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NCM 105
Psychiatric Nursing Practice – The Nursing Process
Lectured by Leila T. Salera, RN, MD, DPSP
   Has been used continuously for more than 50 years
   The induction of a grand mal seizure through the
    application of electrical current to the brain
   Duration of seizure should be at least 25 seconds
    (Sadock and Sadock)
   Most clients require an average of 6 to 12 treatments
   Some may require up to 20 treatments
   Administered usually every other day, three times per
   Performed on an inpatient basis for those that require
    close observation and care (suicidal, agitated,
    delusional, catatonic, or acutely manic)
( Townsend Chapter 22; Student Guide, pages 53 to 56)
    Indications:
a.     Major depression – not often the treatment of choice
       but is considered only after a trial of therapy with
       antidepressant medication has proven ineffective
b.     Mania – rarely used for this purpose; for those who do
       not tolerate or fail to respond to lithium or other drug
       treatment, or when life is threatened by dangerous
       behavior or exhaustion
c.     Schizophrenia – can induce remission in some clients
       with acute schizophrenia, particularly if it is
       accompanied by catatonic or affective
       symptomatology; no value among clients with chronic
( Townsend Chapter 22; Student Guide, pages 53 to 56)
    Other conditions it is being used:
a.    Neuroses
b.    OCD – obsessive compulsive disorder
c.    Personality disorder
d.    Postpartum psychoses
     Mechanism of action (theories)
a.    Electrical stimulation results in significant increases in
      the circulating levels of several neurotransmitters
      (serotonin, NE, and dopamine) which are affected by
      antidepressant drugs
b.    May also result in increases in glutamate and GABA
( Townsend Chapter 22; Student Guide, pages 53 to 56)
    Side effects
a.    Temporary memory loss and confusion (most
b.    Permanent memory loss (?)
c.    Occasional cardiac dysrhythmias
d.    Brain damage – 2 per 100,000 treatments

( Townsend Chapter 22; Student Guide, pages 53 to 56)
    Nursing interventions prior to ECT
a.    Explain the procedure
b.    NPO for 8 hours (after midnight)
c.    Have consent signed
d.    Ensure labs and diagnostic examinations are all
      done results available: CBC, urinalysis, X-ray
e.    Empty bowel and bladder
f.    Take vital and record signs approximately 1 hour
      prior to treatment is scheduled
g.    Client should remain in bed with side rails up
( Townsend Chapter 22; Student Guide, pages 53 to 56)
  Nursing interventions prior to ECT
h. Client should be changed into a hospital gown
i.  Administer premedications 30 minutes prior to
    treatment – atropine or glycopyrolate
    (anticholinergics) IM
j.  Remove anything conductive
k. Stay with client to allay fears and anxiety
l.  Maintain a positive attitude
m. Encourage verbalization of feelings
n. Ensure airway patency
o. Restraints as necessary
( Townsend Chapter 22; Student Guide, pages 53 to 56)
    Nursing interventions during ECT
a.    Provide suctioning as needed
b.    Assist anesthesiologist with oxygenation as
c.    Observe readouts on machines monitoring vital
      signs and cardiac functioning
d.    Provide support to the client’s arms and legs
      during the seizure
e.    Observe and record the type and amount of
      movement induced by the seizure
( Townsend Chapter 22; Student Guide, pages 53 to 56)
    Nursing interventions after ECT
f.    Allow the client to verbalize fears and anxieties
      related to receiving ECT
g.    Stay with the client until he or she is fully awake,
      oriented, and able to perform self-care activities
      without assistance
h.    Provide the client with a highly structured
      schedule of routine activities in order to minimize
( Townsend Chapter 22; Student Guide, pages 53 to 56)
 Any procedure that promotes the development of
  courage, inner security and self confidence making
  the person more functional
 Most important element is trust and communication

 A form of mental exploration that should be
( Student Guide, pages 58 to 60)
 Method of bringing about change in a person by
  exploring his or her feelings, attitudes, thinking, and
 Involves one-to-one relationship between the
  therapist and the client
 Therapist’s theoretical beliefs strongly influence his
  or her style of therapy
 Nurse or other health care provider who is familiar
  with the client may be in a position to recommend a
  therapist or a choice of therapists
(Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
 Clients participate in sessions with a group of
 The members share a common purpose and are
  expected to contribute to the group to benefit others
  and receive benefit from others in return
 Group rules are established, which all members
  must observe, which vary according to the type of
(Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
    The therapeutic results of group therapy include the
a.     Gaining new information, or learning
b.     Gaining inspiration or hope
c.     Interacting with others
d.     Feeling acceptance and belonging
e.     Becoming aware that one is not alone and that others
       share the same problems
f.     Gaining insight into one’s problems and behaviors and
       how they affect others
g.     Giving of oneself for the benefit of others (altruism)
(Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
    Psychotherapy groups
1.    Family therapy
2.    Family education
3.    Education groups
4.    Support groups
5.    Self-help groups

(Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
    Goal: for members to learn about their behavior and to
     make positive changes in their behavior by interacting
     and communicating with others as a member of a group
    Often formal in structure, with one or two therapists as
     the group leaders
    Two types
a.     Open groups – ongoing and run indefinitely, allowing
       members to join or leave the group as they need to
b.     Closed groups – structured to keep the same
       members in the group for a specified number of
       sessions; members decide how to handle members
       who wish to leave the group and the possible
       admission of new group members
(Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
 A form of group in which the client and his or her
  own family members participate
 The goals include understanding how family
  dynamics contribute to the client’s psychopathology,
  mobilizing the family’s inherent strengths and
  functional resources, restructuring maladaptive
  family behavioral styles, and strengthening family
  behavioral styles, and strengthening family
  problem-solving behaviors
 Can be used both to assess and to treat various
  psychiatric disorders
(Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
 A unique 12-week Family-to-Family Education
  Course developed by the National Alliance for the
  Mentally Ill (NAMI)
 Taught by trained family members, the curriculum
  focuses on schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, clinical
  depression, panic disorder, and obsessive-
  compulsive disorder
 Discusses clinical treatment of these illnesses and
  teaches knowledge and skills that family members
  need to cope more effectively
(Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
 Goal is to provide information to members on a
  specific issue-for instance, stress management,
  medication management, or assertiveness training
 The group leader has expertise in the subject area
  and may be a nurse, therapist, or other health
 Usually scheduled for a specific number of sessions
  and retain the same members for the duration of
  the group
(Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
 Organized to help members who share a common
  problem to cope with it
 The group leader explores members’ thoughts and
  feelings and creates an atmosphere of acceptance
  so that members feel comfortable expressing
 Often provide a safe place for members to express
  their feelings of frustration, boredom, or
  unhappiness and also discuss common problems
  and potential solutions
(Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
 Members share a common experience, but the
  group is not a formal or structured therapy group
 Professionals organize some self-help groups,
  many are run by members and do not have a
  formally identified leader
 Examples: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Parents
  Without Partners, Gamblers Anonymous, and Al-
  Anon (a group of spouses and partners of
 Some have national headquarters and Internet
 Most have a rule of confidentiality
(Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
 Alternative medical systems – yoga, herbal medicines,
  acupuncture, etc…
 Mind-body interventions – meditation, prayer. Mental
  healing, and creative therapies that use art or music
 Biologically based therapies – use substances found in
  nature, such as herbs, food, vitamins
 Manipulative and body-based therapies – therapeutic
  massage and chiropractic or osteopathic manipulations
 Energy therapies – two types: a) biofield therapies,
  intended to affect energy fields that are believed to
  surround and penetrate the body (therapeutic touch, qi
  gong, Reiki) and b) bioelectric-based therapies,
  involving use of electromagnetic fields, such as pulse
  fields, magnetic fields, and AC or DC fields
(Videbeck, pages 56 to 61)
 Involves providing services to people with severe
  and persistent mental illness to help them to live in
  the community
 Often called community support programs

 Focuses on the client’s strengths, not just on the
 Client actively participates in program planning

 Programs are designed to help the client manage
  the illness and symptoms, gain access to needed
  services, and live successfully in the community
(Videbeck, pages 56 to 61)
   Nursing activities that help enhance the client’s
    social and psychological functioning and improve
    social skills, interpersonal relationships, and

(Videbeck, pages 56 to 61; Student Guide, pages 58 to 59 and
  72 to 82)
 Mental Health Sub-Programs
A. Wellness of Daily Living
B. Extreme Life Experiences
C. Mental Disorder
D. Substance Abuse Disorder

(Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
   Home care is advocated
    Acute cases are referred to the National Center for
     Mental Health (NCMH) or hospitals with psychiatric
     facilities for proper management
    They are screened and after a few days they are
     assessed and discharged if they can be managed at
    Cases needing continuing supervision and care may
     be confined
    A team from the NCMH follow up their discharged
     patients in the provinces
(Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)

 Wellness of Daily Living – The process of attaining
  and maintaining mental well-being across the life
  cycle through the promotion of healthy lifestyle with
  emphasis on coping with psychosocial issues
 Objectives:
1. To increase awareness among the population on
   mental health and psychosocial issues
2. To ensure access of preventive and promotive
   mental health services
   (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)

    Objectives:
1.    To differentiate between critical incident and extreme
      life experiences
2.    To identify situations which may be extreme life
3.    To categorize/prioritize the extreme life experience
      which may be the concern of mental health
4.    To identify programs that could address psychosocial
      consequences and mental health issues of persons
      with extreme life experiences
    (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
    Objectives:
1.    Promotion of mental health and prevention of
      mental illness across the lifespan and across
      sectors (children and adolescents, adults elderly,
      and special population such as military, OFWs,
      refugees, persons with disabilities)
    (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
    In mental health promotion
1.     Participate in the promotion of mental health among
       families and the community
2.     Utilize opportunities in his/her everyday contacts with
       other members of the community to extend the general
       knowledge on mental hygiene
3.     Help people in the community understand basic
       emotional needs and the factors that promote mental
       well being
4.     Teach parents the importance of providing emotional
       support to their children during critical periods in their
       lives like first day in school graduation, etc…
    (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
    In prevention and control
1.     Recognize mental health hazards and stress situations
       as unemployment, divorce or abandonment of
       children, vices, long standing physical illness, all of
       which make heavy demands on the emotional
       resources of the persons concerned
2.     Recognize pathological deviations from normal in
       terms of acting, thinking and feeling and make early
       referral so that diagnosis and treatment could be done
3.     Be aware of potential causes of breakdown and when
       necessary take some possible preventive action.
    (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
    In prevention and control
4.     Help the family to understand and accept the patient’s
       health status and behavior sp that all its members may
       offer as much support in the readjustments to home
       and community
5.     Help patient assess his/her capacities and his/her
       handicaps in working towards a solution of his/her
6.     Encourage feeling of achievement by setting health
       goals that patient can attain
7.     Encourage the patient to express his/her anxieties so
       that fears and misconceptions can be cleared up
    (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)

    In prevention and control
8.     Impart information and guidance about the
       treatment scheme of the patients, the desired and
       undesirable effect of the tranquilizers, psychiatric
       emergency management and other nursing care
    (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
    Rehabilitation
1.    Initiate patient participation in occupational activities
      best suited to patient’s capabilities, education,
      experience and training, capacities and interest
2.    Encourage and initiate patients to partake in activities
      of CIVIC organization in the community through the
      cooperation of the patient’s family
3.    Advise the family about the importance of regular
      follow-up at the clinic
4.    Make regular home visits to observe patients’
      conditions during conversation and follow-up of
    (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)

    In research and epidemiology
1.     Participate actively in epidemiological survey to be
       aware of the size and extent of mental health
       problems in the community and to organize a
       program for better preventive, curative and
       rehabilitative measures.
    (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
 The psychiatric-mental health nurse evaluates
  progress toward attainment of expected outcomes
 The continuous or ongoing phase of nursing
  process is evaluation.
 Nursing care is a dynamic process involving
  change in the patient’s health status over time,
  giving rise to the need of new data, different
  diagnosis, and modifications in the plan of care.

(Videbeck, page 10; The Internet)
    When evaluating care the nurse should review all
     previous phases of the nursing process and determine
     whether expected outcome for the patient have been
    This can be done checking:
1.    Have I done everything for my patient?
2.    Is my patient better after the planned care?
    Evaluation is a feed back mechanism for judging the
     quality of care given.
    Evaluation of the patient’s progress indicates what
     problems of the patient have been solved, which need to
     be assessed again, replanted, implemented and re-

(Videbeck, page 10; The Internet)
  Basic-Level Functions
a.   Counseling
b.   Milieu therapy
c.   Self-care activities
d.   Psychobiologic interventions
e.   Health teaching
f.   Case management
g.   Health promotion and maintenance
 Advanced-Level Functions
a.   Psychotherapy
b.   Prescriptive authority for drugs (US)
c.   Consultation and liaison
d.   Evaluation
e.   Program development
f.   And management
g.   Clinical supervision
(Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
 Student concerns are normal
 Usually do not persist once the students have initial
  contacts with clients
 Some common concerns and helpful hints for
  beginning students:
“What is I say the wrong thing?”
- No one magic phrase can solve a client’s problems;
  likewise, no single statement can significantly
  worsen them
- Listening carefully, showing genuine interest, and
  caring about the client are extremely important
(Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
 Some common concerns and helpful hints for beginning
“What will I be doing?”
- In the mental health setting, many familiar tasks and
  responsibilities are minimal
- Physical care skills or diagnostic tests and procedures
  are fewer than those conducted in a busy medical-
  surgical setting
- The student must deal with his or her own anxiety about
  approaching a stranger to talk about very sensitive and
  personal issues
- Development of the therapeutic nurse-client relationship
  takes time and patience
(Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
 Some common concerns and helpful hints for
  beginning students:
“What if no one will talk to me?”
- Students sometimes fear that they will be rejected
  by the client
- Some clients may not want to talk, or are reclusive,
  but may show that same behavior with experienced
- Students should not see such behavior as a
  personal insult or failure
(Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
 Some common concerns and helpful hints for
  beginning students:
“Am I prying when I ask personal questions?”
- Personal questions should not be the first thing a
  student says to the client
- These issues usually arise after some trust and
  rapport have been established
- Ask sincere questions

(Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
 Some common concerns and helpful hints for
  beginning students:
“Ho will I handle bizarre or inappropriate behavior?”
- It is important to monitor one’s facial expressions
  and emotional responses so that clients do not feel
  rejected or ridiculed
- The nursing student instructor and staff are always
  available to assist the student in such situations
- Students should never feel as if they have to handle
  situations alone
(Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
 Some common concerns and helpful hints for
  beginning students:
“What happens if a client asks me for a date or
  displays sexually aggressive or inappropriate
- Some clients have difficulty recognizing or
  maintaining interpersonal boundaries
- When client seeks contact of any type outside the
  nurse-client relationship, it is important for the
  student (with the assistance of the instructor or
  staff) to clarify the boundaries of the professional
(Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
 Some common concerns and helpful hints for
  beginning students:
“What happens if a client asks me for a date or
  displays sexually aggressive or inappropriate
- Likewise, setting limits and maintaining boundaries
  are needed when a client’s behavior is sexually
- Initially, the student might be uncomfortable dealing
  with such behavior, but with practice and the
  assistance of the instructor and staff, it becomes
  easier to manage
(Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
 Some common concerns and helpful hints for
  beginning students:
“What happens if a client asks me for a date or
  displays sexually aggressive or inappropriate
- It is also important to protect the client’s privacy and
  dignity when he or she cannot do so
(Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
  Some common concerns and helpful hints for
   beginning students:
“Is my physical safety in jeopardy?”
- Actually, clients hurt themselves more often than
   they harm others
- Staff members usually closely monitor clients with a
   potential for violence for clues of an impending
- When physical aggression does occur, staff
   members are specially trained to handle aggressive
   clients in a safe manner
(Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
 Some common concerns and helpful hints for
  beginning students:
“What if I encounter someone I know being treated in
  the unit?”
- It is essential that the client’s identity and treatment
  be kept confidential
- If the student recognizes someone he or she
  knows, the instructor must be notified, and the
  instructor will decide on the situation
- Always reassure client that all will be kept
  confidential and the student will be reassigned
(Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
 Some common concerns and helpful hints for
  beginning students:
“What if I recognize that I share problems or
  backgrounds with clients?”
- No easy way to answer this question

- We do not always know why some people have
  serious emotional problems, while others do not,
  and yet they have similar life experiences
- Self-awareness is key

(Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
 The process by which the nurse gains recognition
  of his or her own feelings, beliefs, and attitudes
 In nursing, being aware of one’s feelings, thoughts,
  and values is a primary focus
 What would you do if you were assigned to a client
  who just had an abortion, and you are strong
  believer of anti-abortion?
 Will your personal feelings and beliefs interfere with
  your work?
 The nurse needs to discover him/herself and what
  he/she believes before trying to help others with
  different views
(Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
   Keep a dairy or journal that focuses on experiences and
    related feelings
   Talk with someone you trust about your experiences and
   Engage in formal clinical supervision. Even experienced
    clinicians have a supervisor with whom they discuss
    personal feelings and challenging client situations to
    gain insight and new approaches
   Seek alternative points of view. Put yourself in the
    client’s situation and think about his or her feelings,
    thoughts, and actions

(Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
   Do not be critical of yourself (or others) for having
    certain values or beliefs. Accept them as a part of
    yourself, or work to change those values and
    beliefs you wish to be different

(Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
 The ability to establish therapeutic relationships
  with clients is one of the most important skills a
  nurse can develop
 The therapeutic relationship is especially crucial to
  the success of interventions with clients requiring
  psychiatric care because the therapeutic
  relationship and the communication within it serve
  as the underpinning for treatment and success

(Videbeck pages 80 to 86)
(Student Guide pages 59 to 69)

 Trust
 Genuine interest
 Empathy
 Acceptance
 Positive regard
 Self awareness and Therapeutic use of self

(Videbeck pages 80 to 86)
(Student Guide pages 59 to 69)
  Trust
1.   Trust is built in the nurse-client relationship when the nurse exhibits the following
a.   Caring
b.   Openness
c.   Objectivity
d.   Respect
e.   Interest
f.   Understanding
g.   Consistency
h.   Treating the client as a human being
i.   Suggesting without telling
j.   Approachability
k.   Listening
l.   Keeping promises
m.   Honesty
(Videbeck pages 80 to 86)
(Student Guide pages 59 to 69)

 Trust
2. Congruence – occurs when words and actions
 Genuine interest
1. The client perceives this when the nurse is
    comfortable with him/herself and is aware of his
    strengths and limitations, and is focused
2. A client with mental illness can detect when
    someone is exhibiting dishonest or artificial
(Videbeck pages 80 to 86)
(Student Guide pages 59 to 69)

  Empathy
1.  The ability to perceive the meanings of feelings of the
    client and to communicate that understanding to the
2.  Being able to put him/herself in the client’s shoes
 Acceptance

1.  The nurse does not become upset or respond
    negatively to a client’s outbursts, anger, or acting out
2.  Avoiding judgment
(Videbeck pages 80 to 86)
(Student Guide pages 59 to 69)

 Positive regard
1. The nurse is able to appreciate the client as a
    unique worthwhile human being
2. The nurse can respect the client regardless of his
    or her own behavior
3. Unconditional nonjudgmental attitude
 Self-awareness
1. The nurse must first know him/herself before he or
    she can attend to a client
2. What are your values, attitudes, and beliefs?
(Videbeck pages 80 to 86)
(Student Guide pages 59 to 69)

 Therapeutic use of self
1. Self-awareness has been developed

2. The nurse can use aspects of his or her
    personality, experiences, values, feelings,
    intelligence, needs, coping skills, and perceptions
    to establish relationships with clients
(Videbeck pages 80 to 86)
(Student Guide pages 59 to 69)

 Genuine interest
Client: “I’m so confused! My son just visited and
    wants to know where the safety deposit box key
Nurse: “You’re confused because your son asked for
    the safety deposit box key?” (using reflection)
Nurse: “Are you confused about the purpose of your
    son’s visit?” (using clarification)

 Acceptance
Client: puts his arm around the nurse’s waist
Appropriate response conveying acceptance but not
  allowing the inappropriate behavior of the client to
“ Sir, do not place your hand on me. We are working
  on your relationship with your girlfriend and that
  does not require you to touch me. Now, let’s
Inappropriate response:
“ Sir, stop that! What’s wrong with you? I am leaving,
  and maybe I’ll return tomorrow.”

 Positive regard
Client: I was so mad, I yelled and screamed at my
  mother for an hour.”
Which conveys positive regard or are appropriate
  responses by the nurse?
a. “Well that didn’t help did it?”

b. “I can’t believe you did that.”

c. “What happened then?”

d. “You must really be upset.”

 Positive regard
Client: I was so mad, I yelled and screamed at my
  mother for an hour.”
Which conveys positive regard or are appropriate
  responses by the nurse?
a. “Well that didn’t help did it?”

b. “I can’t believe you did that.”

c. “What happened then?”

d. “You must really be upset.”
  Therapeutic use of self
- Johari Window
1.   A “words portrait” of a person in four areas
2.   Each area indicates how well that person knows
     him/herself and communicated with others
 Patterns of knowing
- Nurse theorist Hildegard Peplau (1952) identified
   preconceptions, or ways one person expects another
   person to behave or speak, as a roadblock to the
   formation of an authentic relationship

(Videbeck pages 80 to 86)
(Student Guide pages 59 to 69)
 Social relationship – primarily initiated for the
  purpose of friendship, socialization, companionship,
  or accomplishment of a task
 Intimate relationship – involves two people who are
  emotionally committed to each other
 Therapeutic relationship – focuses on needs,
  experiences, feelings, and ideas of the client only
(Videbeck pages 86 to 87)
(Student Guide pages 59 to 69)

 Phases:
1. Orientation phase

2. Working phase

a. Problem identification subphase

b. Exploitation subphase

3. Termination phase

(Videbeck pages 87 to91)
(Student Guide pages 59 to 69)

 Phases:
1. Orientation phase
a. Begins when then nurse and client meet and ends
    when the client begins to identify problems to
b. The nurse establishes the roles, the purpose of
    meeting, and the parameters of subsequent
c. Identifies client’s problems
d. Clarifies expectations
(Videbeck pages 87 to 91)
(Student Guide pages 59 to 69)

 Phases:
2. Working phase

a. Problem identification subphase – the client
    identifies the issues or concerns causing problems
b. Exploitation subphase – the nurse guides the
    client to examine feelings and responses and
    develop better coping skills and a more positive
    self-image, to encourage behavior change and
    develop independence
(Videbeck pages 87 to 91)
(Student Guide pages 59 to 69)

 Phases:
3. Termination phase

a. Also known as the resolution phase

b. The final stage of the nurse-client relationship

c. It begins when the problem is resolved

d. Ends when the relationship is ended

(Videbeck pages 87 to 91)
(Student Guide pages 59 to 69)

   Therapeutic communication
-   Is an interpersonal interaction between the nurse
    and the client during which the nurse focuses on
    the client’s specific needs to promote an effective
    exchange of information
-   Helps the nurse understand and empathize with the
    client’s experience

(Videbeck, page 98 to 116)

  Therapeutic communication
- Goals:

1.  Establish a therapeutic nurse-client relationship
2.  Identify the most important client concern at that
    moment (the client-centered goal)
3.  Assess the client’s detailed actions as it unfolds
4.  Facilitate the client’s expression of emotions
5.  Teach the client and family necessary self-care skills
6.  Recognize the client’s needs
7.  Guide the client toward identifying a plan of action to a
    satisfying and socially acceptable resolution
(Videbeck, page 98 to 116)
  Therapeutic communication
- Privacy and Respecting Boundaries
1.  Privacy is desirable, but not always possible in a therapeutic
2.  Proxemics – the study of distance zones between people
    during communication
a.  Intimate zone – 0 to 18 inches between people; parents and
    young children, people who mutually desire personal contact
b.  Personal zone – 19 to 36 inches; between family and friends
    who are talking
c.  Social zone – 4 to 12 feet; acceptable for communication in
    social, work, and business settings
d.  Public zone – 12 to 25 feet; speaker and audience, small
    groups, and other informal functions
(Videbeck, page 98 to 116)

    Therapeutic communication
1.    Verbal communication – uses concrete messages
      and abstract messages
2.    Non-verbal communication – body language, eye
      contact, facial expression, tone of voice, speed
      and hesitations in speech, grunts and groans, and
      distance from the listeners

(Videbeck, page 98 to 116)

    Therapeutic communication
1.    Touch
a.    Functional-professional touch
b.    Social-polite touch
c.    Friendship-warmth touch
d.    Love-intimacy touch

(Videbeck, page 98 to 116)

    Therapeutic communication
1.    Concrete messages – the words are explicit and
      need no interpretation
2.    Abstract messages – requires interpretation by the
      listener like figure of speeches

(Videbeck, page 98 to 116)

 Therapeutic communication
Concrete messages
“What health problems caused you to come to the
  hospital today?”
Abstract messages
“How did you get here?”
The terms “how” and “here” are vague. To an anxious
  client who is not thinking clearly:
“Where am I?” or “The ambulance brought me here?”
(Videbeck, page 98 to 116)

Therapeutic communication
Abstract (unclear): “Get the stuff from him.”
Concrete (clear): “He’ll be home today at 5pm, and
 you can pick up your clothes at that time.”

Abstract (unclear): “Your clinical performance has
Concrete (clear): “To administer medications
  tomorrow, you’ll have to be able to calculate
  dosages correctly by the end of today’s class.”
(Videbeck, page 98 to 116)

 Non-Therapeutic communication
a. Should be avoided

b. These responses cut off the communication and
    make it more difficult for the interaction to continue
c. Asking “why” questions may be perceived as
    criticism by the client, conveying a negative
    judgment from the nurse
(Videbeck, page 98 to 116)
  Accepting – indicating reception, you are listening
   and you have followed the train of thought
“Yes” or “I follow what you said” or simply nodding
 Broad opening – allowing the client to take the
   initiative in introducing the topic, makes the client
   feel that he or she has the lead interaction
“Is there something you’d like to talk about?”
 Consensual validation – searching for mutual
   understanding, for accord in the meaning of the
   words; to avoid any misunderstanding
“Tell me whether my understanding of it agrees with
 Encouraging comparison – asking that similarities
  and differences be noted
“ Was it something like…?”
 Encouraging description of perception – asking the
  client to verbalize what he or she perceives
“What is happening?’
 Encouraging expression – asking the client to
  appraise the quality of his or her experiences
“Tell me more about that.”
 Focusing – concentrating on a single point
“Of all you’ve mentioned, which is the most
  Formulating a plan of action – asking the client to
   consider kinds of behavior likely to be appropriate
   in the future
 General leads – giving encouragement to continue

 Giving information – making available the facts that
   the client needs
 Giving recognition – acknowledging, indicating
“Good morning, sir.”
“I noticed that you’ve combed your hair.”
  Making observations – verbalizing what the nurse
“You appear tense.”
 Offering self – making oneself available

“I’ll stay here with you for a while.”
 Placing event in time or sequence – clarifying the
   relationship of events in time
“When did this happen?”
 Presenting reality – offering for consideration that
   which is real
“I see no one else in the room.”
 Reflecting – directing the client actions, thoughts,
  and feelings back to the client
Client: “Do you think I should tell the doctor…?”
Nurse: “Do you think you should?”
 Restating – repeating the main idea expressed

Client: “I can’t sleep. I stay awake all night.”
Nurse: “You have difficulty sleeping.”
 Seeking information – seeking to make clear that
  which is not meaningful or that which is vague
Nurse: “I’m not sure I follow.”
Nurse: “Have I heard you correctly.”
 Silence – nurse says nothing but maintains eye
 Suggesting collaboration – offering to share, to
  strive, and to work with the client to his or her
Nurse: “Let’s go to your room, and I’ll help you find
  what you’re looking for.”
 Summarizing – organizing and summing up that
  which has gone before
Nurse: “Have I got this straight.”
Nurse: “You’ve said that…”
 Translating into feelings – seeking to verbalize client’s
  feelings that he or she expresses only indirectly
Client: “I’m dead.”
Nurse: “Are you suggesting that you feel lifeless?”
 Verbalizing the implied – voicing what the client has
  hinted or suggested
Client: “I can’t talk to you or anyone. It’s a waste of time.”
Nurse: “Do you feel that no one understands?”
 Voicing doubt – expressing uncertainty about the reality
  of the client’s perceptions
Nurse: “Really?”

 Advising – telling client what to do
Nurse: “I think you should….” or “Why don’t you…?”
 Agreeing – indicating accord with the client
 Belittling feelings expressed – misjudging the
  degree of the client’s discomfort
 Challenging – demanding proof from the client
 Defending – attempting to protect someone or
  something from verbal attack
Nurse: “This hospital has a fine reputation.” or “I am
  sure your doctor has your best interests in mind.”

 Disagreeing – opposing the client’s ideas
 Disapproving – denouncing the client’s behavior or
  ideas; implies that the nurse has the right to pass
 Giving approval – sanctioning the client’s behavior or
  ideas; tends to limit the client’s freedom to think, speak,
  or act in a certain way, which could lead to the client
  acting a certain way just to please the nurse
 Giving literal responses – responding to a figurative
  comment as though it were a statement of fact
Client: “They’re looking in my head with a TV camera.”
Nurse: “Try not to watch TV.” or “What channel?”
 Indicating an existence of an external source –
  attributing the source of thoughts, feelings, and behavior
  to others or to outside influences
Nurse: “What made you say that?” – implies that the client
  is compelled to think a certain way
 Interpreting – asking to make conscious that which is
  unconscious, telling the client the meaning of his or her
  experience. The client’s thoughts and feelings are his
  own, hidden meaning are not meant for the nurse to
  discover, only the client knows.
Nurse: “What you really mean is…” or “Unconsciously,
  you’re saying…”
 Introducing an unrelated topic – changing the subject
Client: “I’d like to die.”
Nurse: “Did you have visitors this evening?”

 Making stereotyped comments – offering
  meaningless clichés or trite comments
Nurse: “It’s for your own good.” or “Just have a
  positive attitude and you’ll be better in no time.”
 Probing – persistent questioning of the client

Nurse: “Tell me about this problem. You know I have
  to find out.” or “Tell me your psychiatric history.”
 Reassuring – indicating there is no reason for
  anxiety or other feelings of discomfort
Nurse: “Everything will be alright.”

 Rejecting – refusing to consider or showing contempt for
  the client’s ideas or behaviors’ This closes the chances
  of exploration, and the client may feel personally
  rejected along with feelings or ideas
Nurse: “Let’s not discuss….” or “I don’t want to hear
 Requesting an explanation – asking the client to provide
  reasons for thoughts, feelings, behaviors, events. There
  is a difference between this and asking the client to
  describe what is occurring or has taken place, and
  usually a “why” question is intimidating
Nurse: “Why do you think that?” or “Why do you feel that
 Testing – appraising the client’s degree of insight, which
  forces the client to recognize his or her problem. Helpful
  to the nurse, but not to the client
Nurse: “Do you know what kind of hospital this is?” or “Do
  you still have the idea that….?”
 Using denial – refusing to admit that a problem exists.
  This implies that the nurse dismisses the seriousness of
  the situation
Client: “I’m nothing.”
Nurse: “Of course you’re something – everybody’s
Client: “I’m dead.”
Nurse: “Don’t be silly.”

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Continuation of the Nursing Process

  • 1. NCM 105 PSYCHIATRIC-MENTAL HEALTH NURSING-PART 2 Psychiatric Nursing Practice – The Nursing Process Lectured by Leila T. Salera, RN, MD, DPSP
  • 3. ECT  Has been used continuously for more than 50 years  The induction of a grand mal seizure through the application of electrical current to the brain  Duration of seizure should be at least 25 seconds (Sadock and Sadock)  Most clients require an average of 6 to 12 treatments  Some may require up to 20 treatments  Administered usually every other day, three times per week  Performed on an inpatient basis for those that require close observation and care (suicidal, agitated, delusional, catatonic, or acutely manic) ( Townsend Chapter 22; Student Guide, pages 53 to 56)
  • 4. ECT  Indications: a. Major depression – not often the treatment of choice but is considered only after a trial of therapy with antidepressant medication has proven ineffective b. Mania – rarely used for this purpose; for those who do not tolerate or fail to respond to lithium or other drug treatment, or when life is threatened by dangerous behavior or exhaustion c. Schizophrenia – can induce remission in some clients with acute schizophrenia, particularly if it is accompanied by catatonic or affective symptomatology; no value among clients with chronic shizophrenia ( Townsend Chapter 22; Student Guide, pages 53 to 56)
  • 5. ECT  Other conditions it is being used: a. Neuroses b. OCD – obsessive compulsive disorder c. Personality disorder d. Postpartum psychoses  Mechanism of action (theories) a. Electrical stimulation results in significant increases in the circulating levels of several neurotransmitters (serotonin, NE, and dopamine) which are affected by antidepressant drugs b. May also result in increases in glutamate and GABA ( Townsend Chapter 22; Student Guide, pages 53 to 56)
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  • 9. ECT  Side effects a. Temporary memory loss and confusion (most common) b. Permanent memory loss (?) c. Occasional cardiac dysrhythmias d. Brain damage – 2 per 100,000 treatments ( Townsend Chapter 22; Student Guide, pages 53 to 56)
  • 10. ECT  Nursing interventions prior to ECT a. Explain the procedure b. NPO for 8 hours (after midnight) c. Have consent signed d. Ensure labs and diagnostic examinations are all done results available: CBC, urinalysis, X-ray e. Empty bowel and bladder f. Take vital and record signs approximately 1 hour prior to treatment is scheduled g. Client should remain in bed with side rails up ( Townsend Chapter 22; Student Guide, pages 53 to 56)
  • 11. ECT  Nursing interventions prior to ECT h. Client should be changed into a hospital gown i. Administer premedications 30 minutes prior to treatment – atropine or glycopyrolate (anticholinergics) IM j. Remove anything conductive k. Stay with client to allay fears and anxiety l. Maintain a positive attitude m. Encourage verbalization of feelings n. Ensure airway patency o. Restraints as necessary ( Townsend Chapter 22; Student Guide, pages 53 to 56)
  • 12. ECT  Nursing interventions during ECT a. Provide suctioning as needed b. Assist anesthesiologist with oxygenation as required c. Observe readouts on machines monitoring vital signs and cardiac functioning d. Provide support to the client’s arms and legs during the seizure e. Observe and record the type and amount of movement induced by the seizure ( Townsend Chapter 22; Student Guide, pages 53 to 56)
  • 13. ECT  Nursing interventions after ECT f. Allow the client to verbalize fears and anxieties related to receiving ECT g. Stay with the client until he or she is fully awake, oriented, and able to perform self-care activities without assistance h. Provide the client with a highly structured schedule of routine activities in order to minimize confusion ( Townsend Chapter 22; Student Guide, pages 53 to 56)
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  • 16. PSYCHOTHERAPY  Any procedure that promotes the development of courage, inner security and self confidence making the person more functional  Most important element is trust and communication  A form of mental exploration that should be individualized ( Student Guide, pages 58 to 60)
  • 17. INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOTHERAPY  Method of bringing about change in a person by exploring his or her feelings, attitudes, thinking, and behavior  Involves one-to-one relationship between the therapist and the client  Therapist’s theoretical beliefs strongly influence his or her style of therapy  Nurse or other health care provider who is familiar with the client may be in a position to recommend a therapist or a choice of therapists (Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
  • 18. GROUP THERAPY  Clients participate in sessions with a group of people  The members share a common purpose and are expected to contribute to the group to benefit others and receive benefit from others in return  Group rules are established, which all members must observe, which vary according to the type of group (Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
  • 19. GROUP THERAPY  The therapeutic results of group therapy include the following: a. Gaining new information, or learning b. Gaining inspiration or hope c. Interacting with others d. Feeling acceptance and belonging e. Becoming aware that one is not alone and that others share the same problems f. Gaining insight into one’s problems and behaviors and how they affect others g. Giving of oneself for the benefit of others (altruism) (Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
  • 20. GROUP THERAPY  Psychotherapy groups 1. Family therapy 2. Family education 3. Education groups 4. Support groups 5. Self-help groups (Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
  • 21. PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUPS  Goal: for members to learn about their behavior and to make positive changes in their behavior by interacting and communicating with others as a member of a group  Often formal in structure, with one or two therapists as the group leaders  Two types a. Open groups – ongoing and run indefinitely, allowing members to join or leave the group as they need to b. Closed groups – structured to keep the same members in the group for a specified number of sessions; members decide how to handle members who wish to leave the group and the possible admission of new group members (Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
  • 22. PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUPS-FAMILY THERAPY  A form of group in which the client and his or her own family members participate  The goals include understanding how family dynamics contribute to the client’s psychopathology, mobilizing the family’s inherent strengths and functional resources, restructuring maladaptive family behavioral styles, and strengthening family behavioral styles, and strengthening family problem-solving behaviors  Can be used both to assess and to treat various psychiatric disorders (Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
  • 23. PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUPS-FAMILY EDUCATION  A unique 12-week Family-to-Family Education Course developed by the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI)  Taught by trained family members, the curriculum focuses on schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, clinical depression, panic disorder, and obsessive- compulsive disorder  Discusses clinical treatment of these illnesses and teaches knowledge and skills that family members need to cope more effectively (Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
  • 24. PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUPS-EDUCATION GROUPS  Goal is to provide information to members on a specific issue-for instance, stress management, medication management, or assertiveness training  The group leader has expertise in the subject area and may be a nurse, therapist, or other health professional  Usually scheduled for a specific number of sessions and retain the same members for the duration of the group (Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
  • 25. PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUPS-SUPPORT GROUPS  Organized to help members who share a common problem to cope with it  The group leader explores members’ thoughts and feelings and creates an atmosphere of acceptance so that members feel comfortable expressing themselves  Often provide a safe place for members to express their feelings of frustration, boredom, or unhappiness and also discuss common problems and potential solutions (Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
  • 26. PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUPS-SELF-HELP GROUPS  Members share a common experience, but the group is not a formal or structured therapy group  Professionals organize some self-help groups, many are run by members and do not have a formally identified leader  Examples: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Parents Without Partners, Gamblers Anonymous, and Al- Anon (a group of spouses and partners of alcoholics)  Some have national headquarters and Internet websites  Most have a rule of confidentiality (Videbeck pages 56 to 61)
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  • 32. COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES  Alternative medical systems – yoga, herbal medicines, acupuncture, etc…  Mind-body interventions – meditation, prayer. Mental healing, and creative therapies that use art or music  Biologically based therapies – use substances found in nature, such as herbs, food, vitamins  Manipulative and body-based therapies – therapeutic massage and chiropractic or osteopathic manipulations  Energy therapies – two types: a) biofield therapies, intended to affect energy fields that are believed to surround and penetrate the body (therapeutic touch, qi gong, Reiki) and b) bioelectric-based therapies, involving use of electromagnetic fields, such as pulse fields, magnetic fields, and AC or DC fields (Videbeck, pages 56 to 61)
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  • 35. PSYCHIATRIC REHABILITATION  Involves providing services to people with severe and persistent mental illness to help them to live in the community  Often called community support programs  Focuses on the client’s strengths, not just on the illness  Client actively participates in program planning  Programs are designed to help the client manage the illness and symptoms, gain access to needed services, and live successfully in the community (Videbeck, pages 56 to 61)
  • 36. PSYCHOSOCIAL INTERVENTIONS  Nursing activities that help enhance the client’s social and psychological functioning and improve social skills, interpersonal relationships, and communication (Videbeck, pages 56 to 61; Student Guide, pages 58 to 59 and 72 to 82)
  • 37. COMMUNITY-BASED CARE – WHO/DOH  Mental Health Sub-Programs A. Wellness of Daily Living B. Extreme Life Experiences C. Mental Disorder D. Substance Abuse Disorder (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
  • 38. COMMUNITY-BASED CARE – WHO/DOH  Home care is advocated  Acute cases are referred to the National Center for Mental Health (NCMH) or hospitals with psychiatric facilities for proper management  They are screened and after a few days they are assessed and discharged if they can be managed at home  Cases needing continuing supervision and care may be confined  A team from the NCMH follow up their discharged patients in the provinces (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
  • 39. COMMUNITY-BASED CARE- WELLNESS OF DAILY LIVING  Wellness of Daily Living – The process of attaining and maintaining mental well-being across the life cycle through the promotion of healthy lifestyle with emphasis on coping with psychosocial issues  Objectives: 1. To increase awareness among the population on mental health and psychosocial issues 2. To ensure access of preventive and promotive mental health services  (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
  • 40. COMMUNITY-BASED CARE- EXTREME LIFE EXPERIENCES  Objectives: 1. To differentiate between critical incident and extreme life experiences 2. To identify situations which may be extreme life experiences 3. To categorize/prioritize the extreme life experience which may be the concern of mental health 4. To identify programs that could address psychosocial consequences and mental health issues of persons with extreme life experiences  (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
  • 41. COMMUNITY-BASED CARE- MENTAL DISORDER  Objectives: 1. Promotion of mental health and prevention of mental illness across the lifespan and across sectors (children and adolescents, adults elderly, and special population such as military, OFWs, refugees, persons with disabilities)  (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
  • 42. COMMUNITY-BASED CARE- NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES  In mental health promotion 1. Participate in the promotion of mental health among families and the community 2. Utilize opportunities in his/her everyday contacts with other members of the community to extend the general knowledge on mental hygiene 3. Help people in the community understand basic emotional needs and the factors that promote mental well being 4. Teach parents the importance of providing emotional support to their children during critical periods in their lives like first day in school graduation, etc…  (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
  • 43. COMMUNITY-BASED CARE- NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES  In prevention and control 1. Recognize mental health hazards and stress situations as unemployment, divorce or abandonment of children, vices, long standing physical illness, all of which make heavy demands on the emotional resources of the persons concerned 2. Recognize pathological deviations from normal in terms of acting, thinking and feeling and make early referral so that diagnosis and treatment could be done early. 3. Be aware of potential causes of breakdown and when necessary take some possible preventive action.  (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
  • 44. COMMUNITY-BASED CARE- NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES  In prevention and control 4. Help the family to understand and accept the patient’s health status and behavior sp that all its members may offer as much support in the readjustments to home and community 5. Help patient assess his/her capacities and his/her handicaps in working towards a solution of his/her problem 6. Encourage feeling of achievement by setting health goals that patient can attain 7. Encourage the patient to express his/her anxieties so that fears and misconceptions can be cleared up  (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
  • 45. COMMUNITY-BASED CARE- NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES  In prevention and control 8. Impart information and guidance about the treatment scheme of the patients, the desired and undesirable effect of the tranquilizers, psychiatric emergency management and other nursing care  (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
  • 46. COMMUNITY-BASED CARE- NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES  Rehabilitation 1. Initiate patient participation in occupational activities best suited to patient’s capabilities, education, experience and training, capacities and interest 2. Encourage and initiate patients to partake in activities of CIVIC organization in the community through the cooperation of the patient’s family 3. Advise the family about the importance of regular follow-up at the clinic 4. Make regular home visits to observe patients’ conditions during conversation and follow-up of medication  (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
  • 47. COMMUNITY-BASED CARE- NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES  In research and epidemiology 1. Participate actively in epidemiological survey to be aware of the size and extent of mental health problems in the community and to organize a program for better preventive, curative and rehabilitative measures.  (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007, pages 231)
  • 48. STANDARD 6 - EVALUATION  The psychiatric-mental health nurse evaluates progress toward attainment of expected outcomes  The continuous or ongoing phase of nursing process is evaluation.  Nursing care is a dynamic process involving change in the patient’s health status over time, giving rise to the need of new data, different diagnosis, and modifications in the plan of care. (Videbeck, page 10; The Internet)
  • 49. STANDARD 6 - EVALUATION  When evaluating care the nurse should review all previous phases of the nursing process and determine whether expected outcome for the patient have been met.  This can be done checking: 1. Have I done everything for my patient? 2. Is my patient better after the planned care?  Evaluation is a feed back mechanism for judging the quality of care given.  Evaluation of the patient’s progress indicates what problems of the patient have been solved, which need to be assessed again, replanted, implemented and re- evaluated. (Videbeck, page 10; The Internet)
  • 50. AREAS OF PRACTICE  Basic-Level Functions a. Counseling b. Milieu therapy c. Self-care activities d. Psychobiologic interventions e. Health teaching f. Case management g. Health promotion and maintenance  Advanced-Level Functions a. Psychotherapy b. Prescriptive authority for drugs (US) c. Consultation and liaison d. Evaluation e. Program development f. And management g. Clinical supervision (Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
  • 51. STUDENT CONCERNS  Student concerns are normal  Usually do not persist once the students have initial contacts with clients  Some common concerns and helpful hints for beginning students: “What is I say the wrong thing?” - No one magic phrase can solve a client’s problems; likewise, no single statement can significantly worsen them - Listening carefully, showing genuine interest, and caring about the client are extremely important (Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
  • 52. STUDENT CONCERNS  Some common concerns and helpful hints for beginning students: “What will I be doing?” - In the mental health setting, many familiar tasks and responsibilities are minimal - Physical care skills or diagnostic tests and procedures are fewer than those conducted in a busy medical- surgical setting - The student must deal with his or her own anxiety about approaching a stranger to talk about very sensitive and personal issues - Development of the therapeutic nurse-client relationship takes time and patience (Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
  • 53. STUDENT CONCERNS  Some common concerns and helpful hints for beginning students: “What if no one will talk to me?” - Students sometimes fear that they will be rejected by the client - Some clients may not want to talk, or are reclusive, but may show that same behavior with experienced staff - Students should not see such behavior as a personal insult or failure (Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
  • 54. STUDENT CONCERNS  Some common concerns and helpful hints for beginning students: “Am I prying when I ask personal questions?” - Personal questions should not be the first thing a student says to the client - These issues usually arise after some trust and rapport have been established - Ask sincere questions (Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
  • 55. STUDENT CONCERNS  Some common concerns and helpful hints for beginning students: “Ho will I handle bizarre or inappropriate behavior?” - It is important to monitor one’s facial expressions and emotional responses so that clients do not feel rejected or ridiculed - The nursing student instructor and staff are always available to assist the student in such situations - Students should never feel as if they have to handle situations alone (Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
  • 56. STUDENT CONCERNS  Some common concerns and helpful hints for beginning students: “What happens if a client asks me for a date or displays sexually aggressive or inappropriate behavior?” - Some clients have difficulty recognizing or maintaining interpersonal boundaries - When client seeks contact of any type outside the nurse-client relationship, it is important for the student (with the assistance of the instructor or staff) to clarify the boundaries of the professional relationship (Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
  • 57. STUDENT CONCERNS  Some common concerns and helpful hints for beginning students: “What happens if a client asks me for a date or displays sexually aggressive or inappropriate behavior?” - Likewise, setting limits and maintaining boundaries are needed when a client’s behavior is sexually inappropriate - Initially, the student might be uncomfortable dealing with such behavior, but with practice and the assistance of the instructor and staff, it becomes easier to manage (Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
  • 58. STUDENT CONCERNS  Some common concerns and helpful hints for beginning students: “What happens if a client asks me for a date or displays sexually aggressive or inappropriate behavior?” - It is also important to protect the client’s privacy and dignity when he or she cannot do so (Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
  • 59. STUDENT CONCERNS  Some common concerns and helpful hints for beginning students: “Is my physical safety in jeopardy?” - Actually, clients hurt themselves more often than they harm others - Staff members usually closely monitor clients with a potential for violence for clues of an impending outburst - When physical aggression does occur, staff members are specially trained to handle aggressive clients in a safe manner (Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
  • 60. STUDENT CONCERNS  Some common concerns and helpful hints for beginning students: “What if I encounter someone I know being treated in the unit?” - It is essential that the client’s identity and treatment be kept confidential - If the student recognizes someone he or she knows, the instructor must be notified, and the instructor will decide on the situation - Always reassure client that all will be kept confidential and the student will be reassigned (Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
  • 61. STUDENT CONCERNS  Some common concerns and helpful hints for beginning students: “What if I recognize that I share problems or backgrounds with clients?” - No easy way to answer this question - We do not always know why some people have serious emotional problems, while others do not, and yet they have similar life experiences - Self-awareness is key (Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
  • 62. SELF-AWARENESS  The process by which the nurse gains recognition of his or her own feelings, beliefs, and attitudes  In nursing, being aware of one’s feelings, thoughts, and values is a primary focus  What would you do if you were assigned to a client who just had an abortion, and you are strong believer of anti-abortion?  Will your personal feelings and beliefs interfere with your work?  The nurse needs to discover him/herself and what he/she believes before trying to help others with different views (Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
  • 63. SELF-AWARENESS- POINTS TO CONSIDER  Keep a dairy or journal that focuses on experiences and related feelings  Talk with someone you trust about your experiences and feelings  Engage in formal clinical supervision. Even experienced clinicians have a supervisor with whom they discuss personal feelings and challenging client situations to gain insight and new approaches  Seek alternative points of view. Put yourself in the client’s situation and think about his or her feelings, thoughts, and actions (Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
  • 64. SELF-AWARENESS- POINTS TO CONSIDER  Do not be critical of yourself (or others) for having certain values or beliefs. Accept them as a part of yourself, or work to change those values and beliefs you wish to be different (Videbeck, pages 11 to 12)
  • 65. THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS  The ability to establish therapeutic relationships with clients is one of the most important skills a nurse can develop  The therapeutic relationship is especially crucial to the success of interventions with clients requiring psychiatric care because the therapeutic relationship and the communication within it serve as the underpinning for treatment and success (Videbeck pages 80 to 86) (Student Guide pages 59 to 69)
  • 66. COMPONENTS OF A THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS  Trust  Genuine interest  Empathy  Acceptance  Positive regard  Self awareness and Therapeutic use of self (Videbeck pages 80 to 86) (Student Guide pages 59 to 69)
  • 67. COMPONENTS OF A THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS  Trust 1. Trust is built in the nurse-client relationship when the nurse exhibits the following behaviors: a. Caring b. Openness c. Objectivity d. Respect e. Interest f. Understanding g. Consistency h. Treating the client as a human being i. Suggesting without telling j. Approachability k. Listening l. Keeping promises m. Honesty (Videbeck pages 80 to 86) (Student Guide pages 59 to 69)
  • 68. COMPONENTS OF A THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS  Trust 2. Congruence – occurs when words and actions match  Genuine interest 1. The client perceives this when the nurse is comfortable with him/herself and is aware of his strengths and limitations, and is focused 2. A client with mental illness can detect when someone is exhibiting dishonest or artificial behavior (Videbeck pages 80 to 86) (Student Guide pages 59 to 69)
  • 69. COMPONENTS OF A THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS  Empathy 1. The ability to perceive the meanings of feelings of the client and to communicate that understanding to the client 2. Being able to put him/herself in the client’s shoes  Acceptance 1. The nurse does not become upset or respond negatively to a client’s outbursts, anger, or acting out 2. Avoiding judgment (Videbeck pages 80 to 86) (Student Guide pages 59 to 69)
  • 70. COMPONENTS OF A THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS  Positive regard 1. The nurse is able to appreciate the client as a unique worthwhile human being 2. The nurse can respect the client regardless of his or her own behavior 3. Unconditional nonjudgmental attitude  Self-awareness 1. The nurse must first know him/herself before he or she can attend to a client 2. What are your values, attitudes, and beliefs? (Videbeck pages 80 to 86) (Student Guide pages 59 to 69)
  • 71. COMPONENTS OF A THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS  Therapeutic use of self 1. Self-awareness has been developed 2. The nurse can use aspects of his or her personality, experiences, values, feelings, intelligence, needs, coping skills, and perceptions to establish relationships with clients (Videbeck pages 80 to 86) (Student Guide pages 59 to 69)
  • 72. COMPONENTS OF A THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS  Genuine interest Client: “I’m so confused! My son just visited and wants to know where the safety deposit box key is.” Nurse: “You’re confused because your son asked for the safety deposit box key?” (using reflection) or Nurse: “Are you confused about the purpose of your son’s visit?” (using clarification)
  • 73. COMPONENTS OF A THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS  Acceptance Client: puts his arm around the nurse’s waist Appropriate response conveying acceptance but not allowing the inappropriate behavior of the client to continue: “ Sir, do not place your hand on me. We are working on your relationship with your girlfriend and that does not require you to touch me. Now, let’s continue.” Inappropriate response: “ Sir, stop that! What’s wrong with you? I am leaving, and maybe I’ll return tomorrow.”
  • 74. COMPONENTS OF A THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS  Positive regard Client: I was so mad, I yelled and screamed at my mother for an hour.” Which conveys positive regard or are appropriate responses by the nurse? a. “Well that didn’t help did it?” b. “I can’t believe you did that.” c. “What happened then?” d. “You must really be upset.”
  • 75. COMPONENTS OF A THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS  Positive regard Client: I was so mad, I yelled and screamed at my mother for an hour.” Which conveys positive regard or are appropriate responses by the nurse? a. “Well that didn’t help did it?” b. “I can’t believe you did that.” c. “What happened then?” d. “You must really be upset.”
  • 76. COMPONENTS OF A THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS  Therapeutic use of self - Johari Window 1. A “words portrait” of a person in four areas 2. Each area indicates how well that person knows him/herself and communicated with others  Patterns of knowing - Nurse theorist Hildegard Peplau (1952) identified preconceptions, or ways one person expects another person to behave or speak, as a roadblock to the formation of an authentic relationship (Videbeck pages 80 to 86) (Student Guide pages 59 to 69)
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  • 79. TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS  Social relationship – primarily initiated for the purpose of friendship, socialization, companionship, or accomplishment of a task  Intimate relationship – involves two people who are emotionally committed to each other  Therapeutic relationship – focuses on needs, experiences, feelings, and ideas of the client only (Videbeck pages 86 to 87) (Student Guide pages 59 to 69)
  • 80. ESTABLISHING THE THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP  Phases: 1. Orientation phase 2. Working phase a. Problem identification subphase b. Exploitation subphase 3. Termination phase (Videbeck pages 87 to91) (Student Guide pages 59 to 69)
  • 81. ESTABLISHING THE THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP  Phases: 1. Orientation phase a. Begins when then nurse and client meet and ends when the client begins to identify problems to examine b. The nurse establishes the roles, the purpose of meeting, and the parameters of subsequent meetings c. Identifies client’s problems d. Clarifies expectations (Videbeck pages 87 to 91) (Student Guide pages 59 to 69)
  • 82. ESTABLISHING THE THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP  Phases: 2. Working phase a. Problem identification subphase – the client identifies the issues or concerns causing problems b. Exploitation subphase – the nurse guides the client to examine feelings and responses and develop better coping skills and a more positive self-image, to encourage behavior change and develop independence (Videbeck pages 87 to 91) (Student Guide pages 59 to 69)
  • 83. ESTABLISHING THE THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP  Phases: 3. Termination phase a. Also known as the resolution phase b. The final stage of the nurse-client relationship c. It begins when the problem is resolved d. Ends when the relationship is ended (Videbeck pages 87 to 91) (Student Guide pages 59 to 69)
  • 84. THERAPEUTIC AND NON-THERAPEUTIC FORMS OF COMMUNICATION  Therapeutic communication - Is an interpersonal interaction between the nurse and the client during which the nurse focuses on the client’s specific needs to promote an effective exchange of information - Helps the nurse understand and empathize with the client’s experience (Videbeck, page 98 to 116)
  • 85. THERAPEUTIC AND NON-THERAPEUTIC FORMS OF COMMUNICATION  Therapeutic communication - Goals: 1. Establish a therapeutic nurse-client relationship 2. Identify the most important client concern at that moment (the client-centered goal) 3. Assess the client’s detailed actions as it unfolds 4. Facilitate the client’s expression of emotions 5. Teach the client and family necessary self-care skills 6. Recognize the client’s needs 7. Guide the client toward identifying a plan of action to a satisfying and socially acceptable resolution (Videbeck, page 98 to 116)
  • 86. THERAPEUTIC AND NON-THERAPEUTIC FORMS OF COMMUNICATION  Therapeutic communication - Privacy and Respecting Boundaries 1. Privacy is desirable, but not always possible in a therapeutic communication 2. Proxemics – the study of distance zones between people during communication a. Intimate zone – 0 to 18 inches between people; parents and young children, people who mutually desire personal contact b. Personal zone – 19 to 36 inches; between family and friends who are talking c. Social zone – 4 to 12 feet; acceptable for communication in social, work, and business settings d. Public zone – 12 to 25 feet; speaker and audience, small groups, and other informal functions (Videbeck, page 98 to 116)
  • 87. THERAPEUTIC AND NON-THERAPEUTIC FORMS OF COMMUNICATION  Therapeutic communication 1. Verbal communication – uses concrete messages and abstract messages 2. Non-verbal communication – body language, eye contact, facial expression, tone of voice, speed and hesitations in speech, grunts and groans, and distance from the listeners (Videbeck, page 98 to 116)
  • 88. THERAPEUTIC AND NON-THERAPEUTIC FORMS OF COMMUNICATION  Therapeutic communication 1. Touch a. Functional-professional touch b. Social-polite touch c. Friendship-warmth touch d. Love-intimacy touch (Videbeck, page 98 to 116)
  • 89. THERAPEUTIC AND NON-THERAPEUTIC FORMS OF COMMUNICATION  Therapeutic communication 1. Concrete messages – the words are explicit and need no interpretation 2. Abstract messages – requires interpretation by the listener like figure of speeches (Videbeck, page 98 to 116)
  • 90. THERAPEUTIC AND NON-THERAPEUTIC FORMS OF COMMUNICATION  Therapeutic communication Concrete messages “What health problems caused you to come to the hospital today?” Abstract messages “How did you get here?” The terms “how” and “here” are vague. To an anxious client who is not thinking clearly: “Where am I?” or “The ambulance brought me here?” (Videbeck, page 98 to 116)
  • 91. THERAPEUTIC AND NON-THERAPEUTIC FORMS OF COMMUNICATION Therapeutic communication Abstract (unclear): “Get the stuff from him.” Concrete (clear): “He’ll be home today at 5pm, and you can pick up your clothes at that time.” Abstract (unclear): “Your clinical performance has improved.” Concrete (clear): “To administer medications tomorrow, you’ll have to be able to calculate dosages correctly by the end of today’s class.” (Videbeck, page 98 to 116)
  • 92. THERAPEUTIC AND NON-THERAPEUTIC FORMS OF COMMUNICATION  Non-Therapeutic communication a. Should be avoided b. These responses cut off the communication and make it more difficult for the interaction to continue c. Asking “why” questions may be perceived as criticism by the client, conveying a negative judgment from the nurse (Videbeck, page 98 to 116)
  • 93. THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES  Accepting – indicating reception, you are listening and you have followed the train of thought “Yes” or “I follow what you said” or simply nodding  Broad opening – allowing the client to take the initiative in introducing the topic, makes the client feel that he or she has the lead interaction “Is there something you’d like to talk about?”  Consensual validation – searching for mutual understanding, for accord in the meaning of the words; to avoid any misunderstanding “Tell me whether my understanding of it agrees with yours.”
  • 94. THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES  Encouraging comparison – asking that similarities and differences be noted “ Was it something like…?”  Encouraging description of perception – asking the client to verbalize what he or she perceives “What is happening?’  Encouraging expression – asking the client to appraise the quality of his or her experiences “Tell me more about that.”  Focusing – concentrating on a single point “Of all you’ve mentioned, which is the most troublesome?”
  • 95. THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES  Formulating a plan of action – asking the client to consider kinds of behavior likely to be appropriate in the future  General leads – giving encouragement to continue  Giving information – making available the facts that the client needs  Giving recognition – acknowledging, indicating awareness “Good morning, sir.” “I noticed that you’ve combed your hair.”
  • 96. THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES  Making observations – verbalizing what the nurse perceives “You appear tense.”  Offering self – making oneself available “I’ll stay here with you for a while.”  Placing event in time or sequence – clarifying the relationship of events in time “When did this happen?”  Presenting reality – offering for consideration that which is real “I see no one else in the room.”
  • 97. THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES  Reflecting – directing the client actions, thoughts, and feelings back to the client Client: “Do you think I should tell the doctor…?” Nurse: “Do you think you should?”  Restating – repeating the main idea expressed Client: “I can’t sleep. I stay awake all night.” Nurse: “You have difficulty sleeping.”  Seeking information – seeking to make clear that which is not meaningful or that which is vague Nurse: “I’m not sure I follow.” Nurse: “Have I heard you correctly.”
  • 98. THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES  Silence – nurse says nothing but maintains eye contact  Suggesting collaboration – offering to share, to strive, and to work with the client to his or her benefit Nurse: “Let’s go to your room, and I’ll help you find what you’re looking for.”  Summarizing – organizing and summing up that which has gone before Nurse: “Have I got this straight.” Nurse: “You’ve said that…”
  • 99. THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES  Translating into feelings – seeking to verbalize client’s feelings that he or she expresses only indirectly Client: “I’m dead.” Nurse: “Are you suggesting that you feel lifeless?”  Verbalizing the implied – voicing what the client has hinted or suggested Client: “I can’t talk to you or anyone. It’s a waste of time.” Nurse: “Do you feel that no one understands?”  Voicing doubt – expressing uncertainty about the reality of the client’s perceptions Nurse: “Really?”
  • 100. NON-THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES  Advising – telling client what to do Nurse: “I think you should….” or “Why don’t you…?”  Agreeing – indicating accord with the client  Belittling feelings expressed – misjudging the degree of the client’s discomfort  Challenging – demanding proof from the client  Defending – attempting to protect someone or something from verbal attack Nurse: “This hospital has a fine reputation.” or “I am sure your doctor has your best interests in mind.”
  • 101. NON-THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES  Disagreeing – opposing the client’s ideas  Disapproving – denouncing the client’s behavior or ideas; implies that the nurse has the right to pass judgment  Giving approval – sanctioning the client’s behavior or ideas; tends to limit the client’s freedom to think, speak, or act in a certain way, which could lead to the client acting a certain way just to please the nurse  Giving literal responses – responding to a figurative comment as though it were a statement of fact Client: “They’re looking in my head with a TV camera.” Nurse: “Try not to watch TV.” or “What channel?”
  • 102. NON-THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES  Indicating an existence of an external source – attributing the source of thoughts, feelings, and behavior to others or to outside influences Nurse: “What made you say that?” – implies that the client is compelled to think a certain way  Interpreting – asking to make conscious that which is unconscious, telling the client the meaning of his or her experience. The client’s thoughts and feelings are his own, hidden meaning are not meant for the nurse to discover, only the client knows. Nurse: “What you really mean is…” or “Unconsciously, you’re saying…”  Introducing an unrelated topic – changing the subject Client: “I’d like to die.” Nurse: “Did you have visitors this evening?”
  • 103. NON-THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES  Making stereotyped comments – offering meaningless clichés or trite comments Nurse: “It’s for your own good.” or “Just have a positive attitude and you’ll be better in no time.”  Probing – persistent questioning of the client Nurse: “Tell me about this problem. You know I have to find out.” or “Tell me your psychiatric history.”  Reassuring – indicating there is no reason for anxiety or other feelings of discomfort Nurse: “Everything will be alright.”
  • 104. NON-THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES  Rejecting – refusing to consider or showing contempt for the client’s ideas or behaviors’ This closes the chances of exploration, and the client may feel personally rejected along with feelings or ideas Nurse: “Let’s not discuss….” or “I don’t want to hear about…”  Requesting an explanation – asking the client to provide reasons for thoughts, feelings, behaviors, events. There is a difference between this and asking the client to describe what is occurring or has taken place, and usually a “why” question is intimidating Nurse: “Why do you think that?” or “Why do you feel that way?”
  • 105. NON-THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES  Testing – appraising the client’s degree of insight, which forces the client to recognize his or her problem. Helpful to the nurse, but not to the client Nurse: “Do you know what kind of hospital this is?” or “Do you still have the idea that….?”  Using denial – refusing to admit that a problem exists. This implies that the nurse dismisses the seriousness of the situation Client: “I’m nothing.” Nurse: “Of course you’re something – everybody’s something.” Client: “I’m dead.” Nurse: “Don’t be silly.”