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   Project Lead

The SkyNet funding bill is passed.
The system goes online on August 4th, 1997.
Human decisions are removed from strategic defense.
SkyNet begins to learn at a geometric rate.
It becomes self-aware at 2:14am Eastern time, August 29th
In a panic, they try to pull the plug.
And, Skynet fights back
Wumpus World
Wumpus World
Wumpus World

C e ll         H e ro         Wu m p u s    P itt             G old
     int row        int row       int row           int row       int row
     Int col        Int col       Int col           Int col       Int col
Wumpus World
Wumpus World
Wumpus World

 d e m ons tration

Drools B ooks
S ample Indus tries and Us ers

   Inve s tm e nt
       Mille nniu m Inve s tm e nt G rou p (M IG )
   Logis tics
       Fed ex
       S ab re
   M ortgage
       F ranklin Am e rican
   H e alth care
B oot C amps

   S an F rancis co 2009 (40+ atte nd e e s )
       S p ons ore d b y Th ird P illar
       S u n, F AM C , O S D E , Kas e ya, F e d e x, TU G rou p , Inte rm ou ntain
          H e alth care , G ap , S ony P ictu re s , Lockh e e d Martin, Kais e r, H P ,
          We lls F argo, U S N avy R e s e arch , F O LIO fn, Boe ing .....
   S an D ie go 201 0 (80+ atte nd e s s )
       S p ons ore d b y U S N avy
       5 d ay e ve nt, with 2 d ays focu s on th e h e alth care ind u s try
       O S D E , AT&T, S AIC , U S N avy R e s e arch , Kais e r, C linica,
         Inte rm ou ntain H e alth care , G E H e alth care , VA, Boe ing,
         N ationwid e ....
Integrated S ys tems

               Rules       Rules   Workflows   Workflows



                 Event                           Ontologies
generic                 Rules and proces s es




           tightly coupled           COUPLING   loosely coupled
Integrated S ys tems

      Drools          JBPM5                Drools          Drools
      Expert       (Drools Flow)           Fusion          Guvnor

      Drools             Drools           Drools           Drools
      Planner             Grid           Semantics         Chance

                       Business Logic integration System
                   Declarative Programming

P rod u ction R u le S ys te m s P R D (forward ch aining)
    R e active
    wh e n Alarm ( s tatu s = = “ale rt” )
      th e n s e nd ( “warning” )
Logic P rogram m ing LP (b ackward ch aining)
    Q u e ry
    d e s ce nd ant( “m ary”, “j ”)
F u nctional P rogram m ing F P
    Map ,F old , F ilte r
    avg([1 2, 1 6, 4, 6])
         R e tu rns s ingle valu e 9.5
    rou nd ([1 0.3, 4.7, 7.8] )
         R e tu rns Lis t [1 0, 5, 8]
D e s crip tion Logic
    P e rs on H as N am e and
         C las s es

                                                       C a s h f lo w
     A cco u n t
                                                  D a te d a te
lo n g a c c o u n t N o
                                                  d o u b le a m o u n t
d o u b le b a la n c e
                                                  in t t y p e
                                                  lo n g a c c o u n t N o

                           A c c o u n t in g P e r io d

                           D a te s ta r t
                           D a te e n d
             C redit C as hflow Rule

 select * from Account acc,
      Cashflow cf, AccountPeriod ap
 where acc.accountNo == cf.accountNo and
       cf.type == CREDIT >= ap.start and <= ap.end
 trigger : acc.balance += cf.amount

rule “increase balance for AccountPeriod Credits”
        ap : AccountPeriod()
        acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo )
        CashFlow( type == CREDIT,
                          accountNo == $accountNo,
                          date >= ap.start && <= ap.end,
                          $ammount : ammount )
        acc.balance += $amount;
                         Rules as a “ view”

  CashFlow                                                  AccountingPeriod
         date       amount           type       accountNo         start               end
  12-Jan-07                  100 CREDIT     1                   01-Jan-07          31-Mar-07
  2-Feb-07                   200 DEBIT      1
  18-May-07                   50 CREDIT     1               Account
  9-Mar-07                    75 CREDIT     1                  accountNo             balance
                                                            1                  0
rule “increase balance for AccountPeriod    rule “decrease balance for AccountPeriod
       Credits”                                    Debits”
  when                                        when
    ap : AccountPeriod()                        ap : AccountPeriod()
    acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo )     acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo )

    CashFlow( type == CREDIT,                     CashFlow( type == DEBIT,
                accountNo == $accountNo,                     accountNo == $accountNo,
                date >= ap.start && <= ap.end,               date >= ap.start && <= ap.end,
                $ammount : ammount )                         $ammount : ammount )
  then                                          then
    acc.balance += $amount;                       acc.balance -= $amount;
end CashFlow                                  end CashFlow
           date         amount        type                date         amount         type
    12-Jan-07                  100 CREDIT          2-Feb-07                   200 DEBIT
    9-Mar-07                    75 CREDIT

     accountNo           balance
  1                -25

p u b lic clas s Ap p licant {
     p rivate S tring    nam e ;
     p rivate int         age ;
     p rivate b oole an valid ;
     / ge tte r and s e tte r m e th od s h e re

    rule "Is of valid age" when
       $a : Applicant( age < 18 )
       modify( $a ) { valid = false };
                          B uilding

Knowle d ge Bu ild e r kb u ild e r = Knowle d ge Bu ild e rF wK nowle d ge Bu ild e r();

kb u ild e d ( R e s ou rce F actory
                    .ne wC las s P ath R e s ou rce ( "lice ns e Ap p lication.d rl", ge tC las s () ),
                                                        R e s ou rce Typ e .D R L );

if ( kb u ild e r.h as E rrors () ) {
    S ys te m .e rr.p rintln( kb u ild e tE rrors ().toS tring() );

kb as e .ad d K nowle d ge P ackage s ( kb u ild e tKnowle d ge P ackage s () );
S pring C onfiguration
                          E xecuting

 rule "Is of valid age" when
    $a : Applicant( age < 18 )
    modify( $a ) { valid = false };

S tate le s s K nowle d ge S e s s ion ks e s s ion = kb as e .ne wS tate le s s Knowle d ge S e s s ion();
Ap p licant ap p licant = ne w Ap p licant( "M r Joh n S m ith ", 1 6 );
as s e rtTru e ( ap p Valid () );

ks e s s ion.e xe cu te ( ap p licant );

as s e rtF als e ( ap p Valid () );

p u b lic clas s R oom {
    p rivate S tring nam e
    / ge tte r and s e tte r m e th od s h e re
p u b lic clas s S p rinkle r {
    p rivate R oom room ;
    p rivate b oole an on;
    / ge tte r and s e tte r m e th od s h e re
p u b lic clas s F ire {
    p rivate R oom room ;
    / ge tte r and s e tte r m e th od s h e re
p u b lic clas s Alarm {
ru le "Wh e n th e re is a fire tu rn on th e s p rinkle r" wh e n
    F ire ($room : room )
    $s p rinkle r : S p rinkle r( room = = $room , on = = fals e )
th e n
    m od ify( $s p rinkle r ) { on = tru e };
    p rintln( "Tu rn on th e s p rinkle r for room " + $room .nam e );
e nd
ru le "Wh e n th e fire is gone tu rn off th e s p rinkle r" wh e n
   $room : R oom ( )
   $s p rinkle r : S p rinkle r( room = = $room , on = = tru e )
   not F ire ( room = = $room )
th e n
   m od ify( $s p rinkle r ) { on = fals e };
   p rintln( "Tu rn off th e s p rinkle r for room " + $room .nam e );

ru le "R ais e th e alarm wh e n we h ave one or m ore fire s " wh e n
   e xis ts F ire ()
th e n
   ins e rt( ne w Alarm () );
   p rintln( "R ais e th e alarm " );
e nd
ru le "C ance l th e alarm wh e n all th e fire s h ave gone " wh e n
   not F ire ()
   $alarm : Alarm ()
th e n
   re tract( $alarm );
   p rintln( "C ance l th e alarm " );
e nd

ru le "S tatu s ou tp u t wh e n th ings are ok" wh e n
   not Alarm ()
   not S p rinkle r( on = = tru e )
th e n
   p rintln( "E ve ryth ing is ok" );
e nd
                          E xecuting

S tring[] nam e s = ne w S tring[]{"kitch e n", "b e d room ", "office ", "livingroom "};
M ap < S tring,R oom > nam e 2room = ne w H as h M ap < S tring,R oom > ();

for( S tring nam e : nam e s ){
    R oom room = ne w R oom ( nam e );
    nam e 2room .p u t( nam e , room );
    ks e s s ion.ins e rt( room );
    S p rinkle r s p rinkle r = ne w S p rinkle r( room );
    ks e s s ion.ins e rt( s p rinkle r );

ks e s s AllR u le s ()

> E ve ryth ing is ok
                          E xecuting

F ire kitch e nF ire = ne w F ire ( nam e 2room .ge t( "kitch e n" ) );
F ire office F ire = ne w F ire ( nam e 2room .ge t( "office " ) );

F actH and le kitch e nF ire H and le = ks e s s ion.ins e rt( kitch e nF ire );
F actH and le office F ire H and le = ks e s s ion.ins e rt( office F ire );

ks e s s AllR u le s ();

> R ais e th e alarm
> Tu rn on th e s p rinkle r for room kitch e n
> Tu rn on th e s p rinkle r for room office
                           E xecuting

ks e s s tract( kitch e nF ire H and le );
ks e s s tract( office F ire H and le );

ks e s s AllR u le s ()

 > Tu rn off th e s p rinkle r for room office
 > Tu rn off th e s p rinkle r for room kitch e n
 > C ance l th e alarm
 > E ve ryth ing is ok

 ru le "S tatu s ou tp u t wh e n th ings are ok" wh e n
     not Alarm ()
     not S p rinkle r( on = = tru e )
 th e n
     p rintln( "E ve ryth ing is ok" );
             C onditional E lements

not Bus( color = “red” )

exists Bus( color = “red” )

forall ( $bus : Bus( color == “red” ) )

forall ( $bus : Bus( floors == 2 )
               Bus( this == $bus, color == “red” ) )
A ccumulate C E

 ru le "accu m u late "
 wh e n
    $s u m : N u m b e r( intValu e > 1 00 )
             from accu m u late ( Bu s ( color = = "re d ", $t : takings )
                                     s u m ( $t ) )
 th e n
    p rint "s u m is “ + $s u m ;
 e nd
Decis ion Table
           Decis ion Table

rule "Pricing bracket_10"

   Driver(age >= 18, age <= 24,
          locationRiskProfile == "LOW",
          priorClaims == "1")
   Policy(type == "COMPREHENSIVE")

    Layou t
           H orizontal
           Ve rtical
           Lim ite d e ntry
           E xte nd e d e ntry
    C ate goris ation
           E xp and e d form , contracte d form
           M u lti-h it, all h its
           M u lti-h it, firs t h it
           S ingle h it



   Limited entry

   E xtended entry
C ategoris ation

    E xpanded form
    S ingle colu m n for e ve ry cond ition com b ination
    Th e nu m b e r of colu m ns s h ou ld e qu al th e p rod u ct of
      th e nu m b e r of s tate s for e ve ry cond ition.
       e .g. 2 cond itions , one with 3 s tate s th e oth e r 4 (s e e ab ove ):
                                  3 * 4 = 1 2 com b inations
       e .g. 2 cond itions e ach with 3 s tate s and 1 cond ition with 4 s tate s give s :
                                3 * 3 * 4 = 36 com b inations
C ategoris ation

    E xpanded form (continued)
C ategoris ation

    C ontracted form
    C ontraction is th e firs t op tim is ation.
    R e d u ce s th e nu m b e r of cond ition colu m ns .
    R e m ove s im p os s ib le com b inations
    If th e s am e actions e xis t for ru le s cove ring all
       cond ition s tate s for a give n cond ition th e y can b e
       com b ine d and th e cond ition s tate b e com e s
       irre le vant.
C ategoris ation

    C ontracted form – s tage 1
    R u le s 2 and 3 are im p os s ib le cond itions
C ategoris ation

    C ontracted form – s tage 2
    M e rge ad j nt colu m n grou p s with id e ntical action p arts
C ategoris ation

    Multi-hit, all hits
    To ge t com p le te re s u lt all ru le s m atch ing ne e d to h ave
      th e ir actions e xe cu te d .
    C ond ition colu m ns are not m u tu ally e xclu s ive
    If th e C ond ition colu m ns are not e xclu s ive , s om e
       com b ination of cond itions are p re s e nt in m ore th an
       one colu m n, wh ich m ay le ad to am b igu ity or
       incons is te ncy.
C ategoris ation

    Multi-hit, all hits

    G ive n a 35 ye ar old with 1 5 ye ars s e rvice
    1 . R u le 1 m atch e s , giving 22 d ays
    2. R u le 5 m atch e s , giving an ad d itional 3 d ays
    3. A total of 25 d ays is as s igne d
C ategoris ation

    Multi-hit, firs t hit
    To ge t com p le te re s u lt th e firs t ru le (from le ft-to-righ t)
      m atch ing ne e d s to h ave its action e xe cu te d .
    C ond ition colu m ns are not m u tu ally e xclu s ive .
    If th e C ond ition colu m ns are not e xclu s ive , s om e
       com b ination of cond itions are p re s e nt in m ore th an
       one colu m n, wh ich m ay le ad to am b igu ity or
       incons is te ncy.
C ategoris ation

    Multi-hit, firs t hit

    G ive n a 35 ye ar old with 1 5 ye ars s e rvice
    1 . R u le 4 m atch e s , giving 25 d ays
    2. R u le 6 wou ld m atch b u t R u le 4 was th e firs t h it
C ategoris ation

    S ingle hit
    E ach p os s ib le com b ination of cond itions m atch e s
       e xactly one , and only one , ru le .
    C ond ition colu m ns are m u tu ally e xclu s ive
    As th e C ond ition colu m ns are e xclu s ive ; com b inations
      of cond itions cannot b e p re s e nt in m ore th an one
      colu m n wh ich e lim inate s am b igu ity and
      incons is te ncy.
    C las s ic form if S ingle -h it is "e xp and e d d e cis ion tab le ";
       b u t th is can b e op tim is e d or “contracte d ”.
C ategoris ation

    S ingle hit

    G ive n a 35 ye ar old with 1 5 ye ars s e rvice
    1 . R u le 3 m atch e s , giving 25 d ays
    2. N o oth e r ru le s m atch
Validation & Verification

   Redundancy - S ubs umption
Validation & Verification

       P re m iu m is £500 if ap p licant age is le s s th an 30

       P re m iu m is £300 if Ye ars With ou t C laim is gre ate r th an or e qu al to 1 0 ye ars .

       Ap p licant is 29, p re m iu m is £500

       Ap p licant h as 1 2 ye ars with ou t claim , p re m iu m is £300

       Ap p licant is 29 with 1 2 ye ars with ou t claim , p re m iu m is ?!?
Decis ion Tables in G uvnor

   Vid e o d e m ons tration
Guided Editor
Decision Table
Decision Table
Decision Table

Decision Tables – Cell merging.. etc

                                Cell Merging

                                Cell Grouping
                                Typed Columns
                                Sorting by column

                                Negate pattern
                                Support for Ohterwise

Decision Tables – Wizard
Rule Templates
Rule Templates
Rule Templates
Scenario Testing
TMS and Inference

  ru le "Is s u e C h ild Bu s P as s "              Couples the logic
  wh e n
   $p : P e rs on( age < 1 6 )
  th e n
   ins e rt(ne w C h ild Bu s P as s ( $p ) );
  e nd
  ru le "Is s u e Ad u lt Bu s P as s "          What happens when the Child
                                                       stops being 16?
  wh e n
   $p : P e rs on( age > = 1 6 )
  th e n
   ins e rt(ne w Ad u ltBu s P as s ( $p ) );
  e nd
TMS and Inference

        Monolith ic
        Le aky
        Brittle inte grity - m anu al m ainte nance
TMS and Inference

  A ru le “logically” ins e rts an ob j ct
  Wh e n th e ru le is no longe r tru e , th e ob j ct is re tracte d .
  wh e n
                                                      de-couples the logic
   $p : P e rs on( age < 1 6 )
  th e n
     logicalIns e rt( ne w Is C h ild ( $p ) )
  e nd
  wh e n                                         Maintains the truth by
                                                 automatically retracting
   $p : P e rs on( age > = 1 6 )
  th e n
     logicalIns e rt( ne w Is Ad u lt( $p ) )
  e nd
TMS and Inference

  ru le "Is s u e C h ild Bu s P as s "
  wh e n
   $p : P e rs on( )
           Is C h ild ( p e rs on = $p )
  th e n
   logicalIns e rt(ne w C h ild Bu s P as s ( $p ) );
  e nd
                                                    The truth maintenance
  ru le "Is s u e Ad u lt Bu s P as s "                   cascades
  wh e n
   $p : P e rs on( age > = 1 6 )
           Is Ad u lt( p e rs on = $p )
  th e n
   logicalIns e rt(ne w Ad u ltBu s P as s ( $p ) );
  e nd
TMS and Inference

  ru le "Is s u e C h ild Bu s P as s "
  wh e n
   $p : P e rs on( )
           not( C h ild Bu s P as s ( p e rs on = = $p ) )
  th e n
     re qu e s tC h ild Bu s P as s ( $p );                  The truth maintenance
  e nd
TMS and Inference

  G ood
      D e -cou p le knowle d ge re s p ons ib ilitie s
      E ncap s u late knowle d ge
      P rovid e s e m antic ab s tractions for th os e e ncap s u lation
      Inte grity rob u s tne s s – tru th m ainte nance
                   Ques tions ?

                              D ave Bowm an: All righ t, H AL; I'll go in
                              th rou gh th e e m e rge ncy airlock.
                              H AL: With ou t you r s p ace h e lm e t, D ave ,
                              you 're going to find th at rath e r d ifficu lt.
                              D ave Bowm an: H AL, I won't argu e with
                              you anym ore ! O p e n th e d oors !
                              H AL: D ave , th is conve rs ation can s e rve
                              no p u rp os e anym ore . G ood b ye .

essor Falken.
 . The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess

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JUDCon India 2012 Drools Expert

  • 1. 1 Mark Proctor Project Lead The SkyNet funding bill is passed. The system goes online on August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. SkyNet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14am Eastern time, August 29th In a panic, they try to pull the plug. And, Skynet fights back
  • 4. 4 Wumpus World C e ll H e ro Wu m p u s P itt G old int row int row int row int row int row Int col Int col Int col Int col Int col
  • 7. 7 Wumpus World d e m ons tration
  • 9. 9 S ample Indus tries and Us ers Inve s tm e nt Mille nniu m Inve s tm e nt G rou p (M IG ) Logis tics Fed ex Airline S ab re M ortgage F ranklin Am e rican H e alth care OSDE
  • 10. 10 B oot C amps S an F rancis co 2009 (40+ atte nd e e s ) S p ons ore d b y Th ird P illar S u n, F AM C , O S D E , Kas e ya, F e d e x, TU G rou p , Inte rm ou ntain H e alth care , G ap , S ony P ictu re s , Lockh e e d Martin, Kais e r, H P , We lls F argo, U S N avy R e s e arch , F O LIO fn, Boe ing ..... S an D ie go 201 0 (80+ atte nd e s s ) S p ons ore d b y U S N avy 5 d ay e ve nt, with 2 d ays focu s on th e h e alth care ind u s try O S D E , AT&T, S AIC , U S N avy R e s e arch , Kais e r, C linica, Inte rm ou ntain H e alth care , G E H e alth care , VA, Boe ing, N ationwid e ....
  • 11. 11 Integrated S ys tems Rules Rules Workflows Workflows Event Processes Semantic Ontologies Semantic Event Ontologies Processes
  • 12. 12 generic Rules and proces s es ? Decision Services SCOPE Process specific Rules tightly coupled COUPLING loosely coupled
  • 13. 13 Integrated S ys tems Drools JBPM5 Drools Drools Expert (Drools Flow) Fusion Guvnor Drools Drools Drools Drools Planner Grid Semantics Chance Business Logic integration System
  • 14. 14 Declarative Programming P rod u ction R u le S ys te m s P R D (forward ch aining) R e active wh e n Alarm ( s tatu s = = “ale rt” ) th e n s e nd ( “warning” ) Logic P rogram m ing LP (b ackward ch aining) Q u e ry d e s ce nd ant( “m ary”, “j ”) ane F u nctional P rogram m ing F P Map ,F old , F ilte r avg([1 2, 1 6, 4, 6]) R e tu rns s ingle valu e 9.5 rou nd ([1 0.3, 4.7, 7.8] ) R e tu rns Lis t [1 0, 5, 8] D e s crip tion Logic P e rs on H as N am e and
  • 15. 15 C las s es C a s h f lo w A cco u n t D a te d a te lo n g a c c o u n t N o d o u b le a m o u n t d o u b le b a la n c e in t t y p e lo n g a c c o u n t N o A c c o u n t in g P e r io d D a te s ta r t D a te e n d
  • 16. 16 C redit C as hflow Rule select * from Account acc, Cashflow cf, AccountPeriod ap where acc.accountNo == cf.accountNo and cf.type == CREDIT >= ap.start and <= ap.end trigger : acc.balance += cf.amount rule “increase balance for AccountPeriod Credits” when ap : AccountPeriod() acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo ) CashFlow( type == CREDIT, accountNo == $accountNo, date >= ap.start && <= ap.end, $ammount : ammount ) then acc.balance += $amount; end
  • 17. 17 Rules as a “ view” CashFlow AccountingPeriod date amount type accountNo start end 12-Jan-07 100 CREDIT 1 01-Jan-07 31-Mar-07 2-Feb-07 200 DEBIT 1 18-May-07 50 CREDIT 1 Account 9-Mar-07 75 CREDIT 1 accountNo balance 1 0 rule “increase balance for AccountPeriod rule “decrease balance for AccountPeriod Credits” Debits” when when ap : AccountPeriod() ap : AccountPeriod() acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo ) acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo ) CashFlow( type == CREDIT, CashFlow( type == DEBIT, accountNo == $accountNo, accountNo == $accountNo, date >= ap.start && <= ap.end, date >= ap.start && <= ap.end, $ammount : ammount ) $ammount : ammount ) then then acc.balance += $amount; acc.balance -= $amount; end CashFlow end CashFlow date amount type date amount type 12-Jan-07 100 CREDIT 2-Feb-07 200 DEBIT 9-Mar-07 75 CREDIT Account accountNo balance 1 -25
  • 18. 18 Definitions p u b lic clas s Ap p licant { p rivate S tring nam e ; p rivate int age ; p rivate b oole an valid ; / ge tte r and s e tte r m e th od s h e re / } rule "Is of valid age" when $a : Applicant( age < 18 ) then modify( $a ) { valid = false }; ends
  • 19. 19 B uilding Knowle d ge Bu ild e r kb u ild e r = Knowle d ge Bu ild e rF wK nowle d ge Bu ild e r(); kb u ild e d ( R e s ou rce F actory .ne wC las s P ath R e s ou rce ( "lice ns e Ap p lication.d rl", ge tC las s () ), R e s ou rce Typ e .D R L ); if ( kb u ild e r.h as E rrors () ) { S ys te m .e rr.p rintln( kb u ild e tE rrors ().toS tring() ); } kb as e .ad d K nowle d ge P ackage s ( kb u ild e tKnowle d ge P ackage s () );
  • 20. 20 S pring C onfiguration
  • 21. 21 E xecuting rule "Is of valid age" when $a : Applicant( age < 18 ) then modify( $a ) { valid = false }; ends S tate le s s K nowle d ge S e s s ion ks e s s ion = kb as e .ne wS tate le s s Knowle d ge S e s s ion(); Ap p licant ap p licant = ne w Ap p licant( "M r Joh n S m ith ", 1 6 ); as s e rtTru e ( ap p Valid () ); ks e s s ion.e xe cu te ( ap p licant ); as s e rtF als e ( ap p Valid () );
  • 22. 22 Definitions p u b lic clas s R oom { p rivate S tring nam e / ge tte r and s e tte r m e th od s h e re / } p u b lic clas s S p rinkle r { p rivate R oom room ; p rivate b oole an on; / ge tte r and s e tte r m e th od s h e re / } p u b lic clas s F ire { p rivate R oom room ; / ge tte r and s e tte r m e th od s h e re / } p u b lic clas s Alarm {
  • 23. 23 Definitions ru le "Wh e n th e re is a fire tu rn on th e s p rinkle r" wh e n F ire ($room : room ) $s p rinkle r : S p rinkle r( room = = $room , on = = fals e ) th e n m od ify( $s p rinkle r ) { on = tru e }; p rintln( "Tu rn on th e s p rinkle r for room " + $room .nam e ); e nd ru le "Wh e n th e fire is gone tu rn off th e s p rinkle r" wh e n $room : R oom ( ) $s p rinkle r : S p rinkle r( room = = $room , on = = tru e ) not F ire ( room = = $room ) th e n m od ify( $s p rinkle r ) { on = fals e }; p rintln( "Tu rn off th e s p rinkle r for room " + $room .nam e );
  • 24. 24 Definitions ru le "R ais e th e alarm wh e n we h ave one or m ore fire s " wh e n e xis ts F ire () th e n ins e rt( ne w Alarm () ); p rintln( "R ais e th e alarm " ); e nd ru le "C ance l th e alarm wh e n all th e fire s h ave gone " wh e n not F ire () $alarm : Alarm () th e n re tract( $alarm ); p rintln( "C ance l th e alarm " ); e nd
  • 25. 25 Definitions ru le "S tatu s ou tp u t wh e n th ings are ok" wh e n not Alarm () not S p rinkle r( on = = tru e ) th e n p rintln( "E ve ryth ing is ok" ); e nd
  • 26. 26 E xecuting S tring[] nam e s = ne w S tring[]{"kitch e n", "b e d room ", "office ", "livingroom "}; M ap < S tring,R oom > nam e 2room = ne w H as h M ap < S tring,R oom > (); for( S tring nam e : nam e s ){ R oom room = ne w R oom ( nam e ); nam e 2room .p u t( nam e , room ); ks e s s ion.ins e rt( room ); S p rinkle r s p rinkle r = ne w S p rinkle r( room ); ks e s s ion.ins e rt( s p rinkle r ); } ks e s s AllR u le s () > E ve ryth ing is ok
  • 27. 27 E xecuting F ire kitch e nF ire = ne w F ire ( nam e 2room .ge t( "kitch e n" ) ); F ire office F ire = ne w F ire ( nam e 2room .ge t( "office " ) ); F actH and le kitch e nF ire H and le = ks e s s ion.ins e rt( kitch e nF ire ); F actH and le office F ire H and le = ks e s s ion.ins e rt( office F ire ); ks e s s AllR u le s (); > R ais e th e alarm > Tu rn on th e s p rinkle r for room kitch e n > Tu rn on th e s p rinkle r for room office
  • 28. 28 E xecuting ks e s s tract( kitch e nF ire H and le ); ks e s s tract( office F ire H and le ); ks e s s AllR u le s () > Tu rn off th e s p rinkle r for room office > Tu rn off th e s p rinkle r for room kitch e n > C ance l th e alarm > E ve ryth ing is ok ru le "S tatu s ou tp u t wh e n th ings are ok" wh e n not Alarm () not S p rinkle r( on = = tru e ) th e n p rintln( "E ve ryth ing is ok" );
  • 29. 29 C onditional E lements not Bus( color = “red” ) exists Bus( color = “red” ) forall ( $bus : Bus( color == “red” ) ) forall ( $bus : Bus( floors == 2 ) Bus( this == $bus, color == “red” ) )
  • 30. 30 A ccumulate C E ru le "accu m u late " wh e n $s u m : N u m b e r( intValu e > 1 00 ) from accu m u late ( Bu s ( color = = "re d ", $t : takings ) s u m ( $t ) ) th e n p rint "s u m is “ + $s u m ; e nd
  • 32. 32 Decis ion Table rule "Pricing bracket_10" when Driver(age >= 18, age <= 24, locationRiskProfile == "LOW", priorClaims == "1") policy: Policy(type == "COMPREHENSIVE") then policy.setBasePrice(450);
  • 33. 33 Types Types Layou t H orizontal Ve rtical Lim ite d e ntry E xte nd e d e ntry C ate goris ation E xp and e d form , contracte d form M u lti-h it, all h its M u lti-h it, firs t h it S ingle h it
  • 34. 34 Layouts Horizontal
  • 35. 35 Layouts Vertical
  • 36. 36 Layouts Limited entry
  • 37. 37 Layouts E xtended entry
  • 38. 38 C ategoris ation E xpanded form S ingle colu m n for e ve ry cond ition com b ination Th e nu m b e r of colu m ns s h ou ld e qu al th e p rod u ct of th e nu m b e r of s tate s for e ve ry cond ition. e .g. 2 cond itions , one with 3 s tate s th e oth e r 4 (s e e ab ove ): 3 * 4 = 1 2 com b inations e .g. 2 cond itions e ach with 3 s tate s and 1 cond ition with 4 s tate s give s : 3 * 3 * 4 = 36 com b inations
  • 39. 39 C ategoris ation E xpanded form (continued)
  • 40. 40 C ategoris ation C ontracted form C ontraction is th e firs t op tim is ation. R e d u ce s th e nu m b e r of cond ition colu m ns . R e m ove s im p os s ib le com b inations If th e s am e actions e xis t for ru le s cove ring all cond ition s tate s for a give n cond ition th e y can b e com b ine d and th e cond ition s tate b e com e s irre le vant.
  • 41. 41 C ategoris ation C ontracted form – s tage 1 R u le s 2 and 3 are im p os s ib le cond itions
  • 42. 42 C ategoris ation C ontracted form – s tage 2 M e rge ad j nt colu m n grou p s with id e ntical action p arts ace
  • 43. 43 C ategoris ation Multi-hit, all hits To ge t com p le te re s u lt all ru le s m atch ing ne e d to h ave th e ir actions e xe cu te d . C ond ition colu m ns are not m u tu ally e xclu s ive If th e C ond ition colu m ns are not e xclu s ive , s om e com b ination of cond itions are p re s e nt in m ore th an one colu m n, wh ich m ay le ad to am b igu ity or incons is te ncy.
  • 44. 44 C ategoris ation Multi-hit, all hits G ive n a 35 ye ar old with 1 5 ye ars s e rvice 1 . R u le 1 m atch e s , giving 22 d ays 2. R u le 5 m atch e s , giving an ad d itional 3 d ays 3. A total of 25 d ays is as s igne d
  • 45. 45 C ategoris ation Multi-hit, firs t hit To ge t com p le te re s u lt th e firs t ru le (from le ft-to-righ t) m atch ing ne e d s to h ave its action e xe cu te d . C ond ition colu m ns are not m u tu ally e xclu s ive . If th e C ond ition colu m ns are not e xclu s ive , s om e com b ination of cond itions are p re s e nt in m ore th an one colu m n, wh ich m ay le ad to am b igu ity or incons is te ncy.
  • 46. 46 C ategoris ation Multi-hit, firs t hit G ive n a 35 ye ar old with 1 5 ye ars s e rvice 1 . R u le 4 m atch e s , giving 25 d ays 2. R u le 6 wou ld m atch b u t R u le 4 was th e firs t h it
  • 47. 47 C ategoris ation S ingle hit E ach p os s ib le com b ination of cond itions m atch e s e xactly one , and only one , ru le . C ond ition colu m ns are m u tu ally e xclu s ive As th e C ond ition colu m ns are e xclu s ive ; com b inations of cond itions cannot b e p re s e nt in m ore th an one colu m n wh ich e lim inate s am b igu ity and incons is te ncy. C las s ic form if S ingle -h it is "e xp and e d d e cis ion tab le "; b u t th is can b e op tim is e d or “contracte d ”.
  • 48. 48 C ategoris ation S ingle hit G ive n a 35 ye ar old with 1 5 ye ars s e rvice 1 . R u le 3 m atch e s , giving 25 d ays 2. N o oth e r ru le s m atch
  • 49. 49 Validation & Verification Redundancy - S ubs umption
  • 50. 50 Validation & Verification Deficiency P re m iu m is £500 if ap p licant age is le s s th an 30 P re m iu m is £300 if Ye ars With ou t C laim is gre ate r th an or e qu al to 1 0 ye ars . Ap p licant is 29, p re m iu m is £500 Ap p licant h as 1 2 ye ars with ou t claim , p re m iu m is £300 Ap p licant is 29 with 1 2 ye ars with ou t claim , p re m iu m is ?!?
  • 51. 51 Decis ion Tables in G uvnor Vid e o d e m ons tration
  • 56. 56 Decision Tables – Cell merging.. etc Cell Merging Cell Grouping Typed Columns Sorting by column Negate pattern Support for Ohterwise
  • 62. 62 TMS and Inference ru le "Is s u e C h ild Bu s P as s " Couples the logic wh e n $p : P e rs on( age < 1 6 ) th e n ins e rt(ne w C h ild Bu s P as s ( $p ) ); e nd ru le "Is s u e Ad u lt Bu s P as s " What happens when the Child stops being 16? wh e n $p : P e rs on( age > = 1 6 ) th e n ins e rt(ne w Ad u ltBu s P as s ( $p ) ); e nd
  • 63. 63 TMS and Inference Bad Monolith ic Le aky Brittle inte grity - m anu al m ainte nance
  • 64. 64 TMS and Inference A ru le “logically” ins e rts an ob j ct e Wh e n th e ru le is no longe r tru e , th e ob j ct is re tracte d . e wh e n de-couples the logic $p : P e rs on( age < 1 6 ) th e n logicalIns e rt( ne w Is C h ild ( $p ) ) e nd wh e n Maintains the truth by automatically retracting $p : P e rs on( age > = 1 6 ) th e n logicalIns e rt( ne w Is Ad u lt( $p ) ) e nd
  • 65. 65 TMS and Inference ru le "Is s u e C h ild Bu s P as s " wh e n $p : P e rs on( ) Is C h ild ( p e rs on = $p ) th e n logicalIns e rt(ne w C h ild Bu s P as s ( $p ) ); e nd The truth maintenance ru le "Is s u e Ad u lt Bu s P as s " cascades wh e n $p : P e rs on( age > = 1 6 ) Is Ad u lt( p e rs on = $p ) th e n logicalIns e rt(ne w Ad u ltBu s P as s ( $p ) ); e nd
  • 66. 66 TMS and Inference ru le "Is s u e C h ild Bu s P as s " wh e n $p : P e rs on( ) not( C h ild Bu s P as s ( p e rs on = = $p ) ) th e n re qu e s tC h ild Bu s P as s ( $p ); The truth maintenance cascades e nd
  • 67. 67 TMS and Inference G ood D e -cou p le knowle d ge re s p ons ib ilitie s E ncap s u late knowle d ge P rovid e s e m antic ab s tractions for th os e e ncap s u lation Inte grity rob u s tne s s – tru th m ainte nance
  • 68. 68 Ques tions ? D ave Bowm an: All righ t, H AL; I'll go in th rou gh th e e m e rge ncy airlock. H AL: With ou t you r s p ace h e lm e t, D ave , you 're going to find th at rath e r d ifficu lt. D ave Bowm an: H AL, I won't argu e with you anym ore ! O p e n th e d oors ! H AL: D ave , th is conve rs ation can s e rve no p u rp os e anym ore . G ood b ye . essor Falken. oshua. . The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess

Editor's Notes

  1. JBoss Enteprise BRMS (new in 2009) Enables critical business rules to be managed in a more centralized manner (e.g. Insurance = policy risk assess and pricing; Heathcare = claims processing annual regulatory changes) Avoids need to otherwise re-code business rules redundantly in multiple applications Leverages JBoss Rules execution engine which has been available for years Adds new browser-based Rules Mgmt app, enabling business users to participate in the review, editing, and maintenance of business rule changes Also adds Repository to provide version management of multiple sets of business rules Supports the deployment of business rules to JBoss middleware platforms and non-JBoss runtime environments
  2. JBoss Enteprise BRMS (new in 2009) Enables critical business rules to be managed in a more centralized manner (e.g. Insurance = policy risk assess and pricing; Heathcare = claims processing annual regulatory changes) Avoids need to otherwise re-code business rules redundantly in multiple applications Leverages JBoss Rules execution engine which has been available for years Adds new browser-based Rules Mgmt app, enabling business users to participate in the review, editing, and maintenance of business rule changes Also adds Repository to provide version management of multiple sets of business rules Supports the deployment of business rules to JBoss middleware platforms and non-JBoss runtime environments