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Cannibalising Google App Engine

Kevin Noonan
Calbane Ltd.
IT@Cork, 30th September, 2009
Cannibalising Google App Engine

A working definition of Cloudware

 •   Outsourced Virtualization
      o   Virtual server running on outsourced server farm
The Cloud Computing Pyramid

•Michael Sheehan of GoGrid devised this classification
What's Cloudware good for? (I)

•   Guerilla development
     o   Pay-per-use model is ideal for startups
     o   Also good for guerillas inside the enterprise...
What's Cloudware good for? (II)

•   Scaling up
     o   Clone the virtual server
     o   pay for extra resources (bandwidth, storage, RAM, etc.)
What's Cloudware good for? (III)

•   In general, outsourcing IT infrastructure
     o   pay someone else to run your servers, network, database...
Python: The Original of the Species
Java: the All New Flavour
Languages on App Engine's JVM
•   Java
•   JRuby
•   Jython
•   BeanShell
•   JavaScript
•   Scala
•   Groovy
•   …
•   Will it Play in App Engine?
What is Google App Engine?
        • Complete web stack
•   Runs on Google's infrastructure
•   Bigtable Datastore
     o Like a sorted hashtable
     o Not a relational database
     o Use JDO or JPA (with Java) for datastore work
•   Memcache
•   Image API
•   Mail API
•   SDK for development on Windows/Mac/Linux
     o Run & test locally before uploading to Cloud
Limitations of Google App Engine
•   Applications run in “The Sandbox”:

•   Many Java libraries will not work (but many have been patched or will be).
    See the JRE whitelist:

    No “long-lived” processing (requests must return in 30 seconds).

•   HTTPS only on
     o and only with Google's certificate.
     o Due to limitation of SSL protocol, as applied to Google's Cloud.
Billing on Google App Engine
• True pay-per-use
     o free quotas & no bill to pay if quotas not exceeded.
     o quite different model to AWS

    • Developer can assign budget per resource.

    • Prices
     o $0.10 per CPU core-hour
     o $0.15 per GB-month of storage
     o $0.12 per GB outgoing bandwidth
     o $0.10 per GB incoming bandwidth
     o $0.0001 per email recipient for emails sent by the application
Free Quotas on App Engine

•Daily outgoing bandwidth: 10 GB

•Daily incoming bandwidth 10 GB

•Daily requests 1.3 million

• Daily CPU-hours: 46

• More quotas (mail, datastore, images, memcache)
Other limitations on App Engine
• 1 GB of free storage per app.

•100 MB Memcache storage limit

• App Engine apps can now receive requests and send responses of up to 10MB.

• Caveat: 1 MB limit on datastore/memcache API call

• You can deploy up to 1,000 code and 1,000 static files with an app.
Workaround: use ZipImport (with Python) to store files in a Zip-archive:

• 150MB cumulative limit on an app's code and static files
(as opposed to storage in the datastore).
Cannibalising Google App Engine

JIQL for JDBC emulation
What is JIQL?
o Abstraction layer over the Google datastore, Bigtable
o Bigtable is non-relational, but JIQL simulates a relational database
o JIQL enables the use of JDBC and SQL with Google Bigtable
How to use JIQL
o   Download Jiql.jar from
o   Place Jiql.jar under WEB-INFlib
o   Create a connection as follows:

    String url = "jdbc:jiql://local";
    String password = "";
    String user = "";

    Properties props = new Properties();

    Class clazz = Class.forName("org.jiql.jdbc.Driver");
    Driver driver = (Driver) clazz.newInstance();
    Connection Conn = driver.connect(url,props);
Supported SQL syntax on JIQL
o   DROP
o   AND
o   OR
Supported JDBC statements in JIQL
o   * Connection
o   * Statement
o   * ResultSet
o   * PreparedStatement
o   * Driver
o   * DatabaseMetaData
o   * ResultSetMetaData
Castles in the Cloud

GaeVFS: a virtual filesystem on Bigtable
What is GaeVFS ?
o    Filesystem abstraction over Google BigTable
    (To enable writes to the “local filesystem” in Google's Cloud)
o Implemented as an Apache Commons VFS plugin
o Uses Memcache too under the hood
o The URI format is
o Best to use relative paths
Using GaeVFS
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemManager;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileObject;
import com.newatlanta.commons.vfs.provider.gae.GaeVFS;
  GaeVFS.setRootPath( getServletContext.getRealPath( "/" ) );
  FileSystemManager fsManager = GaeVFS.getManager();
  FileObject tmpDir = fsManager.resolveFile( "gae://WEB-INF/tmp" );
  if ( !tmpDir.exists() ) {
Clear the Cache for GAEVFS
Clear the cache at the end of every servlet request!

    public void doGet( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res )
     throws ServletException, IOException {
     try {
         // ...process request...
     } finally {
Close the connection to GaeVFS
It's good practice to close the connection when your servlet is destroyed.

public void destroy() {
    GaeVFS.close(); // this is not strictly required, but good practice
Castles in the Cloud


What is the RESTlet project?
o An open source project to make RESTful web services easy to
  implement in Java.
o There's a special build for App Engine, a snapshot tagged “unstable”
How to use RESTlets on App Engine
 o Create a new project with the Eclipse plugin
 o Add "org.restlet.gae.jar" to the war/WEB-INF/lib directoy
 o Add "org.restlet.gae.jar" to the project build path
Create a simple RESTful resource
package simpleREST;
import org.restlet.resource.Get;
import org.restlet.resource.ServerResource;

//simple resource
public class simpleResource extends ServerResource {
    public String represent() {
        return "A word from the Cloud gods ";
Create a parent app for resource
package simpleREST;
import org.restlet.Application;
import org.restlet.Restlet;
import org.restlet.routing.Router;

public class simpleRESTApplication extends Application {
    public synchronized Restlet createRoot() {
        Router router = new Router(getContext());
        return router;
Castles in the Cloud

 Scheduled tasks

Scheduled tasks on App Engine
o Aka “Cron jobs”
o Vital for housekeeping and maintenance tasks, especially on the
o Useful for various polling exercises
o Significant in a system that is single-threaded and usually activated by
  incoming HTTP request.
o “Web hook pattern”:
  Cron jobs work by invoking a URL, just like an incoming web-request
o Maximum 20 cron jobs per app
o Max one per minute (use “webcron” service to overcome limit)
cron.xml in WEB-INF directory
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <description>Poll for some event every couple of minutes</description>
  <schedule>every 2 minutes</schedule>
  <description>Send out statistics every week</description>
  <schedule>every monday 07:30</schedule>
English syntax in the cron schedule
every 5 minutes
every 12 hours
2nd,third mon,wed,thu of march 17:00
every monday 09:00
1st monday of sep,oct,nov 17:00
every day 00:00
Updating your cron jobs
o Update the whole “app” via Eclipse plugin or on the command-line:

appcfg update

Update just your cron-jobs

appcfg update-cron
Cannibalising Google App Engine


Photo credit:
o One of the popular new dynamic languages on the JVM
o Highest performing Ruby implementation
o Excellent compatibility with “the standard Ruby” (MRI)
o Rails runs without code-changes
o Native Rails plugins will not run on Jruby
o Core developers lately moved from SUN to Engine Yard
o The next four slides are a recipe for JRuby-on-Rails...
Generate a Rails app
o Install the gems
$ sudo gem install google-appengine

o Assign an app identifier
Simply create an application at

o Generate your rails app
$ rails my-app; cd my-app;
Configure Rack (middleware for Rails)
 o Generate a rackup file: In the same folder, save this as
 require 'appengine-rack'
  :application => 'my-app',
  :version => 1 )

 %w{R db/ doc/ log/ script/ test/ tmp/}.each do |x| "/#{x}**"
 ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = AppEngine::Rack.environment
 require 'config/environment'

Install gems (libraries) & generate model
   o Check gem sources for datamapper
   $ gem sources

   o Only when missing, add it like this...
   $ sudo gem source -a

   o Install gems into your app
   $ appcfg.rb gem install rails dm-appengine rails_datamapper

   o #Generate a model
   $ ./script/generate dm_model book title:string summary:text image_url:string 
    available:boolean pages:integer -f --skip-timestamps --skip-migration
Run app locally & deploy to Cloud
o Run your app locally
$ dev_appserver.rb .

o Open up the console
$ appcfg.rb run -S irb
> require 'config/environment'

o Deploy to App Engine
$ appcfg.rb update .
Cannibalising Google App Engine

Task Queues for background processing

:Image courtesy the SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center & ORBIMAGE
Visible Earth Project:
Task Queues: Background processing
 o Motivation: App Engine is single-threaded.
 o Place small, discrete units of work on a queue.
 o App Engine monitors work-queue & executes task in background.
 o Configure queues in web.xml (in WEB-INF directory)
 o Without any configuration, each app gets a queue named “default”
 o Default rate: 5 tasks per second
 o Tasks comprises: data payload and code to process it.
 o Web-hook pattern
 o Asynchronous, parallel processing in background
Add a task to a queue
import static*;

// ...
         Queue queue = QueueFactory.getDefaultQueue();
         queue.add(url("/worker").param("key", key))


Cannibalising Google App Engine

XMPP: instant messages & peer-to-peer

Photo credit: NOAA Photo Library and NSSL:
XMPP – Instant message protocol
o “Jabber” peer-to-peer protocol for instant messaging
o Standardised as “XML Message Passing Protocol“
o IM protocol in use by “Google Talk”
o Twitter uses XMPP under-the-hood
o An enabling technology of “The realtime Web”
o Makes peer-to-peer architectures possible with App Engine
o XMPP is useful for all kinds of chat / IM applications
o Also for interprocess communication.
Construct an instant message...
// ...

         JID jid = new JID("");
         String msgBody = "Hello from the Cloud!";
         Message msg = new MessageBuilder()
Check on “presence” & send message
 boolean messageSent = false;
     XMPPService xmpp = XMPPServiceFactory.getXMPPService();
     if (xmpp.getPresence(jid).isAvailable()) {
         SendResponse status = xmpp.sendMessage(msg);
         messageSent = (status.getStatusMap().get(jid) ==

     if (!messageSent) {
         // Send an email message instead...
Configuration to receive messages
o Web hook pattern again

o   Configuration: edit appengine-web.xml file; include these lines:

o when App Engine receives a chat message for the app, it makes an
    HTTP POST to:
Code to receive messages
o   import;
o   import javax.servlet.http.*;
o   import;
o   import;
o   import;
o   import;
o   @SuppressWarnings("serial")

o public class XMPPReceiverServlet extends HttpServlet {
o public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
o        throws IOException {
o      XMPPService xmpp = XMPPServiceFactory.getXMPPService();
o      Message message = xmpp.parseMessage(req);
o      JID fromJid = message.getFromJid();
o      String body = message.getBody(); // .......
o }
Map the URL to the servlet
To map the servlet to the XMPP URL path, add the following in the
  web.xml file, inside the <web-app> element:


• Elegant
• Functional
• Dynamic
• Fast
• Excellent concurrency (unusable on App Engine, unfortunately)
• Direct access to Java
• Lisp Reloaded

(Feature-list above by Stuart Halloway.)
Running Clojure on App Engine

• How to run Servlets on App Engine with Clojure
(“Getting Cloudy”, by Phillip Calçado of Thoughtworks)

•How to run Compojure (a web-framework for Clojure) on App Engine
(“Clojure on Google App Engine”, by John Hume of Thoughtworks)
Servlets with Clojure (sample-code)

Code from Phillip Calçado's BestMateServlet.clj

(ns BestMateServlet
 :extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet)
 (:use mate))

(defn -doGet [_ req resp]
 (process-request req resp))
Resources for Clojure
    o Disclojure:
    – tutorial
    – Book
    – main Clojure site
    – Plugins for IDEs
    – Videos

Cannibalising Google App Engine

Store Static Content on App Engine

Photo credit: Nikolai,
Getting started with App Engine
To use App Engine, you can begin with your current Gmail address and
password or with a new Google identity you create for the purpose.

Sign up for App Engine:
(You'll need to receive an SMS on your mobile 'phone.)
Create a project on App Engine

Log into and create a new app. (Many
project-names will be taken already, since App Engine shares its
namespace with Gmail.)

The project name you choose will determine the default domain-name.
For example, if "blissedbride" is available,
your app's default domain will be:
Store static web-assets in Google's Cloud
   Install the plugin from e.g. (for Galileo)

   Select the File menu > New > Web Application Project

   Supposing you picked "blissedbride" as your project-name.
   Navigate to this directory: workspace/blissedbride/war"

   Dump all of your web-assets in this directory. Your index.html will
   overwrite the placeholder file. And the rest of your HTML files can be
     here too. You can put other web-assets in subdirectories.
Cannibalising Google App Engine

Wrapping up

Photo credit: NOAA Photo Library, NOAA Central Library; OAR/ERL/National Severe Storms Lab
Book (I)
           Developing with Google App Engine

                  by Eugene Ciurana

                       Feb 2009

Book (II)

            Google App Engine in Action

            by Noah Gift & Michael Orr

                 To be published:
                     May 2009

Book (III)

             Google App Engine

             by Dan Sanderson

             To be published:
                 Sept 2009

Resources for Google App Engine
•   Google App Engine:

•   Videos from conference Google held in 2009:

•   Chat with developers from the App Engine team
     o   first Wednesday of the month: 3am next day (Dublin/London time).
     o   third Wednesday of the month: 5pm (Dublin/London time).
     o   IRC channel: #appengine on

•   Google Group

•   Paper on Bigtable:
•   Photos used under Creative Commons license:
•   Photo Credits
Contact Information
     Kevin Noonan

 kevin_noonan on Twitter

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Cannibalising The Google App Engine

  • 1. Cannibalising Google App Engine Kevin Noonan Calbane Ltd. IT@Cork, 30th September, 2009
  • 2. Cannibalising Google App Engine Introduction
  • 3. A working definition of Cloudware • Outsourced Virtualization o Virtual server running on outsourced server farm
  • 4. The Cloud Computing Pyramid •Michael Sheehan of GoGrid devised this classification
  • 5. What's Cloudware good for? (I) • Guerilla development o Pay-per-use model is ideal for startups o Also good for guerillas inside the enterprise...
  • 6. What's Cloudware good for? (II) • Scaling up o Clone the virtual server o pay for extra resources (bandwidth, storage, RAM, etc.)
  • 7. What's Cloudware good for? (III) • In general, outsourcing IT infrastructure o pay someone else to run your servers, network, database...
  • 8. Python: The Original of the Species
  • 9. Java: the All New Flavour
  • 10. Languages on App Engine's JVM • Java • JRuby • Jython • BeanShell • JavaScript • Scala • Groovy • … • Will it Play in App Engine?
  • 11. What is Google App Engine? • Complete web stack • Runs on Google's infrastructure • Bigtable Datastore o Like a sorted hashtable o Not a relational database o Use JDO or JPA (with Java) for datastore work • Memcache • Image API • Mail API • SDK for development on Windows/Mac/Linux o Run & test locally before uploading to Cloud
  • 12. Limitations of Google App Engine • Applications run in “The Sandbox”: • Many Java libraries will not work (but many have been patched or will be). See the JRE whitelist: No “long-lived” processing (requests must return in 30 seconds). • HTTPS only on o and only with Google's certificate. o Due to limitation of SSL protocol, as applied to Google's Cloud.
  • 13. Billing on Google App Engine • True pay-per-use o free quotas & no bill to pay if quotas not exceeded. o quite different model to AWS • Developer can assign budget per resource. • Prices o $0.10 per CPU core-hour o $0.15 per GB-month of storage o $0.12 per GB outgoing bandwidth o $0.10 per GB incoming bandwidth o $0.0001 per email recipient for emails sent by the application
  • 14. Free Quotas on App Engine •Daily outgoing bandwidth: 10 GB •Daily incoming bandwidth 10 GB •Daily requests 1.3 million • Daily CPU-hours: 46 • More quotas (mail, datastore, images, memcache)
  • 15. Other limitations on App Engine • 1 GB of free storage per app. •100 MB Memcache storage limit • App Engine apps can now receive requests and send responses of up to 10MB. • Caveat: 1 MB limit on datastore/memcache API call • You can deploy up to 1,000 code and 1,000 static files with an app. Workaround: use ZipImport (with Python) to store files in a Zip-archive: • 150MB cumulative limit on an app's code and static files (as opposed to storage in the datastore).
  • 16. Cannibalising Google App Engine JIQL for JDBC emulation
  • 17. What is JIQL? o o Abstraction layer over the Google datastore, Bigtable o o Bigtable is non-relational, but JIQL simulates a relational database o o JIQL enables the use of JDBC and SQL with Google Bigtable
  • 18. How to use JIQL o Download Jiql.jar from o Place Jiql.jar under WEB-INFlib o Create a connection as follows: String url = "jdbc:jiql://local"; String password = ""; String user = ""; Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("user",user); props.put("password",password); Class clazz = Class.forName("org.jiql.jdbc.Driver"); Driver driver = (Driver) clazz.newInstance(); Connection Conn = driver.connect(url,props);
  • 20. Supported JDBC statements in JIQL o * Connection o * Statement o * ResultSet o * PreparedStatement o * Driver o * DatabaseMetaData o * ResultSetMetaData
  • 21. Castles in the Cloud GaeVFS: a virtual filesystem on Bigtable
  • 22. What is GaeVFS ? o Filesystem abstraction over Google BigTable (To enable writes to the “local filesystem” in Google's Cloud) o o Implemented as an Apache Commons VFS plugin o o Uses Memcache too under the hood o o The URI format is gae://path o o Best to use relative paths
  • 23. Using GaeVFS import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemManager; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileObject; import com.newatlanta.commons.vfs.provider.gae.GaeVFS; . GaeVFS.setRootPath( getServletContext.getRealPath( "/" ) ); . FileSystemManager fsManager = GaeVFS.getManager(); FileObject tmpDir = fsManager.resolveFile( "gae://WEB-INF/tmp" ); if ( !tmpDir.exists() ) { tmpDir.createFolder(); }
  • 24. Clear the Cache for GAEVFS Clear the cache at the end of every servlet request! public void doGet( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res ) throws ServletException, IOException { try { // ...process request... } finally { GaeVFS.clearFilesCache(); } }
  • 25. Close the connection to GaeVFS It's good practice to close the connection when your servlet is destroyed. public void destroy() { GaeVFS.close(); // this is not strictly required, but good practice }
  • 26. Castles in the Cloud RESTlets 2/27/2009
  • 27. What is the RESTlet project? o An open source project to make RESTful web services easy to implement in Java. o o There's a special build for App Engine, a snapshot tagged “unstable” o
  • 28. How to use RESTlets on App Engine o Create a new project with the Eclipse plugin o o Add "org.restlet.gae.jar" to the war/WEB-INF/lib directoy o o Add "org.restlet.gae.jar" to the project build path o o o
  • 29. Create a simple RESTful resource package simpleREST; import org.restlet.resource.Get; import org.restlet.resource.ServerResource; //simple resource public class simpleResource extends ServerResource { @Get public String represent() { return "A word from the Cloud gods "; } }
  • 30. Create a parent app for resource package simpleREST; import org.restlet.Application; import org.restlet.Restlet; import org.restlet.routing.Router; public class simpleRESTApplication extends Application { @Override public synchronized Restlet createRoot() { Router router = new Router(getContext()); router.attachDefault(simpleResource.class); return router; } }
  • 31. Castles in the Cloud Scheduled tasks 2/27/2009
  • 32. Scheduled tasks on App Engine o Aka “Cron jobs” o Vital for housekeeping and maintenance tasks, especially on the database o Useful for various polling exercises o Significant in a system that is single-threaded and usually activated by incoming HTTP request. o o “Web hook pattern”: Cron jobs work by invoking a URL, just like an incoming web-request o Maximum 20 cron jobs per app o Max one per minute (use “webcron” service to overcome limit)
  • 33. cron.xml in WEB-INF directory <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <cronentries> <cron> <url>/polling</url> <description>Poll for some event every couple of minutes</description> <schedule>every 2 minutes</schedule> </cron> <cron> <url>/stats</url> <description>Send out statistics every week</description> <schedule>every monday 07:30</schedule> <timezone>America/New_York</timezone> </cron> </cronentries>
  • 34. English syntax in the cron schedule every 5 minutes every 12 hours 2nd,third mon,wed,thu of march 17:00 every monday 09:00 1st monday of sep,oct,nov 17:00 every day 00:00
  • 35. Updating your cron jobs o Update the whole “app” via Eclipse plugin or on the command-line: appcfg update Update just your cron-jobs appcfg update-cron
  • 36. Cannibalising Google App Engine JRuby-on-Rails Photo credit:
  • 37. JRuby o One of the popular new dynamic languages on the JVM o Highest performing Ruby implementation o Excellent compatibility with “the standard Ruby” (MRI) o Rails runs without code-changes o Native Rails plugins will not run on Jruby o Core developers lately moved from SUN to Engine Yard o o The next four slides are a recipe for JRuby-on-Rails...
  • 38. Generate a Rails app o Install the gems $ sudo gem install google-appengine o Assign an app identifier Simply create an application at o Generate your rails app $ rails my-app; cd my-app;
  • 39. Configure Rack (middleware for Rails) o Generate a rackup file: In the same folder, save this as require 'appengine-rack' AppEngine::Rack.configure_app( :application => 'my-app', :version => 1 ) %w{R db/ doc/ log/ script/ test/ tmp/}.each do |x| "/#{x}**" end ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = AppEngine::Rack.environment require 'config/environment' run
  • 40. Install gems (libraries) & generate model o Check gem sources for datamapper $ gem sources o Only when missing, add it like this... $ sudo gem source -a o Install gems into your app $ appcfg.rb gem install rails dm-appengine rails_datamapper o #Generate a model $ ./script/generate dm_model book title:string summary:text image_url:string available:boolean pages:integer -f --skip-timestamps --skip-migration
  • 41. Run app locally & deploy to Cloud o Run your app locally $ dev_appserver.rb . o Open up the console $ appcfg.rb run -S irb > require 'config/environment' o Deploy to App Engine $ appcfg.rb update .
  • 42. Cannibalising Google App Engine Task Queues for background processing :Image courtesy the SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center & ORBIMAGE Visible Earth Project:
  • 43. Task Queues: Background processing o Motivation: App Engine is single-threaded. o Place small, discrete units of work on a queue. o App Engine monitors work-queue & executes task in background. o o Configure queues in web.xml (in WEB-INF directory) o Without any configuration, each app gets a queue named “default” o Default rate: 5 tasks per second o o Tasks comprises: data payload and code to process it. o Web-hook pattern o Asynchronous, parallel processing in background
  • 44. Add a task to a queue import; import; import static*; // ... Queue queue = QueueFactory.getDefaultQueue(); queue.add(url("/worker").param("key", key)) queue.add(url("/path/to/my/worker")); queue.add(url("/path?a=b&c=d").method("GET"));
  • 45. Cannibalising Google App Engine XMPP: instant messages & peer-to-peer Photo credit: NOAA Photo Library and NSSL:
  • 46. XMPP – Instant message protocol o “Jabber” peer-to-peer protocol for instant messaging o Standardised as “XML Message Passing Protocol“ o o IM protocol in use by “Google Talk” o Twitter uses XMPP under-the-hood o o An enabling technology of “The realtime Web” o Makes peer-to-peer architectures possible with App Engine o o XMPP is useful for all kinds of chat / IM applications o Also for interprocess communication.
  • 47. Construct an instant message... import; import; import; import; import; import; // ... JID jid = new JID(""); String msgBody = "Hello from the Cloud!"; Message msg = new MessageBuilder() .withRecipientJids(jid) .withBody(msgBody) .build();
  • 48. Check on “presence” & send message boolean messageSent = false; XMPPService xmpp = XMPPServiceFactory.getXMPPService(); if (xmpp.getPresence(jid).isAvailable()) { SendResponse status = xmpp.sendMessage(msg); messageSent = (status.getStatusMap().get(jid) == SendResponse.Status.SUCCESS); } if (!messageSent) { // Send an email message instead... }
  • 49. Configuration to receive messages o Web hook pattern again o Configuration: edit appengine-web.xml file; include these lines: <inbound-services> <service>xmpp_message</service> </inbound-services> o when App Engine receives a chat message for the app, it makes an HTTP POST to: /_ah/xmpp/message/chat/
  • 50. Code to receive messages o import; o import javax.servlet.http.*; o import; o import; o import; o import; o @SuppressWarnings("serial") o public class XMPPReceiverServlet extends HttpServlet { o public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) o throws IOException { o XMPPService xmpp = XMPPServiceFactory.getXMPPService(); o Message message = xmpp.parseMessage(req); o JID fromJid = message.getFromJid(); o String body = message.getBody(); // ....... o } }
  • 51. Map the URL to the servlet To map the servlet to the XMPP URL path, add the following in the web.xml file, inside the <web-app> element: <servlet> <servlet-name>xmppreceiver</servlet-name> <servlet-class>XMPPReceiverServlet</servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>xmppreceiver</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/_ah/xmpp/message/chat/</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
  • 52.
  • 53. Clojure • Elegant • Functional • Dynamic • Fast • Excellent concurrency (unusable on App Engine, unfortunately) • Direct access to Java • Lisp Reloaded (Feature-list above by Stuart Halloway.)
  • 54. Running Clojure on App Engine • How to run Servlets on App Engine with Clojure (“Getting Cloudy”, by Phillip Calçado of Thoughtworks) •How to run Compojure (a web-framework for Clojure) on App Engine (“Clojure on Google App Engine”, by John Hume of Thoughtworks)
  • 55. Servlets with Clojure (sample-code) Code from Phillip Calçado's BestMateServlet.clj (ns BestMateServlet (:gen-class :extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet) (:use mate)) (defn -doGet [_ req resp] (process-request req resp))
  • 56. Resources for Clojure o Disclojure: – tutorial – Book – main Clojure site – Plugins for IDEs – Videos • VimClojure:
  • 57. Cannibalising Google App Engine Store Static Content on App Engine Photo credit: Nikolai,
  • 58. Getting started with App Engine To use App Engine, you can begin with your current Gmail address and password or with a new Google identity you create for the purpose. Sign up for App Engine: (You'll need to receive an SMS on your mobile 'phone.)
  • 59. Create a project on App Engine Log into and create a new app. (Many project-names will be taken already, since App Engine shares its namespace with Gmail.) The project name you choose will determine the default domain-name. For example, if "blissedbride" is available, your app's default domain will be:
  • 60. Store static web-assets in Google's Cloud Install the plugin from e.g. (for Galileo) Select the File menu > New > Web Application Project Supposing you picked "blissedbride" as your project-name. Navigate to this directory: workspace/blissedbride/war" Dump all of your web-assets in this directory. Your index.html will overwrite the placeholder file. And the rest of your HTML files can be here too. You can put other web-assets in subdirectories.
  • 61. Cannibalising Google App Engine Wrapping up Photo credit: NOAA Photo Library, NOAA Central Library; OAR/ERL/National Severe Storms Lab
  • 62. Book (I) Developing with Google App Engine by Eugene Ciurana Published: Feb 2009
  • 63. Book (II) Google App Engine in Action by Noah Gift & Michael Orr To be published: May 2009
  • 64. Book (III) Google App Engine by Dan Sanderson To be published: Sept 2009
  • 65. Resources for Google App Engine • Google App Engine: • Videos from conference Google held in 2009: o • Chat with developers from the App Engine team o first Wednesday of the month: 3am next day (Dublin/London time). o third Wednesday of the month: 5pm (Dublin/London time). o IRC channel: #appengine on o • Google Group o • Paper on Bigtable: o
  • 66. Credits • Photos used under Creative Commons license: • Photo Credits o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
  • 67. Contact Information Kevin Noonan kevin_noonan on Twitter