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Russia: Metallurgical Coke Market. Analysis and Forecast to 2017
Published on May 2011

                                                                                                                          Report Summary

The report presents current information on the state of the Russian Metallurgical Coke market as of August 2011. The objectives of
this market research report are to describe the current situation of the Russian metallurgical coke market and to provide relevant
information on the volume of production, exports, imports, consumption and market conditions, changes that occurred in 2010, as well
as build a forecast of the industry in the medium term to 2017. The volume of supply of metallurgical coke in the Russian market in
2010 amounted to 3% above the 2009 level. Manufacture of metallurgical coke in the crisis year of 2009 fell by 14% compared with
2008. The fall was caused by a general decline in demand for steel products. About 92% of the metallurgical coke produced in 2010
was made for from coal, with 2.5% from coke nut and 5.5% from coke. The Russian market of metallurgical coke has more than a
dozen manufacturers. The leaders in the sector are: "CMI", "Mechel", "NLMK", "Severstal" MC "Industrial Metallurgical Holding",
"Eurasia."        The report on the Russian metallurgical coke market contains: Analysis and forecast of market dynamics Consumption
pattern Analysis of domestic production, market shares of the main participants Analysis of exports and imports Analysis of factors
affecting the development of the market Analysis of the status of end-uses Assessment and forecast of market development

Expert interviews with top managers of the largest players Analysis of submissions from market participants An analysis of
statistical information: Federal Service of State Statistics (Rosstat) The Federal Customs Service (FEA) The Ministry of Economic
Development The Federal Tax Service Industry associations                            The report considered information on the following commodity
groups:              ' Coal coke

The report will allow you to:

    Identify key indicators of the market, build your own business forecasts on the basis of market Evaluate the growth potential and
threats in the market

Key figures presented in the report:
The volume of production, exports and imports Indicators of market Consumption                         This report contains the consensus market
forecast based on the averaged value of the forecasts of market participants. Market experts are: manufacturers, importers,
wholesale distribution link, the largest consumers, professional associations and unions, and trade publications. Experts participating
in the survey are provided special conditions on the acquisition reports.                 The report contains 215 pages, 50 tables, 62 figures

                                                                                                                          Table of Content

 1. Summary 2. Study Design 3. Classification of coke 4. Technology of production of coke 5. Characteristics of the Russian market
of coke           5.1. Volume and dynamics of the Russian market of coke in 2005-2010 years Forecast for 2011-2017 years                     5.2. The

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structure of the coke market: production, exports, imports, consumption 6. Characteristics of domestic production of coke in 2005 and
June 2011 years Forecast for 2011-2017 years                                6.1. The volume and dynamics of production of coke in 2005 and June 2011
years          6.2. Structure of production of coke by region                         6.3. Productive capacity of enterprises and their level of load      6.4.
The main producers of coke and their market shares                                     6.4.1. MC "Industrial Metallurgical Holding"          6.4.2. JSC
"Altai-Koks"                  6.4.3. JSC "MMK"                        6.4.4. JSC "Severstal"              6.4.5. JSC "NTMK"             6.4.6. JSC "ZSMK"
    6.4.7. OJSC "CMP"                         6.4.8. OJSC "NLMK" 7. Characteristics of coke prices                    7.1. The dynamics of the producer price
of classic coke             7.2. Comparison of producer prices by Federal Districts of Russia 8. Characterization of coke                         8.1. The
balance of coke               8.2. Sold coke to other organizations 9. Characteristics of imports of coke on the Russian market                         9.1. The
volume and dynamics of imports of coke                           9.2. Countries leading suppliers of coke on the territory of the Russian Federation
  9.3. Foreign manufacturers of coke imported into Russia                                9.4. Russian companies, import recipients of coke       9.5. Structure
of imports of coke by region 10. Characteristics of Russian exports of coke                               10.1. The volume and dynamics of exports of coke
  10.2. Recipient countries of Russian exports of coke                               10.3. Manufacturing companies that supply coal coke for export          10.4.
Regions of Russian exports of coke 11. Factors affecting the development of market coke                                   11.1. State of iron and steel industry
    11.2. State of the market of coking coal                        11.3. Status of the construction industry         11.4. State branches of engineering
  11.5. State by an energy industry 12. Characteristics of coke consumption                                 12.1. The volume and dynamics of consumption of
coke in 2005-2010 years Forecast for 2011-2017 years                                 12.2. The amount and pattern of consumption of coke by Federal Districts
of Russia in 2005-2010 years Forecast for 2011-2017 years                                 12.3. Structure of consumption of coke by industries 13. Market
forecast for 2011-2017 Coke's.                       13.1. Assessment of the potential volume of supply coke for years 2011-2017 years Annex 1.
Financial and economic indicators of the industry Annex 2. Profiles of the leading manufacturers

List of Tables
   Table 1. Volume and market dynamics of coke in 2005-2010 years and forecast to 2017 million tonnes Table 2. Manufacture of
coke in 2005 and June 2011 years, Kt Table 3. The volume of coke production by species in 2010, thousand tons Table 4. The
volume of coke production by region in 2010, thousand tons Table 5. Characterization of coke producers and their share in production
in 2010 Table 6. Average producer prices of coke in terms of 6% moisture in Russia in January 2005 - 2011 years, Rub. per ton Table
7. Remains of industrial goods of own manufacture at the end of the month, a thousand rubles, Table 8. Shipped goods of own
production, works and services on their own (without VAT, excise and other similar payments) to "clean" activities (of coke), thousand
rubles Table 9. The volume of imports of coke-producing countries in 2010, thousand tons Table 10. Import volume of coke in Russia
by producing countries in 2010, millions of U.S. dollars Table 11. Import volume of coke in Russia by producing countries in
January-May 2011, thousand tons Table 12. Import volume of coke in Russia by producing countries in January-May 2011, U.S. $
million Table 13. The volume of imports of coal coke production companies in 2010, thousand tons Table 14. The volume of imports
of coal coke in Russia by production companies in 2010, USD million Table 15. The volume of imports of coal coke in Russia by
production companies in January-May 2011, thousand tons Table 16. The volume of imports of coal coke in Russia by production
companies in January-May 2011, U.S. $ million Table 17. The volume of imports of coal coke in Russia in the recipient company in
2010, thousand tons Table 18. Import volume of coke in Russia by company-addressees, millions of U.S. dollars Table 19. The
volume of imports of coal coke in Russia by company-addressees in January-May 2011, thousand tons Table 20. The volume of
imports of coal coke in Russia by company-addressees in January-May 2011, U.S. $ million Table 21. The volume of imports of coke
by region in 2010, thousand tons Table 22. The volume of imports of coke by region in 2010, USD million Table 23. The volume of
imports of coke by region, January-May 2011, thousand tons Table 24. The volume of imports of coke by region, January-May 2011,
U.S. $ million Table 25. The volume of Russian exports of coke to get countries in 2010, thousand tons Table 26. The volume of
Russian exports of coke to get countries in 2010, USD million Table 27. The volume of Russian exports of coke to get the countries in
January-May 2011, thousand tons Table 28. The volume of Russian exports of coke to get the countries in January-May 2011, U.S. $
million Table 29. The volume of Russian exports of coke to manufacturing companies in 2010, thousand tons Table 30. The volume of
Russian exports of coke to manufacturing companies in 2010, millions of U.S. dollars Table 31. The volume of Russian exports of
coke by production companies January-May 2011, thousand tons Table 32. The volume of Russian exports of coke to manufacturing
companies in January-May 2011, U.S. $ million Table 33. The volume of Russian exports of coke by region of origin in 2010,
thousand tons Table 34. The volume of Russian exports of coke by region of origin in 2010, USD million Table 35. The volume of
Russian exports of coke by region of origin in January-May 2011, thousand tons Table 36. The volume of Russian exports of coke by

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region of origin in January-May 2011, U.S. $ million Table 37. Major projects in the metallurgical industry Table 38. The index of
average prices for primary market in 2001 - 2010's. At the end of the quarter in% at the end of the previous quarter Table 39.
Dynamics of the work performed by the activity "Construction" in January 2008 - July 2011 years Table 40. Dynamics of
commissioning dwelling in January 2008 - July 2011, mln. Sq.m. Table 41. Commissioning of non-residential buildings by type in the
Russian Federation in 2004 - I floor. 2011 years Table 42. The consumption of coke in the years 2005 -2010 years, Forecast for
2011-2017 years, Kt Table 43. Market forecast of coke in 2005-2017, mln. Tons Table 44. Revenue (net) from sales of goods and
services (net of value added tax, excise duties and similar payments), a thousand rubles, a full range of organizations, Coke, the
exponent for the year, total Table 45. Selling expenses in 2007-2009 years, Thousand rubles Table 46. Administrative expenses, one
thousand rubles a full range of organizations, Coke, Russian property value index for the year Table 47. Cost of goods sold, work or
services, a thousand rubles, the total number of organizations, Coke, the exponent for the year, total Table 48. Income (loss) from
sales of one thousand rubles a full range of organizations, Coke, the exponent for the year, total Table 49. Average number of
employees (excluding part-time and external employees of unscheduled) on activities, people, Coke, the exponent for the year Total
Table 50. Investment in fixed assets by economic activity, a million rubles, the Russian Federation, the value of the index for the year

List of Figures

  Figure 1. The volume of supply of coke in 2005-2010 years and forecast for 2011-2017, mln. tons Figure 2. Dynamics and structure
of coke market in 2005-2010 years and forecast to 2017 years, million tons Figure 3. Manufacture of coke in 2005-2010 years, Kt
Figure 4. Manufacture of coke in January 2010 and June 2011, thousand tons Figure 5. Manufacture of coke in January 2009 - June
2011 years In% over the same period of previous year Figure 6. Structure of production of coke in 2010 by type of in-kind Figure 7.
Structure of production of coke by region in 2010, in-kind Figure 8. Capacity for the production of coke in 2005-2010 years, Kt Figure
9. The level of annual production capacity of coke in 2005-2010 years As a percentage Figure 10. Indices of average producer price
of coke in Russia in January-December 2010 Figure 11. Indices of average producer price of coke in Russia in January-July 2011
Figure 12. Dynamics of average producer price of coke in Russia in January 2010-July 2011, the deviation in% over the same period
of previous year Figure 13. Comparison of the average producer price of coke by Federal Districts in January 2010 Figure 14.
Comparison of the average producer price of coke by Federal Districts in January 2011 Figure 15. Shipments of coke its own
production by region (excluding VAT, excise and other similar payments), thous. Figure 16. Dynamics of imports of coal coke in
Russia in January-December 2010, thousand tons Figure 17. Dynamics of imports of coal coke in Russia in January-December 2010,
USD million Figure 18. Dynamics of imports of coke in Russia in January-May 2011, thousand tons Figure 19. Dynamics of imports of
coke in Russia in January-May 2011, in millions of U.S. dollars Figure 20. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia in producer
countries in 2010 in value terms Figure 21. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia in producer countries in 2010 in value terms
Figure 22. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia in producer countries in January-May 2011 in-kind Figure 23. Structure of
imports of coal coke in Russia in producer countries in January-May 2011 in value terms Figure 24. Structure of imports of coal coke
in Russia by production companies in 2010 in value terms Figure 25. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia by production
companies in 2010 in value terms Figure 26. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia by production companies in January-May
2011 in-kind Figure 27. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia by production companies in January-May 2011 in value terms
Figure 28. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia in the recipient company in 2010 in kind Figure 29. Structure of imports of coal
coke in Russia in the recipient company in 2010 in value terms Figure 30. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia by
company-addressees in January-May 2011 in-kind Figure 31. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia by company-addressees in
January-May 2011 in value terms Figure 32. Structure of imports of coke by region in 2010, in-kind Figure 33. Structure of imports of
coke by region in 2010 in value terms Figure 34. Structure of imports of coke by region, January-May 2011 in-kind Figure 35.
Structure of imports of coke by region, January-May 2011, U.S. $ million Figure 36. Dynamics of Russian exports of coke in
January-December 2010, thousand tons Figure 37. Dynamics of Russian exports of coke in January-December 2010, USD million
Figure 38. Dynamics of Russian exports of coke in January-May 2011, thousand tons Figure 39. Dynamics of Russian exports of coke
in January-May 2011, U.S. $ million Figure 40. The structure of Russian exports of coke to get countries to 2010 in-kind Figure 41.
The structure of Russian exports of coke to get countries in 2010 in value terms Figure 42. The structure of Russian exports of coke

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to get the countries in January-May 2011 in-kind Figure 43. The structure of Russian exports of coke to get the countries in
January-May 2011 in value terms Figure 44. The structure of Russian exports of coke to manufacturing companies in 2010 in value
terms Figure 45. The structure of Russian exports of coke to manufacturing companies in 2010 in value terms Figure 46. The
structure of Russian exports of coke to manufacturing companies in January-May 2011 in-kind Figure 47. The structure of Russian
exports of coke to manufacturing companies in January-May 2011 in value terms Figure 48. The structure of Russian exports of coke
by region of origin in 2010 in value terms Figure 49. The structure of Russian exports of coke by region of origin in 2010 in value
terms Figure 50. The structure of Russian exports of coke by region of origin in January-May 2011 in-kind Figure 51. The structure of
Russian exports of coke by region of origin in January-May 2011 in value terms Figure 52. Dynamics of production of coking coal in
2005-2010, thousand tons Figure 53. Dynamics of work on economic activity "Construction" in 2008 -2010 years, Bln. Figure 54.
Quarterly changes in the amount of work on economic activity "Construction" in 2008 -2011 years, Bln. Figure 55. The scope of work
on economic activity "Construction" in 2008 -2011 years,% To the same period last year Figure 56. Dynamics of commissioning
dwelling in Russia in 2008 - 2010, mln. Square. m. Figure 57. Quarterly changes in the commissioning of residential buildings in
Russia in 2008 - 2011, mln. Square. m. Figure 58. Dwelling houses and the share of individual housing in the general area of the
input in 1991 -2010, mln. Square. m. The total area Figure 59. Structure of the construction of residential buildings by region, Russia
in 2010 Figure 60. Dynamics of consumption of coke in Russia in 2005-2017, mln. Tons Figure 61. Structure of consumption of coke
by Federal Districts in 2005 - 2010's. Figure 62. The structure of coke consumption by sector in 2010

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Russia: Metallurgical Coke Market. Analysis and Forecast to 2017

  • 1. Find Industry reports, Company profiles ReportLinker and Market Statistics >> Get this Report Now by email! Russia: Metallurgical Coke Market. Analysis and Forecast to 2017 Published on May 2011 Report Summary The report presents current information on the state of the Russian Metallurgical Coke market as of August 2011. The objectives of this market research report are to describe the current situation of the Russian metallurgical coke market and to provide relevant information on the volume of production, exports, imports, consumption and market conditions, changes that occurred in 2010, as well as build a forecast of the industry in the medium term to 2017. The volume of supply of metallurgical coke in the Russian market in 2010 amounted to 3% above the 2009 level. Manufacture of metallurgical coke in the crisis year of 2009 fell by 14% compared with 2008. The fall was caused by a general decline in demand for steel products. About 92% of the metallurgical coke produced in 2010 was made for from coal, with 2.5% from coke nut and 5.5% from coke. The Russian market of metallurgical coke has more than a dozen manufacturers. The leaders in the sector are: "CMI", "Mechel", "NLMK", "Severstal" MC "Industrial Metallurgical Holding", "Eurasia." The report on the Russian metallurgical coke market contains: Analysis and forecast of market dynamics Consumption pattern Analysis of domestic production, market shares of the main participants Analysis of exports and imports Analysis of factors affecting the development of the market Analysis of the status of end-uses Assessment and forecast of market development Methodology: Expert interviews with top managers of the largest players Analysis of submissions from market participants An analysis of statistical information: Federal Service of State Statistics (Rosstat) The Federal Customs Service (FEA) The Ministry of Economic Development The Federal Tax Service Industry associations The report considered information on the following commodity groups: ' Coal coke The report will allow you to: Identify key indicators of the market, build your own business forecasts on the basis of market Evaluate the growth potential and threats in the market Key figures presented in the report: The volume of production, exports and imports Indicators of market Consumption This report contains the consensus market forecast based on the averaged value of the forecasts of market participants. Market experts are: manufacturers, importers, wholesale distribution link, the largest consumers, professional associations and unions, and trade publications. Experts participating in the survey are provided special conditions on the acquisition reports. The report contains 215 pages, 50 tables, 62 figures Table of Content Content 1. Summary 2. Study Design 3. Classification of coke 4. Technology of production of coke 5. Characteristics of the Russian market of coke 5.1. Volume and dynamics of the Russian market of coke in 2005-2010 years Forecast for 2011-2017 years 5.2. The Russia: Metallurgical Coke Market. Analysis and Forecast to 2017 (From Slideshare) Page 1/6
  • 2. Find Industry reports, Company profiles ReportLinker and Market Statistics >> Get this Report Now by email! structure of the coke market: production, exports, imports, consumption 6. Characteristics of domestic production of coke in 2005 and June 2011 years Forecast for 2011-2017 years 6.1. The volume and dynamics of production of coke in 2005 and June 2011 years 6.2. Structure of production of coke by region 6.3. Productive capacity of enterprises and their level of load 6.4. The main producers of coke and their market shares 6.4.1. MC "Industrial Metallurgical Holding" 6.4.2. JSC "Altai-Koks" 6.4.3. JSC "MMK" 6.4.4. JSC "Severstal" 6.4.5. JSC "NTMK" 6.4.6. JSC "ZSMK" 6.4.7. OJSC "CMP" 6.4.8. OJSC "NLMK" 7. Characteristics of coke prices 7.1. The dynamics of the producer price of classic coke 7.2. Comparison of producer prices by Federal Districts of Russia 8. Characterization of coke 8.1. The balance of coke 8.2. Sold coke to other organizations 9. Characteristics of imports of coke on the Russian market 9.1. The volume and dynamics of imports of coke 9.2. Countries leading suppliers of coke on the territory of the Russian Federation 9.3. Foreign manufacturers of coke imported into Russia 9.4. Russian companies, import recipients of coke 9.5. Structure of imports of coke by region 10. Characteristics of Russian exports of coke 10.1. The volume and dynamics of exports of coke 10.2. Recipient countries of Russian exports of coke 10.3. Manufacturing companies that supply coal coke for export 10.4. Regions of Russian exports of coke 11. Factors affecting the development of market coke 11.1. State of iron and steel industry 11.2. State of the market of coking coal 11.3. Status of the construction industry 11.4. State branches of engineering 11.5. State by an energy industry 12. Characteristics of coke consumption 12.1. The volume and dynamics of consumption of coke in 2005-2010 years Forecast for 2011-2017 years 12.2. The amount and pattern of consumption of coke by Federal Districts of Russia in 2005-2010 years Forecast for 2011-2017 years 12.3. Structure of consumption of coke by industries 13. Market forecast for 2011-2017 Coke's. 13.1. Assessment of the potential volume of supply coke for years 2011-2017 years Annex 1. Financial and economic indicators of the industry Annex 2. Profiles of the leading manufacturers List of Tables Table 1. Volume and market dynamics of coke in 2005-2010 years and forecast to 2017 million tonnes Table 2. Manufacture of coke in 2005 and June 2011 years, Kt Table 3. The volume of coke production by species in 2010, thousand tons Table 4. The volume of coke production by region in 2010, thousand tons Table 5. Characterization of coke producers and their share in production in 2010 Table 6. Average producer prices of coke in terms of 6% moisture in Russia in January 2005 - 2011 years, Rub. per ton Table 7. Remains of industrial goods of own manufacture at the end of the month, a thousand rubles, Table 8. Shipped goods of own production, works and services on their own (without VAT, excise and other similar payments) to "clean" activities (of coke), thousand rubles Table 9. The volume of imports of coke-producing countries in 2010, thousand tons Table 10. Import volume of coke in Russia by producing countries in 2010, millions of U.S. dollars Table 11. Import volume of coke in Russia by producing countries in January-May 2011, thousand tons Table 12. Import volume of coke in Russia by producing countries in January-May 2011, U.S. $ million Table 13. The volume of imports of coal coke production companies in 2010, thousand tons Table 14. The volume of imports of coal coke in Russia by production companies in 2010, USD million Table 15. The volume of imports of coal coke in Russia by production companies in January-May 2011, thousand tons Table 16. The volume of imports of coal coke in Russia by production companies in January-May 2011, U.S. $ million Table 17. The volume of imports of coal coke in Russia in the recipient company in 2010, thousand tons Table 18. Import volume of coke in Russia by company-addressees, millions of U.S. dollars Table 19. The volume of imports of coal coke in Russia by company-addressees in January-May 2011, thousand tons Table 20. The volume of imports of coal coke in Russia by company-addressees in January-May 2011, U.S. $ million Table 21. The volume of imports of coke by region in 2010, thousand tons Table 22. The volume of imports of coke by region in 2010, USD million Table 23. The volume of imports of coke by region, January-May 2011, thousand tons Table 24. The volume of imports of coke by region, January-May 2011, U.S. $ million Table 25. The volume of Russian exports of coke to get countries in 2010, thousand tons Table 26. The volume of Russian exports of coke to get countries in 2010, USD million Table 27. The volume of Russian exports of coke to get the countries in January-May 2011, thousand tons Table 28. The volume of Russian exports of coke to get the countries in January-May 2011, U.S. $ million Table 29. The volume of Russian exports of coke to manufacturing companies in 2010, thousand tons Table 30. The volume of Russian exports of coke to manufacturing companies in 2010, millions of U.S. dollars Table 31. The volume of Russian exports of coke by production companies January-May 2011, thousand tons Table 32. The volume of Russian exports of coke to manufacturing companies in January-May 2011, U.S. $ million Table 33. The volume of Russian exports of coke by region of origin in 2010, thousand tons Table 34. The volume of Russian exports of coke by region of origin in 2010, USD million Table 35. The volume of Russian exports of coke by region of origin in January-May 2011, thousand tons Table 36. The volume of Russian exports of coke by Russia: Metallurgical Coke Market. Analysis and Forecast to 2017 (From Slideshare) Page 2/6
  • 3. Find Industry reports, Company profiles ReportLinker and Market Statistics >> Get this Report Now by email! region of origin in January-May 2011, U.S. $ million Table 37. Major projects in the metallurgical industry Table 38. The index of average prices for primary market in 2001 - 2010's. At the end of the quarter in% at the end of the previous quarter Table 39. Dynamics of the work performed by the activity "Construction" in January 2008 - July 2011 years Table 40. Dynamics of commissioning dwelling in January 2008 - July 2011, mln. Sq.m. Table 41. Commissioning of non-residential buildings by type in the Russian Federation in 2004 - I floor. 2011 years Table 42. The consumption of coke in the years 2005 -2010 years, Forecast for 2011-2017 years, Kt Table 43. Market forecast of coke in 2005-2017, mln. Tons Table 44. Revenue (net) from sales of goods and services (net of value added tax, excise duties and similar payments), a thousand rubles, a full range of organizations, Coke, the exponent for the year, total Table 45. Selling expenses in 2007-2009 years, Thousand rubles Table 46. Administrative expenses, one thousand rubles a full range of organizations, Coke, Russian property value index for the year Table 47. Cost of goods sold, work or services, a thousand rubles, the total number of organizations, Coke, the exponent for the year, total Table 48. Income (loss) from sales of one thousand rubles a full range of organizations, Coke, the exponent for the year, total Table 49. Average number of employees (excluding part-time and external employees of unscheduled) on activities, people, Coke, the exponent for the year Total Table 50. Investment in fixed assets by economic activity, a million rubles, the Russian Federation, the value of the index for the year List of Figures Figure 1. The volume of supply of coke in 2005-2010 years and forecast for 2011-2017, mln. tons Figure 2. Dynamics and structure of coke market in 2005-2010 years and forecast to 2017 years, million tons Figure 3. Manufacture of coke in 2005-2010 years, Kt Figure 4. Manufacture of coke in January 2010 and June 2011, thousand tons Figure 5. Manufacture of coke in January 2009 - June 2011 years In% over the same period of previous year Figure 6. Structure of production of coke in 2010 by type of in-kind Figure 7. Structure of production of coke by region in 2010, in-kind Figure 8. Capacity for the production of coke in 2005-2010 years, Kt Figure 9. The level of annual production capacity of coke in 2005-2010 years As a percentage Figure 10. Indices of average producer price of coke in Russia in January-December 2010 Figure 11. Indices of average producer price of coke in Russia in January-July 2011 Figure 12. Dynamics of average producer price of coke in Russia in January 2010-July 2011, the deviation in% over the same period of previous year Figure 13. Comparison of the average producer price of coke by Federal Districts in January 2010 Figure 14. Comparison of the average producer price of coke by Federal Districts in January 2011 Figure 15. Shipments of coke its own production by region (excluding VAT, excise and other similar payments), thous. Figure 16. Dynamics of imports of coal coke in Russia in January-December 2010, thousand tons Figure 17. Dynamics of imports of coal coke in Russia in January-December 2010, USD million Figure 18. Dynamics of imports of coke in Russia in January-May 2011, thousand tons Figure 19. Dynamics of imports of coke in Russia in January-May 2011, in millions of U.S. dollars Figure 20. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia in producer countries in 2010 in value terms Figure 21. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia in producer countries in 2010 in value terms Figure 22. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia in producer countries in January-May 2011 in-kind Figure 23. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia in producer countries in January-May 2011 in value terms Figure 24. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia by production companies in 2010 in value terms Figure 25. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia by production companies in 2010 in value terms Figure 26. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia by production companies in January-May 2011 in-kind Figure 27. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia by production companies in January-May 2011 in value terms Figure 28. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia in the recipient company in 2010 in kind Figure 29. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia in the recipient company in 2010 in value terms Figure 30. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia by company-addressees in January-May 2011 in-kind Figure 31. Structure of imports of coal coke in Russia by company-addressees in January-May 2011 in value terms Figure 32. Structure of imports of coke by region in 2010, in-kind Figure 33. Structure of imports of coke by region in 2010 in value terms Figure 34. Structure of imports of coke by region, January-May 2011 in-kind Figure 35. Structure of imports of coke by region, January-May 2011, U.S. $ million Figure 36. Dynamics of Russian exports of coke in January-December 2010, thousand tons Figure 37. Dynamics of Russian exports of coke in January-December 2010, USD million Figure 38. Dynamics of Russian exports of coke in January-May 2011, thousand tons Figure 39. Dynamics of Russian exports of coke in January-May 2011, U.S. $ million Figure 40. The structure of Russian exports of coke to get countries to 2010 in-kind Figure 41. The structure of Russian exports of coke to get countries in 2010 in value terms Figure 42. The structure of Russian exports of coke Russia: Metallurgical Coke Market. Analysis and Forecast to 2017 (From Slideshare) Page 3/6
  • 4. Find Industry reports, Company profiles ReportLinker and Market Statistics >> Get this Report Now by email! to get the countries in January-May 2011 in-kind Figure 43. The structure of Russian exports of coke to get the countries in January-May 2011 in value terms Figure 44. The structure of Russian exports of coke to manufacturing companies in 2010 in value terms Figure 45. The structure of Russian exports of coke to manufacturing companies in 2010 in value terms Figure 46. The structure of Russian exports of coke to manufacturing companies in January-May 2011 in-kind Figure 47. The structure of Russian exports of coke to manufacturing companies in January-May 2011 in value terms Figure 48. The structure of Russian exports of coke by region of origin in 2010 in value terms Figure 49. The structure of Russian exports of coke by region of origin in 2010 in value terms Figure 50. The structure of Russian exports of coke by region of origin in January-May 2011 in-kind Figure 51. The structure of Russian exports of coke by region of origin in January-May 2011 in value terms Figure 52. Dynamics of production of coking coal in 2005-2010, thousand tons Figure 53. Dynamics of work on economic activity "Construction" in 2008 -2010 years, Bln. Figure 54. Quarterly changes in the amount of work on economic activity "Construction" in 2008 -2011 years, Bln. Figure 55. The scope of work on economic activity "Construction" in 2008 -2011 years,% To the same period last year Figure 56. Dynamics of commissioning dwelling in Russia in 2008 - 2010, mln. Square. m. Figure 57. Quarterly changes in the commissioning of residential buildings in Russia in 2008 - 2011, mln. Square. m. Figure 58. Dwelling houses and the share of individual housing in the general area of the input in 1991 -2010, mln. Square. m. The total area Figure 59. Structure of the construction of residential buildings by region, Russia in 2010 Figure 60. Dynamics of consumption of coke in Russia in 2005-2017, mln. Tons Figure 61. Structure of consumption of coke by Federal Districts in 2005 - 2010's. Figure 62. The structure of coke consumption by sector in 2010 Russia: Metallurgical Coke Market. Analysis and Forecast to 2017 (From Slideshare) Page 4/6
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