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How to Overcome Self Imposed Limitations! 
An Interview with David Oliver and Glenn Livingston 
(This is a Transcript of a Free Full Length Audio Available for Download Below) 
Glenn Livingston's companies have sold over $20,000,000 in 
consulting and/or coaching services. Glenn has worked with over 
1,000 coaching clients and directly supervised many coaches and 
psychotherapists, and his company's work and theories have 
appeared in dozens of major media. 
David Oliver is a Yale University graduate who serves a difficult 
set of niches in mental health with lay-coaching systems. (He also 
sells DVDs, CDs, Books, and eBooks). Mr. Oliver has done 
literally thousands of coaching sessions, and has gathered over 
11,000 testimonials from raving fans at last count...all while 
competing with major drug companies (as essentially a lone-wolf 
coach and small business person with less than 15 employees) for 
share of voice. David has also developed creative coaching 
techniques and systems which work with families in serious 
emotional and financial turmoil. 
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Getting Paid to Help Others 
(Overcoming Self-Imposed Limitations) 
Glenn: Hey, this is Dr. Glenn Livingston. I very much appreciate your time and attention to learn 
about how you might get paid for your love of helping others. I won't beat around the bush. 
This is about coaching which is kind of an exciting industry which has very few barriers to 
entry because you don’t necessarily need a background in psychology or counseling. You 
could refer to other people, requires very little money to start. You'd need an Internet 
connection and a telephone. You can work with clients from all around the world because 
you are the product. There really aren’t any start-up cost like inventory or franchise fees or 
just compared with some other cost of other traditional businesses. 
What I did today is I got a lay person who is one of the most successful coaches that I 
know who has literally made a fortune in coaching, has done literally thousands if not tens 
of thousands of sessions, also sells CDs and books and ebooks on the topic. He actually 
serves a population of mental health supporters with lay coaching systems. His name is 
David Oliver. David, how are you today? 
David: Good, I’m doing great, Glenn. Thanks for having me today. 
Glenn: I am really excited to have you here. David, is what I just said true in your experience? 
Did you have any trouble building a coaching business given that you didn’t have a 
background in psychology or counseling or human resources or anything like that? 
David: If I could take it back even 10 years before that, I mean 15 years, a couple of things. I was 
coached from people. I was coached, I played football, I wrestled. But what I learned over 
the years in high school and college and stuff, there were some coaches that were 
amazing, that never even really played the game. They were just very good. They were 
very good at what they did. Some of these folks - I remember the guy who coached on 
baseball. When I asked, they called it a limited career and yeah, I played freshman and 
sophomore year in high school. He was a great coach in baseball. I guess that kind of 
stuck in my head and I’ve been coached by a lot of great people that - there are no 
limitations really. It’s all in your own head. 
I’ve naturally just seen the people who are doing coaching on this mass scale. You look at 
Oprah and even Dr. Phil. Even though he’s a doctor, he’s coaching people on weight loss 
which -- he was heavy and it didn’t matter that he wasn’t a doctor specifically for weight 
loss. You look at Oprah. You look at some of these self-help individuals. If you really look 
at their background, they’re "men are from mars guys". You know, these are 
people that went to school for these things, that had a million degrees. 
Glenn: Even Tony Robbins. I’m not saying he’s the greatest or the worst or anything like that. But 
even Tony Robbins, if you listen to his back story, the way he credentializes himself is that 
he wasn’t happy with his life. He sat down and he read like 700 books and he figured this 
all out. Then he got all these great results and this is what happened. It felt like he went 
out and had a PhD in psychology or counseling or was part of a large coaching
organization or things like that. He just kind of got up and said, “Hey, I’m good at this. I 
know what I’m doing. I did it for myself and I can do it for you.” 
David: Right. I think that’s so important. The first thing that people have to beat into their heads 
and they have to keep telling themselves that it’s just like, “There are no limits. I don’t 
need to have someone bless me. I don’t need to have someone --.” I don’t mean in the 
religious sense. “I don’t need somebody else to tell me I can do it per se.” 
The reality is, what I find when you’re in the frontlines, “I’m in mental health so I’ve done 
stuff, a lot of stuff in network marketing.” You learn on the job. You learn as you're going. 
You have this foundational base that you learned from and then from there, you learn as 
you’re doing it. That’s where you get your experience and stuff like that. 
Like in my case, I didn’t need to be a psychiatrist or a psychologist to be a coach. In my 
market, people were looking for that because they kind of had it with dealing with 
psychiatrist and stuff. They wanted someone who knew what they were going through; 
they could tell them the ins and outs of how to deal with loved ones with serious mental 
illnesses and what to do. That really works to my advantage! I can look across the board, 
You look at individuals that now coach people on fighting and self defense. Some of them 
lived in bad neighborhoods and that’s now, that’s they’re doing. You look at people 
coaching people into the Amazon, I mean that sounds crazy but I met a guy doing that. 
People coaching people how to climb 14,000-foot mountains… when you talk to these 
people, they were regular people who just had a passion for something and they decided 
to turn it in a way to make money. 
Glenn: Right. Gosh, I have a whole bunch of things coming up which you’re talking about so far. 
Then I want to ask you a specific question. I think we both wholeheartedly agree that 
people tend to be their own worst enemies and place the worst limitations on themselves. 
A lot of the best coaches that we know really come out of a lay background without any 
necessarily professional training. 
We run a training and certification academy and we want to help people get trained and 
credential with us. They always ask me well, “Is it legally required that I get certified?” The 
answer to that is “No, it’s not legally required.” At least to the best of my own legal 
research (and of course you should consult your own attorney because obviously I'm not 
an attorney and this is not legal advice) There ARE laws that require that you to document 
your competence in whatever profession you choose to advertise to the public. Getting 
certified and trained with a credible organization like ours is one way that you might want to 
document your competence but it’s not the only way that you can document your 
competence. There are certainly no laws that require you to get a certification if you want 
to be a coach. 
Similarly, there are no government agencies that backup any particular coaching school or 
anything like that. There really is no state accreditation or anything like that. This is really 
a wide-open field which makes it possible for anyone to enter. 
The thing that I wanted to ask you about, which you have glossed over a little bit was you 
jumped from having been coached in sports and athletics to doing a type of talking 
coaching; that the kind of coaching that you’re doing with supporters of people that have 
serious mental health issues and serious mental health diagnoses. First of all you never 
tell people, “Hey come to my coaching. Don’t see a psychiatrist. Don’t see a 
psychologist.” You actually do in addition to it. As a matter of fact, a lot of your coaching is 
to help them be okay about finding the right one and complying with that. 
This is all talking. You’re not getting your clients out on the football field. You’re not 
getting your clients to go to the weightlifting gym or go to the Amazon or anything like that. 
This is a very specific problem in life which you have observations and experience about. 
You’ve gone out there, had gotten the word out, solicited people who are having problems 
with family members or loved ones who have these serious diagnoses instead, “Hey, let’s 
talk about it and I can help you.” I’m wondering, can you talk a little bit more about that 
leap? How did you go from the experience in sports coaching and how good that was for 
you to talk coaching? 
David: Basically, what happened was I had coaches and to sum up, they were very motivational. 
They were very tough. They'd yell at you. They had a basic set of principles that they 
created and that’s what made them win. Then they 
would just keep beating it into your head. After I helped my mom with her situation with 
bipolar disorder, I wrote a book on it. I want people to understand that it had really nothing 
to do with the book. I just wrote a book on it. What I mean write a book, let me explain so 
you don’t think the thing, “Oh, he wrote a book. Its in Barnes and Noble.” I put together an 
outline and some thoughts so to speak on what it took to help my mom get well. That’s 
what I did. I put in a MicrosoftWord Document and put in a title in 24 point font that said 
The Bipolar Supporter Manual and put my name. That’s what I called the book. It was an 
ebook. I asked some people interested and they said, “Oh, I want to talk to you one-on-one.” 
I thought that it was, “Oh, that’s great.” I said, “Okay.” So I started talking to people. 
I started realizing that these people have absolutely no idea what they’re doing. They 
literally have no clue. They reminded me of timid football players where a coach is going 
to say, “Come on, let’s go. We can win. You’re not a loser. Let’s go.” You know. 
Glenn: Interesting. 
David: That's what these people needed. More than anything, they were looking for someone to 
say, “My loved one need to go to a psychiatrist.” They’ve been walking around saying, “I 
kind of think that Jenny needs to go to a psychiatrist but I’m not really sure.” They get on 
the phone with me. This is the way my initial coaching session went. 
In the beginning, so here I am, right? I didn’t even know what I was going to do so I just 
knew I had a certain set of principles that work for my mom. They made complete sense. 
She had to go to a psychiatrist. We had to find a good psychiatrist. She had to listen to 
what the psychiatrist said. The psychiatrist was going to tell her take medications, she 
needed to do that. If she didn’t do that, I wasn’t going to talk to her ever again. She
needed to do a couple of other things and that she’d most likely be fine over time. Very, 
very simple stuff. 
When I got on my first coaching sessions with people, I said, “I’m not a doctor and I’m not a 
psychiatrist.” They said, “Oh no, I understand that." I said but I’m going to tell you what 
some of the keys to success are. Then they'd tell you that you need to get moving.” So 
they would ask. I said, “Okay, tell me your situation. This is how it is” Well, and then it 
would be some long rambling story which I'd cut off. Well, you know, I met Jimmy 19 years 
ago. Then we found out 16 years ago, he had bipolar. We did this. Then he quit his job 
and he robbed a bank. He flipped over a car. He need drugs and blah, blah, blah. I say, 
“All right, that’s enough. Done. I got it.” Because I already heard the same story. I said, 
“What did you do to get this better?” Then it would be some rambling, “Well you know, we 
sort of, he doesn’t really want to go for medications. Oh, doctors, you know, they just want 
to medicate her.” This is how our sessions have been. I'd say, “Let me ask you a question. 
Jimmy threw a phone at you the other day, what do you think Jimmy needs? He needs a 
hug? You tell me what does Jimmy needs. He needs either restraint or he needs 
medication?” “Well, yeah, you know, you're kind of right.” I said, “Now, with your timid 
attitude, do you think you’re contributing to the problem?” They're like, “Well, what do you 
mean?” I said, “Well, you don’t even think Jimmy should go to the psychiatrist." That’s 
crazy. That’s literally crazy. Jimmy has a reason to be crazy. He’s not on medications? 
You know, what’s your excuse?” We would have these sessions. Then by the end, I’m 
beating up people a little bit. At the end, they’re like, “You know what? You’re right. I need 
to go find a doctor. You know what? We can afford a doctor. You know what? I’m not 
going to take Jimmy throwing the phone at me every other week. That’s crazy. You know 
what? I’m going to tell Jimmy. Jimmy, you know what? You need to get your act together. 
We’re going to a psychiatrist or I’m done.” 
A lot of my talks were, “Let me ask you a question. How long have you been supporting 
your loved one? Fourteen years? Okay, great. You would have what I call is a losing 
team. For 14 years, in my mind, your whole management style, you’re the coach and 
you’ve been losing for 14 years. Do you think you need to do more of the same?” “What 
do you mean?” “Well, if you had another 14 years to make it 28 years, do you think Jimmy 
would get any better?” “Well, no.” “Then you need to do something different. You need to 
take action today.” 
Part of the action, I would tell people, we need to find a great psychiatrist. That is the key 
to success. Then we need to understand that psychiatrists are helpful. We need to give 
them all the information they need about Jimmy so they can make an informed decision 
about of his diagnoses and treatment. Then we need to make sure Jimmy complies. 
We’re not going to enable Jimmy. If Jimmy won't cooperate and say, "I won't take these 
meds", then you know what? You’re going to have to walk away because you’ve already 
tried it for 14 years and it hasn’t work just like a football team tries the same plays and they 
keep losing for 14 years and wondering why they’re not doing well. 
Glenn: David, I want to underscore some of the things that you say. I want to template them so 
that maybe some people listening and saying. "Well, this sounds terrific but I’m not really 
an expert in bipolar illness.” Or “I’m not really an expert in mental health."
David: Let’s talk about that. Great. 
Glenn: Essentially, what you did, and this is what most good coaches have in common. You had 
the desire to share and spare. That’s why you wrote that ebook to start with. You had this 
experience, you had some success, it was a very painful thing in your life. You really had 
figured out a couple of principles that worked. You looked around you and you said, “Well, 
why isn’t everybody doing this?Why isn’t anybody telling you to do this?” You kind of pick 
this one problem, you went after it and said, “I’m going to share my experience to try to 
spare others from the pain I’ve been through.” That’s the question I want everybody in the 
audience to be asking themselves is what is it that I've experienced that I’ve really solved 
in my life? I mean, maybe I’m not successful in this, I’m not successful in that but there’s 
something that I really know how to do that I’ve really solved. Why do I think that is and 
how can I spare others from going through that? How could I do that?” 
They are the piece of what you did is you picked a very specific problem. I think that most 
potential coaches overwhelm themselves in thinking about, “How in the world am I ever 
going to get clients? How am I going to get good at being to coach people? There are 
such a world of different problems that anybody can come to me with.” They don’t realize 
that it’s actually much more effective to pick a very specific problem and go after that 
specific problem. Because like you said, you’d heard this story a thousand times before, 
The other impact of doing that is when you’re approaching the same problem over and 
over again, you get confident a lot more quickly. It’s really confidence that I think builds a 
coach’s practice in the long run because if you’re confident that you can give clients the 
solution to the problem that’s ailing them and you’ve heard the same stories over and over 
again. You know you’re going to be able to keep them long enough for them to achieve 
the results. 
Well, at a certain critical volume, there’s going to be people that notice the results that 
you’re providing. They’re going to other people about it. You start to get referrals. I don’t 
mean to imply that this is the only way to get the word out. I wouldn’t want you to rely on 
referrals alone or from you clients alone as the way to build your practice because you do 
need to build a critical mass. But ultimately, sharing your experience, sparing others from 
the problem and picking that specific problem to go after are two very critical components 
of a successful coaching practice. 
Would you agree? Do you think there’s something else that I missed in your story that 
would help people understand how they can apply their life experience in what they want to 
help people with? 
David: No, that’s exactly it. It’s the same thing. Some of them might say, you know, people 
looking for a way out instead of a way in. What I mean by that and as a part of coaching, 
people are looking for the reason they can’t do this. They’re going to say, “Oh, I don’t have
a mom with bipolar. I didn’t do this. I didn’t do that. I don’t know mental health.” So let’s 
talk about coaches for anything. 
Glenn: David, you know what? In a few days after people get this audio, I’m going to send them a 
free ebook called "101 Real Coaching Niches". What we did is we had a researcher go out 
and find areas that real coaches were successfully working in. She wrote up exactly what 
they’re doing, who they're serving, how it’s going. Here are just some examples that you 
might not think. There's academic coaching - helping parents whose kids might not be 
getting the best grades who want to get into college or helping students themselves, 
helping college students or graduate students to do better. There’s diabetes coaching. 
There is life goal coaching. There is nursing coaching, helping nurses to develop their 
careers. There is self-esteem coaching. There is relationship coaching. There is divorce 
coaching. There is family coaching, ethics coaching, end-of-life coaching, adoption 
coaching, artist coaching, conflict coaching, your heart’s desire coaching, personal power 
coaching, women’s empowerment coaching, men’s empowerment coaching, coaching 
entrepreneurs, coaching people who own dogs and they’re having trouble with their dogs 
or a specific breed of dog. I mean it just goes on and on and on and on. Really, whatever 
life area is of most interest to you where you feel the most passion, that’s probably where 
you should start. 
The other thing I'll say is that you don’t have to marry a coaching niche. You don’t have to 
say, “Oh my God, I can’t choose because I’m going to have to stay with this niche forever. 
What if it’s the wrong one?” What you need to do is choose one, learn the skills, cut your 
teeth, develop the confidence, see that you can absorb the problems in that area, learn 
how to talk to people about it, watch how you build clients in that area. That’s a very 
transferrable skill if you want to move to a different niche later on. Really, there are 
hundreds of niches to choose from and that dramatically narrows your field of competition, 
kind of speeds your path to success. 
There are not as many coaches as people might have imagined either. As of this 
recording, there is about 20,000 active coaches in North America which if you do the math, 
it’s about one for every 15,000 people and not 
everybody wants a coach of course. But the prevalence in value of coaching is really 
becoming more in the forefront as the years go by which is kind of think of some of the 
reality shows like Biggest Loser or The Voice or all of these shows have coaches and you 
watch people get better and you see the interaction with the coach. We're really talking 
about a trend that’s on the upswing. 
But compare those 20,000 active coaches to hundreds of thousands of counselors and 
psychiatrists and psychologists and social workers and the human resource workers, you’ll 
see that between the fewer number of coaches and the fact that there’s so many niches to 
choose from that you really don’t have to be as concerned with competition as most people 
are going into it. That’s just another example of limitations that people put on themselves 
that they don’t necessarily have to. Make sense? 
David: Absolutely. That is so true. In everything you can think of, there are people coaching. 
Even the weirdest things like, I have a friend who coaches people how to get in shape
using tires, rocks, cinder blocks, rods, and pieces of wood and all kinds of bizarre things. 
Do you want to hear some crazy? Who do you think the target market is? 
Glenn: Some type of crazy, macho muscle head. Maybe the same guys that take their kids to the 
monster truck rallies? 
David: He has a ton of moms. 
Glenn: Really? 
David: Yeah. 
Glenn: No kidding. 
David: Yeah. Kids who are like 12, 14, 15, 16. Isn’t that interesting?When he told me about it, I 
was like, “This is crazy.” Yeah, he gets the young kids in there, the moms in there. I don’t 
know why but it works. He has no degree in that like it's all made up. Yeah, I guess you 
could say well, there's science to exercise but you know what I’m saying? 
Glenn: Yeah. 
David: Another coach is in-home childbirth. I met that person. They’re doing really well. I mean, 
really it's infinite. It’s only constrained with your imagination. 
Glenn: It really is. There’s so much information available online for free, like people are just 
blurting out what’s on their mind in all these different areas. You can just like go over, or search on Facebook and look and see what people are posting. 
Like let’s say you’re chocolate addiction coach. You could go over to the Facebook search 
and search for I hate chocolate or I can’t stop eating chocolate. It’ll search the 900 million 
Facebook accounts to see whose posting, "I can’t stop eating chocolate". When you find 
those people, can’t you just go and connect with them or offer them something or have a 
little audio or pamphlet or ebook that you can give to them as a way of making an 
introduction? That’s just an example of how easy it can be to market to a very niched 
problem where you can search and identify who these people are. 
Besides being able to identify who they are, since they say everything on their mind, you 
can identify the nuances of what they want. They'll talk about what happened before they 
couldn’t stop eating chocolate, what happened afterwards, what they were thinking. You 
look at their conversations with their friends about it, they’ll tweet about it, they’ll blog about 
it. It’s just ridiculous how much good information you can get about a specific problem 
these days. But you have to be willing to pick that problem and stand up and say, “Yes, I 
am a chocolate addiction coach.” “Yes, I am a mental health supporter coach.” "Yes, I am 
a bowling coach”, or whatever it happens to be. 
But what other limitations do you think people put on themselves? Why do they think that 
they can’t make money for helping people? I think sometimes people, they just feel guilty. 
They feel like maybe their religion taught them that they’re only supposed to help people
for free or maybe their parents wouldn’t think well of them for charging people to talk to 
them or help them out. What do you think about that? 
David: I don’t hear that. What I hear is just people don’t believe they can do it. I’ve been really 
cracking down some of my friends here, soon to be ex-friends unless they change their 
attitudes. I’m not even kidding. I have a friend, right? I'll tell you, he could be a baseball 
coach, a batting cage coach, a fighting coach, fighting in terms of kickboxing and stuff, a 
whole bunch of things. Five years ago, I told him to set up effectively a coaching practice 
for kids who wanted to play baseball and get into college and all the stuff, five years ago. 
This other guy, in the last two years that he knew and he quite frankly had told me, “Oh, 
that guy's a loser.” That guy set up his coaching practice. In two years, he set up the 
coaching practice, he has other coaches and he just built his own batting cage. 
Glenn: Right. 
David: My friend, he has told me at least 250 reasons why he couldn’t do it, everything. “I don’t 
have the money. I don’t do -- it’s the wrong part in Pennsylvania, this, that, the other 
thing.” The big takeaway people could listen is to this. Is that that there’s no limit. Don’t 
train your brain to think of why it won’t work, train you brain to think of how to make it work. 
Glenn: Right. 
David: That’s the big problem. I don’t find people say, “Well, you know, I’m opposed to making 
money.” They just say, “Oh, no one will pay for that. Nope, they wouldn’t." This is crazy. 
I've talked to people about coaching and the same market, the same niche, in two to three 
hours. One person had told me that people and they already didn’t have enough money. 
Another person told me they were in New Jersey. They said, “Oh my God, these people 
had too much money. They wouldn’t pay. They had too much money and it’s above that, 
in the same niche!” 
Glenn: I know. Speaking about the local market objection, yes, it’s nice to be able to coach people 
in person but because the audience opens up so much wider and because when you focus 
on a specific problem, it’s easier to reach people all over the world. The whole Internet is 
open to you to connect with people. You know, like there are people on Australia that have 
problems too. There are people in Australia who have spouses with bipolar or some type 
of mental health problem that David, you can coach them and I think you do. There are 
people in New Zealand. Then there are people in England and people in countries that 
speak other languages if you happen to speak Spanish or Portuguese or Chinese or 
Japanese. The whole world is open to you. There’s no reason to limit yourself to thinking, 
“I have to coach locally.” Because also when you coach locally, you kind of need to have 
an office and that starts to create some rent and overhead that you don’t really want to 
have in the beginning. You’d rather put that money in time into getting the word out and 
into your training and studying and certification and things like that. I think people have all 
sorts of reasons why they think they can’t do it. “I don’t have enough time.” Well, could 
you make half an hour a day? 
David: I have a different counter for that because I just heard that from my friend. “I don’t have 
enough time. What’s your plan?” I ask them, “What do you mean?” So I’m like a coach to 
him. I just said I'm not doing too well with my life coaching part is not doing well.” 
[laughter]. But this guy, in 5 years…. I said, “What you’re going to do? You’re getting 
older. Every year, all I hear is hear your complaints so what's your other 
plan? You say you don’t have time. You don’t have this. You don’t have the money. 
What’re you going to do?” It was really this conversation I think that in the last week that 
got him to say like, “Yeah, you know what? I got to make time.” 
Glenn: Sometimes, a critical question at the right time like that can make all the difference in 
someone’s life because people actually do walk around not knowing they need to have a 
plan. It’s like they’re living life on a horse without reign, just like letting the horse take them 
wherever the horse feels like going. When you’re intervening at that moment and you’re 
going to ask him a critical question like, “Well, what is your plan? What are you going to 
do? How are you going to make this better?” A lot of people, inside they go, “Wow, I 
guess I should have a plan.” [laughter] It’s easier to kind of make fun of them but we’ve all 
experienced some of that kind of living unconsciously at some point in our lives in various 
areas. Becoming more conscious is always a part of life’s process. 
But one of the great things about coaching, the one I’m trying to point out, is you can make 
a dramatic difference in people’s lives when you catch them at the right time with the right 
questions phrased in the right way. Sometimes it’s the really tough love that David 
presents. Sometimes it's a quiet kind of company keeping that makes them feel cared 
about or loved if they didn’t feel cared about or loved. Sometimes, it’s the threat of 
withdrawing your time and attention that they’ll be willing to change for. Everybody's 
different but you can have a dramatic impact on people. 
Here’s another limitation, David. People say not only, “Do I think I can do it? Do I think I 
can get paid? Is it believable?" But, "Am I worthy? Am I a worthy person to help others and 
get paid for it?” My counter to that is that it’s the wrong question. If you’re willing to be 
someone who stands up and studies specific problems and says, “I am the expert in this 
area or an expert in this area and I’m willing to pour my heart and soul into paying attention 
to you and helping you fix this problem.” Then the question really isn’t, “Are you worthy?” 
The question is “Are they worthy of you?” Because that client can suck up a lot of time and 
energy and morale. 
When you get good at this, if you do, we'll tell you, you really should get good at this. You 
should have more clients than you can handle sooner than you think that it will be. I know 
that sounds like, “Well dude, that’s a good problem to have” or “maybe we’re selling to you” 
or something like that. I guess we are selling a little bit. But I really think that people have 
to guard their practices and be very careful about taking people on who are going to be 
very difficult to deal with and not grateful and mostly complainers. 
I think that the real question is, “Are these people worthy of you?” I think when you start 
asking that question, your whole attitude changes. Your whole perspective changes and 
that limitation just melts away. Make sense?
David: Yeah. I want to add to that. That’s when the certification comes in, make a dime off of 
Glenn's certification. What I’ve realized that may just tell people just do it, there’s a 
platform they need and that’s why certification makes sense because this is a lot of the 
stuff that you talked about, a whole bunch of other stuff that get you this foundational 
knowledge that a lot of people really do need. It is true. I know that a lot of people who 
just jump into coaching, they don’t have that foundational knowledge especially about who 
not to take on and who to cut off; they’re going to go crazy half the time. 
Glenn: Thank you, David. I appreciate you saying it. The other reason that this certification and 
training is important, there’s a couple of reasons. One is that inevitably coaches make 
mistakes in the beginning. It can be a very isolating profession. If you just go at there by 
yourself and you don’t really have someone who’s worked with thousands of clients and 
really made a living out of this and supervises people, if you don’t have that kind of expert 
feedback in the beginning, it could be kind of disheartening. Because even though, just 
like David when you’re coaching bipolar supporters, there’s really just a handful of 
principles that distinguish success from failure to help people to stop being so timid, get 
into a psychiatrist, give them a couple of strategies to get them to a psychiatrist to kind of 
motivate them, make it toxic for them to keep doing what they’re doing and just make the 
status quo toxic so they move forward. You figured out there’s a couple of principles. 
There are really just a handful of principles that coaches need to know in order to be 
successful. But if you don’t have someone to feed those principles to you and point out to 
you when you’re varying from those principles and motivate you to do what sometimes is 
not human nature, like it’s only human nature to ask, “Gee, I don’t think I’m worthy.” It’s 
only human nature to take anybody who knocks on your door. It’s only human nature to 
just pick up the phone and answer when someone, a perspective client is calling. All those 
things are wrong from the perspective of a coach who really wants to build their practice. 
Going through a formal certification and training for a few months at a very reasonable 
price and getting feedback from not only master coaches but also from your peers and 
looking what they struggled with and having the opportunity to observe other people 
making mistakes and getting gentle feedback to correct them, 
it’s a learning environment you really can’t replicate. You just can’t replicate that on your 
The other reason is that when you adopt a niched coaching philosophy, you wind up 
building a referral-based more quickly because let’s say, there’s 12 other people in your 
class. It’s a very interactive class so people really got to know each other well and we do 
exercises together and we practice and we interview each other and give each other 
feedback and all that kind of thing. Let’s say that one of them is an adoption coach, 
another one is a chocolate addiction coach and another one is a general weight loss coach 
and another one is a hiking coach, right? You all get to know each other’s specialties. You 
get to know each other’s elevator pitches, you get know each other’s points of difference 
and real reasons that it’s good to work with you as opposed to anybody else in the world. 
You start referring to each other. It’s in some ways easier to go out and look for clients for 
someone else than it is to look for clients for yourself. You start to build a referral-based, 
you make connections with people who really become a support network for you for the 
rest of your coaching career if not your life. You get the training and certification to develop
confidence quickly. As compared to other certifications, we’re a lot more affordable. I think 
we’re a lot more credible. 
Now, if you’re interested in having your clients look to see where you got certified, we have 
a board of people from very prestigious universities and organizations and people from 
Yale and Harvard. Not that that’s really the most critical thing. I mean, I think that’s really 
more about image for clients that don’t know you. Once the clients know, they really 
shouldn’t care about those kinds of things. But when you kind of need some credibility to 
fall back on, it’s nice to know that it’s there. We have a guarantee that’s unmatched by 
most if not all of our competitors. Head on over to and read 
about the details of our program, what we have to offer and what are our guarantee is. I 
think you’d be hard-pressed to find the training elsewhere. 
I know that there are a lot of choices out there. I know that people are comparing and 
contrasting a lot of things but I think if you listen to the kinds of things you hear in this audio 
and some of the future audios to come and the cheat sheets and transcripts and you just 
kind of look at the depth of free materials that we give, you might want to ask yourself, 
“Well, if they give so much to me for free, how much more are they going to give me in the 
certification itself?” Whereas, do you believe that the other organizations who are mostly 
just doing selling for free? Do you believe that they’re going to suddenly turned generous 
when they get into the certification and training? I don’t think so. 
This is really a mission for us. It’s kind of what I was born and bred to do. I came from a 
family of 17 therapists and counselors and social workers. What they didn’t know at the 
time was that after people sent them as resolved, they actually kind of kept them. They 
called it therapy but things really changed coaching like goal setting and resolving 
obstacles to those goals, kind of moving forward as opposed to healing. I’m kind of born 
and bred with this. I’m born and bred with the helping profession in my soul. This is what I 
meant to do. This is what I really want to give people. This is what I want to share and 
spare others from having to suffer with because there are a lot of simple obstacles that can 
prevent people from succeeding. I really know how to teach people how to overcome them 
and that’s why I’m willing to guarantee it. I guess that’s all I really have to say about this. 
Excuse me for being a immodest and maybe tooting my own horn for a little bit. But David, 
do you have anything else you like to add? 
David: One thing I wanted to say, go backwards a little bit because I think one objection because I 
really want people to get into coaching. You really should. The world needs coaches. 
One thing that people have been saying to me when I’ve been telling people to get into 
coaching is, “Oh, there’s too much, so much free stuff in the Internet.” That’s great 
because what’s happening is there’s so much free stuff on the Internet that’s somebody 
needs to bear it through and tells them what the bottom line. My dad has a whole bunch of 
medical problems. I wish I could go call a coach who would just -- not even a doctor that 
would tell me, “Read this article, go to that guy, think this way”, because it’s very confusing. 
The fact that there’s so much more information is only going to help your coaching 
Glenn: What I tell people is that first of all, if the answers to people’s problems were as readily 
available in the free information online as you thought that they were, then the average 
number of searches when someone logged on to Google would be one because they’d 
searched for what they wanted and they'd finally answer and they would read it and they 
would be done. But it’s not true. The average numbers between five and seven in the last 
study that I saw so there’s a tremendous amount of frustration online. 
People don’t like to search, they like to solve. What everybody really wants is like a loving 
uncle or an aunt or older brother or older sister to sit down with them and say, “You know, 
Joe, this is the way it is. You’re having this problem. This is what you need to do. I know 
because I’ve done it. I’ve helped all these other people do it. You can really trust me. If 
you have any questions about it, why don’t you ask me and I’ll explain it to you?” People 
really prefer - most people, some very erudite, educated people prefer to 
lock themselves in the library and figure it out themselves but for the most part, the masses 
prefer to be coached. They prefer to have an intimate communication with another human 
being that they trust, get the answers, solve the problems, and then asked themselves 
what else can this person solve for you? That’s the last thing I wanted to mention. 
Because what I forgot to mention when we’re talking about niching yourself was that when 
you work with a given client, let’s say I’m a chocolate addiction coach and let’s say I 
worked with a person and I helped them get off chocolate. They lose 30 pounds and 
they’re really happy. Most people think that well, that’s the end. For some clients it is. 
Some clients that’s all they really wanted. Maybe talk to them a little about maintenance so 
you have a couple of maintenance sessions. But most people, when you solve a very 
significant problem for them and you did it in the context of a constructive, communicative, 
somewhat intimate relationship, it’s only natural for them to think, “Well, what else you got? 
What else can you help me with?” That’s when you turn to the different areas of your life. 
You ask them to describe other problems. You rely on your more general problem-solving 
skills. You can kind of evolve to being more of the life coach that everybody seems to want 
to be. It’s just that the way that you bring people in and the initial problems that you solve 
are really more focused and short-term. But if you keep at it, you wind up with the practice 
full of people that talk to you about all sorts of things and really give you the opportunity to 
help them with their lives in amazing ways, amazing, amazing ways. It really enriches you. 
I used to think the best thing about being a coach was going to be that I can just live where 
I wanted to and work when I wanted to from wherever I wanted to on my own schedule and 
make a really good income, that kind of thing. But I think, really the best thing about being 
a coach are the stories that get inside you because in the course of listening to people 
about their particular problem that they have, they tell you things they'll tell nobody else in 
the world. You hear how they have solved other problems in their life in ways that nobody 
else has solved them. It makes you stronger and stronger and stronger. It just makes you 
feel more solid inside and kind of better about what you’re doing. Then better able to help 
other people with those stories. 
I just think it’s an amazing profession. I don’t understand why more people aren’t doing it. 
I think the limitations and roadblocks people put up are mostly of their own making. You 
know, like Togue said, “I’ve met the enemy and he is me, she is me.” I really would hope 
that people at the very, very least, go over to . Have a look
at what we have to offer. It’s guaranteed. It’s affordable. In just a few months, you can be 
a certified professional coach with the ability to build a 
thriving practice from anywhere, guaranteed. 
David, anything else that I left out? 
David: No. I wanted to tell you one last success story too. I coached a lady. She actually had 
bipolar disorder so she became a coach for people that wanted to have green grass. 
Glenn: Really? 
David: Yeah. People shouldn’t think that’s crazy because there are a lot of people who want 
green grass. You think about it, right? I mean, you don’t really want yellow grass. 
Glenn: No. It impacts the value of your house if you’re reselling it. It impacts the value of the 
neighborhood houses. People bother you if you don’t have green grass. There are a lot 
people out there with lawns. 
David: Right. 
Glenn: It’s a pretty big market. That’s a very interesting area. She was successful? 
David: Yeah. 
Glenn: Very cool. Okay. Well, David, thank you so much for doing this. I really appreciate the 
interview. I hope you’ll come back sometime. 
David: Absolutely. Any time. 
Glenn: Okay. Head on over to everybody, Thanks. 
In Just 12 Weeks You Can Become a Certified Professional 
Coach, Confident in Your Ability, and Fully Equipped to Grow a 
Thriving Practice from Anywhere, or Your Money Back! 
Because the ICCA certification program was developed by over the course of more than 24 years with 
literally thousands of clients, we're convinced it will give you MORE skills and confidence to start a 
successful practice than any other program on the market. By the time you've earned your credentials 
we know you'll be secure in your ability to work with clients, produce results, and to build a thriving 
Therefore, if you feel it wasn't the BEST CHOICE for your training and certification for any reason— 
right up until the last day of class—just show us you've actually completed 75% of the assignments and 
let us know you'd like your money back.We'll promptly return every penny!
Ask any other competitor offering a live, interactive certification program about their guarantee... You'll 
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your choice is clear! For rock solid proof the program works, and how to get started right away please 
click below now: 
(Other training programs and resources also available on the "Programs" tab once you reach the site) 
Glenn and Sharon Livingston have sold over 
$20,000,000 in consulting and/or coaching 
services. Glenn has worked with over 1,000 
coaching clients and directly supervised many 
coaches and psychotherapists. (And Sharon has 
worked with over 60,000 people in a group 
format!) The Livingston's previous work and 
theories have also appeared in dozens of major 
media like those listed at left. 
© Psy Tech Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
(The International Coach Certification Academy is a For Profit Division of Psy Tech Inc.) 
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: For education only. Use is subject to the Disclaimer and Terms of Use Agreement on ( which you agreed to prior to downloading. 
Although these are materials are legally copyright Psy Tech Inc., you may copy and distribute them provided all the 
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Getting paid-to-help-others-overcoming-self-imposed-limitations

  • 1. GETTING PAID TO HELP OTHERS: How to Overcome Self Imposed Limitations! An Interview with David Oliver and Glenn Livingston (This is a Transcript of a Free Full Length Audio Available for Download Below) Glenn Livingston's companies have sold over $20,000,000 in consulting and/or coaching services. Glenn has worked with over 1,000 coaching clients and directly supervised many coaches and psychotherapists, and his company's work and theories have appeared in dozens of major media. David Oliver is a Yale University graduate who serves a difficult set of niches in mental health with lay-coaching systems. (He also sells DVDs, CDs, Books, and eBooks). Mr. Oliver has done literally thousands of coaching sessions, and has gathered over 11,000 testimonials from raving fans at last count...all while competing with major drug companies (as essentially a lone-wolf coach and small business person with less than 15 employees) for share of voice. David has also developed creative coaching techniques and systems which work with families in serious emotional and financial turmoil. AN IMPORTANT NOTE BEFORE WE BEGIN: In Just 12 Weeks You Can Become a Certified Professional Coach, Confident in Your Ability, and Fully Equipped to Grow a Thriving Practice from Anywhere, or Your Money Back! Because the ICCA certification program was developed by over the course of more than 24 years with literally thousands of clients, we're convinced it will give you MORE skills and confidence to start a successful practice than any other program on the market. By the time you've earned your credentials we know you'll be secure in your ability to work with clients, produce results, and to build a thriving practice... Therefore, if you feel it wasn't the BEST CHOICE for your training and certification for any reason—right up until the last day of class—just show us you've actually completed 75% of the assignments and let us know you'd like your money back. We'll promptly return every penny! Ask any other competitor offering a live, interactive certification program about their guarantee... You'll probably find they require large, non-refundable deposits, and won't refund your tuition after classes begin. Combined with our more-affordable-than-most tuition, financing, and payment plans, we think your choice is clear! For rock solid proof the program works, and how to get started right away please click below now: (Other coach training programs and resources also available on the "Programs" tab once you reach the site) 1
  • 2. TRANSCRIPT Getting Paid to Help Others (Overcoming Self-Imposed Limitations) Glenn: Hey, this is Dr. Glenn Livingston. I very much appreciate your time and attention to learn about how you might get paid for your love of helping others. I won't beat around the bush. This is about coaching which is kind of an exciting industry which has very few barriers to entry because you don’t necessarily need a background in psychology or counseling. You could refer to other people, requires very little money to start. You'd need an Internet connection and a telephone. You can work with clients from all around the world because you are the product. There really aren’t any start-up cost like inventory or franchise fees or just compared with some other cost of other traditional businesses. What I did today is I got a lay person who is one of the most successful coaches that I know who has literally made a fortune in coaching, has done literally thousands if not tens of thousands of sessions, also sells CDs and books and ebooks on the topic. He actually serves a population of mental health supporters with lay coaching systems. His name is David Oliver. David, how are you today? David: Good, I’m doing great, Glenn. Thanks for having me today. Glenn: I am really excited to have you here. David, is what I just said true in your experience? Did you have any trouble building a coaching business given that you didn’t have a background in psychology or counseling or human resources or anything like that? David: If I could take it back even 10 years before that, I mean 15 years, a couple of things. I was coached from people. I was coached, I played football, I wrestled. But what I learned over the years in high school and college and stuff, there were some coaches that were amazing, that never even really played the game. They were just very good. They were very good at what they did. Some of these folks - I remember the guy who coached on baseball. When I asked, they called it a limited career and yeah, I played freshman and sophomore year in high school. He was a great coach in baseball. I guess that kind of stuck in my head and I’ve been coached by a lot of great people that - there are no limitations really. It’s all in your own head. I’ve naturally just seen the people who are doing coaching on this mass scale. You look at Oprah and even Dr. Phil. Even though he’s a doctor, he’s coaching people on weight loss which -- he was heavy and it didn’t matter that he wasn’t a doctor specifically for weight loss. You look at Oprah. You look at some of these self-help individuals. If you really look at their background, they’re "men are from mars guys". You know, these are 2 00:02:28] people that went to school for these things, that had a million degrees. Glenn: Even Tony Robbins. I’m not saying he’s the greatest or the worst or anything like that. But even Tony Robbins, if you listen to his back story, the way he credentializes himself is that he wasn’t happy with his life. He sat down and he read like 700 books and he figured this all out. Then he got all these great results and this is what happened. It felt like he went out and had a PhD in psychology or counseling or was part of a large coaching
  • 3. organization or things like that. He just kind of got up and said, “Hey, I’m good at this. I know what I’m doing. I did it for myself and I can do it for you.” David: Right. I think that’s so important. The first thing that people have to beat into their heads and they have to keep telling themselves that it’s just like, “There are no limits. I don’t need to have someone bless me. I don’t need to have someone --.” I don’t mean in the religious sense. “I don’t need somebody else to tell me I can do it per se.” The reality is, what I find when you’re in the frontlines, “I’m in mental health so I’ve done stuff, a lot of stuff in network marketing.” You learn on the job. You learn as you're going. You have this foundational base that you learned from and then from there, you learn as you’re doing it. That’s where you get your experience and stuff like that. Like in my case, I didn’t need to be a psychiatrist or a psychologist to be a coach. In my market, people were looking for that because they kind of had it with dealing with psychiatrist and stuff. They wanted someone who knew what they were going through; they could tell them the ins and outs of how to deal with loved ones with serious mental illnesses and what to do. That really works to my advantage! I can look across the board, right? You look at individuals that now coach people on fighting and self defense. Some of them lived in bad neighborhoods and that’s now, that’s they’re doing. You look at people coaching people into the Amazon, I mean that sounds crazy but I met a guy doing that. People coaching people how to climb 14,000-foot mountains… when you talk to these people, they were regular people who just had a passion for something and they decided to turn it in a way to make money. [00:04:48] Glenn: Right. Gosh, I have a whole bunch of things coming up which you’re talking about so far. Then I want to ask you a specific question. I think we both wholeheartedly agree that people tend to be their own worst enemies and place the worst limitations on themselves. A lot of the best coaches that we know really come out of a lay background without any necessarily professional training. We run a training and certification academy and we want to help people get trained and credential with us. They always ask me well, “Is it legally required that I get certified?” The answer to that is “No, it’s not legally required.” At least to the best of my own legal research (and of course you should consult your own attorney because obviously I'm not an attorney and this is not legal advice) There ARE laws that require that you to document your competence in whatever profession you choose to advertise to the public. Getting certified and trained with a credible organization like ours is one way that you might want to document your competence but it’s not the only way that you can document your competence. There are certainly no laws that require you to get a certification if you want to be a coach. Similarly, there are no government agencies that backup any particular coaching school or anything like that. There really is no state accreditation or anything like that. This is really a wide-open field which makes it possible for anyone to enter. 3
  • 4. The thing that I wanted to ask you about, which you have glossed over a little bit was you jumped from having been coached in sports and athletics to doing a type of talking coaching; that the kind of coaching that you’re doing with supporters of people that have serious mental health issues and serious mental health diagnoses. First of all you never tell people, “Hey come to my coaching. Don’t see a psychiatrist. Don’t see a psychologist.” You actually do in addition to it. As a matter of fact, a lot of your coaching is to help them be okay about finding the right one and complying with that. This is all talking. You’re not getting your clients out on the football field. You’re not getting your clients to go to the weightlifting gym or go to the Amazon or anything like that. This is a very specific problem in life which you have observations and experience about. You’ve gone out there, had gotten the word out, solicited people who are having problems with family members or loved ones who have these serious diagnoses instead, “Hey, let’s talk about it and I can help you.” I’m wondering, can you talk a little bit more about that leap? How did you go from the experience in sports coaching and how good that was for you to talk coaching? David: Basically, what happened was I had coaches and to sum up, they were very motivational. They were very tough. They'd yell at you. They had a basic set of principles that they created and that’s what made them win. Then they 4 00:07:05] would just keep beating it into your head. After I helped my mom with her situation with bipolar disorder, I wrote a book on it. I want people to understand that it had really nothing to do with the book. I just wrote a book on it. What I mean write a book, let me explain so you don’t think the thing, “Oh, he wrote a book. Its in Barnes and Noble.” I put together an outline and some thoughts so to speak on what it took to help my mom get well. That’s what I did. I put in a MicrosoftWord Document and put in a title in 24 point font that said The Bipolar Supporter Manual and put my name. That’s what I called the book. It was an ebook. I asked some people interested and they said, “Oh, I want to talk to you one-on-one.” I thought that it was, “Oh, that’s great.” I said, “Okay.” So I started talking to people. I started realizing that these people have absolutely no idea what they’re doing. They literally have no clue. They reminded me of timid football players where a coach is going to say, “Come on, let’s go. We can win. You’re not a loser. Let’s go.” You know. Glenn: Interesting. David: That's what these people needed. More than anything, they were looking for someone to say, “My loved one need to go to a psychiatrist.” They’ve been walking around saying, “I kind of think that Jenny needs to go to a psychiatrist but I’m not really sure.” They get on the phone with me. This is the way my initial coaching session went. In the beginning, so here I am, right? I didn’t even know what I was going to do so I just knew I had a certain set of principles that work for my mom. They made complete sense. She had to go to a psychiatrist. We had to find a good psychiatrist. She had to listen to what the psychiatrist said. The psychiatrist was going to tell her take medications, she needed to do that. If she didn’t do that, I wasn’t going to talk to her ever again. She
  • 5. needed to do a couple of other things and that she’d most likely be fine over time. Very, very simple stuff. When I got on my first coaching sessions with people, I said, “I’m not a doctor and I’m not a psychiatrist.” They said, “Oh no, I understand that." I said but I’m going to tell you what some of the keys to success are. Then they'd tell you that you need to get moving.” So they would ask. I said, “Okay, tell me your situation. This is how it is” Well, and then it would be some long rambling story which I'd cut off. Well, you know, I met Jimmy 19 years ago. Then we found out 16 years ago, he had bipolar. We did this. Then he quit his job and he robbed a bank. He flipped over a car. He need drugs and blah, blah, blah. I say, “All right, that’s enough. Done. I got it.” Because I already heard the same story. I said, 5 00:09:30] “What did you do to get this better?” Then it would be some rambling, “Well you know, we sort of, he doesn’t really want to go for medications. Oh, doctors, you know, they just want to medicate her.” This is how our sessions have been. I'd say, “Let me ask you a question. Jimmy threw a phone at you the other day, what do you think Jimmy needs? He needs a hug? You tell me what does Jimmy needs. He needs either restraint or he needs medication?” “Well, yeah, you know, you're kind of right.” I said, “Now, with your timid attitude, do you think you’re contributing to the problem?” They're like, “Well, what do you mean?” I said, “Well, you don’t even think Jimmy should go to the psychiatrist." That’s crazy. That’s literally crazy. Jimmy has a reason to be crazy. He’s not on medications? You know, what’s your excuse?” We would have these sessions. Then by the end, I’m beating up people a little bit. At the end, they’re like, “You know what? You’re right. I need to go find a doctor. You know what? We can afford a doctor. You know what? I’m not going to take Jimmy throwing the phone at me every other week. That’s crazy. You know what? I’m going to tell Jimmy. Jimmy, you know what? You need to get your act together. We’re going to a psychiatrist or I’m done.” A lot of my talks were, “Let me ask you a question. How long have you been supporting your loved one? Fourteen years? Okay, great. You would have what I call is a losing team. For 14 years, in my mind, your whole management style, you’re the coach and you’ve been losing for 14 years. Do you think you need to do more of the same?” “What do you mean?” “Well, if you had another 14 years to make it 28 years, do you think Jimmy would get any better?” “Well, no.” “Then you need to do something different. You need to take action today.” Part of the action, I would tell people, we need to find a great psychiatrist. That is the key to success. Then we need to understand that psychiatrists are helpful. We need to give them all the information they need about Jimmy so they can make an informed decision about of his diagnoses and treatment. Then we need to make sure Jimmy complies. We’re not going to enable Jimmy. If Jimmy won't cooperate and say, "I won't take these meds", then you know what? You’re going to have to walk away because you’ve already tried it for 14 years and it hasn’t work just like a football team tries the same plays and they keep losing for 14 years and wondering why they’re not doing well. Glenn: David, I want to underscore some of the things that you say. I want to template them so that maybe some people listening and saying. "Well, this sounds terrific but I’m not really an expert in bipolar illness.” Or “I’m not really an expert in mental health."
  • 6. [00:11:59] David: Let’s talk about that. Great. Glenn: Essentially, what you did, and this is what most good coaches have in common. You had the desire to share and spare. That’s why you wrote that ebook to start with. You had this experience, you had some success, it was a very painful thing in your life. You really had figured out a couple of principles that worked. You looked around you and you said, “Well, why isn’t everybody doing this?Why isn’t anybody telling you to do this?” You kind of pick this one problem, you went after it and said, “I’m going to share my experience to try to spare others from the pain I’ve been through.” That’s the question I want everybody in the audience to be asking themselves is what is it that I've experienced that I’ve really solved in my life? I mean, maybe I’m not successful in this, I’m not successful in that but there’s something that I really know how to do that I’ve really solved. Why do I think that is and how can I spare others from going through that? How could I do that?” They are the piece of what you did is you picked a very specific problem. I think that most potential coaches overwhelm themselves in thinking about, “How in the world am I ever going to get clients? How am I going to get good at being to coach people? There are such a world of different problems that anybody can come to me with.” They don’t realize that it’s actually much more effective to pick a very specific problem and go after that specific problem. Because like you said, you’d heard this story a thousand times before, right? The other impact of doing that is when you’re approaching the same problem over and over again, you get confident a lot more quickly. It’s really confidence that I think builds a coach’s practice in the long run because if you’re confident that you can give clients the solution to the problem that’s ailing them and you’ve heard the same stories over and over again. You know you’re going to be able to keep them long enough for them to achieve the results. Well, at a certain critical volume, there’s going to be people that notice the results that you’re providing. They’re going to other people about it. You start to get referrals. I don’t mean to imply that this is the only way to get the word out. I wouldn’t want you to rely on referrals alone or from you clients alone as the way to build your practice because you do need to build a critical mass. But ultimately, sharing your experience, sparing others from the problem and picking that specific problem to go after are two very critical components of a successful coaching practice. 6 [00:14:02] Would you agree? Do you think there’s something else that I missed in your story that would help people understand how they can apply their life experience in what they want to help people with? David: No, that’s exactly it. It’s the same thing. Some of them might say, you know, people looking for a way out instead of a way in. What I mean by that and as a part of coaching, people are looking for the reason they can’t do this. They’re going to say, “Oh, I don’t have
  • 7. a mom with bipolar. I didn’t do this. I didn’t do that. I don’t know mental health.” So let’s talk about coaches for anything. Glenn: David, you know what? In a few days after people get this audio, I’m going to send them a free ebook called "101 Real Coaching Niches". What we did is we had a researcher go out and find areas that real coaches were successfully working in. She wrote up exactly what they’re doing, who they're serving, how it’s going. Here are just some examples that you might not think. There's academic coaching - helping parents whose kids might not be getting the best grades who want to get into college or helping students themselves, helping college students or graduate students to do better. There’s diabetes coaching. There is life goal coaching. There is nursing coaching, helping nurses to develop their careers. There is self-esteem coaching. There is relationship coaching. There is divorce coaching. There is family coaching, ethics coaching, end-of-life coaching, adoption coaching, artist coaching, conflict coaching, your heart’s desire coaching, personal power coaching, women’s empowerment coaching, men’s empowerment coaching, coaching entrepreneurs, coaching people who own dogs and they’re having trouble with their dogs or a specific breed of dog. I mean it just goes on and on and on and on. Really, whatever life area is of most interest to you where you feel the most passion, that’s probably where you should start. The other thing I'll say is that you don’t have to marry a coaching niche. You don’t have to say, “Oh my God, I can’t choose because I’m going to have to stay with this niche forever. What if it’s the wrong one?” What you need to do is choose one, learn the skills, cut your teeth, develop the confidence, see that you can absorb the problems in that area, learn how to talk to people about it, watch how you build clients in that area. That’s a very transferrable skill if you want to move to a different niche later on. Really, there are hundreds of niches to choose from and that dramatically narrows your field of competition, kind of speeds your path to success. There are not as many coaches as people might have imagined either. As of this recording, there is about 20,000 active coaches in North America which if you do the math, it’s about one for every 15,000 people and not 7 [00:16:26] everybody wants a coach of course. But the prevalence in value of coaching is really becoming more in the forefront as the years go by which is kind of think of some of the reality shows like Biggest Loser or The Voice or all of these shows have coaches and you watch people get better and you see the interaction with the coach. We're really talking about a trend that’s on the upswing. But compare those 20,000 active coaches to hundreds of thousands of counselors and psychiatrists and psychologists and social workers and the human resource workers, you’ll see that between the fewer number of coaches and the fact that there’s so many niches to choose from that you really don’t have to be as concerned with competition as most people are going into it. That’s just another example of limitations that people put on themselves that they don’t necessarily have to. Make sense? David: Absolutely. That is so true. In everything you can think of, there are people coaching. Even the weirdest things like, I have a friend who coaches people how to get in shape
  • 8. using tires, rocks, cinder blocks, rods, and pieces of wood and all kinds of bizarre things. Do you want to hear some crazy? Who do you think the target market is? Glenn: Some type of crazy, macho muscle head. Maybe the same guys that take their kids to the 8 monster truck rallies? David: He has a ton of moms. Glenn: Really? David: Yeah. Glenn: No kidding. David: Yeah. Kids who are like 12, 14, 15, 16. Isn’t that interesting?When he told me about it, I was like, “This is crazy.” Yeah, he gets the young kids in there, the moms in there. I don’t know why but it works. He has no degree in that like it's all made up. Yeah, I guess you could say well, there's science to exercise but you know what I’m saying? Glenn: Yeah. David: Another coach is in-home childbirth. I met that person. They’re doing really well. I mean, really it's infinite. It’s only constrained with your imagination. [00:18:15] Glenn: It really is. There’s so much information available online for free, like people are just blurting out what’s on their mind in all these different areas. You can just like go over, or search on Facebook and look and see what people are posting. Like let’s say you’re chocolate addiction coach. You could go over to the Facebook search and search for I hate chocolate or I can’t stop eating chocolate. It’ll search the 900 million Facebook accounts to see whose posting, "I can’t stop eating chocolate". When you find those people, can’t you just go and connect with them or offer them something or have a little audio or pamphlet or ebook that you can give to them as a way of making an introduction? That’s just an example of how easy it can be to market to a very niched problem where you can search and identify who these people are. Besides being able to identify who they are, since they say everything on their mind, you can identify the nuances of what they want. They'll talk about what happened before they couldn’t stop eating chocolate, what happened afterwards, what they were thinking. You look at their conversations with their friends about it, they’ll tweet about it, they’ll blog about it. It’s just ridiculous how much good information you can get about a specific problem these days. But you have to be willing to pick that problem and stand up and say, “Yes, I am a chocolate addiction coach.” “Yes, I am a mental health supporter coach.” "Yes, I am a bowling coach”, or whatever it happens to be. But what other limitations do you think people put on themselves? Why do they think that they can’t make money for helping people? I think sometimes people, they just feel guilty. They feel like maybe their religion taught them that they’re only supposed to help people
  • 9. for free or maybe their parents wouldn’t think well of them for charging people to talk to them or help them out. What do you think about that? David: I don’t hear that. What I hear is just people don’t believe they can do it. I’ve been really cracking down some of my friends here, soon to be ex-friends unless they change their attitudes. I’m not even kidding. I have a friend, right? I'll tell you, he could be a baseball coach, a batting cage coach, a fighting coach, fighting in terms of kickboxing and stuff, a whole bunch of things. Five years ago, I told him to set up effectively a coaching practice for kids who wanted to play baseball and get into college and all the stuff, five years ago. This other guy, in the last two years that he knew and he quite frankly had told me, “Oh, that guy's a loser.” That guy set up his coaching practice. In two years, he set up the coaching practice, he has other coaches and he just built his own batting cage. Glenn: Right. [00:20:33] David: My friend, he has told me at least 250 reasons why he couldn’t do it, everything. “I don’t have the money. I don’t do -- it’s the wrong part in Pennsylvania, this, that, the other thing.” The big takeaway people could listen is to this. Is that that there’s no limit. Don’t train your brain to think of why it won’t work, train you brain to think of how to make it work. Glenn: Right. David: That’s the big problem. I don’t find people say, “Well, you know, I’m opposed to making money.” They just say, “Oh, no one will pay for that. Nope, they wouldn’t." This is crazy. I've talked to people about coaching and the same market, the same niche, in two to three hours. One person had told me that people and they already didn’t have enough money. Another person told me they were in New Jersey. They said, “Oh my God, these people had too much money. They wouldn’t pay. They had too much money and it’s above that, in the same niche!” Glenn: I know. Speaking about the local market objection, yes, it’s nice to be able to coach people in person but because the audience opens up so much wider and because when you focus on a specific problem, it’s easier to reach people all over the world. The whole Internet is open to you to connect with people. You know, like there are people on Australia that have problems too. There are people in Australia who have spouses with bipolar or some type of mental health problem that David, you can coach them and I think you do. There are people in New Zealand. Then there are people in England and people in countries that speak other languages if you happen to speak Spanish or Portuguese or Chinese or Japanese. The whole world is open to you. There’s no reason to limit yourself to thinking, “I have to coach locally.” Because also when you coach locally, you kind of need to have an office and that starts to create some rent and overhead that you don’t really want to have in the beginning. You’d rather put that money in time into getting the word out and into your training and studying and certification and things like that. I think people have all sorts of reasons why they think they can’t do it. “I don’t have enough time.” Well, could you make half an hour a day? David: I have a different counter for that because I just heard that from my friend. “I don’t have enough time. What’s your plan?” I ask them, “What do you mean?” So I’m like a coach to him. I just said I'm not doing too well with my life coaching part is not doing well.” 9
  • 10. [laughter]. But this guy, in 5 years…. I said, “What you’re going to do? You’re getting older. Every year, all I hear is hear your complaints so what's your other 10 00:22:41] plan? You say you don’t have time. You don’t have this. You don’t have the money. What’re you going to do?” It was really this conversation I think that in the last week that got him to say like, “Yeah, you know what? I got to make time.” Glenn: Sometimes, a critical question at the right time like that can make all the difference in someone’s life because people actually do walk around not knowing they need to have a plan. It’s like they’re living life on a horse without reign, just like letting the horse take them wherever the horse feels like going. When you’re intervening at that moment and you’re going to ask him a critical question like, “Well, what is your plan? What are you going to do? How are you going to make this better?” A lot of people, inside they go, “Wow, I guess I should have a plan.” [laughter] It’s easier to kind of make fun of them but we’ve all experienced some of that kind of living unconsciously at some point in our lives in various areas. Becoming more conscious is always a part of life’s process. But one of the great things about coaching, the one I’m trying to point out, is you can make a dramatic difference in people’s lives when you catch them at the right time with the right questions phrased in the right way. Sometimes it’s the really tough love that David presents. Sometimes it's a quiet kind of company keeping that makes them feel cared about or loved if they didn’t feel cared about or loved. Sometimes, it’s the threat of withdrawing your time and attention that they’ll be willing to change for. Everybody's different but you can have a dramatic impact on people. Here’s another limitation, David. People say not only, “Do I think I can do it? Do I think I can get paid? Is it believable?" But, "Am I worthy? Am I a worthy person to help others and get paid for it?” My counter to that is that it’s the wrong question. If you’re willing to be someone who stands up and studies specific problems and says, “I am the expert in this area or an expert in this area and I’m willing to pour my heart and soul into paying attention to you and helping you fix this problem.” Then the question really isn’t, “Are you worthy?” The question is “Are they worthy of you?” Because that client can suck up a lot of time and energy and morale. When you get good at this, if you do, we'll tell you, you really should get good at this. You should have more clients than you can handle sooner than you think that it will be. I know that sounds like, “Well dude, that’s a good problem to have” or “maybe we’re selling to you” or something like that. I guess we are selling a little bit. But I really think that people have to guard their practices and be very careful about taking people on who are going to be very difficult to deal with and not grateful and mostly complainers. [00:24:53] I think that the real question is, “Are these people worthy of you?” I think when you start asking that question, your whole attitude changes. Your whole perspective changes and that limitation just melts away. Make sense?
  • 11. David: Yeah. I want to add to that. That’s when the certification comes in, make a dime off of Glenn's certification. What I’ve realized that may just tell people just do it, there’s a platform they need and that’s why certification makes sense because this is a lot of the stuff that you talked about, a whole bunch of other stuff that get you this foundational knowledge that a lot of people really do need. It is true. I know that a lot of people who just jump into coaching, they don’t have that foundational knowledge especially about who not to take on and who to cut off; they’re going to go crazy half the time. Glenn: Thank you, David. I appreciate you saying it. The other reason that this certification and training is important, there’s a couple of reasons. One is that inevitably coaches make mistakes in the beginning. It can be a very isolating profession. If you just go at there by yourself and you don’t really have someone who’s worked with thousands of clients and really made a living out of this and supervises people, if you don’t have that kind of expert feedback in the beginning, it could be kind of disheartening. Because even though, just like David when you’re coaching bipolar supporters, there’s really just a handful of principles that distinguish success from failure to help people to stop being so timid, get into a psychiatrist, give them a couple of strategies to get them to a psychiatrist to kind of motivate them, make it toxic for them to keep doing what they’re doing and just make the status quo toxic so they move forward. You figured out there’s a couple of principles. There are really just a handful of principles that coaches need to know in order to be successful. But if you don’t have someone to feed those principles to you and point out to you when you’re varying from those principles and motivate you to do what sometimes is not human nature, like it’s only human nature to ask, “Gee, I don’t think I’m worthy.” It’s only human nature to take anybody who knocks on your door. It’s only human nature to just pick up the phone and answer when someone, a perspective client is calling. All those things are wrong from the perspective of a coach who really wants to build their practice. Going through a formal certification and training for a few months at a very reasonable price and getting feedback from not only master coaches but also from your peers and looking what they struggled with and having the opportunity to observe other people making mistakes and getting gentle feedback to correct them, 11 [00:27:12] it’s a learning environment you really can’t replicate. You just can’t replicate that on your own. The other reason is that when you adopt a niched coaching philosophy, you wind up building a referral-based more quickly because let’s say, there’s 12 other people in your class. It’s a very interactive class so people really got to know each other well and we do exercises together and we practice and we interview each other and give each other feedback and all that kind of thing. Let’s say that one of them is an adoption coach, another one is a chocolate addiction coach and another one is a general weight loss coach and another one is a hiking coach, right? You all get to know each other’s specialties. You get to know each other’s elevator pitches, you get know each other’s points of difference and real reasons that it’s good to work with you as opposed to anybody else in the world. You start referring to each other. It’s in some ways easier to go out and look for clients for someone else than it is to look for clients for yourself. You start to build a referral-based, you make connections with people who really become a support network for you for the rest of your coaching career if not your life. You get the training and certification to develop
  • 12. confidence quickly. As compared to other certifications, we’re a lot more affordable. I think we’re a lot more credible. Now, if you’re interested in having your clients look to see where you got certified, we have a board of people from very prestigious universities and organizations and people from Yale and Harvard. Not that that’s really the most critical thing. I mean, I think that’s really more about image for clients that don’t know you. Once the clients know, they really shouldn’t care about those kinds of things. But when you kind of need some credibility to fall back on, it’s nice to know that it’s there. We have a guarantee that’s unmatched by most if not all of our competitors. Head on over to and read about the details of our program, what we have to offer and what are our guarantee is. I think you’d be hard-pressed to find the training elsewhere. I know that there are a lot of choices out there. I know that people are comparing and contrasting a lot of things but I think if you listen to the kinds of things you hear in this audio and some of the future audios to come and the cheat sheets and transcripts and you just kind of look at the depth of free materials that we give, you might want to ask yourself, “Well, if they give so much to me for free, how much more are they going to give me in the certification itself?” Whereas, do you believe that the other organizations who are mostly just doing selling for free? Do you believe that they’re going to suddenly turned generous when they get into the certification and training? I don’t think so. 12 [00:29:33] This is really a mission for us. It’s kind of what I was born and bred to do. I came from a family of 17 therapists and counselors and social workers. What they didn’t know at the time was that after people sent them as resolved, they actually kind of kept them. They called it therapy but things really changed coaching like goal setting and resolving obstacles to those goals, kind of moving forward as opposed to healing. I’m kind of born and bred with this. I’m born and bred with the helping profession in my soul. This is what I meant to do. This is what I really want to give people. This is what I want to share and spare others from having to suffer with because there are a lot of simple obstacles that can prevent people from succeeding. I really know how to teach people how to overcome them and that’s why I’m willing to guarantee it. I guess that’s all I really have to say about this. Excuse me for being a immodest and maybe tooting my own horn for a little bit. But David, do you have anything else you like to add? David: One thing I wanted to say, go backwards a little bit because I think one objection because I really want people to get into coaching. You really should. The world needs coaches. One thing that people have been saying to me when I’ve been telling people to get into coaching is, “Oh, there’s too much, so much free stuff in the Internet.” That’s great because what’s happening is there’s so much free stuff on the Internet that’s somebody needs to bear it through and tells them what the bottom line. My dad has a whole bunch of medical problems. I wish I could go call a coach who would just -- not even a doctor that would tell me, “Read this article, go to that guy, think this way”, because it’s very confusing. The fact that there’s so much more information is only going to help your coaching business.
  • 13. Glenn: What I tell people is that first of all, if the answers to people’s problems were as readily available in the free information online as you thought that they were, then the average number of searches when someone logged on to Google would be one because they’d searched for what they wanted and they'd finally answer and they would read it and they would be done. But it’s not true. The average numbers between five and seven in the last study that I saw so there’s a tremendous amount of frustration online. People don’t like to search, they like to solve. What everybody really wants is like a loving uncle or an aunt or older brother or older sister to sit down with them and say, “You know, Joe, this is the way it is. You’re having this problem. This is what you need to do. I know because I’ve done it. I’ve helped all these other people do it. You can really trust me. If you have any questions about it, why don’t you ask me and I’ll explain it to you?” People really prefer - most people, some very erudite, educated people prefer to 13 [00:31:57] lock themselves in the library and figure it out themselves but for the most part, the masses prefer to be coached. They prefer to have an intimate communication with another human being that they trust, get the answers, solve the problems, and then asked themselves what else can this person solve for you? That’s the last thing I wanted to mention. Because what I forgot to mention when we’re talking about niching yourself was that when you work with a given client, let’s say I’m a chocolate addiction coach and let’s say I worked with a person and I helped them get off chocolate. They lose 30 pounds and they’re really happy. Most people think that well, that’s the end. For some clients it is. Some clients that’s all they really wanted. Maybe talk to them a little about maintenance so you have a couple of maintenance sessions. But most people, when you solve a very significant problem for them and you did it in the context of a constructive, communicative, somewhat intimate relationship, it’s only natural for them to think, “Well, what else you got? What else can you help me with?” That’s when you turn to the different areas of your life. You ask them to describe other problems. You rely on your more general problem-solving skills. You can kind of evolve to being more of the life coach that everybody seems to want to be. It’s just that the way that you bring people in and the initial problems that you solve are really more focused and short-term. But if you keep at it, you wind up with the practice full of people that talk to you about all sorts of things and really give you the opportunity to help them with their lives in amazing ways, amazing, amazing ways. It really enriches you. I used to think the best thing about being a coach was going to be that I can just live where I wanted to and work when I wanted to from wherever I wanted to on my own schedule and make a really good income, that kind of thing. But I think, really the best thing about being a coach are the stories that get inside you because in the course of listening to people about their particular problem that they have, they tell you things they'll tell nobody else in the world. You hear how they have solved other problems in their life in ways that nobody else has solved them. It makes you stronger and stronger and stronger. It just makes you feel more solid inside and kind of better about what you’re doing. Then better able to help other people with those stories. I just think it’s an amazing profession. I don’t understand why more people aren’t doing it. I think the limitations and roadblocks people put up are mostly of their own making. You know, like Togue said, “I’ve met the enemy and he is me, she is me.” I really would hope that people at the very, very least, go over to . Have a look
  • 14. at what we have to offer. It’s guaranteed. It’s affordable. In just a few months, you can be a certified professional coach with the ability to build a 14 [00:34:20] thriving practice from anywhere, guaranteed. David, anything else that I left out? David: No. I wanted to tell you one last success story too. I coached a lady. She actually had bipolar disorder so she became a coach for people that wanted to have green grass. Glenn: Really? David: Yeah. People shouldn’t think that’s crazy because there are a lot of people who want green grass. You think about it, right? I mean, you don’t really want yellow grass. Glenn: No. It impacts the value of your house if you’re reselling it. It impacts the value of the neighborhood houses. People bother you if you don’t have green grass. There are a lot people out there with lawns. David: Right. Glenn: It’s a pretty big market. That’s a very interesting area. She was successful? David: Yeah. Glenn: Very cool. Okay. Well, David, thank you so much for doing this. I really appreciate the interview. I hope you’ll come back sometime. David: Absolutely. Any time. Glenn: Okay. Head on over to everybody, Thanks. In Just 12 Weeks You Can Become a Certified Professional Coach, Confident in Your Ability, and Fully Equipped to Grow a Thriving Practice from Anywhere, or Your Money Back! Because the ICCA certification program was developed by over the course of more than 24 years with literally thousands of clients, we're convinced it will give you MORE skills and confidence to start a successful practice than any other program on the market. By the time you've earned your credentials we know you'll be secure in your ability to work with clients, produce results, and to build a thriving practice... Therefore, if you feel it wasn't the BEST CHOICE for your training and certification for any reason— right up until the last day of class—just show us you've actually completed 75% of the assignments and let us know you'd like your money back.We'll promptly return every penny!
  • 15. Ask any other competitor offering a live, interactive certification program about their guarantee... You'll probably find they require large, non-refundable deposits, and won't refund your tuition after classes begin. Combined with our more-affordable-than-most tuition, financing, and payment plans, we think your choice is clear! For rock solid proof the program works, and how to get started right away please click below now: (Other training programs and resources also available on the "Programs" tab once you reach the site) 15 Glenn and Sharon Livingston have sold over $20,000,000 in consulting and/or coaching services. Glenn has worked with over 1,000 coaching clients and directly supervised many coaches and psychotherapists. (And Sharon has worked with over 60,000 people in a group format!) The Livingston's previous work and theories have also appeared in dozens of major media like those listed at left. © Psy Tech Inc. All Rights Reserved. (The International Coach Certification Academy is a For Profit Division of Psy Tech Inc.) LEGAL DISCLAIMER: For education only. Use is subject to the Disclaimer and Terms of Use Agreement on ( which you agreed to prior to downloading. Although these are materials are legally copyright Psy Tech Inc., you may copy and distribute them provided all the following conditions are met: (1) you do not charge for the materials; (2) you do not alter anything within the materials; (3) you require anyone you distribute these materials to agree to the Disclaimer and Terms of Use Agreement on ( before providing access to said materials.