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Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise

   Beating the (sh** out of the) GIL
    Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing

                                                                 Hair dryer 1920s,
                                                                 Dark Roasted Blend:

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Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise

                  Beating the (sh** out of the) GIL
                             Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing

                                                    Guy K. Kloss

                                              Computer Science
                                           Massey University, Albany

                       New Zealand Python User Group Meeting
                              Auckland, 12 June 2008

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      1 Threading

      2 Theory

      3 Multiprocessing

      4 Others

      5 Conclusion

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      1 Threading

      2 Theory

      3 Multiprocessing

      4 Others

      5 Conclusion

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   What People Think Now

              Threading and shared memory are common
              (thanks to Windows and Java)
              Python supports threads (Yay!)
              Python also supports easy forking (Yay!)
              The GIL . . . is a problem for pure Python,
              non I/O bound applications
              Lots of people “understand” threads . . .
              . . . and fail at them (to do them properly)

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   What People Think Now

              Threading and shared memory are common
              (thanks to Windows and Java)
              Python supports threads (Yay!)
              Python also supports easy forking (Yay!)
              The GIL . . . is a problem for pure Python,
              non I/O bound applications
              Lots of people “understand” threads . . .
              . . . and fail at them (to do them properly)

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   What People Think Now

              Threading and shared memory are common
              (thanks to Windows and Java)
              Python supports threads (Yay!)
              Python also supports easy forking (Yay!)
              The GIL . . . is a problem for pure Python,
              non I/O bound applications
              Lots of people “understand” threads . . .
              . . . and fail at them (to do them properly)

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Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise

   What People Think Now

              Threading and shared memory are common
              (thanks to Windows and Java)
              Python supports threads (Yay!)
              Python also supports easy forking (Yay!)
              The GIL . . . is a problem for pure Python,
              non I/O bound applications
              Lots of people “understand” threads . . .
              . . . and fail at them (to do them properly)

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   What People Think Now

              Threading and shared memory are common
              (thanks to Windows and Java)
              Python supports threads (Yay!)
              Python also supports easy forking (Yay!)
              The GIL . . . is a problem for pure Python,
              non I/O bound applications
              Lots of people “understand” threads . . .
              . . . and fail at them (to do them properly)

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   What People Think Now

     Blog post by Mark Ramm, 14 May 2008
     A multi threaded system is particularly important for people
     who use Windows, which makes multi–process computing
     much more memory intensive than it needs to be. As my
     grandma always said Windows can’t fork worth a damn. ;)
     [. . . ]
     So, really it’s kinda like shared–memory optimized
     micro–processes running inside larger OS level processes, and
     that makes multi–threaded applications a lot more
     reasonable to wrap your brain around. Once you start down
     the path of lock managment the non-deterministic character
     of the system can quickly overwhelm your brain.

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   Simple Threading Example
     from threading import Thread
     from stuff import expensiveFunction

     class MyClass(Thread):
         def __init__(self, argument):
             self.argument = argument
             Thread.__init__(self) # I n i t i a l i s e the thread

            def run(self):
                self.value = expensiveFunction(self.argument)

     callObjects = []
     for i in range(config.segments):

     for item in callObjects:

     # Do something e l s e .

     for item in callObjects:
         print item.value

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   Our Example with Threading

                                                                 Our fractal example
                                                                 now with threading.

                                                                 Just a humble hair–dryer from the
                                                                 30s: “One of the first machines used
                                                                 for permanent wave hairstyling back
                                                                 in the 1920’s and 1930’s.”
                                                                 Dark Roasted Blend:

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   The GIL

     Global Interpreter Lock
         What is it for?
                      Cooperative multitasking
                      Interpreter knows when it’s “good to switch”
                      Often more efficient than preemptive multi–tasking
                      Can be released from native (C) code extensions
                      (done for I/O intensive operations)
              Is it good?
                      Easy coding
                      Easy modules/extensions
                      Large base of available modules alredy
                      Speed improvement by factor 2
                      (for single–threaded applications)
                      Keeps code safe
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   The GIL

     Global Interpreter Lock
         What is it for?
                      Cooperative multitasking
                      Interpreter knows when it’s “good to switch”
                      Often more efficient than preemptive multi–tasking
                      Can be released from native (C) code extensions
                      (done for I/O intensive operations)
              Is it good?
                      Easy coding
                      Easy modules/extensions
                      Large base of available modules alredy
                      Speed improvement by factor 2
                      (for single–threaded applications)
                      Keeps code safe
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   The GIL

              Other implementations
                      (C) Python uses it
                      Jython doesn’t
                      IronPython doesn’t
                      They use their own/internal threading mechanisms
              Is it a design flaw?
                      Maybe . . . but . . .
                      Fierce/intense discussions to change the code base
                      Solutions that pose other benefits:
                               Processes create fewer inherent dead lock situations
                               Processes scale also to multi–host scenarios

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   The GIL

              Other implementations
                      (C) Python uses it
                      Jython doesn’t
                      IronPython doesn’t
                      They use their own/internal threading mechanisms
              Is it a design flaw?
                      Maybe . . . but . . .
                      Fierce/intense discussions to change the code base
                      Solutions that pose other benefits:
                               Processes create fewer inherent dead lock situations
                               Processes scale also to multi–host scenarios

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     Doug Hellmann in Python Magazine 10/2007:
     Techniques using low–level, operating system–specific,
     libraries for process management are as passe as using
     compiled languages for CGI programming. I don’t have time
     for this low–level stuff any more, and neither do you. Let’s
     look at some modern alternatives.

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   GIL–less Python

              There was an attempt/patch “way back then ...”
              There’s a new project now by Adam Olsen
              Python 3000 with “free theading” [1]
              Using Monitors to isolate state
              Design focus: usability
              (for common cases, maintainable code)
              Optional at compile time using --with-freethread
              Sacrificed single–threaded performance
              (60–65 % but equivalent to threaded CPython)
              Automatic deadlock detection
              (detection/breaking, giving exceptions/stack trace)
              Runs on Linux and OS/X
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      1 Threading

      2 Theory

      3 Multiprocessing

      4 Others

      5 Conclusion

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   Parallelisation in General

              CPU vs. I/O bottle necks
                      Threading: Good for I/O constrains
                      This talk aims at CPU constrains
              Threads vs. Processes
                      Threads: Within a process on one host
                      Processes: Independent on the OS
                      Processes are:
                               Heavier in memory/overhead
                               Have their own name space and memory
                               Involve less problems with competing access
                               to resources and their management
                               On UN*X/Linux: Process overhead is very low
                               (C)Python is inefficient in handling threads
                               Stackless Python is much more efficient on threading
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   Parallelisation in General

              CPU vs. I/O bottle necks
                      Threading: Good for I/O constrains
                      This talk aims at CPU constrains
              Threads vs. Processes
                      Threads: Within a process on one host
                      Processes: Independent on the OS
                      Processes are:
                               Heavier in memory/overhead
                               Have their own name space and memory
                               Involve less problems with competing access
                               to resources and their management
                               On UN*X/Linux: Process overhead is very low
                               (C)Python is inefficient in handling threads
                               Stackless Python is much more efficient on threading
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   Parallelisation in General

              CPU vs. I/O bottle necks
                      Threading: Good for I/O constrains
                      This talk aims at CPU constrains
              Threads vs. Processes
                      Threads: Within a process on one host
                      Processes: Independent on the OS
                      Processes are:
                               Heavier in memory/overhead
                               Have their own name space and memory
                               Involve less problems with competing access
                               to resources and their management
                               On UN*X/Linux: Process overhead is very low
                               (C)Python is inefficient in handling threads
                               Stackless Python is much more efficient on threading
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   Parallelisation in General

              CPU vs. I/O bottle necks
                      Threading: Good for I/O constrains
                      This talk aims at CPU constrains
              Threads vs. Processes
                      Threads: Within a process on one host
                      Processes: Independent on the OS
                      Processes are:
                               Heavier in memory/overhead
                               Have their own name space and memory
                               Involve less problems with competing access
                               to resources and their management
                               On UN*X/Linux: Process overhead is very low
                               (C)Python is inefficient in handling threads
                               Stackless Python is much more efficient on threading
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   Abstraction Level vs. Control

     Abstraction levels for parallel computing models [7]

              Parallelism    Communication Synchronisation
       4                            implicit
       3          explicit                 implicit
       2                   explicit                 implicit
       1                            explicit

     Explicit: The programmer specifies it in the parallel program
     Implicit: A compiler/runtime system derives it from other information

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   Abstraction Level vs. Control

              Low level: Close to hardware
                      Must specify parallelism
                      . . . communication
                      . . . and synchronisation
              → Best means for performance tuning
              → Premature optimisation?
              High level: Highest machine independence
                      More/all handled by computing model
                      Up to automatic parallelisation approaches
              Both extremes have not been very successful to date
              Most developments now:
                      Level 3 for specific purposes
                      Level 1 for general programming
                      (esp. in the scientific community)
                      With Python consistent level 2 possible
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   Abstraction Level vs. Control

              Low level: Close to hardware
                      Must specify parallelism
                      . . . communication
                      . . . and synchronisation
              → Best means for performance tuning
              → Premature optimisation?
              High level: Highest machine independence
                      More/all handled by computing model
                      Up to automatic parallelisation approaches
              Both extremes have not been very successful to date
              Most developments now:
                      Level 3 for specific purposes
                      Level 1 for general programming
                      (esp. in the scientific community)
                      With Python consistent level 2 possible
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   Abstraction Level vs. Control

              Low level: Close to hardware
                      Must specify parallelism
                      . . . communication
                      . . . and synchronisation
              → Best means for performance tuning
              → Premature optimisation?
              High level: Highest machine independence
                      More/all handled by computing model
                      Up to automatic parallelisation approaches
              Both extremes have not been very successful to date
              Most developments now:
                      Level 3 for specific purposes
                      Level 1 for general programming
                      (esp. in the scientific community)
                      With Python consistent level 2 possible
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   Common for Parallel Computing

              Message Passing Interface (MPI)
              for distributed memory
              shared memory multi–threading
              The two do not have to be categorised like this

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     Art by “Teknika Molodezhi,” Russia 1966

     Dark Roasted Blend:
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      1 Threading

      2 Theory

      3 Multiprocessing

      4 Others

      5 Conclusion

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   Processing around the GIL

              Smart multi–processing
              Smart task farming

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   (py)Processing module

              By R. Oudkerk [2]
              Written in C (really fast!)
              Allowes multiple cores and multiple hosts/clusters
              Data synchronisation through managers
              Easy “upgrade path”
                      Drop in replacement (mostly) for the threading module
                      Transparent to user
                      Forks processes, but uses Thread API
              Supports queues, pipes, locks,
              managers (for sharing state), worker pools
              VERY fast, see PEP-371 [3]
                      Jesse Noller for pyprocessing into core Python
                      benchmarks available, awesome results!
                      PEP is officially accepted: Thanks Guido!
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   (py)Processing module

              Some details
                      Producer/consumer style system
                      – workers pull jobs
                      Hides most details of communication
                      – usable default settings
                      Communication is tweakable
                      (to improve performance or meet certain requirements)

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   (py)Processing module

     Let’s see it!

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   Parallel Python module

              By Vitalii Vanovschi [4]
              Pure Python
              Full “Batteries included” paradigm model:
                      Spawns automatically across detected cores,
                      and can spawn to clusters
                      Uses some thread module methods under the hood
                      More of a “task farming” approach
                      (requires potentially rethinking/restructuring)
                      Automatically deploys code and data,
                      no difficult/multiple installs
                      Fault tolerance, secure inter–node communication,
                      runs everywhere
              Very active communigy,
              good documentation, good support
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   Parallel Python module

     Let’s see it!

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      1 Threading

      2 Theory

      3 Multiprocessing

      4 Others

      5 Conclusion

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   Honourable Mentions

              pprocess [5]
              IPython for parallel computing [6]
              Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) Model [7]
              sequence of super steps
              (computation, communication, barrier synch)
              Reactor based architectures, through Twisted [8]
              “Don’t call us, we call you”
              MPI (pyMPI, Pypar, MPI for Python, pypvm)
              requires constant number of processors during
              compation’s duration
              Pyro (distributed object system)
              Linda (PyLinda)
              Scientific Python (master/slave computing model)
              data distribution through call parameters/replication
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      1 Threading

      2 Theory

      3 Multiprocessing

      4 Others

      5 Conclusion

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   Things to Note

              Which approach is best?
                      Can’t say!
                      Many of the approaches are complimentary
                      Needs to be evaluated what to use when
              All, however, save you a lot of time over the alternative
              of writing everything yourself with low–level libraries.
              What an age to be alive!
              Problems can arise when objects cannot be pickled

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              Resolving the GIL is not necessarily the best solution
                      More inefficient (single threaded) runtime
                      Problems with shared memory access
              Various approaches to beat the GIL
              Solutions are complimentary in many ways
              many scale beyond a local machine/memory system

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     Slides and code available here:

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   References I

     [1] A. Olsen,
         Python 3000 with Free Threading project,
     [2] R. Oudkerk,
         Processing Package,
     [3] J. Noller,

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   References II

     [4] V. Vanovschi,
         Parallel Python,
     [5] P. Boddie,
     [6] Project Website,
     [7] K. Hinsen,
         Parallel Scripting with Python
         Computing in Science & Engineering, Nov/Dec 2007
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   References III

     [8] B. Eckel,
         Concurrency with Python, Twisted, and Flex,

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Beating the (sh** out of the) GIL - Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing

  • 1. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Beating the (sh** out of the) GIL Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing Hair dryer 1920s, Dark Roasted Blend: http://www.darkroastedblend. com/2007/01/ retro-technology-update.html Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 1/36
  • 2. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Beating the (sh** out of the) GIL Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing Guy K. Kloss Computer Science Massey University, Albany New Zealand Python User Group Meeting Auckland, 12 June 2008 Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 2/36
  • 3. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Outline 1 Threading 2 Theory 3 Multiprocessing 4 Others 5 Conclusion Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 3/36
  • 4. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 4/36
  • 5. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Outline 1 Threading 2 Theory 3 Multiprocessing 4 Others 5 Conclusion Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 5/36
  • 6. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Source: Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 6/36
  • 7. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise What People Think Now Threading and shared memory are common (thanks to Windows and Java) Python supports threads (Yay!) Python also supports easy forking (Yay!) The GIL . . . is a problem for pure Python, non I/O bound applications Lots of people “understand” threads . . . . . . and fail at them (to do them properly) Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 7/36
  • 8. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise What People Think Now Threading and shared memory are common (thanks to Windows and Java) Python supports threads (Yay!) Python also supports easy forking (Yay!) The GIL . . . is a problem for pure Python, non I/O bound applications Lots of people “understand” threads . . . . . . and fail at them (to do them properly) Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 7/36
  • 9. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise What People Think Now Threading and shared memory are common (thanks to Windows and Java) Python supports threads (Yay!) Python also supports easy forking (Yay!) The GIL . . . is a problem for pure Python, non I/O bound applications Lots of people “understand” threads . . . . . . and fail at them (to do them properly) Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 7/36
  • 10. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise What People Think Now Threading and shared memory are common (thanks to Windows and Java) Python supports threads (Yay!) Python also supports easy forking (Yay!) The GIL . . . is a problem for pure Python, non I/O bound applications Lots of people “understand” threads . . . . . . and fail at them (to do them properly) Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 7/36
  • 11. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise What People Think Now Threading and shared memory are common (thanks to Windows and Java) Python supports threads (Yay!) Python also supports easy forking (Yay!) The GIL . . . is a problem for pure Python, non I/O bound applications Lots of people “understand” threads . . . . . . and fail at them (to do them properly) Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 7/36
  • 12. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise What People Think Now Blog post by Mark Ramm, 14 May 2008 A multi threaded system is particularly important for people who use Windows, which makes multi–process computing much more memory intensive than it needs to be. As my grandma always said Windows can’t fork worth a damn. ;) [. . . ] So, really it’s kinda like shared–memory optimized micro–processes running inside larger OS level processes, and that makes multi–threaded applications a lot more reasonable to wrap your brain around. Once you start down the path of lock managment the non-deterministic character of the system can quickly overwhelm your brain. Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 8/36
  • 13. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Simple Threading Example from threading import Thread from stuff import expensiveFunction class MyClass(Thread): def __init__(self, argument): self.argument = argument Thread.__init__(self) # I n i t i a l i s e the thread def run(self): self.value = expensiveFunction(self.argument) callObjects = [] for i in range(config.segments): callObjects.append(MyClass(i)) for item in callObjects: item.start() # Do something e l s e . time.sleep(15.0) for item in callObjects: item.join() print item.value Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 9/36
  • 14. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Our Example with Threading Our fractal example now with threading. Just a humble hair–dryer from the 30s: “One of the first machines used for permanent wave hairstyling back in the 1920’s and 1930’s.” Dark Roasted Blend: mystery-devices-issue-2.html Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 10/36
  • 15. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise The GIL Global Interpreter Lock What is it for? Cooperative multitasking Interpreter knows when it’s “good to switch” Often more efficient than preemptive multi–tasking Can be released from native (C) code extensions (done for I/O intensive operations) Is it good? Easy coding Easy modules/extensions Large base of available modules alredy Speed improvement by factor 2 (for single–threaded applications) Keeps code safe Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 11/36
  • 16. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise The GIL Global Interpreter Lock What is it for? Cooperative multitasking Interpreter knows when it’s “good to switch” Often more efficient than preemptive multi–tasking Can be released from native (C) code extensions (done for I/O intensive operations) Is it good? Easy coding Easy modules/extensions Large base of available modules alredy Speed improvement by factor 2 (for single–threaded applications) Keeps code safe Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 11/36
  • 17. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise The GIL Alternatives Other implementations (C) Python uses it Jython doesn’t IronPython doesn’t They use their own/internal threading mechanisms Is it a design flaw? Maybe . . . but . . . Fierce/intense discussions to change the code base Solutions that pose other benefits: Processes create fewer inherent dead lock situations Processes scale also to multi–host scenarios Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 12/36
  • 18. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise The GIL Alternatives Other implementations (C) Python uses it Jython doesn’t IronPython doesn’t They use their own/internal threading mechanisms Is it a design flaw? Maybe . . . but . . . Fierce/intense discussions to change the code base Solutions that pose other benefits: Processes create fewer inherent dead lock situations Processes scale also to multi–host scenarios Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 12/36
  • 19. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Doug Hellmann in Python Magazine 10/2007: Techniques using low–level, operating system–specific, libraries for process management are as passe as using compiled languages for CGI programming. I don’t have time for this low–level stuff any more, and neither do you. Let’s look at some modern alternatives. Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 13/36
  • 20. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise GIL–less Python There was an attempt/patch “way back then ...” There’s a new project now by Adam Olsen Python 3000 with “free theading” [1] Using Monitors to isolate state Design focus: usability (for common cases, maintainable code) Optional at compile time using --with-freethread Sacrificed single–threaded performance (60–65 % but equivalent to threaded CPython) Automatic deadlock detection (detection/breaking, giving exceptions/stack trace) Runs on Linux and OS/X Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 14/36
  • 21. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Outline 1 Threading 2 Theory 3 Multiprocessing 4 Others 5 Conclusion Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 15/36
  • 22. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Parallelisation in General CPU vs. I/O bottle necks Threading: Good for I/O constrains This talk aims at CPU constrains Threads vs. Processes Threads: Within a process on one host Processes: Independent on the OS Processes are: Heavier in memory/overhead Have their own name space and memory Involve less problems with competing access to resources and their management But: On UN*X/Linux: Process overhead is very low (C)Python is inefficient in handling threads Stackless Python is much more efficient on threading Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 16/36
  • 23. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Parallelisation in General CPU vs. I/O bottle necks Threading: Good for I/O constrains This talk aims at CPU constrains Threads vs. Processes Threads: Within a process on one host Processes: Independent on the OS Processes are: Heavier in memory/overhead Have their own name space and memory Involve less problems with competing access to resources and their management But: On UN*X/Linux: Process overhead is very low (C)Python is inefficient in handling threads Stackless Python is much more efficient on threading Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 16/36
  • 24. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Parallelisation in General CPU vs. I/O bottle necks Threading: Good for I/O constrains This talk aims at CPU constrains Threads vs. Processes Threads: Within a process on one host Processes: Independent on the OS Processes are: Heavier in memory/overhead Have their own name space and memory Involve less problems with competing access to resources and their management But: On UN*X/Linux: Process overhead is very low (C)Python is inefficient in handling threads Stackless Python is much more efficient on threading Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 16/36
  • 25. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Parallelisation in General CPU vs. I/O bottle necks Threading: Good for I/O constrains This talk aims at CPU constrains Threads vs. Processes Threads: Within a process on one host Processes: Independent on the OS Processes are: Heavier in memory/overhead Have their own name space and memory Involve less problems with competing access to resources and their management But: On UN*X/Linux: Process overhead is very low (C)Python is inefficient in handling threads Stackless Python is much more efficient on threading Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 16/36
  • 26. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Abstraction Level vs. Control Abstraction levels for parallel computing models [7] Parallelism Communication Synchronisation 4 implicit 3 explicit implicit 2 explicit implicit 1 explicit Explicit: The programmer specifies it in the parallel program Implicit: A compiler/runtime system derives it from other information Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 17/36
  • 27. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Abstraction Level vs. Control Low level: Close to hardware Must specify parallelism . . . communication . . . and synchronisation → Best means for performance tuning → Premature optimisation? High level: Highest machine independence More/all handled by computing model Up to automatic parallelisation approaches Both extremes have not been very successful to date Most developments now: Level 3 for specific purposes Level 1 for general programming (esp. in the scientific community) With Python consistent level 2 possible Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 18/36
  • 28. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Abstraction Level vs. Control Low level: Close to hardware Must specify parallelism . . . communication . . . and synchronisation → Best means for performance tuning → Premature optimisation? High level: Highest machine independence More/all handled by computing model Up to automatic parallelisation approaches Both extremes have not been very successful to date Most developments now: Level 3 for specific purposes Level 1 for general programming (esp. in the scientific community) With Python consistent level 2 possible Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 18/36
  • 29. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Abstraction Level vs. Control Low level: Close to hardware Must specify parallelism . . . communication . . . and synchronisation → Best means for performance tuning → Premature optimisation? High level: Highest machine independence More/all handled by computing model Up to automatic parallelisation approaches Both extremes have not been very successful to date Most developments now: Level 3 for specific purposes Level 1 for general programming (esp. in the scientific community) With Python consistent level 2 possible Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 18/36
  • 30. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Common for Parallel Computing Message Passing Interface (MPI) for distributed memory OpenMP shared memory multi–threading The two do not have to be categorised like this Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 19/36
  • 31. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Art by “Teknika Molodezhi,” Russia 1966 Dark Roasted Blend: Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 20/36
  • 32. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Outline 1 Threading 2 Theory 3 Multiprocessing 4 Others 5 Conclusion Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 21/36
  • 33. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Processing around the GIL Smart multi–processing Smart task farming Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 22/36
  • 34. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise (py)Processing module By R. Oudkerk [2] Written in C (really fast!) Allowes multiple cores and multiple hosts/clusters Data synchronisation through managers Easy “upgrade path” Drop in replacement (mostly) for the threading module Transparent to user Forks processes, but uses Thread API Supports queues, pipes, locks, managers (for sharing state), worker pools VERY fast, see PEP-371 [3] Jesse Noller for pyprocessing into core Python benchmarks available, awesome results! PEP is officially accepted: Thanks Guido! Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 23/36
  • 35. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise (py)Processing module (continued) Some details Producer/consumer style system – workers pull jobs Hides most details of communication – usable default settings Communication is tweakable (to improve performance or meet certain requirements) Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 24/36
  • 36. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise (py)Processing module Let’s see it! Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 25/36
  • 37. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Parallel Python module By Vitalii Vanovschi [4] Pure Python Full “Batteries included” paradigm model: Spawns automatically across detected cores, and can spawn to clusters Uses some thread module methods under the hood More of a “task farming” approach (requires potentially rethinking/restructuring) Automatically deploys code and data, no difficult/multiple installs Fault tolerance, secure inter–node communication, runs everywhere Very active communigy, good documentation, good support Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 26/36
  • 38. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Parallel Python module Let’s see it! Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 27/36
  • 39. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Outline 1 Threading 2 Theory 3 Multiprocessing 4 Others 5 Conclusion Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 28/36
  • 40. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Honourable Mentions pprocess [5] IPython for parallel computing [6] Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) Model [7] sequence of super steps (computation, communication, barrier synch) Reactor based architectures, through Twisted [8] “Don’t call us, we call you” MPI (pyMPI, Pypar, MPI for Python, pypvm) requires constant number of processors during compation’s duration Pyro (distributed object system) Linda (PyLinda) Scientific Python (master/slave computing model) data distribution through call parameters/replication Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 29/36
  • 41. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Outline 1 Threading 2 Theory 3 Multiprocessing 4 Others 5 Conclusion Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 30/36
  • 42. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Things to Note Which approach is best? Can’t say! Many of the approaches are complimentary Needs to be evaluated what to use when All, however, save you a lot of time over the alternative of writing everything yourself with low–level libraries. What an age to be alive! Problems can arise when objects cannot be pickled Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 31/36
  • 43. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Conclusion Resolving the GIL is not necessarily the best solution More inefficient (single threaded) runtime Problems with shared memory access Various approaches to beat the GIL Solutions are complimentary in many ways many scale beyond a local machine/memory system Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 32/36
  • 44. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise Questions? Slides and code available here: Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 33/36
  • 45. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise References I [1] A. Olsen, Python 3000 with Free Threading project, [Online] [2] R. Oudkerk, Processing Package, [Online] [3] J. Noller, PEP-371, [Online] Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 34/36
  • 46. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise References II [4] V. Vanovschi, Parallel Python, [Online] [5] P. Boddie, pprocess, [Online] [6] Project Website, IPython, [Online] html/parallel_intro.html [7] K. Hinsen, Parallel Scripting with Python Computing in Science & Engineering, Nov/Dec 2007 Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 35/36
  • 47. Threading Theory Multiprocessing Others Conclusion Finalise References III [8] B. Eckel, Concurrency with Python, Twisted, and Flex, [Online] jsp?thread=230001 Guy K. Kloss | Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing 36/36