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Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 1 of 14
Solution Engineering
Government Equipment List (GEL)
Development Process
Manual Transmittal
Effective Date
<Date, MM/DD/YYYY>
This transmits a revised Solution Engineering, Government Equipment List (GEL) Development Process.
Material Changes
• Complete Revision to minimize the time to procure equipment
Effect on Other Documents
Version 1.0 dated June 22, 2012 is superseded.
The Government Equipment List Development Process is applicable to all Information Technology (IT) organizations,
contractors, and other stakeholders having responsibility for developing Government Equipment Lists.
Sri Rao
Director, Solution Engineering
Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 2 of 14
Change History
Version Date
Change Description/Purpose
Location Type Nature of Change(s)
V2.0 09/09/2015 All M Re-written to minimize the time to procure
Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 3 of 14
Table of Contents
1.1 Administration................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Process Description.......................................................................................................................4
1.3 Goal................................................................................................................................................4
1.4 Objectives......................................................................................................................................4
1.5 Main Process Diagram...................................................................................................................5
1.6 Inputs..............................................................................................................................................6
1.7 Outputs...........................................................................................................................................6
1.8 Activities.........................................................................................................................................6
1.9 Roles..............................................................................................................................................7
Process Control.......................................................................................................................................7
1.10 Controls........................................................................................................................................7
1.11 Metrics..........................................................................................................................................7
1.12 Policies.........................................................................................................................................7
1.12.1 Process Management...........................................................................................................8
1.12.2 People...................................................................................................................................8
1.12.3 Process..................................................................................................................................8
1.12.4 Technology and Tools..........................................................................................................8
1.13 Tailoring Guidelines.....................................................................................................................8
1.14 Purpose of Procedure..................................................................................................................9
1.15 GEL 1.0: Conduct GEL Pre-Coordination...................................................................................9
1.15.1 GEL 1.0 Flow Diagram........................................................................................................10
1.16 GEL 2.0: Develop GEL and assigned checklist Items...............................................................10
1.16.1 GEL 2.0 Flow Diagram........................................................................................................11
1.17 GEL 3.0: Disposition GEL..........................................................................................................11
1.17.1 GEL3.0 Flow Diagram.........................................................................................................12
Appendix A............................................................................................................................................13
1.18 Acronyms...................................................................................................................................13
1.19 Glossary.....................................................................................................................................13
Appendix B............................................................................................................................................14
1.20 GEL Pre-Coordination Checklist................................................................................................14
Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 4 of 14
This document describes the formal process for implementing the requirements of the Government Equipment List
process. It provides an operational definition of the major components of the process and how to perform each step
in the process. This document also describes the logical arrangements of steps that are essential to successfully
completing the process and achieving its desirable outcome.
1.1 Administration
All proposed changes to this document must be submitted in writing, with supporting rationale, to the Solution
A process is defined as “A set of related of activities that accomplish a common goal”. The process definition laid out
in this document further breaks down these Activities into Tasks, each of which have a complete set of attributes
defined such as data and tool specifications and the role(s) responsible for executing the tasks. The document also
includes process goal and objectives, metrics, role definitions, policies and other process related attributes.
1.2 Process Description
Government Equipment List is the process responsible for providing guidance in the creation and review of
Government Equipment Lists, including relationships, to support the other ITSM processes.
1.3 Goal
The process goal describes a specific purpose or achievement toward which the efforts of the process are directed.
Each process has a specific focus and when combined with the other processes, forms a comprehensive framework
for delivering and managing services.
• To support Application Development Projects develop GELS that are reviewed by Solution Engineering, contain
all of the information required by the Acquisitions Process, and submitted within limited time restraints.
1.4 Objectives
Process objectives describe material outcomes that are produced or achieved by the process. The following is a list
of objectives for this process:
• To minimize the time to acquire equipment for project needs.
• To provide an accurate understanding of the actions required by projects to more efficiently support the Enterprise
Life Cycle (ELC).
A workflow consists of Activities and Tasks, Inputs and Outputs, Roles, and Flow Diagrams. It describes the tasks,
procedural steps, organizations or people involved, required input and output information, and tools needed for each
step of the process.
Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 5 of 14
1.5 Main Process Diagram
Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 6 of 14
1.6 Inputs
Process inputs are used as triggers to initiate the process and to produce the desired outputs. Users, stakeholders or
other processes provide inputs. The following is a list of inputs for this process:
Name Description Supplier
Customer Service
Customer requested services via the
Engineering Front Door
Project Manager
Funding Data Strings Project Manager
Design Specification
Report (DSR)
Physical Design Specifications based on
Customer Requirements
1.7 Outputs
Each process produces tangible outputs. These outputs can take the form of products or data and can be delivered
to a user or stakeholder, or, they can be used as inputs to other processes. Outputs are measurable in terms of
quantity and quality.
Name Description Recipient
Equipment List
A complete description of hardware,
software, and/or services to be
ES Acquisitions
Checklist Items
(See Appendix B)
Items for Acquisitions ES Acquisitions
1.8 Activities
An activity is a major unit of work to be completed in achieving the objectives of the process. A process consists of a
sequence of related activities that transforms inputs into outputs and performed by the roles defined in the process.
Identify the activities in the process and provide a brief description. The activities must correspond with the high-level
process flow diagram above.
ID Name Description
GEL 1.0
Conduct GEL Pre-
A meeting to coordinate all requirements listed in the
GEL Pre-Coordination Checklist.
GEL 2.0
Develop GEL and
Assigned Checklist
Activities conducted to collect information required by
the GEL Checklist and to describe equipment proposed
for procurement
GEL 3.0 Disposition GEL
A review for possible approval of the proposed GEL by
Solution Engineering’s Director (or designate).
Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 7 of 14
1.9 Roles
Each process defines at least one role. Each role is assigned to perform specific tasks within the process. The
responsibilities of a role are confined to the specific process. They do not imply any functional standing within the
hierarchy of an organization. For example, the process manager role does not imply the role is associated with or
fulfilled by someone with functional management responsibilities within the organization. Within a specific process,
there can be more than one individual associated with a specific role. Additionally, a single individual can assume
more than one role within the process although typically not at the same time.
Name Description
Project Manager Applications Development Project Leader
Engineering Lead
• Conducts the Pre-Coordination Meeting
• Assigns all Checklist Items and timelines
• Accountable for Engineering Team Member activities
Engineering Team
• Develop GEL
• Develop all other Checklist Items
Acquisition Analyst POC for acquire Hardware
Operations Analyst POC for Enterprise Ops.
Higher Authority SE Director, Responsible for final Dispositions
Stakeholder Member of the business community requiring services
Process Control
Activities involved in ensuring a process is predictable, stable, and consistently operating at the target level of
1.10 Controls
Process controls represent the policies and guiding principles on how the process will operate. Controls provide
direction over the operation of processes and define constraints or boundaries within which the process must
Name Description
SE GEL Process
The GEL Process is a required activity mandated by the
Solution Engineering
Process Metrics
The GEL Process monitors to what degree the GEL Process
is being used.
1.11 Metrics
Metrics are used for the quantitative and periodic assessment of a process. They should be associated with targets
that are set based on specific business objectives. Metrics provide information related to the goals and objectives of
a process and are used to take corrective action when desired results are not being achieved and can be used to
drive continual improvement of process effectiveness and efficiency.
Management will regularly set targets for process performance, gather quantifiable data related to different functions
of the Government Equipment List process, and review that data in order to make informed decisions and take
appropriate corrective action, if necessary. All Measurements will have a defined data dictionary, map to the
organizational strategic goals, and be documented in a Process Measurement Plan. The Process Measurement Plan
template is available in the IT PAL.
1.12 Policies
Policies outline a set of plans or courses of action that are intended to influence and determine decisions or actions
of a process. Policies provide an element of governance over the process that provides alignment to business vision,
Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 8 of 14
mission and goals.
1.12.1 Process Management
Statement: The Government Equipment List process will have a single Process Owner and a separate Process Manager,
responsible for implementation and ensuring adherence to the process. The process will be reviewed regularly to ensure
that it continues to support the business requirements of the enterprise. The process will be designed and developed
based on ROI to the business. Process metrics will be focused on providing relevant information as opposed to merely
presenting raw data.
1.12.2 People
Statement: Roles and responsibilities for the process must be clearly defined and appropriately staffed with people having
the required skills and training. Upper management to the staff and business customers of IT must clearly and regularly
communicate the mission, goals, scope and importance of the process. All IT staff (direct and indirect users of the
process) shall be trained at the appropriate level to enable them to support the process.
Rationale: It is imperative that people working in, supporting or interacting with the process in any manner understand
what they are supposed to do. Without that understanding Government Equipment List will not be successful.
1.12.3 Process
Statement: The Process Owner must approve modifications to the Government Equipment List process. The design of
the process must include appropriate interfaces with other processes to facilitate data sharing, escalation and workflow.
The process must be capable of providing data to support real-time requirements as well as historical/trending data for
overall process improvement initiatives. The process must be fully documented, published and accessible to the various
stakeholders of the process. The process will be reviewed on a periodic basis in order to ensure it continues to support
organizational goals and objectives (continuous improvement). The process must include Inputs, Outputs, Controls,
Metrics, Activities, Tasks, Roles and Responsibilities, Tool and Data requirements along with documented process flows.
The process will be kept straight forward, rational, and easy to understand.
Rationale: The process must meet operational and business requirements.
1.12.4 Technology and Tools
Statement: All tools selected must conform to the enterprise architectural standards and direction. Existing in-house tools
and technology will be used wherever possible, new tools will only be entertained if they satisfy a business need that
cannot be met by current in-house tools. The selection of supporting tools must be process driven and based on the
requirements of the business. Selected tools must provide ease of deployment, customization and use. The selected
tools must support heterogeneous platforms. Automated workflow, notification and escalation will be deployed wherever
possible to minimize delays, ensure consistency, reduce manual intervention and ensure appropriate parties are made
aware of issues requiring their attention.
The tools used by this process are the following:
GEL Template
GEL Pre-Coordination Checklist
Rationale: Technology and tools should be used to augment the process capabilities, not become an end themselves.
1.13 Tailoring Guidelines
The tailoring guidelines identify the allowable variations of the IT organization’s standard process as
needed for adjustments (adding, deleting, modifying) relative to specific operational or functional needs
of another organization. Process tailoring is about roles and procedures, not the standard process or
major activities defined in this process. All tailoring request, with supporting rationale, must be
submitted in writing to and approved by the Government Equipment List owner.
Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 9 of 14
Process training involves training all stakeholders about key processes that are crucial for an organization to deliver
business objectives. Training provides clarity to employees on a set of procedures that needs to be carried out as
part of the process and the best possible way to do them. List below the training resources available for this process:
GEL Overview, ELMS course #52798
1.14 Purpose of Procedure
This document defines the step-by-step instructions on how to conduct the activities used to implement the GEL
process in Solution Engineering. The purpose of a procedure document is to institutionalize and formalize the
preferred method of performing tasks that staff is using. The objective is to have everyone using the same tools and
techniques and follow the same repeatable steps so that the organization can quantify how well the procedure is
working and train future staff members who may not currently know the routine. Ensuring consistency is a critical
component for ensuring optimum efficiency.
1.15 GEL 1.0: Conduct GEL Pre-Coordination
ID Task Name and Description Role RACI
GEL 1.1 • Schedule and conduct Pre-
Coordination meeting
• Exit conditional on receipt of proof of
funding authorization
• Engineering Lead
• Project Manager
• Engineering Team
• Aqcuistions Analyst
• Operations Analyst
• Stakeholders
GEL 1.2 Project Overview • Project Manager R
GEL1.3 Assign Gel Development • Engineering Lead
• Engineering Team Member
GEL 1.4 Assign responsibility and timeline for
each Checklist Item (Not including the
GEL),(See Appendix B)
• Engineering Lead
• Engineering Team Member
Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 10 of 14
1.15.1 GEL 1.0 Flow Diagram
1.16 GEL 2.0: Develop GEL and assigned checklist Items
ID Task Name and Description Role RACI
GEL 2.1 Develop GEL • Engineering Lead
• Engineering Team Member(s)
GEL 2.2 • Determine if virtual servers can be
• Provide a justification for using
Physical Servers (if required).
• Engineering Lead
• Engineering Team Member(s)
GEL 2.3 Acquire Market Surveys • Engineering Team Member(s) R
GEL 2.4 Complete Block 15 of the Justification
for Other Than Full and Open
Competition (JOFOC) if required.
• Engineering Lead
• Engineering Team Member(s)
GEL 2.5 Develop Statement of Work (SOW) if
• Engineering Lead
• Engineering Team Member(s)
GEL 2.6 Obtain completed Voluntary Product
Assessability Template (VPAT) from
• Engineering Lead
• Engineering Team Member(s)
Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 11 of 14
1.16.1 GEL 2.0 Flow Diagram
1.17 GEL 3.0: Disposition GEL
ID Task Name and Description Role RACI
GEL 3.1
• Disposition GEL (Approve or
• Inform ES Acquisitions and
Engineering Lead of Disposition
• Higher Authority
• Acquisitions Analyst
• Engineering Lead
GEL 3.2 Receive GEL Disposition • Engineering Lead
• Acquisition Analyst
Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 12 of 14
1.17.1 GEL3.0 Flow Diagram
Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 13 of 14
Appendix A
1.18 Acronyms
Acronyms Definition
ACIO Assistant Chief Information Officer
ELC Enterprise Life Cycle
ELMS Enterprise Learning Management Service
EOPs Enterprise Operations
ES Enterprise Services
GEL Government Equipment List
IT Information Technology
ITSM Information Technology Service Management
JOFOC Justification for Other Than Full and Open Competition
PAL Process Asset Library
SE Solution Engineering
SOW Statement of Work
RACI Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed
ROI Return on Investment
VPAT Voluntary Product Assessability Template
1.19 Glossary
Term Definition
GEL A detailed list of the hardware and software equipment to be acquired
Federal Acquisition Regulation requiring the justification for not using full and open
cempetition in purchasing hardaware and/or software
A Statement of Work (SOW) is a generic term used to refer to purchase descriptions,
specifications, commercial item descriptions, or formal or voluntary standards. The SOW
describes the agency's requirement. It should address the who, what, when, where and
how of the requirement. A well written SOW is very important in ensuring that a
government requirement is satisfied.
A VPAT is a vendor-generated statement (using the required template) that provides
relevant information on how a vendor's product or service claims to conform to the Section
508 standards.
The RACI model is based on the principle that people act in one of four ways when
executing a task. It accounts for the fact that more than one role may be active in
performing a specific task while clearly defining specific responsibilities for that role. While
many roles may be involved in a task only one is Accountable for the results. The actions
are: R Responsible for the action (may do the task) A Accountable for the action (including
approval) C Required to be Consulted on the action I Required to be Informed of the
action If a task does not have an Accountable role indicated then the Responsible role is
assumed to be accountable for the task.
Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 14 of 14
Appendix B
1.20 GEL Pre-Coordination Checklist
Government Equipment List (GEL)
Pre-Coordination Checklist
1 GEL template completed?
Justification for using Physical Servers completed (if
3 ES Acquisitions notified?
Current Market Surveys (quotes) included?
NOTE: quotes are valid for 30 days.
Funding email provided from Budget Analyst to include funding
string, routing path, and requisition sequence?
6 JOFOC block 15, justification for exceptions completed?
7 Determine if SOW is required in addition to JOFOC.
Voluntary Product Assessability Template (VPAT) provided by

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Jurnal   an example of using key performance indicators for software developmentJurnal   an example of using key performance indicators for software development
Jurnal an example of using key performance indicators for software development

GEL PD V2 0 09.11.2015

  • 1. Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 1 of 14 Solution Engineering Government Equipment List (GEL) Development Process Manual Transmittal Effective Date <Date, MM/DD/YYYY> Purpose This transmits a revised Solution Engineering, Government Equipment List (GEL) Development Process. Material Changes • Complete Revision to minimize the time to procure equipment Effect on Other Documents Version 1.0 dated June 22, 2012 is superseded. Audience The Government Equipment List Development Process is applicable to all Information Technology (IT) organizations, contractors, and other stakeholders having responsibility for developing Government Equipment Lists. Signature Sri Rao Director, Solution Engineering OS:CTO:ES:SE:PM-GEL_PD_v2.0-09032015
  • 2. Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 2 of 14 Change History Version Number Version Date Change Description/Purpose Location Type Nature of Change(s) V2.0 09/09/2015 All M Re-written to minimize the time to procure equipment A - ADDED M - MODIFIED D - DELETED OS:CTO:ES:SE:PM-GEL_PD_v2.0-09032015
  • 3. Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 3 of 14 Table of Contents Introduction..............................................................................................................................................4 1.1 Administration................................................................................................................................4 Overview..................................................................................................................................................4 1.2 Process Description.......................................................................................................................4 1.3 Goal................................................................................................................................................4 1.4 Objectives......................................................................................................................................4 Workflow..................................................................................................................................................4 1.5 Main Process Diagram...................................................................................................................5 1.6 Inputs..............................................................................................................................................6 1.7 Outputs...........................................................................................................................................6 1.8 Activities.........................................................................................................................................6 1.9 Roles..............................................................................................................................................7 Process Control.......................................................................................................................................7 1.10 Controls........................................................................................................................................7 1.11 Metrics..........................................................................................................................................7 1.12 Policies.........................................................................................................................................7 1.12.1 Process Management...........................................................................................................8 1.12.2 People...................................................................................................................................8 1.12.3 Process..................................................................................................................................8 1.12.4 Technology and Tools..........................................................................................................8 1.13 Tailoring Guidelines.....................................................................................................................8 Training....................................................................................................................................................9 Procedure................................................................................................................................................9 1.14 Purpose of Procedure..................................................................................................................9 1.15 GEL 1.0: Conduct GEL Pre-Coordination...................................................................................9 1.15.1 GEL 1.0 Flow Diagram........................................................................................................10 1.16 GEL 2.0: Develop GEL and assigned checklist Items...............................................................10 1.16.1 GEL 2.0 Flow Diagram........................................................................................................11 1.17 GEL 3.0: Disposition GEL..........................................................................................................11 1.17.1 GEL3.0 Flow Diagram.........................................................................................................12 Appendix A............................................................................................................................................13 1.18 Acronyms...................................................................................................................................13 1.19 Glossary.....................................................................................................................................13 Appendix B............................................................................................................................................14 1.20 GEL Pre-Coordination Checklist................................................................................................14 OS:CTO:ES:SE:PM-GEL_PD_v2.0-09032015
  • 4. Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 4 of 14 Introduction This document describes the formal process for implementing the requirements of the Government Equipment List process. It provides an operational definition of the major components of the process and how to perform each step in the process. This document also describes the logical arrangements of steps that are essential to successfully completing the process and achieving its desirable outcome. 1.1 Administration All proposed changes to this document must be submitted in writing, with supporting rationale, to the Solution Engineering. Overview A process is defined as “A set of related of activities that accomplish a common goal”. The process definition laid out in this document further breaks down these Activities into Tasks, each of which have a complete set of attributes defined such as data and tool specifications and the role(s) responsible for executing the tasks. The document also includes process goal and objectives, metrics, role definitions, policies and other process related attributes. 1.2 Process Description Government Equipment List is the process responsible for providing guidance in the creation and review of Government Equipment Lists, including relationships, to support the other ITSM processes. 1.3 Goal The process goal describes a specific purpose or achievement toward which the efforts of the process are directed. Each process has a specific focus and when combined with the other processes, forms a comprehensive framework for delivering and managing services. • To support Application Development Projects develop GELS that are reviewed by Solution Engineering, contain all of the information required by the Acquisitions Process, and submitted within limited time restraints. 1.4 Objectives Process objectives describe material outcomes that are produced or achieved by the process. The following is a list of objectives for this process: • To minimize the time to acquire equipment for project needs. • To provide an accurate understanding of the actions required by projects to more efficiently support the Enterprise Life Cycle (ELC). Workflow A workflow consists of Activities and Tasks, Inputs and Outputs, Roles, and Flow Diagrams. It describes the tasks, procedural steps, organizations or people involved, required input and output information, and tools needed for each step of the process. OS:CTO:ES:SE:PM-GEL_PD_v2.0-09032015
  • 5. Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 5 of 14 1.5 Main Process Diagram OS:CTO:ES:SE:PM-GEL_PD_v2.0-09032015
  • 6. Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 6 of 14 1.6 Inputs Process inputs are used as triggers to initiate the process and to produce the desired outputs. Users, stakeholders or other processes provide inputs. The following is a list of inputs for this process: Name Description Supplier Customer Service Requests Customer requested services via the Engineering Front Door Project Manager Funding Authorization Funding Data Strings Project Manager Design Specification Report (DSR) Physical Design Specifications based on Customer Requirements Technical Solution Process 1.7 Outputs Each process produces tangible outputs. These outputs can take the form of products or data and can be delivered to a user or stakeholder, or, they can be used as inputs to other processes. Outputs are measurable in terms of quantity and quality. Name Description Recipient Government Equipment List A complete description of hardware, software, and/or services to be procured. ES Acquisitions Process Checklist Items (See Appendix B) Items for Acquisitions ES Acquisitions 1.8 Activities An activity is a major unit of work to be completed in achieving the objectives of the process. A process consists of a sequence of related activities that transforms inputs into outputs and performed by the roles defined in the process. Identify the activities in the process and provide a brief description. The activities must correspond with the high-level process flow diagram above. ID Name Description GEL 1.0 Conduct GEL Pre- Coordination A meeting to coordinate all requirements listed in the GEL Pre-Coordination Checklist. GEL 2.0 Develop GEL and Assigned Checklist Items Activities conducted to collect information required by the GEL Checklist and to describe equipment proposed for procurement GEL 3.0 Disposition GEL A review for possible approval of the proposed GEL by Solution Engineering’s Director (or designate). OS:CTO:ES:SE:PM-GEL_PD_v2.0-09032015
  • 7. Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 7 of 14 1.9 Roles Each process defines at least one role. Each role is assigned to perform specific tasks within the process. The responsibilities of a role are confined to the specific process. They do not imply any functional standing within the hierarchy of an organization. For example, the process manager role does not imply the role is associated with or fulfilled by someone with functional management responsibilities within the organization. Within a specific process, there can be more than one individual associated with a specific role. Additionally, a single individual can assume more than one role within the process although typically not at the same time. Name Description Project Manager Applications Development Project Leader Engineering Lead • Conducts the Pre-Coordination Meeting • Assigns all Checklist Items and timelines • Accountable for Engineering Team Member activities Engineering Team Member • Develop GEL • Develop all other Checklist Items Acquisition Analyst POC for acquire Hardware Operations Analyst POC for Enterprise Ops. Higher Authority SE Director, Responsible for final Dispositions Stakeholder Member of the business community requiring services Process Control Activities involved in ensuring a process is predictable, stable, and consistently operating at the target level of performance. 1.10 Controls Process controls represent the policies and guiding principles on how the process will operate. Controls provide direction over the operation of processes and define constraints or boundaries within which the process must operate. Name Description SE GEL Process The GEL Process is a required activity mandated by the Solution Engineering Process Metrics The GEL Process monitors to what degree the GEL Process is being used. 1.11 Metrics Metrics are used for the quantitative and periodic assessment of a process. They should be associated with targets that are set based on specific business objectives. Metrics provide information related to the goals and objectives of a process and are used to take corrective action when desired results are not being achieved and can be used to drive continual improvement of process effectiveness and efficiency. Management will regularly set targets for process performance, gather quantifiable data related to different functions of the Government Equipment List process, and review that data in order to make informed decisions and take appropriate corrective action, if necessary. All Measurements will have a defined data dictionary, map to the organizational strategic goals, and be documented in a Process Measurement Plan. The Process Measurement Plan template is available in the IT PAL. 1.12 Policies Policies outline a set of plans or courses of action that are intended to influence and determine decisions or actions of a process. Policies provide an element of governance over the process that provides alignment to business vision, OS:CTO:ES:SE:PM-GEL_PD_v2.0-09032015
  • 8. Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 8 of 14 mission and goals. 1.12.1 Process Management Statement: The Government Equipment List process will have a single Process Owner and a separate Process Manager, responsible for implementation and ensuring adherence to the process. The process will be reviewed regularly to ensure that it continues to support the business requirements of the enterprise. The process will be designed and developed based on ROI to the business. Process metrics will be focused on providing relevant information as opposed to merely presenting raw data. 1.12.2 People Statement: Roles and responsibilities for the process must be clearly defined and appropriately staffed with people having the required skills and training. Upper management to the staff and business customers of IT must clearly and regularly communicate the mission, goals, scope and importance of the process. All IT staff (direct and indirect users of the process) shall be trained at the appropriate level to enable them to support the process. Rationale: It is imperative that people working in, supporting or interacting with the process in any manner understand what they are supposed to do. Without that understanding Government Equipment List will not be successful. 1.12.3 Process Statement: The Process Owner must approve modifications to the Government Equipment List process. The design of the process must include appropriate interfaces with other processes to facilitate data sharing, escalation and workflow. The process must be capable of providing data to support real-time requirements as well as historical/trending data for overall process improvement initiatives. The process must be fully documented, published and accessible to the various stakeholders of the process. The process will be reviewed on a periodic basis in order to ensure it continues to support organizational goals and objectives (continuous improvement). The process must include Inputs, Outputs, Controls, Metrics, Activities, Tasks, Roles and Responsibilities, Tool and Data requirements along with documented process flows. The process will be kept straight forward, rational, and easy to understand. Rationale: The process must meet operational and business requirements. 1.12.4 Technology and Tools Statement: All tools selected must conform to the enterprise architectural standards and direction. Existing in-house tools and technology will be used wherever possible, new tools will only be entertained if they satisfy a business need that cannot be met by current in-house tools. The selection of supporting tools must be process driven and based on the requirements of the business. Selected tools must provide ease of deployment, customization and use. The selected tools must support heterogeneous platforms. Automated workflow, notification and escalation will be deployed wherever possible to minimize delays, ensure consistency, reduce manual intervention and ensure appropriate parties are made aware of issues requiring their attention. The tools used by this process are the following: GEL Template GEL Pre-Coordination Checklist Rationale: Technology and tools should be used to augment the process capabilities, not become an end themselves. 1.13 Tailoring Guidelines The tailoring guidelines identify the allowable variations of the IT organization’s standard process as needed for adjustments (adding, deleting, modifying) relative to specific operational or functional needs of another organization. Process tailoring is about roles and procedures, not the standard process or major activities defined in this process. All tailoring request, with supporting rationale, must be submitted in writing to and approved by the Government Equipment List owner. OS:CTO:ES:SE:PM-GEL_PD_v2.0-09032015
  • 9. Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 9 of 14 Training Process training involves training all stakeholders about key processes that are crucial for an organization to deliver business objectives. Training provides clarity to employees on a set of procedures that needs to be carried out as part of the process and the best possible way to do them. List below the training resources available for this process: GEL Overview, ELMS course #52798 Procedure 1.14 Purpose of Procedure This document defines the step-by-step instructions on how to conduct the activities used to implement the GEL process in Solution Engineering. The purpose of a procedure document is to institutionalize and formalize the preferred method of performing tasks that staff is using. The objective is to have everyone using the same tools and techniques and follow the same repeatable steps so that the organization can quantify how well the procedure is working and train future staff members who may not currently know the routine. Ensuring consistency is a critical component for ensuring optimum efficiency. 1.15 GEL 1.0: Conduct GEL Pre-Coordination ID Task Name and Description Role RACI GEL 1.1 • Schedule and conduct Pre- Coordination meeting • Exit conditional on receipt of proof of funding authorization • Engineering Lead • Project Manager • Engineering Team Members • Aqcuistions Analyst • Operations Analyst • Stakeholders A,R C C C C I GEL 1.2 Project Overview • Project Manager R GEL1.3 Assign Gel Development • Engineering Lead • Engineering Team Member A,R C GEL 1.4 Assign responsibility and timeline for each Checklist Item (Not including the GEL),(See Appendix B) • Engineering Lead • Engineering Team Member A,R C OS:CTO:ES:SE:PM-GEL_PD_v2.0-09032015
  • 10. Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 10 of 14 1.15.1 GEL 1.0 Flow Diagram 1.16 GEL 2.0: Develop GEL and assigned checklist Items ID Task Name and Description Role RACI GEL 2.1 Develop GEL • Engineering Lead • Engineering Team Member(s) R C GEL 2.2 • Determine if virtual servers can be utilized. • Provide a justification for using Physical Servers (if required). • Engineering Lead • Engineering Team Member(s) R C GEL 2.3 Acquire Market Surveys • Engineering Team Member(s) R GEL 2.4 Complete Block 15 of the Justification for Other Than Full and Open Competition (JOFOC) if required. • Engineering Lead • Engineering Team Member(s) R C GEL 2.5 Develop Statement of Work (SOW) if required • Engineering Lead • Engineering Team Member(s) R C GEL 2.6 Obtain completed Voluntary Product Assessability Template (VPAT) from vendors • Engineering Lead • Engineering Team Member(s) R C OS:CTO:ES:SE:PM-GEL_PD_v2.0-09032015
  • 11. Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 11 of 14 1.16.1 GEL 2.0 Flow Diagram 1.17 GEL 3.0: Disposition GEL ID Task Name and Description Role RACI GEL 3.1 • Disposition GEL (Approve or Disapprove) • Inform ES Acquisitions and Engineering Lead of Disposition • Higher Authority • Acquisitions Analyst • Engineering Lead A,R I I GEL 3.2 Receive GEL Disposition • Engineering Lead • Acquisition Analyst R R OS:CTO:ES:SE:PM-GEL_PD_v2.0-09032015
  • 12. Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 12 of 14 1.17.1 GEL3.0 Flow Diagram OS:CTO:ES:SE:PM-GEL_PD_v2.0-09032015
  • 13. Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 13 of 14 Appendix A 1.18 Acronyms Acronyms Definition ACIO Assistant Chief Information Officer ELC Enterprise Life Cycle ELMS Enterprise Learning Management Service EOPs Enterprise Operations ES Enterprise Services GEL Government Equipment List IT Information Technology ITSM Information Technology Service Management JOFOC Justification for Other Than Full and Open Competition PAL Process Asset Library SE Solution Engineering SOW Statement of Work RACI Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed ROI Return on Investment VPAT Voluntary Product Assessability Template 1.19 Glossary Term Definition GEL A detailed list of the hardware and software equipment to be acquired JOFOC Federal Acquisition Regulation requiring the justification for not using full and open cempetition in purchasing hardaware and/or software SOW A Statement of Work (SOW) is a generic term used to refer to purchase descriptions, specifications, commercial item descriptions, or formal or voluntary standards. The SOW describes the agency's requirement. It should address the who, what, when, where and how of the requirement. A well written SOW is very important in ensuring that a government requirement is satisfied. VPAT A VPAT is a vendor-generated statement (using the required template) that provides relevant information on how a vendor's product or service claims to conform to the Section 508 standards. RACI The RACI model is based on the principle that people act in one of four ways when executing a task. It accounts for the fact that more than one role may be active in performing a specific task while clearly defining specific responsibilities for that role. While many roles may be involved in a task only one is Accountable for the results. The actions are: R Responsible for the action (may do the task) A Accountable for the action (including approval) C Required to be Consulted on the action I Required to be Informed of the action If a task does not have an Accountable role indicated then the Responsible role is assumed to be accountable for the task. OS:CTO:ES:SE:PM-GEL_PD_v2.0-09032015
  • 14. Solution Engineering Government Equipment List Development Process Page 14 of 14 Appendix B 1.20 GEL Pre-Coordination Checklist Government Equipment List (GEL) Pre-Coordination Checklist 1 GEL template completed? 2 Justification for using Physical Servers completed (if necessary)? 3 ES Acquisitions notified? 4 Current Market Surveys (quotes) included? NOTE: quotes are valid for 30 days. 5 Funding email provided from Budget Analyst to include funding string, routing path, and requisition sequence? 6 JOFOC block 15, justification for exceptions completed? 7 Determine if SOW is required in addition to JOFOC. 8 Voluntary Product Assessability Template (VPAT) provided by vendor(s)? OS:CTO:ES:SE:PM-GEL_PD_v2.0-09032015