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Nusantara Organic SRI Center
Vision and Mission

To enable Indonesia to become the largest organic rice-
producing country in the world by year 2020

1. To develop agriculture to be environmental-friendly by
   empowering farmers and drawing on local knowledge
2. To   conduct    research,   to   provide     agribusiness
   consultancy, and to speed up and improve the
   development of organic SRI through better processing and
Our Earth is Heating

1. Burning paddy straw after harvest
2. Over-use of chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizer
3. Flooding of paddy fields
1. Our earth is in critical

Too much use of chemical fertilizer will cause
declining productivity and less fertility of soil

             Continuously using chemical fertilizer and chemical pesticide

            The soil becomes hard, compacted, sticky, and difficult to work
             during soil preparation and it has less water-holding capacity
2. Water becoming scarce

Water resources are becoming scarce
            Source DPKLTS 2004

                                 Very , Very Critical

                                 Very Critical


                                 Less Critical

                                 Not Critical
3. Global warming

4. Over used of Pesticide

                                  Impacts      PESTICIDE

  Environmental pollution

Killing of non-target insects

    Reduced biological

  Pests become resistant

Arising of secondary pests
                                            UREA, TSP, KCL
   Explosion of pests

   Worse human health
5. Declining of Production

                          ON RICE PRODUCTION

                                                              Chemical Fertilizer


                   < 1970       1970 - 1990   1990 –Present
Advantages of Organic SRI

                Environmentally friendly

                       Saving of water
                           Saving of seed
                                 Recycle organic waste
Organic SRI                     Improve soil fertilty

                                Apply local wisdom

                            Products free of agrochemical residue
                       High yield

                 Better price
1. Environmentally Friendly


Insects   Decomposer


                       Matter         MICRO
2. Save Water
3. Save Seed – only 5 kg/ha
4. Recycle Organic Waste

      by making own fertilizer (compost),
       liquid fertilizer, and biopesticides
5. Improve The Soil Fertility

Improving Soil Fertility

                           Applying compost during soil preparation

                           5-7 tons /ha yield depends on soil fertility
6. Apply Local Knowledgem

     GARLIC                                                     SELASIH
( Allium Sativum )       TOBACCO            GERANIUM            (Ocimum B)

   SEMBUNG                DLINGO               SUREN            BERENUK
  ( Blumea B. L )     (Acorus Calamus L)   ( Toona Sureni )   ( Crescentia C )
7. Free of Chemical Residues

                           Laboratory Analysis

   No.             Test Parameters                Unit          Test Results
                                                             Organic     Inorganic
    1.      Water Content                           %         12,69       17,669

    2.      Ash Content                             %         1,53         0,06

    3.      Fat Content                             %         0,87         1,82

    4.      Protein Content                         %         6,32         0,01

    5.      Carbohydrate Content                    %         69,05        20,50

    6.      Reducing Sugar Content                  %           -          5,41

    7.      Crude Fiber Content                     %         0,065          -

    8.      Pesticide Residues                   mg/kg     Undetectable    0,006
Note : - Maximum Limit of Pesticide Contents 0,005 mg/kg
       - Carbohydrate Contents70 %
8. High Yield



                                                                                                                      Part of SRI


         Productive Tiller                                          0
                                                                        100 % NPK Straw + 25 % Straw + 50 %   Straw
                                                                                      NPK          NPK

25                                                                      CONVENTIONAL                            5.0 T/HA
20                                                   Conventional
15                                                   SRI+Straw

10                                                                      S.R.I.                                7.5 T/HA
     100 % NPK Straw + 25 % Straw + 50 %   Straw
                   NPK          NPK

                                                   Sugiyanta , 2008 (IPB) BOGOR
9. Better Price

NO        OUTLET               Variety             Packing                Price

1.   Kem chicks       Bio Cell                   2 Kg        Rp. 33.000 (Rp. 16.500/kg)
                      Beras Sehat                2 Kg        Rp. 35.900 (Rp. 17.500/kg)
                      PD.Padi Mulya
                      Keep Me Fit                5Kg         Rp. 75.000 (Rp. 15.000/kg)
                      Kuda Kaisar ( Platinum )   5 Kg        Rp. 72.500 (Rp. 14.500/kg)
                      Kuda Kaisar ( Gold )
                      Herbal Ponni               5 Kg        Rp. 69.500 (Rp. 13.900/kg)
                      Basmati                    5 Kg        Rp.118.500 (Rp.23.700/kg)

2.   Healthy Choice   Beras Organik
                                                 1 Kg        Rp. 92.500

                                                 1 Kg        Rp. 17.500

3.   Carrefour        Amani Island ( Organik )
                      Ambrosia Organic Rice      1 Kg        Rp. 14.800

                                                 5 Kg        Rp. 86.100 (Rp.17.220/kg)
Our Earth is Smiling Again
System of Rice Intensification
                     Organic SRI
 2006: First SRI trial was carried out at locations in Eastern Bhutan
    -- both at farmer’s field and research centre, at 1600-2000 masl
          Showed better crop performance.

                                                 63 tillers
System of Rice Intensification
             Organic SRI


                                 SRI         NON SRI
                                Roots         Roots

               Soil preparation through holistic way

Principles of Organic SRI

a. Young seedlings between 7-10 days old (with
   just two leaves) are planted singly and
   shallow, at spacing of 25 x 25 cm or wider
b. Soil should be kept moist, with alternate
   flooding and draining irrigation, but with no
   continuously standing water on field
c. Weeding should be conducted several times,
   starting at 10 days after transplanting, and
   repeated 3 times in 10-day intervals is
SRI – Organic Cultivation
              1. Land Preparation
To obtain a good rice growth with SRI-Organic, land preparation
should be made by plowing 25-30 cm deep, using organic fertilizer
when processing the soil, with use of compost and MOL

               5-7 ton/ha depends on soil fertility
SRI – Organic Cultivation
                2. Channels

One or more channels should be dug across the field
             to drain off excess water
SRI – Organic Cultivation
     3. Seed Selection
Seed test to obtain the best quality seed

                  Prepare salt solution in a
                                                   When egg floats . . .
     Salt Water

                   Put seed into solution      Separate the floating seeds

                                               Wash the good quality seed
                  Use good seeds at bottom          with plain water
SRI – Organic Cultivation
    4. Paddy Nursery

 Nursery is to be prepared using trays and/or in the field to facilitate

 The following steps are made under the SRI method:
 1. Soil and organic fertilizer are to be mixed with a ratio of 1 : 1
 2. Before filling the tray with soil, the soil is pre-mixed wih organic
    fertilizer and should be layered with banana leaves in order to
    facilitate easy uprooting and to maintain soil humidity.
    Afterward, the soil is to be filled and watered to make it humid
 3. The dried seeds are put on the soil-filled tray
 4. After spreading the seeds, they are covered with a thin layer of soil.
 5. Tray should be placed safe, away from chickens or other animals
 6. Watering is to be done each day to keep the soil medium humid and
    the plants fresh.
SRI – Organic Cultivation
                         5.a. Marking
Prior to planting, marking of the field is done using a device in order to establish planting
grids to facilitate even spacing. Rake-maker or roller-maker functions as a ‘ruler’ with
certain distances, such as 30 x 30 cm, or 25 x 25 cm, or some other spacing. Grids are ;laid
out for the field’s length and width. Each meeting point of the rows will be where each
seedling is to be planted.
SRI – Organic Cultivation
                   5.b. SRI Method Planting
Planting under the SRI method is done using the following steps:
  1. Seedlings must be of young age -- 7–10 days after seeding in tray or nursery, when
      they have only 2 leaves.
  2. Each seedling must be planted singly in one hill
  3. Seedlings are planted shallow, and their roots are placed in the soil in an L shape, and
       planting is done when the soil is not submerged in water

                         Plant Spacing 25 CM x 25 CM

                         Plant Spacing 30 CM x 30 CM
SRI – Organic Cultivation
                   6. Organic Fertilizer

Local micro-organisms (indigenous microorganisms) should be used, referred to as MOL,
applied by spraying. The treatments consist of :
  1. First spraying at 10 days after transplanting, using MOL solution @ 30 liter/Ha
  2. Then spray MOL 30 L/Ha 8 times after every 10-day interval.
SRI – Organic Cultivation
                                           7. Watering
                                                                   Pengelolaan Air SRI-Jabar
Genangan (mm)


                                    Penyiangan dengan Gasrok




























                             Awal                           Vegetatif-Anakan             Pembungaan            Pengisian Bulir - Masak Pematangan
                                                                         HST dan Tahap Pertumbuhan

        At least 4 times weeding before the canopy closes, starting
 every ten days after transplanting (at days 10, 20, 30 and 40); watering of
  the paddy field is to be done intermittently, or flood and drain irrigation
SRI – Organic Cultivation
                           8. Weeding

The purpose of weeding is not
only to get rid of weeds but also to
loosen the soil in order to keep the
soil aerated and fertile. The plant
can get more nutrients by spraying
liquid fertilizer after weeding.
Besides uprooting weeds and
grasses, weeding will cultivate the
soil around the paddy plant.
Weeding is done 4 times, every 10-
day interval after transplanting.
SRI – Organic Cultivation
                          9. Pest Control

        Pest Control by using Bio - Pesticide
         Bio–pesticides can be made from cow urine, tobacco
         leaves, garlic, berenuk fruit, mahogany fruit, etc.
         The usage of bio–pesticide is for when the pests cannot be controlled.

  SEMBUNG                                                                   BERENUK
( Blumea B. L )                                                           ( Crescentia C )
SRI – Organic Cultivation
       10. Harvest
SRI – Organic Cultivation
SRI – Organic Cultivation

 Joy during harvest
Business Comparison Between
             Conventional and Organic SRI
No.                                Kegiatan                   Volume       Harga Satuan     Jumlah

 I    Biaya Budidaya Padi Organik metode SRI :
      1. Sewa Lahan Sawah 1 musim                                  1 Ha       3,500,000      3,500,000
      2. Pengadaan Sarana Produksi
         - Benih                                                  10 Kg          10,000       100,000
         - Pupuk Organik Padat (Kompos)                        6,000 Kg             500      3,000,000
         - Pupuk Organik Cair (MOL)                             40 Liter         15,000        600,000
      3. Penyiapan Lahan Sampai Siap Tanam
         - Pengolahan Tanah                                      1 Unit         800,000       800,000
         - Perbaikan Pematang                                   16 HOK           30,000       480,000
         - Penaburan Pupuk Organik                              12 HOK           30,000       360,000
      4. Persemaian dan Penanaman
         - Media Semai                                           1 Unit         100,000       100,000
         - Persemaian                                            2 HOK           30,000        60,000
         - Tanam                                                30 HOK           30,000       900,000
      5. Pemeliharaan dan Panen
         - Penyiangan dan Penyemprotan MOL                      20 HOK           30,000       600,000
         - Pengendalian OPT dgn pestisida nabati                 2 HOK           30,000        60,000
         - Panen                                                20 HOK           35,000       700,000

II    Biaya Pendampingan Teknis Lapangan NOSC                      1 Ha       2,000,000      2,000,000

               TOTAL BIAYA                                                                13,260,000

IV Penjualan Hasil Panen
   1. Keuntungan Hasil Sampai Gabah Kering Panen (GKP)
        - Hasil Panen                                          7,000 Kg           3,000     21,000,000
        - Total Biaya Produksi GKP                                 1 Ha      13,260,000     13,260,000

        Keuntungan (Hasil Panen - Biaya Produksi)                                          7,740,000
        Persentase Keuntungan                                                                     58,37%

      2. Keuntungan Hasil Sampai Beras
        - Hasil Penjualan Beras (55% x GKP)                    3,850 Kg           8,000     30,800,000
        - Biaya Produksi GKP                                       1 Ha      13,260,000     13,260,000
        - Biaya Produksi Beras (Drying, Giling, dll)           7,000 Kg             500      3,500,000

        Keuntungan (Hasil Penjualan Beras - Biaya Produksi)                               14,040,000
        Persentase Keuntungan                                                                   105,88%
Opportunities in Growing
                    Organic SRI

Environment            Food              Jobs

  Culture             SRI           Energy
NOSC Events

Harvest by The President of Indonesia in 2007
NOSC Events

During International Forum of UNFCC
             in Bali 2007
NOSC Events

SRI at Center for Rice Research in Sukamandi 2008
NOSC Events

Exhibition in IPB 2008
NOSC Events

              NOSC - Nagrak

                                      FROM TIMOR LESTE
NOSC Events

Exhibition in Paddy Research 2008
NOSC Events

NOSC with World Scientists in 2009
NOSC Events

NOSC During National Workshop at
   Department of Agriculture
NOSC Events


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Organic SRI Center Enables Indonesia to Become Largest Producer

  • 2. Vision and Mission To enable Indonesia to become the largest organic rice- producing country in the world by year 2020 1. To develop agriculture to be environmental-friendly by empowering farmers and drawing on local knowledge 2. To conduct research, to provide agribusiness consultancy, and to speed up and improve the development of organic SRI through better processing and marketing
  • 3. Our Earth is Heating 1. Burning paddy straw after harvest 2. Over-use of chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizer 3. Flooding of paddy fields
  • 4. 1. Our earth is in critical condition Too much use of chemical fertilizer will cause declining productivity and less fertility of soil Continuously using chemical fertilizer and chemical pesticide The soil becomes hard, compacted, sticky, and difficult to work during soil preparation and it has less water-holding capacity
  • 5. 2. Water becoming scarce Water resources are becoming scarce Source DPKLTS 2004 Very , Very Critical Very Critical Critical Less Critical Not Critical
  • 7. 4. Over used of Pesticide Impacts PESTICIDE ....!!!!! PESTS Environmental pollution Killing of non-target insects Reduced biological diversity Pests become resistant Arising of secondary pests UREA, TSP, KCL Explosion of pests Worse human health
  • 8. 5. Declining of Production IMPACT OF CHEMICAL FERTILIZER & PESTICIDE ON RICE PRODUCTION Condition Chemical Fertilizer Production Pesticides Pests 0 < 1970 1970 - 1990 1990 –Present –
  • 9. Advantages of Organic SRI Environmentally friendly Saving of water Saving of seed Recycle organic waste ADVANTAGES OF Organic SRI Improve soil fertilty Apply local wisdom Products free of agrochemical residue High yield Better price
  • 10. 1. Environmentally Friendly Predators Pests Insects Decomposer Chyromidae Worms Plankton Organic Matter MICRO ORGANISMS
  • 12. 3. Save Seed – only 5 kg/ha
  • 13. 4. Recycle Organic Waste by making own fertilizer (compost), liquid fertilizer, and biopesticides
  • 14. 5. Improve The Soil Fertility Improving Soil Fertility Applying compost during soil preparation 5-7 tons /ha yield depends on soil fertility
  • 15. 6. Apply Local Knowledgem GARLIC SELASIH ( Allium Sativum ) TOBACCO GERANIUM (Ocimum B) SEMBUNG DLINGO SUREN BERENUK ( Blumea B. L ) (Acorus Calamus L) ( Toona Sureni ) ( Crescentia C )
  • 16. 7. Free of Chemical Residues Laboratory Analysis No. Test Parameters Unit Test Results Organic Inorganic 1. Water Content % 12,69 17,669 2. Ash Content % 1,53 0,06 3. Fat Content % 0,87 1,82 4. Protein Content % 6,32 0,01 5. Carbohydrate Content % 69,05 20,50 6. Reducing Sugar Content % - 5,41 7. Crude Fiber Content % 0,065 - 8. Pesticide Residues mg/kg Undetectable 0,006 Note : - Maximum Limit of Pesticide Contents 0,005 mg/kg - Carbohydrate Contents70 %
  • 17. 8. High Yield 6 5 4 Conventional 3 Part of SRI 2 1 Productive Tiller 0 100 % NPK Straw + 25 % Straw + 50 % Straw NPK NPK Yield 35 30 25 CONVENTIONAL 5.0 T/HA 20 Conventional 15 SRI+Straw 10 S.R.I. 7.5 T/HA 5 0 100 % NPK Straw + 25 % Straw + 50 % Straw NPK NPK Sugiyanta , 2008 (IPB) BOGOR
  • 18. 9. Better Price NO OUTLET Variety Packing Price 1. Kem chicks Bio Cell 2 Kg Rp. 33.000 (Rp. 16.500/kg) Beras Sehat 2 Kg Rp. 35.900 (Rp. 17.500/kg) PD.Padi Mulya Keep Me Fit 5Kg Rp. 75.000 (Rp. 15.000/kg) Kuda Kaisar ( Platinum ) 5 Kg Rp. 72.500 (Rp. 14.500/kg) Kuda Kaisar ( Gold ) Herbal Ponni 5 Kg Rp. 69.500 (Rp. 13.900/kg) Basmati 5 Kg Rp.118.500 (Rp.23.700/kg) 2. Healthy Choice Beras Organik 1 Kg Rp. 92.500 1 Kg Rp. 17.500 3. Carrefour Amani Island ( Organik ) Ambrosia Organic Rice 1 Kg Rp. 14.800 5 Kg Rp. 86.100 (Rp.17.220/kg)
  • 19. Our Earth is Smiling Again
  • 20. System of Rice Intensification Organic SRI  2006: First SRI trial was carried out at locations in Eastern Bhutan -- both at farmer’s field and research centre, at 1600-2000 masl  Showed better crop performance. 63 tillers
  • 21. System of Rice Intensification Organic SRI Root Management SRI NON SRI Roots Roots Soil preparation through holistic way NON SRI SRI
  • 22. Principles of Organic SRI a. Young seedlings between 7-10 days old (with just two leaves) are planted singly and shallow, at spacing of 25 x 25 cm or wider b. Soil should be kept moist, with alternate flooding and draining irrigation, but with no continuously standing water on field c. Weeding should be conducted several times, starting at 10 days after transplanting, and repeated 3 times in 10-day intervals is possible
  • 23. SRI – Organic Cultivation 1. Land Preparation To obtain a good rice growth with SRI-Organic, land preparation should be made by plowing 25-30 cm deep, using organic fertilizer when processing the soil, with use of compost and MOL 5-7 ton/ha depends on soil fertility
  • 24. SRI – Organic Cultivation 2. Channels One or more channels should be dug across the field to drain off excess water
  • 25. SRI – Organic Cultivation 3. Seed Selection Seed test to obtain the best quality seed Egg Prepare salt solution in a bucket When egg floats . . . Salt Water Put seed into solution Separate the floating seeds Wash the good quality seed Use good seeds at bottom with plain water
  • 26. SRI – Organic Cultivation 4. Paddy Nursery NURSERY Nursery is to be prepared using trays and/or in the field to facilitate planting. The following steps are made under the SRI method: 1. Soil and organic fertilizer are to be mixed with a ratio of 1 : 1 2. Before filling the tray with soil, the soil is pre-mixed wih organic fertilizer and should be layered with banana leaves in order to facilitate easy uprooting and to maintain soil humidity. Afterward, the soil is to be filled and watered to make it humid 3. The dried seeds are put on the soil-filled tray 4. After spreading the seeds, they are covered with a thin layer of soil. 5. Tray should be placed safe, away from chickens or other animals 6. Watering is to be done each day to keep the soil medium humid and the plants fresh.
  • 27. SRI – Organic Cultivation 5.a. Marking MARKING Prior to planting, marking of the field is done using a device in order to establish planting grids to facilitate even spacing. Rake-maker or roller-maker functions as a ‘ruler’ with certain distances, such as 30 x 30 cm, or 25 x 25 cm, or some other spacing. Grids are ;laid out for the field’s length and width. Each meeting point of the rows will be where each seedling is to be planted.
  • 28. SRI – Organic Cultivation 5.b. SRI Method Planting Planting under the SRI method is done using the following steps: 1. Seedlings must be of young age -- 7–10 days after seeding in tray or nursery, when they have only 2 leaves. 2. Each seedling must be planted singly in one hill 3. Seedlings are planted shallow, and their roots are placed in the soil in an L shape, and planting is done when the soil is not submerged in water Plant Spacing 25 CM x 25 CM Plant Spacing 30 CM x 30 CM
  • 29. SRI – Organic Cultivation 6. Organic Fertilizer Local micro-organisms (indigenous microorganisms) should be used, referred to as MOL, applied by spraying. The treatments consist of : 1. First spraying at 10 days after transplanting, using MOL solution @ 30 liter/Ha 2. Then spray MOL 30 L/Ha 8 times after every 10-day interval.
  • 30. SRI – Organic Cultivation 7. Watering Pengelolaan Air SRI-Jabar Flooding Genangan (mm) 25.0 Weeding Penyiangan dengan Gasrok 20.0 15.0 10.0 Macak-macak Pengeringan 5.0 Macak-macak 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 Awal Vegetatif-Anakan Pembungaan Pengisian Bulir - Masak Pematangan Susu HST dan Tahap Pertumbuhan At least 4 times weeding before the canopy closes, starting every ten days after transplanting (at days 10, 20, 30 and 40); watering of the paddy field is to be done intermittently, or flood and drain irrigation
  • 31. SRI – Organic Cultivation 8. Weeding The purpose of weeding is not only to get rid of weeds but also to loosen the soil in order to keep the soil aerated and fertile. The plant can get more nutrients by spraying liquid fertilizer after weeding. Besides uprooting weeds and grasses, weeding will cultivate the soil around the paddy plant. Weeding is done 4 times, every 10- day interval after transplanting.
  • 32. SRI – Organic Cultivation 9. Pest Control Pest Control by using Bio - Pesticide Bio–pesticides can be made from cow urine, tobacco leaves, garlic, berenuk fruit, mahogany fruit, etc. The usage of bio–pesticide is for when the pests cannot be controlled. SEMBUNG BERENUK ( Blumea B. L ) ( Crescentia C )
  • 33. SRI – Organic Cultivation 10. Harvest
  • 34. SRI – Organic Cultivation Harvest
  • 35. SRI – Organic Cultivation Harvest Joy during harvest
  • 36. Business Comparison Between Conventional and Organic SRI No. Kegiatan Volume Harga Satuan Jumlah I Biaya Budidaya Padi Organik metode SRI : 1. Sewa Lahan Sawah 1 musim 1 Ha 3,500,000 3,500,000 2. Pengadaan Sarana Produksi - Benih 10 Kg 10,000 100,000 - Pupuk Organik Padat (Kompos) 6,000 Kg 500 3,000,000 - Pupuk Organik Cair (MOL) 40 Liter 15,000 600,000 3. Penyiapan Lahan Sampai Siap Tanam - Pengolahan Tanah 1 Unit 800,000 800,000 - Perbaikan Pematang 16 HOK 30,000 480,000 - Penaburan Pupuk Organik 12 HOK 30,000 360,000 4. Persemaian dan Penanaman - Media Semai 1 Unit 100,000 100,000 - Persemaian 2 HOK 30,000 60,000 - Tanam 30 HOK 30,000 900,000 5. Pemeliharaan dan Panen - Penyiangan dan Penyemprotan MOL 20 HOK 30,000 600,000 - Pengendalian OPT dgn pestisida nabati 2 HOK 30,000 60,000 - Panen 20 HOK 35,000 700,000 II Biaya Pendampingan Teknis Lapangan NOSC 1 Ha 2,000,000 2,000,000 TOTAL BIAYA 13,260,000 IV Penjualan Hasil Panen 1. Keuntungan Hasil Sampai Gabah Kering Panen (GKP) - Hasil Panen 7,000 Kg 3,000 21,000,000 - Total Biaya Produksi GKP 1 Ha 13,260,000 13,260,000 Keuntungan (Hasil Panen - Biaya Produksi) 7,740,000 Persentase Keuntungan 58,37% 2. Keuntungan Hasil Sampai Beras - Hasil Penjualan Beras (55% x GKP) 3,850 Kg 8,000 30,800,000 - Biaya Produksi GKP 1 Ha 13,260,000 13,260,000 - Biaya Produksi Beras (Drying, Giling, dll) 7,000 Kg 500 3,500,000 Keuntungan (Hasil Penjualan Beras - Biaya Produksi) 14,040,000 Persentase Keuntungan 105,88%
  • 37. Opportunities in Growing Organic SRI Environment Food Jobs Culture SRI Energy
  • 38. NOSC Events Harvest by The President of Indonesia in 2007
  • 39. NOSC Events During International Forum of UNFCC in Bali 2007
  • 40. NOSC Events SRI at Center for Rice Research in Sukamandi 2008
  • 43. NOSC Events Exhibition in Paddy Research 2008
  • 44. NOSC Events NOSC with World Scientists in 2009
  • 45. NOSC Events NOSC During National Workshop at Department of Agriculture