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Жлобич Андрей
Python Minsk Meetup – 03.2014
C10K problem
много соединений
поток на каждое
1 2 3
1 a X
b c
1 поток, неблокирующий IO
3 потока, блокирующий IO
2 b Y
3 c Z
3 потока, блокирующий IO + GIL
1 a X
1 поток, неблокирующий IO
2 b Y 3 c Z
Event loop
started exit()False
<= time()
rr, rw, _ = select(
reads.keys(), writes.keys(),
[], sched[0][0] – time())
for fd in rr: reads[fd](fd)
for fd in rw: writes[fd](fd)
Input / Output
Event loop
def mainLoop(self):
while self._started:
while self._started:
t2 = self.timeout()
t = self.running and t2
log.msg("unexpected error")
log.msg('main loop terminated')
Twisted is an event-driven
networking engine written
in Python
Twisted – это
● Асинхронное ядро (реактор)
select, poll, epoll, kqueue, cfrunloop, glib, gtk, qt, wx
● Deferred (promise + pipeline)
● Набор разнообразных абстракций
(protocol, transport, factory, endpoint, etc)
● Готовая реализация многих протоколов
NNTP, XMPP, OSCAR, SOCKSv4, Telnet, NNTP, ...)
● Инфраструктурные решения
(демонизация, тестирование, etc)
from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol
from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
class MyChatProtocol(LineReceiver):
def connectionMade(self):
def connectionLost(self, reason):
def lineReceived(self, line):
for c in self.factory.clients:
if c is not self:
class MyChatFactory(protocol.ServerFactory):
protocol = MyChatProtocol
def startFactory(self):
self.clients = []
reactor.listenTCP(1234, MyChatFactory())
Transport – Protocol – Factory
прием-передача данных
tcp, udp, unix, ssl, process, loopback
парсинг входящих данных
state уровня соединения
создание протоколов (reconnect etc)
state уровня приложения
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, ClientCreator
class Greeter(Protocol):
def dataReceived(self, data):
def send_message(self, msg):
self.transport.write("%srn" % msg)
def gotProtocol(g):
reactor.callLater(5, g.send_message, "How are you?")
reactor.callLater(20, g.send_message, "Bye.")
reactor.callLater(21, g.transport.loseConnection)
c = ClientCreator(reactor, Greeter)
c.connectTCP("localhost", 1234).addCallback(gotProtocol)
● Аналог Future/Promise + Pipeline
● В Deferred лежит:
– список пар (callback, errback)
– готовое значение / исключение
● Возможность приостановки
● Поддержка отмен (cancellation)
● Но нету таймаутов (раньше были)
● Печать errback в лог из __del__
import random
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
def lowlevel_async_op(data, callback, errback):
if random.randint(0, 42):
reactor.callLater(3, callback, data)
reactor.callLater(2, errback, Exception())
def do_request():
d = defer.Deferred()
lowlevel_async_op("123", d.callback, d.errback)
return d
def clean_data(data):
return int(data)
def process_data(data):
print("got %r" % data)
def log_error(f):
print("error: %s" % f)
d = do_request()
d.addBoth(lambda _: reactor.stop())
cb1 eb1
cb2 lambda x: x
lambda x: x eb3
log log
d.addCallbacks(cb1, eb1)
d.callback(...) d.errback(...)
return Deferred()
log log
sc1 se1
sc2 se2
def get_data():
return str(random.randint(0, 10))
def get_parsed_data():
data = get_data()
return int(data) * 2
def work_with_data():
x1 = get_parsed_data()
x2 = get_parsed_data()
print(x1 * x2)
def get_data():
d = defer.Deferred()
lambda: d.callback(str(random.randint(0, 10))))
return d
def get_parsed_data():
def parse_data(data):
return int(data) * 2
return get_data().addCallback(parse_data)
def work_with_data():
def got_x1(x1):
def got_x2(x2):
print(x1 * x2)
return get_parsed_data().addCallback(got_x2)
return get_parsed_data().addCallback(got_x1)
def get_data():
return (
task.deferLater(reactor, 3, random.randint, 0, 10)
def get_parsed_data():
return (
.addCallback(lambda x: x * 2))
def work_with_data():
return defer.gatherResults( # parallel!
[get_parsed_data(), get_parsed_data()]
lambda xs: util.println(xs[0] * xs[1])
def get_data():
yield task.deferLater(reactor, 3, int) # sleep
defer.returnValue(str(random.randint(0, 10)))
def get_parsed_data():
data = yield get_data()
defer.returnValue(int(data) * 2)
def work_with_data():
x1, x2 = yield defer.gatherResults(
[get_parsed_data(), get_parsed_data()])
print(x1 * x2)
В моем любимом Python?
class IProtocol(zope.interface.Interface):
def dataReceived(data):
Called whenever data is received.
def connectionLost(reason):
Called when the connection is shut down.
@type reason: L{twisted.python.failure.Failure}
def makeConnection(transport):
Make a connection to a transport and a server.
def connectionMade():
Called when a connection is made.
IAddress IConnector IResolverSimple IResolver IReactorTCP
IReactorSSL IReactorUNIX IReactorUNIXDatagram
IReactorWin32Events IReactorUDP IReactorMulticast
IReactorSocket IReactorProcess IReactorTime IDelayedCall
IReactorThreads IReactorCore IReactorPluggableResolver
IReactorDaemonize IReactorFDSet IListeningPort ILoggingContext
IFileDescriptor IReadDescriptor IWriteDescriptor
IReadWriteDescriptor IHalfCloseableDescriptor ISystemHandle
IConsumer IProducer IPushProducer IPullProducer IProtocol
IProcessProtocol IHalfCloseableProtocol IFileDescriptorReceiver
IProtocolFactory ITransport ITCPTransport IUNIXTransport
ITLSTransport ISSLTransport IProcessTransport
IServiceCollection IUDPTransport IUNIXDatagramTransport
IUNIXDatagramConnectedTransport IMulticastTransport
IStreamClientEndpoint IStreamServerEndpoint
class ICredentials(Interface): ""
class IAnonymous(ICredentials): ""
class IUsernameDigestHash(ICredentials):
def checkHash(digestHash): ""
class IUsernamePassword(ICredentials):
def checkPassword(password): ""
class ICredentialsChecker(Interface):
credentialInterfaces = Attribute("")
def requestAvatarId(credentials): ""
class IRealm(Interface):
def requestAvatar(avatarId, mind, *interfaces): ""
class Portal:
def __init__(self, realm, checkers=()):
self.realm = realm
self.checkers = {}
for checker in checkers:
def listCredentialsInterfaces(self):
return self.checkers.keys()
def registerChecker(self, checker, *credentialInterfaces):
if not credentialInterfaces:
credentialInterfaces = checker.credentialInterfaces
for credentialInterface in credentialInterfaces:
self.checkers[credentialInterface] = checker
def login(self, credentials, mind, *interfaces):
for i in self.checkers:
if i.providedBy(credentials):
return maybeDeferred(
self.checkers[i].requestAvatarId, credentials
).addCallback(self.realm.requestAvatar, mind, *interfaces)
ifac = zope.interface.providedBy(credentials)
"No checker for %s" % ', '.join(map(reflect.qual, ifac)))))
class ISiteUser(Interface):
def get_private_setting(self, pref_key): ""
def check_permission(self, perm):
def logout(self): ""
class IMailbox(Interface):
def load_incoming_mails(): ""
def send_mail(dest, message): ""
class MyRealm(object):
def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
if ISiteUser in interfaces:
a = SiteUserImpl(avatarId, ...)
return ISiteUser, a, a.logout
if IMailbox in interfaces:
a = UserMailboxImpl(avatarId)
return ISiteUser, a, lambda: None
raise NotImplementedError
Plugin system
Разработчик приложения
● Пишем свой интерфейс
● Вызываем
Разработчик плагина
● Пишем класс CustomLogic, реализующий
ISomeLogic + twisted.plugin.IPlugin
● Создаем файл twisted/plugins/
● В файл создаем экземпляр CustomLogic
yyy = CustomLogic()
Application framework
● Инициализация приложения
● Демонизация
● Выбор реактора
● Логирование
● Профилирование
● Упрощение конфигурации
● Не DI-фреймворк!
● Deprecated: персистентность приложения
Application framework
class IService(Interface):
def setServiceParent(parent):
""" Set the parent of the service. """
def disownServiceParent():
"""Remove L{IService} from L{IServiceCollection}."""
def privilegedStartService():
""" Do preparation work for starting the service."""
def startService():
""" Start the service. """
def stopService():
""" Stop the service. """
Application framework
● TCPServer, TCPClient
● SSLServer, SSLClient
● UDPServer, UDPClient
● UNIXServer, UNIXClient
● UNIXDatagramServer, UNIXDatagramClient
● StreamServerEndpointService
● MulticastServer
● TimerService
● CooperatorService
Application framework
# file ''
from twisted.internet import protocol
class SimplePinger(protocol.Protocol):
def connectionMade(self):
print("connection made")
self.factory.client = self
def connectionLost(self, reason):
print("connection lost")
self.factory.client = None
def ping(self, token):
self.transport.write("ping {0}rn".format(token))
class PingerFactory(protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory):
client = None
protocol = SimplePinger
counter = 0
def ping(self):
if self.client:
self.counter += 1
Application framework
# file 'pinger_1234.tac'
from twisted.application import internet, service
from simple_pinger import PingerFactory
client = PingerFactory()
timer = internet.TimerService(1,
clcon = internet.TCPClient("localhost", 1234, client)
application = service.Application("demo")
~> twistd -y pinger_1234.tac
twistd plugins
class IServiceMaker(Interface):
tapname = Attribute("A short string naming this Twisted plugin")
description = Attribute("A brief summary of the features")
options = Attribute("A C{twisted.python.usage.Options} subclass")
def makeService(options):
Create and return an object providing
~> twistd [opts] <<tapname>> … [plugin-opts]
~> twistd -l bs.log procmon
Spread – perspective broker
● Удаленный вызов методов (RPC)
● Асинхронный
● Симметричный
● Своя сериализация (jelly / banana)
● Передача объектов как по ссылке
(Referencable) так и значению (Copyable)
● Передача больших объектов (Cacheable)
from twisted.spread import pb
from twisted.application import service, internet
class Formatter(pb.Referenceable):
def __init__(self, format_spec):
self.format_spec = format_spec
def remote_formatIt(self, value):
return format(value, self.format_spec)
class ServerObject(pb.Root):
def remote_getFormatter(self, format_spec):
return Formatter(format_spec)
application = service.Application("pb-server")
sobj = ServerObject()
bs = internet.TCPServer(8800, pb.PBServerFactory(sobj))
from twisted.internet import defer, task
from twisted.spread import pb
def main(reactor):
cf = pb.PBClientFactory()
reactor.connectTCP("localhost", 8800, cf)
root = yield cf.getRootObject()
fmt = yield root.callRemote('getFormatter', ".2f")
res = yield fmt.callRemote('formatIt', 1.2345)
if __name__ == '__main__':
websocket, memcache, redis, riak,
couchdb, cassandra, postgresql,
amqp, stomp, solr, xmpp, oscar, msn,
snmp, smpp, ldap, webdav
любая асинхронная библиотека
с расширяемым реактором
class IReactorThreads(Interface):
def getThreadPool():
"Return the threadpool used by L{callInThread}."
def callInThread(callable, *args, **kwargs):
"Run the callable object in a separate thread."
def callFromThread(callable, *args, **kw):
"Cause a function to be executed by the reactor."
def suggestThreadPoolSize(size):
"Suggest the size of the internal threadpool."
● blockingCallFromThread(reactor, f, *a, **kw)
● deferToThread(f, *args, **kwargs)
● callMultipleInThread(tupleList)
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
from twisted.internet import defer, task
dbpool = adbapi.ConnectionPool('sqlite3',
"file.db", check_same_thread=False)
def useless_work():
yield dbpool.runOperation(
"CREATE TABLE Users (name, nick)")
yield dbpool.runOperation(
"INSERT INTO Users (name, nick) VALUES (?, ?)",
["Andrei", "anjensan"])
nick = yield dbpool.runQuery(
"SELECT nick FROM Users WHERE name = ?",
def txn_work_with_cursor(cursor, values):
# …
"INSERT INTO Users (name, nick) VALUES (?, ?)",
lambda: task.deferLater(reactor, 3, int))
# …
cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Users")
return cursor.fetchone()[0]
def useless_work2():
row = yield dbpool.runInteraction(
[("Ivan", "ivann"), ("Petr", "pettr")])
Twisted Web
● HTTP server
– конейнер для WSGI (threads!)
– сервер и клиент XMLRPC
– статические файлы
– проксирование
– распределенный (pb)
● HTML шаблонный движок (асинхронный)
● HTTP клиент
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.application import service, internet
from twisted.web.resource import Resource
from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET, Site
import time
class ClockResource(Resource):
isLeaf = True
def render_GET(self, request):
reactor.callLater(2, self._delayed_render, request)
def _delayed_render(self, request):
request.write("%s" % time.ctime())
resource = ClockResource()
site = Site(resource)
application = service.Application("hello-world")
internet.TCPServer(8080, site).setServiceParent(application)
class ClockResource(Resource):
def _delayed_body(self, requset):
return task.deferLater(reactor, 2, lambda: str(time.ctime()))
def send_response(self, body, request):
def fail_response(self, fail, request):
if fail.check(defer.CancelledError):
def response_failed(self, err, d):
def render_GET(self, request):
d = self._delayed_body(request)
request.notifyFinish().addErrback(self.response_failed, d)
d.addCallback(self.send_response, request)
d.addErrback(self.fail_response, request)
Resource tree
Site (extends HTTPFactory)
isLeaf = 1
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.application import internet, service
from twisted.web import static, server, twcgi, wsgi, proxy
def wsgi_hello_world(environ, start_response):
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type','text/plain')])
return ["Hello World!"]
root = static.File("/var/www/htdocs")
root.putChild("about", static.Data("lorem ipsum", 'text/plain'))
root.putChild("doc", static.File("/usr/share/doc"))
root.putChild("cgi-bin", twcgi.CGIDirectory("/var/www/cgi-bin"))
root.putChild("", proxy.ReverseProxyResource("", 80, ""))
hw_resource = wsgi.WSGIResource(
reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(), wsgi_hello_world)
root.putChild("hello-world", hw_resource)
site = server.Site(root)
ss = internet.TCPServer(8080, site)
application = service.Application('web')
~> twistd web --wsgi my_module.wsgi_app
~> twistd web --path ~/my/directory/
Запуск WSGI приложения
Отдача статических файлов + *.{rpy,epy}
~> twistd web --resource-script myfile.rpy
Запуск отдельного Resource (дебаг) через *.rpy
~> twistd web --class my_module.ResourceClass
Запуск отдельного Resource (дебаг) через класс
import sys
from StringIO import StringIO
from twisted.internet import reactor, task, defer
from twisted.web import client
def send_post(reactor, url, data):
agent = client.Agent(reactor)
request_body = client.FileBodyProducer(StringIO(data))
response = yield agent.request(
'POST', url, body_producer=request_body)
response_body = yield client.readBody(response)
print("code:", response.code)
print("response_body:", response_body)
if __name__ == '__main__':
task.react(send_post, sys.argv[1:])
HTTP клиент
import sys
from twisted.internet import defer, task
from twisted.web import template
from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
class MyElement(template.Element):
loader = template.XMLFile(FilePath("template.xml"))
def title(self, request, tag):
return tag("Title")
def widgets(self, request, tag):
for wn in ["first", "second", "third"]:
yield task.deferLater(
reactor, 1,
lambda: tag.clone().fillSlots(widget_name=wn))
def main(reactor):
return template.flatten(None, MyElement(), sys.stdout.write)
<p xmlns:t="">
<p t:render="title" />
<li t:render="widgets">
<b><t:slot name="widget_name"/></b>
Twisted web templates
Twisted projects
● Core – Asynchronous event loop and networking framework.
● Web – An HTTP protocol implementation.
● Conch – An SSH and SFTP protocol implementation.
● Mail – An SMTP, IMAP and POP protocol implementation.
● Names – A DNS protocol implementation with client and server.
● News – An NNTP protocol implementation with client and server.
● Words – Chat and Instant Messaging.
● Runner – Process management, including an inetd server.
● Pair – Low-level networking transports and utilities.
● Trial – Unittest-compatible automated testing.
In a Nutshell, Twisted...
has had 16,823 commits made by 86 contributors
representing 196,503 lines of code
took an estimated 51 years of effort (COCOMO model)
starting with its first commit in July, 2001

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Python&Printer / Андрей Пучко / penta.byPython&Printer / Андрей Пучко /
Python&Printer / Андрей Пучко / penta.byPython Meetup
Как скачать статистику игроков World of Tanks / Павел Пересторонин [Python Me...
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Очередной скучный доклад про логгирование
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OpenSource CMS и ERP система в одном флаконе / Олег Курьян / технический дире...
OpenSource CMS и ERP система в одном флаконе / Олег Курьян / технический дире...OpenSource CMS и ERP система в одном флаконе / Олег Курьян / технический дире...
OpenSource CMS и ERP система в одном флаконе / Олег Курьян / технический дире...Python Meetup
Обзор способов написания конкурентных программ в питоне
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Про асинхронность / Максим Щепелин / Web Developer Wargaming
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Про асинхронность / Максим Щепелин / Web Developer WargamingPython Meetup
Быстрые конструкции в Python - Олег Шидловский, Python Meetup 26.09.2014
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Почему я пишу хороший код, но его никто не ценит, кроме моей мамы / Павел Меш...
Почему я пишу хороший код, но его никто не ценит, кроме моей мамы / Павел Меш...Почему я пишу хороший код, но его никто не ценит, кроме моей мамы / Павел Меш...
Почему я пишу хороший код, но его никто не ценит, кроме моей мамы / Павел Меш...Python Meetup
Максим Щепелин. "Unittesting. Как?"
Максим Щепелин. "Unittesting. Как?"Максим Щепелин. "Unittesting. Как?"
Максим Щепелин. "Unittesting. Как?"Python Meetup
Machine learning with Python / Олег Шидловский / Doist [Python Meetup 27.03.15]
Machine learning with Python / Олег Шидловский / Doist [Python Meetup 27.03.15] Machine learning with Python / Олег Шидловский / Doist [Python Meetup 27.03.15]
Machine learning with Python / Олег Шидловский / Doist [Python Meetup 27.03.15] Python Meetup
S.O.L.I.D. - Павел Кохан, Python Meetup 26.09.2014
S.O.L.I.D. - Павел Кохан, Python Meetup 26.09.2014S.O.L.I.D. - Павел Кохан, Python Meetup 26.09.2014
S.O.L.I.D. - Павел Кохан, Python Meetup 26.09.2014Python Meetup
Python AST / Николай Карелин / VPI Development Center [Python Meetup 27.03.15]
Python AST / Николай Карелин / VPI Development Center [Python Meetup 27.03.15]Python AST / Николай Карелин / VPI Development Center [Python Meetup 27.03.15]
Python AST / Николай Карелин / VPI Development Center [Python Meetup 27.03.15]Python Meetup

Destacado (18)

Wargaming: тыл - фронту!
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Wargaming: тыл - фронту!
Practical Python Packaging / Стас Рудаков / Web Developer Wargaming
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Practical Python Packaging / Стас Рудаков / Web Developer Wargaming
SWIG — cоздание мультиязыковых интерфейсов для C/C++ библиотек
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Python&Printer / Андрей Пучко /
Python&Printer / Андрей Пучко / penta.byPython&Printer / Андрей Пучко /
Python&Printer / Андрей Пучко /
Как скачать статистику игроков World of Tanks / Павел Пересторонин [Python Me...
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Очередной скучный доклад про логгирование
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OpenSource CMS и ERP система в одном флаконе / Олег Курьян / технический дире...
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Обзор способов написания конкурентных программ в питоне
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Обзор способов написания конкурентных программ в питоне
Redis. Как мы боролись со сложностью
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Redis. Как мы боролись со сложностью
Про асинхронность / Максим Щепелин / Web Developer Wargaming
Про асинхронность / Максим Щепелин / Web Developer WargamingПро асинхронность / Максим Щепелин / Web Developer Wargaming
Про асинхронность / Максим Щепелин / Web Developer Wargaming
Быстрые конструкции в Python - Олег Шидловский, Python Meetup 26.09.2014
Быстрые конструкции в Python - Олег Шидловский, Python Meetup 26.09.2014Быстрые конструкции в Python - Олег Шидловский, Python Meetup 26.09.2014
Быстрые конструкции в Python - Олег Шидловский, Python Meetup 26.09.2014
Почему я пишу хороший код, но его никто не ценит, кроме моей мамы / Павел Меш...
Почему я пишу хороший код, но его никто не ценит, кроме моей мамы / Павел Меш...Почему я пишу хороший код, но его никто не ценит, кроме моей мамы / Павел Меш...
Почему я пишу хороший код, но его никто не ценит, кроме моей мамы / Павел Меш...
Максим Щепелин. "Unittesting. Как?"
Максим Щепелин. "Unittesting. Как?"Максим Щепелин. "Unittesting. Как?"
Максим Щепелин. "Unittesting. Как?"
Machine learning with Python / Олег Шидловский / Doist [Python Meetup 27.03.15]
Machine learning with Python / Олег Шидловский / Doist [Python Meetup 27.03.15] Machine learning with Python / Олег Шидловский / Doist [Python Meetup 27.03.15]
Machine learning with Python / Олег Шидловский / Doist [Python Meetup 27.03.15]
S.O.L.I.D. - Павел Кохан, Python Meetup 26.09.2014
S.O.L.I.D. - Павел Кохан, Python Meetup 26.09.2014S.O.L.I.D. - Павел Кохан, Python Meetup 26.09.2014
S.O.L.I.D. - Павел Кохан, Python Meetup 26.09.2014
Python AST / Николай Карелин / VPI Development Center [Python Meetup 27.03.15]
Python AST / Николай Карелин / VPI Development Center [Python Meetup 27.03.15]Python AST / Николай Карелин / VPI Development Center [Python Meetup 27.03.15]
Python AST / Николай Карелин / VPI Development Center [Python Meetup 27.03.15]

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A Few of My Favorite (Python) Things
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Gevent what's the point
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Map/reduce, geospatial indexing, and other cool features (Kristina Chodorow)
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Testing My Patience
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Think Async: Asynchronous Patterns in NodeJS
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To Err Is Human
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Refactoring to Macros with Clojure
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Deterministic simulation testing
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Similar a Twisted Python Minsk Meetup event loop code (20)

A Few of My Favorite (Python) Things
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Python magicmethods
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DjangoCon US 2011 - Monkeying around at New Relic
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Rootkit on linux_x86_v2.6
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Gevent what's the point
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Map/reduce, geospatial indexing, and other cool features (Kristina Chodorow)
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Map/reduce, geospatial indexing, and other cool features (Kristina Chodorow)
Testing My Patience
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ZIO: Powerful and Principled Functional Programming in Scala
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Think Async: Asynchronous Patterns in NodeJS
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Django - Know Your Namespace: Middleware
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PyCon 2010 SQLAlchemy tutorial
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Java VS Python
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掀起 Swift 的面紗
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Python 내장 함수
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To Err Is Human
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Refactoring to Macros with Clojure
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Deterministic simulation testing
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Twisted Python Minsk Meetup event loop code

  • 3. 1 2 3 a X Y Z 1 a X b c 1 поток, неблокирующий IO 3 потока, блокирующий IO block Y 2 b Y block 3 c Z
  • 4. 3 потока, блокирующий IO + GIL 1 a X 1 поток, неблокирующий IO 2 b Y 3 c Z
  • 5. Event loop started exit()False sched[0][0] <= time() True sched.pop(0)[1]() rr, rw, _ = select( reads.keys(), writes.keys(), [], sched[0][0] – time()) for fd in rr: reads[fd](fd) for fd in rw: writes[fd](fd) Input / Output
  • 6. Event loop def mainLoop(self): while self._started: try: while self._started: self.runUntilCurrent() t2 = self.timeout() t = self.running and t2 self.doIteration(t) except: log.msg("unexpected error") log.err() else: log.msg('main loop terminated')
  • 7. Twisted is an event-driven networking engine written in Python
  • 8. Twisted – это ● Асинхронное ядро (реактор) select, poll, epoll, kqueue, cfrunloop, glib, gtk, qt, wx ● Deferred (promise + pipeline) ● Набор разнообразных абстракций (protocol, transport, factory, endpoint, etc) ● Готовая реализация многих протоколов (HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, SSH, DNS, IRC, NNTP, XMPP, OSCAR, SOCKSv4, Telnet, NNTP, ...) ● Инфраструктурные решения (демонизация, тестирование, etc)
  • 9. from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver class MyChatProtocol(LineReceiver): def connectionMade(self): self.factory.clients.append(self) def connectionLost(self, reason): self.factory.clients.remove(self) def lineReceived(self, line): for c in self.factory.clients: if c is not self: c.sendLine(line) class MyChatFactory(protocol.ServerFactory): protocol = MyChatProtocol def startFactory(self): self.clients = [] reactor.listenTCP(1234, MyChatFactory())
  • 10. Transport – Protocol – Factory Транспорт прием-передача данных tcp, udp, unix, ssl, process, loopback Протокол парсинг входящих данных state уровня соединения Фабрика создание протоколов (reconnect etc) state уровня приложения
  • 11. from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, ClientCreator class Greeter(Protocol): def dataReceived(self, data): print(data) def send_message(self, msg): self.transport.write("%srn" % msg) def gotProtocol(g): g.send_message("Hello!") reactor.callLater(5, g.send_message, "How are you?") reactor.callLater(20, g.send_message, "Bye.") reactor.callLater(21, g.transport.loseConnection) c = ClientCreator(reactor, Greeter) c.connectTCP("localhost", 1234).addCallback(gotProtocol)
  • 12. Deferred ● Аналог Future/Promise + Pipeline ● В Deferred лежит: – список пар (callback, errback) – готовое значение / исключение ● Возможность приостановки ● Поддержка отмен (cancellation) ● Но нету таймаутов (раньше были) ● Печать errback в лог из __del__
  • 13. import random from twisted.internet import reactor, defer def lowlevel_async_op(data, callback, errback): if random.randint(0, 42): reactor.callLater(3, callback, data) else: reactor.callLater(2, errback, Exception()) def do_request(): d = defer.Deferred() lowlevel_async_op("123", d.callback, d.errback) return d def clean_data(data): return int(data) def process_data(data): print("got %r" % data) def log_error(f): print("error: %s" % f) d = do_request() d.addCallback(clean_data) d.addCallback(process_data) d.addErrback(log_error) d.addBoth(lambda _: reactor.stop())
  • 14. cb1 eb1 cb2 lambda x: x lambda x: x eb3 log log ... d.addCallbacks(cb1, eb1) d.callback(...) d.errback(...) d.addCallback(cb2) d.addErrback(eb3) d.addBoth(log)
  • 15. return Deferred() log log sc1 se1 sc2 se2 se3sc3
  • 16. def get_data(): return str(random.randint(0, 10)) def get_parsed_data(): data = get_data() return int(data) * 2 def work_with_data(): x1 = get_parsed_data() x2 = get_parsed_data() print(x1 * x2)
  • 17. def get_data(): d = defer.Deferred() reactor.callLater(3, lambda: d.callback(str(random.randint(0, 10)))) return d def get_parsed_data(): def parse_data(data): return int(data) * 2 return get_data().addCallback(parse_data) def work_with_data(): def got_x1(x1): def got_x2(x2): print(x1 * x2) return get_parsed_data().addCallback(got_x2) return get_parsed_data().addCallback(got_x1)
  • 18. def get_data(): return ( task.deferLater(reactor, 3, random.randint, 0, 10) .addCallback(str)) def get_parsed_data(): return ( get_data() .addCallback(int) .addCallback(lambda x: x * 2)) def work_with_data(): return defer.gatherResults( # parallel! [get_parsed_data(), get_parsed_data()] ).addCallback( lambda xs: util.println(xs[0] * xs[1]) )
  • 19. @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_data(): yield task.deferLater(reactor, 3, int) # sleep defer.returnValue(str(random.randint(0, 10))) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_parsed_data(): data = yield get_data() defer.returnValue(int(data) * 2) @defer.inlineCallbacks def work_with_data(): x1, x2 = yield defer.gatherResults( [get_parsed_data(), get_parsed_data()]) print(x1 * x2)
  • 21. class IProtocol(zope.interface.Interface): def dataReceived(data): """ Called whenever data is received. """ def connectionLost(reason): """ Called when the connection is shut down. @type reason: L{twisted.python.failure.Failure} """ def makeConnection(transport): """ Make a connection to a transport and a server. """ def connectionMade(): """ Called when a connection is made. """
  • 22. twisted.internet IAddress IConnector IResolverSimple IResolver IReactorTCP IReactorSSL IReactorUNIX IReactorUNIXDatagram IReactorWin32Events IReactorUDP IReactorMulticast IReactorSocket IReactorProcess IReactorTime IDelayedCall IReactorThreads IReactorCore IReactorPluggableResolver IReactorDaemonize IReactorFDSet IListeningPort ILoggingContext IFileDescriptor IReadDescriptor IWriteDescriptor IReadWriteDescriptor IHalfCloseableDescriptor ISystemHandle IConsumer IProducer IPushProducer IPullProducer IProtocol IProcessProtocol IHalfCloseableProtocol IFileDescriptorReceiver IProtocolFactory ITransport ITCPTransport IUNIXTransport ITLSTransport ISSLTransport IProcessTransport IServiceCollection IUDPTransport IUNIXDatagramTransport IUNIXDatagramConnectedTransport IMulticastTransport IStreamClientEndpoint IStreamServerEndpoint IStreamServerEndpointStringParser IStreamClientEndpointStringParser
  • 23. twisted.cred class ICredentials(Interface): "" class IAnonymous(ICredentials): "" class IUsernameDigestHash(ICredentials): def checkHash(digestHash): "" class IUsernamePassword(ICredentials): def checkPassword(password): "" class ICredentialsChecker(Interface): credentialInterfaces = Attribute("") def requestAvatarId(credentials): "" class IRealm(Interface): def requestAvatar(avatarId, mind, *interfaces): ""
  • 24. class Portal: def __init__(self, realm, checkers=()): self.realm = realm self.checkers = {} for checker in checkers: self.registerChecker(checker) def listCredentialsInterfaces(self): return self.checkers.keys() def registerChecker(self, checker, *credentialInterfaces): if not credentialInterfaces: credentialInterfaces = checker.credentialInterfaces for credentialInterface in credentialInterfaces: self.checkers[credentialInterface] = checker def login(self, credentials, mind, *interfaces): for i in self.checkers: if i.providedBy(credentials): return maybeDeferred( self.checkers[i].requestAvatarId, credentials ).addCallback(self.realm.requestAvatar, mind, *interfaces) ifac = zope.interface.providedBy(credentials) return "No checker for %s" % ', '.join(map(reflect.qual, ifac)))))
  • 25. class ISiteUser(Interface): def get_private_setting(self, pref_key): "" def check_permission(self, perm): def logout(self): "" class IMailbox(Interface): def load_incoming_mails(): "" def send_mail(dest, message): "" @implementer(IRealm) class MyRealm(object): def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces): if ISiteUser in interfaces: a = SiteUserImpl(avatarId, ...) return ISiteUser, a, a.logout if IMailbox in interfaces: a = UserMailboxImpl(avatarId) return ISiteUser, a, lambda: None raise NotImplementedError
  • 26. Plugin system Разработчик приложения ● Пишем свой интерфейс ISomeLogic ● Вызываем twisted.plugin.getPlugins(ISomeLogic) Разработчик плагина ● Пишем класс CustomLogic, реализующий ISomeLogic + twisted.plugin.IPlugin ● Создаем файл twisted/plugins/ ● В файл создаем экземпляр CustomLogic yyy = CustomLogic()
  • 27. Application framework ● Инициализация приложения ● Демонизация ● Выбор реактора ● Логирование ● Профилирование ● Упрощение конфигурации ● Не DI-фреймворк! ● Deprecated: персистентность приложения
  • 28. Application framework class IService(Interface): def setServiceParent(parent): """ Set the parent of the service. """ def disownServiceParent(): """Remove L{IService} from L{IServiceCollection}.""" def privilegedStartService(): """ Do preparation work for starting the service.""" def startService(): """ Start the service. """ def stopService(): """ Stop the service. """
  • 29. Application framework ● TCPServer, TCPClient ● SSLServer, SSLClient ● UDPServer, UDPClient ● UNIXServer, UNIXClient ● UNIXDatagramServer, UNIXDatagramClient ● StreamServerEndpointService ● MulticastServer ● TimerService ● CooperatorService
  • 31. # file '' from twisted.internet import protocol class SimplePinger(protocol.Protocol): def connectionMade(self): print("connection made") self.factory.resetDelay() self.factory.client = self def connectionLost(self, reason): print("connection lost") self.factory.client = None def ping(self, token): self.transport.write("ping {0}rn".format(token)) class PingerFactory(protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory): client = None protocol = SimplePinger counter = 0 def ping(self): if self.client: self.counter += 1 return
  • 32. Application framework # file 'pinger_1234.tac' from twisted.application import internet, service from simple_pinger import PingerFactory client = PingerFactory() timer = internet.TimerService(1, clcon = internet.TCPClient("localhost", 1234, client) application = service.Application("demo") timer.setServiceParent(application) clcon.setServiceParent(application) ~> twistd -y pinger_1234.tac
  • 33. twistd plugins class IServiceMaker(Interface): tapname = Attribute("A short string naming this Twisted plugin") description = Attribute("A brief summary of the features") options = Attribute("A C{twisted.python.usage.Options} subclass") def makeService(options): """ Create and return an object providing L{twisted.application.service.IService}. """ ~> twistd [opts] <<tapname>> … [plugin-opts] ~> twistd -l bs.log procmon Например
  • 34. Spread – perspective broker ● Удаленный вызов методов (RPC) ● Асинхронный ● Симметричный ● Своя сериализация (jelly / banana) ● Передача объектов как по ссылке (Referencable) так и значению (Copyable) ● Передача больших объектов (Cacheable)
  • 35. from twisted.spread import pb from twisted.application import service, internet class Formatter(pb.Referenceable): def __init__(self, format_spec): self.format_spec = format_spec def remote_formatIt(self, value): return format(value, self.format_spec) class ServerObject(pb.Root): def remote_getFormatter(self, format_spec): return Formatter(format_spec) application = service.Application("pb-server") sobj = ServerObject() bs = internet.TCPServer(8800, pb.PBServerFactory(sobj)) bs.setServiceParent(application)
  • 36. from twisted.internet import defer, task from twisted.spread import pb @defer.inlineCallbacks def main(reactor): cf = pb.PBClientFactory() reactor.connectTCP("localhost", 8800, cf) root = yield cf.getRootObject() fmt = yield root.callRemote('getFormatter', ".2f") res = yield fmt.callRemote('formatIt', 1.2345) print(res) if __name__ == '__main__': task.react(main)
  • 37. Библиотеки websocket, memcache, redis, riak, couchdb, cassandra, postgresql, amqp, stomp, solr, xmpp, oscar, msn, snmp, smpp, ldap, webdav … любая асинхронная библиотека с расширяемым реактором
  • 38. Threads class IReactorThreads(Interface): def getThreadPool(): "Return the threadpool used by L{callInThread}." def callInThread(callable, *args, **kwargs): "Run the callable object in a separate thread." def callFromThread(callable, *args, **kw): "Cause a function to be executed by the reactor." def suggestThreadPoolSize(size): "Suggest the size of the internal threadpool." Helpers: ● blockingCallFromThread(reactor, f, *a, **kw) ● deferToThread(f, *args, **kwargs) ● callMultipleInThread(tupleList)
  • 39. adbapi from twisted.enterprise import adbapi from twisted.internet import defer, task dbpool = adbapi.ConnectionPool('sqlite3', "file.db", check_same_thread=False) @defer.inlineCallbacks def useless_work(): yield dbpool.runOperation( "CREATE TABLE Users (name, nick)") yield dbpool.runOperation( "INSERT INTO Users (name, nick) VALUES (?, ?)", ["Andrei", "anjensan"]) nick = yield dbpool.runQuery( "SELECT nick FROM Users WHERE name = ?", ["Andrei"]) print(nick)
  • 40. adbapi def txn_work_with_cursor(cursor, values): # … cursor.executemany( "INSERT INTO Users (name, nick) VALUES (?, ?)", values, ) threads.blockingCallFromThread(reactor, lambda: task.deferLater(reactor, 3, int)) # … cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Users") return cursor.fetchone()[0] @defer.inlineCallbacks def useless_work2(): row = yield dbpool.runInteraction( txn_work_with_cursor, [("Ivan", "ivann"), ("Petr", "pettr")]) print(row)
  • 41. Twisted Web ● HTTP server – конейнер для WSGI (threads!) – сервер и клиент XMLRPC – статические файлы – проксирование – распределенный (pb) ● HTML шаблонный движок (асинхронный) ● HTTP клиент
  • 42. from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.application import service, internet from twisted.web.resource import Resource from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET, Site import time class ClockResource(Resource): isLeaf = True def render_GET(self, request): reactor.callLater(2, self._delayed_render, request) return NOT_DONE_YET def _delayed_render(self, request): request.write("%s" % time.ctime()) request.finish() resource = ClockResource() site = Site(resource) application = service.Application("hello-world") internet.TCPServer(8080, site).setServiceParent(application)
  • 43. class ClockResource(Resource): def _delayed_body(self, requset): return task.deferLater(reactor, 2, lambda: str(time.ctime())) def send_response(self, body, request): request.write(body) request.finish() def fail_response(self, fail, request): if fail.check(defer.CancelledError): return request.setResponseCode(501) request.write(str(fail)) request.finish() def response_failed(self, err, d): d.cancel() err.trap(error.ConnectionDone) def render_GET(self, request): d = self._delayed_body(request) request.notifyFinish().addErrback(self.response_failed, d) d.addCallback(self.send_response, request) d.addErrback(self.fail_response, request) return NOT_DONE_YET
  • 44. Resource tree Site (extends HTTPFactory) /foo 'foo' /bar /bar/ham /bar/fam/.../..... 'bar' 'ham' 'fam' /foo/<dyn> getChild(path) /foo/abc 'abc' /bar/ '' isLeaf = 1 / ''
  • 45. from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.application import internet, service from twisted.web import static, server, twcgi, wsgi, proxy def wsgi_hello_world(environ, start_response): start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type','text/plain')]) return ["Hello World!"] root = static.File("/var/www/htdocs") root.putChild("about", static.Data("lorem ipsum", 'text/plain')) root.putChild("doc", static.File("/usr/share/doc")) root.putChild("cgi-bin", twcgi.CGIDirectory("/var/www/cgi-bin")) root.putChild("", proxy.ReverseProxyResource("", 80, "")) hw_resource = wsgi.WSGIResource( reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(), wsgi_hello_world) root.putChild("hello-world", hw_resource) site = server.Site(root) ss = internet.TCPServer(8080, site) application = service.Application('web') ss.setServiceParent(application)
  • 46. ~> twistd web --wsgi my_module.wsgi_app ~> twistd web --path ~/my/directory/ Запуск WSGI приложения Отдача статических файлов + *.{rpy,epy} ~> twistd web --resource-script myfile.rpy Запуск отдельного Resource (дебаг) через *.rpy ~> twistd web --class my_module.ResourceClass Запуск отдельного Resource (дебаг) через класс
  • 47. import sys from StringIO import StringIO from twisted.internet import reactor, task, defer from twisted.web import client @defer.inlineCallbacks def send_post(reactor, url, data): agent = client.Agent(reactor) request_body = client.FileBodyProducer(StringIO(data)) response = yield agent.request( 'POST', url, body_producer=request_body) response_body = yield client.readBody(response) print("code:", response.code) print("response_body:", response_body) if __name__ == '__main__': task.react(send_post, sys.argv[1:]) HTTP клиент
  • 48. import sys from twisted.internet import defer, task from twisted.web import template from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath class MyElement(template.Element): loader = template.XMLFile(FilePath("template.xml")) @template.renderer def title(self, request, tag): return tag("Title") @template.renderer def widgets(self, request, tag): for wn in ["first", "second", "third"]: yield task.deferLater( reactor, 1, lambda: tag.clone().fillSlots(widget_name=wn)) def main(reactor): return template.flatten(None, MyElement(), sys.stdout.write) task.react(main) <p xmlns:t=""> <p t:render="title" /> <ul> <li t:render="widgets"> <b><t:slot name="widget_name"/></b> </li> </ul> </p> Twisted web templates
  • 49. Twisted projects ● Core – Asynchronous event loop and networking framework. ● Web – An HTTP protocol implementation. ● Conch – An SSH and SFTP protocol implementation. ● Mail – An SMTP, IMAP and POP protocol implementation. ● Names – A DNS protocol implementation with client and server. ● News – An NNTP protocol implementation with client and server. ● Words – Chat and Instant Messaging. ● Runner – Process management, including an inetd server. ● Pair – Low-level networking transports and utilities. ● Trial – Unittest-compatible automated testing.
  • 50. In a Nutshell, Twisted... has had 16,823 commits made by 86 contributors representing 196,503 lines of code took an estimated 51 years of effort (COCOMO model) starting with its first commit in July, 2001