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Bilbao, March 8, 2012

       How can we manage Europe’s
    terrestrial greenhouse gas balance?

                    Jean-François Soussana
1.   Context: climate negotiations and food security

2.   International and European research programing

3.   The land based carbon and GHG balance of Europe

4.   Comparing arable, pasture and forest systems

5.   GHG balance of grazing systems

6.   The GHG balance of farms

7.   Vulnerability to climate change
Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use (AFOLU)
account for one third of global greenhouse gas emissions

     89 % of the global technical mitigation potential in agriculture
       would be through soil carbon sequestration (IPCC, 2007)
Lifecycle analysis of products leading
  to GHG emissions and removals

              Cross-sectoral and cross-boundaries view
Climate negotiations

• In 2007, the EU commited to an overall 20 %
  reduction in GHG emissions in 2020 (compared
  to 1990)
• Agriculture is committed to a 10 % reduction with
  variable share of efforts across countries
• Modest progress in the UN climate negotiations:
  International exchanges of views (SBSTA) on
  the role of agriculture have been decided in
Livestock, a threat to climate

Livestock emits: 1/3 of anthropogenic CH4 (enteric fermentation)
                 2/3 of anthropogenic N2O, the great majority from manure
                 9 % of anthropogenic CO2 (deforestation) (FAO, 2006)
Global production of meat and milk are projected to more than double by 2050
Food labels in some countries providing carbon ‘footprints’
(J Delincé, 2011)
(from Tara Garnett, Food Climate Research Network, UK)
Role of food habits

Poor food habits could lead to lower GHG emissions for women (not for men)
1.   Context: climate negotiations and food security

2.   International and European research programing

3.   The land based carbon and GHG balance of Europe

4.   Comparing arable, pasture and forest systems

5.   Vulnerability to climate change

6.   The GHG balance of farms
Global Research Alliance

  Livestock Research Group

  Croplands Research Group

  Paddy Rice Research Group
Joint Programing in Research
Agriculture and Climate Change
          (FACCE JPI)

Scoping Mitigation

  Storylines,                      ICOS,
Policy options
Policy options                  inventories


  Technical                     Consumer
  measures                      behaviours

                  Land use
                  Land use
ICOS – Infrastructure for a
Carbon Observation System
                Analysis of Ecosystems

A large European infrastructure on (agro) ecosystems
AnimalChange (FP7)
Global and regional livestock storylines and scenarios under climate

Detailed assessment of mitigation and adaptation options for Europe, Brasil
    and three regions in Africa

Technical potential, economical potential, barriers to implementation

Field, animal, farm and regional scale modelling
Direct GHG emissions from livestock
                                                     Animal food and GHG emissions

                    2.4       Animal food
                              Direct GHG emissions from livestock
                              Direct GHG emissions per unit animal food protein
Standardized data








                       1960     1970              1980               1990         2000   2010   2020
Direct GHG emissions per unit food protein

                             GHG per animal protein

                            Mean GHG per food protein

                            GHG per plant protein
1.   Context: climate negotiations and food security

2.   International and European research programing

3.   The land based carbon and GHG balance of Europe

4.   Comparing arable, pasture and forest systems

5.   Vulnerability to climate change

6.   The GHG balance of farms
Towards a full accounting of GHG fluxes
from agriculture, forestry and land use?
• Inventories                  • Unknowns
  – CH4: enteric                 – How do emission
    fermentation; manure           factors vary?
    management                   – Is there a role of
  – N2O: agricultural soils;       climatic variability?
    manure management.           – Are soils sources or
  – Forest carbon stock            sinks of carbon under
    changes                        constant
  – Soil C stock change
    through land use
    change and                   => Improve scientific
    management                     understanding
Land and oceans store carbon

                           Large interannual
                           variability in global
                           land C sink

                 (Canadell et al.,2007, PNAS)
An assessment of the continental carbon
          balance of Europe
                               1000 km

          Upscaling    10 km

µm                                                   Verification

                                         CarboEurope IP
                                     Funded and coordinated by
                                     the European Commission
                                          DG XII Research
Land based carbon sequestration
     in Europe (2000-2004)

                  (Schulze et al., Nature Geosciences, 2009)
Land based greenhouse gas balance in
    Europe including C sequestration

* CH4 and N2O fluxes are expressed as carbon in CO2-equivalents with a greenhouse
warming potential of 100 year horizon
                                              (Schulze et al., Nature Geosciences, 2009)
Summary of the continental
greenhouse gas balance for EU 25
• The land surface sink reaches -111 Million
  tonnes of carbon per year, which is 11% of
  the CO2 emitted by fossil fuels.

• However, since the emissions of methane
  and nitrous oxide are relatively higher in the
  European Union the land surface emerges as
  a greenhouse gas source of 34 Million tonnes
  of carbon per year.

• This effectively increases the emissions from
  fossil fuel burning by another 3%.
                         (Schulze et al., Nature Geosciences, 2009)
1.   Context: climate negotiations and food security

2.   International and European research programing

3.   The land based carbon and GHG balance of Europe

4.   Comparing arable, pasture and forest systems

5.   Vulnerability to climate change

6.   The GHG balance of farms
Ecosystem flux measurements
of CO2 and H2O
Components of a managed ecosystem
             carbon budget
NEE: Net Ecosystem Exchange, balance
NBP: Net Biome Productivity, C Atmospheric C balance
The balance between gross photosynthesis (GPP),
  plant (Ra) and soil organism (Rh) respiration
       in contrasted European ecosystems

                 Sink                                Source                GPP



                            C balance: NEP

         -1500      -1000     -500       0            500          1000          1500
                                         -2     -1
                                     g C m yr          (After Schulze et al., Nature Geosciences, 2009)
The balance between carbon and other greenhouse
    gases in contrasted European ecosystems

                        Sink                                         Source



     Forest                                                                Manure
                                 GHG balance                               Other GHG

          -400   -300     -200     -100        0          100       200        300       400

                                          g C m-2 yr-1

                                                         (After Schulze et al., Nature Geosciences, 2009
                                                         & Siemens et al. Global Change Biology, in press)
Dissolved organic C leaching

             (Kindler et al., Global Change Biol., 2011)
EU25 terrestrial greenhouse gas
 balance* including C sequestration
          GHG balance of agriculture in EU25 including C sequestration

          Forest biomass
               Forest soil
                 Cropland        SINK                                    SOURCE
        Land use change
    Carbon trade balance
Carbon to rivers and seas
    Fossil fuel agriculture
          CH4 agriculture
           CH4 wetlands
         N2O agriculture
                GHG flux

                          -150      -100        -50          0           50          100         150
                                                  Megatons C per year

     * CH4 and N2O fluxes as carbon in CO2-equivalents with a GHG warming potential of 100 year horizon
The GHG balance of the
 agriculture sector in Europe
                   GHG balance of agriculture in EU25 including C sequestration


      CH4 agriculture

Fossil fuel agriculture

         Drained peat



                          -40   -20      0       20        40            60         80

                                              Mt C yr-1
     Grassland C sequestration would play a significant role for the
                    European agriculture sector
                                                                (After Schulze et al., 2009 Nature Geosciences)
1.   Context: climate negotiations and food security

2.   International and European research programing

3.   The land based carbon and GHG balance of Europe

4.   Comparing arable, pasture and forest systems

5.   Carbon balance of grasslands

6.   Vulnerability to climate change

7.   The GHG balance of farms
The C balance of
  a grassland
   ecosystem                                                NEE


Carbon balance (Net Biome Productivity) :

NBP = (NEE - FCH4-C) + (Fmanure - Fharvest – Fanimal-products) – Fleach

                                                              (Soussana et al., 2010, Animal)
C sequestration in a temperate pasture
                                  (tC ha-1 yr-1)

        CH4                   Herbivore                          CO2
                              respiration         Gross primary
        0.2             2.1                    19 productivity

                Herbivore Grazing           Vegetation
                                3                          7
                  +0.05                         0       Shoot
         0.7 Animal                                     respiration
              excreta           Root turnover
                               Rhizodeposition 9

                  Soil C sequestration: +0.5              Below-ground

        DOC, DIC ?

Sown grassland with intensive grazing (Soussana          et al., Soil Use Manag., 2004)
Carbon sequestration (NBP) at 10
       European grassland sites

                                 Carbon sink

                                 Carbon source

• The less carbon is used, the more is returned to the soil,
 which increases C sequestration

• Nitrogen supply also favours carbon sequestration
                                          (Soussana et al. Agriculture, Ecosys. Environment, 2007)
Disturbance induced changes in C cycling
           (Klumpp, Falcimage & Soussana, 2007, AGEE; Klumpp, Soussana & Falcimagne, 2007, Biogeosciences)

                                                                    Soil C sequestration
Grassland mesocosm experiment

                                                                        (g C m-2 yr-1)
) A trade-off between aboveground
production and belowground C sequestration                                                                       Cutting

i) Disturbance reduces mean residence time of C                                            Above-ground net primary
n soil fractions >200 µ                                                                     productivity (g C m-2 yr-1)

                                                                                           MRT= 22 month

                       CO2 scrubber                                                                             disturbance
                                                                             MRT = 31 month
       Steady state 13CO2 labelling
Separating direct role of disturbance
 from plant traits: Response & Effect
    C sequestration (gC m-2)

                                                  b2, direct

                                      aE2, trait mediated

                               Root density

                               (Klumpp & Soussana, Global Change Biol., 2009)
Disturbance increase: a cascade of effects.

                                                                                                                            5. Change in plant species
                                1. Photosynthesis and root                                                                  composition
                                   biomass declines

                           2. Decline in fungi and                                                                             4. Increase in N available
                           increase in Gram+ bacteria                                                                          for plants and in
                                                                                                                               aboveground production.
Fraction of total PLFA

                         0.40                                                                                                           0.8
                                                        fungal                                                                                         LH
                         0.30                                                                                                           0.6

                                LL                LH                                                                                    0.2

                                Disturbance treatment                   2.5
                                                                        2.0                                            LH                       2003
                                                                                          a        a
                                                        mg C g-1 soil

                                                         fPOM old

                                                                        1.5               a

                                                                        1.0                        b
                                                                                                            b          a
                                                                        0.5                                            b

           3. Acceleration of unlabelled                                0.0

           POM decomposition                                                  0       5       10       15   20     25

                                                                                  Month after start of 13C labelling

                                                                                          Klumpp, Fontaine, Soussana, Journal of Ecology (2009)
Climate x management interactions for

             Reco (gC m ² week )
           -1                                c.

                                                          annual C sequestration



                                        0                                          Extensive management sequesters more C in wet
                                      -20                                          years, but is less resilient to drought than intensive
             GPP (gC m ² week )

       I nt ensive -40
                    plot                           Ext ensive plot
High st ock ing densit y : 1 LSU ha - 1 Low st ock ing densit y: 0.5 LSU ha -1

          N, P, K fer t iliser                  No f er t iliser supply
                                                                                   Extensive: higher LAI and ET, less available N.
                                      -100                                       Laqueuille site, INRA
            Cumulative NEE (gC m-²)





                                      -400         SINK
                                             e.                                      Summer droughts
                                             f.             Water fluxes
           Latent Heat (W m )




                                      250         2003               2004                 2005           2006        2007          2008
                                      200                                                         (Klumpp et al., Global Change Biol., 2011)
Annual C balance of 28
                           grassland sites

C source                                                                                       C sink

                                                     (n=110 site years, mean ± s.e)

         21 sites out of 28 were, on average, C sinks for the atmosphere

   Leaching of dissolved carbon (DOC, biogenic DIC, 4 sites): 29 gC m -2 yr-1 (Kindler et al., 2011, GCB)
Simple C cycle model (5 state variables, 3 soil parameters)

                               Ecosystem respiration, Reco

   GPP Ra                   Rh-animal        Rh-litter              Rh-active                    Rh-slow
                                (d+k CH4)Cintake
                                                   f(T,P) (1-K2)      f(T,P) (1-K2) K2             f(T,P) kslow

         Cplant                    Clitter                         Cactive                      Cslow                            Cpassive

                        1                             f(T,P) K2                    f(T,P) K22                     f(T,P) kstab

              Cintake             (1-d-kCH4)Cintake                                                       Measured
      Cexport                Cimport

 (Soussana et al., in preparation)
Best fit for turnover of slow C

                                 Turnover rate (Kslow) of slow
                                 C declines with N availability

                                 This is consistent with the
                                 priming effect and is not
                                 accounted for by classical
                                 soil models.

    n=15, r2 = 0.81, P< 0.0001
Simulated vs. measured
            annual C sequestration

C balance is inferred from GPP, climate, management and soil texture
Carbon and GHG balance of grazing
systems (grassland and farm buildings)
                                                                               At barn

    FN2O        FCO2      FCH4    Fanimal-products               FCO2@barn            Fanimal-products@barn
                                                                             4@barn             Flabile C losses
                   290       5     5
                                                                   98     9            47
                                                                              FN2O      Fmanure@barn 43
      Fmanure                                                                                                      IPCC, Tier 1
       17                                                                                      17

            NCS = 50                                             NCS@barn = 23

                                 Attributed NCS = 73                                                          (gC m-2 yr-1)

      Extensive pastures (n=3): 320 gCO2 equivalents m-2 yr-1 (sink)
      Intensive meadows (n=3): -272 gCO2 equivalents m-2 yr-1 (source)

                                 (Soussana et al., 2007, AGEE; Soussana et al., 2010, Animal)
Carbon balance of EU grazing systems


                                    Cumulated relative frequency








                                                                      -250 -200 -150 -100   -50     0   50    100      150   200   250   300   350
                                                                                                             -2   -1
                                                                                                  NBP (gC m yr )

                           Source                                                                                              Sink

                  Source                                                       Sink

(permanent grasslands)                                                    (Soussana et al., in preparation)
Greenhouse gas balance of EU grazing
       systems (1987-2007)

                                 IPCC Tier 1
                                 For CH4 and N2O

      Sink     CO2 equivalents    Source
1.   Context: climate negotiations and food security

2.   International and European research programing

3.   The land based carbon and GHG balance of Europe

4.   Comparing arable, pasture and forest systems

5.   The GHG balance of farms

6.   Vulnerability to climate change
Mitigation options in New Zealand

(Ag-Research, NZ)
Marginal Abatement Cost Curves

         (Moran et al., 2011, J. Agric. Economics)
A model of GHG and C sequestration
        in livestock farms (FARMSIM)
               Gaseous losses     Fixation     Atmospheric         Gaseous losses
Lifecycle      (C, N)             (C, N)       deposition (N)      (C, N)           IPCC
analysis                                                                            Tier 2
                                                    Animals          Manure         Animal
                                  & straw                                           produce
              Feed & bedding                                         stores
                    Fertilizer                     Meadows
                                                    Arable                           Crop
                                                    crops                           produce

                                  Irrigation (N)   Runoff (C, N)    Leaching (N)    Grassland and
                                                                                    crop models

    A dynamic model coupling lifecycle analysis and carbon sequestration
    (Salettes et al., 2004; Schils et al., 2007; Duretz et al., 2009)
Summary: greenhouse gas balance per unit area
    of grasslands and of livestock farms

                 SINK                  SOURCE
1.   Context: climate negotiations and food security

2.   International and European research programing

3.   The land based carbon and GHG balance of Europe

4.   Comparing arable, pasture and forest systems

5.   Carbon balance of grasslands

6.   The GHG balance of farms

7.   Vulnerability to climate change
Did the 2003 European heatwave
         lead to a CO2 concentration?
Summer temperature anomaly   Vegetation anomaly in July 2003
(July 2003, MODIS)
Net Primary Productivity change in 2003
            vs. 1998-2002
       Summer                                    Annual

On average, the 2003 heat spell, combined with the drought, caused a
195 and 77 gC m-2 yr-1 decline in ecosystem photosynthesis and
respiration, respectively.
                                                (Ciais et al., Nature 2005)
Possible knock-on effects of extreme
 climatic events

                            Reduced GPP,
                             Reduced GPP,
                           Xylem embolism
                            Xylem embolism
                          Reduced reserves
                           Reduced reserves

                            Frost damage
                             Frost damage
                          Reduced foliage
                           Reduced foliage
                     Pests and insects damages
                      Pests and insects damages

                           Tree mortality
                            Tree mortality
Increased C           Forest decline, Wildfires
                       Forest decline, Wildfires
                     Change in land use: forest    Misadaptation?
                      Change in land use: forest
                       to fallow or rangeland
                        to fallow or rangeland
Impacts of climate variability and
extremes on the C cycle in grasslands
        Interannual variability

   Agricultural         Greenhouse gas
   management           emissions
What are the impacts of summer
                  heat and drought extremes?
C, control

CX, Control and extreme
(‘summer 2003’ heat wave)

T, average year in the 2050’s

TX, extreme year in the 2050’s

                                              Automated rain shelters

                                 Passive IR             Active regulated IR
End of heat wave    Two months after heat wave

Dactylis glomerata




                                             + X            - X     + X            - X
Concluding comments (1/2)
1.   Soil carbon needs to be accounted to achieve a consistent GHG
     balance in the agriculture, forestry and land use sector

2.   Forestry has attracted more efforts so far, but is vulnerable to climate
     extremes (e.g. storms, fires and droughts)

3.   Soil carbon sequestration requires advanced verification methods,
     which are still lacking in real farm conditions

4.   There are multiple trade-offs between agricultural production, carbon
     sequestration and N2O and CH4 emissions. Agricultural systems will
     need to be gradually optimized in each European region.

5.   Mitigation strategies could be based on the eco-efficiency of farms,
     that is their net GHG emissions per unit of food, feed or fiber product.

6.   Uncertainties scale up with the length of the food supply chains. There
     is no consensus yet on lifecycle analyses for long supply chains like
     livestock production.
Concluding comments (2/2)
7. Carbon sequestration should be sustained over several
     decades to be effective.
8. Therefore, mitigation and adaptation to climate change need
     to be addressed consistently
9. In addition, there are trade-offs between mitigation,
     adaptation, food security, land use and biodiversity.

   We try to address these multiple constraints

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Soussana jean francois

  • 1. Bilbao, March 8, 2012 How can we manage Europe’s terrestrial greenhouse gas balance? Jean-François Soussana
  • 2. Outline 1. Context: climate negotiations and food security 2. International and European research programing 3. The land based carbon and GHG balance of Europe 4. Comparing arable, pasture and forest systems 5. GHG balance of grazing systems 6. The GHG balance of farms 7. Vulnerability to climate change
  • 3. Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use (AFOLU) account for one third of global greenhouse gas emissions 89 % of the global technical mitigation potential in agriculture would be through soil carbon sequestration (IPCC, 2007)
  • 4. Lifecycle analysis of products leading to GHG emissions and removals Cross-sectoral and cross-boundaries view
  • 5. Climate negotiations • In 2007, the EU commited to an overall 20 % reduction in GHG emissions in 2020 (compared to 1990) • Agriculture is committed to a 10 % reduction with variable share of efforts across countries • Modest progress in the UN climate negotiations: International exchanges of views (SBSTA) on the role of agriculture have been decided in Durban
  • 6. Livestock, a threat to climate Livestock emits: 1/3 of anthropogenic CH4 (enteric fermentation) 2/3 of anthropogenic N2O, the great majority from manure 9 % of anthropogenic CO2 (deforestation) (FAO, 2006) Global production of meat and milk are projected to more than double by 2050 Food labels in some countries providing carbon ‘footprints’
  • 8. (from Tara Garnett, Food Climate Research Network, UK)
  • 9. Role of food habits DUALINE Poor food habits could lead to lower GHG emissions for women (not for men)
  • 10. Outline 1. Context: climate negotiations and food security 2. International and European research programing 3. The land based carbon and GHG balance of Europe 4. Comparing arable, pasture and forest systems 5. Vulnerability to climate change 6. The GHG balance of farms
  • 11. Global Research Alliance Livestock Research Group Croplands Research Group Paddy Rice Research Group
  • 12. Joint Programing in Research Agriculture and Climate Change (FACCE JPI) 12
  • 13. FACCE-JPI Scoping Mitigation National National inventories inventories MRV MRV Storylines, Storylines, ICOS, ICOS, Policy options Policy options inventories inventories Conceptual Conceptual Framework Framework LCAs LCAs Technical Technical Consumer Consumer measures measures behaviours behaviours Farming Farming Systems, Systems, Land use Land use
  • 14. ICOS – Infrastructure for a Carbon Observation System
  • 15. ANAee Analysis of Ecosystems A large European infrastructure on (agro) ecosystems
  • 16. AnimalChange (FP7) Global and regional livestock storylines and scenarios under climate change Detailed assessment of mitigation and adaptation options for Europe, Brasil and three regions in Africa Technical potential, economical potential, barriers to implementation Field, animal, farm and regional scale modelling
  • 18. Direct GHG emissions from livestock 2.8 Animal food and GHG emissions 2.6 2.4 Animal food Direct GHG emissions from livestock Direct GHG emissions per unit animal food protein 2.2 Standardized data 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Year
  • 19. Direct GHG emissions per unit food protein GHG per animal protein Mean GHG per food protein GHG per plant protein
  • 20. Outline 1. Context: climate negotiations and food security 2. International and European research programing 3. The land based carbon and GHG balance of Europe 4. Comparing arable, pasture and forest systems 5. Vulnerability to climate change 6. The GHG balance of farms
  • 21. Towards a full accounting of GHG fluxes from agriculture, forestry and land use? • Inventories • Unknowns – CH4: enteric – How do emission fermentation; manure factors vary? management – Is there a role of – N2O: agricultural soils; climatic variability? manure management. – Are soils sources or – Forest carbon stock sinks of carbon under changes constant management? – Soil C stock change through land use change and => Improve scientific management understanding
  • 22. Land and oceans store carbon Large interannual variability in global land C sink (Canadell et al.,2007, PNAS)
  • 23. An assessment of the continental carbon balance of Europe 1000 km Upscaling 10 km Prediction ha Downscaling dm µm Verification CarboEurope IP Funded and coordinated by the European Commission DG XII Research
  • 24. Land based carbon sequestration in Europe (2000-2004) UNCERTAINTY (Schulze et al., Nature Geosciences, 2009)
  • 25. Land based greenhouse gas balance in Europe including C sequestration UNCERTAINTY * CH4 and N2O fluxes are expressed as carbon in CO2-equivalents with a greenhouse warming potential of 100 year horizon (Schulze et al., Nature Geosciences, 2009)
  • 26. Summary of the continental greenhouse gas balance for EU 25 • The land surface sink reaches -111 Million tonnes of carbon per year, which is 11% of the CO2 emitted by fossil fuels. • However, since the emissions of methane and nitrous oxide are relatively higher in the European Union the land surface emerges as a greenhouse gas source of 34 Million tonnes of carbon per year. • This effectively increases the emissions from fossil fuel burning by another 3%. (Schulze et al., Nature Geosciences, 2009)
  • 27. Outline 1. Context: climate negotiations and food security 2. International and European research programing 3. The land based carbon and GHG balance of Europe 4. Comparing arable, pasture and forest systems 5. Vulnerability to climate change 6. The GHG balance of farms
  • 29. Simultaneous measurements of CO2 and H2O exchanges
  • 30. Components of a managed ecosystem carbon budget NEE: Net Ecosystem Exchange, balance NBP: Net Biome Productivity, C Atmospheric C balance
  • 31. The balance between gross photosynthesis (GPP), plant (Ra) and soil organism (Rh) respiration in contrasted European ecosystems Sink Source GPP Ra Rh Cropland Grassland Forest C balance: NEP -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 -2 -1 g C m yr (After Schulze et al., Nature Geosciences, 2009)
  • 32. The balance between carbon and other greenhouse gases in contrasted European ecosystems Sink Source Cropland Grassland NEP Harvest Forest Manure Fire DOC/DIC GHG balance Other GHG -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 g C m-2 yr-1 (After Schulze et al., Nature Geosciences, 2009 & Siemens et al. Global Change Biology, in press)
  • 33. Dissolved organic C leaching (Kindler et al., Global Change Biol., 2011)
  • 34. EU25 terrestrial greenhouse gas balance* including C sequestration GHG balance of agriculture in EU25 including C sequestration Forest biomass Forest soil Grassland Cropland SINK SOURCE Peatlands Land use change Carbon trade balance Carbon to rivers and seas Fossil fuel agriculture CH4 agriculture CH4 wetlands N2O agriculture GHG flux -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 Megatons C per year * CH4 and N2O fluxes as carbon in CO2-equivalents with a GHG warming potential of 100 year horizon
  • 35. The GHG balance of the agriculture sector in Europe GHG balance of agriculture in EU25 including C sequestration N2O CH4 agriculture Fossil fuel agriculture Drained peat Cropland Grassland -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Mt C yr-1 Grassland C sequestration would play a significant role for the European agriculture sector (After Schulze et al., 2009 Nature Geosciences)
  • 36. Outline 1. Context: climate negotiations and food security 2. International and European research programing 3. The land based carbon and GHG balance of Europe 4. Comparing arable, pasture and forest systems 5. Carbon balance of grasslands 6. Vulnerability to climate change 7. The GHG balance of farms
  • 37. The C balance of a grassland ecosystem NEE (NBP) Carbon balance (Net Biome Productivity) : NBP = (NEE - FCH4-C) + (Fmanure - Fharvest – Fanimal-products) – Fleach (Soussana et al., 2010, Animal)
  • 38. C sequestration in a temperate pasture (tC ha-1 yr-1) CH4 Herbivore CO2 respiration Gross primary 0.2 2.1 19 productivity Herbivore Grazing Vegetation Végétation 3 7 +0.05 0 Shoot 0.7 Animal respiration excreta Root turnover Rhizodeposition 9 Litter Soil 9.2 Soil C sequestration: +0.5 Below-ground respiration DOC, DIC ? Sown grassland with intensive grazing (Soussana et al., Soil Use Manag., 2004)
  • 39. Carbon sequestration (NBP) at 10 European grassland sites Carbon sink - Carbon source - • The less carbon is used, the more is returned to the soil, which increases C sequestration • Nitrogen supply also favours carbon sequestration (Soussana et al. Agriculture, Ecosys. Environment, 2007)
  • 40. Disturbance induced changes in C cycling (Klumpp, Falcimage & Soussana, 2007, AGEE; Klumpp, Soussana & Falcimagne, 2007, Biogeosciences) Soil C sequestration Grassland mesocosm experiment (g C m-2 yr-1) ) A trade-off between aboveground production and belowground C sequestration Cutting disturbance i) Disturbance reduces mean residence time of C Above-ground net primary n soil fractions >200 µ productivity (g C m-2 yr-1) Compressor MRT= 22 month Cutting CO2 scrubber disturbance MRT = 31 month Steady state 13CO2 labelling
  • 41. Separating direct role of disturbance from plant traits: Response & Effect C sequestration (gC m-2) b2, direct disturbance effect aE2, trait mediated effect Root density (Klumpp & Soussana, Global Change Biol., 2009)
  • 42. Disturbance increase: a cascade of effects. Disturbance 5. Change in plant species 1. Photosynthesis and root composition biomass declines 2. Decline in fungi and 4. Increase in N available increase in Gram+ bacteria for plants and in 0.60 aboveground production. Fraction of total PLFA 1.0 0.50 LL 0.40 0.8 fungal LH gram- 0.30 0.6 gram+ NNI 0.20 0.4 0.10 LL LH 0.2 Disturbance treatment 2.5 0.0 LL 2.0 LH 2003 a a mg C g-1 soil a fPOM old 1.5 a 1.0 b b a 0.5 b 3. Acceleration of unlabelled 0.0 POM decomposition 0 5 10 15 20 25 Month after start of 13C labelling Klumpp, Fontaine, Soussana, Journal of Ecology (2009)
  • 43. Climate x management interactions for 0.1 80 Reco (gC m ² week ) -1 c. 60 annual C sequestration - 40 20 0 Extensive management sequesters more C in wet -20 years, but is less resilient to drought than intensive GPP (gC m ² week ) -1 I nt ensive -40 plot Ext ensive plot management: High st ock ing densit y : 1 LSU ha - 1 Low st ock ing densit y: 0.5 LSU ha -1 - -60 N, P, K fer t iliser No f er t iliser supply Extensive: higher LAI and ET, less available N. -80 d. -100 Laqueuille site, INRA 100 Cumulative NEE (gC m-²) 0 SOURCE -100 -200 -300 -400 SINK e. Summer droughts -500 1000 f. Water fluxes 800 Latent Heat (W m ) -2 600 400 200 0 250 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 g. 200 (Klumpp et al., Global Change Biol., 2011)
  • 44. Annual C balance of 28 grassland sites C source C sink (n=110 site years, mean ± s.e) 21 sites out of 28 were, on average, C sinks for the atmosphere Leaching of dissolved carbon (DOC, biogenic DIC, 4 sites): 29 gC m -2 yr-1 (Kindler et al., 2011, GCB)
  • 45. Simple C cycle model (5 state variables, 3 soil parameters) Ecosystem respiration, Reco GPP Ra Rh-animal Rh-litter Rh-active Rh-slow (1-K1)GPP (d+k CH4)Cintake f(T,P) (1-K2) f(T,P) (1-K2) K2 f(T,P) kslow Cplant Clitter Cactive Cslow Cpassive 1 f(T,P) K2 f(T,P) K22 f(T,P) kstab Cintake (1-d-kCH4)Cintake Measured Cexport Cimport Modelled (Soussana et al., in preparation)
  • 46. Best fit for turnover of slow C Turnover rate (Kslow) of slow C declines with N availability This is consistent with the priming effect and is not accounted for by classical soil models. n=15, r2 = 0.81, P< 0.0001
  • 47. Simulated vs. measured annual C sequestration C balance is inferred from GPP, climate, management and soil texture
  • 48. Carbon and GHG balance of grazing systems (grassland and farm buildings) At barn FN2O FCO2 FCH4 Fanimal-products FCO2@barn Fanimal-products@barn FCH 4@barn Flabile C losses 290 5 5 98 9 47 Fharvest FN2O Fmanure@barn 43 237 83 Fmanure IPCC, Tier 1 17 17 NCS = 50 NCS@barn = 23 10 Attributed NCS = 73 (gC m-2 yr-1) Fleach Extensive pastures (n=3): 320 gCO2 equivalents m-2 yr-1 (sink) Intensive meadows (n=3): -272 gCO2 equivalents m-2 yr-1 (source) (Soussana et al., 2007, AGEE; Soussana et al., 2010, Animal)
  • 49. Carbon balance of EU grazing systems (1987-2007) 1.0 0.9 Cumulated relative frequency 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 -2 -1 NBP (gC m yr ) Source Sink Source Sink (permanent grasslands) (Soussana et al., in preparation)
  • 50. Greenhouse gas balance of EU grazing systems (1987-2007) IPCC Tier 1 For CH4 and N2O (permanent grasslands) Sink CO2 equivalents Source
  • 51. Outline 1. Context: climate negotiations and food security 2. International and European research programing 3. The land based carbon and GHG balance of Europe 4. Comparing arable, pasture and forest systems 5. The GHG balance of farms 6. Vulnerability to climate change
  • 52. Mitigation options in New Zealand (Ag-Research, NZ)
  • 53. Marginal Abatement Cost Curves (Moran et al., 2011, J. Agric. Economics)
  • 54. A model of GHG and C sequestration in livestock farms (FARMSIM) Gaseous losses Fixation Atmospheric Gaseous losses Lifecycle (C, N) (C, N) deposition (N) (C, N) IPCC analysis Tier 2 Inputs Cattle housing Energy Feed Animals Manure Animal & straw produce Feed & bedding stores stores Pastures Fertilizer Meadows Arable Crop Seed crops produce Irrigation (N) Runoff (C, N) Leaching (N) Grassland and crop models A dynamic model coupling lifecycle analysis and carbon sequestration (Salettes et al., 2004; Schils et al., 2007; Duretz et al., 2009)
  • 55. Summary: greenhouse gas balance per unit area of grasslands and of livestock farms SINK SOURCE
  • 56. Outline 1. Context: climate negotiations and food security 2. International and European research programing 3. The land based carbon and GHG balance of Europe 4. Comparing arable, pasture and forest systems 5. Carbon balance of grasslands 6. The GHG balance of farms 7. Vulnerability to climate change
  • 57. Did the 2003 European heatwave lead to a CO2 concentration? Summer temperature anomaly Vegetation anomaly in July 2003 (July 2003, MODIS)
  • 58. Net Primary Productivity change in 2003 vs. 1998-2002 Summer Annual On average, the 2003 heat spell, combined with the drought, caused a 195 and 77 gC m-2 yr-1 decline in ecosystem photosynthesis and respiration, respectively. (Ciais et al., Nature 2005)
  • 59. Possible knock-on effects of extreme climatic events Heat Heat Drought Drought Reduced GPP, Reduced GPP, Xylem embolism Xylem embolism Reduced reserves Reduced reserves Frost damage Frost damage Reduced foliage Reduced foliage Pests and insects damages Pests and insects damages Tree mortality Tree mortality Increased C Forest decline, Wildfires Forest decline, Wildfires losses Change in land use: forest Misadaptation? Change in land use: forest to fallow or rangeland to fallow or rangeland
  • 60. Impacts of climate variability and extremes on the C cycle in grasslands Interannual variability Agricultural Greenhouse gas management emissions
  • 61. What are the impacts of summer heat and drought extremes? C, control CX, Control and extreme (‘summer 2003’ heat wave) T, average year in the 2050’s TX, extreme year in the 2050’s Automated rain shelters Passive IR Active regulated IR
  • 62. End of heat wave Two months after heat wave Mediterranean C Medly Dactylis glomerata T C Temperate Ludac T + X - X + X - X
  • 63. Concluding comments (1/2) 1. Soil carbon needs to be accounted to achieve a consistent GHG balance in the agriculture, forestry and land use sector 2. Forestry has attracted more efforts so far, but is vulnerable to climate extremes (e.g. storms, fires and droughts) 3. Soil carbon sequestration requires advanced verification methods, which are still lacking in real farm conditions 4. There are multiple trade-offs between agricultural production, carbon sequestration and N2O and CH4 emissions. Agricultural systems will need to be gradually optimized in each European region. 5. Mitigation strategies could be based on the eco-efficiency of farms, that is their net GHG emissions per unit of food, feed or fiber product. 6. Uncertainties scale up with the length of the food supply chains. There is no consensus yet on lifecycle analyses for long supply chains like livestock production.
  • 64. Concluding comments (2/2) 7. Carbon sequestration should be sustained over several decades to be effective. 8. Therefore, mitigation and adaptation to climate change need to be addressed consistently 9. In addition, there are trade-offs between mitigation, adaptation, food security, land use and biodiversity. We try to address these multiple constraints

Editor's Notes

  1. FAO 18 % of global anthropogenic GHG emissions, but including all pre-chain emissions FAO report did not account for changes in soil C (ie C sequestration) apart from land use changes caused by deforestation GGELS 9-13 % of European GHG emissions, still with lifecycle analysis
  2. Of all global CO2 emission less than half accumulates in the atmosphere where it contributes to global warming. The remainder is sequestered in oceans and terrestrial ecosystems such as forests and grasslands. Stimulating this free service of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems is considered one of the main, immediately available ways of mitigating climate change.
  3. in the EU-Integrated Project CarboEurope, eesearchers from 17 European countries cooperating have compiled the first comprehensive greenhouse gas balance of Europe. In this study we made two independent estimates: one based on what the atmosphere sees and one based on what terrestrial ecosystems see. You can see here the distribution of the ecosystem based carbon sink in Europe (cold colors), which is obtained from atmospheric measurements. Please note the high uncertainty.
  4. In this second map, we can see the balance between the carbon sink and the non CO2 emissions as methane, mainly from enteric fermentation and manures and as N2O mainly from agricultural soils and N fertilizers. The balance is expressed as carbon in CO2 equivalents (over a 100 yr time horizon). This new calculation of Europe’s greenhouse gas balance shows that emissions of methane and nitrous oxide tip the balance and eliminate Europe’s terrestrial sink of greenhouse-gases. The uncertainty is also very high with these atmosphere based calculations.
  5. Now, we turn to the full land based GHG balance of EU 25 over the 2000-2004 time period, with its detailed breakdown estimated from ecosystem measurements. First, we can focus on land based carbon sequestration (mainly in forest biomass, short-term, in forest soils and grasslands. Croplands and peatlands which are exploited are sources of carbon. Second, there is a small C sequestration caused by LUC, which is compensated by carbon exported from Europe by food trade. Finally, large emissions as methane and as N2O mostly compensate C sequestration, leading to a small net GHG source;
  6. Calculer l’intervalle de confiance de ces régressions. S’
  7. We can calculate with such methods the full balance of a livestock system, combining grazing and cutting. Carbon accumulates
  8. Carbon negative soils imply net N mineralization which will release some N2O. For 10g C/m/year, with a soil C:N ratio of 12 this means 0.833 gN mineralized, of which 0.01 will go to N2O, this translates into 0.00833 gN2O-N, or 3,9 gCO2-equivalents emitted as N2O. Hence, this adds about 1 g CO2-C equivalents, or 10 % more.
  9. N2O considering liquid slurry only. 10 times less if solid. See fraction of liquid and solid… Additional N2O from organic soils not considered