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The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Quizmasters: ADB & AKS & PSK
9th November 2023
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
1. Teams of 3 or less.
2. Make sure all your team members are from the same
team (Rohit/Mukul/Gopesh/Jayant).
3. Write you team members name and which team you
belong to on the paper.
4. Make sure to sit enough distance away from other teams
such that nobody hears your answers.
5. If anybody is found cheating then the action will be taken
against their whole team.
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
1. Each question is for 1 point and if there are multiple
parts,it will be divided equally.
2. There are a total of 30 questions.
3. Questions that have an image following it ,would be
indicated with a camera icon at the top of the slide.
4. Spellings don't matter as long as Anirudh doesn’t
become Anuradha
5. Don’t leave any questions blank there are no negatives,
Brownie points for creative answers and will be used for
tie breakers.
HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The mangaka of one of the most popular new generation manga
which received an overtly hyped and well-accepted anime
adaptation in 2022 has heavily drawn inspiration from various art
forms, with there being multiple references to popular paintings in
his work. The following image shows one of the parallels drawn.
Identify his work and the painting.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
In Hamelin, stands an old house with an inscription, proof that the childhood
tale we heard was an actual event. It reads: “A.D. 1284 — on the 26th of June
— the day of St. John and St. Paul — 130 <redacted> — born in Hamelin —
were led out of the town and disappeared forever.
There are many contradictory theories to what happened, one among them
states that the <redacted> might have succumbed to the precursor of the
black death, while some others hint they might have gotten caught up in
the dancing plague. However it stands that this grim tale was something
that really did take place
Identify the tale.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
In the late 19th century Almon Strowger an undertaker was frustrated
as he was constantly losing customers to his rival considering his
wife worked at the telephone exchange and whenever someone
called to request for his services she would put the call through to
her husband.
To counter this Strowger came up with an invention and when hid
new system made its debut, he bragged that his exchanges were
“girl-less, cuss-less, out-of-order-less, and wait-less.”
What did he invent?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
BOB THE BUILDER GOT FINGERED IN JAPAN , read a headline when the
show was introduced in Japan. The japanese version had a subtle
change in how the character looked compared to the global
release. This stemmed from the fact that a particular characteristic
of Bob was how a certain community widely feared and dreaded in
the japan was recognized. To make sure that Bob The Builder was
not considered to be associated with such a group a change was
Identify the change and community/group.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Located in Andhra Pradesh 120kms from Anantpur, within one of
India’s driest regions is Thimmamma Marrimanu. Being over 550
years old and spreading over 5acres with a circumference of over
860metres, it entered the guinness world record books. It has been
worshipped for centuries and has become a symbol of eternal life
and resurrection, particularly revered by Hindus and fulfills its role as
an apt metaphor for our nation.
What is Thimamma Marrimanu?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Greyhound cross Zeus ,a puppy was left alone for just ten minutes
before he sparked an explosion so powerful it shattered double-
glazed windows, blew through floorboards and set a sofa on fire.He
had chewed through a can of deodorant and blown up his owners’
house after that.The blast caused £2,000 of damage but Zeus, along
with five other pets in the house, escaped uninjured.
This incident was covered in the news with a witty headline.
______ ____
A reference to a charismatic cartoon character and an addition of a
letter to the word.
Give the Headline.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
A recent film on X, a very different take on the beloved 1926 creation of A.A. Milne,
was banned in China due to it being used by dissidents to mock President Xi
Jinping owing to their similarity.
This comparison first went viral in 2013 after a tweet was made comparing Xi
Jinping and Obama taking a walk to the portly X and X’s tall, lanky friend.
The comparison became popular once again in 2014 when Xi Jinping and Shinzo
Abe were likened to X and X’s pessimistic, gloomy friend (another one).
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
In 2012, Nissan won a lucrative 1 Billion $ bid to become the “<redacted> of
Tomorrow” and replace the “existing fleet”. The Nissan NV200 van was the
model chosen for this task joining storied names such as Darracq, DeSoto,
Checker, Coronet, Caprice and more.
However, it hasn’t gone according to plan since due to massive backlash
and there remain a variety of cars in use today.
"Look, Nissan is a good company. And the NV200 is not a bad car. If it turns
out that people like it, then great.," Ethan Gerber, an attorney for the
<redacted> Association told Automotive News. "But why can't we have
competition? Why did the city think there had to be exclusivity? It stifles
competition and stops innovation."
What was the task the Nissan NV200 was chosen for?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Researchers at the University of Chicago have developed a
technique called Nightshade, that artists can use to embed
invisible “poison” in their work. The tool, called Nightshade,
changes an image’s pixels in a way that humans can’t detect.
This is to prevent a sort of “crime”, currently a matter of debate due
to rapid technological progress in a certain field.
Give the purpose of the “poison”.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Last week during halloween,A twitter user exclaimed “The _______
arc is real” posting the following video. A reference to an arc of a
really popular anime.
Name the show/ place
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The wireless telegraph was one of the greatest inventions of the late 19th-
early 20th century, revolutionizing transcontinental communication.
Strangely however, it didn’t exactly get off to a hot start.
Guglielmo Marconi - the Father of the radio wave-based wireless telegraph -
was struggling to find investors and the public in general did not see the
need of the wireless telegraph. Marconi desperately needed an opportunity
to show the usefulness of his invention to the world.
And he chillingly got it soon enough, gaining worldwide attention soon as
his invention saved numerous lives in an incident that would’ve otherwise
have left none.
What incident?
How did it save lives?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
This particular case emerged as a baffling mystery, with initial signs
pointing towards a mass homicide. Eerie handwritten notes and
strange symbols at the crime scene hinted at a spiritual odyssey
turned sinister. The incident sent shockwaves across the nation, quickly
becoming a media focal point.
This complex case, a tangle of spiritual and psychological elements,
proved a formidable challenge for the police. The profound complexity
of the case captured the public imagination, ultimately inspiring a
Netflix series. This series delved into the dark corridors of the human
mind, presenting a riveting exploration of the extremes of belief and the
harrowing impact of fervent ideologies on reality.
ID the Incident
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
This American animated television series stands as one of Disney Channel's
most triumphant franchises, surpassing even 'Kim Possible' to become the
channel's longest-running show.
One standout character in this series, 'X,' is renowned for his enigmatic
behavior, bearing an uncanny resemblance to the Man of Steel himself in
the way they both maintain dual identities, marked by the addition of a
distinctive accessory.
The show's primary antagonist is subtly hinted to be of German origin and
leads a nefarious corporation with grand schemes that are repeatedly
thwarted by the tenacious 'X.' Notably, 'X' holds the distinction of being the
sole character to appear in every single episode of the series.
ID the character X
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Back in the 1880’s, a young woman’s body was recovered from river
seine. The morgue pathologist transfixed by the girl’s countenance
had a death mask made, which went on to gain immense
popularity and over the course of the century became an
household item.
Around 80 years later, this mask would eventually be used by
physician Peter and former toy-maker Laerdal to model their life
size Resusci Anne. Thus L'Inconnue de la Seine ended up with the
most kissed lips in history.
What did Peter and Laerdal create?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
There has been a rise in the number of illegal spycam crimes in Japan. These
crimes target women and involve taking their pictures without their
knowledge or consent.
Due to the growing issue, Japanese cell phone vendors have come up with a
self-imposed industry regulation to combat this by making it impossible to
do something on their phones. This ensures that nobody is able to take
discreet photos and any attempt to do so would result in his immediate
discovery and capture.
What can you not do on these cellphones in Japan?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
In an 1988 episode of Alvin and the Chipmunks, the chipmunks are
invited to the “<redacted> of iron” to play rock n roll in a concert of
“freedom” and are ecstatic as their music bridges the divide and
literally breaks down the boundary separating people. However
Alvin is then awakened and he sadly states "it was just a dream, but
it doesn't have to be." Something that comes true 11 months later.
What incident was being depicted in the show which eventually
did happen?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Beautiful architecture isn't always about "styles". Sometimes it just happens by
In the 16th century, Amsterdam was becoming a commercial hub. As trade
increased and the population grew, there was naturally greater competition for
space on the waterfront because trade was all by boat.
In response, the government issued a building tax on all properties built on the
Then, as now, people wanted to save money. So they simply built houses in a way
that minimized the taxes they had to pay.
What we see in the 21st century as charming rows of idiosyncratic Dutch houses
arrayed along the pretty canals of Amsterdam was merely the obvious and
practical response to tax law.
What did this new law impose a tax on?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Close to home!
In 1989, India witnessed a deeply unsettling episode of communal
violence in the Bhagalpur district of Bihar. During this distressing
period, a gruesome massacre occurred, and the perpetrators went
to extraordinary lengths to dispose of the bodies and conceal the
evidence in an eerie and clandestine manner.
This sinister episode acquired an unusual name, somewhat
reminiscent of the symbol of a relatively obscure political party.
Image follows
What was this massacre named as?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The 1992 classic Aladdin’ character design is said to be inspired from
a young X’s look in <redacted>. X’s confidence, cockiness, his
sheepish grin , bold and daring actions made him the perfect
candidate to model Aladdin out of. X reprised his role as the
protagonist in <redacted>’s sequel in 2022 which went to on to be
the top grossing movie of the year.
Identify X.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Located in Holmdel, New Jersey,this water tower was built in Bell
Labs to recognize the momentous achievement of the invention of
X in 1947. Considering the invention’s potential to completely
revolutionize the world, this water tower was dedicated to it, a
metaphor that the invention could become as important as water.
80 years down the line , this particular invention has indeed become
the backbone of the modern world.
Identify the invention
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The capital city of Iran, Tehran, has a huge population of people and cars, well beyond
the city’s limits.
This has led to extensive restrictions, with heavy fines imposed on those who break the
Outside the central zone is the X zone, which is applicable on 6 days of the week except
Friday on which everyone is allowed to enter.
To get around these restrictions, the people have shown remarkable ingenuity to come
up with ways of breaking all these rules. One of the methods makes use of the heavy
rush of roadside pedestrians and scooter riders, some of who making a living off this, as
“human shields” to avoid being caught.
ID X, which is a method of traffic reduction most Indians would be aware of due to it
being used sporadically over the last few years in a city and is making a comeback
next week.
What exactly do these “human shields” do(and ID X)?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Alien Hand Syndrome (AHS) is a perplexing neurological condition where
one hand appears to act on its own, eluding conscious control. The
afflicted individual may feel like a bystander, observing their hand
autonomously interacting with the world around them, often leading
to moments where their cooperative hand must intervene to restore
The peculiar essence of AHS was cleverly mirrored in a character from a
2014 anime. This anime's name ingeniously alludes to the notion of an
intrusive, self-aware presence, drawing a striking analogy to the
enigmatic and unsettling syndrome.
ID Anime series.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The statue of this ancient figure in his hometown of sinope(modern
day turkey) was erected in 2006 stirring a controversy and the
right-leaning turks protested against this installation, as the person’s
ideology and search for an honest man was an insult to the people
of sinope.
However the mayor defended that this person despite being from
‘another nation’ was born in Sinope, was important to promote the
region, he humorously asserted his decision that when even the
“Great” admired his conduct, we can do this much too.
Identify this figure embroiled in controversies even after death.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
In the 2000’s A group of 168 members were out having fun at the
millennium dome housing a diamond exhibition of a particular
company worth $800M including the Millenium Star . It so happened
that 4 of them belonged to a criminal gang who managed to carry out
a masterful heist and escaped using a speed boat.
However their plan was thwarted as the police had already received a
tip-off and had planned to capture them red handed.
This incident was depicted in an iconic Sun News headline a play on the
I’M ONLY ____ ___ ___ _____
Identify the headline a pun on the company hosting the exhibition.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Method 1 :
Keep your heels of the chair
Balance on the balls of your feet
Lean forward and put your weight on your thighs.
Method 2:
Put your feet flat on the chair.
Rest your rear end on the back of the chair.
Lean forward to help keep your balance.
What are these methods describing?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The 1916 Zoning Resolution in New York City was a former zoning code which
forced buildings to reduce their shadows at street level by employing
Subsequent iconic buildings of the Art Deco style in the following years all
adhered to this code.
In architecture, the informal reference to such buildings with many distinct
tiers, each set back from the one below is the X style.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
X was an infamous Indian bandit and poacher who operated in Tamil Nadu and
Karnataka. He was notorious for his brutal beheadings of police officers and
informants, which added to his terrifying reputation.
His extensive knowledge of the forests and a network of loyal followers enabled
him to evade law enforcement for many years.
In 2004, a special task force successfully tracked down X in a forest hideout in
Tamil Nadu. A firefight ensued, resulting in X’s death, ending his reign of terror and
marking a significant victory for law enforcement.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
At first, this enigmatic phenomenon was ascribed to the mysterious "X
syndrome." However, upon her capture, observers recounted a startling
transformation in her once-regal hair, which gradually lost their colour due
to the overwhelming stress she endured in jail, culminating in her untimely
This intriguing occurrence served as a poignant source of inspiration for a
2014 anime, where the central protagonist found himself thrust into a
crucible of extreme duress, resulting in an astonishing transformation of his
hair to a striking shade of white. Symbolically, this metamorphosis mirrored
the profound upheaval in the protagonist's life, as he transitioned from a
timid and innocent individual to his eventual ghastly self.
ID X and the anime.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Hugh Ferriss is one of the most important architects in history - without ever
having designed a building.
He worked with the major architects of the 1920s and 30s, imagining their
buildings for them and ushering in a new age for skyscraper architecture.
However Ferriss was an unusual draftsman. He did not merely draw the
"facts" of a building — its size, materials, proportions, and location - but
rather, he used intense chiaroscuro (contrast of light and shadow) to create
moody, atmospheric, highly artistic visions.
What did these visions also inspire?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
In a rather unfortunate (fortunate?) fashion, a man in South Florida
inadvertently led to his and his accomplices’ arrest for first-degree murder.
The concept of X, is a rather annoying chance occurrence we all face from
time to time, is a growing problem in our hyper-connected world with
certain vendors even adding special features to make it easier to
<redacted> in emergencies.
While the police are usually bemused by this, in this rare instance X helped
them nab the killer as he did it right before he committed the crime leading
to an easy arrest with ample evidence.
What is X?
Safety Slide
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The mangaka of one of the most popular new generation manga
which received an overtly hyped and well-accepted anime
adaptation in 2022 has heavily drawn inspiration from various art
forms, with there being multiple references to popular paintings in
his work. The following image shows one of the parallels drawn.
Identify his work and the painting.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Chainsaw Man
Napoleon crossing the alps
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
In Hamelin, stands an old house with an inscription, proof that the childhood
tale we heard was an actual event. It reads: “A.D. 1284 — on the 26th of June
— the day of St. John and St. Paul — 130 <redacted> — born in Hamelin —
were led out of the town and disappeared forever.
There are many contradictory theories to what happened, one among them
states that the <redacted> might have succumbed to the precursor of the
black death, while some others hint they might have gotten caught up in
the dancing plague. However it stands that this grim tale was something
that really did take place
Identify the tale.
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The Pied Piper
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
In the late 19th century Almon Strowger an undertaker was frustrated
as he was constantly losing customers to his rival considering his
wife worked at the telephone exchange and whenever someone
called to request for his services she would put the call through to
her husband.
To counter this Strowger came up with an invention and when hid
new system made its debut, he bragged that his exchanges were
“girl-less, cuss-less, out-of-order-less, and wait-less.”
What did he invent?
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Strowger switch and
the rotary dial
The first automatic
telephone exchange
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
BOB THE BUILDER GOT FINGERED IN JAPAN , read a headline when the
show was introduced in Japan. The japanese version had a subtle
change in how the character looked compared to the global
release. This stemmed from the fact that a particular characteristic
of Bob was how a certain community widely feared and dreaded in
the japan was recognized. To make sure that Bob The Builder was
not considered to be associated with such a group a change was
Identify the change and community/group.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Bob The Builder in
Japan had 5
The yakuza were
infamous for having
4 fingers
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Located in Andhra Pradesh 120kms from Anantpur, within one of
India’s driest regions is Thimmamma Marrimanu. Being over 550
years old and spreading over 5acres with a circumference of over
860metres, it entered the guinness world record books. It has been
worshipped for centuries and has become a symbol of eternal life
and resurrection, particularly revered by Hindus and fulfills its role as
an apt metaphor for our nation.
What is Thimamma Marrimanu?
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
A banyan tree
The world’s largest
single tree canopy
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Greyhound cross Zeus ,a puppy was left alone for just ten minutes
before he sparked an explosion so powerful it shattered double-
glazed windows, blew through floorboards and set a sofa on fire.He
had chewed through a can of deodorant and blown up his owners’
house after that.The blast caused £2,000 of damage but Zeus, along
with five other pets in the house, escaped uninjured.
This incident was covered in the news with a witty headline.
______ ____
A reference to a charismatic cartoon character and an addition of a
letter to the word.
Give the Headline.
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
A recent film on X, a very different take on the beloved 1926 creation of A.A. Milne,
was banned in China due to it being used by dissidents to mock President Xi
Jinping owing to their similarity.
This comparison first went viral in 2013 after a tweet was made comparing Xi
Jinping and Obama taking a walk to the portly X and X’s tall, lanky friend.
The comparison became popular once again in 2014 when Xi Jinping and Shinzo
Abe were likened to X and X’s pessimistic, gloomy friend (another one).
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
X - Winnie-the-Pooh
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
In 2012, Nissan won a lucrative 1 Billion $ bid to become the “<redacted> of
Tomorrow” and replace the “existing fleet”. The Nissan NV200 van was the
model chosen for this task joining storied names such as Darracq, DeSoto,
Checker, Coronet, Caprice and more.
However, it hasn’t gone according to plan since due to massive backlash
and there remain a variety of cars in use today.
"Look, Nissan is a good company. And the NV200 is not a bad car. If it turns
out that people like it, then great.," Ethan Gerber, an attorney for the
<redacted> Association told Automotive News. "But why can't we have
competition? Why did the city think there had to be exclusivity? It stifles
competition and stops innovation."
What was the task the Nissan NV200 was chosen for?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Becoming the new
New York City Taxi
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Researchers at the University of Chicago have developed a
technique called Nightshade, that artists can use to embed
invisible “poison” in their work. The tool, called Nightshade,
changes an image’s pixels in a way that humans can’t detect.
This is to prevent a sort of “crime”, currently a matter of debate due
to rapid technological progress in a certain field.
Give the purpose of the “poison”.
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
To prevent Ai
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Last week during halloween,A twitter user exclaimed “The _______
arc is real” posting the following video. A reference to an arc of a
really popular anime.
Name the show/ place
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Incident Arc
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The wireless telegraph was one of the greatest inventions of the late 19th-
early 20th century, revolutionizing transcontinental communication.
Strangely however, it didn’t exactly get off to a hot start.
Guglielmo Marconi - the Father of the radio wave-based wireless telegraph -
was struggling to find investors and the public in general did not see the
need of the wireless telegraph. Marconi desperately needed an opportunity
to show the usefulness of his invention to the world.
And he chillingly got it soon enough, gaining worldwide attention soon as
his invention saved numerous lives in an incident that would’ve otherwise
have left none.
What incident?
How did it save lives?
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The crew was able to
send a distress signal
via the telegraph to a
nearby ship which
responded and saved
300 passengers on
the life boats.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
This particular case emerged as a baffling mystery, with initial signs
pointing towards a mass homicide. Eerie handwritten notes and
strange symbols at the crime scene hinted at a spiritual odyssey
turned sinister. The incident sent shockwaves across the nation, quickly
becoming a media focal point.
This complex case, a tangle of spiritual and psychological elements,
proved a formidable challenge for the police. The profound complexity
of the case captured the public imagination, ultimately inspiring a
Netflix series. This series delved into the dark corridors of the human
mind, presenting a riveting exploration of the extremes of belief and the
harrowing impact of fervent ideologies on reality.
ID the Incident
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The Burari Incident
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
This American animated television series stands as one of Disney Channel's
most triumphant franchises, surpassing even 'Kim Possible' to become the
channel's longest-running show.
One standout character in this series, 'X,' is renowned for his enigmatic
behavior, bearing an uncanny resemblance to the Man of Steel himself in
the way they both maintain dual identities, marked by the addition of a
distinctive accessory.
The show's primary antagonist is subtly hinted to be of German origin and
leads a nefarious corporation with grand schemes that are repeatedly
thwarted by the tenacious 'X.' Notably, 'X' holds the distinction of being the
sole character to appear in every single episode of the series.
ID the character X
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Perry The Platypus
From Phineas and
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Back in the 1880’s, a young woman’s body was recovered from river
seine. The morgue pathologist transfixed by the girl’s countenance
had a death mask made, which went on to gain immense
popularity and over the course of the century became an
household item.
Around 80 years later, this mask would eventually be used by
physician Peter and former toy-maker Laerdal to model their life
size Resusci Anne. Thus L'Inconnue de la Seine ended up with the
most kissed lips in history.
What did Peter and Laerdal create?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
CPR Dolls
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
There has been a rise in the number of illegal spycam crimes in Japan. These
crimes target women and involve taking their pictures without their
knowledge or consent.
Due to the growing issue, Japanese cell phone vendors have come up with a
self-imposed industry regulation to combat this by making it impossible to
do something on their phones. This ensures that nobody is able to take
discreet photos and any attempt to do so would result in his immediate
discovery and capture.
What can you not do on these cellphones in Japan?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
In an 1988 episode of Alvin and the Chipmunks, the chipmunks are
invited to the “<redacted> of iron” to play rock n roll in a concert of
“freedom” and are ecstatic as their music bridges the divide and
literally breaks down the boundary separating people. However
Alvin is then awakened and he sadly states "it was just a dream, but
it doesn't have to be." Something that comes true 11 months later.
What incident was being depicted in the show which eventually
did happen?
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Fall of
Berlin Wall
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Beautiful architecture isn't always about "styles". Sometimes it just happens by
In the 16th century, Amsterdam was becoming a commercial hub. As trade
increased and the population grew, there was naturally greater competition for
space on the waterfront because trade was all by boat.
In response, the government issued a building tax on all properties built on the
Then, as now, people wanted to save money. So they simply built houses in a way
that minimized the taxes they had to pay.
What we see in the 21st century as charming rows of idiosyncratic Dutch houses
arrayed along the pretty canals of Amsterdam was merely the obvious and
practical response to tax law.
What did this new law impose a tax on?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Close to home!
In 1989, India witnessed a deeply unsettling episode of communal
violence in the Bhagalpur district of Bihar. During this distressing
period, a gruesome massacre occurred, and the perpetrators went
to extraordinary lengths to dispose of the bodies and conceal the
evidence in an eerie and clandestine manner.
This sinister episode acquired an unusual name, somewhat
reminiscent of the symbol of a relatively obscure political party.
Image follows
What was this massacre named as?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The 1992 classic Aladdin’ character design is said to be inspired from
a young X’s look in <redacted>. X’s confidence, cockiness, his
sheepish grin , bold and daring actions made him the perfect
candidate to model Aladdin out of. X reprised his role as the
protagonist in <redacted>’s sequel in 2022 which went to on to be
the top grossing movie of the year.
Identify X.
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Tom Cruise
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Located in Holmdel, New Jersey,this water tower was built in Bell
Labs to recognize the momentous achievement of the invention of
X in 1947. Considering the invention’s potential to completely
revolutionize the world, this water tower was dedicated to it, a
metaphor that the invention could become as important as water.
80 years down the line , this particular invention has indeed become
the backbone of the modern world.
Identify the invention
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The Transistor
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The capital city of Iran, Tehran, has a huge population of people and cars, well beyond
the city’s limits.
This has led to extensive restrictions, with heavy fines imposed on those who break the
Outside the central zone is the X zone, which is applicable on 6 days of the week except
Friday on which everyone is allowed to enter.
To get around these restrictions, the people have shown remarkable ingenuity to come
up with ways of breaking all these rules. One of the methods makes use of the heavy
rush of roadside pedestrians and scooter riders, some of who making a living off this, as
“human shields” to avoid being caught.
ID X, which is a method of traffic reduction most Indians would be aware of due to it
being used sporadically over the last few years in a city and is making a comeback
next week.
What exactly do these “human shields” do(and ID X)?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Alien Hand Syndrome (AHS) is a perplexing neurological condition where
one hand appears to act on its own, eluding conscious control. The
afflicted individual may feel like a bystander, observing their hand
autonomously interacting with the world around them, often leading
to moments where their cooperative hand must intervene to restore
The peculiar essence of AHS was cleverly mirrored in a character from a
2014 anime. This anime's name ingeniously alludes to the notion of an
intrusive, self-aware presence, drawing a striking analogy to the
enigmatic and unsettling syndrome.
ID Anime series.
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The statue of this ancient figure in his hometown of sinope(modern
day turkey) was erected in 2006 stirring a controversy and the
right-leaning turks protested against this installation, as the person’s
ideology and search for an honest man was an insult to the people
of sinope.
However the mayor defended that this person despite being from
‘another nation’ was born in Sinope, was important to promote the
region, he humorously asserted his decision that when even the
“Great” admired his conduct, we can do this much too.
Identify this figure embroiled in controversies even after death.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
In the 2000’s A group of 168 members were out having fun at the
millennium dome housing a diamond exhibition of a particular
company worth $800M including the Millenium Star . It so happened
that 4 of them belonged to a criminal gang who managed to carry out
a masterful heist and escaped using a speed boat.
However their plan was thwarted as the police had already received a
tip-off and had planned to capture them red handed.
This incident was depicted in an iconic Sun News headline a play on the
I’M ONLY ____ ___ ___ _____
Identify the headline a pun on the company hosting the exhibition.
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
I’M only here for
De Beers
Meaning only
there for the fun
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Method 1 :
Keep your heels of the chair
Balance on the balls of your feet
Lean forward and put your weight on your thighs.
Method 2:
Put your feet flat on the chair.
Rest your rear end on the back of the chair.
Lean forward to help keep your balance.
What are these methods describing?
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
How to Sit Like L
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
The 1916 Zoning Resolution in New York City was a former zoning code which
forced buildings to reduce their shadows at street level by employing
Subsequent iconic buildings of the Art Deco style in the following years all
adhered to this code.
In architecture, the informal reference to such buildings with many distinct
tiers, each set back from the one below is the X style.
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
X was an infamous Indian bandit and poacher who operated in Tamil Nadu and
Karnataka. He was notorious for his brutal beheadings of police officers and
informants, which added to his terrifying reputation.
His extensive knowledge of the forests and a network of loyal followers enabled
him to evade law enforcement for many years.
In 2004, a special task force successfully tracked down X in a forest hideout in
Tamil Nadu. A firefight ensued, resulting in X’s death, ending his reign of terror and
marking a significant victory for law enforcement.
The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
At first, this enigmatic phenomenon was ascribed to the mysterious "X
syndrome." However, upon her capture, observers recounted a startling
transformation in her once-regal hair, which gradually lost their colour due
to the overwhelming stress she endured in jail, culminating in her untimely
This intriguing occurrence served as a poignant source of inspiration for a
2014 anime, where the central protagonist found himself thrust into a
crucible of extreme duress, resulting in an astonishing transformation of his
hair to a striking shade of white. Symbolically, this metamorphosis mirrored
the profound upheaval in the protagonist's life, as he transitioned from a
timid and innocent individual to his eventual ghastly self.
ID X and the anime.
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Marie Antoinette
Tokyo Ghoul
(Ken Kaneki)
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Hugh Ferriss is one of the most important architects in history - without ever
having designed a building.
He worked with the major architects of the 1920s and 30s, imagining their
buildings for them and ushering in a new age for skyscraper architecture.
However Ferriss was an unusual draftsman. He did not merely draw the
"facts" of a building — its size, materials, proportions, and location - but
rather, he used intense chiaroscuro (contrast of light and shadow) to create
moody, atmospheric, highly artistic visions.
What did these visions also inspire?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
In a rather unfortunate (fortunate?) fashion, a man in South Florida
inadvertently led to his and his accomplices’ arrest for first-degree murder.
The concept of X, is a rather annoying chance occurrence we all face from
time to time, is a growing problem in our hyper-connected world with
certain vendors even adding special features to make it easier to
<redacted> in emergencies.
While the police are usually bemused by this, in this rare instance X helped
them nab the killer as he did it right before he committed the crime leading
to an easy arrest with ample evidence.
What is X?
REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz
Accidentally calling 911 when your phone is in the

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The 30 CTC Quiz

  • 1. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Quizmasters: ADB & AKS & PSK 9th November 2023
  • 2. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Rules 1. Teams of 3 or less. 2. Make sure all your team members are from the same team (Rohit/Mukul/Gopesh/Jayant). 3. Write you team members name and which team you belong to on the paper. 4. Make sure to sit enough distance away from other teams such that nobody hears your answers. 5. If anybody is found cheating then the action will be taken against their whole team.
  • 3. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Rules 1. Each question is for 1 point and if there are multiple parts,it will be divided equally. 2. There are a total of 30 questions. 3. Questions that have an image following it ,would be indicated with a camera icon at the top of the slide. 4. Spellings don't matter as long as Anirudh doesn’t become Anuradha 5. Don’t leave any questions blank there are no negatives, Brownie points for creative answers and will be used for tie breakers. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 5. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q1 The mangaka of one of the most popular new generation manga which received an overtly hyped and well-accepted anime adaptation in 2022 has heavily drawn inspiration from various art forms, with there being multiple references to popular paintings in his work. The following image shows one of the parallels drawn. Identify his work and the painting.
  • 6. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q1
  • 7. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q2 In Hamelin, stands an old house with an inscription, proof that the childhood tale we heard was an actual event. It reads: “A.D. 1284 — on the 26th of June — the day of St. John and St. Paul — 130 <redacted> — born in Hamelin — were led out of the town and disappeared forever. There are many contradictory theories to what happened, one among them states that the <redacted> might have succumbed to the precursor of the black death, while some others hint they might have gotten caught up in the dancing plague. However it stands that this grim tale was something that really did take place Identify the tale.
  • 8. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q3 In the late 19th century Almon Strowger an undertaker was frustrated as he was constantly losing customers to his rival considering his wife worked at the telephone exchange and whenever someone called to request for his services she would put the call through to her husband. To counter this Strowger came up with an invention and when hid new system made its debut, he bragged that his exchanges were “girl-less, cuss-less, out-of-order-less, and wait-less.” What did he invent?
  • 9. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q4 BOB THE BUILDER GOT FINGERED IN JAPAN , read a headline when the show was introduced in Japan. The japanese version had a subtle change in how the character looked compared to the global release. This stemmed from the fact that a particular characteristic of Bob was how a certain community widely feared and dreaded in the japan was recognized. To make sure that Bob The Builder was not considered to be associated with such a group a change was made. Identify the change and community/group.
  • 10. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q4
  • 11. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q5 Located in Andhra Pradesh 120kms from Anantpur, within one of India’s driest regions is Thimmamma Marrimanu. Being over 550 years old and spreading over 5acres with a circumference of over 860metres, it entered the guinness world record books. It has been worshipped for centuries and has become a symbol of eternal life and resurrection, particularly revered by Hindus and fulfills its role as an apt metaphor for our nation. What is Thimamma Marrimanu?
  • 12. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q6 Greyhound cross Zeus ,a puppy was left alone for just ten minutes before he sparked an explosion so powerful it shattered double- glazed windows, blew through floorboards and set a sofa on fire.He had chewed through a can of deodorant and blown up his owners’ house after that.The blast caused £2,000 of damage but Zeus, along with five other pets in the house, escaped uninjured. This incident was covered in the news with a witty headline. ______ ____ A reference to a charismatic cartoon character and an addition of a letter to the word. Give the Headline.
  • 13. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q7 A recent film on X, a very different take on the beloved 1926 creation of A.A. Milne, was banned in China due to it being used by dissidents to mock President Xi Jinping owing to their similarity. This comparison first went viral in 2013 after a tweet was made comparing Xi Jinping and Obama taking a walk to the portly X and X’s tall, lanky friend. The comparison became popular once again in 2014 when Xi Jinping and Shinzo Abe were likened to X and X’s pessimistic, gloomy friend (another one). ID X.
  • 14. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q7
  • 15. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q8 In 2012, Nissan won a lucrative 1 Billion $ bid to become the “<redacted> of Tomorrow” and replace the “existing fleet”. The Nissan NV200 van was the model chosen for this task joining storied names such as Darracq, DeSoto, Checker, Coronet, Caprice and more. However, it hasn’t gone according to plan since due to massive backlash and there remain a variety of cars in use today. "Look, Nissan is a good company. And the NV200 is not a bad car. If it turns out that people like it, then great.," Ethan Gerber, an attorney for the <redacted> Association told Automotive News. "But why can't we have competition? Why did the city think there had to be exclusivity? It stifles competition and stops innovation." What was the task the Nissan NV200 was chosen for?
  • 16. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q9 Researchers at the University of Chicago have developed a technique called Nightshade, that artists can use to embed invisible “poison” in their work. The tool, called Nightshade, changes an image’s pixels in a way that humans can’t detect. This is to prevent a sort of “crime”, currently a matter of debate due to rapid technological progress in a certain field. Give the purpose of the “poison”.
  • 17. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q10 Last week during halloween,A twitter user exclaimed “The _______ arc is real” posting the following video. A reference to an arc of a really popular anime. Name the show/ place
  • 18. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q11 The wireless telegraph was one of the greatest inventions of the late 19th- early 20th century, revolutionizing transcontinental communication. Strangely however, it didn’t exactly get off to a hot start. Guglielmo Marconi - the Father of the radio wave-based wireless telegraph - was struggling to find investors and the public in general did not see the need of the wireless telegraph. Marconi desperately needed an opportunity to show the usefulness of his invention to the world. And he chillingly got it soon enough, gaining worldwide attention soon as his invention saved numerous lives in an incident that would’ve otherwise have left none. What incident? How did it save lives?
  • 19. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q12 This particular case emerged as a baffling mystery, with initial signs pointing towards a mass homicide. Eerie handwritten notes and strange symbols at the crime scene hinted at a spiritual odyssey turned sinister. The incident sent shockwaves across the nation, quickly becoming a media focal point. This complex case, a tangle of spiritual and psychological elements, proved a formidable challenge for the police. The profound complexity of the case captured the public imagination, ultimately inspiring a Netflix series. This series delved into the dark corridors of the human mind, presenting a riveting exploration of the extremes of belief and the harrowing impact of fervent ideologies on reality. ID the Incident
  • 20. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q13 This American animated television series stands as one of Disney Channel's most triumphant franchises, surpassing even 'Kim Possible' to become the channel's longest-running show. One standout character in this series, 'X,' is renowned for his enigmatic behavior, bearing an uncanny resemblance to the Man of Steel himself in the way they both maintain dual identities, marked by the addition of a distinctive accessory. The show's primary antagonist is subtly hinted to be of German origin and leads a nefarious corporation with grand schemes that are repeatedly thwarted by the tenacious 'X.' Notably, 'X' holds the distinction of being the sole character to appear in every single episode of the series. ID the character X
  • 21. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q14 Back in the 1880’s, a young woman’s body was recovered from river seine. The morgue pathologist transfixed by the girl’s countenance had a death mask made, which went on to gain immense popularity and over the course of the century became an household item. Around 80 years later, this mask would eventually be used by physician Peter and former toy-maker Laerdal to model their life size Resusci Anne. Thus L'Inconnue de la Seine ended up with the most kissed lips in history. What did Peter and Laerdal create?
  • 22. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q14
  • 23. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q15 There has been a rise in the number of illegal spycam crimes in Japan. These crimes target women and involve taking their pictures without their knowledge or consent. Due to the growing issue, Japanese cell phone vendors have come up with a self-imposed industry regulation to combat this by making it impossible to do something on their phones. This ensures that nobody is able to take discreet photos and any attempt to do so would result in his immediate discovery and capture. What can you not do on these cellphones in Japan?
  • 24. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q16 In an 1988 episode of Alvin and the Chipmunks, the chipmunks are invited to the “<redacted> of iron” to play rock n roll in a concert of “freedom” and are ecstatic as their music bridges the divide and literally breaks down the boundary separating people. However Alvin is then awakened and he sadly states "it was just a dream, but it doesn't have to be." Something that comes true 11 months later. What incident was being depicted in the show which eventually did happen?
  • 25. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q17 Beautiful architecture isn't always about "styles". Sometimes it just happens by accident. In the 16th century, Amsterdam was becoming a commercial hub. As trade increased and the population grew, there was naturally greater competition for space on the waterfront because trade was all by boat. In response, the government issued a building tax on all properties built on the waterfront. Then, as now, people wanted to save money. So they simply built houses in a way that minimized the taxes they had to pay. What we see in the 21st century as charming rows of idiosyncratic Dutch houses arrayed along the pretty canals of Amsterdam was merely the obvious and practical response to tax law. What did this new law impose a tax on?
  • 26. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q18 Close to home! In 1989, India witnessed a deeply unsettling episode of communal violence in the Bhagalpur district of Bihar. During this distressing period, a gruesome massacre occurred, and the perpetrators went to extraordinary lengths to dispose of the bodies and conceal the evidence in an eerie and clandestine manner. This sinister episode acquired an unusual name, somewhat reminiscent of the symbol of a relatively obscure political party. Image follows What was this massacre named as?
  • 27. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q18
  • 28. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q19 The 1992 classic Aladdin’ character design is said to be inspired from a young X’s look in <redacted>. X’s confidence, cockiness, his sheepish grin , bold and daring actions made him the perfect candidate to model Aladdin out of. X reprised his role as the protagonist in <redacted>’s sequel in 2022 which went to on to be the top grossing movie of the year. Identify X.
  • 29. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q20 Located in Holmdel, New Jersey,this water tower was built in Bell Labs to recognize the momentous achievement of the invention of X in 1947. Considering the invention’s potential to completely revolutionize the world, this water tower was dedicated to it, a metaphor that the invention could become as important as water. 80 years down the line , this particular invention has indeed become the backbone of the modern world. Identify the invention
  • 30. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q20
  • 31. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q21 The capital city of Iran, Tehran, has a huge population of people and cars, well beyond the city’s limits. This has led to extensive restrictions, with heavy fines imposed on those who break the rules. Outside the central zone is the X zone, which is applicable on 6 days of the week except Friday on which everyone is allowed to enter. To get around these restrictions, the people have shown remarkable ingenuity to come up with ways of breaking all these rules. One of the methods makes use of the heavy rush of roadside pedestrians and scooter riders, some of who making a living off this, as “human shields” to avoid being caught. ID X, which is a method of traffic reduction most Indians would be aware of due to it being used sporadically over the last few years in a city and is making a comeback next week. What exactly do these “human shields” do(and ID X)?
  • 32. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q22 Alien Hand Syndrome (AHS) is a perplexing neurological condition where one hand appears to act on its own, eluding conscious control. The afflicted individual may feel like a bystander, observing their hand autonomously interacting with the world around them, often leading to moments where their cooperative hand must intervene to restore control. The peculiar essence of AHS was cleverly mirrored in a character from a 2014 anime. This anime's name ingeniously alludes to the notion of an intrusive, self-aware presence, drawing a striking analogy to the enigmatic and unsettling syndrome. ID Anime series.
  • 33. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q23 The statue of this ancient figure in his hometown of sinope(modern day turkey) was erected in 2006 stirring a controversy and the right-leaning turks protested against this installation, as the person’s ideology and search for an honest man was an insult to the people of sinope. However the mayor defended that this person despite being from ‘another nation’ was born in Sinope, was important to promote the region, he humorously asserted his decision that when even the “Great” admired his conduct, we can do this much too. Identify this figure embroiled in controversies even after death.
  • 34. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q23
  • 35. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q24 In the 2000’s A group of 168 members were out having fun at the millennium dome housing a diamond exhibition of a particular company worth $800M including the Millenium Star . It so happened that 4 of them belonged to a criminal gang who managed to carry out a masterful heist and escaped using a speed boat. However their plan was thwarted as the police had already received a tip-off and had planned to capture them red handed. This incident was depicted in an iconic Sun News headline a play on the phrase I’M ONLY ____ ___ ___ _____ Identify the headline a pun on the company hosting the exhibition.
  • 36. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q25 Method 1 : Keep your heels of the chair Balance on the balls of your feet Lean forward and put your weight on your thighs. OR Method 2: Put your feet flat on the chair. Rest your rear end on the back of the chair. Lean forward to help keep your balance. What are these methods describing?
  • 37. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q26 The 1916 Zoning Resolution in New York City was a former zoning code which forced buildings to reduce their shadows at street level by employing setbacks. Subsequent iconic buildings of the Art Deco style in the following years all adhered to this code. In architecture, the informal reference to such buildings with many distinct tiers, each set back from the one below is the X style. ID X.
  • 38. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q26
  • 39. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q27 X was an infamous Indian bandit and poacher who operated in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. He was notorious for his brutal beheadings of police officers and informants, which added to his terrifying reputation. His extensive knowledge of the forests and a network of loyal followers enabled him to evade law enforcement for many years. In 2004, a special task force successfully tracked down X in a forest hideout in Tamil Nadu. A firefight ensued, resulting in X’s death, ending his reign of terror and marking a significant victory for law enforcement. ID X.
  • 40. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q28 At first, this enigmatic phenomenon was ascribed to the mysterious "X syndrome." However, upon her capture, observers recounted a startling transformation in her once-regal hair, which gradually lost their colour due to the overwhelming stress she endured in jail, culminating in her untimely demise. This intriguing occurrence served as a poignant source of inspiration for a 2014 anime, where the central protagonist found himself thrust into a crucible of extreme duress, resulting in an astonishing transformation of his hair to a striking shade of white. Symbolically, this metamorphosis mirrored the profound upheaval in the protagonist's life, as he transitioned from a timid and innocent individual to his eventual ghastly self. ID X and the anime.
  • 41. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q2 9 Hugh Ferriss is one of the most important architects in history - without ever having designed a building. He worked with the major architects of the 1920s and 30s, imagining their buildings for them and ushering in a new age for skyscraper architecture. However Ferriss was an unusual draftsman. He did not merely draw the "facts" of a building — its size, materials, proportions, and location - but rather, he used intense chiaroscuro (contrast of light and shadow) to create moody, atmospheric, highly artistic visions. What did these visions also inspire?
  • 42. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q2 9
  • 43. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q30 In a rather unfortunate (fortunate?) fashion, a man in South Florida inadvertently led to his and his accomplices’ arrest for first-degree murder. The concept of X, is a rather annoying chance occurrence we all face from time to time, is a growing problem in our hyper-connected world with certain vendors even adding special features to make it easier to <redacted> in emergencies. While the police are usually bemused by this, in this rare instance X helped them nab the killer as he did it right before he committed the crime leading to an easy arrest with ample evidence. What is X?
  • 45. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q1 The mangaka of one of the most popular new generation manga which received an overtly hyped and well-accepted anime adaptation in 2022 has heavily drawn inspiration from various art forms, with there being multiple references to popular paintings in his work. The following image shows one of the parallels drawn. Identify his work and the painting.
  • 46. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q1
  • 47. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A1 Chainsaw Man Napoleon crossing the alps REVERB
  • 48. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q2 In Hamelin, stands an old house with an inscription, proof that the childhood tale we heard was an actual event. It reads: “A.D. 1284 — on the 26th of June — the day of St. John and St. Paul — 130 <redacted> — born in Hamelin — were led out of the town and disappeared forever. There are many contradictory theories to what happened, one among them states that the <redacted> might have succumbed to the precursor of the black death, while some others hint they might have gotten caught up in the dancing plague. However it stands that this grim tale was something that really did take place Identify the tale.
  • 49. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A2 REVERB The Pied Piper
  • 50. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q3 In the late 19th century Almon Strowger an undertaker was frustrated as he was constantly losing customers to his rival considering his wife worked at the telephone exchange and whenever someone called to request for his services she would put the call through to her husband. To counter this Strowger came up with an invention and when hid new system made its debut, he bragged that his exchanges were “girl-less, cuss-less, out-of-order-less, and wait-less.” What did he invent?
  • 51. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A3 REVERB Strowger switch and the rotary dial The first automatic telephone exchange
  • 52. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q4 BOB THE BUILDER GOT FINGERED IN JAPAN , read a headline when the show was introduced in Japan. The japanese version had a subtle change in how the character looked compared to the global release. This stemmed from the fact that a particular characteristic of Bob was how a certain community widely feared and dreaded in the japan was recognized. To make sure that Bob The Builder was not considered to be associated with such a group a change was made. Identify the change and community/group.
  • 53. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q4
  • 54. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A4 REVERB Bob The Builder in Japan had 5 fingers. The yakuza were infamous for having 4 fingers
  • 55. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q5 Located in Andhra Pradesh 120kms from Anantpur, within one of India’s driest regions is Thimmamma Marrimanu. Being over 550 years old and spreading over 5acres with a circumference of over 860metres, it entered the guinness world record books. It has been worshipped for centuries and has become a symbol of eternal life and resurrection, particularly revered by Hindus and fulfills its role as an apt metaphor for our nation. What is Thimamma Marrimanu?
  • 56. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A5 REVERB A banyan tree The world’s largest single tree canopy
  • 57. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q6 Greyhound cross Zeus ,a puppy was left alone for just ten minutes before he sparked an explosion so powerful it shattered double- glazed windows, blew through floorboards and set a sofa on fire.He had chewed through a can of deodorant and blown up his owners’ house after that.The blast caused £2,000 of damage but Zeus, along with five other pets in the house, escaped uninjured. This incident was covered in the news with a witty headline. ______ ____ A reference to a charismatic cartoon character and an addition of a letter to the word. Give the Headline.
  • 58. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A6 REVERB SCOOBY DOOM
  • 59. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q7 A recent film on X, a very different take on the beloved 1926 creation of A.A. Milne, was banned in China due to it being used by dissidents to mock President Xi Jinping owing to their similarity. This comparison first went viral in 2013 after a tweet was made comparing Xi Jinping and Obama taking a walk to the portly X and X’s tall, lanky friend. The comparison became popular once again in 2014 when Xi Jinping and Shinzo Abe were likened to X and X’s pessimistic, gloomy friend (another one). ID X.
  • 60. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q7
  • 61. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz A7 X - Winnie-the-Pooh
  • 62. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q8 In 2012, Nissan won a lucrative 1 Billion $ bid to become the “<redacted> of Tomorrow” and replace the “existing fleet”. The Nissan NV200 van was the model chosen for this task joining storied names such as Darracq, DeSoto, Checker, Coronet, Caprice and more. However, it hasn’t gone according to plan since due to massive backlash and there remain a variety of cars in use today. "Look, Nissan is a good company. And the NV200 is not a bad car. If it turns out that people like it, then great.," Ethan Gerber, an attorney for the <redacted> Association told Automotive News. "But why can't we have competition? Why did the city think there had to be exclusivity? It stifles competition and stops innovation." What was the task the Nissan NV200 was chosen for?
  • 63. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz A8 Becoming the new New York City Taxi
  • 64. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q9 Researchers at the University of Chicago have developed a technique called Nightshade, that artists can use to embed invisible “poison” in their work. The tool, called Nightshade, changes an image’s pixels in a way that humans can’t detect. This is to prevent a sort of “crime”, currently a matter of debate due to rapid technological progress in a certain field. Give the purpose of the “poison”.
  • 65. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A9 REVERB To prevent Ai scraping
  • 66. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q10 Last week during halloween,A twitter user exclaimed “The _______ arc is real” posting the following video. A reference to an arc of a really popular anime. Name the show/ place
  • 67. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A10 REVERB Jujutsu Kaisen Shibuya Incident Arc
  • 68. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q11 The wireless telegraph was one of the greatest inventions of the late 19th- early 20th century, revolutionizing transcontinental communication. Strangely however, it didn’t exactly get off to a hot start. Guglielmo Marconi - the Father of the radio wave-based wireless telegraph - was struggling to find investors and the public in general did not see the need of the wireless telegraph. Marconi desperately needed an opportunity to show the usefulness of his invention to the world. And he chillingly got it soon enough, gaining worldwide attention soon as his invention saved numerous lives in an incident that would’ve otherwise have left none. What incident? How did it save lives?
  • 69. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A11 REVERB TITANIC SINKING The crew was able to send a distress signal via the telegraph to a nearby ship which responded and saved 300 passengers on the life boats.
  • 70. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q12 This particular case emerged as a baffling mystery, with initial signs pointing towards a mass homicide. Eerie handwritten notes and strange symbols at the crime scene hinted at a spiritual odyssey turned sinister. The incident sent shockwaves across the nation, quickly becoming a media focal point. This complex case, a tangle of spiritual and psychological elements, proved a formidable challenge for the police. The profound complexity of the case captured the public imagination, ultimately inspiring a Netflix series. This series delved into the dark corridors of the human mind, presenting a riveting exploration of the extremes of belief and the harrowing impact of fervent ideologies on reality. ID the Incident
  • 71. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A12 REVERB The Burari Incident
  • 72. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q13 This American animated television series stands as one of Disney Channel's most triumphant franchises, surpassing even 'Kim Possible' to become the channel's longest-running show. One standout character in this series, 'X,' is renowned for his enigmatic behavior, bearing an uncanny resemblance to the Man of Steel himself in the way they both maintain dual identities, marked by the addition of a distinctive accessory. The show's primary antagonist is subtly hinted to be of German origin and leads a nefarious corporation with grand schemes that are repeatedly thwarted by the tenacious 'X.' Notably, 'X' holds the distinction of being the sole character to appear in every single episode of the series. ID the character X
  • 73. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A13 REVERB Perry The Platypus From Phineas and Ferb
  • 74. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q14 Back in the 1880’s, a young woman’s body was recovered from river seine. The morgue pathologist transfixed by the girl’s countenance had a death mask made, which went on to gain immense popularity and over the course of the century became an household item. Around 80 years later, this mask would eventually be used by physician Peter and former toy-maker Laerdal to model their life size Resusci Anne. Thus L'Inconnue de la Seine ended up with the most kissed lips in history. What did Peter and Laerdal create?
  • 75. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q14
  • 76. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A14 REVERB CPR Dolls
  • 77. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q15 There has been a rise in the number of illegal spycam crimes in Japan. These crimes target women and involve taking their pictures without their knowledge or consent. Due to the growing issue, Japanese cell phone vendors have come up with a self-imposed industry regulation to combat this by making it impossible to do something on their phones. This ensures that nobody is able to take discreet photos and any attempt to do so would result in his immediate discovery and capture. What can you not do on these cellphones in Japan?
  • 79. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q16 In an 1988 episode of Alvin and the Chipmunks, the chipmunks are invited to the “<redacted> of iron” to play rock n roll in a concert of “freedom” and are ecstatic as their music bridges the divide and literally breaks down the boundary separating people. However Alvin is then awakened and he sadly states "it was just a dream, but it doesn't have to be." Something that comes true 11 months later. What incident was being depicted in the show which eventually did happen?
  • 80. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A16 REVERB Fall of Berlin Wall
  • 81. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q17 Beautiful architecture isn't always about "styles". Sometimes it just happens by accident. In the 16th century, Amsterdam was becoming a commercial hub. As trade increased and the population grew, there was naturally greater competition for space on the waterfront because trade was all by boat. In response, the government issued a building tax on all properties built on the waterfront. Then, as now, people wanted to save money. So they simply built houses in a way that minimized the taxes they had to pay. What we see in the 21st century as charming rows of idiosyncratic Dutch houses arrayed along the pretty canals of Amsterdam was merely the obvious and practical response to tax law. What did this new law impose a tax on?
  • 83. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q18 Close to home! In 1989, India witnessed a deeply unsettling episode of communal violence in the Bhagalpur district of Bihar. During this distressing period, a gruesome massacre occurred, and the perpetrators went to extraordinary lengths to dispose of the bodies and conceal the evidence in an eerie and clandestine manner. This sinister episode acquired an unusual name, somewhat reminiscent of the symbol of a relatively obscure political party. Image follows What was this massacre named as?
  • 84. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q18
  • 85. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A18 REVERB Cauliflower /Cabbage Massacre
  • 86. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q19 The 1992 classic Aladdin’ character design is said to be inspired from a young X’s look in <redacted>. X’s confidence, cockiness, his sheepish grin , bold and daring actions made him the perfect candidate to model Aladdin out of. X reprised his role as the protagonist in <redacted>’s sequel in 2022 which went to on to be the top grossing movie of the year. Identify X.
  • 87. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A19 REVERB Tom Cruise
  • 88. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q20 Located in Holmdel, New Jersey,this water tower was built in Bell Labs to recognize the momentous achievement of the invention of X in 1947. Considering the invention’s potential to completely revolutionize the world, this water tower was dedicated to it, a metaphor that the invention could become as important as water. 80 years down the line , this particular invention has indeed become the backbone of the modern world. Identify the invention
  • 89. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q20
  • 90. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A20 REVERB The Transistor
  • 91. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q21 The capital city of Iran, Tehran, has a huge population of people and cars, well beyond the city’s limits. This has led to extensive restrictions, with heavy fines imposed on those who break the rules. Outside the central zone is the X zone, which is applicable on 6 days of the week except Friday on which everyone is allowed to enter. To get around these restrictions, the people have shown remarkable ingenuity to come up with ways of breaking all these rules. One of the methods makes use of the heavy rush of roadside pedestrians and scooter riders, some of who making a living off this, as “human shields” to avoid being caught. ID X, which is a method of traffic reduction most Indians would be aware of due to it being used sporadically over the last few years in a city and is making a comeback next week. What exactly do these “human shields” do(and ID X)?
  • 93. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q22 Alien Hand Syndrome (AHS) is a perplexing neurological condition where one hand appears to act on its own, eluding conscious control. The afflicted individual may feel like a bystander, observing their hand autonomously interacting with the world around them, often leading to moments where their cooperative hand must intervene to restore control. The peculiar essence of AHS was cleverly mirrored in a character from a 2014 anime. This anime's name ingeniously alludes to the notion of an intrusive, self-aware presence, drawing a striking analogy to the enigmatic and unsettling syndrome. ID Anime series.
  • 94. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A22 REVERB Parasyte
  • 95. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q23 The statue of this ancient figure in his hometown of sinope(modern day turkey) was erected in 2006 stirring a controversy and the right-leaning turks protested against this installation, as the person’s ideology and search for an honest man was an insult to the people of sinope. However the mayor defended that this person despite being from ‘another nation’ was born in Sinope, was important to promote the region, he humorously asserted his decision that when even the “Great” admired his conduct, we can do this much too. Identify this figure embroiled in controversies even after death.
  • 96. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q23
  • 97. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A23 REVERB Diogenes
  • 98. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q24 In the 2000’s A group of 168 members were out having fun at the millennium dome housing a diamond exhibition of a particular company worth $800M including the Millenium Star . It so happened that 4 of them belonged to a criminal gang who managed to carry out a masterful heist and escaped using a speed boat. However their plan was thwarted as the police had already received a tip-off and had planned to capture them red handed. This incident was depicted in an iconic Sun News headline a play on the phrase I’M ONLY ____ ___ ___ _____ Identify the headline a pun on the company hosting the exhibition.
  • 99. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A24 REVERB I’M only here for De Beers Meaning only there for the fun
  • 100. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q25 Method 1 : Keep your heels of the chair Balance on the balls of your feet Lean forward and put your weight on your thighs. OR Method 2: Put your feet flat on the chair. Rest your rear end on the back of the chair. Lean forward to help keep your balance. What are these methods describing?
  • 101. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A25 How to Sit Like L REVERB
  • 102. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q26 The 1916 Zoning Resolution in New York City was a former zoning code which forced buildings to reduce their shadows at street level by employing setbacks. Subsequent iconic buildings of the Art Deco style in the following years all adhered to this code. In architecture, the informal reference to such buildings with many distinct tiers, each set back from the one below is the X style. ID X.
  • 103. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q26
  • 104. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz A26 X - WEDDING CAKE
  • 105. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q27 X was an infamous Indian bandit and poacher who operated in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. He was notorious for his brutal beheadings of police officers and informants, which added to his terrifying reputation. His extensive knowledge of the forests and a network of loyal followers enabled him to evade law enforcement for many years. In 2004, a special task force successfully tracked down X in a forest hideout in Tamil Nadu. A firefight ensued, resulting in X’s death, ending his reign of terror and marking a significant victory for law enforcement. ID X.
  • 106. The 30 C-T-C Quiz A27 REVERB Veerappan
  • 107. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q28 At first, this enigmatic phenomenon was ascribed to the mysterious "X syndrome." However, upon her capture, observers recounted a startling transformation in her once-regal hair, which gradually lost their colour due to the overwhelming stress she endured in jail, culminating in her untimely demise. This intriguing occurrence served as a poignant source of inspiration for a 2014 anime, where the central protagonist found himself thrust into a crucible of extreme duress, resulting in an astonishing transformation of his hair to a striking shade of white. Symbolically, this metamorphosis mirrored the profound upheaval in the protagonist's life, as he transitioned from a timid and innocent individual to his eventual ghastly self. ID X and the anime.
  • 108. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz A28 Marie Antoinette Tokyo Ghoul (Ken Kaneki)
  • 109. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q2 9 Hugh Ferriss is one of the most important architects in history - without ever having designed a building. He worked with the major architects of the 1920s and 30s, imagining their buildings for them and ushering in a new age for skyscraper architecture. However Ferriss was an unusual draftsman. He did not merely draw the "facts" of a building — its size, materials, proportions, and location - but rather, he used intense chiaroscuro (contrast of light and shadow) to create moody, atmospheric, highly artistic visions. What did these visions also inspire?
  • 110. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q2 9
  • 111. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz A29 GOTHAM CITY
  • 112. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz Q30 In a rather unfortunate (fortunate?) fashion, a man in South Florida inadvertently led to his and his accomplices’ arrest for first-degree murder. The concept of X, is a rather annoying chance occurrence we all face from time to time, is a growing problem in our hyper-connected world with certain vendors even adding special features to make it easier to <redacted> in emergencies. While the police are usually bemused by this, in this rare instance X helped them nab the killer as he did it right before he committed the crime leading to an easy arrest with ample evidence. What is X?
  • 113. REVERB The 30 C-T-C Quiz A30 X : BUTT-DIAL Accidentally calling 911 when your phone is in the pocket.
  • 114. *NAME OF THE QUIZ* Fin THANK YOU S9_E01

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