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Module 2: Life Processes

                                          Life Sciences
                                       Matric Syllabus
                      Mind Action Series: Life Sciences
                             Textbook and Workbook
2.2a) The Nervous System
• Co-ordination is the way in which information is communicated
  between the receptors of the body, the central nervous system
  and the effectors to bring about appropriate responses to any
  change in the environment.
• There are essentially two co-ordinating systems – the nervous
  system and the endocrine system, which work together to
  respond to external changes and to control conditions inside the
• Co-ordination is brought about in two ways:
   – The fastest method is by means of impulses travelling along nerves and is
     called nervous co-ordination.
   – The slower method is by means of chemicals called hormones which are
     carried in the blood. This is known as chemical co-ordination.

                                                           2.2a) The Nervous System
• The nervous system is the body’s control and communication
• It provides a continuous flow of information between the
  brain and the parts of the body.
• This enables the body to function in an orderly and effective
  way and to perform everyday tasks such as
  eating, writing, running, solving a problem and controlling
  emotions such as fear.

                                                2.2a) The Nervous System
The nervous system has three overall functions:
   – Sensory function – sensory receptors detect the changes in the
     external environment and the environment within the organism.
   – Integrative function – the central nervous system integrates this
   – Motor function – effectors (muscles and glands) bring about a
For example: you are riding a bicycle and see that the traffic light
has turned red (sensory function). Your central nervous system
integrates this information (red light means ‘stop’ – integrative
function), and you use your muscles to apply your brakes to stop
the bicycle (motor function).

                                                         2.2a) The Nervous System
• We live in an environment where external factors are
  constantly changing. Inside our bodies, conditions are also
  changing, e.g. changes in blood pressure, tension in muscles,
  blood sugar levels etc.
• These internal and external changes are called stimuli.
• A stimulus is any physical or chemical change in our internal
  or external environment that is capable of causing a response
  in an organism.

                                                2.2a) The Nervous System

 Sensory Function        Receptors respond to stimuli


                        CNS processes and integrates
Integrative Function
                             the sensory input


                       Effectors e.g. muscles and glands
  Motor Function
                          make the correct response


                                                2.2a) The Nervous System
The nervous system is made up of millions of special cells called
neurons that form a continuous network all over the body.
• Neurons can function for over a lifetime, given the correct
• They cannot undergo mitosis, and thus cannot be replaced if
• They have a very high metabolic rate and need continuous
   supplies of oxygen and glucose to survive.
In addition to neurons, there are supporting cells called
neuroglia which bind neurons together, giving them support and
helping them with their nutrition.

                                                 2.2a) The Nervous System
• A neuron has the same basic parts as most animal cells:
  they have a cell body, containing a cell
  membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus and cell organelles.
• In addition, neurons have long, thin fibres of cytoplasm
  extending from the cell body which make it possible for
  nerve impulses to be carried long distances.
• The fibres may be:
   – Dendrites, which carry impulses towards the cell body.
   – An axon, which carries impulses away from the cell body.

                                                      2.2a) The Nervous System
• Neurons can be classified according to their structure or
• Functionally, neurons are classified according to the direction
  in which nerve impulses travel:
   – Sensory neurons
   – Connector neurons
   – Motor neurons
• Structurally, they are divided according to the number of
  fibres stretching out from the cell body:
   – Multipolar neurons
   – Bipolar neurons
   – Unipolar neurons

                                                  2.2a) The Nervous System
• These carry impulses from receptors towards
  the central nervous system (CNS), where the
  sensation is interpreted. They are afferent
  neurons, i.e. they take the sensation
• They are usually unipolar, i.e. they have one
  fibre attached to the cell body, which then

                                                  2.2a) The Nervous System
• They are also known as relay neurons,
  association neurons or interneurons.
• They are multipolar neurons with many
• They are found in the CNS and they make up
  99% of the neurons in the body.
• They receive impulses from sensory neurons
  and pass them on to other neurons.

                                               2.2a) The Nervous System
• Motor neurons carry impulses away from
  the CNS to effectors (such as muscles) to
  bring about the appropriate response.
• They are therefore efferent neurons.
  ‘Efferent’ means away from.
• They are multipolar neurons, and are
  located in the grey matter in the CNS.

                                              2.2a) The Nervous System
Functions of parts:
Dendrites collect information from other cells and pass
it on to the cell body.
The cell body controls the metabolism of the cell.
The node of Ranvier allows rapid conduction of
impulses by forcing them to ‘jump’ from one node to
the next.
Schwann cells are wrapped around the axon several
times. Their inner layers of fatty tissue fuse to form the
myelin sheath.
The axon is extended to carry impulses away from the
cell body over long distances.
The myelin sheath forms electrical insulation around
the axon, preventing distortion of impulses from
activity in neighbouring cells.
Terminal branches carry impulses to the synaptic
knobs/end plates.
Synaptic knobs form a synapse with another neuron, a
muscle cell or a gland cell.
                                  2.2a) The Nervous System
• Adjacent neurons do not touch each other, there is a small
  gap separating them. This gap or synaptic cleft plus the
  adjacent membranes, form a synapse.
• A synapse is thus the junction across which a nerve impulse
  passes from an axon terminal to a neuron, a muscle cell or a
  gland cell.
• In the cytoplasm of the synaptic knobs there are hundreds of
  small vesicles (sacs) filled with molecules of a
  neurotransmitter such as the chemical acetylcholine.

                                                2.2a) The Nervous System
As neurons do not touch, impulses have to cross the gap (synapse)
to continue their path through the nervous system.
• When nerve impulses reach the terminal branches of axons, they
   cause vesicles in the synaptic knob to fuse with the presynaptic
   membrane, using energy from the mitochondria.
• The membranes then burst, releasing neurotransmitters which
   diffuse across the synaptic cleft.
• The neurotransmitters become attached to neuroreceptors in
   the post-synaptic membrane, which they either excite or inhibit.

                                                 2.2a) The Nervous System
• The receptors release the neurotransmitters back to the
    synaptic cleft which can then be inactivated by enzymes and
    reabsorbed by the pre-synaptic membrane. This is very
    important as, unless the transmitter is removed from the
    synaptic cleft, subsequent impulses would have no effect as the
    receptors on the postsynaptic membrane would all be bound.
In this way, impulses are carried across the gap chemically, i.e. by
way of a chemical neurotransmitter. An impulse carried along a
nerve fibre is an electric impulse.
Synapses are important because: 1) they make sure that the flow
of impulses travel in one direction only, 2) they allow the dispersal
of impulses, 3) they allow unnecessary and continual stimuli to be
filtered out.
                                                   2.2a) The Nervous System
2.2a) The Nervous System
Nerve impulses reach       Neurotransmitters        Receptors release the
terminal branches of        excite or inhibit      neurotransmitters back
       axons                neuroreceptors          into the synaptic cleft

                           Neurotransmitters        Neurotransmitters are
  Vesicles in synaptic
                               attach to           inactivated by enzymes
    knob fuse with
                         neuroreceptors in post-   and reabsorbed by pre-
presynaptic membrane
                          synaptic membrane          synaptic membrane

  Membranes burst,         Neurotransmitters         Thus, impulses are
      releasing          diffuse across synaptic   carried across the gap
  neurotransmitters               cleft                  chemically.

                                                     2.2a) The Nervous System
The human nervous system is
divide into the:
• Central Nervous System
    • Brain
    • Spinal cord
• Peripheral Nervous System
    • Cranial nerves
    • Spinal nerves

                              2.2a) The Nervous System
• The CNS is made up of a concentrated mass of interconnected
  neurons, grouped together to form the brain and spinal cord.
• The CNS tissues are protected and nourished by three connective
  tissue membranes called meninges. The space between the 2nd
  and 3rd layer of membranes is filled with cerebro-spinal fluid which
  acts as a cushion, protecting the CNS against shock and damage.

                                                   2.2a) The Nervous System
• The whole CNS and its meninges are enclosed within a bony
  case made up of two separate structures.
   – The cranium is a strong, dome-shaped structure that protects the
     brain against mechanical injuries. It is made up of eight, curved skull
     bones, immovably dove-tailed together by fibrous joints called
   – The vertebral column is made up of thirty-three, irregular shaped
     vertebrae that surround the spinal cord and protect it against
     mechanical injury.

                                                           2.2a) The Nervous System
• The brain is the enlarged, upper part of the spinal cord. It is shaped
  like a large mushroom. The cap of the mushroom is the cerebrum,
  and the stalk is the brain stem.

                                                     2.2a) The Nervous System
2.2a) The Nervous System
• The large cerebrum is divided into two cerebral hemispheres
  by a longitudinal fissure. The hemispheres are held together by
  a mass of white tissue called the corpus callosum that provides
  a communication link between the cerebral hemispheres.
• Its surface is made up of a large number of folds and grooves
  that enlarge the surface area so that a large number of brain
  cells can fit into a small cranial cavity.
• There are four cavities known as ventricles in the centre of the
  brain. They are filled with cerebro-spinal fluid.
• The outer 3mm of the cerebrum forms the cerebral
  cortex, made up of grey matter. The grey matter is made up of a
  collection of cell bodies of neurons. Below the grey matter is an
  area of white matter, made up of a collection of myelinated
  nerve fibres.
                                                  2.2a) The Nervous System
Functions of the cerebrum
The cerebral cortex is divided into three functional areas:
• The motor area in the frontal lobe is where all the voluntary
  movements of the body originate.
• The sensory areas receive and interpret impulses from the
  sense organs, e.g:
   – Hearing, tasting and smelling in the temporal lobe
   – Sight in the occipital lobe
   – Skin sensations in the parietal lobe, e.g. touch, cold and hot
     temperatures and pain.
• The association cortex is not involved with motor or sensory
  functions and is involved in higher mental activities such as
  intelligence, memory, perception, language and consciousness.
                                                            2.2a) The Nervous System
2.2a) The Nervous System
The cerebellum forms the upper part of the brain stem. It is made
up of two hemispheres and has shallow surface folds.
The cerebellum receives sensory input from the motor region of the
cerebrum, the eyes, muscle spindles & organs of balance in inner
• It processes this information and uses it to co-ordinate the
   actions of the voluntary muscles so that complicated physical
   actions can be performed in a smooth, controlled way.
• It is partly responsible for controlling muscle tone (correct
   tension in the muscles).
• Using information from the inner ear, it helps maintain posture
   and balance.
                                                 2.2a) The Nervous System
The hypothalamus is situated above the pituitary.
• Controls homeostasis, e.g. temperature, water levels, pH
  levels, food intake, etc.
• Controls and drives certain behaviours, e.g. aggression, self-
  defence and reproductive behaviours.
• Controls functioning of the pituitary gland.

                                                  2.2a) The Nervous System
Forms the lowest part of the brain stem.
When it leaves through the foramen magnum at the base of the
cranium, it is known as the spinal cord.
• Serves as the pathway for impulses to and from the brain.
• Acts as a reflex centre, controlling important reflexes such as
   breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure, swallowing and
• Also controls less important reflexes such as sneezing,
   coughing, hiccupping and salivating.

                                                  2.2a) The Nervous System
• The spinal cord is an
  elongated rod of nervous
  tissue that extends from
  the medulla oblongata
  through the foramen
• It is situated in the
  vertebral canal of the
  vertebral column and is
  approximately 45cm long.

                             2.2a) The Nervous System
• A spinal cord has an H-shaped
  central area of grey matter
  made up of nerve cell bodies,
  dendrites and synapses.
• White matter surrounds the
  grey matter and is made up of
  axons with myelin sheaths.
• The central canal occurs in the
  centre of the grey matter. It is
  filled with cerebro-spinal fluid.
  The central canal runs down
  from the ventricles in the brain.

                                      2.2a) The Nervous System
• The cord is partly divided into
  right and left sides by two
  grooves: dorsal groove and
  ventral groove.
• A pair of spinal nerves enters and
  leaves the spinal cord between
  successive vertebrae. Each spinal
  nerve has a dorsal root that
  enters the grey matter, and a
  ventral root that leaves the grey
• A collection of neuron cell bodies
  forms a ganglion in the dorsal
  root.                                2.2a) The Nervous System
The PNS consists of all the nervous tissue outside the CNS. It is
divided into two main divisions:
• Somatic nervous system that controls all voluntary muscular
• Autonomic nervous system, that controls the functioning of
   involuntary muscles and glands.
The PNS is made up of nerves that link the CNS to the receptors and
effectors of the body, i.e. 43 pairs of nerves that include:
• 12 pairs of cranial nerves connected to the brain. These may be
   afferent (sensory) nerves or efferent (motor) nerves or mixed
   nerves made up of both sensory and motor nerves.
• 31 pairs of spinal nerves which enter and leave spinal cord
   between the vertebrae (all mixed nerves).
                                                 2.2a) The Nervous System
Functions of the PNS:
• The PNS collects information from receptors and transmits
  this information by way of impulses along sensory neurons to
  the CNS – sensory function.
• It transmits impulses from the CNS by way of motor neurons
  to effectors to bring about an appropriate response – motor

                                               2.2a) The Nervous System
This system involves receiving information from receptors and
bringing about appropriate responses by voluntary, skeletal

                                                2.2a) The Nervous System
A reflex action is a fast, automatic response by an effector organ, i.e.
a muscle (whether voluntary or involuntary) or a gland, to a stimulus
received by a receptor organ.
Reflex centres may be situated in the:
• Brain – controlling reflexes such as sneezing, breathing, blinking
• Spinal cord – controlling primitive reflexes such as the knee jerk
   when tapped below the knee-cap.
• A reflex arc is the pathway along which nerve impulses are carried
   from a receptor to an effector to bring about a reflex action.
• A reflex arc is thus the functional unit of the nervous system,
   while a neuron is the structural unit of the nervous system.
                                                     2.2a) The Nervous System
Consider what happens when you prick your finger.
• The stimulus of the pin prick generates impulses in sensory nerve
  endings of pain in the skin of your finger – the receptor.
• These impulses are conducted along sensory neurons to the grey
  matter in the spinal cord. Here the impulses synapse with
  connector neurons which serve as reflex centres.
• From the connector neurons, impulses make synaptic contact with
  the motor neurons in the grey matter and travel along these
  neurons to the effectors.
• The effector, the flexor muscle in the finger, brings about a
  response by contracting very quickly to pull the finger away from
  the pin to protect the finger.
• Impulses are also carried up the spinal cord to the cerebral cortex
  (parietal lobe) where the stimulus is interpreted as pain.
                                                   2.2a) The Nervous System
2.2a) The Nervous System
• The ANS is involved in keeping a balanced internal
  environment i.e. maintaining homeostasis. It responds to
  sensory input from all body organs and makes the necessary
• The effectors in the ANS are smooth, involuntary muscle,
  cardiac muscles and glands.
• There are two divisions in the ANS:
   – Sympathetic nervous system – gets you ‘ready for action’
   – Parasympathetic nervous system – calms you down

                                                        2.2a) The Nervous System
Body part                      Sympathetic system               Parasympathetic system
Heart beat                     Strengthens and accelerates      Weakens, slows down
Blood vessels of skin and      Constricts arteries and raises Dilates arteries, lowers
digestive organs               blood pressure                 blood pressure
Blood vessels of heart, lungs, Dilates arteries, allowing the   Constricts arteries, reduces
skeletal muscles               flow of more blood – can         flow of blood
                               run faster
Digestive tract                Slows down peristalsis           Speeds up peristalsis
Urinary bladder                Relaxes bladder wall             Contracts bladder wall
Bladder and anal sphincters    Contracts                        Relaxes
Muscles in bronchial tubes     Muscles relax, dilating air      Muscles contract, causing air
                               passages for easier              passages to constrict

                                                                     2.2a) The Nervous System
Body part         Sympathetic system                  Parasympathetic system
Muscles of iris   Radial muscles contract, dilating   Circular iris muscles contract,
                  pupil – see better                  constricting pupil
Sweat glands      Increases sweat to cool one down    No effect

Liver             Stimulates the breakdown of         No effect
                  glycogen into glucose – use for

Salivary glands   Decreases secretion of saliva       Increases secretion of saliva
Tear glands       Little effect                       Increases secretion of tears
Adrenal medulla   Stimulates secretion of adrenalin   No effect

Kidney            Decreased excretion of urine        increased excretion of urine
Brain             Increased concentration             No effect
                                                                  2.2a) The Nervous System
• The sympathetic nervous system works together with adrenalin
  in emergency situations that cause stress and require the ‘fight
  or flight’ state. Stimulation by these nerves results in more
  oxygen, glucose and blood being sent to the skeletal
  muscles, speeding up cellular respiration to release more energy
  for action.
• The parasympathetic nervous system enables the body to ‘rest
  and digest’, i.e. to recover from sympathetic stimulation and
  return to normal.
• Most organs are innervated by both the sympathetic and
  parasympathetic fibres (double innervation).
• Effects produced by each system are generally antagonistic.

                                                 2.2a) The Nervous System
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive and degenerative disease of
the brain, which causes the deterioration of memory and
thinking skills.
Although the cause is not fully understood, it is known that
Alzheimer’s disease develops because of a complex series of
events that happen in the brain over a long period of time.
Genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors may be at fault.
Alzheimer’s is prevalent in older people and affects both
genders. 15% of people over the age of 65, and 50% of people
over the age of 85 develop Alzheimer’s.
                                                 2.2a) The Nervous System
People with Alzheimer’s show symptoms of memory loss and
changes in their thinking skills. Problems may include:
   –   Getting lost
   –   Taking a long time to do daily tasks
   –   Mood and personality changes
   –   Poor judgement
   –   In some cases, hallucinations.
In severe cases, the people affected by Alzheimer’s cannot
communicate properly and are dependent on others to care for
them. They may be in bed for most of the time as their body
stops functioning.

                                              2.2a) The Nervous System
There is no cure for Alzheimer’s. Some medicines, however, can
help maintain thinking skills and can control or improve certain
kinds of behaviour for a short period of time. These medicines,
however, cannot delay the progression of the disease.
Certain factors may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s:
   –   Regular exercise
   –   Healthy diet
   –   Limiting alcohol consumption
   –   Avoiding tobacco
   –   Staying socially active
   –   Engaging in intellectually stimulating activities

                                                           2.2a) The Nervous System
Co-ordination = the way in which information is communicated between
the receptors of the body, the central nervous system and the effectors
to bring about appropriate responses to any change in the environment.
Nervous system = the body’s control and communication centre.
Synapse = the junction across which a nerve impulse passes from an
axon terminal to a neuron, a muscle cell or a gland cell.
Neurotransmitter = a chemical substance released from axon terminals
at a synapse to either stimulate or inhibit the post-synaptic membrane.
Stimulus = any physical or chemical change in our internal or external
environment that is capable of causing a response in an organism.

                                                     2.2a) The Nervous System
Cerebro-spinal fluid = a fluid formed from blood plasma in
special areas in the walls of the ventricles. It protects and
nourishes the CNS and prevents cells from drying out.

                                                   2.2a) The Nervous System

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The Nervous System

  • 1. Module 2: Life Processes Life Sciences Matric Syllabus Mind Action Series: Life Sciences Textbook and Workbook
  • 3. • Co-ordination is the way in which information is communicated between the receptors of the body, the central nervous system and the effectors to bring about appropriate responses to any change in the environment. • There are essentially two co-ordinating systems – the nervous system and the endocrine system, which work together to respond to external changes and to control conditions inside the body. • Co-ordination is brought about in two ways: – The fastest method is by means of impulses travelling along nerves and is called nervous co-ordination. – The slower method is by means of chemicals called hormones which are carried in the blood. This is known as chemical co-ordination. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 4. • The nervous system is the body’s control and communication centre. • It provides a continuous flow of information between the brain and the parts of the body. • This enables the body to function in an orderly and effective way and to perform everyday tasks such as eating, writing, running, solving a problem and controlling emotions such as fear. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 5. The nervous system has three overall functions: – Sensory function – sensory receptors detect the changes in the external environment and the environment within the organism. – Integrative function – the central nervous system integrates this information. – Motor function – effectors (muscles and glands) bring about a response. For example: you are riding a bicycle and see that the traffic light has turned red (sensory function). Your central nervous system integrates this information (red light means ‘stop’ – integrative function), and you use your muscles to apply your brakes to stop the bicycle (motor function). 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 6. • We live in an environment where external factors are constantly changing. Inside our bodies, conditions are also changing, e.g. changes in blood pressure, tension in muscles, blood sugar levels etc. • These internal and external changes are called stimuli. • A stimulus is any physical or chemical change in our internal or external environment that is capable of causing a response in an organism. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 7. stimulus Sensory Function Receptors respond to stimuli sensory CNS processes and integrates Integrative Function the sensory input motor Effectors e.g. muscles and glands Motor Function make the correct response response 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 8. The nervous system is made up of millions of special cells called neurons that form a continuous network all over the body. • Neurons can function for over a lifetime, given the correct conditions. • They cannot undergo mitosis, and thus cannot be replaced if destroyed. • They have a very high metabolic rate and need continuous supplies of oxygen and glucose to survive. In addition to neurons, there are supporting cells called neuroglia which bind neurons together, giving them support and helping them with their nutrition. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 9. • A neuron has the same basic parts as most animal cells: they have a cell body, containing a cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus and cell organelles. • In addition, neurons have long, thin fibres of cytoplasm extending from the cell body which make it possible for nerve impulses to be carried long distances. • The fibres may be: – Dendrites, which carry impulses towards the cell body. – An axon, which carries impulses away from the cell body. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 10. • Neurons can be classified according to their structure or functions. • Functionally, neurons are classified according to the direction in which nerve impulses travel: – Sensory neurons – Connector neurons – Motor neurons • Structurally, they are divided according to the number of fibres stretching out from the cell body: – Multipolar neurons – Bipolar neurons – Unipolar neurons 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 11. • These carry impulses from receptors towards the central nervous system (CNS), where the sensation is interpreted. They are afferent neurons, i.e. they take the sensation TOWARDS the CNS. • They are usually unipolar, i.e. they have one fibre attached to the cell body, which then divides. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 12. • They are also known as relay neurons, association neurons or interneurons. • They are multipolar neurons with many dendrites. • They are found in the CNS and they make up 99% of the neurons in the body. • They receive impulses from sensory neurons and pass them on to other neurons. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 13. • Motor neurons carry impulses away from the CNS to effectors (such as muscles) to bring about the appropriate response. • They are therefore efferent neurons. ‘Efferent’ means away from. • They are multipolar neurons, and are located in the grey matter in the CNS. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 14. Functions of parts: Dendrites collect information from other cells and pass it on to the cell body. The cell body controls the metabolism of the cell. The node of Ranvier allows rapid conduction of impulses by forcing them to ‘jump’ from one node to the next. Schwann cells are wrapped around the axon several times. Their inner layers of fatty tissue fuse to form the myelin sheath. The axon is extended to carry impulses away from the cell body over long distances. The myelin sheath forms electrical insulation around the axon, preventing distortion of impulses from activity in neighbouring cells. Terminal branches carry impulses to the synaptic knobs/end plates. Synaptic knobs form a synapse with another neuron, a muscle cell or a gland cell. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 15. • Adjacent neurons do not touch each other, there is a small gap separating them. This gap or synaptic cleft plus the adjacent membranes, form a synapse. • A synapse is thus the junction across which a nerve impulse passes from an axon terminal to a neuron, a muscle cell or a gland cell. • In the cytoplasm of the synaptic knobs there are hundreds of small vesicles (sacs) filled with molecules of a neurotransmitter such as the chemical acetylcholine. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 16. As neurons do not touch, impulses have to cross the gap (synapse) to continue their path through the nervous system. • When nerve impulses reach the terminal branches of axons, they cause vesicles in the synaptic knob to fuse with the presynaptic membrane, using energy from the mitochondria. • The membranes then burst, releasing neurotransmitters which diffuse across the synaptic cleft. • The neurotransmitters become attached to neuroreceptors in the post-synaptic membrane, which they either excite or inhibit. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 17. • The receptors release the neurotransmitters back to the synaptic cleft which can then be inactivated by enzymes and reabsorbed by the pre-synaptic membrane. This is very important as, unless the transmitter is removed from the synaptic cleft, subsequent impulses would have no effect as the receptors on the postsynaptic membrane would all be bound. In this way, impulses are carried across the gap chemically, i.e. by way of a chemical neurotransmitter. An impulse carried along a nerve fibre is an electric impulse. Synapses are important because: 1) they make sure that the flow of impulses travel in one direction only, 2) they allow the dispersal of impulses, 3) they allow unnecessary and continual stimuli to be filtered out. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 19. Nerve impulses reach Neurotransmitters Receptors release the terminal branches of excite or inhibit neurotransmitters back axons neuroreceptors into the synaptic cleft Neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters are Vesicles in synaptic attach to inactivated by enzymes knob fuse with neuroreceptors in post- and reabsorbed by pre- presynaptic membrane synaptic membrane synaptic membrane Membranes burst, Neurotransmitters Thus, impulses are releasing diffuse across synaptic carried across the gap neurotransmitters cleft chemically. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 20. The human nervous system is divide into the: • Central Nervous System • Brain • Spinal cord • Peripheral Nervous System • Cranial nerves • Spinal nerves 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 21.
  • 22. • The CNS is made up of a concentrated mass of interconnected neurons, grouped together to form the brain and spinal cord. • The CNS tissues are protected and nourished by three connective tissue membranes called meninges. The space between the 2nd and 3rd layer of membranes is filled with cerebro-spinal fluid which acts as a cushion, protecting the CNS against shock and damage. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 23. • The whole CNS and its meninges are enclosed within a bony case made up of two separate structures. – The cranium is a strong, dome-shaped structure that protects the brain against mechanical injuries. It is made up of eight, curved skull bones, immovably dove-tailed together by fibrous joints called sutures. – The vertebral column is made up of thirty-three, irregular shaped vertebrae that surround the spinal cord and protect it against mechanical injury. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 24. • The brain is the enlarged, upper part of the spinal cord. It is shaped like a large mushroom. The cap of the mushroom is the cerebrum, and the stalk is the brain stem. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 26. • The large cerebrum is divided into two cerebral hemispheres by a longitudinal fissure. The hemispheres are held together by a mass of white tissue called the corpus callosum that provides a communication link between the cerebral hemispheres. • Its surface is made up of a large number of folds and grooves that enlarge the surface area so that a large number of brain cells can fit into a small cranial cavity. • There are four cavities known as ventricles in the centre of the brain. They are filled with cerebro-spinal fluid. • The outer 3mm of the cerebrum forms the cerebral cortex, made up of grey matter. The grey matter is made up of a collection of cell bodies of neurons. Below the grey matter is an area of white matter, made up of a collection of myelinated nerve fibres. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 27. Functions of the cerebrum The cerebral cortex is divided into three functional areas: • The motor area in the frontal lobe is where all the voluntary movements of the body originate. • The sensory areas receive and interpret impulses from the sense organs, e.g: – Hearing, tasting and smelling in the temporal lobe – Sight in the occipital lobe – Skin sensations in the parietal lobe, e.g. touch, cold and hot temperatures and pain. • The association cortex is not involved with motor or sensory functions and is involved in higher mental activities such as intelligence, memory, perception, language and consciousness. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 29. The cerebellum forms the upper part of the brain stem. It is made up of two hemispheres and has shallow surface folds. Functions The cerebellum receives sensory input from the motor region of the cerebrum, the eyes, muscle spindles & organs of balance in inner ears. • It processes this information and uses it to co-ordinate the actions of the voluntary muscles so that complicated physical actions can be performed in a smooth, controlled way. • It is partly responsible for controlling muscle tone (correct tension in the muscles). • Using information from the inner ear, it helps maintain posture and balance. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 30. The hypothalamus is situated above the pituitary. Functions • Controls homeostasis, e.g. temperature, water levels, pH levels, food intake, etc. • Controls and drives certain behaviours, e.g. aggression, self- defence and reproductive behaviours. • Controls functioning of the pituitary gland. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 31. Forms the lowest part of the brain stem. When it leaves through the foramen magnum at the base of the cranium, it is known as the spinal cord. Functions • Serves as the pathway for impulses to and from the brain. • Acts as a reflex centre, controlling important reflexes such as breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure, swallowing and peristalsis. • Also controls less important reflexes such as sneezing, coughing, hiccupping and salivating. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 32. • The spinal cord is an elongated rod of nervous tissue that extends from the medulla oblongata through the foramen magnum. • It is situated in the vertebral canal of the vertebral column and is approximately 45cm long. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 33. • A spinal cord has an H-shaped central area of grey matter made up of nerve cell bodies, dendrites and synapses. • White matter surrounds the grey matter and is made up of axons with myelin sheaths. • The central canal occurs in the centre of the grey matter. It is filled with cerebro-spinal fluid. The central canal runs down from the ventricles in the brain. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 34. • The cord is partly divided into right and left sides by two grooves: dorsal groove and ventral groove. • A pair of spinal nerves enters and leaves the spinal cord between successive vertebrae. Each spinal nerve has a dorsal root that enters the grey matter, and a ventral root that leaves the grey matter. • A collection of neuron cell bodies forms a ganglion in the dorsal root. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 35. The PNS consists of all the nervous tissue outside the CNS. It is divided into two main divisions: • Somatic nervous system that controls all voluntary muscular movements. • Autonomic nervous system, that controls the functioning of involuntary muscles and glands. The PNS is made up of nerves that link the CNS to the receptors and effectors of the body, i.e. 43 pairs of nerves that include: • 12 pairs of cranial nerves connected to the brain. These may be afferent (sensory) nerves or efferent (motor) nerves or mixed nerves made up of both sensory and motor nerves. • 31 pairs of spinal nerves which enter and leave spinal cord between the vertebrae (all mixed nerves). 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 36. Functions of the PNS: • The PNS collects information from receptors and transmits this information by way of impulses along sensory neurons to the CNS – sensory function. • It transmits impulses from the CNS by way of motor neurons to effectors to bring about an appropriate response – motor function. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 37. This system involves receiving information from receptors and bringing about appropriate responses by voluntary, skeletal muscles. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 38. A reflex action is a fast, automatic response by an effector organ, i.e. a muscle (whether voluntary or involuntary) or a gland, to a stimulus received by a receptor organ. Reflex centres may be situated in the: • Brain – controlling reflexes such as sneezing, breathing, blinking etc. • Spinal cord – controlling primitive reflexes such as the knee jerk when tapped below the knee-cap. • A reflex arc is the pathway along which nerve impulses are carried from a receptor to an effector to bring about a reflex action. • A reflex arc is thus the functional unit of the nervous system, while a neuron is the structural unit of the nervous system. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 39. Consider what happens when you prick your finger. • The stimulus of the pin prick generates impulses in sensory nerve endings of pain in the skin of your finger – the receptor. • These impulses are conducted along sensory neurons to the grey matter in the spinal cord. Here the impulses synapse with connector neurons which serve as reflex centres. • From the connector neurons, impulses make synaptic contact with the motor neurons in the grey matter and travel along these neurons to the effectors. • The effector, the flexor muscle in the finger, brings about a response by contracting very quickly to pull the finger away from the pin to protect the finger. • Impulses are also carried up the spinal cord to the cerebral cortex (parietal lobe) where the stimulus is interpreted as pain. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 41. • The ANS is involved in keeping a balanced internal environment i.e. maintaining homeostasis. It responds to sensory input from all body organs and makes the necessary adjustments. • The effectors in the ANS are smooth, involuntary muscle, cardiac muscles and glands. • There are two divisions in the ANS: – Sympathetic nervous system – gets you ‘ready for action’ – Parasympathetic nervous system – calms you down 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 42. Body part Sympathetic system Parasympathetic system Heart beat Strengthens and accelerates Weakens, slows down Blood vessels of skin and Constricts arteries and raises Dilates arteries, lowers digestive organs blood pressure blood pressure Blood vessels of heart, lungs, Dilates arteries, allowing the Constricts arteries, reduces skeletal muscles flow of more blood – can flow of blood run faster Digestive tract Slows down peristalsis Speeds up peristalsis Urinary bladder Relaxes bladder wall Contracts bladder wall Bladder and anal sphincters Contracts Relaxes Muscles in bronchial tubes Muscles relax, dilating air Muscles contract, causing air passages for easier passages to constrict breathing 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 43. Body part Sympathetic system Parasympathetic system Muscles of iris Radial muscles contract, dilating Circular iris muscles contract, pupil – see better constricting pupil Sweat glands Increases sweat to cool one down No effect Liver Stimulates the breakdown of No effect glycogen into glucose – use for energy Salivary glands Decreases secretion of saliva Increases secretion of saliva Tear glands Little effect Increases secretion of tears Adrenal medulla Stimulates secretion of adrenalin No effect Kidney Decreased excretion of urine increased excretion of urine Brain Increased concentration No effect 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 44. • The sympathetic nervous system works together with adrenalin in emergency situations that cause stress and require the ‘fight or flight’ state. Stimulation by these nerves results in more oxygen, glucose and blood being sent to the skeletal muscles, speeding up cellular respiration to release more energy for action. • The parasympathetic nervous system enables the body to ‘rest and digest’, i.e. to recover from sympathetic stimulation and return to normal. • Most organs are innervated by both the sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres (double innervation). • Effects produced by each system are generally antagonistic. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 45. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive and degenerative disease of the brain, which causes the deterioration of memory and thinking skills. Causes Although the cause is not fully understood, it is known that Alzheimer’s disease develops because of a complex series of events that happen in the brain over a long period of time. Genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors may be at fault. Prevalence Alzheimer’s is prevalent in older people and affects both genders. 15% of people over the age of 65, and 50% of people over the age of 85 develop Alzheimer’s. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 46. Symptoms People with Alzheimer’s show symptoms of memory loss and changes in their thinking skills. Problems may include: – Getting lost – Taking a long time to do daily tasks – Mood and personality changes – Poor judgement – In some cases, hallucinations. In severe cases, the people affected by Alzheimer’s cannot communicate properly and are dependent on others to care for them. They may be in bed for most of the time as their body stops functioning. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 47. Treatment There is no cure for Alzheimer’s. Some medicines, however, can help maintain thinking skills and can control or improve certain kinds of behaviour for a short period of time. These medicines, however, cannot delay the progression of the disease. Certain factors may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s: – Regular exercise – Healthy diet – Limiting alcohol consumption – Avoiding tobacco – Staying socially active – Engaging in intellectually stimulating activities 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 48. Co-ordination = the way in which information is communicated between the receptors of the body, the central nervous system and the effectors to bring about appropriate responses to any change in the environment. Nervous system = the body’s control and communication centre. Synapse = the junction across which a nerve impulse passes from an axon terminal to a neuron, a muscle cell or a gland cell. Neurotransmitter = a chemical substance released from axon terminals at a synapse to either stimulate or inhibit the post-synaptic membrane. Stimulus = any physical or chemical change in our internal or external environment that is capable of causing a response in an organism. 2.2a) The Nervous System
  • 49. Cerebro-spinal fluid = a fluid formed from blood plasma in special areas in the walls of the ventricles. It protects and nourishes the CNS and prevents cells from drying out. 2.2a) The Nervous System