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CNS infections
 Meningitis,
 Encephalitis,
 Parameningeal abscesses (subdural empyema and

epidural abscess),
 Brain abscesses,
 CSF shunt infections.
• is an inflammatory response to bacterial infection of the

pia-arachnoid and CSF of the subarachnoid space
 Incidence is between 3-5 per 100,000
 More than 2,000 deaths annually in the U.S.
• Bacterial meningitis and other CNS infections are

considered infectious disease emergencies that can cause
significant patient morbidity and mortality.
 Bacterial meningitis -uniformly fatal before the antimicrobial

 overall mortality rate has decreased, but remains alarmingly
high - - Higher in developing countries
 Varies with the specific etiologic agent

S pneumoniae 19-26%
H influenzae - 3-6%
N meningitidis 3-13%,
L monocytogenes 15-29%
 Survivors end up with complications
 Children suffers mostly with complications
Morbidity associated with
in children

In adults

sensorineural hearing loss / Cranial nerve

brain infarction,,



diffuse brain swelling
cerebral vein thrombosis,
cerebral palsy
More with H.influenzae meningitis

**** Severe morbidity is associated with H.influenzae meningitis and TB
meningitis due to fibrinous exudates
Viral meningitis
 Viral meningitis (without encephalitis) is less than 1%.
 In patients with deficient humoral immunity (eg,

agammaglobulinemia), enterovirus meningitis may
have a fatal outcome.

Meningitis belt -

Faso, Chad, Ethiopia and Niger; in
2002, the outbreaks occurring in
Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Niger
accounted for about 65% of cases
Pathogenesis of Meningitis

Survival and
Multiplication in
the subarachnoid

Neisseria meningitides (meningococcus)
and nasopharyngeal colonization with S
pneumoniae (pneumococcus).

Crossing of the
BBB and entry
into the CSF

epithelial cell

Bacteremia with

Pathogenesis of Meningitis
eg, Naegleria fowleri,

Free living
amoeba in natural


epithelial cell

Retrograde flow
to meninges
through the
olfactory bulb
Pathogenesis of Post traumatic/Neurosutgery Meningitis

Colonizing bacteria in
sinuses/auditory canal otitis
media, congenital
malformations, trauma, direct
inoculation during intracranial

Spread along the
CSF fistulous

Pathogenesis cont….
 With in the CNS, the infectious agents likely survive as

immunoglobulins, neutrophils, complement components
absent or activity limited
 replication of infectious agents remain uncontrolled triggers

the cascade of meningeal inflammation
 Increased CSF concentrations of TNF-alpha, IL-1, IL-6, and

IL-8 are characteristic findings in patients with bacterial
 Treatment using rapidly bactericidal agents may

transiently worsen the patients condition due to rapid
release of pyrogenic substances in to CSF
 Increase of proinflammatory mediators
Specific Pathogens
Age group

Predominant Pathogen

Age 0-4 weeks

S agalactiae (group B streptococci)
E coli K1
L monocytogenes

Age 4-12 weeks

S agalactiae
E coli
H influenzae
S pneumoniae
N meningitidis

Age 3 months to 18

N meningitidis (worldwide epidemic strains A,B,C W135)
S .pneumoniae
H influenzae

Age 18-50 years

S pneumoniae
N meningitidis
H influenzae

Age older than 50 years

S pneumoniae
N meningitidis
L monocytogenes
Aerobic gram-negative bacilli


S pneumoniae
N meningitidis
L monocytogenes
Aerobic gram-negative bacilli
Intracranial manipulation, including

Staphylococcus aureus
Coagulase-negative staphylococci
Aerobic gram-negative bacilli,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Basilar skull fracture

S pneumoniae
H influenzae
Group A streptococci

CSF shunts

Coagulase-negative staphylococci
S aureus
Aerobic gram-negative bacilli

***Direct extension from the throat or nasal or ear colonization an give rise to post
traumatic meningitis
Other causes
 Bacteraemic infectionof Salmonella, Brucella and


Staphylococcus aureus can cuase meningitis
Gram Negative meningitis in overwhelming infections
due to Strogyloides / Hyper infection due to
Strongyloides stercorhalis
Leptospira and Treponema
Protozoa – Acanthomoeba and Naeglaria fowleri
Fungi – Histoplasma and
Nematodes – Angyostrogilus cantonensis
 Clinical diagnosis unreliable- symptoms unreliable – specially extremes

of age

 The efficacy of treatment (CNS) infections -depends on the accuracy of

the etiologic diagnosis.

 requires the best specimen at the appropriate time,
 transporting it to the laboratory under optimum conditions,
 processing the specimen efficiently and timely manner,
 and selecting the tests necessary to identify the spectrum of possible

Clinical sign
Kernig's sign

sensitivity, 5%; likelihood ratio for a positive test result
[LR(+)], 0.97)

Brudzinski's sign

(sensitivity, 5%; LR(+), 0.97),

Nuchal rigidity

(sensitivity, 30%; LR(+), 0.94)

Degree of meningeal
≥ 6 up to 100

Clinical signs are unreliable



(>/=1000 WBCs/mL of CSF

Nuchal rigidity shows diagnostic value- sensitivity
100% and negative predictive value 100%
 Should not be delayed
 Inform laboratory
 Initial report based on Cell count and Direct smear
 Cytospin method gives more positive yield than

traditional overlaying
 Gram stain can be considered as the gold standard
 Is established by investigation of CSF obtained from


lumbar puncture,
Cysternal puncture or ventricular puncture or
fontanelle taps possible – not done routinely
Exclude raised intracranial pressure before performing
the procedure due to possibility of herniation
Place of CT/ MRI to exclude SOL
When, contraindication +, diagnosis established using
other means – Blood culture, WBC/DC, CRP together
with symptoms
Additional factors for success
 Communication between the clinician and laboratory-

about clinical notes, Patient condition, antibiotic
therapy, Patient delay and Doctor delay
 Seasonal prevalence of infectious diseases, for
enteroviruses and arboviruses,
 the epidemiology of emerging diseases such as West
Nile virus, and the immune status of the patient can
beis helpful.
Specimen collection and
transportation –timing
 All specimens should be collected prior to the

initiation of antimicrobials
 If therapy initiated – action to nullify it-Innoculating it

to broth media 1:5 ratio< specially for cerebral abcess
Specimens – for diagnosis of CNS



Cerebrospi • Mininmum of 1 mL
nal fluid /culture
• 1 to 2 mL [PCR]),
• 1 mL antibody test

is or brain


5 to 10ml as for blood

For M. tuberculosis, and
dimorphic and filamentous fungi
require repeat CSF or large
volumes (10 to 20 mL) of
ventricular CSF.

0.5 to 1.0 mL per culture
request preferred

1 to 10 mL can be added to blood
culture medium ↓antimicrobial
effect- dilution of 1 :5 or 1:10


or epidural

material or

0.5 cc preferred

minced /gently ground. Mince
only if filamentous fungi

material /

0.5–1.0 mL per culture
request preferred

Small volumes of pus diluted
(ratio of 1:2) with sterile saline to
allow “washing” of material from
Collection and transportation


Transport/Storage Conditions

fluid (CSF)

Sterile tube.

Room temperature. Ice/Refrigeration are
detrimental to some bacteria and
anaerobes. For PCR 4 °Cfor <24 hr or
freezing (−20°C) for longer periods.

Pus, irrigation
fluid, and
fluid aspirates

Sterile container. Anaerobic
culture request requires
transport in oxygen-free

Room temperature for short periods (<1
hr). Refrigeration for longer times. Do
not refrigerate if anaerobic culture is


Sterile container. Keep small
specimen portions moist with
sterile saline solution.

As for pus above. Small pieces of tissue
can be placed on sterile moist gauze to
facilitate location/identification by
laboratory personnel. Portion for PCR as
for CSF above.

fluid, and

Under anerobic conditions in
to Nitrogen or CO₂ ,
Large volumes-To a syringe
itself- short time
Or pre reduced aneerobic

Transport as soon as possible
Collection of CSF
 Cerebrospinal fluid collected by lumbar puncture is the

routine specimen for diagnosis of meningitis
 Strict aseptic techniques
 Three or four containers – depending on tests requested
 But should have separate tubes for Gram stain/culture,

Biochemistry and glucose level- accompanied by blood
sample for RBS
 Never to keep it in refrigerator
Which tube for microbiology?
 Any tube possible
 First tube- Theoretically risk of contamination -

epithelium or blood from skin and soft tissue
capillaries ruptured during the punctur
 In practice, total volume of fluid is more important

than the “tube” cultured.
CSF Examinations
 Macroscopy – color,clotting etc
 Complete count
 Differential count
 Gram stain of direct smear

 Culture
 Biochemistry – sugar difference and proteins
 PCR when indicated
CSF Macroscopy
Color of CSF supernatant

Conditions or causes


Pyogenic meningitis


Blood breakdown products
CSF protein >=150 mg per dL (1.5 g per L)
>100,000 red blood cells per mm3


Blood breakdown products
High carotenoid ingestion


Blood breakdown products


Purulent CSF


Meningeal melanomatosis
Normal CSF values
Cell component

Age Category

Normal Value



0 – 30 cells X 10 ⁶ / L

1 to 4 yr old

0 – 20 X 10⁶ / L

5 to puberty

0 – 10 X 10⁶ / L


0 – 675 X 10⁶ / L


0 – 10 X 10⁶ / L


0.7 g/l


0.2 – 0.4 g/l




> 60% of RBS value is considered

•Bacterial or viral counts should be considered where leukocyte counts are
near the upper normal value
•5 WBCs per mm3 (normal value)
differential diagnosis of various
forms of meningitis


(10⁶ / l)



(g/ l)



< 20 cm



> .5

< 0.45 (15–



>20 cm


> 50%

< .4

> 1(100 mg) > 4



> 1000


< .4

> 0.45



< 20 cm

< 1000


> .4


87% of Patients with meningitis

≥ 1000 /mm³ WBCs

99% of Patients with meningitis

≥100 per mm3

More likely to have viral meningitis

≤ 100 per mm3

 As CSF is hypotonic, WBCs lyse with the time.
 Process, immediately
Lymphocytes : PMN
 CSF, PMN:L ratio is unreliable for diagnosis of

 Viral meningitis may show lymphocytosis – but

initially PMN predominates
 Neutropaenics – no or less PMN response
Presence of RBC’s
 Indicates intra cerebral ,SAH or traumatic tap
 Presence of RBC’s make interpretation of CSF analysis


But, rarely obscures it
Inspecting first and third lumbar puncture samples –
if RBC count different - Traumatic tap
WBC:RBC ratio of 1:500 to 1:1000 is considered normal
CSF obtain > 12 hrs post ICH may have WBC counts up
to 500 X 10⁶ /l - due to inflammation
Direct smear – Gram stain
 a Gram stain of the cytospin CSF has a sensitivity of

90% if the LP is carried out before the administration
of antibiotics.
Effects of antibiotics in CSF culture
and Direct smears
 In a retrospective review of 128 children with bacterial

meningitis, Kanegaye et al. (2001)
 compared 39 patients who received empiric
antimicrobial therapy before LP with 55 who
underwent LP before receiving antimicrobial therapy
Treatment Group - Bacterial

Treatment group

Meningococcus – sterilization occurred
within 2 hrs

Up to 24 to 48 hrs CSF cellular and
biocheical parameters remained unchained

Pneumococcus – sterilization occurred
within 4 hours

Diagnostic test

Bacterial meningitis

Cytospin Gram stain 60–90





Antigen detection
assays *



Acid-fast stain







Tuberculous meningitis


Sensitivity (%)


Effect of antibiotic
treatment on
Blood cultures
• 50 to 80% patients with meningitis has accompanied

bacteremias - blood cultures would be useful to isolation
of organisms – more than CSF growth
• Specially where LP is contraindicated
Blood cultures
Volume – 20ml or as
recommended by the

•Collected before antibiotic therapy
•> 2 cultures taken from different sites or three cultures with
in 24 hrs
•Innoculate into broth medium at a ratio of >1:5
When suspecting – Dimorphic fungi or cryptococcus blod
should be colected to tube containing lysis solution – for lysis
Utility of Gram stain for diagnosis of Pyogenic


All common etiologies—no previous antibiotics

75% to 90%

All common etiologies—antimicrobial therapy
prior to lumbar puncture

40% to 60%

Streptococcus pneumoniae –without antibiotics


Neisseria meningitidis -


Haemophilus influenzae


Listeria monocytogenes

 Unfortunately the positivity rate of gram staining and

cultures remain low between 25- 40% as against the
rate of 80-85% from the developed world
Partially treated meningitis
 As the early symptoms and signs - non-specific, up to 50% receive

oral antibiotics.
 This delay the presentation to hospital &

CSF findings altered; - Gram stain and growth of organism may be
negative –
 Antibiotics rarely interfere with CSF protein/glucose and

molecular diagnosis (PCR).
 In partially treated meningitis – request for PCR and bacterial

antigens - not affected by prior antibiotic administration.
Tuberculuos meningitis
 AFB positive only in 3%
 Cobweb formation is seen 2/3 cases
 Ratioo of albumin to globulin changes can be used as

sxcrrening method(Nl ratio 6:1)Abnormal in TBM
changes can be predicted with eletrophoresis
(Modified Levinson’s test
Use of Bacterial Antigen Testing
 The use of rapid bacterial antigen detection in CSF and other body

fluids has come under question.
 Rarely does a positive result alter therapy, and test performance is
similar to that of the Gram's stain.
 Two contemporary approaches are advocated for bacterial antigen

 The first recommends testing only those specimens with abnormal CSF

parameters (cell count, protein, glucose).[35] This approach results in a
68% reduction in the number of antigen tests performed.
 Although positive CSF cultures occur when white blood cell count,
glucose, and protein values are within normal ranges, this is unusual
and does not justify testing all CSF for bacterial antigen.
 Another approach eliminates antigen testing, except in a few limited,
specific cases, such as prior antimicrobial therapy when culture results
are negative after 24 to 48 hours of incubation.
 latex particle agglutination tests , have similar

sensitivities to Gram stain or culture
 of doubtful benefit when used routinely,
 but sometimes identify organisms in patients with
partially treated bacterial meningitis and negative
Gram stain and culture.
 Cultures for bacteria and fungi should always be
performed, even in patients already treated with

Use of Culture
Culture media


For routinely encountering pathogens

Good quality Blood A,
chocolate Agar either
sheep or HBA -

24 to 48 hrs in 35% CO₂

Facultative anaerobes

Broth media

Anaerobes from cerebral abscesses

thioglycollate or chopped Extended
meat broth,
incubation- only
when requested

Yeast and fungi

Use of lysis
centrifugation method

Only when

********Culturing technique and media hardly ever changed over the years
Emerging issues
 Methods of rapid diagnosis
 Emergence of antibiotic resistant Pathogens
 Broad range of PCRs – N.meningitidis,

H.influenzae,Streptococcus pneumoniae
 PCR of blood Buffy coat provide higher yield for N.

 Agents of Aseptic meningitis –Rapid RealTime PCR

for entero viruses available – results in 60 min
Antibiotic resistance
 worldwide increase in infection with penicillin and


cephalosporin resistant strains of S pneumoniae,
caused by either alteration in the penicillin binding
proteins (Mosaic PBP)
Incidence increasing Europe, South Africa, Asia, and the
United States.
American Academy of Pediatrics recommended
combination therapy, initially with vancomycin and either
cefotaxime or ceftriaxone for all children 1 month of age or
older with definite or probable bacterial meningitis.
N. meningitis less susceptible strains
Diagnosis of cns infections

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Diagnosis of cns infections

  • 1.
  • 2. CNS infections  Meningitis,  Encephalitis,  Parameningeal abscesses (subdural empyema and epidural abscess),  Brain abscesses, &  CSF shunt infections.
  • 3. Meningitis • is an inflammatory response to bacterial infection of the pia-arachnoid and CSF of the subarachnoid space
  • 4. Epidemiology  Incidence is between 3-5 per 100,000  More than 2,000 deaths annually in the U.S.
  • 5. • Bacterial meningitis and other CNS infections are considered infectious disease emergencies that can cause significant patient morbidity and mortality.
  • 6. Mortality/Morbidity  Bacterial meningitis -uniformly fatal before the antimicrobial era.  overall mortality rate has decreased, but remains alarmingly high - - Higher in developing countries  Varies with the specific etiologic agent     S pneumoniae 19-26% H influenzae - 3-6% N meningitidis 3-13%, L monocytogenes 15-29%
  • 7. `  Survivors end up with complications  Children suffers mostly with complications
  • 8. Morbidity associated with complications in children In adults sensorineural hearing loss / Cranial nerve palsies brain infarction,, epilepsy hydrocephalus, diffuse brain swelling hydrocephalus, cerebral vein thrombosis, cerebral palsy More with H.influenzae meningitis **** Severe morbidity is associated with H.influenzae meningitis and TB meningitis due to fibrinous exudates
  • 9. Viral meningitis  Viral meningitis (without encephalitis) is less than 1%.  In patients with deficient humoral immunity (eg, agammaglobulinemia), enterovirus meningitis may have a fatal outcome.
  • 10. Meningococcal Meningitis belt - Faso, Chad, Ethiopia and Niger; in 2002, the outbreaks occurring in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Niger accounted for about 65% of cases
  • 11. Pathogenesis of Meningitis Survival and Multiplication in the subarachnoid space Nasopharyngeal colonization Neisseria meningitides (meningococcus) and nasopharyngeal colonization with S pneumoniae (pneumococcus). Crossing of the BBB and entry into the CSF Nasopharyngeal epithelial cell invasion Bacteremia with intravascular survival Bloodstream invasion
  • 12. Pathogenesis of Meningitis eg, Naegleria fowleri, Free living amoeba in natural resovoires Meningitis Nasopharyngeal epithelial cell invasion Retrograde flow to meninges through the olfactory bulb
  • 13. Pathogenesis of Post traumatic/Neurosutgery Meningitis Colonizing bacteria in sinuses/auditory canal otitis media, congenital malformations, trauma, direct inoculation during intracranial manipulation Spread along the CSF fistulous tract Meningitis
  • 14. Pathogenesis cont….  With in the CNS, the infectious agents likely survive as immunoglobulins, neutrophils, complement components absent or activity limited  replication of infectious agents remain uncontrolled triggers the cascade of meningeal inflammation  Increased CSF concentrations of TNF-alpha, IL-1, IL-6, and IL-8 are characteristic findings in patients with bacterial meningitis
  • 15.  Treatment using rapidly bactericidal agents may transiently worsen the patients condition due to rapid release of pyrogenic substances in to CSF  Increase of proinflammatory mediators
  • 17. Age group Predominant Pathogen Age 0-4 weeks S agalactiae (group B streptococci) E coli K1 L monocytogenes Age 4-12 weeks S agalactiae E coli H influenzae S pneumoniae N meningitidis Age 3 months to 18 years N meningitidis (worldwide epidemic strains A,B,C W135) S .pneumoniae H influenzae Age 18-50 years S pneumoniae N meningitidis H influenzae Age older than 50 years S pneumoniae N meningitidis L monocytogenes Aerobic gram-negative bacilli Immunocompromised state S pneumoniae N meningitidis L monocytogenes Aerobic gram-negative bacilli
  • 18. Intracranial manipulation, including neurosurgery Staphylococcus aureus Coagulase-negative staphylococci Aerobic gram-negative bacilli, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa Basilar skull fracture S pneumoniae H influenzae Group A streptococci CSF shunts Coagulase-negative staphylococci S aureus Aerobic gram-negative bacilli ***Direct extension from the throat or nasal or ear colonization an give rise to post traumatic meningitis
  • 19. Other causes  Bacteraemic infectionof Salmonella, Brucella and      Staphylococcus aureus can cuase meningitis Gram Negative meningitis in overwhelming infections due to Strogyloides / Hyper infection due to Strongyloides stercorhalis Leptospira and Treponema Protozoa – Acanthomoeba and Naeglaria fowleri Fungi – Histoplasma and Nematodes – Angyostrogilus cantonensis
  • 20.  Clinical diagnosis unreliable- symptoms unreliable – specially extremes of age  The efficacy of treatment (CNS) infections -depends on the accuracy of the etiologic diagnosis.  requires the best specimen at the appropriate time,  transporting it to the laboratory under optimum conditions,  processing the specimen efficiently and timely manner,  and selecting the tests necessary to identify the spectrum of possible etiologies
  • 21. Clinical sign Kernig's sign sensitivity, 5%; likelihood ratio for a positive test result [LR(+)], 0.97) Brudzinski's sign (sensitivity, 5%; LR(+), 0.97), Nuchal rigidity (sensitivity, 30%; LR(+), 0.94) Degree of meningeal inflamation ≥ 6 up to 100 Clinical signs are unreliable Inbetween Unreliable (>/=1000 WBCs/mL of CSF Nuchal rigidity shows diagnostic value- sensitivity 100% and negative predictive value 100%
  • 22. Diagnosis  Should not be delayed  Inform laboratory  Initial report based on Cell count and Direct smear  Cytospin method gives more positive yield than traditional overlaying  Gram stain can be considered as the gold standard
  • 23. Diagnosis  Is established by investigation of CSF obtained from     lumbar puncture, Cysternal puncture or ventricular puncture or fontanelle taps possible – not done routinely Exclude raised intracranial pressure before performing the procedure due to possibility of herniation Place of CT/ MRI to exclude SOL When, contraindication +, diagnosis established using other means – Blood culture, WBC/DC, CRP together with symptoms
  • 24. Additional factors for success  Communication between the clinician and laboratory- about clinical notes, Patient condition, antibiotic therapy, Patient delay and Doctor delay  Seasonal prevalence of infectious diseases, for enteroviruses and arboviruses,  the epidemiology of emerging diseases such as West Nile virus, and the immune status of the patient can beis helpful.
  • 25. Specimen collection and transportation –timing  All specimens should be collected prior to the initiation of antimicrobials  If therapy initiated – action to nullify it-Innoculating it to broth media 1:5 ratio< specially for cerebral abcess
  • 26. Specimens – for diagnosis of CNS infections Disease Specimen Meningitis Cerebrospi • Mininmum of 1 mL nal fluid /culture (CSF) • 1 to 2 mL [PCR]), • 1 mL antibody test Blood Encephalit is or brain abscess Quantity 5 to 10ml as for blood culture Note For M. tuberculosis, and dimorphic and filamentous fungi require repeat CSF or large volumes (10 to 20 mL) of ventricular CSF. 0.5 to 1.0 mL per culture request preferred 1 to 10 mL can be added to blood culture medium ↓antimicrobial effect- dilution of 1 :5 or 1:10 Tissue Subdural empyema or epidural Abscess material or irrigation fluid 0.5 cc preferred minced /gently ground. Mince only if filamentous fungi expected. Abscess material / irrigation 0.5–1.0 mL per culture request preferred Small volumes of pus diluted (ratio of 1:2) with sterile saline to allow “washing” of material from
  • 27. Collection and transportation Specimen Container Transport/Storage Conditions Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Sterile tube. Room temperature. Ice/Refrigeration are detrimental to some bacteria and anaerobes. For PCR 4 °Cfor <24 hr or freezing (−20°C) for longer periods. Pus, irrigation fluid, and fluid aspirates Sterile container. Anaerobic culture request requires transport in oxygen-free container. Room temperature for short periods (<1 hr). Refrigeration for longer times. Do not refrigerate if anaerobic culture is ordered. Tissue, debridement material Sterile container. Keep small specimen portions moist with sterile saline solution. As for pus above. Small pieces of tissue can be placed on sterile moist gauze to facilitate location/identification by laboratory personnel. Portion for PCR as for CSF above. Abscess material, fluid, and washes aspirated Under anerobic conditions in to Nitrogen or CO₂ , Large volumes-To a syringe itself- short time Or pre reduced aneerobic Transport as soon as possible
  • 28. Collection of CSF  Cerebrospinal fluid collected by lumbar puncture is the routine specimen for diagnosis of meningitis  Strict aseptic techniques  Three or four containers – depending on tests requested  But should have separate tubes for Gram stain/culture, Biochemistry and glucose level- accompanied by blood sample for RBS  Never to keep it in refrigerator
  • 29. Which tube for microbiology?  Any tube possible  First tube- Theoretically risk of contamination - epithelium or blood from skin and soft tissue capillaries ruptured during the punctur  In practice, total volume of fluid is more important than the “tube” cultured.
  • 30. CSF Examinations  Macroscopy – color,clotting etc  Complete count  Differential count  Gram stain of direct smear  Culture  Biochemistry – sugar difference and proteins  PCR when indicated
  • 32. Color of CSF supernatant Conditions or causes Purulent Pyogenic meningitis Yellow Blood breakdown products Hyperbilirubinemia CSF protein >=150 mg per dL (1.5 g per L) >100,000 red blood cells per mm3 Orange Blood breakdown products High carotenoid ingestion Pink Blood breakdown products Green Hyperbilirubinemia Purulent CSF Brown Meningeal melanomatosis
  • 33. Normal CSF values Cell component Age Category Normal Value Leukocytes Neonates 0 – 30 cells X 10 ⁶ / L 1 to 4 yr old 0 – 20 X 10⁶ / L 5 to puberty 0 – 10 X 10⁶ / L Newborn 0 – 675 X 10⁶ / L Adults 0 – 10 X 10⁶ / L Neonates 0.7 g/l Adults 0.2 – 0.4 g/l Erythrocytes Protein Glucose > 60% of RBS value is considered normal •Bacterial or viral counts should be considered where leukocyte counts are near the upper normal value •5 WBCs per mm3 (normal value)
  • 34. differential diagnosis of various forms of meningitis Diagnosis Pressure Cells (10⁶ / l) PMN Glucose ratio Protein (g/ l) Lactate (mmol/l) normal < 20 cm 1-2 <1 > .5 < 0.45 (15– 45mg/dl) <2 Acute pyogenic >20 cm >1000 > 50% < .4 (>.2) > 1(100 mg) > 4 Chronic variable > 1000 Vary < .4 > 0.45 >2 Aseptic (Viral) < 20 cm < 1000 <50 > .4 Vary <2
  • 35. 87% of Patients with meningitis ≥ 1000 /mm³ WBCs 99% of Patients with meningitis ≥100 per mm3 More likely to have viral meningitis ≤ 100 per mm3  As CSF is hypotonic, WBCs lyse with the time.  Process, immediately
  • 36. Lymphocytes : PMN  CSF, PMN:L ratio is unreliable for diagnosis of meningitis  Viral meningitis may show lymphocytosis – but initially PMN predominates  Neutropaenics – no or less PMN response
  • 37. Presence of RBC’s  Indicates intra cerebral ,SAH or traumatic tap  Presence of RBC’s make interpretation of CSF analysis     difficult But, rarely obscures it Inspecting first and third lumbar puncture samples – if RBC count different - Traumatic tap WBC:RBC ratio of 1:500 to 1:1000 is considered normal CSF obtain > 12 hrs post ICH may have WBC counts up to 500 X 10⁶ /l - due to inflammation
  • 38. Direct smear – Gram stain
  • 39.  a Gram stain of the cytospin CSF has a sensitivity of 90% if the LP is carried out before the administration of antibiotics.
  • 40. Effects of antibiotics in CSF culture and Direct smears  In a retrospective review of 128 children with bacterial meningitis, Kanegaye et al. (2001)  compared 39 patients who received empiric antimicrobial therapy before LP with 55 who underwent LP before receiving antimicrobial therapy Treatment Group - Bacterial sterilization Treatment group Meningococcus – sterilization occurred within 2 hrs Up to 24 to 48 hrs CSF cellular and biocheical parameters remained unchained Pneumococcus – sterilization occurred within 4 hours
  • 41. Condition Diagnostic test Bacterial meningitis Cytospin Gram stain 60–90 100 Culture 90 100 Antigen detection assays * 50–100 100 Acid-fast stain 10–22 100 38–88 100 27–85 95–100 Tuberculous meningitis Culture PCR Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Effect of antibiotic treatment on
  • 42. Blood cultures • 50 to 80% patients with meningitis has accompanied bacteremias - blood cultures would be useful to isolation of organisms – more than CSF growth • Specially where LP is contraindicated Blood cultures Volume – 20ml or as recommended by the manufactures •Collected before antibiotic therapy •> 2 cultures taken from different sites or three cultures with in 24 hrs •Innoculate into broth medium at a ratio of >1:5 When suspecting – Dimorphic fungi or cryptococcus blod should be colected to tube containing lysis solution – for lysis centrifugation
  • 43. Utility of Gram stain for diagnosis of Pyogenic meningitis Etiology Sensitivity All common etiologies—no previous antibiotics 75% to 90% All common etiologies—antimicrobial therapy prior to lumbar puncture 40% to 60% Streptococcus pneumoniae –without antibiotics 90% Neisseria meningitidis - 75% Haemophilus influenzae 86% Listeria monocytogenes <50%
  • 44.  Unfortunately the positivity rate of gram staining and cultures remain low between 25- 40% as against the rate of 80-85% from the developed world
  • 45. Partially treated meningitis  As the early symptoms and signs - non-specific, up to 50% receive oral antibiotics.  This delay the presentation to hospital & CSF findings altered; - Gram stain and growth of organism may be negative –  Antibiotics rarely interfere with CSF protein/glucose and molecular diagnosis (PCR).  In partially treated meningitis – request for PCR and bacterial antigens - not affected by prior antibiotic administration.
  • 46. Tuberculuos meningitis  AFB positive only in 3%  Cobweb formation is seen 2/3 cases  Ratioo of albumin to globulin changes can be used as sxcrrening method(Nl ratio 6:1)Abnormal in TBM changes can be predicted with eletrophoresis (Modified Levinson’s test
  • 47. Use of Bacterial Antigen Testing  The use of rapid bacterial antigen detection in CSF and other body fluids has come under question.  Rarely does a positive result alter therapy, and test performance is similar to that of the Gram's stain.  Two contemporary approaches are advocated for bacterial antigen testing.  The first recommends testing only those specimens with abnormal CSF parameters (cell count, protein, glucose).[35] This approach results in a 68% reduction in the number of antigen tests performed.  Although positive CSF cultures occur when white blood cell count, glucose, and protein values are within normal ranges, this is unusual and does not justify testing all CSF for bacterial antigen.  Another approach eliminates antigen testing, except in a few limited, specific cases, such as prior antimicrobial therapy when culture results are negative after 24 to 48 hours of incubation.
  • 48.  latex particle agglutination tests , have similar sensitivities to Gram stain or culture  of doubtful benefit when used routinely,  but sometimes identify organisms in patients with partially treated bacterial meningitis and negative Gram stain and culture.  Cultures for bacteria and fungi should always be performed, even in patients already treated with antibiotics.
  • 50. Culture media Incubation For routinely encountering pathogens Good quality Blood A, chocolate Agar either sheep or HBA - 24 to 48 hrs in 35% CO₂ Facultative anaerobes Broth media Anaerobes from cerebral abscesses thioglycollate or chopped Extended meat broth, incubation- only when requested Yeast and fungi Use of lysis centrifugation method Only when requested ********Culturing technique and media hardly ever changed over the years
  • 52.  Methods of rapid diagnosis  Emergence of antibiotic resistant Pathogens
  • 53. PCR  Broad range of PCRs – N.meningitidis, H.influenzae,Streptococcus pneumoniae  PCR of blood Buffy coat provide higher yield for N. meningitidis  Agents of Aseptic meningitis –Rapid RealTime PCR for entero viruses available – results in 60 min
  • 54. Antibiotic resistance  worldwide increase in infection with penicillin and     cephalosporin resistant strains of S pneumoniae, caused by either alteration in the penicillin binding proteins (Mosaic PBP) Incidence increasing Europe, South Africa, Asia, and the United States. American Academy of Pediatrics recommended combination therapy, initially with vancomycin and either cefotaxime or ceftriaxone for all children 1 month of age or older with definite or probable bacterial meningitis. N. meningitis less susceptible strains