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                  In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

 You must scientifically – forensically prove the grave’s EXACT location, its
   EXACT dimensions and its EXACT volumetric density. The cremated
    remains must total at least one percent of the alleged mass murder.

              JUST ONE MASS GRAVE! –
                JUST ONE PERCENT!
       Even though the scientific method can be (and has been) used to prove or
disprove this “historical fact,” here’s an example of how easy just a little skeptical
inquiry and honest historiography can be used to expose the Treblinka holohoax
for the fraud that it is; Holocaust “expert” Yitzak Arad: “All we do have is
survivors’ evidence and testimony… this is the main source for our information
about the camp… No trace of the extermination operation remain.” (Arad’s
“expert testimony” at the trial of John Demjanjuk.) Yet Treblinka “survivor /
eyewitness” Szyja Warszawski claims: “The ashes that remained after the
burning were thrown back into the pits where the bodies had been dug out
earlier… For some pits only the top layer of bodies was dug out. The rest of the
bodies were covered over with soil…” (Warszawski’s “eyewitness testimony” to
the Main Commission for the Investigation of the Hitlerite Crimes in Poland.) So
who do you believe – the so-called “experts” or the alleged “eyewitnesses?”
These contradictory claims can’t both be true. (But they can both be false!) The
official Treblinka story is based entirely on fraudulent “eyewitness accounts,” yet
numerous “eyewitness accounts” totally contradict the official story. Yet it is
literally a thought crime in 15 countries of the world for not simultaneously
believing both of these contradictory claims!

       But it gets worse. There are many more new lies being told to cover up
the old. The holocaust industry’s asinine response to Krege’s scientific / forensic
debunking of the alleged Treblinka holocaust is to claim that the reason he found
no evidence of the alleged huge mass graves was because the Germans
“obliterated” all evidence of their crime. Yet at the same time, MICHAEL
SHERMER claims that he’s used the methods of science to prove the orthodox
version of the alleged Treblinka holocaust! What’s wrong with this picture? (Other
than the fact that he refuses to publish his results.) To illustrate the sophistic
machinations that the holocaust industry (which of course includes Shermer and
his “Skeptics” Society) has gone through to make this fraudulent claim, look at this
montage of quotes from Shermer’s spurious novel-as-true-history – Denying
History: “The purpose of this book is to… show precisely, with solid evidence, how
we know the Holocaust happened… we must obey the rules of reason and apply
the tools of science… Historians both discover and describe the past, just as
natural scientists… we can use the methods of science to… marshal the evidence
and apply tight logic… This process is practiced by all scientists… historical
scientists, geologists, paleontologists and archaeologists, to prove that anything in
the past happened… We must review the physical evidence in conjunction with
written documents and eyewitness testimonies… As historical scientists, however,
we realize that… when the participating scholars play by the rules of science,
logic, and reason… hypotheses can be weighed against the evidence… We know
that the Holocaust happened through the tried and true method employed by all
historical scientists… our book clearly presented the convergence of evidence for
how we know the Holocaust happened.”

      Well now, that changes everything doesn’t it? If Shermer, who insists that he
must see compelling evidence before he believes anything, has proven the
holocaust via the scientific method, then there must be tons of tangible physical
evidence that proves the alleged Treblinka holocaust, right? But why then didn’t
any of this “physical evidence” show up on Krege’s GPR scan? And if the Jews
dispute Krege’s results, then why haven’t they conducted their own forensic /
GPR examination of Treblinka? They could easily and conclusively prove the
alleged Treblinka holocaust in a heartbeat by using real science and modern
technology. (IF the story is true.) Why do you think they had to resort to the
false “science of history” to counter the real sciences of forensic criminology
and archeology?

       Of course, those were all rhetorical questions. Denying History is nothing
but pure Orwellian rectification of history – damage control to counter the harm
that the holocaust truth movement is doing to their sinking ship of lies. THE
HOLOCAUST INDUSTRY has sophistically attempted to elevate the study of
history into a “science,” then use this newly manufactured science to prove their
false history, thus; claiming to repudiate real science without offering an iota of
scientific / physical evidence for the alleged Treblinka holocaust. Not a single
mass grave. Not a single pound of crushed bone. Not so much as a single
tooth! The truth is, they’re trying to blind you with sophistically manufactured
science just in case you have the common sense to see through their maliciously
manufactured history.

                          The number of
                                                                      The alleged method used to
   The alleged pure          alleged         The number of alleged
                                                                        magically obliterate all
 extermination center     eyewitnesses /        murder victims
                                                                        evidence of their crime
                                                                     Dig the bodies out of the
 Treblinka                  40 – 70 *            870,000 **          “huge mass graves,” burn
                                                                     them on pyres made from
 Sobibor                    20 – 40 *            250,000 **          railroad rails, sift the
                                                                     bones from the ash, crush
                                                                     the bones, then throw all
 Belzec                      2–7*                600,000 **          the teeth, crushed bone
                                                                     and ash back into the
                                                                     “huge mass graves” and
 Chelmno                     2–4*                320,000 **          cover the remains with a
                                                                     layer of soil
                            ** Source –
                                             Total – 2,040,000 – 1/3 of the mythical “sacred six
* Depends on the source    Encyclopedia
                          of the Holocaust                        million”

    Do you really believe that two million people could be murdered
    without leaving a trace?
                                                                  The number of teeth that would
                        The weight of the crushed bone that
   The alleged pure                                                be mixed in with the alleged
                      would have been left behind IF this story
 extermination center                                              millions of pounds of crushed
                                       is true

  Treblinka                  6.351 million pounds *               27.840 million

  Sobibor                    1.825 million pounds *               8.000 million

  Belzec                     4.380 million pounds *               19.200 million

  Chelmno                    2.336 million pounds *               10.240 million
    * Calculations are derived from figures used by Arnulf Neumaier in The Treblinka
                                  Holocaust (see below)

          To illustrate just how easy it is to debunk the big lie that burning bodies
    makes them magically disappear, look at the following (chapter 4.3) from Arnulf
    Neumaier’s THE TREBLINKA HOLOCAUST: “Regarding the claim that the
    870,000 corpses were eliminated completely without any trace, we must consider
the quantities of ashes that remain… The wood ashes remaining would then have
weighed approximately 1,000 metric tons… The ash content of a human body
makes up about 5.6% of the body‟s weight; given a 132 lb. body, this comes to 7.3
lbs. The ashes from the 870,000 burned bodies would thus have weighed 6,387,500
lbs. The total quantity of ashes – wood ashes plus human ashes – would therefore
have weighed almost 4,000 metric tons, or 8.6 million pounds, all of which
(according to the witnesses) were then mixed with the soil and thrown back into
the pits. Even if this quantity of ash had been mixed with the roughly 3.53 million
cubic feet of soil excavated from the burial pits, it would be easy to find evidence
for human remains of the quantity alleged by the witnesses. It must also be noted
that in the incineration of corpses under the conditions specified by the witnesses,
the bones would not have turned to ash, but would have remained as bones.”

      NOTE: You do understand that even modern cremation techniques don’t
reduce bodies to ashes, but rather to BONES, right? Disingenuously referring to
the alleged cremated remains as “ashes” rather than correctly referring to
them as bones is a crucial component of this big lie / cognitive illusion.

        So what’s the Jews’ response when it’s conclusively demonstrated that
burning bodies on pyres doesn’t make them magically disappear? “Why, the
Germans obliterated all the evidence by crushing the bones,” they shriek. To
illustrate how absurd this is, and how easy it is to debunk the crushing-the-bones-
equals-obliteration thesis, take a look at these photos of the REAL HOLOCAUST
that the allies inflicted on Dresden Germany. (Please view photos 0030.jpg through
0041.jpg.) And what’s the Jews’ response when it’s conclusively demonstrated that
crushing bones doesn’t make them magically disappear either? “Why, those evil
geniuses reburied the remains in the huge mass graves and then covered it all up
with a layer of soil,” they screech. Do you understand the insanity of this? If
burning bodies and crushing the bones doesn’t “obliterate” evidence, then how can
the simple act of covering the remains with dirt do the trick? To illustrate how easy
it is to debunk the burying-the-evidence-equals-obliteration thesis, and to examine
the relevance that teeth have on this issue, scroll down to the last question on this
link HERE: “Cremation destroys DNA… However, teeth stay pretty intact… During
these examinations we can‟t find DNA, but we can find TEETH”: “As might be
expected from a damp cave, bodies buried 3,200 years ago had long since returned
to dust. But precise excavation recovered evidence of each individual – their teeth.”

       So if Shermer and all the other officially sanctioned holocaust “scholars”
can’t offer an iota of tangible physical evidence to back up their fraudulent claim
that the alleged Treblinka holocaust has been scientifically proven - not even a
single tooth out of an alleged 27 million! - then what’s left for the true believers
to cling to in justifying their continued belief in the orthodox version of the
Treblinka story? Why the perfect crime / magically disappearing Jew “theory” of
course! It simply boggles the mind that it’s necessary to explain to college
educated school teachers (just as you would to a three-year-old child), that by
covering something up with dirt you’re not actually making it magically
disappear. (And we haven’t even touched on the most asinine claim of all – that
the Germans were able to burn these millions of bodies by the ingenious
“discovery” that by stacking the bodies “just right,” they’ll “catch” fire and
magically burn all by themselves – just like fire logs!) Just as astonishing is the
fact that even after seeing conclusive proof that the official Treblinka legend is
nothing but one PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY after another and that the latest
Jewish holocaust is the most grossly exaggerated event of the 20th century, the true
believers are totally unaffected by the truth. Why? Because they would then have
to admit that the fraudulent Treblinka holocaust is a literal JEWISH
CONSPIRACY, and that would make them (gasp!) an anti-Semite!

        So what exactly is the significance of the fact that this fraudulent holocaust
within the holocaust is a malicious lie? First, the pure extermination center myth
cannot stand if the Treblinka cornerstone is pulled. And if the Treblinka
holohoax is debunked (which of course it has been), then the equally synthetic
pillars of Belzec, Chelmno and Sobibor become untenable and the fraudulent pure
extermination center legend collapses. And without the pure extermination center
canard, the official version of the final solution becomes untenable, ergo - NO
EXTERMINATION PROGRAM! (It’s like pulling on a loose thread of a cheap
sweater.) Secondly, it irrefutably proves that not only is the Treblinka holohoax a
literal Jewish conspiracy, but also that the orthodox holocaust story is a malicious
lie. Even if the Treblinka holohoax is the only remaining segment of the entire
holocaust story that is false (which obviously it isn’t), that still makes the holocaust
industry’s version of the story a lie. (A story that is only 1% maliciously false is still
a lie.) Third, it exposes the Jews’ unconscionable tactic of accusing those who
question any aspect of the orthodox holocaust story, no matter how much scientific
evidence they have to back up their reasons to be skeptical, as being a “DENIER.”
“Eyewitness” Yankel Wiernik’s model showing the “huge mass graves” of
Treblinka that allegedly contain the millions of pounds of crushed bone, tens of
millions of teeth and tens of thousands of bullets and shell casings.

       Now who in their right mind could believe the official story that the
Treblinka site was “utterly eradicated” by a layer of soil and couldn’t be
detected today with the use of modern archeological / forensic science
techniques? Compounding the obvious absurdity that the pseudo “science” of
history gives eyewitness testimony more credence than tangible physical evidence
(or the lack thereof) is the fact that every single “eyewitness” that helped to
“historically” prove the preposterous Treblinka legend was a shameless
PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. Don’t believe it? Then winning THE TREBLINKA
CSI CHALLENGE TM should be like taking candy from a baby. (Unless you’re
sticking with the perfect crime / magically disappearing Jew “theory.”) If however,
you acknowledge the fact that Treblinka is a literal Jewish conspiracy (And what
honest, intelligent person wouldn’t?), wait until you examine the absurd lies of the
other three alleged pure extermination centers and Babi Yar. They’re essentially
mirror images of the Treblinka fairy tale replete with the asinine millions of
pounds of magically disappearing evidence yarn. And if the camp with the most
alleged “eyewitnesses / survivors” has been scientifically debunked, then what are
the chances that the absurd legends of the other camps are true?

       Since Michael Shermer (the president of the “Skeptics” Society and
publisher of “SKEPTIC” magazine) has such disdain for real skeptics (i.e. –
intelligent / logical people who refuse to share his delusion that millions of Jews
can magically vanish from the face of the earth without leaving a trace),
“SKEPTIC” magazine should be more than willing to publish the results of any
scientific investigation that claims to have proven that the largest of the asinine
pure extermination center legends has been forensically proven to be a fact.
Therefore, all one has to do to become a claimant for THE TREBLINKA
claims / results published in “SKEPTIC” Magazine. Now, just how hard should
it be for the “we-must-see-compelling-evidence-before-we-believe” sham
“Skeptics” Society to prove just 1% of the alleged mass murder at Treblinka IF the
official story is true?

       To all those who want to put an end to holocaust denial and who still believe
that the deniers are crazy when they talk about Jewish conspiracies (But your
belief in magically disappearing Jews is sane, right?), then why haven’t you
accepted THE TREBLINKA CSI CHALLENGE TM? And why don’t you ASK
MICHAEL SHERMER why, if he so desperately yearns to earn the title of
Righteous Gentile, does he refuse to take advantage of the golden opportunity that
NAFCASH TM is giving him to help stop holocaust denial? And while you’re
challenging Shermer, why don’t you remind him of what he wrote in his deluding
novel DENYING HISTORY: “We also traveled to the camps themselves, to…
Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec… to test the claims that no mass murders… took place
by intention at these camps.” Really? Did he conduct scientific tests using the real
sciences of forensic criminology and archaeology? If not, why? And if so, then
why does he refuse to publish the results? And why don’t you ask him how he
rationalizes his cowardly refusal to debate true skeptics who expose his gross
hypocrisy and illusory “testing of the claims” with this other quote from Denying
History: “Others have argued that to meet with the deniers or answer their claims
is to validate them, but we believe that to let their arguments go unanswered
presents the greater danger.” So why does Michael Shermer refuse to answer
NAFCASH’s TM questions and/or accept its challenges?

       If “the world’s foremost skeptic” (who insists his sophomoric
CONVERGENCE OF EVIDENCE theory historically proves the holocaust), can’t
scientifically locate even one of the alleged huge mass graves of Treblinka and
can’t forensically prove even 1% of this absurd myth, then what does that say
about the veracity of this so-called historically proven fact? Shermer’s sophistry is
akin to a scientist claiming that he has proven the great flood / Noah’s Ark fable by
using nothing but bible verses! What we’re challenging anyone to prove is
undeniably a scientifically knowable truth and a forensically provable fact.
Anyone who believes otherwise is delusional. That is of course, IF the legend is
true. Don’t believe it? The following is from holocaust “scholar” Yitzhak Arad’s
deluding novel (which was written to rectify the damage that was done to the
Treblinka holohoax by Steiner’s embarrassing confession of fraud / forgery)
BELZEC, SOBIBOR, TREBLINKA, chapter 23 – The Erasure of the Crimes: “The
camp command was confronted with the problem of disposing of the large piles of
ash and bits of bone that remained… Ultimately it was decided to dump the ash
and bits of bone into the ditches that had previously held the bodies and to cover
them with a thick layer of sand and dirt… [“Eyewitness”] Abraham Goldfarb
relates: …‟we secretly placed in the walls of the graves whole skeletons and we
wrote on scraps of paper what the Germans were doing at Treblinka. We put the
scraps of paper into bottles, which we placed next to the skeletons. Our intention
was that if one day someone looked for traces of the Nazis’ crimes, they could
indeed be found.‟”

       NOTE: Historical “truths” are not exempt from THE SCIENTIFIC
METHOD. Exposing the lies of the holocaust, the fraud of the final solution and
the criminal Jewish conspiracy of the nonsensical pure extermination centers is not
“denying” the holocaust. Using the scientific method to prove that the largest mass
gravesite in the history of mankind is, in reality, a fraudulent hoax is not “denying”
the holocaust. Refusing to accept a logically absurd, demonstratively false,
scientifically debunked historical event is not “denying” that something
happened. Just because the dull-uding “experts” lack the curiosity to examine, the
intelligence to understand, the courage to accept, the integrity to acknowledge and
the character to speak the truth about this fraudulent COGNITIVE ILLUSION
does not make a skeptic of the official holocaust story a “denier.” (By the way, you
cannot “deny” something that never happened.)
Michael Shermer accuses real skeptics of denying history because, in part,
they refuse to share his delusional belief that the Germans were able to murder
millions of Jews without leaving a trace. In his sophomoric and sophistic attempt
to “prove” this accusation, he has denied forensic science, criminology and
archeology. In accusing others of practicing pseudo history, he not only has
engaged in it himself, but also had to forgo the scientific method and the very
fundamental principles of skepticism which he claims guides his belief system. In
his own words, again from Denying History: “The best way to beat a lie detector is
to believe the lie yourself… Deception becomes self-deception.” Really? Well
then, let’s use the alleged Treblinka holocaust as a case study in denial and self-
deception. Here’s another montage of Michael Shermer quotes from Denying
History: “The culmination of years of research… our purpose… to present the
historical facts that refute Holocaust denial… To debunk the deniers can’t we just
go there and see them for ourselves? The answer, of course, is “yes.”… We can
no longer ignore the deniers, calling them names and hoping they will go away…
We cannot remain silent anymore. It‟s time to respond… Not only is it defensible
to respond to the deniers, it is, we believe, our duty… Many of our arguments draw
on specialized research into the claims of the deniers that took us… to the Nazi
extermination camps themselves… we went to Europe to conduct research at the
camps, in particular at… Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec… We wanted to see for
ourselves just what evidence there is at the camps and to take the opportunity to
examine firsthand the claims… Much of the research is the type of work
professional historians normally do… analyzing ground and aerial
photographs… in order to make proper interpretations, we must review the
physical evidence… Like criminologists solving a crime, we piece together the
myriad bits of evidence until a conclusion emerges from the morass of data… How
is it that so much physical evidence can come to be doubted?”

       “Reviewing the physical evidence?” – “Analyzing ground and aerial
photographs?” – “Like criminologists solving a crime?” Well now Michael, real
skeptics and scholars have been waiting for years for you to publish the results of
your alleged firsthand examination of the physical evidence and analysis of aerial
photographs of Treblinka. If you’re so incredulous that people can come to
doubt so much physical evidence and photographic proof, then why do you
refuse to publish the results of your alleged research? If there’s so much
physical evidence – then let’s see it! What’s wrong Shermer? Your silence is
deafening. What happened to your duty to respond? (After all, you do want to put
an end to holocaust denial – don’t you?) Who’s self-deceiving? Who’s denying the
REAL HISTORY of Treblinka? Who’s denying common sense, iron logic, critical
thinking, forensic science and the fundamental principles of skeptical inquiry and
the scientific method? Who’s denying reality?
Treblinka right before the Jews’ obscuration (and consecration) of the site
with their delusive shrine.

      Can you locate the alleged huge mass graves that Michael Shermer claims
he’s proven exist?

      Maybe these “eyewitness / survivor” MAPS OF TREBLINKA will help.

       So why are the billion dollar per-year holocaust industry and its fawning
front men at the “Skeptics” Society afraid to honestly apply the scientific method
to the fairy tale known as the Treblinka holocaust? It really is this incredibly
simple: The alleged Treblinka holocaust literally stands or falls on the
existence of the alleged huge mass graves, and the nonsensical lies of Belzec,
Chelmno and Sobibor become untenable (as if they’re not already!) if the truth
about Treblinka is exposed. Are you beginning to understand why the Jews have
gotten holocaust denial (Jewish code name for THE TRUTH) to be a criminal
offense in 15 countries of the world? And the “Skeptics” Society is aiding and
abetting them in this immoral inquisition! And to add insult to injury, they’re
prostituting themselves to the holocaust industry under the guise of skeptical
inquiry and the scientific method! That explains why the alleged Treblinka
holocaust had to be “proven” with the “science of history” instead of real science
and tangible physical evidence. (The only other explanation for this craven refusal
to apply the scientific method to scientifically knowable truths and forensically
provable facts is that the logically retarded pseudo-skeptics at the Schleptics
Society actually believe in magically disappearing Jews!) Of course, if all these
charges are unfounded, then it begs the question: Why does Michael SHAMMER
refuse to publish the findings of his alleged investigation which he claims he
conducted at Treblinka? (Odd behavior for a “scientist” who claims he wants to put
an end to holocaust denial – isn’t it?)

       NOTE: Are you aware that the Jews and their minions have gotten laws
passed in nine states – California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Mississippi, Missouri,
New Jersey, New York and Washington, that mandate that this NONSENSICAL,
religiously based atrocity propaganda be taught to our children as “irrefutable
historical fact?” (Laws that sanctify an “official version” of any historical event are
the first step in criminalizing contradictory interpretations.) Every time a teacher
vomits up the lies of holocaustianity onto his students, he’s brainwashing them
with maliciously manufactured false history based on Jewish mythology. Any
educator who doesn’t understand why the Zionists can’t accept a lower figure than
the sacred six million and/or who still believes that the total number of Jewish
deaths “doesn’t matter,” shouldn’t even be allowed in a classroom. (If it doesn’t
matter, then why is it illegal in 15 countries of the world for heretics to reveal that
the actual figure is far less than the sacred six million? It’s analogous to being
imprisoned for “denying” the “fact” that the earth is six thousand years old! And if
the truth doesn’t matter, then why not pass laws that mandate that our children be
taught that Iraq really did have WMDs?) Remember, you don’t have to say that the
holocaust didn’t happen to be branded a HOLOCAUST DENIER; all you have to
do is suggest that the six million figure is an exaggeration.

       RECAP: Burning bodies destroys all evidence? DEBUNKED. Crushing
bones destroys all evidence? DEBUNKED. Putting millions of pounds of crushed
bone into huge pits and covering it over with a layer of soil destroys all evidence?
DEBUNKED. Michael Shermer’s deluding boast that he’s proven the orthodox
version of the holocaust / final solution / pure extermination centers? Easily,
logically, scientifically, forensically and irrefutably DEBUNKED: “That‟s the only
way to understand this subject. It has to be studied carefully… If you slow down
and look carefully at the logic, his „jumping together‟ illusion doesn‟t work…
Shermer has set up his argument in such a way that the ordinary methods of logic
don‟t apply… This is like a shell game: you have to watch what he‟s doing… The
Shermer principle is not logic… The jumping together phenomenon is how
illusionists produce their illusions.”


      Please note that every effort was made to give Michael Shermer an
                 opportunity to rebut the contents of this site.
The following email is just one example that illustrates the numerous
                    opportunities that were afforded him.

      From: “Greg Gerdes” <>
      Subject: Your refusal to debate me
      Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 14:16:56 –0700

      “… This will be the third and last time that I challenge you to a debate. I
will have no other recourse than to assume that your continued craven refusal to
address my questions and charges constitutes undeniable proof that you are in fact
a coward, hypocrite and fraud… Let me reiterate the basis of my charges… you
claim to have visited Treblinka itself (as well as Belzec and Sobibor) to… “Test
the claims that no mass murders, especially by gassing, took place by intention at
these camps.”… So, for the record, just what scientific tests did you conduct at
Treblinka in the first place and just how did the Treblinka holocaust pass these so-
called scientific tests and where EXACTLY are these alleged “mass graves” of
Treblinka that you claim exist and just how EXACTLY is it that you know for sure
that they contain the crushed bone and ash of the alleged 870,000 murdered
people at Treblinka? Simple, reasonable and logical questions from a REAL
skeptic, based on skeptical inquiry and the scientific method. We‟re waiting Mike!”

       And what kind of a response do you think we got from Mr. “We cannot
remain silent anymore. It‟s time to respond?” Silence of course! Why? Because
this obsequious Shabbas Goy is one of the holocaust industry’s most prized
imprimaturs. (To be fair, he did send a very short reply to one email, but he mealy-
mouthed his way around the subject of debate and he refused to answer any
questions concerning his alleged research.) As the holocaust scholar Paul
Grubach so poignantly noted after his equally unsuccessful attempt to debate
Shermer: “Will Dr. Shermer accept my challenge? I doubt it. When he crossed
swords with revisionist historian Mark Weber, it was a disaster for Shermer and
the traditional view of the Holocaust. Weber made Holocaust revisionism look too
good for Shermer‟s liking, and the traditional view of the Holocaust severely
deficient. Furthermore, many who saw the debate said that Shermer appeared
amateurish, and at times, even foolish. Since that disaster, Shermer has never (to
my knowledge) engaged another Holocaust revisionist in public debate. It appears
as though Shermer is fearful of undermining the media-created, public image of
himself as the “Great Guru of Skepticism.” To cross swords with Holocaust
revisionists would call public attention to the severe deficiencies in his own work
and Holocaust historiography in general. His strategy seems to be as follows:
Never again engage a revisionist in debate, just write about them in mainstream,
establishment media outlets. In this way, he can selectively create any image of
revisionists and revisionist historiography he so chooses, without ever having to
worry about the negative fallout resulting from an expose of the fallacies, errors
and omissions in his work on the Holocaust.”
And speaking of deliberate omissions, there are a few more important things
to know about Shermer’s deluding novel Denying History and his bogus claim that
he’s an unbiased historian. Shermer’s co-author, Alex Grobman? Jew. The book’s
forward author, Arthur Hertzberg? Jew. The book’s cover endorsement author,
Jared Diamond? Jew. The six people prominently thanked in the book’s
acknowledgments section, Samuel Goetz, Herbert Gelfand, John Fishel, Avner
Shalev, Motti Shalem and Marcia Reines Josephy? Jews all. The well over fifty
others who were thanked in the book’s acknowledgments section? The list may not
be comprised entirely of Jews, but it reads like a Tel Aviv phone book. The three
organizations under whose auspices the book was written, The S. Mark Taper
Foundation, The Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles and The Leslie
and Susan Gonda (Goldschmied) Foundation? Jewish organizations all. And get
this! The organization that shares the novel’s copyrights with Shermer and
Grobman? The Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust! If you still believe that this
Judophile is unbiased, click HERE: “You testified that there was no forensic
evidence of Treblinka… However, there appears to already exist considerable
forensic evidence of Treblinka… the excavation… failed to discover any residue
of human bones… Thus, given all of the above, it seems inconceivable that you
were unaware of the existence of the two forensic investigations of Treblinka
that appear to have been conducted… Or did you suppress it?”

       If Shermer is unbiased, then why did he intentionally try to suppress the
findings of these and other FORENSIC INVESTIGATIONS? And why didn’t he
mention the fact that Steiner’s book TREBLINKA was proven to be a fraud and that
Steiner himself admitted that his book was a forgery? Did Shermer attempt to put
this down the memory-hole also because his “proof” of the alleged Treblinka
holocaust is based entirely on Steiner’s false “eyewitnesses?” Denying History is
nothing more than the same lies rehashed in a new book, but this time – it’s
fraudulently repackaged under the guise of “science.” Do you see how Shermer
has attempted to rewrite history by using propaganda by omission? That is why he
suppressed Krege’s GPR scan of Treblinka in order to make his science of history
claptrap sound plausible. He also shamelessly declares in Denying History – “We
must be forthright and honest about what we know and do not know about the
holocaust.” And, “It is the duty of informed experts on a subject to share their
knowledge.” And, “Truth will always win out when the evidence is made available
for all to see.” Are you beginning to understand why this sycophant Shabbas Goy
(whose “Skeptic” Society, by the way, is literally infested with Jews) is considered
by true skeptics to be a shameless fraud and the Quisling of the skeptical

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The Treblinka crime scene investigation challenge TM

  • 1. THE TREBLINKA CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION CHALLENGE TM bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiem In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful You must scientifically – forensically prove the grave’s EXACT location, its EXACT dimensions and its EXACT volumetric density. The cremated remains must total at least one percent of the alleged mass murder. JUST ONE MASS GRAVE! – JUST ONE PERCENT! Even though the scientific method can be (and has been) used to prove or disprove this “historical fact,” here’s an example of how easy just a little skeptical inquiry and honest historiography can be used to expose the Treblinka holohoax for the fraud that it is; Holocaust “expert” Yitzak Arad: “All we do have is survivors’ evidence and testimony… this is the main source for our information about the camp… No trace of the extermination operation remain.” (Arad’s “expert testimony” at the trial of John Demjanjuk.) Yet Treblinka “survivor / eyewitness” Szyja Warszawski claims: “The ashes that remained after the burning were thrown back into the pits where the bodies had been dug out earlier… For some pits only the top layer of bodies was dug out. The rest of the bodies were covered over with soil…” (Warszawski’s “eyewitness testimony” to the Main Commission for the Investigation of the Hitlerite Crimes in Poland.) So who do you believe – the so-called “experts” or the alleged “eyewitnesses?” These contradictory claims can’t both be true. (But they can both be false!) The official Treblinka story is based entirely on fraudulent “eyewitness accounts,” yet numerous “eyewitness accounts” totally contradict the official story. Yet it is literally a thought crime in 15 countries of the world for not simultaneously believing both of these contradictory claims! But it gets worse. There are many more new lies being told to cover up the old. The holocaust industry’s asinine response to Krege’s scientific / forensic debunking of the alleged Treblinka holocaust is to claim that the reason he found no evidence of the alleged huge mass graves was because the Germans “obliterated” all evidence of their crime. Yet at the same time, MICHAEL SHERMER claims that he’s used the methods of science to prove the orthodox version of the alleged Treblinka holocaust! What’s wrong with this picture? (Other than the fact that he refuses to publish his results.) To illustrate the sophistic machinations that the holocaust industry (which of course includes Shermer and his “Skeptics” Society) has gone through to make this fraudulent claim, look at this
  • 2. montage of quotes from Shermer’s spurious novel-as-true-history – Denying History: “The purpose of this book is to… show precisely, with solid evidence, how we know the Holocaust happened… we must obey the rules of reason and apply the tools of science… Historians both discover and describe the past, just as natural scientists… we can use the methods of science to… marshal the evidence and apply tight logic… This process is practiced by all scientists… historical scientists, geologists, paleontologists and archaeologists, to prove that anything in the past happened… We must review the physical evidence in conjunction with written documents and eyewitness testimonies… As historical scientists, however, we realize that… when the participating scholars play by the rules of science, logic, and reason… hypotheses can be weighed against the evidence… We know that the Holocaust happened through the tried and true method employed by all historical scientists… our book clearly presented the convergence of evidence for how we know the Holocaust happened.” Well now, that changes everything doesn’t it? If Shermer, who insists that he must see compelling evidence before he believes anything, has proven the holocaust via the scientific method, then there must be tons of tangible physical evidence that proves the alleged Treblinka holocaust, right? But why then didn’t any of this “physical evidence” show up on Krege’s GPR scan? And if the Jews dispute Krege’s results, then why haven’t they conducted their own forensic / GPR examination of Treblinka? They could easily and conclusively prove the alleged Treblinka holocaust in a heartbeat by using real science and modern technology. (IF the story is true.) Why do you think they had to resort to the false “science of history” to counter the real sciences of forensic criminology and archeology? Of course, those were all rhetorical questions. Denying History is nothing but pure Orwellian rectification of history – damage control to counter the harm that the holocaust truth movement is doing to their sinking ship of lies. THE HOLOCAUST INDUSTRY has sophistically attempted to elevate the study of history into a “science,” then use this newly manufactured science to prove their false history, thus; claiming to repudiate real science without offering an iota of scientific / physical evidence for the alleged Treblinka holocaust. Not a single mass grave. Not a single pound of crushed bone. Not so much as a single tooth! The truth is, they’re trying to blind you with sophistically manufactured science just in case you have the common sense to see through their maliciously manufactured history. *****
  • 3. THE “PURE EXTERMINATION CENTERS” The number of The alleged method used to The alleged pure alleged The number of alleged magically obliterate all extermination center eyewitnesses / murder victims evidence of their crime survivors Dig the bodies out of the Treblinka 40 – 70 * 870,000 ** “huge mass graves,” burn them on pyres made from Sobibor 20 – 40 * 250,000 ** railroad rails, sift the bones from the ash, crush the bones, then throw all Belzec 2–7* 600,000 ** the teeth, crushed bone and ash back into the “huge mass graves” and Chelmno 2–4* 320,000 ** cover the remains with a layer of soil ** Source – Total – 2,040,000 – 1/3 of the mythical “sacred six * Depends on the source Encyclopedia of the Holocaust million” “OBLITERATED ALL EVIDENCE OF THEIR CRIME?” Do you really believe that two million people could be murdered without leaving a trace? The number of teeth that would The weight of the crushed bone that The alleged pure be mixed in with the alleged would have been left behind IF this story extermination center millions of pounds of crushed is true bone Treblinka 6.351 million pounds * 27.840 million Sobibor 1.825 million pounds * 8.000 million Belzec 4.380 million pounds * 19.200 million Chelmno 2.336 million pounds * 10.240 million * Calculations are derived from figures used by Arnulf Neumaier in The Treblinka Holocaust (see below) To illustrate just how easy it is to debunk the big lie that burning bodies makes them magically disappear, look at the following (chapter 4.3) from Arnulf Neumaier’s THE TREBLINKA HOLOCAUST: “Regarding the claim that the 870,000 corpses were eliminated completely without any trace, we must consider
  • 4. the quantities of ashes that remain… The wood ashes remaining would then have weighed approximately 1,000 metric tons… The ash content of a human body makes up about 5.6% of the body‟s weight; given a 132 lb. body, this comes to 7.3 lbs. The ashes from the 870,000 burned bodies would thus have weighed 6,387,500 lbs. The total quantity of ashes – wood ashes plus human ashes – would therefore have weighed almost 4,000 metric tons, or 8.6 million pounds, all of which (according to the witnesses) were then mixed with the soil and thrown back into the pits. Even if this quantity of ash had been mixed with the roughly 3.53 million cubic feet of soil excavated from the burial pits, it would be easy to find evidence for human remains of the quantity alleged by the witnesses. It must also be noted that in the incineration of corpses under the conditions specified by the witnesses, the bones would not have turned to ash, but would have remained as bones.” NOTE: You do understand that even modern cremation techniques don’t reduce bodies to ashes, but rather to BONES, right? Disingenuously referring to the alleged cremated remains as “ashes” rather than correctly referring to them as bones is a crucial component of this big lie / cognitive illusion. So what’s the Jews’ response when it’s conclusively demonstrated that burning bodies on pyres doesn’t make them magically disappear? “Why, the Germans obliterated all the evidence by crushing the bones,” they shriek. To illustrate how absurd this is, and how easy it is to debunk the crushing-the-bones- equals-obliteration thesis, take a look at these photos of the REAL HOLOCAUST that the allies inflicted on Dresden Germany. (Please view photos 0030.jpg through 0041.jpg.) And what’s the Jews’ response when it’s conclusively demonstrated that crushing bones doesn’t make them magically disappear either? “Why, those evil geniuses reburied the remains in the huge mass graves and then covered it all up with a layer of soil,” they screech. Do you understand the insanity of this? If burning bodies and crushing the bones doesn’t “obliterate” evidence, then how can the simple act of covering the remains with dirt do the trick? To illustrate how easy it is to debunk the burying-the-evidence-equals-obliteration thesis, and to examine the relevance that teeth have on this issue, scroll down to the last question on this link HERE: “Cremation destroys DNA… However, teeth stay pretty intact… During these examinations we can‟t find DNA, but we can find TEETH”: “As might be expected from a damp cave, bodies buried 3,200 years ago had long since returned to dust. But precise excavation recovered evidence of each individual – their teeth.” So if Shermer and all the other officially sanctioned holocaust “scholars” can’t offer an iota of tangible physical evidence to back up their fraudulent claim that the alleged Treblinka holocaust has been scientifically proven - not even a single tooth out of an alleged 27 million! - then what’s left for the true believers to cling to in justifying their continued belief in the orthodox version of the Treblinka story? Why the perfect crime / magically disappearing Jew “theory” of course! It simply boggles the mind that it’s necessary to explain to college educated school teachers (just as you would to a three-year-old child), that by covering something up with dirt you’re not actually making it magically disappear. (And we haven’t even touched on the most asinine claim of all – that
  • 5. the Germans were able to burn these millions of bodies by the ingenious “discovery” that by stacking the bodies “just right,” they’ll “catch” fire and magically burn all by themselves – just like fire logs!) Just as astonishing is the fact that even after seeing conclusive proof that the official Treblinka legend is nothing but one PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY after another and that the latest Jewish holocaust is the most grossly exaggerated event of the 20th century, the true believers are totally unaffected by the truth. Why? Because they would then have to admit that the fraudulent Treblinka holocaust is a literal JEWISH CONSPIRACY, and that would make them (gasp!) an anti-Semite! So what exactly is the significance of the fact that this fraudulent holocaust within the holocaust is a malicious lie? First, the pure extermination center myth cannot stand if the Treblinka cornerstone is pulled. And if the Treblinka holohoax is debunked (which of course it has been), then the equally synthetic pillars of Belzec, Chelmno and Sobibor become untenable and the fraudulent pure extermination center legend collapses. And without the pure extermination center canard, the official version of the final solution becomes untenable, ergo - NO EXTERMINATION PROGRAM! (It’s like pulling on a loose thread of a cheap sweater.) Secondly, it irrefutably proves that not only is the Treblinka holohoax a literal Jewish conspiracy, but also that the orthodox holocaust story is a malicious lie. Even if the Treblinka holohoax is the only remaining segment of the entire holocaust story that is false (which obviously it isn’t), that still makes the holocaust industry’s version of the story a lie. (A story that is only 1% maliciously false is still a lie.) Third, it exposes the Jews’ unconscionable tactic of accusing those who question any aspect of the orthodox holocaust story, no matter how much scientific evidence they have to back up their reasons to be skeptical, as being a “DENIER.”
  • 6. “Eyewitness” Yankel Wiernik’s model showing the “huge mass graves” of Treblinka that allegedly contain the millions of pounds of crushed bone, tens of millions of teeth and tens of thousands of bullets and shell casings. Now who in their right mind could believe the official story that the Treblinka site was “utterly eradicated” by a layer of soil and couldn’t be detected today with the use of modern archeological / forensic science techniques? Compounding the obvious absurdity that the pseudo “science” of history gives eyewitness testimony more credence than tangible physical evidence (or the lack thereof) is the fact that every single “eyewitness” that helped to “historically” prove the preposterous Treblinka legend was a shameless PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. Don’t believe it? Then winning THE TREBLINKA CSI CHALLENGE TM should be like taking candy from a baby. (Unless you’re sticking with the perfect crime / magically disappearing Jew “theory.”) If however, you acknowledge the fact that Treblinka is a literal Jewish conspiracy (And what honest, intelligent person wouldn’t?), wait until you examine the absurd lies of the other three alleged pure extermination centers and Babi Yar. They’re essentially mirror images of the Treblinka fairy tale replete with the asinine millions of pounds of magically disappearing evidence yarn. And if the camp with the most alleged “eyewitnesses / survivors” has been scientifically debunked, then what are the chances that the absurd legends of the other camps are true? Since Michael Shermer (the president of the “Skeptics” Society and publisher of “SKEPTIC” magazine) has such disdain for real skeptics (i.e. – intelligent / logical people who refuse to share his delusion that millions of Jews can magically vanish from the face of the earth without leaving a trace), “SKEPTIC” magazine should be more than willing to publish the results of any scientific investigation that claims to have proven that the largest of the asinine pure extermination center legends has been forensically proven to be a fact. Therefore, all one has to do to become a claimant for THE TREBLINKA CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION CHALLENGE TM reward is to have said claims / results published in “SKEPTIC” Magazine. Now, just how hard should it be for the “we-must-see-compelling-evidence-before-we-believe” sham “Skeptics” Society to prove just 1% of the alleged mass murder at Treblinka IF the official story is true? To all those who want to put an end to holocaust denial and who still believe that the deniers are crazy when they talk about Jewish conspiracies (But your belief in magically disappearing Jews is sane, right?), then why haven’t you accepted THE TREBLINKA CSI CHALLENGE TM? And why don’t you ASK MICHAEL SHERMER why, if he so desperately yearns to earn the title of Righteous Gentile, does he refuse to take advantage of the golden opportunity that NAFCASH TM is giving him to help stop holocaust denial? And while you’re challenging Shermer, why don’t you remind him of what he wrote in his deluding novel DENYING HISTORY: “We also traveled to the camps themselves, to… Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec… to test the claims that no mass murders… took place by intention at these camps.” Really? Did he conduct scientific tests using the real
  • 7. sciences of forensic criminology and archaeology? If not, why? And if so, then why does he refuse to publish the results? And why don’t you ask him how he rationalizes his cowardly refusal to debate true skeptics who expose his gross hypocrisy and illusory “testing of the claims” with this other quote from Denying History: “Others have argued that to meet with the deniers or answer their claims is to validate them, but we believe that to let their arguments go unanswered presents the greater danger.” So why does Michael Shermer refuse to answer NAFCASH’s TM questions and/or accept its challenges? If “the world’s foremost skeptic” (who insists his sophomoric CONVERGENCE OF EVIDENCE theory historically proves the holocaust), can’t scientifically locate even one of the alleged huge mass graves of Treblinka and can’t forensically prove even 1% of this absurd myth, then what does that say about the veracity of this so-called historically proven fact? Shermer’s sophistry is akin to a scientist claiming that he has proven the great flood / Noah’s Ark fable by using nothing but bible verses! What we’re challenging anyone to prove is undeniably a scientifically knowable truth and a forensically provable fact. Anyone who believes otherwise is delusional. That is of course, IF the legend is true. Don’t believe it? The following is from holocaust “scholar” Yitzhak Arad’s deluding novel (which was written to rectify the damage that was done to the Treblinka holohoax by Steiner’s embarrassing confession of fraud / forgery) BELZEC, SOBIBOR, TREBLINKA, chapter 23 – The Erasure of the Crimes: “The camp command was confronted with the problem of disposing of the large piles of ash and bits of bone that remained… Ultimately it was decided to dump the ash and bits of bone into the ditches that had previously held the bodies and to cover them with a thick layer of sand and dirt… [“Eyewitness”] Abraham Goldfarb relates: …‟we secretly placed in the walls of the graves whole skeletons and we wrote on scraps of paper what the Germans were doing at Treblinka. We put the scraps of paper into bottles, which we placed next to the skeletons. Our intention was that if one day someone looked for traces of the Nazis’ crimes, they could indeed be found.‟” NOTE: Historical “truths” are not exempt from THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD. Exposing the lies of the holocaust, the fraud of the final solution and the criminal Jewish conspiracy of the nonsensical pure extermination centers is not “denying” the holocaust. Using the scientific method to prove that the largest mass gravesite in the history of mankind is, in reality, a fraudulent hoax is not “denying” the holocaust. Refusing to accept a logically absurd, demonstratively false, scientifically debunked historical event is not “denying” that something happened. Just because the dull-uding “experts” lack the curiosity to examine, the intelligence to understand, the courage to accept, the integrity to acknowledge and the character to speak the truth about this fraudulent COGNITIVE ILLUSION does not make a skeptic of the official holocaust story a “denier.” (By the way, you cannot “deny” something that never happened.)
  • 8. Michael Shermer accuses real skeptics of denying history because, in part, they refuse to share his delusional belief that the Germans were able to murder millions of Jews without leaving a trace. In his sophomoric and sophistic attempt to “prove” this accusation, he has denied forensic science, criminology and archeology. In accusing others of practicing pseudo history, he not only has engaged in it himself, but also had to forgo the scientific method and the very fundamental principles of skepticism which he claims guides his belief system. In his own words, again from Denying History: “The best way to beat a lie detector is to believe the lie yourself… Deception becomes self-deception.” Really? Well then, let’s use the alleged Treblinka holocaust as a case study in denial and self- deception. Here’s another montage of Michael Shermer quotes from Denying History: “The culmination of years of research… our purpose… to present the historical facts that refute Holocaust denial… To debunk the deniers can’t we just go there and see them for ourselves? The answer, of course, is “yes.”… We can no longer ignore the deniers, calling them names and hoping they will go away… We cannot remain silent anymore. It‟s time to respond… Not only is it defensible to respond to the deniers, it is, we believe, our duty… Many of our arguments draw on specialized research into the claims of the deniers that took us… to the Nazi extermination camps themselves… we went to Europe to conduct research at the camps, in particular at… Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec… We wanted to see for ourselves just what evidence there is at the camps and to take the opportunity to examine firsthand the claims… Much of the research is the type of work professional historians normally do… analyzing ground and aerial photographs… in order to make proper interpretations, we must review the physical evidence… Like criminologists solving a crime, we piece together the myriad bits of evidence until a conclusion emerges from the morass of data… How is it that so much physical evidence can come to be doubted?” “Reviewing the physical evidence?” – “Analyzing ground and aerial photographs?” – “Like criminologists solving a crime?” Well now Michael, real skeptics and scholars have been waiting for years for you to publish the results of your alleged firsthand examination of the physical evidence and analysis of aerial photographs of Treblinka. If you’re so incredulous that people can come to doubt so much physical evidence and photographic proof, then why do you refuse to publish the results of your alleged research? If there’s so much physical evidence – then let’s see it! What’s wrong Shermer? Your silence is deafening. What happened to your duty to respond? (After all, you do want to put an end to holocaust denial – don’t you?) Who’s self-deceiving? Who’s denying the REAL HISTORY of Treblinka? Who’s denying common sense, iron logic, critical thinking, forensic science and the fundamental principles of skeptical inquiry and the scientific method? Who’s denying reality?
  • 9. Treblinka right before the Jews’ obscuration (and consecration) of the site with their delusive shrine. Can you locate the alleged huge mass graves that Michael Shermer claims he’s proven exist? Maybe these “eyewitness / survivor” MAPS OF TREBLINKA will help. So why are the billion dollar per-year holocaust industry and its fawning front men at the “Skeptics” Society afraid to honestly apply the scientific method to the fairy tale known as the Treblinka holocaust? It really is this incredibly simple: The alleged Treblinka holocaust literally stands or falls on the existence of the alleged huge mass graves, and the nonsensical lies of Belzec, Chelmno and Sobibor become untenable (as if they’re not already!) if the truth about Treblinka is exposed. Are you beginning to understand why the Jews have gotten holocaust denial (Jewish code name for THE TRUTH) to be a criminal offense in 15 countries of the world? And the “Skeptics” Society is aiding and abetting them in this immoral inquisition! And to add insult to injury, they’re prostituting themselves to the holocaust industry under the guise of skeptical inquiry and the scientific method! That explains why the alleged Treblinka holocaust had to be “proven” with the “science of history” instead of real science and tangible physical evidence. (The only other explanation for this craven refusal to apply the scientific method to scientifically knowable truths and forensically provable facts is that the logically retarded pseudo-skeptics at the Schleptics Society actually believe in magically disappearing Jews!) Of course, if all these charges are unfounded, then it begs the question: Why does Michael SHAMMER
  • 10. refuse to publish the findings of his alleged investigation which he claims he conducted at Treblinka? (Odd behavior for a “scientist” who claims he wants to put an end to holocaust denial – isn’t it?) NOTE: Are you aware that the Jews and their minions have gotten laws passed in nine states – California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York and Washington, that mandate that this NONSENSICAL, religiously based atrocity propaganda be taught to our children as “irrefutable historical fact?” (Laws that sanctify an “official version” of any historical event are the first step in criminalizing contradictory interpretations.) Every time a teacher vomits up the lies of holocaustianity onto his students, he’s brainwashing them with maliciously manufactured false history based on Jewish mythology. Any educator who doesn’t understand why the Zionists can’t accept a lower figure than the sacred six million and/or who still believes that the total number of Jewish deaths “doesn’t matter,” shouldn’t even be allowed in a classroom. (If it doesn’t matter, then why is it illegal in 15 countries of the world for heretics to reveal that the actual figure is far less than the sacred six million? It’s analogous to being imprisoned for “denying” the “fact” that the earth is six thousand years old! And if the truth doesn’t matter, then why not pass laws that mandate that our children be taught that Iraq really did have WMDs?) Remember, you don’t have to say that the holocaust didn’t happen to be branded a HOLOCAUST DENIER; all you have to do is suggest that the six million figure is an exaggeration. RECAP: Burning bodies destroys all evidence? DEBUNKED. Crushing bones destroys all evidence? DEBUNKED. Putting millions of pounds of crushed bone into huge pits and covering it over with a layer of soil destroys all evidence? DEBUNKED. Michael Shermer’s deluding boast that he’s proven the orthodox version of the holocaust / final solution / pure extermination centers? Easily, logically, scientifically, forensically and irrefutably DEBUNKED: “That‟s the only way to understand this subject. It has to be studied carefully… If you slow down and look carefully at the logic, his „jumping together‟ illusion doesn‟t work… Shermer has set up his argument in such a way that the ordinary methods of logic don‟t apply… This is like a shell game: you have to watch what he‟s doing… The Shermer principle is not logic… The jumping together phenomenon is how illusionists produce their illusions.” NO GRAVES = NO TREBLINKA HOLOCAUST Please note that every effort was made to give Michael Shermer an opportunity to rebut the contents of this site.
  • 11. The following email is just one example that illustrates the numerous opportunities that were afforded him. From: “Greg Gerdes” <> To: Subject: Your refusal to debate me Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 14:16:56 –0700 “… This will be the third and last time that I challenge you to a debate. I will have no other recourse than to assume that your continued craven refusal to address my questions and charges constitutes undeniable proof that you are in fact a coward, hypocrite and fraud… Let me reiterate the basis of my charges… you claim to have visited Treblinka itself (as well as Belzec and Sobibor) to… “Test the claims that no mass murders, especially by gassing, took place by intention at these camps.”… So, for the record, just what scientific tests did you conduct at Treblinka in the first place and just how did the Treblinka holocaust pass these so- called scientific tests and where EXACTLY are these alleged “mass graves” of Treblinka that you claim exist and just how EXACTLY is it that you know for sure that they contain the crushed bone and ash of the alleged 870,000 murdered people at Treblinka? Simple, reasonable and logical questions from a REAL skeptic, based on skeptical inquiry and the scientific method. We‟re waiting Mike!” And what kind of a response do you think we got from Mr. “We cannot remain silent anymore. It‟s time to respond?” Silence of course! Why? Because this obsequious Shabbas Goy is one of the holocaust industry’s most prized imprimaturs. (To be fair, he did send a very short reply to one email, but he mealy- mouthed his way around the subject of debate and he refused to answer any questions concerning his alleged research.) As the holocaust scholar Paul Grubach so poignantly noted after his equally unsuccessful attempt to debate Shermer: “Will Dr. Shermer accept my challenge? I doubt it. When he crossed swords with revisionist historian Mark Weber, it was a disaster for Shermer and the traditional view of the Holocaust. Weber made Holocaust revisionism look too good for Shermer‟s liking, and the traditional view of the Holocaust severely deficient. Furthermore, many who saw the debate said that Shermer appeared amateurish, and at times, even foolish. Since that disaster, Shermer has never (to my knowledge) engaged another Holocaust revisionist in public debate. It appears as though Shermer is fearful of undermining the media-created, public image of himself as the “Great Guru of Skepticism.” To cross swords with Holocaust revisionists would call public attention to the severe deficiencies in his own work and Holocaust historiography in general. His strategy seems to be as follows: Never again engage a revisionist in debate, just write about them in mainstream, establishment media outlets. In this way, he can selectively create any image of revisionists and revisionist historiography he so chooses, without ever having to worry about the negative fallout resulting from an expose of the fallacies, errors and omissions in his work on the Holocaust.”
  • 12. And speaking of deliberate omissions, there are a few more important things to know about Shermer’s deluding novel Denying History and his bogus claim that he’s an unbiased historian. Shermer’s co-author, Alex Grobman? Jew. The book’s forward author, Arthur Hertzberg? Jew. The book’s cover endorsement author, Jared Diamond? Jew. The six people prominently thanked in the book’s acknowledgments section, Samuel Goetz, Herbert Gelfand, John Fishel, Avner Shalev, Motti Shalem and Marcia Reines Josephy? Jews all. The well over fifty others who were thanked in the book’s acknowledgments section? The list may not be comprised entirely of Jews, but it reads like a Tel Aviv phone book. The three organizations under whose auspices the book was written, The S. Mark Taper Foundation, The Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles and The Leslie and Susan Gonda (Goldschmied) Foundation? Jewish organizations all. And get this! The organization that shares the novel’s copyrights with Shermer and Grobman? The Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust! If you still believe that this Judophile is unbiased, click HERE: “You testified that there was no forensic evidence of Treblinka… However, there appears to already exist considerable forensic evidence of Treblinka… the excavation… failed to discover any residue of human bones… Thus, given all of the above, it seems inconceivable that you were unaware of the existence of the two forensic investigations of Treblinka that appear to have been conducted… Or did you suppress it?” If Shermer is unbiased, then why did he intentionally try to suppress the findings of these and other FORENSIC INVESTIGATIONS? And why didn’t he mention the fact that Steiner’s book TREBLINKA was proven to be a fraud and that Steiner himself admitted that his book was a forgery? Did Shermer attempt to put this down the memory-hole also because his “proof” of the alleged Treblinka holocaust is based entirely on Steiner’s false “eyewitnesses?” Denying History is nothing more than the same lies rehashed in a new book, but this time – it’s fraudulently repackaged under the guise of “science.” Do you see how Shermer has attempted to rewrite history by using propaganda by omission? That is why he suppressed Krege’s GPR scan of Treblinka in order to make his science of history claptrap sound plausible. He also shamelessly declares in Denying History – “We must be forthright and honest about what we know and do not know about the holocaust.” And, “It is the duty of informed experts on a subject to share their knowledge.” And, “Truth will always win out when the evidence is made available for all to see.” Are you beginning to understand why this sycophant Shabbas Goy (whose “Skeptic” Society, by the way, is literally infested with Jews) is considered by true skeptics to be a shameless fraud and the Quisling of the skeptical community?