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Plasmodium species which
infect humans
Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium ovale
Plasmodium falciparum
Plasmodium malariae
Classification of Malaria
• Uncomplicated Malaria
• Cold stage (sensation of cold, shivering)
• Hot stage (fever, headaches, vomiting; seizures
in young children)
• Sweating stage (sweats, return to normal
temperature, tiredness)
Classification of Malaria
• Severe Malaria
– Cerebral malaria (seizures, coma)
– Severe anemia
– Hemoglobinuria
– Abnormalities in blood coagulation
– Cardiovascular collapse and shock
Types of Infections
• Recrudescence
– exacerbation of persistent undetectable parasitemia, due to survival
of erythrocytic forms, no exo-erythrocytic cycle (P.f., P.m.)

• Relapse
– reactivation of hypnozoites forms of parasite in liver, separate from
previous infection with same species (P.v. and P.o.)

• Recurrence or reinfection
– exo-erythrocytic forms infect erythrocytes, separate from previous
infection (all species)

• Can not always differentiate recrudescence from reinfection

• Based on stage of parasite they affect:

– Causal prophylactics: Primaquine, Pyrimethamine,proguanil
– Supressives: Quinine, 4-aminoquinolines, mefloquine,artemisinin
– Radical curatives: Primaquine,pyrimethamine
– Gametocidal:
• Supressives – Pl Vivax ,
• Primaquine – against all,
• Proguanil ,pyrimethamine – prevent development also
prevent development of sporozoites
• Based on chemical structure:
– Cinchona alkaloids: Quinine, quinidine
– 4 aminoquinolines: Chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine,
amodiaquine, pyronaridine
– 8 aminoquinolines: Primaquine, tafenoquine, bulaquine
– Quinoline-methanol: Mefloquine, halofantrine, lumefantrine
– Antifolates:
• Diaminopyrimidine: pyrimethamine
• Biguanides: proguanil
• Sulfonamides: sulfadoxine
– Antibiotics: Tetracycline, doxycycline, clindamycin
– Hydronaphthoquinone: Atovaquone
– Artemisinin Derivatives: Artesunate, artemether,
Malaria Life Cycle
Life Cycle


Mosquito Salivary


(hepatic) cycle




(for P. vivax
and P. ovale)
Malaria Transmission Cycle
Exo-erythrocytic (hepatic) Cycle:
Sporozoites infect liver cells and
develop into schizonts, which release
merozoites into the blood

Sporozoites injected
into human host during
blood meal

mature in
midgut and
migrate to


Parasite undergoes
sexual reproduction in
the mosquito


Some merozoites
differentiate into male or
female gametocyctes

Dormant liver stages
(hypnozoites) of P.
vivax and P. ovale
Erythrocytic Cycle:
Merozoites infect red
blood cells to form
Components of the Malaria Life Cycle
Sporogonic cycle

Infective Period
Mosquito bites
Mosquito bites

Mosquito Vector
Parasites visible

Prepatent Period

Human Host

Symptom onset

Incubation Period
Clinical Illness
Exo-erythrocytic (tissue) phase
• Blood is infected with sporozoites about 30
minutes after the mosquito bite
• The sporozoites are eaten by macrophages or
enter the liver cells where they multiply –
pre-erythrocytic schizogeny
• P. vivax and P. ovale sporozoites form parasites
in the liver called hypnozoites
Exo-erythrocytic (tissue) phase
• P. malariae or P. falciparum sporozoites do not
form hypnozites, develop directly into preerythrocytic schizonts in the liver
• Pre-erythrocytic schizogeny takes 6-16 days post
• Schizonts rupture, releasing merozoites which
invade red blood cells (RBC) in liver
Exo-erythrocytic (tissue) phase
• P. vivax and P. ovale hypnozoites remain
dormant for months
• They develop and undergo pre-erythrocytic
• The schizonts rupture, releasing merozoites
and producing clinical relapse
Erythrocytic phase
• Pre-patent period – interval between date
of infection and detection of parasites in
peripheral blood
• Incubation period – time between infection
and first appearance of clinical symptoms
• Merozoites from liver invade peripheral
(RBC) and develop causing changes in the
• There is variability in all 3 of these features
depending on species of malaria
Erythrocytic phase
stages of parasite in RBC
• Trophozoites are early stages with ring form the
• Tropohozoite nucleus and cytoplasm divide forming a
• Segmentation of schizont’s nucleus and cytoplasm
forms merozoites
• Schizogeny complete when schizont ruptures,
releasing merozoites into blood stream, causing fever
• These are asexual forms
Erythrocytic phase
stages of parasite in RBC
• Merozoites invade other RBCs and
schizogony is repeated
• Parasite density increases until host’s
immune response slows it down
• Merozoites may develop into gametocytes,
the sexual forms of the parasite


Oldest antimalarial alkaloid isolated from barks of chinchona tree.
Present indication-cerebral malaria
-chloroquine resistant p. falcifarum
Pharmacological actions
1.Antimalarial :Suppressive agent
2.Local irritational action: General protoplasmic poison
-decrease cilliary actvity
-Inhibit phagocytosis & fibroblast growth
Local anesthetic action, At high conc. edema , pain at site of inj.
3.GI tract- bitter, nausea ,vomiting
4.CVS- myocardial depression, decrease excitability and conductivity
iv. dose- hypotension
5. Miscellaneous- analgesic, antipyretic, sk. muscle relaxant
P/K-well absorbed ,peak 1-3 hrs, cross placenta, metabolized in liver,
excreted in urine
Adverse effect
Mild - ringing in ears, nausea, vomiting, headache, visual impairment.
Large doses-Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo, blurring,photophobia, delirium,
Poisoning progress- Skin pale, cold, resp. depress,BP falls, comma,
3.CVS toxicity-cardiac arrest
4.Black Water Fever
-acute intravascular haemolysis,haemoglobinuria,fever, acute renal
failure,focal hepatic necrosis
6.Acute renal Failure
Uses & Dose
• schizontocidal drug
• very active against erythrocytic phase.
• No effect against proerythrocytic, sexual gametocytes,
exoerythrocytic phase, relapse.
2.Myotonia Congenita
3.Nocturnal muscle cramps
4.Cerebral malaria
IV Quinine 600mg in 500ml of 5% dextrose slowly over 4 hrs
repeated every 8 hrs till patient is conscious followed by oral
treatment to complete 7 day coarse.
Dose:300-600mg orally
• It is a 4-aminoquinolone
• It was produced in USA as a less toxic alternative to
• It is rapidly acting erythrocytic schizontocide against
all species of is highly efficacious drug.
• It controls most clinical attack in 1-2 days.
• It does not prevent relapses in vivax & ovale malaria.
Mechanism of action
• It is actively concentrated by sensitive intraerythrocytic
• It interfers with degradation of Hb by parasitic lysosomes
• Heme itself or its complex with chloroquine damages
plasmodial membrane
• Clumping of pigment & changes in parasite membrane
• It has anti-inflamatory, local irritant, local anaesthetic, weak
smooth muscle relaxant, anti-histaminic & anti-arrhythmic
• Chloroquine resistance among P. vivax has been slow
in developing.
• However P. falciparum has acquired significant
• Resistance in P. falciparum is associated with a
decreased ability of parasite to accumulate
• Oral absorption of chloroquine is excellent , about
50% gets bound in plasma
• It gets bound to melanin & nuclear chromatin and is
concentrated in liver, spleen, kidney, lungs, skin,
• Absorption after i.m. injection is also good
• Plasma concentration is 15-30ng/ml
• Chloroquine is partly metabolised by liver & slowly
excreted in urine
• Plasma t-1/2 varies from 3-10 days
Toxic effects
• Toxicity of chloroquine is low but side
effects are frequent & unpleasant:
• nausea
• vomiting
• anorexia
• uncontrollable itching
• epigastric pain
• uneasiness
• headache
Parenteral administration can cause
• hypotension
• cardiac depression
• arrythmias
CNS toxicity including convulsions.
• Prolonged use of high doses can cause loss of
• Loss of hearing , rashes, photo allergy, mental
disturbance, myopathy and graying of hairs
can occur as long term use.
• Attack of seizures, porphyria & psoriasis may
be precipitated.
Routes of administration & dosage
• Chloroquine phosphate is given orally
• As prophylaxis –
Dose: adults – 500mg once each week
children – 5mg/kg weekly
• For treatment –
Initial dose - 600mg
followed by 300mg after 6-8 hrs
then 300mg on 2 consecutive days
• Chloroquine is drug of choice for malaria
• It completely cures sensitive falciparum
disease, but relapses in vivax and ovale are
not prevented .
Other uses
• Extra intestinal amoebiasis
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Discoid lupus erythematosus
• Lepra reactions
• Photogenic reactions
• Infectious mononucleosis
It is a quinoline methanol derivative
It is a drug developed to deal with problem of
chloroquine resistant P.falciparum
It is rapidly acting erythrocytic schizontocide.
It is effective against chloroquine sensitive as
well as resistant plasmodia
It has not been extensively used in India.
Mechanism of action
 Acts on erythrocytic stage
 Highly effective in a single dose against
P.falciparum including chloroquine resistant
 Appears to bind to heme and the complex
damages membrane of the parasite
 No action on persistant tissue form.
 Given orally
 Rapidly and completely absorbed
 Highly bound to plasma protein
 Eliminated slowly with plasma half life of 20
Adverse effects
Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal

Neuropsychiatric disturbances
Anxiety, halloucination, sleep disturbances,

Single dose may cause light headedness and loss
of concentration
Causes bradycardia
Sinus arrhythmia

Should be avoided in 1st trimester of pregnancy
May be used in 2nd and 3rd trimester

Allergic skin reaction
Blood dyscriasis
 Effective drug for multiresistant P.falciparum
 Treatment of uncomplicated falciparum
malaria in areas with multidrug resistance
 Dose -25 mg per kg (maximum 1.5 g)
 Prophylaxis of malaria among travellers to
areas with multidrug resistance
 Dose -5 mg per kg (adult 150 mg)
Commonly used salt of these drug is proguanil
Has negligible antiplasmodial action in vitro
Slow acting erythrocytic schizonticide
Cyclized in body to triazine derivative
 Effective schizonticide against P.vivax and
 Effective against primary pre-erythrocytic
forms of P.falciparum
 Prevents development of gametes encysted in
gut wall of mosquito
 No action against persistant tissue forms
 Slowly absorbed from gut
 Partly metabolized and excreted in urine
 Non-cumulative
 Plasma half life- 16-20 hrs
Adverse effects
 GIT disturbance
 Stomatits
 Mouth ulcers
 Reduction in leucocyte count
 Rarely megaloblastic anaemia
 Dosage
 Tab Proguanil hydrochloride 100mg
 Use dependent on sensitivity of strain
 In multiresistant falciparum malaria
 Combination of proguanil 100mg and
atovaqoune 250mg
 Used prophylactically (in dose of 1 tablet
taken with food)
 Poor erythrocytic schizontocide : has weak
action of P. vivax.
 In contrast it is more active against preerythrocytic stage of P. falciparum than that
of P. vivax
 Highly active against gametocytes &
 Readily absorbed by oral ingestion.
 Oxidized in liver with a plasma t1/2 of 3-6 hrs.
 Excreted in urine within 24 hrs.
 Not a cumulative drug.
Mechanism of action :• Mechanism of action of primaqunine is not known.
However it is difficult from that of chloroquine.
Uses :• Radical cure of relapsing malaria : 15 mg daily for 2
weeks is given with full curative dose of chloroquine.
• Falciparum malaria : single 45 mg dose of primaquine
is given with curative dose of chloroquine to kill
gametes & cut down transmission to mosquito.
Adverse effect
• Abdominal pain
• GI upset
• Weakness or uneasiness in chest
• CNS & cardiovascular symptoms are infrequent
• Haemolysis, methemoglobinemia, cyanosis
• Broad spectrum antibiotic having a nucleus of four
cyclic ring.
• All are obtained from soil actinomycetes
• Slowly acting & weak erythrocytic schizontocidal
action against all plasmodial species
Mechanism of action
• Tetracyclines are primarily bacteriostatic, inhibit
protein synthesis by binding 30 s ribosomes in
susceptible organism. To such binding attachment of
aminoactyl – t- RNA to the m – RNA ribosomes
complex is interfered with. Thus peptide chain fails
to grow.
Adverse effects
• Irritative effects :- epigastric pain, N, V & D
• Dose related toxicity
Liver damage :- fatty infiltration of liver &
Kidney damage :- It is prominent only in the
presence of existing kidney disease.
Phototoxicity:- A sun like or other severe skin
reaction on exposed parts is seen
Teeth & bones:- Tetracyclines have chelating
 Given between 3 months to 6 years of age affect

permanent anterior dentition.
 Antianabolic effect:- Reduce protein synthesis & have
an overall catabolic effect
 Increased intracranial pressure
 Diabetes insipidus
 Hypersensitivity
 Super infection :- Tetracyclines are most common
antibiotics response for superinfections
• Used in combination with quinine or pyrimethamine
sulfadoxine for the treatment of chloroquine
resistant falciparum malaria.
• Doxycycline 100 mg /day in used as a 2nd line
prophylactic for travelers to chloroquine resistant p.
falciparum areas.
• Should not given during pregnancy, lactation
& in children.
• Should be avoided in patients on diuretics
• Do not inject tetracycline intrathecally.
Mechanism of action
 It is a directly acting inhibitor of plasmodial
 It gradually reduces the schizogony of malarial
parasite in blood.
 It is slowly acting erythrocytic schizontocide.
 Absorption from the gut is good but slow.
 It is excreted in urine.
 Half life time = 4 days.
Adverse Effects
 Nausea & rashes,
 Folate deficiency,
 Megaloblastic anemia & granulocytopenia.
• Used only in combination with
sulfonamide/dapsone to treat P.falciparum
S/P Combination
• Sulfonamide has some inhibitory action on
erythrocytic phase of P.falciparum like
• It is a supra-additive synergistic combination
by sequential block.


Folate synthetase
DHFRase reductase
Combination acts faster than individual drug.
Efficacy against P.vivax is low.
When ultra long acting sulfonamides are used ;
exfoliative dermatitis , Stevens-Johnson syndrome
are seen.
Used only as a single effective dose.
• Infants
• Individuals allergic to sulfonamide
• Cautious use in pregnancy

• Chloroquine resistant falciparum malaria.
• Toxoplasmosis

• Pyrimethamine develops resistance quickly & cross
resistance to biguanides is seen.
• It decreases due to sulfonamide & no cross
resistance seen
• Resistance was first noted in 1980.
• It is more in south-east asia,s.america, southern
• It is sporadic in India except for north-east
Some Combinations
• Sulfonamide(500mg)+pyrimethamin(25mg
• Sulfamethapyrasine+pyrimethamine
• Dapsone(100mg)+pyrimethamine(25mg)
• As clinical curative- sulfadoxine(1500mg)
Artemisia annua
• Also known as sweet wormwood
• Origin from northern parts of China
• Artemisinin present in leaves and flower of
the plant in 0.01-0.08% dry weight
Artemisia annua
• Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for more
than 2000 years
• First antimalarial application described in “The
Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies”
in the 4th century by a Chinese chemist
Artemsia annua
“take a handful of sweet
wormwood, soak it in a
sheng (liter) of water, and
squeeze out the juice and
drink it all”

• Li Shizhen, a great
Chinese herbalist
• Use of wormwood is also
recorded in the “Great
Compendium of Herbs”
in 1596
• One of the most novel discoveries in recent
medicinal plant research
• 1967- extracts of Artemisia was found to have
antimalarial activity
• 1972- artemisinin isolated from the plant
• 1979- structure of artemisinin determined by
X-ray analysis
Key Features
• Rapid onset of actions

Effective against severe malaria

• Rapid clearance rate

Slow development of artemisinin resistance


Frequent recurrence of infections
Site of Action



Mechanism of Action
• Killing of malaria parasite is mediated by
production free radicals
– Artemisinin derivatives lacking endoperoxide
bridge are devoid of antimalarial activity
– Addition of free radical generating compounds
enhances antimalarial activity
– Antioxidants block antimalarial activity

• Oral formulation - 250mg capsule

• Dosage
Adults and children: 25mg/Kg on the first day followed by 12.5mg/Kg
on the second and third day in combination with mefloquine
(15mg/Kg) in a single dose on the second day. In some areas, a
higher dose (25mg/Kg) of mefloquine may be required for a cure to
be obtained.
• Artemether

• Arteether
• Artesunate

Methyl ether of dihydroartemisinin

• Superior to intravenous quinine with respect to
survival and parasite clearance
• Available as tablets, capsules and as IM injectable form
• In India, available as 40mg capsules and 80mg/ml
• Ethyl

ether of dihydroartemisinin

• Therapeutically equivalent to quinine in cerebral malaria
• Available as β arteether and α/β arteether
• β arteether developed by WHO and The Special
Programme for Research and Training in Tropical
Diseases (TDR)
• α/β arteether developed by CDRI
• A longer t1/2 beta and more lipophilic properties than

artemether favouring accumulation in brain tissue and thus
the treatment of cerebral malaria were regarded as
advantages over the other compounds.

• Available as 150mg per 2ml ampoule
• Water soluble hemisuccinate derivative
• Used for oral, rectal, intravenous and intramuscular
• Available as tablets and as powder with separate vial
containing 5% sodium bicarbonate
• In India, available as 50mg tablets and 60mg/ml injection
• In China also available as 100mg suppository and in
Switzerland available as 200mg rectocap
• Artemisinin based combination therapy:
• WHO has recommended that acute uncomplicated Pl
Falciparum be treated only by combining one
Artemisinin with other effective erythrocytic
• ACT Regimens in use:
– Artesunate – Sulfadoxine, pyrimethamine:
• Adopted as first line in India under NMP
• Not effective against MDR strains which are non responsive to S/P
• ARTESUNATE 100 mg BD for 3 days with S-P, 3 tablets

– Artesunate Mefloquine:
Highly effective, well tolerated, first line of treatment
for uncomplicated falciparum malaria
• By combining artesunate further spread of mefloquine resistance
can be prevented
• Artesunate 100 mg BD for 3 days, + mefloquine 750 mg on second
day & 500 mg on third day
• Artemether & lumefantrine:
– Lumefantrine is highly effective , long acting oral
erythrocytic schizonticide related to mefloquine
– Same mechanism of action
– Highly lipophilic onset delayed , peak 6 hrs
– Slower acting than chloroquine, 99 % bound ,
metabolized by CYP3A4, T1/2= 2-3 days
– Available as fixed dose combination
– Adverse events: headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances,
abdominal pain, arthralgia, pruritis & rash
– 80 mg artemether BD with 480 mg lumefantrine BD for 3

• DHA – Piperaquine, Artesunate- pyronaridine
• Currently no evidence for clinically relevant
artemisinin resistance
• Reasons for delay of artemisinin resistance:
– Short half-life
– Reduces transmission potential
– Used in combination with other antimalarial drugs
• Absorption of orally administered artemisinin or its derivatives seems to
be rapid but incomplete
• Substantial hydrolysis of artesunate (probable complete) and artemether
into dihydroartemisinin probably occurs even before absorption
• Elimination is mainly by hepatic metabolism
• Arteether has much slower elimination
• Artesunate, artemether, arteether and probably also artemisinin itself are
transformed into dihydro-artemisinin, which is subsequently
converted into inactive metabolites
• Very limited data on the use of artemisinin group in pregnant women.
• Artemisinin and derivatives should be avoided during first
trimester of pregnancy, but in case of severe malaria the risks have to
be balanced against the benefits.
• No congenital malformations were detected in six children born to
mothers who received intramuscular artemisinin or artemether at 17 to
27 weeks of gestation.

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Antimalarial drugs (VK)

  • 2. Plasmodium species which infect humans Plasmodium vivax Plasmodium ovale Plasmodium falciparum Plasmodium malariae
  • 3. Classification of Malaria • Uncomplicated Malaria • Cold stage (sensation of cold, shivering) • Hot stage (fever, headaches, vomiting; seizures in young children) • Sweating stage (sweats, return to normal temperature, tiredness)
  • 4. Classification of Malaria • Severe Malaria – Cerebral malaria (seizures, coma) – Severe anemia – Hemoglobinuria – Abnormalities in blood coagulation – Cardiovascular collapse and shock
  • 5. Types of Infections • Recrudescence – exacerbation of persistent undetectable parasitemia, due to survival of erythrocytic forms, no exo-erythrocytic cycle (P.f., P.m.) • Relapse – reactivation of hypnozoites forms of parasite in liver, separate from previous infection with same species (P.v. and P.o.) • Recurrence or reinfection – exo-erythrocytic forms infect erythrocytes, separate from previous infection (all species) • Can not always differentiate recrudescence from reinfection
  • 6. CLASSIFICATION OF ANTIMALARIALS • Based on stage of parasite they affect: – Causal prophylactics: Primaquine, Pyrimethamine,proguanil – Supressives: Quinine, 4-aminoquinolines, mefloquine,artemisinin – Radical curatives: Primaquine,pyrimethamine – Gametocidal: • Supressives – Pl Vivax , • Primaquine – against all, • Proguanil ,pyrimethamine – prevent development also prevent development of sporozoites
  • 7. • Based on chemical structure: – Cinchona alkaloids: Quinine, quinidine – 4 aminoquinolines: Chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, amodiaquine, pyronaridine – 8 aminoquinolines: Primaquine, tafenoquine, bulaquine – Quinoline-methanol: Mefloquine, halofantrine, lumefantrine – Antifolates: • Diaminopyrimidine: pyrimethamine • Biguanides: proguanil • Sulfonamides: sulfadoxine
  • 8. – Antibiotics: Tetracycline, doxycycline, clindamycin – Hydronaphthoquinone: Atovaquone – Artemisinin Derivatives: Artesunate, artemether, arteether
  • 9. Malaria Life Cycle Life Cycle Sporogony Oocyst Sporozoites Mosquito Salivary Gland Zygote Exoerythrocytic (hepatic) cycle Gametocytes Erythrocytic Cycle Schizogony Hypnozoites (for P. vivax and P. ovale)
  • 10. Malaria Transmission Cycle Exo-erythrocytic (hepatic) Cycle: Sporozoites infect liver cells and develop into schizonts, which release merozoites into the blood Sporozoites injected into human host during blood meal Parasites mature in mosquito midgut and migrate to salivary glands MOSQUITO Parasite undergoes sexual reproduction in the mosquito HUMAN Some merozoites differentiate into male or female gametocyctes Dormant liver stages (hypnozoites) of P. vivax and P. ovale Erythrocytic Cycle: Merozoites infect red blood cells to form schizonts
  • 11. Components of the Malaria Life Cycle Sporogonic cycle Infective Period Mosquito bites uninfected person Mosquito bites gametocytemic person Mosquito Vector Parasites visible Prepatent Period Human Host Symptom onset Recovery Incubation Period Clinical Illness
  • 12. Exo-erythrocytic (tissue) phase • Blood is infected with sporozoites about 30 minutes after the mosquito bite • The sporozoites are eaten by macrophages or enter the liver cells where they multiply – pre-erythrocytic schizogeny • P. vivax and P. ovale sporozoites form parasites in the liver called hypnozoites
  • 13. Exo-erythrocytic (tissue) phase • P. malariae or P. falciparum sporozoites do not form hypnozites, develop directly into preerythrocytic schizonts in the liver • Pre-erythrocytic schizogeny takes 6-16 days post infection • Schizonts rupture, releasing merozoites which invade red blood cells (RBC) in liver
  • 14. Exo-erythrocytic (tissue) phase • P. vivax and P. ovale hypnozoites remain dormant for months • They develop and undergo pre-erythrocytic sporogeny • The schizonts rupture, releasing merozoites and producing clinical relapse
  • 15. Erythrocytic phase • Pre-patent period – interval between date of infection and detection of parasites in peripheral blood • Incubation period – time between infection and first appearance of clinical symptoms • Merozoites from liver invade peripheral (RBC) and develop causing changes in the RBC • There is variability in all 3 of these features depending on species of malaria
  • 16. Erythrocytic phase stages of parasite in RBC • Trophozoites are early stages with ring form the youngest • Tropohozoite nucleus and cytoplasm divide forming a schizont • Segmentation of schizont’s nucleus and cytoplasm forms merozoites • Schizogeny complete when schizont ruptures, releasing merozoites into blood stream, causing fever • These are asexual forms
  • 17. Erythrocytic phase stages of parasite in RBC • Merozoites invade other RBCs and schizogony is repeated • Parasite density increases until host’s immune response slows it down • Merozoites may develop into gametocytes, the sexual forms of the parasite
  • 18. • • Quinine Oldest antimalarial alkaloid isolated from barks of chinchona tree. Present indication-cerebral malaria -chloroquine resistant p. falcifarum Pharmacological actions 1.Antimalarial :Suppressive agent 2.Local irritational action: General protoplasmic poison -decrease cilliary actvity -Inhibit phagocytosis & fibroblast growth Local anesthetic action, At high conc. edema , pain at site of inj. 3.GI tract- bitter, nausea ,vomiting 4.CVS- myocardial depression, decrease excitability and conductivity iv. dose- hypotension 5. Miscellaneous- analgesic, antipyretic, sk. muscle relaxant P/K-well absorbed ,peak 1-3 hrs, cross placenta, metabolized in liver, excreted in urine
  • 19. Adverse effect 1.Cinchonism: Mild - ringing in ears, nausea, vomiting, headache, visual impairment. Large doses-Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo, blurring,photophobia, delirium, confusion. Poisoning progress- Skin pale, cold, resp. depress,BP falls, comma, death. 2.Idiosyncrasy 3.CVS toxicity-cardiac arrest 4.Black Water Fever -acute intravascular haemolysis,haemoglobinuria,fever, acute renal failure,focal hepatic necrosis 5.Hypoglycemia 6.Acute renal Failure
  • 20. Uses & Dose 1.Malaria: • schizontocidal drug • very active against erythrocytic phase. • No effect against proerythrocytic, sexual gametocytes, exoerythrocytic phase, relapse. 2.Myotonia Congenita 3.Nocturnal muscle cramps 4.Cerebral malaria IV Quinine 600mg in 500ml of 5% dextrose slowly over 4 hrs repeated every 8 hrs till patient is conscious followed by oral treatment to complete 7 day coarse. Dose:300-600mg orally
  • 21. Chloroquine • It is a 4-aminoquinolone • It was produced in USA as a less toxic alternative to mepacrine. • It is rapidly acting erythrocytic schizontocide against all species of is highly efficacious drug. • It controls most clinical attack in 1-2 days. • It does not prevent relapses in vivax & ovale malaria.
  • 22. Mechanism of action • It is actively concentrated by sensitive intraerythrocytic plasmodia • It interfers with degradation of Hb by parasitic lysosomes • Heme itself or its complex with chloroquine damages plasmodial membrane • Clumping of pigment & changes in parasite membrane follows • It has anti-inflamatory, local irritant, local anaesthetic, weak smooth muscle relaxant, anti-histaminic & anti-arrhythmic
  • 23. Resistance • Chloroquine resistance among P. vivax has been slow in developing. • However P. falciparum has acquired significant resistance • Resistance in P. falciparum is associated with a decreased ability of parasite to accumulate chloroquine
  • 24. Pharmacokinetics • Oral absorption of chloroquine is excellent , about 50% gets bound in plasma • It gets bound to melanin & nuclear chromatin and is concentrated in liver, spleen, kidney, lungs, skin, leucocyte • Absorption after i.m. injection is also good • Plasma concentration is 15-30ng/ml • Chloroquine is partly metabolised by liver & slowly excreted in urine • Plasma t-1/2 varies from 3-10 days
  • 25. Toxic effects • Toxicity of chloroquine is low but side effects are frequent & unpleasant: • nausea • vomiting • anorexia • uncontrollable itching • epigastric pain • uneasiness • headache
  • 26. …contd. Parenteral administration can cause • hypotension • cardiac depression • arrythmias CNS toxicity including convulsions. • Prolonged use of high doses can cause loss of vision.
  • 27. …contd. • Loss of hearing , rashes, photo allergy, mental disturbance, myopathy and graying of hairs can occur as long term use. • Attack of seizures, porphyria & psoriasis may be precipitated.
  • 28. Routes of administration & dosage • Chloroquine phosphate is given orally • As prophylaxis – Dose: adults – 500mg once each week children – 5mg/kg weekly • For treatment – Initial dose - 600mg followed by 300mg after 6-8 hrs then 300mg on 2 consecutive days
  • 29. Indications • Chloroquine is drug of choice for malaria • It completely cures sensitive falciparum disease, but relapses in vivax and ovale are not prevented . Other uses • Extra intestinal amoebiasis • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • 30. …contd. • Discoid lupus erythematosus • Lepra reactions • Photogenic reactions • Infectious mononucleosis
  • 31. Mefloquine Introduction It is a quinoline methanol derivative It is a drug developed to deal with problem of chloroquine resistant P.falciparum It is rapidly acting erythrocytic schizontocide. It is effective against chloroquine sensitive as well as resistant plasmodia It has not been extensively used in India.
  • 32. Mechanism of action  Acts on erythrocytic stage  Highly effective in a single dose against P.falciparum including chloroquine resistant strains.  Appears to bind to heme and the complex damages membrane of the parasite  No action on persistant tissue form.
  • 33. Pharmacokinetics  Given orally  Rapidly and completely absorbed  Highly bound to plasma protein  Eliminated slowly with plasma half life of 20 days
  • 34. Adverse effects GIT Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain Neuropsychiatric disturbances Anxiety, halloucination, sleep disturbances, Single dose may cause light headedness and loss of concentration
  • 35. …Contd. CVS Causes bradycardia Sinus arrhythmia Teratogenicity Should be avoided in 1st trimester of pregnancy May be used in 2nd and 3rd trimester Miscellaneous Allergic skin reaction Blood dyscriasis Hepatitis
  • 36. Uses  Effective drug for multiresistant P.falciparum  Treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in areas with multidrug resistance  Dose -25 mg per kg (maximum 1.5 g)  Prophylaxis of malaria among travellers to areas with multidrug resistance  Dose -5 mg per kg (adult 150 mg)
  • 37. Proguanil Introduction Commonly used salt of these drug is proguanil hydrochloride Has negligible antiplasmodial action in vitro Slow acting erythrocytic schizonticide Cyclized in body to triazine derivative
  • 38. Actions  Effective schizonticide against P.vivax and P.falciparum  Effective against primary pre-erythrocytic forms of P.falciparum  Prevents development of gametes encysted in gut wall of mosquito  No action against persistant tissue forms P.vivax
  • 39. Pharmacokinetics  Slowly absorbed from gut  Partly metabolized and excreted in urine  Non-cumulative  Plasma half life- 16-20 hrs
  • 40. Adverse effects  GIT disturbance  Stomatits  Mouth ulcers  Reduction in leucocyte count  Rarely megaloblastic anaemia  Dosage  Tab Proguanil hydrochloride 100mg
  • 41. Uses  Use dependent on sensitivity of strain  In multiresistant falciparum malaria  Combination of proguanil 100mg and atovaqoune 250mg  Used prophylactically (in dose of 1 tablet taken with food)
  • 42. PRIMAQUINE  Poor erythrocytic schizontocide : has weak action of P. vivax.  In contrast it is more active against preerythrocytic stage of P. falciparum than that of P. vivax  Highly active against gametocytes & hypnozoites.
  • 43. PHARMACOKINETICS  Readily absorbed by oral ingestion.  Oxidized in liver with a plasma t1/2 of 3-6 hrs.  Excreted in urine within 24 hrs.  Not a cumulative drug.
  • 44. Mechanism of action :• Mechanism of action of primaqunine is not known. However it is difficult from that of chloroquine. Uses :• Radical cure of relapsing malaria : 15 mg daily for 2 weeks is given with full curative dose of chloroquine. • Falciparum malaria : single 45 mg dose of primaquine is given with curative dose of chloroquine to kill gametes & cut down transmission to mosquito.
  • 45. Adverse effect • Abdominal pain • GI upset • Weakness or uneasiness in chest • CNS & cardiovascular symptoms are infrequent leucopenia • Haemolysis, methemoglobinemia, cyanosis
  • 46. TETRACYCLINES Introduction • Broad spectrum antibiotic having a nucleus of four cyclic ring. • All are obtained from soil actinomycetes • Slowly acting & weak erythrocytic schizontocidal action against all plasmodial species
  • 47. Mechanism of action • Tetracyclines are primarily bacteriostatic, inhibit protein synthesis by binding 30 s ribosomes in susceptible organism. To such binding attachment of aminoactyl – t- RNA to the m – RNA ribosomes complex is interfered with. Thus peptide chain fails to grow.
  • 48. Adverse effects • Irritative effects :- epigastric pain, N, V & D • Dose related toxicity Liver damage :- fatty infiltration of liver & jaundice. Kidney damage :- It is prominent only in the presence of existing kidney disease. Phototoxicity:- A sun like or other severe skin reaction on exposed parts is seen Teeth & bones:- Tetracyclines have chelating property.
  • 49. Cont…  Given between 3 months to 6 years of age affect permanent anterior dentition.  Antianabolic effect:- Reduce protein synthesis & have an overall catabolic effect  Increased intracranial pressure  Diabetes insipidus  Hypersensitivity  Super infection :- Tetracyclines are most common antibiotics response for superinfections
  • 50. Uses • Used in combination with quinine or pyrimethamine sulfadoxine for the treatment of chloroquine resistant falciparum malaria. • Doxycycline 100 mg /day in used as a 2nd line prophylactic for travelers to chloroquine resistant p. falciparum areas.
  • 51. Precautions • Should not given during pregnancy, lactation & in children. • Should be avoided in patients on diuretics • Do not inject tetracycline intrathecally.
  • 52. PYRIMETHAMINE Mechanism of action  It is a directly acting inhibitor of plasmodial DHFRase.  It gradually reduces the schizogony of malarial parasite in blood.  It is slowly acting erythrocytic schizontocide.
  • 53. Pharmacokinetics  Absorption from the gut is good but slow.  It is excreted in urine.  Half life time = 4 days. Adverse Effects  Nausea & rashes,  Folate deficiency,  Megaloblastic anemia & granulocytopenia.
  • 54. Uses • Used only in combination with sulfonamide/dapsone to treat P.falciparum malaria. S/P Combination • Sulfonamide has some inhibitory action on erythrocytic phase of P.falciparum like pyrimethamine.. • It is a supra-additive synergistic combination by sequential block.
  • 55. Cont…. • • • • PABA Folate synthetase DHFA DHFRase reductase THFA Combination acts faster than individual drug. Efficacy against P.vivax is low. When ultra long acting sulfonamides are used ; exfoliative dermatitis , Stevens-Johnson syndrome are seen. Used only as a single effective dose.
  • 56. Contraindications • Infants • Individuals allergic to sulfonamide • Cautious use in pregnancy Uses • Chloroquine resistant falciparum malaria. • Toxoplasmosis Resistance • Pyrimethamine develops resistance quickly & cross resistance to biguanides is seen. • It decreases due to sulfonamide & no cross resistance seen
  • 57. Cont… • Resistance was first noted in 1980. • It is more in south-east asia,s.america, southern Africa. • It is sporadic in India except for north-east Some Combinations • Sulfonamide(500mg)+pyrimethamin(25mg • Sulfamethapyrasine+pyrimethamine • (500mg) (25mg) • Dapsone(100mg)+pyrimethamine(25mg) • As clinical curative- sulfadoxine(1500mg) +pyrimethamine(75mg)
  • 58. Artemisia annua • Also known as sweet wormwood • Origin from northern parts of China • Artemisinin present in leaves and flower of the plant in 0.01-0.08% dry weight
  • 59. Artemisia annua • Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for more than 2000 years • First antimalarial application described in “The Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies” in the 4th century by a Chinese chemist
  • 60. Artemsia annua “take a handful of sweet wormwood, soak it in a sheng (liter) of water, and squeeze out the juice and drink it all” • Li Shizhen, a great Chinese herbalist • Use of wormwood is also recorded in the “Great Compendium of Herbs” in 1596
  • 61. Artemisinin • One of the most novel discoveries in recent medicinal plant research • 1967- extracts of Artemisia was found to have antimalarial activity • 1972- artemisinin isolated from the plant • 1979- structure of artemisinin determined by X-ray analysis
  • 62. Key Features • Rapid onset of actions • Effective against severe malaria • Rapid clearance rate • Slow development of artemisinin resistance • Frequent recurrence of infections
  • 64. Mechanism of Action • Killing of malaria parasite is mediated by production free radicals – Artemisinin derivatives lacking endoperoxide bridge are devoid of antimalarial activity – Addition of free radical generating compounds enhances antimalarial activity – Antioxidants block antimalarial activity
  • 65. ARTEMISININ • Oral formulation - 250mg capsule • Dosage Adults and children: 25mg/Kg on the first day followed by 12.5mg/Kg on the second and third day in combination with mefloquine (15mg/Kg) in a single dose on the second day. In some areas, a higher dose (25mg/Kg) of mefloquine may be required for a cure to be obtained.
  • 67. ARTEMETHER • Methyl ether of dihydroartemisinin • Superior to intravenous quinine with respect to survival and parasite clearance • Available as tablets, capsules and as IM injectable form • In India, available as 40mg capsules and 80mg/ml ampoule
  • 68. ARTEETHER • Ethyl ether of dihydroartemisinin • Therapeutically equivalent to quinine in cerebral malaria • Available as β arteether and α/β arteether • β arteether developed by WHO and The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) • α/β arteether developed by CDRI
  • 69. ARTEETHER • A longer t1/2 beta and more lipophilic properties than artemether favouring accumulation in brain tissue and thus the treatment of cerebral malaria were regarded as advantages over the other compounds. • Available as 150mg per 2ml ampoule
  • 70. ARTESUNATE • Water soluble hemisuccinate derivative • Used for oral, rectal, intravenous and intramuscular administration. • Available as tablets and as powder with separate vial containing 5% sodium bicarbonate • In India, available as 50mg tablets and 60mg/ml injection • In China also available as 100mg suppository and in Switzerland available as 200mg rectocap
  • 71. • Artemisinin based combination therapy: • WHO has recommended that acute uncomplicated Pl Falciparum be treated only by combining one Artemisinin with other effective erythrocytic schizonticide • ACT Regimens in use: – Artesunate – Sulfadoxine, pyrimethamine: • Adopted as first line in India under NMP • Not effective against MDR strains which are non responsive to S/P • ARTESUNATE 100 mg BD for 3 days with S-P, 3 tablets – Artesunate Mefloquine: – Highly effective, well tolerated, first line of treatment for uncomplicated falciparum malaria • By combining artesunate further spread of mefloquine resistance can be prevented • Artesunate 100 mg BD for 3 days, + mefloquine 750 mg on second day & 500 mg on third day
  • 72. • Artemether & lumefantrine: – Lumefantrine is highly effective , long acting oral erythrocytic schizonticide related to mefloquine – Same mechanism of action – Highly lipophilic onset delayed , peak 6 hrs – Slower acting than chloroquine, 99 % bound , metabolized by CYP3A4, T1/2= 2-3 days – Available as fixed dose combination – Adverse events: headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances, abdominal pain, arthralgia, pruritis & rash – 80 mg artemether BD with 480 mg lumefantrine BD for 3 days • DHA – Piperaquine, Artesunate- pyronaridine
  • 73. Resistance • Currently no evidence for clinically relevant artemisinin resistance • Reasons for delay of artemisinin resistance: – Short half-life – Reduces transmission potential – Used in combination with other antimalarial drugs
  • 74. PHARMACOKINETICS • Absorption of orally administered artemisinin or its derivatives seems to be rapid but incomplete • Substantial hydrolysis of artesunate (probable complete) and artemether into dihydroartemisinin probably occurs even before absorption • Elimination is mainly by hepatic metabolism • Arteether has much slower elimination • Artesunate, artemether, arteether and probably also artemisinin itself are transformed into dihydro-artemisinin, which is subsequently converted into inactive metabolites
  • 75. ARTEMISININ DERIVATIVES IN PREGNANCY • Very limited data on the use of artemisinin group in pregnant women. • Artemisinin and derivatives should be avoided during first trimester of pregnancy, but in case of severe malaria the risks have to be balanced against the benefits. • No congenital malformations were detected in six children born to mothers who received intramuscular artemisinin or artemether at 17 to 27 weeks of gestation.

Notas del editor

  1. I am giving the old names for these malarias in parentheses to give some historical perspective in case you see these terms again. I will also explain how these old terms relate to the pathogenesis of these respective diseases and the associated fever patterns.
  2. Recrudescence: A fresh outbreak of a disorder in apt after a period during which its sign and symptoms had died down and recovery seemed 2 be taking place
  3. The life cycle of all species that infect humans is basically the same. There is an exogenous asexual phase in the mosquito called sporogony during which the parasite multiplies. There is also an endogenous asexual phase that takes place in the vertebrate or human host that is called schizogeny. This phase includes the parasite development that takes place in the red blood cell, called the erythrocytic cycle and the phase tthat takes place in the parencymal cells in the liver, called the exo-erythrocytic phase. The exo-erthrocytic phase is also called the tissue phase. The schizogeny that takes place here can occur without delay during the primary infection or can be delayed in the case of relapses of malaria. I will focus on the development of the parasite in the human host.