S H A I R T E T A O R E C Y C L E E X L W A R M I N G C S R A I N F O R E S T Find the topic words in the word square P S G I E W A T E R P P O L L U T I O N H R T C O F Q R E U S E O R U B B I S H A I R T E T A O R E C Y C L E E X L W A R M I N G C S R A I N F O R E S T
  • 12. Додаток 3 If we didn’t drop If we didn’t leave taps litter… on…. If we recycled plastic, If we didn’t eat fast metal and glass… food… If the plants and If we didn’t use the factories didn’t throw cars… waste into the sea… If we put cans into If we took care of recycling bins… animals and birds…
  • 13. Додаток 4 Watch the video and answer the questions. 1. What is the man’s name? 2. How old is he? 3. What is his job? Why? 4. What did he do six month ago? Why? 5. What would happen if there weren’t any rangers in the forest? Watch the video and answer the questions. 1. What is the man’s name? 2. How old is he? 3. What is his job? Why? 4. What did he do six month ago? Why? 5. What would happen if there weren’t any rangers in the forest? Watch the video and answer the questions. 1. What is the man’s name? 2. How old is he? 3. What is his job? Why? 4. What did he do six month ago? Why? 5. What would happen if there weren’t any rangers in the forest? Watch the video and answer the questions. 1. What is the man’s name? 2. How old is he? 3. What is his job? Why? 4. What did he do six month ago? Why? 5. What would happen if there weren’t any rangers in the forest?
  • 16. GLOBAL PROBLEMS ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ WHAT CAN WE DO TO SOLVE THE PROBLEMS? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________