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                     The Clojure way                                              Carlo Sciolla, Sr R&D Developer at Backbase

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
public void printAllNames(repo) {
                                          AuthenticationUtil.runAs(new RunAsWork () {
                                            public Object doWork(){
                                              for (NodeRef node : getAllNodes(repo)) {
                                                String name = getName(node);
                                          }, AuthenticationUtil.getAdminUserNAme())

                           Sample user story
                           As admin,
                           I want to loop through all the nodes from the Alfresco repository,
                           So that I can print their names
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
(defn print-all-names [repo]
                                          (run-as (admin)
                                            (doseq [node (to-seq repo)]
                                              (println (property node “cm:name”)))))

                                                                       #LOC < 1/2

                           Sample user story
                           As admin,
                           I want to loop through all the nodes from the Alfresco repository,
                           So that I can print their names
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
(defn print-all-names [repo]   Java interop
                                            (reify AuthenticationUtil$RunAsWork
                                              (doWork [this]
                                                (doseq [node (to-seq repo)]
                                                  (println (property node “cm:name”)))))

                           How to get there
                           Having only moved parenthesis around and tweaked it a bit, we
                           eventually translated our code into Clojure. We still have to get rid of
                           the anonymous class.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
(defmacro run-as
                                          [user f]
                                          `(let [work# (reify AuthenticationUtil$RunAsWork
                                                             (~'doWork [~'this]
                                             (AuthenticationUtil/runAs work# ~user)))

                           Reflection on massive steroids
                           Macros are “special” functions that, at compile time, shuffle the
                           pieces they receive in input and return a function. They’re misterious
                           and powerful: don’t try to decode it now, young jedi.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
(defn print-all-names [repo]
                                          (run-as (admin)
                                            (doseq [node (to-seq repo)]
                                              (println (property node “cm:name”)))))

                           Straight to the point
                           Clojure, as any Lisp, allows you to easily create clear and concise
                           DSLs. New functions to enhance expressivity to your programs.
                           Fewer lines to maintain.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
(defn print-all-names [repo]
                                          (run-as (admin)
                                            (doseq [node (to-seq repo)]
                                              (println (property node “cm:name”)))))


                           Here be Lambdalf
                           While Clojure allows direct access to Java classes and instances,
                           lambdalf provides a more idiomatic access to the core Alfresco API.
                           You’ll see some examples along the way.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
(defn print-all-names [repo]
                                          (run-as (admin)
                                            (doseq [node (to-seq repo)]
                                              (println (property node “cm:name”)))))

                           Lost In Superfluous Parenthesis?
                           It is usually perceived that Lisp code has an overwhelming amount of

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
Parenthesis count

                                                                                     18               24   w/expanded macro

                           Lost In Superfluous Parenthesis?
                           It is usually perceived that Lisp code has an overwhelming amount of
                           parenthesis. It’s usually unfair.

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
the sexp and the city
                   or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the parens

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
sexp = | primitive-elem
                                                     | list of s-expression

                           Symbolic Expressions
                           List based data structures. They may be a nested list of smaller S-
                           expressions. Best known for their use in Lisp.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
Symbols: ns/foo                     Keywords: :key
                      odd?                                 ::qualified
                      +                                    :ns/qualified
                      this!is_a+single*symbol-42           :can+be!weird

                  Literals: “string”
                            c space tab
                            42 3.14 42/11 36r16
                            true false

                           Primitive data types
                           Basic building blocks. Most of them should look familiar, or meaningful.

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
list      (c “list” :something)

                           vector        [“vector” 42 :foobar]

                             map {:question “life, universe and everything”
                                  :answer 42}

                              set        #{“foo” 42 :bar}

                            Collections or sequences
                            All aggregate data types can be encapsulated under the same
                            interface: ISeq. Use the powerful Clojure sequence processing library
                            to rule them all, but beware: they are all immutable!
                            ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
list      (quote (c “list” :something))

                              list      ‘(c “list” :something)

                                        (defn print-all-names [repo]
                                          (run-as (admin)
                                                                           function calls
                                            (doseq [node (to-seq repo)]
                                              (println (property node “cm:name”)))))

                           LISt Processing
                           Lists are king among data structures in any Lisp: they also happen to
                           be code (homoiconicity). Lists are executed by evaluating the first
                           symbol to a function, then calling it with the others as parameters.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
function definition                    name

                                        (defn print-all-names [repo]    parameters declaration
                                          (run-as (admin)
                                            (doseq [node (to-seq repo)]
                                              (println (property node “cm:name”)))))

                           Functional languages needs functions to be first class citizens. In
                           Clojure, functions can be passed as parameters, put into a collection
                           or returned as the result of an execution.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
                                                and the art of motorcycle maintenance

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
Horse horse = new Horse(14);


                           Where is the horse?
                           The same “thing” such as a variable or an Object, can be completely
                           different at different moments in time. We call such things identities,
                           and they relate to a sequence of values.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
(defn move [h]
                    {:pos (inc (:pos h))})

                  (def horse
                    {:pos 14})

                  (:pos horse) ; 14

                  (move horse) ; {:pos 15}

                           Persistent data structures
                           All data structures are immutable after their creation. As such, you
                           never change them, but rather create new versions of it. We call them
                           values, and are effectively easier to handle than Objects.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
Structural sharing
                           When creating a new version of a value, Clojure runtime optimizes the
                           process and allows different version of the same data structure to
                           share parts in memory.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011



                           Identities and values
                           Identities refer to a logical sequence of values, which are distinct,
                           though possibly similar, compound entities. They allow us to bring
                           time into the picture.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
the seq librabry

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
                                          Returns a seq on the collection.
                                          If the collection is empty, returns nil.
                                          (seq nil) returns nil. seq also works on
                                          Strings, native Java arrays (of reference
                                          types) and any objects that implement

                           seq to rule them all
                           Quite intentionally, you can reduce all Clojure data structures and
                           Java collections, iterables, Strings and arrays to the very same
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
distinct filter remove for keep keep-indexed cons concat
                                        lazy-cat mapcat cycle interleave interpose
                                        rest next fnext nnext drop drop-while nthnext for take
                                        take-nth take-while butlast drop-last for
                                        flatten reverse sort sort-by shuffle split-at split-with
                                        partition partition-all partition-by
                                        map pmap mapcat for replace reductions map-indexed seque
                                        first ffirst nfirst second nth when-first
                                        last rand-nth zipmap into reduce set vec into-array to-
                                        array-2d frequencies group-by apply
                                        not-empty some reduce seq? every? not-every? not-any?
                                        empty? some filter doseq dorun doall seq vals
                                        keys rseq subseq rsubseq lazy-seq repeatedly iterate
                                        repeat replicate range line-seq resultset-seq
                                        re-seq tree-seq file-seq xml-seq iterator-seq

                           One-stop shop
                           Dealing with a single abstraction allows for the same functions to be
                           applicable to an incredible number of problems. The richness of the
                           seq library is the only swiss army knife you need.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
fully functional

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
(map println [“one” “two” “three”])

                                        (doseq [x [“one” “two” “three”]] (println x))

                                        (for [x [“one” “two” “three”]] (println x))

                                        (loop [s [“one” “two” “three”]]
                                          (println (first s))
                                            (if (next s)
                                                (recur (rest s))))

                           Functional looping
                           Despite being usually a fundamental part of a programming language
                           course, Clojure doesn’t strictly need any special looping construct,
                           even if it provides one nonetheless.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
(defn print-all-names [repo]
                                          (run-as (admin)
                                            (doseq [node (to-seq repo)]
                                              (println (property node “cm:name”)))))

                           Sequencing Alfresco
                           Nodes in Alfresco are stored as a tree. Surely enough, trees can be
                           represented as nested sequences, allowing for the seq library to
                           disclose its power.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
distinct filter remove for keep keep-indexed cons concat
                                        lazy-cat mapcat cycle interleave interpose
                                        rest next fnext nnext drop drop-while nthnext for take
                                        take-nth take-while butlast drop-last for
                                        flatten reverse sort sort-by shuffle split-at split-with
                                        partition partition-all partition-by
                                        map pmap mapcat for replace reductions map-indexed seque
                                        first ffirst nfirst second nth when-first
                                        last rand-nth zipmap into reduce set vec into-array to-
                                        array-2d frequencies group-by apply
                                        not-empty some reduce seq? every? not-every? not-any?
                                        empty? some filter doseq dorun doall seq vals
                                        keys rseq subseq rsubseq lazy-seq repeatedly iterate
                                        repeat replicate range line-seq resultset-seq
                                        re-seq tree-seq file-seq xml-seq iterator-seq

                           Depth first traversal
                           Using the standard seq library, you can compose a linear sequence
                           out of a tree structure (of nested sequences).

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
                                        ([branch? children root])
                                          Returns a lazy sequence of the nodes in a
                                          tree, via a depth-first walk. branch? must be
                                          a fn of one arg that returns true if passed a
                                          node that can have children (but may not).
                                          children must be a fn of one arg that returns
                                          a sequence of the children. Will only be
                                          called on nodes for which branch? returns
                                          true. root is the root node of the

                           Anatomy of a tree-seq
                           Functions are first class, and tree-seq is a higher order fn that takes
                           two functions and a data structure to create a flat sequence.

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
                                        ([branch? children root])
                                          Returns a lazy sequence of the nodes in a
                                          tree, via a depth-first walk. branch? must be
                                          a fn of one arg that returns true if passed a
                                          node that can have children (but may not).
                                          children must be a fn of one arg that returns
                                          a sequence of the children. Will only be
                                          called on nodes for which branch? returns
                                          true. root is the root node of the

                           Thinking Alfresco
                           Peer to peer associations allow you to create logical trees regardless
                           of files and folders structure. For the time being, let’s assume we’re
                           only interested into parent child assocs between nodes.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
(defn type-qname [node]
                                                                                           (m/qname (.getType (node-service) (c/c2j node))))
                                        (defn branch? [node]
                                          (qname-isa? (type-qname node)
                                                      (qname "cm:folder")))
                      (defn qname-isa? [child parent]
                        (.isSubClass (dictionary-service)
                                     (qname child)                        (defn qname [qname-str]
                                     (qname parent)))                       (let [[prefix name] (QName/splitPrefixedQName qname-str)]
                                                                              (QName/createQName prefix name (namespace-service))))

                           First step
                           We know that cm:contains is provided as part of cm:folder
                           definition. We check that the given node is of a compatible type.
                           Lambdalf provides here some Clojure/Java type conversion.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
                                        ([branch? children root])
                                          Returns a lazy sequence of the nodes in a
                                          tree, via a depth-first walk. branch? must be
                                          a fn of one arg that returns true if passed a
                                          node that can have children (but may not).
                                          children must be a fn of one arg that returns
                                          a sequence of the children. Will only be
                                          called on nodes for which branch? returns
                                          true. root is the root node of the

                           Populate the seq
                           Navigating the tree means getting the children of the traversed node,
                           if any. This is food for the NodeService.

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
(defn children [node]
                                          (n/children node)))
                                                   (defn children [node]
                                                     (into #{}
                                                         (map #(c/j2c (.getChildRef %))
                                                               (.getChildAssocs (node-service)
                                                               (c/c2j node))))))

                           API bridge
                           Lambdalf tries to shave the yak for you, and despite its code doesn’t
                           shine by beauty, it allows for a clean user code. Again, Java and
                           Clojure interact seamlessly here.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
(defn print-all-names [repo] (defn to-seq [node]
                                          (run-as (admin)             (tree-seq branch? children node))

                                            (doseq [node (to-seq repo)]
                                              (println (property node “cm:name”)))))

                           Wrapping it up
                           Most of the mystery is now gone, the core of print-all-names has been
                           demystified. While run-as is still magic, it’s easy to tell what’s for.

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
the lord of the repl
                             one repl to bring them all and in the lexical scope, bind them

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
read         R
                                                                              user> (defn    Y [r]
                           eval         E                                            ((fn    [f] (f f))
                                                                                       (fn   [f]
                                                                                        (r   (fn [x] ((f f) x))))))
                           print        P                                     #'user/Y
                           loop         L

                           Almighty shell
                           It’s common in all Lisp variations development model to have an open
                           shell to a running environment, called REPL. Here you can define and
                           test your own code against the running application.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
read         R
                                                                              user> (defn    Y [r]
                           eval         E                                            ((fn    [f] (f f))
                                                                                       (fn   [f]
                                                                                        (r   (fn [x] ((f f) x))))))
                           print        P                                     #'user/Y
                           loop         L

                           Live coding
                           Similarly to scripted languages, your code is parsed and compiled
                           into bytecode as soon as you enter it. In facts, you are altering the
                           current runtime state.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
read         R                                     prompt
                                                                              user> (defn Y [r]
                           eval         E                                            ((fn [f] (f f))
                                                                                       (fn [f]
                                                                                        (r (fn [x] ((f f) x))))))
                           print        P                                     #'user/Y
                                                                              user>      result
                           loop         L

                           Live coding
                           Similarly to scripted languages, your code is parsed and compiled
                           into bytecode as soon as you enter it. In facts, you are altering the
                           current runtime state.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011

                                        $ curl -X POST -u admin:admin 
                                        {port : 4005}

                           Swank server
                           Opening a REPL server is just one web script call away. You’ll need a
                           client to connect, major IDE and editors have one. As usual, Emacs is
                           superior :-P
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
user> (def folder
                                                  (first (s/query "TYPE:"cm:folder""))))
                                        user> (a/as-admin (n/property folder "cm:name"))

                           Baby steps
                           Being an interactive shell, a REPL allows you to test code step by
                           step. While it doesn’t free you from the duty of writing tests, it really
                           helps assessing correctness or feasibility of new ideas.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
Trying it out
                           We know we should already be able to reduce the Alfresco repository
                           to a seq, and we can try directly to see if our implementation works as
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
private HashMap _map = new HashMap();

                                         public void oneMore(Object k, Object v) {
                           #fail           _map.put(k, v);

                            Shared mutable state
                            It’s sometimes desirable to access the same identity from different
                            threads. When going concurrent, several tasks that used to be trivial
                            are now extremely hard. OO makes it even harder.
                            ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
Software Transactional Memory
                           Similarly to databases, Clojure runtime uses transactions to handle
                           concurrent access to shared mutable state. Every thread gets the
                           current value, if changes occur outside, the transaction rolls back.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
(def _shared (ref {}))

                                        (defn update
                                         [old k v]
                                          (assoc old k v))

                                        (defn one-more
                                         [k v]
                                           (alter _shared update k v)))

                           Concurrency IS rocket science
                           Sorting out concurrency is an extremely difficult task. Clojure provides
                           language level barriers against poorly designed concurrent access to
                           shared mutable state.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
sync   coord
                                        ([x] [x & options])

                                        ([x] [x & options])

                                        ([state & options])

                           Thereʼs no silver bullet
                           Different concurrent access patterns require different constructs.
                           Programmers still have to pay attention to which kind of concurrency
                           control to use.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
the clojure way

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
(map #(property % name) (query “@cm:name:”Sites””))

                           (defn query
                             "Returns all the results of a search"
                                (query StoreRef/STORE_REF_WORKSPACE_SPACESSTORE
                                       SearchService/LANGUAGE_LUCENE q))
                             ([store lang q]
                                (with-open [rs (.query (search-service) store lang q)]
                                  (doall (map c/j2c (.getNodeRefs rs))))))

                            Warning: alpha code
                            Lambdalf and Clojure webscripts have a long way ahead in terms of
                            API maturity and usability, but the basic pieces are out there for you to
                            start your journey into this new, fancy Lisp.
                            ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
(write! “new content” node)

                             [^String src node]
                             (let [noderef (c/c2j node)
                                   w (.getWriter (content-service)
                                                 ContentModel/PROP_CONTENT true)]
                               (.putContent w (ByteArrayInputStream.
                                                (.getBytes src "UTF-8")))))

                            Warning: alpha code
                            Lambdalf and Clojure webscripts have a long way ahead in terms of
                            API maturity and usability, but the basic pieces are out there for you to
                            start your journey into this new, fancy Lisp.
                            ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
(to-seq (company-home))

                           (defn to-seq
                             (let [user (a/whoami)
                                    branch? (fn [x] (a/run-as user
                                                      (m/qname-isa? (n/type-qname x)
                                                        (m/qname "cm:folder"))))
                                    children (fn [x] (a/run-as user (n/children x)))]
                               (tree-seq branch? children root)))

                            Warning: alpha code
                            Lambdalf and Clojure webscripts have a long way ahead in terms of
                            API maturity and usability, but the basic pieces are out there for you to
                            start your journey into this new, fancy Lisp called Clojure.
                            ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
       4 September 1927 - 24 October 2011

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011

                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011
Carlo Sciolla
                                                                              sr. R&D Developer


                                                     Thank you!
                                                                                     “A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming, is not worth knowing”
                                                                                                                                                                   Alan J. Perlis

                           About me
                           Content specialist, Clojurian, biker.
                           ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro

Friday, November 4, 2011

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Alfresco the Clojure Way: Printing Node Names

  • 1. Alfresco The Clojure way Carlo Sciolla, Sr R&D Developer at Backbase ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 2. public void printAllNames(repo) { AuthenticationUtil.runAs(new RunAsWork () { public Object doWork(){ for (NodeRef node : getAllNodes(repo)) { String name = getName(node); System.out.println(name); } } }, AuthenticationUtil.getAdminUserNAme()) } Sample user story As admin, I want to loop through all the nodes from the Alfresco repository, So that I can print their names ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 3. (defn print-all-names [repo] (run-as (admin) (doseq [node (to-seq repo)] (println (property node “cm:name”))))) #LOC < 1/2 Sample user story As admin, I want to loop through all the nodes from the Alfresco repository, So that I can print their names ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 4. (defn print-all-names [repo] Java interop (AuthenticationUtil/runAs (reify AuthenticationUtil$RunAsWork (doWork [this] (doseq [node (to-seq repo)] (println (property node “cm:name”))))) (admin))) How to get there Having only moved parenthesis around and tweaked it a bit, we eventually translated our code into Clojure. We still have to get rid of the anonymous class. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 5. (defmacro run-as [user f] `(let [work# (reify AuthenticationUtil$RunAsWork (~'doWork [~'this] ~f))] (AuthenticationUtil/runAs work# ~user))) Reflection on massive steroids Macros are “special” functions that, at compile time, shuffle the pieces they receive in input and return a function. They’re misterious and powerful: don’t try to decode it now, young jedi. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 6. (defn print-all-names [repo] (run-as (admin) (doseq [node (to-seq repo)] (println (property node “cm:name”))))) Straight to the point Clojure, as any Lisp, allows you to easily create clear and concise DSLs. New functions to enhance expressivity to your programs. Fewer lines to maintain. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 7. (defn print-all-names [repo] (run-as (admin) (doseq [node (to-seq repo)] (println (property node “cm:name”))))) Here be Lambdalf While Clojure allows direct access to Java classes and instances, lambdalf provides a more idiomatic access to the core Alfresco API. You’ll see some examples along the way. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 8. (defn print-all-names [repo] (run-as (admin) (doseq [node (to-seq repo)] (println (property node “cm:name”))))) Lost In Superfluous Parenthesis? It is usually perceived that Lisp code has an overwhelming amount of parenthesis. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 9. Parenthesis count VS 26 18 24 w/expanded macro Lost In Superfluous Parenthesis? It is usually perceived that Lisp code has an overwhelming amount of parenthesis. It’s usually unfair. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 10. the sexp and the city or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the parens ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 11. sexp = | primitive-elem | list of s-expression Symbolic Expressions List based data structures. They may be a nested list of smaller S- expressions. Best known for their use in Lisp. (Wikipedia) ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 12. Symbols: ns/foo Keywords: :key odd? ::qualified + :ns/qualified this!is_a+single*symbol-42 :can+be!weird Literals: “string” c space tab 42 3.14 42/11 36r16 true false #”^[a-zA-Z]*” nil Primitive data types Basic building blocks. Most of them should look familiar, or meaningful. Hopefully. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 13. list (c “list” :something) vector [“vector” 42 :foobar] map {:question “life, universe and everything” :answer 42} set #{“foo” 42 :bar} Collections or sequences All aggregate data types can be encapsulated under the same interface: ISeq. Use the powerful Clojure sequence processing library to rule them all, but beware: they are all immutable! ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 14. list (quote (c “list” :something)) list ‘(c “list” :something) (defn print-all-names [repo] (run-as (admin) function calls (doseq [node (to-seq repo)] (println (property node “cm:name”))))) LISt Processing Lists are king among data structures in any Lisp: they also happen to be code (homoiconicity). Lists are executed by evaluating the first symbol to a function, then calling it with the others as parameters. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 15. function definition name (defn print-all-names [repo] parameters declaration (run-as (admin) (doseq [node (to-seq repo)] (println (property node “cm:name”))))) Functions Functional languages needs functions to be first class citizens. In Clojure, functions can be passed as parameters, put into a collection or returned as the result of an execution. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 16. immutability and the art of motorcycle maintenance ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 17. Horse horse = new Horse(14); horse.getPosition(); ?? t Where is the horse? The same “thing” such as a variable or an Object, can be completely different at different moments in time. We call such things identities, and they relate to a sequence of values. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 18. (defn move [h] {:pos (inc (:pos h))}) (def horse {:pos 14}) (:pos horse) ; 14 (move horse) ; {:pos 15} Persistent data structures All data structures are immutable after their creation. As such, you never change them, but rather create new versions of it. We call them values, and are effectively easier to handle than Objects. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 19. Structural sharing When creating a new version of a value, Clojure runtime optimizes the process and allows different version of the same data structure to share parts in memory. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 20. horse t values Identities and values Identities refer to a logical sequence of values, which are distinct, though possibly similar, compound entities. They allow us to bring time into the picture. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 21. the seq librabry ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 22. clojure.core/seq ([coll]) Returns a seq on the collection. If the collection is empty, returns nil. (seq nil) returns nil. seq also works on Strings, native Java arrays (of reference types) and any objects that implement Iterable. seq to rule them all Quite intentionally, you can reduce all Clojure data structures and Java collections, iterables, Strings and arrays to the very same interface. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 23. distinct filter remove for keep keep-indexed cons concat lazy-cat mapcat cycle interleave interpose rest next fnext nnext drop drop-while nthnext for take take-nth take-while butlast drop-last for flatten reverse sort sort-by shuffle split-at split-with partition partition-all partition-by map pmap mapcat for replace reductions map-indexed seque first ffirst nfirst second nth when-first last rand-nth zipmap into reduce set vec into-array to- array-2d frequencies group-by apply not-empty some reduce seq? every? not-every? not-any? empty? some filter doseq dorun doall seq vals keys rseq subseq rsubseq lazy-seq repeatedly iterate repeat replicate range line-seq resultset-seq re-seq tree-seq file-seq xml-seq iterator-seq enumeration-seq One-stop shop Dealing with a single abstraction allows for the same functions to be applicable to an incredible number of problems. The richness of the seq library is the only swiss army knife you need. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 24. fully functional ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 25. (map println [“one” “two” “three”]) (doseq [x [“one” “two” “three”]] (println x)) (for [x [“one” “two” “three”]] (println x)) (loop [s [“one” “two” “three”]] (println (first s)) (if (next s) (recur (rest s)))) Functional looping Despite being usually a fundamental part of a programming language course, Clojure doesn’t strictly need any special looping construct, even if it provides one nonetheless. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 26. (defn print-all-names [repo] (run-as (admin) (doseq [node (to-seq repo)] (println (property node “cm:name”))))) Sequencing Alfresco Nodes in Alfresco are stored as a tree. Surely enough, trees can be represented as nested sequences, allowing for the seq library to disclose its power. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 27. distinct filter remove for keep keep-indexed cons concat lazy-cat mapcat cycle interleave interpose rest next fnext nnext drop drop-while nthnext for take take-nth take-while butlast drop-last for flatten reverse sort sort-by shuffle split-at split-with partition partition-all partition-by map pmap mapcat for replace reductions map-indexed seque first ffirst nfirst second nth when-first last rand-nth zipmap into reduce set vec into-array to- array-2d frequencies group-by apply not-empty some reduce seq? every? not-every? not-any? empty? some filter doseq dorun doall seq vals keys rseq subseq rsubseq lazy-seq repeatedly iterate repeat replicate range line-seq resultset-seq re-seq tree-seq file-seq xml-seq iterator-seq enumeration-seq Depth first traversal Using the standard seq library, you can compose a linear sequence out of a tree structure (of nested sequences). ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 28. clojure.core/tree-seq ([branch? children root]) Returns a lazy sequence of the nodes in a tree, via a depth-first walk. branch? must be a fn of one arg that returns true if passed a node that can have children (but may not). children must be a fn of one arg that returns a sequence of the children. Will only be called on nodes for which branch? returns true. root is the root node of the tree. Anatomy of a tree-seq Functions are first class, and tree-seq is a higher order fn that takes two functions and a data structure to create a flat sequence. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 29. clojure.core/tree-seq ([branch? children root]) Returns a lazy sequence of the nodes in a tree, via a depth-first walk. branch? must be a fn of one arg that returns true if passed a node that can have children (but may not). children must be a fn of one arg that returns a sequence of the children. Will only be called on nodes for which branch? returns true. root is the root node of the tree. Thinking Alfresco Peer to peer associations allow you to create logical trees regardless of files and folders structure. For the time being, let’s assume we’re only interested into parent child assocs between nodes. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 30. (defn type-qname [node] (m/qname (.getType (node-service) (c/c2j node)))) (defn branch? [node] (qname-isa? (type-qname node) (qname "cm:folder"))) (defn qname-isa? [child parent] (.isSubClass (dictionary-service) (qname child) (defn qname [qname-str] (qname parent))) (let [[prefix name] (QName/splitPrefixedQName qname-str)] (QName/createQName prefix name (namespace-service)))) First step We know that cm:contains is provided as part of cm:folder definition. We check that the given node is of a compatible type. Lambdalf provides here some Clojure/Java type conversion. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 31. clojure.core/tree-seq ([branch? children root]) Returns a lazy sequence of the nodes in a tree, via a depth-first walk. branch? must be a fn of one arg that returns true if passed a node that can have children (but may not). children must be a fn of one arg that returns a sequence of the children. Will only be called on nodes for which branch? returns true. root is the root node of the tree. Populate the seq Navigating the tree means getting the children of the traversed node, if any. This is food for the NodeService. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 32. (defn children [node] (n/children node))) (defn children [node] (into #{} (doall (map #(c/j2c (.getChildRef %)) (.getChildAssocs (node-service) (c/c2j node)))))) API bridge Lambdalf tries to shave the yak for you, and despite its code doesn’t shine by beauty, it allows for a clean user code. Again, Java and Clojure interact seamlessly here. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 33. (defn print-all-names [repo] (defn to-seq [node] (run-as (admin) (tree-seq branch? children node)) (doseq [node (to-seq repo)] (println (property node “cm:name”))))) Wrapping it up Most of the mystery is now gone, the core of print-all-names has been demystified. While run-as is still magic, it’s easy to tell what’s for. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 34. the lord of the repl one repl to bring them all and in the lexical scope, bind them ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 35. read R user> (defn Y [r] eval E ((fn [f] (f f)) (fn [f] (r (fn [x] ((f f) x)))))) print P #'user/Y user> loop L Almighty shell It’s common in all Lisp variations development model to have an open shell to a running environment, called REPL. Here you can define and test your own code against the running application. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 36. read R user> (defn Y [r] eval E ((fn [f] (f f)) (fn [f] (r (fn [x] ((f f) x)))))) print P #'user/Y user> loop L Live coding Similarly to scripted languages, your code is parsed and compiled into bytecode as soon as you enter it. In facts, you are altering the current runtime state. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 37. read R prompt user> (defn Y [r] eval E ((fn [f] (f f)) (fn [f] (r (fn [x] ((f f) x)))))) print P #'user/Y user> result loop L Live coding Similarly to scripted languages, your code is parsed and compiled into bytecode as soon as you enter it. In facts, you are altering the current runtime state. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 38. + $ curl -X POST -u admin:admin http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/swank {port : 4005} Swank server Opening a REPL server is just one web script call away. You’ll need a client to connect, major IDE and editors have one. As usual, Emacs is superior :-P ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 39. user> (def folder (a/as-admin (first (s/query "TYPE:"cm:folder"")))) #'user/folder user> (a/as-admin (n/property folder "cm:name")) "Sites" user> Baby steps Being an interactive shell, a REPL allows you to test code step by step. While it doesn’t free you from the duty of writing tests, it really helps assessing correctness or feasibility of new ideas. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 40. Trying it out We know we should already be able to reduce the Alfresco repository to a seq, and we can try directly to see if our implementation works as expected. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 41. concurrency ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 42. private HashMap _map = new HashMap(); public void oneMore(Object k, Object v) { #fail _map.put(k, v); } Shared mutable state It’s sometimes desirable to access the same identity from different threads. When going concurrent, several tasks that used to be trivial are now extremely hard. OO makes it even harder. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 43. Software Transactional Memory Similarly to databases, Clojure runtime uses transactions to handle concurrent access to shared mutable state. Every thread gets the current value, if changes occur outside, the transaction rolls back. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 44. (def _shared (ref {})) (defn update [old k v] (assoc old k v)) (defn one-more [k v] (dosync (alter _shared update k v))) Concurrency IS rocket science Sorting out concurrency is an extremely difficult task. Clojure provides language level barriers against poorly designed concurrent access to shared mutable state. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 45. sync coord clojure.core/ref ([x] [x & options]) clojure.core/atom ([x] [x & options]) clojure.core/agent ([state & options]) Thereʼs no silver bullet Different concurrent access patterns require different constructs. Programmers still have to pay attention to which kind of concurrency control to use. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 46. the clojure way ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 47. (map #(property % name) (query “@cm:name:”Sites””)) (defn query "Returns all the results of a search" ([q] (query StoreRef/STORE_REF_WORKSPACE_SPACESSTORE SearchService/LANGUAGE_LUCENE q)) ([store lang q] (with-open [rs (.query (search-service) store lang q)] (doall (map c/j2c (.getNodeRefs rs)))))) Warning: alpha code Lambdalf and Clojure webscripts have a long way ahead in terms of API maturity and usability, but the basic pieces are out there for you to start your journey into this new, fancy Lisp. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 48. (write! “new content” node) (write! [^String src node] (let [noderef (c/c2j node) w (.getWriter (content-service) noderef ContentModel/PROP_CONTENT true)] (.putContent w (ByteArrayInputStream. (.getBytes src "UTF-8"))))) Warning: alpha code Lambdalf and Clojure webscripts have a long way ahead in terms of API maturity and usability, but the basic pieces are out there for you to start your journey into this new, fancy Lisp. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 49. (to-seq (company-home)) (defn to-seq [root] (let [user (a/whoami) branch? (fn [x] (a/run-as user (m/qname-isa? (n/type-qname x) (m/qname "cm:folder")))) children (fn [x] (a/run-as user (n/children x)))] (tree-seq branch? children root))) Warning: alpha code Lambdalf and Clojure webscripts have a long way ahead in terms of API maturity and usability, but the basic pieces are out there for you to start your journey into this new, fancy Lisp called Clojure. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 50. John McCarthy 4 September 1927 - 24 October 2011 ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 51. Q/A ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011
  • 52. Carlo Sciolla sr. R&D Developer @skuro Thank you! “A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming, is not worth knowing” Alan J. Perlis About me Content specialist, Clojurian, biker. ALFRESCO THE CLOJURE WAY | November 8, 2011 | @skuro Friday, November 4, 2011

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