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Configuration surgery with Augeas
                         Raphaël Pinson

                     LSM 2012, Geneva
Tired of ugly sed and awk one liners?

  or of using tons of different parsing libraries or
               common::line tricks?

  /                        2/38
Become a configuration surgeon with

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What is the need?

●   A lot of different syntaxes
●   Securely editing configuration files with a
    unified API

   /                  4/38
A tree

Augeas turns configuration files into a tree
/etc/hosts -> /files/etc/hosts

    /              5/38
Its branches and leaves

... and their parameters into branches and leaves:
augtool> print /files/etc/hosts
  /files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr = ""
  /files/etc/hosts/1/canonical = "localhost"

    /               6/38
Augeas provides many stock parsers

They are called lenses:
Access             Cron                Host_Conf
Aliases            Crypttab            Hostname
Anacron            debctrl             Hosts_Access
Approx             Desktop             IniFile
AptConf            Dhcpd               Inputrc
Automaster         Dpkg                Iptables
Automounter        Exports             Kdump
BackupPCHosts      FAI_DiskConfig      Keepalived
cgconfig           Fonts               Keepalived
cgrules            Fuse                Login_defs
Channels           Grub                Mke2fs

       /                  7/38
... as well as generic lenses

available to build new parsers:
Build        Sep                  Simplelines
IniFile      Shellvars            Simplevars
Rx           Shellvars_list       Util

  /                 8/38
augtool lets you inspect the tree
$ augtool

augtool> ls /
 augeas/ = (none)
 files/ = (none)

augtool> print /files/etc/passwd/root/
 /files/etc/passwd/root/password = "x"
 /files/etc/passwd/root/uid = "0"
 /files/etc/passwd/root/gid = "0"
 /files/etc/passwd/root/name = "root"
 /files/etc/passwd/root/home = "/root"
 /files/etc/passwd/root/shell = "/bin/bash"

    /             9/38
The tree can be queried using XPath

augtool> print /files/etc/passwd/*[uid='0'][1]
 /files/etc/passwd/root/password = "x"
 /files/etc/passwd/root/uid = "0"
 /files/etc/passwd/root/gid = "0"
 /files/etc/passwd/root/name = "root"
 /files/etc/passwd/root/home = "/root"
 /files/etc/passwd/root/shell = "/bin/bash"

    /                10/38
But also modified
$ getent passwd root

$ augtool

augtool> set /files/etc/passwd/*[uid='0']/shell /bin/sh
augtool> match /files/etc/passwd/*[uid='0']/shell
/files/etc/passwd/root/shell = "/bin/sh"
augtool> save
Saved 1 file(s)
augtool> exit

$ getent passwd root

    /                         11/38
Puppet has a native provider

augeas {'export foo':
    context => '/files/etc/exports',
    changes => [
        "set dir[. = '/foo'] /foo",
        "set dir[. = '/foo']/client weeble",
        "set dir[. = '/foo']/client/option[1] ro",
        "set dir[. = '/foo']/client/option[2] all_squash",

    /                            12/38
It is better to wrap things up

define kmod::generic(
  $type, $module, $ensure=present,
  $command='', $file='/etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf'
) {
  augeas {"${type} module ${module}":
    context => "/files${file}",
    changes => [
       "set ${type}[. = '${module}'] ${module}",
       "set ${type}[. = '${module}']/command '${command}'",

     /                            13/38
mcollective has an agent

$ mco augeas match /files/etc/passwd/rpinson/shell

 * [ ======================================> ] 196 / 196

     /files/etc/passwd/rpinson/shell = /bin/bash
     /files/etc/passwd/rpinson/shell = /bin/bash

     /                         14/38
... and uses it for discovery

$ mco find -S "augeas_match(/files/etc/passwd/rip).size = 0"

    /                              15/38
Bindings include Perl, Python, Java,
       PHP, Haskell, Ruby...

require 'augeas'
aug =
if aug.match('/augeas/load'+lens).length > 0
    aug.set('/augeas/load/'+lens+'incl[last()+1]', path)
    aug.set('/augeas/load/'+lens+'/lens', lens+'.lns')
                              (From the mcollective agent)

     /                           16/38
The Ruby bindings can be used in Facter
Facter.add(:augeasversion) do
  setcode do
      require 'augeas'
      aug = Augeas::open('/', nil, Augeas::NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD)
      ver = aug.get('/augeas/version')
    rescue Exception
      Facter.debug('ruby-augeas not available')
                            (From the augeasversion fact)

    /                              17/38
Or to write native types

def ip
    aug = nil
    path = "/files#{self.class.file(resource)}"
       aug = self.class.augopen(resource)
       aug.get("#{path}/*[canonical =
       aug.close if aug

    /                                 18/38
The case of sshd_config
Custom type:
define ssh::config::sshd ($ensure='present', $value='') {

    case $ensure {
      'present': { $changes = "set ${name} ${value}" }

        'absent': { $changes = "rm ${name}" }

        'default': { fail("Wrong value for ensure: ${ensure}") }

    augeas {"Set ${name} in /etc/ssh/sshd_config":
      context => '/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config',
      changes => $changes,

        /                              19/38
Using the custom type for sshd_config

ssh::config::sshd {'PasswordAuthenticator':
  value => 'yes',

    /             20/38
The problem with sshd_config

Match groups:
Match Host
  PermitRootLogin no

=> Not possible with ssh::config::sshd, requires
insertions and looping through the configuration

    /             21/38
A native provider for sshd_config (1)
The type:
Puppet::Type.newtype(:sshd_config) do

  newparam(:name) do
    desc "The name of the entry."

  newproperty(:value) do
    desc "Entry value."

  newproperty(:target) do
    desc "File target."

  newparam(:condition) do
    desc "Match group condition for the entry."

        /             22/38
A native provider for sshd_config (2)

The provider:
require 'augeas' if Puppet.features.augeas?

Puppet::Type.type(:sshd_config).provide(:augeas) do
  desc "Uses Augeas API to update an sshd_config parameter"

  def self.file(resource = nil)
    file = "/etc/ssh/sshd_config"
    file = resource[:target] if resource and resource[:target]

  confine :true   => Puppet.features.augeas?
  confine :exists => file

        /                            23/38
A native provider for sshd_config (3)
def self.augopen(resource = nil)
 aug = nil
 file = file(resource)
   aug =, nil, Augeas::NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD)
     :lens => "Sshd.lns",
     :name => "Sshd",
     :incl => file

    if aug.match("/files#{file}").empty?
      message = aug.get("/augeas/files#{file}/error/message")
      fail("Augeas didn't load #{file}: #{message}")
    aug.close if aug

        /                           24/38
A native provider for sshd_config (4)
def self.instances
  aug = nil
  path = "/files#{file}"
  entry_path = self.class.entry_path(resource)
    resources = []
    aug = augopen
    aug.match(entry_path).each do |hpath|
      entry = {}
      entry[:name] = resource[:name]
      entry[:conditions] = Hash[*resource[:condition].split(' ').flatten(1)]
      entry[:value] = aug.get(hpath)

      resources << new(entry)
    aug.close if aug

        /                                      25/38
A native provider for sshd_config (5)
def self.match_conditions(resource=nil)
  if resource[:condition]
    conditions = Hash[*resource[:condition].split(' ').flatten(1)]
    cond_keys = conditions.keys.length
    cond_str = "[count(Condition/*)=#{cond_keys}]"
    conditions.each { |k,v| cond_str += "[Condition/#{k}="#{v}"]" }

def self.entry_path(resource=nil)
  path = "/files#{self.file(resource)}"
  if resource[:condition]
    cond_str = self.match_conditions(resource)

        /                                   26/38
A native provider for sshd_config (6)

def self.match_exists?(resource=nil)
  aug = nil
  path = "/files#{self.file(resource)}"
    aug = self.augopen(resource)
    if resource[:condition]
      cond_str = self.match_conditions(resource)
    not aug.match("#{path}/Match#{cond_str}").empty?
    aug.close if aug

        /                  27/38
A native provider for sshd_config (7)
def exists?
  aug = nil
  entry_path = self.class.entry_path(resource)
    aug = self.class.augopen(resource)
    not aug.match(entry_path).empty?
    aug.close if aug

def self.create_match(resource=nil, aug=nil)
  path = "/files#{self.file(resource)}"
    aug.insert("#{path}/*[last()]", "Match", false)
    conditions = Hash[*resource[:condition].split(' ').flatten(1)]
    conditions.each do |k,v|
      aug.set("#{path}/Match[last()]/Condition/#{k}", v)

        /                                28/38
A native provider for sshd_config (8)
def create
  aug = nil
  path = "/files#{self.class.file(resource)}"
  entry_path = self.class.entry_path(resource)
    aug = self.class.augopen(resource)
    if resource[:condition]
      unless self.class.match_exists?(resource)
         aug = self.class.create_match(resource, aug)
      unless aug.match("#{path}/Match").empty?
         aug.insert("#{path}/Match[1]", resource[:name], true)
    aug.set(entry_path, resource[:value])!
    aug.close if aug

        /                            29/38
A native provider for sshd_config (9)
def destroy
  aug = nil
  path = "/files#{self.class.file(resource)}"
    aug = self.class.augopen(resource)
    entry_path = self.class.entry_path(resource)
    aug.close if aug

def target

        /              30/38
A native provider for sshd_config (10)

def value
  aug = nil
  path = "/files#{self.class.file(resource)}"
    aug = self.class.augopen(resource)
    entry_path = self.class.entry_path(resource)
    aug.close if aug

        /              31/38
A native provider for sshd_config (11)

def value=(thevalue)
  aug = nil
  path = "/files#{self.class.file(resource)}"
    aug = self.class.augopen(resource)
    entry_path = self.class.entry_path(resource)
    aug.set(entry_path, thevalue)!
    aug.close if aug

        /              32/38
Using the native provider for

sshd_config   {'PermitRootLogin':
  ensure      => present,
  condition   => 'Host',
  value       => 'yes',

      /    33/38
Errors are reported in the /augeas tree

augtool> print /augeas//error
 /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error = "parse_failed"
 /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error/pos = "82"
 /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error/line = "3"
 /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error/char = "0"
 /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error/lens = 
 /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error/message = 
    "Get did not match entire input"

    /                            34/38
Other projects using Augeas

●   libvirt
●   rpm
●   Nut
●   guestfs
●   ZYpp
●   Config::Model
●   Augeas::Validator

   /   35/38
Future projects
●   more API calls
●   improved XPath syntax
●   more lenses
●   more native providers
●   DBUS provider
●   content validation in Puppet (validator)
●   integration in package managers
●   finish the Augeas book
●   ...
●   your idea/project here...

   /               36/38

            freenode: #augeas

 /        37/38
Configuration Surgery with Augeas

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Configuration Surgery with Augeas

  • 1. Configuration surgery with Augeas Raphaël Pinson @raphink LSM 2012, Geneva 2012-07-11
  • 2. Tired of ugly sed and awk one liners? or of using tons of different parsing libraries or common::line tricks? / 2/38
  • 3. Become a configuration surgeon with Augeas / 3/38
  • 4. What is the need? ● A lot of different syntaxes ● Securely editing configuration files with a unified API / 4/38
  • 5. A tree Augeas turns configuration files into a tree structure: /etc/hosts -> /files/etc/hosts / 5/38
  • 6. Its branches and leaves ... and their parameters into branches and leaves: augtool> print /files/etc/hosts /files/etc/hosts /files/etc/hosts/1 /files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr = "" /files/etc/hosts/1/canonical = "localhost" / 6/38
  • 7. Augeas provides many stock parsers They are called lenses: Access Cron Host_Conf Aliases Crypttab Hostname Anacron debctrl Hosts_Access Approx Desktop IniFile AptConf Dhcpd Inputrc Automaster Dpkg Iptables Automounter Exports Kdump BackupPCHosts FAI_DiskConfig Keepalived cgconfig Fonts Keepalived cgrules Fuse Login_defs Channels Grub Mke2fs ... / 7/38
  • 8. ... as well as generic lenses available to build new parsers: Build Sep Simplelines IniFile Shellvars Simplevars Rx Shellvars_list Util / 8/38
  • 9. augtool lets you inspect the tree $ augtool augtool> ls / augeas/ = (none) files/ = (none) augtool> print /files/etc/passwd/root/ /files/etc/passwd/root /files/etc/passwd/root/password = "x" /files/etc/passwd/root/uid = "0" /files/etc/passwd/root/gid = "0" /files/etc/passwd/root/name = "root" /files/etc/passwd/root/home = "/root" /files/etc/passwd/root/shell = "/bin/bash" / 9/38
  • 10. The tree can be queried using XPath augtool> print /files/etc/passwd/*[uid='0'][1] /files/etc/passwd/root /files/etc/passwd/root/password = "x" /files/etc/passwd/root/uid = "0" /files/etc/passwd/root/gid = "0" /files/etc/passwd/root/name = "root" /files/etc/passwd/root/home = "/root" /files/etc/passwd/root/shell = "/bin/bash" / 10/38
  • 11. But also modified $ getent passwd root root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash $ augtool augtool> set /files/etc/passwd/*[uid='0']/shell /bin/sh augtool> match /files/etc/passwd/*[uid='0']/shell /files/etc/passwd/root/shell = "/bin/sh" augtool> save Saved 1 file(s) augtool> exit $ getent passwd root root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh / 11/38
  • 12. Puppet has a native provider augeas {'export foo': context => '/files/etc/exports', changes => [ "set dir[. = '/foo'] /foo", "set dir[. = '/foo']/client weeble", "set dir[. = '/foo']/client/option[1] ro", "set dir[. = '/foo']/client/option[2] all_squash", ], } / 12/38
  • 13. It is better to wrap things up define kmod::generic( $type, $module, $ensure=present, $command='', $file='/etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf' ) { augeas {"${type} module ${module}": context => "/files${file}", changes => [ "set ${type}[. = '${module}'] ${module}", "set ${type}[. = '${module}']/command '${command}'", ], } } / 13/38
  • 14. mcollective has an agent $ mco augeas match /files/etc/passwd/rpinson/shell * [ ======================================> ] 196 / 196 ... wrk1 saja-map-dev /files/etc/passwd/rpinson/shell = /bin/bash wrk3 wrk4 /files/etc/passwd/rpinson/shell = /bin/bash ... / 14/38
  • 15. ... and uses it for discovery $ mco find -S "augeas_match(/files/etc/passwd/rip).size = 0" / 15/38
  • 16. Bindings include Perl, Python, Java, PHP, Haskell, Ruby... require 'augeas' aug = if aug.match('/augeas/load'+lens).length > 0 aug.set('/augeas/load/'+lens+'incl[last()+1]', path) else aug.set('/augeas/load/'+lens+'/lens', lens+'.lns') end (From the mcollective agent) / 16/38
  • 17. The Ruby bindings can be used in Facter Facter.add(:augeasversion) do setcode do begin require 'augeas' aug = Augeas::open('/', nil, Augeas::NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD) ver = aug.get('/augeas/version') aug.close ver rescue Exception Facter.debug('ruby-augeas not available') end end end (From the augeasversion fact) / 17/38
  • 18. Or to write native types def ip aug = nil path = "/files#{self.class.file(resource)}" begin aug = self.class.augopen(resource) aug.get("#{path}/*[canonical = '#{resource[:name]}']/ipaddr") ensure aug.close if aug end end (See / 18/38
  • 19. The case of sshd_config Custom type: define ssh::config::sshd ($ensure='present', $value='') { case $ensure { 'present': { $changes = "set ${name} ${value}" } 'absent': { $changes = "rm ${name}" } 'default': { fail("Wrong value for ensure: ${ensure}") } } augeas {"Set ${name} in /etc/ssh/sshd_config": context => '/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config', changes => $changes, } } / 19/38
  • 20. Using the custom type for sshd_config ssh::config::sshd {'PasswordAuthenticator': value => 'yes', } / 20/38
  • 21. The problem with sshd_config Match groups: Match Host PermitRootLogin no => Not possible with ssh::config::sshd, requires insertions and looping through the configuration parameters. / 21/38
  • 22. A native provider for sshd_config (1) The type: Puppet::Type.newtype(:sshd_config) do ensurable newparam(:name) do desc "The name of the entry." isnamevar end newproperty(:value) do desc "Entry value." end newproperty(:target) do desc "File target." end newparam(:condition) do desc "Match group condition for the entry." end end / 22/38
  • 23. A native provider for sshd_config (2) The provider: require 'augeas' if Puppet.features.augeas? Puppet::Type.type(:sshd_config).provide(:augeas) do desc "Uses Augeas API to update an sshd_config parameter" def self.file(resource = nil) file = "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" file = resource[:target] if resource and resource[:target] file.chomp("/") end confine :true => Puppet.features.augeas? confine :exists => file / 23/38
  • 24. A native provider for sshd_config (3) def self.augopen(resource = nil) aug = nil file = file(resource) begin aug =, nil, Augeas::NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD) aug.transform( :lens => "Sshd.lns", :name => "Sshd", :incl => file ) aug.load! if aug.match("/files#{file}").empty? message = aug.get("/augeas/files#{file}/error/message") fail("Augeas didn't load #{file}: #{message}") end rescue aug.close if aug raise end aug end / 24/38
  • 25. A native provider for sshd_config (4) def self.instances aug = nil path = "/files#{file}" entry_path = self.class.entry_path(resource) begin resources = [] aug = augopen aug.match(entry_path).each do |hpath| entry = {} entry[:name] = resource[:name] entry[:conditions] = Hash[*resource[:condition].split(' ').flatten(1)] entry[:value] = aug.get(hpath) resources << new(entry) end resources ensure aug.close if aug end end / 25/38
  • 26. A native provider for sshd_config (5) def self.match_conditions(resource=nil) if resource[:condition] conditions = Hash[*resource[:condition].split(' ').flatten(1)] cond_keys = conditions.keys.length cond_str = "[count(Condition/*)=#{cond_keys}]" conditions.each { |k,v| cond_str += "[Condition/#{k}="#{v}"]" } cond_str else "" end end def self.entry_path(resource=nil) path = "/files#{self.file(resource)}" if resource[:condition] cond_str = self.match_conditions(resource) "#{path}/Match#{cond_str}/Settings/#{resource[:name]}" else "#{path}/#{resource[:name]}" end end / 26/38
  • 27. A native provider for sshd_config (6) def self.match_exists?(resource=nil) aug = nil path = "/files#{self.file(resource)}" begin aug = self.augopen(resource) if resource[:condition] cond_str = self.match_conditions(resource) else false end not aug.match("#{path}/Match#{cond_str}").empty? ensure aug.close if aug end end / 27/38
  • 28. A native provider for sshd_config (7) def exists? aug = nil entry_path = self.class.entry_path(resource) begin aug = self.class.augopen(resource) not aug.match(entry_path).empty? ensure aug.close if aug end end def self.create_match(resource=nil, aug=nil) path = "/files#{self.file(resource)}" begin aug.insert("#{path}/*[last()]", "Match", false) conditions = Hash[*resource[:condition].split(' ').flatten(1)] conditions.each do |k,v| aug.set("#{path}/Match[last()]/Condition/#{k}", v) end aug end end / 28/38
  • 29. A native provider for sshd_config (8) def create aug = nil path = "/files#{self.class.file(resource)}" entry_path = self.class.entry_path(resource) begin aug = self.class.augopen(resource) if resource[:condition] unless self.class.match_exists?(resource) aug = self.class.create_match(resource, aug) end else unless aug.match("#{path}/Match").empty? aug.insert("#{path}/Match[1]", resource[:name], true) end end aug.set(entry_path, resource[:value])! ensure aug.close if aug end end / 29/38
  • 30. A native provider for sshd_config (9) def destroy aug = nil path = "/files#{self.class.file(resource)}" begin aug = self.class.augopen(resource) entry_path = self.class.entry_path(resource) aug.rm(entry_path) aug.rm("#{path}/Match[count(Settings/*)=0]")! ensure aug.close if aug end end def target self.class.file(resource) end / 30/38
  • 31. A native provider for sshd_config (10) def value aug = nil path = "/files#{self.class.file(resource)}" begin aug = self.class.augopen(resource) entry_path = self.class.entry_path(resource) aug.get(entry_path) ensure aug.close if aug end end / 31/38
  • 32. A native provider for sshd_config (11) def value=(thevalue) aug = nil path = "/files#{self.class.file(resource)}" begin aug = self.class.augopen(resource) entry_path = self.class.entry_path(resource) aug.set(entry_path, thevalue)! ensure aug.close if aug end end / 32/38
  • 33. Using the native provider for sshd_config sshd_config {'PermitRootLogin': ensure => present, condition => 'Host', value => 'yes', } / 33/38
  • 34. Errors are reported in the /augeas tree augtool> print /augeas//error /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error = "parse_failed" /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error/pos = "82" /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error/line = "3" /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error/char = "0" /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error/lens = "/usr/share/augeas/lenses/dist/mke2fs.aug:132.10-.49:" /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error/message = "Get did not match entire input" / 34/38
  • 35. Other projects using Augeas ● libvirt ● rpm ● Nut ● guestfs ● ZYpp ● Config::Model ● Augeas::Validator / 35/38
  • 36. Future projects ● more API calls ● improved XPath syntax ● more lenses ● more native providers ● DBUS provider ● content validation in Puppet (validator) ● integration in package managers ● finish the Augeas book ● ... ● your idea/project here... / 36/38
  • 37. Questions? freenode: #augeas / 37/38