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Implications for
Teaching & Learning

Our Mission (the what)…
• Explore the dynamics of second language acquisition
  and implications for instructional practice.

We will do this by (the how)…
• Making practical connections to classroom practice.
• Initiating and documenting critical conversations
 about theory into practice.
Language Acquisition

 What is Language Acquisition?

 How did you experience L2 language acquisition?

 What processes occurs during language acquisition?
Language as an                  Language as a
 Associative Function             Cognitive Function
BICS: Basic Interpersonal       CALP: Cognitive Academic
Communication Skills            Language Proficiency
   I would like to have a          I’ll pick up some CPVC,
 bathroom added in our           90 degree elbows, some 45
 basement. I want it to          degree elbows, three inch
 have a nice size whirlpool      black PVC, three P-traps,
 tub, a large shower, toilet,    four shut off valves,
 and a double sink. What         a wax ring, and extra
 will I need?                    couplings.
                                             Cummins & - Koch
Time Required to Achieve
      Age-Appropriate Proficiency
                          Native English Speakers:
                          English Language Learners:

                                                                            5-7 (up to 10) years
                          2-3 years
ci f or p f ol e ve L

                                                       f or p f ol e ve L
                        BICS: Social                                        CALP: Academic
                        Language                                            Language
                                                                                         - Thomas & Collier
Linking Language to Content:
Promoting Transfer & Contextualizing Schema

           Known to Unknown

       a           S
       t           e          Contextual
       i           c          o
       v           o          n
       e           n          n
                   d          e
        Language              i
                   Language   g

                                            - Herrera
Vocabulary Quilt in Practice:
 From Known to Unknown
• Promotes use of native language (L1).

• Assesses prior knowledge (academic/experiential).

• Allows for non-linguistic representations.

• Introduces new vocabulary/content.

• Ensures student accountability for learning.

Note: This strategy can be used throughout the lesson.
In the Know

       “A horse is a horse, of course,
           unless you don’t know
      what a horse is, and then what?!”

Experiential                    Academic
Knowledge                       Knowledge
To take our students

   from the known

   to the unknown,

we must first determine

 what it is they know!
Experiential Knowledge

"Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where
     its people come from and where they are going."

                   • Country of Origin

                   • Family Dynamics

                   • Community
Funds of Knowledge
         as a Resource

 Funds of knowledge are those historically
 developed and accumulated strategies or
bodies of knowledge that are essential to the
  function and well-being of a household.

                                 - Moll, Amanti, Neff, & Gonzalez
Hearts Activity

Students come with experiences
  that are uniquely their own!

• Prior Exposure to Content/Concepts

• Prior Schooling Experiences

• Social/Affective Experiences
Additional Types of Knowledge

Declarative          Procedural           Conditional         Metacognitive
Knowledge            Knowledge            Knowledge           Knowledge

• What we know.      • Used to            • Knowing when,     • Consists of
• What we            complete simple      why, or where to    “higher-order
declare.             or complex tasks.    use information.    thinking that
•Schemata            • This knowledge     • Stored in long-   involves active
(memory              stored in            term memory.        control over the
frameworks)          production           • Extremely         cognitive
stores declarative   systems.             difficult           processes
knowledge.           • Systems consists   knowledge for       engaged in
                     of steps or          teachers and        learning”.
                     phases.              students.           •Conceptualized
                                                              as acquired
What the Research Says
    About Vocabulary
 Students develop vocabulary through explicit vocabulary

 For English language learners, the “achievement gap” is primarily
  a vocabulary gap.

                                                         - Carlo et al.
CALP      (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency)
                    5 to 7 years for fluency
Academic Knowledge                              Math
1. Can recognize math numbersand symbols.
2. Can draw andlabel diagrams
3. Can systematically order word problems.
4. Can identify parts of a graph.
5. Can circle unknown vocabulary terms to ask
  questions about them.
6. Can translate word problems using “ math
                                                       - Dicus
CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency)
                      5 to 7 years for fluency
Academic Knowledge                                  English
1. Usesmechanics of spatial skills
  (i.e., top-to-bottom, left-to-right).
2. Understandsrules of
3. Readsfor comprehension.
4. Follows along during oral reading activity and
     onds at his/her turn.
5. Demonstrates appropriate useof text
  (i.e., index, bold words, captions).
                                                              - Calder
Daily Activity

 Play a jeopardy game:

Experiential     Conditional   Declarative   Working
Knowledge        Knowledge     Knowledge     Memory

Automatization   Academic                    Metacognitive
                 Knowledge            ?      Knowledge

Funds of                       Sensory       Procedural
Knowledge                      Memory        Knowledge
Linking Language to Content:
        Benefits for CLD Students
• L1 responses

• Non-linguistic responses

• Single-word responses in L2

• Demonstrates existing schema

• Provides contextual connections

• Starting point for discussion and elaboration
How do we best support
second language acquisition (SLA)?

• Contextualize for stages of SLA

• Promote native language transfer

• Differentiate instruction

• Capitalize on the CLD student biography
Krashen’s Stages of
Second Language Acquisition (SLA)

       • Preproduction
       • Early Production
       • Speech Emergence
       • Intermediate Fluency
       • Advanced Fluency
                                Herrera & Murry
Student Configurations for
Second Language Development
        OTAL CLASS


        MALL TEAMS

                     Herrera, Perez, & Escamilla
Student Configuration
     Comparisons Activity

 In USA:          In Ecuador:
   Total            With a partner,
   Partner           discuss the various
   Small Group       combinations of
                      student configurations
   Individual
                      used in your
                     Share out loud some
                      examples and its
Small Team:
             Setting up Student
Step 1: Complete CLD student biographies.

Step 2: Determine academic purpose for grouping.

Step 3: Determine task & outcome to be completed by team.

Step 4: Designate teams to reflect CLD student biographies.

Step 5: Authentically assess work completed by the team.
                                                   - Perez
End of Day: Daily Review

 Partner activities: Partner Bio Card
        Refer to your student activity handbook.
        Create a student biography of a partner.
        Share out loud with the whole group if time permits.
Introduction Activity

 Magic Book Activity:
         Retrieve two different colors of construction paper, scissors, pens/pencils
          or markers

SLA             BICS              CALP           Natural Order       Affective
                                                 Hypothesis          Filter
Input           Acquisition       Monitor        Pre-production      Early
Hypothesis      Learning          Hypothesis                         Production
Speech          Intermediate      Advanced       Differentiated      Prior
Emergence       Fluency           Fluency        Instruction         Knowledge
Day 2: Today we will

 Discuss Krashen’s Five Hypothesis

 Consider various examples using the five hypothesis
Krashen’s Natural
          Order Hypothesis

 The acquisition of grammatical structures follows a natural order

  that is predictable.

 It is independent of the learner’s age.

 It is independent of the learner’s L1 background.

The Learning/Acquisition
 “Learning is a conscious process that involves studying rules
  and vocabulary” (Krashen)
 There are 2 ways in learning and developing a second
     Learning (conscious process)
     Acquisition (subconscious process)
   Learning                      Acquisition
   Conscious: we are aware we    Subconscious: we are not
   are learning.                 aware we are learning.
   It’s what happens in school   It’s what happens in and out
   when we study rules and       of school when we receive
   grammar.                      messages we understand.
The Monitor Hypothesis

 It assists the role of learning in the process of language
 Native English speakers possess the ability to distinguish
   between phonology, syntax, morphology and grammar
   usage in speaking.
 Understanding and comprehension in this hypothesis also
   plays a role in language competence.
 Monitoring language focuses on how something is said
   instead of what is said.
Input Hypothesis

 Acquisition occurs with comprehensible input.

 Receiving input does not guarantee language acquisition.

 Krashen refers to input as i+1.

 If students receive input at or below their current level, no
   new acquisition will be learned.
 Some researchers has noted the importance of
   “comprehensible output” which results in meaningful
   language usage.
Individual: Krashen’s
     Input Hypothesis (i + 1)

 Comprehensible input (i+1).
  i = current level of comprehension.

  i + 1 = a slightly elevated level of

   discourse input.

                                          - Krashen
The Affective Filter

 How do you feel in class? Are you nervous, bored,
 In order to learn language, you need comprehensible input
   and Chomsky refers to it as the language acquisition device.
 If input is blocked by a filter very little language acquisition
 If the filter open, language acquisition occurs.
Theories of SLA:
          “Role Play” Me a Hypothesis
1.   Learning/Acquisition
     Hypothesis             • Divide into teams of 3-4.

                            • Review your assigned theory.
2.   The Natural Order
     Hypothesis             • Find a way to role-play the
                              main points and concepts
3.   The Monitor
                              of your theory (all team
                              members must participate).
4.   The Input Hypothesis   • Act out for the class and
                              debrief the key characteristics
5.   The Affective Filter     of your hypothesis.
             Turn and Talk
• Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development

• Active engagement of all students

• Lowers affective filter

• Exchange of grade-level content knowledge

• Personal connections with the content
End of Day: Daily Review

 Picture Me A Hypothesis:
        Break into 5 small groups
        Each group should receive huge chart paper with markers
        Choose a hypothesis: Natural Order hypothesis, Input hypothesis,
         affective filter hypothesis etc.
        Draw a picture with the hypothesis and give a description of each.
Welcome to Law!!

 Today we will:
   Discuss quality programming by considering the law
   Activity: Create a Law Book.
It’s the Law….

•Follow the directions given by the instructor to create your own
• Write the following title and your name on the front of your book:
 “Education in Ecuador”
• On the top of each pages, write the following:
  - Private school
  - Public school
  - Educational Initiatives
Completing your Law Book
•Individually write down key facts about each law
  in your own law book by taking “Power Notes.”
• Power Notes are a streamlined form of notetaking:
    • Main ideas are assigned 1. Reformers
                                  2. Populists
      a power rating of 1.             3. National Grange
                                       3. Farmer’s Alliance
    • Attributes, details, or          3. Populist Party
                                   2. Unions
      examples are assigned            3. The Knights of Labor
                                       3. IWW
      power 2, 3, or 4 ratings.
 Today we will:
     Examine the role of authentic assessment
      with CLD students.
     Explore the scope of interaction as an integral
      part of authentic assessment.
     Learn about authentic assessment as a tool
      for informing instruction.
     Learn strategies for taking theory into practice.
Language Objectives

We will accomplish this by:
 Defining key aspects of authentic assessment.
 Listening to the descriptions of authentic
 assessment strategies.
 Thinking about the role of interaction in
 authentic assessment.
Authentic Assessment:
 Socio-Affective Considerations

Math anxiety: Feelings of dread and fear…
may actually contribute to lower test scores.
Key Vocabulary
• Authentic Assessment
• Prism Model
• States of Mind
• Interaction
• Performance-Based Assessment
• Portfolios
Evaluate      What are states of mind?

                 Authentic          In what ways do we
                                    use interaction as an
                 Assessment         authentic assessment tool?

                What is performance-
                based assessment?
A Closer Look:
    What is Authentic Assessment?
 Teacher-generated, instruction-based, grade-level
  assessments that inform practice.

 Assessment that emphasizes process not product.

 Assessment that builds upon assets of the CLD
  students’ biographies.

 Assessment that supports student learning through
  the use of interactive grouping configurations.
A Traditional Definition of
          Authentic Assessment
Authentic assessments:
∀ Are generally developed directly from classroom instruction,

 group work, and/or related classroom activities and provide
 an alternative to traditional assessments.
∀ Facilitate the student’s participation in evaluation processes.
∀ Include measurements and/or evaluations relevant to
 both the teacher and student.
∀ Emphasize real-world problems, tasks, or applications
that are relevant to the student and/or his or- her community.
                                                Herrera, Murry & Cabral
Changing States of Mind
  • Fear                  • Connection
  • Anxiety               • Excitement
  • Frustration           • Curiosity
  • Confusion             • Celebration

Behavior = State of Mind = Affective Filter
                                  - Jensen
Authentic Assessment in Practice

Questions to consider:
• What purpose does the authentic assessment
• How will the information be used to inform
  instruction and improve learning?
• Where does it fit in the lesson (before, during,
  and after)?
Interaction & Assessment
                         Teacher to

            Student to                 Student to
             Teacher                    Student


• Student interaction promotes language & concept
• Interactive grouping configurations should be TPSI.
     *T = Total Group         *P = Partner
     *S = Small Group          *I = Individual
Performance-Based Assessment
 Students are engaged in a task to demonstrate
 Assessment is based on the belief that
  students construct knowledge.
 Students discover knowledge vs. receiving knowledge
  from the teacher.
 Assessment prompts higher-order thinking.

 Assessment integrates multiple skills.
Sample Performance-Based
    Assessment in Practice

• U-C-ME: Cooperative Group Assessment

• PICTURES AND WORDS: Peer Assessment

• THUMB CHALLENGE: Play Based Assessment
How will the teacher

  know what I know

if she doesn’t take time

to know what I know?

Evaluate      What are states of mind?

                 Authentic          In what ways do we use
                                    interaction as an
                 Assessment         authentic assessment tool?

                What is performance-
                based assessment?
End of Day: Daily Review

 U-C-ME Activity:
       Work individually.
       Turn to partner after individual work.
       Discuss with whole class to gather all different perspectives and
Review Day

 Today we will:
       Review all the vocabulary for understanding and practice
           Activity: LIFELINE
       Review SLA
           Activity: Pepsi Ah!
       Review all learning
           Activity: Tri-Fold
Activity 1: Lifeline

 Refer to you activity handbook.

 Work with a partner

 After partner collaboration, transition to small group to
  expand horizons.
Activity 2: PEPSI AH!

 Create 5 groups of students.

 Create 5 huge circles which resembles a stop light.

 Paste these 5 circles below each other.

 Fill in the stages of second language acquisition.

 Write key points in front with application on back.
Activity 3: Tri-fold

 Complete the tri-fold on your learning for the past week.

 Share in small groups.

 Q & A to address any concerns.

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Implications for Teaching & Learning

  • 2. Our Mission (the what)… • Explore the dynamics of second language acquisition and implications for instructional practice. We will do this by (the how)… • Making practical connections to classroom practice. • Initiating and documenting critical conversations about theory into practice.
  • 3. Language Acquisition  What is Language Acquisition?  How did you experience L2 language acquisition?  What processes occurs during language acquisition?
  • 4. Language as an Language as a Associative Function Cognitive Function BICS: Basic Interpersonal CALP: Cognitive Academic Communication Skills Language Proficiency I would like to have a I’ll pick up some CPVC, bathroom added in our 90 degree elbows, some 45 basement. I want it to degree elbows, three inch have a nice size whirlpool black PVC, three P-traps, tub, a large shower, toilet, four shut off valves, and a double sink. What a wax ring, and extra will I need? couplings. Cummins & - Koch
  • 5. Time Required to Achieve Age-Appropriate Proficiency Native English Speakers: English Language Learners: 5-7 (up to 10) years 2-3 years ci f or p f ol e ve L f or p f ol e ve L BICS: Social CALP: Academic Language Language - Thomas & Collier
  • 6. Linking Language to Content: Promoting Transfer & Contextualizing Schema Known to Unknown N a S t e Contextual i c o v o n e n n d e c t Language i n Language g Conceptual - Herrera
  • 7. Vocabulary Quilt in Practice: From Known to Unknown • Promotes use of native language (L1). • Assesses prior knowledge (academic/experiential). • Allows for non-linguistic representations. • Introduces new vocabulary/content. • Ensures student accountability for learning. Note: This strategy can be used throughout the lesson.
  • 8. In the Know “A horse is a horse, of course, unless you don’t know what a horse is, and then what?!” Experiential Academic Knowledge Knowledge
  • 9. To take our students from the known to the unknown, we must first determine what it is they know!
  • 10. Experiential Knowledge "Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going." • Country of Origin • Family Dynamics • Community -Brown
  • 11. Funds of Knowledge as a Resource Funds of knowledge are those historically developed and accumulated strategies or bodies of knowledge that are essential to the function and well-being of a household. - Moll, Amanti, Neff, & Gonzalez
  • 12. Hearts Activity Students come with experiences that are uniquely their own!
  • 13. Academic Knowledge • Prior Exposure to Content/Concepts • Prior Schooling Experiences • Social/Affective Experiences
  • 14. Additional Types of Knowledge Declarative Procedural Conditional Metacognitive Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge • What we know. • Used to • Knowing when, • Consists of • What we complete simple why, or where to “higher-order declare. or complex tasks. use information. thinking that •Schemata • This knowledge • Stored in long- involves active (memory stored in term memory. control over the frameworks) production • Extremely cognitive stores declarative systems. difficult processes knowledge. • Systems consists knowledge for engaged in of steps or teachers and learning”. phases. students. •Conceptualized as acquired knowledge
  • 15. What the Research Says About Vocabulary  Students develop vocabulary through explicit vocabulary instruction.  For English language learners, the “achievement gap” is primarily a vocabulary gap. - Carlo et al.
  • 16. CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) 5 to 7 years for fluency Academic Knowledge Math 1. Can recognize math numbersand symbols. 2. Can draw andlabel diagrams . 3. Can systematically order word problems. 4. Can identify parts of a graph. 5. Can circle unknown vocabulary terms to ask questions about them. 6. Can translate word problems using “ math terms.” - Dicus
  • 17. CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) 5 to 7 years for fluency Academic Knowledge English 1. Usesmechanics of spatial skills (i.e., top-to-bottom, left-to-right). 2. Understandsrules of punctuation/capitalization. 3. Readsfor comprehension. 4. Follows along during oral reading activity and resp onds at his/her turn. 5. Demonstrates appropriate useof text (i.e., index, bold words, captions). - Calder
  • 18. Daily Activity  Play a jeopardy game: Experiential Conditional Declarative Working Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Memory Automatization Academic Metacognitive Knowledge ? Knowledge Funds of Sensory Procedural ? Knowledge Memory Knowledge
  • 19. Linking Language to Content: Benefits for CLD Students • L1 responses • Non-linguistic responses • Single-word responses in L2 • Demonstrates existing schema • Provides contextual connections • Starting point for discussion and elaboration
  • 20. How do we best support second language acquisition (SLA)? • Contextualize for stages of SLA • Promote native language transfer • Differentiate instruction • Capitalize on the CLD student biography
  • 21. Krashen’s Stages of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) • Preproduction • Early Production • Speech Emergence • Intermediate Fluency • Advanced Fluency Herrera & Murry
  • 22. Student Configurations for Second Language Development OTAL CLASS ARTNERS MALL TEAMS NDIVIDUAL Herrera, Perez, & Escamilla
  • 23. Student Configuration Comparisons Activity  In USA:  In Ecuador:  Total  With a partner,  Partner discuss the various  Small Group combinations of student configurations  Individual used in your classrooms.  Share out loud some examples and its successes!
  • 24. Small Team: Setting up Student Configurations Step 1: Complete CLD student biographies. Step 2: Determine academic purpose for grouping. Step 3: Determine task & outcome to be completed by team. Step 4: Designate teams to reflect CLD student biographies. Step 5: Authentically assess work completed by the team. - Perez
  • 25. End of Day: Daily Review  Partner activities: Partner Bio Card  Refer to your student activity handbook.  Create a student biography of a partner.  Share out loud with the whole group if time permits.
  • 26. Introduction Activity  Magic Book Activity:  Retrieve two different colors of construction paper, scissors, pens/pencils or markers SLA BICS CALP Natural Order Affective Hypothesis Filter Hypothesis Input Acquisition Monitor Pre-production Early Hypothesis Learning Hypothesis Production Hypothesis Speech Intermediate Advanced Differentiated Prior Emergence Fluency Fluency Instruction Knowledge
  • 27. Day 2: Today we will  Discuss Krashen’s Five Hypothesis  Consider various examples using the five hypothesis
  • 28. Krashen’s Natural Order Hypothesis  The acquisition of grammatical structures follows a natural order that is predictable.  It is independent of the learner’s age.  It is independent of the learner’s L1 background. Krashen
  • 29. The Learning/Acquisition Hypothesis  “Learning is a conscious process that involves studying rules and vocabulary” (Krashen)  There are 2 ways in learning and developing a second language:  Learning (conscious process)  Acquisition (subconscious process) Learning Acquisition Conscious: we are aware we Subconscious: we are not are learning. aware we are learning. It’s what happens in school It’s what happens in and out when we study rules and of school when we receive grammar. messages we understand.
  • 30. The Monitor Hypothesis  It assists the role of learning in the process of language acquisition.  Native English speakers possess the ability to distinguish between phonology, syntax, morphology and grammar usage in speaking.  Understanding and comprehension in this hypothesis also plays a role in language competence.  Monitoring language focuses on how something is said instead of what is said.
  • 31. Input Hypothesis  Acquisition occurs with comprehensible input.  Receiving input does not guarantee language acquisition.  Krashen refers to input as i+1.  If students receive input at or below their current level, no new acquisition will be learned.  Some researchers has noted the importance of “comprehensible output” which results in meaningful language usage.
  • 32. Individual: Krashen’s Input Hypothesis (i + 1)  Comprehensible input (i+1).  i = current level of comprehension.  i + 1 = a slightly elevated level of discourse input. - Krashen
  • 33. The Affective Filter Hypothesis  How do you feel in class? Are you nervous, bored, anxious…?  In order to learn language, you need comprehensible input and Chomsky refers to it as the language acquisition device.  If input is blocked by a filter very little language acquisition occurs.  If the filter open, language acquisition occurs.
  • 34. Theories of SLA: “Role Play” Me a Hypothesis Activity: 1. Learning/Acquisition Hypothesis • Divide into teams of 3-4. • Review your assigned theory. 2. The Natural Order Hypothesis • Find a way to role-play the main points and concepts 3. The Monitor of your theory (all team Hypothesis members must participate). 4. The Input Hypothesis • Act out for the class and debrief the key characteristics 5. The Affective Filter of your hypothesis. Hypothesis
  • 35. Partners: Turn and Talk • Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development • Active engagement of all students • Lowers affective filter • Exchange of grade-level content knowledge • Personal connections with the content
  • 36. End of Day: Daily Review  Picture Me A Hypothesis:  Break into 5 small groups  Each group should receive huge chart paper with markers  Choose a hypothesis: Natural Order hypothesis, Input hypothesis, affective filter hypothesis etc.  Draw a picture with the hypothesis and give a description of each.
  • 37. Welcome to Law!!  Today we will:  Discuss quality programming by considering the law  Activity: Create a Law Book.
  • 38. It’s the Law…. Ecuador •Follow the directions given by the instructor to create your own “Book.” • Write the following title and your name on the front of your book: “Education in Ecuador” • On the top of each pages, write the following: - Private school - Public school - Educational Initiatives
  • 39. Completing your Law Book •Individually write down key facts about each law in your own law book by taking “Power Notes.” • Power Notes are a streamlined form of notetaking: • Main ideas are assigned 1. Reformers 2. Populists a power rating of 1. 3. National Grange 3. Farmer’s Alliance • Attributes, details, or 3. Populist Party 2. Unions examples are assigned 3. The Knights of Labor 3. IWW power 2, 3, or 4 ratings.
  • 40. Day 5:AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT  Today we will: Examine the role of authentic assessment with CLD students. Explore the scope of interaction as an integral part of authentic assessment. Learn about authentic assessment as a tool for informing instruction. Learn strategies for taking theory into practice.
  • 41. Language Objectives We will accomplish this by:  Defining key aspects of authentic assessment.  Listening to the descriptions of authentic assessment strategies.  Thinking about the role of interaction in authentic assessment.
  • 42. Authentic Assessment: Socio-Affective Considerations Math anxiety: Feelings of dread and fear… may actually contribute to lower test scores. Steenhuysen
  • 43. Key Vocabulary • Authentic Assessment • Prism Model • States of Mind • Interaction • Performance-Based Assessment • Portfolios
  • 44. Uncover Concentrate Monitor Evaluate What are states of mind? Authentic In what ways do we use interaction as an Assessment authentic assessment tool? What is performance- based assessment?
  • 45. A Closer Look: What is Authentic Assessment?  Teacher-generated, instruction-based, grade-level assessments that inform practice.  Assessment that emphasizes process not product.  Assessment that builds upon assets of the CLD students’ biographies.  Assessment that supports student learning through the use of interactive grouping configurations.
  • 46. A Traditional Definition of Authentic Assessment Authentic assessments: ∀ Are generally developed directly from classroom instruction, group work, and/or related classroom activities and provide an alternative to traditional assessments. ∀ Facilitate the student’s participation in evaluation processes. ∀ Include measurements and/or evaluations relevant to both the teacher and student. ∀ Emphasize real-world problems, tasks, or applications that are relevant to the student and/or his or- her community. Herrera, Murry & Cabral
  • 47. Changing States of Mind • Fear • Connection • Anxiety • Excitement • Frustration • Curiosity • Confusion • Celebration Behavior = State of Mind = Affective Filter - Jensen
  • 48. Authentic Assessment in Practice Questions to consider: • What purpose does the authentic assessment serve? • How will the information be used to inform instruction and improve learning? • Where does it fit in the lesson (before, during, and after)?
  • 49. Interaction & Assessment Teacher to Student Student to Student to Teacher Student Groups • Student interaction promotes language & concept development. • Interactive grouping configurations should be TPSI. *T = Total Group *P = Partner *S = Small Group *I = Individual
  • 50. Performance-Based Assessment  Students are engaged in a task to demonstrate knowledge.  Assessment is based on the belief that students construct knowledge.  Students discover knowledge vs. receiving knowledge from the teacher.  Assessment prompts higher-order thinking.  Assessment integrates multiple skills.
  • 51. Sample Performance-Based Assessment in Practice • U-C-ME: Cooperative Group Assessment • PICTURES AND WORDS: Peer Assessment • THUMB CHALLENGE: Play Based Assessment
  • 52. How will the teacher know what I know if she doesn’t take time to know what I know? Anonymous
  • 53. Uncover Concentrate Monitor Evaluate What are states of mind? Authentic In what ways do we use interaction as an Assessment authentic assessment tool? What is performance- based assessment?
  • 54. End of Day: Daily Review  U-C-ME Activity:  Work individually.  Turn to partner after individual work.  Discuss with whole class to gather all different perspectives and understanding.
  • 55. Review Day  Today we will:  Review all the vocabulary for understanding and practice  Activity: LIFELINE  Review SLA  Activity: Pepsi Ah!  Review all learning  Activity: Tri-Fold
  • 56. Activity 1: Lifeline  Refer to you activity handbook.  Work with a partner  After partner collaboration, transition to small group to expand horizons.
  • 57. Activity 2: PEPSI AH!  Create 5 groups of students.  Create 5 huge circles which resembles a stop light.  Paste these 5 circles below each other.  Fill in the stages of second language acquisition.  Write key points in front with application on back.
  • 58. Activity 3: Tri-fold  Complete the tri-fold on your learning for the past week.  Share in small groups.  Q & A to address any concerns.

Editor's Notes

  1. BICS : B asic I nterpersonal C ommunication S kills Understanding from context Acquisition of syntax, grammar, basic vocabulary, etc… Takes 2-3 years to acquire CALP : C ognitive A cademic L anguage P roficiency Decontexualized understanding Ability to use second language as a tool for learning Takes 5-7 years or more to acquire
  2. Additional Points: Urban/suburban/rural Upper class, Middle class, Low SES Cultural Identity/Solidarity Religiosity Ways to learn about Experiential Knowledge: Home Visit Oral History Allow for Use of L1 Reflect Culture & Language of Student in the Classroom Environment
  3. Acknowledge and build upon the diverse cultural backgrounds of your CLD students & families. Create positive home-school relationships to learn about CLD students families. Invite parents to share their “funds of knowledge.”
  4. .
  5. Incorporate literature from students native countries. Explicitly teach higher-order questioning skills. Tap into oral traditions of family/home. Utilize technology.
  6. Explains how second language acquisition takes place. Only concerned with acquisition not learning. The learner improves and progresses along the natural order when he/she receives input in the second language. “ i+1” input is appropriate for ELLs current stage of linguistic competence.
  7. How to Change the states of mind as we go along with the assessments?
  8. Different types of interaction Teacher- Student Student-Student In Groups In Pairs Add the big chart as talking point.