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Charting our Course

Administrator Retreat
    Dr. Marci Shepard
         Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Our Purpose Today
  •Mission and Vision:
   •Design a process
     •Collect data

        Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Drawing on Our
       Collective Expertise
 •Think of when you have been involved
   with designing a mission and vision.
           •What went well?
            •What didn’t?
•What aspects of the process do we want
        to ensure we include?
                Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Learning Target for Today
         I can have a voice in
         creating Orting
         School District’s
         mission and
         vision, and I know
         how I can live it in my
         daily responsibilities.
         Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Progression of Learning
        Where are we now?
     Current Data and Programs
      Where do we want to be?
     Mission, Vision and Beliefs
       How will we get there?
       District-Level Measures
   So what does this mean to me?
      Personalize the Learning
            Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Where are we now?
Share Data and Current Programs

           Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Describe our hopes and dreams
 for the students in our district.

             Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Where do we want to be?
 Mission, Vision and Beliefs

          Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Where do we want to be?

  Mission           Vision                             Collective
    Why?           What?                                 How?
Fundamental      Compelling                             Values
  Purpose          Future
   Clarifies   Gives Direction;                             Guide
 Priorities;   Helps measure                               Behavior
  Sharpens        progress
                  Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Once we know WHY we
  exist, we can be better at
 choosing HOW we will work
and WHAT work we choose to

          Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010

  Mission             Vision                            Collective
    Why?           What?                                  How?
Fundamental      Compelling                            Beliefs and
  Purpose          Future                                Values
   Clarifies   Gives Direction                            Guide
 Priorities;                                            Behavior
                 Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
    Why do we exist?

Clarity of purpose is the goal
   of a mission statement.
          Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Examples of Mission Statements
•Walt Disney:
   •My mission in life is to make people happy.
•Eric Schmidt, CEO, Google:
   •My mission is to collect all the world’s
   information and make it accessible to everyone.
•Phil Knight, Founder, Nike:
   •My mission is to bring inspiration and
   innovation to every athlete in the world.
                    Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
          Why do we exist?
A mission statement becomes a
mission when it lives in the
hearts and minds of the
staff, parents, administrators
and students. It is the reason
we choose to work and learn in
Orting specifically.

                Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
“If we have a big enough WHY, we
  will always discover the HOW.”
           Tara Semisch

            Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Writing a Mission:
Make it concise and memorable!

            Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Mission: Clarity of purpose and
          Effective Districts
Great districts “row as one.” They are quite clearly in
the same boat, pulling in the same direction in unison.
The best districts are tightly aligned communities
marked by a palpable sense of common purpose and
shared identity among staff – a clear sense of “we.” By
contrast, struggling districts feel fractured; there is a
sense that people work in the same district but not
toward the same goals.

                       Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010

Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010

  Mission           Vision                             Collective
    Why?           What?                                 How?
Fundamental      Compelling                             Values
  Purpose          Future
   Clarifies   Gives Direction                              Guide
 Priorities;                                               Behavior
                  Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  What do we want to accomplish for students
            in the next 3-5 years?

Vision is the manifestation of our stated values;
  the actualization of our common mission.

“The vision is the best possible future that can
  be created by successfully accomplishing the
  mission in a way that is consistent with one’s
  values and beliefs.”
                    Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
    What do we want to accomplish for students
              in the next 3-5 years?
A vision is a compelling picture of
  a preferred future that
  motivates us to act.

What makes it compelling is it is
 something people can see or
 envision themselves doing.

                    Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
   What do we want to accomplish for students
             in the next 3-5 years?

The vision statement is best created after everyone
  has engaged in the process of “visioning.”

                     Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Characteristics of Vision Statements
Vision statements:
• Are concrete (have observable, detectable
• Focus on ends, not means (communicate what,
  not how)
• Are achievable and compelling (believable, but
  beyond what is)
• Manifest the mission and collective commitments
  (as the school community lives its values and
  accomplishes its mission well, this is what you
  will see as a result)
 Using our “visioning,” what patterns emerge?
                   Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
   What do we want to accomplish for students
             in the next 3-5 years?

Take an imaginary trip through time, ending up 3-5
  years in the future. Turn on the evening news.

• What are the stories they are telling
  about Orting School District?
• What you will be proud to hear
  them saying about us?

        Private Think Time → Go Around
                     Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
What do we hope to accomplish for students in
            the next 3-5 years?
“There is no more powerful
  engine driving an
  organization toward
  excellence and long-range
  success than an
  attractive, worthwhile and
  achievable vision of the
  future, widely shared.”
 Burt Nanus       Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
    What do we hope to accomplish for students
              in the next 3-5 years?
When individual visions come together into shared vision, there
 is a collective power unlike anything else a group or school
 could experience. Simply by virtue of the energy it
 creates, shared vision becomes a resource or an asset that
 propels the organization toward a better future. Shared vision
 provides                     motivation for change and fuel for
                              the challenge. It is a key factor in
                              creating both alignment and
                              commitment to the journey of
                              continuous improvement.

                           Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010

Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Mission              Vision                             Collective
    Why?           What?                                    How?
Fundamental      Compelling                                Values
  Purpose          Future
   Clarifies   Gives Direction                                 Guide
 Priorities;                                                  Behavior

                Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
“If we have a big enough WHY, we
  will always discover the HOW.”
           Tara Semisch

            Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Collective Commitments:
How must we behave to achieve our purpose?

             Collective Commitments are the
               attitudes, behaviors and values that
               exist to create the future we want.

             Collective Commitments drive the
               conduct of the people within the

             How do we intend to make our shared
               vision a reality?
                  Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
How must we behave to achieve our purpose?

 describe how we
 intend to operate
 on a day-to-day
 basis as we pursue
 our vision.
                 Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Develop Collective Commitments

1. Keep them few in number.
2. Link the statements directly to
   the vision statement.
3. Articulate them as
   attitudes, behaviors,
   and values.

        See handout: Collective Commitments Examples
                      Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Develop Collective Commitments
Respond to the questions on sticky notes (one response
per sticky note):
• What promises are you willing to make to your
colleagues that will support our district’s success in
achieving our mission?
•What are your fundamental, bedrock beliefs about how
children learn?
•What are your fundamental, bedrock beliefs about how
staff members need to act to make that happen?
•Categorize data into like groups.
•Create headings to identify commonalities.
Collective Commitments
How will we get there?
 District-Level Measures

       Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
District-Level Measures
 Mission        Vision             Collective District-Level
                                 Commitments   Measures
   Why?         What?                    How?                      What steps?
Fundamental Compelling                   Values                    Targets and
  Purpose     Future                                                Timelines
  Clarifies      Gives                 Guide                       Establishes
 Priorities;   Direction              Behavior                      Priorities

                     Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
District-Level Measures
 Which steps will we take and when?
District-level measures are targets that
  define the vision in ways that are
  actionable and attainable.
They give specificity and measurability
  to our priorities.
They provide direction, define
  outcomes, and communicate

                   Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
District-Level Measures
 Which steps will we take and when?
District-Level Measures:
• Close the gap between our current reality and
  where we hope to take the Orting School
  District (shared vision).
• Are priorities and steps to achieve
• Are results-focused
• Provide individual and collective
  accountability for achieving results
                   Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
District-Level Measures:
   Which steps will we take and when?

“When an organization has multiple
 unmeasurable priorities, there’s lots of
 activity, but not much really gets done, and
 results are slow to come or nonexistent.”
D. Sparks          Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
District-Level Measures:
  Which steps will we take and when?
District-level measures answer the question:
                   So what?

• So what if we did all these things?
• How will we know if all of this is making a
• What actual improvement would we expect
  or want to see along the way?
                  Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Examples of District-Level Measures
•   % of kindergarteners that can count to 100
•   % of positive comments regarding customer service
•   % of students graduating high school
•   % of decrease in leave without pay
•   # of students meeting standard on the MSP/HSPE
•   Increase % of special education students involved in
    general education classes
•   % of third graders reading proficiently
•   % increase in achievement for students on free-reduced
    lunch, students of color, ELL students
•   Improve recycling efforts and procedures
•   % of students completing algebra by the end of 8th&grade  2010
                           Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning Assessment
Tips for Writing
         District-Level Measures
District-Level Measures should be:
• Clearly linked to the vision
• Limited in number
• Focused on the desired outcome
  (the end, not the means)
• Translated into clear, measurable
  performance standards
• Monitored continuously
                 Elementary  Secondary
                    Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
District-Level Measures

       Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
So what does this mean to me?
     Personalize the learning

             Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Learning Target for Today
        I can have a voice in
        creating Orting School
        District’s mission and
        vision, and I know
        how I can live it in my
        daily work.
         Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Learning Target for Today
                                                         I can have a voice in
                                                         creating Orting School
                                                         District’s mission and
                                                         vision, and I know how I
                                                         can live it in my daily work.
                             1. Complete graphic organizer individually
                             2. Table group compile responses on
                                N, E, S, W index cards
        See handout:         3. Tape card to corresponding wall charts
   Compass Points Reflection    around the room
Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Learning Target for Today
                                                       I can have a voice in
                                                       creating Orting
                                                       School District’s
                                                       mission and
                                                       vision, and I know
       See handout: Exit Slip
                                                       how I can live it in
                                                       my daily work.
Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Remember the
   Dr. Cooley story…


         Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
Learning Today for a Changing Tomorrow

Charting our Course

       Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010

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Charting Our District's Course

  • 1. Charting our Course Administrator Retreat 2010-2011 Dr. Marci Shepard Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 2. Our Purpose Today •Mission and Vision: •Design a process •Collect data •Dr.Cooley Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 3. Drawing on Our Collective Expertise •Think of when you have been involved with designing a mission and vision. •What went well? •What didn’t? •What aspects of the process do we want to ensure we include? Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 4. Learning Target for Today I can have a voice in creating Orting School District’s mission and vision, and I know how I can live it in my daily responsibilities. Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 5. Progression of Learning Where are we now? Current Data and Programs ↓ Where do we want to be? Mission, Vision and Beliefs ↓ How will we get there? District-Level Measures ↓ So what does this mean to me? Personalize the Learning Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 6. Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 7. Where are we now? Share Data and Current Programs Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 8. Describe our hopes and dreams for the students in our district. Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 9. Where do we want to be? Mission, Vision and Beliefs Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 10. Where do we want to be? Mission Vision Collective Commitments Why? What? How? Fundamental Compelling Values Purpose Future Clarifies Gives Direction; Guide Priorities; Helps measure Behavior Sharpens progress Focus Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 11. Once we know WHY we exist, we can be better at choosing HOW we will work and WHAT work we choose to do. Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 12. Mission Mission Vision Collective Commitments Why? What? How? Fundamental Compelling Beliefs and Purpose Future Values Clarifies Gives Direction Guide Priorities; Behavior Sharpens Focus Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 13. Mission: Why do we exist? Clarity of purpose is the goal of a mission statement. Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 14. Examples of Mission Statements •Walt Disney: •My mission in life is to make people happy. •Eric Schmidt, CEO, Google: •My mission is to collect all the world’s information and make it accessible to everyone. •Phil Knight, Founder, Nike: •My mission is to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 15. Mission: Why do we exist? A mission statement becomes a mission when it lives in the hearts and minds of the staff, parents, administrators and students. It is the reason we choose to work and learn in Orting specifically. Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 16. “If we have a big enough WHY, we will always discover the HOW.” Tara Semisch Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 17. Writing a Mission: Make it concise and memorable! Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 18. Mission: Clarity of purpose and Effective Districts Great districts “row as one.” They are quite clearly in the same boat, pulling in the same direction in unison. The best districts are tightly aligned communities marked by a palpable sense of common purpose and shared identity among staff – a clear sense of “we.” By contrast, struggling districts feel fractured; there is a sense that people work in the same district but not toward the same goals. Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 19. Mission Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 20. Vision Mission Vision Collective Commitments Why? What? How? Fundamental Compelling Values Purpose Future Clarifies Gives Direction Guide Priorities; Behavior Sharpens Focus Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 21. Vision: What do we want to accomplish for students in the next 3-5 years? Vision is the manifestation of our stated values; the actualization of our common mission. “The vision is the best possible future that can be created by successfully accomplishing the mission in a way that is consistent with one’s values and beliefs.” Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 22. Vision: What do we want to accomplish for students in the next 3-5 years? A vision is a compelling picture of a preferred future that motivates us to act. What makes it compelling is it is something people can see or envision themselves doing. Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 23. Vision: What do we want to accomplish for students in the next 3-5 years? The vision statement is best created after everyone has engaged in the process of “visioning.” Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 24. Characteristics of Vision Statements Vision statements: • Are concrete (have observable, detectable qualities) • Focus on ends, not means (communicate what, not how) • Are achievable and compelling (believable, but beyond what is) • Manifest the mission and collective commitments (as the school community lives its values and accomplishes its mission well, this is what you will see as a result) Using our “visioning,” what patterns emerge? Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 25. Vision: What do we want to accomplish for students in the next 3-5 years? Take an imaginary trip through time, ending up 3-5 years in the future. Turn on the evening news. • What are the stories they are telling about Orting School District? • What you will be proud to hear them saying about us? Private Think Time → Go Around Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 26. Vision: What do we hope to accomplish for students in the next 3-5 years? “There is no more powerful engine driving an organization toward excellence and long-range success than an attractive, worthwhile and achievable vision of the future, widely shared.” Burt Nanus Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 27. Vision: What do we hope to accomplish for students in the next 3-5 years? When individual visions come together into shared vision, there is a collective power unlike anything else a group or school could experience. Simply by virtue of the energy it creates, shared vision becomes a resource or an asset that propels the organization toward a better future. Shared vision provides motivation for change and fuel for the challenge. It is a key factor in creating both alignment and commitment to the journey of continuous improvement. Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 28. Vision Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 29. Mission Vision Collective Commitments Why? What? How? Fundamental Compelling Values Purpose Future Clarifies Gives Direction Guide Priorities; Behavior Sharpens Focus Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 30. “If we have a big enough WHY, we will always discover the HOW.” Tara Semisch Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 31. Collective Commitments: How must we behave to achieve our purpose? Collective Commitments are the attitudes, behaviors and values that exist to create the future we want. Collective Commitments drive the conduct of the people within the district. How do we intend to make our shared vision a reality? Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 32. Beliefs: How must we behave to achieve our purpose? Collective commitments describe how we intend to operate on a day-to-day basis as we pursue our vision. Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 33. Develop Collective Commitments 1. Keep them few in number. 2. Link the statements directly to the vision statement. 3. Articulate them as attitudes, behaviors, and values. See handout: Collective Commitments Examples Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 34. Develop Collective Commitments Respond to the questions on sticky notes (one response per sticky note): • What promises are you willing to make to your colleagues that will support our district’s success in achieving our mission? •What are your fundamental, bedrock beliefs about how children learn? •What are your fundamental, bedrock beliefs about how staff members need to act to make that happen? •Categorize data into like groups. •Create headings to identify commonalities.
  • 36. How will we get there? District-Level Measures Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 37. District-Level Measures Mission Vision Collective District-Level Commitments Measures Why? What? How? What steps? When? Fundamental Compelling Values Targets and Purpose Future Timelines Clarifies Gives Guide Establishes Priorities; Direction Behavior Priorities Sharpens Focus Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 38. District-Level Measures Which steps will we take and when? District-level measures are targets that define the vision in ways that are actionable and attainable. They give specificity and measurability to our priorities. They provide direction, define outcomes, and communicate expectations. Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 39. District-Level Measures Which steps will we take and when? District-Level Measures: • Close the gap between our current reality and where we hope to take the Orting School District (shared vision). • Are priorities and steps to achieve benchmarks • Are results-focused • Provide individual and collective accountability for achieving results Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 40. District-Level Measures: Which steps will we take and when? “When an organization has multiple unmeasurable priorities, there’s lots of activity, but not much really gets done, and results are slow to come or nonexistent.” D. Sparks Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 41. District-Level Measures: Which steps will we take and when? District-level measures answer the question: So what? • So what if we did all these things? • How will we know if all of this is making a difference? • What actual improvement would we expect or want to see along the way? Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 42. Examples of District-Level Measures • % of kindergarteners that can count to 100 • % of positive comments regarding customer service • % of students graduating high school • % of decrease in leave without pay • # of students meeting standard on the MSP/HSPE • Increase % of special education students involved in general education classes • % of third graders reading proficiently • % increase in achievement for students on free-reduced lunch, students of color, ELL students • Improve recycling efforts and procedures • % of students completing algebra by the end of 8th&grade  2010 Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning Assessment
  • 43. Tips for Writing District-Level Measures District-Level Measures should be: • Clearly linked to the vision • Limited in number • Focused on the desired outcome (the end, not the means) • Translated into clear, measurable performance standards • Monitored continuously Elementary  Secondary Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 44. District-Level Measures Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 45. So what does this mean to me? Personalize the learning Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 46. Learning Target for Today I can have a voice in creating Orting School District’s mission and vision, and I know how I can live it in my daily work. Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 47. Learning Target for Today I can have a voice in creating Orting School District’s mission and vision, and I know how I can live it in my daily work. 1. Complete graphic organizer individually 2. Table group compile responses on N, E, S, W index cards See handout: 3. Tape card to corresponding wall charts Compass Points Reflection around the room Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 48. Learning Target for Today I can have a voice in creating Orting School District’s mission and vision, and I know See handout: Exit Slip how I can live it in my daily work. Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 49. Remember the Dr. Cooley story… Think Pair Share Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010
  • 50. Learning Today for a Changing Tomorrow Charting our Course 2010-2011 Dr. Marci Shepard  Orting School District  Teaching, Learning & Assessment  2010

Notas del editor

  1. Review examples.
  2. Review examples.
  3. Review examples.
  4. Review examples.