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Isaac School District No. 5
                                           English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

  Unit 3: Building Bridges With Unlikely Friends- In this unit, students explore both literal and figurative bridges.
  Overview: They read how-to texts on building bridges and view these amazing structures on the Internet. Through realistic fiction, they
  examine the possibility of friendship in conflict-filled settings. Reading fantasy texts that depict animal experiences completes their
  exploration. Building on the writing of previous units, they write a letter to a character in “Charlotte’s Web.” Students also gather words
  from poetry and explore the meanings of idioms and words with common roots.

  Big Ideas:                                        Essential Questions:                        Vocabulary:

  Recognizing prefixes and suffixes assist in       How can stories teach us life lessons?      author’s purpose        figurative
  decoding multi-syllabic words.                                                                body                    friendly letter
                                                    What connections can we make with events    challenge               greeting
  Situations in stories can relate to real life.    and characters in the story?                character               Haiku
                                                                                                closing                 literal
  Characters respond to changes,                    How can making connections with the text    compare                 plot
  challenges, and events in a story.                we read help us with comprehension?         compound word           punctuation
                                                                                                contrast                prefix
                                                                                                diagram                 revision
                                                                                                editing                 setting
                                                                                                explanatory writing     suffix

  ELA Standards/ELP Standards:                      Sample Activities/Assessments:
  Reading Foundations (RF)
  2.RF.3 Know and apply grade-level
  phonics and word analysis skills in
  decoding words.

  II-R-2: The students will identify and
  manipulate the sounds of the English
  language and decode words, using
  knowledge of phonics, syllabication, and
  words parts.

BOLD: ELA Focus Standards                          Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words         Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards                             *ELD Methodology                                                                  7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
Isaac School District No. 5
                                           English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

  2.RF.3c Decode regularly spelled two-         Instructional Routine Template: Card 10 (2.RF.3c)
  syllable words with long vowels.
                                                *Language Warm-Up (II-LS-2: HI-1)
  II-R-2(D): HI-3: Reading regularly spelled
  multi-syllable words by applying the most
  common letter-sound correspondences,
  including the sounds represented by single
  letters. (LI-3)

  II-LS-2: HI-1: Articulating the 44
  phonemes accurately.
  2.RF.3d Decode words with common              Instructional Routine Template: Card 10 (2.RF.3d)
  prefixes and suffixes.

  No Alignment
  2.RF.3e Identify words with inconsistent      *Language Warm-Up (II-LS-2: HI-1)
  but common spelling-sound

  II-LS-2: HI-1: Articulating the 44
  phonemes accurately.
  2.RF.3f Recognize and read grade-
  appropriate irregularly spelled words.

  II-R-2(D): HI-7: Reading high frequency
  words and irregular sight words fluently.
  2.RF.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and
  fluency to support comprehension.

  II-R-3: The student will read with fluency
  and accuracy.

BOLD: ELA Focus Standards                      Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words          Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards                         *ELD Methodology                                                                   7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
Isaac School District No. 5
                                           English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

  2.RF.4a Read on-level text with purpose
  and understanding.

  II-R-4: HI-9: Identifying the author’s
  purpose for writing a book. (LI-9)

  2.RF.4b Read on-level text orally with
  accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression
  on successive readings.

  II-R-3: HI-2: Using punctuation, including
  commas, periods, question marks, and
  exclamation marks to guide reading for
  ELA Standards/ELP Standards:                   Sample Activities/Assessments:
  Reading Literature (RL)
  2.RL.3 Describe how characters in a            Introduce a book such as “Snow in Jerusalem.” Tell the students that they are going to
  story respond to major events and              read a book about two children who were not friends, but became friends when they found
  challenges.                                    something in common. As the story is read, have the students focus on what the characters
                                                 have in common and how it helped to build their friendship. Talk about how these two
  II-R-4: HI-10 Identifying cause and effect     characters faced a challenge and made a hard choice. (2.RL.3, 2.RL.7)
  of specific events in a literary selection.

  II-R-4: HI-11: Describing characters from
  a literary selection.

  II-R-4: HI-12: Describing the setting from
  a literary selection.

  II-R-4: HI-13: Summarizing the key
  events from a literary selection.

BOLD: ELA Focus Standards                       Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words          Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards                          *ELD Methodology                                                                   7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
Isaac School District No. 5
                                         English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

  II-R-4: HI-14: Identifying and describing
  the plot in a literary selection.

  2.RL.4 Describe how words and phrases          As you read from the poetry collection “If Not for the Cat,” explain to students the Haiku
  (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes,    style of poetry. Point out to the students that these poems are very short, but they make
  repeated lines) supply rhythm and              you think. As you read a poem, keep the accompanying illustration hidden until students try
  meaning in a story, poem, or song.             to guess the animal being described. These poems are filled with words that may be new to
                                                 your students. Demonstrate use of dictionaries to determine the meaning of unknown
  II-R-4: HI- 21: Identifying words that the     words. When you are finished with each poem, ask students to choose one new word to
  author selects to create a rich auditory       save in the word bank. (2.RL.4, 2.L.4e, 2.L.5)
  experience (alliteration, onomatopoeia) in
  a literary selection.
  2.RL.7 Use information gained from the         Introduce the idea of a “bridge” as a metaphor by reading the book “Pop’s Bridge.” In this
  illustrations and words in a print or          book, a group of boys experience the sacrifice involved in bridge building and the joy that
  digital text to demonstrate                    comes with friendship. Discuss the literal bridge in the book and the way the bridge served
  understanding of its characters, setting,      as a link not only between two places but also between two people. Introduce the following
  or plot.                                       Isaac Newton quotation: “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Discuss what
                                                 Isaac Newton may have meant by his comment. (2.RL.7)
  II-R-4: HI-8: Extracting and interpreting
  specific information from external text        Read aloud the book “Charlotte’s Web” aloud to the class. After you have finished the
  features of text.                              book, have the students connect the characters in the book by writing friendly letters.
                                                 Students should choose one of the characters in “Charlotte’s Web” and write the character
  II-R-4: HI-11: Describing characters from      a letter. Have students let the character know why and what they like about him/her.
  a literary selection.                          Students should ask their character a question about something they are wondering.
                                                 Require proper use of punctuation and form for the letters. Revise the letters and edit for
  II-R-4: HI-12: Describing the setting from     spelling and punctuation. Then, have students trade letters and write back to their
  a literary selection.                          classmate as if they were the classmate’s chosen character. For example, if a child
                                                 receives a letter addressed to Wilbur, she would write a letter back as if she were Wilbur
  II-R-4: HI-13: Summarizing the key             and answer the question asked. (2.RL.7, 2.W.4a, 2.W.5, 2.L.2b)
  events from a literary selection.

BOLD: ELA Focus Standards                       Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words            Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards                          *ELD Methodology                                                                     7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
Isaac School District No. 5
                                           English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

                                                   As students read the “Henry and Mudge” books, challenge them to look closely at the
                                                   characters. Before the first chapter, ask the students to be ready to describe Henry and
                                                   Mudge. Using Post-Its or white boards, require each student to write down two
                                                   characteristics of each character. Although one of the characters is a dog and one is a boy,
                                                   they have a wonderful friendship. Have students share at least two words to describe
                                                   Henry and two words to describe Mudge. Discuss what can be learned about friendship
                                                   through these stories. (2.RL.7)

  ELA Standards/ELP Standards:                     Sample Activities/Assessments:
  Reading Informational Text (RI)
  2.RI.3 Describe the connection between a         Begin a class discussion by asking the students, “If a real hippopotamus had no other
  series of historical events, scientific ideas    companions, what other kind of animal could you imagine her having for a friend?” Be sure
  or concepts, or steps in technical               to require good reasons for their opinions as they answer. Read the book “Owen and
  procedures in a text.                            Mzee: The True Story of a Remarkable Friendship” aloud. When you are finished reading,
                                                   have the students discuss what the author (a six-year old girl) wanted to accomplish by
  No Alignment                                     publishing the book, using questions such as, “What did she want to explain? Describe?
                                                   What questions did she want to answer? Why are there so many photographs?” Ask
  2.RI.6 Identify the main purpose of a            students to write a paragraph explaining how the two animals in the story became friends.
  text, including what the author wants to         (2.RI.6, 2.RI.3, 2.RI.7, 2.W.2, 2.SL.6)
  answer, explain, or describe.

  II-R-4: HI-9: Identifying the author’s
  purpose for writing a book.

  2.RI.7 Explain how specific images (e.g., a
  diagram showing how a machine works)
  contribute to and clarify a text.

  II-R-4: HI-8: Extracting and interpreting
  specific information from external text
  features of text.
BOLD: ELA Focus Standards                         Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words            Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards                            *ELD Methodology                                                                     7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
Isaac School District No. 5
                                       English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

  2.RI.10 By the end of year, read and
  comprehend informational texts, including
  history/social studies, science, and
  technical texts, in the grades 2–3 text
  complexity band proficiently, with
  scaffolding as needed at the high end of
  the range.

  No Alignment
  2.RI.10a By the end of year, read and
  comprehend functional texts, including
  history/social studies, science, and
  technical texts, in the grades 2–3 text
  complexity band proficiently, with
  scaffolding as needed at the high end of
  the range.

  No Alignment

  ELA Standards/ELP Standards:                  Sample Activities/Assessments:
  Writing (W)
  2.W.2 Write informative/explanatory           Introduce a chapter from “Bridges: Amazing Structures to Design, Build & Test.” This is an
  texts in which they introduce a topic,        informational book, but it is also a “how-to” book: It will teach “how to” build bridge
  use facts and definitions to develop          structures in the classroom or at home. Read the text to the children and allow them to
  points, and provide a concluding              view the way the “how to” section is set up in steps to follow. Gather the supplies and allow
  statement or section.                         the students to follow the directions to experiment with building a bridge. Discuss how
                                                diagrams help to explain the directions. Have the students write an explanatory paragraph
  II-W-1: HI-3: Completing a written            telling someone else how they made their respective bridges and orally share their
  summary of the key events of ideas of         projects. Students ask questions and make comments about the presentations. (2.W.2,
  informational text using simple sentences.    2.RI.3, 2.RI.6, 2.RI.7, 2.SL.3, 2.SL.6)

BOLD: ELA Focus Standards                      Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words            Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards                         *ELD Methodology                                                                     7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
Isaac School District No. 5
                                          English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

   ll-W-2: The student will identify and apply
  conventions of standard English in his or
  her communication.

  Il-W-3: The students will use the steps of
  the writing process as a writing piece
  moves toward completion.

  II-W-4: The students will integrate
  elements of effective writing to develop
  engaging and focused text.

  II-W-5: The students will demonstrate
  research skills by using a variety of
  reference materials to complete a variety
  of writing tasks.

  2.W.4 With guidance and support from
  adults, produce writing in which the
  development and organization are
  appropriate to task and purpose. (Grade-
  specific expectations for writing types are
  defined in standards 1–3 above.)

  II.W.4: HI-5: Organizing a student
  generated text in a selected format (e.g.,
  friendly letter, narrative, expository text,

BOLD: ELA Focus Standards                        Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words   Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards                           *ELD Methodology                                                            7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
Isaac School District No. 5
                                         English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

  2.W.4a With guidance and support from
  adults, produce functional writing, (e.g.,
  friendly letters, recipes, experiments,
  notes/messages, labels, graphs/tables,
  directions, posters) in which the
  development and organization are
  appropriate to task and purpose.

  II.W.1: HI-5: Creating a variety of
  functional texts (e.g., classroom rules,
  letters, notes, messages, directions, etc.)
  using complete sentences.

  ll-W-2: The student will identify and apply
  conventions of standard English in his or
  her communication.

  Il-W-3: The students will use the steps of
  the writing process as a writing piece
  moves toward completion.

  II-W-4: The students will integrate
  elements of effective writing to develop
  engaging and focused text.
  2.W.5 With guidance and support from           To encourage the communication among unlikely friends, arrange for your students to be
  adults and peers, focus on a topic and         pen pals, or email pals, with students from another class, possibly from a far away place.
  strengthen writing as needed by revising       Setting parameters for what can be shared, ask students to write letters introducing
  and editing.                                   themselves and asking the other student about him/herself. The purpose of this activity
                                                 would be to find ways the students are similar and the ways the students are different from
  II-W-4: The students will integrate            one another. (2.W.5, 2.W.6, 2.L.2b)
  elements of effective writing to develop
  engaging and focused text.
BOLD: ELA Focus Standards                       Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words            Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards                          *ELD Methodology                                                                     7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
Isaac School District No. 5
                                         English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

  2.W.6 With guidance and support from
  adults, use a variety of digital tools to
  produce and publish writing, including in
  collaboration with peers.

  Il-W-3: The students will use the steps of
  the writing process as a writing piece
  moves toward completion.
  ELA Standards/ELP Standards:                   Sample Activities/Assessments:
  Language (L)
  2.L.1 Demonstrate command of the
  conventions of standard English grammar
  and usage when writing or speaking.

  II-L-1: The student will identify and apply
  conventions of standard English in his or
  her communications.

  2.L.1b Use collective nouns (e.g.,             *Verb Tense Study (II-L-1(N): HI-3)
                                                 *Sentence Patterning (II-L-1(N): HI-3)
  II-L-1(N): HI-3: Converting a given
  singular noun into a plural noun, including
  2.L.1d Form and use the past tense of          *Verb Tense Study (II-L-1(V): HI-9)
  frequently occurring irregular verbs (e.g.,
  sat, hid, told).

  II-L-1(V): HI-9: Producing declarative,
  negative, and interrogative sentences
  using irregular simple past tense verbs
  with subject-verb agreement.
BOLD: ELA Focus Standards                       Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words      Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards                          *ELD Methodology                                                               7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
Isaac School District No. 5
                                         English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

  2.L.1e Use adjectives and adverbs, and      *Syntax Surgery (II-L-1(ADJ): HI-1, HI-2; II-L-1(ADV): HI-1, HI-2, HI-3, HI-4, HI-5)
  choose between them depending on what
  is to be modified.                          *Sentence Building (II-L-1(ADJ): HI-1, HI-2; II-L-1(ADV): HI-1, HI-2, HI-3, HI-4, HI-5)

  II-L-1(ADJ): H-1: Producing a series of
  adjectives in the correct order.

  II-L-1(ADJ): HI-2: Using nouns as

  II-L-1(ADV): HI-1: Using “when and
  “frequency” adverbs.

  II-L-1(ADV): HI-2: Using “frequency”

  II-L-1(ADV): HI-3: Using “where” adverbs
  (i.e., here, there).

  II-L-1(ADV): HI-4: Using “how/degree”

  II-L-1(ADV): HI-5: Using adjectival
  2.L.1f Produce, expand, and rearrange       *Syntax Surgery (II-W-2: HI-12, HI-13, HI-14, HI-15)
  complete simple and compound
  sentences (e.g., The boy watched the        *Verb Tense Study (II-W-2: HI-12, HI-13, HI-14, HI-15)
  movie; The little boy watched the
  movie; The action movie was watched
  by the little boy).

BOLD: ELA Focus Standards                    Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words            Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards                       *ELD Methodology                                                                     7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
                                                                     - 10 -
Isaac School District No. 5
                                         English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

  II-W-2: HI-12: Using declarative
  sentences (S-V, S-V-C, S-V-O), positive (I
  am tall.) and negative (I am not tall.)
  sentence construction forms, in a variety of

  II-W-2: HI-13: Using interrogative
  sentences in a variety of writing

  II-W-2: HI-14: Using exclamatory
  sentences in a variety of writing

  II-W-2: HI-15: Using imperative
  sentences in a variety of writing
  2.L.1g Write multiple sentences in an order
  that supports a main idea or story.

  2.L.2 Demonstrate command of the
  conventions of standard English
  capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
  when writing.

  II-L-1: The student will identify and apply
  conventions of standard English in his or
  her communications.

  II-W-2: The student will identify and apply
  conventions of standard English in his or
  her communications.
BOLD: ELA Focus Standards                        Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words   Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards                           *ELD Methodology                                                            7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
                                                                         - 11 -
Isaac School District No. 5
                                         English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

  2.L.2b Use commas in greetings and
  closings of letters.

  II-W-2: HI-7: Using periods, question
  marks, exclamation points, commas for
  items in a series (e.g., eggs, milk, bread,
  bananas, etc.), and apostrophes
  (possessives, contractions).

  2.L.2d Generalize learned spelling patterns
  when writing words (e.g., cage → badge;
  boy → boil).

  No Alignment
  2.L.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of
  unknown and multiple-meaning words and
  phrases based on grade 2 reading and
  content, choosing flexibly from an array of

  II-L-2: The student will acquire English
  language vocabulary and use it in relevant
  2.L.4d Use knowledge of the meaning of
  individual words to predict the meaning of
  compound words (e.g., birdhouse,
  lighthouse, housefly; bookshelf, notebook,

  II-L-2: HI-6: Determining the meaning of
  compound words using knowledge of
  individual words.
BOLD: ELA Focus Standards                       Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words   Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards                          *ELD Methodology                                                            7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
                                                                        - 12 -
Isaac School District No. 5
                                        English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

  2.L.4e Use glossaries and beginning
  dictionaries, both print and digital, to
  determine or clarify the meaning of words
  and phrases.

  II-L-2: HI-13: Determining the meaning of
  a word by using resources.
  2.L.5 Demonstrate understanding of word
  relationships and nuances in word

  II-L-2: The student will acquire English
  language vocabulary and use it in relevant
  2.L.5b Distinguish shades of meaning           *Vertical Sentence (II-L-2: HI-11)
  among closely related verbs (e.g., toss,
  throw, hurl) and closely related adjectives
  (e.g., thin, slender, skinny, scrawny).

  II-L-2: HI-11: Clarifying word meaning by
  applying knowledge of synonyms and
  antonyms to enhance vocabulary.
  2.L.6 Use words and phrases acquired
  through conversations, reading and being
  read to, and responding to texts, including
  using adjectives and adverbs to describe
  (e.g., When other kids are happy that
  makes me happy).

  II-L-2: The student will acquire English
  language vocabulary and use it in relevant
BOLD: ELA Focus Standards                       Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words   Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards                          *ELD Methodology                                                            7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
                                                                        - 13 -
Isaac School District No. 5
                                         English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

  ELA Standards/ELP Standards:                   Sample Activities/Assessments:
  Speaking and Listening (SL)
  2.SL.3 Ask and answer questions about
  what a speaker says in order to clarify
  comprehension, gather additional
  information, or deepen understanding of a
  topic or issue.

  II-LS-2: HI-6: Asking and responding to
  social and academic questions using
  complete sentences.

  2.SL.6 Produce complete sentences
  when appropriate to task and situation
  in order to provide requested detail or
  clarification. (See grade 2 Language
  standards 1 and 3).

  II-L-1: The student will identify and apply
  conventions of standard English in his or
  her communications.

  II-W-2: The student will identify and apply
  conventions of standard English in his or
  her communications.

BOLD: ELA Focus Standards                       Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words   Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards                          *ELD Methodology                                                            7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
                                                                        - 14 -
Isaac School District No. 5
                            English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

  Teacher’s Notes UNIT 3:

BOLD: ELA Focus Standards       Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words   Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards          *ELD Methodology                                                            7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
                                                        - 15 -
Isaac School District No. 5
                                                English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

                                                                               Suggested Works
                                     (E) indicates a CCSS exemplar text; (EA) indicates a text from a writer with other works identified as exemplars.
                                                                Highlighted titles indicate works referenced in Unit 3.
                   Literary Texts                                                    Literary Texts                                               Informational Texts
 Stories (Read Aloud)                                      Stories                                                                 Informational Text

    •   The Cricket in Times Square (George Selden              •    Henry and Mudge: The First Book (Cynthia                           •    Bridges (See More Readers) (Seymour
        and Garth Williams) (E)                                      Rylant and Sucie Stevenson) (E)                                         Simon) (EA)
    •   Charlotte’s Web (E.B. White and Garth                   •    The Fire Cat (Esther Holden Averill) (E)
        Williams) (E)                                                                                                              Informational Text (Read Aloud)
                                                                •    George and Martha: The Complete Stories of
    •   Zen Shorts (Jon J. Muth)                                     Two Best Friends (James Marshall)
                                                                                                                                        •    Bridges Are To Cross (Philemon Sturges
    •   Pop’s Bridge (Eve Bunting and C.F. Payne)                                                                                            and Giles Laroche)
    •   Mackinac Bridge: The Story of the Five-Mile        Poems (Read Aloud)                                                           •    Bridges: Amazing Structures to Design,
        Poem (Gloria Whelan and Gijsbert van                                                                                                 Build & Test (Carol A. Johmann, Elizabeth
        Frankenhuyzen)                                               “The Bridge Builder” (Will Allen Dromgoole)                             Rieth, and Michael P. Kline)
    •   One Green Apple (Eve Bunting and Ted                         If Not for the Cat (Jack Prelutsky and Ted Rand)                   •    Owen and Mzee: The True Story of a
        Lewin) (EA)                                                                                                                          Remarkable Friendship (Isabella and Craig
                                                                •    I Am the Dog I Am the Cat (Donald Hall)
    •   Four Feet, Two Sandals (Karen Lynn                                                                                                   Hatkoff, Paula Kahumbu, and Peter Greste)
        Williams, Khadra Mohammed, and Doug                                                                                             •    Owen and Mzee: The Language of
        Chayka)                                                                                                                              Friendship (Isabella and Craig Hatkoff,
    •   Snow in Jerusalem (Deborah da Costa, Ying-                                                                                           Paula Kahumbu, and Peter Greste)
        Hwa Hu, and Cornelius Van Wright)                                                                                               •    Tara and Bella: The Elephant and Dog Who
    •   The Day of Ahmed’s Secret (Florence H.                                                                                               Became Best Friends (Carol Buckley)
        Parry and Ted Lewind)
    •   My Father’s Shop (Satomi Ichikawa)                                                                                         Website References
    •   Silent Music (James Rumford)The Little                                                                                     Instructional Routines:
        Painter of Sabana Grande (Patricia Maloney                                                                       
        Markun and Robert Casilla)                                                                                                 es.shtml
    •   The Little Painter of Sabana Grande (Patricia                                                                              Owen & Mzee Kids Boma:
        Maloney Markun and Robert Casilla)                                                                               
BOLD: ELA Focus Standards                                 Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words                                   Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards                                    *ELD Methodology                                                                                            7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
                                                                                          - 16 -
Isaac School District No. 5
                                                  English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2

                                                                              *ELD Methodologies
                 The methodologies indicated below support the identified standards that are presented in Unit 3. Standards may lend themselves to additional methodologies.

    *Language Warm-Up

    *Verb Tense Study

    *Sentence Patterning

    *Syntax Surgery

    *Sentence Building

    *Vertical Sentence

BOLD: ELA Focus Standards                                   Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words                                Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010.
Italics: ELP Standards                                      *ELD Methodology                                                                                         7-15-2011
(ELP Direct Alignment)
                                                                                            - 17 -

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Second Grade Unit Six 2011 2012
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Second Grade Unit Three 2011 2012

  • 1. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 Unit 3: Building Bridges With Unlikely Friends- In this unit, students explore both literal and figurative bridges. Overview: They read how-to texts on building bridges and view these amazing structures on the Internet. Through realistic fiction, they examine the possibility of friendship in conflict-filled settings. Reading fantasy texts that depict animal experiences completes their exploration. Building on the writing of previous units, they write a letter to a character in “Charlotte’s Web.” Students also gather words from poetry and explore the meanings of idioms and words with common roots. Big Ideas: Essential Questions: Vocabulary: Recognizing prefixes and suffixes assist in How can stories teach us life lessons? author’s purpose figurative decoding multi-syllabic words. body friendly letter What connections can we make with events challenge greeting Situations in stories can relate to real life. and characters in the story? character Haiku closing literal Characters respond to changes, How can making connections with the text compare plot challenges, and events in a story. we read help us with comprehension? compound word punctuation contrast prefix diagram revision editing setting explanatory writing suffix ELA Standards/ELP Standards: Sample Activities/Assessments: Reading Foundations (RF) 2.RF.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. II-R-2: The students will identify and manipulate the sounds of the English language and decode words, using knowledge of phonics, syllabication, and words parts. BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) -1-
  • 2. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 2.RF.3c Decode regularly spelled two- Instructional Routine Template: Card 10 (2.RF.3c) syllable words with long vowels. *Language Warm-Up (II-LS-2: HI-1) II-R-2(D): HI-3: Reading regularly spelled multi-syllable words by applying the most common letter-sound correspondences, including the sounds represented by single letters. (LI-3) II-LS-2: HI-1: Articulating the 44 phonemes accurately. 2.RF.3d Decode words with common Instructional Routine Template: Card 10 (2.RF.3d) prefixes and suffixes. No Alignment 2.RF.3e Identify words with inconsistent *Language Warm-Up (II-LS-2: HI-1) but common spelling-sound correspondences. II-LS-2: HI-1: Articulating the 44 phonemes accurately. 2.RF.3f Recognize and read grade- appropriate irregularly spelled words. II-R-2(D): HI-7: Reading high frequency words and irregular sight words fluently. 2.RF.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. II-R-3: The student will read with fluency and accuracy. BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) -2-
  • 3. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 2.RF.4a Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. II-R-4: HI-9: Identifying the author’s purpose for writing a book. (LI-9) 2.RF.4b Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. II-R-3: HI-2: Using punctuation, including commas, periods, question marks, and exclamation marks to guide reading for fluency. ELA Standards/ELP Standards: Sample Activities/Assessments: Reading Literature (RL) 2.RL.3 Describe how characters in a Introduce a book such as “Snow in Jerusalem.” Tell the students that they are going to story respond to major events and read a book about two children who were not friends, but became friends when they found challenges. something in common. As the story is read, have the students focus on what the characters have in common and how it helped to build their friendship. Talk about how these two II-R-4: HI-10 Identifying cause and effect characters faced a challenge and made a hard choice. (2.RL.3, 2.RL.7) of specific events in a literary selection. II-R-4: HI-11: Describing characters from a literary selection. II-R-4: HI-12: Describing the setting from a literary selection. II-R-4: HI-13: Summarizing the key events from a literary selection. BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) -3-
  • 4. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 II-R-4: HI-14: Identifying and describing the plot in a literary selection. 2.RL.4 Describe how words and phrases As you read from the poetry collection “If Not for the Cat,” explain to students the Haiku (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, style of poetry. Point out to the students that these poems are very short, but they make repeated lines) supply rhythm and you think. As you read a poem, keep the accompanying illustration hidden until students try meaning in a story, poem, or song. to guess the animal being described. These poems are filled with words that may be new to your students. Demonstrate use of dictionaries to determine the meaning of unknown II-R-4: HI- 21: Identifying words that the words. When you are finished with each poem, ask students to choose one new word to author selects to create a rich auditory save in the word bank. (2.RL.4, 2.L.4e, 2.L.5) experience (alliteration, onomatopoeia) in a literary selection. 2.RL.7 Use information gained from the Introduce the idea of a “bridge” as a metaphor by reading the book “Pop’s Bridge.” In this illustrations and words in a print or book, a group of boys experience the sacrifice involved in bridge building and the joy that digital text to demonstrate comes with friendship. Discuss the literal bridge in the book and the way the bridge served understanding of its characters, setting, as a link not only between two places but also between two people. Introduce the following or plot. Isaac Newton quotation: “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Discuss what Isaac Newton may have meant by his comment. (2.RL.7) II-R-4: HI-8: Extracting and interpreting specific information from external text Read aloud the book “Charlotte’s Web” aloud to the class. After you have finished the features of text. book, have the students connect the characters in the book by writing friendly letters. Students should choose one of the characters in “Charlotte’s Web” and write the character II-R-4: HI-11: Describing characters from a letter. Have students let the character know why and what they like about him/her. a literary selection. Students should ask their character a question about something they are wondering. Require proper use of punctuation and form for the letters. Revise the letters and edit for II-R-4: HI-12: Describing the setting from spelling and punctuation. Then, have students trade letters and write back to their a literary selection. classmate as if they were the classmate’s chosen character. For example, if a child receives a letter addressed to Wilbur, she would write a letter back as if she were Wilbur II-R-4: HI-13: Summarizing the key and answer the question asked. (2.RL.7, 2.W.4a, 2.W.5, 2.L.2b) events from a literary selection. BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) -4-
  • 5. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 As students read the “Henry and Mudge” books, challenge them to look closely at the characters. Before the first chapter, ask the students to be ready to describe Henry and Mudge. Using Post-Its or white boards, require each student to write down two characteristics of each character. Although one of the characters is a dog and one is a boy, they have a wonderful friendship. Have students share at least two words to describe Henry and two words to describe Mudge. Discuss what can be learned about friendship through these stories. (2.RL.7) ELA Standards/ELP Standards: Sample Activities/Assessments: Reading Informational Text (RI) 2.RI.3 Describe the connection between a Begin a class discussion by asking the students, “If a real hippopotamus had no other series of historical events, scientific ideas companions, what other kind of animal could you imagine her having for a friend?” Be sure or concepts, or steps in technical to require good reasons for their opinions as they answer. Read the book “Owen and procedures in a text. Mzee: The True Story of a Remarkable Friendship” aloud. When you are finished reading, have the students discuss what the author (a six-year old girl) wanted to accomplish by No Alignment publishing the book, using questions such as, “What did she want to explain? Describe? What questions did she want to answer? Why are there so many photographs?” Ask 2.RI.6 Identify the main purpose of a students to write a paragraph explaining how the two animals in the story became friends. text, including what the author wants to (2.RI.6, 2.RI.3, 2.RI.7, 2.W.2, 2.SL.6) answer, explain, or describe. II-R-4: HI-9: Identifying the author’s purpose for writing a book. 2.RI.7 Explain how specific images (e.g., a diagram showing how a machine works) contribute to and clarify a text. II-R-4: HI-8: Extracting and interpreting specific information from external text features of text. BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) -5-
  • 6. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 2.RI.10 By the end of year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. No Alignment 2.RI.10a By the end of year, read and comprehend functional texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. No Alignment ELA Standards/ELP Standards: Sample Activities/Assessments: Writing (W) 2.W.2 Write informative/explanatory Introduce a chapter from “Bridges: Amazing Structures to Design, Build & Test.” This is an texts in which they introduce a topic, informational book, but it is also a “how-to” book: It will teach “how to” build bridge use facts and definitions to develop structures in the classroom or at home. Read the text to the children and allow them to points, and provide a concluding view the way the “how to” section is set up in steps to follow. Gather the supplies and allow statement or section. the students to follow the directions to experiment with building a bridge. Discuss how diagrams help to explain the directions. Have the students write an explanatory paragraph II-W-1: HI-3: Completing a written telling someone else how they made their respective bridges and orally share their summary of the key events of ideas of projects. Students ask questions and make comments about the presentations. (2.W.2, informational text using simple sentences. 2.RI.3, 2.RI.6, 2.RI.7, 2.SL.3, 2.SL.6) BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) -6-
  • 7. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 ll-W-2: The student will identify and apply conventions of standard English in his or her communication. Il-W-3: The students will use the steps of the writing process as a writing piece moves toward completion. II-W-4: The students will integrate elements of effective writing to develop engaging and focused text. II-W-5: The students will demonstrate research skills by using a variety of reference materials to complete a variety of writing tasks. 2.W.4 With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose. (Grade- specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.) II.W.4: HI-5: Organizing a student generated text in a selected format (e.g., friendly letter, narrative, expository text, etc.). BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) -7-
  • 8. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 2.W.4a With guidance and support from adults, produce functional writing, (e.g., friendly letters, recipes, experiments, notes/messages, labels, graphs/tables, directions, posters) in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose. II.W.1: HI-5: Creating a variety of functional texts (e.g., classroom rules, letters, notes, messages, directions, etc.) using complete sentences. ll-W-2: The student will identify and apply conventions of standard English in his or her communication. Il-W-3: The students will use the steps of the writing process as a writing piece moves toward completion. II-W-4: The students will integrate elements of effective writing to develop engaging and focused text. 2.W.5 With guidance and support from To encourage the communication among unlikely friends, arrange for your students to be adults and peers, focus on a topic and pen pals, or email pals, with students from another class, possibly from a far away place. strengthen writing as needed by revising Setting parameters for what can be shared, ask students to write letters introducing and editing. themselves and asking the other student about him/herself. The purpose of this activity would be to find ways the students are similar and the ways the students are different from II-W-4: The students will integrate one another. (2.W.5, 2.W.6, 2.L.2b) elements of effective writing to develop engaging and focused text. BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) -8-
  • 9. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 2.W.6 With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers. Il-W-3: The students will use the steps of the writing process as a writing piece moves toward completion. ELA Standards/ELP Standards: Sample Activities/Assessments: Language (L) 2.L.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. II-L-1: The student will identify and apply conventions of standard English in his or her communications. 2.L.1b Use collective nouns (e.g., *Verb Tense Study (II-L-1(N): HI-3) group). *Sentence Patterning (II-L-1(N): HI-3) II-L-1(N): HI-3: Converting a given singular noun into a plural noun, including irregular. 2.L.1d Form and use the past tense of *Verb Tense Study (II-L-1(V): HI-9) frequently occurring irregular verbs (e.g., sat, hid, told). II-L-1(V): HI-9: Producing declarative, negative, and interrogative sentences using irregular simple past tense verbs with subject-verb agreement. BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) -9-
  • 10. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 2.L.1e Use adjectives and adverbs, and *Syntax Surgery (II-L-1(ADJ): HI-1, HI-2; II-L-1(ADV): HI-1, HI-2, HI-3, HI-4, HI-5) choose between them depending on what is to be modified. *Sentence Building (II-L-1(ADJ): HI-1, HI-2; II-L-1(ADV): HI-1, HI-2, HI-3, HI-4, HI-5) II-L-1(ADJ): H-1: Producing a series of adjectives in the correct order. II-L-1(ADJ): HI-2: Using nouns as modifiers. II-L-1(ADV): HI-1: Using “when and “frequency” adverbs. II-L-1(ADV): HI-2: Using “frequency” adverbs. II-L-1(ADV): HI-3: Using “where” adverbs (i.e., here, there). II-L-1(ADV): HI-4: Using “how/degree” adverbs. II-L-1(ADV): HI-5: Using adjectival adverbs. 2.L.1f Produce, expand, and rearrange *Syntax Surgery (II-W-2: HI-12, HI-13, HI-14, HI-15) complete simple and compound sentences (e.g., The boy watched the *Verb Tense Study (II-W-2: HI-12, HI-13, HI-14, HI-15) movie; The little boy watched the movie; The action movie was watched by the little boy). BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) - 10 -
  • 11. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 II-W-2: HI-12: Using declarative sentences (S-V, S-V-C, S-V-O), positive (I am tall.) and negative (I am not tall.) sentence construction forms, in a variety of writing. II-W-2: HI-13: Using interrogative sentences in a variety of writing applications. II-W-2: HI-14: Using exclamatory sentences in a variety of writing applications. II-W-2: HI-15: Using imperative sentences in a variety of writing applications. 2.L.1g Write multiple sentences in an order that supports a main idea or story. 2.L.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. II-L-1: The student will identify and apply conventions of standard English in his or her communications. II-W-2: The student will identify and apply conventions of standard English in his or her communications. BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) - 11 -
  • 12. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 2.L.2b Use commas in greetings and closings of letters. II-W-2: HI-7: Using periods, question marks, exclamation points, commas for items in a series (e.g., eggs, milk, bread, bananas, etc.), and apostrophes (possessives, contractions). 2.L.2d Generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words (e.g., cage → badge; boy → boil). No Alignment 2.L.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies. II-L-2: The student will acquire English language vocabulary and use it in relevant contexts. 2.L.4d Use knowledge of the meaning of individual words to predict the meaning of compound words (e.g., birdhouse, lighthouse, housefly; bookshelf, notebook, bookmark). II-L-2: HI-6: Determining the meaning of compound words using knowledge of individual words. BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) - 12 -
  • 13. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 2.L.4e Use glossaries and beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases. II-L-2: HI-13: Determining the meaning of a word by using resources. 2.L.5 Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings. II-L-2: The student will acquire English language vocabulary and use it in relevant contexts. 2.L.5b Distinguish shades of meaning *Vertical Sentence (II-L-2: HI-11) among closely related verbs (e.g., toss, throw, hurl) and closely related adjectives (e.g., thin, slender, skinny, scrawny). II-L-2: HI-11: Clarifying word meaning by applying knowledge of synonyms and antonyms to enhance vocabulary. 2.L.6 Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe (e.g., When other kids are happy that makes me happy). II-L-2: The student will acquire English language vocabulary and use it in relevant contexts. BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) - 13 -
  • 14. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 ELA Standards/ELP Standards: Sample Activities/Assessments: Speaking and Listening (SL) 2.SL.3 Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify comprehension, gather additional information, or deepen understanding of a topic or issue. II-LS-2: HI-6: Asking and responding to social and academic questions using complete sentences. 2.SL.6 Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification. (See grade 2 Language standards 1 and 3). II-L-1: The student will identify and apply conventions of standard English in his or her communications. II-W-2: The student will identify and apply conventions of standard English in his or her communications. BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) - 14 -
  • 15. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 Teacher’s Notes UNIT 3: BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) - 15 -
  • 16. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 Suggested Works (E) indicates a CCSS exemplar text; (EA) indicates a text from a writer with other works identified as exemplars. Highlighted titles indicate works referenced in Unit 3. Literary Texts Literary Texts Informational Texts Stories (Read Aloud) Stories Informational Text • The Cricket in Times Square (George Selden • Henry and Mudge: The First Book (Cynthia • Bridges (See More Readers) (Seymour and Garth Williams) (E) Rylant and Sucie Stevenson) (E) Simon) (EA) • Charlotte’s Web (E.B. White and Garth • The Fire Cat (Esther Holden Averill) (E) Williams) (E) Informational Text (Read Aloud) • George and Martha: The Complete Stories of • Zen Shorts (Jon J. Muth) Two Best Friends (James Marshall) • Bridges Are To Cross (Philemon Sturges • Pop’s Bridge (Eve Bunting and C.F. Payne) and Giles Laroche) • Mackinac Bridge: The Story of the Five-Mile Poems (Read Aloud) • Bridges: Amazing Structures to Design, Poem (Gloria Whelan and Gijsbert van Build & Test (Carol A. Johmann, Elizabeth Frankenhuyzen) “The Bridge Builder” (Will Allen Dromgoole) Rieth, and Michael P. Kline) • • One Green Apple (Eve Bunting and Ted If Not for the Cat (Jack Prelutsky and Ted Rand) • Owen and Mzee: The True Story of a • Lewin) (EA) Remarkable Friendship (Isabella and Craig • I Am the Dog I Am the Cat (Donald Hall) • Four Feet, Two Sandals (Karen Lynn Hatkoff, Paula Kahumbu, and Peter Greste) Williams, Khadra Mohammed, and Doug • Owen and Mzee: The Language of Chayka) Friendship (Isabella and Craig Hatkoff, • Snow in Jerusalem (Deborah da Costa, Ying- Paula Kahumbu, and Peter Greste) Hwa Hu, and Cornelius Van Wright) • Tara and Bella: The Elephant and Dog Who • The Day of Ahmed’s Secret (Florence H. Became Best Friends (Carol Buckley) Parry and Ted Lewind) • My Father’s Shop (Satomi Ichikawa) Website References • Silent Music (James Rumford)The Little Instructional Routines: Painter of Sabana Grande (Patricia Maloney Markun and Robert Casilla) es.shtml • The Little Painter of Sabana Grande (Patricia Owen & Mzee Kids Boma: Maloney Markun and Robert Casilla) BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) - 16 -
  • 17. Isaac School District No. 5 English Language Arts Curriculum Map: Grade 2 *ELD Methodologies The methodologies indicated below support the identified standards that are presented in Unit 3. Standards may lend themselves to additional methodologies. *Language Warm-Up *Verb Tense Study *Sentence Patterning *Syntax Surgery *Sentence Building *Vertical Sentence BOLD: ELA Focus Standards Underlined Vocabulary = Tier 2 Words Adapted from Common Core Curriculum Maps, 2010. Italics: ELP Standards *ELD Methodology 7-15-2011 (ELP Direct Alignment) - 17 -