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PHP 5.5 – Generators
Who am I?
Mark Baker
Design and Development Manager
InnovEd (Innovative Solutions for Education) Learning Ltd
Coordinator and Developer of:
Open Source PHPOffice library
PHPExcel, PHPWord,PHPPowerPoint, PHPProject, PHPVisio

Minor contributor to PHP core
Other small open source libraries available on github

PHP 5.5 – Generators
• Introduced in PHP 5.5
• Iterable Objects
• Can return a series of values, one at a time
• Can accept values when sent to the generator
• Maintain state between iterations
• Similar to enumerators in Ruby
PHP 5.5 – Generators
• Don’t
• Add anything to PHP that couldn’t be done before

• Do

Allow you to perform iterative operations without an array to iterate
Potentially reduce memory use
Potentially faster than iterating over an array
Potentially cleaner and shorter code
PHP 5.5 – Generators
• Automatically created when PHP identifies a function or method
containing the “yield” keyword
function myGenerator() {
yield 1;

$generator = myGenerator();

object(Generator)#1 (0) { }
PHP 5.5 – Generators
• Implemented as an Object
final class Generator implements Iterator {
void rewind();
bool valid();
mixed current();
mixed key();
void next();
mixed send(mixed $value);

• Can’t be extended
PHP 5.5 – Generators
function xrange($lower, $upper) {
for ($i = $lower; $i <= $upper; ++$i) {
yield $i;
$rangeGenerator = xrange(0,10);
while ($rangeGenerator->valid()) {
$key = $rangeGenerator->key();
$value = $rangeGenerator->current();
echo $key , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL;
PHP 5.5 – Generators
function xrange($lower, $upper) {
for ($i = $lower; $i <= $upper; ++$i) {
yield $i;
foreach (xrange(0,10) as $key => $value) {
echo $key , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL;
PHP 5.5 – Generators
foreach (range(0,65535) as $i => $value) {
echo $i , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL;

Time: 0.0183 s
Current Memory: 123.44 k
Peak Memory: 5500.11 k

function xrange($lower, $upper) {
for ($i = $lower; $i <= $upper; ++$i) {
yield $i;
foreach (xrange(0, 65535) as $i => $value) {
echo $i , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL;

Time: 0.0135 s
Current Memory: 124.33 k
Peak Memory: 126.84 k

Time: 0.0042 s

for($i = 0; $i <= 65535; ++$i) {
echo $i , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL;

Current Memory: 122.92 k
Peak Memory: 124.49 k
PHP 5.5 – Generators
function fibonacci($count) {
$prev = 0;
$current = 1;


for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
yield $prev;
$current = $prev + $current;
$prev = $current - $prev;

0 -> 0
1 -> 1
2 -> 1
3 -> 2

4 -> 3
5 -> 5
6 -> 8
7 -> 13
8 -> 21

foreach (fibonacci(15) as $i => $value)
echo $i , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL;

9 -> 34

10 -> 55
11 -> 89
12 -> 144
13 -> 233
14 -> 377
15 -> 610
PHP 5.5 – Generators

foreach (xlColumnRange('A', 'CQ') as $i => $value) {
printf('%3d -> %2s', $i, $value);
echo (($i > 0) && ($i+1 % 5 == 0)) ?

0 ->


1 ->


2 ->


3 ->


4 ->


5 ->


6 ->


7 ->


8 ->


9 ->


10 ->


11 ->


12 ->


13 ->


14 ->


15 ->


16 ->


17 ->


18 ->


19 ->


20 ->


21 ->


22 ->


23 ->


24 ->


25 ->

function xlColumnRange($lower, $upper) {
for ($i = $lower; $i != $upper; ++$i) {
yield $i;


26 -> AA

27 -> AB

28 -> AC

29 -> AD

30 -> AE

31 -> AF

32 -> AG

33 -> AH

34 -> AI

35 -> AJ

36 -> AK

37 -> AL

38 -> AM

39 -> AN

40 -> AO

41 -> AP

42 -> AQ

43 -> AR

44 -> AS

45 -> AT

46 -> AU

47 -> AV

48 -> AW

49 -> AX

50 -> AY

51 -> AZ

52 -> BA

53 -> BB

54 -> BC

55 -> BD

56 -> BE

57 -> BF

58 -> BG

59 -> BH

60 -> BI

61 -> BJ

62 -> BK

63 -> BL

64 -> BM

65 -> BN

66 -> BO

67 -> BP

68 -> BQ

69 -> BR

70 -> BS

71 -> BT

72 -> BU

73 -> BV

74 -> BW

75 -> BX

76 -> BY

77 -> BZ

78 -> CA

79 -> CB

80 -> CC

81 -> CD

82 -> CE

83 -> CF

84 -> CG

85 -> CH

86 -> CI

87 -> CJ

88 -> CK

89 -> CL

90 -> CM

91 -> CN

92 -> CO

93 -> CP

94 -> CQ
PHP 5.5 – Generators
$isEven = function ($value) {
return !($value & 1);

xFilter for Odd Numbers
num is: 1
num is: 3

$isOdd = function ($value) {
return $value & 1;
function xFilter(callable $callback, array $args=array()) {
foreach($args as $arg)
if (call_user_func($callback, $arg))
yield $arg;
$data = range(1,10);

num is: 5

num is: 7
num is: 9
xFilter for Even Numbers
num is: 2
num is: 4
num is: 6
num is: 8

echo 'xFilter for Odd Numbers', PHP_EOL;
foreach(xFilter($isOdd, $data) as $i)
echo('num is: '.$i.PHP_EOL);
echo 'xFilter for Even Numbers', PHP_EOL;
foreach(xFilter($isEven, $data) as $i)
echo('num is: '.$i.PHP_EOL);

num is: 10
PHP 5.5 – Generators
// Endpoint is Brighton
$endPoint = new DistanceCalculator(
function retrieveCityData(DistanceCalculator $endPoint) {
$file = new SplFileObject("cities.csv");
SplFileObject::DROP_NEW_LINE |
while (!$file->eof()) {
$cityData = $file->fgetcsv();
if ($cityData !== NULL) {
$city = new StdClass;
$city->name = $cityData[0];
$city->latitude = $cityData[1];
$city->longitude = $cityData[2];
$city->distance = $endPoint->calculateDistance($city);
yield $city;
foreach (retrieveCityData($endPoint) as $city) {
echo $city->name, ' is ', sprintf('%.2f', $city->distance), ' miles from Brighton', PHP_EOL;
PHP 5.5 – Generators
• Can return both a value and a “pseudo” key
• By default
• The key is an integer value
• Starting with 0 for the first iteration
• Incrementing by 1 each iteration

• Accessed from foreach() as:
foreach(generator() as $key => $value) {}

• or using
$key = $generatorObject->key();
PHP 5.5 – Generators
• Default key behaviour can be changed
• Syntax is:
yield $key => $value;

• Unlike array keys:
• “Pseudo” keys can be any PHP datatype
• “Pseudo” key values can be duplicated
PHP 5.5 – Generators
function xrange($lower, $upper) {
$k = 0;
for ($i = $lower; $i <= $upper; ++$i) {
yield ++$k => $i;
foreach (xrange(0,10) as $i => $value) {
echo $i , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL;
PHP 5.5 – Generators
function duplicateKeys($lower, $upper) {
for ($i = $lower; $i <= $upper; ++$i) {
yield (($i-1) % 3) + 1 => $i;
foreach (duplicateKeys(1,15) as $i => $value)
echo $i , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL;

1 -> 1
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
1 -> 4

2 -> 5
3 -> 6
1 -> 7
2 -> 8
3 -> 9
1 -> 10
2 -> 11
3 -> 12
1 -> 13
2 -> 14
3 -> 15
PHP 5.5 – Generators
function duplicateKeys($string) {
$string = strtolower($string);
$length = strlen($string);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
strpos($string, $string[$i]) =>
foreach (duplicateKeys('badass') as $i => $value) {
echo $i , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL;

0 -> b
1 -> a
2 -> d
1 -> a

4 -> s
4 -> s
PHP 5.5 – Generators
function floatKeys($lower, $upper) {
for ($i = $lower; $i <= $upper; ++$i) {
yield ($i / 5) => $i;
foreach (floatKeys(1,16) as $i => $value) {
'%0.2f -> %2d' . PHP_EOL,

0.20 ->


0.40 ->


0.60 ->


0.80 ->


1.00 ->


1.20 ->


1.40 ->


1.60 ->


1.80 ->


2.00 -> 10

2.20 -> 11
2.40 -> 12
2.60 -> 13
2.80 -> 14
3.00 -> 15
3.20 -> 16
PHP 5.5 – Generators
// Endpoint is Brighton
$endPoint = new DistanceCalculator(
function retrieveCityData(DistanceCalculator $endPoint) {
$file = new SplFileObject("cities.csv");
SplFileObject::DROP_NEW_LINE |
while (!$file->eof()) {
$cityData = $file->fgetcsv();
if ($cityData !== NULL) {
$city = new StdClass;
$city->name = $cityData[0];
$city->latitude = $cityData[1];
$city->longitude = $cityData[2];
yield $city => $endPoint->calculateDistance($city);
foreach (retrieveCityData($endPoint) as $city => $distance) {
echo $city->name, ' is ', sprintf('%.2f', $distance), ' miles from Brighton', PHP_EOL;
PHP 5.5 – Generators
• Data can be passed to the generator
• Called a “coroutine” when used in this way
• Syntax is:
$value = yield;

• Calling script uses the “send” method:
PHP 5.5 – Generators
$data = array(
'New York',
function generatorSend() {
while (true) {
$cityName = yield;
echo $cityName, PHP_EOL;
$generatorObject = generatorSend();
foreach($data as $value) {

New York
PHP 5.5 – Generators
$logFileName = __DIR__ . '/error.log';
function logger($logFileName) {
$f = fopen($logFileName, 'a');
while ($logentry = yield) {
(new DateTime())->format('Y-m-d H:i:s ') .
$logentry .
$logger = logger($logFileName);
for($i = 0; $i < 12; ++$i) {
$logger->send('Message #' . $i );
PHP 5.5 – Generators
• It is possible to combine a Generator
to both send and accept data
PHP 5.5 – Generators
function generatorSend($limit) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $limit; ++$i) {
yield $i => pow($i, $i);
$continue = yield;
if (!$continue)
$generatorObject = generatorSend(100);
$carryOnRegardless = true;
while ($generatorObject->valid()) {
$key = $generatorObject->key();
$value = $generatorObject->current();
if ($key >= 10)
$carryOnRegardless = false;
echo $key, ' -> ', $value, PHP_EOL;

1 -> 1
2 -> 4
3 -> 27
4 -> 256
5 -> 3125
6 -> 46656
7 -> 823543
8 -> 16777216
9 -> 387420489
10 -> 10000000000
PHP 5.5 – Generators (Gotcha)
function generatorSend($limit) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $limit; ++$i) {
yield pow($i, $i);
$continue = yield;
if (!$continue)
$generatorObject = generatorSend(100);
$carryOnRegardless = true;
while ($generatorObject->valid()) {
$key = $generatorObject->key();
$value = $generatorObject->current();
if ($key >= 10)
$carryOnRegardless = false;
echo $key, ' -> ', $value, PHP_EOL;

0 -> 1
2 -> 4
4 -> 27
6 -> 256
8 -> 3125
10 -> 46656
PHP 5.5 – Generators
function generatorSend($limit) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $limit; ++$i) {
$continue = (yield pow($i, $i));
if (!$continue)
$generatorObject = generatorSend(100);
$carryOnRegardless = true;
while($generatorObject->valid()) {
$key = $generatorObject->key();
$value = $generatorObject->current();
echo $key, ' -> ', $value, PHP_EOL;
if ($key >= 10)
$carryOnRegardless = false;



PHP 5.5 – Generators
function bingo($card) {
$card = array_flip($card);
while (!empty($card)) {
$number = yield;
echo 'Checking card';
if (isset($card[$number])) {
echo ' - Match';
if (empty($card)) {
echo ' *** HOUSE ***';
} else {
echo ' - ', count($card),
' number',
(count($card) == 1 ? '' : 's'),
' left';
yield empty($card);
PHP 5.5 – Generators

Matthew has 3,8,11
Mark has 6,7,11

Luke has 3,9,12
John has 3,7,12

$players = array();
foreach($playerNames as $playerName) {
$card = array_slice($numbers,0,$cardSize);
$player = new StdClass();
$player->name = $playerName;
$player->checknumbers = bingo($card);
$players[] = $player;

Brian has 1,7,9
Caller Draws 9
Matthew: Checking card - 3 numbers left
Mark: Checking card - 3 numbers left
Luke: Checking card - Match - 2 numbers left
John: Checking card - 3 numbers left
Brian: Checking card - Match - 2 numbers left
Caller Draws 1
Matthew: Checking card - 3 numbers left
Mark: Checking card - 3 numbers left

$houseCalled = false;
while (!$houseCalled && !empty($numbers)) {
$number = array_pop($numbers);
echo PHP_EOL, 'Caller Draws ', $number, PHP_EOL;
foreach($players as $player) {
echo $player->name, ': ';
$houseCalled = $player->checknumbers->current();
if ($houseCalled) {
echo PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL, $player->name, ' WINS';
echo PHP_EOL;

Luke: Checking card - 2 numbers left
John: Checking card - 3 numbers left
Brian: Checking card - Match - 1 number left
Caller Draws 4
Matthew: Checking card - 3 numbers left
Mark: Checking card - 3 numbers left
Luke: Checking card - 2 numbers left
John: Checking card - 3 numbers left
Brian: Checking card - 1 number left
Caller Draws 7
Matthew: Checking card - 3 numbers left
Mark: Checking card - Match - 2 numbers left
Luke: Checking card - 2 numbers left

John: Checking card - Match - 2 numbers left
Brian: Checking card - Match *** HOUSE ***
Brian WINS
PHP 5.5 – Generators
public function search(QuadTreeBoundingBox $boundary) {
$results = array();
if ($this->boundingBox->encompasses($boundary) ||
$this->boundingBox->intersects($boundary)) {
// Test each point that falls within the current QuadTree node
foreach($this->points as $point) {
// Test each point stored in this QuadTree node in turn,
passing back to the caller if it falls within the bounding box
if ($boundary->containsPoint($point)) {
yield $point;
// If we have child QuadTree nodes....
if (isset($this->northWest)) {
// ... search each child node in turn, merging with any existing results
foreach($this->northWest->search($boundary) as $result)
yield $result;
foreach($this->northEast->search($boundary) as $result)
yield $result;
foreach($this->southWest->search($boundary) as $result)
yield $result;
foreach($this->southEast->search($boundary) as $result)
yield $result;
PHP 5.5 – Generators
$files = glob('server*.log');
$domain = '';
$pregDomain = '/' . preg_quote($domain) . '/';
function searchLogData($fileName, $searchDomain) {
$file = new SplFileObject($fileName);
while (!$file->eof()) {
$logData = $file->fgets();
if ($logData !== NULL &&
preg_match($searchDomain, $logData)) {
yield $logData;

$fileGeneratorArray = array();
foreach($files as $filename) {
$fileGeneratorArray[] = searchLogData($filename, $pregDomain);
PHP 5.5 – Generators
$output = fopen('php://output', 'w');
while (!empty($fileGeneratorArray)) {
foreach($fileGeneratorArray as $key => $fileGenerator) {
$result = $fileGenerator->current();
if (!$fileGenerator->valid()) {
fwrite($output, $result);
PHP 5.5 – Generators
• Additional Reading:
PHP 5.5 – Generators


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Generated Power: PHP 5.5 Generators

  • 2. Who am I? Mark Baker Design and Development Manager InnovEd (Innovative Solutions for Education) Learning Ltd Coordinator and Developer of: Open Source PHPOffice library PHPExcel, PHPWord,PHPPowerPoint, PHPProject, PHPVisio Minor contributor to PHP core Other small open source libraries available on github @Mark_Baker
  • 3. PHP 5.5 – Generators • Introduced in PHP 5.5 • Iterable Objects • Can return a series of values, one at a time • Can accept values when sent to the generator • Maintain state between iterations • Similar to enumerators in Ruby
  • 4. PHP 5.5 – Generators • Don’t • Add anything to PHP that couldn’t be done before • Do • • • • Allow you to perform iterative operations without an array to iterate Potentially reduce memory use Potentially faster than iterating over an array Potentially cleaner and shorter code
  • 5. PHP 5.5 – Generators • Automatically created when PHP identifies a function or method containing the “yield” keyword function myGenerator() { yield 1; } $generator = myGenerator(); var_dump($generator); object(Generator)#1 (0) { }
  • 6. PHP 5.5 – Generators • Implemented as an Object final class Generator implements Iterator { void rewind(); bool valid(); mixed current(); mixed key(); void next(); mixed send(mixed $value); } • Can’t be extended
  • 7. PHP 5.5 – Generators function xrange($lower, $upper) { for ($i = $lower; $i <= $upper; ++$i) { yield $i; } } $rangeGenerator = xrange(0,10); while ($rangeGenerator->valid()) { $key = $rangeGenerator->key(); $value = $rangeGenerator->current(); echo $key , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL; $rangeGenerator->next(); }
  • 8. PHP 5.5 – Generators function xrange($lower, $upper) { for ($i = $lower; $i <= $upper; ++$i) { yield $i; } } foreach (xrange(0,10) as $key => $value) { echo $key , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL; }
  • 9. PHP 5.5 – Generators foreach (range(0,65535) as $i => $value) { echo $i , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL; } Time: 0.0183 s Current Memory: 123.44 k Peak Memory: 5500.11 k function xrange($lower, $upper) { for ($i = $lower; $i <= $upper; ++$i) { yield $i; } } foreach (xrange(0, 65535) as $i => $value) { echo $i , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL; } Time: 0.0135 s Current Memory: 124.33 k Peak Memory: 126.84 k Time: 0.0042 s for($i = 0; $i <= 65535; ++$i) { echo $i , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL; } Current Memory: 122.92 k Peak Memory: 124.49 k
  • 10. PHP 5.5 – Generators function fibonacci($count) { $prev = 0; $current = 1; } for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { yield $prev; $current = $prev + $current; $prev = $current - $prev; } 0 -> 0 1 -> 1 2 -> 1 3 -> 2 4 -> 3 5 -> 5 6 -> 8 7 -> 13 8 -> 21 foreach (fibonacci(15) as $i => $value) { echo $i , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL; } 9 -> 34 10 -> 55 11 -> 89 12 -> 144 13 -> 233 14 -> 377 15 -> 610
  • 11. PHP 5.5 – Generators foreach (xlColumnRange('A', 'CQ') as $i => $value) { printf('%3d -> %2s', $i, $value); echo (($i > 0) && ($i+1 % 5 == 0)) ? PHP_EOL : "t"; } 0 -> A 1 -> B 2 -> C 3 -> D 4 -> E 5 -> F 6 -> G 7 -> H 8 -> I 9 -> J 10 -> K 11 -> L 12 -> M 13 -> N 14 -> O 15 -> P 16 -> Q 17 -> R 18 -> S 19 -> T 20 -> U 21 -> V 22 -> W 23 -> X 24 -> Y 25 -> function xlColumnRange($lower, $upper) { ++$upper; for ($i = $lower; $i != $upper; ++$i) { yield $i; } } Z 26 -> AA 27 -> AB 28 -> AC 29 -> AD 30 -> AE 31 -> AF 32 -> AG 33 -> AH 34 -> AI 35 -> AJ 36 -> AK 37 -> AL 38 -> AM 39 -> AN 40 -> AO 41 -> AP 42 -> AQ 43 -> AR 44 -> AS 45 -> AT 46 -> AU 47 -> AV 48 -> AW 49 -> AX 50 -> AY 51 -> AZ 52 -> BA 53 -> BB 54 -> BC 55 -> BD 56 -> BE 57 -> BF 58 -> BG 59 -> BH 60 -> BI 61 -> BJ 62 -> BK 63 -> BL 64 -> BM 65 -> BN 66 -> BO 67 -> BP 68 -> BQ 69 -> BR 70 -> BS 71 -> BT 72 -> BU 73 -> BV 74 -> BW 75 -> BX 76 -> BY 77 -> BZ 78 -> CA 79 -> CB 80 -> CC 81 -> CD 82 -> CE 83 -> CF 84 -> CG 85 -> CH 86 -> CI 87 -> CJ 88 -> CK 89 -> CL 90 -> CM 91 -> CN 92 -> CO 93 -> CP 94 -> CQ
  • 12. PHP 5.5 – Generators $isEven = function ($value) { return !($value & 1); }; xFilter for Odd Numbers num is: 1 num is: 3 $isOdd = function ($value) { return $value & 1; }; function xFilter(callable $callback, array $args=array()) { foreach($args as $arg) if (call_user_func($callback, $arg)) yield $arg; } $data = range(1,10); num is: 5 num is: 7 num is: 9 xFilter for Even Numbers num is: 2 num is: 4 num is: 6 num is: 8 echo 'xFilter for Odd Numbers', PHP_EOL; foreach(xFilter($isOdd, $data) as $i) echo('num is: '.$i.PHP_EOL); echo 'xFilter for Even Numbers', PHP_EOL; foreach(xFilter($isEven, $data) as $i) echo('num is: '.$i.PHP_EOL); num is: 10
  • 13. PHP 5.5 – Generators // Endpoint is Brighton $endPoint = new DistanceCalculator( 50.8429, 0.1313 ); function retrieveCityData(DistanceCalculator $endPoint) { $file = new SplFileObject("cities.csv"); $file->setFlags( SplFileObject::DROP_NEW_LINE | SplFileObject::SKIP_EMPTY ); while (!$file->eof()) { $cityData = $file->fgetcsv(); if ($cityData !== NULL) { $city = new StdClass; $city->name = $cityData[0]; $city->latitude = $cityData[1]; $city->longitude = $cityData[2]; $city->distance = $endPoint->calculateDistance($city); yield $city; } } } foreach (retrieveCityData($endPoint) as $city) { echo $city->name, ' is ', sprintf('%.2f', $city->distance), ' miles from Brighton', PHP_EOL; }
  • 14. PHP 5.5 – Generators • Can return both a value and a “pseudo” key • By default • The key is an integer value • Starting with 0 for the first iteration • Incrementing by 1 each iteration • Accessed from foreach() as: foreach(generator() as $key => $value) {} • or using $key = $generatorObject->key();
  • 15. PHP 5.5 – Generators • Default key behaviour can be changed • Syntax is: yield $key => $value; • Unlike array keys: • “Pseudo” keys can be any PHP datatype • “Pseudo” key values can be duplicated
  • 16. PHP 5.5 – Generators function xrange($lower, $upper) { $k = 0; for ($i = $lower; $i <= $upper; ++$i) { yield ++$k => $i; } } foreach (xrange(0,10) as $i => $value) { echo $i , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL; }
  • 17. PHP 5.5 – Generators function duplicateKeys($lower, $upper) { for ($i = $lower; $i <= $upper; ++$i) { yield (($i-1) % 3) + 1 => $i; } } foreach (duplicateKeys(1,15) as $i => $value) { echo $i , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL; } 1 -> 1 2 -> 2 3 -> 3 1 -> 4 2 -> 5 3 -> 6 1 -> 7 2 -> 8 3 -> 9 1 -> 10 2 -> 11 3 -> 12 1 -> 13 2 -> 14 3 -> 15
  • 18. PHP 5.5 – Generators function duplicateKeys($string) { $string = strtolower($string); $length = strlen($string); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) { yield strpos($string, $string[$i]) => $string[$i]; } } foreach (duplicateKeys('badass') as $i => $value) { echo $i , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL; } 0 -> b 1 -> a 2 -> d 1 -> a 4 -> s 4 -> s
  • 19. PHP 5.5 – Generators function floatKeys($lower, $upper) { for ($i = $lower; $i <= $upper; ++$i) { yield ($i / 5) => $i; } } foreach (floatKeys(1,16) as $i => $value) { printf( '%0.2f -> %2d' . PHP_EOL, $i, $value ); } 0.20 -> 1 0.40 -> 2 0.60 -> 3 0.80 -> 4 1.00 -> 5 1.20 -> 6 1.40 -> 7 1.60 -> 8 1.80 -> 9 2.00 -> 10 2.20 -> 11 2.40 -> 12 2.60 -> 13 2.80 -> 14 3.00 -> 15 3.20 -> 16
  • 20. PHP 5.5 – Generators // Endpoint is Brighton $endPoint = new DistanceCalculator( 50.8429, 0.1313 ); function retrieveCityData(DistanceCalculator $endPoint) { $file = new SplFileObject("cities.csv"); $file->setFlags( SplFileObject::DROP_NEW_LINE | SplFileObject::SKIP_EMPTY ); while (!$file->eof()) { $cityData = $file->fgetcsv(); if ($cityData !== NULL) { $city = new StdClass; $city->name = $cityData[0]; $city->latitude = $cityData[1]; $city->longitude = $cityData[2]; yield $city => $endPoint->calculateDistance($city); } } } foreach (retrieveCityData($endPoint) as $city => $distance) { echo $city->name, ' is ', sprintf('%.2f', $distance), ' miles from Brighton', PHP_EOL; }
  • 21. PHP 5.5 – Generators • Data can be passed to the generator • Called a “coroutine” when used in this way • Syntax is: $value = yield; • Calling script uses the “send” method: $generatorObject->send($value);
  • 22. PHP 5.5 – Generators $data = array( 'London', 'New York', 'Paris', 'Munich', ); function generatorSend() { while (true) { $cityName = yield; echo $cityName, PHP_EOL; } } $generatorObject = generatorSend(); foreach($data as $value) { $generatorObject->send($value); } London New York Paris Munich
  • 23. PHP 5.5 – Generators $logFileName = __DIR__ . '/error.log'; function logger($logFileName) { $f = fopen($logFileName, 'a'); while ($logentry = yield) { fwrite( $f, (new DateTime())->format('Y-m-d H:i:s ') . $logentry . PHP_EOL ); } } $logger = logger($logFileName); for($i = 0; $i < 12; ++$i) { $logger->send('Message #' . $i ); }
  • 24. PHP 5.5 – Generators • It is possible to combine a Generator to both send and accept data
  • 25. PHP 5.5 – Generators function generatorSend($limit) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $limit; ++$i) { yield $i => pow($i, $i); $continue = yield; if (!$continue) break; } } $generatorObject = generatorSend(100); $carryOnRegardless = true; while ($generatorObject->valid()) { $key = $generatorObject->key(); $value = $generatorObject->current(); if ($key >= 10) $carryOnRegardless = false; $generatorObject->next(); $generatorObject->send($carryOnRegardless); echo $key, ' -> ', $value, PHP_EOL; } 1 -> 1 2 -> 4 3 -> 27 4 -> 256 5 -> 3125 6 -> 46656 7 -> 823543 8 -> 16777216 9 -> 387420489 10 -> 10000000000
  • 26. PHP 5.5 – Generators (Gotcha) function generatorSend($limit) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $limit; ++$i) { yield pow($i, $i); $continue = yield; if (!$continue) break; } } $generatorObject = generatorSend(100); $carryOnRegardless = true; while ($generatorObject->valid()) { $key = $generatorObject->key(); $value = $generatorObject->current(); if ($key >= 10) $carryOnRegardless = false; $generatorObject->next(); $generatorObject->send($carryOnRegardless); echo $key, ' -> ', $value, PHP_EOL; } 0 -> 1 2 -> 4 4 -> 27 6 -> 256 8 -> 3125 10 -> 46656
  • 27. PHP 5.5 – Generators function generatorSend($limit) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $limit; ++$i) { $continue = (yield pow($i, $i)); if (!$continue) break; } } $generatorObject = generatorSend(100); $carryOnRegardless = true; while($generatorObject->valid()) { $key = $generatorObject->key(); $value = $generatorObject->current(); echo $key, ' -> ', $value, PHP_EOL; if ($key >= 10) $carryOnRegardless = false; $generatorObject->send($carryOnRegardless); } 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 1 4 27 256 3125 46656 823543 16777216 387420489 10000000000
  • 28. PHP 5.5 – Generators function bingo($card) { $card = array_flip($card); while (!empty($card)) { $number = yield; echo 'Checking card'; if (isset($card[$number])) { echo ' - Match'; unset($card[$number]); } if (empty($card)) { echo ' *** HOUSE ***'; } else { echo ' - ', count($card), ' number', (count($card) == 1 ? '' : 's'), ' left'; } yield empty($card); } }
  • 29. PHP 5.5 – Generators Matthew has 3,8,11 Mark has 6,7,11 Luke has 3,9,12 John has 3,7,12 $players = array(); foreach($playerNames as $playerName) { shuffle($numbers); $card = array_slice($numbers,0,$cardSize); $player = new StdClass(); $player->name = $playerName; $player->checknumbers = bingo($card); $players[] = $player; } Brian has 1,7,9 Caller Draws 9 Matthew: Checking card - 3 numbers left Mark: Checking card - 3 numbers left Luke: Checking card - Match - 2 numbers left John: Checking card - 3 numbers left Brian: Checking card - Match - 2 numbers left Caller Draws 1 Matthew: Checking card - 3 numbers left Mark: Checking card - 3 numbers left $houseCalled = false; while (!$houseCalled && !empty($numbers)) { $number = array_pop($numbers); echo PHP_EOL, 'Caller Draws ', $number, PHP_EOL; foreach($players as $player) { echo $player->name, ': '; $player->checknumbers->send($number); $houseCalled = $player->checknumbers->current(); if ($houseCalled) { echo PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL, $player->name, ' WINS'; break; } $player->checknumbers->next(); echo PHP_EOL; } } Luke: Checking card - 2 numbers left John: Checking card - 3 numbers left Brian: Checking card - Match - 1 number left Caller Draws 4 Matthew: Checking card - 3 numbers left Mark: Checking card - 3 numbers left Luke: Checking card - 2 numbers left John: Checking card - 3 numbers left Brian: Checking card - 1 number left Caller Draws 7 Matthew: Checking card - 3 numbers left Mark: Checking card - Match - 2 numbers left Luke: Checking card - 2 numbers left John: Checking card - Match - 2 numbers left Brian: Checking card - Match *** HOUSE *** Brian WINS
  • 30. PHP 5.5 – Generators public function search(QuadTreeBoundingBox $boundary) { $results = array(); if ($this->boundingBox->encompasses($boundary) || $this->boundingBox->intersects($boundary)) { // Test each point that falls within the current QuadTree node foreach($this->points as $point) { // Test each point stored in this QuadTree node in turn, // passing back to the caller if it falls within the bounding box if ($boundary->containsPoint($point)) { yield $point; } } // If we have child QuadTree nodes.... if (isset($this->northWest)) { // ... search each child node in turn, merging with any existing results foreach($this->northWest->search($boundary) as $result) yield $result; foreach($this->northEast->search($boundary) as $result) yield $result; foreach($this->southWest->search($boundary) as $result) yield $result; foreach($this->southEast->search($boundary) as $result) yield $result; } } }
  • 31. PHP 5.5 – Generators $files = glob('server*.log'); $domain = ''; $pregDomain = '/' . preg_quote($domain) . '/'; function searchLogData($fileName, $searchDomain) { $file = new SplFileObject($fileName); while (!$file->eof()) { $logData = $file->fgets(); if ($logData !== NULL && preg_match($searchDomain, $logData)) { yield $logData; } } } $fileGeneratorArray = array(); foreach($files as $filename) { $fileGeneratorArray[] = searchLogData($filename, $pregDomain); }
  • 32. PHP 5.5 – Generators $output = fopen('php://output', 'w'); while (!empty($fileGeneratorArray)) { foreach($fileGeneratorArray as $key => $fileGenerator) { $result = $fileGenerator->current(); $fileGenerator->next(); if (!$fileGenerator->valid()) { unset($fileGeneratorArray[$key]); } fwrite($output, $result); } }
  • 33. PHP 5.5 – Generators • Additional Reading: • •
  • 34. PHP 5.5 – Generators ? Questions