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Model Core
Potentials Studies of
HRnX Molecules in
Amelia Fitzsimmons
23 February, 2013
Sigma Xi Student Research Showcase
Presentation Outline

                                                                                                         Presentation Outline
• Introduction
   •   Noble Gas Chemistry
   •   Role of Computational Chemistry in Noble Gas Chemistry
   •   Model Core Potentials: Basis Sets for Large or Heavy Systems
   •   Radon: The Next Frontier
• Research Goals
• Computational Methods
   • Confinement Models
• Results
   • Results of Preliminary Stage
        • Effect of relativistic basis set vs. non relativistic basis set on quality of results inside
          harmonic confinement
        • Effect of confinement on transition state structure
   • Additional Research Goals
   • Results of Stage 1
        • Effect of relativistic basis set vs. non relativistic basis set on quality of results inside
          harmonic confinement
        • Effect of confinement on transition state structure
        • Effect of confinement on electron density
• Conclusion: Does confinement stabilize the transition state?
• Future Directions                                                                                              2
• Acknowledgements
Radon Gas is Often Found in
     Basement Air
    • Radon is produced as a                                          α       β
      daughter nucleus in the α-
      decay chain of both 238U and
      235U. Consequently, soils in
      areas with natural uranium

      deposits often contain radon
                                                     α                    β
        • Saskatchewan is one such
    • As the radon gas is produced,
      it rises through the soil and
      leaks into the air above the
      uranium deposit. If homes
      are built in a uranium-rich                                         α
      area, radon may be present
      in the air of the lowest floor
      of such homes.                                                                    3

Picture Source:
Radon: The Next Frontier
   • Due to radon’s confirmed
     carcinogenic activity1 and presence in
     residential basement air it is
     imperative to find ways to sequester
     radon within molecules to facilitate
     its removal.
   • Periodic trends hint that radon may

     behave in a chemically similar
     manner to xenon.
      • Radon is directly below xenon on
         the periodic table, indicating that
         it should react under the same
         conditions but more strongly.
   • Xenon chemistry is therefore a
     launching point for exploration of
     radon chemistry.

(1) Quoted on the American Lung Association website “Radon-American Lung Association”.                      4 (accessed January 10, 2013) from: "Health
Risks | Radon | U.S. EPA." U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (accessed September 14, 2009). (2) Picture Credit:
HRnF: A World of Possibility

       • Molecules of the type
         HRgX (Rg=Xe, Rn;
         X=halogen) have been                        DE1!
         shown to be
         metastable1,2.                                             HRgX!

       • HRgX molecules decay
         spontaneously into HX +
         Rg, but the kinetics of                                    DE2!
         this mechanism are
       • Many small, heavy-rare                         Any investigation into the
         gas containing molecules                       kinetic stability of HRgX
         have been synthesized in                       molecules must take the
         solid rare gas matrices                        effects of the rare gas matrix
                                                        environment into account.                                             5

(1) Lundell, J.; Chaban, G. M.; Gerber, R. B. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2000, 331, 308-316. (2) Fitzsimmons, A.; Klobukowski,
M. J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 8786. Figure Credit: Fitzsimmons; A.; Klobukowski, M. Can. J. Chem., 2013, in press.
Computational Chemistry’s
Contribution to Noble Gas
Chemistry        • The radioactivity and
                        short half life of radon
                        (3.8 days) limit

                        investigation of radon
                      • Advantage of
                        computational study:
                        select for radon
                        compounds predicted
                        to have higher stability
                        prior to experimental
                        study                            6
Model Core Potentials: Basis Sets
   for Large or Heavy Systems
                             • Large, relativistic basis sets provide the most complete description
                               of molecules, especially those that contain heavy atoms with many
                             • However, such basis sets are computationally inefficient, requiring
                               extensive amounts of time for computations.

                             • Efficiency can be improved by replacing the core electrons in a
                               heavy atom with a potential which models their behaviour.1
                                          5d radial function of Au
    P(r) = rR(r) (in a.u.)

                                0.6                       ECP
                                0.4                                          VMCP: The Model Core Potential,
                                0.2                                          which replaces the core
                                  0                                          electrons and approximates the
                               -0.2                                          shape of their radial distribution
                               -0.4                                          functions, as illustrated by the              7
                               -0.6                                          green and red lines on the
                                      0   1      2        3          4   5
                                 r (in a.u.)
(1) Model Core Potentials: Theory and Applications. Klobukowski, M.; Huzinaga, S.; Sakai, Y. Computational
Chemistry: Reviews of Current Trends, 1999, 3. Picture Credit: Ph.D. Thesis, Tao Zeng, University of Alberta, 2011.
Research Goals
        • Synthesis of HRgX occurs via photodissociation of HX inside a Rg-

                                                                                        Research Goals
          doped rare gas matrix1:

        • Given that small, xenon-containing molecules have already been
          synthesized inside rare-gas matrices at low temperatures and the
          periodic relationship between xenon and radon, will:
            • A basis set containing relativistic effects be necessary to effectively
              model this system?
            • Confinement stabilize an HRgX species as compared to free atoms in
              the gas phase?
            • HRnX demonstrate superior stability inside either rare-gas matrix or a
              harmonic confining potential?                                                    8

(1) Bihary, Z.; Chaban, G. M.; Gerber, R. B. J. Chem. Phys. 2003, 119, 11278-11284.
Computational Methods
Computational Methods
Stage of Study                 Method Basis Set                         Confinement
Preliminary                    RHF            iMCP-NR1                  Harmonic Potential
Stage 1                        RHF            iMCP-SR2                  Planar Helium Lattice
                                                         •   Details: Stage 1
 •   Details: Preliminary Stage                          •   Planar lattice of non-interacting helium atoms
 Harmonic Potential of the form:
                                                         •   He atoms represented explicitly with a
                                                             contracted, 8s locally-developed basis set
         W = w å[za - w0 ]2                              •   HRgX transition state described with the iMCP-
                   a                                         SR2 basis set.
 Potential Strength governed by the constant ω.          •   At each 10 degree increment along the angle
                                                             made by the transition state, the bond lengths
 Eight different values of ω used: 0.00, 0.05, 0.10,         r(Rg-X) and r(Rg-H) and the total energy of the
 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30.                                     molecule were optimized.

 Four MCP basis sets of the improved-Model Core              Graphical depictions of each type
 Potential family were used to describe HRgX
 transition states.                                          of confinement are shown on the
 At each 10 degree increment along the angle made            following slide.                                             9
 by the transition state, the bond lengths r(Rg-X)
 and r(Rg-H) and the total energy of the molecule
 were optimized.
Computational Methods
    Confinement Models
Harmonic Potential              8x8 Planar Helium Lattice

       H                      2.5Å
                    X                  H
1.7Å                      y
x          R                               R    X
           n       2.2Å                    n
       Confined Region
Quantum Theory of Atoms in

                                                                                                                                 Computational Methods
     Molecules (QTAIM) Analysis
       • QTAIM was developed by Dr. Richard Bader as a
         mathematically rigorous method for defining which regions of
         space within a molecule belong to component atoms1.
       • This division is based on the topology of the electron density.
       • Critical points in the electron density are characterized by
         their rank, ω, and signature, ς and can be one of four types:
            • Bond Critical Point (BCP): a local maximum in one dimension
              between to nuclei.
            • Ring Critical Point (RCP): A local minimum in one dimension
              between two BCPs.
            • Cage Critical Point (CCP): A local minimum in all three
            • Nuclear Critical Point (NCP): A local maximum on the electron
              density in all three dimensions.                                                                                           11

(1) The Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules. Edited by Chérif Mata and Russell Boyd. © 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,
Weinheim ISBN: 978-3-527-30748-7
Effect of Basis Set on HRnF Transition

                                                        Results-Preliminary Stage
State-A Classic Variational Question

                         Results of Basis Set
                         • Nonrelativistic basis sets
                            (NR1 & NR2) display blue
                            shifted transition state
                         • Scalar Relativistic basis
                            sets (SR1 & SR2) have
                            lower overall energies.
                         • As the RHF method is
                            variational, SR2 results
                            are by definition closer             12
                            to the true energies of
                            the HRgF molecules.
HRnF in Harmonic Confinement

                                                                                      Results-Preliminary Stage
• Relative energies shown on the graph are computed as: (Eangle + Elinear)
• Difference of energies at the transition state angle ( 95o) between the strongest             13
  (ω=0.30) and weakest (ω=0.00) confining potentials is 9.9 kJ/mol
• Increasing confinement strength does not alter the angle at which the transition
  state occurs.
HRnCl in Harmonic Confinement

                                                                                      Results-Preliminary Stage
• As in the previous figure, relative energies shown on the graph are computed as
  (Eangle + Elinear).
• Difference of energies at the transition state angle ( 95o) between the strongest             14
  (ω=0.30) and weakest (ω=0.00) confining potentials is 10.5 kJ/mol
• Increasing confinement strength does not alter the angle at which the transition
  state occurs.
Preliminary Conclusions
Conclusions-Preliminary Stage
• Research goals addressed in the Preliminary Stage:
  • Will a basis set containing relativistic effects be necessary to
    effectively model this system?
  • Yes: the relativistic basis set is necessary for two reasons.
  • First, it shifted the angle at which the transition state occurs from
    100o to 95o for both HRnF and HRnCl.
  • Second, it resulted in a lower relative energy at the transition
    state by 3.9% for HRnF and by 9.9% for HRnCl.
  • Does confinement stabilize an HRgX species?
     • Yes: the strongest harmonic potential has a minute stabilizing
       effect on the energy barrier to decomposition into HX + Rg:
        • Erelative is increased by 9.9 kJ/mol for HRnF and by 10.5 kJ/mol for
     • No: the presence or absence of the confining potential does not
       affect the geometry of the transition state.                                        15
        • Neither ∠HRnF nor ∠HRnCl are altered by the confining potential.
Research Goals Added as a

                                                                       Additional Research Goals
Result of the Preliminary Stage
• In the Preliminary Stage, it was determined that confinement
  inside the harmonic potential well did not alter the geometry
  of the transition state.
• Consequently, the following research goal will also be
  investigated in Stage 1 of the study:
  • Does confinement inside of the helium lattice alter the geometry
    of the transition state?
• Based on the increase in Erelative for HRnF and HRnCl observed
  in the harmonic potential confinement:
  • Will confinement in the helium lattice further stabilize HRnX?

Stage 1-Helium Lattice
Effect of Confinement in He lattice
on Erelative of HRnX

                                                                   Results-Stage 1
  • Confinement in the helium lattice decreases the angle of the
    transition state compared to the angle of the unconfined             18
    transition state.
  • Relative energies of HRnX are decreased in the He-sheet
Molecular Graph of Linear HRnF
                                                                                    • Gray Spheres: He
                                                                                    • Neon green sphere:
                                                                                      Cl atom
                                                                                    • White sphere: H

                                                                                                                        Results-Stage 1
                                                                                    • Teal sphere: Rn
                                                                                    • Dashed lines: bond
                                                                                    • Green dots: BCPs

  BCP          ρ@           L(ρ) @
                                             o Values of ρ @ BCP indicate the magnitude
               BCP          BCP
                                               of the electron density at the specified BCP.
  Rn-H         0.1331       -0.0301          o Meanings of L(ρ) @ BCP values:
                                                 • Rn-H BCP: density is locally
  Rn-F         0.0767       0.2236                  concentrated:: covalent bonding.
                                                 • Rn-F BCP: density is locally depleted::                                    19
                                                    strongly polar bond.
Picture Credit: This molecular graph and all following QTAIM-related figures were generated by A. Fitzsimmons using
AIMAll (Version 12.06.03) by Todd. A. Keith, TK Gristmill Software, Overland Park, KS, USA, 2012(
Continued QTAIM Analysis of
HRnF in He

                                                                                    Results-Stage 1
BCP    Ellipticity @ BCP (ε)   Meaning of ε @ BCP

Rn-H   0.0192                  If ε=0, a bond is cylindrically symmetric; this
                               bond is nearly cylindrically symmetric, lacking
                               significant π-character as expected from the ς
                               Molecular Orbitals (MOs) in this region of the

Rn-F   0.0201                  This bond is less cylindrically symmetric; this is        20
                               also reasonable due to the strong polarity of
Molecular Graph of HRnF
  Transition State

                                                                                 Results-Stage 1
                    • The value of ρ @ BCP for the Rn-F BCP has decreased,
BCP ρ @     L(ρ) @    indicating a weakening of the Rn-F interaction as the
     BCP    BCP       molecule prepares to dissociate.
                    • Values of L(ρ) @ BCP retain the same sign as values of
Rn-H 0.1568 -0.1858   L(ρ) @ BCP of the linear compound; the nature of the
                      interaction is not changing: merely the strength.                21
Rn-F 0.0425 0.1439 • Thick blue lines describe the interatomic surfaces (IAS)
                      belonging to the HRnF transition state; note that the
                      upper boundaries of these are defined by the He lattice.
Molecular Graph of HRnCl
    Transition State

                                                                                  Results-Stage 1
                                 • Dashed lines: bond paths
•   Gray Spheres: He atoms       • Green dots: bond critical points; indicating
•   Neon green sphere: Cl atom     regions of accumulated electron density              22
•   White sphere: H atom           between atoms
•   Teal sphere: Rn atom         • Pink spheres: Non-nuclear attractor critical
                                   points (NNACPs)
QTAIM Analysis of HRnCl
 Transition State
                                                 • IAS lines depict the volume of the
                                                   HRnCl molecule: this region is
                                                   clearly confined by the sheet of
                                                   He atoms above and below it.

                                                                                          Results-Stage 1
                                                 • NNACPs occurring around the Cl
                                                   atom are artifacts of the MCP,
                                                   and as such additional electron
                                                   density functions are required.

BCP              ρ@     L(ρ) @    Meaning of L(ρ) @ BCP
                 BCP    BCP
Rn-H             0.1565 -0.1964   Local concentration of electron density, nearly
                                  identical in magnitude to that of ρ@ BCP (Rn-H)
                                  for the HRnF transition state, indicating that
                                  strength of this interaction is minimally affected by
                                  the substitution of a heavier halogen.                         23
Rn-Cl midpoint   0.0242 0.0739    The presence of the NNACPs around Cl makes
                                  these L(ρ) values devoid of chemical meaning.
Rn-Cl near Cl    0.2654 -1.5614
• The Preliminary Stage addressed the research goals related to the
  design of the study, and found that:
  • A basis set containing relativistic effects is necessary to reliably
    model HRnX systems.
  • Confinement inside of a harmonic potential well increased the

    energy barrier to decomposition for HRnX, thereby stabilizing it.
  • Confinement in a harmonic potential well did not affect the
    geometry of the transition state.
• The computations in Stage 1 addressed new research goals born out
  of the results from the Preliminary Stage, and addressed the original
  research goals related to the chemical properties of the HRnX
  molecules, finding that:
  • Confinement inside the He lattice decreases ∠HRnX of the transition
  • The He sheet actively confines the IAS belonging to the component
    atoms of HRnX, as evinced by the IAS paths.
  • Accurate computation of BCPs and other QTAIM properties around Cl          24
    atoms require additional electron density functions.
Future Directions
   • Stage 2: Post Hartree-Fock methods and expansive basis sets for HRgX
       • Method: the Møller-Plesset second order (MP2)1 perturbation method
         includes effects of electron correlation at a higher level than the
         Restricted Hartree-Fock method, and will therefore provide higher-quality

                                                                                                                            Future Directions
         results. The necessary additional electron density functions will also be
         added at this stage.
       • The Model Core Potentials basis set aug-MCP-tzp has been demonstrated
         to be of high quality in previous studies2 while retaining a high level of
         computational efficiency.
   • Stage 3: Other small compounds of rare gases
       • HRgOH has been shown to be metastable at room temperature3
       • A transition state for HRnOH has been located at the RHF/ims2 level4
       • Confinement studies of this molecule will elucidate stability in real-life
   • Stage 4: Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate (IRC) computations
       • IRC is an extremely reliable method for confirming a decomposition
         mechanism for a transition state: this would be valuable for all HRgX and
         HRgOH.                                                                                                                   25

(1)Møller, C.; Plesset, M. S. Phys. Rev. 1934, 46, 618-622. (2) Miyoshi, E. et al., J. Chem. Phys. 2005, 122, 074101. (3)
Tsivion, E.; Gerber, R.B. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2010, 12, 11791-11794. (4) Unpublished
Computations, Fitzsimmons.

    Many thanks to the University of Alberta Department of Chemistry
    (pictured above) located in the Gunning-Lemieux Chemistry Centre
    and the Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science; to Dr.
    Mariusz Klobukowski; to fellow graduate students and                     26
    undergraduate students in the theoretical chemistry research
    groups at the University of Alberta.
Picture Credit:
The end
  Thank you for your attention! If you have any questions or     27
comments, I would be happy to address them in the comments
                    section of this post.

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  • 1. Model Core Potentials Studies of HRnX Molecules in Confinement Amelia Fitzsimmons 23 February, 2013 Sigma Xi Student Research Showcase
  • 2. Presentation Outline Presentation Outline • Introduction • Noble Gas Chemistry • Role of Computational Chemistry in Noble Gas Chemistry • Model Core Potentials: Basis Sets for Large or Heavy Systems • Radon: The Next Frontier • Research Goals • Computational Methods • Confinement Models • Results • Results of Preliminary Stage • Effect of relativistic basis set vs. non relativistic basis set on quality of results inside harmonic confinement • Effect of confinement on transition state structure • Additional Research Goals • Results of Stage 1 • Effect of relativistic basis set vs. non relativistic basis set on quality of results inside harmonic confinement • Effect of confinement on transition state structure • Effect of confinement on electron density • Conclusion: Does confinement stabilize the transition state? • Future Directions 2 • Acknowledgements
  • 3. Radon Gas is Often Found in Basement Air • Radon is produced as a α β daughter nucleus in the α- decay chain of both 238U and 235U. Consequently, soils in areas with natural uranium Introduction deposits often contain radon α β gas. • Saskatchewan is one such area. • As the radon gas is produced, it rises through the soil and α leaks into the air above the uranium deposit. If homes are built in a uranium-rich α area, radon may be present in the air of the lowest floor of such homes. 3 Picture Source:
  • 4. Radon: The Next Frontier • Due to radon’s confirmed carcinogenic activity1 and presence in residential basement air it is imperative to find ways to sequester radon within molecules to facilitate its removal. • Periodic trends hint that radon may Introduction behave in a chemically similar manner to xenon. • Radon is directly below xenon on the periodic table, indicating that it should react under the same conditions but more strongly. • Xenon chemistry is therefore a launching point for exploration of radon chemistry. (1) Quoted on the American Lung Association website “Radon-American Lung Association”. 4 (accessed January 10, 2013) from: "Health Risks | Radon | U.S. EPA." U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (accessed September 14, 2009). (2) Picture Credit:
  • 5. HRnF: A World of Possibility ! H!+!Rg!+!X! • Molecules of the type HRgX (Rg=Xe, Rn; HRgX!TS! X=halogen) have been DE1! shown to be DETS! metastable1,2. HRgX! DE3! Introduction • HRgX molecules decay spontaneously into HX + Rg, but the kinetics of DE2! this mechanism are Rg!+!HX! unknown. • Many small, heavy-rare Any investigation into the gas containing molecules kinetic stability of HRgX have been synthesized in molecules must take the solid rare gas matrices effects of the rare gas matrix environment into account. 5 (1) Lundell, J.; Chaban, G. M.; Gerber, R. B. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2000, 331, 308-316. (2) Fitzsimmons, A.; Klobukowski, M. J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 8786. Figure Credit: Fitzsimmons; A.; Klobukowski, M. Can. J. Chem., 2013, in press.
  • 6. Computational Chemistry’s Contribution to Noble Gas Chemistry • The radioactivity and short half life of radon (3.8 days) limit Introduction experimental investigation of radon chemistry. • Advantage of computational study: select for radon compounds predicted to have higher stability prior to experimental study 6
  • 7. Model Core Potentials: Basis Sets for Large or Heavy Systems • Large, relativistic basis sets provide the most complete description of molecules, especially those that contain heavy atoms with many electrons. • However, such basis sets are computationally inefficient, requiring extensive amounts of time for computations. Introduction • Efficiency can be improved by replacing the core electrons in a heavy atom with a potential which models their behaviour.1 5d radial function of Au 1 AE 0.8 P(r) = rR(r) (in a.u.) MCP 0.6 ECP 0.4 VMCP: The Model Core Potential, 0.2 which replaces the core 0 electrons and approximates the -0.2 shape of their radial distribution -0.4 functions, as illustrated by the 7 -0.6 green and red lines on the 0 1 2 3 4 5 graph. r (in a.u.) (1) Model Core Potentials: Theory and Applications. Klobukowski, M.; Huzinaga, S.; Sakai, Y. Computational Chemistry: Reviews of Current Trends, 1999, 3. Picture Credit: Ph.D. Thesis, Tao Zeng, University of Alberta, 2011.
  • 8. Research Goals • Synthesis of HRgX occurs via photodissociation of HX inside a Rg- Research Goals doped rare gas matrix1: • Given that small, xenon-containing molecules have already been synthesized inside rare-gas matrices at low temperatures and the periodic relationship between xenon and radon, will: • A basis set containing relativistic effects be necessary to effectively model this system? • Confinement stabilize an HRgX species as compared to free atoms in the gas phase? • HRnX demonstrate superior stability inside either rare-gas matrix or a harmonic confining potential? 8 (1) Bihary, Z.; Chaban, G. M.; Gerber, R. B. J. Chem. Phys. 2003, 119, 11278-11284.
  • 9. Computational Methods Computational Methods Stage of Study Method Basis Set Confinement Preliminary RHF iMCP-NR1 Harmonic Potential iMCP-NR2 iMCP-SR1 iMCP-SR2 Stage 1 RHF iMCP-SR2 Planar Helium Lattice • Details: Stage 1 • Details: Preliminary Stage • Planar lattice of non-interacting helium atoms Harmonic Potential of the form: • He atoms represented explicitly with a contracted, 8s locally-developed basis set W = w å[za - w0 ]2 • HRgX transition state described with the iMCP- a SR2 basis set. Potential Strength governed by the constant ω. • At each 10 degree increment along the angle made by the transition state, the bond lengths Eight different values of ω used: 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, r(Rg-X) and r(Rg-H) and the total energy of the 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30. molecule were optimized. Four MCP basis sets of the improved-Model Core Graphical depictions of each type Potential family were used to describe HRgX transition states. of confinement are shown on the At each 10 degree increment along the angle made following slide. 9 by the transition state, the bond lengths r(Rg-X) and r(Rg-H) and the total energy of the molecule were optimized.
  • 10. Computational Methods Confinement Models Harmonic Potential 8x8 Planar Helium Lattice z H 2.5Å X H 1.7Å y x R R X n 2.2Å n Confined Region 10
  • 11. Quantum Theory of Atoms in Computational Methods Molecules (QTAIM) Analysis • QTAIM was developed by Dr. Richard Bader as a mathematically rigorous method for defining which regions of space within a molecule belong to component atoms1. • This division is based on the topology of the electron density. • Critical points in the electron density are characterized by their rank, ω, and signature, ς and can be one of four types: • Bond Critical Point (BCP): a local maximum in one dimension between to nuclei. • Ring Critical Point (RCP): A local minimum in one dimension between two BCPs. • Cage Critical Point (CCP): A local minimum in all three dimensions. • Nuclear Critical Point (NCP): A local maximum on the electron density in all three dimensions. 11 (1) The Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules. Edited by Chérif Mata and Russell Boyd. © 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ISBN: 978-3-527-30748-7
  • 12. Effect of Basis Set on HRnF Transition Results-Preliminary Stage State-A Classic Variational Question Results of Basis Set Examination: • Nonrelativistic basis sets (NR1 & NR2) display blue shifted transition state geometries • Scalar Relativistic basis sets (SR1 & SR2) have lower overall energies. • As the RHF method is variational, SR2 results are by definition closer 12 to the true energies of the HRgF molecules.
  • 13. HRnF in Harmonic Confinement Results-Preliminary Stage • Relative energies shown on the graph are computed as: (Eangle + Elinear) • Difference of energies at the transition state angle ( 95o) between the strongest 13 (ω=0.30) and weakest (ω=0.00) confining potentials is 9.9 kJ/mol • Increasing confinement strength does not alter the angle at which the transition state occurs.
  • 14. HRnCl in Harmonic Confinement Results-Preliminary Stage • As in the previous figure, relative energies shown on the graph are computed as (Eangle + Elinear). • Difference of energies at the transition state angle ( 95o) between the strongest 14 (ω=0.30) and weakest (ω=0.00) confining potentials is 10.5 kJ/mol • Increasing confinement strength does not alter the angle at which the transition state occurs.
  • 15. Preliminary Conclusions Conclusions-Preliminary Stage • Research goals addressed in the Preliminary Stage: • Will a basis set containing relativistic effects be necessary to effectively model this system? • Yes: the relativistic basis set is necessary for two reasons. • First, it shifted the angle at which the transition state occurs from 100o to 95o for both HRnF and HRnCl. • Second, it resulted in a lower relative energy at the transition state by 3.9% for HRnF and by 9.9% for HRnCl. • Does confinement stabilize an HRgX species? • Yes: the strongest harmonic potential has a minute stabilizing effect on the energy barrier to decomposition into HX + Rg: • Erelative is increased by 9.9 kJ/mol for HRnF and by 10.5 kJ/mol for HRnCl. • No: the presence or absence of the confining potential does not affect the geometry of the transition state. 15 • Neither ∠HRnF nor ∠HRnCl are altered by the confining potential.
  • 16. Research Goals Added as a Additional Research Goals Result of the Preliminary Stage • In the Preliminary Stage, it was determined that confinement inside the harmonic potential well did not alter the geometry of the transition state. • Consequently, the following research goal will also be investigated in Stage 1 of the study: • Does confinement inside of the helium lattice alter the geometry of the transition state? • Based on the increase in Erelative for HRnF and HRnCl observed in the harmonic potential confinement: • Will confinement in the helium lattice further stabilize HRnX? 16
  • 18. Effect of Confinement in He lattice on Erelative of HRnX Results-Stage 1 • Confinement in the helium lattice decreases the angle of the transition state compared to the angle of the unconfined 18 transition state. • Relative energies of HRnX are decreased in the He-sheet confinement.
  • 19. Molecular Graph of Linear HRnF • Gray Spheres: He atoms • Neon green sphere: Cl atom • White sphere: H Results-Stage 1 atom • Teal sphere: Rn atom • Dashed lines: bond paths • Green dots: BCPs BCP ρ@ L(ρ) @ o Values of ρ @ BCP indicate the magnitude BCP BCP of the electron density at the specified BCP. Rn-H 0.1331 -0.0301 o Meanings of L(ρ) @ BCP values: • Rn-H BCP: density is locally Rn-F 0.0767 0.2236 concentrated:: covalent bonding. • Rn-F BCP: density is locally depleted:: 19 strongly polar bond. Picture Credit: This molecular graph and all following QTAIM-related figures were generated by A. Fitzsimmons using AIMAll (Version 12.06.03) by Todd. A. Keith, TK Gristmill Software, Overland Park, KS, USA, 2012(
  • 20. Continued QTAIM Analysis of HRnF in He Results-Stage 1 BCP Ellipticity @ BCP (ε) Meaning of ε @ BCP Rn-H 0.0192 If ε=0, a bond is cylindrically symmetric; this bond is nearly cylindrically symmetric, lacking significant π-character as expected from the ς Molecular Orbitals (MOs) in this region of the molecule. Rn-F 0.0201 This bond is less cylindrically symmetric; this is 20 also reasonable due to the strong polarity of fluorine.
  • 21. Molecular Graph of HRnF Transition State Results-Stage 1 • The value of ρ @ BCP for the Rn-F BCP has decreased, BCP ρ @ L(ρ) @ indicating a weakening of the Rn-F interaction as the BCP BCP molecule prepares to dissociate. • Values of L(ρ) @ BCP retain the same sign as values of Rn-H 0.1568 -0.1858 L(ρ) @ BCP of the linear compound; the nature of the interaction is not changing: merely the strength. 21 Rn-F 0.0425 0.1439 • Thick blue lines describe the interatomic surfaces (IAS) belonging to the HRnF transition state; note that the upper boundaries of these are defined by the He lattice.
  • 22. Molecular Graph of HRnCl Transition State Results-Stage 1 • Dashed lines: bond paths • Gray Spheres: He atoms • Green dots: bond critical points; indicating • Neon green sphere: Cl atom regions of accumulated electron density 22 • White sphere: H atom between atoms • Teal sphere: Rn atom • Pink spheres: Non-nuclear attractor critical points (NNACPs)
  • 23. QTAIM Analysis of HRnCl Transition State • IAS lines depict the volume of the HRnCl molecule: this region is clearly confined by the sheet of He atoms above and below it. Results-Stage 1 • NNACPs occurring around the Cl atom are artifacts of the MCP, and as such additional electron density functions are required. BCP ρ@ L(ρ) @ Meaning of L(ρ) @ BCP BCP BCP Rn-H 0.1565 -0.1964 Local concentration of electron density, nearly identical in magnitude to that of ρ@ BCP (Rn-H) for the HRnF transition state, indicating that strength of this interaction is minimally affected by the substitution of a heavier halogen. 23 Rn-Cl midpoint 0.0242 0.0739 The presence of the NNACPs around Cl makes these L(ρ) values devoid of chemical meaning. Rn-Cl near Cl 0.2654 -1.5614
  • 24. Conclusions • The Preliminary Stage addressed the research goals related to the design of the study, and found that: • A basis set containing relativistic effects is necessary to reliably model HRnX systems. • Confinement inside of a harmonic potential well increased the Conclusions energy barrier to decomposition for HRnX, thereby stabilizing it. • Confinement in a harmonic potential well did not affect the geometry of the transition state. • The computations in Stage 1 addressed new research goals born out of the results from the Preliminary Stage, and addressed the original research goals related to the chemical properties of the HRnX molecules, finding that: • Confinement inside the He lattice decreases ∠HRnX of the transition state. • The He sheet actively confines the IAS belonging to the component atoms of HRnX, as evinced by the IAS paths. • Accurate computation of BCPs and other QTAIM properties around Cl 24 atoms require additional electron density functions.
  • 25. Future Directions • Stage 2: Post Hartree-Fock methods and expansive basis sets for HRgX • Method: the Møller-Plesset second order (MP2)1 perturbation method includes effects of electron correlation at a higher level than the Restricted Hartree-Fock method, and will therefore provide higher-quality Future Directions results. The necessary additional electron density functions will also be added at this stage. • The Model Core Potentials basis set aug-MCP-tzp has been demonstrated to be of high quality in previous studies2 while retaining a high level of computational efficiency. • Stage 3: Other small compounds of rare gases • HRgOH has been shown to be metastable at room temperature3 • A transition state for HRnOH has been located at the RHF/ims2 level4 • Confinement studies of this molecule will elucidate stability in real-life conditions • Stage 4: Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate (IRC) computations • IRC is an extremely reliable method for confirming a decomposition mechanism for a transition state: this would be valuable for all HRgX and HRgOH. 25 (1)Møller, C.; Plesset, M. S. Phys. Rev. 1934, 46, 618-622. (2) Miyoshi, E. et al., J. Chem. Phys. 2005, 122, 074101. (3) Tsivion, E.; Gerber, R.B. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2010, 12, 11791-11794. (4) Unpublished Computations, Fitzsimmons.
  • 26. Acknowledgements Acknowledgements Many thanks to the University of Alberta Department of Chemistry (pictured above) located in the Gunning-Lemieux Chemistry Centre and the Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science; to Dr. Mariusz Klobukowski; to fellow graduate students and 26 undergraduate students in the theoretical chemistry research groups at the University of Alberta. Picture Credit:
  • 27. The end Thank you for your attention! If you have any questions or 27 comments, I would be happy to address them in the comments section of this post.