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Abstracting databases access
    in Titanium Mobile
       Xavier Lacot – September 2011

        My name is Xavier Lacot
         ■    I live in Paris
         ■    I work at Clever Age, as director of the Expertise Center
         ■    Open Source convinced and contributor
         ■    Titanium enthusiast and developer since 2009
         ■    Web Frameworks expert
         ■    Vice Pr. of the French PHP Users Association (

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile              2
Xavier Lacot | September 2011

  1. Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications
  2. Who said "pain"?
  3. The ORM concept
  4. Various js ORMs available
        ■    Titanium Mobile compatibility chart
  5. A focus on joli.js
        ■    Main use
        ■    Joli API extension

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile         3
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications

  ■    Titanium provides a complete Database API :
        ■    Titanium.Database
        ■    Titanium.Database.DB
        ■    Titanium.Database.ResultSet

  ■    Access to SQLite databases
  ■    The way to go when manipulating data in mobile

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                  4
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Databases are very common in mobile

  ■    Traveling guides (non-connected mode);
  ■    News apps,
  ■    Todo lists,
  ■    Etc.

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                          5
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications

  // create a connection
  var db ='database_name');

  // execute a SQL query
  var rows = db.execute(
     'SELECT short_url FROM urls WHERE long_url = ?',

  // get a result
  if (rows.isValidRow() && rows.fieldByName('short_url')) {
    result = rows.fieldByName('short_url');

  // close the resultset

  // close the database connection

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                  6
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications

  ■    Some details to care to:
        ■    Never forget to close() resultsets, or:
               ■   you will get memory leaks;
               ■   The app will unexpectedly close
        ■    You will have to accept the mix of “view code” and
             “database code”... javascript and SQL in the same code

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                  7
Xavier Lacot | September 2011

  1. Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications
  2. Who said "pain"?
  3. The ORM concept
  4. Various js ORMs available
        ■    Titanium Mobile compatibility chart
  5. A focus on joli.js
        ■    Main use
        ■    Joli API extension

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile         8
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Who said "pain"?

  ■    Titanium.Database is ok for a few requests
  ■    It is limited in large scale applications:
        ■    Imagine a 10 tables model, each with 20 fields
  ■    Some questions:
        ■    Why write SQL queries yourself?
        ■    How to ensure data consistency / related entries retrieval?
        ■    How to deal with database migrations in your app?
        ■    How to avoid writing again and again the same queries?

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Xavier Lacot | September 2011
A pain-in-the-ass sample

  ■    Remove an item from an ordered list
        ■    Remove the item from the database
        ■    Update the other items positions

  // add delete event listener
  tableview.addEventListener('delete', function(e) {
    var db ='database_name');

      // delete the item
        'DELETE FROM short_url WHERE id = ?',

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Xavier Lacot | September 2011
A pain-in-the-ass sample


     // update the other items positions
     var rows = db.execute('SELECT * FROM short_url ORDER BY position ASC');
     var position = 1;

     while (rows.isValidRow()) {
          'UPDATE short_url SET position = ? WHERE id = ?',

    // be a good boy

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Xavier Lacot | September 2011
CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile   12
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
A pain-in-the-ass sample

  ■    Wait oh wait
        ■    Our business-code is cluttered with database manipulation
        ■    Why not simply write:

    // add delete event listener
    tableview.addEventListener('delete', function(e) {
       // assume short_url is an object which represents the short_url table

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                          13
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Just to convince you...

  ■    A todo-list application
        ■    Only display, count, get stats about the tasks of the
             currently selected category
        ■    Will you always write the «                       WHERE category_id = '12'   »
        ■    A better idea:

       // etc

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                                  14
Xavier Lacot | September 2011

  1. Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications
  2. Who said "pain"?
  3. The ORM concept
  4. Various js ORMs available
        ■    Titanium Mobile compatibility chart
  5. A focus on joli.js
        ■    Main use
        ■    Joli API extension

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile         15
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
What is an « ORM »?

  ■    Object-Relational Mapper
        ■    Data access and manipulation abstraction
        ■    Classes represent tables, objects represent their content

            table Human
                                                               // say Human is a mapping class
            id                 integer                         var john = new Human();
            lastname           text
                                                               john.set('lastname', 'Doe');
            firstname          text
                                                               john.set('firstname', 'John');
            city_id            integer
            born_at            timestamp                       // persist it
            is_alive           boolean
            dead_at            timestamp

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                                     16
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Goals of an ORM

  ■    Manipulate records
        ■   Never create or delete a record manually
        ■   Use behaviors (timestampable, taggable, etc.)
        ■   Clean user entries
  ■    Execute queries
        ■   Abstract queries as objects
        ■   Pass it to several methods
  ■    Create your data model and manage it with

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                 17
Xavier Lacot | September 2011

  1. Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications
  2. Who said "pain"?
  3. The ORM concept
  4. Various js ORMs available
        ■    Titanium Mobile compatibility chart
  5. A focus on joli.js
        ■    Main use
        ■    Joli API extension

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile         18
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
ORMs in javascript

  ■    There are lots of javascript ORMs
        ■    Suited for various Database access APIs
               ■   Browsers
               ■   Node
               ■   Titanium
               ■   Etc.
        ■    Not every is convenient for Titanium
               ■   Leaks, incompatibility, not tested, etc.
               ■   Not using Titanium.database

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                    19
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Some of them, designed for Titanium

  ■    ActiveJS Titanium fork -
  ■    AppceleratorRecord -
  ■    JazzRecord -
  ■    TiStore -
  ■    yORM -
  ■    Joli.js -
  ■    Maybe others?

       … That's a nice list!

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                          20
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
ORMs chart

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile            21
Xavier Lacot | September 2011

  1. Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications
  2. Who said "pain"?
  3. The ORM concept
  4. Various js ORMs available
        ■    Titanium Mobile compatibility chart
  5. A focus on joli.js
        ■    Main use
        ■    Joli API extension

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile         22
Xavier Lacot | September 2011

  ■    Why joli.js
        ■    I could not find what I was looking for in the other ORMs
        ■    I wanted an abstract query API
        ■    I wanted something short, simple and efficient
  ■    Some facts
        ■    Much inspired by JazzRecord (js) and Doctrine (PHP)
        ■    First release was written in 3 nights

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile          23
Xavier Lacot | September 2011

  ■    Models container                                             Models container

  ■    Models declaration
  ■    Abstract query language
  ■    Record lifecycle management
  ■    Performance analysis                                         Records

  ■    Extensible                                                   Query engine

  ■    All this in a single ~850 lines file!                   joli.js Mirakl
                                                               Coeur Mirakl

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Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Models container

        Models container
                                              ■   Easy access to the model classes
                                                    ■   get()
                                                    ■   has()
                                                    ■   Etc.


        Query engine
                                              ■   Able to launch the migrations

  joli.js Mirakl
  Coeur Mirakl

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                      25
Xavier Lacot | September 2011

        Models container
                                              ■   Models represent the tables
                                                    ■   Model declaration
                                                    ■   Tables creation
                                                    ■   Mass-records management
                                                    ■   Fast selection methods
        Records                                         (aka « Magic getters »)

        Query engine

  joli.js Mirakl
  Coeur Mirakl

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                          26
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Declaring a model

  ■    Include joli.js
  ■    Declare a connection to your database:
      joli.connection = new joli.Connection('your_database_name');

  ■    Describe the model
      var city = new joli.model({
        table:    'city',
        columns: {
          id:                  'INTEGER',
          name:                'TEXT',
          description:         'TEXT'

  ■    call          joli.models.initialize();
CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                  27
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Declaring a model

   ■    Several models? Put them in a bag!
       var models = (function() {
         var m = {};

         m.human = new joli.model({
           table:     'human',
           columns: {
             id:                  'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT',
             city_id:             'INTEGER',
             first_name:          'TEXT',
             last_name:           'TEXT'
 = new joli.model({
           table:     'city',
           columns: {
             id:                  'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT',
             name:                'TEXT'

         return m;

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                            28
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
table- and object- methods

 var human = new joli.model({
   table:     'human',
   columns: {
   methods: {
      countIn: function(cityName) {
        // do something
   objectMethods: {
      moveTo: function(newCityName) {
        // do something

 // use a table-method
 var habitantsCount = human.countIn('San Francisco');

 // use an object-method

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                           29
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Mass records management

   var table = models.human;

   table.truncate();                                           // remove all humans
   table.deleteRecords([1, 7, 12]);                            // remove some records
   table.exists(118);                                          // test existance, based on "id"

   // count entities
   var allCount = table.count();
   var DoesCount = table.count({
     where: {
       'last_name = ?': 'Doe',
       'age >= ?': 21

   // get all the ones matching criterions
   var Does = table.all({
     where: {
        'last_name = ?': 'Doe',
        'age >= ?': 21
     limit: 12

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                                      30
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Magic getters

  ■    Goal: Have an easy way to select the records of
       one table matching a given criteria.
        ■    findOneById()
        ■    findOneBy()
        ■    findBy()

      var table = models.human;

      // returns all the inhabitants of the city n°12
      var parisians = table.findBy('city_id', 12);

      // returns one "human" record only (not sorted)
      var michel = table.findOneBy('first_name', 'Michel');

      // returns the human of id "118"
      var human = table.findOneById(118);

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile               31
Xavier Lacot | September 2011

        Models container
                                              ■   Update the database layout
                                                  when updating the application
                                              ■   Allows to run other operations
                                                  (callbacks available)


        Query engine

  joli.js Mirakl
  Coeur Mirakl

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                       32
Xavier Lacot | September 2011

        Models container
                                              ■   Records are objects related to a
                                                  row in the database
        Models                                      ■   Record creation
                                                    ■   Record access
                                                    ■   Record update

        Query engine
                                              ■   Records can be used even
                                                  while not persisted
  joli.js Mirakl
  Coeur Mirakl

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                     33
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Create new records

   // first method
   var john = models.human.newRecord({
     first_name: 'John',
     last_name: 'Doe'

   // second method
   var john = new joli.record(models.human);
     first_name: 'John',
     last_name: 'Doe'

   // third method
   var john = new joli.record(models.human);
   john.set('first_name', 'John');
   john.set('last_name', 'Doe');

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                   34
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Manipulate records

   // persist a record;

   // destroy it

   // get a property
   var name = john.get('last_name');

   // export to an array
   var johnArray = john.toArray();
   var json = JSON.stringify(johnArray);
   // {"id":"110","lastname":"Doe","firstname":"John","company_name":"ACME"}

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                   35
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Query engine

        Models container
                                              ■   Abstract the way queries are
                                                  run against the database
                                              ■   Stop writing SQL
        Migrations                            ■   Use chained method calls
                                                  « à la jQuery »
                                              ■   Have hydratation facilities
        Query engine

  joli.js Mirakl
  Coeur Mirakl

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                     36
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Querying the model

  ■    No more SQL queries
  ■    Let's introduce an OOP querying model
        ■    Queries are objects
        ■    They can be                  execute()            'd

      // create the query object
      var q = new joli.query()
        .where('last_name = ?', 'Doe');

      // let's execute it
      var humans = q.execute();

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                        37
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
A complete SQL-like vocabulary

  ■                              :
       Several methods for building queries:
        ■    count()                                              ■   set()
        ■    destroy()                                            ■   update()
        ■    from()                                               ■   values()
        ■    groupBy()                                            ■   where()
        ■    insertInto()                                         ■   whereIn()
        ■    join()
        ■    limit()
        ■    order()

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                               38
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Progressive query construction

     api.getActiveQuery = function(q) {
       if (!q) {                                               ■   Queries as objects are
         q = new joli.query()
            .from('news');                                         easy to handle

       q.where('active = ?', true);                            ■   No matter the order in
       return q;
     };                                                            which you call the
     api.getLastPublished = function() {                           query methods!
       return api
         .orderBy('created_at desc')

     api.getPublished = function() {
       return api
         .orderBy('created_at desc')

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                                   39
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Let's talk about hydration

  ■   Calling execute() will:
        ■   Build the query string;
        ■   Send it to joli.Connection() for its execution;
        ■   And create a bunch of record objects (one per result).
  ■   This last step is called « hydration »
  ■   It can cost time. A lot.

  ■   Joli.js offers a way to hydrate plain arrays, not
      complete joli.js records.

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                           40
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Let's talk about hydratation

       var people = new joli.query()
       // people is an array of objects

       var people = new joli.query()
       // people is a simple plain array

   ■   An ORM as a cost, sure, but you can make it
       invisible to the user
   ■   Save you app, take care to the performances

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                              41
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Querying useful methods

   ■   getSqlQuery() returns the string that will be
       generated when executing the query

 var q = new joli.query()
   .where('nb_views between ? And ?', [1000, 2000]);

 var queryString = q.getSqlQuery();
 // select * from view_count where nb_views between "1000" and "2000"

   ■   All the queries go through
       joli.Connection.execute(). Possibility to log things
       here and see what is happening.
CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                        42
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Unit tests

  ■    Joli.js is unit-tested using titanium-jasmine
        ■    90+ tests and growing
        ■    See for the test

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile            43
Xavier Lacot | September 2011

  1. Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications
  2. Who said "pain"?
  3. The ORM concept
  4. Various js ORMs available
        ■    Titanium Mobile compatibility chart
  5. A focus on joli.js
        ■    Main use
        ■    Joli API extension

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile         44
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Joli API extension

  ■    We often need to synchronize data from/to the
  ■    Case sample : an online address book
        ■    We want the contacts to be available on the phone even
             when not connected
        ■    The contacts list must also be available online

  ■    Here comes joli.api.js, the little brother to joli.js

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                   45
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Joli API extension

  ■   joli.api.js is a wrapper to joli.js, which makes
      synchronization to REST web services easy

                                      joli.js                    REST
                                joli.api.js                     Service

          Mobile application
          Mobile application

  ■   All CRUD operations are available : GET / POST /
      PUT / DELETE

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                   46
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Let's have a small demo

                                                      ■   A Titanium-powered
                                                          synchronized AddressBook
                                                      ■   Code will be available at

                                                      ■    Uses REST APIs built in
                                                          PHP with the Symfony

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                                                    47
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
API synchronized model declaration

     var people = new joli.apimodel({
       table: 'people',
       columns: {
          id:                 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT',
          firstname:          'TEXT',
          lastname:           'TEXT',
          company_name:       'TEXT',
          email:              'TEXT',
          phone:              'TEXT',
          picture_url:        'TEXT'
       updateTime:            86400,
       url:                   ''

                                                                   The REST endpoint url
CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                               48
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Using the API

  ■    Minor changes compared to joli.js
                                                                The exact same method

      // selects from the database
      // if no result and the updateTime is gone, checks the API
      var peoples = joli.models.get('people').all({
        order: ['lastname asc', 'firstname asc']

      // creates the record and saves it to the REST endpoint
        .newRecord(values, true)

                                                               Should the record be
CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile
                                                                  synchronized?         49
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
This is Free and Open Source Software...

  ■    All the code is here :
        ■    joli.js -
        ■    joli.api.js -
        ■    joli.js test suite -
        ■    joli.api.js demo application -

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                       50
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Let's have a small demo

  ■    This app was built completely while I was in the
       plane. Less than 4 hours coding!
                                   // persist the values of the form
                                   button.addEventListener('click', function() {
                                     // extractValues() builds an associative array of the form values

                                   var save = function(values) {
                                      joli.models.get('people').newRecord(values, true).save();

                                   [INFO]    POST request to url
                                   [INFO]    Received from the service:
                                   [INFO]     {"id":"111","lastname":"Lacot","firstname":"Xavier", ...}
                                   [INFO]    1 new record(s), 0 record(s) updated.
                                   [DEBUG]   fire app event: joli.records.saved

CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                                          51
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
Roadmap and whishlist...

  ■    Joli.js:
        ■   Abstract the configuration
              ■   Logging enabled or not, default hydration model
              ■   Easy support for several databases
        ■   Improve migrations, add more unit tests
  ■    Joli.api.js
        ■   Support for all the HTTP methods
        ■   Make it possible to map the Data model to different REST
            services formats

       Keep all this fun, short and efficient
CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile                         52
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile   53
Xavier Lacot | September 2011
2011 codestrong-abstracting-databases-access-in-titanium-mobile

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2011 codestrong-abstracting-databases-access-in-titanium-mobile

  • 1. Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile Xavier Lacot – September 2011
  • 2. Hello My name is Xavier Lacot ■ I live in Paris ■ I work at Clever Age, as director of the Expertise Center ( ■ Open Source convinced and contributor ■ Titanium enthusiast and developer since 2009 ■ Web Frameworks expert ■ Vice Pr. of the French PHP Users Association ( ■ CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 2 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 3. Summary 1. Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications 2. Who said "pain"? 3. The ORM concept 4. Various js ORMs available ■ Titanium Mobile compatibility chart 5. A focus on joli.js ■ Main use ■ Joli API extension CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 3 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 4. Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications ■ Titanium provides a complete Database API : ■ Titanium.Database ■ Titanium.Database.DB ■ Titanium.Database.ResultSet ■ Access to SQLite databases ■ The way to go when manipulating data in mobile applications! CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 4 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 5. Databases are very common in mobile applications ■ Traveling guides (non-connected mode); ■ News apps, ■ Todo lists, ■ Etc. CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 5 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 6. Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications // create a connection var db ='database_name'); // execute a SQL query var rows = db.execute( 'SELECT short_url FROM urls WHERE long_url = ?', Longurl ); // get a result if (rows.isValidRow() && rows.fieldByName('short_url')) { result = rows.fieldByName('short_url'); } // close the resultset rows.close(); // close the database connection db.close(); CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 6 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 7. Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications ■ Some details to care to: ■ Never forget to close() resultsets, or: ■ you will get memory leaks; ■ The app will unexpectedly close ■ You will have to accept the mix of “view code” and “database code”... javascript and SQL in the same code pages... CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 7 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 8. Summary 1. Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications 2. Who said "pain"? 3. The ORM concept 4. Various js ORMs available ■ Titanium Mobile compatibility chart 5. A focus on joli.js ■ Main use ■ Joli API extension CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 8 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 9. Who said "pain"? ■ Titanium.Database is ok for a few requests ■ It is limited in large scale applications: ■ Imagine a 10 tables model, each with 20 fields ■ Some questions: ■ Why write SQL queries yourself? ■ How to ensure data consistency / related entries retrieval? ■ How to deal with database migrations in your app? ■ How to avoid writing again and again the same queries? CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 9 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 10. A pain-in-the-ass sample ■ Remove an item from an ordered list ■ Remove the item from the database ■ Update the other items positions // add delete event listener tableview.addEventListener('delete', function(e) { var db ='database_name'); // delete the item db.execute( 'DELETE FROM short_url WHERE id = ?', e.row.children[0].text ); CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 10 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 11. A pain-in-the-ass sample ... // update the other items positions var rows = db.execute('SELECT * FROM short_url ORDER BY position ASC'); var position = 1; while (rows.isValidRow()) { db.execute( 'UPDATE short_url SET position = ? WHERE id = ?', position, rows.fieldByName('id') ); position++;; } // be a good boy rows.close(); db.close(); }); CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 11 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 12. CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 12 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 13. A pain-in-the-ass sample ■ Wait oh wait ■ Our business-code is cluttered with database manipulation code ■ Why not simply write: // add delete event listener tableview.addEventListener('delete', function(e) { // assume short_url is an object which represents the short_url table short_url.get(e.row.children[0].text).remove(); }; CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 13 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 14. Just to convince you... ■ A todo-list application ■ Only display, count, get stats about the tasks of the currently selected category ■ Will you always write the « WHERE category_id = '12' » condition? ■ A better idea: category.get(12).listArticles(); category.get(12).countArticles(); // etc CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 14 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 15. Summary 1. Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications 2. Who said "pain"? 3. The ORM concept 4. Various js ORMs available ■ Titanium Mobile compatibility chart 5. A focus on joli.js ■ Main use ■ Joli API extension CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 15 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 16. What is an « ORM »? ■ Object-Relational Mapper ■ Data access and manipulation abstraction ■ Classes represent tables, objects represent their content table Human // say Human is a mapping class id integer var john = new Human(); lastname text john.set('lastname', 'Doe'); firstname text john.set('firstname', 'John'); city_id integer born_at timestamp // persist it; is_alive boolean dead_at timestamp CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 16 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 17. Goals of an ORM ■ Manipulate records ■ Never create or delete a record manually ■ Use behaviors (timestampable, taggable, etc.) ■ Clean user entries ■ Execute queries ■ Abstract queries as objects ■ Pass it to several methods ■ Create your data model and manage it with migrations CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 17 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 18. Summary 1. Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications 2. Who said "pain"? 3. The ORM concept 4. Various js ORMs available ■ Titanium Mobile compatibility chart 5. A focus on joli.js ■ Main use ■ Joli API extension CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 18 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 19. ORMs in javascript ■ There are lots of javascript ORMs ■ Suited for various Database access APIs ■ Browsers ■ Node ■ Titanium ■ Etc. ■ Not every is convenient for Titanium ■ Leaks, incompatibility, not tested, etc. ■ Not using Titanium.database CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 19 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 20. Some of them, designed for Titanium ■ ActiveJS Titanium fork - ■ AppceleratorRecord - ■ JazzRecord - ■ TiStore - ■ yORM - ■ Joli.js - ■ Maybe others? … That's a nice list! CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 20 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 21. ORMs chart CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 21 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 22. Summary 1. Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications 2. Who said "pain"? 3. The ORM concept 4. Various js ORMs available ■ Titanium Mobile compatibility chart 5. A focus on joli.js ■ Main use ■ Joli API extension CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 22 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 23. Joli.js ■ Why joli.js ■ I could not find what I was looking for in the other ORMs ■ I wanted an abstract query API ■ I wanted something short, simple and efficient ■ Some facts ■ Much inspired by JazzRecord (js) and Doctrine (PHP) ■ First release was written in 3 nights CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 23 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 24. Features ■ Models container Models container ■ Models declaration Models ■ Abstract query language Migrations ■ Record lifecycle management ■ Performance analysis Records ■ Extensible Query engine ■ All this in a single ~850 lines file! joli.js Mirakl Coeur Mirakl Coeur CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 24 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 25. Models container Models container ■ Easy access to the model classes ■ get() Models ■ has() Migrations ■ Etc. Records Query engine ■ Able to launch the migrations joli.js Mirakl Coeur Mirakl Coeur CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 25 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 26. Models Models container ■ Models represent the tables ■ Model declaration Models ■ Tables creation Migrations ■ Mass-records management ■ Fast selection methods Records (aka « Magic getters ») Query engine joli.js Mirakl Coeur Mirakl Coeur CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 26 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 27. Declaring a model ■ Include joli.js ■ Declare a connection to your database: joli.connection = new joli.Connection('your_database_name'); ■ Describe the model var city = new joli.model({ table: 'city', columns: { id: 'INTEGER', name: 'TEXT', description: 'TEXT' } }); ■ call joli.models.initialize(); CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 27 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 28. Declaring a model ■ Several models? Put them in a bag! var models = (function() { var m = {}; m.human = new joli.model({ table: 'human', columns: { id: 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT', city_id: 'INTEGER', first_name: 'TEXT', last_name: 'TEXT' } }); = new joli.model({ table: 'city', columns: { id: 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT', name: 'TEXT' } }); return m; })(); CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 28 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 29. table- and object- methods var human = new joli.model({ table: 'human', columns: { ... }, methods: { countIn: function(cityName) { // do something } }, objectMethods: { moveTo: function(newCityName) { // do something } } }); // use a table-method var habitantsCount = human.countIn('San Francisco'); // use an object-method john.moveTo('Paris'); CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 29 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 30. Mass records management var table = models.human; table.truncate(); // remove all humans table.deleteRecords([1, 7, 12]); // remove some records table.exists(118); // test existance, based on "id" // count entities var allCount = table.count(); var DoesCount = table.count({ where: { 'last_name = ?': 'Doe', 'age >= ?': 21 } }); // get all the ones matching criterions var Does = table.all({ where: { 'last_name = ?': 'Doe', 'age >= ?': 21 }, limit: 12 }); CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 30 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 31. Magic getters ■ Goal: Have an easy way to select the records of one table matching a given criteria. ■ findOneById() ■ findOneBy() ■ findBy() var table = models.human; // returns all the inhabitants of the city n°12 var parisians = table.findBy('city_id', 12); // returns one "human" record only (not sorted) var michel = table.findOneBy('first_name', 'Michel'); // returns the human of id "118" var human = table.findOneById(118); CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 31 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 32. Migrations Models container ■ Update the database layout when updating the application Models ■ Allows to run other operations (callbacks available) Migrations Records Query engine joli.js Mirakl Coeur Mirakl Coeur CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 32 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 33. Records Models container ■ Records are objects related to a row in the database Models ■ Record creation ■ Record access Migrations ■ Record update Records Query engine ■ Records can be used even while not persisted joli.js Mirakl Coeur Mirakl Coeur CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 33 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 34. Create new records // first method var john = models.human.newRecord({ first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe' }); // second method var john = new joli.record(models.human); john.fromArray({ first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe' }); // third method var john = new joli.record(models.human); john.set('first_name', 'John'); john.set('last_name', 'Doe'); CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 34 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 35. Manipulate records // persist a record; // destroy it john.destroy(); // get a property var name = john.get('last_name'); // export to an array var johnArray = john.toArray(); var json = JSON.stringify(johnArray); // {"id":"110","lastname":"Doe","firstname":"John","company_name":"ACME"} CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 35 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 36. Query engine Models container ■ Abstract the way queries are run against the database Models ■ Stop writing SQL Migrations ■ Use chained method calls « à la jQuery » Records ■ Have hydratation facilities Query engine joli.js Mirakl Coeur Mirakl Coeur CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 36 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 37. Querying the model ■ No more SQL queries ■ Let's introduce an OOP querying model ■ Queries are objects ■ They can be execute() 'd // create the query object var q = new joli.query() .select() .from('human') .where('last_name = ?', 'Doe'); // let's execute it var humans = q.execute(); CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 37 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 38. A complete SQL-like vocabulary ■ : Several methods for building queries: ■ count() ■ set() ■ destroy() ■ update() ■ from() ■ values() ■ groupBy() ■ where() ■ insertInto() ■ whereIn() ■ join() ■ limit() ■ order() CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 38 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 39. Progressive query construction api.getActiveQuery = function(q) { if (!q) { ■ Queries as objects are q = new joli.query() .from('news'); easy to handle } q.where('active = ?', true); ■ No matter the order in return q; }; which you call the api.getLastPublished = function() { query methods! return api .getActiveQuery() .limit(1) .orderBy('created_at desc') .execute(); } api.getPublished = function() { return api .getActiveQuery() .orderBy('created_at desc') .execute(); } CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 39 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 40. Let's talk about hydration ■ Calling execute() will: ■ Build the query string; ■ Send it to joli.Connection() for its execution; ■ And create a bunch of record objects (one per result). ■ This last step is called « hydration » ■ It can cost time. A lot. ■ Joli.js offers a way to hydrate plain arrays, not complete joli.js records. CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 40 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 41. Let's talk about hydratation var people = new joli.query() .select() .from('people') .execute(); // people is an array of objects var people = new joli.query() .select() .from('people') .execute('array'); // people is a simple plain array ■ An ORM as a cost, sure, but you can make it invisible to the user ■ Save you app, take care to the performances CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 41 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 42. Querying useful methods ■ getSqlQuery() returns the string that will be generated when executing the query var q = new joli.query() .select() .from('view_count') .where('nb_views between ? And ?', [1000, 2000]); var queryString = q.getSqlQuery(); // select * from view_count where nb_views between "1000" and "2000" ■ All the queries go through joli.Connection.execute(). Possibility to log things here and see what is happening. CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 42 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 43. Unit tests ■ Joli.js is unit-tested using titanium-jasmine ■ 90+ tests and growing ■ See for the test suite CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 43 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 44. Summary 1. Using databases in Titanium Mobile applications 2. Who said "pain"? 3. The ORM concept 4. Various js ORMs available ■ Titanium Mobile compatibility chart 5. A focus on joli.js ■ Main use ■ Joli API extension CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 44 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 45. Joli API extension ■ We often need to synchronize data from/to the Web ■ Case sample : an online address book ■ We want the contacts to be available on the phone even when not connected ■ The contacts list must also be available online ■ Here comes joli.api.js, the little brother to joli.js CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 45 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 46. Joli API extension ■ joli.api.js is a wrapper to joli.js, which makes synchronization to REST web services easy joli.js joli.js REST Web joli.api.js joli.api.js Service Mobile application Mobile application ■ All CRUD operations are available : GET / POST / PUT / DELETE CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 46 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 47. Let's have a small demo ■ A Titanium-powered synchronized AddressBook ■ Code will be available at ■ Uses REST APIs built in PHP with the Symfony framework CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 47 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 48. API synchronized model declaration joli.apimodel var people = new joli.apimodel({ table: 'people', columns: { id: 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT', firstname: 'TEXT', lastname: 'TEXT', company_name: 'TEXT', email: 'TEXT', phone: 'TEXT', picture_url: 'TEXT' }, updateTime: 86400, url: '' }); The REST endpoint url CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 48 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 49. Using the API ■ Minor changes compared to joli.js The exact same method // selects from the database // if no result and the updateTime is gone, checks the API var peoples = joli.models.get('people').all({ order: ['lastname asc', 'firstname asc'] }); // creates the record and saves it to the REST endpoint joli.models.get('people') .newRecord(values, true) .save(); Should the record be CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile synchronized? 49 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 50. This is Free and Open Source Software... ■ All the code is here : ■ joli.js - ■ joli.api.js - ■ joli.js test suite - ■ joli.api.js demo application - CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 50 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 51. Let's have a small demo ■ This app was built completely while I was in the plane. Less than 4 hours coding! // persist the values of the form button.addEventListener('click', function() { // extractValues() builds an associative array of the form values save(extractValues(container)); win.close(); }); var save = function(values) { joli.models.get('people').newRecord(values, true).save(); }; [INFO] POST request to url [INFO] Received from the service: [INFO] {"id":"111","lastname":"Lacot","firstname":"Xavier", ...} [INFO] 1 new record(s), 0 record(s) updated. [DEBUG] fire app event: joli.records.saved CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 51 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 52. Roadmap and whishlist... ■ Joli.js: ■ Abstract the configuration ■ Logging enabled or not, default hydration model ■ Easy support for several databases ■ Improve migrations, add more unit tests ■ Joli.api.js ■ Support for all the HTTP methods ■ Make it possible to map the Data model to different REST services formats Keep all this fun, short and efficient CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 52 Xavier Lacot | September 2011
  • 53. CodeStrong - Abstracting databases access in Titanium Mobile 53 Xavier Lacot | September 2011