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                                                                                             ,                                               .
                                                                                         “                                   t” -
                                                           $                          ,                 %&                               '
                           ,                                           . (.)         .*
   The problem of tests of the random numbers, applied in cryptography, is considered in this article.
   The special attention is paid to the empirical test “the maximum of t” – the authors suggest their
   own way for solving this problem that appears under discretization of the classical test, elaborated
   by Professor D. Knuth. The results of the random and pseudo-random figures testing are adduced.

   *                   &                                   '           (                         ,                       ,               )
                                       . H
       '                                 ,                                           $
       ,                                                                                                     ,
       '                                                                       . (               &                                   '
                   DSS. *                             '                             DSA (                DSS)                                    '
                   &                                                           .K                               %                                    0
160-                                           q(                                %                           ). P
                                                       ,                       %&                                    '                               ,
                   $   ,                                                                                         (Q*RS),                 %&
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                                                                                                      . R
                                                                       [1,2]. *
                   '                                                                                             .
                                                                                         *                                    :

                                                       (Ys      n ps ) 2
                                           =                                                                 (1)
                                               1 s k           n ps

   Ys -                                ,                                                         % s;
   ps -                            ,                                                                                              % s;
   k -                         ;
   n– &                                                        .
         *                 %                                                                                 =k–1                                  p-
                                , . .                                                                                                    . S                                             n
                           ,                                %            ps                                   n ps                                 $ 5.
         K                                     ,                                                                                                                         ,               -
     ,                                                                                                                      [1,3]                                       &
“                         ”(                            )                                         [1].
         *                                                           “                                        t”. `                                    ,                %&
                               '                                                              ,          %                               %&        :
1)                                                                                                                                                              t            %&
2)                                                                                                            .*                                                         '
                          %                                                   “                                 t”;
3)             & %
                                                                                                                  “                                             t”
a                                      “                                              t” [1]                                                               )                             -
R             . H
(        k)                                                                               .
         b                     i- % t-                                                                   (Xi1, Xi2, ... , Xit). )
                                                                                                           0    k-1     %                                   .
                                                       M x = max X ij ,                           1      j    t

         a                             ,               Mx = z                                                             %&                               . Xij –

                p (M x z ) =                 p( X ij z ) = ( z + 1) k t ,
                                                                                                             0 z k 1
                                   1 j     t

                                p (M x = z ) = p (M x z )                             p(M x z 1)
         d                      ,

                    p(M x = z ) = ( z + 1)
                                                                z k,
                                                                 t t
                                                                                       0          z      k 1.              (2)

         *                                                           %*                     %                                            ,
                    (2)            &                                                  ( . .                                t-
                                                        )                              $ 5. (                                        z
                                                                                      $ 5.
              –                                                                                                                                                          (1)
                %&                         &                                                                          ,              ,                 ,
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         a                `.e                          [4]                                                   %&                                $
              . *                          $                                                  %                                          . *
                 [0, k-1]                                                                                                        ,
“                    t”,                       $                                                                                         $                                               .
                                                                         “                                            t”                 %                                   ,
                ,          $                                         %&                                  .(                                                                          ,
(2),                 %&

                    p( z1        Mx       z2) =     [( z + 1) z ] k ,
                                                                                                       z1     z2

           C                                                                     $                                            %
                                                                                                      [0, k-1],          &
           U                         $                                                                             “                                 t”              & %
1. a                         (2) zmin= 0. R                                          ,
                                                  pmin = 1 / k                                   n pmin= N / (t kt),
               N–                                                                                                                                           .*              ,
                                                ,                                                                                                ,
    N          5        kt). H
                        (t                                                                                         %                      ,
                      t k                             N                                               $                 $     .H                 ,           t = 8, k =
   256,             N 7.38 1020.
2. (
                                                                                                                       t. (
                                 %                   t,                                      %& %
                                                                             t k                  N / 5.                                              (3)
3. k
                             (                                                                   ),                            N                                            t
       /           k,        $                                (3).
           d                              ,                                                                                                      %                          ,
                                                                                                                                      “                    &        ”,
                                          %&                                                                  t       k (                                 (3)),
                                                                         “                                         t”.
           b                                                                                                                                   CHITESTS                  [5],
                                                                                                 '        ,
                                                                                                                     . )          %
                                                                                                                    '                         & %                          2
P                                                                                                                                                           ,
                                                          . CHITESTS
                         ,                                 ' %                [1].
           k            p                                    0 – 1 % 99 – 100 %,                                                                                %
                                              .k        p              99 95 %                                                        5       1 %,
           %        “                                 ”;                p,   %                                                                95 90 %                10
5 %,                             “                              ” [1].

           P                                                             Q.U                                                      RANDOM CD-ROM [6],
                                                :                                                                 ,
                                                                                                            DIEHARD, 60 10-
                                                                                                                    . H
                                                                                                      DIEHARD. H
                                                                                                     & %
                                          DIEHARD         CHITESTS. T      calif.bit                   %
                                      ,               %        & %     '                      ()        ,
Re`),                    & %                  G.Marsalia RANDOM CD-ROM. a            random             -
                                                           ,         ,      & %             RANDOM.SYS,
               file1.bin -                       smart-      Payflex 1K. b                    $ 10 U .
10000000 characters in file: calif.bits

                        . /                          CHI                3     4
        A                Frequency Test            1.000000              Test error1
        B                  Serial Test             1.000000               Test error
        C                   Gap Test               0.976478              Suspicious
        D                  Poker Test              1.000000             Unsatisfactory
        E                 Coupon Test              0.968074              Suspicious
        F               Permutations Test          0.999634             Unsatisfactory
        G                 Runs Up Test             0.669232              Satisfactory
        H              Maximum-of-8 Test           1.000000               Test error
        I              Lapped M-tuple Test         1.000000               Test error

                             . /                         p-value               3     4
                 A.     BIRTHDAY SPACING                 .631736                Satisfactory
                 B.     OPERM5                           .541571                Satisfactory
                 C.     BINARY RANK                       1.0000               Unsatisfactory
                 D.     SQUEEZE                          .997847               Unsatisfactory
                 E.1    CRAPS: no. of wins               .847283                Satisfactory
                 E.2    CRAPS throws/game                .441181                Satisfactory
                 F.     MINIMUM DISTANCE                 .792573                Satisfactory
                 G.     3DSPHERES                        .001891               Unsatisfactory
                 H.     OSUM                             .409425                Satisfactory
                 I.1    RUNS: Runs up                    .430718                Satisfactory
                 I.2    RUNS: Runs down                  .622296                Satisfactory
                 K.     CDPARK                           .406615                Satisfactory

10000000 characters in file: random
                               . /                        CHI                  3     4
                 A.     Frequency Test                  0.109633                Satisfactory
                 B.     Serial Test                     0.551388                Satisfactory
                 C.     Gap Test                        0.834301                Satisfactory
                 D.     Poker Test                      0.402890                Satisfactory
                 E.     Coupon Test                     0.433876                Satisfactory
                 F.     Permutations Test               0.683315                Satisfactory
                 G.     Runs Up Test                    0.360567                Satisfactory
                 H.     Max-of-8 Test                   0.237868                Satisfactory
                 I.     Lapped M-Tuple Test             0.269342                Satisfactory

                             . /                          p-value              3     4
                 A.     BIRTHDAY SPACING                 0.726657               Satisfactory
                 B.     OPERM5                           0.719636               Satisfactory
                 C.     BINARY RANK                      0.854952               Satisfactory
                 D.     SQUEEZE                          0.524926               Satisfactory
                 E.1    CRAPS: no. of wins               0.280685               Satisfactory
                 E.2    CRAPS throws/game                0.159625               Satisfactory
                 F.     MINIMUM DISTANCE                 0.889075               Satisfactory

    *                                         %                    &   “Test error”,            CHI   -
G.    3DSPHERES                     0.948734              Satisfactory
            H.    OSUM                          0.079572              Satisfactory
            I.1   RUNS: Runs up                 0.668908              Satisfactory
            I.2   RUNS: Runs down               0.860145              Satisfactory
            K.    CDPARK                        0.377942              Satisfactory

11296592 characters in file: file1.bin
                         . /                     CHI                 3     4
            A.    Frequency Test               0.505161               Satisfactory
            B.    Serial Test                  0.187295               Satisfactory
            C.    Gap Test                     0.330256               Satisfactory
            D.    Poker Test                   0.616983               Satisfactory
            E.    Coupon Test                  0.081551            Faintly suspicious
            F.    Permutations Test            0.073267            Faintly suspicious
            G.    Runs Up Test                 0.516541               Satisfactory
            H.    Max-of-8 Test                0.626726               Satisfactory
            I.    Lapped M-Tuple Test          0.479882               Satisfactory

                      . /                       p-value              3     4
            A.    BIRTHDAY SPACING             0.326970               Satisfactory
            B.    OPERM5                       0.959323               Satisfactory
            C.    BINARY RANK                  0.795310               Satisfactory
            D.    SQUEEZE                      0.531174               Satisfactory
            E.1   CRAPS: no. of wins           0.623129               Satisfactory
            E.2   CRAPS: throws/game           0.862083               Satisfactory
            F.    MINIMUM DISTANCE             0.904371               Satisfactory
            G.    3DSPHERES                    0.597925               Satisfactory
            H.    OSUM                         0.843655               Satisfactory
            I.1   RUNS: Runs up                0.926601               Satisfactory
            I.2   RUNS: Runs down              0.636983               Satisfactory
            K.    CDPARK                       0.095702               Satisfactory

       d                                                                                                         -
                                    ,                                        '               –               '
random(),                                   Borland C          -                                                 -
                 Elite 730, 510. )              $                         ', “                       ”           -
               ,              &         %                                        ,                               -
  %                               %(                      ). R                           ,                       -
         ,                          '   (                     ,              ,                           ,       -
  % %&            )
    $                .*              '    )         “(      ”                        ,           R
'                     Dekart Digital Signature System , U                                       -
    Dekart Media Pay ®,                                                                      %
      Payflex 1K                 RANDOM.SYS. R                                                  -
    %        $           DIEHARD. (           RANDOM.SYS                                        ,
                       %                              (                              CHITESTS),
                                  ,                  & % smart-       ,                % “      -
           ”                               CHITESTS.
      R                                       :
       1.               ' %                                                          & %
 DIEHARD                                                                             D *
                                         . )            ,             & %                        '
( . .
                                   ). RHITESTS                                               D   *             '       .
          2. RHITESTS                       9                                            ,
                                            *                         2
                                                                       ; DIEHARD                      18
        ,                                             $           %                                                p-value
 [0.025, 0.975],                                                                                 %                  (“        -
                 ”   “                                            ”)
              *        )                         -R                 .
          3. DIEHARD c                                                                                         -
                $ 80     .               , RHITESTS                                                   -
      %                                          -                                n ps                                 $ 5.

          (                $                                      &                  '
              (                , DSS)
                                                 '        %                   '                            ,                  -
  %                                                  “                        ”       $               .Q                      -
                                                              ,                      %&                            “          ”
                                                          %                   ,                      %&
       % Q*RS                                &
      %& . R                             ,                                &
                                   & %                        .S                             $                 $
                  '     . R     '            %   )       “Dekart”                            %                                -
      -               RHITESTS,                    DIEHARD.

[1] )      (. P                                      KaU/ d.2 *                       .- U.:
U , 1977.- 727 .
[2] a          a.d., H               `.T., H           H.T. U                           $
$       .- U .: a $. e ., 1984.- 527 .
[3] Wegentkittl S. Empirical testing of pseudorandom number generator/ Master’s thesis,
University of Salzburg, Austria, 1995.
[4] Shapira A. The Discrete Runs Test and the Discrete Maximum of t Test. Technical Report
CS 96-15. ESCE Department Rensselaer Polytehnic Institute. 1996.
[5] *
(CHITESTS). b                                    . b                   . )         “Dekart
S.R.L.”, 1998.
 [6] DIEHARD: a battery of tests for random number generators developed by George Marsaglia.
`         P         :

WeaCheslaw L. Oleinik, Dr. of C.S., Ass.Academician of International Informatization Acad-
emy, Member of the Balcanic Union for Fuzzy Systems and Artificial Intelligence.
Company “Dekart S.R.L.”, Head of Data Security Section of Smart Card Technology

Born: July 4, 1956

Author: more than 40 printed-papers.
Olga M. Petrova, Dr. of C.S., Senior Scientific Researcher.
Company “Dekart S.R.L.”, Leading Specialist of Data Security Section of Smart Card
Technology Department.

Born: February 16, 1966.

Author: monograph and 14 published works.

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  • 1. . ., . . ( ) * , . “ t” - $ , %& ' , . (.) .* . The problem of tests of the random numbers, applied in cryptography, is considered in this article. The special attention is paid to the empirical test “the maximum of t” – the authors suggest their own way for solving this problem that appears under discretization of the classical test, elaborated by Professor D. Knuth. The results of the random and pseudo-random figures testing are adduced. * & ' ( , , ) . H ' , $ , , ' . ( & ' ' DSS. * ' DSA ( DSS) ' % & .K % 0 160- q( % ). P , %& ' , $ , (Q*RS), %& ( , - T U .). * . R , 2 [1,2]. * , ' . % * : (Ys n ps ) 2 2 = (1) 1 s k n ps Ys - , % s; ps - , % s; k - ; n– & .
  • 2. 2 * % =k–1 p- , . . . S n , % ps n ps $ 5. K , , - , [1,3] & “ ”( ) [1]. * “ t”. ` , %& ' , % %& : 1) t %& ; 2) .* ' % “ t”; 3) & % “ t” . a “ t” [1] ) - R . H ' 2 ( k) . b i- % t- (Xi1, Xi2, ... , Xit). ) 0 k-1 % . * M x = max X ij , 1 j t a , Mx = z %& . Xij – .R p (M x z ) = p( X ij z ) = ( z + 1) k t , t 0 z k 1 1 j t p (M x = z ) = p (M x z ) p(M x z 1) d , [ p(M x = z ) = ( z + 1) t ] z k, t t 0 z k 1. (2) * %* % , (2) & ( . . t- ) $ 5. ( z $ 5. – (1) %& & , , , $ % , % ' . a `.e [4] %& $ . * $ % . * [0, k-1] , “ t”, $ $ . “ t” % , , 2 , $ %& .( ,
  • 3. (2), %& : p( z1 Mx z2) = [( z + 1) z ] k , 2 t t 1 t z1 z2 C $ % [0, k-1], & . U $ “ t” & % . 1. a (2) zmin= 0. R , t pmin = 1 / k n pmin= N / (t kt), N– .* , , , N 5 kt). H (t % , t k N $ $ .H , t = 8, k = 256, N 7.38 1020. 2. ( t. ( % t, %& % t t k N / 5. (3) 3. k ( ), N t / k, $ (3). d , % , “ & ”, %& t k ( (3)), “ t”. b CHITESTS [5], ' , . ) % ' & % 2 . P , . CHITESTS , ' % [1]. k p 0 – 1 % 99 – 100 %, % .k p 99 95 % 5 1 %, % “ ”; p, % 95 90 % 10 5 %, “ ” [1]. P Q.U RANDOM CD-ROM [6], : , DIEHARD, 60 10- . H DIEHARD. H & % DIEHARD CHITESTS. T calif.bit % , % & % ' () , Re`), & % G.Marsalia RANDOM CD-ROM. a random - , , & % RANDOM.SYS, file1.bin - smart- Payflex 1K. b $ 10 U .
  • 4. 10000000 characters in file: calif.bits HITESTS . / CHI 3 4 A Frequency Test 1.000000 Test error1 B Serial Test 1.000000 Test error C Gap Test 0.976478 Suspicious D Poker Test 1.000000 Unsatisfactory E Coupon Test 0.968074 Suspicious F Permutations Test 0.999634 Unsatisfactory G Runs Up Test 0.669232 Satisfactory H Maximum-of-8 Test 1.000000 Test error I Lapped M-tuple Test 1.000000 Test error DIEHARD . / p-value 3 4 A. BIRTHDAY SPACING .631736 Satisfactory B. OPERM5 .541571 Satisfactory C. BINARY RANK 1.0000 Unsatisfactory D. SQUEEZE .997847 Unsatisfactory E.1 CRAPS: no. of wins .847283 Satisfactory E.2 CRAPS throws/game .441181 Satisfactory F. MINIMUM DISTANCE .792573 Satisfactory G. 3DSPHERES .001891 Unsatisfactory H. OSUM .409425 Satisfactory I.1 RUNS: Runs up .430718 Satisfactory I.2 RUNS: Runs down .622296 Satisfactory K. CDPARK .406615 Satisfactory 10000000 characters in file: random HITESTS . / CHI 3 4 A. Frequency Test 0.109633 Satisfactory B. Serial Test 0.551388 Satisfactory C. Gap Test 0.834301 Satisfactory D. Poker Test 0.402890 Satisfactory E. Coupon Test 0.433876 Satisfactory F. Permutations Test 0.683315 Satisfactory G. Runs Up Test 0.360567 Satisfactory H. Max-of-8 Test 0.237868 Satisfactory I. Lapped M-Tuple Test 0.269342 Satisfactory DIEHARD . / p-value 3 4 A. BIRTHDAY SPACING 0.726657 Satisfactory B. OPERM5 0.719636 Satisfactory C. BINARY RANK 0.854952 Satisfactory D. SQUEEZE 0.524926 Satisfactory E.1 CRAPS: no. of wins 0.280685 Satisfactory E.2 CRAPS throws/game 0.159625 Satisfactory F. MINIMUM DISTANCE 0.889075 Satisfactory 1 * % & “Test error”, CHI - 1.
  • 5. G. 3DSPHERES 0.948734 Satisfactory H. OSUM 0.079572 Satisfactory I.1 RUNS: Runs up 0.668908 Satisfactory I.2 RUNS: Runs down 0.860145 Satisfactory K. CDPARK 0.377942 Satisfactory 11296592 characters in file: file1.bin HITESTS . / CHI 3 4 A. Frequency Test 0.505161 Satisfactory B. Serial Test 0.187295 Satisfactory C. Gap Test 0.330256 Satisfactory D. Poker Test 0.616983 Satisfactory E. Coupon Test 0.081551 Faintly suspicious F. Permutations Test 0.073267 Faintly suspicious G. Runs Up Test 0.516541 Satisfactory H. Max-of-8 Test 0.626726 Satisfactory I. Lapped M-Tuple Test 0.479882 Satisfactory DIEHARD . / p-value 3 4 A. BIRTHDAY SPACING 0.326970 Satisfactory B. OPERM5 0.959323 Satisfactory C. BINARY RANK 0.795310 Satisfactory D. SQUEEZE 0.531174 Satisfactory E.1 CRAPS: no. of wins 0.623129 Satisfactory E.2 CRAPS: throws/game 0.862083 Satisfactory F. MINIMUM DISTANCE 0.904371 Satisfactory G. 3DSPHERES 0.597925 Satisfactory H. OSUM 0.843655 Satisfactory I.1 RUNS: Runs up 0.926601 Satisfactory I.2 RUNS: Runs down 0.636983 Satisfactory K. CDPARK 0.095702 Satisfactory d - , ' – ' random(), Borland C - - Elite 730, 510. ) $ ', “ ” - , & % , - % %( ). R , - , ' ( , , , - % %& ) $ .* ' ) “( ” , R ® ' Dekart Digital Signature System , U - Dekart Media Pay ®, % smart- Payflex 1K RANDOM.SYS. R - % $ DIEHARD. ( RANDOM.SYS , % ( CHITESTS), , & % smart- , % “ - ” CHITESTS. R : 1. ' % & % DIEHARD D * . ) , & % '
  • 6. ( . . ). RHITESTS D * ' . 2. RHITESTS 9 , * 2 ; DIEHARD 18 , $ % p-value [0.025, 0.975], % (“ - ” “ ”) * ) -R . 3. DIEHARD c - $ 80 . , RHITESTS - % - n ps $ 5. . ( $ & ' ( , DSS) ' % ' , - % “ ” $ .Q - , %& “ ” % , %& % Q*RS & %& . R , & & % .S $ $ $, ' . R ' % ) “Dekart” % - - RHITESTS, DIEHARD. [1] ) (. P KaU/ d.2 * .- U.: U , 1977.- 727 . [2] a a.d., H `.T., H H.T. U $ $ .- U .: a $. e ., 1984.- 527 . [3] Wegentkittl S. Empirical testing of pseudorandom number generator/ Master’s thesis, University of Salzburg, Austria, 1995. [4] Shapira A. The Discrete Runs Test and the Discrete Maximum of t Test. Technical Report CS 96-15. ESCE Department Rensselaer Polytehnic Institute. 1996. [5] * (CHITESTS). b . b . ) “Dekart S.R.L.”, 1998. [6] DIEHARD: a battery of tests for random number generators developed by George Marsaglia. ` P : WeaCheslaw L. Oleinik, Dr. of C.S., Ass.Academician of International Informatization Acad- emy, Member of the Balcanic Union for Fuzzy Systems and Artificial Intelligence. Company “Dekart S.R.L.”, Head of Data Security Section of Smart Card Technology Department. Born: July 4, 1956 Author: more than 40 printed-papers.
  • 7. Olga M. Petrova, Dr. of C.S., Senior Scientific Researcher. Company “Dekart S.R.L.”, Leading Specialist of Data Security Section of Smart Card Technology Department. Born: February 16, 1966. Author: monograph and 14 published works.