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World Lit Jeopardy

Ashley Krebs, Rachel Pyszka, Andrew
     Sorrell, Alexandria Pokorny
Hope        A ll t h e    Wha t’ s        E xtra
                                yo u     pas s age      g o in g o n     E xtra
Th e m e s    JEOPARDY!
             O p in io n s   JEOPARDY!
                             re me mb     JEOPARDY!
                                         s y o u ’ ll    JEOPARDY!
                                                           w it h      JEOPARDY!l
                                                                       Read al
                                er       re a d D :     C h in a ?    a b o u t it

$100         $100            $100        $100           $100           $100

$200         $200            $200 $200                  $200           $200

$300         $300 $300 $300                             $300 $300

$400         $400            $400 $400                  $400           $400

$500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
Hope       A ll t h e    Wha t’ s        E xtra
                                yo u    pas s age      g o in g o n     E xtra
Th e m e s   O p in io n s
                             re me mb   s y o u ’ ll      w it h      R e a d a ll
                                er      re a d D :     C h in a ?    a b o u t it

$100         $100            $100       $100           $100           $100

$200         $200            $200 $200                 $200           $200

$300         $300 $300 $300                            $300 $300

$400         $400            $400 $400                 $400           $400

$500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
_______ can motivate and
      liven people.

W h a t is lo v e ?
People are ____until the find

W h a t is e m p t y a n d
          lo v e ?
____________ is necessary
   before man can love.

W h a t is f in a n c ia l
      s t a b ilit y ?
A p e r s o n ’ s ______
_______ m u s t b e m e t
  b e fo re th e c a n

W h a t a r e b a s ic
n e e d s a n d lo v e ?
I f m a n ____’ s
h im s e lf h e c a n n o t

W h a t is h a t e , a n d
         lo v e ?
If t h e n a r r a t o r
w e re no t p o o r the
  s t o r y w o u ld b e

W h a t is m u c h
  d if f e r e n t !?
Th e a u th o r s
the me s a re

C la s s o p in io n m a y
         d if f e r 
T h e a u t h o r t h in k s
  t h is a b o u t lo v e .

W h a t is a    pe rs on
 mus t be       a b le t o
me e t the      ir b a s ic
ne e ds be      fo re th e
   s h o u ld    lo v e ?
T h e im p o r t a n c e o f
   t h e t it le is t h is .

W h a t is it s e r v e s
 the p urp o s e o f
       d u a lit y ?
When the weather
 empathizes with what is
going on in the story. Find
 an example of this in the

W h a t is p a t h e t ic
         f a lla c y ?
   E x a m p le s m a y
            va ry
Yu D a f u .

W h a t is Yu T a -
 F u ’ s o r ig in a l
  born na me ?
Yu T a -F u w a s
k ille d t h is w a y .

W h a t is b y
    J a pa ne s e
m ilit a r y p o lic e ?
Yu T a -F u w a s b o r n
         he re .

W h a t is C h in a ?
Y u T a -F u d id t h is a s
         h is jo b .

W h a t is le c t u r e d
  a t c o lle g e a n d
     w ro te s ho rt
 s t o r i e s /p o e t r y ?
Y u T a -F u w r o t e
t h is c o lle c t io n o f
     thre e s ho rt
       s t o r ie s .

W h a t is
“ S in k in g ” ?
T h e s ig n if ic a n c e
o f E r h -M e i s a y in g ,
 “ H a v e yo u m a d e
 f r ie n d s w it h b a d
   m e n ” i s ________.

W h a t is it
p e r s o n if ie s h e r
a s yo u th fu l a n d
 in n o c e n t , a n d
a ls o s h o w s h e r
      n a iv e t y ?
T h e s ig . o f
   “ O ve rhe a d ,
  g r a y is h -w h it e
c lo u d s c o v e r in g
    t h e s k y lik e
      d e c a y in g
  c o r p s e s …” i s
W h a t is it s h o w s a
    ju x t a p o s it io n
   b e t w e e n lig h t
  a nd da rkne s s ?
T h e s ig . o f “ D e v il,
d e v il y o u h a v e n o
 r ig h t t o lo v e !” is

W h a t is it p r o v e s
   the a utho r’ s
 m a in t h e m e t h a t
    o n e ’ s b a s ic
  ne e ds mus t be
 m e t b e fo re th e y
  a r e c a p a b le o f
T h e s ig . o f “ I s a t
  t h e r e d a y in a n d
 d a y o u t , m y b r a in
   w a s c o m p le t e ly
   c o n fu s e d , a n d I
  c o u ld n ’ t r e a d a
s in g le s e n t e n c e o f
     e v e n a s in g le
    w o r d ” i s ______.
W h a t is it s h o w s
ho w the na rra to r
is “ in t o x ic a t e d ”
  o r in t h is c a s e
 de pre s s e d, a nd
     s ho w s the
 d a r k n e s s in h is
“ D u r in g t h e p a s t
    fe w d a ys , th e
  s t u f f y , d im , lit t le
    r o o m -m y lo n e
       w o r ld - h a d
 b e c o m e a s c lo s e
a nd hot a s a da mp
  s t e a m o v e n . ” is
             _______.             >>>
W h a t is it is a
f o r m o f p a t h e t ic
  f a lla c y ? P o in t s
    o u t h o w h e is
     de pre s s e d.
F r o m 19 12 - 19 2 8 i n
  C h in a t h e r e w a s
       c ha os a nd
        in s t a b ilit y
  b e c a u s e o f t h is .

W h a t is le a d e r s
o fte n fo u g h t fo r
      pow e r?
F r o m 19 2 8 - 19 3 7 __
        % o f the
  p o p u la t io n w e r e
        p e s a nts .

W h a t is 8 0 % ?
Around 1937 China was
invaded by this country.

W h a t is J a p a n ?
T h is m a n y p e o p le
w e re murde re d by
J a p a ne s e tro o p s .

W h a t is 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 ?
The events that took place in
   China from 1912-1949
effected the story in this way

W h a t is it
d e v e lo p s t h e p lo t
          lin e ?
T h e s ig . o f C h e n
    b e in g c a lle d a
y e llo w -d o g is t h is .

W h a t is a n
o x ym o r o n ?
T h e t w o m a in
  c ha ra c te r’ s
n a m e s a r e t h is .

N a rra to r – C he n
Yo u n g g ir l – E r h -
T h e im p o r t a n c e o f
 t h e s e t t in g in t h e
s h o r t s t o r y is t h is .

W h a t is b e c a u s e
        the p o o r
c o m m u n it y k e e p s
  h im f r o m f a llin g
     in lo v e ? T h e
    w e a t h e r a ls o
       s e rve s a s
N a m e a m o t if t h a t
 is p r e s e n t in t h e
s t o r y a n d in c lu d e
 te xtua l s up p o rt.

W h a t is : d u a lit y
  (da rkne s s a nd
lig h t , t it le , n a t u r e
         o f lo v e )
        P o ve rty
T h e m a in c o n f lic t
th e s p e a k e r fa c e s
        is t h is .

W h a t is p o v e r t y
a n d h is in t e r n a l
    c o n f lic t s ?
   T O P IC
    ‘ A N S WE R ’
   ‘ Q U E S T IO N ’

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Blood and Tears Jeopardy

  • 1. World Lit Jeopardy Ashley Krebs, Rachel Pyszka, Andrew Sorrell, Alexandria Pokorny
  • 2.
  • 3. Hope A ll t h e Wha t’ s E xtra yo u pas s age g o in g o n E xtra JEOPARDY! Th e m e s JEOPARDY! O p in io n s JEOPARDY! re me mb JEOPARDY! s y o u ’ ll JEOPARDY! w it h JEOPARDY!l Read al er  re a d D : C h in a ? a b o u t it $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
  • 4. Hope A ll t h e Wha t’ s E xtra yo u pas s age g o in g o n E xtra Th e m e s O p in io n s re me mb s y o u ’ ll w it h R e a d a ll er  re a d D : C h in a ? a b o u t it $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
  • 5. _______ can motivate and liven people. >>>
  • 6. W h a t is lo v e ?
  • 7. People are ____until the find _______. >>>
  • 8. W h a t is e m p t y a n d lo v e ?
  • 9. ____________ is necessary before man can love. >>>
  • 10. W h a t is f in a n c ia l s t a b ilit y ?
  • 11. A p e r s o n ’ s ______ _______ m u s t b e m e t b e fo re th e c a n _____. >>>
  • 12. W h a t a r e b a s ic n e e d s a n d lo v e ?
  • 13. I f m a n ____’ s h im s e lf h e c a n n o t ____. >>>
  • 14. W h a t is h a t e , a n d lo v e ?
  • 15. If t h e n a r r a t o r w e re no t p o o r the s t o r y w o u ld b e _______. >>>
  • 16. W h a t is m u c h d if f e r e n t !?
  • 17. Th e a u th o r s the me s a re _____________? >>>
  • 18. C la s s o p in io n m a y d if f e r 
  • 19. T h e a u t h o r t h in k s t h is a b o u t lo v e . >>>
  • 20. W h a t is a pe rs on mus t be a b le t o me e t the ir b a s ic ne e ds be fo re th e s h o u ld lo v e ?
  • 21. T h e im p o r t a n c e o f t h e t it le is t h is . >>>
  • 22. W h a t is it s e r v e s the p urp o s e o f d u a lit y ?
  • 23. When the weather empathizes with what is going on in the story. Find an example of this in the text. >>>
  • 24. W h a t is p a t h e t ic f a lla c y ? E x a m p le s m a y va ry L E T S D IS C U S S :D
  • 25. Yu D a f u . >>>
  • 26. W h a t is Yu T a - F u ’ s o r ig in a l born na me ?
  • 27. Yu T a -F u w a s k ille d t h is w a y . >>>
  • 28. W h a t is b y J a pa ne s e m ilit a r y p o lic e ?
  • 29. Yu T a -F u w a s b o r n he re . >>>
  • 30. W h a t is C h in a ?
  • 31. Y u T a -F u d id t h is a s h is jo b . >>>
  • 32. W h a t is le c t u r e d a t c o lle g e a n d w ro te s ho rt s t o r i e s /p o e t r y ?
  • 33. Y u T a -F u w r o t e t h is c o lle c t io n o f thre e s ho rt s t o r ie s . >>>
  • 34. W h a t is “ S in k in g ” ?
  • 35. T h e s ig n if ic a n c e o f E r h -M e i s a y in g , “ H a v e yo u m a d e f r ie n d s w it h b a d m e n ” i s ________. >>>
  • 36. W h a t is it p e r s o n if ie s h e r a s yo u th fu l a n d in n o c e n t , a n d a ls o s h o w s h e r n a iv e t y ?
  • 37. T h e s ig . o f “ O ve rhe a d , g r a y is h -w h it e c lo u d s c o v e r in g t h e s k y lik e d e c a y in g c o r p s e s …” i s _______. >>>
  • 38. W h a t is it s h o w s a ju x t a p o s it io n b e t w e e n lig h t a nd da rkne s s ?
  • 39. T h e s ig . o f “ D e v il, d e v il y o u h a v e n o r ig h t t o lo v e !” is __________. >>>
  • 40. W h a t is it p r o v e s the a utho r’ s m a in t h e m e t h a t o n e ’ s b a s ic ne e ds mus t be m e t b e fo re th e y a r e c a p a b le o f
  • 41. T h e s ig . o f “ I s a t t h e r e d a y in a n d d a y o u t , m y b r a in w a s c o m p le t e ly c o n fu s e d , a n d I c o u ld n ’ t r e a d a s in g le s e n t e n c e o f e v e n a s in g le w o r d ” i s ______. >>>
  • 42. W h a t is it s h o w s ho w the na rra to r is “ in t o x ic a t e d ” o r in t h is c a s e de pre s s e d, a nd s ho w s the d a r k n e s s in h is
  • 43. “ D u r in g t h e p a s t fe w d a ys , th e s t u f f y , d im , lit t le r o o m -m y lo n e w o r ld - h a d b e c o m e a s c lo s e a nd hot a s a da mp s t e a m o v e n . ” is _______. >>>
  • 44. W h a t is it is a f o r m o f p a t h e t ic f a lla c y ? P o in t s o u t h o w h e is de pre s s e d.
  • 45. F r o m 19 12 - 19 2 8 i n C h in a t h e r e w a s c ha os a nd in s t a b ilit y b e c a u s e o f t h is . >>>
  • 46. W h a t is le a d e r s o fte n fo u g h t fo r pow e r?
  • 47. F r o m 19 2 8 - 19 3 7 __ % o f the p o p u la t io n w e r e p e s a nts . >>>
  • 48. W h a t is 8 0 % ?
  • 49. Around 1937 China was invaded by this country. >>>
  • 50. W h a t is J a p a n ?
  • 51. T h is m a n y p e o p le w e re murde re d by J a p a ne s e tro o p s . >>>
  • 52. W h a t is 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 ?
  • 53. The events that took place in China from 1912-1949 effected the story in this way >>>
  • 54. W h a t is it d e v e lo p s t h e p lo t lin e ?
  • 55. T h e s ig . o f C h e n b e in g c a lle d a y e llo w -d o g is t h is . >>>
  • 56. W h a t is a n o x ym o r o n ?
  • 57. T h e t w o m a in c ha ra c te r’ s n a m e s a r e t h is . >>>
  • 58. N a rra to r – C he n Yo u n g g ir l – E r h - Mei
  • 59. T h e im p o r t a n c e o f t h e s e t t in g in t h e s h o r t s t o r y is t h is . >>>
  • 60. W h a t is b e c a u s e the p o o r c o m m u n it y k e e p s h im f r o m f a llin g in lo v e ? T h e w e a t h e r a ls o s e rve s a s
  • 61. N a m e a m o t if t h a t is p r e s e n t in t h e s t o r y a n d in c lu d e te xtua l s up p o rt. >>>
  • 62. W h a t is : d u a lit y (da rkne s s a nd lig h t , t it le , n a t u r e o f lo v e ) P o ve rty
  • 63. T h e m a in c o n f lic t th e s p e a k e r fa c e s is t h is . >>>
  • 64. W h a t is p o v e r t y a n d h is in t e r n a l c o n f lic t s ?
  • 65.
  • 67. F IN A L J E O P A R D Y ‘ A N S WE R ’
  • 68. F IN A L J E O P A R D Y ‘ Q U E S T IO N ’

Editor's Notes

  1. Intervention – BVM/PPV until wears off, low dose succinyl choline (0.25/kg) Other AE’s: Respirtory depression, nystagmus, tremors (>50%), emergence symptoms, sialogogue
  2. Explain the two definitions and how they are also a motif.
  3. Yellow = prosporous Dog = dirty and mangy; unprosporous