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0 Dominoesstarter OXTORD
Sinbadthe sailorspendsmanyyearsat sea. He visitsstrange
countries,meets some strangepeopleand some very
frighteninganimals.He is sometimesrich, sometimespoor . . .
and alwaysin danger.But all the time he is learningfrom his
adventures,untilfinallyhe returnshome to Baghdad,an older
and wiser man.
Illustratedby MayaGavin
DoMrNoEsprovidereadingand learningat
four languagelevels.As well as enjoyable
stories,each book providesa rangeof
integratedactivitiesdesignedto develop
offer personalizedprojectwork.
Serles Edlfors
Bill Bowler and Sue Parminter
Dom¡noé3 s¿arter
Dom¡noes ore
Domlnoes two
Dom¡noes ¿hree
lsBN 978-0-l 9-424406-0
,ililil||| PRESS
trfril,.:i:illt¡tili:Íit'[:Iiil Ii'r,,,
fhis is Sinbad.Wheredoeshecomefrom?
Sinbadmeetsmanypeopleand animalsin differentcountries.Hereare someof
them. Matchthe sentenceswith the picturesandfind out their names.
I llr:rs¿lrch man.
2 llrcycatpcople
5 Ihcyafc l0ng,andcaneatbtganimals.
4 Sheisthebeautifuldaughterof a king
5 Shcistheprisonerof a monster.
6 Theyareverybigbirds.
3 Answerthese questionsabout the peopleand animals in Activity2.
a Wlrorlrlr:sSrnb¿ldfallin lovewith?
b WlrorlrlcsSrnltildrunawayfrom?
c Wltrlrlrlclrlilnll;rrlht:l¡t?.
'I'm dying, Sinbad,'saysthc oltl llllttl. 'irtt t'iltt llitvtr
my money,my son. Bttl yott tltttsl lrt't ¡¡lr'lirlltritll il.'
'Pleasedon't die, l¿rtllcr,'sirysSirrlxrtlrrrrltir¡r¡lily.
rich witha lotof money
But after a year,Sinbad
hasno more money.
Sinbadgoesto the market,and he
sells his father'sbesttablesand
chairs. With the money he buys
somebeautiful carpets.
'I can sail to differentcountries,'
Sinbadthinks. And I can sell
thesecarpetsfbr a lot of money.
'l'hen I can givethe money back
to the shopkeepers.'
shopkeepera personwhohasa
Bell totakemoneyfor something
Carpet d lrllr,'{,1 ll' t I r'rl' rr.rl
that you pul on lirr llor)r'
sa¡l t0 Éo ir(ir'o:illlr{rw,rlr:r
ship yrrrrr|;r ;r r;1il¡rlo Éo il0foss
lltr witlrl
captain llrrrrf0sl irnportant pers0n
oil ir sll [)
Ncx1,Sirrbirrllintls ¿rttoltl
a vcry oltl r':t¡r1:tirr.
. . . and expensivethings
to eatfrom the marhet.
his house.They eat and drink all night.
tr gtvemoneyfoI somethtng market wherepeoplegoto
'l'lrrct'tlir.yslirtcr Sinbad is rcaclytcl
Ir';rvcli;rglltlird.Ilc lirlhs cxcitcdly to all
Ilrt' s¡¡ikrrs on thc ship. 'l want to bring
lr¡rt'li,ir lol of'money,'he tellsthem.
Sinbadand the sailorsare all very happy.'What a wonclcrlul
island!' saysSinbad.'Let'ssit down and make a fire.'
'l'heship sailsaway from
Baghdadand out to sea.
Sinbadbeginsto feelill.
They sit near the fire and
they begin to sing.
Suddenlythe islandmoves.
'lfhe island is moving!'
'Thisisn't an island,'cry
the sailors.'It's a whalel'
Altt'r two daLysat sea,Sinbadisveryill.
lhrt thcn he seesa beautifulisland.
'l'lt'irscstopl'hesaysto the captain.
Sinbadand someof the sailors
land on the island.Sinbad
takesa barrel with him. He
wants to look fbr water.The
captain stayson the ship.
Sinbadquickly getsinto the barrel. llhe whale moves
down into the water.All the sailorsare now in thc sea.
Now il iscl¿rrli,
i¡l stririn t,hc
hc cries.
llut nobody
i 4ll0 |
land lo
llt',t I
barrel a tallroundbox;youput
thrngsto drinkin it
fire thisis redandhOtandit burns whale a vefybtganirnallltalllvtlsln
theseaandlookslrkca frsh
I r rvr,lrrltn ,r shlp 0r frOm
Are these sentencestrue or false?Tickthe boxes. frue
a Srnbad'sfatheris illandhedies. tl
b Sinbadis carefulwithhisfather'smoney. |-]
c fhcshopkeepersanevenyangrywrthSinbad. I
d Sinbadbuystablesandchainsatthemarket f
e Sinbadsailsto anislandin a nicenewship. tr
f Theislandisa whale. I
S Srnbadgetsintoa barrel. I
h ThecaptainoftheshipfindsSinbadinthebarrel. tr
Findnine more words from Chapter1 in the wordsquare.
Usethe words from Activity1 to completethe sentences.
a She'svery......... ..... andshelivesin a biÉhousein Hollywood.
b Theyliveona small.. ...... intheMediterraneanSea.
c Wehaven'tgotanymoneys0wecan't .that newTV.
d lt'scoldtoday.Let'smakea
e Myfatherworksat sea- he'sa . .
f lt's0Kto walkonthisold . inyourshoes.
g He's . Hehaseverythinf- a nicefamilyandaninterestingjob.
h This¡sa bigbookshop.They. . . lotsof booksevenyday.
i Welovethe sea Wefo everywheneby andwe
always. in¡nterestingcountries
3 Matchthe words with the pictures.
barrel captain market sail shopkecper whale
Whathappensin the next chapter?Iick two boxes.
a [J Sinbadfindstheshipagain.
b l.l Sinbadlandsona smallisland
c I A RoctakesSinbadupintothesky
d I A snakeeatsSinbad
ol llt(.birrrcl.l lc isnow alone on a
snlirllislilltrl.lrirruwnyhe canseea big
In the morning, the Rocflies
away.Sinbad fliesuP into the
sky with the bird.
The Rocsitson the eggand then it goes
to sleep.Sinbadtakesoff his turban
and he puts it around the Roc'sleg.
'When the Rocfliesaway,I can leave
the islandtoo.' he thinks.
TheRocflieslirr hoursand hours.In the end,
it fliesdown into ¿rvallev and landsthere'
He beginsto run away.
'Now I understand!'hethinks,
'That bird is a Roc,and that big
whilestoneis a Roc'sepo '
Suclclcnlythe sky becomes black.
Sinbadfeelsvery afraid.
'llclpl What'shappening?'he cries.
I lc looksup at the sky.A very big
bird is flying nearer and nearer.
( lrtlr,
become lo changefrom one
ll)ilrÉlo i) (iifferentthing
bird ;rt illllrrr;lllhat r;anfly
llrt rrtillltllrc :;ky
fly to movethroughtheair
eElÉa roundthingwitha young
turban somethingthat}/ou
around allthewayround valley landbetweentwo hills
Sirrb¡rtllinrlskrts,ilutii-*,s t,.l,f*
r,¡rllt.v.'Wllirt¿rrctllcse?'he thinl<s.,l
know!'llc crrics."l'hey'rejewels!'
¡rtl lr. ¡rutssomeof them in hisbae.
The Rocfliesout of the valley
and it lands near a village,The
men from the villagerun to see
it, and the Rocflies away.
Sinbadcomesout from under
the deadanimal.
'Who areyou?'askthe men.
'I'm Sinbadthe Sailor,'says
Sinbad.'Would you like to buy
thesejewelsfrom the valley?'
The men are surprised. 'Nobodygoes
into the valley,'they say.'The snahes
eat everything there.'
'Not me!' laughsSinbad.
'You'revery lucky!'say the men.
Thereare three big snakes
behind him. He runs away very
fast.In front of him he seeslots
of deadanimals in the vallev.
'Oh, no, the snakeskill
cvcrything here!' he thinks.
llt'got'sbchindoneof thedead
;¡nirrrirlsirndhc waits.Suddenly
Sinbadquickly puts his arms around
the deadanimal. He fliesup into the
sky with the Roc. 'Where am I going
now?'he thinks.
The peoplefrom the villagebuy
Sinbad'sjewels.He'sa rich man now.
and he wants to go back to Baghdad.
'We can find a ship for you,'say the
peoplefrom the village.
In BaghdadSinbadgivesmoneyto theshupl<ccpcrs.
Areyoutruly Sinbad?'theyask.
'Yes!'hesays.And hetellsthemabouthisadventures.
snake a longan¡malw¡th
animal a livingbeingthatcan
surprised feelingthat s0mething adventure somethingvery
verynewis suddenlyhappen¡nÉ excit¡ngthathappensto you
Matchthe two paÉs ofthe sentences.
a Sinbadlandson
b ThebiSwhitestoneis . . .
c TheRoctakesSinbadup into. . .
d TheRoclandsin . . .
e Sinbadrunsawayfrom. . .
f Sinbadsellshisjewelsro . . .
g Sinbadsailsbackto
h Sinbadgivesthemoneybackto . . .
Findwords from Ghapter2 in the snake.
1 theshopkeepens.
2 thepeoplefromthevillage
5 anisland
4 Baghdad.
5 a Roc'segg.
6 thesnakes.
7 a valley.
I the sky.
2 Usethe words from Activity1 to completethe sentences.
A Rocis a veryb¡g
Inthevalleytherearea lotof dead. . .
WhenSinbadarrivesinthevalley,heseess0mesmall. .
Theyare .WhenSinbadunderstandsthis,heputsthemin htsbaf.
Inthevillagethemenstand. . . . . . . Sinbadandtheyaskhimquestions
. . ., .11;.fl{"1
Whatdoes Sinbaddo in the next chapter?Readthe sentencesand write Yesor No.
a Sinbadstaysat homein BaghdadHe
c Sinbadgoest0 an islandA Rocwants
to killhim.
. . black
b Sinbadneedssomemoney.HebuYs
in a ship.
d Sinbadsellsa lotof carpets.He
:-, _--
Sinbird'slricnds(,ornc1ovisithim at
hi: tatle,r'shouse.But thercis nothing to
eator drinlc,and thc houscisclirty.Hii
lriendssoongo awirv.
'I ncedmoremoncy,'lrclltirrlis.,.l,hcn
Sinbadexplores the
islandwith two of
the sailors.'l'heyfind
lotsof icwelsthere.
Sinbadand the two
sailors¿rrevery ¿rliaid,so
they climb behinclsome
big stones.When night
comes,they goto slecp.
Irr tllt'ntortting they find a
big srrirlic¿troundthem. The
sn¿rlicc¿rtsone of the sailors.
slr¡r-n¡,1lol of
exploreto walkarounda new
wave a lrneol w¿ll{)rlll;ll m0v0s
across the toD ol tho soa
climb to go upor downuslng
t,rlll .l|rl v|t y
Sinbadwakes up in
the morning, he,salone.
'Oh nol Theseconclsailoris
deadtoo,'hethinks.And I,m
the snake'snext breakfastl,
wood near the tree.
Quickly Sinbadand the
tree.They staythere all
dayand all night.
Sinbadclimbsdown the
tree¿tndhe makessome
armour lrom the wood.
l'hcn he scesthe snaike.
Thesn¿rhcis hungry.
ln the morning Sinbadwahesup.
'Where'sthe snake?'he thinks.
'l'hesnakeis sleepingin the sun
near the tree.
'fhen, Sinbadseesa ship out at
sea.'I know that ship,'he thinhs.
'It'smy old ship!'
Sinbadquietlyclimbsottl ol'lltt'
armour,and quiclilyputssotttt'
lewelsin his bag.
Then he runs to the se¿t.'l'hcsll¿tlit'
wakesup and comesafterSinb¿rd.
But Sinbadruns fasterand gctsto
the seabeforethe snakecan eathim.
'l'lrt'slri¡rsirilsIlornt'.Il stopsttt
lots ol' tlil'll'rt'rrtcrtuIttrics¿tnd
Sinbirrlsr'llsirll ltis citrpets.When
llc iu'rivcsirr lltrghdad,he has a
lot ol rtrortcy.
wake up to stopsjccp¡ng
wood the hardpaI1of a tror) :iil:il n'J
Sinbadswims to the ship,
'It's Sinbad!'cry the sailors.'You're
a very lucky man! We haveall your
beautiful carpetsfrom Baghclad!'
'Thank voul' savsSinbacl.
,r fi,, i;tittiliili
Choose the ri¡lht words to finish the sentences.
a Slnbadneedsmoremoneybecause
howantsto havea beautiful. .
I I house.
2 i I taole
c 0nZufab,Sinbadfindslotsof. .
1 II .tewels.
2 l l people.
e Thesnakeeats. . .
1 lJ twosailors.
2ll thr"eesailor"s.
Il tnecaptainoftheship
f l thesnake
u {ilnriliF-h.ldq:xHtdi
I Findwordsfrom Ghapter6 in thecarpets.
b There'sa stormat seaandSinbad
feelsvery. .
1 ll afrard.
2 Ll ¡lt.
d Slnbadandthesailorsclimba . .
I f] bigstone
2 l l tree.
f Sinbadmakes. .
I Ll a house
2 f] somearmour.
h Sinbadcomeshomewitha lotof .
1 fl carpets.
2 il money.
c w____ d a
2 UsewordsfromActivity1to completethe sentences.
Let'sind some andmakea b¡gfire
Don'tgointhesea.Thenearea lotof bt$ .
Thisis an interestingoldhouse.l'dliket0 .
It'sseveno'clockllt'stimeto . . . .
TheskyisveryblackA bad .
. . . . alltheroomsin 11
is cominf,Ithink
b I I staysin Baflhdarll¡tttlwt'llr:si¡llotll
his adventtlrrls
d I I Éocsbackto theislandofZufab
Youcan . upthatsmalltreelt'sveryeasy.
Whathappensin the next chapter?Ticktwo boxes.
Sinbad. .
a I Éoesto seaagainfor more
c f] meetsa beautifulwomanand
¡7 Sinbad'sfriendsarevcry happyto ,"" hi^
Sinbadtellsrhem all ¿rboLrlhi. ;;;"r;;;;r.
Suddcnly tltt' lllt'rl t¡rlit'
Sinbad ¿tncltllt'sitilors ltr
their villagc. Sirrbirtlis
now vcry ¿rliaicl.'Oll rro!
They're cannib¿lls,' Irc
GaEleanopenboxto Putanrmals
0r peope rn
'l'hcymeetsomestrange men on the beach.
'llello. Canyou helpus?'Sinbadasksthem.
llut the stransemen don't understand.
The cannibalsput the sailorsand
Sinbadin a cage.They givethe
sailorslots of goodthings to c¿tt.
The s¿rilorsarevery hungry. Sinbad
is hungry too,but hc eatsnothing.
Soonthe sailorsare fat, and the
cannibalsarevery hungry.'l'hal
eveningtheytakc the fattest,s¿rilor
and e¿rthim.'l'he next claylhcrY
taheonemorc s¿tilor.
In the morning the ship lands near ¿r
beach. Sinbadanclsomeof the sailorsgo
to flnd help.
beach the fandnextto the sea
stranlle notusual
Sinbadtellsthe king abouthis
wonderlul adventures.T.hehing
'You'rea lucky man,,hc s¿rys..Vru
c¿rnrn¿rkcus lucliy 1oo.Vru mu¡-l
marry rnydirughlcr,Ayish¿r.,
'I must getout,' thinks Sinb¿rcl.
Sinbadis very thin anclhe can get
through the cageeasily.fh,rt*" '
evening,when the cannibalsc¿rt
theirdinner,Sinbaclruns ¿rw¿tv.
th¡n notfat
k¡ng themost¡mportantman
ln a country
'fhe next morning, Sinbaclarrives
rn a new country He seessome
Jlut thesepeoplearc not cannibals.
'l'heytakeSinbadto their king.
fall in lovewith 1obegrn16fnv"
, ycirrirllcrIhe wedding.
ryishabecomesill. A lriend
tirllisto Sinbadquictly.
'l',ccareful!When a woman
rlicsin this country,theY
bury the husband with
lrcr,'he satys.
Ayishabecomesvery ill,
irndin the endshedies.
bury to puta deadpersonunderthe
husbandthe manthata woman
ground we walk orl ll1tll
follow to go aflcI sorr]0llrrlil or
bc¿luliiul[¿rcc.hc falls in love
with herat once.
m¿rrriesAyishain trontuf
'l'heking buriesSinbadwith Ayisha.
Healsoburieslotsof iewelswith them.
Sinbadis now lar under the ground.
Sinbadwaitsto die.Ilut
suddenlyhe seesan anim¿ll
near him. It's arbig, strangc
animal. Sinbadputs lots o1'
iewelsin his bag ¿rndhe
quicklyfollows the animttl
through the grouncl.
l¡ul llrerc scnlcnces¡n the correct order. l{umberthem l-g.
i Snl)admarr¡es
I There'sa andtheshiplandsneara beach
d I i Srnbadarrivesin a newcountryandhemeetsthe
i SrnbadleavesBaghdadona tall
ittrelingOrr'rrW withAyisha
lhc kingwantsSinbadtt¡ hisdaughter,Ayisha
rrlitli ¡¡rii,'tiiii
Usethe words in the shipto completethe sentences.
a 'Where'sthenearestsupermarket?'
b 'lt'sveryhottoday'
'Yes,let'sÉodownto theseaandsitonthe
c 'CanI seeyournewwatch?'
'Yes,butpleasedon't .
'Thisis my. .
'Niceto meetyou'
'Canyouhearthat . . .
'Yes,mycatis callinfme
'Lookat yourwhitecoat.
'l loveSharon.'
i 'Thrsanimalis illandit can'tmovc
'Don'tworry.Let'sputit inthe
*llll!iirll.,il ;i,t'll
Whathappensin the nextchapter?Tickone box.
¿ fl ThekinSfrndsSinbadandhe'sveryanfry.
b f l ThekingfindsSinbadSinbadmarriesthokinf'sstrt;onddauShter
c I Srnbadmeetssomesailorsandhesailsilway0na shlp
d [l Srnbadmeetsthecannibalsa$ainTheyputhimbackintheca$e
Hisnameis lVark'
. noise?'
. Shewantsto comein!'
andtheyputhimin a cagu.
thegrouncl,Ilc lltcctssolltcsirilors.
'I'm Sinbacl1llt,Si¡ikrr-,'lrt,lcllslhcm.
'Wcll, I'llr rlol tk,irtlnow!'Sinbad says.And
I wirnl lo rnt't,l
'l'llcshipsailsfor many weeks.One
nrorrrirrg,,the captainseesan island.
Sillbaclirndsomeof the sailorsland
and bcgirrlo cxplorethe island.
The sailorstakeSinbadto
their ship.
Are you Sinbadthe
Sailor?'asksthc captain.
'Then, sail with us and tell
us about your aclventures,'
saysthe captain.
'l'lrccggbreaksopenand a big fat young
llrc:c:omesout. It makesa lot of noise.
Srrdclenlyfour angry Rocsfly down.
'1,cl'sgobackto the ship!'saysSinbad.
The Rocsbegittlo ¿rll:lt'li
the ship with big slont's.
'We must sail awity ttow!'
cries the captain.
'l'heship sailsinto a bad storm, and Sinbadlands in the sea.After many
hours in the water,he climbsonto somebig stonesnear a beach.
Sinbadbeginsto explore.Therearc big,bl¿rr'li.slortrrsitll ¿rrounclthc beach,
and a big cave with a river in it. Ilc fill{s t.llt:wrt:t:l<s9l'<tlclshipsarnd
hundredsof jewelson the beach.
l'he sailorsfind a vcry big bircl,s
egg.'Don't touch it!'saysSinbad.
'It'sa Roc'segg!'
But the s¿rilorsthrow stonesat
the egg.
throw l0 rrr¡l.usrrrnr.llrrtrnovr:
attack to befin fifhtin$
cave a bigholeintheground
r¡ver water that mov(lsIn ¿llonfl lln0
wreck a very old brokcn ship
he puts someof the beautiful
stonesin his bag.
Soonhe beginsto feelhungry.
'Thereare lots of jewelshere,'
he thinks. 'But there'snothing
to eat.I must look for
something.But where?,
Sinbadtakeswood from the
wrecksand makesa boat from
it. He puts the boat on the river
in the caveand getson it.
He rows for days through the
dark cave.He feelsmore and
more hungry every day.
After six days,he'svery ill and tired.
But then he seessomeblue sky.He
can alsoseetwo strangemen.
'Welcometo the country of Serendib!,
they say.
'Pleasegiveme something
to eat!'criesSinbad.The
men giveSinbadlots of
different things, and he
eatsfor hours.
'You'rea lucky man,'say
the men. 'Comewith us to
seeour king.'
Sinbadgivessomeof the jewelsto the
kirrg.He alsotellshim about the most
irnportant man in Baghdad,the Caliph.
'Your Caliphis a very goodand wise
rn¿rn,'saysthe king. 'Here are some
presents for him.'
Theking finds¿rbig shi¡rlitr
Sinbadand he givcshim lots
of presents,too. Sinbacls¿lils
back to Baghdad.
On the ship, he thinks about
his adventure in the cave,
'This time I want to stay at
home in Baghdad,'he thinks.
When Sinbaclgivcst,hcpresentsto the
Caliphof'l aghdacl,the Caliphsays:'I have
somcbeautilulcarpetsfor this wiseKing of
Serendib.l'leasetakethem to him.'
'Oh,no!' thinks Sinbad.'Backto seaagain!'
caliph a veryimportantmanin an
wise whena personunderstandsa
present somethingthatyougiveto
Choosethe correct words to completethe sentences.
a Sinbadisl!eu$ ilf , thesaitorsthink
b Thesailorsthr"ow wood otonesqat the Roc.segg.
c TheRocsattack the ship the island
d WhenSinbadexplor"esthebááchhesoonfeels
ftungry. .
e Sinbadmakesa small ,boat:r.housetfromthewood.
f Sinbadis inthedarkcavefor
,,two ,iix
g SinbadtellsthekinSaboutthe
-people.laliph1 of Baghdad.
h TheCaliph¡sa liioe.
bad man,thef rngsays.
i Sinbadsailsbackto Baghdadwith animals presents fortheCaliphj Sinbadwantsto lliü¿yat tromO_go to sea. again.
d Hecan veryfast
e There'sthe of anoldshipona beachnearhere.
f Don't
gl Ourdog peoplewhentheyvisitourhouse
Whathappensin the next chapter?Tick one box.
Sinbad. . .
a tr goesbackto thecountnyofSerendibandlivestherefor manyyears
b I d¡esaftena seamonsterattackshim.
c n hasmoreadventuresat sea.
d I becomestheCaliphof Baghdad.
a I sometimesgive to myfriends
J-..!gmg*.i!.ne,s.giyqpre,s.qnts.1p vn) {rignd.s
b Inthesummerweoftenswiminrr.M#
prisoner a Personwhorsnolhec
Sinbadsailsfronr llirglrtlirrlr,villr
the presentslirr lllc l(irrg ol' Sr.rt.ll<lib.
Sinbadbeginsto go home.
Oneday,a seamonster
attacksthe ship.
more adventures!'
'l'lrc l(irrg of' Scrrcrnclibis happy
Io sccSinb¿rdirgirin.
'Sliry lrt'rc!'lrc siryslo Sinbad.
And lcll ln('ntorc irbout the
wise Cl¿rliphol' llirghclad.'
Sinbadfindsa cave.He can hear a
noise.'someone'scrying" he thinks.
Hc looksinto the caveand secsa
young woman. In liont of her,there's
¿rmonster.It is sleePing.
'She'sthe monster'sPrisoner,'
thinhs Sinbad.'I must helPher"
'l'lrcmonsteris eatssome
ol'the s¿rilorsfrom the shiP.
()uickly,Sinbadgetsinto a little
boat ¿rndrows away.
Sinbadlands otl itn isli¡rtcl.I lcr
leavcshis boat otl thc llcrlrt'll,ittld
goes to explore.
'l'm sorry,'saysSinbad.'I must
go back to Baghdadnow. I'm
tired of adventures.' Laterthe monsterlc¿rvcsto ltlok
for somethingto cat.Sirlb¿rd
goesinto the cavc.
'Who arevou?'aslisthc wolllittl'
'l'rr Sirrbitdlllc Sailor,'he says.
'l t'irn Itclp ytlu.'
"l'lriulli you,' she saYs,'I'm
monster ananimalthalrsvclylr;rrl
to lookat
Sinbadt¿rkcsY¿rsntinlo lllc lroi¡l
on the beach.
'C-'anyou row?'silrll;rtlr¡slislrcr.
'Of coursc.I cirn,'slrt.sirys.
'Wcll,hcrt"slnv l)()¿rl.l,t.t'srow.'
Sillbirrliultl Yirsnlirlrovr,:¡ll night. In
llrt' rrror-rrirrgSinlrirrlst'cshis ship.
climb up to the ship.
'Of course,'suys
Sinbad.And this is
my friend,Yasmin.'
Yirsminto a new countrY,¿rndsell
tllcm to a man at the market.
'You must hunt elePhants everY
rlavfor their ivorY,' saYSthe man.
SinbadandYasmin are very
goodat hunting elePhzrnts.
.lustthen,pirates ¿rttachthc ship.,l'he
makeSinbaclandy¿rsminlhcir ¡rrisoners.
One day,lots of elephanlslirllow SilrIrirtl¡ilrtl'¡tstttirl.Y¿tstllin
is afraicl,'Why are ¡¡,rotsg[cr¡rltirlllslirllovt'irlgttsi' sllt:¿tsks.
all riglrt,' saysSinbacl.'l,lli:plrtrrrlsiil'(.'('r'vtrt,isc,you [<now.
Perhapsthey want to tell us sottlt'lltitlg.'
pirate a pefsolt ol l l;lrr¡rwlrrrlrK*;
thrngs f[om Othrtrsltr¡rs
ivory lh,slswhite¿rd hd'd and
comesfromthe longtusksonan
hunt to looklor ard krllan'nals
lll fllc'r'in¡cSinb¿rcland y¿lsmin
linrl lols ol dcr¿rclclcphernts.
'l,ook ¡¡l irll lllcscrclcacl
'Youcan go now' saysthc
hunlcr, and hc givesSinbaclancl
Yasrnina lot ol'rnoncy.
Sinbacltakesthe huntcr to Lhecleacl
elephants.'l'hchunter is very happy.
'T'hanliyor-r,Sinbacl,'he says.,Novr,
r,tcdon't ncedto kill any clcphants.
Wehavelotsol ir¡oryherc.'
Sinbad¿lndY¿rsnilnsailback ttl
llaghdad.Yasrnil-lis verY
cxcited.'I rvantto mcetall your
SinbadtaliesYirstllillto lris ltot¡st'.
Y¿rsminis surprisctl. 'irtt't't' t't't-r
rich!' she says.
'13utmoncy isn't t.hctntlst irll¡lttrlitttt
thing,' saysSinbad.'Wc tltrsl Irt'l¡r
Sinbaclthcn goesin10llrt'stlt'r'ls ol li;rlilrtllrtlirrld he givcssome ol
his money to the pco¡llt'tllt'r't'uilll lto ltotltt's'
"l'hanli vou, Sinbittl!'tlrt'v t r''.'irtl't't'ir trttly wisc and good man.'
[ffl:f.,rfi]ifl',{fii ;III i,,i"
Correctsix more mistakes.'rnr rrcoksto theKingof ser-endibAfterthatSinbadsairst0 Baghdad
buta llor;attackshisshipsinbadrandsonan israndandhefindsanordwoman.
HcnnameisYasmin.sinbadandyasminnowin a boattosinbad,sship.somepirates
andYasminto a hunterandtheymusthuntsnakeseverydaysinbadandyasmrnfind
a lotof.lewelsandtheyteilthehunter.Thehuntergrvesthemmoneyandtheygoback
to BaghdadSinbadgivessomeof hiscarpetsto poorpe0ple.
fhese words don't match the pictures. Gorrectthem.
2 Usethe words from Activity 1 to completethe sentences'
a Sinbadbecomesthecannibals , butherunsawayfromthcm
b l'mafraidto rowontheriver;a biÉ$reenandblacK
. livestn thtl
? He'sputtinfsomethingto eatin hismouthwith
hewantsto kill
c Canyouseethat
Inthestonyof PeterPan,CaptainHookis a
dlU,,lil$i{'1d14r[t r$'f
Whathappensto Sinbadafter the end of the story?
Ghoosefrom theseideasor addyour own'
. iswhiteandIt'sveryexpenslve
There'sa . . . behindthattree Hewantsto killtheanimalsoverthere
h []
marriesYasmin.Thtlyhavrllt lrrlof t;lttltlttrlt
$iVeSall hiS mOney tO prltlr'¡tt:rr¡rlrrlli' llvlr; lrr rt rrttt,rlllltrtll;trttl llilIhdad
StaySin BaghCladfOr SOmrlllttttr wlllrY,¡:;tttttt lltrl lltc rllry llrl lt:ilvtls and
goesbackto sea
leavesBa$hdadona biSsftlllllr:illcrrttr¡tr;lrrtttt
Itrcky or unlucky?
1 Inthestory$inbadis a veryruckyman.whatis ruckyor unruckyin Engrand?Doyouknow?Gompretethe posterwiththewordsfromthe box.usefour dictionaryto helpyou.
look atthe pictures.Arethesethin$sluckyor unluckyin yourcountry?
0r dotheyhavenospecialmeanin{?Tickthe boxif it isthe samein yourGountry'
a I Peoplein Koreadon'twashtheinhairbeforeanexam
etr Peoplein Br"azilalwaysputthesugarinthecup
t I lnftalyblackcatsareunluckY
5 What's lucky and unluckyin your country?Complotethe table'
Tuesday13this unluckYin SPain
Thenumber4 is unluckYinJaPan
In England. . .
a 4. . .. . islucky
b ThrowinSmoneyina . . . rslucky
d Findinga litfle. is lucky
e Thenumber . . . is unlucky.
f Walkingundera rsunlucky
g Breakinga. . . is unlucky
h . isanunluckyday.
4 Makea posteraboutluckyandunluckythinÉlsin yourcountry'
b r;limbint'
l) ung¡erous a(:tivitias
I Matchthe activitieswith the pictures.useyour dictionaryto herpyou.
a snowboirrrlinf c jjf,anggtiOing
d [ ]scubadiving
e bungeejumprng
t I ] whrtewaterr-afting
Readthe advertisementabout a course for a dan$erousactivity.
Gompletethe table.
Woulcl yoLr like to go s('tlf )(t (lirzillg?
A rtcwscubaclivingcoLll'soiss('tt(itt¡i
the OlympiaSportsC'ctl(r'('or)
4th Marclr.It'sa six wt't'k(()tll('
and itisfcrrhc'ginncrsI ll('r('
a two hour le'sstlltcv('l'/
'l-hursclayfiotl6p111[o lilrltt
'ltr clo thc cotlrsc v()11 lrrrlsl
2 Whatactivitiesare they talking about?
t'dt¡r¿io go(a) . l'mvary
goodat rowing.l'm in ih¿rowingalubai s¿hooland
vregorowingevaryiaiurdal.Éut tharivarien'tvery
ex¿iting.I'dlk¿ to dosomathingmorodangeroua.
1d t;Ke*o go(b)
l-, no* afroicl of rr;gnpia¿esond i iikebe,ng
in lhe rnor¡n*ains A* schooi we prac*ise on 6r
wc¡li The waii isn'* high, so i,i's verrr eas.;¡ i'ci
irKe1o do sornethrng rnore diiiir:ql+
5 Whichactivitywouldyou liketo do?Explainwhy.

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  • 2. 5NBtuD Sinbadthe sailorspendsmanyyearsat sea. He visitsstrange countries,meets some strangepeopleand some very frighteninganimals.He is sometimesrich, sometimespoor . . . and alwaysin danger.But all the time he is learningfrom his adventures,untilfinallyhe returnshome to Baghdad,an older and wiser man. Illustratedby MayaGavin Cassetteavailable DoMrNoEsprovidereadingand learningat four languagelevels.As well as enjoyable stories,each book providesa rangeof integratedactivitiesdesignedto develop readingskills,consolidatevocabulary,and offer personalizedprojectwork. Serles Edlfors Bill Bowler and Sue Parminter OXJ.ORD Dom¡noé3 s¿arter 25OHEAD/VORDS Dom¡noes ore 4OOHEADWORDS Domlnoes two 7OOHEADWORDS Dom¡noes ¿hree lOOOHEADWORDS OXFORD ENGLISH lsBN 978-0-l 9-424406-0 ,ililil||| PRESS
  • 3. trfril,.:i:illt¡tili:Íit'[:Iiil Ii'r,,, fhis is Sinbad.Wheredoeshecomefrom? Sinbadmeetsmanypeopleand animalsin differentcountries.Hereare someof them. Matchthe sentenceswith the picturesandfind out their names. I llr:rs¿lrch man. 2 llrcycatpcople 5 Ihcyafc l0ng,andcaneatbtganimals. 4 Sheisthebeautifuldaughterof a king 5 Shcistheprisonerof a monster. 6 Theyareverybigbirds. 3 Answerthese questionsabout the peopleand animals in Activity2. a Wlrorlrlr:sSrnb¿ldfallin lovewith? b WlrorlrlcsSrnltildrunawayfrom? c Wltrlrlrlclrlilnll;rrlht:l¡t?. 'I'm dying, Sinbad,'saysthc oltl llllttl. 'irtt t'iltt llitvtr my money,my son. Bttl yott tltttsl lrt't ¡¡lr'lirlltritll il.' 'Pleasedon't die, l¿rtllcr,'sirysSirrlxrtlrrrrltir¡r¡lily. rich witha lotof money
  • 4. But after a year,Sinbad hasno more money. Sinbadgoesto the market,and he sells his father'sbesttablesand chairs. With the money he buys somebeautiful carpets. 'I can sail to differentcountries,' Sinbadthinks. And I can sell thesecarpetsfbr a lot of money. 'l'hen I can givethe money back to the shopkeepers.' shopkeepera personwhohasa rirr);il1sn0p Bell totakemoneyfor something Carpet d lrllr,'{,1 ll' t I r'rl' rr.rl that you pul on lirr llor)r' sa¡l t0 Éo ir(ir'o:illlr{rw,rlr:r ship yrrrrr|;r ;r r;1il¡rlo Éo il0foss lltr witlrl captain llrrrrf0sl irnportant pers0n oil ir sll [) Ncx1,Sirrbirrllintls ¿rttoltl a vcry oltl r':t¡r1:tirr. . . . and expensivethings to eatfrom the marhet. EveryeveningSinbad'sfriendscomet<,r his house.They eat and drink all night. tr gtvemoneyfoI somethtng market wherepeoplegoto buythingsinthestreet
  • 5. 'l'lrrct'tlir.yslirtcr Sinbad is rcaclytcl Ir';rvcli;rglltlird.Ilc lirlhs cxcitcdly to all Ilrt' s¡¡ikrrs on thc ship. 'l want to bring lr¡rt'li,ir lol of'money,'he tellsthem. Sinbadand the sailorsare all very happy.'What a wonclcrlul island!' saysSinbad.'Let'ssit down and make a fire.' 'l'heship sailsaway from Baghdadand out to sea. Sinbadbeginsto feelill. They sit near the fire and they begin to sing. Suddenlythe islandmoves. 'lfhe island is moving!' saysSinbad. 'Thisisn't an island,'cry the sailors.'It's a whalel' Altt'r two daLysat sea,Sinbadisveryill. lhrt thcn he seesa beautifulisland. 'l'lt'irscstopl'hesaysto the captain. Sinbadand someof the sailors land on the island.Sinbad takesa barrel with him. He wants to look fbr water.The captain stayson the ship. Sinbadquickly getsinto the barrel. llhe whale moves down into the water.All the sailorsare now in thc sea. 'Help!Help!'theycry. Now il iscl¿rrli, irrrrlSinbitdis i¡l stririn t,hc [lrrrrcl. 'llcllo!Hcllo!' hc cries. llut nobody answers. i 4ll0 | ¡Élá[rl land lo llt',t I barrel a tallroundbox;youput thrngsto drinkin it fire thisis redandhOtandit burns whale a vefybtganirnallltalllvtlsln theseaandlookslrkca frsh I r rvr,lrrltn ,r shlp 0r frOm
  • 6. tí?ít4itl${;rl$$ilrl#,( Are these sentencestrue or false?Tickthe boxes. frue a Srnbad'sfatheris illandhedies. tl b Sinbadis carefulwithhisfather'smoney. |-] c fhcshopkeepersanevenyangrywrthSinbad. I d Sinbadbuystablesandchainsatthemarket f e Sinbadsailsto anislandin a nicenewship. tr f Theislandisa whale. I S Srnbadgetsintoa barrel. I h ThecaptainoftheshipfindsSinbadinthebarrel. tr ,,irri,'riill-ilhrtlfi$ffi$ü Findnine more words from Chapter1 in the wordsquare. False IJ T fj T T n T f Usethe words from Activity1 to completethe sentences. a She'svery......... ..... andshelivesin a biÉhousein Hollywood. b Theyliveona small.. ...... intheMediterraneanSea. c Wehaven'tgotanymoneys0wecan't .that newTV. d lt'scoldtoday.Let'smakea e Myfatherworksat sea- he'sa . . f lt's0Kto walkonthisold . inyourshoes. g He's . Hehaseverythinf- a nicefamilyandaninterestingjob. h This¡sa bigbookshop.They. . . lotsof booksevenyday. i Welovethe sea Wefo everywheneby andwe always. in¡nterestingcountries 3 Matchthe words with the pictures. barrel captain market sail shopkecper whale ffitr#sffiw{$&E Whathappensin the next chapter?Iick two boxes. a [J Sinbadfindstheshipagain. b l.l Sinbadlandsona smallisland c I A RoctakesSinbadupintothesky d I A snakeeatsSinbad
  • 7. ol llt(.birrrcl.l lc isnow alone on a snlirllislilltrl.lrirruwnyhe canseea big wlrilcslone. In the morning, the Rocflies away.Sinbad fliesuP into the sky with the bird. The Rocsitson the eggand then it goes to sleep.Sinbadtakesoff his turban and he puts it around the Roc'sleg. 'When the Rocfliesaway,I can leave the islandtoo.' he thinks. TheRocflieslirr hoursand hours.In the end, it fliesdown into ¿rvallev and landsthere' He beginsto run away. 'Now I understand!'hethinks, 'That bird is a Roc,and that big whilestoneis a Roc'sepo ' Suclclcnlythe sky becomes black. Sinbadfeelsvery afraid. 'llclpl What'shappening?'he cries. I lc looksup at the sky.A very big bird is flying nearer and nearer. nlonn rl0r0 ( lrtlr, become lo changefrom one ll)ilrÉlo i) (iifferentthing bird ;rt illllrrr;lllhat r;anfly llrt rrtillltllrc :;ky fly to movethroughtheair eElÉa roundthingwitha young birdinsideit turban somethingthat}/ou wear0nyourneao around allthewayround valley landbetweentwo hills
  • 8. Sirrb¡rtllinrlskrts,ilutii-*,s t,.l,f* r,¡rllt.v.'Wllirt¿rrctllcse?'he thinl<s.,l know!'llc crrics."l'hey'rejewels!' ¡rtl lr. ¡rutssomeof them in hisbae. The Rocfliesout of the valley and it lands near a village,The men from the villagerun to see it, and the Rocflies away. Sinbadcomesout from under the deadanimal. 'Who areyou?'askthe men. 'I'm Sinbadthe Sailor,'says Sinbad.'Would you like to buy thesejewelsfrom the valley?' The men are surprised. 'Nobodygoes into the valley,'they say.'The snahes eat everything there.' 'Not me!' laughsSinbad. 'You'revery lucky!'say the men. Thereare three big snakes behind him. He runs away very fast.In front of him he seeslots of deadanimals in the vallev. 'Oh, no, the snakeskill cvcrything here!' he thinks. llt'got'sbchindoneof thedead ;¡nirrrirlsirndhc waits.Suddenly ¡rl(ot'llit.stlowlt¿rndtakesthe rk';rrl¡urirrr;¡lrr¡rirrlot.hesky. Sinbadquickly puts his arms around the deadanimal. He fliesup into the sky with the Roc. 'Where am I going now?'he thinks. The peoplefrom the villagebuy Sinbad'sjewels.He'sa rich man now. and he wants to go back to Baghdad. 'We can find a ship for you,'say the peoplefrom the village. In BaghdadSinbadgivesmoneyto theshupl<ccpcrs. Areyoutruly Sinbad?'theyask. 'Yes!'hesays.And hetellsthemabouthisadventures. snake a longan¡malw¡th rlolr:fis animal a livingbeingthatcan thinkandmove surprised feelingthat s0mething adventure somethingvery verynewis suddenlyhappen¡nÉ excit¡ngthathappensto you 11
  • 9. l, $rü/[f]tndffiffi&üffiffiffi Matchthe two paÉs ofthe sentences. a Sinbadlandson b ThebiSwhitestoneis . . . c TheRoctakesSinbadup into. . . d TheRoclandsin . . . e Sinbadrunsawayfrom. . . f Sinbadsellshisjewelsro . . . g Sinbadsailsbackto h Sinbadgivesthemoneybackto . . . Wwffifl}WtrMfi{ Findwords from Ghapter2 in the snake. 1 theshopkeepens. 2 thepeoplefromthevillage 5 anisland 4 Baghdad. 5 a Roc'segg. 6 thesnakes. 7 a valley. I the sky. 2 Usethe words from Activity1 to completethe sentences. Sinbadcan'tfindanyofthesailors.He's Sinbadalwayswearsa A Rocis a veryb¡g WhentheRocfliesoverSinbad,thesky Inthevalleytherearea lotof dead. . . WhenSinbadarrivesinthevalley,heseess0mesmall. . Theyare .WhenSinbadunderstandsthis,heputsthemin htsbaf. Inthevillagethemenstand. . . . . . . Sinbadandtheyaskhimquestions Sinbadtellsthemenaboutthevalleyandtheyareallvery a b G d e f É h . . ., .11;.fl{"1 onhishead fl$$JffiffiWW&? Whatdoes Sinbaddo in the next chapter?Readthe sentencesand write Yesor No. a Sinbadstaysat homein BaghdadHe becomesverypoor. c Sinbadgoest0 an islandA Rocwants to killhim. . . black b Sinbadneedssomemoney.HebuYs somemo[ecarpetsandhesailsawaY in a ship. d Sinbadsellsa lotof carpets.He becomesrich. l* 13
  • 10. ";j]s;,- :-, _-- ¡s* if Sinbird'slricnds(,ornc1ovisithim at I hi: tatle,r'shouse.But thercis nothing to eator drinlc,and thc houscisclirty.Hii lriendssoongo awirv. 'I ncedmoremoncy,'lrclltirrlis.,.l,hcn I canhaverrbc¿rulilirllror¡st,irR¿rin., Sinbadexplores the islandwith two of the sailors.'l'heyfind lotsof icwelsthere. Sinbadand the two sailors¿rrevery ¿rliaid,so they climb behinclsome big stones.When night comes,they goto slecp. Irr tllt'ntortting they find a big srrirlic¿troundthem. The sn¿rlicc¿rtsone of the sailors. slr¡r-n¡,1lol of lr,lriwr,,llltrr t4 exploreto walkarounda new iiountryandlearnabouttt wave a lrneol w¿ll{)rlll;ll m0v0s across the toD ol tho soa climb to go upor downuslng yourhandsandfeet 15 .....--,- t,rlll .l|rl v|t y
  • 11. *..> fzhen Sinbadwakes up in the morning, he,salone. 'Oh nol Theseconclsailoris deadtoo,'hethinks.And I,m the snake'snext breakfastl, Justthen,Sinbadseessome wood near the tree. Quickly Sinbadand the secondsailt.¡rclimb¿r tree.They staythere all dayand all night. effi Sinbadclimbsdown the tree¿tndhe makessome armour lrom the wood. l'hcn he scesthe snaike. Thesn¿rhcis hungry. ln the morning Sinbadwahesup. 'Where'sthe snake?'he thinks. 'l'hesnakeis sleepingin the sun near the tree. 'fhen, Sinbadseesa ship out at sea.'I know that ship,'he thinhs. 'It'smy old ship!' Sinbadquietlyclimbsottl ol'lltt' armour,and quiclilyputssotttt' lewelsin his bag. Then he runs to the se¿t.'l'hcsll¿tlit' wakesup and comesafterSinb¿rd. But Sinbadruns fasterand gctsto the seabeforethe snakecan eathim. 'l'lrt'slri¡rsirilsIlornt'.Il stopsttt lots ol' tlil'll'rt'rrtcrtuIttrics¿tnd Sinbirrlsr'llsirll ltis citrpets.When llc iu'rivcsirr lltrghdad,he has a lot ol rtrortcy. t, L wake up to stopsjccp¡ng wood the hardpaI1of a tror) :iil:il n'J Youweanthis'peopre Sinbadswims to the ship, 'It's Sinbad!'cry the sailors.'You're a very lucky man! We haveall your beautiful carpetsfrom Baghclad!' 'Thank voul' savsSinbacl.
  • 12. ,r fi,, i;tittiliili Choose the ri¡lht words to finish the sentences. a Slnbadneedsmoremoneybecause howantsto havea beautiful. . I I house. 2 i I taole c 0nZufab,Sinbadfindslotsof. . 1 II .tewels. 2 l l people. e Thesnakeeats. . . 1 lJ twosailors. 2ll thr"eesailor"s. Sinbadnunsawayfrom Il tnecaptainoftheship f l thesnake u {ilnriliF-h.ldq:xHtdi I Findwordsfrom Ghapter6 in thecarpets. b There'sa stormat seaandSinbad feelsvery. . 1 ll afrard. 2 Ll ¡lt. d Slnbadandthesailorsclimba . . I f] bigstone 2 l l tree. f Sinbadmakes. . I Ll a house 2 f] somearmour. h Sinbadcomeshomewitha lotof . 1 fl carpets. 2 il money. c w____ d a 2 UsewordsfromActivity1to completethe sentences. Let'sind some andmakea b¡gfire Don'tgointhesea.Thenearea lotof bt$ . Thisis an interestingoldhouse.l'dliket0 . It'sseveno'clockllt'stimeto . . . . TheskyisveryblackA bad . . . . . alltheroomsin 11 nowandhavebreakfast' is cominf,Ithink b I I staysin Baflhdarll¡tttlwt'llr:si¡llotll his adventtlrrls d I I Éocsbackto theislandofZufab andgetsmorejewels. a b c d e f E Youcan . upthatsmalltreelt'sveryeasy. Inthisoldpicturethekin$isweaninfsomegrey ü1fr.$$i{ti$[h,,wt+,¡11[fi Whathappensin the next chapter?Ticktwo boxes. Sinbad. . g 1 2 a I Éoesto seaagainfor more adventures. c f] meetsa beautifulwomanand marriesher. 19
  • 13. ¡7 Sinbad'sfriendsarevcry happyto ,"" hi^ Sinbadtellsrhem all ¿rboLrlhi. ;;;"r;;;;r. Suddcnly tltt' lllt'rl t¡rlit' Sinbad ¿tncltllt'sitilors ltr their villagc. Sirrbirtlis now vcry ¿rliaicl.'Oll rro! They're cannib¿lls,' Irc thinks. GaEleanopenboxto Putanrmals 0r peope rn 'l'hcymeetsomestrange men on the beach. 'llello. Canyou helpus?'Sinbadasksthem. llut the stransemen don't understand. The cannibalsput the sailorsand Sinbadin a cage.They givethe sailorslots of goodthings to c¿tt. The s¿rilorsarevery hungry. Sinbad is hungry too,but hc eatsnothing. Soonthe sailorsare fat, and the cannibalsarevery hungry.'l'hal eveningtheytakc the fattest,s¿rilor and e¿rthim.'l'he next claylhcrY taheonemorc s¿tilor. In the morning the ship lands near ¿r beach. Sinbadanclsomeof the sailorsgo to flnd help. beach the fandnextto the sea stranlle notusual 21
  • 14. Sinbadtellsthe king abouthis wonderlul adventures.T.hehing listenscarefully. 'You'rea lucky man,,hc s¿rys..Vru c¿rnrn¿rkcus lucliy 1oo.Vru mu¡-l marry rnydirughlcr,Ayish¿r., 'I must getout,' thinks Sinb¿rcl. Sinbadis very thin anclhe can get through the cageeasily.fh,rt*" ' evening,when the cannibalsc¿rt theirdinner,Sinbaclruns ¿rw¿tv. th¡n notfat k¡ng themost¡mportantman ln a country frii:l;:J:fi s,meonev.ur 'fhe next morning, Sinbaclarrives rn a new country He seessome leoqle. Aretheycannibals,too?, thinksSinbad. Jlut thesepeoplearc not cannibals. 'l'heytakeSinbadto their king. fall in lovewith 1obegrn16fnv" S0me0ne , ycirrirllcrIhe wedding. ryishabecomesill. A lriend tirllisto Sinbadquictly. 'l',ccareful!When a woman rlicsin this country,theY bury the husband with lrcr,'he satys. 'What?'criesSinbad. Ayishabecomesvery ill, irndin the endshedies. bury to puta deadpersonunderthe tir0und husbandthe manthata woman rnarries ground we walk orl ll1tll follow to go aflcI sorr]0llrrlil or some00oy WhenSinbadseesAyisha.s bc¿luliiul[¿rcc.hc falls in love with herat once. l:'"?,],J m¿rrriesAyishain trontuf rn('Krng¿lnd¿rllthcpeople. 'l'heking buriesSinbadwith Ayisha. Healsoburieslotsof iewelswith them. Sinbadis now lar under the ground. Sinbadwaitsto die.Ilut suddenlyhe seesan anim¿ll near him. It's arbig, strangc animal. Sinbadputs lots o1' iewelsin his bag ¿rndhe quicklyfollows the animttl through the grouncl. 23
  • 15. l¡ul llrerc scnlcnces¡n the correct order. l{umberthem l-g. ilrt)irrIl)o(j0mesverythinandhecangetthn0ughthe i Snl)admarr¡es butshedies I There'sa andtheshiplandsneara beach d I i Srnbadarrivesin a newcountryandhemeetsthe i SrnbadleavesBaghdadona tall ittrelingOrr'rrW withAyisha lhc kingwantsSinbadtt¡ hisdaughter,Ayisha easrly rrlitli ¡¡rii,'tiiii Usethe words in the shipto completethe sentences. a 'Where'sthenearestsupermarket?' .'snearhere.' b 'lt'sveryhottoday' 'Yes,let'sÉodownto theseaandsitonthe c 'CanI seeyournewwatch?' 'Yes,butpleasedon't . 'Thisis my. . 'Niceto meetyou' 'lsthatyourbrother?' 'Yes,he'sthetall, 'Canyouhearthat . . . 'Yes,mycatis callinfme 'Lookat yourwhitecoat. ''sverydirtynow 'l loveSharon.' '0hno,notSharon!YoualwaYs i 'Thrsanimalis illandit can'tmovc 'Don'tworry.Let'sputit inthe *llll!iirll.,il ;i,t'll Whathappensin the nextchapter?Tickone box. ¿ fl ThekinSfrndsSinbadandhe'sveryanfry. b f l ThekingfindsSinbadSinbadmarriesthokinf'sstrt;onddauShter c I Srnbadmeetssomesailorsandhesailsilway0na shlp d [l Srnbadmeetsthecannibalsa$ainTheyputhimbackintheca$e Hisnameis lVark' boywithdarkhair' . noise?' . Shewantsto comein!' It'sonthe 24 andtheyputhimin a cagu.
  • 16. '7 WhenSinb¿rdcontcsorrllr<¡r.rrundcr thegrouncl,Ilc lltcctssolltcsirilors. 'I'm Sinbacl1llt,Si¡ikrr-,'lrt,lcllslhcm. Thesailorsirrt,sru.¡rristrl.,sinltad? But Sinb¿rclisrlt'¿rrl,'llrr,"ysiry. 'Wcll, I'llr rlol tk,irtlnow!'Sinbad says.And I wirnl lo rnt't,l -yourr:rrptzrin., 'l'llcshipsailsfor many weeks.One nrorrrirrg,,the captainseesan island. Sillbaclirndsomeof the sailorsland and bcgirrlo cxplorethe island. The sailorstakeSinbadto their ship. Are you Sinbadthe Sailor?'asksthc captain. 'Yes,'saysSinbad. 'Then, sail with us and tell us about your aclventures,' saysthe captain. 'l'lrccggbreaksopenand a big fat young llrc:c:omesout. It makesa lot of noise. Srrdclenlyfour angry Rocsfly down. '1,cl'sgobackto the ship!'saysSinbad. The Rocsbegittlo ¿rll:lt'li the ship with big slont's. 'We must sail awity ttow!' cries the captain. 'l'heship sailsinto a bad storm, and Sinbadlands in the sea.After many hours in the water,he climbsonto somebig stonesnear a beach. Sinbadbeginsto explore.Therearc big,bl¿rr'li.slortrrsitll ¿rrounclthc beach, and a big cave with a river in it. Ilc fill{s t.llt:wrt:t:l<s9l'<tlclshipsarnd hundredsof jewelson the beach. l'he sailorsfind a vcry big bircl,s egg.'Don't touch it!'saysSinbad. 'It'sa Roc'segg!' But the s¿rilorsthrow stonesat the egg. throw l0 rrr¡l.usrrrnr.llrrtrnovr: rTomyourhandthrouÉhlh(ratr I I attack to befin fifhtin$ cave a bigholeintheground r¡ver water that mov(lsIn ¿llonfl lln0 wreck a very old brokcn ship 27
  • 17. 'Morejewels!'saysSinbad,and he puts someof the beautiful stonesin his bag. Soonhe beginsto feelhungry. 'Thereare lots of jewelshere,' he thinks. 'But there'snothing to eat.I must look for something.But where?, Sinbadtakeswood from the wrecksand makesa boat from it. He puts the boat on the river in the caveand getson it. He rows for days through the dark cave.He feelsmore and more hungry every day. After six days,he'svery ill and tired. But then he seessomeblue sky.He can alsoseetwo strangemen. 'Welcometo the country of Serendib!, they say. 'Pleasegiveme something to eat!'criesSinbad.The men giveSinbadlots of different things, and he eatsfor hours. 'You'rea lucky man,'say the men. 'Comewith us to seeour king.' Sinbadgivessomeof the jewelsto the kirrg.He alsotellshim about the most irnportant man in Baghdad,the Caliph. 'Your Caliphis a very goodand wise rn¿rn,'saysthe king. 'Here are some presents for him.' Theking finds¿rbig shi¡rlitr Sinbadand he givcshim lots of presents,too. Sinbacls¿lils back to Baghdad. On the ship, he thinks about his adventure in the cave, 'This time I want to stay at home in Baghdad,'he thinks. When Sinbaclgivcst,hcpresentsto the Caliphof'l aghdacl,the Caliphsays:'I have somcbeautilulcarpetsfor this wiseKing of Serendib.l'leasetakethem to him.' 'Oh,no!' thinks Sinbad.'Backto seaagain!' caliph a veryimportantmanin an Arabcountry wise whena personunderstandsa ¡otaboutmanyth¡ngs present somethingthatyougiveto s0me0ne 29 .l
  • 18. ii KHAffiüffiffiffi##ffi;ffi#ü Choosethe correct words to completethe sentences. a Sinbadisl!eu$ ilf , thesaitorsthink b Thesailorsthr"ow wood otonesqat the Roc.segg. c TheRocsattack the ship the island d WhenSinbadexplor"esthebááchhesoonfeels rtired,, ftungry. . e Sinbadmakesa small ,boat:r.housetfromthewood. f Sinbadis inthedarkcavefor ,,two ,iix Oays. g SinbadtellsthekinSaboutthe -people.laliph1 of Baghdad. h TheCaliph¡sa liioe. bad man,thef rngsays. i Sinbadsailsbackto Baghdadwith animals presents fortheCaliphj Sinbadwantsto lliü¿yat tromO_go to sea. again. wd$#tfi$$süffi${ UsethepicturestowritesentenceswithwordsfromGhapterS. d Hecan veryfast e There'sthe of anoldshipona beachnearhere. f Don't gl Ourdog peoplewhentheyvisitourhouse üIfiE$SWnfiffiY Whathappensin the next chapter?Tick one box. Sinbad. . . a tr goesbackto thecountnyofSerendibandlivestherefor manyyears b I d¡esaftena seamonsterattackshim. c n hasmoreadventuresat sea. d I becomestheCaliphof Baghdad. a I sometimesgive to myfriends J-..!gmg*.i!.ne,s.giyqpre,s.qnts.1p vn) {rignd.s b Inthesummerweoftenswiminrr.M# clt'sverydarkinrrrm I 50 ll
  • 19. prisoner a Personwhorsnolhec NL Sinbadsailsfronr llirglrtlirrlr,villr the presentslirr lllc l(irrg ol' Sr.rt.ll<lib. Sinbadbeginsto go home. Oneday,a seamonster attacksthe ship. 'Help!'criesSinbad.'Not more adventures!' 'l'lrc l(irrg of' Scrrcrnclibis happy Io sccSinb¿rdirgirin. 'Sliry lrt'rc!'lrc siryslo Sinbad. And lcll ln('ntorc irbout the wise Cl¿rliphol' llirghclad.' Sinbadfindsa cave.He can hear a noise.'someone'scrying" he thinks. Hc looksinto the caveand secsa young woman. In liont of her,there's ¿rmonster.It is sleePing. 'She'sthe monster'sPrisoner,' thinhs Sinbad.'I must helPher" 'l'lrcmonsteris eatssome ol'the s¿rilorsfrom the shiP. ()uickly,Sinbadgetsinto a little boat ¿rndrows away. Sinbadlands otl itn isli¡rtcl.I lcr leavcshis boat otl thc llcrlrt'll,ittld goes to explore. 'l'm sorry,'saysSinbad.'I must go back to Baghdadnow. I'm tired of adventures.' Laterthe monsterlc¿rvcsto ltlok for somethingto cat.Sirlb¿rd goesinto the cavc. 'Who arevou?'aslisthc wolllittl' 'l'rr Sirrbitdlllc Sailor,'he says. 'l t'irn Itclp ytlu.' "l'lriulli you,' she saYs,'I'm Yirsrttitt.' monster ananimalthalrsvclylr;rrl to lookat
  • 20. Sinbadt¿rkcsY¿rsntinlo lllc lroi¡l on the beach. 'C-'anyou row?'silrll;rtlr¡slislrcr. 'Of coursc.I cirn,'slrt.sirys. 'Wcll,hcrt"slnv l)()¿rl.l,t.t'srow.' Sillbirrliultl Yirsnlirlrovr,:¡ll night. In llrt' rrror-rrirrgSinlrirrlst'cshis ship. Sinbad¿uldYasmin climb up to the ship. 'Sinbad!'thesailors cry.'You'realivel' 'Of course,'suys Sinbad.And this is my friend,Yasmin.' 'l'hepiratestakeSinbadand Yirsminto a new countrY,¿rndsell tllcm to a man at the market. 'You must hunt elePhants everY rlavfor their ivorY,' saYSthe man. SinbadandYasmin are very goodat hunting elePhzrnts. .lustthen,pirates ¿rttachthc ship.,l'he pirates makeSinbaclandy¿rsminlhcir ¡rrisoners. One day,lots of elephanlslirllow SilrIrirtl¡ilrtl'¡tstttirl.Y¿tstllin is afraicl,'Why are ¡¡,rotsg[cr¡rltirlllslirllovt'irlgttsi' sllt:¿tsks. ,lt's all riglrt,' saysSinbacl.'l,lli:plrtrrrlsiil'(.'('r'vtrt,isc,you [<now. Perhapsthey want to tell us sottlt'lltitlg.' pirate a pefsolt ol l l;lrr¡rwlrrrlrK*; thrngs f[om Othrtrsltr¡rs ivory lh,slswhite¿rd hd'd and comesfromthe longtusksonan elephant'sface hunt to looklor ard krllan'nals 35
  • 21. lll fllc'r'in¡cSinb¿rcland y¿lsmin linrl lols ol dcr¿rclclcphernts. 'l,ook ¡¡l irll lllcscrclcacl t'k'¡rlrirrrls,'s¡¡vsSinbircl. 'Youcan go now' saysthc hunlcr, and hc givesSinbaclancl Yasrnina lot ol'rnoncy. Sinbacltakesthe huntcr to Lhecleacl elephants.'l'hchunter is very happy. 'T'hanliyor-r,Sinbacl,'he says.,Novr, r,tcdon't ncedto kill any clcphants. Wehavelotsol ir¡oryherc.' Sinbad¿lndY¿rsnilnsailback ttl llaghdad.Yasrnil-lis verY cxcited.'I rvantto mcetall your liiends,'shcsays. SinbadtaliesYirstllillto lris ltot¡st'. Y¿rsminis surprisctl. 'irtt't't' t't't-r rich!' she says. '13utmoncy isn't t.hctntlst irll¡lttrlitttt thing,' saysSinbad.'Wc tltrsl Irt'l¡r pcople,too.' Sinbaclthcn goesin10llrt'stlt'r'ls ol li;rlilrtllrtlirrld he givcssome ol his money to the pco¡llt'tllt'r't'uilll lto ltotltt's' "l'hanli vou, Sinbittl!'tlrt'v t r''.'irtl't't'ir trttly wisc and good man.'
  • 22. --.-- [ffl:f.,rfi]ifl',{fii ;III i,,i" Correctsix more mistakes.'rnr rrcoksto theKingof ser-endibAfterthatSinbadsairst0 Baghdad buta llor;attackshisshipsinbadrandsonan israndandhefindsanordwoman. HcnnameisYasmin.sinbadandyasminnowin a boattosinbad,sship.somepirates attacktheshipandSinbadandyasminbecometheirfriendsThepiratesseilsinbad andYasminto a hunterandtheymusthuntsnakeseverydaysinbadandyasmrnfind a lotof.lewelsandtheyteilthehunter.Thehuntergrvesthemmoneyandtheygoback to BaghdadSinbadgivessomeof hiscarpetsto poorpe0ple. lrti;l$rifli+itb',ftf,{{'i fhese words don't match the pictures. Gorrectthem. 2 Usethe words from Activity 1 to completethe sentences' a Sinbadbecomesthecannibals , butherunsawayfromthcm b l'mafraidto rowontheriver;a biÉ$reenandblacK watefl . livestn thtl ? He'sputtinfsomethingto eatin hismouthwith hewantsto kill d e f c Canyouseethat hislon$nose Inthestonyof PeterPan,CaptainHookis a PeterPan. dlU,,lil$i{'1d14r[t r$'f Whathappensto Sinbadafter the end of the story? Ghoosefrom theseideasor addyour own' . iswhiteandIt'sveryexpenslve There'sa . . . behindthattree Hewantsto killtheanimalsoverthere PIRATE Sinbad aLl bll cL- dI el fLl s[] h [] marriesYasmin.Thtlyhavrllt lrrlof t;lttltlttrlt staysinBaghdadHc'svtlrytlt:ll;ttltlltcllvrr:;ttt;tltti'illttttl;tr $iVeSall hiS mOney tO prltlr'¡tt:rr¡rlrrlli' llvlr; lrr rt rrttt,rlllltrtll;trttl llilIhdad StaySin BaghCladfOr SOmrlllttttr wlllrY,¡:;tttttt lltrl lltc rllry llrl lt:ilvtls and goesbackto sea leavesBa$hdadona biSsftlllllr:illcrrttr¡tr;lrrtttt foesbacktothecountryt)lstlt.rltlrltll||tlIltlt;tlttltlskrrl!'there.HUt{IER 39
  • 23. Itrcky or unlucky? 1 Inthestory$inbadis a veryruckyman.whatis ruckyor unruckyin Engrand?Doyouknow?Gompretethe posterwiththewordsfromthe box.usefour dictionaryto helpyou. look atthe pictures.Arethesethin$sluckyor unluckyin yourcountry? 0r dotheyhavenospecialmeanin{?Tickthe boxif it isthe samein yourGountry' a I Peoplein Koreadon'twashtheinhairbeforeanexam becauseyouwashawayyourmemory,too,theysay! bfJ cI dT etr Peoplein Br"azilalwaysputthesugarinthecup beforethecoffeeThismakesyout"ich,theythink t I lnftalyblackcatsareunluckY 5 What's lucky and unluckyin your country?Complotethe table' Tuesday13this unluckYin SPain ATurkishblueeyeamuletkeepsbadluckaway Thenumber4 is unluckYinJaPan b In England. . . a 4. . .. . islucky b ThrowinSmoneyina . . . rslucky rsrucKy d Findinga litfle. is lucky e Thenumber . . . is unlucky. f Walkingundera rsunlucky g Breakinga. . . is unlucky h . isanunluckyday. 4 Makea posteraboutluckyandunluckythinÉlsin yourcountry' 41
  • 24. +*, -.. b r;limbint' l) ung¡erous a(:tivitias I Matchthe activitieswith the pictures.useyour dictionaryto herpyou. a snowboirrrlinf c jjf,anggtiOing W mtW,¡ d [ ]scubadiving e bungeejumprng t I ] whrtewaterr-afting Readthe advertisementabout a course for a dan$erousactivity. Gompletethe table. Woulcl yoLr like to go s('tlf )(t (lirzillg? A rtcwscubaclivingcoLll'soiss('tt(itt¡i 'tt the OlympiaSportsC'ctl(r'('or) 4th Marclr.It'sa six wt't'k(()tll(' and itisfcrrhc'ginncrsI ll('r(' a two hour le'sstlltcv('l'/ 'l-hursclayfiotl6p111[o lilrltt '$'r ¡{ 'ltr clo thc cotlrsc v()11 lrrrlsl 2 Whatactivitiesare they talking about? t'dt¡r¿io go(a) . l'mvary goodat rowing.l'm in ih¿rowingalubai s¿hooland vregorowingevaryiaiurdal.Éut tharivarien'tvery ex¿iting.I'dlk¿ to dosomathingmorodangeroua. 1d t;Ke*o go(b) l-, no* afroicl of rr;gnpia¿esond i iikebe,ng in lhe rnor¡n*ains A* schooi we prac*ise on 6r wc¡li The waii isn'* high, so i,i's verrr eas.;¡ i'ci irKe1o do sornethrng rnore diiiir:ql+ 5 Whichactivitywouldyou liketo do?Explainwhy. 43