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What is your best direction?


Compass Feng Shui for all of us!
Ming Gua
Why do Feng Shui consultants use a

Because the Magnetic Fields of the Earth
affect us all.
What is personal
Ming Gua, or Destiny Symbol, is a form of Chinese
Feng Shui and Astrology. It has been used for
thousands of years, and in modern usage, determines
the best directions for a person to work, sleep, eat
and have serious discussions or do business with
another person. This gives you an edge.

Ming Gua is considered both Earth Energy (Qi) and
Heaven Qi, since it incorporates the directions of the
compass on Earth, and Time.
All people, and other living things are born at a
specific time. The Magnetic Field of the Earth
is in constant motion, so each year, it has a
different affect upon us.

The Magnetic North Pole moves between 20 and
200 miles per year, meaning that the actual
longitude you were born in moves around!

When looking at a map, we see True North, or
the Polar Axis. Feng Shui uses Magnetic North.
Why does this affect
Since the Magnetic Pole moves, and the
Magnetic Declination or difference from True
North changes each year, we assign a patterns
of energies (Qi) to each year. These are
different for males and females.

When we are born, our first breath oxygenates
our blood, which is filled with Iron, and we
become magnetic beings on our own. Before
this, and in the womb, we have the same
magnetic resonance as our mothers.
This sets a pattern that we can follow. For
thousands of years, the Chinese have documented
this pattern and its affects on people. Most
documentation was on the Royal family and the
great scholars and generals.

It shows that we have an inclination to do better in
certain things when facing a certain compass

It also shows which directions can bring problems.
This system of using our Ming Gua can also be
brought into a home or workspace, where we use
the system called Eight Mansions, corresponding to
the 4 Cardinal and 4 Inter-cardinal directions.
What is your Ming Gua?

 First, we must find your birthdate, using the
 Chinese Solar Calendar. Here, the year
 begins on February 4th or 5th. The Chinese
 New Year Celebration is on a different day
 based upon the Lunar Calendar.

 So, a person born in May, 1971, will use 1971.
 A person born in January 1971 will use 1970
 (yes, you are a year older!)
Then, we calculate the Ming Gua Number

       Male Numbers
 ubtract 1 from the year if born before February 4th.
 dd up all of the numbers of the year. If the sum is 2 digits, add these together.
 ubtract this number from 11. If the sum is 10, use 1. This is your Ming Gua number.
f the Gua number is 5, allocate the Gua number 2 (Yin Earth Trigram for males).

Example: Male born January 27, 1972. 1972 – 1 = 1971. 1 + 9 + 7 + 1 = 18. 1 + 8 = 9.
Ming Gua is #9, Li Trigram.

   Female Numbers
 ubtract 1 from the year if born before February 4th.
 dd up all of the numbers of the year. If the sum is 2 digits, add these together.
 dd 4 to the total. If the sum is 2 digits, add these together. This is your Ming Gua
Are you totally confused?

  Use the handy chart

  Find your Ming Gua
     number now!
Ming Gua and Chinese Zodiac Quick Reference                                                Remember to allocate 2 for males and 8 for females if Gua is 5:
                                                                                                                            The Chinese year begins on Feb. 5!

                    Male             Year         Zodiac               Female                     Male             Year         Zodiac               Female
          Gua #         Trigram             Element Animal     Gua #        Trigram      Gua #        Trigram             Element Animal     Gua #        Trigram
            4      Wind              1924   Wood     Rat         2     Earth               4     Wind              1969   Earth    Rooster     2     Earth
            3      Thunder           1925   Wood     Ox          3     Thunder             3     Thunder           1970   Metal    Dog         3     Thunder
            2      Earth             1926   Fire     Tiger       4     Wind                2     Earth             1971   Metal    Pig         4     Wind
            1      Water             1927   Fire     Rabbit      5     Tai Chi (use 8)     1     Water             1972   Water    Rat         5     Tai Chi (use 8)
            9      Fire              1928   Earth    Dragon      6     Heaven              9     Fire              1973   Water    Ox          6     Heaven
            8      Mountain          1929   Earth    Snake       7     Lake                8     Mountain          1974   Wood     Tiger       7     Lake
            7      Lake              1930   Metal    Horse       8     Mountain            7     Lake              1975   Wood     Rabbit      8     Mountain
            6      Heaven            1931   Metal    Sheep       9     Fire                6     Heaven            1976   Fire     Dragon      9     Fire
            5      Tai Chi (use 2)   1932   Water    Monkey      1     Water               5     Tai Chi (use 2)   1977   Fire     Snake       1     Water
            4      Wind              1933   Water    Rooster     2     Earth               4     Wind              1978   Earth    Horse       2     Earth
            3      Thunder           1934   Wood     Dog         3     Thunder             3     Thunder           1979   Earth    Sheep       3     Thunder
            2      Earth             1935   Wood     Pig         4     Wind                2     Earth             1980   Metal    Monkey      4     Wind
            1      Water             1936   Fire     Rat         5     Tai Chi (use 8)     1     Water             1981   Metal    Rooster     5     Tai Chi (use 8)
            9      Fire              1937   Fire     Ox          6     Heaven              9     Fire              1982   Water    Dog         6     Heaven
            8      Mountain          1938   Earth    Tiger       7     Lake                8     Mountain          1983   Water    Pig         7     Lake
            7      Lake              1939   Earth    Rabbit      8     Mountain            7     Lake              1984   Wood     Rat         8     Mountain
            6      Heaven            1940   Metal    Dragon      9     Fire                6     Heaven            1985   Wood     Ox          9     Fire
            5      Tai Chi (use 2)   1941   Metal    Snake       1     Water               5     Tai Chi (use 2)   1986   Fire     Tiger       1     Water
            4      Wind              1942   Water    Horse       2     Earth               4     Wind              1987   Fire     Rabbit      2     Earth
            3      Thunder           1943   Water    Sheep       3     Thunder             3     Thunder           1988   Earth    Dragon      3     Thunder
            2      Earth             1944   Wood     Monkey      4     Wind                2     Earth             1989   Earth    Snake       4     Wind
            1      Water             1945   Wood     Rooster     5     Tai Chi (use 8)     1     Water             1990   Metal    Horse       5     Tai Chi (use 8)
            9      Fire              1946   Fire     Dog         6     Heaven              9     Fire              1991   Metal    Sheep       6     Heaven
            8      Mountain          1947   Fire     Pig         7     Lake                8     Mountain          1992   Water    Monkey      7     Lake
            7      Lake              1948   Earth    Rat         8     Mountain            7     Lake              1993   Water    Rooster     8     Mountain
            6      Heaven            1949   Earth    Ox          9     Fire                6     Heaven            1994   Wood     Dog         9     Fire
            5      Tai Chi (use 2)   1950   Metal    Tiger       1     Water               5     Tai Chi (use 2)   1995   Wood     Pig         1     Water
            4      Wind              1951   Metal    Rabbit      2     Earth               4     Wind              1996   Fire     Rat         2     Earth
            3      Thunder           1952   Water    Dragon      3     Thunder             3     Thunder           1997   Fire     Ox          3     Thunder
            2      Earth             1953   Water    Snake       4     Wind                2     Earth             1998   Earth    Tiger       4     Wind
            1      Water             1954   Wood     Horse       5     Tai Chi (use 8)     1     Water             1999   Earth    Rabbit      5     Tai Chi (use 8)
            9      Fire              1955   Wood     Sheep       6     Heaven              9     Fire              2000   Metal    Dragon      6     Heaven
            8      Mountain          1956   Fire     Monkey      7     Lake                8     Mountain          2001   Metal    Snake       7     Lake
            7      Lake              1957   Fire     Rooster     8     Mountain            7     Lake              2002   Water    Horse       8     Mountain
            6      Heaven            1958   Earth    Dog         9     Fire                6     Heaven            2003   Water    Sheep       9     Fire
            5      Tai Chi (use 2)   1959   Earth    Pig         1     Water               5     Tai Chi (use 2)   2004   Wood     Monkey      1     Water
            4      Wind              1960   Metal    Rat         2     Earth               4     Wind              2005   Wood     Rooster     2     Earth
            3      Thunder           1961   Metal    Ox          3     Thunder             3     Thunder           2006   Fire     Dog         3     Thunder
            2      Earth             1962   Water    Tiger       4     Wind                2     Earth             2007   Fire     Pig         4     Wind
            1      Water             1963   Water    Rabbit      5     Tai Chi (use 8)     1     Water             2008   Earth    Rat         5     Tai Chi (use 8)
            9      Fire              1964   Wood     Dragon      6     Heaven              9     Fire              2009   Earth    Ox          6     Heaven
            8      Mountain          1965   Wood     Snake       7     Lake                8     Mountain          2010   Metal    Tiger       7     Lake
            7      Lake              1966   Fire     Horse       8     Mountain            7     Lake              2011   Metal    Rabbit      8     Mountain
            6      Heaven            1967   Fire     Sheep       9     Fire                6     Heaven            2012   Water    Dragon      9     Fire
            5      Tai Chi (use 2)   1968   Earth    Monkey      1     Water               5     Tai Chi (use 2)   2013   Water    Snake       1     Water

Copyright 2010, Interior Eyes                                                                                                                    
Bagua for Ming Gua
              Xun               _____             Li           _____          Kun             __ __
               SE               _____             S            __ __           SW             __ __
              wind              __ __            fire          _____          earth           __ __
                4                                  9                            2
             Zhen               __ __                                          Dui            __ __
               E                __ __                                          W              _____
            thunder             _____                                         lake            _____
                                                     5 Tai Chi
                3                                                               7
              Gen               _____          Kan             __ __          Qian            _____
              NE                __ __           N              _____           NW             _____
            mountain            __ __          water           __ __         heaven           _____
                8                               1                               6
                                                AUSPICIOUS DIRECTIONS
                                SHENG CHI         TIEN YI     YEN NIEN          FU WEI
                 GUA            Prosperity        Health     Relationships   Clear thinking
                                Good Luck!    Dr. fr/ Heaven  Harmony           Stability
                  1N               SE                 E            S                N
                 2 SW              NE                W            NW              SW
                  3E                S                 N           SE                E
                 4 SE               N                 S            E               SE
                 6 NW               W                NE           SW              NW
                  7W               NW               SW            NE               W
                 8 NE              SW               NW             W               NE
                  9S                E                SE            N                S

Copyright 2010, Interior Eyes                                                          
How do we use this?
Each person has 4 good directions, and 4 that are
not so good. Concentrate on the good ones!

Using a compass, find the orientation of your home,
your office and bedroom.

For work, try placing your desk so that you are in
a good direction. This is where you look while

For sleeping, and intimacy, find a direction for your
bed so that your head is pointing to a good
direction when lying down.
What if my partner has
  different directions?
This is common, and so we find the best direction for
the partner who is the primary breadwinner, or the
person who needs the most support.

If a partner is ill, try to get the bed in a good
direction for them.

If this can’t be done because of the shape of the
room, or where the windows or closets and other
doors lie (never place a bed under a window or in
the path of the door if possible), then get it in a
good direction for the room, or at least the other
Special Circumstances
Always find a place in the home where someone
who is ill can sleep comfortably in a good
direction when ill or under stress. This could be
the guest room, the sofa or even a place in the
office. It could make a difference.

Also, if you can’t find a good direction because of
the layout of the office, built-in desks, etc., then
locate the Sheng Qi direction (Prosperity) on the
wall in your best direction. Face this when on an
important call!
This bedroom is good from a Feng Shui perspective. If your best directions are West,
than the bed is in the best direction! You could swap it for the dresser if East is a
good direction. But that puts the flow of Qi from the door right over you. It could
go on the north wall, but this is not considered a ‘power position.’ The south wall
would be worst, since you are under a window.

So, keep the bed where it is for the best Feng Shui, but if North is a better direction,
especially for both partners, than move it, since it is still OK Feng Shui!

                 Bedroom                !North

                       bed                                     dresser

East or West?
Look at the chart of the Trigrams, called the Bagua.

Notice the 4 Guas or directions in Green. These are
the East Life Group (N, S, E, SE). The White Guas
are West Life Group (SW, W, NW, NE).

Houses are also East or West Life Group, based
upon the sitting direction of the house (the back).
We want to match our house!

Take a compass reading of your house and find
where it sits. This is then the Gua or Trigram of
the house. Do you match? If not, call me! We can
use Ming Gua to make for a better match.
The window here faces the West.

Get up and move into a chair that faces your
Sheng Qi direction!
The window here faces the West.

Get up and move into a chair that faces your
Sheng Qi direction!

OK, now make a deal!!!
Thank you!
Please contact me for more information, or a free
                inital consultation.

            Matthew Chapman, CFSC
                 Interior Eyes

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Ming Gua.Key

  • 1. What is your best direction?   Compass Feng Shui for all of us!
  • 2.
  • 3. Ming Gua Why do Feng Shui consultants use a compass? Because the Magnetic Fields of the Earth affect us all.
  • 4. What is personal Directionology? Ming Gua, or Destiny Symbol, is a form of Chinese Feng Shui and Astrology. It has been used for thousands of years, and in modern usage, determines the best directions for a person to work, sleep, eat and have serious discussions or do business with another person. This gives you an edge. Ming Gua is considered both Earth Energy (Qi) and Heaven Qi, since it incorporates the directions of the compass on Earth, and Time.
  • 5. All people, and other living things are born at a specific time. The Magnetic Field of the Earth is in constant motion, so each year, it has a different affect upon us. The Magnetic North Pole moves between 20 and 200 miles per year, meaning that the actual longitude you were born in moves around! When looking at a map, we see True North, or the Polar Axis. Feng Shui uses Magnetic North.
  • 6. Why does this affect us? Since the Magnetic Pole moves, and the Magnetic Declination or difference from True North changes each year, we assign a patterns of energies (Qi) to each year. These are different for males and females. When we are born, our first breath oxygenates our blood, which is filled with Iron, and we become magnetic beings on our own. Before this, and in the womb, we have the same magnetic resonance as our mothers.
  • 7. This sets a pattern that we can follow. For thousands of years, the Chinese have documented this pattern and its affects on people. Most documentation was on the Royal family and the great scholars and generals. It shows that we have an inclination to do better in certain things when facing a certain compass direction! It also shows which directions can bring problems. This system of using our Ming Gua can also be brought into a home or workspace, where we use the system called Eight Mansions, corresponding to the 4 Cardinal and 4 Inter-cardinal directions.
  • 8. What is your Ming Gua? First, we must find your birthdate, using the Chinese Solar Calendar. Here, the year begins on February 4th or 5th. The Chinese New Year Celebration is on a different day based upon the Lunar Calendar. So, a person born in May, 1971, will use 1971. A person born in January 1971 will use 1970 (yes, you are a year older!)
  • 9. Then, we calculate the Ming Gua Number Male Numbers 1. ubtract 1 from the year if born before February 4th. S 2. dd up all of the numbers of the year. If the sum is 2 digits, add these together. A 3. ubtract this number from 11. If the sum is 10, use 1. This is your Ming Gua number. S 4. f the Gua number is 5, allocate the Gua number 2 (Yin Earth Trigram for males). I Example: Male born January 27, 1972. 1972 – 1 = 1971. 1 + 9 + 7 + 1 = 18. 1 + 8 = 9. Ming Gua is #9, Li Trigram. Female Numbers 5. ubtract 1 from the year if born before February 4th. S 6. dd up all of the numbers of the year. If the sum is 2 digits, add these together. A 7. dd 4 to the total. If the sum is 2 digits, add these together. This is your Ming Gua A number.
  • 10. Are you totally confused? Use the handy chart instead! Find your Ming Gua number now!
  • 11. Ming Gua and Chinese Zodiac Quick Reference Remember to allocate 2 for males and 8 for females if Gua is 5: The Chinese year begins on Feb. 5! Male Year Zodiac Female Male Year Zodiac Female Gua # Trigram Element Animal Gua # Trigram Gua # Trigram Element Animal Gua # Trigram 4 Wind 1924 Wood Rat 2 Earth 4 Wind 1969 Earth Rooster 2 Earth 3 Thunder 1925 Wood Ox 3 Thunder 3 Thunder 1970 Metal Dog 3 Thunder 2 Earth 1926 Fire Tiger 4 Wind 2 Earth 1971 Metal Pig 4 Wind 1 Water 1927 Fire Rabbit 5 Tai Chi (use 8) 1 Water 1972 Water Rat 5 Tai Chi (use 8) 9 Fire 1928 Earth Dragon 6 Heaven 9 Fire 1973 Water Ox 6 Heaven 8 Mountain 1929 Earth Snake 7 Lake 8 Mountain 1974 Wood Tiger 7 Lake 7 Lake 1930 Metal Horse 8 Mountain 7 Lake 1975 Wood Rabbit 8 Mountain 6 Heaven 1931 Metal Sheep 9 Fire 6 Heaven 1976 Fire Dragon 9 Fire 5 Tai Chi (use 2) 1932 Water Monkey 1 Water 5 Tai Chi (use 2) 1977 Fire Snake 1 Water 4 Wind 1933 Water Rooster 2 Earth 4 Wind 1978 Earth Horse 2 Earth 3 Thunder 1934 Wood Dog 3 Thunder 3 Thunder 1979 Earth Sheep 3 Thunder 2 Earth 1935 Wood Pig 4 Wind 2 Earth 1980 Metal Monkey 4 Wind 1 Water 1936 Fire Rat 5 Tai Chi (use 8) 1 Water 1981 Metal Rooster 5 Tai Chi (use 8) 9 Fire 1937 Fire Ox 6 Heaven 9 Fire 1982 Water Dog 6 Heaven 8 Mountain 1938 Earth Tiger 7 Lake 8 Mountain 1983 Water Pig 7 Lake 7 Lake 1939 Earth Rabbit 8 Mountain 7 Lake 1984 Wood Rat 8 Mountain 6 Heaven 1940 Metal Dragon 9 Fire 6 Heaven 1985 Wood Ox 9 Fire 5 Tai Chi (use 2) 1941 Metal Snake 1 Water 5 Tai Chi (use 2) 1986 Fire Tiger 1 Water 4 Wind 1942 Water Horse 2 Earth 4 Wind 1987 Fire Rabbit 2 Earth 3 Thunder 1943 Water Sheep 3 Thunder 3 Thunder 1988 Earth Dragon 3 Thunder 2 Earth 1944 Wood Monkey 4 Wind 2 Earth 1989 Earth Snake 4 Wind 1 Water 1945 Wood Rooster 5 Tai Chi (use 8) 1 Water 1990 Metal Horse 5 Tai Chi (use 8) 9 Fire 1946 Fire Dog 6 Heaven 9 Fire 1991 Metal Sheep 6 Heaven 8 Mountain 1947 Fire Pig 7 Lake 8 Mountain 1992 Water Monkey 7 Lake 7 Lake 1948 Earth Rat 8 Mountain 7 Lake 1993 Water Rooster 8 Mountain 6 Heaven 1949 Earth Ox 9 Fire 6 Heaven 1994 Wood Dog 9 Fire 5 Tai Chi (use 2) 1950 Metal Tiger 1 Water 5 Tai Chi (use 2) 1995 Wood Pig 1 Water 4 Wind 1951 Metal Rabbit 2 Earth 4 Wind 1996 Fire Rat 2 Earth 3 Thunder 1952 Water Dragon 3 Thunder 3 Thunder 1997 Fire Ox 3 Thunder 2 Earth 1953 Water Snake 4 Wind 2 Earth 1998 Earth Tiger 4 Wind 1 Water 1954 Wood Horse 5 Tai Chi (use 8) 1 Water 1999 Earth Rabbit 5 Tai Chi (use 8) 9 Fire 1955 Wood Sheep 6 Heaven 9 Fire 2000 Metal Dragon 6 Heaven 8 Mountain 1956 Fire Monkey 7 Lake 8 Mountain 2001 Metal Snake 7 Lake 7 Lake 1957 Fire Rooster 8 Mountain 7 Lake 2002 Water Horse 8 Mountain 6 Heaven 1958 Earth Dog 9 Fire 6 Heaven 2003 Water Sheep 9 Fire 5 Tai Chi (use 2) 1959 Earth Pig 1 Water 5 Tai Chi (use 2) 2004 Wood Monkey 1 Water 4 Wind 1960 Metal Rat 2 Earth 4 Wind 2005 Wood Rooster 2 Earth 3 Thunder 1961 Metal Ox 3 Thunder 3 Thunder 2006 Fire Dog 3 Thunder 2 Earth 1962 Water Tiger 4 Wind 2 Earth 2007 Fire Pig 4 Wind 1 Water 1963 Water Rabbit 5 Tai Chi (use 8) 1 Water 2008 Earth Rat 5 Tai Chi (use 8) 9 Fire 1964 Wood Dragon 6 Heaven 9 Fire 2009 Earth Ox 6 Heaven 8 Mountain 1965 Wood Snake 7 Lake 8 Mountain 2010 Metal Tiger 7 Lake 7 Lake 1966 Fire Horse 8 Mountain 7 Lake 2011 Metal Rabbit 8 Mountain 6 Heaven 1967 Fire Sheep 9 Fire 6 Heaven 2012 Water Dragon 9 Fire 5 Tai Chi (use 2) 1968 Earth Monkey 1 Water 5 Tai Chi (use 2) 2013 Water Snake 1 Water Copyright 2010, Interior Eyes
  • 12. Bagua for Ming Gua Xun _____ Li _____ Kun __ __ SE _____ S __ __ SW __ __ wind __ __ fire _____ earth __ __ 4 9 2 Zhen __ __ Dui __ __ E __ __ W _____ thunder _____ lake _____ 5 Tai Chi 3 7 Gen _____ Kan __ __ Qian _____ NE __ __ N _____ NW _____ mountain __ __ water __ __ heaven _____ 8 1 6 AUSPICIOUS DIRECTIONS SHENG CHI TIEN YI YEN NIEN FU WEI GUA Prosperity Health Relationships Clear thinking Good Luck! Dr. fr/ Heaven Harmony Stability 1N SE E S N 2 SW NE W NW SW 3E S N SE E 4 SE N S E SE 6 NW W NE SW NW 7W NW SW NE W 8 NE SW NW W NE 9S E SE N S Copyright 2010, Interior Eyes
  • 13. How do we use this? Each person has 4 good directions, and 4 that are not so good. Concentrate on the good ones! Using a compass, find the orientation of your home, your office and bedroom. For work, try placing your desk so that you are in a good direction. This is where you look while working For sleeping, and intimacy, find a direction for your bed so that your head is pointing to a good direction when lying down.
  • 14. What if my partner has different directions? This is common, and so we find the best direction for the partner who is the primary breadwinner, or the person who needs the most support. If a partner is ill, try to get the bed in a good direction for them. If this can’t be done because of the shape of the room, or where the windows or closets and other doors lie (never place a bed under a window or in the path of the door if possible), then get it in a good direction for the room, or at least the other partner.
  • 15. Special Circumstances Always find a place in the home where someone who is ill can sleep comfortably in a good direction when ill or under stress. This could be the guest room, the sofa or even a place in the office. It could make a difference. Also, if you can’t find a good direction because of the layout of the office, built-in desks, etc., then locate the Sheng Qi direction (Prosperity) on the wall in your best direction. Face this when on an important call!
  • 16. This bedroom is good from a Feng Shui perspective. If your best directions are West, than the bed is in the best direction! You could swap it for the dresser if East is a good direction. But that puts the flow of Qi from the door right over you. It could go on the north wall, but this is not considered a ‘power position.’ The south wall would be worst, since you are under a window. So, keep the bed where it is for the best Feng Shui, but if North is a better direction, especially for both partners, than move it, since it is still OK Feng Shui! Bedroom !North door bed dresser window
  • 17. East or West? Look at the chart of the Trigrams, called the Bagua. Notice the 4 Guas or directions in Green. These are the East Life Group (N, S, E, SE). The White Guas are West Life Group (SW, W, NW, NE). Houses are also East or West Life Group, based upon the sitting direction of the house (the back). We want to match our house! Take a compass reading of your house and find where it sits. This is then the Gua or Trigram of the house. Do you match? If not, call me! We can use Ming Gua to make for a better match.
  • 18.
  • 19. FIND YOUR PROSPERITY DIRECTION NOW! The window here faces the West. Get up and move into a chair that faces your Sheng Qi direction!
  • 20. FIND YOUR PROSPERITY DIRECTION NOW! The window here faces the West. Get up and move into a chair that faces your Sheng Qi direction! OK, now make a deal!!!
  • 21.
  • 22. Thank you! Please contact me for more information, or a free inital consultation. Matthew Chapman, CFSC Interior Eyes 415-290-8854

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