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The Blue Planet: Chapter 3
• Earth Materials
• Organic Matter
• Composition and Internal Structure of
the Earth
• Minerals
• Rocks
• Regolith
Earth Materials
• The three common states of matter we
are familiar with are solid, liquid and gas
• Materials occurring in the same state
can still differ substantially
– For example, lava and water are both
liquids; one non-aqueous, one aqueous
– Both are very important in a wide variety of
Earth processes
Earth Materials
Earth Materials
Matter can coexist in various states and phases. In (A), matter of uniform
composition (H2O) coexists in two different states (liquid and solid) and two
different phases (water and ice), separated by physical boundaries. In (B),
different phases coexist in the same state (oil and water, both liquids; different
types of beans, all solids). In (C), there is only one phase and one state, as is
always the case with gases.
Earth Materials
• Chemical elements are the most
fundamental substances into which
matter can be separated
– An atom is the smallest individual particle
that retains the distinctive properties of a
given chemical element
• Atoms are built of protons and neutrons in the
nucleus and electrons orbiting the nucleus
Earth Materials
• The number of protons in the nucleus
of an atom is called the atomic
• Electrons are considered mass-less
• The sum of the neutrons and the
protons in the nucleus is the atomic
• Isotopes are atoms with the same
atomic number but different mass
– Some isotopes are radioactive, and can
be used in radioactive dating
Earth Materials
• An atom is electrically neutral because
the positive charge of the protons
balances with the negative charge of
the electrons
• An atom that has excess positive or
negative charge is called an ion
– A positive ion is a cation
– A negative ion is an anion
Earth Materials
• Compounds form when anions and
cations combine to form a bond
• The smallest unit that retains all the
properties of a compound is called a
• Earth Materials
• Organic Matter
• Composition and Internal Structure of
the Earth
• Minerals
• Rocks
• Regolith
Organic Matter
• Possibly the most fundamental
compositional distinction is that of
organic and inorganic matter
– Organic applies specifically to compounds
consisting of carbon atoms bonded
together by covalent bonds
– In addition organic implies that the
compound is biotic in origin
Organic Matter
• A common characteristic of organic
compounds is their tendency to occur in
long chain-like structures called polymers
• Important biopolymers in the Earth system
– Proteins: chains of bonded amino acids
– Nucleic acids: (e.g. DNA) built of nucleotides
– Carbohydrates: the basis for most food we
eat, a carbon-hydrogen-oxygen compound
Organic Matter
• Lipids are another important family of
organic molecules, which are not
polymers and include
– Fats and oils
– Phospholipids
– Waxes
– Steroids
• Earth Materials
• Organic Matter
• Composition and Internal Structure of
the Earth
• Minerals
• Rocks
• Regolith
Composition and Internal Structure
of the Earth
• Earth inherited its overall composition
from its location in the solar nebula
• Earth has internal layering that
originated early in solar system history
due to chemical differentiation of the
partially molten planet
– Layers are distinguished by composition,
rock strength, and state of matter
Composition and Internal
Structure of the Earth
• There are three
major compositional
layers in the Earth
– Core: metallic iron
solid inner core and
liquid outer core
– Mantle: dense rocky
– Crust: thin, less
dense rocky matter
Composition and Internal Structure
of the Earth
• The core and mantle have nearly
constant thicknesses, but the crust
varies in place to place by a factor of 9
• The average oceanic crust is 8 km thick
• The average continental crust is 45 km
thick, but ranges from 30-70 km
• The two crusts also differ fundamentally
in composition
Composition and Internal Structure
of the Earth
• Scientific reasoning, indirect sampling,
and indirect measurement provide
information about the core and mantle
that otherwise is inaccessible
• In addition to compositional layering,
the Earth contains layers with
differences in rock strength
Composition and Internal Structure
of the Earth
• Mesosphere: “middle sphere” within the
• Asthenosphere: “weak sphere” in the
uppermost mantle
• Lithosphere: “rocky sphere” the
outermost 100 km
Composition and Internal Structure
of the Earth
• Of the 92 naturally occurring chemical
elements, only 12 occur in Earth’s crust
• The crust is dominated by two elements
– Oxygen
– Silicon
• With the other ten elements, these are
responsible for the composition of all
common Earth materials
Composition and Internal
Structure of the Earth
• Earth materials
• Organic matter
• Composition and internal structure of
the Earth
• Minerals
• Rocks
• Regolith
• Minerals are the building blocks of the
geosphere, they are or have:
– Naturally formed
– Inorganic
– Solid
– Specific chemical composition
– Characteristic crystal structure
• The two characteristics that best allow
the study of minerals are
1. Crystal structure: the way the atoms of
the elements are packed together
2. Composition: the major chemical
elements that are present and their
• Because of their abundance, oxygen
and silicon form the basis for the most
common rock-forming minerals, and the
most common mineral group: silicates
• Other mineral groups include: oxides,
sulfides, carbonates, sulfates, and
• Silicates
– Built of the silicate
anion (tetrahedron)
– The anion joins
together by sharing
their oxygen atoms to
form chains, sheets
and three-dimensional
• Silicates are by far the most abundant
minerals in the continental crust, and
feldspars are the predominant variety
– Feldspars: 60% of minerals in Earth’s crust
– Quartz: 15% of minerals in Earth’s crust
– All silicates: 95% of minerals in the crust
• This limits non-silicates to only 5% of
the Earth’s crust!
• Minerals are identified by their distinct
properties that result from their
composition and crystal structure
– Crystal form and growth habit
– Cleavage
– Luster
– Hardness and specific gravity
– Color
• Crystal form and growth habit
– In 1669, Nicolaus Steno discovered that
the angle between mineral crystal faces is
constant and gives each a distinctive
crystal form
– He speculated this was due to ordered
particles, but proof by use of x-rays would
not arrive until 1912
– Crystals only form when a mineral can
grow freely in open space
• Cleavage
– A mineral’s tendency to break in preferred
directions along weak planar surfaces
• Luster, Color and Streak
– The quality and intensity of light reflected from
a mineral surface is luster
– Color is often not a reliable means of
identification, as it can be determined by
chemical impurities in the composition
– Color in opaque minerals can be a property of
grain size, this can be resolved using the
mineral’s streak
• Hardness
– This term refers to the relative resistance
of a mineral to being scratched
– This is governed by the crystal structure
and the strength of chemical bonds
– Hardness is classified using Moh’s relative
hardness scale, which has 10 hardnesses
that are not at equal intervals
• Density and specific gravity
– Specific gravity is easier to measure, and
therefore more commonly used
– It is the ratio of the weight of the substance
to the weight of an equal volume of pure
– The densities of some minerals are
distinctive; such as gold and galena
• Earth materials
• Organic matter
• Composition and internal structure of
the Earth
• Minerals
• Rocks
• Regolith
• A rock is any naturally formed,
nonliving, coherent aggregate mass of
solid matter that constitutes part of a
planet, asteroid, moon, or other
planetary object
• Minerals are the most common and
abundant building blocks of rocks
• There are three families of rocks
– Igneous: formed from the cooling and
consolidation of magma or lava
– Sedimentary: formed from either chemical
precipitation of material or deposition of
particles transported in suspension
– Metamorphic: formed from changing a rock
as a result of high temperatures, high
pressures, or both
• Earth’s crust is mainly igneous and
metamorphic rock, however, most of
the rock we see at surface is
• The two main features that best classify
rocks are
– Texture: the overall appearance of a rock,
resulting from the size, shape, and
arrangement of its mineral grains
– Mineral assemblage: the kinds and relative
amounts of minerals present
• Earth materials
• Organic matter
• Composition and internal structure of
the Earth
• Minerals
• Rocks
• Regolith
• Rock exposed at Earth’s surface is
susceptible to alteration by the action of
water, wind, and other agents that
physically and chemically break it apart
and alter it
• This broken-up, disintegrated rock
matter is called the regolith
• Literally “blanket rock,” the regolith forms a
layer draped over most of Earth’s surface
• Three categories describe most of the
various materials of the regolith
– Saprolite: rock that is weathered in situ
– Sediment: loose rock and mineral particles
• Clastic sediment (broken particles)
• Chemical sediment (dissolved material)
– Soil: contains organic matter mixed with
minerals, can support rooted plants
Space and Time
The Blue Planet: Chapter 4
• The Sun
• The Solar System
• Other Suns and Planetary Systems
• Time and Change
The Sun
• Each visible point of light in the night
sky, except nearby planets, is actually a
sun or collection of suns
• Or rather, our Sun is an ordinary star
• The is dominated by hydrogen and
helium at 98% of its mass
• Of course, the Sun provides the light
and energy for life to exist on Earth
The Sun
The Sun
• The Sun
• The Solar System
• Other Suns and Planetary Systems
• Time and Change
The Solar System
• Beyond the Sun, there are 8 planets in the solar
system, at least 5 dwarf planets and vast
numbers of asteroids, comets, meteoroids, and
• The innermost planets are small, rocky, metallic,
and dense: terrestrial planets
– Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
• The outer planets are much larger, less dense
and gaseous: Jovian planets (gas giants)
– Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
The Solar System
• The early model of our solar system was
geocentric, meaning that people thought all
objects revolved around the Earth
• Today we know it is heliocentric, meaning that all
objects revolve around the Sun
• Any hypothesis for the origin of the solar system
must account for as many of its features as
– All solar system objects revolve in the same direction,
around the sun, moons around their respective
planets, and all on the same plane, consistently
The Solar System
The Solar System
• The origin of the Sun was probably
similar to the origins of billions of other
stars in the universe, so the prevailing
model for the origin of the solar system
is the nebular hypothesis
• This proposes that a huge swirling
cloud of cosmic gas and dust (a nebula)
formed the sun and planets
The Solar System
The Solar System
• Gravity pulled the slowly swirling cloud
of dust and gas inward, as this
happened the gar became hotter and
• Eventually temperature and pressure
was high enough that nuclear fusion
started and a star was born: the Sun
• Surrounding the new Sun was a
flattened, rotating disc of gas and dust
The Solar System
• By the time the Sun started burning, the cooler
outer portions of the solar nebula had become
so compressed that solid particles and liquid
droplets began to condense from the gas
• These condensates, through accretion,
became the building blocks of the planets,
moons, and other objects in the solar system
• Distance from the Sun and condensation
temperatures explain the distinct materials of
the terrestrial and Jovian planets
The Solar System
• Space missions continue to provide
evidence indicating that all objects in
the solar system formed at the same
time from a single solar nebula
• Beyond the end of the nebular
hypothesis story, five key factors played
determining roles in the subsequent
evolution of the terrestrial planets
The Solar System
• Melting, impacts, and differentiation
– Colliding bodies convert kinetic energy into
heat energy
– As planetary accretion climaxed about 4.56
billion years ago, bigger collisions mean
more kinetic energy and more heat
– Terrestrial planets began to melt, at least
partially, and dense metallic liquids sank
while lighter materials floated
– Planetary differentiation by chemical
The Solar System
The Solar System
• Volcanism
– After partial melting, the interior of the
planets still remained hot because of
radioactive elements
– All planets are slowly cooling, larger
planets slower than smaller planets
– Volcanism is an indicator of high internal
The Solar System
The Solar System
• Planetary mass
– Determines the orbit of a planet, and how
many moons it captures
– Determines whether the planet has
sufficient gravitational pull to hold onto its
The Solar System
The Solar System
• Distance from the Sun
– Determines if water can exist as a liquid
• Biosphere
– Presence or absence of a biosphere plays
an essential role in the development of the
biogeochemical cycles that control the
composition of Earth’s atmosphere
The Solar System
The Solar System
• We do not know if any other terrestrial
planets have molten or partially molten
cores, which has provided Earth with a
strong magnetic field
• All terrestrial planets have experienced
volcanic activity, indicating an internal
heat source, and have been through
intense collisions
• Apparently unique to Earth is tectonic
The Solar System
• The outer planets are shrouded by thick
atmospheres that have not escaped the
planets’ enormous gravitational pull
• Their bulk compositions are therefore
about the same as the nebula from which
they formed: Jupiter’s composition is
remarkably similar to that of the Sun
• Huge storm systems are common in the
gas giants’ atmospheres, and all probably
have rocky cores
The Solar System
The Solar System
• Moons
– The 19 largest moons are roughly spherical
in shape, the smaller ones can be extremely
– Some formed by coalescence from the same
mass as the solar nebula, others by
gravitational capture, and others by collision
– Earth’s moon is 1/4 the size of Earth, making
it the largest natural satellite in comparison
with its parent planet, it likely formed from a
catastrophic collision
The Solar System
The Solar System
• Asteroids and Meteorites
– Subplanetary objects orbiting the sun
– Commonly rocky and/or metallic
• Pluto and the Dwarf Planets
– Minor planets or small bodies that are
orbiting the sun, massive enough to be
spherical, but not massive enough to have
cleared its orbital path
– In addition to Pluto, are Eris, Haumea,
Makemake, and Ceres
The Solar System
The Solar System
• Comets, the Kuiper Belt, and the Oort Cloud
– The dwarf planets belong to a group that
includes thousands of other objects outside of
Neptune’s orbit called the Kuiper Belt
– Similar to the Asteroid belt in appearance, but
consists mainly of icey rather than rocky bodies,
akin to comets
– The Oort Cloud is further out still, and also
appears to be a store of cometary material
The Solar System
• The Sun
• The Solar System
• Other Suns and Planetary Systems
• Time and Change
Other Suns and Planetary Systems
• Stars are classified by color and
– Color is an indication of temperature, blue
light comes from short wavelengths and is
hot, while red light comes from long
wavelengths and is cool
– Each color designates the star’s spectral
class, from 9 (hottest) to 0 (coolest)
Other Suns and Planetary Systems
Other Suns and Planetary Systems
• A star’s brightness is a function of both the
star’s luminosity (energy emitted) and its
distance from the Earth
– This requires a normalization of star
distances, which is difficult to measure, but
can be done to 300 light-years
• Once temperature and luminosity are
known, they can be compared with values
on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
– White dwarfs, main sequence and red giants
Other Suns and Planetary
Other Suns and Planetary Systems
• The H-R diagram can be used to
explain the evolution of a star
– The smaller the star, the longer it can live
• For the lifetime of most stars, a balance
is reached between gravitational and
radiation forces, where it maintains the
stable luminosity and temperature of a
main sequence star
Other Suns and Planetary Systems
• A star the size of our Sun will fuel
nuclear fusion for about 10 billion years
• When the hydrogen fuel is used up,
nuclear fusion ceases, gravity takes
control, and the helium-rich core
• As the core collapses, it heats up, and a
shell of hydrogen in the inner radiative
layer begins shell fusion, the star
expands, and becomes a red giant
Other Suns and Planetary
Other Suns and Planetary Systems
• The core continues to contract,
eventually becoming hot enough for
helium fusion to form carbon, the shell
slowly diminishes in size becoming a
white dwarf
• Eventually it loses its luminosity and
becomes a dead star known as a black
Other Suns and Planetary Systems
• Astronomers believe that 5-10% of the
200-400 billion stars in the Milky Way
have characteristics similar to those of
our Sun, and it is likely that they have
planetary systems like our own
• These planets are called exoplanets,
and as of June 2009, 353 exoplanets
had been found
• The Sun
• The Solar System
• Other Suns and Planetary Systems
• Time and Change
Time and Change
• Scientists estimate the age of the
universe by looking at the rate at which
objects are moving apart from each
• The hypothesis is that everything
originated at one location in an explosion
called the Big Bang
• The universe is 2 to 3 times as old as
the Sun and the solar system
Time and Change
• To deal with the ages of materials within
the Earth system and elsewhere in the
universe, scientists use two concepts of
time and age
– Relative age: refers to the order in which a
sequence of past events occurred
– Numerical age: is the actual time, in years,
when a specific event happened,
calculated using radioactive decay
Time and Change
Time and Change
• Using these tools and worldwide
comparison and correlation of rock
units, geologists have assembled a
geologic column that summarizes in
chronological order the succession of
known rock units
– Major divisions include the Hadean,
Archean, Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic
and Cenozoic Eons
Time and Change
Time and Change
• In the 17th and 18th centuries, people
hypothesized that all of Earth’s features
were formed by a few great catastrophic
events - this idea is catastrophism
• In the late 18th century, this idea was
tested with geological evidence
• James Hutton, with the use of the
scientific method, proposed a counter
theory called the principle of
Time and Change
• Hutton observed the slow, steady effects of
• Determined that mountains must slowly
weather away, that new rocks form from
the debris of erosion, and be thrust back up
into mountains
• Couldn’t explain what caused this to
happen, but reasoned that everything
moves slowly in repetitive continuous
Time and Change
• The principle of uniformitarianism, which
essentially states that “the present is the
key to the past,” indicates that the Earth
is incredibly old
• This concept is important to all branches
of science, but we also know that some
events are so large and damaging that
they can cause catastrophic change
Time and Change

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Lecture 2

  • 2. Outline • Earth Materials • Organic Matter • Composition and Internal Structure of the Earth • Minerals • Rocks • Regolith
  • 3. Earth Materials • The three common states of matter we are familiar with are solid, liquid and gas • Materials occurring in the same state can still differ substantially – For example, lava and water are both liquids; one non-aqueous, one aqueous – Both are very important in a wide variety of Earth processes
  • 5. Earth Materials Matter can coexist in various states and phases. In (A), matter of uniform composition (H2O) coexists in two different states (liquid and solid) and two different phases (water and ice), separated by physical boundaries. In (B), different phases coexist in the same state (oil and water, both liquids; different types of beans, all solids). In (C), there is only one phase and one state, as is always the case with gases.
  • 6. Earth Materials • Chemical elements are the most fundamental substances into which matter can be separated – An atom is the smallest individual particle that retains the distinctive properties of a given chemical element • Atoms are built of protons and neutrons in the nucleus and electrons orbiting the nucleus
  • 7. Earth Materials • The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called the atomic number • Electrons are considered mass-less • The sum of the neutrons and the protons in the nucleus is the atomic mass • Isotopes are atoms with the same atomic number but different mass numbers – Some isotopes are radioactive, and can be used in radioactive dating
  • 8. Earth Materials • An atom is electrically neutral because the positive charge of the protons balances with the negative charge of the electrons • An atom that has excess positive or negative charge is called an ion – A positive ion is a cation – A negative ion is an anion
  • 9. Earth Materials • Compounds form when anions and cations combine to form a bond • The smallest unit that retains all the properties of a compound is called a molecule
  • 10. Outline • Earth Materials • Organic Matter • Composition and Internal Structure of the Earth • Minerals • Rocks • Regolith
  • 11. Organic Matter • Possibly the most fundamental compositional distinction is that of organic and inorganic matter – Organic applies specifically to compounds consisting of carbon atoms bonded together by covalent bonds – In addition organic implies that the compound is biotic in origin
  • 12. Organic Matter • A common characteristic of organic compounds is their tendency to occur in long chain-like structures called polymers • Important biopolymers in the Earth system – Proteins: chains of bonded amino acids – Nucleic acids: (e.g. DNA) built of nucleotides – Carbohydrates: the basis for most food we eat, a carbon-hydrogen-oxygen compound
  • 13. Organic Matter • Lipids are another important family of organic molecules, which are not polymers and include – Fats and oils – Phospholipids – Waxes – Steroids
  • 14. Outline • Earth Materials • Organic Matter • Composition and Internal Structure of the Earth • Minerals • Rocks • Regolith
  • 15. Composition and Internal Structure of the Earth • Earth inherited its overall composition from its location in the solar nebula • Earth has internal layering that originated early in solar system history due to chemical differentiation of the partially molten planet – Layers are distinguished by composition, rock strength, and state of matter
  • 16. Composition and Internal Structure of the Earth • There are three major compositional layers in the Earth – Core: metallic iron solid inner core and liquid outer core – Mantle: dense rocky matter – Crust: thin, less dense rocky matter
  • 17. Composition and Internal Structure of the Earth • The core and mantle have nearly constant thicknesses, but the crust varies in place to place by a factor of 9 • The average oceanic crust is 8 km thick • The average continental crust is 45 km thick, but ranges from 30-70 km • The two crusts also differ fundamentally in composition
  • 18. Composition and Internal Structure of the Earth • Scientific reasoning, indirect sampling, and indirect measurement provide information about the core and mantle that otherwise is inaccessible • In addition to compositional layering, the Earth contains layers with differences in rock strength
  • 19. Composition and Internal Structure of the Earth • Mesosphere: “middle sphere” within the mantle • Asthenosphere: “weak sphere” in the uppermost mantle • Lithosphere: “rocky sphere” the outermost 100 km
  • 20. Composition and Internal Structure of the Earth • Of the 92 naturally occurring chemical elements, only 12 occur in Earth’s crust • The crust is dominated by two elements – Oxygen – Silicon • With the other ten elements, these are responsible for the composition of all common Earth materials
  • 22. Outline • Earth materials • Organic matter • Composition and internal structure of the Earth • Minerals • Rocks • Regolith
  • 23. Minerals • Minerals are the building blocks of the geosphere, they are or have: – Naturally formed – Inorganic – Solid – Specific chemical composition – Characteristic crystal structure
  • 24. Minerals • The two characteristics that best allow the study of minerals are 1. Crystal structure: the way the atoms of the elements are packed together 2. Composition: the major chemical elements that are present and their proportions
  • 25. Minerals • Because of their abundance, oxygen and silicon form the basis for the most common rock-forming minerals, and the most common mineral group: silicates • Other mineral groups include: oxides, sulfides, carbonates, sulfates, and phosphates
  • 26. Minerals • Silicates – Built of the silicate anion (tetrahedron) – The anion joins together by sharing their oxygen atoms to form chains, sheets and three-dimensional networks
  • 28. Minerals • Silicates are by far the most abundant minerals in the continental crust, and feldspars are the predominant variety – Feldspars: 60% of minerals in Earth’s crust – Quartz: 15% of minerals in Earth’s crust – All silicates: 95% of minerals in the crust • This limits non-silicates to only 5% of the Earth’s crust!
  • 29. Minerals • Minerals are identified by their distinct properties that result from their composition and crystal structure – Crystal form and growth habit – Cleavage – Luster – Hardness and specific gravity – Color
  • 30. Minerals • Crystal form and growth habit – In 1669, Nicolaus Steno discovered that the angle between mineral crystal faces is constant and gives each a distinctive crystal form – He speculated this was due to ordered particles, but proof by use of x-rays would not arrive until 1912 – Crystals only form when a mineral can grow freely in open space
  • 32. Minerals • Cleavage – A mineral’s tendency to break in preferred directions along weak planar surfaces • Luster, Color and Streak – The quality and intensity of light reflected from a mineral surface is luster – Color is often not a reliable means of identification, as it can be determined by chemical impurities in the composition – Color in opaque minerals can be a property of grain size, this can be resolved using the mineral’s streak
  • 34. Minerals • Hardness – This term refers to the relative resistance of a mineral to being scratched – This is governed by the crystal structure and the strength of chemical bonds – Hardness is classified using Moh’s relative hardness scale, which has 10 hardnesses that are not at equal intervals
  • 36. Minerals • Density and specific gravity – Specific gravity is easier to measure, and therefore more commonly used – It is the ratio of the weight of the substance to the weight of an equal volume of pure water – The densities of some minerals are distinctive; such as gold and galena
  • 37. Outline • Earth materials • Organic matter • Composition and internal structure of the Earth • Minerals • Rocks • Regolith
  • 38. Rocks • A rock is any naturally formed, nonliving, coherent aggregate mass of solid matter that constitutes part of a planet, asteroid, moon, or other planetary object • Minerals are the most common and abundant building blocks of rocks
  • 39. Rocks • There are three families of rocks – Igneous: formed from the cooling and consolidation of magma or lava – Sedimentary: formed from either chemical precipitation of material or deposition of particles transported in suspension – Metamorphic: formed from changing a rock as a result of high temperatures, high pressures, or both
  • 40. Rocks • Earth’s crust is mainly igneous and metamorphic rock, however, most of the rock we see at surface is sedimentary
  • 41. Rocks • The two main features that best classify rocks are – Texture: the overall appearance of a rock, resulting from the size, shape, and arrangement of its mineral grains – Mineral assemblage: the kinds and relative amounts of minerals present
  • 42. Rocks
  • 43. Rocks
  • 44. Rocks
  • 45. Outline • Earth materials • Organic matter • Composition and internal structure of the Earth • Minerals • Rocks • Regolith
  • 46. Regolith • Rock exposed at Earth’s surface is susceptible to alteration by the action of water, wind, and other agents that physically and chemically break it apart and alter it • This broken-up, disintegrated rock matter is called the regolith
  • 47. Regolith • Literally “blanket rock,” the regolith forms a layer draped over most of Earth’s surface • Three categories describe most of the various materials of the regolith – Saprolite: rock that is weathered in situ – Sediment: loose rock and mineral particles • Clastic sediment (broken particles) • Chemical sediment (dissolved material) – Soil: contains organic matter mixed with minerals, can support rooted plants
  • 49. Space and Time The Blue Planet: Chapter 4
  • 50. Outline • The Sun • The Solar System • Other Suns and Planetary Systems • Time and Change
  • 51. The Sun • Each visible point of light in the night sky, except nearby planets, is actually a sun or collection of suns • Or rather, our Sun is an ordinary star • The is dominated by hydrogen and helium at 98% of its mass • Of course, the Sun provides the light and energy for life to exist on Earth
  • 54. Outline • The Sun • The Solar System • Other Suns and Planetary Systems • Time and Change
  • 55. The Solar System • Beyond the Sun, there are 8 planets in the solar system, at least 5 dwarf planets and vast numbers of asteroids, comets, meteoroids, and moons • The innermost planets are small, rocky, metallic, and dense: terrestrial planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars • The outer planets are much larger, less dense and gaseous: Jovian planets (gas giants) – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
  • 56. The Solar System • The early model of our solar system was geocentric, meaning that people thought all objects revolved around the Earth • Today we know it is heliocentric, meaning that all objects revolve around the Sun • Any hypothesis for the origin of the solar system must account for as many of its features as possible: – All solar system objects revolve in the same direction, around the sun, moons around their respective planets, and all on the same plane, consistently
  • 58. The Solar System • The origin of the Sun was probably similar to the origins of billions of other stars in the universe, so the prevailing model for the origin of the solar system is the nebular hypothesis • This proposes that a huge swirling cloud of cosmic gas and dust (a nebula) formed the sun and planets
  • 60. The Solar System • Gravity pulled the slowly swirling cloud of dust and gas inward, as this happened the gar became hotter and denser • Eventually temperature and pressure was high enough that nuclear fusion started and a star was born: the Sun • Surrounding the new Sun was a flattened, rotating disc of gas and dust
  • 61. The Solar System • By the time the Sun started burning, the cooler outer portions of the solar nebula had become so compressed that solid particles and liquid droplets began to condense from the gas • These condensates, through accretion, became the building blocks of the planets, moons, and other objects in the solar system • Distance from the Sun and condensation temperatures explain the distinct materials of the terrestrial and Jovian planets
  • 62. The Solar System • Space missions continue to provide evidence indicating that all objects in the solar system formed at the same time from a single solar nebula • Beyond the end of the nebular hypothesis story, five key factors played determining roles in the subsequent evolution of the terrestrial planets
  • 63. The Solar System • Melting, impacts, and differentiation – Colliding bodies convert kinetic energy into heat energy – As planetary accretion climaxed about 4.56 billion years ago, bigger collisions mean more kinetic energy and more heat – Terrestrial planets began to melt, at least partially, and dense metallic liquids sank while lighter materials floated – Planetary differentiation by chemical segregation
  • 65. The Solar System • Volcanism – After partial melting, the interior of the planets still remained hot because of radioactive elements – All planets are slowly cooling, larger planets slower than smaller planets – Volcanism is an indicator of high internal temperature
  • 67. The Solar System • Planetary mass – Determines the orbit of a planet, and how many moons it captures – Determines whether the planet has sufficient gravitational pull to hold onto its atmosphere
  • 69. The Solar System • Distance from the Sun – Determines if water can exist as a liquid • Biosphere – Presence or absence of a biosphere plays an essential role in the development of the biogeochemical cycles that control the composition of Earth’s atmosphere
  • 71. The Solar System • We do not know if any other terrestrial planets have molten or partially molten cores, which has provided Earth with a strong magnetic field • All terrestrial planets have experienced volcanic activity, indicating an internal heat source, and have been through intense collisions • Apparently unique to Earth is tectonic activity
  • 72. The Solar System • The outer planets are shrouded by thick atmospheres that have not escaped the planets’ enormous gravitational pull • Their bulk compositions are therefore about the same as the nebula from which they formed: Jupiter’s composition is remarkably similar to that of the Sun • Huge storm systems are common in the gas giants’ atmospheres, and all probably have rocky cores
  • 74. The Solar System • Moons – The 19 largest moons are roughly spherical in shape, the smaller ones can be extremely irregular – Some formed by coalescence from the same mass as the solar nebula, others by gravitational capture, and others by collision – Earth’s moon is 1/4 the size of Earth, making it the largest natural satellite in comparison with its parent planet, it likely formed from a catastrophic collision
  • 76. The Solar System • Asteroids and Meteorites – Subplanetary objects orbiting the sun – Commonly rocky and/or metallic • Pluto and the Dwarf Planets – Minor planets or small bodies that are orbiting the sun, massive enough to be spherical, but not massive enough to have cleared its orbital path – In addition to Pluto, are Eris, Haumea, Makemake, and Ceres
  • 78. The Solar System • Comets, the Kuiper Belt, and the Oort Cloud – The dwarf planets belong to a group that includes thousands of other objects outside of Neptune’s orbit called the Kuiper Belt – Similar to the Asteroid belt in appearance, but consists mainly of icey rather than rocky bodies, akin to comets – The Oort Cloud is further out still, and also appears to be a store of cometary material
  • 80. Outline • The Sun • The Solar System • Other Suns and Planetary Systems • Time and Change
  • 81. Other Suns and Planetary Systems • Stars are classified by color and brightness – Color is an indication of temperature, blue light comes from short wavelengths and is hot, while red light comes from long wavelengths and is cool – Each color designates the star’s spectral class, from 9 (hottest) to 0 (coolest)
  • 82. Other Suns and Planetary Systems
  • 83. Other Suns and Planetary Systems • A star’s brightness is a function of both the star’s luminosity (energy emitted) and its distance from the Earth – This requires a normalization of star distances, which is difficult to measure, but can be done to 300 light-years • Once temperature and luminosity are known, they can be compared with values on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram – White dwarfs, main sequence and red giants
  • 84. Other Suns and Planetary Systems
  • 85. Other Suns and Planetary Systems • The H-R diagram can be used to explain the evolution of a star – The smaller the star, the longer it can live • For the lifetime of most stars, a balance is reached between gravitational and radiation forces, where it maintains the stable luminosity and temperature of a main sequence star
  • 86. Other Suns and Planetary Systems • A star the size of our Sun will fuel nuclear fusion for about 10 billion years • When the hydrogen fuel is used up, nuclear fusion ceases, gravity takes control, and the helium-rich core contracts • As the core collapses, it heats up, and a shell of hydrogen in the inner radiative layer begins shell fusion, the star expands, and becomes a red giant
  • 87. Other Suns and Planetary Systems
  • 88. Other Suns and Planetary Systems • The core continues to contract, eventually becoming hot enough for helium fusion to form carbon, the shell slowly diminishes in size becoming a white dwarf • Eventually it loses its luminosity and becomes a dead star known as a black dwarf
  • 89. Other Suns and Planetary Systems • Astronomers believe that 5-10% of the 200-400 billion stars in the Milky Way have characteristics similar to those of our Sun, and it is likely that they have planetary systems like our own • These planets are called exoplanets, and as of June 2009, 353 exoplanets had been found
  • 90. Outline • The Sun • The Solar System • Other Suns and Planetary Systems • Time and Change
  • 91. Time and Change • Scientists estimate the age of the universe by looking at the rate at which objects are moving apart from each other • The hypothesis is that everything originated at one location in an explosion called the Big Bang • The universe is 2 to 3 times as old as the Sun and the solar system
  • 92. Time and Change • To deal with the ages of materials within the Earth system and elsewhere in the universe, scientists use two concepts of time and age – Relative age: refers to the order in which a sequence of past events occurred – Numerical age: is the actual time, in years, when a specific event happened, calculated using radioactive decay
  • 94. Time and Change • Using these tools and worldwide comparison and correlation of rock units, geologists have assembled a geologic column that summarizes in chronological order the succession of known rock units – Major divisions include the Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eons
  • 96. Time and Change • In the 17th and 18th centuries, people hypothesized that all of Earth’s features were formed by a few great catastrophic events - this idea is catastrophism • In the late 18th century, this idea was tested with geological evidence • James Hutton, with the use of the scientific method, proposed a counter theory called the principle of
  • 97. Time and Change • Hutton observed the slow, steady effects of erosion • Determined that mountains must slowly weather away, that new rocks form from the debris of erosion, and be thrust back up into mountains • Couldn’t explain what caused this to happen, but reasoned that everything moves slowly in repetitive continuous cycles
  • 98. Time and Change • The principle of uniformitarianism, which essentially states that “the present is the key to the past,” indicates that the Earth is incredibly old • This concept is important to all branches of science, but we also know that some events are so large and damaging that they can cause catastrophic change