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Public Speaking

Significance of Ethics in Public Speaking


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Public Speaking Ethics > Significance of Ethics in Public Speaking

Significance of Ethics in Public Speaking
• Why Study Ethics?
• Rules to Follow when Speaking: Ethical Goals, Full Preparation,
Honesty, and Non-Abusive Language
• Rules to Follow when Listening: Courtesy, Attention, and OpenMindedness

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Public Speaking Ethics > Significance of Ethics in Public Speaking

Why Study Ethics?
• To speak ethically is to provide honest facts with integrity and without deception
or distortion.

• Ethical speakers craft their own original content that is free from plagiarized
• Ethical speakers do not intentionally deceive their audience, either by presenting
falsehoods, opinions disguised as fact, or warping the facts to make their point.
• Ethical speakers acknowledge any conflicts of interest they may have with regard
to topic, intent, venue, sponsoring organization or audience members.
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Public Speaking Ethics > Significance of Ethics in Public Speaking

Rules to Follow when Speaking: Ethical Goals, Full Preparation,
Honesty, and Non-Abusive Language
• If you recognize that you might have a conflict of interest when delivering your
speech, recuse yourself or disclose to your audience the extent of the conflict.

• Respect your audience by fully preparing for your speech, from writing and editing
to reviewing and rehearsing. Be thorough in your preparation.
• Don't make your case via falsehoods or opinions disguised as facts. Come from a
place of authenticity.
• Don't intimidate your audience or opponent (if debating) by verbally attacking
them or using abusive language.
Rules to Follow When Speaking
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Public Speaking Ethics > Significance of Ethics in Public Speaking

Rules to Follow when Listening: Courtesy, Attention, and OpenMindedness
• Presenters deserve your attention, courtesy, and open-mindedness if you are to
expect the same of others once you get up to present.

• Be courteous by silencing your cell phone or other gadgets, refraining from
extraneous noise, and looking at the presenter while they speak. If you're taking
notes, make sure you're doing so in an unobtrusive way.
• Have an open mind about what material is presented to you. You may not agree,
but the presenter still deserves your attention and courtesy.

Active Listening
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Public Speaking Ethics > Plagiarism

• What is Plagiarism?
• Avoiding Plagiarism when Using the Internet

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Public Speaking Ethics > Plagiarism

What is Plagiarism?
• Word to the wise: just don't plagiarize. Seriously. Don't do it.
• Intentional plagiarism isn't as easy to get away with as you think: institutions and

companies have ways of detecting whether or not you've plagiarized your work,
and it can have serious academic and professional repercussions if you are
• If you find yourself tempted to nab a couple of lines from one of your research
sources, put the full source away. Instead, rely on your own notes and
paraphrasing to lessen the temptation to outright copy the work of another.
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Public Speaking Ethics > Plagiarism

Avoiding Plagiarism when Using the Internet
• Just because you can copy and paste a few sentences or paragraphs from an
obscure Internet source doesn't mean you should.

• Many academic institutions and even some professional organizations use online
plagiarism detection software, such as CopyScape, Attributor and
• Just because you might thwart an online plagiarism detector doesn't mean you
don't run the risk of being caught via manual plagiarism detection, either.
• When in doubt, avoid the temptation to plagiarize despite the seemingly endless

availability of content online. Your speech is better served when your words are

Avoiding Plagiarism on the Internet

original and genuine.

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Public Speaking Ethics

Key terms
• active listening The process of attending carefully to what a speaker is saying, involving such techniques as accurately
paraphrasing the speaker's remarks. (CC BY-SA 3.0)
• conflict of interest A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician,
executive or director of a corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has competing professional or personal
interests. (CC BY-SA 3.0)
• conflict of interest A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician,
executive or director of a corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has competing professional or personal
interests. (CC BY-SA 3.0)
• ethical Of or relating to the accepted principles of right and wrong, especially those of some organization or profession.

(CC BY-SA 3.0)

• ethics The study of principles relating to right and wrong conduct. (CC BY-SA 3.0)
• open-minded Willing to consider new and different ideas or opinions. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

• plagiarism The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's
own, especially without permission. (CC BY-SA 3.0)
• plagiarism The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's
own, especially without permission. (CC BY-SA 3.0)
• recuse to declare oneself disqualified to act. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

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Public Speaking Ethics

Conflict of Interest

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Flickr. "All sizes | Navy admiral talks with radio show host in Wisconsin. | Flickr - Photo Sharing!." CC BY
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Public Speaking Ethics


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Wikimedia. "Thomas Nagel teaching Ethics." CC BY-SA 3.0 View on
Public Speaking Ethics

Rules to Follow When Speaking

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Flickr. "2011 Youth Ethics Summit | Flickr - Photo Sharing!." CC BY-SA View on
Public Speaking Ethics

Active Listening

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Flickr. "2011 Youth Ethics Summit | Flickr - Photo Sharing!." CC BY View on
Public Speaking Ethics


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Wikimedia. "ME 109 Thief." CC BY-SA View on
Public Speaking Ethics

Avoiding Plagiarism on the Internet

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Flickr. "Google Panda: Copied post Ranking Better | Flickr - Photo Sharing!." CC BY View on
Public Speaking Ethics

A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a
lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a
corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has
competing professional or personal interests.
A) conflict of interest

B) active listening

C) open-minded

D) recuse

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Public Speaking Ethics

A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a
lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a
corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has
competing professional or personal interests.
A) conflict of interest

B) active listening

C) open-minded

D) recuse

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Wiktionary. "conflict of interest." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

The study of principles relating to right and wrong conduct.

A) ethics

B) active listening

C) open-minded

D) recuse

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Public Speaking Ethics

The study of principles relating to right and wrong conduct.

A) ethics

B) active listening

C) open-minded

D) recuse

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Wiktionary. "ethics." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

The study of principles relating to right and wrong conduct.

A) extemporaneous

B) teleprompter

C) ethics

D) concept map

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Public Speaking Ethics

The study of principles relating to right and wrong conduct.

A) extemporaneous

B) teleprompter

C) ethics

D) concept map

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Wiktionary. "ethics." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a
lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a
corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has
competing professional or personal interests.
A) ethics

B) active listening

C) open-minded

D) conflict of interest

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Public Speaking Ethics

A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a
lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a
corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has
competing professional or personal interests.
A) ethics

B) active listening

C) open-minded

D) conflict of interest

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Wiktionary. "conflict of interest." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

Ethical speakers typically practice which of the following
behaviors when presenting to audiences?
A) Ethical speakers pass off words and ideas from others as their own

B) Ethical speakers give appropriate attribution or credit as necessary

C) Ethical speakers speak about topics in which they may benefit from

D) Ethical speakers use their opinions as fact to prove an argument

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Public Speaking Ethics

Ethical speakers typically practice which of the following
behaviors when presenting to audiences?
A) Ethical speakers pass off words and ideas from others as their own

B) Ethical speakers give appropriate attribution or credit as necessary

C) Ethical speakers speak about topics in which they may benefit from

D) Ethical speakers use their opinions as fact to prove an argument

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Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a
lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a
corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has
competing professional or personal interests.
A) ethics

B) active listening

C) conflict of interest

D) open-minded

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Public Speaking Ethics

A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a
lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a
corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has
competing professional or personal interests.
A) ethics

B) active listening

C) conflict of interest

D) open-minded

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Wiktionary. "conflict of interest." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

Of or relating to the accepted principles of right and wrong,
especially those of some organization or profession.
A) ethics

B) active listening

C) conflict of interest

D) ethical

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Public Speaking Ethics

Of or relating to the accepted principles of right and wrong,
especially those of some organization or profession.
A) ethics

B) active listening

C) conflict of interest

D) ethical

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Wiktionary. "ethical." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

to declare oneself disqualified to act.

A) ethics

B) recuse

C) active listening

D) conflict of interest

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Public Speaking Ethics

to declare oneself disqualified to act.

A) ethics

B) recuse

C) active listening

D) conflict of interest

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Wiktionary. "recuse." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a
lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a
corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has
competing professional or personal interests.
A) conflict of interest

B) active listening

C) open-minded

D) recuse

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Public Speaking Ethics

A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a
lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a
corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has
competing professional or personal interests.
A) conflict of interest

B) active listening

C) open-minded

D) recuse

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Wiktionary. "conflict of interest." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

Speakers should do which of the following to avoid intimidating
A) Write, review and rehearse their speech

B) Wear professional attire

C) Present with authenticity instead of deception

D) Refrain from using abusive language

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Public Speaking Ethics

Speakers should do which of the following to avoid intimidating
A) Write, review and rehearse their speech

B) Wear professional attire

C) Present with authenticity instead of deception

D) Refrain from using abusive language

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Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

Willing to consider new and different ideas or opinions.

A) ethics

B) ethical

C) conflict of interest

D) open-minded

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Public Speaking Ethics

Willing to consider new and different ideas or opinions.

A) ethics

B) ethical

C) conflict of interest

D) open-minded

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Wiktionary. "open-minded." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

An audience member who practices active listening during a
presentation generally exhibits which of the following behaviors?
A) Asks questions during the presentation

B) Avoids eye contact with the presenter

C) Refrains from taking notes

D) Refrains from texting or chatting on phones

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Public Speaking Ethics

An audience member who practices active listening during a
presentation generally exhibits which of the following behaviors?
A) Asks questions during the presentation

B) Avoids eye contact with the presenter

C) Refrains from taking notes

D) Refrains from texting or chatting on phones

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Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

The process of attending carefully to what a speaker is saying,
involving such techniques as accurately paraphrasing the
speaker's remarks.
A) active listening

B) peer review

C) talking point

D) Content analysis

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Public Speaking Ethics

The process of attending carefully to what a speaker is saying,
involving such techniques as accurately paraphrasing the
speaker's remarks.
A) active listening

B) peer review

C) talking point

D) Content analysis

Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
Wiktionary. "active listening." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

The process of attending carefully to what a speaker is saying,
involving such techniques as accurately paraphrasing the
speaker's remarks.
A) ethics

B) ethical

C) conflict of interest

D) active listening

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Public Speaking Ethics

The process of attending carefully to what a speaker is saying,
involving such techniques as accurately paraphrasing the
speaker's remarks.
A) ethics

B) ethical

C) conflict of interest

D) active listening

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Wiktionary. "active listening." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

A college student finds that the phrasing and speech structure of
his research paper closely mirrors much of his source material
and research. This might be the considered which of the following
forms of plagiarism?
A) Deliberate plagiarism

B) Wrongful appropriation

C) Unintended plagiarism

D) Thievery

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Public Speaking Ethics

A college student finds that the phrasing and speech structure of
his research paper closely mirrors much of his source material
and research. This might be the considered which of the following
forms of plagiarism?
A) Deliberate plagiarism

B) Wrongful appropriation

C) Unintended plagiarism

D) Thievery

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Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text
or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially
without permission.
A) anecdote

B) thesis

C) ethnocentrism

D) plagiarism

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Public Speaking Ethics

The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text
or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially
without permission.
A) anecdote

B) thesis

C) ethnocentrism

D) plagiarism

Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
Wiktionary. "plagiarism." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text
or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially
without permission.
A) ethics

B) plagiarism

C) open-minded

D) ethical

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Public Speaking Ethics

The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text
or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially
without permission.
A) ethics

B) plagiarism

C) open-minded

D) ethical

Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
Wiktionary. "plagiarism." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text
or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially
without permission.
A) plagiarism

B) ethics

C) ethical

D) recuse

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Public Speaking Ethics

The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text
or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially
without permission.
A) plagiarism

B) ethics

C) ethical

D) recuse

Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
Wiktionary. "plagiarism." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text
or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially
without permission.
A) ethics

B) ethical

C) recuse

D) plagiarism

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Public Speaking Ethics

The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text
or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially
without permission.
A) ethics

B) ethical

C) recuse

D) plagiarism

Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
Wiktionary. "plagiarism." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

Which of the following tactics can be used to detect online
A) All of these answers.

B) Websites

C) Software

D) Manual checking

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Public Speaking Ethics

Which of the following tactics can be used to detect online
A) All of these answers.

B) Websites

C) Software

D) Manual checking

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Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text
or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially
without permission.
A) ethics

B) plagiarism

C) open-minded

D) ethical

Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
Public Speaking Ethics

The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text
or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially
without permission.
A) ethics

B) plagiarism

C) open-minded

D) ethical

Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
Wiktionary. "plagiarism." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text
or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially
without permission.
A) anecdote

B) thesis

C) ethnocentrism

D) plagiarism

Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
Public Speaking Ethics

The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text
or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially
without permission.
A) anecdote

B) thesis

C) ethnocentrism

D) plagiarism

Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
Wiktionary. "plagiarism." CC BY-SA 3.0
Public Speaking Ethics

• Wikibooks. "Introduction to Sociology/Organizational Behavior." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikipedia. "Integrity." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikibooks. "Professional and Technical Writing/Presentations." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikipedia. "Lie." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikibooks. "Rhetoric and Composition/Oral Presentations." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikibooks. "Rhetoric and Composition/Teacher's Handbook/Teaching Oral Presentations." CC BY-SA 3.0

• Wikipedia. "Active listening." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikibooks. "Rhetoric and Composition/Oral Presentations." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikibooks. "Parent Education Course Writer's Guide." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikibooks. "'s English Composition/Plagiarism and How to Avoid It." CC BY-SA 3.0

• Wikibooks. "Writing Better University Essays/Referencing." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikibooks. "Rhetoric and Composition/Plagiarism." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikipedia. "Plagiarism." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikipedia. "Copyscape." CC BY-SA 3.0
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• Wikipedia. "Plagiarism detection." CC BY-SA 3.0

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Public Speaking Ethics

  • 1. Public Speaking Ethics Significance of Ethics in Public Speaking Plagiarism Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 2. Public Speaking Ethics > Significance of Ethics in Public Speaking Significance of Ethics in Public Speaking • Why Study Ethics? • Rules to Follow when Speaking: Ethical Goals, Full Preparation, Honesty, and Non-Abusive Language • Rules to Follow when Listening: Courtesy, Attention, and OpenMindedness Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 3. Public Speaking Ethics > Significance of Ethics in Public Speaking Why Study Ethics? • To speak ethically is to provide honest facts with integrity and without deception or distortion. • Ethical speakers craft their own original content that is free from plagiarized content. • Ethical speakers do not intentionally deceive their audience, either by presenting falsehoods, opinions disguised as fact, or warping the facts to make their point. • Ethical speakers acknowledge any conflicts of interest they may have with regard to topic, intent, venue, sponsoring organization or audience members. Ethics View on Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 4. Public Speaking Ethics > Significance of Ethics in Public Speaking Rules to Follow when Speaking: Ethical Goals, Full Preparation, Honesty, and Non-Abusive Language • If you recognize that you might have a conflict of interest when delivering your speech, recuse yourself or disclose to your audience the extent of the conflict. • Respect your audience by fully preparing for your speech, from writing and editing to reviewing and rehearsing. Be thorough in your preparation. • Don't make your case via falsehoods or opinions disguised as facts. Come from a place of authenticity. • Don't intimidate your audience or opponent (if debating) by verbally attacking them or using abusive language. Rules to Follow When Speaking View on Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 5. Public Speaking Ethics > Significance of Ethics in Public Speaking Rules to Follow when Listening: Courtesy, Attention, and OpenMindedness • Presenters deserve your attention, courtesy, and open-mindedness if you are to expect the same of others once you get up to present. • Be courteous by silencing your cell phone or other gadgets, refraining from extraneous noise, and looking at the presenter while they speak. If you're taking notes, make sure you're doing so in an unobtrusive way. • Have an open mind about what material is presented to you. You may not agree, but the presenter still deserves your attention and courtesy. Active Listening View on Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 6. Public Speaking Ethics > Plagiarism Plagiarism • What is Plagiarism? • Avoiding Plagiarism when Using the Internet Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 7. Public Speaking Ethics > Plagiarism What is Plagiarism? • Word to the wise: just don't plagiarize. Seriously. Don't do it. • Intentional plagiarism isn't as easy to get away with as you think: institutions and companies have ways of detecting whether or not you've plagiarized your work, and it can have serious academic and professional repercussions if you are caught. • If you find yourself tempted to nab a couple of lines from one of your research sources, put the full source away. Instead, rely on your own notes and paraphrasing to lessen the temptation to outright copy the work of another. Plagiarism View on Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 8. Public Speaking Ethics > Plagiarism Avoiding Plagiarism when Using the Internet • Just because you can copy and paste a few sentences or paragraphs from an obscure Internet source doesn't mean you should. • Many academic institutions and even some professional organizations use online plagiarism detection software, such as CopyScape, Attributor and PlagiarismDetect. • Just because you might thwart an online plagiarism detector doesn't mean you don't run the risk of being caught via manual plagiarism detection, either. • When in doubt, avoid the temptation to plagiarize despite the seemingly endless availability of content online. Your speech is better served when your words are Avoiding Plagiarism on the Internet original and genuine. View on Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 9. Appendix Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 10. Public Speaking Ethics Key terms • active listening The process of attending carefully to what a speaker is saying, involving such techniques as accurately paraphrasing the speaker's remarks. (CC BY-SA 3.0) • conflict of interest A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has competing professional or personal interests. (CC BY-SA 3.0) • conflict of interest A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has competing professional or personal interests. (CC BY-SA 3.0) • ethical Of or relating to the accepted principles of right and wrong, especially those of some organization or profession. (CC BY-SA 3.0) • ethics The study of principles relating to right and wrong conduct. (CC BY-SA 3.0) • open-minded Willing to consider new and different ideas or opinions. (CC BY-SA 3.0) • plagiarism The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission. (CC BY-SA 3.0) • plagiarism The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission. (CC BY-SA 3.0) • recuse to declare oneself disqualified to act. (CC BY-SA 3.0) Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 11. Public Speaking Ethics Conflict of Interest Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Flickr. "All sizes | Navy admiral talks with radio show host in Wisconsin. | Flickr - Photo Sharing!." CC BY View on
  • 12. Public Speaking Ethics Ethics Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Thomas Nagel teaching Ethics." CC BY-SA 3.0 View on
  • 13. Public Speaking Ethics Rules to Follow When Speaking Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Flickr. "2011 Youth Ethics Summit | Flickr - Photo Sharing!." CC BY-SA View on
  • 14. Public Speaking Ethics Active Listening Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Flickr. "2011 Youth Ethics Summit | Flickr - Photo Sharing!." CC BY View on
  • 15. Public Speaking Ethics Plagiarism Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "ME 109 Thief." CC BY-SA View on
  • 16. Public Speaking Ethics Avoiding Plagiarism on the Internet Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Flickr. "Google Panda: Copied post Ranking Better | Flickr - Photo Sharing!." CC BY View on
  • 17. Public Speaking Ethics A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has competing professional or personal interests. A) conflict of interest B) active listening C) open-minded D) recuse Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 18. Public Speaking Ethics A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has competing professional or personal interests. A) conflict of interest B) active listening C) open-minded D) recuse Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "conflict of interest." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 19. Public Speaking Ethics The study of principles relating to right and wrong conduct. A) ethics B) active listening C) open-minded D) recuse Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 20. Public Speaking Ethics The study of principles relating to right and wrong conduct. A) ethics B) active listening C) open-minded D) recuse Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "ethics." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 21. Public Speaking Ethics The study of principles relating to right and wrong conduct. A) extemporaneous B) teleprompter C) ethics D) concept map Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 22. Public Speaking Ethics The study of principles relating to right and wrong conduct. A) extemporaneous B) teleprompter C) ethics D) concept map Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "ethics." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 23. Public Speaking Ethics A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has competing professional or personal interests. A) ethics B) active listening C) open-minded D) conflict of interest Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 24. Public Speaking Ethics A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has competing professional or personal interests. A) ethics B) active listening C) open-minded D) conflict of interest Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "conflict of interest." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 25. Public Speaking Ethics Ethical speakers typically practice which of the following behaviors when presenting to audiences? A) Ethical speakers pass off words and ideas from others as their own B) Ethical speakers give appropriate attribution or credit as necessary C) Ethical speakers speak about topics in which they may benefit from financially D) Ethical speakers use their opinions as fact to prove an argument Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 26. Public Speaking Ethics Ethical speakers typically practice which of the following behaviors when presenting to audiences? A) Ethical speakers pass off words and ideas from others as their own B) Ethical speakers give appropriate attribution or credit as necessary C) Ethical speakers speak about topics in which they may benefit from financially D) Ethical speakers use their opinions as fact to prove an argument Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 27. Public Speaking Ethics A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has competing professional or personal interests. A) ethics B) active listening C) conflict of interest D) open-minded Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 28. Public Speaking Ethics A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has competing professional or personal interests. A) ethics B) active listening C) conflict of interest D) open-minded Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "conflict of interest." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 29. Public Speaking Ethics Of or relating to the accepted principles of right and wrong, especially those of some organization or profession. A) ethics B) active listening C) conflict of interest D) ethical Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 30. Public Speaking Ethics Of or relating to the accepted principles of right and wrong, especially those of some organization or profession. A) ethics B) active listening C) conflict of interest D) ethical Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "ethical." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 31. Public Speaking Ethics to declare oneself disqualified to act. A) ethics B) recuse C) active listening D) conflict of interest Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 32. Public Speaking Ethics to declare oneself disqualified to act. A) ethics B) recuse C) active listening D) conflict of interest Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "recuse." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 33. Public Speaking Ethics A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has competing professional or personal interests. A) conflict of interest B) active listening C) open-minded D) recuse Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 34. Public Speaking Ethics A situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a lawyer, insurance adjuster, a politician, executive or director of a corporation or a medical research scientist or physician, has competing professional or personal interests. A) conflict of interest B) active listening C) open-minded D) recuse Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "conflict of interest." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 35. Public Speaking Ethics Speakers should do which of the following to avoid intimidating audiences? A) Write, review and rehearse their speech B) Wear professional attire C) Present with authenticity instead of deception D) Refrain from using abusive language Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 36. Public Speaking Ethics Speakers should do which of the following to avoid intimidating audiences? A) Write, review and rehearse their speech B) Wear professional attire C) Present with authenticity instead of deception D) Refrain from using abusive language Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 37. Public Speaking Ethics Willing to consider new and different ideas or opinions. A) ethics B) ethical C) conflict of interest D) open-minded Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 38. Public Speaking Ethics Willing to consider new and different ideas or opinions. A) ethics B) ethical C) conflict of interest D) open-minded Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "open-minded." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 39. Public Speaking Ethics An audience member who practices active listening during a presentation generally exhibits which of the following behaviors? A) Asks questions during the presentation B) Avoids eye contact with the presenter C) Refrains from taking notes D) Refrains from texting or chatting on phones Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 40. Public Speaking Ethics An audience member who practices active listening during a presentation generally exhibits which of the following behaviors? A) Asks questions during the presentation B) Avoids eye contact with the presenter C) Refrains from taking notes D) Refrains from texting or chatting on phones Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 41. Public Speaking Ethics The process of attending carefully to what a speaker is saying, involving such techniques as accurately paraphrasing the speaker's remarks. A) active listening B) peer review C) talking point D) Content analysis Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 42. Public Speaking Ethics The process of attending carefully to what a speaker is saying, involving such techniques as accurately paraphrasing the speaker's remarks. A) active listening B) peer review C) talking point D) Content analysis Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "active listening." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 43. Public Speaking Ethics The process of attending carefully to what a speaker is saying, involving such techniques as accurately paraphrasing the speaker's remarks. A) ethics B) ethical C) conflict of interest D) active listening Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 44. Public Speaking Ethics The process of attending carefully to what a speaker is saying, involving such techniques as accurately paraphrasing the speaker's remarks. A) ethics B) ethical C) conflict of interest D) active listening Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "active listening." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 45. Public Speaking Ethics A college student finds that the phrasing and speech structure of his research paper closely mirrors much of his source material and research. This might be the considered which of the following forms of plagiarism? A) Deliberate plagiarism B) Wrongful appropriation C) Unintended plagiarism D) Thievery Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 46. Public Speaking Ethics A college student finds that the phrasing and speech structure of his research paper closely mirrors much of his source material and research. This might be the considered which of the following forms of plagiarism? A) Deliberate plagiarism B) Wrongful appropriation C) Unintended plagiarism D) Thievery Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 47. Public Speaking Ethics The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission. A) anecdote B) thesis C) ethnocentrism D) plagiarism Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 48. Public Speaking Ethics The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission. A) anecdote B) thesis C) ethnocentrism D) plagiarism Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "plagiarism." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 49. Public Speaking Ethics The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission. A) ethics B) plagiarism C) open-minded D) ethical Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 50. Public Speaking Ethics The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission. A) ethics B) plagiarism C) open-minded D) ethical Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "plagiarism." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 51. Public Speaking Ethics The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission. A) plagiarism B) ethics C) ethical D) recuse Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 52. Public Speaking Ethics The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission. A) plagiarism B) ethics C) ethical D) recuse Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "plagiarism." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 53. Public Speaking Ethics The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission. A) ethics B) ethical C) recuse D) plagiarism Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 54. Public Speaking Ethics The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission. A) ethics B) ethical C) recuse D) plagiarism Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "plagiarism." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 55. Public Speaking Ethics Which of the following tactics can be used to detect online plagiarism? A) All of these answers. B) Websites C) Software D) Manual checking Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 56. Public Speaking Ethics Which of the following tactics can be used to detect online plagiarism? A) All of these answers. B) Websites C) Software D) Manual checking Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 57. Public Speaking Ethics The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission. A) ethics B) plagiarism C) open-minded D) ethical Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 58. Public Speaking Ethics The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission. A) ethics B) plagiarism C) open-minded D) ethical Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "plagiarism." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 59. Public Speaking Ethics The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission. A) anecdote B) thesis C) ethnocentrism D) plagiarism Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at
  • 60. Public Speaking Ethics The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission. A) anecdote B) thesis C) ethnocentrism D) plagiarism Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wiktionary. "plagiarism." CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 61. Public Speaking Ethics Attribution • Wikibooks. "Introduction to Sociology/Organizational Behavior." CC BY-SA 3.0 • Wikipedia. "Integrity." CC BY-SA 3.0 • Wikibooks. "Professional and Technical Writing/Presentations." CC BY-SA 3.0 • Wikipedia. "Lie." CC BY-SA 3.0 • Wikibooks. "Rhetoric and Composition/Oral Presentations." CC BY-SA 3.0 • Wikibooks. "Rhetoric and Composition/Teacher's Handbook/Teaching Oral Presentations." CC BY-SA 3.0 • Wikipedia. "Active listening." CC BY-SA 3.0 • Wikibooks. "Rhetoric and Composition/Oral Presentations." CC BY-SA 3.0 • Wikibooks. "Parent Education Course Writer's Guide." CC BY-SA 3.0 • Wikibooks. "'s English Composition/Plagiarism and How to Avoid It." CC BY-SA 3.0 • Wikibooks. "Writing Better University Essays/Referencing." CC BY-SA 3.0 • Wikibooks. "Rhetoric and Composition/Plagiarism." CC BY-SA 3.0 • Wikipedia. "Plagiarism." CC BY-SA 3.0 • Wikipedia. "Copyscape." CC BY-SA 3.0 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at • Wikipedia. "Plagiarism detection." CC BY-SA 3.0