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Tamara Heck, Isabella Peters,
 Wolfgang G. Stock
 Dept. of Information Science

     Testing Collaborative Filtering against
Co-Citation Analysis and Bibliographic Coupling
    for Academic Author Recommendation

     3rd Workshop on Recommender Systems and the Social Web on ACM
               RecSys’11 on 23rd October in Chicago, IL, USA
Research Questions
   Aim: Recommend relevant partners for target
    scientist                      More
                                                                         like me!
       for co-authorship
       establishment of a community of practice
       search for contributions to a handbook
 Can we propose a network with relevant
  collaboration partners to a target researcher with
  collaborative filtering in CiteULike?
 Are these results different to co-citation analysis
  and bibliographic coupling?
                     collaborative filtering for author recommendation
Methods I+II
   Author Co-Citation in Scopus:
       ACC:= (D, Ca, Q) where Q ⊆ D x Ca with |Q| > 0
            where Ca is the set of cited articles of target author a.
   Bibliographic Coupling in Web of Science:
       BC:= (Refd(a), D, S) where S ⊆ Refd(a) x D and {d ∈ D |
        Refd(a)| ≥ n, n ℕ}
            where Refd(a) is the number of references in one document d
             of target author a.
            “related records”: number of common references in a single
             document important

                           collaborative filtering for author recommendation
Method III
   Collaborative Filtering in CiteULike:
       Folksonomy F: = (U, T, R, Y) with Y ⊆U x T x R
            Docsonomy DF:= (T, R, Z)
            Personomy PUT:= (U, T, X)
            Personal bookmark list: PBLUR:= (U, R, W)
       2 opportunities:
            1. All users u U who have at least one article of the target
             author a in their bookmark list: PBLURa:= (U, Ra, W) where W
             ⊆ U x Ra
            2. All documents to which users assigned the same tags like
             to the target author’s a articles: DFa:= (Ta, R, Z) where Z ⊆ Ta

                           collaborative filtering for author recommendation
Method III

             collaborative filtering for author recommendation
Results & Evaluation I
   4 Clusters with at least 30 similar authors
       COCI: author co-citation in Scopus
       BICO: common references in WoS
       CULU: CV based on common users in CiteULike
       CULT: CV based on common tags in CiteULike
   Evaluation:
       10 top ranked authors of each cluster
            identify known authors/partners and research field
            identify relevance for own research: rating 1 (not important)
             till 10 (very important)
            tell relevant authors not on the list

                           collaborative filtering for author recommendation
Results & Evaluation I
   Important authors found:

                  64                    27                  Web of
                Scopus                                      Science
                            24                     16


                  collaborative filtering for author recommendation
Results & Evaluation I
   Coverage of important authors in the
    recommendation of the Top 20 authors:




         40%                                                                               CULT




               author 1   author 2     author 3      author 4      author 5     author 6

                            collaborative filtering for author recommendation
Results & Evaluation II
   4 graphs:
       cosine values between all authors of one cluster
       Evaluation graph analysis:
            Is the distribution of the authors/ author communities
             correspondent to the communities in reality?
            Where do your see yourself in the community?
            Would this graph be helpful e.g. to start a project or organize
             a workshop or scientific conference?
            How relevant is the graph: rating 1 till 10?

                           collaborative filtering for author recommendation
Results & Evaluation II
       CCULT graph: 7
        cosine interval: 0.49-0.99

                collaborative filtering for author recommendation
Results & Evaluation II
   Relevance:
       COCI: 5.08
       BICO: 8.7
       CULU: 2.13
       CULT:.5.25
 Graph helpful to find new unknown collaboration
 CULU e. CULT show more unknown authors
 COCI e. BICO show many relevant known
                     collaborative filtering for author recommendation
Further work
   Insights:
       CUL data complements COCI and BICO
       Need for expert recommendation
       Graph arrangement must be clear
   Questions:
       How to combine methods?
       How to visualize graphs?
       Which algorithms to use?

                    collaborative filtering for author recommendation
Limitations & problems
   Datasets:
       CiteULike: Sparse data, misspelled author
        names, tags not consistent
       Scopus: discrepancies with co-authors
            Data not complete:
                 5 of 14 authors have complete coverage
                 3 have coverage between 70 % and 90 %
                 5 between 55 % and 70 %
                 1 author only a coverage of 33 %
       WoS: author identification difficult
       Author articles to be generated manually

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                                                                            collaborative filtering for author recommendation

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Testing Collaborative Filtering against Co-Citation Analysis and Bibliographic Coupling for Academic Author Recommendation

  • 1. Tamara Heck, Isabella Peters, Wolfgang G. Stock Dept. of Information Science Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf Testing Collaborative Filtering against Co-Citation Analysis and Bibliographic Coupling for Academic Author Recommendation 3rd Workshop on Recommender Systems and the Social Web on ACM RecSys’11 on 23rd October in Chicago, IL, USA
  • 2. Research Questions  Aim: Recommend relevant partners for target scientist More like me!  for co-authorship  establishment of a community of practice  search for contributions to a handbook  Can we propose a network with relevant collaboration partners to a target researcher with collaborative filtering in CiteULike?  Are these results different to co-citation analysis and bibliographic coupling? collaborative filtering for author recommendation
  • 3. Methods I+II  Author Co-Citation in Scopus:  ACC:= (D, Ca, Q) where Q ⊆ D x Ca with |Q| > 0  where Ca is the set of cited articles of target author a.  Bibliographic Coupling in Web of Science:  BC:= (Refd(a), D, S) where S ⊆ Refd(a) x D and {d ∈ D | Refd(a)| ≥ n, n ℕ}  where Refd(a) is the number of references in one document d of target author a.  “related records”: number of common references in a single document important collaborative filtering for author recommendation
  • 4. Method III  Collaborative Filtering in CiteULike:  Folksonomy F: = (U, T, R, Y) with Y ⊆U x T x R  Docsonomy DF:= (T, R, Z)  Personomy PUT:= (U, T, X)  Personal bookmark list: PBLUR:= (U, R, W)  2 opportunities:  1. All users u U who have at least one article of the target author a in their bookmark list: PBLURa:= (U, Ra, W) where W ⊆ U x Ra  2. All documents to which users assigned the same tags like to the target author’s a articles: DFa:= (Ta, R, Z) where Z ⊆ Ta xR collaborative filtering for author recommendation
  • 5. Method III  collaborative filtering for author recommendation
  • 6. Results & Evaluation I  4 Clusters with at least 30 similar authors  COCI: author co-citation in Scopus  BICO: common references in WoS  CULU: CV based on common users in CiteULike  CULT: CV based on common tags in CiteULike  Evaluation:  10 top ranked authors of each cluster  identify known authors/partners and research field  identify relevance for own research: rating 1 (not important) till 10 (very important)  tell relevant authors not on the list collaborative filtering for author recommendation
  • 7. Results & Evaluation I  Important authors found: 67 64 27 Web of Scopus Science 12 24 16 70 CiteULike collaborative filtering for author recommendation
  • 8. Results & Evaluation I  Coverage of important authors in the recommendation of the Top 20 authors: 100% 90% 80% COCI 70% BICO 60% CULU 50% 40% CULT 30% 20% 10% 0% author 1 author 2 author 3 author 4 author 5 author 6 collaborative filtering for author recommendation
  • 9. Results & Evaluation II  4 graphs:  cosine values between all authors of one cluster  Evaluation graph analysis:  Is the distribution of the authors/ author communities correspondent to the communities in reality?  Where do your see yourself in the community?  Would this graph be helpful e.g. to start a project or organize a workshop or scientific conference?  How relevant is the graph: rating 1 till 10? collaborative filtering for author recommendation
  • 10. Results & Evaluation II CCULT graph: 7 cosine interval: 0.49-0.99 collaborative filtering for author recommendation
  • 11. Results & Evaluation II  Relevance:  COCI: 5.08  BICO: 8.7  CULU: 2.13  CULT:.5.25  Graph helpful to find new unknown collaboration partners  CULU e. CULT show more unknown authors  COCI e. BICO show many relevant known authors collaborative filtering for author recommendation
  • 12. Further work  Insights:  CUL data complements COCI and BICO  Need for expert recommendation  Graph arrangement must be clear  Questions:  How to combine methods?  How to visualize graphs?  Which algorithms to use? collaborative filtering for author recommendation
  • 13. Limitations & problems  Datasets:  CiteULike: Sparse data, misspelled author names, tags not consistent  Scopus: discrepancies with co-authors  Data not complete:  5 of 14 authors have complete coverage  3 have coverage between 70 % and 90 %  5 between 55 % and 70 %  1 author only a coverage of 33 %  WoS: author identification difficult  Author articles to be generated manually collaborative filtering for author recommendation
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