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Associate Professor, Community Medicine
Wh orld y
W S Da


 For ACTION on HIV and AIDS
 To get the FACTS on HIV & AIDS
 To show SUPPORT for people living with HIV


 To HONOR the victims who died of AIDS

related condition.


Dr A K Srivastava
Why is World AIDS Day important?

People do not know the facts
 About how to protect themselves and others
 Stigma and discrimination remain a reality
 Reminds the public and Government
 Vital need to

Raise funds,
Increase awareness,
Fight prejudice and
Improve education.


Dr A K Srivastava
Red ribbon - Symbol
Symbol was created by the Visual
AIDS Artists Caucus in 1991.
Consists of
 Sketched image of a red ribbon
 The
“Campaign" are in black
whereas the word “AIDS" is in
connection to blood and the
ideas of passion

Dr A K Srivastava

World AIDS
Red Ribbon - Significance
The ends of the ribbon

merge into splashes of
green, blue, purple and


splashes of colour
interpreted often taken to
indicate the diversity of
people living with HIV and


compassion for people living
with AIDS


Dr A K Srivastava

World AIDS

Dr A K Srivastava
Through unprotected

Injection Drug Use

Rarely through blood
transfusion and organ

Dr A K Srivastava

Where did it come from

 This is a controversial topic…..
 Some believe it is manmade and was produced by a chemical

weapons lab or medical research gone wrong.

 Generally accepted that it evolved in Sub-Saharan Africa and that it

crossed over from the chimpanzee population (in contaminated
meat/or hunters being exposed to contaminated blood).

 International travel/ blood transfusions/ drug use brought the virus

to the developed world.
 It has been reported to be present in gay men in USA since the mid
70’s- known as the ‘gay plague’.

Dr A K Srivastava
N u m b e r o f P e o p le L iv in g w it h H IV /A ID S (in m illio n s )

20 years of HIV/AIDS &
2 0 y e a r s beyondA I D S
o f H IV /
T h e firs t c a s e s o f u n u s u a l
im m u n e d e f ic ie n c y a r e
id e n t ifie d a m o n g
g a y m e n in th e U S A
In A fric a , a
h e te ro s e x u a l
e p id e m ic is
r e v e a le d

In t h e U S A , th e
f ir s t H I V a n t i b o d y
te s t is a p p r o v e d b y
th e F o o d a n d D ru g
A d m in is t r a tio n a n d
H I V s c r e e n in g o f
b lo o d d o n a t io n s
s ta rts

H ig h ly A c t iv e A n tir e t r o v ir a l
T h e r a p y ( H A A R T ) is
d is c u s s e d f o r th e f ir s t t im e

T h e fir s t th e r a p y
fo r A ID S
- a z i d o t h y m id in e
( A Z T ) - is
a p p r o v e d fo r
u s e in th e U S A
In 1 9 9 1 -1 9 9 3 , H IV
p r e v a le n c e in y o u n g
p r e g n a n t w o m e n in
U g a n d a b e g in s t o
d e c r e a s e , t h e f ir s t m a j o r
d o w n tu r n in a
d e v e lo p in g c o u n t r y

T h e H u m a n Im m u n o d e f ic ie n c y V ir u s ( H I V ) is
id e n t ifie d a s th e c a u s e o f
A t le a s t o n e c a s e o f
H IV /A ID S h a s b e e n
r e p o r te d fr o m e a c h r e g io n
o f th e w o rld
A c q u ir e d I m m u n o d e f ic ie n c y S y n d r o m e
( A ID S ) is d e fin e d f o r th e
f ir s t t i m e

T h e f i r s t e f f i c a c y t r i a l o f a p o t e n t ia l H I V v a c c i n e
i n a d e v e l o p i n g c o u n t r y s t a r t s i n T h a i la n d

T h e W o r ld H e a lt h O r g a n iz a t io n ( W H O )
la u n c h e s th e S p e c ia l P r o g r a m m e o n A I D S

S c i e n t is t s d e v e l o p
t h e f ir s t t r e a t m e n t
r e g im e n to r e d u c e
m o t h e r - to - c h ild
t r a n s m i s s io n

T h e In t e r n a t io n a l C o u n c il o f A ID S S e r v ic e O r g a n iz a tio n s ( I C A S O ) a n d
t h e G lo b a l N e t w o r k o f P e o p le L iv in g w ith H I V / A I D S a r e f o u n d e d

Ju n e 2 0 01


T h e U N S e c u r ity C o u n c il
d is c u s s e s H IV / A I D S fo r
t h e fir s t t im e
is c r e a te d

A n H IV o u tb re a k
in E a s te r n E u r o p e
is d e te c t e d
( a m o n g in je c t in g
d ru g u s e rs )

R ock H udson becom es
t h e f i r s t p u b l ic f i g u r e t o
d is c lo s e h e h a s A I D S

1st case

Dr A K Srivastava

U N S e c re ta ry -G e n e ra l
K o fi A n n a n m a p s a p la n o f a c t io n ,
a n d c a lls f o r t h e c r e a tio n o f a
g lo b a l fu n d o n A ID S a n d h e a lth

B r a z il b e c o m e s th e f ir s t
d e v e lo p in g c o u n t r y to
p r o v id e a n tir e t r o v ir a l t h e r a p y
th r o u g h its
p u b lic h e a lth s y s t e m
Deadlines for:

United Nations Millennium
MDG 6a. Have halted by
2015 and begun to reverse
the spread of HIV/AIDS.





Dr A K Srivastava

Intensifying Our
Efforts to


United Nations
Millennium Development
Targets and elimination

Theme World AIDS Day 2011 -15
Theme "Getting to zero”: highlights continued progress

towards achieving the global vision of zero new HIV
infections, zero discriminations and zero AIDS related

The World AIDS Campaign focus on "Zero AIDS related

deaths" signifies a push towards greater access to
treatment for all.

A call for governments to act and honour promises.
To at least hit targets for domestic spending on health

and HIV.


Dr A K Srivastava

Dr A K Srivastava
w n
ne tio
o c
er nfe
Z i


26 countries on
track but others not

Efforts to reduce
transmission among
MSM and CSW not

Dr A K Srivastava

Not on

Trends in sexual
behaviour show decrease
condom use/ increase in
sexual partners
ew ion
o e ct
e r nf
Z i


Not on

NO country is on track
HIV prevalence still high – 28% in ASIA
Sterile injecting Equipment – 2 countries
Opioid Substitution therapy – 4 countries
Access to HIV testing and counseling and ART –

needs boost up

Dr A K Srivastava
ne ion
Ze nfect


Not on

62 % pregnant women living with
HIV received ART as against 90%
Reduction by 35% As compared
to 2009
Other preventive strategies like
access to contraception


Dr A K Srivastava

Linking pregnant women
and children to ART and

Dr A K Srivastava

Zero Discrimination

Laws to protect women
and girls from Gender
discrimination, Sexual
Violence and
Providing Universal
Access To
Comprehensive Sex

Dr A K Srivastava

Not on

Increase The Capacity
of Women And Girls
Independent Access
Points For Needed
Providing Social
Protection Services.
Vision: Zero Discrimination


Battling stigma and discrimination
is the main obstacle to beating HIV
once and for all

Dr A K Srivastava
Society discriminates by:
Avoidance of HIV infected people
Compulsory HIV testing without prior consent

or protection of confidentiality
Violence against HIV infected individuals or

people who are perceived to be infected with


Dr A K Srivastava

Dr A K Srivastava
The best gift to AIDS Patient

Be kind

Sometimes I have a terrible
feeling that I am dying not
from the virus, but from
being untouchable.
Amanda Heggs

Dr A K Srivastava

Dr A K Srivastava
To g

ero Di
t to Z

a t io n

Only 8 Countries
Eliminated Travel
Restrictions Since 2010

Discriminatory Laws
Prevail In 44 Countries


Improving Public Attitudes
People Living With HIV And
About Migrants


Galvanizing Commitment To HIV
Programmes That Reach People
On The Move
Dr A K Srivastava

Dr A K Srivastava
DS r e
o AI


World on track of reaching 15 million
people with ART by 2015
61% of people received ART as per
WHO HIV treatment guidelines
However 34 % in low and middle
income countries receive treatment


Dr A K Srivastava


by 50 %


Dr A K Srivastava

down in
Vision: Zero AIDS Related Death


Domestic resources account for the majority of
spending for HIV treatment and care
International spending financed the majority of
HIV prevention efforts

Dr A K Srivastava
Global adult prevalence of HIV


Dr A K Srivastava
Down from 2.3 million

Decline of 33%

60% increase in therapy

Dr A K Srivastava

Dr A K Srivastava

Dr A K Srivastava

Dr A K Srivastava

Dr A K Srivastava
The HIV epidemic in India,
The HIV epidemic in India,
first reported in 1986,
first reported in 1986,
now just 27 years old,
now just 27 years old,
is counted among the
is counted among the
most serious public
most serious public
health problem in the
health problem in the
It has the third largest
number of people living
after South Africa and

Dr A K Srivastava

Dr A K Srivastava

Adult HIV prevalence
Source NACO
Routes of Transmission of HIV, India , 2010-11


Dr A K Srivastava
Declining Trends of HIV Epidemic in India, 2007 - 2011


Dr A K Srivastava
Declining trends of new HIV infections & AIDS –
related deaths, India


Dr A K Srivastava
Categorization of districts based on the levels of
HIV infection
 Category A: -


More than 1% among pregnant

 Category B : - Less than 1% among pregnant women

but more than 5% in any high risk group.

 Category C : - Less than 1% among pregnant women

and less than 5% in any high risk group but with
hot spots.

 Category D : - Less than 1% among pregnant women

and less than 5% in any high risk group . No known
hot spots or poor data.


Dr A K Srivastava
Categorization of districts on the basis of
HIV prevalence
A districts & B Districts : None
C districts: Nainital, Dehradun, Hardwar, Pauri,

Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarkashi
Almora, Chamoli and Champawat
 D districts: Bageshwar and Rudraprayag


Dr A K Srivastava
Key Activities by NACO, SACS and HIHT

LL ink worker

IEC and

Management of STI/RTIs




Dr A K Srivastava

HIV Fact file Uttarakhand
(Toll free no: 1800-180-1200)

 Total HIV positive cases (cumulative till


– 5276

 HIV +ve patient registered on ART

- 2688

 HIV positive cases reported (Jan - Oct 2013)

- 733

 AIDS reported death in state from 2002 to

Oct 2013

– 455

 HIV Prevalence Rate

Dr A K Srivastava

– 0.1%
USACS at a glance
 Types of ICTC

Fixed-facility ICTCs : 49 (Stand-alone)
Mobile ICTCs: 01 (Stand Alone)
PPP : 01 (SGRR MC)

 ART centres (2) – Doon hospital and GMC & H, Haldwani
 Link ART centres – 13 (SPS Govt. Hospital, Rishikesh)
 Community care centres -2 (Dehradun, Haldwani )
 Designated RTI/STI clinics – 23 (HIHT, Haldwani and Srinagar)
 Blood banks – 27 (17 state Govt. 4 Central Govt. and 5 private and 1

PPP mode)
 Blood components separation units – 4 {HIHT, Doon, IMA,


Dr A K Srivastava

( and microbiology)

Dr A K Srivastava
in HIV


Faster scale up of
HIV treatment





Countries like
India & SA scale
up services


Call for elimination
of new HIV infection
in children

Dr A K Srivastava



investments by
Gaps to
fill by

Result for

50% of the people
living with HIV do
not know their status



Key populations
not reached

6.8 million people
waiting for
Dr A K Srivastava
How do you fight ! It’s matter


Dr A K Srivastava
As no vaccine available
till date
and ART has to be taken life long

Scale up


Dr A K Srivastava

Dr A K Srivastava
Create Awareness


Dr A K Srivastava
Show Support & Solidarity


Dr A K Srivastava

Dr A K Srivastava

Dr A K Srivastava
“History will surely judge us harshly if we
do not respond with all the energy and
resources that we can bring to bear in the
fight against AIDS.”
“Ask yourselves what you can do as a global
citizen in the fight against HIV & AIDS.”
“We must never forget our own
Nelson Mandela
18/07/1918 – 05/12/2013

Dr A K Srivastava

Department of Community Medicine
Department of Microbiology
Dr A K Srivastava

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Hiv & aids getting to zero update (dr a k srivastava)

  • 2. is at Wh orld y W S Da D AI A GLOBAL DAY  For ACTION on HIV and AIDS  To get the FACTS on HIV & AIDS  To show SUPPORT for people living with HIV & AIDS  To get INVOLVED  To HONOR the victims who died of AIDS related condition. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 3. Why is World AIDS Day important? People do not know the facts  About how to protect themselves and others  Stigma and discrimination remain a reality  Reminds the public and Government  Vital need to Raise funds, Increase awareness, Fight prejudice and Improve education. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 4. Red ribbon - Symbol Symbol was created by the Visual AIDS Artists Caucus in 1991. Consists of  Sketched image of a red ribbon and  The words “World AIDS Campaign". The words “World" and “Campaign" are in black whereas the word “AIDS" is in red. Colour chosen for its connection to blood and the ideas of passion 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava World AIDS Campaign
  • 5. Red Ribbon - Significance The ends of the ribbon merge into splashes of green, blue, purple and orange. The splashes of colour interpreted often taken to indicate the diversity of people living with HIV and AIDS. Symbol to demonstrate compassion for people living with AIDS 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava World AIDS Campaign
  • 6. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 7. Through unprotected Sex Injection Drug Use Rarely through blood transfusion and organ transplantation 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava Mother-to-Baby
  • 8. Where did it come from  This is a controversial topic…..  Some believe it is manmade and was produced by a chemical weapons lab or medical research gone wrong.  Generally accepted that it evolved in Sub-Saharan Africa and that it crossed over from the chimpanzee population (in contaminated meat/or hunters being exposed to contaminated blood).  International travel/ blood transfusions/ drug use brought the virus to the developed world.  It has been reported to be present in gay men in USA since the mid 70’s- known as the ‘gay plague’. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 9. N u m b e r o f P e o p le L iv in g w it h H IV /A ID S (in m illio n s ) 20 years of HIV/AIDS & 2 0 y e a r s beyondA I D S o f H IV / T h e firs t c a s e s o f u n u s u a l im m u n e d e f ic ie n c y a r e id e n t ifie d a m o n g g a y m e n in th e U S A In A fric a , a h e te ro s e x u a l A ID S e p id e m ic is r e v e a le d In t h e U S A , th e f ir s t H I V a n t i b o d y te s t is a p p r o v e d b y th e F o o d a n d D ru g A d m in is t r a tio n a n d H I V s c r e e n in g o f b lo o d d o n a t io n s s ta rts H ig h ly A c t iv e A n tir e t r o v ir a l T h e r a p y ( H A A R T ) is d is c u s s e d f o r th e f ir s t t im e T h e fir s t th e r a p y fo r A ID S - a z i d o t h y m id in e ( A Z T ) - is a p p r o v e d fo r u s e in th e U S A In 1 9 9 1 -1 9 9 3 , H IV p r e v a le n c e in y o u n g p r e g n a n t w o m e n in U g a n d a b e g in s t o d e c r e a s e , t h e f ir s t m a j o r d o w n tu r n in a d e v e lo p in g c o u n t r y T h e H u m a n Im m u n o d e f ic ie n c y V ir u s ( H I V ) is id e n t ifie d a s th e c a u s e o f A ID S A t le a s t o n e c a s e o f H IV /A ID S h a s b e e n r e p o r te d fr o m e a c h r e g io n o f th e w o rld A c q u ir e d I m m u n o d e f ic ie n c y S y n d r o m e ( A ID S ) is d e fin e d f o r th e f ir s t t i m e T h e f i r s t e f f i c a c y t r i a l o f a p o t e n t ia l H I V v a c c i n e i n a d e v e l o p i n g c o u n t r y s t a r t s i n T h a i la n d T h e W o r ld H e a lt h O r g a n iz a t io n ( W H O ) la u n c h e s th e S p e c ia l P r o g r a m m e o n A I D S S c i e n t is t s d e v e l o p t h e f ir s t t r e a t m e n t r e g im e n to r e d u c e m o t h e r - to - c h ild t r a n s m i s s io n T h e In t e r n a t io n a l C o u n c il o f A ID S S e r v ic e O r g a n iz a tio n s ( I C A S O ) a n d t h e G lo b a l N e t w o r k o f P e o p le L iv in g w ith H I V / A I D S a r e f o u n d e d Ju n e 2 0 01 12/07/13 T h e U N S e c u r ity C o u n c il d is c u s s e s H IV / A I D S fo r t h e fir s t t im e U N A ID S is c r e a te d A n H IV o u tb re a k in E a s te r n E u r o p e is d e te c t e d ( a m o n g in je c t in g d ru g u s e rs ) R ock H udson becom es t h e f i r s t p u b l ic f i g u r e t o d is c lo s e h e h a s A I D S 1st case identified India Dr A K Srivastava U N S e c re ta ry -G e n e ra l K o fi A n n a n m a p s a p la n o f a c t io n , a n d c a lls f o r t h e c r e a tio n o f a g lo b a l fu n d o n A ID S a n d h e a lth B r a z il b e c o m e s th e f ir s t d e v e lo p in g c o u n t r y to p r o v id e a n tir e t r o v ir a l t h e r a p y th r o u g h its p u b lic h e a lth s y s t e m
  • 10. Deadlines for: United Nations Millennium Declaration MDG 6a. Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS. Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS 2000 12/07/13 2001 2006 Dr A K Srivastava Intensifying Our Efforts to Eliminate HIV/AIDS 2011 United Nations Millennium Development Goals Targets and elimination 2015
  • 11. Theme World AIDS Day 2011 -15 Theme "Getting to zero”: highlights continued progress towards achieving the global vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discriminations and zero AIDS related deaths The World AIDS Campaign focus on "Zero AIDS related deaths" signifies a push towards greater access to treatment for all. A call for governments to act and honour promises. To at least hit targets for domestic spending on health and HIV. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 12. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 13. IV H w n ne tio o c er nfe Z i 1 26 countries on track but others not Efforts to reduce transmission among MSM and CSW not fruitful 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava Not on Track Trends in sexual behaviour show decrease condom use/ increase in sexual partners
  • 14. IV H ew ion n o e ct e r nf Z i 2 Not on Track NO country is on track HIV prevalence still high – 28% in ASIA Sterile injecting Equipment – 2 countries Opioid Substitution therapy – 4 countries Access to HIV testing and counseling and ART – needs boost up Dr A K Srivastava
  • 15. V HI w ne ion ro Ze nfect i 3 Not on Track 62 % pregnant women living with HIV received ART as against 90% Reduction by 35% As compared to 2009 Other preventive strategies like access to contraception 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava Linking pregnant women and children to ART and care
  • 16. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 17. 1 VISION Zero Discrimination Laws to protect women and girls from Gender discrimination, Sexual Violence and Disinheritance Providing Universal Access To Comprehensive Sex Education 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava Not on Track Increase The Capacity of Women And Girls Independent Access Points For Needed Services Providing Social Protection Services.
  • 18. Vision: Zero Discrimination 2 Not on Track Battling stigma and discrimination is the main obstacle to beating HIV once and for all 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 19. Society discriminates by: Ostracism Rejection Avoidance of HIV infected people Compulsory HIV testing without prior consent or protection of confidentiality Violence against HIV infected individuals or people who are perceived to be infected with HIV 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 20. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 21. The best gift to AIDS Patient Be kind Sometimes I have a terrible feeling that I am dying not from the virus, but from being untouchable. Amanda Heggs 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 22. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 23. To g ero Di t to Z e a t io n crimin s Only 8 Countries Eliminated Travel Restrictions Since 2010 Discriminatory Laws Prevail In 44 Countries 3 Improving Public Attitudes About People Living With HIV And About Migrants Not on Track 12/07/13 Galvanizing Commitment To HIV Programmes That Reach People On The Move Dr A K Srivastava
  • 24. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 25. lated DS r e 1 o AI r Ze eath d On track World on track of reaching 15 million people with ART by 2015 61% of people received ART as per WHO HIV treatment guidelines However 34 % in low and middle income countries receive treatment 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 26. lated e IDS r A ero Z h deat 2 by 50 % 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava Slowed down in recent years
  • 27. Vision: Zero AIDS Related Death 3 Not on Track Domestic resources account for the majority of spending for HIV treatment and care International spending financed the majority of HIV prevention efforts 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 28. Global adult prevalence of HIV 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 29. Down from 2.3 million Decline of 33% 60% increase in therapy 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 30. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 31. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 32. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 33. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 34. The HIV epidemic in India, The HIV epidemic in India, first reported in 1986, first reported in 1986, now just 27 years old, now just 27 years old, is counted among the is counted among the most serious public most serious public health problem in the health problem in the country. country. It has the third largest number of people living with HIV/AIDS after South Africa and Nigeria 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 35. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava Adult HIV prevalence Source NACO
  • 36. Routes of Transmission of HIV, India , 2010-11 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 37. Declining Trends of HIV Epidemic in India, 2007 - 2011 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 38. Declining trends of new HIV infections & AIDS – related deaths, India 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 39. Categorization of districts based on the levels of HIV infection  Category A: - women. More than 1% among pregnant  Category B : - Less than 1% among pregnant women but more than 5% in any high risk group.  Category C : - Less than 1% among pregnant women and less than 5% in any high risk group but with hot spots.  Category D : - Less than 1% among pregnant women and less than 5% in any high risk group . No known hot spots or poor data. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 40. Categorization of districts on the basis of HIV prevalence A districts & B Districts : None C districts: Nainital, Dehradun, Hardwar, Pauri, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarkashi Almora, Chamoli and Champawat  D districts: Bageshwar and Rudraprayag 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 41. Key Activities by NACO, SACS and HIHT (NACP –III) Targeted Interventions LL ink worker IEC and Mainstreamin g Management of STI/RTIs Blood Safety Condom Promotion 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava Laboratory Laboratory Services Services
  • 42. HIV Fact file Uttarakhand (Toll free no: 1800-180-1200)  Total HIV positive cases (cumulative till Oct.2013) – 5276  HIV +ve patient registered on ART - 2688  HIV positive cases reported (Jan - Oct 2013) - 733  AIDS reported death in state from 2002 to Oct 2013 – 455  HIV Prevalence Rate 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava – 0.1%
  • 43. USACS at a glance  Types of ICTC    Fixed-facility ICTCs : 49 (Stand-alone) Mobile ICTCs: 01 (Stand Alone) PPP : 01 (SGRR MC)  ART centres (2) – Doon hospital and GMC & H, Haldwani  Link ART centres – 13 (SPS Govt. Hospital, Rishikesh)  Community care centres -2 (Dehradun, Haldwani )  Designated RTI/STI clinics – 23 (HIHT, Haldwani and Srinagar)  Blood banks – 27 (17 state Govt. 4 Central Govt. and 5 private and 1 PPP mode)  Blood components separation units – 4 {HIHT, Doon, IMA, Haldwani} 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava ( and microbiology)
  • 44. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 45. Reduction in HIV infection 2012 Faster scale up of HIV treatment Community engagement 12/07/13 Reaching pregnant women Fewer deaths Countries like India & SA scale up services Results for People Call for elimination of new HIV infection in children Dr A K Srivastava More investment Young people leadership Countries increase investments by 50%
  • 46. Gaps to fill by 2015 Result for people HIV prevention services needed Low HIV testing uptake HIV treatment needed 50% of the people living with HIV do not know their status 12/07/13 Marginalization Key populations not reached 6.8 million people waiting for treatment Dr A K Srivastava
  • 47. How do you fight ! It’s matter 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 48. As no vaccine available till date and ART has to be taken life long Scale up 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 49. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 51. Show Support & Solidarity 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 52. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 53. 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 54. “History will surely judge us harshly if we do not respond with all the energy and resources that we can bring to bear in the fight against AIDS.” “Ask yourselves what you can do as a global citizen in the fight against HIV & AIDS.” “We must never forget our own responsibilities.” Nelson Mandela 18/07/1918 – 05/12/2013 12/07/13 Dr A K Srivastava
  • 55. 12/07/13 Acknowledgment Department of Community Medicine & Department of Microbiology Dr A K Srivastava

Editor's Notes

  1. World AIDS Day is the focal point of the World AIDS Campaign, which is active all the year around. Ever Year since i988, it is observed on 1st Dec.
  2. Despite many scientific advances being made for treatment and having laws to protect people living with HIV/AIDS,
  3. The artists who formed the Visual AIDS Artists Caucus wished to create a visual symbol to demonstrate compassion for people living with AIDS and their caregivers. Inspired by the yellow ribbons honoring American soldiers serving in the Gulf war, the color red was chosen for its, "connection to blood and the idea of passion -- not only anger, but love, like a valentine." First worn publicly byJeremy Irons at the 1991 Tony Awards,[2] the ribbon soon became renowned as an international symbol of AIDS awareness, becoming a politically correct fashion accessory on the lapels of celebrities. At the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert held at Wembley Stadium, London on Easter Sunday 1992, more than 100,000 red ribbons were distributed among the audience by Red Ribbon International, with performers such as George Michael wearing one.[3][4] The Red Ribbon continues to be a powerful force in the fight to increase public awareness of HIV/AIDS and in the lobbying efforts to increase funding for AIDS services and research.
  4. 1981 – 1st case of unusual immuno deficiency are identified among gay men in USA 1982 – AIDS is defined for the 1st time 1983 – HIV is identified as cause of AIDS 1986- 1st case reported from Chennai, By CMC Vellore 1988 – AIDS day observed on 1st december and since then global observance is made 1996- UNAIDS is created 2000- Then UN secretary general Kofi Annan calls for action and creation of funds for AIDS.
  5. 2000- Historic step on UN MDG acknowledging the importance of an effective response to HIV/AIDS MDG 6 – Halts and reverse the AIDS epidemic by 2015. When the MDG were established there was lack of critical HIV treatment and prevention tools We are now less than two years from the deadline, and today we have the tools to lay the groundwork to end the AIDS epidemic.
  6. The theme getting to zero highlights continued progress made towards achieving the global vision of the goal i.e. and the challenges that lies ahead.
  7. Only 26 countries are on track in reducing transmission by 50% or more among adults and adolescents while others are not. Trends in sexual behaviour shows decrease condom use/increase in no. of sexual partners. Efforts to Reduce sexual transmission with relation to MSM and sex workers had not borne fruits and remains insufficient. Bio medical prevention like voluntary medical male circumcision have however accelerated momentum to buttress the preventive benefits of behavioural approaches.
  8. The world is not on track to reduce. HIV prevalence among injecting drug still high - 28 % in Asia Hiv prevention coverage is also low with only 2 countries providing recommended minimum of at least 200 sterile syringes per person per year Only 4 countries provided data of reaching more than 10 % of opiate users with substitution therapy. Punitive laws and discourages individuals from seeking social and medical services.
  9. Potential to reach at least 90% of pregnant women but reached only 62%. As a result no. of children newly infected with HIV fell by 43%. Other preventive strategies like access to contraception and other FP services to be adopted and link pregnant women and their children to ART and care.
  10. Although all the countries acknowledged the importance of addressing gender inequalities, less than half allocated funds, or integrated HIV and sexual and reproductive health or scaled up men and boys in national response.
  11. • Stigma refers to unfavourable attitudes and beliefs directed toward someone or something • Discrimination is the treatment of an individual or group with partiality or prejudice • Stigmatization reflects an attitude • Discrimination is an act or behavior
  12. Since 2010 8 countries, territories or area have eliminated restrictions on entry, stay and residences of people living with HIV. All punitive laws, policies, practices, stigma and discrimination that block effective responses to AIDS including in the areas of sex work, travel restrictions, homophobia and criminalization of HIV transmission should be removed.
  13. The world is within track of reaching 15 million people with ART by 2015. 61% of the people received ART as per WHO HIV treatment guidelines in 2012. Fixed dose combination, paediatric formulation, co packaging of 1st and 2nd line drugs. Treatment 2.0 will include evaluating a package of affordable, accessible tuberculosis and viral hepatitis diagnostics for use in a range of health care settings. World is also on track but has slowed down in recent years Of 10 countries reporting with largest no. of HIV/TB cases., Only 2 countries (kenya and malawi) delivering more than 50 % to HIV +ve TB patients.
  14. The world is within track of reaching 15 million people with ART by 2015. 61% of the people received ART as per WHO HIV treatment guidelines in 2012. Fixed dose combination, paediatric formulation, co packaging of 1st and 2nd line drugs. Treatment 2.0 will include evaluating a package of affordable, accessible tuberculosis and viral hepatitis diagnostics for use in a range of health care settings. World is also on track but has slowed down in recent years Of 10 countries reporting with largest no. of HIV/TB cases., Only 2 countries (kenya and malawi) delivering more than 50 % to HIV +ve TB patients.
  15. Global fund required is 22-24 billion US $ Only 19 billion $ available. Domestic spending accounted for 55 % on treatment and care whereas international funding accounted for prevention programmes. Low and middle income countries depend on international funding 51 countries look for 75 % funding of HIV related condition.
  16. 97 % of the people living with Hiv/aids are in low and middle income countries (sub saharan Africa, Latin american ) India has the adult prevalence of 0.1 to 0.5 %