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Essential Trace
Essential Trace Minerals
   Trace elements or micro-minerals
   Inorganic nutrients required by humans in very small
    amountsfrom micrograms (o.oo1 mg) to no more
    than a few mg - less than 100 mg/day
   Essential for humans with vital functions to avoid a
    deficiency disease.
   Mn, Mo, Se, Cr, Co – human enzymatic actions
   Fe, I, Zn – recommended daily allowances
   Cu, F – estimated safe ranges and adequate intake
Trace Elements: Modes of Action
   Act as catalysts either as
       Metallo-enzymes
           the trace element is an integral part of the enzyme molecule
           Fe, Zn, Mo
           Cu – firmly bound and incorporated in the protein molecule of
            the enzyme tyrosinase
       Metal-enzymes
           the metal ion is loosely associated with the enzymes
           Arginase
   Functions as constituents and activators of
       Iodine: found in thyroid hormones
       Chromium: insulin activator
       Cobalt: acts as a structural center of vit.B12
Dietary Sources & Classification
   Good sources
        Meat
        Fish
        Natural plant foods
            Grains
            Beans
            Fruits
            Vegetables
   Consumption of processed foods REDUCES the intake of
    essential micronutrients, unless these foods are fortified to
    conc’ns at least equal to those naturally occurring in the
   2 categories:
        1.    Those that have well-defined human requirements – Fe, Zn, I,
              Cu, F
        2.    Those that are integral constituents or activators of enzymes –
              Mn, Mo, Se, Cr, Co
   One of the most important minerals in nutrition
   Involved in oxygen transport and cellular respiration
    (in hemoglobin)
   Serves as an oxygen reserve in muscles metabolism
    (in myoglobin)
   Total quantity ofironin the body averages about 4g,
    consisting of two major fractions:
       70% essential body iron
           hemoglobin, myoglobin, and intracellular enzymes such as
       30% mobilizable iron reserves
           ferritin&hemosiderin
Physiological Functions

 Absorption
 Transport
   Humans have difficulty in efficient iron absorption.
   Only 7-10% of iron in cereals and vegetables
   10-30% in animal protein and soybeans
   Iron is absorbed in the reduced ferrous state
    (divalent) in the upper portion of the small intestine
   Ascorbic acid, citric acid, and amino acids
       convert the less absorbable ferric (trivalent) iron present
        in foodsmore phosphoric absorbable ferrous form
   If phytates (a salt of phosphoric acid ester) present
    in bran or food phosphates are ingested in excess,
    the absorption of iron can be impaired.
   The Ferrous iron is initially taken up by the brush border
    of the intestinal wall, where it is passed into the intestinal
    mucosal cells.
   In the mucosal cells, it can be either bound to:
       Transferrin
           an iron-binding protein for transport of iron in blood
   And absorbed into the bloodstream or combined with
    another protein:
       Apoferritin
   This protein complex is known as ferritin (the storage
    form of iron), which remains within the cells and is
    released as needed.
   Control of iron absorption depends on the amount of iron
    deposited as ferritin in the mucosal cells
   2 most important factors determining the regulation
    of iron absorption:
        1.     The state of iron stores in the body
        2.     The state of RBC formation in the bone marrow
            Absorption is increased in conditions that
             decrease body iron
             during growth or pregnancy when new RBCs are being
             during anemia resulting from hemorrhage
   Transferrin
       special carrier protein in the plasma designed for binding
        and transporting iron.
       attach to the immature RBC and rapidly pass iron to
       attaches to the liver cells and more slowly transfers iron to
       responsible for recycling iron and transporting it to the
        bone marrow by production of new RBCs
   The normal plasma iron concentration= 100 µg per
    100 mL
   The total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) of transferrin =
    330 µg/per 100 L
   A drop in the saturation of transferrin below 10-15%
    indicates iron deficiency anemia
   After 120 days, RBCs are destroyed by
    reticuloendothelial cells (large phagocytic cell) and
    the released iron is taken up by the transferrin
Iron and Storage Overload
   Ferritin
       storage form of excess iron in the liver cells as when it is
        deposited there among all cells of the body
       also found in the cells of spleen and bone marrow
   Hemosiderin
       an insoluble storage form of iron in the body as when the
        amount of of iron in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow
        EXCEEDS the capacity of the cells to form ferritin.
       Hemochromatosis
           occurs when there is excessive levels of hemosiderin or iron
           characterized by excess deposition of iron in the tissues,
            especially in the liver, and by skin pigmentation
Iron and Storage Overload
   Common causes of Hemochromatosis:
    1.   Numerous transfusions in patients with hemolytic
         anemia (separation of hemoglobin from red blood cells)
    2.   Excessive iron intake from food cooked in iron vessels
    3.   Drinking excessive amounts of cheap wines
    4.   Failure of the body to regulate absorption, as in
         alcoholics on low-protein diets and in patients with
         hereditary hemochromatosis
Recommended Dietary Allowances
   Iron intake usually tends to be inadequate in the infant
    and child during the first 2 years.
   The recommended dietary allowance (RDA)=10-15
       Males
           11-18 yrs. old: 18 mg daily
           19 and older: 10 mg daily
       Females
           At childbearing age: 18 mg daily
           After menopause: 10 mg
   The amount of iron expected from a normal diet is about
    6 mg/1000 kcal
   Only 10% of iron from is food is absorbed, as this approx.
    replaces the 1 mg/day lost physiologically in a normal
Food Sources
   3 forms of iron in food
    1.    Heme
    2.    Nonheme
    3.    Additive iron

        Enriched white bread, rolls, and crackers are a
         major source of iron.
        The amount of iron to be absorbed from the food
         depends or on the bodily need for iron.
        The greater the need, the greater the absorption
   form of iron in hemoglobin and in myoglobin that is
    absorbed intact
   found in organ meats (liver, heart, kidney, spleen),
    red meats, veal, pork, poultry, fish, oysters, and
    clams, but not milk or milk products
   About 40% of iron in meat and fish is heme iron
    although only 1/3 can be absorbed by the body
   Accounts for the other 60% of iron in animal protein
    and all the iron in molasses, fruits (figs, dates), green
    veggies, dried beans, nuts, and grain products
    (wheat germ)
   Only 2-10% can be absorbed by the body
Additive iron
   found in both enriched and fortified products
Iron Deficiency Anemia
   Occurs due to inadequate intake or excessive loss of
    iron or both.
   Characterized by the production of small RBCs that
    are deficient in hemoglobin.
   The most common type of nutritional anemia
   It leads to loss of efficiency and impaired general
Occurrences and Causes
   Occurs most frequently in infants and children due to
    undergoing rapid growth and having rapid RBC
   Occurs in pregnant women due to the increasing
    demand of the growing fetus on the mother’s body
   In adult males and postmenopausal women –
    pathological blood loss
   In premenopausal women – menstruational blood
   Bizarre food habits (avoidance of meat and
   Inadequate intake among the elderly due to poverty
Clinical Manifestations
   Slow development; takes for months or years
   Anemia
       Characterized by weakness, fatigue, pallor, and
        numbness and tingling of the extremities
   Epithelial changes – early manifestations
       Nail changes; dullness, brittleness
       Fingernails may be flat instead of convex; spoon-shaped
        appearance with longitudinal ridges (koilonychia)
       Hair growth may be altered
   Dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing) in severe cases
Clinical manifestations: oral area
   Glossitis
     Inflammation of the tongue
   Fissures (clefts or grooves) at the corners of the mouth
   The papillae of tongue are atrophied, giving a smooth,
    shiny, red appearance to the tongue
   The clinical appearance of the tongue in iron deficiency
    resembles that in vit.B complex deficiency
   Oral mucous membranes may be atrophied and ashen
   More susceptible to carcinoma (cancer arising from
    epithelial cells)
   Plummer-Vinson syndrome
     Combination of dysphagia, koilonychia, angular
      stomatitis, and atrophic glossitis
   Administration of 200 mg of ferrous sulfate tablets 3x
    a day (after each meal) as prescribed by a physician
   Treatment should be continued for approximately 2
    months after the hemoglobin level has returned to
   Approx. 2-3 g of zinc in human body
   Is concentrated in the eyes, liver, bones, prostate,
    prostatic secretions, and hair
   In blood, 85% in RBCs, but each WBC has about
    25x than each RBC.
   An integral part of at least 70 enzymes that belong to
       Active component of carbonic anhydrase
           Essential for the transport of CO2 to the lungs
       Other enzymes with zinc content
           Alcohol dehydrogenase
           Lactate dehydrogenase
   Activates enzymes (carboxypeptidase and
    aminopeptidase) that function in the digestion of proteins
   Is part of alkaline phosphatase − bone metabolism
   Added to insulin to prolong the hypoglycemic effect
   It plays an essential role in RNA, DNA, and protein
   Essential for wound healing, tissue growth, and
    prevention of dwarfism, production of hormones.
   Zinc inadequacy may play an important role in
    the reduced immune response in protein-calorie
   Used in the treatment of sickle-cell disease
   Assist in restoring a missing sense of taste in
    some cases
   Important for thymic hormone activity since its
    removal reduces hormone functions
Recommended Dietary Allowance
   RDI: 15 mg a day
   During pregnancy and lactation: 20-25 mg/day
   Infant at 6 mos. old: 3 mg/day
   6 mos.-1 yr.: 5 mg/day
   1-10 yrs.: 10 mg/day

*These are relatively high values when considered in
  proportion to the amount of food eaten.
Food Sources
   Protein rich foods such as meat and fish
   Oysters and herring as highest zinc content per
   Milk --- total dietary zinc intake

**Grains contain dietary fiber and phytic acid, that
  can bind zinc, inhibiting its absorption, but when
  used in making bread with yeast, it inactivates
  the phytates and the body now obtains more of
  the zinc.
   Causes
       Poor diet
       Excessive alcohol intake
       Liver disease
       Chronic kidney disease
       Genetic disorders
           Acrodermatitisenteropathica
               A sever gastrointestinal and cutaneous disease
       May intensify the anemia of sickle-cell disease
   Clinical Manifestations
       Retardation of both growth and sexual development
       Poor appetite
       Slow healing of wounds
       Loss of sense of taste
       Progressive pustular dermatitis of the extremities, mouth, anus,
        and genital areas
       Emotional irritability
       Tremors
       Loss of coordination
       In pregnancy
           Abnormal taste sensations
           Prolonged gestation
           Protracted labor
           Increased risks to the fetus
   Consuming excessive amounts of zinc may increase
    the risk of cardiovascular disease due to:
       Low HDL
       High LDL
   Common zinc level in popular vitamin/mineral
    preparations is 15 mg (safe)
Clinical Application
   Zinc sulfate supplements can decrease wound
    healing time significantly
   Zinc peroxide powder when used topically on acute
    gingival lesions in acute necrotizing gingivitis, the
    soreness disappears soon enough and the mouth
    restores to its normal healthy condition
   Essential component of the enzyme that catalyzes
    oxidation of glutathione which protects red blood
    cells through destruction of hydrogen peroxide
    protecting hemoglobin from oxidative damage
   Extremely effective in reducing the prevalence of
    keshan disease, which is characterized by
    abnormalities in the heart muscle.
   Estimated safe and recommended daily intake of
    selenium for adults is 0.05 to 0.2mg while for
    infants, children and adolescents is somewhat less.
   Part of the molecular structure of two enzymes:
    Xanthineoxidase and Aldehydeoxidase,
    Xanthineoxidase is responsible for the conversion of
    xanthine to uric acid.
   Daily intake is 0.15 to 0.5mg

   Trivalent chromium is the biologically active form of
   Required for the maintenance of normal glucose and
    energy metabolism
   May act as cofactor in insulin and stimulates
    synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol in the liver
   Daily intake is 0.05 to 0.2mg

    Functions :
1.   Aids in synthesis of hemoglobin in the bone
2.   Form and maintain compounds having enzymatic
3.   Influence the central nervous system physiology
4.   Aids in formation of pigments
5.   Component of enzyme necessary for the oxidation
     of the amino acid tyrosine and vitamin C
6.   May also have a role in the maintenance of the
     myelin sheath around the nerve tissue

 Deficiency :
1. Copper deficiency seen in australian lambs called
   “swayback disease” characterized by
   demyelination and degeneration of motor nerves in
   CNS, its prevented by giving copper supplements
   to ewes(female sheep) during pregnancy.
2. Found by clinicians that combined administration of
   copper and iron is more effective in treating
   hypochromic anemia than the administration of iron

   Effects of excess :
       Accumulation of excess copper in body tissues, probably
        because of genetic absence of liver enzyme is called
        Wilson’s disease, characterized by neurological
        degeneration and cirrhotic liver changes.
       Reduction of dietary copper may be useful in treating this
       Also be arrested by giving chelating agents like
        penicillamine to mobilize copper from tissues and promote
        excretion in the urine.

   Excess copper concentrations found in human saliva
    appear to inhibit acid production, although there is
    nothing conclusive to this theory.
   Daily intake is 2 to 3mg

   Part of the vitamin B₁₂ molecule
   May also be involved in the metabolism of sulfur
    containing amino acids
   Inadequacies of cobalt will cause anemia
   Essential for adequate nutrition of sheep and cattle,
    deficiency will cause extreme emaciation and
   High dose of cobalt stimulates the bone marrow to
    produce excessive numbers of red
    cells(polycythemia) and higher than normal
    hemoglobin level
 Functions :
1. needed for normal bone structure
2. For reproduction
3. Normal functioning of CNS
4. Important catalyst and component of many
   enzymes in body, Enzymes involved in the
   synthesis of carbohydrates, those necessary for
   the protection of cells from high levels of oxygen
   and enzymes necessary for mucopolysaccharide

 Effects of deficiency and excess :
1. Manganese deficiency produces skeletal
   abnormalities in animals
2. Excesses can produce profound neurological
   disturbances similar to those of Parkinson’s
   Average adult estimated safe and adequate daily
    dietary intake appears to be between 2.5 to 5mg

   One of the first trace elements recognized essential
    for normal health
   Integral part of the hormones thyroxine and
    triiodothyronine, functions to maintain the control of
    the energy metabolism of the body.
    Most important in synthesis of thyroid hormone is
    the ability of the thyroid gland to trap and oxidize
    iodine molecules into free iodine.
Effects of Imbalance
   Goiter, Thyroid gland enlargement
   Develops swelling in the front of neck in the area of
    hyoid bone
   Iodine deficiency
   Potassium iodide in small doses may completely
    eliminate goiter
   Current level of enrichment furnishes 76 mg of iodine
    per g of salt
   Cretinism and Myxedema are pathological conditions
    resulting from low thyroid activity
   Treatment is administration of thyroid hormone until
    euthyroid(normal) state is achieved
   If it affects a fetus prior to birth, cretinism develops
   Excessive activity of thyroid gland brought by
    deficiency of iodine producing an enlarged excretory
    gland as a result of hyperplasia of the cells lining the
    follicles along with increased colloidal material
   Produces hypermetabolic rate(increase pulse rate,
    temperature and blood pressure, extreme
    nervousness, irritability, increased sweating,
    dyspnea, weight loss and tiredness)
   Patients with diffuse primary thyroid hyperplasia may
    develop exopthalmos(abnormal protrusion of the
Oral Effects of Imbalance
   In severe hypothyroidism, jaws are small and rate of
    tooth eruption is retarded
   Hyperthyroid patients conceivably develop caries
    rapidly due to their increased need for calories and
    possible use of excessive sugars
Effects on development of dental
Mineral Elements That May Inhibit
or Promote Caries
   5 Categories of Elements accdg. to their Cariogenicity
    (by Navia)
     1. Caries-promoting: Selenium, Magnesium,
         Cadmium, Platinum, Lead, Silicon
     2. Mildly cariostatic: Molybdenum, Strontium, Calcium,
         Boron, Lithium, Gold
     3. With doubtful effect on caries: Beryllium, Cobalt,
         Manganese, Tin, Zinc, Bromine, Iodine
     4. Caries-inert: Barium, Aluminum, Nickel, Iron,
         Palladium, Titanium
     5. Strongly cariostatic: Fluorine, Phosphorus
Possible Mechanism of Trace
Elements Action on Dental Caries
   By altering the resistance of the tooth by
    modifying the local environment at the plaque-
    tooth enamel interface
   By altering the size of enamel crystals available
    to acid exposure; influencing enamel solubility
   Smaller crystals have a greater surface area
    (more exposed to acid solubility) than larger
    crystals in enamel rods of similar size
   By influencing the microbial ecology of plaque to
    either inhibit or promote the growth of caries-
    producing bacteria

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  • 2. Essential Trace Minerals
  • 3. Essential Trace Minerals  Trace elements or micro-minerals  Inorganic nutrients required by humans in very small amountsfrom micrograms (o.oo1 mg) to no more than a few mg - less than 100 mg/day  Essential for humans with vital functions to avoid a deficiency disease.  Mn, Mo, Se, Cr, Co – human enzymatic actions  Fe, I, Zn – recommended daily allowances  Cu, F – estimated safe ranges and adequate intake
  • 4. Trace Elements: Modes of Action  Act as catalysts either as  Metallo-enzymes  the trace element is an integral part of the enzyme molecule  Fe, Zn, Mo  Cu – firmly bound and incorporated in the protein molecule of the enzyme tyrosinase  Metal-enzymes  the metal ion is loosely associated with the enzymes  Arginase  Functions as constituents and activators of hormones  Iodine: found in thyroid hormones  Chromium: insulin activator  Cobalt: acts as a structural center of vit.B12
  • 5. Dietary Sources & Classification  Good sources  Meat  Fish  Natural plant foods  Grains  Beans  Fruits  Vegetables  Consumption of processed foods REDUCES the intake of essential micronutrients, unless these foods are fortified to conc’ns at least equal to those naturally occurring in the product.  2 categories: 1. Those that have well-defined human requirements – Fe, Zn, I, Cu, F 2. Those that are integral constituents or activators of enzymes – Mn, Mo, Se, Cr, Co
  • 7. Iron  One of the most important minerals in nutrition  Involved in oxygen transport and cellular respiration (in hemoglobin)  Serves as an oxygen reserve in muscles metabolism (in myoglobin)  Total quantity ofironin the body averages about 4g, consisting of two major fractions:  70% essential body iron  hemoglobin, myoglobin, and intracellular enzymes such as cytochrome  30% mobilizable iron reserves  ferritin&hemosiderin
  • 9. Absorption  Humans have difficulty in efficient iron absorption.  Only 7-10% of iron in cereals and vegetables  10-30% in animal protein and soybeans  Iron is absorbed in the reduced ferrous state (divalent) in the upper portion of the small intestine  Ascorbic acid, citric acid, and amino acids  convert the less absorbable ferric (trivalent) iron present in foodsmore phosphoric absorbable ferrous form  If phytates (a salt of phosphoric acid ester) present in bran or food phosphates are ingested in excess, the absorption of iron can be impaired.
  • 10. Absorption  The Ferrous iron is initially taken up by the brush border of the intestinal wall, where it is passed into the intestinal mucosal cells.  In the mucosal cells, it can be either bound to:  Transferrin  an iron-binding protein for transport of iron in blood  And absorbed into the bloodstream or combined with another protein:  Apoferritin  This protein complex is known as ferritin (the storage form of iron), which remains within the cells and is released as needed.  Control of iron absorption depends on the amount of iron deposited as ferritin in the mucosal cells
  • 11. Absorption  2 most important factors determining the regulation of iron absorption: 1. The state of iron stores in the body 2. The state of RBC formation in the bone marrow  Absorption is increased in conditions that decrease body iron  during growth or pregnancy when new RBCs are being produced  during anemia resulting from hemorrhage
  • 12. Transport  Transferrin  special carrier protein in the plasma designed for binding and transporting iron.  attach to the immature RBC and rapidly pass iron to them.  attaches to the liver cells and more slowly transfers iron to them  responsible for recycling iron and transporting it to the bone marrow by production of new RBCs  The normal plasma iron concentration= 100 µg per 100 mL  The total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) of transferrin = 330 µg/per 100 L
  • 13. Transport  A drop in the saturation of transferrin below 10-15% indicates iron deficiency anemia  After 120 days, RBCs are destroyed by reticuloendothelial cells (large phagocytic cell) and the released iron is taken up by the transferrin molecules.
  • 14. Iron and Storage Overload  Ferritin  storage form of excess iron in the liver cells as when it is deposited there among all cells of the body  also found in the cells of spleen and bone marrow  Hemosiderin  an insoluble storage form of iron in the body as when the amount of of iron in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow EXCEEDS the capacity of the cells to form ferritin.  Hemochromatosis  occurs when there is excessive levels of hemosiderin or iron overload.  characterized by excess deposition of iron in the tissues, especially in the liver, and by skin pigmentation
  • 15. Iron and Storage Overload  Common causes of Hemochromatosis: 1. Numerous transfusions in patients with hemolytic anemia (separation of hemoglobin from red blood cells) anemias 2. Excessive iron intake from food cooked in iron vessels 3. Drinking excessive amounts of cheap wines 4. Failure of the body to regulate absorption, as in alcoholics on low-protein diets and in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis
  • 16. Recommended Dietary Allowances  Iron intake usually tends to be inadequate in the infant and child during the first 2 years.  The recommended dietary allowance (RDA)=10-15 mg/day  Males  11-18 yrs. old: 18 mg daily  19 and older: 10 mg daily  Females  At childbearing age: 18 mg daily  After menopause: 10 mg  The amount of iron expected from a normal diet is about 6 mg/1000 kcal  Only 10% of iron from is food is absorbed, as this approx. replaces the 1 mg/day lost physiologically in a normal adult
  • 17. Food Sources  3 forms of iron in food 1. Heme 2. Nonheme 3. Additive iron  Enriched white bread, rolls, and crackers are a major source of iron.  The amount of iron to be absorbed from the food depends or on the bodily need for iron.  The greater the need, the greater the absorption
  • 18. Heme  form of iron in hemoglobin and in myoglobin that is absorbed intact  found in organ meats (liver, heart, kidney, spleen), red meats, veal, pork, poultry, fish, oysters, and clams, but not milk or milk products  About 40% of iron in meat and fish is heme iron although only 1/3 can be absorbed by the body
  • 19. Nonheme  Accounts for the other 60% of iron in animal protein and all the iron in molasses, fruits (figs, dates), green veggies, dried beans, nuts, and grain products (wheat germ)  Only 2-10% can be absorbed by the body
  • 20. Additive iron  found in both enriched and fortified products
  • 21. Iron Deficiency Anemia  Occurs due to inadequate intake or excessive loss of iron or both.  Characterized by the production of small RBCs that are deficient in hemoglobin.  The most common type of nutritional anemia  It leads to loss of efficiency and impaired general health
  • 22. Occurrences and Causes  Occurs most frequently in infants and children due to undergoing rapid growth and having rapid RBC formation  Occurs in pregnant women due to the increasing demand of the growing fetus on the mother’s body iron  In adult males and postmenopausal women – pathological blood loss  In premenopausal women – menstruational blood loss  Bizarre food habits (avoidance of meat and vegetables)  Inadequate intake among the elderly due to poverty
  • 23. Clinical Manifestations  Slow development; takes for months or years  Anemia  Characterized by weakness, fatigue, pallor, and numbness and tingling of the extremities  Epithelial changes – early manifestations  Nail changes; dullness, brittleness  Fingernails may be flat instead of convex; spoon-shaped appearance with longitudinal ridges (koilonychia)  Hair growth may be altered  Dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing) in severe cases
  • 24. Clinical manifestations: oral area  Glossitis  Inflammation of the tongue  Fissures (clefts or grooves) at the corners of the mouth  The papillae of tongue are atrophied, giving a smooth, shiny, red appearance to the tongue  The clinical appearance of the tongue in iron deficiency resembles that in vit.B complex deficiency  Oral mucous membranes may be atrophied and ashen gray  More susceptible to carcinoma (cancer arising from epithelial cells)  Plummer-Vinson syndrome  Combination of dysphagia, koilonychia, angular stomatitis, and atrophic glossitis
  • 25. THERAPY  Administration of 200 mg of ferrous sulfate tablets 3x a day (after each meal) as prescribed by a physician  Treatment should be continued for approximately 2 months after the hemoglobin level has returned to normal.
  • 26. ZINC
  • 27. Zinc  Approx. 2-3 g of zinc in human body  Is concentrated in the eyes, liver, bones, prostate, prostatic secretions, and hair  In blood, 85% in RBCs, but each WBC has about 25x than each RBC.
  • 28. Functions  An integral part of at least 70 enzymes that belong to metallo-enzymes  Active component of carbonic anhydrase  Essential for the transport of CO2 to the lungs  Other enzymes with zinc content  Alcohol dehydrogenase  Lactate dehydrogenase  Activates enzymes (carboxypeptidase and aminopeptidase) that function in the digestion of proteins  Is part of alkaline phosphatase − bone metabolism  Added to insulin to prolong the hypoglycemic effect  It plays an essential role in RNA, DNA, and protein synthesis
  • 29. Functions  Essential for wound healing, tissue growth, and prevention of dwarfism, production of hormones.  Zinc inadequacy may play an important role in the reduced immune response in protein-calorie malnutrition  Used in the treatment of sickle-cell disease  Assist in restoring a missing sense of taste in some cases  Important for thymic hormone activity since its removal reduces hormone functions
  • 30. Recommended Dietary Allowance  RDI: 15 mg a day  During pregnancy and lactation: 20-25 mg/day  Infant at 6 mos. old: 3 mg/day  6 mos.-1 yr.: 5 mg/day  1-10 yrs.: 10 mg/day *These are relatively high values when considered in proportion to the amount of food eaten.
  • 31. Food Sources  Protein rich foods such as meat and fish  Oysters and herring as highest zinc content per ounce  Milk --- total dietary zinc intake **Grains contain dietary fiber and phytic acid, that can bind zinc, inhibiting its absorption, but when used in making bread with yeast, it inactivates the phytates and the body now obtains more of the zinc.
  • 32. Deficiencies  Causes  Poor diet  Excessive alcohol intake  Liver disease  Chronic kidney disease  Genetic disorders  Acrodermatitisenteropathica  A sever gastrointestinal and cutaneous disease  May intensify the anemia of sickle-cell disease
  • 33. Deficiencies  Clinical Manifestations  Retardation of both growth and sexual development  Poor appetite  Slow healing of wounds  Loss of sense of taste  Progressive pustular dermatitis of the extremities, mouth, anus, and genital areas  Emotional irritability  Tremors  Loss of coordination  In pregnancy  Abnormal taste sensations  Prolonged gestation  Protracted labor  Increased risks to the fetus
  • 34. Supplementation  Consuming excessive amounts of zinc may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease due to:  Low HDL  High LDL  Common zinc level in popular vitamin/mineral preparations is 15 mg (safe)
  • 35. Clinical Application  Zinc sulfate supplements can decrease wound healing time significantly  Zinc peroxide powder when used topically on acute gingival lesions in acute necrotizing gingivitis, the soreness disappears soon enough and the mouth restores to its normal healthy condition
  • 37. Selenium  Essential component of the enzyme that catalyzes oxidation of glutathione which protects red blood cells through destruction of hydrogen peroxide protecting hemoglobin from oxidative damage  Extremely effective in reducing the prevalence of keshan disease, which is characterized by abnormalities in the heart muscle.  Estimated safe and recommended daily intake of selenium for adults is 0.05 to 0.2mg while for infants, children and adolescents is somewhat less.
  • 39. Molybdenum  Part of the molecular structure of two enzymes: Xanthineoxidase and Aldehydeoxidase, Xanthineoxidase is responsible for the conversion of xanthine to uric acid.  Daily intake is 0.15 to 0.5mg
  • 41. Chromium  Trivalent chromium is the biologically active form of chromium  Required for the maintenance of normal glucose and energy metabolism  May act as cofactor in insulin and stimulates synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol in the liver  Daily intake is 0.05 to 0.2mg
  • 43. Copper  Functions : 1. Aids in synthesis of hemoglobin in the bone marrow 2. Form and maintain compounds having enzymatic activity 3. Influence the central nervous system physiology 4. Aids in formation of pigments 5. Component of enzyme necessary for the oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine and vitamin C 6. May also have a role in the maintenance of the myelin sheath around the nerve tissue
  • 44. Copper  Deficiency : 1. Copper deficiency seen in australian lambs called “swayback disease” characterized by demyelination and degeneration of motor nerves in CNS, its prevented by giving copper supplements to ewes(female sheep) during pregnancy. 2. Found by clinicians that combined administration of copper and iron is more effective in treating hypochromic anemia than the administration of iron alone
  • 45. Copper  Effects of excess :  Accumulation of excess copper in body tissues, probably because of genetic absence of liver enzyme is called Wilson’s disease, characterized by neurological degeneration and cirrhotic liver changes.  Reduction of dietary copper may be useful in treating this disease.  Also be arrested by giving chelating agents like penicillamine to mobilize copper from tissues and promote excretion in the urine.
  • 46. Copper  Excess copper concentrations found in human saliva appear to inhibit acid production, although there is nothing conclusive to this theory.  Daily intake is 2 to 3mg
  • 48. Cobalt  Part of the vitamin B₁₂ molecule  May also be involved in the metabolism of sulfur containing amino acids  Inadequacies of cobalt will cause anemia  Essential for adequate nutrition of sheep and cattle, deficiency will cause extreme emaciation and wasting.  High dose of cobalt stimulates the bone marrow to produce excessive numbers of red cells(polycythemia) and higher than normal hemoglobin level
  • 50. Manganese  Functions : 1. needed for normal bone structure 2. For reproduction 3. Normal functioning of CNS 4. Important catalyst and component of many enzymes in body, Enzymes involved in the synthesis of carbohydrates, those necessary for the protection of cells from high levels of oxygen and enzymes necessary for mucopolysaccharide synthesis
  • 51. Manganese  Effects of deficiency and excess : 1. Manganese deficiency produces skeletal abnormalities in animals 2. Excesses can produce profound neurological disturbances similar to those of Parkinson’s disease
  • 52. Manganese  Average adult estimated safe and adequate daily dietary intake appears to be between 2.5 to 5mg
  • 54. Iodine  One of the first trace elements recognized essential for normal health  Integral part of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, functions to maintain the control of the energy metabolism of the body.  Most important in synthesis of thyroid hormone is the ability of the thyroid gland to trap and oxidize iodine molecules into free iodine.
  • 56. Hypothyroidism  Goiter, Thyroid gland enlargement  Develops swelling in the front of neck in the area of hyoid bone  Iodine deficiency  Potassium iodide in small doses may completely eliminate goiter  Current level of enrichment furnishes 76 mg of iodine per g of salt
  • 57. Hypothyroidism  Cretinism and Myxedema are pathological conditions resulting from low thyroid activity  Treatment is administration of thyroid hormone until euthyroid(normal) state is achieved  If it affects a fetus prior to birth, cretinism develops
  • 58. Hyperthyroidism  Excessive activity of thyroid gland brought by deficiency of iodine producing an enlarged excretory gland as a result of hyperplasia of the cells lining the follicles along with increased colloidal material  Produces hypermetabolic rate(increase pulse rate, temperature and blood pressure, extreme nervousness, irritability, increased sweating, dyspnea, weight loss and tiredness)  Patients with diffuse primary thyroid hyperplasia may develop exopthalmos(abnormal protrusion of the eyeball)
  • 59. Oral Effects of Imbalance  In severe hypothyroidism, jaws are small and rate of tooth eruption is retarded  Hyperthyroid patients conceivably develop caries rapidly due to their increased need for calories and possible use of excessive sugars
  • 60. Effects on development of dental caries
  • 61. Mineral Elements That May Inhibit or Promote Caries  5 Categories of Elements accdg. to their Cariogenicity (by Navia) 1. Caries-promoting: Selenium, Magnesium, Cadmium, Platinum, Lead, Silicon 2. Mildly cariostatic: Molybdenum, Strontium, Calcium, Boron, Lithium, Gold 3. With doubtful effect on caries: Beryllium, Cobalt, Manganese, Tin, Zinc, Bromine, Iodine 4. Caries-inert: Barium, Aluminum, Nickel, Iron, Palladium, Titanium 5. Strongly cariostatic: Fluorine, Phosphorus
  • 62. Possible Mechanism of Trace Elements Action on Dental Caries  By altering the resistance of the tooth by modifying the local environment at the plaque- tooth enamel interface  By altering the size of enamel crystals available to acid exposure; influencing enamel solubility  Smaller crystals have a greater surface area (more exposed to acid solubility) than larger crystals in enamel rods of similar size  By influencing the microbial ecology of plaque to either inhibit or promote the growth of caries- producing bacteria

Notas del editor

  1. CoojacintoMicu
  2. Iron