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中澳环境发展伙伴项目 : 黄河下


Workshop, Beijing
2012 Feb 23


                                                                             Luokou     Jinan
                                                                                      Tai an
                                                                             Dongping Lake

               Xiaolangdi                                  Gaocun
   Sanmenxia                                                                          River
                            Qinyang              Kaifeng
                                                                                      Hydrological station
      Sanmenxia                 Zhengzhou                                             City
• “ 母亲河”
   – 水资源利用程度高
   – 一条高度调节的河流
• 气候变化和人类对河川径流产生重大影响
   – 在过去 50 年径流显著减少,上世纪 70- 90 年代以来,黄河下游
• 黄河是一条多沙的河流,冲沙入海及维持一条有一定过流能力的河槽
• 黄河河口三角洲,依靠黄河的水沙补给维持三角洲的健康
• 河流湿地
   – 河流湿地与河流的水力联系减弱,萎缩严重
• 水生生物
   – 多样性降低,一些重要物种几乎绝迹


中国已有的环境流量评估方法 :
• 水文学方法 - Te n n an t
• 水力学方法 - We tte d p e rim e te r m e th o d , R2C RO S S (F o c u s o n
  o n e o r a fe w ke y s p e c ie s )
• 栖息地模拟法 - IF IM (fo c u s o n o n e o r a fe w ke y s p e c ie s )
• 整体方法
•    - - 考虑整个河流生态系统
•     - - 布局限于某一种分析方法
•     - - 考虑河流其它用水单元
•     - - 复杂、繁琐、代价高
Brief description of work

河段划分                       River channel           4


                          2                              wetlands

Mengjin                Kaifeng
wetlands               wetlands
 “ 河流资产( Rive r A s s e t ) ” 是河流天然生态系统对于人类社
  会的价值属性。其价值是指来自于 “ 将水留在河流中 ” 所获得的
 河流资产包括物种、生态种群、具有保护意义的栖息地和生态

•   湿地
•   泥沙输送
•   鱼类 , 如黄河鲤鱼等
•   鸟类
•   产卵、洄游等生态行为
•   水质
•   河道形态等


 低流量        流量脉冲          高流量        洪水

维持低洼地一定            食物来源           水中含沙量增大,
   水深                             含氧量减少

 维持成鱼的      刺激产卵           为幼鱼提     为鱼类提供
 数量                        供栖息环     避难所和食
                           境        物,但鱼类
黄河鲤鱼生态需求相关的流量组分及水力指标( D = 水深 , V = 流速)

     生态目标        流量组分           水力指标                 时间分布

为成鱼越冬和生存维持有足够的   低流量        Ma x D > 1. 5 m          11- 3 月 ,
                           V: 0. 1- 0. 8 ms - 1       4- 6 月

    刺激产卵         流量脉冲          D : 1- 2 m             4- 6 月

                              V< 0. 3 ms - 1

为鱼生长提供新的栖息地和食物   高流量       平均 D > 0. 7 m;            7- 10 月

                         V: 0. 3 ms - 1- 1ms - 1

为鱼生长提供新的栖息地和食物    洪水      平均 D > 0. 8 m;             7- 10 月
                        V: 0. 5 ms - 1- 1. 2ms - 1
No.   Flow component                   Hydraulic/hydrologic criteria
     F1    Cease-to-flow; Low flow          Q ≥ YRCC warning standards of low flow emergency; maintain area‡

                                            ≥ critical depth* at pool crossings (specified each month)

     F2    Low flow                         Maintain area‡ ≥ critical depth* with V ≤ 2.0 m/s1,2
     F3    High flow, high flow recession   Maintain longitudinal connectivity and area‡ ≥ critical depth* over
                                            barriers (shallow areas)
     F4    Low flow                         Maintain area‡ with depth ≥ critical depth* in pools
     F5    High flow pulse                  Achieve area‡ with depth ≥ critical depth* over barriers (shallow
     F6    High flow                        Maintain area‡ with D = 0.5 – 1.0 m1,2 and V ≤ 1.4 m/s1,2
     F7    High flow                        Maintain area‡ with velocity 1.0 – 2.0 m/s1
     F8    High flow pulse                  Maintenance of appropriate† salinity gradient in estuary
     F9    Low flow and high flow           Maintain area‡ of D ≥ 1.5 m1,2 and V ≤ 1.0 m/s1,2
     F10   Low and high flow pulses         Achieve sufficient depth* to replenish/maintain water in river
                                            associated wetlands and backwaters
     F11   Low flow and high flows          Maintain adequate cross-sectional area/discharge* to transport
                                            nutrients required to sustain primary productivity

     F12   Bankfull                         2,600 - 4,000 m3/s - see Geomorphologic objective G1
     F13   Bankfull                         2,600 - 4,000 m3/s - see Geomorphologic objective G2
     F14   High flow                        See Vegetation objective V1
     F15   High flow and low flow           See Vegetation objective V7
     F16   Low flow                         Maintain mean pool velocity ≥ 0.01 m/s
     F17   High flow and low flow           Sufficient discharge* to maintain morphology in and around the
                                            estuary mouth
     F18   Bankfull                         2,600 - 4,000 m3/s - see Geomorphologic objectives G3 and G4
       No.   Objective                          Flow component                Hydraulic/hydrologic criteria
       V1    Maintain submerged aquatic         High flow                     Inundation to ≤ 1 m
             vegetation (e.g. Vallisneria,
             Potomageton and Myriophyllum
       V2    spp.)
             Maintain meadow vegetation         High flow                     Inundation to ≤ 0.3 m
       V3    Maintain Tamarix/Salix shrubland   High flow, low flow and low   100% of time shallow groundwater; Jul – Sep
                                                flow pulse                    waterlogging; inundation by summer flow
                                                                              pulse events ≤ 30 days; soil salinity 10 –
                                                                              30 psu
       V4    Maintain Tamarix/Salix woodland    High flow, low flow and low   100% of time shallow groundwater (at 1.5 –
                                                flow pulse                    3.0 m); inundation by summer flow pulse
                                                                              events ≤ 30 days; soil salinity 10 – 30 psu

       V5    Maintain sand flats                High flow and low flow        100% of time shallow groundwater (at
                                                                              ≤ 1.8 m); soil salinity ≥ 30 psu
       V6    Maintain Suaeda salsa              High flow pulse               Inundate once per year for ≤ 30 days or 30 to
                                                                              180 days of varying depth from -0.1 to
                                                                              +0.1 m; 100% of time shallow groundwater
                                                                              (at 1.8 m); soil salinity 5 – 30 psu

       V7    Maintain Phragmites australis      High flow and low flow        100% of time waterlogging; varying
             grassland                                                        inundation 0 – 0.5 m deep (1.5 m max.; 0.3 m
                                                                              mean) in summer
     No.   Objective                  Flow component        Hydrologic/hydraulic
     B1    Foraging                   Low flows             Expose Carex
     B2    Foraging                   Low flows             Shallow water (<0.3 m)
                                                            over submerged or
                                                            emergent aquatic plant
                                                            community with mud or
                                                            sand base
     B3    Foraging                   Low flows             Expose mudflats
     B4    Wintering area             Low flows             Maintain ice free water
     B5    Food supply and breeding   High flows            Inundate areas of
                                                            submerged macrophytes
                                                            (Vallisneria, Phragmites,
                                                            Typha, Carex, Tamarisk)
     B6    Foraging                   High flow recession   Gradually receding water
                                                            levels from Bankfull peak
     B7    Mudflat foraging habitat   Bankfull              An annual event that
           creation                                         supplies enough sediment
                                                            load to at least maintain
                                                            delta area
     B8    Summer-autumn habitat      Bankfull              An annual event to
           area                                             inundate backwaters and

                                                          Geomorphologic-based objectives and flow requirements.

No.   Objective                             Flow            Hydrologic criteria           Mean annual                     Inter-annual    Timing   Reach     Reference
                                            component                                     frequency/duration              frequency
G1    Scour and deposition processes        Bankfull        2,600 - 4,000 m3/s            ≥ 1 per year / ≥ 1 day*         ≥4 in 5 years   Jun –    Reach 1   Richards et al.
      to maintain dynamic and diverse                                                     duration                                        Sep                (2002)
      habitats in the channel and
      connected floodplains
G2    Maintain channel capacity at          Bankfull        2,600 - 4,000 m /s            ≥ 1 per year / ~10 – 30         ≥4 in 5 years   Jun –    All       Liu et al. (2006)
      4,000 m /s                                                                          days duration;                                  Sep      reaches
                                                                                          rates of rise and fall within
                                                                                          natural range
G3    Seaward progradation of the           Bankfull        Sediment load >3.45 × 10      ≥ 1 per year                    ≥4 in 5 years   Jun –    Reach 4   Wang K et al.
      delta                                                 tonnes at Lijin; event mean                                                   Sep                (2007); Wang et
                                                            sediment concentration                                                                           al. (2010)
                                                            ≥ 35 kg/m
G4    Flow into delta wetland             Bankfull           >3,000 m3/s to allow         ≥ 1 per year / ≥ 10 days*       ≥4 in 5 years   Jun –    Reach 4   Jiang Xiaohui
      channels to maintain channel                           gravity flow                 days duration (or as                            Sep                (YRCC, pers.
      form (and also provide                                                              required)                                                          comm., November
      freshwater and nutrients to the                                                                                                                        2010)
      delta wetlands)
* Based on expert opinion; refinement of this criterion will require investigation.

•   18 个鱼类管理目标
•   6 个水质管理目标 Wa te r q ua lity o b je c tive
•   8 个鸟类管理目标 B ird o b je c tive
•   8 个大型底栖动物管理目标 Ma c ro inve rte b ra te o b je c tive s
•   4 个河道形态管理目标 G e o mo mo rp hic o b je c tive s

•   上述管理有的是相互联系,有的是重叠的,最终可以概化为
    13 个管理目标
Key Obj. met               Objectives description                                                                   Flow component
A    F1; M1                Prevent habitat loss through drying of shallow areas                                     Cease to flow
B   B1; B2; B3             Expose Carex and mudflats; shallow water over submerged aquatics                         Low flow
C   F2                     Maintain shallow habitats with moderate-high velocity for shallow water dwelling species Low flow
                           and spawners during low flow periods
D   WQ1, WQ2, WQ3,         Dilute contaminants to Grade III standard                                                Low flow and high flow
E   V3; V4               Maintain Tamarix/Salix shrubland and woodland                                              Low flow and high flow
F   M2; M5; F3; F4; F11; Maintain reasonable area of habitat for most of the time for longitudinal connectivity,    Low flow and high flow
    F16                  survival of large-bodied fish, maintenance of primary productivity in the estuary; and
                         maintenance of DO levels in deep pools
G   F6; F7; F9             Provide suitable habitats for spawning, allow access of large bodied fish to backwater   High flow
                           and wetland habitats; maintain downstream transport of semi-buoyant eggs within the
                           water column; and sufficient depth in pools for large-bodied fish

H   V1; B5; M3; M4; F14    Maintain submerged aquatic vegetation                                                    High flow
I   V2                     Maintain meadow vegetation                                                               High flow
J   M6; F8                 Maintain favourable salinity at estuary and mouth for rearing of Chinese shrimp; and     High flow
                           maintain salinity gradient for anadromous fish spawning migration
K   V3; V4; F10            Maintain Tamarix/Salix shrubland and woodland; and replenish/maintain water in river Low flow pulse
                           associated wetlands and backwaters
L   F5; F10                Stimulate spawning, migration (anadromy and potadromy) and maintain habitat            High flow pulse
                           continuity between near-shore/estuarine and freshwater habitats to allow free upstream
                           passage; and replenish/maintain water in river associated wetlands and backwaters

M   G1, G2, G3, G4,      Scour and deposition processes to maintain dynamic and diverse habitats in the              Bankfull
    WQ6; B6; B7; B8; M7; channel and connected floodplains; maintain channel capacity at 4,000 m /s; seaward

    M8; F12; F13;        progradation of the delta; allow flow into delta wetland channels for habitat provision and
                         physical maintenance; provide low velocity littoral habitats for small bodied species; and
                         maintain shallow pool crossings with moderate-high velocities
水力学模型 —— 确定生态资产的水力学条


•   一维模型

    –   花费少
                      Mean velocity V   Depth D
    –   覆盖整个河段

    –   得到的是均值

•   二维模型

    –   代价高        Mean velocity V
                         Depth D
    –   在很短河段的应用

    –   在整个河段的分布
一维的 HEC-RAS 模型
二维的 River2D 模型

 Mesh            Depth

 Velocity        Flow direction
•   370 个断面数据
    – 每年 1 - 3 次的监测数据
      • 用于一维 H e c - ras 模型
•   3 个的地点河道地形的量测
    – 利津( 1 000 米)
    – 花园口( 800 米)
    – 伊洛河口( 1 200 米)
      • 用于二维 Rive r- 2D 模型
花园口环境流量推荐值 – 低风险
Objectives met         Flow component   Hydrologic criteria   Mean annual              Inter-annual        Timing
                                                              frequency/duration       frequency
F1; M1                 Cease to flow    No cease to flow      Continuous               100% of the time    All year
B1; B2; B3, F2; WQ1,   Low flow         Dec ≥ 307             Continuous               ≥ 75% of the time   Dec - May
WQ2, WQ3, WQ4;                          Jan ≥ 280
V3; M2; M5; F3; F4;
                                        Feb ≥ 321
F11; F16
                                        Mar ≥ 377
                                        Apr ≥ 463
                                        May ≥ 430
F6; F7; F9; V1; B5;    High flow        Jun ≥ 434             Continuous               ≥ 75% of the time   Jun - Nov
M3; M4; F14                             Jul   ≥ 783
                                        Aug ≥ 1,137
                                        Sep ≥ 1,124
                                        Oct ≥ 866
                                        Nov ≥ 543
V3; V4; F10            Low flow pulse   ≥ 2,000               ≥ 1 per year /           ≥4 in 5 years       Nov - May
                                                              1 – 30 days;
                                                              rates of rise and fall
                                                              within natural range
G1, G2, G3, G4,        Bankfull         3,000 – 4,000         ≥ 1 per year / ~10 –     ≥4 in 5 years       Jun – Sep
WQ6; B6; B7; B8;                                              30 days duration;
F12; F13; F5; F10                                             rates of rise and fall
                                                              within natural range
花园口环境流量推荐值 – 较高风险
 Objectives partly met     Flow          Hydrologic         Mean annual                   Inter-annual    Timing
                               comp          criteria          frequency/duratio               frequenc
                               onen                            n                               y
 F1; M1                    Cease to      No cease to flow   Continuous                    100% of the     All year
                               flow                                                           time
 B1; B2; B3, F2; WQ1,      Low flow      Dec   ≥ 185        Continuous                    ≥ 75% of the    Dec - May
      WQ2, WQ3, WQ4;                     Jan   ≥ 174                                          time
      V3; M2; M5; F3;                    Feb   ≥ 191
      F4; F11; F16                       Mar   ≥ 229
                                         Apr   ≥ 284
                                         May   ≥ 263
 F6; F7; F9; V1; B5; M3;   High flow     Jun   ≥ 265        Continuous                    ≥ 75% of the    Jun - Nov
      M4; F14                            Jul   ≥ 466                                          time
                                         Aug   ≥ 754
                                         Sep   ≥ 744
                                         Oct   ≥ 534
                                         Nov   ≥ 335
 G1, G2, G3, G4, WQ6;      Bankfull      3,000 – 4,000      ≥ 1 per year / ~10 – 30       ≥4 in 5 years   Jun – Sep
     B6; B7; B8; F12;                                            days duration;
     F13; F5; F10                                                rates of rise and fall
                                                                 within natural range
 V3; V4; F10               Not
 中方河流管理和技术人员通过项目的合作,了解和掌握了有关
 中澳双方在项目研究过程紧密合作,澳方专家在郑州常驻 7 个
   加强本项目研究成果的推广应用。

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2 e flows yellow river (downstream) pilot -cn

  • 1. 中澳环境发展伙伴项目 : 黄河下 游环境流量研究 蒋晓辉 黄河水利委员会 Workshop, Beijing 2012 Feb 23
  • 3. 研究背景 研究区域 N Lijin Lijin Zibo Luokou Jinan Liaocheng , Tai an Aishan Sunkou Dongping Dongping Lake Dam Xiaolangdi Gaocun Sanmenxia River Qinyang Kaifeng Huayuankou Hydrological station Luoyang Sanmenxia Zhengzhou City Lake
  • 4. 黄河下游存在的问题 • “ 母亲河” – 水资源利用程度高 – 一条高度调节的河流 • 气候变化和人类对河川径流产生重大影响 – 在过去 50 年径流显著减少,上世纪 70- 90 年代以来,黄河下游 多次断流 • 黄河是一条多沙的河流,冲沙入海及维持一条有一定过流能力的河槽 是黄河防洪的需求 • 黄河河口三角洲,依靠黄河的水沙补给维持三角洲的健康 • 河流湿地 – 河流湿地与河流的水力联系减弱,萎缩严重 • 水生生物 – 多样性降低,一些重要物种几乎绝迹
  • 6. 通用环境流量评估方法 中国已有的环境流量评估方法 : • 水文学方法 - Te n n an t • 水力学方法 - We tte d p e rim e te r m e th o d , R2C RO S S (F o c u s o n o n e o r a fe w ke y s p e c ie s ) • 栖息地模拟法 - IF IM (fo c u s o n o n e o r a fe w ke y s p e c ie s ) • 整体方法 • - - 考虑整个河流生态系统 • - - 布局限于某一种分析方法 • - - 考虑河流其它用水单元 • - - 复杂、繁琐、代价高
  • 8. Brief description of work 代表性河段及站点的选择
  • 10. 河段划分 River channel 4 3 Delta 2 wetlands Dongping Lake 1 Zhengzhou Mengjin Kaifeng wetlands wetlands wetlands
  • 12. 什么是河流资产 ?  “ 河流资产( Rive r A s s e t ) ” 是河流天然生态系统对于人类社 会的价值属性。其价值是指来自于 “ 将水留在河流中 ” 所获得的 利益,而不是城市、工业或农业用水等河道外直接取水产生的 利益。  河流资产包括物种、生态种群、具有保护意义的栖息地和生态 系统。
  • 13. 黄河下游的河流资产 • 湿地 • 泥沙输送 • 鱼类 , 如黄河鲤鱼等 • 鸟类 • 产卵、洄游等生态行为 • 水质 • 河道形态等
  • 15. 流量组分与鱼类生态需求关系的概念性模型 流量组分 低流量 流量脉冲 高流量 洪水 维持低洼地一定 食物来源 水中含沙量增大, 水深 含氧量减少 维持成鱼的 刺激产卵 为幼鱼提 为鱼类提供 数量 供栖息环 避难所和食 境 物,但鱼类 死亡率增大
  • 16. 黄河鲤鱼生态需求相关的流量组分及水力指标( D = 水深 , V = 流速) 生态目标 流量组分 水力指标 时间分布 为成鱼越冬和生存维持有足够的 低流量 Ma x D > 1. 5 m 11- 3 月 , 水深的栖息地 V: 0. 1- 0. 8 ms - 1 4- 6 月 刺激产卵 流量脉冲 D : 1- 2 m 4- 6 月 V< 0. 3 ms - 1 为鱼生长提供新的栖息地和食物 高流量 平均 D > 0. 7 m; 7- 10 月 V: 0. 3 ms - 1- 1ms - 1 为鱼生长提供新的栖息地和食物 洪水 平均 D > 0. 8 m; 7- 10 月 ,但也为增加鱼的死亡率 V: 0. 5 ms - 1- 1. 2ms - 1
  • 17. No. Flow component Hydraulic/hydrologic criteria F1 Cease-to-flow; Low flow Q ≥ YRCC warning standards of low flow emergency; maintain area‡ 鱼类 ≥ critical depth* at pool crossings (specified each month) F2 Low flow Maintain area‡ ≥ critical depth* with V ≤ 2.0 m/s1,2 F3 High flow, high flow recession Maintain longitudinal connectivity and area‡ ≥ critical depth* over barriers (shallow areas) F4 Low flow Maintain area‡ with depth ≥ critical depth* in pools F5 High flow pulse Achieve area‡ with depth ≥ critical depth* over barriers (shallow areas) F6 High flow Maintain area‡ with D = 0.5 – 1.0 m1,2 and V ≤ 1.4 m/s1,2 F7 High flow Maintain area‡ with velocity 1.0 – 2.0 m/s1 F8 High flow pulse Maintenance of appropriate† salinity gradient in estuary F9 Low flow and high flow Maintain area‡ of D ≥ 1.5 m1,2 and V ≤ 1.0 m/s1,2 F10 Low and high flow pulses Achieve sufficient depth* to replenish/maintain water in river associated wetlands and backwaters F11 Low flow and high flows Maintain adequate cross-sectional area/discharge* to transport nutrients required to sustain primary productivity F12 Bankfull 2,600 - 4,000 m3/s - see Geomorphologic objective G1 F13 Bankfull 2,600 - 4,000 m3/s - see Geomorphologic objective G2 F14 High flow See Vegetation objective V1 F15 High flow and low flow See Vegetation objective V7 F16 Low flow Maintain mean pool velocity ≥ 0.01 m/s F17 High flow and low flow Sufficient discharge* to maintain morphology in and around the estuary mouth F18 Bankfull 2,600 - 4,000 m3/s - see Geomorphologic objectives G3 and G4
  • 18. 水生植物 No. Objective Flow component Hydraulic/hydrologic criteria V1 Maintain submerged aquatic High flow Inundation to ≤ 1 m vegetation (e.g. Vallisneria, Potomageton and Myriophyllum V2 spp.) Maintain meadow vegetation High flow Inundation to ≤ 0.3 m V3 Maintain Tamarix/Salix shrubland High flow, low flow and low 100% of time shallow groundwater; Jul – Sep flow pulse waterlogging; inundation by summer flow pulse events ≤ 30 days; soil salinity 10 – 30 psu V4 Maintain Tamarix/Salix woodland High flow, low flow and low 100% of time shallow groundwater (at 1.5 – flow pulse 3.0 m); inundation by summer flow pulse events ≤ 30 days; soil salinity 10 – 30 psu V5 Maintain sand flats High flow and low flow 100% of time shallow groundwater (at ≤ 1.8 m); soil salinity ≥ 30 psu V6 Maintain Suaeda salsa High flow pulse Inundate once per year for ≤ 30 days or 30 to 180 days of varying depth from -0.1 to +0.1 m; 100% of time shallow groundwater (at 1.8 m); soil salinity 5 – 30 psu V7 Maintain Phragmites australis High flow and low flow 100% of time waterlogging; varying grassland inundation 0 – 0.5 m deep (1.5 m max.; 0.3 m mean) in summer
  • 19. 鸟类 No. Objective Flow component Hydrologic/hydraulic criteria B1 Foraging Low flows Expose Carex B2 Foraging Low flows Shallow water (<0.3 m) over submerged or emergent aquatic plant community with mud or sand base B3 Foraging Low flows Expose mudflats B4 Wintering area Low flows Maintain ice free water bodies* B5 Food supply and breeding High flows Inundate areas of submerged macrophytes (Vallisneria, Phragmites, Typha, Carex, Tamarisk) B6 Foraging High flow recession Gradually receding water levels from Bankfull peak B7 Mudflat foraging habitat Bankfull An annual event that creation supplies enough sediment load to at least maintain delta area B8 Summer-autumn habitat Bankfull An annual event to area inundate backwaters and wetlands
  • 20. 河道形态 Geomorphologic-based objectives and flow requirements. No. Objective Flow Hydrologic criteria Mean annual Inter-annual Timing Reach Reference component frequency/duration frequency G1 Scour and deposition processes Bankfull 2,600 - 4,000 m3/s ≥ 1 per year / ≥ 1 day* ≥4 in 5 years Jun – Reach 1 Richards et al. to maintain dynamic and diverse duration Sep (2002) habitats in the channel and connected floodplains 3 G2 Maintain channel capacity at Bankfull 2,600 - 4,000 m /s ≥ 1 per year / ~10 – 30 ≥4 in 5 years Jun – All Liu et al. (2006) 3 4,000 m /s days duration; Sep reaches rates of rise and fall within natural range 8 G3 Seaward progradation of the Bankfull Sediment load >3.45 × 10 ≥ 1 per year ≥4 in 5 years Jun – Reach 4 Wang K et al. delta tonnes at Lijin; event mean Sep (2007); Wang et sediment concentration al. (2010) 3 ≥ 35 kg/m G4 Flow into delta wetland Bankfull >3,000 m3/s to allow ≥ 1 per year / ≥ 10 days* ≥4 in 5 years Jun – Reach 4 Jiang Xiaohui channels to maintain channel gravity flow days duration (or as Sep (YRCC, pers. form (and also provide required) comm., November freshwater and nutrients to the 2010) delta wetlands) * Based on expert opinion; refinement of this criterion will require investigation.
  • 22. 河流资产管理目标有: • 18 个鱼类管理目标 • 6 个水质管理目标 Wa te r q ua lity o b je c tive • 8 个鸟类管理目标 B ird o b je c tive • 8 个大型底栖动物管理目标 Ma c ro inve rte b ra te o b je c tive s • 4 个河道形态管理目标 G e o mo mo rp hic o b je c tive s • 上述管理有的是相互联系,有的是重叠的,最终可以概化为 13 个管理目标
  • 23. Key Obj. met Objectives description Flow component obj. A F1; M1 Prevent habitat loss through drying of shallow areas Cease to flow B B1; B2; B3 Expose Carex and mudflats; shallow water over submerged aquatics Low flow C F2 Maintain shallow habitats with moderate-high velocity for shallow water dwelling species Low flow and spawners during low flow periods D WQ1, WQ2, WQ3, Dilute contaminants to Grade III standard Low flow and high flow WQ4 E V3; V4 Maintain Tamarix/Salix shrubland and woodland Low flow and high flow F M2; M5; F3; F4; F11; Maintain reasonable area of habitat for most of the time for longitudinal connectivity, Low flow and high flow F16 survival of large-bodied fish, maintenance of primary productivity in the estuary; and maintenance of DO levels in deep pools G F6; F7; F9 Provide suitable habitats for spawning, allow access of large bodied fish to backwater High flow and wetland habitats; maintain downstream transport of semi-buoyant eggs within the water column; and sufficient depth in pools for large-bodied fish H V1; B5; M3; M4; F14 Maintain submerged aquatic vegetation High flow I V2 Maintain meadow vegetation High flow J M6; F8 Maintain favourable salinity at estuary and mouth for rearing of Chinese shrimp; and High flow maintain salinity gradient for anadromous fish spawning migration K V3; V4; F10 Maintain Tamarix/Salix shrubland and woodland; and replenish/maintain water in river Low flow pulse associated wetlands and backwaters L F5; F10 Stimulate spawning, migration (anadromy and potadromy) and maintain habitat High flow pulse continuity between near-shore/estuarine and freshwater habitats to allow free upstream passage; and replenish/maintain water in river associated wetlands and backwaters M G1, G2, G3, G4, Scour and deposition processes to maintain dynamic and diverse habitats in the Bankfull WQ6; B6; B7; B8; M7; channel and connected floodplains; maintain channel capacity at 4,000 m /s; seaward 3 M8; F12; F13; progradation of the delta; allow flow into delta wetland channels for habitat provision and physical maintenance; provide low velocity littoral habitats for small bodied species; and maintain shallow pool crossings with moderate-high velocities
  • 25. 水力学模型 把水力学指标转化为流量指标 • 一维模型 – 花费少 Mean velocity V Depth D – 覆盖整个河段 – 得到的是均值 • 二维模型 – 代价高 Mean velocity V Depth D – 在很短河段的应用 – 在整个河段的分布
  • 27. 二维的 River2D 模型 Mesh Depth Velocity Flow direction
  • 28. 模型支撑数据 • 370 个断面数据 – 每年 1 - 3 次的监测数据 • 用于一维 H e c - ras 模型 • 3 个的地点河道地形的量测 – 利津( 1 000 米) – 花园口( 800 米) – 伊洛河口( 1 200 米) • 用于二维 Rive r- 2D 模型
  • 30. 花园口环境流量推荐值 – 低风险 Objectives met Flow component Hydrologic criteria Mean annual Inter-annual Timing frequency/duration frequency F1; M1 Cease to flow No cease to flow Continuous 100% of the time All year B1; B2; B3, F2; WQ1, Low flow Dec ≥ 307 Continuous ≥ 75% of the time Dec - May WQ2, WQ3, WQ4; Jan ≥ 280 V3; M2; M5; F3; F4; Feb ≥ 321 F11; F16 Mar ≥ 377 Apr ≥ 463 May ≥ 430 F6; F7; F9; V1; B5; High flow Jun ≥ 434 Continuous ≥ 75% of the time Jun - Nov M3; M4; F14 Jul ≥ 783 Aug ≥ 1,137 Sep ≥ 1,124 Oct ≥ 866 Nov ≥ 543 V3; V4; F10 Low flow pulse ≥ 2,000 ≥ 1 per year / ≥4 in 5 years Nov - May 1 – 30 days; rates of rise and fall within natural range G1, G2, G3, G4, Bankfull 3,000 – 4,000 ≥ 1 per year / ~10 – ≥4 in 5 years Jun – Sep WQ6; B6; B7; B8; 30 days duration; F12; F13; F5; F10 rates of rise and fall within natural range
  • 31. 花园口环境流量推荐值 – 较高风险 Objectives partly met Flow Hydrologic Mean annual Inter-annual Timing comp criteria frequency/duratio frequenc onen n y t F1; M1 Cease to No cease to flow Continuous 100% of the All year flow time B1; B2; B3, F2; WQ1, Low flow Dec ≥ 185 Continuous ≥ 75% of the Dec - May WQ2, WQ3, WQ4; Jan ≥ 174 time V3; M2; M5; F3; Feb ≥ 191 F4; F11; F16 Mar ≥ 229 Apr ≥ 284 May ≥ 263 F6; F7; F9; V1; B5; M3; High flow Jun ≥ 265 Continuous ≥ 75% of the Jun - Nov M4; F14 Jul ≥ 466 time Aug ≥ 754 Sep ≥ 744 Oct ≥ 534 Nov ≥ 335 G1, G2, G3, G4, WQ6; Bankfull 3,000 – 4,000 ≥ 1 per year / ~10 – 30 ≥4 in 5 years Jun – Sep B6; B7; B8; F12; days duration; F13; F5; F10 rates of rise and fall within natural range V3; V4; F10 Not provi ded
  • 34. 经验和建议 经验  中方河流管理和技术人员通过项目的合作,了解和掌握了有关 河流健康和环境流量的许多新概念、新思路和新方法。  中澳双方在项目研究过程紧密合作,澳方专家在郑州常驻 7 个 月时间,使得中方人员可以更好的了解澳方在环境流量和河流 健康评价方面的工作经验和思路,也使澳方专家与黄河管理科 技人员充分沟通,可以充分认识和了解黄河,因此,最后的研 究成果既在方法上有创新,又有可操作性。该研究堪称国际合 作项目的典范。 建议  加强本项目研究成果的推广应用。