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Intro to Ruby and
By Mark Menard
Enable Labs
What is a dynamic language?

 “…a class of high-level programming languages that
 execute at runtime many common behaviors that other
 languages might perform during compilation, if at all.
 These behaviors could include extension of the
 program, by adding new code, by extending objects and
 definitions, or by modifying the type system, all during
 program execution.”

 -Dynamic Programming Languages from Wikipedia
Examples of Dynamic Languages

Dynamic vs. Static

Dynamic Languages                                Static Languages
Variable types do not have to be specified.      Variable types generally have to be specified.

Class definitions can be modified at run time.   Class definitions are frozen at time of

Standard library can be augmented.               Standard library is frozen.

Generally terse.                                 Generally more verbose.
Frequently used for scripting.                   Generally not used for scripting.
Usually aren’t compiled.                         Generally are compiled.
Commonly run on a Virtual Machine. Some are      Can run on a VM or on bare metal.

Typically support reflection.                    Can support reflection.
Intro to Ruby

Dynamic Object Oriented        Closures
 Language                       Literal arrays, hashes and
 Everything is an object        regexes
Duck typed                     Operator overloading
Has open classes               Runs on Windows, Linux, *nix,
Uses dynamic method dispatch    OS X, Java, and .Net
Supports method_missing
Support meta-programming
Executable Class Definitions
Everything is an expression
Many dynamic languages are easily at home scripting.
Allows easy proof of concept before committing to a large project.
Can be used for many system administration needs.
 Full power of a multi-purpose language.

Terse / Low Ceremony
Ruby uses unchecked exceptions.
 No more try…catch…finally blocks everyplace.
 No more throws statements.
Cleaner syntax.
No type declarations.
See the solution not the noise.

REPL: irb
Access to the entire language and functionality in an interactive
Prototype new functionality.
Explore functionality of new libraries.
Bug test problems in your code.
Interact with your application while it is running.

Do not need to be declared, just use it and it springs into existence.
 Instance variables start with @ (ie: @name)
  Method variables are just the name (ie: name = )
 Class variables start with @@ (ie: @@class_var = 1)

Literal Arrays, Hashes and Regex in Ruby

# Create an array
array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
puts array.inspect
# Create a hash
hash = { :a => 'a', :b => 'b', 1 => 1, "a" => "string a" }
puts hash.inspect
string = "abcd"
puts string =~ /abcd/ ? ”match" : ”no match" #=> ”match"
puts string =~ /dcba/ ? ”match" : ”no match" #=> ”no match"
Classes in Ruby
class Foo
 def do_something
   puts "Foo#do_something"

class Bar < Foo
 def do_something
   puts "Bar#do_something"
foo =
foo.do_something #=> prints Foo#do_something
bar =
bar.do_something #=> prints Bar#do_something
Open Classes
Classes are open for modification at runtime.
 Methods can be added.
 Methods can be redefined.
 Methods can be added to an instance.
 Methods can be redefined on an instance.
Allows you to closely adapt the language to your problem domain.
 It’s like sculpting in clay instead of stone.
Mocking and stubbing become trivial.

Open Classes

class String

  def url_decode

  def url_encode

Open Classes in Ruby

class Foo
 def escape
   puts "Whee! I'm free!"
foo =
foo.escape #=> prints "Whee! I'm free!"

class Foo
 def escape
   puts "Not so fast!"

foo.escape #=> prints ”Not so fast!"
Mixins in Ruby
module Logging
 def log (msg)
  puts msg

class OrderDispatcher
 include Logging

 def dispatch_international_order (order)
  destination = DistinationService.find(order.foreign_party)
  log("Sending #{order.number} to #{}")

Duck Typing

“If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and has feathers then it’s
 a duck.”
Interfaces are conceptual, not actual.
An object’s type is defined by the messages it responds to.
Duck Typing in Ruby
class Cat               end
  def talk            end
    puts "Meow"
  end                 [,,,
end          ].each do |ob|
class Dog             end
  def talk
    puts "Woof"

class Duck
  def talk
    puts "Quack!"
class Person
  def talk
    puts "Hi"
Closures in Ruby

def create_closure (name)

 # Create a closure closing over the scope which contains 'name'
 lambda do |job|
   puts "#{name} has a new job doing #{job}."
closure = create_closure("Mark")"web development") #=> Mark has a new job doing web development."goat milking") #=> Mark has a new job doing goat milking.
Method Missing in Ruby

class MethodMissing
 def method_missing (name, *args)
   puts "Oops! Method #{name} does not exist."
mm = #=> prints “Oops! Method foo does not exist.
Metaprogramming in Ruby

class MethodMissing
 def method_missing (name, *args)
   puts "method_missing called the first time."
   puts "Defining #{name} method."
   instance_eval %Q{
     def #{name.to_s} (args)
      puts "Inside the dynamically defined foo method."
   send(name, args)
mm =
Operator Overloading in Ruby
class Person
 def initialize (name)
   @name = name

 def + (other)
  "#{@name} and #{other.to_s} have gotten together"

 def to_s
mark ="Mark")
sylva ="Sylva")
puts mark + sylva #=> "Mark and Sylva have gotten together"
Intro to Ruby on
Ruby Wins!

 “I always knew one day Smalltalk would
 replace Java. I just didn’t know it would be
 called Ruby.”

 - Kent Beck,
   Creator of “Extreme Programming”

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is astounding. Using it is like watching a
kung-fu movie, where a dozen bad-ass frameworks
prepare to beat up the little newcomer only to be
handed their asses in a variety of imaginative ways.

-Nathan Torkington,
O'Reilly Program Chair for OSCON

The Elevator Pitch

 Ruby on Rails is an open-source web framework
 that is optimized for programmer happiness and
 sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautiful
 code by favoring convention over configuration.

Rails is a full stack web framework
 Model: ActiveRecord
  database connectivity
  Database schema management
 View: ActiveView
  View layer
 Controller: ActionController
  Web controller framework
  Manages web integration
 Active Support
  Extensions to Ruby to support web development
The Rails Philosophy
Ruby - less and more readable code, shorter development times,
 simple but powerful, no compilation cycle.
Convention over configuration
Predefined directory structure, and naming conventions
Best practices: MVC, DRY, Testing
Almost everything in Rails is Ruby code (SQL and JavaScript are
Integrated AJAX support.
Web services with REST.
Good community, tools, and documentation
Extracted from a real application: Basecamp

Rake: The Ruby Make
Rake lets you define a dependency tree of tasks to be executed.
Rake tasks are loaded from the file Rakefile, and other .rake files in
 the source of the project.
Rake automates and simplifies creating and managing the
 development of a Rails project.

Rails has support for multiple execution environments.
Environments encapsulate database settings and other
Typical environments
Additional environments are easy to add.

Managing Schema
Managing Data Schemas
Rails includes support for migrations to manage the evolution of
 your database schema.
 No need to write SQL.
 Migrations use a database independent Ruby API.
 Migrations are Ruby scripts giving you access to the full power of
  the language.

Typical Migration Tasks

Migration Example
create_table "users", :force => true do |t|
  t.string :login
 t.string :email
 t.string :remember_token
  t.string :salt, :crypted_password, :limit => 40
  t.datetime :remember_token_expires_at

Active Record
Modeling the World
One database table maps to one Ruby class
Table names are plural and class names are singular
Database columns map to attributes, i.e. get and set methods, in
 the model class
All tables have an integer primary key called id
Database tables are created with migrations

Active Record Model Example
create_table "persons" do |t|
  t.string :first_name, last_name

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base

p =
p.first_name = ‘Mark’
p.last_name = ‘Menard’

Create: create, new
Read: find, find_by_<attribute>
Update: save, update_attributes
Delete: destroy

Finding Models
User.find(:all, :conditions => [ “login = ? AND password = ?”, login,

Advanced Finding

Updating Models
user = User.find(1)
user.first_name = ‘Mark’
user.last_name = ‘Menard’!

Account.transaction do

Active Record
Joining Things Together
Association Types
Two primary types of associations:
 has_one / has_many
There are others, but they are not commonly used.

Association Example
# Has Many

class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :order_line_items

class OrderLineItem < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :order

# Has One

class Party < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_one :login_credential

class LoginCredential < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :party
Dynamic Association Methods
Associations add methods to the class.
 This is an excellent example of meta-programming.
Added methods allow easy management of the associated models.
 order.order_line_items << line_item

Active Record
Keeping Your Data Safe
Validations are rules in your model objects to help protect the
 integrity of your data
Validation is invoked by the save method. Save returns true if
 validations pass and false otherwise.
If you invoke save! then a RecordInvalid exception is raised if the
 object is not valid
Use save(false) if you need to turn off validation

Validation Call Back Methods

Validation Example
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  def validate
    puts “validate invoked”

  def validate_on_create
    puts “validate_on_create invoked”

  def validate_on_update
    puts “validate_on_update invoked”

peter = Person.create(:name => “Peter”) # => validate, validate_on_create invoked
peter.last_name = “Forsberg” # => validate_on_update invoked

Validation Macros
validates_confirmation_of validates_each
Validation Macro Examples
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates_presence_of :name, :email, :password
  validates_format_of :name, :with => /^w+$/,
                      :message => “may only contain word characters”
  validates_uniqueness_of :name, :message => “is already in use”
  validates_length_of :password, :within => 4..40
  validates_confirmation_of :password
  validates_inclusion_of :role, :in => %w(super admin user),
                         :message => “must be super, admin, or user”,
                         :allow_nil => true
  validates_presence_of :customer_id,
                        :if => { |u|
                                  %w(admin user).include?(u.role)
  validates_numericality_of :weight,
                            :only_integer => true,
                            :allow_nil => true

The “C” in MVC
Controllers are Ruby classes that live under app/ controllers
Controller classes extend ActionController::Base
An action is a public method and/or a corresponding view template

Rendering a Response
A response is rendered with the render command
An action can only render a response once
Rails invokes render automatically if you don’t
Redirects are made with the redirect_to command

A Simple Controller
class PrioritiesController < InternalController

  def show
    @priority = current_account.priorities.find(params[:id])

  def new
    @priority =

  def create
    @priority =[:priority])
      flash[:notice] = 'The priority was successfully created.'
      redirect_to account_url
      render :action => "new"

end                                                               55
A hash stored on the server, typically in a database table or on the
 file system.
Keyed by the cookie _session_id
Avoid storing complex Ruby objects, instead put id:s in the session
 and keep data in the database, i.e. use session[:user_id] rather
 than session[:user]

Our Face to the World
ActionView is the module in the ActionPack library that deals with
 rendering a response to the client.
The controller decides which template and/or partial and layout to
 use in the response
Templates use helper methods to generate links, forms, and
 JavaScript, and to format text

Where do templates live?
Templates that belong to a certain controller typically live under
 app/view/controller_name, i.e. templates for
 Admin::UsersController would live under app/ views/admin/users
Templates shared across controllers are put under app/views/
 shared. You can render them with render :template => ‘shared/
You can have templates shared across Rails applications and render
 them with render :file => ‘path/to/template’

Template Environment
Templates have access to the controller object’s flash, headers,
 logger, params, request, response, and session.
Instance variables (i.e. @variable) in the controller are available in
The current controller is available as the attribute controller.

Embedded Ruby
<%= ruby code here %> - Evaluates the Ruby code and prints the
 last evaluated value to the page.
<% ruby code here %> - Evaluates Ruby code without outputting
 anything to the page.

Example View
  <%=h %>

<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_category_path(@category) %>
<%= link_to 'Back', categories_path %>

  .left.column                                       Haml
    #date= print_date
    #address= current_user.address                          vs
    #email=                                   HTML with ERB

<div id="profile">
  <div class="left column">
    <div id="date"><%= print_date %></div>
    <div id="address"><%= current_user.address %></div>
  <div class="right column">
    <div id="email"><%= %></div>
    <div id="bio"><%= %></div>
Shameless Self
We do Ruby on Rails
Development and
Ruby and Rails Training
One day to three day programs.
Introduction to Ruby
Advanced Ruby
Introduction to Rails
Advanced Rails
Test Driven Development
Behavior Driven Development
Test Anything with Cucumber
Advanced Domain Modeling with ActiveRecord
Domain Driven Development with Rails

Ruby on Rails Development
Full Life Cycle Project Development
 Long Term Support
Ruby on Rails Mentoring
 Get your team up to speed using Rails

Want to do Rails professionally?
We’re addicted to the success of our clients.
We’re addicted to quality.
We’re addicted to craftsmanship.
We’re addicted to being the best.

You’re dedicated to life long improvement.
You thrive under a challenge.
You’re a team player.
You work hard to be the best. Not your best. THE BEST.

Do well in the training. It’s an audition.

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Ruby on Rails Training - Module 1

  • 1. Intro to Ruby and Rails By Mark Menard Enable Labs
  • 2. What is a dynamic language? “…a class of high-level programming languages that execute at runtime many common behaviors that other languages might perform during compilation, if at all. These behaviors could include extension of the program, by adding new code, by extending objects and definitions, or by modifying the type system, all during program execution.” -Dynamic Programming Languages from Wikipedia
  • 3. Examples of Dynamic Languages Lisp Scheme Smalltalk Perl Lua PHP Javascript Groovy Ruby Python 3
  • 4. Dynamic vs. Static Dynamic Languages Static Languages Variable types do not have to be specified. Variable types generally have to be specified. Class definitions can be modified at run time. Class definitions are frozen at time of specification. Standard library can be augmented. Standard library is frozen. Generally terse. Generally more verbose. Frequently used for scripting. Generally not used for scripting. Usually aren’t compiled. Generally are compiled. Commonly run on a Virtual Machine. Some are Can run on a VM or on bare metal. interpreted. Typically support reflection. Can support reflection.
  • 5. Intro to Ruby Dynamic Object Oriented Closures Language Literal arrays, hashes and Everything is an object regexes Duck typed Operator overloading Has open classes Runs on Windows, Linux, *nix, Uses dynamic method dispatch OS X, Java, and .Net Supports method_missing functionality Support meta-programming Executable Class Definitions REPL Mixins Everything is an expression
  • 6. Scripting Many dynamic languages are easily at home scripting. Allows easy proof of concept before committing to a large project. Can be used for many system administration needs. Full power of a multi-purpose language. 6
  • 7. Terse / Low Ceremony Ruby uses unchecked exceptions. No more try…catch…finally blocks everyplace. No more throws statements. Cleaner syntax. No type declarations. See the solution not the noise. 7
  • 8. REPL: irb Access to the entire language and functionality in an interactive environment. Prototype new functionality. Explore functionality of new libraries. Bug test problems in your code. Interact with your application while it is running. 8
  • 9. Variables Do not need to be declared, just use it and it springs into existence. Instance variables start with @ (ie: @name) Method variables are just the name (ie: name = ) Class variables start with @@ (ie: @@class_var = 1) 9
  • 10. Literal Arrays, Hashes and Regex in Ruby # Create an array array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] puts array.inspect # Create a hash hash = { :a => 'a', :b => 'b', 1 => 1, "a" => "string a" } puts hash.inspect string = "abcd" puts string =~ /abcd/ ? ”match" : ”no match" #=> ”match" puts string =~ /dcba/ ? ”match" : ”no match" #=> ”no match"
  • 11. Classes in Ruby class Foo def do_something puts "Foo#do_something" end end class Bar < Foo def do_something puts "Bar#do_something" end end foo = foo.do_something #=> prints Foo#do_something bar = bar.do_something #=> prints Bar#do_something
  • 12. Open Classes Classes are open for modification at runtime. Methods can be added. Methods can be redefined. Methods can be added to an instance. Methods can be redefined on an instance. Allows you to closely adapt the language to your problem domain. It’s like sculpting in clay instead of stone. Mocking and stubbing become trivial. 12
  • 13. Open Classes class String def url_decode CGI::unescape(self) end def url_encode CGI::escape(self) end end
  • 14. Open Classes in Ruby class Foo def escape puts "Whee! I'm free!" end end foo = foo.escape #=> prints "Whee! I'm free!" class Foo def escape puts "Not so fast!" end end foo.escape #=> prints ”Not so fast!"
  • 15. Mixins in Ruby module Logging def log (msg) puts msg end end class OrderDispatcher include Logging def dispatch_international_order (order) destination = DistinationService.find(order.foreign_party) log("Sending #{order.number} to #{}") ... end end
  • 16. Duck Typing “If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and has feathers then it’s a duck.” Interfaces are conceptual, not actual. An object’s type is defined by the messages it responds to.
  • 17. Duck Typing in Ruby class Cat end def talk end puts "Meow" end [,,, end ].each do |ob| class Dog end def talk puts "Woof" end end class Duck def talk puts "Quack!" end end class Person def talk puts "Hi"
  • 18. Closures in Ruby def create_closure (name) # Create a closure closing over the scope which contains 'name' lambda do |job| puts "#{name} has a new job doing #{job}." end end closure = create_closure("Mark")"web development") #=> Mark has a new job doing web development."goat milking") #=> Mark has a new job doing goat milking.
  • 19. Method Missing in Ruby class MethodMissing def method_missing (name, *args) puts "Oops! Method #{name} does not exist." end end mm = #=> prints “Oops! Method foo does not exist.
  • 20. Metaprogramming in Ruby class MethodMissing def method_missing (name, *args) puts "method_missing called the first time." puts "Defining #{name} method." instance_eval %Q{ def #{name.to_s} (args) puts "Inside the dynamically defined foo method." end } send(name, args) end end mm =
  • 21. Operator Overloading in Ruby class Person def initialize (name) @name = name end def + (other) "#{@name} and #{other.to_s} have gotten together" end def to_s @name end end mark ="Mark") sylva ="Sylva") puts mark + sylva #=> "Mark and Sylva have gotten together"
  • 22. Intro to Ruby on Rails
  • 23. Ruby Wins! “I always knew one day Smalltalk would replace Java. I just didn’t know it would be called Ruby.” - Kent Beck, Creator of “Extreme Programming” 23
  • 24. Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails is astounding. Using it is like watching a kung-fu movie, where a dozen bad-ass frameworks prepare to beat up the little newcomer only to be handed their asses in a variety of imaginative ways. -Nathan Torkington, O'Reilly Program Chair for OSCON 24
  • 25. The Elevator Pitch Ruby on Rails is an open-source web framework that is optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration. 25
  • 26. Overview Rails is a full stack web framework Model: ActiveRecord ORM database connectivity Database schema management View: ActiveView View layer Templates Controller: ActionController Web controller framework Manages web integration Active Support Extensions to Ruby to support web development 26
  • 27. The Rails Philosophy Ruby - less and more readable code, shorter development times, simple but powerful, no compilation cycle. Convention over configuration Predefined directory structure, and naming conventions Best practices: MVC, DRY, Testing Almost everything in Rails is Ruby code (SQL and JavaScript are abstracted) Integrated AJAX support. Web services with REST. Good community, tools, and documentation Extracted from a real application: Basecamp 27
  • 28. Rake: The Ruby Make Rake lets you define a dependency tree of tasks to be executed. Rake tasks are loaded from the file Rakefile, and other .rake files in the source of the project. Rake automates and simplifies creating and managing the development of a Rails project. 28
  • 29. Environments Rails has support for multiple execution environments. Environments encapsulate database settings and other configuration. Typical environments Development Test Production Additional environments are easy to add. 29
  • 31. Managing Data Schemas Rails includes support for migrations to manage the evolution of your database schema. No need to write SQL. Migrations use a database independent Ruby API. Migrations are Ruby scripts giving you access to the full power of the language. 31
  • 33. Migration Example create_table "users", :force => true do |t| t.string :login t.string :email t.string :remember_token t.string :salt, :crypted_password, :limit => 40 t.datetime :remember_token_expires_at t.timestamps end 33
  • 35. Fundamentals One database table maps to one Ruby class Table names are plural and class names are singular Database columns map to attributes, i.e. get and set methods, in the model class All tables have an integer primary key called id Database tables are created with migrations 35
  • 36. Active Record Model Example create_table "persons" do |t| t.string :first_name, last_name t.timestamps end class Person < ActiveRecord::Base end p = p.first_name = ‘Mark’ p.last_name = ‘Menard’ 36
  • 37. CRUD Create: create, new Read: find, find_by_<attribute> Update: save, update_attributes Delete: destroy 37
  • 40. Updating Models user = User.find(1) user.first_name = ‘Mark’ user.last_name = ‘Menard’! 40
  • 41. Transactions Account.transaction do account1.deposit(100) account2.withdraw(100) end 41
  • 43. Association Types Two primary types of associations: belongs_to has_one / has_many There are others, but they are not commonly used. 43
  • 44. Association Example # Has Many class Order < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :order_line_items end class OrderLineItem < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :order end # Has One class Party < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :login_credential end class LoginCredential < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :party end 44
  • 45. Dynamic Association Methods Associations add methods to the class. This is an excellent example of meta-programming. Added methods allow easy management of the associated models. order.order_line_items << line_item order.order_line_items.create() 45
  • 47. Validations Validations are rules in your model objects to help protect the integrity of your data Validation is invoked by the save method. Save returns true if validations pass and false otherwise. If you invoke save! then a RecordInvalid exception is raised if the object is not valid Use save(false) if you need to turn off validation 47
  • 48. Validation Call Back Methods validate validate_on_create validate_on_update 48
  • 49. Validation Example class Person < ActiveRecord::Base def validate puts “validate invoked” end def validate_on_create puts “validate_on_create invoked” end def validate_on_update puts “validate_on_update invoked” end end peter = Person.create(:name => “Peter”) # => validate, validate_on_create invoked peter.last_name = “Forsberg” # => validate_on_update invoked 49
  • 51. Validation Macro Examples class User < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :name, :email, :password validates_format_of :name, :with => /^w+$/, :message => “may only contain word characters” validates_uniqueness_of :name, :message => “is already in use” validates_length_of :password, :within => 4..40 validates_confirmation_of :password validates_inclusion_of :role, :in => %w(super admin user), :message => “must be super, admin, or user”, :allow_nil => true validates_presence_of :customer_id, :if => { |u| %w(admin user).include?(u.role) } validates_numericality_of :weight, :only_integer => true, :allow_nil => true end 51
  • 53. Controllers Controllers are Ruby classes that live under app/ controllers Controller classes extend ActionController::Base An action is a public method and/or a corresponding view template 53
  • 54. Rendering a Response A response is rendered with the render command An action can only render a response once Rails invokes render automatically if you don’t Redirects are made with the redirect_to command 54
  • 55. A Simple Controller class PrioritiesController < InternalController def show @priority = current_account.priorities.find(params[:id]) end def new @priority = end def create @priority =[:priority]) if flash[:notice] = 'The priority was successfully created.' redirect_to account_url else render :action => "new" end end end 55
  • 56. Sessions A hash stored on the server, typically in a database table or on the file system. Keyed by the cookie _session_id Avoid storing complex Ruby objects, instead put id:s in the session and keep data in the database, i.e. use session[:user_id] rather than session[:user] 56
  • 58. ActionView ActionView is the module in the ActionPack library that deals with rendering a response to the client. The controller decides which template and/or partial and layout to use in the response Templates use helper methods to generate links, forms, and JavaScript, and to format text 58
  • 59. Where do templates live? Templates that belong to a certain controller typically live under app/view/controller_name, i.e. templates for Admin::UsersController would live under app/ views/admin/users Templates shared across controllers are put under app/views/ shared. You can render them with render :template => ‘shared/ my_template’ You can have templates shared across Rails applications and render them with render :file => ‘path/to/template’ 59
  • 60. Template Environment Templates have access to the controller object’s flash, headers, logger, params, request, response, and session. Instance variables (i.e. @variable) in the controller are available in templates The current controller is available as the attribute controller. 60
  • 61. Embedded Ruby <%= ruby code here %> - Evaluates the Ruby code and prints the last evaluated value to the page. <% ruby code here %> - Evaluates Ruby code without outputting anything to the page. 61
  • 62. Example View <p> <b>Name:</b> <%=h %> </p> <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_category_path(@category) %> <%= link_to 'Back', categories_path %> 62
  • 63. Haml #profile .left.column Haml #date= print_date #address= current_user.address vs .right.column #email= HTML with ERB #bio= <div id="profile"> <div class="left column"> <div id="date"><%= print_date %></div> <div id="address"><%= current_user.address %></div> </div> <div class="right column"> <div id="email"><%= %></div> <div id="bio"><%= %></div> </div> </div> 63
  • 64. Shameless Self Promotion We do Ruby on Rails Development and Training
  • 65. Ruby and Rails Training One day to three day programs. Introduction to Ruby Advanced Ruby Introduction to Rails Advanced Rails Test Driven Development Behavior Driven Development Test Anything with Cucumber Advanced Domain Modeling with ActiveRecord Domain Driven Development with Rails 65
  • 66. Ruby on Rails Development Full Life Cycle Project Development Inception Implementation Deployment Long Term Support Ruby on Rails Mentoring Get your team up to speed using Rails 66
  • 67. Want to do Rails professionally? We’re addicted to the success of our clients. We’re addicted to quality. We’re addicted to craftsmanship. We’re addicted to being the best. You’re dedicated to life long improvement. You thrive under a challenge. You’re a team player. You work hard to be the best. Not your best. THE BEST. Do well in the training. It’s an audition. 67

Editor's Notes

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