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Principal Investigator: Evangelista Casimiro Rocha
Research team:         Paulo Nicola, Mário Carreira, Violeta Alarcão, Paulo Nogueira,
                       Milene Fernandes, Maria Alves Cortes, Marta Godinho
Scientific consultants: Charles Agyemang, José Pereira Miguel

                            Unidade de Epidemiologia
                         Instituto de Medicina Preventiva
                        Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa

                                   June 2008

SUMMARY …………………………………………………………………….. 3

RESUMO ………………………………………………………………………. 4

BACKGROUND ……………………............................................................. 5

SPECIFIC AIMS ……….............................................................................. 9

METHODS …………….............................................................................           9

       Study Design ……………………………………………………………………...                                                    9

       Study Population and Eligibility Criteria …………………………………….                                     10

       Sampling Process ………………………………………………………………..                                                   10

       Data Collection Process ………………………………………………………... 11

       Variables Definition ……………………………………………………………...                                               12

       Measurements and Data Sources …………………………………………….. 15

       Sample Size ……………………………………………………………………….                                                      15

       Statistical Methods ………………………………………………………………                                                  16

PRELIMINARY DATA …………………………………………………………..                                                            17

EXPECTED RESULTS ................................................................................    20

STUDY TIMELINE AND HUMAN RESOURCES ................................................ 19

ETHICAL ISSUES ....................................................................................... 19


EXPECTED PUBLICATION AND PRESENTATIONS ……………………………..                                                 21

BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES ……………………………………………….. 22


INTRODUCTION: Hypertension is a serious problem of public health since it affects more then 50% of the
Portuguese population above 45 years. Lack of hypertension control is strongly associated with stroke
mortality and acute myocardial infarction, two leading causes of death and morbidity in Portugal. Among
the determinants of failure to control blood pressure, non-adherence and clinical inertia assume major
relevance. Cultural and socio-economic factors and health services access and utilization are critical
aspects underlying non-adherence and clinical inertia. These issues become even more complex when it
comes to hypertensive immigrants, due to the specifics involved in social integration, the migration
phenomenon and the own ethnicity. Both migrant and non-migrant populations are followed at primary
care level, where a strong patient-physician relationship and an integrated management of multiple
chronic diseases are a challenge to physicians. Longitudinal studies are the best approach to evaluate
medication adherence and therapeutic inertia dynamics, providing a better understanding on determinants
able to be intervened.

SPECIFIC AIMS: a) examine potential determinants of medication adherence and therapeutic adjustment;
b) identify multidirectional relations between adherence, inertia and the blood pressure control; c) identify
sub-groups, in each cohort, with high risk of uncontrolled hypertension related to poor adherence and/or
clinical inertia.

STUDY DESIGN: Observational, population-based prospective cohort study of medicated hypertensive
patients, followed at Primary Care Health Centres (PHCC) of the Lisbon Health Region, will be stratified to
two different cohorts, according to their status as immigrants or native.

METHODS: The sampling process will follow a multistage approach, by clusters, aiming to draw a
representative sample from the native and immigrant population who accesses primary care centres in
Lisbon, and their physicians. The final sample will be constituted by 1090 immigrants’ patients from African
Portuguese Speaking Countries and 1090 native medicated hypertensive patients. The inclusion criteria
will be verified through SINUS information system, by asking their physicians and during a phone interview
with the patient. The follow-up period will last for 18 months, and data collection will be performed by face-
to-face and phone interviews. The enrolled participants’ physicians will be asked to fulfil a questionnaire
after each medical appointment. Data collected will allow a longitudinal analysis by using the software
SPSS and R.

EXPECTED CONTRIBUTIONS: With a prospective evaluation of medication adherence and clinical
inertia, it will be identified the impact of key factors such as access and continuity of health care, the
patient beliefs regarding hypertension and antihypertensive medication and the patient-physician
relationship, and of key moments, such as a new medical appointment and time between appointments.
All these results will provide evidence for interventions and recommendations on hypertension
management. Also, by assessing both patients and physicians and their relationships, this study will be
able to examine the value of continuity and personalized care, which are specific values of Primary Health
Care. As we have preliminary results, we will be particularly interested in proposing and testing
interventions aiming to improve high blood pressure control and anti-hypertensive adherence.

KEYWORDS: Hypertension, Medication adherence, Clinical inertia, Migration

INTRODUÇÃO: A hipertensão arterial (HTA) é uma doença crónica que atinge mais de 50% da população
portuguesa acima dos 45 anos. O não controlo da HTA está fortemente associado ao acidente vascular
cerebral e ao enfarte agudo do miocárdio, identificados como as principais causas de morte e morbilidade
no nosso país. A não adesão e a inércia terapêutica têm sido apontadas como dois determinantes major do
não controlo da HTA. Sendo multi-dimensionais, ambas estão relacionadas com factores culturais e sócio-
económicos e com o acesso e utilização dos serviços de saúde, entre outros determinantes. Estes factores
tornam-se ainda mais complexos nos imigrantes hipertensos, devido às características próprias da
integração social, do fenómeno migratório e da própria etnia. Os cuidados de saúde primários acompanham
ambas as populações, imigrante e não-imigrante, colocando exigências ao nível da relação médico-doente
e continuidade de cuidados, bem como na adequação dos cuidados de saúde para as várias doenças
crónicas que o doente apresenta. Para compreender o impacto destes factores no controlo da HTA são
recomendados estudos longitudinais sobre a dinâmica da adesão e a inércia terapêutica. Da identificação
destes factores poderão surgir estratégias de intervenção para melhoria do controlo da HTA.

OBJECTIVOS: a) descrever os determinantes da dinâmica da adesão terapêutica e da mudança
terapêutica; b) analisar a relação multidireccional entre adesão, inércia terapêutica e controlo da HTA; c)
identificar sub-grupos, em cada coorte, com elevado risco de não controlo da HTA relacionado com a não
adesão e/ou inércia terapêutica.

DESENHO DE ESTUDO: observacional analítico, prospectivo e de base populacional, de 2 coortes de
imigrantes e não imigrantes, com HTA medicada e seguidos nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários da Região
de Saúde de Lisboa.

MÉTODO: O processo de amostragem será multi-etápico, por conglomerados, pretendendo-se uma
amostra representativa da população imigrante e não imigrante que acede aos cuidados de saúde
primários, bem como dos seus médicos de clínica geral e medicina familiar. A amostra final será
constituída por 1090 doentes imigrantes oriundos dos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa e
por 1090 doentes de naturalidade portuguesa com HTA medicada. Os critérios de inclusão serão
verificados através da informação obtida no sistema de informação SINUS, por questionário aplicado aos
médicos e durante uma entrevista telefónica com cada potencial participante. Os doentes de ambas as
coortes serão seguidos durante 18 meses, com recolha de informação por realização de entrevistas
presenciais e telefónicas. Será pedido aos médicos que preencham um formulário depois de cada
consulta com um dos doentes participantes no estudo. A análise dos dados recolhidos será feita com
recurso a modelos de estatística adequados, utilizando os softwares estatísticos SPSS e R.

CONTRIBUTOS ESPERADOS: A avaliação prospectiva da adesão e inércia terapêutica irá permitir a
identificação de factores-chave que possam ser alvo de intervenção, como o acesso e a continuidade de
cuidados de saúde, as crenças sobre a HTA e sobre a medicação e a relação médico-doente; e eventos-
chave, como uma nova consulta médica e o tempo entre consultas. Os resultados do estudo darão
suporte científico para estabelecer recomendações no controlo da HTA. Além disso, na medida em que o
estudo recolhe informação do doente, do médico e da relação entre ambos, será possível avaliar o valor
de cuidados de saúde continuados e personalizados, como defendido para os Cuidados de Saúde
Primários. Na presença de resultados preliminares, é de particular interesse propôr e testar intervenções
que melhorem a adesão à terapêutica e controlo da HTA.

PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Hipertensão, Adesão à terapêutica, Inércia terapêutica, Imigração e saúde.


Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in Portugal, with a mortality rate
among the highest in Europe and the World1. Furthermore, ischemic heart diseases and
cerebrovascular are the third and fifth highest causes for potential years of life lost in Portugal.2
Moreover, international studies showed immigrants are more vulnerable to the effects of
hypertension, in particular with higher prevalence, severity and risk of premature hypertension
by ethnic group, which has been reflected in the differences in morbidity and mortality.3, 4

After age, hypertension is the highest attributable risk factor for cardiovascular diseases,
and it presents a very high prevalence in Portugal. In 2003, a national population-based study
detected hypertensive blood pressure levels in 42.1% of the 5023 adults examined.5 It has been
estimated that 40% of acute myocardial infarction or stroke is attributable to hypertension6. Even
mild or borderline hypertension has been showed to increase stroke’s incidence7. In contrast
with age, hypertension is amiable to prevention and control. This fact justifies the emphasis
given by the Portuguese National Health Plan (NHP) for its prevention and control.8

Also, given the high prevalence of hypertension in the Portuguese population, the National
Program for Prevention and Control of Cardiovascular Diseases recognizes that the control of
high blood pressure is a major objective for the improvement of cardiovascular mortality.9 These
objectives should be achieved by improving the “(…) diagnosis, treatment, follow-up of
hypertensive patients, medication adherence, self-care and self-control of hypertension and
associated risk factors”,10 and by recommending that “(…) scientific studies concerning the
prevalence, treatment and control of hypertension in Portugal should be developed.”11

Although effective antihypertensive treatments have been developed in the last decades, studies
have showed that 60-80% of medicated hypertensive patients do not achieve normal blood
pressure levels.12 A 2003 population-based national study showed that, among the Portuguese
medicated hypertensive patients, only 28.7% had normal blood pressure levels. This value is in
agreement with other international studies and surveys.13

Medication adherence and clinical inertia are key factors for hypertension control
Among the causes of failure to control hypertension, poor adherence and clinical inertia are
top high because of their impact and frequency.14 Adherence has been defined as “the extent
to which a person’s behaviour - taking a medication, following a diet (…) corresponds with
agreed recommendations from a health care provider”. Studies on medication-taking behaviour
have identified low adherence as a primary cause of inadequate control of blood pressure

(BP) and for having a higher risk of developing complications from coronary heart disease.7, 15
The best available estimates are that poor adherence to therapy contributes to lack of good
blood pressure control in more than two-thirds of people living with hypertension.7

Also, "medication adherence is a dynamic parameter that is not stable over time".16 For instance,
patients with variable adherence often improve compliance around the time of a scheduled clinic
visit but declines thereafter.17 Other key events related to adherence dynamic are acceptance,
representing if whether or not the patient ever starts the dosing regimen, and persistence,
defined as the time between the first and the last dose. Non-acceptance is less studied but it is
recognized by clinical experience,15 while studies on short persistence have pointed out that,
within first year prescription, up to half of newly diagnosed patients quit their antihypertensive
medication.16 All these medication taking parameters will be comprehensively examined during
this study. 18

Antihypertensive medication intensity is another main determinant of blood pressure
control.19 An interest finding is that, in chronic diseases, the problem isn't usually prescribing the
wrong drug but “failure to initiate or titrate medications until important evidence-based clinical
goals are reached”.20 This failure may lead to potentially preventable adverse events, disability,
death, and excess medical care costs.21 Regarding high blood pressure control, it is pointed out
the need to (1) recognize lack of control and (2) initiate and/or intensify treatment until
therapeutic goals are reached.22 Also, hypertension management guidelines reinforces that “the
effective and timely titration to BP control requires frequent visits in order to timely modify the
treatment regimen in relation to BP changes”.23 Despite these recommendations, clinical inertia,
defined as “an office visit at which no therapeutic move was made to lower blood pressure of a
patient with uncontrolled hypertension”24 has a major impact on blood pressure control in
hypertensive patients receiving regular care: a recent cohort study concluded that reducing
clinical inertia would allow to control increased blood pressure in additionally 20% of
hypertensive patients.19 To better evaluate clinical inertia, a sufficient time window should be
considered, to encompass several clinical visits. Furthermore, factors related to physician,
patient and the clinical visit should be considered, such as insufficient time with the patient and
lack of physician training and proactive care.25 Our study will include such design and
longitudinal data collection, to be able to examine and interpret these factors.

Migration, cultural and socio-economic characteristics as challenging factors for
hypertension control
Control and adherence to hypertension medication are complex and multidimensional. We
hypothesize that cultural and socio-economical factors, crucial to the understanding of
hypertension and adherence to anti-hypertensive treatment, and well to the two-way interaction

with health care services, are major determinants for the control of a chronic disease, such
as hypertension. Some of the factors associated to the nature and complexity of migration –
such as individual lifestyle and cultural and environmental conditions – may influence the
adherence to medication in immigrants. We aim to understand how these possible differences
affect the adherence to hypertensive medication, blood pressure control and clinical inertia, by
comparing eventual inequalities among immigrants to non-immigrants.26 Nevertheless, little is
known about migration as a health determinant and this topic has been neglected in the
scientific literature. In Portugal, we have found no published studies about adherence and
control of hypertension in immigrants.

It has been demonstrated that African Americans were more likely to have inadequate blood
pressure control when compared to whites.27,     28
                                                      Moreover, African were more aware of their
hypertension and more likely to be on treatment if aware of their diagnosis but among those
treated for hypertension, they were less likely to have their blood pressure controlled.29 The
reasons given to explain the poorer hypertension control in different races include genetic
factors, lower aggressiveness of treatment, factors related to lifestyle, diet and stress, side
effects acceptance and access and use of health care.29

Regarding medication adherence, African Americans were more likely to be non-adherent, to
perceive hypertension as more serious and to report increased side effects than whites, with
these factors being related to poorer blood pressure control.27 Non-adherence was shown to be
associated with a lack of a primary care physician and having blood pressure checked in an
emergency room.30 Adherence WHO Report states that race is frequently a predictor of
adherence, regardless of whether the members of a particular race are living in their country of
origin or elsewhere as immigrants. Often, cultural beliefs, fear of discrimination or being
distrusted by medical profession are the reason behind these racial differences.7

All these factors challenge hypertension control, health care and clinical practice. By comparing
immigrants and non-immigrants with high blood pressure, we will be able to better
understand the impact of socio-cultural characteristics, health care utilization and other
important factors in blood pressure control and medication adherence.

Our cohort of immigrant will be restricted to Portuguese Speaking African Countries. Regarding
the lately national migration statistic (with age information by country of origin),31 only migrants
from the Portuguese Speaking African Countries present a considerable number of individuals
above 40 years of age (25%). The great majority of migrants from Brazil and Ukraine (two of the
ten top origin countries) have less than 40 years of age. In fact, migration flows from these two
countries are more recent than from the African Countries.

Studying only African migrants is a limitation, but we believe that our findings could contribute for
relevant insights concerning barriers to blood pressure control in other minority groups and in the
general population. As we stated, the prevalence, severity and impact of hypertension are
increased in blacks, and therefore studying African migrants will allow us to better understand
those elevated risks.

Purpose and advantages of the current study proposal
Hypertension, as a paradigm of a chronic disease with enormous public heath impact, is a
particularly important social, disease and health care model to understand chronic disease
control and management. Including disadvantageous populations, such as immigrants, will
emphasize disease care areas that are fundamental to chronic disease control and

This study will closely follow, for 18th months, a cohort of immigrants and non-immigrants,
allowing measuring and characterizing complex and dynamic phenomena which are
major determinants of blood pressure control, such as patient adherence to medication,
health care utilization and clinical inertia. Moreover, this study will characterize the care of
hypertension at the primary-care level, which will provide fundamentals data and insights
regarding the impact of primary care in the control of chronic diseases, such as hypertension.

Our team encompasses experienced and knowledgeable researchers, which have lead and
participated in community and primary-care based studies on cardiovascular disease,
medication adherence and health of migrants. This study will allow our country to participate in
international forums and networks were research, clinical care and public health policies for
chronic diseases, primary care, public health, health of immigrants and hypertension.

We will follow two cohorts of medicated hypertensive patients attending primary health care
clinics, one of immigrants and the other of non-immigrants, in order:

   1. To compare migrants and non-migrants concerning the prevalence of controlled
       hypertension, antihypertensive medication adherence, patterns of health services
       utilization and approaches to hypertension control, adjusted for age, comorbidities, socio-
       cultural and economical characteristics.

   2. To examine potential determinants of medication adherence and therapeutic adjustment.
       In particular, these will be related to:
           a. Hypertensive disease, including severity and co-morbidities
           b. Therapy, namely pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches
           c. Health Services, including access, patient-physician relationship and health
              system utilization
           d. Socio-economic aspects
           e. Patient beliefs and attitudes towards hypertension and therapy

   3. To identify multidirectional relations between adherence, therapeutic change, and blood
       pressure (BP) control. We will identify situations of clinical inertia. We will test the
       following hypotheses:
           a. Therapeutic change is associated with medication adherence
           b. Low adherent patients have a higher probability of uncontrolled BP, inducing
              cyclic therapeutic change until higher dosages compensate non-adherence
           c. Therapeutic change is determinant to BP control in high adherent patients, but not
              much so in low adherent patients

   4. To identify sub-groups in each cohort with high risk of uncontrolled BP related to poor
       adherence and/or clinical inertia.

This is an observational population-based prospective cohort study. Medicated hypertensive
patients, followed at Primary Care Health Centres of the Lisbon Health Region, will be stratified to
two different cohorts, according to their status as immigrants or native.

Study participants will:
   1) have a clinical record at Primary Health Care Centres from the administrative health
      region of Lisbon;
   2) have a clinical diagnosis of high blood pressure, as stated by the physician, or recorded in
      the clinical medical record;
   3) currently be taking antihypertensive medication, as indicated in the clinical medical record,
      and confirmed during a visit to the participant;
   4) have had their last clinical visit at least six months ago;
   5) be aged between 40 and 80 years, included;
   6) be responsible for taking their medication;
   7) be able to be contacted, with an active phone number and address registered in the
      primary health care centre information system;
   8) be able to and consent in participate on the study.

We will exclude from this study subjects who are:
   1) Institutionalized or those who depend on others to take the medication;
   2) Patients with cognitive disorders such as dementia and schizophrenia, as indicated in the
       clinical record or perceived during the interview.
   3) Having plans to move from the Lisbon Health Region for more than consecutive 4
       months within a 18th months period.
   4) Patients unable to be contacted by telephone, after 10 attempts, in alternate days, at
       different periods of the day.

In this study, immigrants are defined as subjects who were born in Portuguese Speaking African
Countries (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique or Sao Tome and Prince), and
have arrived to Portugal after 1980. For the non-immigrants’ cohort, patients must have been
born in Portugal.

The sampling process will follow a multistage approach, by clusters, aiming to draw a
representative sample from the native and immigrant population who accesses primary care
centres in Lisbon Health Region.

       a. Sampling of Primary Health Care Centres (PHCC)
Ten, out of 45 PHCC from Lisbon’s Health Region will be randomly selected. All selected PHCC’s
directors will be invited to participate, and any eventual refusal will be replaced by a new PHCC
randomly selected by the same process.

b. Within PHCC sampling of eligible subjects
For each PHCC, a list of all eligible users will be obtained from SINUS information system
managed by The National Health System Central Administration (ACSS). All eligible users will
be stratified in two lists (natives and non-natives) according to the location of birth (Portugal vs.
Portuguese Speaking African Countries).

       c. Within PHCC sampling of participating physicians
Individual will be sequentially drawn from both lists. First 5 physicians reaching 75 users in each
of both cohorts will be selected and invited to participate in the study. Any eventual refusal of
participation by the physician will lead to the next physician reaching the same criteria.

       d. Identification of medicated hypertensive patients
Potential medicated hypertensive patients will be identified by asking theirs physicians to
indicate those among the selected subjects. We have shown this identification process to be
superior, when comparing to telephone interview or reviewing the medical record32. Further
selection criteria will be assessed by phone interview.

Data will be collected from following sources and times indicated in table 1.
The follow-up period will last for 18 months, during which it is expected to establish a continuous
relationship between the study participants and the research team by:
    (1) Face-to-face interviews each 6 month (4 by participant in 1.5 years of follow-up);
    (2) Phone interviews at 3, 9 and 15 months (3 by participant in 1.5 years of follow-up).
This frequency is expected to contribute to keep participants committed during the study and to
clarify any question that may arise by the participants.

TABLE 1. Data collection sources and periods.

               DATA COLLECTION                         VERIFICATION       AT               FOLLOW-UP
         INSTRUMENTS AND SOURCES                       OF ELEGIBILITY   BASELINE   3M 6M 9M 12M 15M 18M
Patients’ eligibility form (to be fulfilled by the
physician)                                                   X
Patients’ eligibility questionnaire (to be fulfilled
during phone interview)                                      X
Physician’s questionnaire                                                  X                    X       X
Patients’ baseline questionnaire (face-to-face)                            X
Patients’ baseline questionnaire – immigrant cohort
(face-to-face)                                                             X
Clinical records’ form                                                     X
Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ6)                                        X                    X       X
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) –
Portuguese version                                                         X                    X       X
EUROPEP – Portuguese version                                               X                            X
Beliefs about Medicine Questionnaire – General
and Specific (BMQ) – Portuguese version                                    X                            X
Illness  Perception      Questionnaire     (IPQ)   –
Portuguese version                                                         X                            X
Patients’ follow-up questionnaire (face-to-face)                                       X        X       X
Patients’    follow-up   questionnaire    (telephone
interview)                                                                         X        X       X
Physicians’ follow-up form                                                 During each appointment.
Patients’ BP self-measurement and medication
adherence diary                                                            X           X        X       X

Physicians’ participation consists in fulfilling
     (1) A formulary per visit of the enrolled patients, with information about BP values and
     changes in therapy.
             a. The questionnaires will be annexed to clinical processes and collected monthly.
     (2) A mid and final questionnaire regarding attendance to training courses and congresses
     related to hypertension, as well as knowledge, attitudes and decision making regarding
     management and experience with hypertensive patients.


        a. Outcome measures
Blood pressure (BP)
Blood pressure record will be collected by three sources of information: (1) patients’ clinical
records and (1.a) form filled by its physicians at each visit, (2) ambulatory BP, in a subgroup of
randomly selected patients, and (3) home BP, performed at all the face-to-face interviews

(baseline and follow-up period). BP will be measured as a continuous variable and its
classification will be according to 2007 ESH-ESC Practice Guidelines for the Management of
Arterial Hypertension.
Adherence to antihypertensive pharmacological therapy
Adherence will be evaluated as a time-changing parameter, which includes (1) acceptance (in
naïve medicated patients), (2) compliance and (3) persistence. A patient will be classified as
adherent if he accepts to take the prescribed medication, maintains the treatment during the
study period and presents compliance level of 80% or higher.
 (1) Acceptance is defined has a dichotomous variable, assuming that a naïve medicated patient
   accepts medication when it continues taking it for more than one month.
 (2) Persistence is also defined as a dichotomous variable, assuming that a patient persists with
   its medication when that is taken until the physician suspends it or the end of study period.
 (3) A multi-method approach will be taken in order to access compliance, based on pharmacy
   record and self-report:

    •   At the baseline interview, all the non-naïve patients will be submitted to the following
        questions33: “People miss taking their medications for many reasons. Do you have
        medicines for which you sometimes miss taking a dose? (..) How many doses might you
        have missed in the past 10 days?” (Portuguese) “As pessoas podem falhar os seus
        medicamentos por muitas razões. Há medicamentos para os quais, por vezes, falte a
        toma de um ou mais comprimidos?” (....) “Nos últimos 10 dias, quantas tomas deve ter
        faltado?” These questions had a specificity of 69.8% and a sensitivity of 80%, giving an
        overall accuracy of 74.5%, when compared to pill count.33

    •   All participants will be requested to keep their pharmacy receipts for the duration of the
        study period (18 months). This is usual practice as they allow taxes return. Compliance
        will be defined as Medication Possession Ratio: sum of the days' supply of medication
        divided by the number of days between the first fill and the last refill plus the days' supply
        of the last refill. The accuracy of this methodological approach will be defined in a
        previous validation study, assuming pill-count as the gold-standard.

Clinical inertia
We will use the O’Connor PJ et al. definition of clinical inertia. Newly added antihypertensive
therapy and increase in the dose of current antihypertensive therapy will be considered
therapeutic changes. Target blood pressure is assumed to be <140/90 mmHg (or <130/80 in
diabetic patients), according to 2007 ESH-ESC Practice Guidelines for the Management of
Arterial Hypertension. Therapeutic change is designated as timely when it occurs within 6 month
from the date of a clinical visit.

b. Predictors variables
The role of several variables – socioeconomic, health system and health care team, high BP,
treatment and patient-related factors – as determinants of adherence dynamic and therapeutic
change will be collected at baseline and throughout the study. This research team is
experienced in collecting such data and applying these questionnaires, as it has been happening
in other studies.

Socioeconomic-related factors
Patients’ baseline questionnaire will allow collecting information regarding socio-demographic
characterization (age, sex, ethnicity, Graffar scale), professional status and income, social
support networks (assessed with Social Support Questionnaire SSQ6), marital status,
educational degree (number of school years concluded). For immigrants, the level of
acculturation will be assessed through the Vancouver index.

Hypertension-related factors
From the patients’ clinical medical record, data will be collected regarding the time since the
diagnosis of hypertension, its aetiology and grade (according to European Guidelines); co-
morbidities included in Charlson Co-morbidity Index34 and lipid disorders. At the baseline
interview, the Portuguese version of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD)            will be
applied to all patients enrolled in the study. Cardiovascular risk factors will also be identified at
the baseline interview: alcohol consumption, smoking habits and physical activity practice will be
measured according to Portuguese National Health Survey methodology; height and weight will
allow the calculation of the body mass index.

Treatment-related factors
Antihypertensive medication will be assessed each medical appointment throughout the study by
means of a simple, one-page form that the physician will fulfil at the end of each appointment.
Data will be also collected / confirmed at each face-to-face or telephone interview. These data
will pertain to prescription details and allow the computation of the medication’s expenditure.
During face-to-face interview, further information will be collected regarding the patient
involvement in decision’s making, perceived self-efficacy and side-effects, use of over-the-
counter medicines and non-pharmacological treatments.

Health system and health care team-related factors
During the patients’ baseline interview, the Portuguese version of EUROPEP will be applied to
access the patients’ satisfaction with primary health care system, including the patient-physician

A questionnaire applied to the enrolled physicians will collect information concerning training and
practice in hypertension control, such as, years of clinical practice, enrolment in training
programs on hypertension management, the physician criteria for initiating and intensifying anti-
hypertensive medication and the adoption of guidelines. Other information as needs on
information concerning the management of hypertension, and problems faced when prescribing
antihypertensive medication will also be accessed.

Patient-related factors
Patients’ knowledge, attitudes, and lay beliefs about hypertension will be obtained during a face-
to-face interview with the application of Beliefs about Medicine Questionnaire – General and
Specific (BMQ)37 – and Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ)38.

Instruments will be pretested and interviewers will have specific training to avoid systematic
errors. Test-retest reliability will be performed in a group of randomly selected patients, being
expected an inter-ratter agreement statistic (Kappa) ≥ 0.85. Adjustment and new testing process
will be conducted to those variables/questions in which Kappa < 0.85. A Manual of Procedures
(or Operations Manual), including definitions and quality control procedures, will be developed
and tested during the pilot study.

Assuming medication adherence as 80% or more of expected drug intake, a difference of ± 5%
may be detected with a sample size of 907 among the two cohorts (total sample size of 1814).
With this sample size, 907 participants per cohort, and given a statistical power of 80%, it will be
possible to detect relative’s risks of 1.18 or more, or 0.85 or less. For this sample size a
difference among two continuous pair of variables will allow a high power to detect differences.
For instance, to detect differences of blood pressure levels among two groups we will be able to
detect 2 mmHg among two groups (assuming a standard deviation of 5mmHg in each group) in
98.9% of the times. Therefore this samples size will allow powerful multivariate models, even
more as repeated measures will be taken.

To account for lost to follow-up during the study, the total calculated sample size will be
increased in 20%. Therefore, the final sample size will be of 2180 subjects, that is, 1090 per

Descriptive and inferential statistics will be performed. 95% confidence intervals will be
estimated for parameters of interest and a 5% significance level will be adopted for all statistical
hypotheses tests. Analysis will be performed using SPSS and R software. A careful data
inspection, cleaning and quality assurance phase will precede statistical analysis.

Accordingly to the study main objectives:
 UTILIZATION AND APPROACHES TO HYPERTENSION CONTROL,           a description of both cohort will be
 done, using categorical, parametric and non-parametric descriptive statistics, as appropriate.
 Prevalence of controlled hypertension will be described according to relevant socio-
 demographic variables (age, sex, education, economic status) for both groups and 95%
 confidence intervals will be computed according to the F distribution. Relevant socio-
 demographic and economical aspects, comorbidities scores and other clinical information (for
 instance, number of years with hypertension), will be compared among migrants and non-
 migrants, using chi-square tests for categorical variables, student t-test for parametric or
 Wilcoxon rank sum test for non-parametric continuous variables, as appropriate. Non-migrants
 and migrants will be compared regarding dichotomous variables, such as frequency of
 controlled hypertension, percentage of subjects adherent to antihypertensive medication, etc.,
 using logistic regression modelling, adjusted for age, comorbidities, socio-cultural and
 economical aspects.

 ADJUSTMENT    bivariate and multivariate methods will be used. Bivariated association will be
 tested using chi-square tests, Fisher Exact Test and binary logistic regression. Multivariated
 binary logistic regression will be performed to check which factors simultaneously relate with
 outcome variables.

 BLOOD PRESSURE CONTROL      bivariate and multivariated data analysis will be performed.
 In bivariated analysis, when adherence or therapeutic chance is considered an dependent
   variable, the analysis is identical to the recommended above for potential determinants
   determination. Of particular interest here is the situation when blood pressure is considered
   as the variable to be explained (as dependent variable): in such case t-tests and ANOVA will
   be used, as well as their non-parametric equivalent Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests.
 Multivariated approaches, aiming at identifying multiple factors and variables simultaneous
   associated with blood pressure will consist of multifactorial ANOVA (General Linear Models)
   and Multilevel Models.
 In fact, Multilevel Models (also known as hierarchical linear models, generalized linear mixed
   models, nested models, mixed models, random coefficient, random-effects models, random
   parameter models, or split-plot designs) are statistical models of parameters that vary at

more than one level and are known to be a good very general framework to discover how
   differences between studies in treatment implementations, research methods, subject
   characteristics, and contexts related to treatment effect estimates within studies39. These
   models can be seen as generalizations of linear models, although they can also extend non-
   linear models.
 Multilevel models are known to be very flexible but are also known to be sensible to presence
   of missing data and low number of information waves (number of time points at which time
   points were collected). In our study a high number of missing values is not expected. If
   number of records with missing information is small, listwise selection/deletion will be
   considered; otherwise data imputation or multiple imputation standard techniques will be
   considered. In this latter case, sensibility analysis will be performed (analysis with and
   without imputation) and reported.

 RELATED TO POOR ADHERENCE AND/OR CLINICAL INERTIA            profiles will be generated using
 multivariate exploratory data techniques: Cluster Analysis and Q Factor Analysis will be

Our research team has experience in working with the primary care setting; examining
antihypertensive medication adherence; and studying immigrants’ health. In this section we
describe preliminary work and results relevant to demonstrate our proficiency and how this study
builds on previous studies.

Immigrants access to primary health care40
    There is a lack of studies concerning the health, health care access and equity for the
    immigrant communities'. In 2007, our research team developed a study about the
    "Evaluation of Health and Health Assessment of African and Brazilian Immigrants in
    Portugal" with the objectives of characterizing the health, the access to health care and the
    health determinants of the African and Brazilian communities living in Lisbon and Setubal
    Districts, and comparing theses data with the data available from the general population
    with the 4th National Health Survey.

    Individuals were selected through a process of random simple cluster geographical
    sampling with the help of GIS software (ArcGIS 9.1). The data collection was obtained by
    teams of interviewers, most of them from the communities in study.

   A total sample of 4508 individuals was surveyed, aged between 0 and 87 years old, 51%
   were women. This population used mainly the National Health Service (86%). Within the last
   three months, 24% have consulted once a doctor, 14% consulted 2-3 times, and 5%
   consulted more than three times. The last consultation was mainly in the PHCC (61%).

Hypertension awareness, prevalence, control and treatment in Immigrants*
       Furthermore, also in 2007, our research team conducted a study intituled: "Comparison
       Between Self-Referred Hypertension and Blood Pressure Measurement in African
       Immigrants and Brazilians", based on a sub-sample from the study described above. Blood
       pressure measurements were obtained by trained observers using a validated OMROM
       M6C sphygmomanometer. Additional information’s concerning hypertension and its
       treatment was collected through a specific questionnaire, during an interview with an
       interviewer from the same community.
       The final sample was constituted by a total of 317 individuals, aged between 30 and 83
       years old, 61% were women. Overall 45.6% had hypertension. Prevalence of hypertension
       was     higher      among   African    (52.7%)    than     Brazilian    (24.3%)     (p<0.001).
       Overall, 42% of hypertensive patients were aware of their diagnosis. Around 47% of those
       with hypertension were medicated. Mean years of diagnosis is 11±10.8 and of medication,
       10±9.6. Only 19% of hypertensive and 59.7% of hypertensive medicated achieved blood
       pressure control.

Regarding our approach to study adherence the antihypertensive medication in the immigrant’s
cohort, these preliminary results show that hypertensive immigrants seem not to have limited
access to health care as they have frequent consultations in the PHCC (a great number had
consultations in the previously 3 months of the inquiry). This supports that sampling the
immigrant participants may be carried out in the same way as that for the non-immigrants.

How to identify medicated hypertensive patients at Primary Care Health Centres?

The answer to this question was possible with a previous study32 of 250 subjects followed at a
primary care centre of Lisbon’s Region, with age ≥ 40 years. To compare advantages and losses
of information, independent processes were applied: (1) physicians were asked to identify their
patients as with/without hypertension under medication, by answering a brief questionnaire, (2)
clinical records were consulted and (3) phone interviews were driven. With the study conclusion,
48% (120 patients) have medicated hypertension identified by, at least, one of the above processes.
The physician’s questionnaire allowed the identification of a larger number of medicated
hypertensive patients (74.2% of all medicated hypertensive patients) with fewer loss of information.

    Unpublished data.

Study Timeline and Human Resources
                                                                         Month                                         Human
                                 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25    Resources
0. Study protocol and
                                                                                                                     Research team
   choice of measures
1. Ethical Committee and
   administrative                                                                                                    Research team
2. Interviewers selection                                                                                            2 Field
   and training                                                                                                        coordinators
3. Pilot study
                                                                                                                     2 Field
4. Database construction                                                                                               Coordinators
5. Validation of                                                                                                     2 Interviewers
   compliance measure by                                                                                             1 Informatic
   pharmacy claims
                                                                                                                     1 Study
6. Sampling Process                                                                                                    Coordinator
7. Recruitment of
   medicated hypertensive                                                                                            2 Field
   participants                                                                                                        Coordinators
8. Recruitment of primary                                                                                            6 Interviewers
   care physicians
9. Follow-up period                                                                                                  2 Field
   (face-to-face interviews or
   telephone interviews each
                                                                                                                     4 Interviewers
   3 months)
10.Data analysis                                                                                                     Research team
11.Publications and
   divulgation of the study                                                                                          Research team


 We will take in consideration the following ethical issues:

 1. Health care data is sensible personal information. We will de-identify data such as name,
   birthday, address and telephone contact. Patients and health care providers will be coded with a
   unique non-identifying number. The database will have protected access (restricted access,
   password-protected), and servers will be protected with state-of-art software firewalls and anti-virus.

 2. Written informed consent will be requested to all participants: a copy of the signed informed
   consent will remain with the participant. The right to leave the study at any time, and to have all data
   erased, will be recognized. In order to infer external validity from the data analysis, a small set of
   non-identifying data (e.g., gender, year of birth) will be used to compare consenting and non-
   consenting subjects.

 3. A permission from Protection Data Portuguese Authority (CNPD) will be required to use
   centralized databases with individual data. This permission is particularly relevant since we will
   collect sensible personal and clinical data. This research group is experienced in submitting similar
   requests to CNPD.

 A cross-sectional version of this study has already been approved by the Ethical Committee from the
   Medical School of the University of Lisbon. Currently, it is pending a request for the modifications
   related to the longitudinal design.


For an expected sample size of 2180 subjects (see sample size calculation), we anticipate the
following budget and material resources:

                                          Amount          Material
                 Item                      (Eur)         Resources                                Description
                                                          Start-up costs
                                                                            Consultant revision (including travel expenses).
 Consultants                               2500      Travel expenses
                                                                            Includes 2 visits of 3 days.
                                                                            Submission to the Ethical Committee and Portuguese
 Ethical Approval                           250
                                                                            Data Protection Authority
                                                     Office material        Pilot study for the validation of study methodology,
                                                                            testing of the data collection and of the procedures
 Pilot study                               1500      Phone credits
                                                                            manual, in 100 participants (50 per cohort), only at
                                                     Travel expenses        baseline and one follow-visit at 3 months.

                                                                            Database construction and testing, storage and
 Database management                        800      Server
                                                     Office material        Contacts with the PCHCs and general physicians:
 Implementation at Primary         Care                                     invitation to the PCHC directors; debriefing; invitation
                                            500      Travel expenses
 Health Centres (PCHC)                                                      to the physicians. Estimation of 4 visits for 2 persons
                                                     Phone credits          to 14 PCHC at 4.5 Euros per visit.

                                                     Participant-related costs
                                                                            Telephone contacts with GP's, during all study
 Physicians' contacts                       500      Phone credits          phases (110 GP's, 3 visits per GP, 3 phone calls per
                                                                            visit, 0,5 Euros per phone call)

                                                     Post expenses          Appointment of face-to-face interviews + telephone
                                                                            interviews (2180 participants, 4 visits per participant,
 Participants' contacts                    30000                            3 phone interviews per participant, 3 phone calls per
                                                     Phone credits          contact, 0.5 Euros per phone call) (2 letters per
                                                                            participant, 0.5 Euros per letter)
 Documentation                             5500      Office material        Paper questionnaires (~2.5 Euro/participant)
                                                     Staff and Analysis costs
                                                                            Public transportation cards for 5 interviewers for 25
 Traveling expenses                        5000      Travel expenses
                                                                            months, at 40 Euros per month.
                                                                            5 part-time interviewers, working a mean of 6
 Interviewers' part-time stipend           66000     Stipend
                                                                            hours/day, for 22 months, at 600 Euros per month.
                                                                            Statistical analysis performed by a team member and
 Statistical Analysis & Report             2500
                                                                            revised by an expert in longitudinal data analysis
                                                                            30% time of a study coordinator, for 24 months, for a
 Study coordinator                         15000
                                                                            full-time stipend of 2000 Euros/month.
                                                                            30% time of a filed coordinator, for 24 months, for a
 Field coordinator                         10000
                                                                            full-time stipend of 1400 Euros/month.
                                                                            Participation and presentation in national and
                                                     Travel expenses
 Publications and divulgation of                                            international meetings;
 results                                                                    Publications and divulgation of the study results in
                                                     Meeting registration
                                                                            international and national peer-review journals.
                           sub-total 1    142550
 Unexpected expenditures (15%)            21382.5
                           sub-total 2    163932.5
 AIDFM (8%)                                16000                            Institution overheads.
 IMP (10%)                                 18400                            Institution overheads.

 Total                                    198333

                                          200 000


It is expected to communicate the research’s potential contributions through publications in
international and national peer-review journals, and in international and national meetings
related to areas such as Public Health and Epidemiology, Cardiology, and Immigrant’s Health. In
these areas, the research’s foreseen contributions are
   1- Clinical, Public Health, Care for Hypertensive patients, Primary-Care: (1) prevalence
       of hypertension control, adherence to antihypertensive medication and clinical inertial; (2)
       determinants of hypertension control, adherence dynamic and therapeutic change; (3)
       implementation and compliance with current guidelines and recommendations; (4) profile
       of the hypertensive patients at the primary-care;

       We will be able to describe the dynamics of medication adherence according to
       important key moments and factors concerning a chronic disease with major public
       health impact. These key moments are, for example, a new appointment, attending the
       emergency care or an adverse event. We will measure the impact of key factors, such as
       patient-doctor relationship and continuity of care, time between appointments, and the
       physicians’ criteria for intensifying therapy. All these results will provide insights to
       elements which may be intervened, in order to improve the control of high blood
       pressure. The importance of these results may be extended to other chronic diseases.

       This study will be innovative since it will incorporate the information of both patients
       and physicians. We will be able to understand how these two perspectives integrate
       each other: for instance, we will be able to examine if a physician who easily intensifies
       therapy associates with a more adherent patient; if physicians who like to treat
       hypertensive patients are associated with patients who belief their antihypertensive
       medication is effective; if physician who evaluate medication adherence and adverse
       effects are more likely to have adherent patients. Moreover, this insight is of more value
       as we will be including primary-care physicians, who are more likely to have long-term
       relations with their patients, and to care about other chronic diseases of the same
   2- Epidemiology: (4) discussion of cohort studies methodology for multiple measurements
       in chronic diseases; (5) measurement issues in medication adherence and clinical inertia
       research; (6) measuring health care quality, equity to health care access, and ethnicity as
       a variable in epidemiological research;

       In Portugal it is not common to have longitudinal prospective studies, particularly at the
       primary care level. These studies require a high level of organization and professional
       management, along with a high-motivated team who will create and maintain a strong
       commitment and relation with all participants and everyone else involved. We expect

that, in the course of this study, we will be able to make collaborations with other
          researchers, so that we and other may take further scientific and clinical advantage with
          this effort. Therefore, we expect that new projects will be created from these
          opportunities. As we have additional preliminary results, we will be particularly interested
          in proposing and testing interventions aiming to improve high blood pressure control
          and anti-hypertensive adherence.
     3- Immigrant’s health: (7) equity to health care access among immigrants and non-
          immigrants; (8) discussion of the inclusion of ethnic minorities in health outcomes
          research; (9) ethnic inequality in health status; (10) acculturation and health and
          determinants for adherence in immigrants.

          In Portugal there are few studies about migration and health and none about medication
          or control of a chronic disease in migrants. As far as we know, this will be the first
          longitudinal study with a prospective cohort of adult immigrants. A recent cohort
          study was conduct with children with the objective of defining the prevalence of
          immigrant children and to assess the children in their first months of life morbidity and
          mortality.41 We expect a better understand of changes in health related to migration
          status, which may lead to evidence-based measures regarding health services
          organization and specific intervention programs.

We expect, during the next 2-3 years, to publish about 2 to 4 papers per year (total of 9-10
papers), both at national and international peer-reviewed journals. We estimate a similar number
of presentations at national and international meetings. This research unit is responsible for the
Master Degree in Epidemiology at the Lisbon’s University Medical School. This project should
provide enough scientific material for 2 master theses. Therefore, we anticipate the opportunity
to interest students in project and to present, during the next 2-3 years, about 1 seminar per year
concerning this study.

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Determinants of Medication Adherence and Therapeutic Change in Hypertension

  • 1. THE DIMATCH-HTA STUDY DETERMINANTS AND IMPACT OF MEDICATION ADHERENCE AND THERAPEUTIC CHANGE IN THE CONTROL OF ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION AMONG COHORTS OF IMMIGRANTS AND NON-IMMIGRANTS AT THE PRIMARY CARE LEVEL Principal Investigator: Evangelista Casimiro Rocha Research team: Paulo Nicola, Mário Carreira, Violeta Alarcão, Paulo Nogueira, Milene Fernandes, Maria Alves Cortes, Marta Godinho Scientific consultants: Charles Agyemang, José Pereira Miguel Unidade de Epidemiologia Instituto de Medicina Preventiva Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa June 2008
  • 2. INDEX SUMMARY …………………………………………………………………….. 3 RESUMO ………………………………………………………………………. 4 BACKGROUND ……………………............................................................. 5 SPECIFIC AIMS ……….............................................................................. 9 METHODS ……………............................................................................. 9 Study Design ……………………………………………………………………... 9 Study Population and Eligibility Criteria ……………………………………. 10 Sampling Process ……………………………………………………………….. 10 Data Collection Process ………………………………………………………... 11 Variables Definition ……………………………………………………………... 12 Measurements and Data Sources …………………………………………….. 15 Sample Size ………………………………………………………………………. 15 Statistical Methods ……………………………………………………………… 16 PRELIMINARY DATA ………………………………………………………….. 17 EXPECTED RESULTS ................................................................................ 20 STUDY TIMELINE AND HUMAN RESOURCES ................................................ 19 ETHICAL ISSUES ....................................................................................... 19 BUDGET AND MATERIAL RESOURCES ……………………………………….. 20 EXPECTED PUBLICATION AND PRESENTATIONS …………………………….. 21 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES ……………………………………………….. 22 2
  • 3. SUMMARY INTRODUCTION: Hypertension is a serious problem of public health since it affects more then 50% of the Portuguese population above 45 years. Lack of hypertension control is strongly associated with stroke mortality and acute myocardial infarction, two leading causes of death and morbidity in Portugal. Among the determinants of failure to control blood pressure, non-adherence and clinical inertia assume major relevance. Cultural and socio-economic factors and health services access and utilization are critical aspects underlying non-adherence and clinical inertia. These issues become even more complex when it comes to hypertensive immigrants, due to the specifics involved in social integration, the migration phenomenon and the own ethnicity. Both migrant and non-migrant populations are followed at primary care level, where a strong patient-physician relationship and an integrated management of multiple chronic diseases are a challenge to physicians. Longitudinal studies are the best approach to evaluate medication adherence and therapeutic inertia dynamics, providing a better understanding on determinants able to be intervened. SPECIFIC AIMS: a) examine potential determinants of medication adherence and therapeutic adjustment; b) identify multidirectional relations between adherence, inertia and the blood pressure control; c) identify sub-groups, in each cohort, with high risk of uncontrolled hypertension related to poor adherence and/or clinical inertia. STUDY DESIGN: Observational, population-based prospective cohort study of medicated hypertensive patients, followed at Primary Care Health Centres (PHCC) of the Lisbon Health Region, will be stratified to two different cohorts, according to their status as immigrants or native. METHODS: The sampling process will follow a multistage approach, by clusters, aiming to draw a representative sample from the native and immigrant population who accesses primary care centres in Lisbon, and their physicians. The final sample will be constituted by 1090 immigrants’ patients from African Portuguese Speaking Countries and 1090 native medicated hypertensive patients. The inclusion criteria will be verified through SINUS information system, by asking their physicians and during a phone interview with the patient. The follow-up period will last for 18 months, and data collection will be performed by face- to-face and phone interviews. The enrolled participants’ physicians will be asked to fulfil a questionnaire after each medical appointment. Data collected will allow a longitudinal analysis by using the software SPSS and R. EXPECTED CONTRIBUTIONS: With a prospective evaluation of medication adherence and clinical inertia, it will be identified the impact of key factors such as access and continuity of health care, the patient beliefs regarding hypertension and antihypertensive medication and the patient-physician relationship, and of key moments, such as a new medical appointment and time between appointments. All these results will provide evidence for interventions and recommendations on hypertension management. Also, by assessing both patients and physicians and their relationships, this study will be able to examine the value of continuity and personalized care, which are specific values of Primary Health Care. As we have preliminary results, we will be particularly interested in proposing and testing interventions aiming to improve high blood pressure control and anti-hypertensive adherence. KEYWORDS: Hypertension, Medication adherence, Clinical inertia, Migration 3
  • 4. RESUMO INTRODUÇÃO: A hipertensão arterial (HTA) é uma doença crónica que atinge mais de 50% da população portuguesa acima dos 45 anos. O não controlo da HTA está fortemente associado ao acidente vascular cerebral e ao enfarte agudo do miocárdio, identificados como as principais causas de morte e morbilidade no nosso país. A não adesão e a inércia terapêutica têm sido apontadas como dois determinantes major do não controlo da HTA. Sendo multi-dimensionais, ambas estão relacionadas com factores culturais e sócio- económicos e com o acesso e utilização dos serviços de saúde, entre outros determinantes. Estes factores tornam-se ainda mais complexos nos imigrantes hipertensos, devido às características próprias da integração social, do fenómeno migratório e da própria etnia. Os cuidados de saúde primários acompanham ambas as populações, imigrante e não-imigrante, colocando exigências ao nível da relação médico-doente e continuidade de cuidados, bem como na adequação dos cuidados de saúde para as várias doenças crónicas que o doente apresenta. Para compreender o impacto destes factores no controlo da HTA são recomendados estudos longitudinais sobre a dinâmica da adesão e a inércia terapêutica. Da identificação destes factores poderão surgir estratégias de intervenção para melhoria do controlo da HTA. OBJECTIVOS: a) descrever os determinantes da dinâmica da adesão terapêutica e da mudança terapêutica; b) analisar a relação multidireccional entre adesão, inércia terapêutica e controlo da HTA; c) identificar sub-grupos, em cada coorte, com elevado risco de não controlo da HTA relacionado com a não adesão e/ou inércia terapêutica. DESENHO DE ESTUDO: observacional analítico, prospectivo e de base populacional, de 2 coortes de imigrantes e não imigrantes, com HTA medicada e seguidos nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários da Região de Saúde de Lisboa. MÉTODO: O processo de amostragem será multi-etápico, por conglomerados, pretendendo-se uma amostra representativa da população imigrante e não imigrante que acede aos cuidados de saúde primários, bem como dos seus médicos de clínica geral e medicina familiar. A amostra final será constituída por 1090 doentes imigrantes oriundos dos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa e por 1090 doentes de naturalidade portuguesa com HTA medicada. Os critérios de inclusão serão verificados através da informação obtida no sistema de informação SINUS, por questionário aplicado aos médicos e durante uma entrevista telefónica com cada potencial participante. Os doentes de ambas as coortes serão seguidos durante 18 meses, com recolha de informação por realização de entrevistas presenciais e telefónicas. Será pedido aos médicos que preencham um formulário depois de cada consulta com um dos doentes participantes no estudo. A análise dos dados recolhidos será feita com recurso a modelos de estatística adequados, utilizando os softwares estatísticos SPSS e R. CONTRIBUTOS ESPERADOS: A avaliação prospectiva da adesão e inércia terapêutica irá permitir a identificação de factores-chave que possam ser alvo de intervenção, como o acesso e a continuidade de cuidados de saúde, as crenças sobre a HTA e sobre a medicação e a relação médico-doente; e eventos- chave, como uma nova consulta médica e o tempo entre consultas. Os resultados do estudo darão suporte científico para estabelecer recomendações no controlo da HTA. Além disso, na medida em que o estudo recolhe informação do doente, do médico e da relação entre ambos, será possível avaliar o valor de cuidados de saúde continuados e personalizados, como defendido para os Cuidados de Saúde Primários. Na presença de resultados preliminares, é de particular interesse propôr e testar intervenções que melhorem a adesão à terapêutica e controlo da HTA. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Hipertensão, Adesão à terapêutica, Inércia terapêutica, Imigração e saúde. 4
  • 5. BACKGROUND Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in Portugal, with a mortality rate among the highest in Europe and the World1. Furthermore, ischemic heart diseases and cerebrovascular are the third and fifth highest causes for potential years of life lost in Portugal.2 Moreover, international studies showed immigrants are more vulnerable to the effects of hypertension, in particular with higher prevalence, severity and risk of premature hypertension by ethnic group, which has been reflected in the differences in morbidity and mortality.3, 4 After age, hypertension is the highest attributable risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, and it presents a very high prevalence in Portugal. In 2003, a national population-based study detected hypertensive blood pressure levels in 42.1% of the 5023 adults examined.5 It has been estimated that 40% of acute myocardial infarction or stroke is attributable to hypertension6. Even mild or borderline hypertension has been showed to increase stroke’s incidence7. In contrast with age, hypertension is amiable to prevention and control. This fact justifies the emphasis given by the Portuguese National Health Plan (NHP) for its prevention and control.8 Also, given the high prevalence of hypertension in the Portuguese population, the National Program for Prevention and Control of Cardiovascular Diseases recognizes that the control of high blood pressure is a major objective for the improvement of cardiovascular mortality.9 These objectives should be achieved by improving the “(…) diagnosis, treatment, follow-up of hypertensive patients, medication adherence, self-care and self-control of hypertension and associated risk factors”,10 and by recommending that “(…) scientific studies concerning the prevalence, treatment and control of hypertension in Portugal should be developed.”11 Although effective antihypertensive treatments have been developed in the last decades, studies have showed that 60-80% of medicated hypertensive patients do not achieve normal blood pressure levels.12 A 2003 population-based national study showed that, among the Portuguese medicated hypertensive patients, only 28.7% had normal blood pressure levels. This value is in agreement with other international studies and surveys.13 Medication adherence and clinical inertia are key factors for hypertension control Among the causes of failure to control hypertension, poor adherence and clinical inertia are top high because of their impact and frequency.14 Adherence has been defined as “the extent to which a person’s behaviour - taking a medication, following a diet (…) corresponds with agreed recommendations from a health care provider”. Studies on medication-taking behaviour have identified low adherence as a primary cause of inadequate control of blood pressure 5
  • 6. (BP) and for having a higher risk of developing complications from coronary heart disease.7, 15 The best available estimates are that poor adherence to therapy contributes to lack of good blood pressure control in more than two-thirds of people living with hypertension.7 Also, "medication adherence is a dynamic parameter that is not stable over time".16 For instance, patients with variable adherence often improve compliance around the time of a scheduled clinic visit but declines thereafter.17 Other key events related to adherence dynamic are acceptance, representing if whether or not the patient ever starts the dosing regimen, and persistence, defined as the time between the first and the last dose. Non-acceptance is less studied but it is recognized by clinical experience,15 while studies on short persistence have pointed out that, within first year prescription, up to half of newly diagnosed patients quit their antihypertensive medication.16 All these medication taking parameters will be comprehensively examined during this study. 18 Antihypertensive medication intensity is another main determinant of blood pressure control.19 An interest finding is that, in chronic diseases, the problem isn't usually prescribing the wrong drug but “failure to initiate or titrate medications until important evidence-based clinical goals are reached”.20 This failure may lead to potentially preventable adverse events, disability, death, and excess medical care costs.21 Regarding high blood pressure control, it is pointed out the need to (1) recognize lack of control and (2) initiate and/or intensify treatment until therapeutic goals are reached.22 Also, hypertension management guidelines reinforces that “the effective and timely titration to BP control requires frequent visits in order to timely modify the treatment regimen in relation to BP changes”.23 Despite these recommendations, clinical inertia, defined as “an office visit at which no therapeutic move was made to lower blood pressure of a patient with uncontrolled hypertension”24 has a major impact on blood pressure control in hypertensive patients receiving regular care: a recent cohort study concluded that reducing clinical inertia would allow to control increased blood pressure in additionally 20% of hypertensive patients.19 To better evaluate clinical inertia, a sufficient time window should be considered, to encompass several clinical visits. Furthermore, factors related to physician, patient and the clinical visit should be considered, such as insufficient time with the patient and lack of physician training and proactive care.25 Our study will include such design and longitudinal data collection, to be able to examine and interpret these factors. Migration, cultural and socio-economic characteristics as challenging factors for hypertension control Control and adherence to hypertension medication are complex and multidimensional. We hypothesize that cultural and socio-economical factors, crucial to the understanding of hypertension and adherence to anti-hypertensive treatment, and well to the two-way interaction 6
  • 7. with health care services, are major determinants for the control of a chronic disease, such as hypertension. Some of the factors associated to the nature and complexity of migration – such as individual lifestyle and cultural and environmental conditions – may influence the adherence to medication in immigrants. We aim to understand how these possible differences affect the adherence to hypertensive medication, blood pressure control and clinical inertia, by comparing eventual inequalities among immigrants to non-immigrants.26 Nevertheless, little is known about migration as a health determinant and this topic has been neglected in the scientific literature. In Portugal, we have found no published studies about adherence and control of hypertension in immigrants. It has been demonstrated that African Americans were more likely to have inadequate blood pressure control when compared to whites.27, 28 Moreover, African were more aware of their hypertension and more likely to be on treatment if aware of their diagnosis but among those treated for hypertension, they were less likely to have their blood pressure controlled.29 The reasons given to explain the poorer hypertension control in different races include genetic factors, lower aggressiveness of treatment, factors related to lifestyle, diet and stress, side effects acceptance and access and use of health care.29 Regarding medication adherence, African Americans were more likely to be non-adherent, to perceive hypertension as more serious and to report increased side effects than whites, with these factors being related to poorer blood pressure control.27 Non-adherence was shown to be associated with a lack of a primary care physician and having blood pressure checked in an emergency room.30 Adherence WHO Report states that race is frequently a predictor of adherence, regardless of whether the members of a particular race are living in their country of origin or elsewhere as immigrants. Often, cultural beliefs, fear of discrimination or being distrusted by medical profession are the reason behind these racial differences.7 All these factors challenge hypertension control, health care and clinical practice. By comparing immigrants and non-immigrants with high blood pressure, we will be able to better understand the impact of socio-cultural characteristics, health care utilization and other important factors in blood pressure control and medication adherence. Our cohort of immigrant will be restricted to Portuguese Speaking African Countries. Regarding the lately national migration statistic (with age information by country of origin),31 only migrants from the Portuguese Speaking African Countries present a considerable number of individuals above 40 years of age (25%). The great majority of migrants from Brazil and Ukraine (two of the ten top origin countries) have less than 40 years of age. In fact, migration flows from these two countries are more recent than from the African Countries. 7
  • 8. Studying only African migrants is a limitation, but we believe that our findings could contribute for relevant insights concerning barriers to blood pressure control in other minority groups and in the general population. As we stated, the prevalence, severity and impact of hypertension are increased in blacks, and therefore studying African migrants will allow us to better understand those elevated risks. Purpose and advantages of the current study proposal Hypertension, as a paradigm of a chronic disease with enormous public heath impact, is a particularly important social, disease and health care model to understand chronic disease control and management. Including disadvantageous populations, such as immigrants, will emphasize disease care areas that are fundamental to chronic disease control and management. This study will closely follow, for 18th months, a cohort of immigrants and non-immigrants, allowing measuring and characterizing complex and dynamic phenomena which are major determinants of blood pressure control, such as patient adherence to medication, health care utilization and clinical inertia. Moreover, this study will characterize the care of hypertension at the primary-care level, which will provide fundamentals data and insights regarding the impact of primary care in the control of chronic diseases, such as hypertension. Our team encompasses experienced and knowledgeable researchers, which have lead and participated in community and primary-care based studies on cardiovascular disease, medication adherence and health of migrants. This study will allow our country to participate in international forums and networks were research, clinical care and public health policies for chronic diseases, primary care, public health, health of immigrants and hypertension. 8
  • 9. SPECIFIC AIMS We will follow two cohorts of medicated hypertensive patients attending primary health care clinics, one of immigrants and the other of non-immigrants, in order: 1. To compare migrants and non-migrants concerning the prevalence of controlled hypertension, antihypertensive medication adherence, patterns of health services utilization and approaches to hypertension control, adjusted for age, comorbidities, socio- cultural and economical characteristics. 2. To examine potential determinants of medication adherence and therapeutic adjustment. In particular, these will be related to: a. Hypertensive disease, including severity and co-morbidities b. Therapy, namely pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches c. Health Services, including access, patient-physician relationship and health system utilization d. Socio-economic aspects e. Patient beliefs and attitudes towards hypertension and therapy 3. To identify multidirectional relations between adherence, therapeutic change, and blood pressure (BP) control. We will identify situations of clinical inertia. We will test the following hypotheses: a. Therapeutic change is associated with medication adherence b. Low adherent patients have a higher probability of uncontrolled BP, inducing cyclic therapeutic change until higher dosages compensate non-adherence c. Therapeutic change is determinant to BP control in high adherent patients, but not much so in low adherent patients 4. To identify sub-groups in each cohort with high risk of uncontrolled BP related to poor adherence and/or clinical inertia. METHODS STUDY DESIGN This is an observational population-based prospective cohort study. Medicated hypertensive patients, followed at Primary Care Health Centres of the Lisbon Health Region, will be stratified to two different cohorts, according to their status as immigrants or native. 9
  • 10. STUDY POPULATION AND ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Study participants will: 1) have a clinical record at Primary Health Care Centres from the administrative health region of Lisbon; 2) have a clinical diagnosis of high blood pressure, as stated by the physician, or recorded in the clinical medical record; 3) currently be taking antihypertensive medication, as indicated in the clinical medical record, and confirmed during a visit to the participant; 4) have had their last clinical visit at least six months ago; 5) be aged between 40 and 80 years, included; 6) be responsible for taking their medication; 7) be able to be contacted, with an active phone number and address registered in the primary health care centre information system; 8) be able to and consent in participate on the study. We will exclude from this study subjects who are: 1) Institutionalized or those who depend on others to take the medication; 2) Patients with cognitive disorders such as dementia and schizophrenia, as indicated in the clinical record or perceived during the interview. 3) Having plans to move from the Lisbon Health Region for more than consecutive 4 months within a 18th months period. 4) Patients unable to be contacted by telephone, after 10 attempts, in alternate days, at different periods of the day. In this study, immigrants are defined as subjects who were born in Portuguese Speaking African Countries (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique or Sao Tome and Prince), and have arrived to Portugal after 1980. For the non-immigrants’ cohort, patients must have been born in Portugal. SAMPLING PROCESS The sampling process will follow a multistage approach, by clusters, aiming to draw a representative sample from the native and immigrant population who accesses primary care centres in Lisbon Health Region. a. Sampling of Primary Health Care Centres (PHCC) Ten, out of 45 PHCC from Lisbon’s Health Region will be randomly selected. All selected PHCC’s directors will be invited to participate, and any eventual refusal will be replaced by a new PHCC randomly selected by the same process. 10
  • 11. b. Within PHCC sampling of eligible subjects For each PHCC, a list of all eligible users will be obtained from SINUS information system managed by The National Health System Central Administration (ACSS). All eligible users will be stratified in two lists (natives and non-natives) according to the location of birth (Portugal vs. Portuguese Speaking African Countries). c. Within PHCC sampling of participating physicians Individual will be sequentially drawn from both lists. First 5 physicians reaching 75 users in each of both cohorts will be selected and invited to participate in the study. Any eventual refusal of participation by the physician will lead to the next physician reaching the same criteria. d. Identification of medicated hypertensive patients Potential medicated hypertensive patients will be identified by asking theirs physicians to indicate those among the selected subjects. We have shown this identification process to be superior, when comparing to telephone interview or reviewing the medical record32. Further selection criteria will be assessed by phone interview. DATA COLLECTION PROCESS Data will be collected from following sources and times indicated in table 1. The follow-up period will last for 18 months, during which it is expected to establish a continuous relationship between the study participants and the research team by: (1) Face-to-face interviews each 6 month (4 by participant in 1.5 years of follow-up); (2) Phone interviews at 3, 9 and 15 months (3 by participant in 1.5 years of follow-up). This frequency is expected to contribute to keep participants committed during the study and to clarify any question that may arise by the participants. 11
  • 12. TABLE 1. Data collection sources and periods. DATA COLLECTION VERIFICATION AT FOLLOW-UP INSTRUMENTS AND SOURCES OF ELEGIBILITY BASELINE 3M 6M 9M 12M 15M 18M Patients’ eligibility form (to be fulfilled by the physician) X Patients’ eligibility questionnaire (to be fulfilled during phone interview) X Physician’s questionnaire X X X Patients’ baseline questionnaire (face-to-face) X Patients’ baseline questionnaire – immigrant cohort (face-to-face) X Clinical records’ form X Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ6) X X X Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) – Portuguese version X X X EUROPEP – Portuguese version X X Beliefs about Medicine Questionnaire – General and Specific (BMQ) – Portuguese version X X Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ) – Portuguese version X X Patients’ follow-up questionnaire (face-to-face) X X X Patients’ follow-up questionnaire (telephone interview) X X X Physicians’ follow-up form During each appointment. Patients’ BP self-measurement and medication adherence diary X X X X Physicians’ participation consists in fulfilling (1) A formulary per visit of the enrolled patients, with information about BP values and changes in therapy. a. The questionnaires will be annexed to clinical processes and collected monthly. (2) A mid and final questionnaire regarding attendance to training courses and congresses related to hypertension, as well as knowledge, attitudes and decision making regarding management and experience with hypertensive patients. VARIABLES DEFINITION a. Outcome measures Blood pressure (BP) Blood pressure record will be collected by three sources of information: (1) patients’ clinical records and (1.a) form filled by its physicians at each visit, (2) ambulatory BP, in a subgroup of randomly selected patients, and (3) home BP, performed at all the face-to-face interviews 12
  • 13. (baseline and follow-up period). BP will be measured as a continuous variable and its classification will be according to 2007 ESH-ESC Practice Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension. Adherence to antihypertensive pharmacological therapy Adherence will be evaluated as a time-changing parameter, which includes (1) acceptance (in naïve medicated patients), (2) compliance and (3) persistence. A patient will be classified as adherent if he accepts to take the prescribed medication, maintains the treatment during the study period and presents compliance level of 80% or higher. (1) Acceptance is defined has a dichotomous variable, assuming that a naïve medicated patient accepts medication when it continues taking it for more than one month. (2) Persistence is also defined as a dichotomous variable, assuming that a patient persists with its medication when that is taken until the physician suspends it or the end of study period. (3) A multi-method approach will be taken in order to access compliance, based on pharmacy record and self-report: • At the baseline interview, all the non-naïve patients will be submitted to the following questions33: “People miss taking their medications for many reasons. Do you have medicines for which you sometimes miss taking a dose? (..) How many doses might you have missed in the past 10 days?” (Portuguese) “As pessoas podem falhar os seus medicamentos por muitas razões. Há medicamentos para os quais, por vezes, falte a toma de um ou mais comprimidos?” (....) “Nos últimos 10 dias, quantas tomas deve ter faltado?” These questions had a specificity of 69.8% and a sensitivity of 80%, giving an overall accuracy of 74.5%, when compared to pill count.33 • All participants will be requested to keep their pharmacy receipts for the duration of the study period (18 months). This is usual practice as they allow taxes return. Compliance will be defined as Medication Possession Ratio: sum of the days' supply of medication divided by the number of days between the first fill and the last refill plus the days' supply of the last refill. The accuracy of this methodological approach will be defined in a previous validation study, assuming pill-count as the gold-standard. Clinical inertia We will use the O’Connor PJ et al. definition of clinical inertia. Newly added antihypertensive therapy and increase in the dose of current antihypertensive therapy will be considered therapeutic changes. Target blood pressure is assumed to be <140/90 mmHg (or <130/80 in diabetic patients), according to 2007 ESH-ESC Practice Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension. Therapeutic change is designated as timely when it occurs within 6 month from the date of a clinical visit. 13
  • 14. b. Predictors variables The role of several variables – socioeconomic, health system and health care team, high BP, treatment and patient-related factors – as determinants of adherence dynamic and therapeutic change will be collected at baseline and throughout the study. This research team is experienced in collecting such data and applying these questionnaires, as it has been happening in other studies. Socioeconomic-related factors Patients’ baseline questionnaire will allow collecting information regarding socio-demographic characterization (age, sex, ethnicity, Graffar scale), professional status and income, social support networks (assessed with Social Support Questionnaire SSQ6), marital status, educational degree (number of school years concluded). For immigrants, the level of acculturation will be assessed through the Vancouver index. Hypertension-related factors From the patients’ clinical medical record, data will be collected regarding the time since the diagnosis of hypertension, its aetiology and grade (according to European Guidelines); co- morbidities included in Charlson Co-morbidity Index34 and lipid disorders. At the baseline 35 interview, the Portuguese version of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) will be applied to all patients enrolled in the study. Cardiovascular risk factors will also be identified at the baseline interview: alcohol consumption, smoking habits and physical activity practice will be measured according to Portuguese National Health Survey methodology; height and weight will allow the calculation of the body mass index. Treatment-related factors Antihypertensive medication will be assessed each medical appointment throughout the study by means of a simple, one-page form that the physician will fulfil at the end of each appointment. Data will be also collected / confirmed at each face-to-face or telephone interview. These data will pertain to prescription details and allow the computation of the medication’s expenditure. During face-to-face interview, further information will be collected regarding the patient involvement in decision’s making, perceived self-efficacy and side-effects, use of over-the- counter medicines and non-pharmacological treatments. Health system and health care team-related factors During the patients’ baseline interview, the Portuguese version of EUROPEP will be applied to access the patients’ satisfaction with primary health care system, including the patient-physician relationship.36 14
  • 15. A questionnaire applied to the enrolled physicians will collect information concerning training and practice in hypertension control, such as, years of clinical practice, enrolment in training programs on hypertension management, the physician criteria for initiating and intensifying anti- hypertensive medication and the adoption of guidelines. Other information as needs on information concerning the management of hypertension, and problems faced when prescribing antihypertensive medication will also be accessed. Patient-related factors Patients’ knowledge, attitudes, and lay beliefs about hypertension will be obtained during a face- to-face interview with the application of Beliefs about Medicine Questionnaire – General and Specific (BMQ)37 – and Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ)38. MEASUREMENT AND DATA SOURCES Instruments will be pretested and interviewers will have specific training to avoid systematic errors. Test-retest reliability will be performed in a group of randomly selected patients, being expected an inter-ratter agreement statistic (Kappa) ≥ 0.85. Adjustment and new testing process will be conducted to those variables/questions in which Kappa < 0.85. A Manual of Procedures (or Operations Manual), including definitions and quality control procedures, will be developed and tested during the pilot study. SAMPLE SIZE Assuming medication adherence as 80% or more of expected drug intake, a difference of ± 5% may be detected with a sample size of 907 among the two cohorts (total sample size of 1814). With this sample size, 907 participants per cohort, and given a statistical power of 80%, it will be possible to detect relative’s risks of 1.18 or more, or 0.85 or less. For this sample size a difference among two continuous pair of variables will allow a high power to detect differences. For instance, to detect differences of blood pressure levels among two groups we will be able to detect 2 mmHg among two groups (assuming a standard deviation of 5mmHg in each group) in 98.9% of the times. Therefore this samples size will allow powerful multivariate models, even more as repeated measures will be taken. To account for lost to follow-up during the study, the total calculated sample size will be increased in 20%. Therefore, the final sample size will be of 2180 subjects, that is, 1090 per cohort. 15
  • 16. STATISTICAL METHODS Descriptive and inferential statistics will be performed. 95% confidence intervals will be estimated for parameters of interest and a 5% significance level will be adopted for all statistical hypotheses tests. Analysis will be performed using SPSS and R software. A careful data inspection, cleaning and quality assurance phase will precede statistical analysis. Accordingly to the study main objectives: 1) TO COMPARE MIGRANTS AND NON-MIGRANTS CONCERNING THE PREVALENCE OF CONTROLLED HYPERTENSION, ANTIHYPERTENSIVE MEDICATION ADHERENCE, PATTERNS OF HEALTH SERVICES UTILIZATION AND APPROACHES TO HYPERTENSION CONTROL, a description of both cohort will be done, using categorical, parametric and non-parametric descriptive statistics, as appropriate. Prevalence of controlled hypertension will be described according to relevant socio- demographic variables (age, sex, education, economic status) for both groups and 95% confidence intervals will be computed according to the F distribution. Relevant socio- demographic and economical aspects, comorbidities scores and other clinical information (for instance, number of years with hypertension), will be compared among migrants and non- migrants, using chi-square tests for categorical variables, student t-test for parametric or Wilcoxon rank sum test for non-parametric continuous variables, as appropriate. Non-migrants and migrants will be compared regarding dichotomous variables, such as frequency of controlled hypertension, percentage of subjects adherent to antihypertensive medication, etc., using logistic regression modelling, adjusted for age, comorbidities, socio-cultural and economical aspects. 2) TO EXAMINE POTENTIAL DETERMINANTS OF MEDICATION ADHERENCE AND THERAPEUTIC ADJUSTMENT bivariate and multivariate methods will be used. Bivariated association will be tested using chi-square tests, Fisher Exact Test and binary logistic regression. Multivariated binary logistic regression will be performed to check which factors simultaneously relate with outcome variables. 3) TO IDENTIFY MULTIDIRECTIONAL RELATIONS BETWEEN ADHERENCE, THERAPEUTIC CHANGE, AND BLOOD PRESSURE CONTROL bivariate and multivariated data analysis will be performed. In bivariated analysis, when adherence or therapeutic chance is considered an dependent variable, the analysis is identical to the recommended above for potential determinants determination. Of particular interest here is the situation when blood pressure is considered as the variable to be explained (as dependent variable): in such case t-tests and ANOVA will be used, as well as their non-parametric equivalent Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Multivariated approaches, aiming at identifying multiple factors and variables simultaneous associated with blood pressure will consist of multifactorial ANOVA (General Linear Models) and Multilevel Models. In fact, Multilevel Models (also known as hierarchical linear models, generalized linear mixed models, nested models, mixed models, random coefficient, random-effects models, random parameter models, or split-plot designs) are statistical models of parameters that vary at 16
  • 17. more than one level and are known to be a good very general framework to discover how differences between studies in treatment implementations, research methods, subject characteristics, and contexts related to treatment effect estimates within studies39. These models can be seen as generalizations of linear models, although they can also extend non- linear models. Multilevel models are known to be very flexible but are also known to be sensible to presence of missing data and low number of information waves (number of time points at which time points were collected). In our study a high number of missing values is not expected. If number of records with missing information is small, listwise selection/deletion will be considered; otherwise data imputation or multiple imputation standard techniques will be considered. In this latter case, sensibility analysis will be performed (analysis with and without imputation) and reported. 4) TO IDENTIFY SUB-GROUPS IN EACH COHORT WITH HIGH RISK OF UNCONTROLLED BLOOD PRESSURE RELATED TO POOR ADHERENCE AND/OR CLINICAL INERTIA profiles will be generated using multivariate exploratory data techniques: Cluster Analysis and Q Factor Analysis will be conducted. PRELIMINARY DATA Our research team has experience in working with the primary care setting; examining antihypertensive medication adherence; and studying immigrants’ health. In this section we describe preliminary work and results relevant to demonstrate our proficiency and how this study builds on previous studies. Immigrants access to primary health care40 There is a lack of studies concerning the health, health care access and equity for the immigrant communities'. In 2007, our research team developed a study about the "Evaluation of Health and Health Assessment of African and Brazilian Immigrants in Portugal" with the objectives of characterizing the health, the access to health care and the health determinants of the African and Brazilian communities living in Lisbon and Setubal Districts, and comparing theses data with the data available from the general population with the 4th National Health Survey. Individuals were selected through a process of random simple cluster geographical sampling with the help of GIS software (ArcGIS 9.1). The data collection was obtained by teams of interviewers, most of them from the communities in study. A total sample of 4508 individuals was surveyed, aged between 0 and 87 years old, 51% were women. This population used mainly the National Health Service (86%). Within the last three months, 24% have consulted once a doctor, 14% consulted 2-3 times, and 5% consulted more than three times. The last consultation was mainly in the PHCC (61%). 17
  • 18. Hypertension awareness, prevalence, control and treatment in Immigrants* Furthermore, also in 2007, our research team conducted a study intituled: "Comparison Between Self-Referred Hypertension and Blood Pressure Measurement in African Immigrants and Brazilians", based on a sub-sample from the study described above. Blood pressure measurements were obtained by trained observers using a validated OMROM M6C sphygmomanometer. Additional information’s concerning hypertension and its treatment was collected through a specific questionnaire, during an interview with an interviewer from the same community. The final sample was constituted by a total of 317 individuals, aged between 30 and 83 years old, 61% were women. Overall 45.6% had hypertension. Prevalence of hypertension was higher among African (52.7%) than Brazilian (24.3%) (p<0.001). Overall, 42% of hypertensive patients were aware of their diagnosis. Around 47% of those with hypertension were medicated. Mean years of diagnosis is 11±10.8 and of medication, 10±9.6. Only 19% of hypertensive and 59.7% of hypertensive medicated achieved blood pressure control. Regarding our approach to study adherence the antihypertensive medication in the immigrant’s cohort, these preliminary results show that hypertensive immigrants seem not to have limited access to health care as they have frequent consultations in the PHCC (a great number had consultations in the previously 3 months of the inquiry). This supports that sampling the immigrant participants may be carried out in the same way as that for the non-immigrants. How to identify medicated hypertensive patients at Primary Care Health Centres? The answer to this question was possible with a previous study32 of 250 subjects followed at a primary care centre of Lisbon’s Region, with age ≥ 40 years. To compare advantages and losses of information, independent processes were applied: (1) physicians were asked to identify their patients as with/without hypertension under medication, by answering a brief questionnaire, (2) clinical records were consulted and (3) phone interviews were driven. With the study conclusion, 48% (120 patients) have medicated hypertension identified by, at least, one of the above processes. The physician’s questionnaire allowed the identification of a larger number of medicated hypertensive patients (74.2% of all medicated hypertensive patients) with fewer loss of information. * Unpublished data. 18
  • 19. Study Timeline and Human Resources Month Human Task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Resources 0. Study protocol and Research team choice of measures 1. Ethical Committee and administrative Research team permissions 2. Interviewers selection 2 Field and training coordinators 3. Pilot study 2 Field 4. Database construction Coordinators 5. Validation of 2 Interviewers compliance measure by 1 Informatic pharmacy claims 1 Study 6. Sampling Process Coordinator 7. Recruitment of medicated hypertensive 2 Field participants Coordinators 8. Recruitment of primary 6 Interviewers care physicians 9. Follow-up period 2 Field (face-to-face interviews or Coordinators telephone interviews each 4 Interviewers 3 months) 10.Data analysis Research team 11.Publications and divulgation of the study Research team results ETHICAL ISSUES We will take in consideration the following ethical issues: 1. Health care data is sensible personal information. We will de-identify data such as name, birthday, address and telephone contact. Patients and health care providers will be coded with a unique non-identifying number. The database will have protected access (restricted access, password-protected), and servers will be protected with state-of-art software firewalls and anti-virus. 2. Written informed consent will be requested to all participants: a copy of the signed informed consent will remain with the participant. The right to leave the study at any time, and to have all data erased, will be recognized. In order to infer external validity from the data analysis, a small set of non-identifying data (e.g., gender, year of birth) will be used to compare consenting and non- consenting subjects. 3. A permission from Protection Data Portuguese Authority (CNPD) will be required to use centralized databases with individual data. This permission is particularly relevant since we will collect sensible personal and clinical data. This research group is experienced in submitting similar requests to CNPD. A cross-sectional version of this study has already been approved by the Ethical Committee from the Medical School of the University of Lisbon. Currently, it is pending a request for the modifications related to the longitudinal design. 19
  • 20. BUDGET AND MATERIAL RESOURCES For an expected sample size of 2180 subjects (see sample size calculation), we anticipate the following budget and material resources: Amount Material Item (Eur) Resources Description Start-up costs Consultant revision (including travel expenses). Consultants 2500 Travel expenses Includes 2 visits of 3 days. Submission to the Ethical Committee and Portuguese Ethical Approval 250 Data Protection Authority Office material Pilot study for the validation of study methodology, testing of the data collection and of the procedures Pilot study 1500 Phone credits manual, in 100 participants (50 per cohort), only at Travel expenses baseline and one follow-visit at 3 months. Database construction and testing, storage and Database management 800 Server protection. Office material Contacts with the PCHCs and general physicians: Implementation at Primary Care invitation to the PCHC directors; debriefing; invitation 500 Travel expenses Health Centres (PCHC) to the physicians. Estimation of 4 visits for 2 persons Phone credits to 14 PCHC at 4.5 Euros per visit. Participant-related costs Telephone contacts with GP's, during all study Physicians' contacts 500 Phone credits phases (110 GP's, 3 visits per GP, 3 phone calls per visit, 0,5 Euros per phone call) Post expenses Appointment of face-to-face interviews + telephone interviews (2180 participants, 4 visits per participant, Participants' contacts 30000 3 phone interviews per participant, 3 phone calls per Phone credits contact, 0.5 Euros per phone call) (2 letters per participant, 0.5 Euros per letter) Documentation 5500 Office material Paper questionnaires (~2.5 Euro/participant) Staff and Analysis costs Public transportation cards for 5 interviewers for 25 Traveling expenses 5000 Travel expenses months, at 40 Euros per month. 5 part-time interviewers, working a mean of 6 Interviewers' part-time stipend 66000 Stipend hours/day, for 22 months, at 600 Euros per month. Statistical analysis performed by a team member and Statistical Analysis & Report 2500 revised by an expert in longitudinal data analysis 30% time of a study coordinator, for 24 months, for a Study coordinator 15000 full-time stipend of 2000 Euros/month. 30% time of a filed coordinator, for 24 months, for a Field coordinator 10000 full-time stipend of 1400 Euros/month. Participation and presentation in national and Travel expenses Publications and divulgation of international meetings; 2500 results Publications and divulgation of the study results in Meeting registration international and national peer-review journals. sub-total 1 142550 Unexpected expenditures (15%) 21382.5 sub-total 2 163932.5 AIDFM (8%) 16000 Institution overheads. IMP (10%) 18400 Institution overheads. Total 198333 200 000 20
  • 21. EXPECTED RESULTS, PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS It is expected to communicate the research’s potential contributions through publications in international and national peer-review journals, and in international and national meetings related to areas such as Public Health and Epidemiology, Cardiology, and Immigrant’s Health. In these areas, the research’s foreseen contributions are 1- Clinical, Public Health, Care for Hypertensive patients, Primary-Care: (1) prevalence of hypertension control, adherence to antihypertensive medication and clinical inertial; (2) determinants of hypertension control, adherence dynamic and therapeutic change; (3) implementation and compliance with current guidelines and recommendations; (4) profile of the hypertensive patients at the primary-care; We will be able to describe the dynamics of medication adherence according to important key moments and factors concerning a chronic disease with major public health impact. These key moments are, for example, a new appointment, attending the emergency care or an adverse event. We will measure the impact of key factors, such as patient-doctor relationship and continuity of care, time between appointments, and the physicians’ criteria for intensifying therapy. All these results will provide insights to elements which may be intervened, in order to improve the control of high blood pressure. The importance of these results may be extended to other chronic diseases. This study will be innovative since it will incorporate the information of both patients and physicians. We will be able to understand how these two perspectives integrate each other: for instance, we will be able to examine if a physician who easily intensifies therapy associates with a more adherent patient; if physicians who like to treat hypertensive patients are associated with patients who belief their antihypertensive medication is effective; if physician who evaluate medication adherence and adverse effects are more likely to have adherent patients. Moreover, this insight is of more value as we will be including primary-care physicians, who are more likely to have long-term relations with their patients, and to care about other chronic diseases of the same subjects. 2- Epidemiology: (4) discussion of cohort studies methodology for multiple measurements in chronic diseases; (5) measurement issues in medication adherence and clinical inertia research; (6) measuring health care quality, equity to health care access, and ethnicity as a variable in epidemiological research; In Portugal it is not common to have longitudinal prospective studies, particularly at the primary care level. These studies require a high level of organization and professional management, along with a high-motivated team who will create and maintain a strong commitment and relation with all participants and everyone else involved. We expect 21
  • 22. that, in the course of this study, we will be able to make collaborations with other researchers, so that we and other may take further scientific and clinical advantage with this effort. Therefore, we expect that new projects will be created from these opportunities. As we have additional preliminary results, we will be particularly interested in proposing and testing interventions aiming to improve high blood pressure control and anti-hypertensive adherence. 3- Immigrant’s health: (7) equity to health care access among immigrants and non- immigrants; (8) discussion of the inclusion of ethnic minorities in health outcomes research; (9) ethnic inequality in health status; (10) acculturation and health and determinants for adherence in immigrants. In Portugal there are few studies about migration and health and none about medication or control of a chronic disease in migrants. As far as we know, this will be the first longitudinal study with a prospective cohort of adult immigrants. A recent cohort study was conduct with children with the objective of defining the prevalence of immigrant children and to assess the children in their first months of life morbidity and mortality.41 We expect a better understand of changes in health related to migration status, which may lead to evidence-based measures regarding health services organization and specific intervention programs. We expect, during the next 2-3 years, to publish about 2 to 4 papers per year (total of 9-10 papers), both at national and international peer-reviewed journals. We estimate a similar number of presentations at national and international meetings. This research unit is responsible for the Master Degree in Epidemiology at the Lisbon’s University Medical School. This project should provide enough scientific material for 2 master theses. Therefore, we anticipate the opportunity to interest students in project and to present, during the next 2-3 years, about 1 seminar per year concerning this study. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES 1 Rocha E, Pereira Miguel JM. Epidemiologia da hipertensão factors in different ethnic groups in south London Heart arterial em Portugal: Uma actualização; In: Hipertensão Arterial – 1997;78:555–563 Tomo I, edit. por Braz Nogueira J.. Biblioteca Cardiológica do 5 Clínico Geral, edit. por Soares-Costa J T S. Permanyer Portugal Macedo ME, Lima MJ, Silva AO, et al. Prevalence, awareness, 2003 treatment and control of hypertension in Portugal: the PAP study. J Hypertens. 2005 Sep;23(9):1661-6. 2 Santana P, Alves I, Couceiro L, Andreozzi V, Nicola PJ, 6 Machado MC. Anos de Vida Potencial Perdidos, por causas de Thompson DW, Furlan AJ. Clinical epidemiology of stroke. morte seleccionadas, em Portugal Continental no período 2003 a Neurologic Clinics 1996; 14:309-315. 2005. Congresso Português de Epidemiologia. 2007. 7 World Health Organization. Adherence to Long Term Therapies: [, accessed in 2008-03-28] Evidence for Action. WHO Geneva, 2003 3 Smith GD, Chaturvedi N, Harding S, Nazroo J, Williams R. 8 Direcção-Geral da Saúde. Plano Nacional de Saúde 2004- Ethnic inequalities in health: a review of UK epidemiological 2010: mais saúde para todos. - Lisboa: Direcção-Geral da evidence. Critical Public Health,Vol. 10, No. 4, 2000 Saúde, 2004. - 2 v. - Vol. I – Prioridades; Vol. II - Orientações estratégicas [, accessed in 2007-10-19] 4 Cappuccio FP, Cook DG, Atkinson RW, Strazzullo P. Prevalence, detection, and management of cardiovascular risk 22
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