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加拿大佛教會  湛山精舍  週日學佛班   吉祥經  Maha Mangala Sutra 2009/12/12 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple  Sunday Dharma Class
Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple ná mó fó tuó 南 無 佛 陀 Namo Buddha ná mó dá mó  南 無 達 摩 Namo Dharma ná mó sēng qié 南 無 僧 伽  Namo Sangha
加拿大佛教會  湛山精舍  週日學佛班   吉祥經  Maha Mangala Sutra 2009/12/12 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple  Sunday Dharma Class
Reasons   緣起   Short How to Have Blessings  如意吉祥 Five vehicles  五乘佛法 Modern Global – Traditional Chinese Society Praying to the Six Directions  禮拜六方
5, 3, 1 Vehicles 人 Human Beings 天 Devas 聲聞 聲聞  Sravakas 緣覺 緣覺  Pratyebuddhas  菩薩 菩薩  Bodhisattvas 佛  Buddha 一乘 三乘 五乘
禮拜六方   Praying to the Six Direction 沙門  Shifus 上方  Zenith 奴僕  Staff 下方  Nadir 朋友  Friends 北方  North 妻兒  Spouse/Children 西方  West 師長  Teachers/Seniors 南方  South 父母  Parents 東方  East
東方:父子關係 (一)防止他為惡 (二)令安住善行 (三)令學習技藝 (四)為迎娶合適之妻 (五)適時付託家產 (一)要奉養他們 (二)要為他們作應作之務 (三)要延續家系 (四)要承續家產 (五)父母死後,要供養他們的亡靈 愛護其子 奉事父母
南方:師徒關係 (一)善於教導調伏 (二)令完全了解所學 (三)講解所有所知的技能 (四)在其朋友同儕之間,稱讚他們 (五)在諸方保護他們的安全 (一)起立行禮 (二)服侍照料 (三)聽話順從 (四)樂服勞務 (五)恭敬習藝 愛護弟子 奉事師長
西方:夫妻關係 (一)善於料理家務 (二)攝受統理婢僕 (三)不違犯貞潔 (四)守護家中財物 (五)對於一切事務勤勞精巧 (一)尊敬她 (二)不輕視她 (三)不違犯忠誠 (四)授予主權 (五)贈與飾品愛護 愛護丈夫 奉事妻子
北方:朋友 關係 (一)放逸時保護他 (二)放逸時保護他的財物 (三)恐懼時作為依靠 (四)患難時不捨棄 (五)關心他的後代兒女 (一)給予布施 (二)說親愛語 (三)行利他行 (四)待之如己 (五)信守承諾 愛護善友 奉事朋友
下方:主僕 關係 (一)比主人早起 (二)比主人晚睡 (三)只取所給之物 (四)善做工作事務 (五)稱讚主人名譽 (一)依力量安排工作 (二)提供食物薪資 (三)生病時照料他 (四)分享珍稀美味 (五)適時給予休息 愛護主人 奉事僕人
上方:聖俗 關係 (一)防止他為惡 (二)令安住善行 (三)以善心悲愍 (四)未聞者令聞,已聞者令清淨 (五)為說生天之道 (一)慈愛的身行 (二)慈愛的語行 (三)慈愛的意行 (四)不閉門戶 (五)供養食物資具 愛護善人 奉事沙門
Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple ná mó fó tuó 南 無 佛 陀 Namo Buddha ná mó dá mó  南 無 達 摩 Namo Dharma ná mó sēng qié 南 無 僧 伽  Namo Sangha
加拿大佛教會  湛山精舍  週日學佛班   吉祥經  Maha Mangala Sutra Discourse on Great Blessings 2010/01/02 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple  Sunday Dharma Class
Summary  撮要   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
7 Sutra Titles  七種佛經名字   一、以人為名。《佛說阿彌陀經》 二、以法為名。《涅槃經》 三、以喻為名。《梵網經》 四、以人法為名。《佛說仁王般若經》 五、以法喻為名。《般若波羅蜜多心經》 六、以人喻為名。《菩薩瓔珞經》 七、以人法喻為名。《大方廣佛華嚴經》
5 Teaching Periods  五時 教   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
吉祥經  Maha Mangala Sutra  - Title  經題   通題  General Title: 經  Sutra 別題  Specific title: 吉祥  Maha Mangala Sutra – Sutta 契經為契機契理 , Tread 縱線,有系統的文章,絕無雜亂,貫攝不令散失的作用 ,  如線之貫華。  Attract 攝持所化之眾生,百讀不厭,如磁鐵吸針。  Permanent 常,古今不易,遠近同遵,超越時間與空間,即今之究竟真理德行。久住世間。 Law 法為永久依循,恆常法則。  Path/Way 猶如徑也,可循之導向不生不滅的涅槃聖境。 Mirror 猶如鏡也,觀照心行的善惡邪正。引申為 Generate 出生諸法、 Spring 湧泉出法無竭。(線、徑、鏡、出生、湧泉)合為經的五義。 (貫、攝、常、法)合為四字。
Title  經題   吉祥經  Maha Mangala Sutra ‘ maha’ – Great ‘ man’ – Bad ‘ gala’ – Cut off Blessings – Auspicious, Sign, Omen, Luck, Fortune
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Pali canon  -  The Tipitaka ( T i, "three," + pitaka, "baskets")
Khuddaka Nikaya — the "collection of little texts " ***:  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Khuddaka Nikaya — the "collection of little texts " ***:  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Thera yana  南傳三藏
Translations – Editor’s Note The Chinese version is based on  五合經  方廣文化事業  2009. The English version is based on  (Buddhist Publication Society Wheel Publication No. 254/256) by R.L. Soni 1987.  Both Chinese and English were translated from Pali. Proper nouns follow committee's standard. This work has been reviewed by a group of lay devotees in Cham Shan Temple. Any error or inaccuracy remains of my own. Comments are welcome at
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Questions and Comments  討論
加拿大佛教會  湛山精舍  週日學佛班   吉祥經  Maha Mangala Sutra Discourse on Great Blessings 2010/01/09 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple  Sunday Dharma Class
Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple ná mó fó tuó 南 無 佛 陀 Namo Buddha ná mó dá mó  南 無 達 摩 Namo Dharma ná mó sēng qié 南 無 僧 伽  Namo Sangha
Thus have I heard:  –  如是我聞 如是者,指經中所說之佛語,我聞者阿難自言也,佛經為佛入滅後多聞第一之阿難所編集,故諸經之開卷,皆置此四字。 如是者,信順之辭也。以信則言如是,不信則言不如是故也。佛法以信為第一,故諸經之首舉阿難之能信而雲如是。又外道之經典,開卷有阿(無之義)、斛(有之義)二字為吉祥之表,是諍論之本也,故佛教為避諍論列如是等之六成就。 如是二字為信成就,我聞二字為聞成就。凡諸經之首有通別二序,通序稱為證信序,中列六事。
Thus have I heard:  –  六成就 三時成就時即一時也。言一時者。法王啟運嘉會之時也。謂眾生有緣。能感佛即現身垂應。感應道交。不失其時。故名時成就。 四主成就主即佛也。佛。梵語具雲佛陀。華言覺。即自覺覺他。覺行圓滿也。謂佛為世間出世間說法化導之主。故名主成就。 五處成就處即佛說法之處也。謂在舍衛國等。即是其處。故名處成就。梵語舍衛。華言聞物。以其名聞勝於諸國。又實物多出此故。 六眾成就眾即菩薩二乘天仙等諸大眾也。謂佛說法。必有菩薩等大眾。雲集同聽。故名眾成就。
Last Words  –  佛陀的最後開示 一,以戒為師;  二,以四念處(觀身不淨,觀受是苦,若心無常,觀法無我)安住;  三,惡比丘默擯不理;  四,一切經典,應在經首加『如是我聞』,令人證信。
T he vicinity of Sravasti, in the Jeta Grove, in Anathapindada's monaster y Jetavana  祇园精舍  was one of the most famous Buddhist monasteries in India. It was the second monastery donated to Buddha, after the Venuvana  竹林精舍  in Rajagaha  比王舍城 . Jetavana is located just outside the old city of Sravasti  舍卫城 . Jetavana was the place where Buddha gave many teachings and discourses, more than in any other place. Buddha spent 19 (out of 45) rainy-seasons at Jetavana, more than in any other monastery.
Donation of Jetavana When the Buddha accepted Anāthapindika's  给孤独长者 invitation to visit Sravasti, the latter, seeking a suitable place for the Buddha's residence, discovered this park belong to Jetakumāra  波斯匿太子祇陀 . When he asked to be allowed to buy it, Jeta's reply was: “Could you cover the whole place with money?" Anāthapindika said that he would buy it at that price, and Jeta answered that he had had no intention of selling. The matter was taken before the Lords of Justice, who decided that if the price mentioned were paid, Anāthapindika had the right of purchase.
Donation of Jetavana Anāthapindika had gold brought down in carts and covered Jetavana with pieces laid side by side. The money brought in the first journey was found insufficient to cover one small spot near the gateway. So Anāthapindika sent his servants back for more, but Jeta, inspired by Anāthapindika's earnestness, asked to be allowed to give this spot. Anāthapindika agreed and Jeta erected there a gateway, with a room over it. Jeta also gave many valuable trees for timber. Anāthapindika built in the grounds dwelling rooms, retiring rooms, store rooms and service halls, halls with fireplaces, closets, cloisters, halls for exercise, wells, bathrooms, ponds, open and roofed sheds, etc.
Donation of Jetavana The ceremony of dedication was one of great splendor. Not only Anāthapindika himself, but his whole family and business associates took part. The vihāra is almost always referred to as Jetavane Anāthapindikassa ārāma (Pali, meaning: in Jeta Grove, Anathapindika's Monastery)  祇树给孤独园 . This was suggested by the Buddha so that both donors, very generous in the cause of the Religion, might be recorded and that people might be reminded of two men and to follow their example.
Anathapindada   给孤独长者 Anathapindika ("feeder of the destitutes - orphans or helpless") (Sanskrit: Anathapindada) was the chief lay disciple of Gautama Buddha. His given name was Sudatta. He was extremely wealthy and a patron of the Buddha. He gave Jeta Park to the Buddha having purchased it from Prince Jeta. He honored the Buddha with laying out 1.8 million gold pieces in the grove. Anathapindika upon death entered Tusita heaven, or the heaven of the Bodhisattvas. Anathapindika was known as the "foremost disciple in generosity" as well as character.
Anathapindada   给孤独长者 A banker of Sravasti who became famous because of his unparalleled generosity to the Buddha. His first meeting with the Buddha was during the first year after the Enlightenment, in Rājagaha, whither Anāthapindika had come on business. His wife was the sister of the banker of Rājagaha, and when he arrived he found the banker preparing a meal for the Buddha and his monks on so splendid a scale that he thought that a wedding was in progress or that the king had been invited. On learning the truth he became eager to visit the Buddha, and did so very early the next morning. He was so excited by the thought of the visit that he got up three times during the night.
Anathapindada   给孤独长者 He met the Buddha who was walking up and down, meditating in the cool air of the early dawn. The Buddha greeted him and talked to him on various aspects of his teaching. Anāthapindika was immediately converted and became attained the first stage of enlightenment. He invited the Buddha to spend the rainy season at Sravasti, and the Buddha accepted. Jetavana was then built…. After Anathapindika died, he was reborn in the Tusita Heaven. Yet he was so genuinely devoted to the Buddha and the Sangha that he appeared in the Jeta Grove as a deva, filling the whole area with heavenly light. He went to the Buddha and, after paying homage to him, spoke the following verses:
Anathapindada   给孤独长者 "O blessed is this Jeta Grove, frequented by the holy Order, Where the Dhamma King resides, the fount of all my happiness. By deeds, by knowledge, by righteousness, By virtue, by the sublimest life, By these are mortals purified, and not by lineage nor by wealth. A wise man, therefore, seeing his own good, Wisely will he choose the Dhamma, that he may thus be purified. Like Sariputta in his wisdom, in his virtue, and in highest peace, At best a bhikkhu who has gone across, can only equal him."
Gandhakuti (Buddha’s Hut) in Jetavana, Sravasti,  Uttar Pradesh,  India
Gandhakuti (Buddha’s Hut) in Jetavana, Sravasti,  Uttar Pradesh,  India
Anandabodhi tree in Jetavana Monastery, Sravasti, Uttar Pradesh, India. This is one of the 3 most holy Bodhitrees in Buddhism.
Buddhist monks meditating under the Anandabodhi tree in Jetavana
Scene in Jetavana with smaller stupas, with more large structures in the background.
Scene in Jetavana.
A certain deity, whose surpassing brilliance and beauty illuminated the entire Jeta Grove, late one night come to the presence of the Blessed One;  having come to him and offered profound salutations he stood on one side and spoke to him in the following verse:
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
二十八天  28 Levels of Heaven 欲界的六欲天 色界的四禪十八天 無色界的四無色天
天人五衰 一 ,  衣服垢秽 二 ,  头上花萎 三 ,  腋下汗流 四 ,  身体臭秽 五 ,  不乐本座
眾 天 神 與 人 渴 望 得 利 益 Many deities and human beings Have pondered what are blessings,"   思 慮 求 幸 福 請 求 最 吉 祥 Which they hope will bring them safety: Declare to them, Sir, the Highest Blessing.
科判  Sutra Structure ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
歸依三寶  Take the Three Refuges ,[object Object],[object Object]
過堂  -  食存五觀 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Questions and Comments  討論
加拿大佛教會  湛山精舍  週日學佛班   吉祥經  Maha Mangala Sutra Discourse on Great Blessings 2010/01/16 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple  Sunday Dharma Class
Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple ná mó fó tuó 南 無 佛 陀 Namo Buddha ná mó dá mó  南 無 達 摩 Namo Dharma ná mó sēng qié 南 無 僧 伽  Namo Sangha
注意足下 Mind Your Feet
眾 天 神 與 人 渴 望 得 利 益 Many deities and human beings Have pondered what are blessings,"   思 慮 求 幸 福 請 求 最 吉 祥 Which they hope will bring them safety: Declare to them, Sir, the Highest Blessing.
六道十界 –  The 10 Realms 四聖  Four holy or  joyous realms Ten realms manifest in one mind. One realm dominant, others recede. 五逆:殺父、殺母、殺阿羅漢、出佛身血、破和合僧  地獄  Hell dwellers 餓鬼  Hungry ghosts 畜生  Animals 阿修羅  Asuras 人  Human beings 天  Devas 聲聞  Sravakas 緣覺  Pratyebuddhas 菩薩  Bodhisattvas 佛  Buddha Realm Greediness 貪 Ignorance 痴 Anger 瞋 5 precepts 五戒 10 good deeds 十善 4 noble truths 四聖諦 12 links of of causation 十二因緣 6 paramitas 六度 六凡  Six mundane or  suffering realms 自覺、覺他、覺行圓滿 Practice Mind
勿 近 愚 痴 人 應 與 智 者 交 With fools no company keeping. With the wise ever consorting,   尊 敬 有 德 者 是 為 最 吉 祥 To the worthy homage paying: This, the Highest Blessing.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
居 住 適 宜 處 往 昔 有 德 行 Congenial place to dwell, In the past merits making,   置 身 于 正 道 是 為 最 吉 祥 One's self directed well: This, the Highest Blessing.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
多 聞 工 藝 精 嚴 持 諸 禁 戒 Ample learning, in crafts ability, With a well-trained disciplining, 言 談 悅 人 心 是 為 最 吉 祥 Well-spoken words, civility: This, the Highest Blessing.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
奉 養 父 母 親 愛 護 妻 與 子 Mother, father well supporting, Wife and children duly cherishing, 從 業 要 無 害 是 為 最 吉 祥 Types of work unconflicting: This, the Highest Blessing.
東方:父子關係 (一)防止他為惡 (二)令安住善行 (三)令學習技藝 (四)為迎娶合適之妻 (五)適時付託家產 (一)要奉養他們 (二)要為他們作應作之務 (三)要延續家系 (四)要承續家產 (五)父母死後,要供養他們的亡靈 愛護其子 奉事父母
西方:夫妻關係 (一)善於料理家務 (二)攝受統理婢僕 (三)不違犯貞潔 (四)守護家中財物 (五)對於一切事務勤勞精巧 (一)尊敬她 (二)不輕視她 (三)不違犯忠誠 (四)授予主權 (五)贈與飾品愛護 愛護丈夫 奉事妻子
貝爾不等式 Bell’s inequality
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Questions and Comments  討論
加拿大佛教會  湛山精舍  週日學佛班   吉祥經  Maha Mangala Sutra Discourse on Great Blessings 2010/01/23 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple  Sunday Dharma Class
Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple ná mó fó tuó 南 無 佛 陀 Namo Buddha ná mó dá mó  南 無 達 摩 Namo Dharma ná mó sēng qié 南 無 僧 伽  Namo Sangha
布 施 好 品 德 幫 助 眾 親 眷 Acts of giving, righteous living, Relatives and kin supporting,   行 為 無 瑕 疵 是 為 最 吉 祥 Actions blameless then pursuing: This, the Highest Blessing.
十善  Ten Good Deeds 身業  :  不殺生、不偷盜、不邪淫 口業  :  不妄語、不兩舌、不綺語、不惡口 意業   :  不貪欲、不瞋恚、不痴見 Contemplate causes and conditions / Wisdom ignorance / perverted views Contemplate compassion / Meditation anger / hatred Contemplate the pure body / Precept Mind: Thought greed Clean & gentle language coarse & profane language / vulgarity Useful & wholesome speech useless & indecent speech / frivolous Straight speech double talk / slandering Truthful speech Mouth: Speech lying Respect vow & uphold precepts sexual misconduct Give generously taking what is not given freely Be compassionate, liberate life Body: Action taking life Positive actions aimed to enhance virtue. Action by: Negative actions to prevent evil from arising. Abstain from:
邪 行 須 禁 止 克 己 不 飲 酒 Avoiding evil and abstaining, From besotting drinks refraining,   美 德 堅 不 移 是 為 最 吉 祥 Diligence in Dhamma doing: This, the Highest Blessing.
Alcohol consumption per capita
恭 敬 與 謙 讓 知 足 并 感 恩 Right reverence and humility, contentment and a grateful bearing,   及 時 聞 教 法 是 為 最 吉 祥 Hearing Dhamma when it's timely: This, the Highest Blessing.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
忍 耐 與 順 從 得 見 眾 沙 門 Patience, meekness when corrected, Seeing monks and then discussing   適 時 論 信 仰 是 為 最 吉 祥 About the Dhamma when it's timely: This, the Highest Blessing.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
自 制 淨 生 活 領 悟 八 正 道 Self-restraint and holy life, All the Noble Truths in-seeing,   實 證 涅 槃 法 是 為 最 吉 祥 Realization of Nibbaana: This, the Highest Blessing.
Four Noble Truth  四諦 道 Eightfold Path to end suffering 苦  Suffering 集  Cause of suffering 滅  Cessation of the cause of suffering 果 Effect 因 Cause 世間  Mundane 出世間  Supramundane
六道十界 –  The 10 Realms 四聖  Four holy or  joyous realms Ten realms manifest in one mind. One realm dominant, others recede. 五逆:殺父、殺母、殺阿羅漢、出佛身血、破和合僧  地獄  Hell dwellers 餓鬼  Hungry ghosts 畜生  Animals 阿修羅  Asuras 人  Human beings 天  Devas 聲聞  Sravakas 緣覺  Pratyebuddhas 菩薩  Bodhisattvas 佛  Buddha Realm Greediness 貪 Ignorance 痴 Anger 瞋 5 precepts 五戒 10 good deeds 十善 4 noble truths 四聖諦 12 links of of causation 十二因緣 6 paramitas 六度 六凡  Six mundane or  suffering realms 自覺、覺他、覺行圓滿 Practice Mind
歸依三寶  Take the Three Refuges ,[object Object],[object Object]
八 風 不 動 心 無 憂 無 污 染 Though touched by worldly circumstances, Never his mind is wavering,   寧 靜 無 煩 惱 是 為 最 吉 祥 Sorrowless, stainless and secure: This, the Highest Blessing.
八風  :   稱、譏、 毁、誉、  苦、樂、利、衰 《讚佛偈》宋  -  蘇東坡 稽首天中天  毫光照大千 八風吹不動  端坐紫金蓮 镇江金山寺  -  佛印禪師
八风吹不动 Unmoved By the 8 Winds Music: Imee Ooi’s Tisarana
著名诗人苏东坡十分喜欢参禅悟道,他与一个叫做佛印的禅师是非常要好的朋友。 Su Dongpo was a famous  poet who practiced Ch á n. He had a good friend Foyin, a  Ch á n Master .  Angkor Wat
有一天,苏东坡写了一首诗 , 想显示一下自己的禅修功夫和境界。  One day, Su Dongpo, wrote a poem to show that he was quite advanced in his  Chán  practice. Borobudur
稽首天中天,毫光遍大千。 八风吹不动,端坐紫金莲。 Bowing with my highest respect, to the deva of devas,  Whose fine light illuminates the whole universe  . The eight winds cannot move me,  For I am sitting upright on the golden purple lotus blossom. (The deva of devas here figuratively refers to the Buddha)  Wat Phra Kaew
The Eight Winds are the eight worldly conditions:-  Gain and loss, fame and defame;  Praise and blame, pleasure and pain.  The golden purple lotus blossom is a symbol of purity and a throne of spiritual attainment. 所谓八风,是指 :-  得 , 失 , 谤 , 扬 , 赞 , 嘲 , 忧 , 喜 . 八种世俗常情的力量。  ( 紫金莲 : 是指修行到很高的境界 ) Pha That Luang Temple
After writing the poem, Su Dongpo, wishing to get his friend’s endorsement,  写完诗之后,苏东坡想显示一下自己的禅修功夫和境界 ,  Gawdawpalin Temple
就派随从送给住在江对岸的佛印禅师看 。 Asked his attendant to send it to  Chán  Master Foyin who stayed across the river.  Naksan Temple
After reading the poem ,  The  Chán  Master Foyin  wrote on it one word as his comment.   佛印看后, 提笔在 诗上批了两个字  Kumbum Stupa
(In Chinese, fart also means utter nonsense) 放屁! Fart!
When the attendant came back ,expecting words of praise from the  Chán  Master, Su Dongpo quickly read the comment written on the poem.  当见到随从回来,苏东坡本以为自己的诗会受到佛印的赞赏,心急地看看佛印在诗上写的评语。  Golden Temple
However, nothing was written except the word : "Fart!"   没料到,评语竟然只是两个字:“放屁”  Kek Lok Si
Felt insulted, Su Dongpo was ablaze with fire of anger.   觉得受了侮辱,苏东坡大发脾气。 White Temple
Immediately, he boarded a boat and crossed the  r iver to argue with Chán Master Foyin. 苏东坡立即乘舟过江来与佛印理论。  Shwedagon Pagoda
Before the boat even pulled onto the shore,  Chán  Master Foyin was already standing there waiting for Su Dongpo.   万没想到,船还没靠岸,这位和尚早已在江边等候了。  Potala Palace
Upon seeing Foyin, Su Dongpo said: “ H ow can you insult me like this?" 苏东坡就问佛印 :  “ 这是什么意思 ?” Leshan Buddha statue
Laughing loudly, the Chan Master said:  " The Eight winds cannot move you? How come you are sent across the river with just a fart?"  It should had been: “The eight winds cannot move you, one fart sent you over.” 佛印大笑着说: 八风吹不动, 怎么一屁就把你吹过来呢 ? 应该改成: 八风吹不动,一屁过江东。  Hanging Temple
Hearing what Foyin said,  Su Dongpo was at once awakened. 苏东坡闻此言,方恍然大悟。 Kinkaku-ji
苏东坡应是受到了深深的触动 . It was likely that Su Dongpo had some realization after this. Bupaya Pagoda
因为他一生宦海浮沉、仕途坎坷,却始终做到心静如水、豁达乐观、遇事不惊。  As along his bumpy career as a government officer, he  maintained his composure, optimism, and calmness when facing challenges. Mahabodhi Temple
科判  Sutra Structure ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
依 此 行 持 者 無 往 而 不 勝 Since by acting in this way, They are everywhere unvanquished,   一 切 處 得 福 是 為 最 吉 祥 And everywhere they go in safety: Theirs, the Highest Blessings.
《吉祥經 》 Maha Mangala Sutra Discourse on Great Blessings 《善生經》 Sujata Sutra
三學  -  3 Prefect Practice Discipline –  Shila : Greed Meditation – Dhyana : Anger Wisdom  -  Prajna : Ignorance ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Ten Schools in China  Pure Land 淨 Viyana 律 Avatamsaka 華嚴 Dharmalaksana 法相 Kosa 俱舍 有相 Existence/Form 空性 Void/Nature 修 修 教 教 Chán 禪 Tiantai 天台 Vajra 密 Satyasiddhi 成實 3 Sastras 三論
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Questions and Comments  討論
加拿大佛教會  湛山精舍  週日學佛班   律儀  Discipline  Ethaeq 2010/01/30 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple  Sunday Dharma Class
Two Buddhist Theories 真空 True Voidness 妙有 Wonderful Existence 3 Sastras 三論 Nagarjuna 龍樹 Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra  大智度論  Mūlamadhyamakakārikā 中 觀論   Dharmalaksana 法相 Vasubandhu  天親 Vijñāptimātratāsiddhi  成唯識論 Triṃśikā-vijñaptimātratā 唯識三十論 空性 Intrinsic Voidness 緣起 Dependent Arising 有相 Existence/Form 空性 Void/Nature

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20091212 Mangala Sutra

  • 1. 加拿大佛教會 湛山精舍  週日學佛班 吉祥經 Maha Mangala Sutra 2009/12/12 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple Sunday Dharma Class
  • 2. Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple ná mó fó tuó 南 無 佛 陀 Namo Buddha ná mó dá mó 南 無 達 摩 Namo Dharma ná mó sēng qié 南 無 僧 伽 Namo Sangha
  • 3. 加拿大佛教會 湛山精舍  週日學佛班 吉祥經 Maha Mangala Sutra 2009/12/12 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple Sunday Dharma Class
  • 4. Reasons 緣起 Short How to Have Blessings 如意吉祥 Five vehicles 五乘佛法 Modern Global – Traditional Chinese Society Praying to the Six Directions 禮拜六方
  • 5. 5, 3, 1 Vehicles 人 Human Beings 天 Devas 聲聞 聲聞 Sravakas 緣覺 緣覺 Pratyebuddhas 菩薩 菩薩 Bodhisattvas 佛 Buddha 一乘 三乘 五乘
  • 6. 禮拜六方 Praying to the Six Direction 沙門 Shifus 上方 Zenith 奴僕 Staff 下方 Nadir 朋友 Friends 北方 North 妻兒 Spouse/Children 西方 West 師長 Teachers/Seniors 南方 South 父母 Parents 東方 East
  • 7. 東方:父子關係 (一)防止他為惡 (二)令安住善行 (三)令學習技藝 (四)為迎娶合適之妻 (五)適時付託家產 (一)要奉養他們 (二)要為他們作應作之務 (三)要延續家系 (四)要承續家產 (五)父母死後,要供養他們的亡靈 愛護其子 奉事父母
  • 8. 南方:師徒關係 (一)善於教導調伏 (二)令完全了解所學 (三)講解所有所知的技能 (四)在其朋友同儕之間,稱讚他們 (五)在諸方保護他們的安全 (一)起立行禮 (二)服侍照料 (三)聽話順從 (四)樂服勞務 (五)恭敬習藝 愛護弟子 奉事師長
  • 9. 西方:夫妻關係 (一)善於料理家務 (二)攝受統理婢僕 (三)不違犯貞潔 (四)守護家中財物 (五)對於一切事務勤勞精巧 (一)尊敬她 (二)不輕視她 (三)不違犯忠誠 (四)授予主權 (五)贈與飾品愛護 愛護丈夫 奉事妻子
  • 10. 北方:朋友 關係 (一)放逸時保護他 (二)放逸時保護他的財物 (三)恐懼時作為依靠 (四)患難時不捨棄 (五)關心他的後代兒女 (一)給予布施 (二)說親愛語 (三)行利他行 (四)待之如己 (五)信守承諾 愛護善友 奉事朋友
  • 11. 下方:主僕 關係 (一)比主人早起 (二)比主人晚睡 (三)只取所給之物 (四)善做工作事務 (五)稱讚主人名譽 (一)依力量安排工作 (二)提供食物薪資 (三)生病時照料他 (四)分享珍稀美味 (五)適時給予休息 愛護主人 奉事僕人
  • 12. 上方:聖俗 關係 (一)防止他為惡 (二)令安住善行 (三)以善心悲愍 (四)未聞者令聞,已聞者令清淨 (五)為說生天之道 (一)慈愛的身行 (二)慈愛的語行 (三)慈愛的意行 (四)不閉門戶 (五)供養食物資具 愛護善人 奉事沙門
  • 13. Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple ná mó fó tuó 南 無 佛 陀 Namo Buddha ná mó dá mó 南 無 達 摩 Namo Dharma ná mó sēng qié 南 無 僧 伽 Namo Sangha
  • 14. 加拿大佛教會 湛山精舍  週日學佛班 吉祥經 Maha Mangala Sutra Discourse on Great Blessings 2010/01/02 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple Sunday Dharma Class
  • 15.
  • 16. 7 Sutra Titles 七種佛經名字 一、以人為名。《佛說阿彌陀經》 二、以法為名。《涅槃經》 三、以喻為名。《梵網經》 四、以人法為名。《佛說仁王般若經》 五、以法喻為名。《般若波羅蜜多心經》 六、以人喻為名。《菩薩瓔珞經》 七、以人法喻為名。《大方廣佛華嚴經》
  • 17.
  • 18. 吉祥經 Maha Mangala Sutra - Title 經題 通題 General Title: 經 Sutra 別題 Specific title: 吉祥 Maha Mangala Sutra – Sutta 契經為契機契理 , Tread 縱線,有系統的文章,絕無雜亂,貫攝不令散失的作用 , 如線之貫華。 Attract 攝持所化之眾生,百讀不厭,如磁鐵吸針。 Permanent 常,古今不易,遠近同遵,超越時間與空間,即今之究竟真理德行。久住世間。 Law 法為永久依循,恆常法則。 Path/Way 猶如徑也,可循之導向不生不滅的涅槃聖境。 Mirror 猶如鏡也,觀照心行的善惡邪正。引申為 Generate 出生諸法、 Spring 湧泉出法無竭。(線、徑、鏡、出生、湧泉)合為經的五義。 (貫、攝、常、法)合為四字。
  • 19. Title 經題 吉祥經 Maha Mangala Sutra ‘ maha’ – Great ‘ man’ – Bad ‘ gala’ – Cut off Blessings – Auspicious, Sign, Omen, Luck, Fortune
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23. Thera yana 南傳三藏
  • 24. Translations – Editor’s Note The Chinese version is based on 五合經 方廣文化事業 2009. The English version is based on (Buddhist Publication Society Wheel Publication No. 254/256) by R.L. Soni 1987. Both Chinese and English were translated from Pali. Proper nouns follow committee's standard. This work has been reviewed by a group of lay devotees in Cham Shan Temple. Any error or inaccuracy remains of my own. Comments are welcome at
  • 25.
  • 26.  
  • 27. 加拿大佛教會 湛山精舍  週日學佛班 吉祥經 Maha Mangala Sutra Discourse on Great Blessings 2010/01/09 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple Sunday Dharma Class
  • 28. Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple ná mó fó tuó 南 無 佛 陀 Namo Buddha ná mó dá mó 南 無 達 摩 Namo Dharma ná mó sēng qié 南 無 僧 伽 Namo Sangha
  • 29. Thus have I heard: – 如是我聞 如是者,指經中所說之佛語,我聞者阿難自言也,佛經為佛入滅後多聞第一之阿難所編集,故諸經之開卷,皆置此四字。 如是者,信順之辭也。以信則言如是,不信則言不如是故也。佛法以信為第一,故諸經之首舉阿難之能信而雲如是。又外道之經典,開卷有阿(無之義)、斛(有之義)二字為吉祥之表,是諍論之本也,故佛教為避諍論列如是等之六成就。 如是二字為信成就,我聞二字為聞成就。凡諸經之首有通別二序,通序稱為證信序,中列六事。
  • 30. Thus have I heard: – 六成就 三時成就時即一時也。言一時者。法王啟運嘉會之時也。謂眾生有緣。能感佛即現身垂應。感應道交。不失其時。故名時成就。 四主成就主即佛也。佛。梵語具雲佛陀。華言覺。即自覺覺他。覺行圓滿也。謂佛為世間出世間說法化導之主。故名主成就。 五處成就處即佛說法之處也。謂在舍衛國等。即是其處。故名處成就。梵語舍衛。華言聞物。以其名聞勝於諸國。又實物多出此故。 六眾成就眾即菩薩二乘天仙等諸大眾也。謂佛說法。必有菩薩等大眾。雲集同聽。故名眾成就。
  • 31. Last Words – 佛陀的最後開示 一,以戒為師; 二,以四念處(觀身不淨,觀受是苦,若心無常,觀法無我)安住; 三,惡比丘默擯不理; 四,一切經典,應在經首加『如是我聞』,令人證信。
  • 32. T he vicinity of Sravasti, in the Jeta Grove, in Anathapindada's monaster y Jetavana 祇园精舍 was one of the most famous Buddhist monasteries in India. It was the second monastery donated to Buddha, after the Venuvana 竹林精舍 in Rajagaha 比王舍城 . Jetavana is located just outside the old city of Sravasti 舍卫城 . Jetavana was the place where Buddha gave many teachings and discourses, more than in any other place. Buddha spent 19 (out of 45) rainy-seasons at Jetavana, more than in any other monastery.
  • 33. Donation of Jetavana When the Buddha accepted Anāthapindika's 给孤独长者 invitation to visit Sravasti, the latter, seeking a suitable place for the Buddha's residence, discovered this park belong to Jetakumāra 波斯匿太子祇陀 . When he asked to be allowed to buy it, Jeta's reply was: “Could you cover the whole place with money?" Anāthapindika said that he would buy it at that price, and Jeta answered that he had had no intention of selling. The matter was taken before the Lords of Justice, who decided that if the price mentioned were paid, Anāthapindika had the right of purchase.
  • 34. Donation of Jetavana Anāthapindika had gold brought down in carts and covered Jetavana with pieces laid side by side. The money brought in the first journey was found insufficient to cover one small spot near the gateway. So Anāthapindika sent his servants back for more, but Jeta, inspired by Anāthapindika's earnestness, asked to be allowed to give this spot. Anāthapindika agreed and Jeta erected there a gateway, with a room over it. Jeta also gave many valuable trees for timber. Anāthapindika built in the grounds dwelling rooms, retiring rooms, store rooms and service halls, halls with fireplaces, closets, cloisters, halls for exercise, wells, bathrooms, ponds, open and roofed sheds, etc.
  • 35. Donation of Jetavana The ceremony of dedication was one of great splendor. Not only Anāthapindika himself, but his whole family and business associates took part. The vihāra is almost always referred to as Jetavane Anāthapindikassa ārāma (Pali, meaning: in Jeta Grove, Anathapindika's Monastery) 祇树给孤独园 . This was suggested by the Buddha so that both donors, very generous in the cause of the Religion, might be recorded and that people might be reminded of two men and to follow their example.
  • 36. Anathapindada 给孤独长者 Anathapindika ("feeder of the destitutes - orphans or helpless") (Sanskrit: Anathapindada) was the chief lay disciple of Gautama Buddha. His given name was Sudatta. He was extremely wealthy and a patron of the Buddha. He gave Jeta Park to the Buddha having purchased it from Prince Jeta. He honored the Buddha with laying out 1.8 million gold pieces in the grove. Anathapindika upon death entered Tusita heaven, or the heaven of the Bodhisattvas. Anathapindika was known as the "foremost disciple in generosity" as well as character.
  • 37. Anathapindada 给孤独长者 A banker of Sravasti who became famous because of his unparalleled generosity to the Buddha. His first meeting with the Buddha was during the first year after the Enlightenment, in Rājagaha, whither Anāthapindika had come on business. His wife was the sister of the banker of Rājagaha, and when he arrived he found the banker preparing a meal for the Buddha and his monks on so splendid a scale that he thought that a wedding was in progress or that the king had been invited. On learning the truth he became eager to visit the Buddha, and did so very early the next morning. He was so excited by the thought of the visit that he got up three times during the night.
  • 38. Anathapindada 给孤独长者 He met the Buddha who was walking up and down, meditating in the cool air of the early dawn. The Buddha greeted him and talked to him on various aspects of his teaching. Anāthapindika was immediately converted and became attained the first stage of enlightenment. He invited the Buddha to spend the rainy season at Sravasti, and the Buddha accepted. Jetavana was then built…. After Anathapindika died, he was reborn in the Tusita Heaven. Yet he was so genuinely devoted to the Buddha and the Sangha that he appeared in the Jeta Grove as a deva, filling the whole area with heavenly light. He went to the Buddha and, after paying homage to him, spoke the following verses:
  • 39. Anathapindada 给孤独长者 "O blessed is this Jeta Grove, frequented by the holy Order, Where the Dhamma King resides, the fount of all my happiness. By deeds, by knowledge, by righteousness, By virtue, by the sublimest life, By these are mortals purified, and not by lineage nor by wealth. A wise man, therefore, seeing his own good, Wisely will he choose the Dhamma, that he may thus be purified. Like Sariputta in his wisdom, in his virtue, and in highest peace, At best a bhikkhu who has gone across, can only equal him."
  • 40. Gandhakuti (Buddha’s Hut) in Jetavana, Sravasti, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • 41. Gandhakuti (Buddha’s Hut) in Jetavana, Sravasti, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • 42. Anandabodhi tree in Jetavana Monastery, Sravasti, Uttar Pradesh, India. This is one of the 3 most holy Bodhitrees in Buddhism.
  • 43. Buddhist monks meditating under the Anandabodhi tree in Jetavana
  • 44. Scene in Jetavana with smaller stupas, with more large structures in the background.
  • 46. A certain deity, whose surpassing brilliance and beauty illuminated the entire Jeta Grove, late one night come to the presence of the Blessed One; having come to him and offered profound salutations he stood on one side and spoke to him in the following verse:
  • 47.
  • 48. 二十八天 28 Levels of Heaven 欲界的六欲天 色界的四禪十八天 無色界的四無色天
  • 49. 天人五衰 一 , 衣服垢秽 二 , 头上花萎 三 , 腋下汗流 四 , 身体臭秽 五 , 不乐本座
  • 50. 眾 天 神 與 人 渴 望 得 利 益 Many deities and human beings Have pondered what are blessings," 思 慮 求 幸 福 請 求 最 吉 祥 Which they hope will bring them safety: Declare to them, Sir, the Highest Blessing.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55.  
  • 56. 加拿大佛教會 湛山精舍  週日學佛班 吉祥經 Maha Mangala Sutra Discourse on Great Blessings 2010/01/16 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple Sunday Dharma Class
  • 57. Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple ná mó fó tuó 南 無 佛 陀 Namo Buddha ná mó dá mó 南 無 達 摩 Namo Dharma ná mó sēng qié 南 無 僧 伽 Namo Sangha
  • 59. 眾 天 神 與 人 渴 望 得 利 益 Many deities and human beings Have pondered what are blessings," 思 慮 求 幸 福 請 求 最 吉 祥 Which they hope will bring them safety: Declare to them, Sir, the Highest Blessing.
  • 60. 六道十界 – The 10 Realms 四聖 Four holy or joyous realms Ten realms manifest in one mind. One realm dominant, others recede. 五逆:殺父、殺母、殺阿羅漢、出佛身血、破和合僧 地獄 Hell dwellers 餓鬼 Hungry ghosts 畜生 Animals 阿修羅 Asuras 人 Human beings 天 Devas 聲聞 Sravakas 緣覺 Pratyebuddhas 菩薩 Bodhisattvas 佛 Buddha Realm Greediness 貪 Ignorance 痴 Anger 瞋 5 precepts 五戒 10 good deeds 十善 4 noble truths 四聖諦 12 links of of causation 十二因緣 6 paramitas 六度 六凡 Six mundane or suffering realms 自覺、覺他、覺行圓滿 Practice Mind
  • 61. 勿 近 愚 痴 人 應 與 智 者 交 With fools no company keeping. With the wise ever consorting, 尊 敬 有 德 者 是 為 最 吉 祥 To the worthy homage paying: This, the Highest Blessing.
  • 62.
  • 63. 居 住 適 宜 處 往 昔 有 德 行 Congenial place to dwell, In the past merits making, 置 身 于 正 道 是 為 最 吉 祥 One's self directed well: This, the Highest Blessing.
  • 64.
  • 65. 多 聞 工 藝 精 嚴 持 諸 禁 戒 Ample learning, in crafts ability, With a well-trained disciplining, 言 談 悅 人 心 是 為 最 吉 祥 Well-spoken words, civility: This, the Highest Blessing.
  • 66.
  • 67. 奉 養 父 母 親 愛 護 妻 與 子 Mother, father well supporting, Wife and children duly cherishing, 從 業 要 無 害 是 為 最 吉 祥 Types of work unconflicting: This, the Highest Blessing.
  • 68. 東方:父子關係 (一)防止他為惡 (二)令安住善行 (三)令學習技藝 (四)為迎娶合適之妻 (五)適時付託家產 (一)要奉養他們 (二)要為他們作應作之務 (三)要延續家系 (四)要承續家產 (五)父母死後,要供養他們的亡靈 愛護其子 奉事父母
  • 69. 西方:夫妻關係 (一)善於料理家務 (二)攝受統理婢僕 (三)不違犯貞潔 (四)守護家中財物 (五)對於一切事務勤勞精巧 (一)尊敬她 (二)不輕視她 (三)不違犯忠誠 (四)授予主權 (五)贈與飾品愛護 愛護丈夫 奉事妻子
  • 71.
  • 72.  
  • 73. 加拿大佛教會 湛山精舍  週日學佛班 吉祥經 Maha Mangala Sutra Discourse on Great Blessings 2010/01/23 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple Sunday Dharma Class
  • 74. Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple ná mó fó tuó 南 無 佛 陀 Namo Buddha ná mó dá mó 南 無 達 摩 Namo Dharma ná mó sēng qié 南 無 僧 伽 Namo Sangha
  • 75. 布 施 好 品 德 幫 助 眾 親 眷 Acts of giving, righteous living, Relatives and kin supporting, 行 為 無 瑕 疵 是 為 最 吉 祥 Actions blameless then pursuing: This, the Highest Blessing.
  • 76. 十善 Ten Good Deeds 身業 : 不殺生、不偷盜、不邪淫 口業 : 不妄語、不兩舌、不綺語、不惡口 意業 : 不貪欲、不瞋恚、不痴見 Contemplate causes and conditions / Wisdom ignorance / perverted views Contemplate compassion / Meditation anger / hatred Contemplate the pure body / Precept Mind: Thought greed Clean & gentle language coarse & profane language / vulgarity Useful & wholesome speech useless & indecent speech / frivolous Straight speech double talk / slandering Truthful speech Mouth: Speech lying Respect vow & uphold precepts sexual misconduct Give generously taking what is not given freely Be compassionate, liberate life Body: Action taking life Positive actions aimed to enhance virtue. Action by: Negative actions to prevent evil from arising. Abstain from:
  • 77. 邪 行 須 禁 止 克 己 不 飲 酒 Avoiding evil and abstaining, From besotting drinks refraining, 美 德 堅 不 移 是 為 最 吉 祥 Diligence in Dhamma doing: This, the Highest Blessing.
  • 79. 恭 敬 與 謙 讓 知 足 并 感 恩 Right reverence and humility, contentment and a grateful bearing, 及 時 聞 教 法 是 為 最 吉 祥 Hearing Dhamma when it's timely: This, the Highest Blessing.
  • 80.
  • 81. 忍 耐 與 順 從 得 見 眾 沙 門 Patience, meekness when corrected, Seeing monks and then discussing 適 時 論 信 仰 是 為 最 吉 祥 About the Dhamma when it's timely: This, the Highest Blessing.
  • 82.
  • 83. 自 制 淨 生 活 領 悟 八 正 道 Self-restraint and holy life, All the Noble Truths in-seeing, 實 證 涅 槃 法 是 為 最 吉 祥 Realization of Nibbaana: This, the Highest Blessing.
  • 84. Four Noble Truth 四諦 道 Eightfold Path to end suffering 苦 Suffering 集 Cause of suffering 滅 Cessation of the cause of suffering 果 Effect 因 Cause 世間 Mundane 出世間 Supramundane
  • 85. 六道十界 – The 10 Realms 四聖 Four holy or joyous realms Ten realms manifest in one mind. One realm dominant, others recede. 五逆:殺父、殺母、殺阿羅漢、出佛身血、破和合僧 地獄 Hell dwellers 餓鬼 Hungry ghosts 畜生 Animals 阿修羅 Asuras 人 Human beings 天 Devas 聲聞 Sravakas 緣覺 Pratyebuddhas 菩薩 Bodhisattvas 佛 Buddha Realm Greediness 貪 Ignorance 痴 Anger 瞋 5 precepts 五戒 10 good deeds 十善 4 noble truths 四聖諦 12 links of of causation 十二因緣 6 paramitas 六度 六凡 Six mundane or suffering realms 自覺、覺他、覺行圓滿 Practice Mind
  • 86.
  • 87. 八 風 不 動 心 無 憂 無 污 染 Though touched by worldly circumstances, Never his mind is wavering, 寧 靜 無 煩 惱 是 為 最 吉 祥 Sorrowless, stainless and secure: This, the Highest Blessing.
  • 88. 八風 : 稱、譏、 毁、誉、 苦、樂、利、衰 《讚佛偈》宋 - 蘇東坡 稽首天中天 毫光照大千 八風吹不動 端坐紫金蓮 镇江金山寺 - 佛印禪師
  • 89. 八风吹不动 Unmoved By the 8 Winds Music: Imee Ooi’s Tisarana
  • 90. 著名诗人苏东坡十分喜欢参禅悟道,他与一个叫做佛印的禅师是非常要好的朋友。 Su Dongpo was a famous poet who practiced Ch á n. He had a good friend Foyin, a Ch á n Master . Angkor Wat
  • 91.  
  • 92. 有一天,苏东坡写了一首诗 , 想显示一下自己的禅修功夫和境界。 One day, Su Dongpo, wrote a poem to show that he was quite advanced in his Chán practice. Borobudur
  • 93. 稽首天中天,毫光遍大千。 八风吹不动,端坐紫金莲。 Bowing with my highest respect, to the deva of devas,  Whose fine light illuminates the whole universe . The eight winds cannot move me,  For I am sitting upright on the golden purple lotus blossom. (The deva of devas here figuratively refers to the Buddha) Wat Phra Kaew
  • 94.  
  • 95. The Eight Winds are the eight worldly conditions:- Gain and loss, fame and defame; Praise and blame, pleasure and pain. The golden purple lotus blossom is a symbol of purity and a throne of spiritual attainment. 所谓八风,是指 :- 得 , 失 , 谤 , 扬 , 赞 , 嘲 , 忧 , 喜 . 八种世俗常情的力量。 ( 紫金莲 : 是指修行到很高的境界 ) Pha That Luang Temple
  • 96. After writing the poem, Su Dongpo, wishing to get his friend’s endorsement, 写完诗之后,苏东坡想显示一下自己的禅修功夫和境界 , Gawdawpalin Temple
  • 97. 就派随从送给住在江对岸的佛印禅师看 。 Asked his attendant to send it to Chán Master Foyin who stayed across the river. Naksan Temple
  • 98. After reading the poem , The Chán Master Foyin wrote on it one word as his comment. 佛印看后, 提笔在 诗上批了两个字 Kumbum Stupa
  • 99.  
  • 100. (In Chinese, fart also means utter nonsense) 放屁! Fart!
  • 101. When the attendant came back ,expecting words of praise from the Chán Master, Su Dongpo quickly read the comment written on the poem. 当见到随从回来,苏东坡本以为自己的诗会受到佛印的赞赏,心急地看看佛印在诗上写的评语。 Golden Temple
  • 102. However, nothing was written except the word : "Fart!" 没料到,评语竟然只是两个字:“放屁” Kek Lok Si
  • 103. Felt insulted, Su Dongpo was ablaze with fire of anger. 觉得受了侮辱,苏东坡大发脾气。 White Temple
  • 104. Immediately, he boarded a boat and crossed the r iver to argue with Chán Master Foyin. 苏东坡立即乘舟过江来与佛印理论。 Shwedagon Pagoda
  • 105.  
  • 106. Before the boat even pulled onto the shore, Chán Master Foyin was already standing there waiting for Su Dongpo. 万没想到,船还没靠岸,这位和尚早已在江边等候了。 Potala Palace
  • 107. Upon seeing Foyin, Su Dongpo said: “ H ow can you insult me like this?" 苏东坡就问佛印 : “ 这是什么意思 ?” Leshan Buddha statue
  • 108.  
  • 109. Laughing loudly, the Chan Master said: " The Eight winds cannot move you? How come you are sent across the river with just a fart?" It should had been: “The eight winds cannot move you, one fart sent you over.” 佛印大笑着说: 八风吹不动, 怎么一屁就把你吹过来呢 ? 应该改成: 八风吹不动,一屁过江东。 Hanging Temple
  • 110. Hearing what Foyin said, Su Dongpo was at once awakened. 苏东坡闻此言,方恍然大悟。 Kinkaku-ji
  • 111. 苏东坡应是受到了深深的触动 . It was likely that Su Dongpo had some realization after this. Bupaya Pagoda
  • 112. 因为他一生宦海浮沉、仕途坎坷,却始终做到心静如水、豁达乐观、遇事不惊。 As along his bumpy career as a government officer, he maintained his composure, optimism, and calmness when facing challenges. Mahabodhi Temple
  • 113.
  • 114. 依 此 行 持 者 無 往 而 不 勝 Since by acting in this way, They are everywhere unvanquished, 一 切 處 得 福 是 為 最 吉 祥 And everywhere they go in safety: Theirs, the Highest Blessings.
  • 115. 《吉祥經 》 Maha Mangala Sutra Discourse on Great Blessings 《善生經》 Sujata Sutra
  • 116.
  • 117. Ten Schools in China Pure Land 淨 Viyana 律 Avatamsaka 華嚴 Dharmalaksana 法相 Kosa 俱舍 有相 Existence/Form 空性 Void/Nature 修 修 教 教 Chán 禪 Tiantai 天台 Vajra 密 Satyasiddhi 成實 3 Sastras 三論
  • 118.
  • 119. 加拿大佛教會 湛山精舍  週日學佛班 律儀 Discipline Ethaeq 2010/01/30 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple Sunday Dharma Class
  • 120. Two Buddhist Theories 真空 True Voidness 妙有 Wonderful Existence 3 Sastras 三論 Nagarjuna 龍樹 Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra 大智度論 Mūlamadhyamakakārikā 中 觀論 Dharmalaksana 法相 Vasubandhu 天親 Vijñāptimātratāsiddhi 成唯識論 Triṃśikā-vijñaptimātratā 唯識三十論 空性 Intrinsic Voidness 緣起 Dependent Arising 有相 Existence/Form 空性 Void/Nature
  • 121.