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How to write a good report

                    Tony Field
         With material from Simon Peyton Jones’s
                     “Research Skills”
Lesson 101: Get your story right
   Many projects contain good ideas, but do not distil what
    they are.
   Figure out what your story is
       What’s the problem (motivation)?
       What’s the key idea (your solution/approach)?
       What’s the likely benefit/tradeoff?
       What did you build (deliverable)? Did it work?
       What did you conclude (insight)?
       Is what you’ve produced usable/useful (utility)?
   Hint: Sketch your story on a piece of paper using simple,
    clear words. Be 100% explicit.
   Remember that your project is an investigation - finding
    out that your idea didn’t work is not the same as failing your
Example story sketch A
   The Haskell GHC RTS has a garbage collector             The problem
   Real-time applications need real-time collectors
   Classical real-time collectors rely on read
    barriers, which are expensive
                                                              The IDEA
   We can use GHC’s dynamic dispatch to build a
    really cheap barrier by “hijacking” an object’s entry
   We already pay up front for the dynamic dispatch;        The benefit
    the extra work to build the barrier is minimal
   The payoff is that there is no barrier when the
    collector is off, and only then when an object has
    yet to be copied                                            The
   We’ve built an implementation in GHC vX. It works!      deliverable
    Via benchmarking, the barrier overhead is found to

    be small – much smaller than existing schemes
   In principle, the idea can be used in any                conclusion
    implementation based on dynamic dispatch, e.g.
    the JVM                                                   The utility
Example story sketch B
   The Haskell GHC RTS has a garbage collector             The problem
   Real-time applications need real-time collectors
   Classical real-time collectors rely on read
    barriers, which are expensive
                                                              The IDEA
   We can use GHC’s dynamic dispatch to build a
    really cheap barrier by “hijacking” an object’s entry
   We already pay up front for the dynamic dispatch;        The benefit
    the extra work to build the barrier is minimal
   The payoff is that there is no barrier when the
    collector is off, and only then when an object has
    yet to be copied                                            The
   We’ve built an implementation in GHC vX. It only        deliverable
    works with one or two simple examples
   For those codes that work the overheads are                 The
    enormous                                                 conclusion
    More work is needed, but it looks like the idea
                                                              The utility

    doesn’t pay. But there is an alternative...
Report Structure
   Title
   Abstract
   Introduction
   Background
   The details
   Evaluation/Discussion
   Conclusions and further work
   Bibliography
   (Appendices)
The abstract

   An extremely condensed summary of the
    project, comprising a small number of
   Make minimal references to the
   Focus on the project content
   Hint: write the abstract last

An technique is described for incorporating Baker's incremental
garbage collection algorithm into the run-time system of the Glasgow
Haskell Compiler (GHC) at very low cost. The technique exploits the
fact that GHC objects are always accessed by jumping to “entry code”
rather than by dereferencing the object explicitly. The idea is to hijack
the entry code pointer when an object is in the transient state of being
evacuated but not scavenged. An attempt to access the object in this
state causes it to “self-scavenge” transparently before executing its
normal entry code. This supports the normally expensive read barrier,
but at very low cost as the barrier is only active when the object is in the
transient state; in particular, there is no barrier overhead at all when the
collector is off. An implementation in v4.01 of GHC is described,
together with performance results for a subset of the “nofib” benchmark
suite. These experiments show that the Baker collector can be
implemented in GHC with very short program pause times and with
negligible overhead on execution time compared with stop-the-world
Report Structure
   Title
   Abstract
   Introduction
   Background
   The details
   Evaluation/Discussion
   Conclusions and further work
   Bibliography
   (Appendices)
The introduction
       Now tell your story
         Keep it simple and to the point
         Avoid philosophical rambling
         Avoid excessive background
         Use examples to explain the problem and
          your idea
       State your contributions and where in the
        report they can be found
Example introduction
                                                                         Minimise the background
                                                                            – cut to the chase
1. Introduction
A significant drawback of automatic garbage collection is the detrimental effect it can have on the responsiveness
of a program. While the system is collecting garbage it is unavailable to user programs for useful work, and this
can cause a program to appear `dead’ for extended periods of time. This problem is caused by the fact that
garbage collection algorithms typically collect all of the system‘s free store in one go, an operation that takes time
at least proportional to the number of live objects.
This “unbounded pause” problem has been exacerbated by the tendency towards larger memories and it has
discouraged the use of garbage-collected programming languages for many interactive or real-time applications. In
the former, for example, the acid test is the responsiveness of the system when performing intensive I/O, e.g. when
tracking a mouse or performing continuous real-time animation.
An algorithm that avoids this problem, at least in the context of copying collection schemes [5], is Baker‘s
incremental algorithm [3] (an excellent general overview is also given in [7]). Baker's scheme interleaves program
execution with small incremental copying phases, causing the program to pause periodically for short periods
rather than stopping completely to perform the copy in one go.
The major problem with the implementation of Baker‘s scheme, at least in software, is the very high cost
associated with the read barrier, which is a check required at each pointer load to ensure that the referenced
object has been copied if it needs to be.
In this report a technique is developed for supporting Baker’s algorithm at very low cost in systems that already
make use of dynamic dispatch. The idea is to use the dispatch mechanism to change the behaviour of an object
depending upon its state. Blah blah…
                                                 ‘For example’s help to clarify the
                                                problem. Where possible list code.
The contributions

   The contributions drive the rest of the
    report: the report substantiates the
    claims you have made
   The reader thinks “gosh, if they can
    really deliver this, that’s be exciting; I’d
    better read on”
No “rest of the report is...”
   Not:   “The rest of the report is structured as
           follows. Chapter 2 presents the background.
            Chapter 3 ... Finally, Chapter 8
   Instead: use forward references from the
    narrative in the introduction.
Example contributions
 A simple technique is presented that exploits GHC’s                    Make the
underlying dynamic-dispatch mechanism to support the read
barrier invariant (Chapter 2). The key advantage is that there
is no barrier overhead associated with object references when          clear, e.g. by
either i. the garbage collector is off, or ii. the garbage collector
is on and the object has already been scavenged.                         a bulleted
 The idea is extended to treat stack activation records in a               list
similar way, so that stacks, too, can be collected
incrementally (Chapter 3).
 A prototype implementation for the Glasgow Haskell
Compiler (GHC) is described in detail, including some of the
key design tradeoffs (Chapter 4).
 Using benchmarks from the “nofib” suite, the average
overhead on program execution time is shown to be less than
4% for the benchmarks tested; sub-millisecond average
pause times are also achieved for all benchmarks (Chapter
Report Structure
   Title
   Abstract
   Introduction
   Background
   The details
   Evaluation/Discussion
   Conclusions and further work
   Bibliography
   (Appendices)
   Make it clear that you're aware of the
    important key work in the subject
   Provide enough detail to make the report
    as self-contained as possible, but no
   Avoid 'routine' background, e.g. An intro to
    the C programming language
   Don't quote material that’s irrelevant or
    that you haven't read
Report Structure
   Title
   Abstract
   Introduction
   Background
   The details
   Evaluation/Discussion
   Conclusions and further work
   Bibliography
   (Appendices)
The details

   Say what you did, how and why
    (“method”); this is highly project-specific
   Justify your decisions regarding design,
    tools, techniques etc.
   Emphasise the key challenges that you
    encountered and how you overcame them
Intuition first…
   Explain your ideas as if you were speaking to
    someone using a whiteboard. Only then go into
    the details.
   Conveying the intuition is primary, not
   Once your reader has the intuition, they can
    follow the details (but not vice versa)
   Even if they skip the details, they still take away
    something valuable
   ALWAYS use examples and diagrams to help
Presenting your ideas
   Do not recapitulate your personal
    journey of discovery. This route may be
    soaked with your blood, but that is not
    interesting to the reader.
   However, “failed attempts” can often add
    insight (First Attempt… Second
   Omit obvious implementation details.
    Focus instead on those that really
Report Structure
   Title
   Abstract
   Introduction
   Background
   The details
   Evaluation/Discussion
   Conclusions and further work
   Bibliography
   (Appendices)
   You must evaluate your successes and failures,
    bearing in mind what others have already done
   Make sure that each of your claimed
    contributions in the introduction is backed up
    with evidence
   Quantitative evaluation is about performing
    experiments and making sense of hard
    numerical results
   Qualitative evaluation is about making
    judgements – it is more “slippery” and
Quantitative evaluation

   Detail your experiment(s)
       The reader must be able to reproduce your
   Present results in tables and/or graphs
   Discuss the results and provide insight
   Explain interesting artefacts. Don’t leave it
    to the reader to interpret your results (this
    is the hard bit!)
Example: Detailing experiments
The experiments were conducted on a 2.8GHz Pentium IV with 1GB RAM, a 512K level-2 cache, a
16KB instruction cache and a 16KB, 4-way set-associative level-1 data cache with 32-byte lines.
The system ran Mandrake Linux 10.1 with a kernel in single-user mode. All results reported
are averages taken over five runs and are expressed as overheads with respect to reference data.
Each application was run in two configurations: one with a heap large enough for the application to
complete without causing a garbage collection (typically around 110Mb), and one with a smaller
initial heap (256kB). It is worth noting that the execution time of the application must be controlled
such that the total allocation does not exceed the larger heap value (which would result in a garbage
collection). The value is constrained to just below the amount of memory in the benchmark machine.
With profiling turned off the difference between the two execution times tells us the total cost of
garbage collection. For the new scheme the application was first executed with profiling turned on in
order to determine the total number of mutator pauses and the heap allocation rate in bytes/s. The
timings taken from runs without profiling were used to determine the mean pause time.
Each application was run with four garbage collection algorithms: stop-and-copy (with all
optimisations turned on), a traditional implementation of Baker with a software read-barrier, and the
two versions of the new scheme, EA and EB. The Baker implementation was set to scavenge at
each block allocation, as per EB. In each case the mark-ratio was 2 for the runs of EA and 2048 for
the runs of EB.

                                                                  The reader must be able
Make it absolutely clear what you                                to reproduce your results
Example: Explaining artefacts
Table 5.3 demonstrates some unusual behaviour. Averaged over all 36 benchmarks the incremental-
B schemes are actually running faster than stop-and-copy, which is unexpected. Similarly, some
applications (Bernoulli, Gamteb, Pic and Symalg) exhibit substantial speed-ups (35-79%) across all
variants of the incremental scheme. There are also significant outliers in the other direction (Paraffins
and scs, for example). Wave4main curiously exhibits extreme speed-ups across all -B variants and
extreme slow-downs across all -A variants.
Because the effects are seen across the board it suggests that it is an artefact of the incremental
nature of the garbage collector, rather than the idiosyncrasies of any particular application.
The extreme behaviours are attributable to two different aspects of incremental collector behaviour.
The extreme speed-ups are an artefact of long-lived data and the fact that stop-and-copy collection
happens instantaneously with respect to mutator execution...
The extreme slow-downs are an artefact of incremental collection cycles that are forced to
completion. The stop-and-copy collector sizes the nursery based on the amount of live data at the
end of the current cycle, while the incremental collector can only use that of the previous cycle...

                                                                      The artefact
                        The insight
Qualitative evaluation
   Try to relate experience, rather than rely on
    speculation, e.g.
       “Users were able to use the system by just being told
        the rules of the game…”
       “The use of shadows gave much better depth
        perception and made it easier to…”
       “The need to cast all numerical values to doubles was
        a universally unpopular feature…”
   Hint: be quantitative wherever possible
       E.g. size of code, time to solve a given problem,
        number of mouse clicks…
Report Structure
   Title
   Abstract
   Introduction
   Background
   The details
   Evaluation/Discussion
   Conclusions and further work
   Bibliography
   (Appendices)
Conclusions and future work

   The conclusion is not a summary of the
    project, although you might provide a brief
   Summarise those things that you have learnt
    by the end of the project, that may not have
    been obvious at the beginning
   Use the further work to suggest fixes to your
    approach and to highlight new ideas that
    warrant a new investigation
Example conclusions

8. Conclusions and Future Work
A technique has been described for incorporating Baker’s incremental garbage collection into the GHC run-time. Each
closure creates its own ‘personal’ read-barrier by manipulating its entry code-pointer during execution and garbage
collection. The technique derives its efficiency from the twin facts that these manipulations are very cheap and that they
are performed on a per-closure basis, rather than a per-pointer-load basis, as in most implementations of the read-barrier.
Experiments suggest that the new scheme carries a very low overhead, averaging less than 4% in execution time for the
benchmarks tested, with average pause times being sub-millisecond in all cases. Etc.
We have also seen that the block-based memory allocator of the GHC run-time system provides an excellent level of
granularity at which to perform incremental scavenging. By scavenging on each block allocation we can keep the
scavenger going for longer, at the expense of an increase in pause time. This substantially reduces the overheads in the
proposed scheme and provides an additional mechanism (the block size) by which to control the behaviour of the
garbage collector. Etc.
8.1 Further Work
In principle, the scheme can be applied to any system that supports pure dynamic dispatch. The Java Virtual Machine
(JVM), for example, uses dynamic dispatch to implement virtual method invocations, although other method calls are
supported using more conventional function calling mechanisms. An interesting approach would be to modify the JVM so
that all method calls are implemented by dynamic dispatch so that the technique described here can be used to support
incremental collection with minimal additional overhead. There is then an interesting performance trade-off: is it cheaper
to build a permanent read barrier in the current JVM, or to pay the price of full virtualisation and then get the read barrier
(almost) for free? This is left as an open question that is worthy of future investigation. Etc.
Report Structure
   Title
   Abstract
   Introduction
   Background
   The details
   Evaluation/Discussion
   Conclusions and further work
   Bibliography
   (Appendices)
   Cite your sources properly, e.g.
    [4] A. Printezis and A. Garthwaite, “Visualising the Train garbage
    collector”, Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on
    Memory Management (ISMM’02), ACM SIGPLAN Notices, pp.
    100-105, Berlin, June 2002. ACM Press.

    [5] The libunwind project,
   The reader should be able to locate all
    your sources of inspiration directly
Language and style
   Submit two hard copies by the deadline (NO
   More pages does not imply more marks –
    popular binder sizes are 75-100 and 100-130
       Print double sided, single-spaced
       Do not narrow or expand the margins
                      or 16pt font
        Do not use 6pt font
       Where appropriate, use an appendix for: a user guide,
        experimental data, traces, detailed proof, etc.
       Do not include program listings in the report
   Always use a spell checker
   (Always use LaTeX!)
Visual structure
   Give strong visual structure to your report
       sections and sub-sections
       bullets
       italics
       laid-out code
   Find out how to draw beautiful pictures, and
    use them
   Always refer explicitly to figures in the text
Visual structure
Make it engaging
 Use the active voice (subject-verb-object) and engage the
 reader                                              “We” = you
                                                                 and the
           NO                             YES                    reader

   It can be seen that...            We can see that...
  The code must then be         The programmer must then
analysed by the programmer          analyse the code

It might be thought that this   You might think this would be   Active verb
    would be a type error              a type error

                                            “You” = the
Use simple, direct language

             NO                                 YES
   This pattern is exemplified
                                      This is shown in Figure 5.5
    pictorially in Figure 5.5
  The object under study was
                                       The ball moved sideways
    displaced horizontally

    Endeavour to ascertain                     Find out

 It could be considered that the
                                    The garbage collector was really
speed of storage reclamation left
     something to be desired
Avoid “noise words”

                NO                                      YES
The code is then simply re-compiled           The code is then re-compiled

 The actual memory used was never          The memory used was never more
         more than 256KB                            than 256KB
In actual fact, and completely contrary
 to what might have been expected, it
                                          Surprisingly, the second approach was
 turned out that the second approach
                                                   much more efficient
 proved to be much the more efficient
                of the two

However, of course, this would break       However, this would break the type
         the type system                                system
Some other sources
Research Skills (Simon Peyton Jones) (
  ) (Thanks to Simon for providing the template for this talk)

Scientific Communication

Advice on Research and Writing

How to write plain English

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Report writing

  • 1. How to write a good report Tony Field With material from Simon Peyton Jones’s “Research Skills” ( )
  • 2. Lesson 101: Get your story right  Many projects contain good ideas, but do not distil what they are.  Figure out what your story is  What’s the problem (motivation)?  What’s the key idea (your solution/approach)?  What’s the likely benefit/tradeoff?  What did you build (deliverable)? Did it work?  What did you conclude (insight)?  Is what you’ve produced usable/useful (utility)?  Hint: Sketch your story on a piece of paper using simple, clear words. Be 100% explicit.  Remember that your project is an investigation - finding out that your idea didn’t work is not the same as failing your project
  • 3. Example story sketch A  The Haskell GHC RTS has a garbage collector The problem  Real-time applications need real-time collectors  Classical real-time collectors rely on read barriers, which are expensive The IDEA  We can use GHC’s dynamic dispatch to build a really cheap barrier by “hijacking” an object’s entry code  We already pay up front for the dynamic dispatch; The benefit the extra work to build the barrier is minimal  The payoff is that there is no barrier when the collector is off, and only then when an object has yet to be copied The  We’ve built an implementation in GHC vX. It works! deliverable Via benchmarking, the barrier overhead is found to The  be small – much smaller than existing schemes  In principle, the idea can be used in any conclusion implementation based on dynamic dispatch, e.g. the JVM The utility
  • 4. Example story sketch B  The Haskell GHC RTS has a garbage collector The problem  Real-time applications need real-time collectors  Classical real-time collectors rely on read barriers, which are expensive The IDEA  We can use GHC’s dynamic dispatch to build a really cheap barrier by “hijacking” an object’s entry code  We already pay up front for the dynamic dispatch; The benefit the extra work to build the barrier is minimal  The payoff is that there is no barrier when the collector is off, and only then when an object has yet to be copied The  We’ve built an implementation in GHC vX. It only deliverable works with one or two simple examples  For those codes that work the overheads are The enormous conclusion More work is needed, but it looks like the idea The utility  doesn’t pay. But there is an alternative...
  • 5. Report Structure  Title  Abstract  Introduction  Background  The details  Evaluation/Discussion  Conclusions and further work  Bibliography  (Appendices)
  • 6. The abstract  An extremely condensed summary of the project, comprising a small number of sentences  Make minimal references to the background  Focus on the project content  Hint: write the abstract last
  • 7. Example Abstract An technique is described for incorporating Baker's incremental garbage collection algorithm into the run-time system of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) at very low cost. The technique exploits the fact that GHC objects are always accessed by jumping to “entry code” rather than by dereferencing the object explicitly. The idea is to hijack the entry code pointer when an object is in the transient state of being evacuated but not scavenged. An attempt to access the object in this state causes it to “self-scavenge” transparently before executing its normal entry code. This supports the normally expensive read barrier, but at very low cost as the barrier is only active when the object is in the transient state; in particular, there is no barrier overhead at all when the collector is off. An implementation in v4.01 of GHC is described, together with performance results for a subset of the “nofib” benchmark suite. These experiments show that the Baker collector can be implemented in GHC with very short program pause times and with negligible overhead on execution time compared with stop-the-world schemes.
  • 8. Report Structure  Title  Abstract  Introduction  Background  The details  Evaluation/Discussion  Conclusions and further work  Bibliography  (Appendices)
  • 9. The introduction  Now tell your story  Keep it simple and to the point  Avoid philosophical rambling  Avoid excessive background  Use examples to explain the problem and your idea  State your contributions and where in the report they can be found
  • 10. Example introduction Minimise the background – cut to the chase 1. Introduction A significant drawback of automatic garbage collection is the detrimental effect it can have on the responsiveness of a program. While the system is collecting garbage it is unavailable to user programs for useful work, and this can cause a program to appear `dead’ for extended periods of time. This problem is caused by the fact that garbage collection algorithms typically collect all of the system‘s free store in one go, an operation that takes time at least proportional to the number of live objects. This “unbounded pause” problem has been exacerbated by the tendency towards larger memories and it has discouraged the use of garbage-collected programming languages for many interactive or real-time applications. In the former, for example, the acid test is the responsiveness of the system when performing intensive I/O, e.g. when tracking a mouse or performing continuous real-time animation. An algorithm that avoids this problem, at least in the context of copying collection schemes [5], is Baker‘s incremental algorithm [3] (an excellent general overview is also given in [7]). Baker's scheme interleaves program execution with small incremental copying phases, causing the program to pause periodically for short periods rather than stopping completely to perform the copy in one go. The major problem with the implementation of Baker‘s scheme, at least in software, is the very high cost associated with the read barrier, which is a check required at each pointer load to ensure that the referenced object has been copied if it needs to be. In this report a technique is developed for supporting Baker’s algorithm at very low cost in systems that already make use of dynamic dispatch. The idea is to use the dispatch mechanism to change the behaviour of an object depending upon its state. Blah blah… ‘For example’s help to clarify the problem. Where possible list code.
  • 11. The contributions  The contributions drive the rest of the report: the report substantiates the claims you have made  The reader thinks “gosh, if they can really deliver this, that’s be exciting; I’d better read on”
  • 12. No “rest of the report is...”  Not: “The rest of the report is structured as follows. Chapter 2 presents the background. Chapter 3 ... Finally, Chapter 8 concludes...”.  Instead: use forward references from the narrative in the introduction.
  • 13. Example contributions  A simple technique is presented that exploits GHC’s Make the underlying dynamic-dispatch mechanism to support the read barrier invariant (Chapter 2). The key advantage is that there contributions is no barrier overhead associated with object references when clear, e.g. by either i. the garbage collector is off, or ii. the garbage collector is on and the object has already been scavenged. a bulleted  The idea is extended to treat stack activation records in a list similar way, so that stacks, too, can be collected incrementally (Chapter 3).  A prototype implementation for the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) is described in detail, including some of the key design tradeoffs (Chapter 4).  Using benchmarks from the “nofib” suite, the average overhead on program execution time is shown to be less than 4% for the benchmarks tested; sub-millisecond average pause times are also achieved for all benchmarks (Chapter 5).
  • 14. Report Structure  Title  Abstract  Introduction  Background  The details  Evaluation/Discussion  Conclusions and further work  Bibliography  (Appendices)
  • 15. Background  Make it clear that you're aware of the important key work in the subject  Provide enough detail to make the report as self-contained as possible, but no more  Avoid 'routine' background, e.g. An intro to the C programming language  Don't quote material that’s irrelevant or that you haven't read
  • 16. Report Structure  Title  Abstract  Introduction  Background  The details  Evaluation/Discussion  Conclusions and further work  Bibliography  (Appendices)
  • 17. The details  Say what you did, how and why (“method”); this is highly project-specific  Justify your decisions regarding design, tools, techniques etc.  Emphasise the key challenges that you encountered and how you overcame them
  • 18. Intuition first…  Explain your ideas as if you were speaking to someone using a whiteboard. Only then go into the details.  Conveying the intuition is primary, not secondary  Once your reader has the intuition, they can follow the details (but not vice versa)  Even if they skip the details, they still take away something valuable  ALWAYS use examples and diagrams to help
  • 19. Presenting your ideas  Do not recapitulate your personal journey of discovery. This route may be soaked with your blood, but that is not interesting to the reader.  However, “failed attempts” can often add insight (First Attempt… Second Attempt…)  Omit obvious implementation details. Focus instead on those that really matter.
  • 20. Report Structure  Title  Abstract  Introduction  Background  The details  Evaluation/Discussion  Conclusions and further work  Bibliography  (Appendices)
  • 21. Evaluation  You must evaluate your successes and failures, bearing in mind what others have already done  Make sure that each of your claimed contributions in the introduction is backed up with evidence  Quantitative evaluation is about performing experiments and making sense of hard numerical results  Qualitative evaluation is about making judgements – it is more “slippery” and subjective
  • 22. Quantitative evaluation  Detail your experiment(s)  The reader must be able to reproduce your results  Present results in tables and/or graphs  Discuss the results and provide insight  Explain interesting artefacts. Don’t leave it to the reader to interpret your results (this is the hard bit!)
  • 23. Example: Detailing experiments The experiments were conducted on a 2.8GHz Pentium IV with 1GB RAM, a 512K level-2 cache, a 16KB instruction cache and a 16KB, 4-way set-associative level-1 data cache with 32-byte lines. The system ran Mandrake Linux 10.1 with a kernel in single-user mode. All results reported are averages taken over five runs and are expressed as overheads with respect to reference data. Each application was run in two configurations: one with a heap large enough for the application to complete without causing a garbage collection (typically around 110Mb), and one with a smaller initial heap (256kB). It is worth noting that the execution time of the application must be controlled such that the total allocation does not exceed the larger heap value (which would result in a garbage collection). The value is constrained to just below the amount of memory in the benchmark machine. With profiling turned off the difference between the two execution times tells us the total cost of garbage collection. For the new scheme the application was first executed with profiling turned on in order to determine the total number of mutator pauses and the heap allocation rate in bytes/s. The timings taken from runs without profiling were used to determine the mean pause time. Each application was run with four garbage collection algorithms: stop-and-copy (with all optimisations turned on), a traditional implementation of Baker with a software read-barrier, and the two versions of the new scheme, EA and EB. The Baker implementation was set to scavenge at each block allocation, as per EB. In each case the mark-ratio was 2 for the runs of EA and 2048 for the runs of EB. The reader must be able Make it absolutely clear what you to reproduce your results did
  • 24. Example: Explaining artefacts Table 5.3 demonstrates some unusual behaviour. Averaged over all 36 benchmarks the incremental- B schemes are actually running faster than stop-and-copy, which is unexpected. Similarly, some applications (Bernoulli, Gamteb, Pic and Symalg) exhibit substantial speed-ups (35-79%) across all variants of the incremental scheme. There are also significant outliers in the other direction (Paraffins and scs, for example). Wave4main curiously exhibits extreme speed-ups across all -B variants and extreme slow-downs across all -A variants. Because the effects are seen across the board it suggests that it is an artefact of the incremental nature of the garbage collector, rather than the idiosyncrasies of any particular application. The extreme behaviours are attributable to two different aspects of incremental collector behaviour. The extreme speed-ups are an artefact of long-lived data and the fact that stop-and-copy collection happens instantaneously with respect to mutator execution... The extreme slow-downs are an artefact of incremental collection cycles that are forced to completion. The stop-and-copy collector sizes the nursery based on the amount of live data at the end of the current cycle, while the incremental collector can only use that of the previous cycle... The artefact The insight
  • 25. Qualitative evaluation  Try to relate experience, rather than rely on speculation, e.g.  “Users were able to use the system by just being told the rules of the game…”  “The use of shadows gave much better depth perception and made it easier to…”  “The need to cast all numerical values to doubles was a universally unpopular feature…”  Hint: be quantitative wherever possible  E.g. size of code, time to solve a given problem, number of mouse clicks…
  • 26. Report Structure  Title  Abstract  Introduction  Background  The details  Evaluation/Discussion  Conclusions and further work  Bibliography  (Appendices)
  • 27. Conclusions and future work  The conclusion is not a summary of the project, although you might provide a brief reminder  Summarise those things that you have learnt by the end of the project, that may not have been obvious at the beginning  Use the further work to suggest fixes to your approach and to highlight new ideas that warrant a new investigation
  • 28. Example conclusions 8. Conclusions and Future Work A technique has been described for incorporating Baker’s incremental garbage collection into the GHC run-time. Each closure creates its own ‘personal’ read-barrier by manipulating its entry code-pointer during execution and garbage collection. The technique derives its efficiency from the twin facts that these manipulations are very cheap and that they are performed on a per-closure basis, rather than a per-pointer-load basis, as in most implementations of the read-barrier. Experiments suggest that the new scheme carries a very low overhead, averaging less than 4% in execution time for the benchmarks tested, with average pause times being sub-millisecond in all cases. Etc. We have also seen that the block-based memory allocator of the GHC run-time system provides an excellent level of granularity at which to perform incremental scavenging. By scavenging on each block allocation we can keep the scavenger going for longer, at the expense of an increase in pause time. This substantially reduces the overheads in the proposed scheme and provides an additional mechanism (the block size) by which to control the behaviour of the garbage collector. Etc. 8.1 Further Work In principle, the scheme can be applied to any system that supports pure dynamic dispatch. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM), for example, uses dynamic dispatch to implement virtual method invocations, although other method calls are supported using more conventional function calling mechanisms. An interesting approach would be to modify the JVM so that all method calls are implemented by dynamic dispatch so that the technique described here can be used to support incremental collection with minimal additional overhead. There is then an interesting performance trade-off: is it cheaper to build a permanent read barrier in the current JVM, or to pay the price of full virtualisation and then get the read barrier (almost) for free? This is left as an open question that is worthy of future investigation. Etc.
  • 29. Report Structure  Title  Abstract  Introduction  Background  The details  Evaluation/Discussion  Conclusions and further work  Bibliography  (Appendices)
  • 30. Bibliography  Cite your sources properly, e.g. [4] A. Printezis and A. Garthwaite, “Visualising the Train garbage collector”, Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM’02), ACM SIGPLAN Notices, pp. 100-105, Berlin, June 2002. ACM Press. [5] The libunwind project,  The reader should be able to locate all your sources of inspiration directly
  • 32. Submission  Submit two hard copies by the deadline (NO extensions)  More pages does not imply more marks – popular binder sizes are 75-100 and 100-130  Print double sided, single-spaced  Do not narrow or expand the margins  or 16pt font Do not use 6pt font  Where appropriate, use an appendix for: a user guide, experimental data, traces, detailed proof, etc.  Do not include program listings in the report  Always use a spell checker  (Always use LaTeX!)
  • 33. Visual structure  Give strong visual structure to your report using  sections and sub-sections  bullets  italics  laid-out code  Find out how to draw beautiful pictures, and use them  Always refer explicitly to figures in the text
  • 35. Make it engaging Use the active voice (subject-verb-object) and engage the reader “We” = you and the NO YES reader It can be seen that... We can see that... The code must then be The programmer must then analysed by the programmer analyse the code It might be thought that this You might think this would be Active verb would be a type error a type error “You” = the reader
  • 36. Use simple, direct language NO YES This pattern is exemplified This is shown in Figure 5.5 pictorially in Figure 5.5 The object under study was The ball moved sideways displaced horizontally Endeavour to ascertain Find out It could be considered that the The garbage collector was really speed of storage reclamation left slow something to be desired
  • 37. Avoid “noise words” NO YES The code is then simply re-compiled The code is then re-compiled The actual memory used was never The memory used was never more more than 256KB than 256KB In actual fact, and completely contrary to what might have been expected, it Surprisingly, the second approach was turned out that the second approach much more efficient proved to be much the more efficient of the two However, of course, this would break However, this would break the type the type system system
  • 38. Some other sources Research Skills (Simon Peyton Jones) ( ) (Thanks to Simon for providing the template for this talk) Scientific Communication Advice on Research and Writing How to write plain English