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Comprehensive Skin Health Solutions

            Beverly Hills
ZO® Skin Health Difference

“Making Healthy Skin Possible for Every Patient”
Fo Z in b g M
 rm e O a i, D

 •   Poe t c rc r o sin ae n vtn
      rvn r k eod fk cr in oa s
            a                 io
     s a n goe 3 yas
      p n in vr 5 er

 •   T o g t a e adp n e b h dS in el
      h u h l d r n io er e in k H ah
            e                       t
     C c p rd m
      irl aa ig

 •   Cetr f 1bado R ata in sin ae
      ra o # rn f X ni- g g k cr

 •   V io ay n f n e o Z ® S I H A T
      is n r a d o d r f O KN E L H

 •   L a e in em tl yra e t f df e t
      ed r d r a o t t ns o ifrn
                 og em       r e
     e n its
      t icie

 •   B adC r ie D r a l is
      o r et d em to t
            if       og

 •   W r - e o n da toit l trrin oa r
      ol rn we uh r , e ue, n vt
        d              y c         o
     a de u a r
      n d ct  o
The Vision

D vl a dm re Z ® S in el a te n c m le o re f ol
 ee p n akt O k H ah s h o l o p t suc o w r -
    o                  t       y    e          d
c s sin ae rd c a dslio s
 l s k cr po u t n o tn.
 a             s     u

Poid rsl- rne slio s aoe t m e te p cic ed o
 rv e eusoie t o tn t rd o eth s eif n e s f
        t     d u     il
eey esna eey g a deey t e te l .
 vr p ro t vr a e n vr s g in h ir e
                        a         if

D le c icl poe rsl ta c r c a dm ina h ah sin h t
 e r l ay rvn eus h t or t n a t ely k ta is
  iv in l           t       e       in  t
s o g s o t a df , ee ltn d flhda da df e f isae
t n , m oh n ir vn o e , uy yrt n r o d es.
 r              m     y      l   e     e
Brand Name Recognition
ZO® Skin Health Difference

The Science and Theory
Healthy Skin vs. Damaged Skin
Age, genetics, environmental influences (UV polutants), diet, stress, hormones, sleep and skin care:
all play a role.

A balanced lifestyle and effective skin care, can restore healthy skin.

Dr. Obagi defines the difference between healthy skin and damaged skin as follows:

                  Healthy Skin Elements                      Damaged Skin Elements

 Texture          Smooth                                     Rough

 Moisture         Hydrated                                   Dry

 Strength         Tight/Firm                                 Loose and weak with fine lines

 Tone             Even Tone                                  Discoloration (dark spots, rosacea)

 Volume           Full                                       Lax

 Disease          Free of active disease                     Presence of active disease

 Skin Tolerance   Strong/Tolerant                            Sensitive
Skin Aging
Age       Appearance                              Physiology
< 15      Nearly perfect skin.                    Excellent repair capabilities.
          Smooth texture, pores small.            Low sebaceous gland activity.
                                                  Skin hydration good.
15 - 25   Acne key factor in surface texture.     High sebaceous gland activity.
          Fine lines start to appear, pore size   Mild drop in dermal repair, immune system and collagen
          increasing                              synthesis.
                                                  Strong cohesion between skin layers and rapid cell turnover.
                                                  Small drop in skin hydration, noticed particularly in winter.
25 - 45   More fine lines and appearance of       Moderate decrease in dermal repair, resulting in less collagen
          first wrinkles                          and increasing accumulation of damaged corrective tissue.
          Early signs of sagging near the eye.    Noticeable and significant drop in skin hydration.
          Some loss of elasticity.
          Adult acne.
45 - 55   More wrinkles, rough texture.           Significant decrease in dermal repair and immune system.
          Sallow yellow color                     Continued dermal degradation.
          Pores, age spots enlarge and define.    Cohesion between skin layers continues to decline.
          Sagging near eye and cheek.             Thinning of epidermis and stratum corneum.
                                                  Skin tends now to be dry.
55 +      Wrinkles and fine lines in abundance.   Compromised dermal repair, abundance of damaged connective
          Uneven color, pigmentation.             Low production of collagen and sebum. Increased local over-
          Sagging worsens.                        production of melanin.
          Dark circles under eye.
Science & Theory

This is the outer protective, non vascular layer
of the skin.

The dermis consists mostly of connective tissue
and is much thicker than the epidermis.

The subcutaneous layer below the dermis
consists of loose connective tissue and much
fat. It acts as a protective cushion and helps to
insulate the body by monitoring heat gain and
heat loss.

•Maintain even skin tone

•Prevent future potential for hyperpigmentation

•Stabilize melanocytes for pigment control

Activate and Stimulate Cellular Function

•Exfoliate dead surface cells

•Activate new cell production

•Increase collagen production

Improve overall appearance

•Smooth texture

•Tight pores

•Firmness and density

         Zo Skin Health Products are the Tools!
Us ing thes e tools is not a new c onc ept, how they are us ed is ….

C ombining thes e tools into programs that us e high c onc entrations of ac tive

ingredients in protec ted delivery s ys tems , ZO S kin Health c an deliver the mos t

targeted, effec tive, s us tainable res ults on the market today.

Tool Drivers:

Peptides: a o c lf m db j in too m r a in aid
           m l u o e yo g w r oe m o c s
             e e r       in

Enzymes: in rae h rt o a ec n
           ces te a f rat
                   e       io

Antioxidants: in ib te x a n f te m l u s
                h ith oid t o oh r o c l
                          io        e e

Retinol: acla s e troe a dc lg n rd c n
          ce rt clun vr n oa e po u t
            e e l           l        io
Cellular Function

• ZO® Skin Health works at the cellular level
  so that skin nourishes, repairs and maintains

• Anti-oxidants (Vitamins C & E, Coenzyme Q10)

 neutralizes free radicals to help reverse the
 signs of aging.

• ZO® Skin Health Programs help to achieve
  optimum skin health by “layering” protected
  retinol, anti-oxidants and vitamins to increase
  and enhance repair.

• Dr. Obagi recommends a 5-step targeted
  program approach.
•   T e icop n e e ey ytm( D )is u iq e e h o g f te o t ldrl s o tp a
     h M rs o g D l r S s
                  iv     e M S a n u tc n l yo h c nr l e ae fo ic l
                                             o   r      oe e
     g ns

•   C nis o m co oo s e d , t ic l 1 - 5m rn ind m trl d dwha te g n
     o s t f arp ru b a s y ay 02 ico s ia ee, o e it civ a e t
         s                   p l                      a

•   W e a p dt te k , te D rl ss s civ in rd n o a im m d a da oinrs o s
     h n p l o h sin h M S e ae it ate ge ie t n t e o e n l
            ie               e                                s   ep ne
    t oh r t u (u b g tm eaue p , ec
    o te s lrb in , e p rtr, H t)
           im i

•   M Stc n l y b in ue c r nlinc s eic, oe- h - o ne ( T )sincr, snce n
     D e h o g is e g sd ur t
            o              e y om ts vr ec u trO C k ae u sre s
    a dpecipio po u t
     n rsr tn rd cs

•   B d lein te civ ga u l t te k , M Srto f ea p , h s xee t f a y it
     y e rg h a te rd ay o h sin D - ein lo xm l a ecln eic c wh
        iv               l                , r    e        l   f
    m im lr tn
     in air aio
Clinical Study: Re-emergence of
   topical retinol in dermatology
Clinical Study: Journal of Dermatological Treatment (2000) LH Kligman and EH Gans

Once abandoned because of its instability, ROL can now be sequestered in Microsponge Polymers
with low irritancy and cosmetic acceptability for treating the visible signs of aging and photoaging.
Protected from oxidation by antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, it remains stable with a shelf life of
at least 2 years. By obviating the rapid degradation that ROL would otherwise undergo, the new
formulation has permitted the resumption of research with this agent.
It was found that ROL was metabolized primarily to retinyl esters and to relatively small amounts of RA
which activated nuclear RA receptors.
ROL can be effective in inducing beneficial epidermal changes with less irritation than RA.
**1.6% ROL induced significant epidermal thickening similar to that of 0.025% RA.
Trace erythema, occurred with ROL whereas RA induced measurable erythema.
ROL penetration was more effective than that of RA, but required a 10-fold higher concentration than
ROL increased epidermal thickness without the erythema induced by RA.
Studies demonstrated that ROL has lower potency than RA, requiring higher concentrations than RA to
produce similar epidermal effects.
ROL is more effectively delivered into skin, inducing retinoid changes in the epidermis without irritation.
•   L oo e ae in t s h rao do ls e aae f ma a u o s e iu b a h s h lid
     ip sm s r m ue p eiclilrp t sp rtd r n q e u m d m y p op o
                              e         o                          ip
     il r

•   T e m l iz o loo e e a l te t p s tru he id r is n at s c r ro lu
     h s a s e f sm s n b s h m o as ho g p em a d c a a ar f iq id
          l      ip        e                                   ie r
    sb tn e, wic ae n l e wh teip sm ’s oo inen lait
    u s cs h h r e c sd itin h loo e h lw tracvy
        a             o                   l
An enzyme is a protein molec ule that is a biologic al c atalys t with three c harac teris tic s :

2.h b s f cio o a e zm is oin rae h rt o a ecio . M s cll rat n o c r b u
 T e aic u t n f n ny e t ce s te ae f ra tn ot eu recio s c u a o t
          n                                            la
a il nt e f trh nte wu inte b e c o a e zm .
 ml im sa e ta h y o l h a sn e f n ny e
   io       s           d

3. ot ny e at p cic l who lo e e ca tclda ubs trate)t po u e rd cs
 M s e zm s c s e ifay it n n ra tn ( ae s
                     l     y           l            o rd c po u t.

4. ny e ae e u tdf ma tt o l atitt h hatita dv e es.
 E zm s r rg le r
              a   o s e f w civyo ig civy n ic vr
                      a    o                      a
•    P pid is m l u f m db j in too m r a in aid
      e t e a o c l o e yo g w r oe m o c s
                e e r       in

•    T e h v te a e e t e o d a toe poe sb t r sotr l gh
      h y ae h sm p pid b n s s h s in rtin, u ae h r ine t
                                                     e   n

•    P pid s r n m db sdo te u b r f m oaid inte h in d e t e ( ) t e t e ( )
      e t e ae a e ae n h n m e o a in c s h c a : ip pid s2 r pid s3
                                                                , ip        ,
     tt p pid s4 p na e t e ( )
     er e t e ( ) e tp pid s5
       a         ,

•    W e te u b r f m oaid ises h n5 tee o c l ae a e p pid s heag r
      h n h n m e o a in c s l ta 0 h s m l u s r n m d e t e will e
                              s           e e                     r
     sq e c s r rf rdt a poe s
     e u n e ae e r o s rtin

•    Ap pid b n is s eialkg inwic te it g nao o o e m oaidb d t te ab xl
       e te o d a p c l a e
                        in     h h h nr e tm f n a in c in s o h croy
     cro ao o a oh r
      ab n tm f n te

•    M t y3 0 ue tt p pid ( )a do o e t e ( - 0 t m im e rk s n aif geet
      ar l0 0 ss er e t e 4 n l p pid s22 ) o in iz w l a d lin fc
        ix         a             ig                      in e     t   f
•    L o e t e a e t e t c e t aip ( t
      ip p pid is p pid at h d o lid f )
                         a           a

•    L o e t e h v b e so ninsie t s d st b ot e's auapo u titl e
      ip p pid s ae en h w   c nif t ie, o o s cl n trl rd civye l
                                  ic u          l               vs

•    C nid rdt b o e f aue m s p wr lni- g r b ineatgwhcl e ba e t b ot
      o s ee o e n o n tr's ot o ef a ta es y trcin it e m m rn s o o s
                                   u                    l
     n trl n t no te es rn w gte t m x u go t p tnia
      auaf cio fh cl, e e in h m o aim m rw oe tl
           u          l                        h     .
•    S r cinis b l ic l ateip p pid a dis rd m a t a iouf tn
      uf t a io g ay civ lo e t e n pe o in nl b sr ca t
        a        o    l                          y      a

•    I a rcivdc nid rb atnio whrg r t it ecln sr c c a s gpo ets
     t s ee e o s ea l t tn it e ad o s xee t uf e l nin rp r
      h               e e                  l    a   e         ie
•   A antioxidant is m l u cp b o in ib in te x aio o oh r o c l
     n              a o c l a a l f h itg h oid tn f te m l u s
                       e e      e                           e e

•   O id tnis c e ic l a tnta t nf s l t n o hdo e f ma u s n e oa oid in
     x aio a h m ar cio h tr s r e cr s r yrg n r
                      e        a e e o              o sb t c t n x iz g

•   O id tnra tn c npo u e re a icl tee re a ic ls rc a ra tn
     x aio ecio s a rd c f rd a , h s f rd a t t h in e cio s
                           e      s     e       s a

•   W e te h inra tno c r ina e, it a cue a a e r e t t te e
     h n h c a ecio cus      cl c n a s d m g o d ah o h cl
                               l                            l

•   A tx a t tr in t tee h inrat n b rm v gf e a icl tr e iae, a din ib oh r
     nioid ns em ae h s c a e cio s y e oin r rd ainem d ts n h it te
    oid t nrat n
     x aio ecio s
Vitamin A
• Vitamin A is a key vitamin that the skin needs topically.

• Oxidizes easily and is unstable.

• Oral consumption does not address the topical deficiency.

• Application of stabilized Vitamin A, in sufficient levels,
  will give optimum benefits.

• Retinol at higher levels can cause irritation.

• Most OTC products do not deliver enough retinol to the skin.

• Needs a stabilized delivery system.

• ZO® uses an encapsulated delivery system that sends
  stabilized retinol in a time-released form, that reduces
  potential irritation.
• Retinol is considered one of the most effective anti-aging ingredients

• Natural form of Vitamin A

• Most effective over-the-counter vitamin for aging skin

• Improves overall skin health

• Able to go inside the cell to stimulate cellular function at the dermal level

• Simultaneously repairs damage at the epidermal level
Benefits of regular use:

Reduces appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage and age spots

          • Improves brightness and tone

          • Increases collagen production, firmness and elasticity

          • Retinol is preventative and corrective

Early use helps prevent fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and uneven tone

Later use of retinol will help correct visible signs of aging
Retinol Cascade
•   The retinol cascade is the process where special enzymes convert retinol to retinoic acid

•   The majority of over-the-counter skin care products have very low levels of retinol

•   Products that have a low concentration of retinol produce less retinol cascade

•   When the conversion rate is low, little retinoic acid becomes bio-available to the cells

•   A high concentration of retinol increases the conversion rate of retinol-to-retinoic acid
Vitaine (Encapsulated Retinol)
•   A liposome containing 0.5% stabilized retinol

•   Found in: Daily Power Defense, Intense Eye Repair, Daily Renewal Crème, Overnight
    Recovery Creme

•   Liposomal delivery can increase retinol levels retained in the stratum corneum

•   Liposome structure protects retinol from degradation

•   Ratio of retinol to lipid is engineered to ensure maximum stability

•   Retinol is carefully stacked in the liposome to protect from hydrolysis

•   Liposome entrapment of retinol gives stability
Photosomes (DNA Repair)
•   Photosomes repair sun-induced damage to DNA

•   Found in: Daily Renewal Crème

•   Photosomes is photolyase in multilamellar liposomes

•   Photolase is a light-activated marine enzyme

•   Photolase is derived from photosynthetic plankton called Anacystis nidulans

•   These liposomes are formed from pure egg phospholipids

•   Photolyase absorbs visible light to directly adhere to and reverse short UV wavelength damage

•   Photosomes protect the cells of the skin’s immune system

•   Photsomes are used at a 1% concentration
Oxysomes (antioxidants C and E)
•   Vitamin C and E together reduce free radical damage by 50%

•   Found in: Daily Renewal Creme

•   Oxysomes deliver vitamin C within 1 hour and increase bioavailability by 85%

•   Vitamin C boosts collagen synthesis

•   Internalized vitamin C protects the vitamin E

•   UV-absorbing properties of vitamin E protects the photosensitivity of vitamin C

•   Provides powerful antioxidant properties at a 1% concentration

•   Contains: 2% VC-PMG (LA c ric h s h t M g eiu )d raiv o Lac ric c (itm C
                          - sob P op ae a n s m eivte f - sob aid va in )

•   Contains: 12% alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E)
Ultrasomes (DNA Repair)
•   Natural DNA repair activity is facilitated by endonuclease enzyme

•   Ultr s
       a omesa e UV don clea e en y
              r    -en u    s    z mesen ps la ed in mu ila
                                        ca u t         lt mella lipos
                                                               r     omes

•   Endonuclease recognizes UV damage and accelerates repair by 4 times

•   Protects immune system by repairing UV-DNA damage

•   Provides post exposure sun damage recovery

•    n u      s     epa ed r    ococcu lu eu wh is b ceiu f n a p ro te om l
    E don clea e ispr r f om micr     s t s ich a a trm o d s at fh n r a
    fr o te a m lnsin
    l a fh m m a
     o               ia k

•   Liposomes are formed from pure egg phospholipids

•   Ultrasomes are used at a 1% concentration
Roxisomes (DNA Repair)
•   Roxisomes repair DNA damage from free radicals generated by UVA sunlight

•   Found in: Daily Power Defense

•   Roxisomes shorten the time for nucleus DNA repair from 24 hours to 2 hours

•   Roxisomes is the enzyme glycolase (8-oxo-guanine glycolase) in multilamellar liposomes

•   Glycolase recognizes oxidative damage to DNA and initiates the repair process in the nucleus and

•   These liposomes are formed from pure egg phospholipids

•   Gy o s n trl o c r inaa id p is h ln , as a f wr gp n n tet E rp , A ia
     l l e auay c us rb o s ta a m ll ein l t aiv o uo e s
      ca        l                     ia       lo      a
    a dAr ata is sdinm l u r io g a dlh s n in
     n f ic h t u e     o c l b l y n ig t e s g
                         e a     o

•   Roxisomes are used at a 1% concentration
Phytopresome Q 10 (CoQ10)
•   CoQ10 (ubiquinone) is a powerful antioxidant

•   Found in: Radical Night Repair

•   Photopresome Q 10 provides stable liposomes containing Coenzyme Q 10

•   Provides superior skin barrier function

•   Supports collagen

•   Penetration of CoQ10 is enhanced in liposome delivery

•   Photopresome Q 10 is a lipid complex of phospholipids and sterols
Ceremides (fatty acids)
•   Rebuilds the skin barrier and increases barrier efficacy in 2 weeks

•   Found in: Overnight Recovery Crème, Daily Power Defense

•   C eramides are a family of lipid molec ules that are c ompos ed of fatty ac ids

•   C rm e ae o n inh hc n e t tn wh te e ba e f es
     ea id s r f d ig o cnr io s itin h m m rn o cl
                u             a                   l

•   Aging and environmental exposure diminishes the replenishment capacity of the skin

•   Provides the skin with a bioavailable, biostabilized form of linoleic acid

•   Protects overall skin integrity

•   Anti-inflammatory
Matrixyl 3000 (collagen production)
•   Thes e peptides ac t in s ynergy to res tore c ollagen produc tion s timulating fibroblas t c ells
    enabling them to reduc e the appearanc e of wrinkles

•   F u din Daily Power Defens e, Intens e E ye Repair
     on :

•   Peptides are mes s engers of s kin res truc turation and repair. T e atae h n w yteis f
                                                                      h y civt te e snh s o
    te x aeu r ar poid ga tw k eicc.
    h et cll m t rv in ni- r l f ay
          r la         ix                in e f

•   A m se g r o c l , p pid s r cp b o rg lin cl civie.
     s esn e m l u s e t e ae a a l fe u tg e a tits
                e e                  e     a    l

•   M t y 3 0 c na s w p pid s P l H a dP l Q R( a ityOligopeptide a d
     ar l 0 0 o tin t o e t e, a G K n a G P P l ol
       ix ™                        -        -        m              n
    P lityTetrapeptide-7) ( aryc na s n o e e t e P lityP na Oig p pid )
     a ol
      m                 . M t lo tin o l n p pid , a ol e t ( lo e t e
                             ix        y            m

•   P lityT t p pid is bek ru hin rd n wic in ib s n rvr sre a icla a e
     a oler e t e a rat o g ge ie t h h h it a d ees f rd ad m g .
      m      a            h                             e e

Matrixyl 3000
•   E c c m o e t f ary 3 0 h s enso nt h v d tc a ta in b n f
     a h o p n n o M t l 0 0 a b e h w o ae is t ni- g g e e s
                      ix ™                    in             it

•   T ee e t e ue inc m in tnh v a yeg t a ta in eet
     h s p pid s sd o b aio ae sn ris ni- g g fc
                                       ic         f

•   I eat nwhs eif rc pos civt cr ing n s te rcs o et cll m t rn wl
    n rcio it p cic ee tr a tae et e e in h po es f x aeu r ar e e a
     t                              a                r la    ix
    a dc l rl rtn wha e h s m c a is s eo e rges e wae
     n e po eaio , it g tee eh n m b c m po rsivl ekr
         l if                                     y

•   O e n t f io t te te, P lityP na r a ityT t p pid
     n is o in r ro h oh r a ol e t o P l oler e t e
              e             m           m      a

•   E c a dess ifrn ap cs fh sina in po es ue inc m in tnte b oth p wr
     a h d rse df e t s et o te k g g rcs, sd o b aio h y o s te o e
    o ec o e
     fah n

•   M t y3 0 is sdina % c n e t tn
     ar l0 0 ue
       ix            3 o c nr io
MDI Complex (protects collagen)
•   Inhibits the MMP enzymes that degrade and destroy collagen (matrix metalloproteinase)

•   Found in: Intense Eye Repair, Overnight Hand Recovery

•   MDI Complex (Gyoa in g c n)inhibits 80% of MMP enzyme activity
                  l sm o l a s
                   c      y

•   These enzymes (MMP) are activated with sun exposure, stress and environmental irritants

•   Activity of these enzymes affects the health of the extracellular matrix

•   Important to both preserve the matrix and maintain enzymatic equilibrium

•   MDI Complex neutralizes excessive MMP activity

•   Enzymatic equilibrium allows for greater skin elasticity and increased resistance to stress and
    environmental exposure
ZO® Skin Health Product Line
Cleanse | Activate | Stimulate | Calm + Nourish | Protect
Eye | Hand | Body
ZO® Five Step Approach

To enhance the effects and benefits of the following steps

To increase the penetration of active ingredients,

To improve uneven pigmentation, reduce fine lines and
wrinkles, reduce collagen degradation and improve the
elasticity of the skin

To soothe and calm skin after the surface has been
exfoliated and potent concentrations have been applied

To protect skin against future sun damage
ZO® Skin Health Programs
LITTLE OR NO apparent sign of chronological or photo aging
Our Daily Skincare Program is an everyday skincare regimen to maintain healthy looking skin. These
basic tools have retinol and specialized enzymes to encourage cellular activity, repair damaged cells and
protect against future damage.

EARLY s ig ns of intrins ic ag ing – fine lines , uneven s kin tone, los s of firmnes s
T is o eae a ges epo rm w hh h a vn e a t g gsin aeto , h l t rp ir n
 h m d rtl g rsiv rga , it ig l d a c d ni-a in k c r o l e s o e a a d
          y                      y                        s p
pe e t a a e sin A tein rd ns s c a go t fcos rt o a ds e if
 rvn d m g d k . civ ge ie t, u h s rwh a tr, ein l n p c ic
e zm s sis inim rv gtec ll rp iru cio a drsoin tea p aa c o
 ny e a s t    po in h eu re a fn t n n e tr g h p e rn e f
y uhu h a h sin
 o tfl e l y k .
      ,  t

DEFINITE signs of aging skin – wrinkles, brown patches, loose skin, large pores,
obvious damage
This aggressive program, using high concentrations of retinol, is for anyone with chronological and
environmental skin damage and skin aging concerns. Using these tools can help correct and rejuvenate
the skin, revealing radical improvement of wrinkles, fine lines, rough texture and sagging skin.

NO apparent s ig n of chronolog ical or photo ag ing

CLEANSE: Exfoliating Cleanser
ACTIVATE: Exfoliating Polish
STIMULATE: Daily Power Defense
PROTECT: Sunscreen Primer
EARLY s ig ns of intrins ic ag ing – fine lines , uneven tone,
los s of firmnes s

CLEANSE: Exfoliating Cleanser
ACTIVATE: Exfoliating Polish
STIMULATE: Daily Power Defense (AM)
STIMULATE: Growth Factor Serum (PM)
PROTECT: Sunscreen Primer

DE FINITE s igns of aging s kin – wrinkles , brown patc hes ,
loos e s kin, large pores , obvious s un damage

CLEANSE: Hydrating Cleanser
ACTIVATE: Exfoliating Polish
STIMULATE: Daily Power Defense (AM)
STIMULATE: Radical Night Repair (PM)
CALM + NOURISH: Daily Renewal Crème
PROTECT: Sunscreen Primer
Step 1: Cleanse

Offects® Hydrating Cleanser
• Dual-action cleanser thoroughly cleans while
  it replenishes moisture with hyaluronic acid.

• Natural moisturizers Panthenol and
  Allantoin prevent over-drying, leaving skin
  fresh and clean.

• Advanced lipopeptides boost and maintain
  skin’s natural production of collagen.

• Cleanse every morning
  and evening.

• pH 6.5

• Size: 150 mL / 5 Fl. Oz.

$45.00 (USSRP)
Step 1: Cleanse

Offects® Exfoliating Cleanser
• Encapsulated beads of Vitamin E neutralize
  free radicals and nourish skin cells.

• Micro-beads exfoliate surface dull,
  dry skin cells.

• Advanced lipopeptides boost and maintain
  skin’s natural production of collagen.

• Cleanse every morning and evening.

• pH 6.0

• Size: 150 mL / 5 Fl. Oz.

$45.00 (USSRP)
Step 2: Activate

Offects® Exfoliating Polish
• Combines therapeutic minerals of the Dead
  Sea with the benefits of microdermabrasion.

• Magnesium crystals slough off dry skin,
  improve skin texture and help combat stress
  and fluid retention.

• Four vitamins (A, C, C-Ester & E) deliver
  anti-oxidant protection

• Natural exothermic reaction warms skin.

• Apply 2-3 times per week.

• Size: 65 g / 2 Oz.

$75.00 (USSRP)
Step 2: Activate

Offects® TE-Pads Acne Pore Treatment
• Controls skin breakouts.

• Reduces oiliness.

• Exfoliates pore-clogging dead
  skin cells.

• Contains 2% salicylic acid

• Botanical extracts calm and soothe.

• Apply 2-3 times per week.

• Size: 60 pads

• pH 3.5

$45.00 (USSRP)
Step 3: Stimulate

Ossential® Radical Night Repair Plus

Better than any other topical skincare:

•   Reduces lines and wrinkles
•   Decreases hyperpigmentation
•   Increases skin thickness and elasticity
•   Accelerates cellular turnover, helps stimulate
    collagen production

                              Named a Beauty Breakthrough
                              Ossential® Radical Night Repair Plus
Why ZO®?

ZO® uses a 1.0% concentration of retinol

• For retinol to be topically effective, it must reach
  a concentration of at least 0.6% in the skin

• Currently, the strongest available over-the-counter
  retinol products are at a concentration of 0.21%

• The leading brand concentration is 0.15%

This is why the ZO® Skin Health Program
approach of “layering” retinol delivers the needed
amount of retinol to the skin.
Retinol Delivery System
Time-Released Microspheres
Traditional retinol products cause a sudden release and
"downpour" of retinol—which can be irritating. That’s why
manufacturers use a very low concentration of retinol.

ZO® Skin Health’s Radical Night Repair Plus
uses a unique delivery system–the retinol is encapsulated
in a time-released microsponge. So unlike the "downpour",
microspheres causes a slow, steady, continuous “drizzle”.

Anhydrous (water-free)
formula increases the potency of active ingredients.

Antioxidants (Vitamins C & E, Co-Q10)

a peptide that increases skin’s natural tolerance threshold.
Users are much less likely to experience any discomfort,
which is especially beneficial to over-reactive and sensitive
Step 3: Stimulate

Ossential® Radical Night Repair Plus
Dr. Obagi’s Recommended Regimen:

Olluminate Intensive Eye Repair can be added both AM and PM

PRODUCT                                       AM              PM

Offects® Hydrating Cleanser                   X                X

Offects® Exfoliating Polish                   X

Ossential® Daily Power Defense                X

Ommerse® Daily Renewal Creme                  X

Oclipse® Sunscreen + Primer SPF 30            X

Ossential® Radical Night
Repair Plus

                                 Named a Beauty Breakthrough
                                 Ossential® Radical Night Repair Plus
Step 3: Stimulate

Ossential® Radical Night Repair Plus

• Initially, Radical Night Repair Plus should be
  applied twice per week. After two weeks,
  increase to three times per week. After 6-8
  weeks, apply nightly.
• This product is best used in combination with
  other products that complement it, and do not
  compete with it or irritate it.

                             Named a Beauty Breakthrough
                             Ossential® Radical Night Repair Plus
Step 3: Stimulate

Ossential® Daily Power Defense
• Advanced DNA repair complex features enzymes that
  initiate repair to increase cell survival, thereby reducing
  collagen degradation.

• Contains Ultrasomes with UV-endonuclease

• Contains Roxisomes with glycolase

• Uses the powerful anti-oxidant, vitamin E and retinol
  liposomes (Vitaine), to help correct and prevent
  damage caused by age and UV rays.

• Increases skin’s natural moisture barrier to help skin
  stay hydrated with Ceremide 6.

• Botanical extracts help soothe and calm.

• Lightweight serum leaves skin soft and smooth.
Step 3: Stimulate

Ossential® Daily Power Defense
• Reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

• Increases epidermal thickness, firmness & elasticity.

• Apply every morning.

• pH 6.8

• Size: 30 mL / 1 Fl. Oz.

$175.00 (USSRP)
Step 3: Stimulate

Ossential® Growth Factor Serum
• Synthetic growth factors.

• Advanced lipopeptides boost and support
  collagen to help firm and tone.

• Nanoemulsion™ penetration technology
  improves delivery.

• Proprietary lipopeptides are enhanced with
  anti-aging Vitamins A, B & C plus essential
  amino acids. These are the building blocks
  necessary to stimulate cell renewal and
  collagen production.

• Retinol reduces pigmentation and the
  appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

• pH 6.5
Step 3: Stimulate

Ossential® Growth Factor Serum
• Highly effective topical anti-aging therapy
  suitable for even the most sensitive skin

• Lightweight gel formula glides
  on easily.

• Apply every morning and evening.

• pH 6.5

• Size: 30 mL / 1.0 oz

$195.00 (USSRP)
Step 3: Stimulate

Ossential® Growth Factor Serum
Clinicals (Kligman)

• Wrinkle Visibility (Superficial Facial Lines):
  Statistically significant reduction after Week 1
  (10%) and increased to 33% by Week 8.

• Expert Grader Assessment of Improvement:
  High resolution digital photos revealed all
  twenty subjects demonstrated “moderately to
  very noticeable improvement”.

• Skin Texture: Skin roughness, pore visibility,
  hyper pigmented spots and blotchy/redness
  were significantly reduced from Week 2 on
  and these reductions reached between 20 -
  25% at Week 8.
Step 3: Stimulate

Ossential® Growth Factor Serum
Clinicals (Kligman)

• Skin Tautness and Elasticity: From Week 1
  on, skin was significantly tauter and more
  elastic. At Week 8, skin was 28% tauter and
  25% more elastic.

• Self Assessment (Diaries): All twenty subjects
  felt their skin was smoother
  and softer. Eighty percent perceived a
  reduction in wrinkles and sixty percent found
  their skin less oily and noticed a reduction in
  age spots. No one reported any dryness or
Step 4: Calm + Nourish

 Ommerse® Daily Renewal Crème
• Hydrates with Hyaluronic Acid, Jojoba
  Esters and natural emollients like
  Coconut Oil.

• Soothes with an advanced anti-irritant
  complex that contains Oat and
  Canadian Willowherb Extracts to reduce
  skin inflammation.

•Contains Oxysomes and Vitaine (retinol)

• Protects with Ectoin, a multi-functional
  agent that protects against photo-aging,
  the formation of sunburn cells and
  induces faster formation of heat-shock
  proteins under stress.

•pH 6.8

• Size: 50 mL / 1.7 oz

$95.00 (USSRP)
Step 4: Calm + Nourish

 Ommerse® Overnight Recovery Crème
• Hydrates the skin by creating a barrier that
  protects against trans-epidermal water loss
  with Ceramide 2, Soline, Squalane and Shea
  Butter to maintain optimum water levels.

• Repairs DNA damage caused by aging and sun
  exposure by using encapsulated enzymes called
  Ultrasomes (endonuclease) to increase cell

• Soothes, protects and reduces redness and
  inflammation with Canadian Willowherb and
  Evodia Fruit Extracts

• Encourages skin to look and feel healthy and
  luminous with encapsulated Retinol (vitaine)

•pH 5.5

• Size: 50 mL / 1.7 oz

$95.00 (USSRP)
Step 5: Protect

Oclipse® Sunscreen + Primer SPF 30
• Broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection with
  titanium dioxide (10.2%) and zinc oxide
  (3.7%), plus unique and superior
  antioxidant protection.

• Contains natural melanin

• Melanins are natural, photo-protective
  compounds which are excellent anti-
  oxidants and free radical quenchers.

• Increased melanin reduces incidence of
  skin cancer, photo-aging and photo-
  sensitive disorders.

• Silicone-based formula primes the skin for
  cosmetics application.

• Apply every morning.

$65.00 (USSRP)
Step 5: Protect

Oclipse® Sunscreen + Primer SPF 30

   The “smartest” sun-protection duo
            under the sun:

•Daily Power Defense
      DNA Repair

•Sunscreen Primer
     SPF 30
Skin Cancer
Prevention is Critical

new cases of skin cancer
every year (US)

cases of malignant melanoma

of damage occurs before
18 years old

• A natural skin pigment

• Single most important factor in the
  photo protection of the skin

• 10 times more powerful than Vitamin E
Specialty: Eye

 Olluminate® Intense Eye Repair
• Dual action formula instantly reduces the
  appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while
  providing long-lasting results.
• Rich blend of time release retinol (Vitaine),
  advanced peptides and optical diffusers (mica
  and titanium dioxide) helps repair and diminish
  dark circles, fine lines and wrinkles.
• Cooling formula reduces puffiness and the
  appearance of yellow skin tone.
• Combination of Glycosaminoglycans, Vitamin E
  and Matrixyl 3000 protects against free radical
  damage and boosts skin’s natural collagen
• Apply every morning and evening.
• pH 6.2
• Size: 15 mL / .5 Fl. Oz.
$130.00 (USSRP)
Specialty: Hand

Oraser® Microderm Hand Renewal
• Sugar crystals exfoliate the skin, leaving it
  smooth, hydrated and

• Retinol, an active form of Vitamin A, helps
  restore a youthful appearance.

• Shea butter moisturizes and leaves
  a light after-feel. Rinses easily.

• Massage at least once a week.

• Size: 30 g / 1.0 Oz.

$50.00 (USSRP)
Specialty: Hand

Oraser® Daily Hand Repair SPF 20
• Retinol reduces age spots and the look of
  deeper lines and wrinkles.

• Powerful vitamin E and anti-oxidants help
  neutralize damaging free radicals.

• Skin whiteners help normalize skin tone and
  reduce the appearance of age spots.

• Broad spectrum protection (avobenzone)
  against UVA (aging rays) and UVB (burning

• Apply every morning.

• pH 6.0

• Size: 100 mL / 3.4 Fl. Oz.

$65.00 (USSRP)
Specialty: Hand

Oraser® Overnight Hand Recovery
• A complex of retinol, vitamins and Coenzyme
  Q10 protects against the damaging effects
• of free radicals, thereby improving skin
  elasticity, firmness and tone.

• Vitamin C brightens the skin
  and boosts collagen synthesis.

• Natural emollients provide
  8-hour barrier protection.

• Apply every evening.

• pH 6.0

• Size: 100 mL / 3.4 Fl. Oz.

$65.00 (USSRP)
Specialty: Body

Oraser® Body Emulsion
• Intense combination of Lactic Acid (11.5%),
  active Retinol and emollients lock in moisture
  and stimulate cell renewal.

• Anti-oxidant rich complex softens rough patches
  and strengthens skin’s natural moisture barrier.

• Lifts away the look of dark spots with natural
  extracts such as Glucosamine. Skin brighteners
  help normalize skin tone.

• Apply morning and evening.

• pH 3.7

• Size: 200 mL / 8.1 Fl. Oz.

$80.00 (USSRP)
Step 1: Cleanse

        Product Name                    Ingredients & Benefits
        Offects® Exfoliating Cleanser   Gently remove impurities and repairs surface damage with:

                                        Vitamin E encapsulated beads:
                                        • Neutralize free radicals and exfoliate dead skin cells

                                        Salicylic Acid
                                        •targets excess oil

                                        Advanced Lipopeptide:
                                        • Boosts skin’s natural production of collagen

        Offects® Hydrating Cleanser     Gently remove impurities and repairs surface damage with:

                                        Hyaluronic acid, Panthenol and Allantoin:
                                        • Lock in necessary moisture for a healthy complexion
                                        • Stimulate the growth of healthy tissue

                                         Advanced Lipopeptide:
                                        • Boosts skin’s natural production of collagen
Step 2: Activate

         Product Name                  Ingredients & Benefits
         Offects® TE-Pads              Enhance the penetration of active ingredients.
         Acne Pore Treatment           Control oiliness, breakouts and removes dead cells with:

                                       2% Salicylic Acid
                                       • Exfoliates pore-clogging skin cells
                                       • Reduces oiliness to help prevent breakouts

                                       Botanical Extracts
                                       • Calm and soothe skin

         Offects® Exfoliating Polish   Enhances the penetration of active ingredients. Remove
                                       dead skin cells and sebum with:

                                       Round Magnesium Crystals
                                       • Slough off dry skin
                                       • Improve skin texture (smoothness)
                                       • Restores glow
                                       • At-home benefits of microdermabrasion activate and
                                        repair skin cells

                                       Four Vitamins (A, C, C-esters and E)
                                       • Provide a powerful anti-oxidant protection
Step 3: Stimulate
      Product Name          Ingredients & Benefits
      Ossential®            Daily DNA repair and anti-oxidant protection with:
      Daily Power Defense   Enzymes (Ultrasomes and Roxisomes)
                            • Encourage the skin’s DNA repair mechanism to self-correct
                            Powerful anti-oxidants (Vitamin A & E)
                            • Speed recovery from past UV damage
                            • Help prevent future photo damage
                            Retinol and Matrixyl 3000
                            • Reduce appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
                            • Even skin tone and improve hyper pigmentation
                            • Increase dermal thickness and firmness
                            Omega-6 Ceramide
                            • Lock-in moisture
                            • Reduce inflammation
      Ossential®            Collagen booster helps firm and tone with:
      Growth Factor Serum   Lipopeptides, Amino-Acids and Vitamins A, B & C Derivative
                            • Boost collagen production
                            • Increase dermal thickness and elasticity
                            Epidermal Growth Factor
                            • Stimulates cellular function
                            • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
                            • Well tolerated by sensitive skin types
                            • Reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
                            • Evens skin tone and improves hyper pigmentation
                            • Increases dermal thickness and firmness
Step 3: Stimulate
      Product Name                           Ingredients & Benefits
      Ossential® Radical Night Repair Plus   Restore functionality, skin elasticity and improve uneven
                                             pigmentation with:
                                             Ultra-high concentration of Retinol: 1%
                                             • 10 times the industry average
                                             • Encapsulated time-release formula to increase penetration
                                             and reduce irritation
                                             • Reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
                                             • Evens skin tone and improves hyper pigmentation
                                             • Increases dermal thickness and firmness
                                             Vitamin C:
                                             • Boosts skin brightness; improves skin tone and clarity
                                             • Provides anti-oxidant protection
                                             • Continuously stimulates cells for optimal collagen production
                                               and elasticity improvement
                                             Antioxidants (Vitamins C & E, Co-Q10)
                                             • Neutralizes free radicals to help reverse the signs of aging
                                             • A Crithmum Maritinum Marine Extract
                                             • Regulates sebum to help control acne and oiliness
Step 4: Calm + Nourish
      Product Name           Ingredients & Benefits
      Ommerse®               Hydrate,calm and nourish skin with:
      Daily Renewal Crème   Hyaluronic Acid, Jojoba Esters and natural Emollients
                             • Nourish skin
                             Advanced anti-irritant complex with Oat and Canadian Willowherb extracts
                             • Soothes and reduces inflammation
                             • Reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
                             • Evens skin tone and improves hyper pigmentation
                             • Increases dermal thickness and firmness
                              Advanced Oxysome liposome system
                             • Delivers Vitamins C & E deeper beneath the surface
                             • Boosts skin’s natural production of collagen
                             • Evens skin tone
                             • Protects skin’s immune system
                             • Protects against photo-aging and the formation of sunburn cells

      Ommerse®               Deeply soothe, calm and nourish skin with:
      Overnight Recovery     Ceramide 2, Soline, Squalane and Shea Butter
      Crème                 • Nourish skin
                             • Protect against Trans Epidermal Water Loss
                             Advanced anti-irritant complex with Oat and Canadian Willowherb extracts
                             • Soothes and reduces inflammation
                             Ultrasomes (enzymes)
                             • Repairs DNA damage to increase cell survival
                             • Reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
                             • Evens skin tone and improves hyper pigmentation
                             • Increases dermal thickness and firmness
Step 5: Protect, Specialty: Eye

         Product Name                  Ingredients & Benefits
         Oclipse® Sunscreen + Primer   Protect, smooth and prime skin for even makeup application with:
         SPF 30                        Natural Melanin, Titanium Dioxide (10.2%) and Zinc Oxide (3.7%)
                                       • Protect against UVA/UVB sun damage to reduce the visible signs of
                                       • Stimulate collagen production
                                       Humectants and Emollients:
                                       • Hydrate and moisturize skin

         Olluminate® Intense Eye       Repair, brighten and decrease puffiness with:
         Repair                        A blend of encapsulated Retinol, Advanced Peptides and Optical
                                       • Instantly and continuously help to repair fine lines and wrinkles
                                       • Increase epidermal thickness, firmness, elasticity and hydration
                                       Mica and Titanium Dioxide
                                       • Brightens eye area, minimizes dark circles, reduces puffiness, and
                                          the appearance of yellow skin tone
                                       MDI Complex (Glycosaminoglycans)
                                       • Boost skin’s natural collagen production
                                       Vitamin E
                                       • Protects against free radical damage
Specialty: Hand + Body
        Product Name                     Ingredients & Benefits
        Oraser® Body Emulsion            Smooth, hydrate and even skin tone with:
                                          Lactic Acid (11.5%) and an anti-oxidant rich complex
                                         • Remove dead surface cells
                                         • Smooth rough, dry patches
                                         • Reduces the appearance of dark spots
                                         • Evens skin tone
                                         Retinol and Matrixyl 3000
                                         • Boost cellular turnover
                                         • Reduce appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
                                         • Even skin tone and improves hyper pigmentation
                                         • Increase dermal thickness and firmness
                                         • Hydrate immediately
                                         • Deliver long lasting moisture

        Oraser® Microderm Hand Renewal   Exfoliate, soften and condition hands with:
                                         Shea Butter, Mango Butter and Safflower Oil
                                         • Resurface and condition even ultra-dry skin
                                         Sugar Crystals and Salicylic Acid
                                         • Exfoliate dry skin, improve skin texture and leave hands
                                         • Reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
                                         • Evens skin tone and improves hyper pigmentation
                                         • Increases dermal thickness and firmness
                                         Natural emollients
                                         • Leave skin soft and moisturized with light after feel
Specialty: Hand
      Product Name                Ingredients & Benefits
      Oraser® Daily Hand Repair   Protect against UVA/UVB sun damage (avobenzone 3%) and restore
      SPF 20                      younger-looking hands with:
                                  Retinol and Matrixyl 3000
                                  • Boost cellular turnover
                                  • Reduce appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
                                  • Even skin tone and improve hyper pigmentation
                                  • Increase dermal thickness and firmness
                                  Amino-Acid Complex (Panthenol, Shea Butter and Hyaluronic acid)
                                  • Moisturizes and leaves skin soft and smooth
                                  Anti-oxidants Vitamins C, E and Coenzyme-Q10
                                  • Neutralize damaging free radicals

      Oraser® Overnight Hand      Relieve dryness and fight signs of aging with:
      Recovery                    Encapsulated Retinol, Vitamins C, E and Coenzyme-10
                                  • Improve skin elasticity, firmness and tone
                                  • Protect against the damaging effects of free radicals
                                  Vitamin C
                                  • Brightens skin
                                  • Boosts collagen production
                                  Natural Emollients (Avocado Oil, Shea Butter, Meadowfoam Seed Oil
                                  and Hyaluronic Filling Spheres)
                                  • Moisturize continuously overnight
                                  • Prevent Trans-Epidermal Water Loss (TEWL)
                                  • Soothes inflammation
Unique & Compelling
Brand Proposition

Systems and Programs that produce results

•System approach to correct, stimulate and saturate
•Luxury and performance should not be mutually exclusive
•Unique value proposition
•Worldwide brand recognition and reputation
•Higher concentrations, more actives, stabilized retinol
•Results driven, serious skincare
Linda Nelson Director of Education
858-794-9601 Office
619-438-3554 Mobile

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Similar a Comprehensive Skin Health Solutions from ZO Skin Health (20)

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Comprehensive Skin Health Solutions from ZO Skin Health

  • 1. Comprehensive Skin Health Solutions Beverly Hills
  • 2. ZO® Skin Health Difference “Making Healthy Skin Possible for Every Patient”
  • 3.
  • 4. Fo Z in b g M rm e O a i, D • Poe t c rc r o sin ae n vtn rvn r k eod fk cr in oa s a io s a n goe 3 yas p n in vr 5 er • T o g t a e adp n e b h dS in el h u h l d r n io er e in k H ah e t C c p rd m irl aa ig e • Cetr f 1bado R ata in sin ae ra o # rn f X ni- g g k cr o • V io ay n f n e o Z ® S I H A T is n r a d o d r f O KN E L H u • L a e in em tl yra e t f df e t ed r d r a o t t ns o ifrn og em r e e n its t icie h • B adC r ie D r a l is o r et d em to t if og • W r - e o n da toit l trrin oa r ol rn we uh r , e ue, n vt d y c o a de u a r n d ct o
  • 5. The Vision D vl a dm re Z ® S in el a te n c m le o re f ol ee p n akt O k H ah s h o l o p t suc o w r - o t y e d c s sin ae rd c a dslio s l s k cr po u t n o tn. a s u Poid rsl- rne slio s aoe t m e te p cic ed o rv e eusoie t o tn t rd o eth s eif n e s f t d u il eey esna eey g a deey t e te l . vr p ro t vr a e n vr s g in h ir e a if D le c icl poe rsl ta c r c a dm ina h ah sin h t e r l ay rvn eus h t or t n a t ely k ta is iv in l t e in t s o g s o t a df , ee ltn d flhda da df e f isae t n , m oh n ir vn o e , uy yrt n r o d es. r m y l e e
  • 7. ZO® Skin Health Difference The Science and Theory
  • 8. Healthy Skin vs. Damaged Skin Age, genetics, environmental influences (UV polutants), diet, stress, hormones, sleep and skin care: all play a role. A balanced lifestyle and effective skin care, can restore healthy skin. Dr. Obagi defines the difference between healthy skin and damaged skin as follows: Healthy Skin Elements Damaged Skin Elements Texture Smooth Rough Moisture Hydrated Dry Strength Tight/Firm Loose and weak with fine lines Tone Even Tone Discoloration (dark spots, rosacea) Volume Full Lax Disease Free of active disease Presence of active disease Skin Tolerance Strong/Tolerant Sensitive
  • 9. Skin Aging Age Appearance Physiology < 15 Nearly perfect skin. Excellent repair capabilities. Smooth texture, pores small. Low sebaceous gland activity. Skin hydration good. 15 - 25 Acne key factor in surface texture. High sebaceous gland activity. Fine lines start to appear, pore size Mild drop in dermal repair, immune system and collagen increasing synthesis. Strong cohesion between skin layers and rapid cell turnover. Small drop in skin hydration, noticed particularly in winter. 25 - 45 More fine lines and appearance of Moderate decrease in dermal repair, resulting in less collagen first wrinkles and increasing accumulation of damaged corrective tissue. Early signs of sagging near the eye. Noticeable and significant drop in skin hydration. Some loss of elasticity. Adult acne. 45 - 55 More wrinkles, rough texture. Significant decrease in dermal repair and immune system. Sallow yellow color Continued dermal degradation. Pores, age spots enlarge and define. Cohesion between skin layers continues to decline. Sagging near eye and cheek. Thinning of epidermis and stratum corneum. Skin tends now to be dry. 55 + Wrinkles and fine lines in abundance. Compromised dermal repair, abundance of damaged connective tissue. Uneven color, pigmentation. Low production of collagen and sebum. Increased local over- Sagging worsens. production of melanin. Dark circles under eye.
  • 10. Science & Theory EPIDERMIS This is the outer protective, non vascular layer of the skin. DERMIS The dermis consists mostly of connective tissue and is much thicker than the epidermis. SUBCUTANEOUS LAYER The subcutaneous layer below the dermis consists of loose connective tissue and much fat. It acts as a protective cushion and helps to insulate the body by monitoring heat gain and heat loss.
  • 11. THE GOALS Stabilization •Maintain even skin tone •Prevent future potential for hyperpigmentation •Stabilize melanocytes for pigment control Activate and Stimulate Cellular Function •Exfoliate dead surface cells •Activate new cell production •Increase collagen production Improve overall appearance •Smooth texture •Tight pores •Firmness and density
  • 12. THE TOOLS Zo Skin Health Products are the Tools! Us ing thes e tools is not a new c onc ept, how they are us ed is …. C ombining thes e tools into programs that us e high c onc entrations of ac tive ingredients in protec ted delivery s ys tems , ZO S kin Health c an deliver the mos t targeted, effec tive, s us tainable res ults on the market today. Tool Drivers: Peptides: a o c lf m db j in too m r a in aid m l u o e yo g w r oe m o c s e e r in Enzymes: in rae h rt o a ec n ces te a f rat e io Antioxidants: in ib te x a n f te m l u s h ith oid t o oh r o c l io e e Retinol: acla s e troe a dc lg n rd c n ce rt clun vr n oa e po u t e e l l io
  • 13. Cellular Function • ZO® Skin Health works at the cellular level so that skin nourishes, repairs and maintains itself. • Anti-oxidants (Vitamins C & E, Coenzyme Q10) neutralizes free radicals to help reverse the signs of aging. • ZO® Skin Health Programs help to achieve optimum skin health by “layering” protected retinol, anti-oxidants and vitamins to increase and enhance repair. • Dr. Obagi recommends a 5-step targeted program approach.
  • 14. Microsponge • T e icop n e e ey ytm( D )is u iq e e h o g f te o t ldrl s o tp a h M rs o g D l r S s iv e M S a n u tc n l yo h c nr l e ae fo ic l o r oe e aet g ns • C nis o m co oo s e d , t ic l 1 - 5m rn ind m trl d dwha te g n o s t f arp ru b a s y ay 02 ico s ia ee, o e it civ a e t s p l a • W e a p dt te k , te D rl ss s civ in rd n o a im m d a da oinrs o s h n p l o h sin h M S e ae it ate ge ie t n t e o e n l ie e s ep ne t oh r t u (u b g tm eaue p , ec o te s lrb in , e p rtr, H t) im i • M Stc n l y b in ue c r nlinc s eic, oe- h - o ne ( T )sincr, snce n D e h o g is e g sd ur t o e y om ts vr ec u trO C k ae u sre s t a dpecipio po u t n rsr tn rd cs • B d lein te civ ga u l t te k , M Srto f ea p , h s xee t f a y it y e rg h a te rd ay o h sin D - ein lo xm l a ecln eic c wh iv l , r e l f m im lr tn in air aio it
  • 15. Clinical Study: Re-emergence of topical retinol in dermatology Clinical Study: Journal of Dermatological Treatment (2000) LH Kligman and EH Gans Once abandoned because of its instability, ROL can now be sequestered in Microsponge Polymers with low irritancy and cosmetic acceptability for treating the visible signs of aging and photoaging.   Protected from oxidation by antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, it remains stable with a shelf life of at least 2 years. By obviating the rapid degradation that ROL would otherwise undergo, the new formulation has permitted the resumption of research with this agent.   It was found that ROL was metabolized primarily to retinyl esters and to relatively small amounts of RA which activated nuclear RA receptors.   ROL can be effective in inducing beneficial epidermal changes with less irritation than RA.   **1.6% ROL induced significant epidermal thickening similar to that of 0.025% RA.   Trace erythema, occurred with ROL whereas RA induced measurable erythema.   ROL penetration was more effective than that of RA, but required a 10-fold higher concentration than RA.   ROL increased epidermal thickness without the erythema induced by RA.   Studies demonstrated that ROL has lower potency than RA, requiring higher concentrations than RA to produce similar epidermal effects.   ROL is more effectively delivered into skin, inducing retinoid changes in the epidermis without irritation.
  • 16. Liposome • L oo e ae in t s h rao do ls e aae f ma a u o s e iu b a h s h lid ip sm s r m ue p eiclilrp t sp rtd r n q e u m d m y p op o e o ip bae il r y • T e m l iz o loo e e a l te t p s tru he id r is n at s c r ro lu h s a s e f sm s n b s h m o as ho g p em a d c a a ar f iq id l ip e ie r sb tn e, wic ae n l e wh teip sm ’s oo inen lait u s cs h h r e c sd itin h loo e h lw tracvy a o l
  • 17. Enzymes An enzyme is a protein molec ule that is a biologic al c atalys t with three c harac teris tic s : 2.h b s f cio o a e zm is oin rae h rt o a ecio . M s cll rat n o c r b u T e aic u t n f n ny e t ce s te ae f ra tn ot eu recio s c u a o t n la a il nt e f trh nte wu inte b e c o a e zm . ml im sa e ta h y o l h a sn e f n ny e io s d 3. ot ny e at p cic l who lo e e ca tclda ubs trate)t po u e rd cs M s e zm s c s e ifay it n n ra tn ( ae s l y l o rd c po u t. 4. ny e ae e u tdf ma tt o l atitt h hatita dv e es. E zm s r rg le r a o s e f w civyo ig civy n ic vr a o a
  • 18. Peptides • P pid is m l u f m db j in too m r a in aid e t e a o c l o e yo g w r oe m o c s e e r in • T e h v te a e e t e o d a toe poe sb t r sotr l gh h y ae h sm p pid b n s s h s in rtin, u ae h r ine t e n • P pid s r n m db sdo te u b r f m oaid inte h in d e t e ( ) t e t e ( ) e t e ae a e ae n h n m e o a in c s h c a : ip pid s2 r pid s3 , ip , tt p pid s4 p na e t e ( ) er e t e ( ) e tp pid s5 a , • W e te u b r f m oaid ises h n5 tee o c l ae a e p pid s heag r h n h n m e o a in c s l ta 0 h s m l u s r n m d e t e will e s e e r sq e c s r rf rdt a poe s e u n e ae e r o s rtin ee • Ap pid b n is s eialkg inwic te it g nao o o e m oaidb d t te ab xl e te o d a p c l a e in h h h nr e tm f n a in c in s o h croy o cro ao o a oh r ab n tm f n te • M t y3 0 ue tt p pid ( )a do o e t e ( - 0 t m im e rk s n aif geet ar l0 0 ss er e t e 4 n l p pid s22 ) o in iz w l a d lin fc ix a ig in e t f
  • 19. Lipopeptides • L o e t e a e t e t c e t aip ( t ip p pid is p pid at h d o lid f ) a a • L o e t e h v b e so ninsie t s d st b ot e's auapo u titl e ip p pid s ae en h w c nif t ie, o o s cl n trl rd civye l ic u l vs • C nid rdt b o e f aue m s p wr lni- g r b ineatgwhcl e ba e t b ot o s ee o e n o n tr's ot o ef a ta es y trcin it e m m rn s o o s u l n trl n t no te es rn w gte t m x u go t p tnia auaf cio fh cl, e e in h m o aim m rw oe tl u l h .   • S r cinis b l ic l ateip p pid a dis rd m a t a iouf tn uf t a io g ay civ lo e t e n pe o in nl b sr ca t a o l y a • I a rcivdc nid rb atnio whrg r t it ecln sr c c a s gpo ets t s ee e o s ea l t tn it e ad o s xee t uf e l nin rp r h e e l a e ie
  • 20. Antioxidants • A antioxidant is m l u cp b o in ib in te x aio o oh r o c l n a o c l a a l f h itg h oid tn f te m l u s e e e e e • O id tnis c e ic l a tnta t nf s l t n o hdo e f ma u s n e oa oid in x aio a h m ar cio h tr s r e cr s r yrg n r e a e e o o sb t c t n x iz g a aet gn • O id tnra tn c npo u e re a icl tee re a ic ls rc a ra tn x aio ecio s a rd c f rd a , h s f rd a t t h in e cio s e s e s a • W e te h inra tno c r ina e, it a cue a a e r e t t te e h n h c a ecio cus cl c n a s d m g o d ah o h cl l l • A tx a t tr in t tee h inrat n b rm v gf e a icl tr e iae, a din ib oh r nioid ns em ae h s c a e cio s y e oin r rd ainem d ts n h it te e oid t nrat n x aio ecio s
  • 21. Vitamin A • Vitamin A is a key vitamin that the skin needs topically. • Oxidizes easily and is unstable. • Oral consumption does not address the topical deficiency. • Application of stabilized Vitamin A, in sufficient levels, will give optimum benefits. • Retinol at higher levels can cause irritation. • Most OTC products do not deliver enough retinol to the skin. • Needs a stabilized delivery system. • ZO® uses an encapsulated delivery system that sends stabilized retinol in a time-released form, that reduces potential irritation.
  • 22. Retinol • Retinol is considered one of the most effective anti-aging ingredients • Natural form of Vitamin A • Most effective over-the-counter vitamin for aging skin • Improves overall skin health • Able to go inside the cell to stimulate cellular function at the dermal level • Simultaneously repairs damage at the epidermal level
  • 23. Retinol Benefits of regular use: Reduces appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage and age spots • Improves brightness and tone • Increases collagen production, firmness and elasticity • Retinol is preventative and corrective Early use helps prevent fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and uneven tone Later use of retinol will help correct visible signs of aging
  • 24. Retinol Cascade • The retinol cascade is the process where special enzymes convert retinol to retinoic acid • The majority of over-the-counter skin care products have very low levels of retinol • Products that have a low concentration of retinol produce less retinol cascade • When the conversion rate is low, little retinoic acid becomes bio-available to the cells • A high concentration of retinol increases the conversion rate of retinol-to-retinoic acid
  • 25. Vitaine (Encapsulated Retinol) • A liposome containing 0.5% stabilized retinol • Found in: Daily Power Defense, Intense Eye Repair, Daily Renewal Crème, Overnight Recovery Creme • Liposomal delivery can increase retinol levels retained in the stratum corneum • Liposome structure protects retinol from degradation • Ratio of retinol to lipid is engineered to ensure maximum stability • Retinol is carefully stacked in the liposome to protect from hydrolysis • Liposome entrapment of retinol gives stability
  • 26. Photosomes (DNA Repair) • Photosomes repair sun-induced damage to DNA • Found in: Daily Renewal Crème • Photosomes is photolyase in multilamellar liposomes • Photolase is a light-activated marine enzyme • Photolase is derived from photosynthetic plankton called Anacystis nidulans • These liposomes are formed from pure egg phospholipids • Photolyase absorbs visible light to directly adhere to and reverse short UV wavelength damage (uvb) • Photosomes protect the cells of the skin’s immune system • Photsomes are used at a 1% concentration
  • 27. Oxysomes (antioxidants C and E) • Vitamin C and E together reduce free radical damage by 50% • Found in: Daily Renewal Creme • Oxysomes deliver vitamin C within 1 hour and increase bioavailability by 85% • Vitamin C boosts collagen synthesis • Internalized vitamin C protects the vitamin E • UV-absorbing properties of vitamin E protects the photosensitivity of vitamin C • Provides powerful antioxidant properties at a 1% concentration • Contains: 2% VC-PMG (LA c ric h s h t M g eiu )d raiv o Lac ric c (itm C - sob P op ae a n s m eivte f - sob aid va in ) • Contains: 12% alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E)
  • 28. Ultrasomes (DNA Repair) • Natural DNA repair activity is facilitated by endonuclease enzyme • Ultr s a omesa e UV don clea e en y r -en u s z mesen ps la ed in mu ila ca u t lt mella lipos r omes • Endonuclease recognizes UV damage and accelerates repair by 4 times • Protects immune system by repairing UV-DNA damage • Provides post exposure sun damage recovery • n u s epa ed r ococcu lu eu wh is b ceiu f n a p ro te om l E don clea e ispr r f om micr s t s ich a a trm o d s at fh n r a u fr o te a m lnsin l a fh m m a o ia k • Liposomes are formed from pure egg phospholipids • Ultrasomes are used at a 1% concentration
  • 29. Roxisomes (DNA Repair) • Roxisomes repair DNA damage from free radicals generated by UVA sunlight • Found in: Daily Power Defense • Roxisomes shorten the time for nucleus DNA repair from 24 hours to 2 hours • Roxisomes is the enzyme glycolase (8-oxo-guanine glycolase) in multilamellar liposomes • Glycolase recognizes oxidative damage to DNA and initiates the repair process in the nucleus and mitochondria • These liposomes are formed from pure egg phospholipids • Gy o s n trl o c r inaa id p is h ln , as a f wr gp n n tet E rp , A ia l l e auay c us rb o s ta a m ll ein l t aiv o uo e s ca l ia lo a a dAr ata is sdinm l u r io g a dlh s n in n f ic h t u e o c l b l y n ig t e s g e a o • Roxisomes are used at a 1% concentration
  • 30. Phytopresome Q 10 (CoQ10) • CoQ10 (ubiquinone) is a powerful antioxidant • Found in: Radical Night Repair • Photopresome Q 10 provides stable liposomes containing Coenzyme Q 10 • Provides superior skin barrier function • Supports collagen • Penetration of CoQ10 is enhanced in liposome delivery • Photopresome Q 10 is a lipid complex of phospholipids and sterols
  • 31. Ceremides (fatty acids) • Rebuilds the skin barrier and increases barrier efficacy in 2 weeks • Found in: Overnight Recovery Crème, Daily Power Defense • C eramides are a family of lipid molec ules that are c ompos ed of fatty ac ids • C rm e ae o n inh hc n e t tn wh te e ba e f es ea id s r f d ig o cnr io s itin h m m rn o cl u a l • Aging and environmental exposure diminishes the replenishment capacity of the skin • Provides the skin with a bioavailable, biostabilized form of linoleic acid • Protects overall skin integrity • Anti-inflammatory
  • 32. Matrixyl 3000 (collagen production) • Thes e peptides ac t in s ynergy to res tore c ollagen produc tion s timulating fibroblas t c ells enabling them to reduc e the appearanc e of wrinkles • F u din Daily Power Defens e, Intens e E ye Repair on : • Peptides are mes s engers of s kin res truc turation and repair. T e atae h n w yteis f h y civt te e snh s o te x aeu r ar poid ga tw k eicc. h et cll m t rv in ni- r l f ay r la ix in e f • A m se g r o c l , p pid s r cp b o rg lin cl civie. s esn e m l u s e t e ae a a l fe u tg e a tits e e e a l • M t y 3 0 c na s w p pid s P l H a dP l Q R( a ityOligopeptide a d ar l 0 0 o tin t o e t e, a G K n a G P P l ol ix ™ - - m n P lityTetrapeptide-7) ( aryc na s n o e e t e P lityP na Oig p pid ) a ol m . M t lo tin o l n p pid , a ol e t ( lo e t e ix y m • P lityT t p pid is bek ru hin rd n wic in ib s n rvr sre a icla a e a oler e t e a rat o g ge ie t h h h it a d ees f rd ad m g . m a h e e •
  • 33. Matrixyl 3000 • E c c m o e t f ary 3 0 h s enso nt h v d tc a ta in b n f a h o p n n o M t l 0 0 a b e h w o ae is t ni- g g e e s ix ™ in it • T ee e t e ue inc m in tnh v a yeg t a ta in eet h s p pid s sd o b aio ae sn ris ni- g g fc ic f • I eat nwhs eif rc pos civt cr ing n s te rcs o et cll m t rn wl n rcio it p cic ee tr a tae et e e in h po es f x aeu r ar e e a t a r la ix a dc l rl rtn wha e h s m c a is s eo e rges e wae n e po eaio , it g tee eh n m b c m po rsivl ekr l if y • O e n t f io t te te, P lityP na r a ityT t p pid n is o in r ro h oh r a ol e t o P l oler e t e e m m a • E c a dess ifrn ap cs fh sina in po es ue inc m in tnte b oth p wr a h d rse df e t s et o te k g g rcs, sd o b aio h y o s te o e e o ec o e fah n • M t y3 0 is sdina % c n e t tn ar l0 0 ue ix 3 o c nr io a
  • 34. MDI Complex (protects collagen) • Inhibits the MMP enzymes that degrade and destroy collagen (matrix metalloproteinase) • Found in: Intense Eye Repair, Overnight Hand Recovery • MDI Complex (Gyoa in g c n)inhibits 80% of MMP enzyme activity l sm o l a s c y • These enzymes (MMP) are activated with sun exposure, stress and environmental irritants • Activity of these enzymes affects the health of the extracellular matrix • Important to both preserve the matrix and maintain enzymatic equilibrium • MDI Complex neutralizes excessive MMP activity • Enzymatic equilibrium allows for greater skin elasticity and increased resistance to stress and environmental exposure
  • 35. ZO® Skin Health Product Line Cleanse | Activate | Stimulate | Calm + Nourish | Protect Eye | Hand | Body
  • 36. ZO® Five Step Approach STEP 1 CLEANSE To enhance the effects and benefits of the following steps STEP 2 ACTIVATE To increase the penetration of active ingredients, STEP 3 STIMULATE To improve uneven pigmentation, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, reduce collagen degradation and improve the elasticity of the skin STEP 4 CALM + NOURISH To soothe and calm skin after the surface has been exfoliated and potent concentrations have been applied STEP 5 PROTECT To protect skin against future sun damage
  • 37. ZO® Skin Health Programs LEVEL I: DAILY SKINCARE PROGRAM LITTLE OR NO apparent sign of chronological or photo aging Our Daily Skincare Program is an everyday skincare regimen to maintain healthy looking skin. These basic tools have retinol and specialized enzymes to encourage cellular activity, repair damaged cells and protect against future damage. LEVEL II: ANTI-AGING PROGRAM EARLY s ig ns of intrins ic ag ing – fine lines , uneven s kin tone, los s of firmnes s T is o eae a ges epo rm w hh h a vn e a t g gsin aeto , h l t rp ir n h m d rtl g rsiv rga , it ig l d a c d ni-a in k c r o l e s o e a a d y y s p pe e t a a e sin A tein rd ns s c a go t fcos rt o a ds e if rvn d m g d k . civ ge ie t, u h s rwh a tr, ein l n p c ic e zm s sis inim rv gtec ll rp iru cio a drsoin tea p aa c o ny e a s t po in h eu re a fn t n n e tr g h p e rn e f la y uhu h a h sin o tfl e l y k . , t LEVEL III: AGGRESSIVE ANTI-AGING PROGRAM DEFINITE signs of aging skin – wrinkles, brown patches, loose skin, large pores, obvious damage This aggressive program, using high concentrations of retinol, is for anyone with chronological and environmental skin damage and skin aging concerns. Using these tools can help correct and rejuvenate the skin, revealing radical improvement of wrinkles, fine lines, rough texture and sagging skin.
  • 38. 3 Level Kit Program …A SIMPLE SELLING STRATEGY LEVEL I: DAILY SKINCARE PROGRAM NO apparent s ig n of chronolog ical or photo ag ing CLEANSE: Exfoliating Cleanser ACTIVATE: Exfoliating Polish STIMULATE: Daily Power Defense PROTECT: Sunscreen Primer
  • 39. 3 Level Kit Program …A SIMPLE SELLING STRATEGY LEVEL II: ANTI-AGING PROGRAM EARLY s ig ns of intrins ic ag ing – fine lines , uneven tone, los s of firmnes s CLEANSE: Exfoliating Cleanser ACTIVATE: Exfoliating Polish STIMULATE: Daily Power Defense (AM) STIMULATE: Growth Factor Serum (PM) PROTECT: Sunscreen Primer
  • 40. 3 Level Kit Program …A SIMPLE SELLING STRATEGY LEVEL III: AGGRESSIVE ANTI-AGING PROGRAM DE FINITE s igns of aging s kin – wrinkles , brown patc hes , loos e s kin, large pores , obvious s un damage CLEANSE: Hydrating Cleanser ACTIVATE: Exfoliating Polish STIMULATE: Daily Power Defense (AM) STIMULATE: Radical Night Repair (PM) CALM + NOURISH: Daily Renewal Crème PROTECT: Sunscreen Primer
  • 41. Step 1: Cleanse Offects® Hydrating Cleanser • Dual-action cleanser thoroughly cleans while it replenishes moisture with hyaluronic acid. • Natural moisturizers Panthenol and Allantoin prevent over-drying, leaving skin fresh and clean. • Advanced lipopeptides boost and maintain skin’s natural production of collagen. • Cleanse every morning and evening. • pH 6.5 • Size: 150 mL / 5 Fl. Oz. $45.00 (USSRP)
  • 42. Step 1: Cleanse Offects® Exfoliating Cleanser • Encapsulated beads of Vitamin E neutralize free radicals and nourish skin cells. • Micro-beads exfoliate surface dull, dry skin cells. • Advanced lipopeptides boost and maintain skin’s natural production of collagen. • Cleanse every morning and evening. • pH 6.0 • Size: 150 mL / 5 Fl. Oz. $45.00 (USSRP)
  • 43. Step 2: Activate Offects® Exfoliating Polish • Combines therapeutic minerals of the Dead Sea with the benefits of microdermabrasion. • Magnesium crystals slough off dry skin, improve skin texture and help combat stress and fluid retention. • Four vitamins (A, C, C-Ester & E) deliver anti-oxidant protection • Natural exothermic reaction warms skin. • Apply 2-3 times per week. • Size: 65 g / 2 Oz. $75.00 (USSRP)
  • 44. Step 2: Activate Offects® TE-Pads Acne Pore Treatment • Controls skin breakouts. • Reduces oiliness. • Exfoliates pore-clogging dead skin cells. • Contains 2% salicylic acid • Botanical extracts calm and soothe. • Apply 2-3 times per week. • Size: 60 pads • pH 3.5 $45.00 (USSRP)
  • 45. Step 3: Stimulate Ossential® Radical Night Repair Plus Better than any other topical skincare: • Reduces lines and wrinkles • Decreases hyperpigmentation • Increases skin thickness and elasticity • Accelerates cellular turnover, helps stimulate collagen production Named a Beauty Breakthrough Ossential® Radical Night Repair Plus
  • 46. Why ZO®? ZO® uses a 1.0% concentration of retinol • For retinol to be topically effective, it must reach a concentration of at least 0.6% in the skin • Currently, the strongest available over-the-counter retinol products are at a concentration of 0.21% • The leading brand concentration is 0.15% This is why the ZO® Skin Health Program approach of “layering” retinol delivers the needed amount of retinol to the skin.
  • 47. Retinol Delivery System Time-Released Microspheres Traditional retinol products cause a sudden release and "downpour" of retinol—which can be irritating. That’s why manufacturers use a very low concentration of retinol. ZO® Skin Health’s Radical Night Repair Plus uses a unique delivery system–the retinol is encapsulated in a time-released microsponge. So unlike the "downpour", microspheres causes a slow, steady, continuous “drizzle”. Anhydrous (water-free) formula increases the potency of active ingredients. Antioxidants (Vitamins C & E, Co-Q10) Skinasensyl® a peptide that increases skin’s natural tolerance threshold. Users are much less likely to experience any discomfort, which is especially beneficial to over-reactive and sensitive skin.
  • 48. Step 3: Stimulate Ossential® Radical Night Repair Plus Dr. Obagi’s Recommended Regimen: Olluminate Intensive Eye Repair can be added both AM and PM PRODUCT AM PM Offects® Hydrating Cleanser X X Offects® Exfoliating Polish X Ossential® Daily Power Defense X Ommerse® Daily Renewal Creme X Oclipse® Sunscreen + Primer SPF 30 X Ossential® Radical Night X Repair Plus Named a Beauty Breakthrough Ossential® Radical Night Repair Plus
  • 49. Step 3: Stimulate Ossential® Radical Night Repair Plus Usage • Initially, Radical Night Repair Plus should be applied twice per week. After two weeks, increase to three times per week. After 6-8 weeks, apply nightly. • This product is best used in combination with other products that complement it, and do not compete with it or irritate it. Named a Beauty Breakthrough Ossential® Radical Night Repair Plus
  • 50. Step 3: Stimulate Ossential® Daily Power Defense • Advanced DNA repair complex features enzymes that initiate repair to increase cell survival, thereby reducing collagen degradation. • Contains Ultrasomes with UV-endonuclease • Contains Roxisomes with glycolase • Uses the powerful anti-oxidant, vitamin E and retinol liposomes (Vitaine), to help correct and prevent damage caused by age and UV rays. • Increases skin’s natural moisture barrier to help skin stay hydrated with Ceremide 6. • Botanical extracts help soothe and calm. • Lightweight serum leaves skin soft and smooth.
  • 51. Step 3: Stimulate Ossential® Daily Power Defense • Reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. • Increases epidermal thickness, firmness & elasticity. • Apply every morning. • pH 6.8 • Size: 30 mL / 1 Fl. Oz. $175.00 (USSRP)
  • 52. Step 3: Stimulate Ossential® Growth Factor Serum • Synthetic growth factors. • Advanced lipopeptides boost and support collagen to help firm and tone. • Nanoemulsion™ penetration technology improves delivery. • Proprietary lipopeptides are enhanced with anti-aging Vitamins A, B & C plus essential amino acids. These are the building blocks necessary to stimulate cell renewal and collagen production. • Retinol reduces pigmentation and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. • pH 6.5
  • 53. Step 3: Stimulate Ossential® Growth Factor Serum • Highly effective topical anti-aging therapy suitable for even the most sensitive skin types. • Lightweight gel formula glides on easily. • Apply every morning and evening. • pH 6.5 • Size: 30 mL / 1.0 oz $195.00 (USSRP)
  • 54. Step 3: Stimulate Ossential® Growth Factor Serum Clinicals (Kligman) • Wrinkle Visibility (Superficial Facial Lines): Statistically significant reduction after Week 1 (10%) and increased to 33% by Week 8. • Expert Grader Assessment of Improvement: High resolution digital photos revealed all twenty subjects demonstrated “moderately to very noticeable improvement”. • Skin Texture: Skin roughness, pore visibility, hyper pigmented spots and blotchy/redness were significantly reduced from Week 2 on and these reductions reached between 20 - 25% at Week 8.
  • 55. Step 3: Stimulate Ossential® Growth Factor Serum Clinicals (Kligman) • Skin Tautness and Elasticity: From Week 1 on, skin was significantly tauter and more elastic. At Week 8, skin was 28% tauter and 25% more elastic. • Self Assessment (Diaries): All twenty subjects felt their skin was smoother and softer. Eighty percent perceived a reduction in wrinkles and sixty percent found their skin less oily and noticed a reduction in age spots. No one reported any dryness or peeling.
  • 56. Step 4: Calm + Nourish Ommerse® Daily Renewal Crème • Hydrates with Hyaluronic Acid, Jojoba Esters and natural emollients like Coconut Oil. • Soothes with an advanced anti-irritant complex that contains Oat and Canadian Willowherb Extracts to reduce skin inflammation. •Contains Oxysomes and Vitaine (retinol) • Protects with Ectoin, a multi-functional agent that protects against photo-aging, the formation of sunburn cells and induces faster formation of heat-shock proteins under stress. •pH 6.8 • Size: 50 mL / 1.7 oz $95.00 (USSRP)
  • 57. Step 4: Calm + Nourish Ommerse® Overnight Recovery Crème • Hydrates the skin by creating a barrier that protects against trans-epidermal water loss with Ceramide 2, Soline, Squalane and Shea Butter to maintain optimum water levels. • Repairs DNA damage caused by aging and sun exposure by using encapsulated enzymes called Ultrasomes (endonuclease) to increase cell survival • Soothes, protects and reduces redness and inflammation with Canadian Willowherb and Evodia Fruit Extracts • Encourages skin to look and feel healthy and luminous with encapsulated Retinol (vitaine) •pH 5.5 • Size: 50 mL / 1.7 oz $95.00 (USSRP)
  • 58. Step 5: Protect Oclipse® Sunscreen + Primer SPF 30 • Broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection with titanium dioxide (10.2%) and zinc oxide (3.7%), plus unique and superior antioxidant protection. • Contains natural melanin • Melanins are natural, photo-protective compounds which are excellent anti- oxidants and free radical quenchers. • Increased melanin reduces incidence of skin cancer, photo-aging and photo- sensitive disorders. • Silicone-based formula primes the skin for cosmetics application. • Apply every morning. $65.00 (USSRP)
  • 59. Step 5: Protect Oclipse® Sunscreen + Primer SPF 30 The “smartest” sun-protection duo under the sun: •Daily Power Defense DNA Repair •Sunscreen Primer SPF 30
  • 60. Skin Cancer Prevention is Critical 500,000 new cases of skin cancer every year (US) 27,000 cases of malignant melanoma 80% of damage occurs before 18 years old
  • 61. Melanin • A natural skin pigment • Single most important factor in the photo protection of the skin • 10 times more powerful than Vitamin E
  • 62. Specialty: Eye Olluminate® Intense Eye Repair • Dual action formula instantly reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while providing long-lasting results. • Rich blend of time release retinol (Vitaine), advanced peptides and optical diffusers (mica and titanium dioxide) helps repair and diminish dark circles, fine lines and wrinkles. • Cooling formula reduces puffiness and the appearance of yellow skin tone. • Combination of Glycosaminoglycans, Vitamin E and Matrixyl 3000 protects against free radical damage and boosts skin’s natural collagen production. • Apply every morning and evening. • pH 6.2 • Size: 15 mL / .5 Fl. Oz. $130.00 (USSRP)
  • 63. Specialty: Hand Oraser® Microderm Hand Renewal • Sugar crystals exfoliate the skin, leaving it smooth, hydrated and super-soft. • Retinol, an active form of Vitamin A, helps restore a youthful appearance. • Shea butter moisturizes and leaves a light after-feel. Rinses easily. • Massage at least once a week. • Size: 30 g / 1.0 Oz. $50.00 (USSRP)
  • 64. Specialty: Hand Oraser® Daily Hand Repair SPF 20 • Retinol reduces age spots and the look of deeper lines and wrinkles. • Powerful vitamin E and anti-oxidants help neutralize damaging free radicals. • Skin whiteners help normalize skin tone and reduce the appearance of age spots. • Broad spectrum protection (avobenzone) against UVA (aging rays) and UVB (burning rays) • Apply every morning. • pH 6.0 • Size: 100 mL / 3.4 Fl. Oz. $65.00 (USSRP)
  • 65. Specialty: Hand Oraser® Overnight Hand Recovery • A complex of retinol, vitamins and Coenzyme Q10 protects against the damaging effects • of free radicals, thereby improving skin elasticity, firmness and tone. • Vitamin C brightens the skin and boosts collagen synthesis. • Natural emollients provide 8-hour barrier protection. • Apply every evening. • pH 6.0 • Size: 100 mL / 3.4 Fl. Oz. $65.00 (USSRP)
  • 66. Specialty: Body Oraser® Body Emulsion • Intense combination of Lactic Acid (11.5%), active Retinol and emollients lock in moisture and stimulate cell renewal. • Anti-oxidant rich complex softens rough patches and strengthens skin’s natural moisture barrier. • Lifts away the look of dark spots with natural extracts such as Glucosamine. Skin brighteners help normalize skin tone. • Apply morning and evening. • pH 3.7 • Size: 200 mL / 8.1 Fl. Oz. $80.00 (USSRP)
  • 67. Step 1: Cleanse Product Name Ingredients & Benefits Offects® Exfoliating Cleanser Gently remove impurities and repairs surface damage with: Vitamin E encapsulated beads: • Neutralize free radicals and exfoliate dead skin cells Salicylic Acid •targets excess oil Advanced Lipopeptide: • Boosts skin’s natural production of collagen Offects® Hydrating Cleanser Gently remove impurities and repairs surface damage with: Hyaluronic acid, Panthenol and Allantoin: • Lock in necessary moisture for a healthy complexion • Stimulate the growth of healthy tissue Advanced Lipopeptide: • Boosts skin’s natural production of collagen
  • 68. Step 2: Activate Product Name Ingredients & Benefits Offects® TE-Pads Enhance the penetration of active ingredients. Acne Pore Treatment Control oiliness, breakouts and removes dead cells with: 2% Salicylic Acid • Exfoliates pore-clogging skin cells • Reduces oiliness to help prevent breakouts Botanical Extracts • Calm and soothe skin Offects® Exfoliating Polish Enhances the penetration of active ingredients. Remove dead skin cells and sebum with: Round Magnesium Crystals • Slough off dry skin • Improve skin texture (smoothness) • Restores glow • At-home benefits of microdermabrasion activate and repair skin cells Four Vitamins (A, C, C-esters and E) • Provide a powerful anti-oxidant protection
  • 69. Step 3: Stimulate Product Name Ingredients & Benefits Ossential® Daily DNA repair and anti-oxidant protection with: Daily Power Defense Enzymes (Ultrasomes and Roxisomes) • Encourage the skin’s DNA repair mechanism to self-correct Powerful anti-oxidants (Vitamin A & E) • Speed recovery from past UV damage • Help prevent future photo damage Retinol and Matrixyl 3000 • Reduce appearance of fine lines and wrinkles • Even skin tone and improve hyper pigmentation • Increase dermal thickness and firmness Omega-6 Ceramide • Lock-in moisture • Reduce inflammation Ossential® Collagen booster helps firm and tone with: Growth Factor Serum Lipopeptides, Amino-Acids and Vitamins A, B & C Derivative • Boost collagen production • Increase dermal thickness and elasticity Epidermal Growth Factor • Stimulates cellular function • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles • Well tolerated by sensitive skin types Retinol • Reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles • Evens skin tone and improves hyper pigmentation • Increases dermal thickness and firmness
  • 70. Step 3: Stimulate Product Name Ingredients & Benefits Ossential® Radical Night Repair Plus Restore functionality, skin elasticity and improve uneven pigmentation with: Ultra-high concentration of Retinol: 1% • 10 times the industry average • Encapsulated time-release formula to increase penetration and reduce irritation • Reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles • Evens skin tone and improves hyper pigmentation • Increases dermal thickness and firmness Vitamin C: • Boosts skin brightness; improves skin tone and clarity • Provides anti-oxidant protection • Continuously stimulates cells for optimal collagen production and elasticity improvement Antioxidants (Vitamins C & E, Co-Q10) • Neutralizes free radicals to help reverse the signs of aging • A Crithmum Maritinum Marine Extract • Regulates sebum to help control acne and oiliness
  • 71. Step 4: Calm + Nourish Product Name Ingredients & Benefits Ommerse® Hydrate,calm and nourish skin with: Daily Renewal Crème Hyaluronic Acid, Jojoba Esters and natural Emollients • Nourish skin Advanced anti-irritant complex with Oat and Canadian Willowherb extracts • Soothes and reduces inflammation Retinol • Reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles • Evens skin tone and improves hyper pigmentation • Increases dermal thickness and firmness Advanced Oxysome liposome system • Delivers Vitamins C & E deeper beneath the surface • Boosts skin’s natural production of collagen • Evens skin tone Ectoin • Protects skin’s immune system • Protects against photo-aging and the formation of sunburn cells Ommerse® Deeply soothe, calm and nourish skin with: Overnight Recovery Ceramide 2, Soline, Squalane and Shea Butter Crème • Nourish skin • Protect against Trans Epidermal Water Loss Advanced anti-irritant complex with Oat and Canadian Willowherb extracts • Soothes and reduces inflammation Ultrasomes (enzymes) • Repairs DNA damage to increase cell survival Retinol • Reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles • Evens skin tone and improves hyper pigmentation • Increases dermal thickness and firmness
  • 72. Step 5: Protect, Specialty: Eye Product Name Ingredients & Benefits Oclipse® Sunscreen + Primer Protect, smooth and prime skin for even makeup application with: SPF 30 Natural Melanin, Titanium Dioxide (10.2%) and Zinc Oxide (3.7%) • Protect against UVA/UVB sun damage to reduce the visible signs of aging Lipopeptides • Stimulate collagen production Humectants and Emollients: • Hydrate and moisturize skin Olluminate® Intense Eye Repair, brighten and decrease puffiness with: Repair A blend of encapsulated Retinol, Advanced Peptides and Optical Diffusers • Instantly and continuously help to repair fine lines and wrinkles • Increase epidermal thickness, firmness, elasticity and hydration Mica and Titanium Dioxide • Brightens eye area, minimizes dark circles, reduces puffiness, and the appearance of yellow skin tone MDI Complex (Glycosaminoglycans) • Boost skin’s natural collagen production Vitamin E • Protects against free radical damage
  • 73. Specialty: Hand + Body Product Name Ingredients & Benefits Oraser® Body Emulsion Smooth, hydrate and even skin tone with: Lactic Acid (11.5%) and an anti-oxidant rich complex • Remove dead surface cells • Smooth rough, dry patches Glucosamine • Reduces the appearance of dark spots • Evens skin tone Retinol and Matrixyl 3000 • Boost cellular turnover • Reduce appearance of fine lines and wrinkles • Even skin tone and improves hyper pigmentation • Increase dermal thickness and firmness Emollients • Hydrate immediately • Deliver long lasting moisture Oraser® Microderm Hand Renewal Exfoliate, soften and condition hands with: Shea Butter, Mango Butter and Safflower Oil • Resurface and condition even ultra-dry skin Sugar Crystals and Salicylic Acid • Exfoliate dry skin, improve skin texture and leave hands smooth Retinol • Reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles • Evens skin tone and improves hyper pigmentation • Increases dermal thickness and firmness Natural emollients • Leave skin soft and moisturized with light after feel
  • 74. Specialty: Hand Product Name Ingredients & Benefits Oraser® Daily Hand Repair Protect against UVA/UVB sun damage (avobenzone 3%) and restore SPF 20 younger-looking hands with: Retinol and Matrixyl 3000 • Boost cellular turnover • Reduce appearance of fine lines and wrinkles • Even skin tone and improve hyper pigmentation • Increase dermal thickness and firmness Amino-Acid Complex (Panthenol, Shea Butter and Hyaluronic acid) • Moisturizes and leaves skin soft and smooth Anti-oxidants Vitamins C, E and Coenzyme-Q10 • Neutralize damaging free radicals Oraser® Overnight Hand Relieve dryness and fight signs of aging with: Recovery Encapsulated Retinol, Vitamins C, E and Coenzyme-10 • Improve skin elasticity, firmness and tone • Protect against the damaging effects of free radicals Vitamin C • Brightens skin • Boosts collagen production Natural Emollients (Avocado Oil, Shea Butter, Meadowfoam Seed Oil and Hyaluronic Filling Spheres) • Moisturize continuously overnight • Prevent Trans-Epidermal Water Loss (TEWL) Bisabolol • Soothes inflammation
  • 75. Unique & Compelling Brand Proposition Systems and Programs that produce results •System approach to correct, stimulate and saturate •Luxury and performance should not be mutually exclusive •Unique value proposition •Worldwide brand recognition and reputation •Higher concentrations, more actives, stabilized retinol •Results driven, serious skincare
  • 76. Linda Nelson Director of Education 858-794-9601 Office 619-438-3554 Mobile