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Active Story System™
for Transmedia Storytelling
This licence allows you to remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially,
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new creations under identical terms. © Transmedia Storyteller Ltd 2012
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Active Story System™ - Goals
 Active Story System™ has been developed to service the needs of the creative &
advertising industries in an era of attention scarcity, content abundance and
multi-platform consumption
 a design process for creating participatory multi-platform story-experiences
 a framework for commercial success that:
 is goal-oriented
 integrates storytelling, engagement, social media & content strategy
 a series of documentation templates & worksheets
Active Story System™ - Benefits
 Distinguishes storyworld design decisions from individual story design decisions
 Combines/integrates entertainment and marketing decisions
 Provides visibility of story structure and logic to navigate it
 Provides visibility of character development and player advancement
 Provides documentation templates and a series of worksheets to encourage
structured thinking and fewer design decision mistakes
 Offers a practical organizational framework for the delivery of persistent
The Active Story System™ focuses on the telling of
participatory transmedia stories
• Requirements
• Goals
• Success Criteria
•KPIs, measurement
• Scope
•Countries, Territories,
Languages, Number of
•Interworking with other
companies & technologies
•Timing & duration
• Customer
• ActSS Define the World
•Story, Experience, Premise,
Goals, Audience, Platforms,
• One Sheet
• Title, log line, call to
action, short synopsis
• Creative direction
• look & feel, tone, mood,
age rating, violence,
• Team
• Risks
• Principal resources
• names and availability
• Principal creative
• Principal technical
• Inbound: Licensing &
• Outbound: Franchising,
merchandising and
• Community
• management, editorial,
• Business Case
• ActSS Define the story
•Premise, Themes, Characters,
Locations, Periods, Objects, Factions,
• ActSS Define the Experience
•Gaming, Role-playing, Exploring,
• ActSS Define the Execution
•Timing, Events, Platforms, Pacing
• ActSS Write Synopsis
• ActSS Develop
Synopsis into Scenes
• ActSS Design the Engagement
• ActSS Design Interaction
• Platform-specific documentation
• Marketing Communications
• Series synopsis & arcs
• Future stories
• Media assets
•Video, audio, image, text, mobile, web
• Events & locations
• Merchandise
• Touchpoints
•Owned, Paid, Earned
• Languages, countries, geo-
• Capacity planning
• Controls
•ActSS Design Operations
•Editorial & Legal processes,
Social media guidelines,
Community management,
•Implementation & testing
• Audience building &
community outreach
•Marketing communications
• Advertising, SEO, paid Search,
Seeding, PR, Social media
TM Project Linear Workflow Active Story System™
TM Project: Actual Iterative Workflow
 The Active Story System™
takes a deep dive into every
design aspect of the
experience. The author*
then loops back to add
detail and address
practicalities and project
delivery issues
*Author = anyone creating the
transmedia project
designer/producer etc.)
Define the
• Story
• Experience
• Audience
• Platforms
• Goal1
• Execution
Define the
• Premise
• Themes
• Characters
• Locations
• Periods
• Objects
• Factions
• Hierarchies
Define the
• Goals
• Gaming2
• Role-playing2
• Exploring2
• Observing2
Define the
• Timing
• Events
• Platforms
• Pacing
What can we use
from the storyworld
to inform
What types of
activity will meet
our goals?
1 What’s the goal: Revenue, Reach, Preference, Action?
2 Game player styles checked against each participation opportunity (e.g. killer, achiever, socializer, explorer)
How are the
audience activities
Who is this for and
what are our goals?
Designing the Participatory Storyworld
Four creative processes that blend marketing with entertainment
Designing the Participatory Story
5. Write
6. Develop
Synopsis into Scenes
•Information revealed
•Character development
•Audience quests
7. Design the
7. Design the
6. Develop
Engagement into Scenes
•Information revealed
•Audience quests
•Character development
5. Write
8. Design the
•Block diagrams
•User Journey
• platforms
9. Design the
•Editorial process
•Legal process
•Social media
Story-first approach
Experience-first approach
Storyworld Worksheets and Templates
 World Definition Worksheet
 Story Worksheet
 Experience Worksheet
 Execution Chart
 Additional Storyworld Documentation
 Story bible
 Participation bible
Project: Date / / Version
Describe the story in a few sentences
Describe the audience experience in a few sentences
Who is the audience for this storyworld? What are the primary platforms?
What’s the objective of the project? Reach, Preference, Action?
What’s the revenue model – does there need to be one?
What’s the roll-out plan?
What is the message the writer wants to convey? What does she/he believe to be true?
Active Story System™ World Definition Worksheet
Project: Date / / Version
Copy and paste Story from the previous slide Copy and paste Experience from the previous slide
What is the message the writer wants to
convey? What does she/he believe to be true?
What themes are explored?
Who are the main characters? What are the main locations?
Thinking of the storyworld timeline, what are the significant
periods? Significant plot points/turning points/reversals?
What are the significant or iconic objects in this storyworld? (e.g.
rings, goblets, sonic screwdrivers, Martini cocktails?)
What are the main rivalries or tribes or sects?
NB: this can help the audience identify and choose a group to
belong to
What levels and ranks are there within the factions?
NB: this can be useful for community forums and games where
people can “level up” depending on activity or success.
Active Story System™ Story Worksheet
Project: Date / / Version
Copy and paste Premise from the previous slide Copy and paste Themes from the previous slide
In this participation type, what (moral) choices might the
audience be given to make them feel the premise?
In this participation type, what information or questions might
the audience be given to make them think about and reflect on
the premise?
In this participation type, what additional information (in world
and out of world) can the audience explore?
In this participation type, the audience creates their own
entertainment from the tools, apps, media, props (physical and
digital) etc and advice you’ve given them. How will you enable
the audience to role-play and create their own entertainment?
What are the creative and commercial goals of the audience
Use separate Intrinsic Motivations worksheet as frequently as
necessary: for the world and/or for each story-experience
Active Story System™ Experience Worksheet
Execution chart
Story-Experience B
Story-Experience C
Story-Experience A
Story-Experience E
Real World
Story-Experience F
Story-Experience G
Story-Experience H
Story-Experience D
Relative timing
Immersion Radar
Primary platform
Execution Chart (example: Mask of the Red Death)
Psychophol experience
Wastelander experience
Web series
Tarot Cards
Real World
Event: Festival Screening
Mobile app
DVD release
Feature film
Immersion Radar
Two bibles: the story and the experience
Information needed to take part
Information revealed through
How is audience
participation created
& managed?
What defines this
Participation bible
 Goals (commercial & creative objectives)
 Policy (for treating fans consistent with company core values)
 In world (Storytelling)
 Gaming/Role-playing/Observing/Exploring
 Platforms
 Events
 Timing
 Out of World (Policy)
 Social media policy (communication style, crisis management)
 Community policy (rewards, highlighting, banning, legal action)
 Editorial policy for fan-generated content (encouraged, allowed, ignored, removed)
 Legal policy
 Escalation procedures
Story Worksheets and Templates
 Immersion Worksheet
 Motivations Worksheet
 Participation Worksheet
 Interaction Worksheet
 Scene Chart
 Character Steps
 User Journey
 System/block diagram
 Content/Data map
 Operations Worksheet
Project: Date / / Version
Importance of narrative, depth of world & degree of authorial
control. Addresses emotional presence: player feels as they
might in real life experiencing real world events. Refer to other
worksheets that discuss story.
Extent to which story-experience pervades real locations &
times, real people & events. Addresses physical presence:
player feels physically transported to storyworld environment.
Describe physical locations & entities or how this
experience pervades real life.
Ability of audience to change or
contribute to the story or experience.
Addresses narrative presence: player
feels able to affect the story. Describe
means by which audience directs, influences
or improves upon the story.
Audience has goal, use of puzzles,
use of game mechanics (trophies,
levels, leader boards etc.); activity
purely for enjoyment & fun. Describe
the game mechanics if appropriate.
Active Story System™ Immersion Worksheet
Project: Date / / Version
How will the audience be surprised? How does the experience offer variety and comfort?
How much freedom does the audience have to explore, to
determine timing & outcomes, to personalize their
How will the audience perceive a feeling of accomplishment?
Will they gain a new insight or understanding? Will they have
gained a new skill or improved existing skills?
How does the audience build relationships with others and/or
with the characters?
How does the audience gain bragging rights, self-importance or
self-affirmation? How is the audience made to feel unique &
Are there leaderboards, badges, membership levels?
Active Story System™ Motivations Worksheet
Project: Date / / Version
Copy and paste Premise from the previous slides What must the audience achieve? What’s the call to action?
Is this action: meaningful, thought-provoking, confirms the
premise, allows personalization, generates conversation,
hits as many intrinsic motivations as possible?
Is this action: meaningful, thought-provoking, relevant to the
premise, allows personalization, generates conversation,
hits as many intrinsic motivations as possible?
What characters are needed? Roles: Hero - the character who plays the
game; Mentor -the character that offers advice and useful items
Assistant - a character who offers occasional tips; Tutor - a character
who explains how to play the game; Final Boss - the villain the player
must defeat in the last battle; Hostage - a character to rescue.
What audience actions are taken alone and in private What audience actions are taken in public and shared with or
discussed with the community
What audience actions are taken in competition with others or
with a character
What audience actions are take in collaboration with others or
with a character
Is the personalization relevant to the storyworld? Allow audience
to join a Faction or vary according to Hierarchy? Generate word
of mouth? Generate repeat play?
Does the pacing of the experience match the pacing of the narrative?
Active Story System™ Participation Worksheet
Project: Date / / Version
How do new audience members enter the system? What’s the process for them to indentify themselves to the characters? How & when
are they called to action (activated)? Create a chart for the “user journey”?
What platforms are being used for this story? What media do we need? Rich media and text based.
Where does the audience cross the threshold from reality to
What are the calls to action?
What are the out-of-world websites, social media, objects,
locations, events?
What are the fictional entry points for this story?
What are the calls to action?
What are the in-world websites, social media, objects, locations,
Active Story System™ Interaction Worksheet
Scene Chart (example: Lowlifes)
 Show how the story moves forward scene-by-scene. What information or state
change causes audience experience of the story to progress? What new information
does the audience gain?
 Note: specific platforms may or may not be mentioned
Scene Chart (example: New Tokyo)
Parallel (therefore potentially optional) scenes
Character Steps (example: boy meets girl)
 Show how the characters (perhaps player-character) changes as experience
Steps and Paths
Color-coding denotes same scene
Character steps for open world/branching story
(example: New Tokyo)
Steps and Paths
Scene branches
Player-character attributes/groups affecting scene
Character Map (example: lowlifes)
 Show character relationships and key character data
User Journey
Time and/or Stages and/or Acts
 Show possible path(s) taken by audience to access story/experience
 Show relationship between platforms over time
User Journey: Limitations
 Transmedia stories (ought to) tend towards a mesh or network of information points rather
than simple linear path  an “open story”
 Open stories best described by states rather than paths and hence user journey diagram is
less helpful
decision point alternative endings
plot point
character detail
Linear Story
Branching Story Open Story
User Journey (example: Roswell)
Online Quests
Location-based Quests
Final event+
eBook holds many answers/clues to the puzzles
Detail expanded later in additional documents
Roswell quests: visitor gets points AND uncovers clues
Clues on social media, blogs, wikipedia etc
 User Journey diagrams can easily become confusing. Especially with branching or open stories
 Simplicity is always best
 Defer complex interactions to lower-layer diagrams
User Journey (example: Roswell Experience)
Find the location of the alien landing
(e.g. go into store to get grid ref and answer
Collect points and get to top of the leaderboard
(e.g. upload photos, check-in, tweet, email)Location = story
content & unique
NEC code
Interactive story and choices
from characters in Cult and Hunters
eBook (web URLs)
User Journey (example: Transbay)
 Shows scenes (possible states) available in relation to linear story (scheduled content)
System/block diagram (example: Transbay)
 Shows how important experience data will be displayed – without the detail of a wireframe diagram
Asset/data map (example: Roswell Experience)
 Shows important experience-related assets & data
Consider journey phases
The user journey can be divided into six phases:
 Setup - this is action to create the starting conditions before the audience experience starts
 Registration - the Author decides how (or if) the Audience makes itself know to the experience
 Activation - a call-to-action (which maybe at the same time as Registration or later in time)
 Play - this is the main body of the experience
 Wrap - if the World is to be ended then this stage ensures everything is wrapped up.
Setup Registration
• Attraction/
• Call to action
• Data capture
• Initial status
• (Re)Call to Action
• Explanation
• Structure
• Mechanic
• Resolution
Project: Date / / Version
Who must approve the content?
How will the content be approved?
What timescales are required?
Are there legal issues regarding the publication of content? Who
must sign-off from legal?
Who is in charge of the community?
What authority do they have?
What is the escalation procedure?
How are they to deal with problems?
What are the procedures for:
a. Purchasing merch and/or subscribing to story
b. Raising a question or fault
c. Who handles questions and faults?
Who is in charge and when do they get notified? How is success measured?
What measures are to be reports? How frequently?
Active Story System™ Operations Worksheet
Robert Pratten,
CEO & Founder, Transmedia Storyteller Ltd
USA: +1 415 287 4150
Europe: +44 207 193 4567
Pervasive Entertainment Platform
The Active Story System™ is available on
…the world’s most powerful transmedia storytelling software from…

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  • 1. Active Story System™ for Transmedia Storytelling This licence allows you to remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as you credit attribution to Robert Pratten (@robpratten) and license your new creations under identical terms. © Transmedia Storyteller Ltd 2012
  • 2. Update: Interactive PDF Worksheets The worksheets in this presentation are now available for download as an interactive PDF. This allows you to add your own project information, print and share. Download via e-junkie here:
  • 3. Active Story System™ - Goals  Active Story System™ has been developed to service the needs of the creative & advertising industries in an era of attention scarcity, content abundance and multi-platform consumption  a design process for creating participatory multi-platform story-experiences  a framework for commercial success that:  is goal-oriented  integrates storytelling, engagement, social media & content strategy  a series of documentation templates & worksheets
  • 4. Active Story System™ - Benefits  Distinguishes storyworld design decisions from individual story design decisions  Combines/integrates entertainment and marketing decisions  Provides visibility of story structure and logic to navigate it  Provides visibility of character development and player advancement  Provides documentation templates and a series of worksheets to encourage structured thinking and fewer design decision mistakes  Offers a practical organizational framework for the delivery of persistent storyworlds
  • 5. The Active Story System™ focuses on the telling of participatory transmedia stories
  • 6. Definition • Requirements • Goals • Success Criteria •KPIs, measurement • Scope •Countries, Territories, Languages, Number of Audience •Interworking with other companies & technologies •Timing & duration •Budget • Customer Development • ActSS Define the World •Story, Experience, Premise, Goals, Audience, Platforms, Execution • One Sheet • Title, log line, call to action, short synopsis • Creative direction • look & feel, tone, mood, age rating, violence, language • Team • Risks • Principal resources • names and availability • Principal creative • Principal technical development • Inbound: Licensing & copyrights • Outbound: Franchising, merchandising and licensing • Community • management, editorial, legal • Business Case Design • ActSS Define the story •Premise, Themes, Characters, Locations, Periods, Objects, Factions, Hierarchies • ActSS Define the Experience •Gaming, Role-playing, Exploring, Observing • ActSS Define the Execution •Timing, Events, Platforms, Pacing • ActSS Write Synopsis • ActSS Develop Synopsis into Scenes • ActSS Design the Engagement • ActSS Design Interaction • Platform-specific documentation • Marketing Communications • Series synopsis & arcs • Future stories • Media assets •Video, audio, image, text, mobile, web • Events & locations • Merchandise • Touchpoints •Owned, Paid, Earned • Languages, countries, geo- restrictions • Capacity planning • Controls Delivery •ActSS Design Operations •Editorial & Legal processes, Social media guidelines, Community management, Escalation •Production •Implementation & testing • Audience building & community outreach •Marketing communications • Advertising, SEO, paid Search, Seeding, PR, Social media •Launch •Operations •Metrics TM Project Linear Workflow Active Story System™
  • 7. TM Project: Actual Iterative Workflow  The Active Story System™ takes a deep dive into every design aspect of the experience. The author* then loops back to add detail and address practicalities and project delivery issues *Author = anyone creating the transmedia project (storteller/narrative designer/producer etc.)
  • 8. Define the World • Story • Experience • Audience • Platforms • Goal1 • Execution Define the Story • Premise • Themes • Characters • Locations • Periods • Objects • Factions • Hierarchies Define the Experiences • Goals • Gaming2 • Role-playing2 • Exploring2 • Observing2 Define the Execution • Timing • Events • Platforms • Pacing What can we use from the storyworld to inform participation? What types of activity will meet our goals? 1 What’s the goal: Revenue, Reach, Preference, Action? 2 Game player styles checked against each participation opportunity (e.g. killer, achiever, socializer, explorer) How are the audience activities realized? Who is this for and what are our goals? Designing the Participatory Storyworld Four creative processes that blend marketing with entertainment
  • 9. Designing the Participatory Story 5. Write synopsis •Premise •Themes •Characters •Conflict 6. Develop Synopsis into Scenes •Information revealed •Character development •Audience quests 7. Design the Engagement •Personalization •Actions •Teams •Pacing •Motivations •Immersion 7. Design the Engagement •Personalization •Actions •Teams •Pacing •Motivations •Immersion 6. Develop Engagement into Scenes •Information revealed •Audience quests •Character development 5. Write synopsis •Premise •Themes •Characters •Conflict 8. Design the Interaction •Platforms •Media •Out-of-World •In-World •Block diagrams •User Journey • platforms •phases 9. Design the Operations •Editorial process •Legal process •Social media guidelines •Community management •Escalation •Metrics Story-first approach Experience-first approach
  • 10. Storyworld Worksheets and Templates  World Definition Worksheet  Story Worksheet  Experience Worksheet  Execution Chart  Additional Storyworld Documentation  Story bible  Participation bible
  • 11. Project: Date / / Version y STORY EXPERIENCE Describe the story in a few sentences Describe the audience experience in a few sentences AUDIENCE PLATFORMS GOAL EXECUTION Who is the audience for this storyworld? What are the primary platforms? What’s the objective of the project? Reach, Preference, Action? What’s the revenue model – does there need to be one? What’s the roll-out plan? PREMISE What is the message the writer wants to convey? What does she/he believe to be true? Active Story System™ World Definition Worksheet
  • 12. Project: Date / / Version STORY EXPERIENCE PREMISE THEMES CHARACTERS LOCATIONS PERIODS OBJECTS FACTIONS HIERARCHIES Copy and paste Story from the previous slide Copy and paste Experience from the previous slide What is the message the writer wants to convey? What does she/he believe to be true? What themes are explored? Who are the main characters? What are the main locations? Thinking of the storyworld timeline, what are the significant periods? Significant plot points/turning points/reversals? What are the significant or iconic objects in this storyworld? (e.g. rings, goblets, sonic screwdrivers, Martini cocktails?) What are the main rivalries or tribes or sects? NB: this can help the audience identify and choose a group to belong to What levels and ranks are there within the factions? NB: this can be useful for community forums and games where people can “level up” depending on activity or success. Active Story System™ Story Worksheet
  • 13. Project: Date / / Version PREMISE THEMES Copy and paste Premise from the previous slide Copy and paste Themes from the previous slide GAMING ROLE-PLAYING OBSERVING EXPLORING In this participation type, what (moral) choices might the audience be given to make them feel the premise? In this participation type, what information or questions might the audience be given to make them think about and reflect on the premise? In this participation type, what additional information (in world and out of world) can the audience explore? In this participation type, the audience creates their own entertainment from the tools, apps, media, props (physical and digital) etc and advice you’ve given them. How will you enable the audience to role-play and create their own entertainment? GOALS What are the creative and commercial goals of the audience participation? MOTIVATIONS Use separate Intrinsic Motivations worksheet as frequently as necessary: for the world and/or for each story-experience Active Story System™ Experience Worksheet
  • 14. Execution chart Online Story-Experience B Story-Experience C Story-Experience A Story-Experience E Real World Story-Experience F Story-Experience G Story-Experience H Story-Experience D Relative timing PrimaryPlatform Story GamingCo-creation Real-world Immersion Radar Primary platform
  • 15. Execution Chart (example: Mask of the Red Death) Online Psychophol experience Wastelander experience Web series Tarot Cards Real World Event: Festival Screening Mobile app DVD release Feature film Story GamingCo-creation Real-world Immersion Radar
  • 16. Two bibles: the story and the experience Storyworld Bible Participation Bible Information needed to take part Information revealed through participation How is audience participation created & managed? What defines this storyworld?
  • 17. Participation bible  Goals (commercial & creative objectives)  Policy (for treating fans consistent with company core values)  In world (Storytelling)  Gaming/Role-playing/Observing/Exploring  Platforms  Events  Timing  Out of World (Policy)  Social media policy (communication style, crisis management)  Community policy (rewards, highlighting, banning, legal action)  Editorial policy for fan-generated content (encouraged, allowed, ignored, removed)  Legal policy  Escalation procedures
  • 18. Story Worksheets and Templates  Immersion Worksheet  Motivations Worksheet  Participation Worksheet  Interaction Worksheet  Scene Chart  Character Steps  User Journey  System/block diagram  Content/Data map  Operations Worksheet
  • 19. Project: Date / / Version IMPORTANCE OF STORY & EMOTIONAL PRESENCE IMPORTANCE OF REAL WORLD & PHYSICAL PRESENCE IMPORTANCE OF CO-CREATION IMPORTANCE OF GAMING & PLAY Importance of narrative, depth of world & degree of authorial control. Addresses emotional presence: player feels as they might in real life experiencing real world events. Refer to other worksheets that discuss story. Extent to which story-experience pervades real locations & times, real people & events. Addresses physical presence: player feels physically transported to storyworld environment. Describe physical locations & entities or how this experience pervades real life. Ability of audience to change or contribute to the story or experience. Addresses narrative presence: player feels able to affect the story. Describe means by which audience directs, influences or improves upon the story. Audience has goal, use of puzzles, use of game mechanics (trophies, levels, leader boards etc.); activity purely for enjoyment & fun. Describe the game mechanics if appropriate. Active Story System™ Immersion Worksheet
  • 20. Project: Date / / Version AUTONOMY: CHOICES & CONTROL GROWTH: MASTERY, COMPETENCE, LEARNING & UNDERSTANDING CURIOSITY: COMFORT, VARIETY & SURPRISE RELATEDNESS: CONNECTION & CONTRIBUTION SIGNIFICANCE: IMPORTANCE & UNIQUENESS How will the audience be surprised? How does the experience offer variety and comfort? How much freedom does the audience have to explore, to determine timing & outcomes, to personalize their persona/experience? How will the audience perceive a feeling of accomplishment? Will they gain a new insight or understanding? Will they have gained a new skill or improved existing skills? How does the audience build relationships with others and/or with the characters? How does the audience gain bragging rights, self-importance or self-affirmation? How is the audience made to feel unique & valued? Are there leaderboards, badges, membership levels? Active Story System™ Motivations Worksheet
  • 21. Project: Date / / Version PREMISE AUDIENCE GOAL FINAL ACTION FIRST ACTION CHARACTERS PERSONALIZATION SOLO ACTIONS COMMUNITY ACTIONS COMPETITIVE ACTIONS COLLABORATIVE ACTIONS PACING Copy and paste Premise from the previous slides What must the audience achieve? What’s the call to action? Is this action: meaningful, thought-provoking, confirms the premise, allows personalization, generates conversation, hits as many intrinsic motivations as possible? Is this action: meaningful, thought-provoking, relevant to the premise, allows personalization, generates conversation, hits as many intrinsic motivations as possible? What characters are needed? Roles: Hero - the character who plays the game; Mentor -the character that offers advice and useful items Assistant - a character who offers occasional tips; Tutor - a character who explains how to play the game; Final Boss - the villain the player must defeat in the last battle; Hostage - a character to rescue. What audience actions are taken alone and in private What audience actions are taken in public and shared with or discussed with the community What audience actions are taken in competition with others or with a character What audience actions are take in collaboration with others or with a character Is the personalization relevant to the storyworld? Allow audience to join a Faction or vary according to Hierarchy? Generate word of mouth? Generate repeat play? Does the pacing of the experience match the pacing of the narrative? Active Story System™ Participation Worksheet
  • 22. Project: Date / / Version PLATFORMS MEDIA SETUP/REGISTRATION/ ACTIVATION/PLAY/DECOMMISSIONING OUT-OF-WORLD ENTRY POINTS IN-WORLD ENTRY POINTS How do new audience members enter the system? What’s the process for them to indentify themselves to the characters? How & when are they called to action (activated)? Create a chart for the “user journey”? What platforms are being used for this story? What media do we need? Rich media and text based. Where does the audience cross the threshold from reality to fiction? What are the calls to action? What are the out-of-world websites, social media, objects, locations, events? What are the fictional entry points for this story? What are the calls to action? What are the in-world websites, social media, objects, locations, events? Active Story System™ Interaction Worksheet
  • 23. Scene Chart (example: Lowlifes)  Show how the story moves forward scene-by-scene. What information or state change causes audience experience of the story to progress? What new information does the audience gain?  Note: specific platforms may or may not be mentioned
  • 24. Scene Chart (example: New Tokyo) Parallel (therefore potentially optional) scenes
  • 25. Character Steps (example: boy meets girl)  Show how the characters (perhaps player-character) changes as experience progresses Steps and Paths Characters&Player(s) Color-coding denotes same scene
  • 26. Character steps for open world/branching story (example: New Tokyo) Steps and Paths Characters&Player(s) Scene branches Player-character attributes/groups affecting scene
  • 27. Character Map (example: lowlifes)  Show character relationships and key character data
  • 28. User Journey Time and/or Stages and/or Acts Platforms  Show possible path(s) taken by audience to access story/experience  Show relationship between platforms over time
  • 29. User Journey: Limitations  Transmedia stories (ought to) tend towards a mesh or network of information points rather than simple linear path  an “open story”  Open stories best described by states rather than paths and hence user journey diagram is less helpful decision point alternative endings A B C plot point character detail Exposition Linear Story Branching Story Open Story
  • 30. User Journey (example: Roswell) eBook Online Quests Location-based Quests Final event+ eBook holds many answers/clues to the puzzles Detail expanded later in additional documents Roswell quests: visitor gets points AND uncovers clues Clues on social media, blogs, wikipedia etc  User Journey diagrams can easily become confusing. Especially with branching or open stories  Simplicity is always best  Defer complex interactions to lower-layer diagrams
  • 31. User Journey (example: Roswell Experience) Find the location of the alien landing (e.g. go into store to get grid ref and answer questions) Collect points and get to top of the leaderboard (e.g. upload photos, check-in, tweet, email)Location = story content & unique NEC code Interactive story and choices from characters in Cult and Hunters eBook (web URLs) websites Location storylets
  • 32. User Journey (example: Transbay)  Shows scenes (possible states) available in relation to linear story (scheduled content)
  • 33. System/block diagram (example: Transbay)  Shows how important experience data will be displayed – without the detail of a wireframe diagram
  • 34. Asset/data map (example: Roswell Experience)  Shows important experience-related assets & data
  • 35. Consider journey phases The user journey can be divided into six phases:  Setup - this is action to create the starting conditions before the audience experience starts  Registration - the Author decides how (or if) the Audience makes itself know to the experience  Activation - a call-to-action (which maybe at the same time as Registration or later in time)  Play - this is the main body of the experience  Wrap - if the World is to be ended then this stage ensures everything is wrapped up. Setup Registration • Attraction/ Spectacle • Call to action • Data capture • Initial status Activation • (Re)Call to Action • Explanation Play • Structure • Mechanic Wrap • Resolution
  • 36. Project: Date / / Version EDITORIAL PROCESS LEGAL PROCESS & FRAMEWORK COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT & GUIDELINES OPERATIONAL PROCESS ESCALATION PROCESS METRICS Who must approve the content? How will the content be approved? What timescales are required? Are there legal issues regarding the publication of content? Who must sign-off from legal? Who is in charge of the community? What authority do they have? What is the escalation procedure? How are they to deal with problems? What are the procedures for: a. Purchasing merch and/or subscribing to story b. Raising a question or fault c. Who handles questions and faults? Who is in charge and when do they get notified? How is success measured? What measures are to be reports? How frequently? Active Story System™ Operations Worksheet
  • 37. CONTACT Robert Pratten, CEO & Founder, Transmedia Storyteller Ltd @robpratten USA: +1 415 287 4150 Europe: +44 207 193 4567 Pervasive Entertainment Platform The Active Story System™ is available on …the world’s most powerful transmedia storytelling software from…