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International workshop Sensing the City
                     Gdensk, Poland (18/10/2009 – 31/10/2009)

Gdansk University of Technology - Politechnika Gdańska – Poland

Università degli Studi Roma Tre – Italy,
Universidad de Alcala’ - Spain
Università degli Studi dell’Aquilla – Italy
Università degli Studi Roma Tre -
  Dipartimento di Studi Urbani
          i     i     3 it

   Dr. Antonio Caperna, PhD
Dr. Antonio Caperna, PhD
antonio caperna@yahoo it

             Designing a city for all

1. General overview about disabilities
2. Universal design and urban environment
   • Theoretical aspect
   • Technical aspect
   • examples
Medical a d Soc a model
 ed ca and Social ode
Disability: Medical and Social model

A disabled person is one
who has a condition called a
disability that interferes with
his or her ability to perform
one or more activities of
everyday living.
For example, locomotion
(indoors and going outside),
(i d         d i           id )
getting dressed,
communicating with others
Disability: Medical and Social model
Form of disabilities
Disability may involve physical impairment, sensory
impairment, cognitive or i t ll t l i
i    i     t      iti    intellectual impairment, mental
                                          i    t     t l
disorder, or various types of chronic disease.
Disability: Medical and Social model

Different problems, different needs

      Multisensorial design
        M lti l approach

                 To take into account
                 multiply options and
                 combine it
Disability: Medical and Social model

“disabled” is an identity
that one is not necessarily
born with, as disabilities
are more often acquired
than congenital.

e.g. TAB, Temporarily Able-Bodied
many people will develop disabilities at some point in
     yp p                 p                      p
their lives, due to accidents, illness (physical, mental
or emotional), or late-emerging effects of genetics.
Disability: Medical and Social model

Disability refers to the
social effects of
p ys ca , e ot o a o
physical, emotional or
mental impairment

  We can talk about
  “social model' of
  “   i l    d l' f
Disability: Medical and Social model

       the real issue is the societal response to

if a community:
   allows physical, architectural,
    ll     h i l       hit t l
transportation, and other barriers to
remain in place, society is creating
handicaps that oppress individuals
with disabilities.
   removes those barriers, persons
with disabilities can function at much
higher levels
Uni ersal design principles
Universal design principles

Universal design
is an approach to the design of
products, services and
environments to be usable by as
many people as possible
regardless of age ability or
It links directly to the political
concept of an inclusive society
and its importance has been
recognized b governments,
         i d by                t
business and industry.
Universal design principles

Principles developed by the Centre for Universal Design, North Carolina
State University

Principle 1: Equitable Use
      p       q
Principle 2: Flexibility in Use
Principle 3: Simple and Intuitive Use
Principle 4: Perceptible Information
Principle 5: Tolerance for Error
Principle 6: Low Physical Effort
Principle 7: Size and Space for Approach and Use
Universal design principles
… To transform the
      constrains into

Universal Design and urban
Ethics, Social
               /                 inclusion,
UNIVERSAL    HOW?                 Change
 DESIGN                          paradigm

                        Industrial design
                        Web design
                        Urban Environment

Universal Design and urban environment

                   Problem concern

   Indoor                              Outdoor
environment                          environment

                                         Theoretical aspect
                                         Technical aspect
 public offices…

                                           Existing spaces

                                             New spaces
UD and Urban Environment
       Universal Design and urban environment
              Urban Environment

             Problem concern

Historical                          modern
  cities                             cities
architectural barriers

physical obstructions
 h i l b t      ti
architectural barriers

hierarchy and clear differences
from pedes a spaces a d
  o pedestrian           and
vehicular traffic,
pedestrian crossing,
architectural barriers

lack of signals or too much info that allow
the o e a o a d the recognizability o
  e orientation and e ecog ab y of
the places and the sources of danger
Universal Design and urban environment

                 Realization of “informational
                 modules” or tactile maps in tube
                 station, bus stop, public buildings,
architectural barriers
situation of discomfort,
absence of accessible toilettes,
information points,
abse ce of public service or green areas,
absence o pub c se ce o g ee a eas,
architectural barriers

differences of levels, slopes
Universal Design and urban environment

     Outdoo e
     Outdoor environment
                  o e t
A practical and Theoretical tool
Universal Design and urban environment

               Identification of the needs
                            piazza Navona
site   Universal Design and urban environment
Universal Design and urban environment

We must consider all aspects of the outdoor environment:

■ street network, shape and type;
    t t t        k h         dt
■ open space;
■ junctions;
■ materials and kerbs;
■ street/footway widths;
■ street furniture, including seating and signage
 Cultural and Architectural heritage
Universal Design and urban environment
     Urban space should have certain qualities if it is to be responsive
     to human feelings and sensibilities

A legible environment - hierarchy of street types, Entrances to places and buildings are clearly
visible and obvious

A distinctive environment - Urban and building form is varied There is a variety of landmarks
including historic and civic buildings, distinctive structures and
places of activity, Architectural features are in a variety of styles colours and materials
          activity                                             styles,
A safe environment - Bicycle lanes are separate from footways, Paving is flat, smooth and non-
slip, Street lighting is adequate for people with visual impairments, Level changes are clearly
Physical and mental health - Opportunities for exercise and access to fresh air
Mobility - Ease of access to facilities/amenities and open space (inc. with assistive technology);
wayfinding ability and ability to go out
Sense of community - Belonging and social support networks
Autonomy and control - Independence, self-actualisation, self-esteem, and self-efficacy
Basic Access refers to people’s ability to access goods, services and
activities that society considers particularly important (also called essential
or lifeline).

Basic Access typically includes:

  Emergency services (police, fire, ambulances, etc.)
  Public services and utilities
  Health care
  Basic food and clothing
  Education and employment (commuting)
  Mail and package distribution
  Freight delivery
  A certain amount of social and recreational activities
      Universal Design and urban environment
Universal Design and urban environment

                                                                     Buildings (public or

                                                                 Ministry of Culture



 Source. Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo, Progetto pilota per il centro storico
Universal Design and urban environment

                                                                         Road network

                                                                Parking areas
                                                                Pedestrian a eas
                                                                 edest a areas
                                                                Small roads

                                                                Bus stop

                                                                Taxi t ti
                                                                T i station

 Source. Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo, Progetto pilota per il centro storico
Universal Design and urban environment


                                                                    Religious building

                                                                    Public offices

                                                                    Cultural buildings

                                                                    H lth services

                                                                    Commercial roads

   Source. Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo, Progetto pilota per il centro storico
Universal Design and urban environment

      Architectural heritage
      A hit t     l h it

   Source. Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo, Progetto pilota per il centro storico
Universal Design and urban environment

        Source. Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo, Progetto pilota per il centro storico
Universal Design and urban environment

•   Obstacles and protruding elements in the
    path of travel
•   Low overhanging signs
•   Lack of warning signs around
•   Sidewalk narrow
•   Rubbish skips
•   Car
    C parkingki
•   disconnected road is cause of danger
•   Absence of blind guide
•   Communication at bus stop
•   Sidewalk
•   Paving of the road improve the sound of
    the traffic
•   Car/motorbyke parking
•   Low level of communication

                        Source. Dr. Antonio Caperna, Accessibilità nel Rione Monti di Roma
Universal Design and urban environment

Theoretical and technical Suggestion
Universal Design and urban environment


Reinforcement of



Universal Design and urban environment

                                                                       Primary ways

                                                                       Secondary roads

                                                                       Main d
                                                                       M i nodes

                                                                       Secondary nodes

                                                                       Reserved parking
                                                                       Informational points
                                                                       Electric cars or scooters
                                                                       Electric busses
                                                                       Blind guide

   Source. Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo, Progetto pilota per il centro storico
Universal Design and urban environment

• include street furniture, traffic
  signs direction signs street
                   signs,                Overhanging signs in
  plans, bollards, plants, trees,        accessible pathways should
  shop awnings and advertising           be mounted at a minimum
                                         clear height of 2.00m to allow
  signs, etc.
  signs etc                              a sightless person to pass
• should be placed outside the           safely
  path of travel wherever
• in the pathway should be easy
  to detect, and if possible,
  should be placed along one
  continuous line
                                            Overhanging vegetation
• The minimum width of a clear              should be clipped to a
  unobstructed path should be               minimum clear height of
  0.90 m                                    2.00 m
Universal Design and urban environment


To provide clear, obstruction-free, level and wide pathways for the
convenience of all users

  Uneven curbs with obstacles and holes.
  Inconvenient or dangerous interruptions in the p
                      g            p             path of travel.
  Insufficient width.
  Changes in level.

Street pavements,
pedestrian passages in open spaces and recreational areas,
pedestrian underpasses and overpasses are all considered pathways or
Universal Design and urban environment

Questions (check-list)
 Is the pathway clear of obstructions?
 Is the path of travel free of steps or stairs?
 Is the path of travel easy to detect?
 Is the pathway at least 0.90 m wide?
 Is the surface, level, smooth and non-slip?
 Does the pathway have a different colour and texture than the adjacent surfaces?
 Are manholes placed outside the pedestrian path of travel?
 Is grating flush with the surface of the pathway?
 Are the grating openings narrow, not more than 13 mm?
 Are the edges of raised pathways protected?
 Are the plant varieties used obstructive to the pathway?
Universal Design and urban environment
Universal Design and urban environment

To facilitate the safe and independent crossing of all people.

  Uneven road surface.
  Lack of guide strips.
  Lack of warning marking for crossings.
  Gratings on the road surface.
  G i          h      d   f

  P d t i crossings should b equipped with t ffi control signals
                    i      h ld be     i    d ith traffic    t l i     l
  Low-traffic crossings frequently used by disabled people can be controlled by a
pedestrian push-button system
  Constructing traffic islands to reduce the length of the crossing is
recommended for the safety of all road users
  The road surface should be firm, well-drained, non-slip and free of construction
Universal Design and urban environment
Pedestrians should have priority to the road traffic
It is important to force the drivers to reduce their speed.
This can be achieved in different ways:
• Traffic islands to reduce the length of the crossing for pedestrians and the width of the road
• The road surface at pedestrian crossings can be raised to the same level as the pathway
• Speed control measures: speed humps or chicanes just before the pedestrian crossings
                                                          j                                 g
Universal Design and urban environment
              Guide strips

              Guide strips should be constructed to
              indicate the position of pedestrian crossings
              for the benefit of sightless pedestrians

              A guide strip should lead to pedestrian light
              poles with push buttons for the benefit of the
              visually disabled.
Universal Design and urban environment

Traffic island
  Light, ..

                 Source. Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo
Universal Design and urban environment


To design accessible amenities convenient to all people, without obstructing the free
passage of pedestrians along travel routes.

  Lack of or improper design of street furniture.
  Obstructed pathways.
  Inaccessible street facilities

street furniture includes
bus stops, mail boxes, lampposts, signboards, telephone booths, public toilets, newspaper
kiosks, planting tubs, garbage bins, etc.
Universal Design and urban environment

Park benches
                          Source. Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo,
Universal Design and urban environment

Optimal di t
O ti l distance between park benches
                b t        kb    h

   Adoption of ischial sittings

                                       Source. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo
Universal Design and urban environment

              For outdoor parking, accessible parking
              spaces should be located not more
              than 50 m from accessible building

Universal Design and urban environment

                                         Inaccessible building entrances due to
                                         difference between indoor and outdoor
                                         Inaccessible routes due to differences
                                         in level.

 The maximum recommended slope of
 ramps is 1:20. Steeper slopes may be
 allowed in special cases depending on
             p              p     g
 the length to be covered
Universal Design and urban environment

           Natural and artificial guide
Universal Design and urban environment
Natural orientationpoints
Smelling elements such as flower
boxes with strong smelling plants,
the exhaust of busses …

                                     Acoustic elements such as
                                     water (fontain), by using the
                                     grit of shells on the floor the
                                     own footsteps and those of
                                     other people can be heard
                                     what creates safety
Universal Design and urban environment

Tangible elements such as diffrent
structures in the floo breezes, …
 t   t e          floor, b ee e

Tangible tiles have diffrent functions:
- Give orientation and direction
- Indicate danger
- Symbolic value
Universal Design and urban environment

Handrail. tactile maps in tube station,
bus stop public building, etc.
    stop,         building etc
Universal Design and urban environment

                       Train platform
Universal Design and urban environment

Universal Design and urban environment

Assistive Technology for Students With Disabilities
A i ti T h l         f St d t          Di biliti
Universal Design and urban environment

        PILOT LIGHT - miniradar
Con il PILOT-LIGHT il non-vedente potrà:
- conoscere i colori dei semafori (tutti e tre)
- conoscere il numero di linea e l'eventuale direzione dei mezzi
pubblici (es. autobus numero 5 diretto alla stazione)
- trovare le cabine telefoniche , sapere se sono libere od occupate
- "leggere" i tabelloni-orari-partenze dei treni o degli aerei
-ttrovare i bi i di partenza, posti di polizia, bi li tt i b t il tt
             binari      t          ti    li i biglietterie, bar, toilette,
deposito bagagli, taxi, eccetera.
- visitare i musei, individuare le opere esposte ed averne la
- servirsi del Bancomat ed essere pilotato nelle varie fasi
- andare a teatro ed avere la descrizione delle scene
- , si sono attrezzate banche, farmacie e la stazione ferroviaria.

Blind people can:
-Cross the main street because the system is connected
with the traffic light
-- which b go t th main station
    hi h bus       to the     i t ti
- “read” the time table, know the platform, the police
station, ticket point, left luggage office, bar, toilette…
- go to theater and have a description of the scenes
  g                                  p
Universal Design and urban environment

                 BEST PRACTICES
Universal Design and urban environment

                  MUSEUM                                                       Museo Tattile Statale Omero
                                                                                     Touching art
Uffizi quattro capolavori in rilievo per i non vedenti
'Ritratto del Duca di Urbino' di Piero della Francesca, del 'Ritratto di
 Ritratto             Urbino                                 Ritratto
giovane con medaglia' di Botticelli, del 'Ritratto di Cosimo il Vecchio' del
Pontormo e della splendida 'Madonna del cardellino' di Raffaello

                               Touch faces, bodies gestures, expressions,
                                        faces bodies, gestures expressions
                               discover volumes and perspective with your own
                               The Museo Tattile Statale Omero was created to fill
                               this gap in the range of cultural services for the non-
                               sighted, and also to offer an innovative space where
                               artistic perception passes through multi-sense, and not
                               just visual, stimuli.
Universal Design and urban environment

Tiber island
Accessibility is guaranteed by lift
supported by people that help disable
Universal Design and urban environment

Universal Design and urban environment

Musei Capitolini
Universal Design and urban environment

Musei Capitolini
Universal Design and urban environment

                                        Villa d’Este (Tivoli, Rome)

Terraced garden
Universal Design and urban environment

Villa d’Este (Tivoli, Rome)
Universal Design and urban environment

                PALATINO FORUM -
                ARCHEOLOGICAL AREA
Universal Design and urban environment

                   PALATINO FORUM
                   ARCHEOLOGICAL AREA
Universal Design and urban environment

  changing paradigm
  ethical issue
  UD as creative challenge
              ti  h ll

  Social inclusion
  Demographic Change in Europe, the most significant
impact will be the ageing population in Europe. By 2050 34.5 % will be
over the age of 60 years old.
  Economic Impacts and Opportunities
  Preserve an make accessible the historical heritage
   Vescovo F. (1996). Progettare per tutti senza barriere architettoniche. Criteri ed
orientamenti per facilitare l'accessibilità urbana ed il comfort ambientale. Maggioli
   Empler T., (1997). Progettare il confort urbano e d'interni. Guida a una progettazione
plurisensoriale Maggioli
   Norvegian State Council on Disability, Universal Design. Planning and Design for All,
Oslo, Sweden 1997
   Ostroff, E., preiser, W. F.E. (
                 p               (eds.), Universal Design Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York,
                                      )                 g
   Clarkson P.J., R. Coleman, S. Keates (2003). Inclusive Design: Design for the Whole
Population, Springer
   Argentin I Clemente M Empler T Eliminazione barriere architettoniche progettare
             I.,          M.,           T.,                      architettoniche,
per una utenza ampliata, DEI, Tipografia del Genio Civile, 2004
   Laurìa A. (a cura di), Persone “reali” e progettazione dell'ambiente costruito.
L'accessibilità come risorsa per la q
                               p     qualità ambientale, Maggioli, Rimini, 2003.

http://etopia sintlucas be/did2/
Dr. Antonio Caperna is Senior Lecturer at Postgraduate Master Course in Interactive Sustainable
Design and Multimedia - Università di Roma Tre (Italy).
He has a strong background in Architecture and Urbanism, with a p
                g       g                                   ,       particular interest in sustainability,
the digital technology (Information Communication Technology) and urban environment, and the
theory of complex systems applied to urban design.
His academic experience dues in several international context (St. Lucas School of Architecture
Brussels-Ghent, Belgium; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute of Troy, Rome; Cornell University of
                 ,    g    ;               y                      y,        ;                   y
Rome; Bauhaus Universität Weimar, etc.).
In 2008 he was guest lecturer during the XXIII U.I.A. world congress of Architecture (Turin 2008), and
co-tutor at international workshop “Transmitting the sustainable city”.
Member of several Professional Bodies (INTBAU , Arch.Net, AHARA) He’s author of numerous
                                         (                              )
papers and article; the latest academic work are (forthcoming book) ICTs for Urban Development and
Monitoring (edited by Carlos Nunes Silva, University of Lisbon, Portugal, IGI Global Editor), and
Urban Planning & Digital Technology (edited by Elena Mortola, Università di Roma Tre, Italy, Aracne

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International workshop explores universal design principles for urban spaces

  • 1. International workshop Sensing the City Gdensk, Poland (18/10/2009 – 31/10/2009) COORDINATOR Gdansk University of Technology - Politechnika Gdańska – Poland PATNERS Università degli Studi Roma Tre – Italy, Universidad de Alcala’ - Spain Alcala Università degli Studi dell’Aquilla – Italy
  • 2. Università degli Studi Roma Tre - Dipartimento di Studi Urbani i i 3 it Dr. Antonio Caperna, PhD
  • 3. Dr. Antonio Caperna, PhD antonio caperna@yahoo it Designing a city for all (senses)
  • 4. CONTENTS 1. General overview about disabilities 2. Universal design and urban environment • Theoretical aspect • Technical aspect • examples p
  • 5. Disability: Medical a d Soc a model ed ca and Social ode
  • 6. Disability: Medical and Social model A disabled person is one who has a condition called a disability that interferes with his or her ability to perform one or more activities of everyday living. For example, locomotion (indoors and going outside), (i d d i id ) getting dressed, communicating with others
  • 7. Disability: Medical and Social model Form of disabilities Disability may involve physical impairment, sensory impairment, cognitive or i t ll t l i i i t iti intellectual impairment, mental i t t l disorder, or various types of chronic disease.
  • 8. Disability: Medical and Social model Different problems, different needs Multisensorial design Multiply M lti l approach h To take into account multiply options and combine it
  • 9. Disability: Medical and Social model BUT…. “disabled” is an identity that one is not necessarily born with, as disabilities are more often acquired than congenital. e.g. TAB, Temporarily Able-Bodied many people will develop disabilities at some point in yp p p p their lives, due to accidents, illness (physical, mental or emotional), or late-emerging effects of genetics.
  • 10. Disability: Medical and Social model ….. Disability refers to the social effects of p ys ca , e ot o a o physical, emotional or mental impairment We can talk about “social model' of “ i l d l' f disability”
  • 11. Disability: Medical and Social model the real issue is the societal response to disability if a community: allows physical, architectural, ll h i l hit t l transportation, and other barriers to remain in place, society is creating handicaps that oppress individuals with disabilities. removes those barriers, persons barriers with disabilities can function at much higher levels
  • 13. Universal design principles Universal design is an approach to the design of products, services and environments to be usable by as many people as possible regardless of age ability or age, situation. It links directly to the political concept of an inclusive society and its importance has been recognized b governments, i d by t business and industry.
  • 14. Universal design principles Principles developed by the Centre for Universal Design, North Carolina State University Principle 1: Equitable Use p q Principle 2: Flexibility in Use Principle 3: Simple and Intuitive Use Principle 4: Perceptible Information Principle 5: Tolerance for Error Principle 6: Low Physical Effort Principle 7: Size and Space for Approach and Use
  • 16. … To transform the constrains into opportunity Universal Design and urban environment
  • 17. Ethics, Social WHY/WHAT / inclusion, inclusion UNIVERSAL HOW? Change DESIGN paradigm WHERE Industrial design Web design Urban Environment …. URBAN ENVIRONMENT
  • 18. Universal Design and urban environment Problem concern Indoor Outdoor environment environment Theoretical aspect Houses Flats work-place Technical aspect public offices… Existing spaces New spaces
  • 19. UD and Urban Environment Universal Design and urban environment Urban Environment Problem concern Historical modern cities cities
  • 21. architectural barriers safety, safety hierarchy and clear differences from pedes a spaces a d o pedestrian and vehicular traffic, paving, p pedestrian crossing, g signals
  • 22. architectural barriers information lack of signals or too much info that allow the o e a o a d the recognizability o e orientation and e ecog ab y of the places and the sources of danger
  • 23. Universal Design and urban environment Realization of “informational modules” or tactile maps in tube station, bus stop, public buildings, etc.
  • 24. architectural barriers situation of discomfort, discomfort absence of accessible toilettes, information points, abse ce of public service or green areas, absence o pub c se ce o g ee a eas, etc.
  • 25. architectural barriers differences of levels, slopes distances
  • 26. Universal Design and urban environment Outdoo e Outdoor environment o e t A practical and Theoretical tool
  • 27. Universal Design and urban environment Identification of the needs piazza Navona (Rome)
  • 28. site Universal Design and urban environment
  • 29. Universal Design and urban environment We must consider all aspects of the outdoor environment: ■ street network, shape and type; t t t k h dt ■ open space; ■ junctions; ■ materials and kerbs; ■ street/footway widths; y ■ street furniture, including seating and signage Cultural and Architectural heritage
  • 30. Universal Design and urban environment GOAL Urban space should have certain qualities if it is to be responsive to human feelings and sensibilities g A legible environment - hierarchy of street types, Entrances to places and buildings are clearly visible and obvious A distinctive environment - Urban and building form is varied There is a variety of landmarks including historic and civic buildings, distinctive structures and places of activity, Architectural features are in a variety of styles colours and materials activity styles, A safe environment - Bicycle lanes are separate from footways, Paving is flat, smooth and non- slip, Street lighting is adequate for people with visual impairments, Level changes are clearly marked Physical and mental health - Opportunities for exercise and access to fresh air Mobility - Ease of access to facilities/amenities and open space (inc. with assistive technology); (inc wayfinding ability and ability to go out Sense of community - Belonging and social support networks Autonomy and control - Independence, self-actualisation, self-esteem, and self-efficacy ….
  • 31. Basic Access refers to people’s ability to access goods, services and activities that society considers particularly important (also called essential or lifeline). Basic Access typically includes: Emergency services (police, fire, ambulances, etc.) Public services and utilities Health care Basic food and clothing Education and employment (commuting) Mail and package distribution Freight delivery A certain amount of social and recreational activities
  • 33. ANALYSIS Universal Design and urban environment
  • 34. Universal Design and urban environment Buildings (public or private) Ministry of Culture Municipality others Source. Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo, Progetto pilota per il centro storico
  • 35. Universal Design and urban environment Road network Parking areas Pedestrian a eas edest a areas Small roads Bus stop Taxi t ti T i station Source. Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo, Progetto pilota per il centro storico
  • 36. Universal Design and urban environment services Religious building Public offices Cultural buildings Health H lth services i Commercial roads Source. Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo, Progetto pilota per il centro storico
  • 37. Universal Design and urban environment Architectural heritage A hit t l h it Source. Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo, Progetto pilota per il centro storico
  • 38. Universal Design and urban environment ROADS Source. Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo, Progetto pilota per il centro storico
  • 39. Universal Design and urban environment PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION • Obstacles and protruding elements in the path of travel • Low overhanging signs • Lack of warning signs around obstructions • Sidewalk narrow • Rubbish skips • Car C parkingki • disconnected road is cause of danger • Absence of blind guide • Communication at bus stop bus-stop • Sidewalk • Paving of the road improve the sound of the traffic • Car/motorbyke parking • Low level of communication Source. Dr. Antonio Caperna, Accessibilità nel Rione Monti di Roma
  • 40. Universal Design and urban environment Theoretical and technical Suggestion
  • 41. Universal Design and urban environment Goal Reinforcement of Nodes Connections Hierarchy
  • 42. Universal Design and urban environment Primary ways Secondary roads Main d M i nodes Secondary nodes Services Reserved parking Informational points Electric cars or scooters Electric busses Blind guide Source. Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo, Progetto pilota per il centro storico
  • 43. Universal Design and urban environment Obstructions • include street furniture, traffic signs, signs direction signs street signs, Overhanging signs in plans, bollards, plants, trees, accessible pathways should shop awnings and advertising be mounted at a minimum clear height of 2.00m to allow signs, etc. signs etc a sightless person to pass • should be placed outside the safely path of travel wherever possible. ibl • in the pathway should be easy to detect, and if possible, should be placed along one continuous line Overhanging vegetation • The minimum width of a clear should be clipped to a unobstructed path should be minimum clear height of 0.90 m 2.00 m
  • 44. Universal Design and urban environment PATHWAYS PLANNING PRINCIPLE To provide clear, obstruction-free, level and wide pathways for the convenience of all users PROBLEM Uneven curbs with obstacles and holes. Inconvenient or dangerous interruptions in the p g p path of travel. Insufficient width. Changes in level. CONSIDERATIONS Street pavements, pedestrian passages in open spaces and recreational areas, pedestrian underpasses and overpasses are all considered pathways or ramps. …
  • 45. Universal Design and urban environment Questions (check-list) Is the pathway clear of obstructions? Is the path of travel free of steps or stairs? Is the path of travel easy to detect? Is the pathway at least 0.90 m wide? Is the surface, level, smooth and non-slip? Does the pathway have a different colour and texture than the adjacent surfaces? Are manholes placed outside the pedestrian path of travel? Is grating flush with the surface of the pathway? Are the grating openings narrow, not more than 13 mm? Are the edges of raised pathways protected? Are the plant varieties used obstructive to the pathway? ……
  • 46. Universal Design and urban environment
  • 47. Universal Design and urban environment PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS PRINCIPLE To facilitate the safe and independent crossing of all people. PROBLEM Uneven road surface. Lack of guide strips. Lack of warning marking for crossings. Gratings on the road surface. G i h d f CONSIDERATIONS Pedestrian P d t i crossings should b equipped with t ffi control signals i h ld be i d ith traffic t l i l Low-traffic crossings frequently used by disabled people can be controlled by a pedestrian push-button system Constructing traffic islands to reduce the length of the crossing is recommended for the safety of all road users The road surface should be firm, well-drained, non-slip and free of construction joints
  • 48. Universal Design and urban environment Pedestrians should have priority to the road traffic It is important to force the drivers to reduce their speed. This can be achieved in different ways: • Traffic islands to reduce the length of the crossing for pedestrians and the width of the road crossed • The road surface at pedestrian crossings can be raised to the same level as the pathway • Speed control measures: speed humps or chicanes just before the pedestrian crossings j g
  • 49. Universal Design and urban environment Guide strips Guide strips should be constructed to indicate the position of pedestrian crossings for the benefit of sightless pedestrians A guide strip should lead to pedestrian light poles with push buttons for the benefit of the visually disabled.
  • 50. Universal Design and urban environment Traffic island Light, .. Source. Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo
  • 51. Universal Design and urban environment STREET FURNITURE PLANNING PRINCIPLE To design accessible amenities convenient to all people, without obstructing the free passage of pedestrians along travel routes. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION Lack of or improper design of street furniture. Obstructed pathways. Inaccessible street facilities facilities. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS street furniture includes bus stops, mail boxes, lampposts, signboards, telephone booths, public toilets, newspaper kiosks, planting tubs, garbage bins, etc.
  • 52. Universal Design and urban environment Park benches Source. Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo,
  • 53. Universal Design and urban environment Optimal di t O ti l distance between park benches b t kb h Adoption of ischial sittings Source. Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo
  • 54. Universal Design and urban environment For outdoor parking, accessible parking spaces should be located not more than 50 m from accessible building entrances. PARKING
  • 55. Universal Design and urban environment RAMPS Inaccessible building entrances due to difference between indoor and outdoor levels. Inaccessible routes due to differences in level. The maximum recommended slope of ramps is 1:20. Steeper slopes may be allowed in special cases depending on p p g the length to be covered
  • 56. Universal Design and urban environment Natural and artificial guide
  • 57. Universal Design and urban environment Natural orientationpoints Smelling elements such as flower boxes with strong smelling plants, the exhaust of busses … Acoustic elements such as water (fontain), by using the grit of shells on the floor the own footsteps and those of other people can be heard what creates safety
  • 58. Universal Design and urban environment Tangible elements such as diffrent structures in the floo breezes, … t t e floor, b ee e Tangible tiles have diffrent functions: - Give orientation and direction - Indicate danger - Symbolic value
  • 59. Universal Design and urban environment Handrail. tactile maps in tube station, bus stop public building, etc. stop, building etc
  • 60. Universal Design and urban environment Train platform
  • 61. Universal Design and urban environment ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY
  • 62. Universal Design and urban environment Assistive Technology for Students With Disabilities A i ti T h l f St d t Di biliti
  • 63. Universal Design and urban environment PILOT LIGHT - miniradar Con il PILOT-LIGHT il non-vedente potrà: - conoscere i colori dei semafori (tutti e tre) - conoscere il numero di linea e l'eventuale direzione dei mezzi pubblici (es. autobus numero 5 diretto alla stazione) - trovare le cabine telefoniche , sapere se sono libere od occupate - "leggere" i tabelloni-orari-partenze dei treni o degli aerei -ttrovare i bi i di partenza, posti di polizia, bi li tt i b t il tt binari t ti li i biglietterie, bar, toilette, deposito bagagli, taxi, eccetera. - visitare i musei, individuare le opere esposte ed averne la descrizione - servirsi del Bancomat ed essere pilotato nelle varie fasi - andare a teatro ed avere la descrizione delle scene - , si sono attrezzate banche, farmacie e la stazione ferroviaria. …. Blind people can: -Cross the main street because the system is connected with the traffic light -- which b go t th main station hi h bus to the i t ti - “read” the time table, know the platform, the police station, ticket point, left luggage office, bar, toilette… - go to theater and have a description of the scenes g p
  • 64. Universal Design and urban environment BEST PRACTICES
  • 65. Universal Design and urban environment MUSEUM Museo Tattile Statale Omero Touching art Uffizi quattro capolavori in rilievo per i non vedenti 'Ritratto del Duca di Urbino' di Piero della Francesca, del 'Ritratto di Ritratto Urbino Ritratto giovane con medaglia' di Botticelli, del 'Ritratto di Cosimo il Vecchio' del Pontormo e della splendida 'Madonna del cardellino' di Raffaello Touch faces, bodies gestures, expressions, faces bodies, gestures expressions discover volumes and perspective with your own hands. The Museo Tattile Statale Omero was created to fill this gap in the range of cultural services for the non- non sighted, and also to offer an innovative space where artistic perception passes through multi-sense, and not just visual, stimuli.
  • 66. Universal Design and urban environment Tiber island Accessibility is guaranteed by lift supported by people that help disable people
  • 67. Universal Design and urban environment Coliseum
  • 68. Universal Design and urban environment Musei Capitolini
  • 69. Universal Design and urban environment Musei Capitolini
  • 70. Universal Design and urban environment Villa d’Este (Tivoli, Rome) Terraced garden
  • 71. Universal Design and urban environment Villa d’Este (Tivoli, Rome)
  • 72. Universal Design and urban environment PALATINO FORUM - ARCHEOLOGICAL AREA
  • 73. Universal Design and urban environment PALATINO FORUM ARCHEOLOGICAL AREA
  • 74. Universal Design and urban environment OUR CHALLENGES AS ARCHITECT changing paradigm ethical issue UD as creative challenge ti h ll Social inclusion Demographic Change in Europe, the most significant impact will be the ageing population in Europe. By 2050 34.5 % will be over the age of 60 years old. Economic Impacts and Opportunities Preserve an make accessible the historical heritage …
  • 75. REFERENCES Vescovo F. (1996). Progettare per tutti senza barriere architettoniche. Criteri ed orientamenti per facilitare l'accessibilità urbana ed il comfort ambientale. Maggioli Empler T., (1997). Progettare il confort urbano e d'interni. Guida a una progettazione plurisensoriale. plurisensoriale Maggioli Norvegian State Council on Disability, Universal Design. Planning and Design for All, Oslo, Sweden 1997 Ostroff, E., preiser, W. F.E. ( p (eds.), Universal Design Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, ) g 2001 Clarkson P.J., R. Coleman, S. Keates (2003). Inclusive Design: Design for the Whole Population, Springer Argentin I Clemente M Empler T Eliminazione barriere architettoniche progettare I., M., T., architettoniche, per una utenza ampliata, DEI, Tipografia del Genio Civile, 2004 Laurìa A. (a cura di), Persone “reali” e progettazione dell'ambiente costruito. L'accessibilità come risorsa per la q p qualità ambientale, Maggioli, Rimini, 2003. gg Internet http://etopia sintlucas be/did2/
  • 76. Dr. Antonio Caperna is Senior Lecturer at Postgraduate Master Course in Interactive Sustainable Design and Multimedia - Università di Roma Tre (Italy). He has a strong background in Architecture and Urbanism, with a p g g , particular interest in sustainability, y, the digital technology (Information Communication Technology) and urban environment, and the theory of complex systems applied to urban design. His academic experience dues in several international context (St. Lucas School of Architecture Brussels-Ghent, Belgium; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute of Troy, Rome; Cornell University of , g ; y y, ; y Rome; Bauhaus Universität Weimar, etc.). In 2008 he was guest lecturer during the XXIII U.I.A. world congress of Architecture (Turin 2008), and co-tutor at international workshop “Transmitting the sustainable city”. Member of several Professional Bodies (INTBAU , Arch.Net, AHARA) He’s author of numerous ( ) papers and article; the latest academic work are (forthcoming book) ICTs for Urban Development and Monitoring (edited by Carlos Nunes Silva, University of Lisbon, Portugal, IGI Global Editor), and Urban Planning & Digital Technology (edited by Elena Mortola, Università di Roma Tre, Italy, Aracne Editor). )