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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml;
namespace WOTC_Import
class Program
XmlDocument xDoc;
ArrayList logList = new ArrayList();
static int Main(string[] args)
Program prog = new Program();
args = new String[] { "./" };
String[] pathArgs = prog.GetConfig(args[0]);
String inPath = (string)pathArgs[0];
string outPath = (string)pathArgs[1];
string inSsnData = (string)pathArgs[2];
string inIdsData = (string)pathArgs[3];
bool IsSuccess = false;
IsSuccess = prog.MergeDataFiles(inPath, outPath, inSsnData, inIdsData);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("WOTC Failure: " + ex.Message);
if (IsSuccess == true)
Console.WriteLine("Merge success.");
return 0;
Console.WriteLine("Merge failure.");
return 1;
private DataTable CreateDataTable(int Columns)
DataTable tabled = new DataTable();
DataColumn idColumn = new DataColumn();
idColumn.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Int32");
idColumn.ColumnName = "cid";
idColumn.AutoIncrement = true;
for (int i = 0; i < Columns; i++)
DataColumn dc = new DataColumn();
dc.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
DataColumn[] keys = new DataColumn[2];
keys[0] = tabled.Columns[0];
keys[1] = tabled.Columns[1];
tabled.PrimaryKey = keys;
return tabled;
private String[] GetConfig(String configPath)
String[] filepathString = new String[] { };
xDoc = new XmlDocument();
xDoc.Load(configPath + "/WOTC_Import_settings.xml");
if (!xDoc.DocumentElement.IsEmpty)
XmlNode rootSegments = xDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("DataFiles");
XmlNode inNode = rootSegments.ChildNodes[0];
XmlNode outNode = rootSegments.ChildNodes[1];
XmlNode ssnNode = rootSegments.ChildNodes[2];
XmlNode idsNode = rootSegments.ChildNodes[3];
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ssnNode.InnerText) & !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(idsNode.InnerText) & !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outNode.InnerText))
filepathString = new String[] { inNode.InnerText, outNode.InnerText, ssnNode.InnerText, idsNode.InnerText };
logList.Add("XML Settings document loaded in GetConfig ( ): ");
logList.Add(" Qualified name of XmlDocument node: " + xDoc.Name);
logList.Add(" SSS File : " + ssnNode.InnerText);
logList.Add(" Ids File : " + idsNode.InnerText);
logList.Add(" Output Path: " + outNode.InnerText);
return filepathString;
logList.Add("XML Settings document NOT loaded in GetConfig ( ).");
return new String[] { };
logList.Add("XML Settings document in GetConfig ( ) failed to load.");
return filepathString;
private bool MergeDataFiles(string inPathWOTC, String outPathMerge, string inXSSNXT, string inIds)
bool IsSuccessful = false;
logList.Add("Current Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inPathWOTC) & !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outPathMerge) & !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inXSSNXT) & !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inIds))
DirectoryInfo diPathWOTC = new DirectoryInfo(inPathWOTC);
DirectoryInfo diPathOut = new DirectoryInfo(outPathMerge);
if (diPathWOTC.Exists & diPathOut.Exists)
FileInfo[] fiSSN = diPathWOTC.GetFiles(inXSSNXT);
FileInfo[] fiIds = diPathWOTC.GetFiles(inIds);
if (fiSSN.Length < 1)
if (fiIds.Length < 1)
logList.Add("SSM and EmployeeId files (" + inXSSNXT + " and " + inIds + ") are missing.");
logList.Add("SSN file (" + inXSSNXT + ") is missing.");
else if (fiIds.Length < 1)
logList.Add("Ids file (" + fiIds + ") is missing.");
else if (fiSSN.Length > 1 | fiIds.Length > 1)
logList.Add("Multiple data files exist at each input location:");
logList.Add("Paths/Files exist: ");
logList.Add(" Employee (SSN) Data: " + inPathWOTC + @"/" + inXSSNXT);
logList.Add(" Organization Data : " + inPathWOTC + @"/" + inIds);
logList.Add(" Output Path : " + outPathMerge + @"/");
DataTable matchTable = CreateDataTable(11);
DataTable nomatchTable = CreateDataTable(8);
DataTable tableWOTC = ReadCSVData(fiSSN[0]);
logList.Add("Employee (SSN) Data includes " + tableWOTC.Rows.Count + " records.");
DataTable tableXSSNXT = ReadFixedWidthData(fiIds[0]);
logList.Add("Organization Data includes " + tableXSSNXT.Rows.Count + " records.");
if (tableWOTC.Rows.Count > 0 & tableXSSNXT.Rows.Count > 0)
int matchHeadCount = 0;
int nomatchHeadCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tableWOTC.Rows.Count; i++)
DataRow drWOTC = tableWOTC.Rows[i];
string keystringWOTC = (string)drWOTC[1];
string ssnfieldname = tableXSSNXT.Columns[1].ColumnName;
string ssnfieldvalueWOTC = (string)drWOTC[1];
string lnmfieldname = tableXSSNXT.Columns[4].ColumnName;
string lnmfieldvalueWOTC = (string)drWOTC[2];
string sortorder = ssnfieldname + " ASC";
DataRow[] drXSSNXT;
drXSSNXT = null;
String ssnQuery = ssnfieldname + "=" + "'" + ssnfieldvalueWOTC + "'";
drXSSNXT = tableXSSNXT.Select(ssnQuery, sortorder);
if (drXSSNXT.Length == 1)
String xssnxtlnmString = (String)drXSSNXT[0][4];
String xssnxtlnmLower = xssnxtlnmString.ToLower();
String xssnxtlnmTrim = xssnxtlnmLower.TrimEnd(new Char[] { ' ' });
if (xssnxtlnmTrim != lnmfieldvalueWOTC)
String wotclnmLower = lnmfieldvalueWOTC.ToLower();
String wotclnmTrim = wotclnmLower.TrimEnd(new Char[] { ' ' });
String wotclnmReplaceSQ = wotclnmTrim.Replace(''', ' ');
String wotclnmReplaceH = wotclnmReplaceSQ.Replace('-', ' ');
String wotclnmReplace1 = wotclnmReplaceH.Replace(" jr.", "");
String wotclnmReplace2 = wotclnmReplace1.Replace(" ii", "");
String wotclnmReplace3 = wotclnmReplace2.Replace(" iii", "");
String wotclnmReplace4 = wotclnmReplace3.Replace(" iv", "");
String wotclnmReplace5 = wotclnmReplace4.Replace(". ", "");
if (xssnxtlnmTrim != wotclnmReplace5)
String wotclnmSub = "";
String xssnxtlnmSub = "";
if (wotclnmReplace5.Length < xssnxtlnmTrim.Length)
xssnxtlnmSub = xssnxtlnmTrim.Substring(0, wotclnmReplace5.Length);
wotclnmSub = wotclnmReplace5;
else if (xssnxtlnmTrim.Length < wotclnmReplace4.Length)
wotclnmSub = wotclnmReplace5.Substring(0, xssnxtlnmTrim.Length);
xssnxtlnmSub = xssnxtlnmTrim;
if (xssnxtlnmSub != wotclnmSub)
logList.Add("Matching SSN with different last names: ");
logList.Add(" SSN : " + ssnfieldvalueWOTC);
logList.Add(" Last Name (WOTC) : " + wotclnmReplace4);
logList.Add(" Last Name (XSSNXT: " + (String)drXSSNXT[0][4]);
drXSSNXT = tableXSSNXT.Select(ssnQuery, sortorder);
else if (drXSSNXT.Length > 1)
for (int drInt = 0; drInt < drXSSNXT.Length; drInt++)
drXSSNXT = tableXSSNXT.Select(ssnQuery, sortorder);
logList.Add("Matching SSN ( * MULTIPLE * ) with different last names: ");
logList.Add(" SSN : " + ssnfieldvalueWOTC);
logList.Add(" Last Name (WOTC) : " + lnmfieldvalueWOTC);
logList.Add(" Last Name (XSSNXT: " + (String)drXSSNXT[0][4]);
//String idslnmString = ( String ) drXSSNXT[drInt][4];
//String idslnmStringLower = idslnmString.ToLower ( );
//String idslnmStringTrim = idslnmStringLower.TrimEnd ( new Char[] { ' ' } );
//if ( idslnmStringTrim != wotclnmTrim )
if (drXSSNXT.Length > 0)
for (int n = 0; n < drXSSNXT.Length; n++)
if (matchHeadCount == 0)
DataRow headDR = matchTable.NewRow();
//headDR[0] = "ID";
headDR[1] = "SSN";
headDR[3] = "EMPLOYEEID";
headDR[4] = "LASTNAME";
headDR[5] = "FIRSTNAME";
headDR[6] = "MIDDLENAME";
headDR[8] = "ELIGIBLE";
headDR[9] = "TARGETGROUP";
headDR[10] = "JOBSTARTDATE";
headDR[11] = "MISSING8850";
DataRow nowDR = drXSSNXT[n];
DataRow matchDR = matchTable.NewRow();
matchDR[1] = drWOTC[1];
matchDR[2] = nowDR[2];
matchDR[3] = nowDR[3];
matchDR[4] = drWOTC[2];
matchDR[5] = drWOTC[3];
matchDR[6] = nowDR[6];
matchDR[7] = drWOTC[4];
matchDR[8] = drWOTC[5];
matchDR[9] = drWOTC[6];
matchDR[10] = drWOTC[7];
matchDR[11] = drWOTC[8];
if (nomatchHeadCount == 0)
DataRow headDR = nomatchTable.NewRow();
//headDR[0] = "ID";
headDR[1] = "SSN";
headDR[2] = "LASTNAME";
headDR[3] = "FIRSTNAME";
headDR[5] = "ELIGIBLE";
headDR[6] = "TARGETGROUP";
headDR[8] = "MISSING8850";
DataRow nomatchDR = nomatchTable.NewRow();
nomatchDR[1] = drWOTC[1];
nomatchDR[2] = drWOTC[2];
nomatchDR[3] = drWOTC[3];
nomatchDR[4] = drWOTC[4];
nomatchDR[5] = drWOTC[5];
nomatchDR[6] = drWOTC[6];
nomatchDR[7] = drWOTC[7];
nomatchDR[8] = drWOTC[8];
logList.Add("Data includes " + (matchTable.Rows.Count - 1) + " matching records.");
logList.Add("Data includes " + (nomatchTable.Rows.Count - 1) + " non-matching records.");
string filename = outPathMerge + @"/WOTC_Import_matching.txt";
using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(filename))
foreach (DataRow row in matchTable.Rows)
sw.WriteLine(row[0] + "," + row[1] + "," + row[2] + "," + row[3] + "," + row[4] + "," + row[5] + "," + row[6] + "," + row[7] + "," + row[8] +
"," + row[9] + "," + row[10] + "," + row[11]);
logList.Add("Output data file for matching records: " + filename + ": ");
filename = outPathMerge + @"/WOTC_Import_nonmatching.txt";
using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(filename))
foreach (DataRow row in nomatchTable.Rows)
sw.WriteLine(row[0] + "," + row[1] + "," + row[2] + "," + row[3] + "," + row[4] + "," + row[5] + "," + row[6] + "," + row[7] + "," + row[8]);
logList.Add("Output data file for non-matching records: " + filename + ": ");
IsSuccessful = true;
catch (Exception ex)
logList.Add("Exception from Input Data StreamWriter Try / Catch: ");
logList.Add(" Exception Message: " + ex.Message);
logList.Add(" Exception Data: " + ex.Data);
logList.Add(" Exception HelpLink: " + ex.HelpLink);
logList.Add(" Exception HResult: " + ex.HResult);
logList.Add(" Exception Inner Exception: " + ex.InnerException);
logList.Add(" Exception Source: " + ex.Source);
logList.Add(" Exception StackTrace: " + ex.StackTrace);
logList.Add(" Exception TargetSite: " + ex.TargetSite);
logList.Add("Input data tables contain no matching records;");
if (!diPathWOTC.Exists)
logList.Add("Input paths were not found: " + inPathWOTC);
else if (!diPathOut.Exists)
logList.Add(" Data output path not found: " + outPathMerge);
logList.Add(" Un-specified data path error.");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inPathWOTC))
logList.Add("Input path is empty: + inPathWOTC ");
logList.Add(" Un-specified data input path error.");
string logname = outPathMerge + @"/LogFile_WOTC_Import_" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Day + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year + ".txt";
logList.Add("Output Log File : " + logname);
using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(logname))
foreach (string entryString in logList)
catch (Exception ex)
logList.Add("Exception from LogFIle StreamWriter Try / Catch: ");
logList.Add(" Exception Message: " + ex.Message);
logList.Add(" Exception Data: " + ex.Data);
logList.Add(" Exception HelpLink: " + ex.HelpLink);
logList.Add(" Exception HResult: " + ex.HResult);
logList.Add(" Exception Inner Exception: " + ex.InnerException);
logList.Add(" Exception Source: " + ex.Source);
logList.Add(" Exception StackTrace: " + ex.StackTrace);
logList.Add(" Exception TargetSite: " + ex.TargetSite);
return IsSuccessful;
private DataTable ReadCSVData(FileInfo infoFile)
DataTable ssnTable = CreateDataTable(8);
int skipRecord = 0;
StreamReader reads = new StreamReader(infoFile.FullName);
while (reads.Peek() >= 0)
string lineString = reads.ReadLine();
if (skipRecord > 0) //data includes a header row
string[] csvSplit = new string[] { "," };
string[] splitLine = lineString.Split(csvSplit, StringSplitOptions.None);
string[] dsvSplit = new string[] { "-" };
string[] splitSSN = splitLine[0].Split(dsvSplit, StringSplitOptions.None);
DataRow dr = ssnTable.NewRow();
dr[1] = splitSSN[0] + splitSSN[1] + splitSSN[2];
dr[2] = splitLine[1];
dr[3] = splitLine[2];
dr[4] = splitLine[3];
dr[5] = splitLine[4];
dr[6] = splitLine[5];
dr[7] = splitLine[6];
dr[8] = splitLine[7];
logList.Add("Header row of 'WOTC_File.csv' file has been skipped (this line should only appear once in log file).");
return ssnTable;
private DataTable ReadFixedWidthData(FileInfo infoFile)
DataTable employeeData = CreateDataTable(6);
StreamReader reads = new StreamReader(infoFile.FullName);
while (reads.Peek() >= 0)
string lineString = reads.ReadLine();
string ssnString = ReadLine(lineString, 0, 9); //lineString.Substring ( 0, 9 );
string orgString = ReadLine(lineString, 9, 6); //lineString.Substring ( 9, 6 );
string empString = ReadLine(lineString, 15, 10); //lineString.Substring ( 15, 10 );
string lnmString = ReadLine(lineString, 25, 20); //lineString.Substring ( 25, 19 );
string fnmString = ReadLine(lineString, 45, 15); //lineString.Substring ( 45, 14 );
string mnmString = ReadLine(lineString, 60, 15); //lineString.Substring ( 60, (lineString.Length -60) );
DataRow dr = employeeData.NewRow();
dr[1] = ssnString;
dr[2] = orgString;
dr[3] = empString;
dr[4] = lnmString;
dr[5] = fnmString;
dr[6] = mnmString;
return employeeData;
private string ReadLine(string stringLine, int iStart, int iLength)
string outString = "";
if (stringLine.Length >= iStart)
if (stringLine.Length >= iStart + iLength)
outString = stringLine.Substring(iStart, iLength);
outString = stringLine.Substring(iStart, (stringLine.Length - iStart));
outString = "";
return outString;

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  • 1. using System; using System.Collections; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Xml; namespace WOTC_Import { class Program { XmlDocument xDoc; ArrayList logList = new ArrayList(); static int Main(string[] args) { Program prog = new Program(); args = new String[] { "./" }; String[] pathArgs = prog.GetConfig(args[0]); String inPath = (string)pathArgs[0]; string outPath = (string)pathArgs[1]; string inSsnData = (string)pathArgs[2]; string inIdsData = (string)pathArgs[3]; bool IsSuccess = false; try { IsSuccess = prog.MergeDataFiles(inPath, outPath, inSsnData, inIdsData); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("WOTC Failure: " + ex.Message); } if (IsSuccess == true) { Console.WriteLine("Merge success."); return 0; } else { Console.WriteLine("Merge failure."); return 1;
  • 2. } } private DataTable CreateDataTable(int Columns) { DataTable tabled = new DataTable(); DataColumn idColumn = new DataColumn(); idColumn.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"); idColumn.ColumnName = "cid"; idColumn.AutoIncrement = true; tabled.Columns.Add(idColumn); for (int i = 0; i < Columns; i++) { DataColumn dc = new DataColumn(); dc.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String"); tabled.Columns.Add(dc); } DataColumn[] keys = new DataColumn[2]; keys[0] = tabled.Columns[0]; keys[1] = tabled.Columns[1]; tabled.PrimaryKey = keys; return tabled; } private String[] GetConfig(String configPath) { String[] filepathString = new String[] { }; xDoc = new XmlDocument(); xDoc.Load(configPath + "/WOTC_Import_settings.xml"); if (!xDoc.DocumentElement.IsEmpty) { XmlNode rootSegments = xDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("DataFiles"); XmlNode inNode = rootSegments.ChildNodes[0]; XmlNode outNode = rootSegments.ChildNodes[1]; XmlNode ssnNode = rootSegments.ChildNodes[2]; XmlNode idsNode = rootSegments.ChildNodes[3]; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ssnNode.InnerText) & !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(idsNode.InnerText) & !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outNode.InnerText)) { filepathString = new String[] { inNode.InnerText, outNode.InnerText, ssnNode.InnerText, idsNode.InnerText }; logList.Add("XML Settings document loaded in GetConfig ( ): "); logList.Add(" Qualified name of XmlDocument node: " + xDoc.Name); logList.Add(" SSS File : " + ssnNode.InnerText);
  • 3. logList.Add(" Ids File : " + idsNode.InnerText); logList.Add(" Output Path: " + outNode.InnerText); logList.Add(""); return filepathString; } else { logList.Add("XML Settings document NOT loaded in GetConfig ( )."); logList.Add(""); return new String[] { }; } } else { logList.Add("XML Settings document in GetConfig ( ) failed to load."); logList.Add(""); } return filepathString; } private bool MergeDataFiles(string inPathWOTC, String outPathMerge, string inXSSNXT, string inIds) { bool IsSuccessful = false; logList.Add("Current Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToString()); logList.Add(""); logList.Add(""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inPathWOTC) & !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outPathMerge) & !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inXSSNXT) & !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inIds)) { DirectoryInfo diPathWOTC = new DirectoryInfo(inPathWOTC); DirectoryInfo diPathOut = new DirectoryInfo(outPathMerge); if (diPathWOTC.Exists & diPathOut.Exists) { FileInfo[] fiSSN = diPathWOTC.GetFiles(inXSSNXT); FileInfo[] fiIds = diPathWOTC.GetFiles(inIds); if (fiSSN.Length < 1) { if (fiIds.Length < 1) { logList.Add("SSM and EmployeeId files (" + inXSSNXT + " and " + inIds + ") are missing."); logList.Add(""); } else
  • 4. { logList.Add("SSN file (" + inXSSNXT + ") is missing."); logList.Add(""); } } else if (fiIds.Length < 1) { logList.Add("Ids file (" + fiIds + ") is missing."); logList.Add(""); } else if (fiSSN.Length > 1 | fiIds.Length > 1) { logList.Add("Multiple data files exist at each input location:"); logList.Add(inPathWOTC); logList.Add(""); } else { logList.Add("Paths/Files exist: "); logList.Add(" Employee (SSN) Data: " + inPathWOTC + @"/" + inXSSNXT); logList.Add(" Organization Data : " + inPathWOTC + @"/" + inIds); logList.Add(" Output Path : " + outPathMerge + @"/"); logList.Add(""); DataTable matchTable = CreateDataTable(11); DataTable nomatchTable = CreateDataTable(8); DataTable tableWOTC = ReadCSVData(fiSSN[0]); logList.Add("Employee (SSN) Data includes " + tableWOTC.Rows.Count + " records."); logList.Add(""); DataTable tableXSSNXT = ReadFixedWidthData(fiIds[0]); logList.Add("Organization Data includes " + tableXSSNXT.Rows.Count + " records."); logList.Add(""); if (tableWOTC.Rows.Count > 0 & tableXSSNXT.Rows.Count > 0) { int matchHeadCount = 0; int nomatchHeadCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tableWOTC.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow drWOTC = tableWOTC.Rows[i]; string keystringWOTC = (string)drWOTC[1]; string ssnfieldname = tableXSSNXT.Columns[1].ColumnName; string ssnfieldvalueWOTC = (string)drWOTC[1]; string lnmfieldname = tableXSSNXT.Columns[4].ColumnName;
  • 5. string lnmfieldvalueWOTC = (string)drWOTC[2]; string sortorder = ssnfieldname + " ASC"; DataRow[] drXSSNXT; drXSSNXT = null; String ssnQuery = ssnfieldname + "=" + "'" + ssnfieldvalueWOTC + "'"; drXSSNXT = tableXSSNXT.Select(ssnQuery, sortorder); if (drXSSNXT.Length == 1) { String xssnxtlnmString = (String)drXSSNXT[0][4]; String xssnxtlnmLower = xssnxtlnmString.ToLower(); String xssnxtlnmTrim = xssnxtlnmLower.TrimEnd(new Char[] { ' ' }); if (xssnxtlnmTrim != lnmfieldvalueWOTC) { String wotclnmLower = lnmfieldvalueWOTC.ToLower(); String wotclnmTrim = wotclnmLower.TrimEnd(new Char[] { ' ' }); String wotclnmReplaceSQ = wotclnmTrim.Replace(''', ' '); String wotclnmReplaceH = wotclnmReplaceSQ.Replace('-', ' '); String wotclnmReplace1 = wotclnmReplaceH.Replace(" jr.", ""); String wotclnmReplace2 = wotclnmReplace1.Replace(" ii", ""); String wotclnmReplace3 = wotclnmReplace2.Replace(" iii", ""); String wotclnmReplace4 = wotclnmReplace3.Replace(" iv", ""); String wotclnmReplace5 = wotclnmReplace4.Replace(". ", ""); if (xssnxtlnmTrim != wotclnmReplace5) { String wotclnmSub = ""; String xssnxtlnmSub = ""; if (wotclnmReplace5.Length < xssnxtlnmTrim.Length) { xssnxtlnmSub = xssnxtlnmTrim.Substring(0, wotclnmReplace5.Length); wotclnmSub = wotclnmReplace5; } else if (xssnxtlnmTrim.Length < wotclnmReplace4.Length) { wotclnmSub = wotclnmReplace5.Substring(0, xssnxtlnmTrim.Length); xssnxtlnmSub = xssnxtlnmTrim; } if (xssnxtlnmSub != wotclnmSub) { logList.Add("Matching SSN with different last names: "); logList.Add(" SSN : " + ssnfieldvalueWOTC); logList.Add(" Last Name (WOTC) : " + wotclnmReplace4);
  • 6. logList.Add(" Last Name (XSSNXT: " + (String)drXSSNXT[0][4]); logList.Add(""); tableXSSNXT.Rows.Remove(drXSSNXT[0]); drXSSNXT = tableXSSNXT.Select(ssnQuery, sortorder); } } } } else if (drXSSNXT.Length > 1) { for (int drInt = 0; drInt < drXSSNXT.Length; drInt++) { tableXSSNXT.Rows.Remove(drXSSNXT[drInt]); drXSSNXT = tableXSSNXT.Select(ssnQuery, sortorder); logList.Add("Matching SSN ( * MULTIPLE * ) with different last names: "); logList.Add(" SSN : " + ssnfieldvalueWOTC); logList.Add(" Last Name (WOTC) : " + lnmfieldvalueWOTC); logList.Add(" Last Name (XSSNXT: " + (String)drXSSNXT[0][4]); logList.Add(""); //String idslnmString = ( String ) drXSSNXT[drInt][4]; //String idslnmStringLower = idslnmString.ToLower ( ); //String idslnmStringTrim = idslnmStringLower.TrimEnd ( new Char[] { ' ' } ); //if ( idslnmStringTrim != wotclnmTrim ) //{ //} } } if (drXSSNXT.Length > 0) { for (int n = 0; n < drXSSNXT.Length; n++) { if (matchHeadCount == 0) { DataRow headDR = matchTable.NewRow(); //headDR[0] = "ID"; headDR[1] = "SSN"; headDR[2] = "ORGANIZATIONID"; headDR[3] = "EMPLOYEEID"; headDR[4] = "LASTNAME"; headDR[5] = "FIRSTNAME"; headDR[6] = "MIDDLENAME";
  • 7. headDR[7] = "DATASCREENED"; headDR[8] = "ELIGIBLE"; headDR[9] = "TARGETGROUP"; headDR[10] = "JOBSTARTDATE"; headDR[11] = "MISSING8850"; matchTable.Rows.Add(headDR); matchHeadCount++; } DataRow nowDR = drXSSNXT[n]; DataRow matchDR = matchTable.NewRow(); matchDR[1] = drWOTC[1]; matchDR[2] = nowDR[2]; matchDR[3] = nowDR[3]; matchDR[4] = drWOTC[2]; matchDR[5] = drWOTC[3]; matchDR[6] = nowDR[6]; matchDR[7] = drWOTC[4]; matchDR[8] = drWOTC[5]; matchDR[9] = drWOTC[6]; matchDR[10] = drWOTC[7]; matchDR[11] = drWOTC[8]; matchTable.Rows.Add(matchDR); } } else { if (nomatchHeadCount == 0) { DataRow headDR = nomatchTable.NewRow(); //headDR[0] = "ID"; headDR[1] = "SSN"; headDR[2] = "LASTNAME"; headDR[3] = "FIRSTNAME"; headDR[4] = "DATASCREENED"; headDR[5] = "ELIGIBLE"; headDR[6] = "TARGETGROUP"; headDR[7] = "JOBSTARTDATE"; headDR[8] = "MISSING8850"; nomatchTable.Rows.Add(headDR); nomatchHeadCount++; }
  • 8. DataRow nomatchDR = nomatchTable.NewRow(); nomatchDR[1] = drWOTC[1]; nomatchDR[2] = drWOTC[2]; nomatchDR[3] = drWOTC[3]; nomatchDR[4] = drWOTC[4]; nomatchDR[5] = drWOTC[5]; nomatchDR[6] = drWOTC[6]; nomatchDR[7] = drWOTC[7]; nomatchDR[8] = drWOTC[8]; nomatchTable.Rows.Add(nomatchDR); } } logList.Add("Data includes " + (matchTable.Rows.Count - 1) + " matching records."); logList.Add("Data includes " + (nomatchTable.Rows.Count - 1) + " non-matching records."); logList.Add(""); try { string filename = outPathMerge + @"/WOTC_Import_matching.txt"; using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(filename)) { foreach (DataRow row in matchTable.Rows) { sw.WriteLine(row[0] + "," + row[1] + "," + row[2] + "," + row[3] + "," + row[4] + "," + row[5] + "," + row[6] + "," + row[7] + "," + row[8] + "," + row[9] + "," + row[10] + "," + row[11]); } } logList.Add("Output data file for matching records: " + filename + ": "); logList.Add(""); filename = outPathMerge + @"/WOTC_Import_nonmatching.txt"; using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(filename)) { foreach (DataRow row in nomatchTable.Rows) { sw.WriteLine(row[0] + "," + row[1] + "," + row[2] + "," + row[3] + "," + row[4] + "," + row[5] + "," + row[6] + "," + row[7] + "," + row[8]); } } logList.Add("Output data file for non-matching records: " + filename + ": "); logList.Add(""); IsSuccessful = true; } catch (Exception ex) {
  • 9. logList.Add(""); logList.Add("--------------------------------------------------"); logList.Add(""); logList.Add("Exception from Input Data StreamWriter Try / Catch: "); logList.Add(" Exception Message: " + ex.Message); logList.Add(" Exception Data: " + ex.Data); logList.Add(" Exception HelpLink: " + ex.HelpLink); logList.Add(" Exception HResult: " + ex.HResult); logList.Add(" Exception Inner Exception: " + ex.InnerException); logList.Add(" Exception Source: " + ex.Source); logList.Add(" Exception StackTrace: " + ex.StackTrace); logList.Add(" Exception TargetSite: " + ex.TargetSite); logList.Add(""); } } else { logList.Add("Input data tables contain no matching records;"); logList.Add(""); } } } else { if (!diPathWOTC.Exists) { logList.Add("Input paths were not found: " + inPathWOTC); logList.Add(""); } else if (!diPathOut.Exists) { logList.Add(" Data output path not found: " + outPathMerge); logList.Add(""); } else { logList.Add(" Un-specified data path error."); logList.Add(""); } }
  • 10. } else { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inPathWOTC)) { logList.Add("Input path is empty: + inPathWOTC "); logList.Add(""); } else { logList.Add(" Un-specified data input path error."); logList.Add(""); } } try { string logname = outPathMerge + @"/LogFile_WOTC_Import_" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Day + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year + ".txt"; logList.Add("Output Log File : " + logname); logList.Add(""); using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(logname)) { foreach (string entryString in logList) { sw.WriteLine(entryString); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logList.Add(""); logList.Add("--------------------------------------------------"); logList.Add(""); logList.Add("Exception from LogFIle StreamWriter Try / Catch: "); logList.Add(" Exception Message: " + ex.Message); logList.Add(" Exception Data: " + ex.Data); logList.Add(" Exception HelpLink: " + ex.HelpLink); logList.Add(" Exception HResult: " + ex.HResult); logList.Add(" Exception Inner Exception: " + ex.InnerException); logList.Add(" Exception Source: " + ex.Source); logList.Add(" Exception StackTrace: " + ex.StackTrace); logList.Add(" Exception TargetSite: " + ex.TargetSite); logList.Add("");
  • 11. } return IsSuccessful; } private DataTable ReadCSVData(FileInfo infoFile) { DataTable ssnTable = CreateDataTable(8); int skipRecord = 0; StreamReader reads = new StreamReader(infoFile.FullName); while (reads.Peek() >= 0) { string lineString = reads.ReadLine(); if (skipRecord > 0) //data includes a header row { string[] csvSplit = new string[] { "," }; string[] splitLine = lineString.Split(csvSplit, StringSplitOptions.None); string[] dsvSplit = new string[] { "-" }; string[] splitSSN = splitLine[0].Split(dsvSplit, StringSplitOptions.None); DataRow dr = ssnTable.NewRow(); dr[1] = splitSSN[0] + splitSSN[1] + splitSSN[2]; dr[2] = splitLine[1]; dr[3] = splitLine[2]; dr[4] = splitLine[3]; dr[5] = splitLine[4]; dr[6] = splitLine[5]; dr[7] = splitLine[6]; dr[8] = splitLine[7]; ssnTable.Rows.Add(dr); } else { logList.Add("Header row of 'WOTC_File.csv' file has been skipped (this line should only appear once in log file)."); logList.Add(""); skipRecord++; } } return ssnTable; } private DataTable ReadFixedWidthData(FileInfo infoFile) {
  • 12. DataTable employeeData = CreateDataTable(6); StreamReader reads = new StreamReader(infoFile.FullName); while (reads.Peek() >= 0) { string lineString = reads.ReadLine(); string ssnString = ReadLine(lineString, 0, 9); //lineString.Substring ( 0, 9 ); string orgString = ReadLine(lineString, 9, 6); //lineString.Substring ( 9, 6 ); string empString = ReadLine(lineString, 15, 10); //lineString.Substring ( 15, 10 ); string lnmString = ReadLine(lineString, 25, 20); //lineString.Substring ( 25, 19 ); string fnmString = ReadLine(lineString, 45, 15); //lineString.Substring ( 45, 14 ); string mnmString = ReadLine(lineString, 60, 15); //lineString.Substring ( 60, (lineString.Length -60) ); DataRow dr = employeeData.NewRow(); dr[1] = ssnString; dr[2] = orgString; dr[3] = empString; dr[4] = lnmString; dr[5] = fnmString; dr[6] = mnmString; employeeData.Rows.Add(dr); } return employeeData; } private string ReadLine(string stringLine, int iStart, int iLength) { string outString = ""; if (stringLine.Length >= iStart) { if (stringLine.Length >= iStart + iLength) { outString = stringLine.Substring(iStart, iLength); } else { outString = stringLine.Substring(iStart, (stringLine.Length - iStart)); } } else { outString = ""; } return outString;
  • 13. } } }