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Nanocoating: To TiO2 or SiO2?
As any Google search will confirm, there is a lot of hype marketing and claims
around the concept of SiO2 & TiO2 nanocoatings for cleaning and disinfection,
with companies reinventing themselves overnight as European experts in nano-
surface coatings. The principle of caveat emptor has never been more important.

What is the best solution for your requirements?
This question is rather basic but essential. One needs to start with the business
need. What is the function & service required? Each business need may have a
different smart fluid application. There are hundreds of nano-smart coatings, all
with different functions and properties, shelf-life and value. No one magic bullet
will deliver all your requirements. Don’t just jump into bed with the first savvy
looking website offering, assuming that they will deliver the most appropriate
solution for you. They will sell you their technology from their stock-room and
not perhaps that solution that best reflects the needs of your company, long

Unfortunately the world of nanocoatings is complex. As a vendor-neutral
company we have researched the market for five years, visited and met hundreds
of suppliers and their marketing teams, attended training courses, listened to
early adopter feedback, and carried out due diligence. The more you learn about
nanotechnology, the more one realizes the laws of physics still frustrate and

We have identified manufacturers and suppliers with advanced solutions in the
world of nanotechnology. We can introduce you to new densification products,
air and surface purifiers using a "Phase2 Nanotechnology”. This is a complex
formulation of photocatalytic oxidation technology.

This relatively new field of science uses a water-based sustainable "green" ultra
(nano) TiO2 liquid, to form a long lasting transparent (clear) coating that is
capable of producing powerful oxidizing hydroxyl and other radicals upon being
irradiated by light—even low levels, such as moonlight or candlelight, give
sufficient intensity for the catalyst to work, albeit slowly.

"Semi-Permanent Air and Surface Purification Powered by Light..."

Our photocatalyst (TiO2) will turn any item into a antibacterial, nontoxic,
deodorizing, hydrophilic, and self-cleaning surface up to 5 years after

"Just imagine the return on your investment"

The properties of our photocatalyst make an ideal environmental protection
product. The capability of producing powerful oxidizing radicals enables
photocatalytic TiO2 to be antibacterial, nontoxic, deodorizing, hydrophilic, and
self-cleaning. Our coatings are water-based and comply with food grade
standards to create a world-first “any-light”-activated “green” nano TiO2, thus
making our photocatalyst coating the ideal environmental protector.

Why are photocatalyst coatings dissimilar?
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a type of catalyst. When illuminated, it can lower the
chemical activation energy to enhance chemical reaction or accelerate the
reaction rate. However, the catalyst itself will not undergo changes and its
structure will not be damaged as a result of the chemical reaction. When
titanium dioxide (TiO2) absorbs light, it will produce mobile pairs of electrons
and “holes” (i.e., electron–hole pairs) carrying negative and positive charge
respectively. The hole has strong oxidizing power and the electron has strong
reducing power. When these electron–hole pairs react with moisture on the
surface of the TiO2, powerful oxidizing radicals like O•–, O2•–, OH• etc. are
mainly produced. These radicals react with, and kill or otherwise destroy, any
bacteria (by destroying the bacterial cell wall and membrane), odoriferous or
polluting substances (such as volatile organic compounds, VOCs) that have
adsorbed onto the TiO2. Viral proteins are also effectively mineralized.

Effectively complete 100% oxidation (i.e., mineralization) is the key to our special
products’ success!

Photocatalyst oxidation technology (PCOT) is approved by the Japan Food
Research Laboratory. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
has recommended that titanium dioxide be considered as a safe substance,
harmless to humans. It is already commonly used in foodstuffs, domestic
commodities such as paint, cosmetics and horticulture.

Photoactivated TiO2’s oxidizing power is stronger than that of ozone, and its
adsorbing power better than HEPA activated carbon. According to trials
performed by reputable laboratories in European and the USA, the deodorizing
power of one square centimeter (1 cm2) of photocatalyst coating is equivalent to
about 500 cm2 of typical refrigerator activated carbon deodorant and 150 times
more effective as an odorant remover than typical “high performance” activated
carbon—which of course does not permanently destroy the pollutant and gets
saturated, nor does it kill bacteria. Also importantly, TiO2 produces no secondary
pollutant from the original one.

Specially treated TiO2 can be sprayed onto windows to form a thin film that also
has antifogging action and tolerates heat up to 400 degrees Celsius. Special
nanostructuring results in water falling on the film to form little droplets that
roll off, gathering any dust particles and bio-slime on the way and sweeping
them away, thus making the window self-cleaning.

Nowadays, most of us live in enclosed compartments (indoor environments) for
much of the time. Analysis of indoor air suggests that there are more than 5,000
types of carcinogens present, which air-conditioning systems in current use are
not able to break down. Compared with other treatment methods, using
photocatalyst is the ideal solution, even completely eliminating from the air
mites and their debris, which cause about 90% of asthmatic allergy cases.

Today, many products available on the market claim to have capability of killing
bacteria and breaking down microbes and organic vapors that damage our
health. However, our photocatalyst, a product of the world's most advanced
environmental technology, is the most effective way to resolve health problems
caused by human-damaging chemical substances, allergens and harmful bacteria
and microscopic fungi.


What is titanium dioxide? What is photocatalyst?
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is an antimicrobial metal oxide created by a process
which disperses the material into nanoliquid (colloidal) form. When exposed to
ultraviolet (UV) light of wavelength 385 nm and shorter, TiO2 becomes a
photocatalyst oxidizer (PCO) creating hydroxyl radicals and superoxide radical
ions, which are twice stronger disinfectants than chlorine and 1.5 times stronger
than ozone. TiO2 is safe and already widely used in many household products
such as various foodstuffs and teeth-whitening toothpaste and tooth powder.

Several Japanese patents have been filed on this Nano-TiO2 photocatalytic
coating, which has many wide-ranging applications and has experienced years of
successful use in the Japanese marketplace. Even fabrics treated with this
revolutionary substance will not retain odors. Car interiors treated with Nano-
TiO2, even when submitted to secondhand smoke from several people for
prolonged periods, will not retain any tobacco odor.

Is TiO2 coating harmless to humans? Is it harmless to domestic animals and
Nano-TiO2 liquid is completely harmless to human bodies and the TiO2 it
contains is actually already widely used as a food additive. It is made with a
patented binding process that makes it possible for the liquid to penetrate and
form a permanent bond with the surfaces to which it is applied. The liquid is not
for human consumption but after it dries to form a film it becomes one with the
surface and is not released into the environment. Nano TiO2 liquid should not of
course be applied directly on animals. It can and should be used, however, to
keep pet bedding from retaining odors and can be used to coat the interior walls
and ceilings of stalls and hutches to keep them clean and pleasant.
After application, does it produce any odor?
No, it does not itself have any odor, and eliminates odors in the atmosphere.

Does Nano-TiO2 liquid have a limited shelf life?
This solution is rather stable and can be stored in a dark, cool environment for a
long time without deterioration.

How is this Nano-TiO2 liquid applied?
It can be brushed or sprayed onto surfaces. When applied to fabrics via spraying,
a brush should be used to work the solution into the fabric.

After it is applied, how long does it last?
The liquid formulation causes the TiO2 nanoparticles to semipermanently
adhere to the surface. Some peeling off may be noticed on flexible substrates
such as carpets, mats, and clothing; it is recommended to reapply the solution
every 3 years. For rigid surfaces the service life is typically 10 years or even
longer, provided there is no abrasion. The coating will typically outlive many
materials such as curtains, carpets, shingles, etc.

Does Nano-TiO2 liquid cause any fabric discoloration or any streaking effects on
Nano-TiO2 liquid can be applied to fabrics, curtains, carpets, woods, tiles,
ceramics, glass, even metal and painted surfaces. If the surface is exposed to
direct sunlight, do not apply to black or very dark colored surfaces as the
oxidation process can remove some pigments from the surfaces. However, indoor
light is usually not strong enough to cause this oxidative reaction on fabrics and
surfaces. When considering the treatment of a surface with Nano-TiO2 liquid, it
is always advisable to spray a small (test) area first and allow to dry to make
sure the liquid does not react with the surface. Do not apply Nano-TiO2 liquid to
leather, silk, or fine garments.
Allow the area to completely dry then wait several hours and wipe the area with
a damp cloth.

How long does it take it to dry?
A film will have formed once the liquid has completely disappeared. The time
needed for this to occur (evaporation time) varies with temperature, wind, and
film thickness. Generally speaking, it only takes 5–15 minutes to dry on solid
surfaces and around 1 hour or longer to dry on fabrics. Use a blow dryer to speed
up the drying process as well as aid with the bonding process.

How long does the Nano-TiO2 coating have be exposed to light before it releases
oxidizers to get rid of indoor air pollution?

Nano-TiO2 liquid will actively begin creating hydroxyl radicals and superoxide
radical ions immediately when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) rays in the sub-400
nm range. Even regular domestic lighting, especially the fluorescent lamps such
as those found in many kitchens, will activate the TiO2's disinfectant effect to a
minor extent,. However it's direct sunlight or UV radiation, including “black”
lights (UVA) that create the most oxidizers. Hydroxyl radicals and superoxide
ions do not give off a strong beech like ozone does but they do aggressively go
after odors and air pollution better than ozone or chlorine.

Does Nano-TiO2 liquid remove odors from the air? From fabrics?
The surface area of our titanium dioxide is about 300 μm2 per gram (equivalent
to that of activated charcoal). When exposed to light, the nanoparticles create
OH• (hydroxyl radicals) and O•– (oxide radical ions) etc., which decompose
adsorbed substances that odor in the atmosphere. The principal difference
between titanium dioxide and other odor-adsorbing substances (including
activated carbons) is that the titanium dioxide repeats the adsorbing function
semipermanently because it destroys them by oxidizing them to simple gases
such as CO2, whereas activated carbon and other adsorbing substances such as
zeolites lose their effectiveness once their surfaces are fully saturated.

How does Nano-TiO2 liquid prevent and remove contamination from surfaces?
Airborne contaminants such as secondhand smoke, car exhaust, molds, VOCs,
viruses, bacteria, etc. cannot permanently adhere to surfaces treated with Nano-
TiO2 liquid. They become oxidized by the photocatalyst and float away as
harmless mineralized gases.

Why does Nano-TiO2 liquid have a sterilizing and antmicrobial effect?
The old standard method for killing airborne microorganisms is by using strong
short-wavelength (UVC) radiation (over 20 milliwatts of ultraviolet germicidal
irradiation, UVGI), which kills microbes by destroying their DNA. Our Nano-
TiO2 liquid works in a different way. Relatively safe long-wavelength (UVA)
radiation is absorbed by the titanium dioxide, catalytically creating strongly
oxidizing radicals that decompose and destroy the cell membrane, not the DNA.
Most microbes are single-celled organisms so they die quickly when this
happnes. Accordingly, titanium dioxide even kills MRSA (Staphylococcus aureus)
a major cause of hospital infections. Our TiO2 solution has also been proven to
destroy other types of microbes that are not even killed by antibiotics! TiO2 is not
selective on the types of microorganism it kills, it kills them all. For this reason,
Japanese hospitals have shown excellent antibacterial results with our
particular patented brand of TiO2 solution. In addition, our Nano-TiO2 liquid
decomposes the toxins that are discharged when microbes die (e.g., verotoxins,
enterotoxins), mineralizing them into harmless gases.

Exactly what type of odors will Nano-TiO2 liquid eliminate?
It will remove virtually all and any type of odor from surfaces as treated surfaces
become resistant to microorganisms (mold, bacteria, viruses), smoke, odors, etc.
It removes odors from the air when a treated surface is exposed to light.

Does it work in cold environments such as freezers?
Yes. Microbes that come in contact with a treated surface will be destroyed. The
creation of the oxidizing radicals is not temperature-dependent
Does Nano-TiO2 liquid get rid of cigarette odors from tar and nicotine that have
penetrated surfaces?
Yes. If a secondhand smoke-contaminated surface (by the way, secondhand
smoke is known to have over 400 known cancer causing chemicals) is treated
with TiO2 solution, the odor will soon disappear. However, the discoloration
caused by the smoke will remain. It is therefore advisable to first wash smoke-
contaminated surfaces that show discoloration before treatment.

How does the intensity of light affect the ability of this Nano-TiO2 liquid to
create friendly oxidizers which purify the air?
As a characteristic of titanium dioxide, it starts to produce friendly oxidizer en
masse when exposed to ultraviolet rays of 400 nm or lower. Any air pollution,
including VOCs and odors, that comes into contact with a surface treated with
Nano-TiO2 liquid will become oxidized and deodorized.

What are some of the more popular domestic applications for Nano-TiO2 liquid?
Bathrooms, floor tiles, sinks, showers, car interiors, to remove and prevent
tobacco odors, kitchen counters, furniture and carpets (especially if you have
pets), curtains, mini-blinds, windows exposed to light, ceiling fans, car rims,
white outdoor furniture, house gutters (keep them mold-free), concrete or brick
that you want to keep mold-free, the list goes on and on.

Can Nano-TiO2 be applied to carpets?
Yes, and with great results! Carpets treated with Nano TiO2 will resist not only
odors and grime but also pests such as fleas. Carpets will last much longer as
well. For this reason, carpets and fabrics in trains and other public
transportation are now being treated with Nano TiO2 in Japan with excellent
results. +44 20 3287 9234

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Nanotechnology for the protection of assets and property

  • 1. Nanocoating: To TiO2 or SiO2? As any Google search will confirm, there is a lot of hype marketing and claims around the concept of SiO2 & TiO2 nanocoatings for cleaning and disinfection, with companies reinventing themselves overnight as European experts in nano- surface coatings. The principle of caveat emptor has never been more important. What is the best solution for your requirements? This question is rather basic but essential. One needs to start with the business need. What is the function & service required? Each business need may have a different smart fluid application. There are hundreds of nano-smart coatings, all with different functions and properties, shelf-life and value. No one magic bullet will deliver all your requirements. Don’t just jump into bed with the first savvy looking website offering, assuming that they will deliver the most appropriate solution for you. They will sell you their technology from their stock-room and not perhaps that solution that best reflects the needs of your company, long term. Unfortunately the world of nanocoatings is complex. As a vendor-neutral company we have researched the market for five years, visited and met hundreds of suppliers and their marketing teams, attended training courses, listened to early adopter feedback, and carried out due diligence. The more you learn about nanotechnology, the more one realizes the laws of physics still frustrate and fascinate. We have identified manufacturers and suppliers with advanced solutions in the world of nanotechnology. We can introduce you to new densification products, air and surface purifiers using a "Phase2 Nanotechnology”. This is a complex formulation of photocatalytic oxidation technology. This relatively new field of science uses a water-based sustainable "green" ultra (nano) TiO2 liquid, to form a long lasting transparent (clear) coating that is capable of producing powerful oxidizing hydroxyl and other radicals upon being irradiated by light—even low levels, such as moonlight or candlelight, give sufficient intensity for the catalyst to work, albeit slowly. "Semi-Permanent Air and Surface Purification Powered by Light..." Our photocatalyst (TiO2) will turn any item into a antibacterial, nontoxic, deodorizing, hydrophilic, and self-cleaning surface up to 5 years after
  • 2. application. "Just imagine the return on your investment" The properties of our photocatalyst make an ideal environmental protection product. The capability of producing powerful oxidizing radicals enables photocatalytic TiO2 to be antibacterial, nontoxic, deodorizing, hydrophilic, and self-cleaning. Our coatings are water-based and comply with food grade standards to create a world-first “any-light”-activated “green” nano TiO2, thus making our photocatalyst coating the ideal environmental protector. Why are photocatalyst coatings dissimilar? Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a type of catalyst. When illuminated, it can lower the chemical activation energy to enhance chemical reaction or accelerate the reaction rate. However, the catalyst itself will not undergo changes and its structure will not be damaged as a result of the chemical reaction. When titanium dioxide (TiO2) absorbs light, it will produce mobile pairs of electrons and “holes” (i.e., electron–hole pairs) carrying negative and positive charge respectively. The hole has strong oxidizing power and the electron has strong reducing power. When these electron–hole pairs react with moisture on the surface of the TiO2, powerful oxidizing radicals like O•–, O2•–, OH• etc. are mainly produced. These radicals react with, and kill or otherwise destroy, any bacteria (by destroying the bacterial cell wall and membrane), odoriferous or polluting substances (such as volatile organic compounds, VOCs) that have adsorbed onto the TiO2. Viral proteins are also effectively mineralized. Effectively complete 100% oxidation (i.e., mineralization) is the key to our special products’ success! Photocatalyst oxidation technology (PCOT) is approved by the Japan Food Research Laboratory. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recommended that titanium dioxide be considered as a safe substance, harmless to humans. It is already commonly used in foodstuffs, domestic commodities such as paint, cosmetics and horticulture. Photoactivated TiO2’s oxidizing power is stronger than that of ozone, and its adsorbing power better than HEPA activated carbon. According to trials performed by reputable laboratories in European and the USA, the deodorizing power of one square centimeter (1 cm2) of photocatalyst coating is equivalent to about 500 cm2 of typical refrigerator activated carbon deodorant and 150 times more effective as an odorant remover than typical “high performance” activated carbon—which of course does not permanently destroy the pollutant and gets saturated, nor does it kill bacteria. Also importantly, TiO2 produces no secondary pollutant from the original one. Specially treated TiO2 can be sprayed onto windows to form a thin film that also has antifogging action and tolerates heat up to 400 degrees Celsius. Special nanostructuring results in water falling on the film to form little droplets that
  • 3. roll off, gathering any dust particles and bio-slime on the way and sweeping them away, thus making the window self-cleaning. Nowadays, most of us live in enclosed compartments (indoor environments) for much of the time. Analysis of indoor air suggests that there are more than 5,000 types of carcinogens present, which air-conditioning systems in current use are not able to break down. Compared with other treatment methods, using photocatalyst is the ideal solution, even completely eliminating from the air mites and their debris, which cause about 90% of asthmatic allergy cases. Today, many products available on the market claim to have capability of killing bacteria and breaking down microbes and organic vapors that damage our health. However, our photocatalyst, a product of the world's most advanced environmental technology, is the most effective way to resolve health problems caused by human-damaging chemical substances, allergens and harmful bacteria and microscopic fungi. EVERTHING THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE NANO TIO 2 LIQUID SOLUTION: What is titanium dioxide? What is photocatalyst? Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is an antimicrobial metal oxide created by a process which disperses the material into nanoliquid (colloidal) form. When exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light of wavelength 385 nm and shorter, TiO2 becomes a photocatalyst oxidizer (PCO) creating hydroxyl radicals and superoxide radical ions, which are twice stronger disinfectants than chlorine and 1.5 times stronger than ozone. TiO2 is safe and already widely used in many household products such as various foodstuffs and teeth-whitening toothpaste and tooth powder. Several Japanese patents have been filed on this Nano-TiO2 photocatalytic coating, which has many wide-ranging applications and has experienced years of successful use in the Japanese marketplace. Even fabrics treated with this revolutionary substance will not retain odors. Car interiors treated with Nano- TiO2, even when submitted to secondhand smoke from several people for prolonged periods, will not retain any tobacco odor. Is TiO2 coating harmless to humans? Is it harmless to domestic animals and pets? Nano-TiO2 liquid is completely harmless to human bodies and the TiO2 it contains is actually already widely used as a food additive. It is made with a patented binding process that makes it possible for the liquid to penetrate and form a permanent bond with the surfaces to which it is applied. The liquid is not for human consumption but after it dries to form a film it becomes one with the surface and is not released into the environment. Nano TiO2 liquid should not of course be applied directly on animals. It can and should be used, however, to keep pet bedding from retaining odors and can be used to coat the interior walls and ceilings of stalls and hutches to keep them clean and pleasant.
  • 4. After application, does it produce any odor? No, it does not itself have any odor, and eliminates odors in the atmosphere. Does Nano-TiO2 liquid have a limited shelf life? This solution is rather stable and can be stored in a dark, cool environment for a long time without deterioration. How is this Nano-TiO2 liquid applied? It can be brushed or sprayed onto surfaces. When applied to fabrics via spraying, a brush should be used to work the solution into the fabric. After it is applied, how long does it last? The liquid formulation causes the TiO2 nanoparticles to semipermanently adhere to the surface. Some peeling off may be noticed on flexible substrates such as carpets, mats, and clothing; it is recommended to reapply the solution every 3 years. For rigid surfaces the service life is typically 10 years or even longer, provided there is no abrasion. The coating will typically outlive many materials such as curtains, carpets, shingles, etc. Does Nano-TiO2 liquid cause any fabric discoloration or any streaking effects on solids? Nano-TiO2 liquid can be applied to fabrics, curtains, carpets, woods, tiles, ceramics, glass, even metal and painted surfaces. If the surface is exposed to direct sunlight, do not apply to black or very dark colored surfaces as the oxidation process can remove some pigments from the surfaces. However, indoor light is usually not strong enough to cause this oxidative reaction on fabrics and surfaces. When considering the treatment of a surface with Nano-TiO2 liquid, it is always advisable to spray a small (test) area first and allow to dry to make sure the liquid does not react with the surface. Do not apply Nano-TiO2 liquid to leather, silk, or fine garments. Allow the area to completely dry then wait several hours and wipe the area with a damp cloth. How long does it take it to dry? A film will have formed once the liquid has completely disappeared. The time needed for this to occur (evaporation time) varies with temperature, wind, and film thickness. Generally speaking, it only takes 5–15 minutes to dry on solid surfaces and around 1 hour or longer to dry on fabrics. Use a blow dryer to speed up the drying process as well as aid with the bonding process. How long does the Nano-TiO2 coating have be exposed to light before it releases oxidizers to get rid of indoor air pollution? Nano-TiO2 liquid will actively begin creating hydroxyl radicals and superoxide radical ions immediately when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) rays in the sub-400 nm range. Even regular domestic lighting, especially the fluorescent lamps such as those found in many kitchens, will activate the TiO2's disinfectant effect to a
  • 5. minor extent,. However it's direct sunlight or UV radiation, including “black” lights (UVA) that create the most oxidizers. Hydroxyl radicals and superoxide ions do not give off a strong beech like ozone does but they do aggressively go after odors and air pollution better than ozone or chlorine. Does Nano-TiO2 liquid remove odors from the air? From fabrics? The surface area of our titanium dioxide is about 300 μm2 per gram (equivalent to that of activated charcoal). When exposed to light, the nanoparticles create OH• (hydroxyl radicals) and O•– (oxide radical ions) etc., which decompose adsorbed substances that odor in the atmosphere. The principal difference between titanium dioxide and other odor-adsorbing substances (including activated carbons) is that the titanium dioxide repeats the adsorbing function semipermanently because it destroys them by oxidizing them to simple gases such as CO2, whereas activated carbon and other adsorbing substances such as zeolites lose their effectiveness once their surfaces are fully saturated. How does Nano-TiO2 liquid prevent and remove contamination from surfaces? Airborne contaminants such as secondhand smoke, car exhaust, molds, VOCs, viruses, bacteria, etc. cannot permanently adhere to surfaces treated with Nano- TiO2 liquid. They become oxidized by the photocatalyst and float away as harmless mineralized gases. Why does Nano-TiO2 liquid have a sterilizing and antmicrobial effect? The old standard method for killing airborne microorganisms is by using strong short-wavelength (UVC) radiation (over 20 milliwatts of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation, UVGI), which kills microbes by destroying their DNA. Our Nano- TiO2 liquid works in a different way. Relatively safe long-wavelength (UVA) radiation is absorbed by the titanium dioxide, catalytically creating strongly oxidizing radicals that decompose and destroy the cell membrane, not the DNA. Most microbes are single-celled organisms so they die quickly when this happnes. Accordingly, titanium dioxide even kills MRSA (Staphylococcus aureus) a major cause of hospital infections. Our TiO2 solution has also been proven to destroy other types of microbes that are not even killed by antibiotics! TiO2 is not selective on the types of microorganism it kills, it kills them all. For this reason, Japanese hospitals have shown excellent antibacterial results with our particular patented brand of TiO2 solution. In addition, our Nano-TiO2 liquid decomposes the toxins that are discharged when microbes die (e.g., verotoxins, enterotoxins), mineralizing them into harmless gases. Exactly what type of odors will Nano-TiO2 liquid eliminate? It will remove virtually all and any type of odor from surfaces as treated surfaces become resistant to microorganisms (mold, bacteria, viruses), smoke, odors, etc. It removes odors from the air when a treated surface is exposed to light. Does it work in cold environments such as freezers? Yes. Microbes that come in contact with a treated surface will be destroyed. The creation of the oxidizing radicals is not temperature-dependent
  • 6. Does Nano-TiO2 liquid get rid of cigarette odors from tar and nicotine that have penetrated surfaces? Yes. If a secondhand smoke-contaminated surface (by the way, secondhand smoke is known to have over 400 known cancer causing chemicals) is treated with TiO2 solution, the odor will soon disappear. However, the discoloration caused by the smoke will remain. It is therefore advisable to first wash smoke- contaminated surfaces that show discoloration before treatment. How does the intensity of light affect the ability of this Nano-TiO2 liquid to create friendly oxidizers which purify the air? As a characteristic of titanium dioxide, it starts to produce friendly oxidizer en masse when exposed to ultraviolet rays of 400 nm or lower. Any air pollution, including VOCs and odors, that comes into contact with a surface treated with Nano-TiO2 liquid will become oxidized and deodorized. What are some of the more popular domestic applications for Nano-TiO2 liquid? Bathrooms, floor tiles, sinks, showers, car interiors, to remove and prevent tobacco odors, kitchen counters, furniture and carpets (especially if you have pets), curtains, mini-blinds, windows exposed to light, ceiling fans, car rims, white outdoor furniture, house gutters (keep them mold-free), concrete or brick that you want to keep mold-free, the list goes on and on. Can Nano-TiO2 be applied to carpets? Yes, and with great results! Carpets treated with Nano TiO2 will resist not only odors and grime but also pests such as fleas. Carpets will last much longer as well. For this reason, carpets and fabrics in trains and other public transportation are now being treated with Nano TiO2 in Japan with excellent results. +44 20 3287 9234