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Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination®
Effective for examinations fromMay-June 2013
CXC A27/U2/13
Publishedbythe CaribbeanExaminationsCouncil
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Correspondence relatedtothe syllabusshouldbe addressedto:
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Telephone Number:+1 (876) 630-5200
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Copyright© 2013 by CaribbeanExaminationsCouncil
The Garrison, St Michael BB14038, Barbados
CXC A27/U2/13
CXC A24/U2/12
INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... i
RATIONALE............................................................................................................................. 1
AIMS....................................................................................................................................... 1
SKILLSAND ABILITIESTO BE ASSESSED...................................................................................... 2
STRUCTURE OF THE SYLLABUS.................................................................................................. 3
MODULE 1: BUSINESSAND ITS ENVIRONMENT........................................................ 4
MODULE 2: THE MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE............................................................. 9
MODULE 3: BUSINESSFINANCEANDACCOUNTING...................................................................17
MODULE 1: PRODUCTION ANDOPERATIONSMANAGEMENT.....................................................22
MODULE 2: FUNDAMENTALSOF MARKETING............................................................ 27
MODULE 3: SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ............................................................ 33
OUTLINE OF ASSESSMENT........................................................................................................ 38
REGULATIONS FORPRIVATECANDIDATES ................................................................................ 46
REGULATIONS FORRE-SIT CANDIDATES.................................................................................... 46
ASSESSMENTGRID................................................................................................................... 47
GLOSSARY............................................................................................................................... 48
CXC A24/U2/12
ThisdocumentCXCA24/U2/12 replacesCXCA20/U2/03 issuedin2003.
Please note thatthe syllabushasbeenrevisedandamendmentsare indicatedbyitalics.
Please checkthe websitewww.cxc.orgfor updatesonCXC’ssyllabuses.
CXC A24/U2/12
The Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) is designed to provide certification of the
academic, vocational and technical achievement of students in the Caribbean who, having completed a
minimum of five years of secondary education, wish to further their studies. The examinations address
the skills and knowledge acquired by students under a flexible and articulated system where subjects are
organised in 1-Unit or 2-Unit courses with each Unit containing three
Modules.SubjectsexaminedunderCAPE,maybe studiedconcurrentlyorsingly.
The Caribbean Examinations Council offers three types of certification. The first is the award of a
certificate showing each CAPE Unit completed. The second is the CAPE Diploma, awarded to
candidates who have satisfactorily completed at least six Units including Caribbean Studies. The
third is the CXC Associate Degree, awarded for the satisfactory completion of a prescribed cluster of
seven CAPE Units including Caribbean Studies and Communication Studies. For the CAPE Diploma
and the CXC Associate Degree, candidates must complete the cluster of required Units within a
maximumperiodof five years.
Recognised educational institutions presenting candidates for CXC Associate Degree in one of the
nine categories must, on registering these candidates at the start of the qualifying year, have them
confirm in the required form, the Associate Degree they wish to be awarded. Candidates will not be
awarded any possiblealternativesforwhich they did notapply.
CXC A24/U2/12 i
Management of Business Syllabus
The dynamic environment within which businesses operate today present both challenges and
opportunities for business leaders. The growth in economic and social needs in most economies also
constitutes another area of great challenge. As students proceed beyond the Caribbean Secondary
Education Certificate (CSEC) level, in pursuit of their careergoals, they must be cognisant
of the changingsocio-economicclimatewithinwhichmodernbusinessesoperate.
Management of Business students must understand the principles that govern the human and
operational interactions within a business, and must be aware of how a business operates within a
society. Moreover, it is imperative that students possess a comprehensive understanding of the
marketsinthe regioninadditiontoknowledge of the global marketplace.
The CAPE Management of Business syllabus provides not only a good foundation for further study of
Management of Business and other related disciplines at the tertiary level, but also opportunities for
students to function not only in existing business organisations, but also as successful entrepreneurs
having developed the required knowledge and understanding of management principles, practices,
and skills required to addressmanagerialproblemsand thechallengesfaced by businesses.
The syllabus will also contribute to the development of the Ideal Caribbean Person as articulated by
the CARICOM Heads of Government. That is, “someone who demonstrates a positive work ethic” and
“values and displays the creative imagination in its various manifestations and nurtures its
development in the economic and entrepreneurial spheres.” In addition, in keeping with the UNESCO
Pillars of Learning, on completion of this course of study students will learn to know, to do, to be, and
to live together having been exposed to the values implicit within human rights and democratic
principles, among others.
The syllabusaimsto:
1. develop an understanding of the integrated nature of business organisations and the
2. develop an awareness of how global issues impact the development of business
organisationswithspecialreferencetothe Caribbean;
3. provide basic information on principles, legal issues, and practices of modern management
withspecial reference tothe Caribbean;
CXC A24/U2/12
4. develop critical thinking skills that involve analysis, evaluation, decision making and problem
5. developanunderstandingof the importance of managementof people;
6. develop skills in communicating information effectively in numerical, graphical and verbal
7. provide opportunities for acquisition of prerequisite knowledge and skills necessary to
pursue furtherstudiesandcareerdevelopment;
8. provide knowledgeandskillsneededtobecome successful entrepreneurs;
9. developattitudes,values,andethical practicesrelatedtobusiness;
10. developanappreciationof the needfororganisationstobe goodcorporate citizens.
The skillsthatstudentsare expectedtohave developed oncompletionof thissyllabushave been
groupedunderthree mainheadings:
1. KnowledgeandComprehension;
2. Use of Knowledge;
3. InterpretationandApplication.
Knowledge and Comprehension
The examinationswill testcandidates’skillsandabilityto:
1. grasp and recall basicfacts,concepts,andprinciplesof managementtheory;
2. understandthe diverse managerial functionsandroles;
3. understandthe impactof workforce diversityonthe managementof organisations.
Use of Knowledge
The examinations will testcandidates’skillsandabilityto:
1. select and use facts, theories and concepts appropriately in formulating solutions to
2. draw conclusionsbasedonabodyof information;
3. distinguishamongvariouscomponentsof businessanditsenvironment.
CXC A24/U2/12
Interpretationand Application
The examinationswill testcandidates’skillsandabilityto:
1. assemble and analyse relevant data and information to make projections and solve
2. draw logical conclusionsandmake recommendationsaboutmanagerial issues.
The syllabusisdividedintotwo(2) Units.EachUnit comprisesthree Modules.EachModule requires
fifty(50) hours of instruction.
Unit1: ManagementPrinciplesand Processes
Module 1 - BusinessanditsEnvironment
Module 2 - The Managementof People
Module 3 - BusinessFinance andAccounting
Unit2: Applicationin Management
Module 1 - Production and Operations Management
Module 2 - Fundamentalsof Marketing
Module 3 - Small BusinessManagement
CXC A24/U2/12
On completionof thisModule,studentsshould:
1. understandthe nature andscope of businessanditsrole insociety;
2. understandhowdifferentbusinessorganisationsfunction;
3. appreciatethe importanceof maintaining high ethicalstandardsin businesspractices;
4. appreciate the processof decisionmakinganditsimpactonthe environment;
5. develop an awarenessof theimpact of the externalenvironmenton business.
Studentsshouldbe able to:
1. distinguish among differenttypesof economicactivity;
2. compare the different types of business organisations based on economic sectors and legal
3. explain the importanceof setting businessobjectives;
4. explain the importanceof ethics and social responsibility in setting businessobjectives;
5. discussthe processof decision-making in businessorganisations;
6. evaluatethe impactof globalization on Caribbean BusinessOrganisations.
1. Types ofEconomic Activity
Classificationof economicactivity:primary;secondary;tertiary.
2. EconomicSectors and Legal Structures
Main features including ability to raise finance, appropriateness of legal structures, problem
fromchangingfrom one legal structure toanother,advantagesanddisadvantages.
CXC A24/U2/12
(a) Private SectorOrganisations:
(i) sole-trader;
(ii) partnership;
(iii) private limitedcompany;
(iv) publiclimitedcompany;
(v) co-operative enterprise;
(vi) franchise;
(vii) joint venture (legal element governing formation, financing and
(b) PublicSectorOrganisations:
(i) publiccorporations;
(ii) statutoryboards.
(c) Notfor ProfitOrganisations:
(i) charities;
(ii) non-governmentalorganisations.
(d) Privatisation and Nationalisation.
3. BusinessObjectives
(a) The nature,role,and importance of businessobjectives.
(b) Short,mediumandlong-termobjectives.
(c) Hierarchy of objectives: vision, mission statements; strategic; tactical; operational
CXC A24/U2/12
4. BusinessEthics andCorporate Social Responsibility
(a) Importance of businessethicsandintegrity,code of ethics.
(b) Obligations to stakeholders.
(c) Good CorporateGovernance.
5. DecisionMaking
(a) Processof decisionmaking:
(i) conceptof decisionmaking;
(ii) essential features of information for decision making – accuracy, timeliness,
relevance andcosteffectiveness;
(iii) significanceof Qualitative vs.Quantitativedecision-making.
(b) Stagesof decisionmaking(inrelationtoobjectives):
(i) definitionof problem;
(ii) data collection –importance andsources;
(iii) analysisandevaluation;
(iv) formulationof alternative strategies;
(v) implementation;
(vi) evaluation.
(c) Factors affectingdecisionmaking:
(i) governmental,political andlegal;
(ii) social and cultural;
(iii) technological;
(iv) economic;
(v) ecological;
(vi) humanand natural constraints.
CXC A24/U2/12
6. Impact ofGlobalisationonBusiness
(a) Multinational(growth,advantagesand disadvantages).
(b) Role of Government:
(i) Facilitating,enabling environment;
(ii) Developing necessary legalframework.
(c) Consumerbehaviour:Choices,
(d) Domestic Business:
Competition,pricing policy,quality assurance.
(e) Trade Liberalisation.
SuggestedTeachingand LearningActivities
To facilitate students’attainmentof the objectivesinModule 1,teachersare advisedtoengage
studentsinthe teachingandlearningactivitieslistedbelow.
1. Conductfieldinvestigationtodeterminegrowthordecline indifferentbusinesssectors.
2. Engage class in discussion on Porter's Five Forces Model for analysing an industry and
industryanalysisasa project.
3. Engage class in discussions and debates on types of business organisations to enable
students to recognise advantages and disadvantages of one business organisation over
4. Assign different students to listen to business news (both regional and international) and
make an oral presentation to the class to sensitise students to local and regional
5. Use newspaper clippings on business news for class discussions and students’ journals (on-
line journals,blogs).
6. Invite resource personnel from different types of organisations to share information on their
7. Assignexpositoryandargumentative essaysonvarioustopics.
CXC A24/U2/12
8. Assigngroupresearchprojecttofosterteamwork.
9. Conductsimulationexercises,roleplay,videopresentations.
10. Engage class indiscussionof case studies.
Teachersand studentsmayidentifyother activitiesthatare more suitable totheirownclass
CXC A24/U2/12
On completionof thisModule,studentsshould:
1. appreciate the importance of the application of management theories in the operation of
2. understand the roles and responsibilities of employers and employees within an
3. developanawarenessof the effectsof humanmotivationonorganisationaleffectiveness;
4. appreciate the broadformal framework of human resourcemanagement.
Studentsshouldbe able to:
1. evaluate the contributionsof managementtheoriestopresentdayorganisations;
2. explainthe featuresof the formal organisational structure;
3. explainthe theoriesandpracticesof motivation;
4. differentiatebetweentypesof leadershipskills,styles;
5. describe thegroup formation process,characteristicsand importanceof effectiveteams;
6. describe possible causesof conflictinorganizations;
7. assesstheeffectivenessof strategiesused to manageconflictin organisations;
8. justifythe needtocope withandmanage change in the organisation;
9. explainthe importance of effectivecommunicationinorganisations;
10. evaluate the importance of human resource managementinorganisations.
CXC A24/U2/12
1. The Functionsand Theoriesof Management
(a) Evolution of Management theories (principles and contributions to modern day
(i) Classical Model- F.W.Taylor, Henri Fayol,Max Weber;
(ii) Human RelationsModel:Elton Mayo;
(iii) SystemsApproach –open/closed/synergy/entropy);
(iv) Contingency Approach.
(b) Functionsof Management(Definition and Application):
(i) planning;
(ii) organising;
(iii) leading;
(iv) controlling;
(v) staffing.
2. Organisational Structure
(a) Classification of Organisational Structure – (Principles, Advantages and
(i) by function;
(ii) by product;
(iii) geographical market;
(iv) matrix;
(v) team;
(vi) network;
(vii) virtual.
CXC A24/U2/12
(b) Characteristicsof the Formal Organisational Structure:
(i) hierarchy;
(ii) chainof command;
(iii) span of control;
(iv) line andstaff relationship;
(v) responsibility;
(vi) authority;
(vii) accountability;
(viii) delegation;
(ix) centralisation;
(x) decentralisation.
3. Theory and ApplicationMotivation
(a) Factors that stimulate and influence motivation: individual needs; self-motivation;
abilitytomake choices;environmental opportunities.
(b) Theoriesof motivation:
Maslow’sHierarchy of Needs;Herzberg’sHygieneTheory.
(c) Financial andnon-financial motivational strategies:
(i) financial incentives: payment systems and their effectiveness; appraisal; job
(ii) non-financial incentives: individual job needs; participation; job satisfaction;
(d) Implication to managers: getting the best out of individuals; appreciation of work
and appropriate rewardsystems.
CXC A24/U2/12
4. Leadership
(a) Definitionof leadership.
(b) Leadership Theory:McGregor’sTheory X and Theory Y; Trait Theory.
(c) Leadershipskillsincluding:
(i) communication;
(ii) problem-solving;critical thinking.
(d) Leadershipstyles(definition,appropriateness)
(i) autocratic;
(ii) participative/democratic;
(iii) laissez faire;
(iv) transformational.
(e) Informalleadership;itsinfluence on the organisation:
(i) definition of informalleadership;
(ii) advantagesand disadvantagesof informalleadership.
CXC A24/U2/12
5. Groupand Team Management
(a) Definition of Teams/Groups.
(b) Stagesof Group Development(forming,storming,norming,performing,adjourning).
(c) Characteristicsof effectiveteams:
(i) commitment;
(ii) participation;
(iii) trust;
(iv) decisionbyconsensus;
(v) flexibility;
(vi) encouragement;
(vii) supportand growth.
(d) Forces that influence group cohesiveness (including size, group goals, similarities,
(e) Advantagesand Disadvantagesof teamsto theorganisations.
6. Causesof Conflict
Possible Causesof Conflict:
(a) managementstyle;
(b) competitionforscarce resources;
(c) lack of communication;
(d) clashof personalities.
CXC A24/U2/12
7. Strategiesto manage conflict:
(a) avoidance;
(b) smoothing;
(c) compromise;
(d) collaboration;
(e) confrontation.
8. Managementof Change
(a) Nature of change:technical,economic,demographic,social andlegal.
(b) Resistance to change: fear, disrupted habits, loss of control and confidence, poor
training, redistribution of workload and lack of purpose; loss of power, lack of
(c) Strategiestomanage change.
9. Communicationin Business
(a) Diagram of the CommunicationProcess.
(b) Communication channels (including: oral, written, visual, non-verbal);
communication methods (including: Internet, e-mail, Intranet, fax, video
(c) Linesof Communication:
(i) formal channel - vertical and horizontal;
(ii) informal channel;
(iii) problemsassociatedwithformalchannel;
(iv) formal channel versusinformal channels.
CXC A24/U2/12
(d) Barriersto effectivecommunication:
(i) selective-perceptions;
(ii) attitudes;
(iii) noise;
(iv) cultural bias.
(e) Reducing barriers to communication (including: ensure clear message, choice of
channel,managing feedback,improvingphysicalconditions).
10. Human Resource Management
(a) The role of the human resource management in an organisation: attracting,
(b) Functionsof the humanresourcesdepartment:
(i) Recruitment:
- Internal;
- External.
(ii) Selection:
(iii) Compensation:
Various types of compensationincluding; wages and salaries, pension fund,
(iv) Traininganddevelopment:
(v) Performance Management:Performance appraisal:
- fairness;
- participative;
- feedback;
- periodic.
CXC A24/U2/12
(vi) Resistance to change: fear, disrupted habits, loss of control and confidence,
poortraining,redistribution of workload and lackof purpose;
(vii) The importanceof communication in the managementprocess.
SuggestedTeachingand LearningActivities
To facilitate students’attainmentof the objectivesof Module 2,teachersare advisedtoengage
studentsinthe teachingandlearningactivitieslistedbelow.
1. Lectures, tutorials and presentations by teachers and other resource persons with
specialisedknowledge of awide range of contentareas.
2. Engage class inresearchand presentationsbystudents(individuallyandingroups).
3. Engage class in debates and panel discussions on topical issues, for example, strikes, salary
and wagesnegotiations,redundancyanditsimpactonindividual behaviourinorganisations.
4. Assignexperientialactivities.
5. Conductrole playor simulationexercises.
6. Engage class indiscussiononcase studiesonmotivation,leadership,anddecisionmaking.
7. Students reflect and express their thoughts and perceptions by maintenance of journals
whichare subsequentlysharedwithpeers.
CXC A24/U2/12
On completionof thisModule,studentsshould:
1. understand the roles and functions of finance and accounting in the management of
businesswithspecial reference tothe Caribbean;
2. understand the impact of changes in finance and accounting practices on the overall
operationsof business;
3. develop analytical and interpretational skills relating to problem solving in finance and
Studentsshouldbe able to:
1. explainthe variousneedforfunds;
2. differentiateamongthe mainsourcesof finance;
3. explainthe maincriteriathatbusinessesuse whenseekingshort- andlong- termfinancing;
4. discuss the roles, functioning and working of money and capital markets and international
financial institutionswithspecial reference tothe Caribbean;
5. specifythe importance of AccountinginformationforbothInternal andExternal users;
6. appraise the differentcomponentsof financial statements;
7. interpretandanalyse keyfinancial statementsthroughthe use of ratioanalysis;
8. explainthe purpose,nature,andusefulnessof budgeting;
9. assess the various methods used by a firm in selecting the most appropriate investment
CXC A24/U2/12
1. The Needfor Capital
(a) Start-upor venture capital.
(b) Workingcapital.
(c) Investmentcapital.
2. Sources ofFinance
(a) Equityversusdebt.
(b) Formsof equity:capital andshares.
(c) Formsof debt:debenturesandbonds.
3. Criteriafor SeekingFinance
(a) Sourcesof short-termfinance:trade creditorsandcommercial banks.
(b) Sources of long-term finance: commercial and development banks, venture capital
funds,small businessassociations,developmentfundsandfamily.
(c) Short-termversuslong-termsourcesof finance.
4. Moneyand capital markets and International Financial Institutions
(a) Roles of Regional and International Financial Institutions, for example, CDB, IDB, IMF
and WorldBank:
(i) provide technical andmanagerial advice;
(ii) conduct feasibilitystudiesandeconomicappraisal of countries.
(b) Functioning and workings of Money and Capital Markets: working knowledge of
Stock Exchange withreference tothe Caribbean.
CXC A24/U2/12
5. The need for AccountingInformation
(a) Definitionof Accounting.
(b) Users of Accounting Information (Stakeholders including financial institutions,
6. ComponentsofFinancial Statements
(a) Working knowledgeof componentsof financialstatements:
(i) IncomeStatement:including sales,costof sale,grossprofit,net profit;
(ii) Balance sheet: including fixed assets, current assets, current liabilities, fixed
liabilities, owner’sequity;
(iii) Cash flowstatements.
(b) Relation between Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Comprehensive
7. Financial StatementsAnalysis
(a) Useof Accounting Ratios.
(b) Advantagesand disadvantagesof ratio analysis.
(c) Limitationsof Ratio Analysis.
(d) Calculation and Interpretation of Typesof Ratios:
(i) Liquidity Ratios(currentand acid test ratio);
(ii) Profitability Ratios: (Gross Profit Margin; Net Profit Margin; Return on
CapitalEmployed (ROCE);
(iii) Efficiency;Activity Ratios:(StockTurnoverRatio; Debtor Day Ratio);
(iv) Gearing Ratio: Debt/capital employed (Capital employed = fixed assets +
(currentassets – current liabilities); Debt= Long term Debt; or
Debt = Long Term Debt
CapitalExp = (FA + CA)2
(v) Investors/shareholdersRatios:Dividend Yield and EarningsPerShare.
CXC A24/U2/12
8. Budgets andBudgetary Control
(a) Type of budgets:cash,sales,production,materials,purchases,labour.
(b) Importanceof budgeting (usefulnessand limitations).
(c) Budgetary Control(methodsand reasonsforvariances).
9. InvestmentAppraisal
(a) Need for investmentAppraisal.
(b) Analyticalmethodsof Appraisal:
- payback period: average rate of return, net present value (meaning,
interpretationandsimple calculationsrequired).
(c) Comparisonsof Methodsof Appraisal.
SuggestedTeachingand LearningActivities
To facilitate students’attainmentof the objectivesof Module 3,teachersare advisedtoengage
studentsinthe teachingandlearningactivitieslistedbelow.
1. Encourage students to participate in lectures, tutorials and presentations by teachers and
otherresource personswithspecialisedknowledgeof awide range of contentareas.
2. Engage studentsinanalysisof publishedfinancialstatements.
3. Use case studies in order to reinforce learning and provide opportunities for application of
4. Assign students to participate in field trips to established institutions, for example, central
banks,insurance companiesandstockexchange.
5. Engage students in listening to taped materials from various sources, for example, radio and
television,(C.B.U,B.B.C),podcasts,YouTube videos.
6. Assign students to read annual publications of professional journals, for example, N.Y.S.E,
Financial Times.
7. Invite guest speakers from different firms to discuss issues related to business finance and
CXC A24/U2/12
Barkarr, S. Management of Business, Unit I, Caribbean Educational
Cole,G.A. ManagementPracticeof Theory,6th
Edition, London:Thomson
Hall,D., RobJ. and Raffo,C. Business Studies, Lancaster: Causeway Press Limited, 1993.
Plunkett,W.R.,etal Management:Meeting and Exceeding CustomerExpectations
Edition, South-WesternCollegePublisher,2007.
Stimpson,P.andSingh,K. Managementof BusinessUnitI, Cambridge UniversityPress,
CXC A24/U2/12
On completionof thisModule,studentsshould:
1. understandthe operationsinvolvedinthe productionof goodsandservices;
2. developanawarenessof the importance of productivityandqualityinproduction;
3. appreciate the importance of tools and techniques required for production and operations
4. be aware of the impact of the external environment on the production and operations
Studentsshouldbe able to:
1. describe the majordecisionsinvolvedinthe nature of the productionprocess;
2. explain techniquesinvolved in forecasting;
3. discussthe strategiesinvolved in productdesign;
4. explain the conceptof capacityplanning;
5. examinevariousstrategiesused in production layoutprocess;
6. assesstheimportanceof costing in production;
7. examinethe conceptof inventory management;
8. explain the conceptof lean production and quality management;
9. explain methodsof measuring and improving productivity;
10. assesstheimportanceof projectmanagement.
CXC A24/U2/12
1. Nature of Production
(a) Input (factors of production) throughput (production process) output (finished goods
and services).
(b) Production Methods: (job production, batch production, flow production and cell
(c) Location of Production (quantitative factors including site cost, transport cost, labour
cost, revenue cost, qualitative factors including infrastructure, environmental and
planning consideration,managementpreferences).
2. ForecastingTechniques
Forecasting techniques:
(a) sales forcecomposite;
(b) delphi method;
(c) consumersurveys;
(d) jury of experts;
(e) moving average.
3. Product DesignStrategies
(a) Modularisation.
(b) Miniaturisation.
(c) Integration.
(d) Valueanalysis.
(e) CAD – Computer Aided Design, CAM – Computer Aided Manufacturing (basic
CXC A24/U2/12
4. CapacityPlanning
(a) Definition of capacity.
(b) Importanceof capacityutilisation.
(c) Design capacity.
(d) Efficiency capacity.
(e) Calculation of capacityutilisation (simplecalculations).
(f) Methodsof improving capacity utilisation.
(g) Economiesand diseconomiesof scale.
5. Layout Strategies
(a) Processlayout.
(b) Productionlayout.
(c) FixedPositionlayout.
(d) Cellular layout.
6. Costing
(a) Costof Production (direct/indirectvariable/fixed).
(b) Approachesto costing (simplecalculations):
(i) absorption;
(ii) contribution/marginal.
(c) Application of MarginalCosting:
(i) break-even point, (definition, uses, advantages and disadvantages, simple
calculation of the following: BEP for Output and Sales, Contribution Margin
Sales fora desired Profit,Outputfora desired profit and Margin of safety);
(ii) drawbreak-even charts;
(iii) makeor buy decisions.
CXC A24/U2/12
7. Inventory Management:
(a) Importanceof inventory (stock).
(b) Inventory (stock) controlmanagement:
(i) EOQ (Simplecalculations);
(ii) JustIn Time.
8. Lean Production and Quality Management
(a) Importanceof quality.
(b) Dimension of Quality:
(i) performance;
(ii) features;
(iii) reliability;
(iv) conformance;
(v) durability;
(vi) serviceability;
(vii) aesthetics;
(viii) perceived quality.
(c) Techniquesforimproving quality including:
(i) differencebetween quality controland quality assurance;
(ii) benchmarking;
(iii) ISOQuality Standards;
(iv) outsourcing;
(v) qualitycircles;
(vi) TQM including Kaizen or continuousimprovement.
(d) Lean Production (link between inventory management, quality and capacity and
CXC A24/U2/12
9. Productivity:
(a) Definition (expressproductivity asan equation).
(b) Factors that impact on productivity including: (technology, training, market demand,
competition,qualityof laboursupply,levelof pricing).
10. Project Management(studentsare requiredto prepare and interpretdiagrams of models)
(a) Critical pathmethod(CPM).
(b) Decisiontrees.
NB (Studentsare requiredto prepare and interpretdiagrams of the models)
SuggestedTeachingand LearningActivities
To facilitate students’attainmentof the objectivesof Module 1,teachersare advisedtoengage
studentsinthe teachingandlearningactivitieslistedbelow.
1. Encourage students to participate in lectures, tutorials and presentations by teachers and
otherresource personswithspecialisedknowledgeof awide range of contentareas.
2. Engage studentsinresearchandpresentations(individuallyandingroups).
3. Encourage students to participate in class debates and panel discussions on topical issues
4. Conductexperientialactivitiesrelatedtoproductionandoperationsmanagement.
5. Encourage students to interpret issues related to production and operations management
throughrole playor simulationexercises.
6. Engage students in online/class discussion on case studies related to production and
7. Studentsreporttoclass onblogpostingsand YouTube videospertainingtoissuesaddressed.
CXC A24/U2/12
On completionof thisModule,studentsshould:
1. understandthe role andimportance of marketing;
2. assimilate the principlesof marketingmanagement;
3. developanawarenessof the impactof the external environmentforcesonmarketing.
Studentsshouldbe able to:
1. define the term “marketing” and relate it to the concepts of “market”, “exchange” and
2. assesstheimplications of variousmarketing concepts;
3. distinguish between the micro- and macro- environments in which a firm operates and their
effectsonthe marketingstrategyof the firm;
4. describe the elementsof the marketingresearchprocess;
5. assessthe principlesof marketsegmentation;
6. explainthe principlesof productmanagement;
7. evaluate variouspricingstrategies;
8. discuss themajorprinciples of distribution;
9. examine the majortoolsof promotion and theirimplications;
10. discussthe importanceof internetmarketing decisions.
CXC A24/U2/12
1. The Conceptof Marketing
(a) Definitionsof marketing.
(b) Relatedconcepts:
(i) markets;
(ii) value added;
(iii) exchange transactions.
2. Implicationsof DifferentMarketingConcepts
(a) The MarketingConcepts.
(b) The product conceptand implications.
(c) The productionconceptand implications.
(d) The sellingconceptandimplications.
(e) The societal marketing concept and its implications.
3. The MarketingEnvironment
(a) Compositionof the MarketingEnvironment:
(i) micro-environment;
(ii) macro-environment.
(b) Forcesin the micro-environment:
(i) company’ssuppliers;
(ii) competitors;
(iii) marketingintermediaries;
(iv) customers.
CXC A24/U2/12
(c) Forcesin the macro-environment:
(i) demographicfactors;
(ii) economicfactors;
(iii) natural factors;
(iv) political factors;
(v) cultural factors.
4. Marketing Research
(a) Role and importanceof marketresearch.
(b) Importanceof developing a research plan.
(c) Describe the stagesof Market Research:
(i) managementproblemidentification;
(ii) researchobjectives;
(iii) sourcesof data - primary,secondary;
(iv) sampling- probabilityandnon-probability;
(v) research techniques - focus groups, surveys, in-depth interviews;
(vi) analysisandpresentationof results.
(d) Limitationsof MarketResearch.
CXC A24/U2/12
5. PrinciplesofMarket Segmentation
(a) Importanceof segmentation.
(b) Niche,target,massmarketing.
(c) Basesof segmentation:
(i) demographic;
(ii) geographic;
(iii) behavioural.
(d) Consumerbuying behaviour:
(i) the buying process;
(ii) factorsinfluencing buying behaviour.
6. Product Management
(a) The concept of product – core,formal or actual,augmented.
(b) Dimensionsof the productmix.
(c) Productline and productextension.
(d) Boston Matrix.
(e) Newproductdevelopmentprocess.
(f) Productlife cycle.
(g) Brandingand packaging.
(h) Characteristicsof services compared to goods.
7. PricingDecision
(a) Introduction to Pricing - definition,role and importance.
(b) Factors influencing pricing decisions (including elasticity of demand, demand,
CXC A24/U2/12
(c) Pricingstrategies,including:
(i) cost pluspricing;
(ii) competitionpricing;
(iii) perceivedvalue;
(iv) goingrate;
(v) penetrationpricingandprice skimming.
8. DistributionManagement
(a) Role of distribution in an organisation.
(b) Factors influencingdistributiondecisions.
(c) Typesof distributionchannels (including direct,indirect).
(d) Introduction to logistics strategy.
(e) Types of distribution strategies (intensive, selective, exclusive).
9. Promotion Strategy
(a) Objectives of promotion.
(b) Toolsof promotionandtheirrelativeadvantages:
(i) advertising;
(ii) personal selling;
(iii) salespromotion;
(iv) publicity.
10. Internet Marketing
(a) Developmentof Internetmarketing.
(b) Opportunitiescreated by Internetmarketing.
(c) Challengesposed by Internetmarketing.
(d) Importanceof e-commerceto businessorganisations.
CXC A24/U2/12
SuggestedTeachingand Learning Activities
To facilitate students’attainmentof the objectivesinModule 2,teachersare advisedtoengage
studentsinthe teachingandlearningactivitieslistedbelow.
1. Engage studentsinsimulatedcase studiesrelatedtomarketing.
2. Engage studentsingroupprojectsto fosterteamwork.
3. Encourage students to participate in panel discussion on marketing issues conducted
by external resource persons.
CXC A24/U2/12
On completionof thisModule,studentsshould:
1. appreciate the nature of entrepreneurship;
2. developanawarenessof the characteristicsof small businessmanagement.
Studentsshouldbe able to:
1. explainthe nature andcharacteristicsof entrepreneurship;
2. explain the relationship between business organisations and the economic system in which
they operate;
3. assessthecriteria for measuring sizeand growth of business;
4. assessthechallenges and opportunitiesfaced by smallbusinesses;
5. describe thetypesof assistanceagenciesofferto small businesses;
6. develop a businessplan.
1. The Nature and Characteristics ofEntrepreneurship
(a) Definitionof entrepreneurship.
(b) Corporate Entrepreneurship(intrapreneurship).
(c) Social Entrepreneurship.
(d) Characteristicsof successful entrepreneurs.
2. Businessand EconomicSystems
(a) Economic systems in which businesses operate (free economy, mixed economy,
planned economy).
(b) The impactof the economicsystemon businessdecision-making.
CXC A24/U2/12
3. Size andGrowth ofBusiness
(a) Criteria for measuring sizeand growth:
(i) output;
(ii) labourforce;
(iii) marketshare;
(iv) capital structure.
(b) Advantagesand disadvantagesof smallfirmsvs.large firms:
(i) size and financialrequirements;
(ii) the economiesof scale;
(iii) strategiesforgrowth;
(iv) managementand control;
(v) lack of record keeping;
(vi) working capitaldeficiencies;
(vii) poormanagementskills;
(viii) regulation and Legislation.
4. MajorChallenges and Opportunities faced by Small Businesses including
(a) Identifyingsuccessful businessopportunities.
(b) Sourcingcapital (finance).
(c) Selection of businesstypes(soletrader,partnership,company).
(d) Determiningalocation.
(e) Globalisationandtrade liberalisation.
(f) E-commerce.
(g) Intellectual property.
CXC A24/U2/12
5. Types and Nature ofAssistanceAvailableto Small Firms
(a) AgenciesthatAssistSmall Businesses:
(i) Governmental Agencies;
(ii) Non-governmental Agencies;
(iii) Financial Institutions.
(b) Typesof Assistance OfferedtoSmall Businesses:
(i) financial;
(ii) technical;
(iii) educationandtraining.
6. Preparationof a BusinessPlanfor a Small Business
(a) Definition of a BusinessPlan;
(b) ExecutiveSummary;
(c) BusinessDescription:
(i) legal establishmenthistory;
(ii) start-up plans.
(c) BusinessEnvironmentAnalysis:
(i) targetmarket;
(ii) customerneeds;
(iii) location.
(d) Industry Background.
(e) CompetitorAnalysis:
who are yourcompetitors.
CXC A24/U2/12
(f) MarketAnalysis:
(i) customerneeds;
(ii) wherethey are;
(iii) howto reach them.
(g) Marketing Plan:
(i) pricing strategy;
(ii) promotion strategy;
(iii) distribution strategy.
(h) OperationsPlan:
(i) cost of production;
(ii) machinery.
(i) ManagerialSummary:
(i) managementpersonnel;
(ii) staffing.
(j) FinancialPlan:
(i) profitand loss;
(ii) cash flows;
(iii) break-even analysis;
(iv) sourceof funds;
(v) businessratios;
(vi) assumptions.
CXC A24/U2/12
SuggestedTeachingand LearningActivities
To facilitate students’ attainmentof the objectivesinModule 3,teachersare advisedtoengage
studentsinthe teachingandlearningactivitieslistedbelow.
1. Decide on a “product” or “service” company and allow students to determine what each
companywill produce oroffer.
2. Assign students to develop a questionnaire to investigate if there is a need to start a
companyof theirchoice.
3. Developayearlysalesestimateandacash flow budgetfortheircompany.
4. Establish and operate a small store to sell items used by students in the school, involving the
5. Create a listof costs to start the business.
6. Encourage students to work in groups to “sell” specific items to the rest of the class using
the sales and marketingmethodsdiscussedinthe class.
7. Studentscritique businessplansandoffersuggestionsforimprovement.
Birchall,JohnandMorris, Graham BusinessStudies,Surrey:UnitedKingdom: ThomasNelsonand
SonsLtd., Walton-on-Thames,1995.
Good,Walter S. Building a Dream: A Comprehensive Guide to Starting a Business
of Your Own,Toronto:McGraw Hill Ryerson,1993.
Hall,Dave,Jones,RobandRaffo,Carlo Business Studies, Lancaster: Causeway Press Limited, 1993.
Hammond,Susan Business Studies, United Kingdom: Longman Group Ltd., 1994.
Hanson,Ward Principles of Internet Marketing: South Western College
CXC A24/U2/12
Each Unit of the syllabus will be assessed separately. The same scheme of assessment will be applied
to each Module ineachUnit. Gradeswill be awardedindependentlyforeachUnit.
The Assessment will comprise two components, one external component and one internal.
Candidates must complete the School-Based Assessment for the first Unit that they write.
Candidates may carry forward the School-Based Assessment mark from the first Unit written to the
second Unit (irrespective of the mark earned), or opt to complete the School-Based Assessment for
the secondUnit as well.
Paper 01 Thispaperconsistsof forty-five (45) multiple-choice 30 per cent
(1 hour 15 minutes) items. There are fifteen (15) items on each
Paper 02 This paper consists of three sections, each 50 per cent
(2 hours 30 minutes) corresponding to a Module in the Unit. Each
section will contain two essay type questions.
Studentsare requiredtoattemptthree questions,
one fromeach section.
Paper 03/1
A research paper of approximately 2,500 words, based on any topic covered in any one, two or all
three Modules of the Unit being assessed. The School-Based Assessment for each Unit requires that
candidates undertake a project which must demonstrate their skills in research, analysis, evaluation
and presentationof information.
Candidates who, in the same year, register for both Units of CAPE Management of Business may opt to:
(a) submita separate School-BasedAssessmentassignmentforeachUnit;or
(b) submita single School-BasedAssessmentassignmentfromeitherUnit01 or Unit 02.
Candidateswhooptfor(b) must indicate fromwhichUnitthe School-BasedAssessmentassignment
was selected.
Paper 03/2
Private candidatesare requiredtowrite anAlternative Paper –Paper03/2. Detailsare on page 43.
CXC A24/U2/12
School-Based AssessmentRecord Sheetsareavailableonlinevia the CXC’
All School-Based Assessment Record of marks must be submitted online using the SBA data capture
module of the Online Registration System (ORS). A sample of assignments will be requested by CXC
for moderation purposes. These assignments will be re-assessed by CXC Examiners who moderate
the School-Based Assessment. Teachers’ marks may be adjusted as a result of moderation. The
Examiners’ comments will be sent to schools. All samples must be delivered to the specified marking
venuesby the stipulated deadlines.
Copies of the students' assignment that are not submitted must be retained by the school until three
monthsafterpublication by CXCof the examination results.
External AssessmentbyWrittenPapers (80 per cent of Total Assessment)
Paper 01 (1 hour 15 minutes – 30 per cent of Total Assessment)
1. Numbersof Questions
All questions are compulsory. This paper will consist of 45 multiple-choice questions. There
will be 15 questionsfromeachModule.
2. SyllabusCoverage
(a) Knowledgeof the entire syllabusisrequired.
(b) The intention of this paper is to test candidates’ knowledge across the breadth of
the syllabus.
3. Mark Allocation
(a) One mark will be assignedforeachquestion.
(b) The total numberof marksavailable forthispaperis45.
(c) Thispapercontributes30 per centtowardsthe final assessment.
4. Use of Calculators
Candidatesmayuse silentnon-programmable calculators.
CXC A24/U2/12
Paper 02 (2 hours 30 minutes – 50 per cent of Total Assessment)
Thispaperwill be dividedintothree sections,eachsectioncorrespondingtoa Module of the Unit.
Thispaperwill consistof six essaysorextendedresponsequestions.
There will be twoquestionsineachsection.
Candidatesare requiredtoattemptthree questions,one fromeachsection.
The total numberof marksavailable forthe paperis75.
Thispapercontributes50 per centtowardsthe final assessment.
Each question requires a greater depth of understanding than those questions in
The purpose of thispaper isto testcandidates’in-depthknowledge of the syllabus.
Questionsrequireanextendedresponse involvingreasoning,analysisandsynthesis.
Mark Allocation
Each questionisworth25 marks.
Award of Marks
Marks will be awardedfor:
clearlogical reasoning;
evidence of ability to analyse a problem step by step and to apply principles and
practices,skillsandknowledgetoreacha logical conclusion;
evidence of problemsolvingability;
evidence of the abilitytosynthesise information.
Full markswill be awardedwhencandidatesmeetall criteria.
CXC A24/U2/12
The Project- Paper 03/1
School-Based Assessment is an integral part of student assessment in the course covered by this
syllabus. It is intended to assist students in acquiring certain knowledge, skills and attitudes that are
associated with the subject. The activities for the School-Based Assessment are linked to the syllabus
and should form part of the learning activities to enable the student to achieve the objectives of the
During the course of study for the subject, students obtain marks for the competence they develop
and demonstrate in undertaking their School-Based Assessment assignments. These marks
contribute to the final marks and grades that are awarded to students for their performance in the
The guidelines provided in this syllabus for selecting appropriate tasks are intended to assist
teachers and students in selecting assignments that are valid for the purpose of School-Based
Assessment. The guidelines provided for the assessment of the assignments are intended to assist
teachers in awarding marks that are reliable estimates of the achievement of students in the School-
Based Assessment component of the course. In order to ensure that the scores awarded by teachers
are consistent with the CXC standards, the Council undertakes the moderation of a sample of the
1. The aims of the projectare to:
(a) promote self-learning;
(b) allow teachers the opportunity to engage in the formative assessment of their
(c) allow students to enhance their understanding of the nature of business
organisationsthroughlocal studies;
(d) allow students to display evidence of careful observation and some degree of
(e) allow students to analyse business information gathered and make practical
(f) explore more fully, some areas of the Unit which may not be assessed adequately in
an external examination.
2. Requirements
Students must choose a firm (or simulate a firm) on which they would do their investigative
research project. The project should afford students the opportunity to pursue areas of
personal interest. Students must undertake a project which embraces any one, two, or all
three Moduleswithinthe Unitbeingassessed.
CXC A24/U2/12
PrimarySources of Data
Candidates can use primary sources of data in their research activities. These include
informationgatheredthroughquestionnaires,andface toface interviews.
Secondary sources of data can also be used. These include newspapers, trade and
professional journals, magazines, (such as News Week, Times) and documentation on the
3. Managementof the Project
(a) An earlystartto planningprojectworkishighlyrecommended.
(b) Each candidate should know the requirements of the project and its assessment
procedures,aspart of the orientationtothe Unit.
(c) Teachers should guide the candidates in choosing appropriate projects that
relate tothe candidates’ interestandthe specificobjectivesidentified.
(d) A schedule of the dates for submitting project work (agreed by teachers and
candidates) shouldbe established.
(e) A teacher should offer guidance in the data collection process and the preparation
of the report.
4. ProjectReports
A candidate’sprojectshouldbe presentedinasoftfolderor electronically, bearingthe
candidate’snumber,name of subjectandthe date submitted.The projectdocumentshould
(a) title;
(b) table of contents;
(c) introduction:
(i) topic/aimof the project;
(ii) background.
(d) literature review;
(e) methodology;
(f) presentation of data;
(g) analysisof data;
(h) interpretation of results;
(i) conclusionsandrecommendations;
(j) referencesandcitations.
The report (approximately2500 words) shouldbe typeddouble-spacedor hand-writtenlegibly.
CXC A24/U2/12
Skillsto be assessed
1. KnowledgeandUnderstanding: candidate’s ability to demonstrate knowledge and
understandingof the objectivesbeingassessedinthe
2. Application: candidate’sabilitytocollect,classifyandcommunicate
3. Analysis: candidate’sabilitytodistinguishrelationshipsamong
componentsof the business environment.
4. EvaluationandReasoned candidate’sabilitytointerpret,make judgementand
Judgement: recommendationsappropriatetothe businessunder
5. Presentation: candidate’sabilitytopresentthe reportusing,where
1. Introduction 6
2. Literature Review 10
3. Methodology 6
4. Presentationof Data 6
5(a) Analysisof Data 6
5(b) Interpretationof Results 6
6. ConclusionsandRecommendations 6
7. Communicationof informationinalogical wayusingcorrectgrammar 6
8. ReferencesandCitations 3
9. Overall Presentationof Report 5
Total 60
CXC A24/U2/12
1. Introduction [6 marks]
Topic Statement/Aimof theproject
2• Thesis statementis conciseand gives clear direction to theproject
• Justification forthe topicshowshow theprojectwill contributeto a 2
better understandingof businessprinciples
Background of theproject
2• Background makesreferenceto previouspublished related studies and
bearsrelevance to presentproject
2. Literature Review [10 marks]
• Literature review providesunderstanding and insightsinto thefirm 4
being studied
4• Literature review providesa thorough treatmentof previously published
related studies
2• Literature review makesreferenceto at leasttwo primary/secondary
3. Methodology [6 marks]
• Research design well defined 2
• Sampleadequately described 2
• Research instrumentaccurately described 2
4. Presentationof Data [6 marks]
• Datapresented are relevantto the aimsof theproject 2
• Dataare accurately coded and systematically organized to facilitate data 2
2• Datapresented in an appropriateformusing tables,charts and graphs
5(a) AnalysisofData [6 marks]
• Dataare summarized accurately using descriptivestatistics 3
• Datasummary is meaningfuland related to findings 3
5(b) Interpretation ofResults [6 marks]
• Interpretation of resultsis consistent with findings 2
• Results areinterpreted in light of businesstheoriesand concepts 2
• Discussion of results incorporatespreviousresearch 2
CXC A24/U2/12
6. Conclusionsand Recommendations [6 marks]
• Conclusionsare logicaland based on findings 2
• Recommendations arerealistic and informed by findings 2
• Recommendationscontributeto a better understanding of thetopicand to 2
7. Communicationof Information ina Logical way using Correct Grammar [6 marks]
• Consistently used correct spelling 2
• Consistently used correctgrammar 2
• Expression of ideas clear and unambiguous 2
8. ReferencesandCitations [ 3 marks]
• Acknowledgessourcesthroughouttheproject 1
• Bibliography forpublicationswritten in alphabeticalorderand includes 1
namesof authors,publishers,and datesof publication
1• Bibliography forinternetsites includes addressof website,namesof authors
or organization and dateof access/retrieval
9. Overall Presentationof Report [ 5 marks]
• Report is within therecommended word limit 1
• Layoutof the reportfollowscorrect format,and includesa tableof contents 2
and coverpagewith relevantinformation
2• Report is neat,legible and coherent
TOTAL 60 marks
Paper 03/2 (1 hour 30 minutes)
1. Numberof Questions
This Paper is based on a case study incorporating objectives of the syllabus. The paper
consists of three compulsory questions. The three questions may be divided into parts. The
papertestsskillssimilartothose listedinthe School-BasedAssessment(Paper03/1).
2. QuestionType
Each question requires candidates to respondeither in the form of an extended essay or a
short paragraph.
CXC A24/U2/12
3. Mark Allocation
The paper is worth 60 marks (20 marks per question) and contributes 20 per cent towards
the final assessment.
4. Award of Marks
Marks are awardedfor expression,organisationandcontent.
Paper 03/2 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Private candidateswillbe requiredtowrite Papers01,02 and Paper03/2.
Re-sit candidates must complete Papers 01 and 02 of the examination for the year for which they re-
register. Re-sit candidates may elect not to repeat the School-Based Assessment component,
providedtheyre-write the examinationnolaterthantwoyearsfollowingtheirfirstattempt.
Re-sit candidates may opt to complete a School-Based Assessment for each Unit written or may opt
to reuse anotherSBA score whichsatisfiesanyof the conditionslistedat(a) or(b) below.
(a) A candidate who re-writes the examination in the same Unit within two years may
reuse the moderated SBA score earned in the previous sitting within the preceding
two years. Candidates re-using SBA scores in this way must register as ‘Re-sit
candidates’ and must provide the previous candidate number. Candidates are no
longer required to earn a moderated score that is at least 50 per cent of the
maximumpossiblescore;any moderated scoremay bere-used.
(b) Candidates who enter for Unit 1 or Unit 2, in different sittings, may re-use a
moderated SBA score obtained in a previous sitting of either Unit within the
preceding two years. The SBA score may be re-used in either Unit, or in both Units,
irrespective of the Unit in which it was obtained. Candidates re-using SBA scores in
thisway mustregisteras‘Transfer’candidates.
Re-sitcandidatesmaybe enteredthroughschools,recognisededucational institutions,orthe Local
CXC A24/U2/12
The AssessmentGridforeachUnit showingmarksassignedtoeachpaperand to eachModule,and
the percentage contribution of eachpapertothe total scores.
Papers Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Total (%)
External Assessment
Paper01 30 30 30 90 (30)
Multiple-choice questions
Essay/ExtendedResponse 50 50 50 150 (50)
Paper03/1 or Paper03/2 20 20 20 60 (20)
Total 100 100 100 300 (100)
CXC A24/U2/12
Account for Explain the reasons for, giving an indication of all relevant circumstances.
Very different from ‘Give an account of’, which asks only for a detailed description.
Analyse Study in depth, identifying and describing in detail the main characteristics.
Assess Examine closely, with a view to measuring or ‘weighing up’ a particular situation.
Consider in a balanced way: strengths and weaknesses, pointsfor and against.
In conclusion, state your judgement clearly.
Comment State clearly and in a moderate fashion your opinions on the material in question.
Support your views with references to suitable evidence or with explanation as
Compare Look for qualities or characteristics that resemble each other. Emphasise similarities
but be aware also of points of differences.
Contrast Stress the dissimilarities and differences between the items in question, but do not ignore
points of similarities.
Criticise Express your balanced judgement about the merit or truth of the material in question.
Give the results of your scrutiny, establishing both strengths and weaknesses.
Be specific.
Define Give, concise, clear and authoritative meanings. Do not give too many details, but be
sure to state the limits of the definition. Show how the thing you are defining differs
fromthings in other categories.
Describe Recount, characterize, sketch or relate in sequence or story form.
Discuss Examine and analyse carefully, giving reasons pro and con, advantages and
disadvantages. Be complete, and give details. You must consider all sides of the issue
and reach a balanced conclusion.
Enumerate State in list or outline form, giving points concisely one by one.
Evaluate Carefully appraise the matter in hand, citing both advantages and limitations.
Emphasise the views of authorities as well as your personal estimation.
Explain Clarify, interpret and spell out the material you present. Give reasons for important
features or developments, and try to analyse causes.
How far… Similar to questions based on the “To what extent…” approach. Here you are expected
to make your case or present your material in the usual way.
CXC A24/U2/12
Illustrate Use specific examples,allusions,figures or diagrams to explain,demonstrate or clarify a
problem, situation orview.
Interpret Translate,give examples of,express in simple terms or comment on a subject,usually
giving yourjudgement about it.
Justify Prove,make out a case or give reasons for decisionsor conclusions,takingpains to be
List As in ‘enumerate’, write an itemised seriesof concise statements.
Outline Provide a framework describing under main point and subordinate points,omitting
minor details and stressing the arrangement or classification of the material.
Prove Establish that something is true by citing factual evidence or giving clear reasons.
Relate Show how things are related to or connected with each other, or how one causes
another,correlateswith another,or is like another.
Review Examine a subject critically,analysing and commenting on the important points and
stages of development.
State Present the main points in brief, clear sequences.
Summarise Give the main points or facts in condensed form, omitting details and illustrations.
Trace Describe in narrative form,progress,developmentor sequence ofevents fromsome point
of origin.
Western Zone Office
CXC A24/U2/12
Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination®
Specimen Papers and
Mark Schemes/Keys
Specimen Papers: - Unit 1, Paper 01
Unit 1, Paper 02
Unit 1, Paper 03/2
Unit 2, Paper 01
Unit 2, Paper 02
Unit 2, Paper 03/2
Mark Schemes/Keys: - Unit 1, Paper 01
Unit 1, Paper 02
Unit 1, Paper 03/2
Unit 2, Paper 01
Unit 2, Paper 02
Unit 2, Paper 03/2
UNIT 1 - Paper 01
90 minutes
1. This test consists of 45 items. You will have 90 minutes to answer them.
2. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you
are about to answer and decide which choice is best.
Sample Item
Which of the following actions CANNOT be taken by a trade union?
Sample Answer
(A) Strike
(B) Go slow A B C
(C) Picketing
(D) Lock out
The best answer to this item is “Lock out”, so answer space (D) has been shaded.
Copyright © 2010 Caribbean Examinations Council
All rights reserved.
02133010/SPEC 2011
- 2 -
1. Which of the following BEST defines the 5. A company which owns or controls
term ‘privatization’? production or service facilities outside the
(A) The selling of government assets
country in which it is based is referred to
to a private business.
(B) Businesses operating privately (A) international
without state interference. (B) multi-national
(C) The transfer of ownership from (C) conglomorate
public sector to private entity. (D) export-oriented
When a business, public or private,
decides to keep decisions secret.
2. One advantage of a mixed economy is that
(A) the state provides public goods
(B) there is no wastefulcompetition
(C) the price of all goods is dictated by
market forces
(D) the private sector provides essential
services for consumers
6. Which of the following is NOT a feature of
a free market economy?
(A) Long term planning
(B) Good worker motivation
(C) Inefficient public transportation
(D) No restrictions on pollution control
7. Which of the following are reasons for
setting objectives?
3. The mission statement of an organization I. To know what to do if things go
defines the organization’s wrong
(A) strategic objectives
II. To monitor progress as it takes
(B) purpose and direction
III. To identify how much profit has(C) long-term goals which it hopes to
been made
IV. To ensure that everything is going
(D) strategic, tactical and operational
as planned
(A) I and II only
4. Government’s payment to a domestic
(B) I and III only
(C) II and III only
producer in the form of a tax relief is known
(D) II and IV only
(A) quota
8. The benefits which large firms enjoy over
(B) tariff
small firms is referred to as(C) subsidy
(D) corporate tax
(A) economies of scale
(B) profit maximization
(C) economic wellness
(D) goodwill of the firm
02133010/SPEC 2011
- 3 -
9. Which of the following is NOT a criterion
for measuring the size of a firm?
(A) Labour force
(B) Market share
(C) Capital layout
(D) Capital structure
10. Which of the following are benefits of
Caribbean-based multi-national
I. Reduced imports
II. Repatriation of profits
III. Creation of employment
(A) I and II only
(B) I and III only
(C) II and III only
(D) I, II and III
11. At what managerial level of the
organization’s hierarchy are strategic
planning decisions made?
(A) Top
(B) Middle
(C) First Line
(D) Lower Level
02133010/SPEC 2011
12. Some objectives of trade unionism include
I. collective bargaining
II. industrial democracy
III. strike action
IV. educating its members
(A) I and II only
(B) II and IV only
(C) I, II and IV only
(D) I, III and IV only
13. Mrs Stunning, who is a heart patient,
declined a job offer as a gym instructor.
What key factors were likely to have
influenced her decision?
(A) Social
(B) Economic
(C) Human constraints
(D) Ecological considerations
- 4 -
Items 14–15 refer to the following Balance Sheet of General Motors Ltd.
Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2010
Liability & Owners Equity Assets
Share Capital $ 139 600 Freehold Property $ 50 000
General Reserves $ 15 000 Plant and Machinery $ 75 000
Bank Overdraft $ 3 000 Fixtures and Fittings $ 5 000
Creditors $ 1 500 Motor Vehicles $ 10 000
Tax Payable $ 2 000 Stock $ 14 000
Accrued costs $ 900 Debtors $ 3 000
Cash $ 4 000
Prepayment $ 1 000
$ 162 000 $ 162 000
14. What is the Acid Test or Quick Ratio? 15. What is the current ratio?
(A) 1.1:1 (A) 2.7:1
(B) 1.2:1 (B) 2.9:1
(C) 1.5:1 (C) 3:1
(D) 2:1:1 (D) 3.2
16. Which of the following statements BEST 17. The human relations view of conflict states
explains Mayo’s ‘Hawthorne Effect’? that
(A) Once the individual’s need is (A) conflict in organizations is always
satisfied it will no longer provide dysfunctional
the impetus to action. (B) the best strategy to resolve conflict
(B) People only act to achieve their is avoidance
goals if they feel they will be (C) a good manager can resolve every
successful. conflict effectively
(C) If work is not interesting, (D) conflict is natural and inevitable
challenging or rewarding, workers and can be positive
will not be satisfied or motivated.
(D) When management consults with
workers and takes an interest in
their work then motivation is
02133010/SPEC 2011
- 5 -
18. The person who is elected at the workplace
to represent union members at a local level
is the
(A) shop steward
(B) branch officer
(C) executive leader
(D) trade union leader
19. Which of the following management
functions assigns tasks and resources?
(A) Leading
(B) Planning
(C) Controlling
(D) Organizing
20. A leader can BEST be described as one who
(A) emerges from within the group
(B) is appointed to a position of formal
(C) organizes resources to meet the
objectives of the organization
(D) influences others to perform
beyond the actions dictated by
formal authority
21. Mark, the manager of ABC Co. Ltd., has
been described as an individual who was
born with outstanding leadership qualities
hence his effectiveness as a leader.
Which of the following approaches to the study
of leadership can be associated with the
assumption of Mark’s situation above?
(A) Trait Theory
(B) McGregor Theory X
(C) McGregor Theory Y
(D) F.W. Taylor Scientific Management
02133010/SPEC 2011
30. Which of the following is a reason for
(A) The need for consistent policies
throughout the organization
(B) Greater economies of scale would
be gained
(C) To retain the same business
identity in all markets
(D) The need to make more informed
decisions which reflect different
market conditions
31. The greatest scope for increased
responsibility and recognition in the
workplace is provided by job
(A) rotation
(B) assessment
(C) enlargement
(D) enlargement
32. The Production Manager makes suggestions to
his superior about ways to improve the
efficiency of the department. Which form of
communication flow does this represent?
(A) Lateral
(B) Upward
(C) Horizontal
(D) Downward
33. Which of the following MUST be present if
a team of workers is to achieve its desired
(A) Interdependence
(B) Open communication
(C) Charismatic leadership
(D) Shared sense of purpose
- 6 -
26. When the marketing manager advises the
production manager on a new product,
what type of authority is displayed by the
marketing manager?
(A) Line
(B) Staff
(C) Functional
(D) Line and Staff
27. When Sonia Green, the Marketing
Manager of Sonia’s Shoe Stores, sets
new sales targets and develops strategies
to achieve them, she is demonstrating the
management function of
(A) leading
(B) planning
(C) controlling
(D) organizing
28. In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, in which
level of needs does ‘open and honest
communication among employees’ belong?
(A) Safety
(B) Social
(C) Esteem
(D) Self actualization
29. The BCG Banking & Investment Company
is planning to computerize some of its
services within the next six months. How
BEST should management implement this
(A) ‘Leak’ information and await
feedback and train the remaining
(B) Offer voluntary severance and train
the remaining workforce.
(C) Meet with key personnel and await
feedback prior to implementation.
(D) I m p l e m e n t a r e d u n d a n c y
programme with immediate effect.
02133010/SPEC 2011
34. Which of the following types of
responsibilities is an organization
satisfying when it makes choices and takes
actions that will contribute to the welfare
and interests of the society?
(A) Legal
(B) Social
(C) Ethical
(D) Strategic
35. Which of the following forms of capital is
another name for ‘shareholders’ fund?
(A) Equity
(B) Start up
(C) Waking
(D) Joint Venture
36. Which of the following is NOT a part of the
money market?
(A) Development Bank
(B) Commercial Bank
(C) Merchant Bank
(D) Credit Union
37. Which of the following long-term sources
of finance is external?
(A) Leasing
(B) Trade credit
(C) Share capital
(D) Hire purchase
38. Which of the following is NOT an
investment appraisal technique?
(A) Cost benefit
(B) Payback period
(C) Net present value
(D) Average rate of return
- 7 -
35. If a company is highly geared,it means that 40. The following information is taken from
a high proportion of its finance is the books of Louis Thorpe’s business.
(A) cash $
(B) loan Opening Stock 5 000
(C) profit Wages 2 500
(D) equity Purchases 12 000
Closing Stock 2 000
36. Which of the following is NOT an item on What is the TOTAL cost of goods sold?
the balance sheet of a company?
(A) Cash
(A) $ 10 000
(B) $ 12 000
(B) Bank overdraft (C) $ 15 000
(C) Wages and salaries (D) $ 16 500
(D) Plant and machinery
37. Which of the following sources of
finance is LEAST likely to be used as
investment in a new product development?
41. Which of the following is the MOST
appropriate source of finance for an
entrepreneur who wants to expand his air
conditioning and refrigeration business?
(A) Bank loan
(B) Debentures
(C) Share issues
(D) Bank overdraft
38. Sunshine Limited keeps records and accounts
of all of its financial transactions.
Which of the following groups is the
MAIN user of this financial information?
(A) Suppliers
(B) Employees
(C) Government
(D) Management
(A) Bank loan
(B) Debenture
(C) Share issue
(D) Retained earning
42. Machinery cost $ 800 000 and is expected
to last for five years and produce an annual
net cash inflow of $ 240 000. This
investment has an average rate of return
(ARR) of
(A) 15%
(B) 30%
(C) 50%
(D) 67%
39. Managers of Atlas Ltd. have decided to
purchase additional equipment using
internal funds. They would MOST likely
finance this through
(A) hire purchase
(B) retained profits
(C) a bank overdraft
(D) sale and lease back
02133010/SPEC 2011
- 8 -
43. The following table is an extract from the
books of Booboo’s Co. Ltd.
Sales 17 000
Opening Stock 2 400
Closing Stock 1 350
Purchase 12 500
The gross profit ratio is
(A) 4%
(B) 20%
(C) 80%
(D) 96%
44. The following is an extract of a firm’s
balance sheet as at 31 December 2010.
Opening Capital $ 200 000
Net Profit $ 100 000
Drawings $ 50 000
$ 350 000
The return on capital invested is
(A) 33⅓ %
(B) 40%
(C) 50%
(D) 80%
Item 45 refers to the following table.
Net cash inflow from operation $ 46 000
Taxation paid $ 12 000
Payment of fixed asset $ 19 000
Share issue $ 13 000
45. The closing cash balance is
(A) $ 2 000
(B) $ 26 000
(C) $ 28 000
(D) $ 40 000
02133010/SPEC 2011
Item No. Key
1 C
2 A
3 B
4 C
5 B
6 C
7 D
8 A
9 C
10 B
11 A
12 C
13 C
14 A
15 C
16 D
17 D
18 A
19 D
20 D
21 A
22 D
23 C
Item No. Key
24 B
25 D
26 C
27 B
28 B
29 D
30 B
31 A
32 D
33 A
34 A
35 B
36 C
37 D
38 D
39 B
40 C
41 A
42 C
43 B
44 C
45 C
02133010/SPEC 2011
TEST CODE 02133020 CAPE/SPEC/2011
FORM – TP 02133020 CAPE/SPEC/2011
2 ½ hours
1. This paper consists of THREE sections.
2. Each section consists of TWO questions.
3. Candidates MUST answer ONE question from EACH section.
4. Each question is worth a total of 25 marks.
5. The overall total on this Paper 02 is 75 marks.
Copyright © 2010 Caribbean Examinations Council
All rights reserved.
02133020 CAPE/SPEC/2011
Answer ONE question from this section.
1. AJ Engineering has recently been accused of dumping its toxic waste in a river that runs through a
nearby town.
(a)(i) Define the term ‘business ethics’.
(2 marks)
(ii) State TWO reasons why the dumping of toxic waste in a river could be considered unethical
(4 marks)
(b) Discuss TWO ways in which the behaviour outlined above could negatively impact the
business of AJ Engineering.
(6 marks)
(c)(i) Explain the term ‘strategic objectives’. (3 marks)
(ii) Discuss THREE strategic objectives that a typical firm could pursue.
(10 marks)
Total 25 marks
2. (a)(i) Explain the term ‘globalization’.
(3 marks)
(ii) Outline THREE factors which have contributed to the growth of globalization.
(6 marks)
(b) Discuss, using suitable examples, FOUR ways in which globalization
may impact organizations operating within the Caribbean business environment.
(16 marks)
Total 25 marks
02133020 CAPE/SPEC/2011
Answer ONE question from this section.
3. (a)(i) State the assumption of the Trait Theory of leadership.
(2 marks)
(ii) Outline TWO short comings of the trait theory.
(4 marks)
(b) Sam, the manager of BBF Co. Ltd, has been described by his employees as a
participative leader.
(i) Define the term ‘participative leadership’.
(1 mark)
(ii) Discuss TWO advantages and TWO disadvantages of participative leadership.
(12 marks)
(c) Outline THREE situations in which participative leadership would be useful to
BBF Co. Ltd.
(6 marks)
Total 25 marks
4. Change is a crucial element in an organization’s ability to survive and grow.
(a)(i) State THREE reasons for change in an organization.
(3 marks)
(ii) Outline the main role of the ‘change agent’ in the change process.
(2 marks)
(b) Outline FOUR reasons why employees may resist change.
(8 marks)
(c) Discuss THREE methods that can be used to address resistance to change.
(12 marks)
Total 25 marks
02133020 CAPE/SPEC/2011
Answer ONE question from this section.
5. Peak Partners manufactures and sells local wine. The company wants to develop a standard cost per
gallon to be used as a basis for pricing its products.
During the month of March, Peak Partners produced eight 100-litre batches of wine. They used 3 650
kilogrammes of local fruits at $0.98 per kilogramme for the production of the wine. Direct labour
costs incurred during the period amounted to $14 775.00 at a rate of $7.50 per hour.
The standard amount of local fruits for producing a 100-litre batch of wine is 417 kilogrammes at
$1.00 per kilogramme and the standard labour hour per 100-litre batch of local wine is 224 hours at
$7.00 per hour.
It was determined that the material price variance was $71.20 favourable, while the material usage
variance was $224.00 adverse. In addition, the labour rate variance was $985.00 adverse.
(a) State THREE reasons for EACH of the THREE variances.
(9 marks)
(b) Outline THREE reasons why it is important to prepare a budget.
(9 marks)
(c) Discuss TWO reasons why some managers may NOT support the
preparation of budgets.
(7 marks)
Total 25 marks
6. (a) (i) State TWO differences between fixed assets and current assets.
(4 marks)
(ii) State ONE reason,other than capital employed, for an increase in capital.
(1 mark)
(iii) Outline ONE reason for the difference between the gross profit and net profit
of a business.
(2 marks)
02133020 CAPE/SPEC/2011
Following are the financial statements of S. Bell for the year ended 30 June, 2010.
Income Statement for Year Ending 30 June, 2010
$ $
Sales 40 800
Opening Stock 8 000
Purchases 32 000
40 000
Closing stock 6 400
33 600
Gross profit 7 200
Expenses 1 850
Net Profit 5 350
Balance Sheet as at 30 June, 2010
$ $
Fixed Assets 30 000 Opening Capital 30 000
Stock 6 400 Net Profit 5 350
Debtors 8 800
Bank 4 750 35 350
Drawings 800
49 950
Loans 34 550
10 000
Accrued Expenses 44 550
2 800
2 600
49 950
(b) Compute, correct to one decimal place, the following ratios for the year ended 30 June, 2010 and
explain what EACH ratio shows about the performance of the company.
(i) Acid test
(ii) Return on capital or equity
(iii) Stock turnover
(iv) Mark-up
(v) Gearing ratio
(vi) Net profit margin
(18 marks)
Total 25 marks
02133020 CAPE/SPEC/2011
02133020 CAPE/SPEC/2011
02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
Question 1
Specific objectives 4, 3
(a)(i) Definition: Business ethics refers to a set of guiding
principles(1)that direct the behaviour of individuals and
Definition of Ethics
(2 marks)
(ii) Reasons why the action is unethical
The firm could be taking advantage of loopholes in the laws of the
land.(1) They may be aware that it is difficult for them to be
prosecuted since evidence gathering in this case could be
In addition, this company could be guilty of improving profit
levels(1) (by getting rid of toxic waste easily and cheaply) at the
expense of the residents who could get ill.(1)
From a moral-rights perspective - the contamination of the water
will make it no longer safe for use by the residence, hence denying
them to the right to safe drinking water.
Stating Two reasons why the behaviour may be unethical 2 marks each
(4 marks)
(b) Ways in which the behaviour could impact negatively
 Eventually, residents will become aware of the unethical 
practice and could take action against the firm.(1) This
action could take the form of protest action by placarding the
firm’s facilities; By taking the firm to court.(1) This could
be very expensive in terms of legal fees and fines etc.(1)
 In addition, the negative publicity could adversely affect 
future sales.(1) Other potential customers could empathize
with the residents and brand the company with an uncaring
image.(1) They will not trust them to provide products which
are safe.(1)
Discussing TWO ways in which the behaviour can impact negatively
3 marks each
(6 marks)
(c)(i)Strategic objectives are objectives that are used to operationalize
the mission statement of an organization.(1) They are specific and
cover a more well-defined time frame.(1) They provide guidance on
how the organization can fulfil or move toward the broader goals
in the mission.(1)
Explaining the term strategic objectives (3 marks)
02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
(c)(ii) Strategic Objectives that a firm could pursue:
 Diversification 
There are basically two types of diversification:
Related diversification is simply to add products in the area of
endeavour for example, a coffee company going into herbal tea;(1)
Unrelated diversification is probably more popular. This entails
the company going into a totally new field of endeavour.(1) For,
example, the coffee company entering the recording (music)
business. The objective of this strategy is to spread its risks so
that if one company fails, there is a possibility that the other
can succeed especially if the income elasticities are different.(1)
The company can achieve this objective by either starting its own
company or more popularly, buying out an existing one (merger).
 New Product Development 
This refers to the situation where the firm believes that its
present product (or line of products) is entering the mature
stage of the product life cycle.(1) When this occurs, profit
levels could drastically fall, and sales will start to decline
because people may get fed up with the present product.(1) When
this happens it is important that the firm should have created
another product (usually related) that could replace the old
one.(1) For example, a soft drink company developing new
flavours or improvements on the old one.
 New Market Development 
This occurs when the firm believes that it has exhausted all
possibilities of increasing sales from the present market.(1) It
would therefore consider changing its promotional strategies, in
terms of packaging, pricing, etc. and try to place the product
into another segment of the existing market,(1) for example
going into a younger age group. Or it could develop a product
for the export market. This will result in increased sales which
could result in the firm achieving economies of scale and
consequently a lower unit cost, leading to higher profit
Identifying THREE strategic objectives 1 mark each (3 marks)
Discussing THREE strategic objectives 2 marks each (6 marks)
Discretionary mark for overall quality of response (1 mark)
Total 25 marks
02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
Question 2
Specific objective 6
(a)(i) Globalization: is the trend towards greater interdependence(1) among
nation states and their organizations and people.(1) This is
evidenced by increased flow of goods, services, capital and people
across national boundaries.(1)
Answer must include interdependence or equivalent (3 marks)
Factor which contribute to the growth of globalization
 Improvements in technology(1) - including telecommunications 
technology and more recently the internet.(1) With the
massive increase in the number of persons who are exposed to
cable network and the internet,(1) large volumes of
information spread quickly. The relatively low cost of
telephone calls globally has also increased the ability to
connect with the rest of the world.(1)
 Convergence of consumer tastes(1) – preference in taste is
usually spread quickly and people are influenced via
networking such as face book and other media, such as
television advertisement.(1) 
 Education (1)– With the increase in demand for education
people have been motivated to explore educational
opportunities regionally and internationally. (1) 
 Increase in travel (1) – Curiosity in discovering and
leaning new cultures has led to an increase in travel among
 Political(1) – the agreement by governments to remove or 
reduce trade barriers and the signing of trade treaties, as
well as tax treaties have contributed to growth in trade,
and hence globalization.(1)
Other factors
 One world advocacy 
 Specialization in trade 
 Trade liberalization 
Outlining THREE factors 2 marks each (6 marks)
How globalization can impact organization in the Caribbean:
02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
Positive impact
 Companies that sell global products can reduce costs by 
standardizing various aspects of their marketing
activities.(1) For instance, a company selling a global
consumer good, such as shampoo, can make an identical
shampoo for the global market, and then simply design
different product packaging to account for the language
spoken in each market.(1)
Companies that sell a global product can explore
opportunities abroad when the home market becomes
saturated.(1) (example Captain’s Bakery in Jamaica has now
established branches in Cayman and other overseas
Companies selling a seasonal global product can use
international sales to level off their income stream. (by
supplementing domestic sales with international)they can
reduce cost per unit – because of increased production
 Globalization of production: refers to the dispersal of
production activities to locations around the world
that are low-cost or high quality producers of a
particular good.(1)
Globalization of production can offer several advantages
to business organizations in the Caribbean. These include
access to low-cost labour (1) – a very common way for many
firms to reduce production costs and increase profits.(1)
 Companies can take advantage of know-how from anywhere in
the world. They can access resources that are unavailable or
more costly at home.(1)
Technological innovations are accelerating the process
of globalization making it possible for many products
to be made practically anywhere at its cheapest.(1)
The use of technology can speed up the flow of information
making coordination and control easier and cheaper.(1)
Computer technologies are also increasing the competiveness
of small Caribbean firms by reducing the costs of reaching
an international customer base for example, use of the
02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
Negative impact
 Caribbean businesses competing on the international market
may find it difficult competing with larger countries in 
terms of cost and quality.(1) They may not have the
resources and technology to produce products of competitive
price as more developed countries.(1) For example, a small
country that manufactures jeans will not be able to compete
with a larger country which can engage is mass production,
thereby making the finished product cheaper (1)
 Brain drain (1)– it is also easy for qualified nationals to
migrate to developed countries causing the Caribbean to lose
its most valuable human resources (1). Quite often, the
financial investment is quite high and is often not
recovered. (1) For example, persons who migrate to other
countries to study and who do very well are often offered
jobs and may not return to their country because more often
than not the remuneration is usually higher.(1) 
Other ways: 
 Continuous training of workforce to match-up changes may
become necessary but costly 
 Managers have to learn to manage cultural diversity in the
new workplace 
 Firms may be forced to maintain international quality
standards – tied to cost 
 Firms may face social/economic and political risks while
operating in another country. 
 Labour costs could rise because of international labour
standards. 
Discussing FOUR impacts of globalization 4 marks each (16 marks)
Comprehensive discussion with suitable examples (4 marks)
Satisfactory discussion (2-3 marks)
Weak discussion (1 mark)
Total 25 marks
02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
Question 3
Specific objectives 1, 5
(a)(i) The Trait Theory of Leadership is based on the assumption that
certain individuals are born with or acquire(1) outstanding
leadership qualities (1) which enable them to become more
effective leaders.
Stating assumption of trait theory ( 2 marks)
(ii) Shortcoming of Assumption
- Traits do not stand alone, the appropriateness of a trait, or
set of traits depends on the leadership situation
- The same trait does not apply to every organization; further
studies have expanded the understanding of leadership beyond
personal traits of the individual to focus on the dynamics of
the relationship between leaders and followers.
Outlining TWO shortcomings of trait theory (4 marks)
(b)(i) A participative leadership style is one which encourages
participation in decision making (1)
Defining participative leadership 1 mark (1 mark)
(ii) Advantages of Participative Leadership
 Full participation in the decision-making process is
encouraged. (1) This may lead to better final decision (1)as
the staff is encouraged to contribute and can offer valuable
work experience.(1)
 Research by Hertzberg has indicated that this style of
management should improve motivation of staff (1) as they are
being given some responsibility (1)for the objectives and
strategy of the business.(1) 
 Workers are usually more committed (1) to ensuring that
decisions they have influenced are put into effect
successfully.(1)They are more likely to embrace the
decisions.(1) 
Discussing TWO advantages 3 marks each (6 marks)
02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
Disadvantages of Participative leadership
 Consultation with staff can be time consuming (1)– and can
often lead to lengthy arguments and no consensus (1) on some
occasions, when quick decision making are required (1)
 Some issues might be too sensitive (1) for workers’
involvement,(1) e.g. job losses; development of new products;
and other confidential issues.(1) 
N.B. Candidates are required to develop points to a
comprehensive discussion using appropriate example.
Discussing TWO advantages 3 marks each (6 marks)
(c) Situations in which Participative leadership is useful/appropriate
• It is most likely to be useful in businesses that expect workers
to contribute fully to the production and decision-making(1)
processes, thereby satisfying their higher-order needs.(1)
• An experienced (1) and flexible workforce (1) will be likely to
benefit most from this style.
• In situations that demand a new way of thinking or a new
solution(1); here staff input can be very valuable.(1)
Outlining THREE situations 2 marks each (6 marks)
Total 25 marks
02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
Question 4
Specific objective 8
(a)(i) Reasons for organizational changes
External forces eg reduction in funding
 To address new markets 
 The need to increase productivity/services 
 New direction/goals based on perspectives of new management 
 Need for change in the structure of the organization to respond
to changing needs 
Any THREE reasons 1 mark each (3 marks)
(ii) The main role of the change agent
To translate the vision into a realistic plan (1) and to execute
(1) the plan.
Outlining role (2 marks)
(b) Reasons why employees resist change:
 The fear of personal loss(1) is perhaps the biggest reason 
employees resist change. A proposed change in a job design,
structure or technology may lead to a perceived loss of
power,(1) prestige, pay or company benefits, so persons
having a vested interest in maintaining the status quo,(1)
often resist change.
 Employees often do not understand the intended purpose (1) of
a change or distrust the intentions behind it.(1) If previous
working relationships with the persons championing the idea
have been negative,(1) resistance may occur. 
 Employees may resist change if they and their managers assess
the situation differently.(1) Often critics voice legitimate 
disagreements over the proposed benefits of a change.
Managers in each department pursue different goals,(1) and an
innovation may detract from performance and goal achievements
for some departments and their employees.(1)
 Lack of information about future events (1) can cause
employees to resist change. It represents a fear of the
unknown, and is especially threatening for employees who have
a low tolerance for change and fear the novel and unusual.
They do not know how a change will affect them (1) and worry
about whether they will be able to meet the demands of a new
procedure or technology.(1) 
Outlining any FOUR reasons 2 marks each (8 marks)
02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
(c) Methods of addressing resistance to change:
 Education and communication (1) have been used when there is a
lack of information or inaccurate information and
analysis.(1) This method has the advantage that people, once
persuaded, will often help with the implementation of the
 Participation and involvement (1) have been used when the 
initiators of change do not have all the information they
need to design the change, and others have considerable power
to resist. The advantage of this approach is that people who
participate will be committed to implementing change, their
ideas can be integrated into the change plan.(1) The drawback
of this approach is that it can be very time consuming and
costly if participants design an inappropriate change.(1)
 Negotiation and agreement(1)are commonly used when someone or
some group will clearly lose out in a change, and that person
or group has considerable power to resist. The advantage of
this method is that it can be a relatively easy way to avoid
major resistance.(1) However, it can be too expensive in many
cases if it alerts others to negotiate compliance.(1) 
 Manipulation and cooptation (1) is used when other tactics
will not work or are too expensive. It has the advantage of
being a relatively quick and inexpensive (1) solution to
resistance problems. The drawback is that it can lead to
future problems if people feel manipulated.(1) 
Identifying THREE methods of addressing resistance to change 1
mark each (3 marks)
Discussing THREE methods of addressing resistance to change 3
marks each (9 marks)
(12 marks)
Total 25 marks
02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
Question 5
Specific objectives 8, 7
(a) Possible reasons for material price
 Seasonal prices were better than anticipated 
 Lower quality of raw materials were purchased 
 The person doing the purchasing was more knowledgeable of
the market and was able to obtain favourable prices 
 The budget was not realistic 
 Discounts were received 
Stating THREE reasons for variance in material price 1 mark each
(3 marks)
Possible reasons for Material Usage
 The budget was not realistic 
 Pilferage 
 Purchase of a lower quality of raw materials hence more
spoilage 
 Faulty machine which resulted in more raw materials being
used, could have also affected the production of the
finished good 
Stating THREE reasons for material usage 1 mark each (3 marks)
Possible reasons for labour rate
 Higher level of skilled labour was used 
 Scarcity of the required labour on the market 
 The budget was not realistic 
 Effective union representation 
 Increase in wage rate due to inflation 
Stating THREE reasons for variance in labour rate 1 mark each
(3 marks)
(b) Reason why it is important to prepare a budget
 Planning is compelled: Managers are forced to look ahead and
anticipate any likely problems in the future. Without planning,
the objective may become difficult to achieve. 
 Performance evaluation is enhanced: Managers are able to compare
like items in terms of period. It is better to compare actual
performance with budgeted performance for the same period, than
actual performance of a previous period. The use of a previous
period for comparison would overlook the changes that may have
occurred, as well as the inefficiencies of the previous period. 
02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
 Promotes coordination of activities of each other as this
information is communicated by way of the budget. It also
highlights the relationships between the various units, so that
they can be brought in line with each other. 
 It facilitates the effective allocation of resources so that 
managers know when and how to assign/reassign resources, and
when to acquire more.
 It can serve to promote the commitment of most workers if they
have a realistic target at which to aim. 
Outlining THREE reasons for preparing a budget 3 marks each
(9 marks)
(c) Reasons why some managers may not support budgeting
 It may lead to unnecessary spending, due to the manager’s fear 
that if the budget allocation is not utilized it would be
reduced the following year.
 It may lead to departmental conflicts as various units compete
for scarce resources, as well as units being interested in their
own concerns rather than the organization as a whole (e.g. the
production department producing even though the sales department
is unable to sell the products). 
 In order to be effective, the standard set must facilitate the
greatest motivational impact on the workforce. If there is too
much slack it will defeat the purpose intended, similarly if it
is too challenging persons will not attempt to achieve it. The
standard therefore has to be continuously revised. 
Discussing TWO reasons 3 marks each (6 marks)
Discretionary mark for well developed discussion (1 mark)
Question 6
Specific Objectivies 6, 7
(a)(i) Key difference between fixed and current assets
Current Assets are short-term (1) assets that are expected to be
consumed or change their form during the next accounting period.(1)
Fixed assets are those long-term (1) assets that are used to provide
a service or generate income for the business. They are usually used
for more than one accounting year because they are acquired to be
used by the business, subsequent disposal would not affect their
Indicating TWO differences between current assets and fixed assets 2
marks each
(4 marks)
02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
(ii) Reason for an increase in capital
Capital can increase due to profits earned during the period under
Stating ONE reason for an increase in capital (1 mark)
(iii) Reason for the difference between gross profit and net profit
Gross profit measures the performance of a business’s main economic
activities.(1) However, expenses are usually incurred in generating
the income.(1) The deduction of these expenses(1) will account for
part of the difference between net and gross profits; other income
can also account for the difference between the two figures.(1)
Outlining ONE reason for difference in gross profit and net profit
(2 marks)
(b)(i) Acid Test
= 2.509 = 2.509
= 2.51:1 = 2.51:1 (1)
This ratio affords a clearer picture than current ratio of the firm's
ability to pay short term debts. In this instance, where the ratio is
2.51:1 ,there is the likelihood that the firm has more cash on hand
than it really needs.(1) A prudent ratio is often cited as 1:1.
(ii) Return on Equity
= 0.178 x 100 = 17.8%
The ROE indicates how well the firm has used the financial resources
invested in it by the ordinary shareholders. In this case, returns
seem high and appear to be very satisfactory.(1) However, one needs
to compare with the competition to be sure.
02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
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Cape anagement of Business
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Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
Cape anagement of Business
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Cape anagement of Business

  • 1. CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination® CAPE® MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS SYLLABUS Effective for examinations fromMay-June 2013 CXC A27/U2/13
  • 2. Publishedbythe CaribbeanExaminationsCouncil All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without priorpermissionof the authoror publisher. Correspondence relatedtothe syllabusshouldbe addressedto: The Pro-Registrar CaribbeanExaminationsCouncil CaenwoodCentre 37 ArnoldRoad,Kingston5, Jamaica Telephone Number:+1 (876) 630-5200 Facsimile Number:+1 (876) 967-4972 E-mail Copyright© 2013 by CaribbeanExaminationsCouncil The Garrison, St Michael BB14038, Barbados CXC A27/U2/13
  • 4. Contents INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... i RATIONALE............................................................................................................................. 1 AIMS....................................................................................................................................... 1 SKILLSAND ABILITIESTO BE ASSESSED...................................................................................... 2 STRUCTURE OF THE SYLLABUS.................................................................................................. 3 UNIT 1: MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLESANDPROCESSES MODULE 1: BUSINESSAND ITS ENVIRONMENT........................................................ 4 MODULE 2: THE MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE............................................................. 9 MODULE 3: BUSINESSFINANCEANDACCOUNTING...................................................................17 UNIT 2: APPLICATIONSIN MANAGEMENT MODULE 1: PRODUCTION ANDOPERATIONSMANAGEMENT.....................................................22 MODULE 2: FUNDAMENTALSOF MARKETING............................................................ 27 MODULE 3: SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ............................................................ 33 OUTLINE OF ASSESSMENT........................................................................................................ 38 REGULATIONS FORPRIVATECANDIDATES ................................................................................ 46 REGULATIONS FORRE-SIT CANDIDATES.................................................................................... 46 ASSESSMENTGRID................................................................................................................... 47 GLOSSARY............................................................................................................................... 48 CXC A24/U2/12
  • 5. ThisdocumentCXCA24/U2/12 replacesCXCA20/U2/03 issuedin2003. Please note thatthe syllabushasbeenrevisedandamendmentsare indicatedbyitalics. Firstissued2003 Revised2012 Amended2013 Please checkthe websitewww.cxc.orgfor updatesonCXC’ssyllabuses. CXC A24/U2/12
  • 6. Introduction The Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) is designed to provide certification of the academic, vocational and technical achievement of students in the Caribbean who, having completed a minimum of five years of secondary education, wish to further their studies. The examinations address the skills and knowledge acquired by students under a flexible and articulated system where subjects are organised in 1-Unit or 2-Unit courses with each Unit containing three Modules.SubjectsexaminedunderCAPE,maybe studiedconcurrentlyorsingly. The Caribbean Examinations Council offers three types of certification. The first is the award of a certificate showing each CAPE Unit completed. The second is the CAPE Diploma, awarded to candidates who have satisfactorily completed at least six Units including Caribbean Studies. The third is the CXC Associate Degree, awarded for the satisfactory completion of a prescribed cluster of seven CAPE Units including Caribbean Studies and Communication Studies. For the CAPE Diploma and the CXC Associate Degree, candidates must complete the cluster of required Units within a maximumperiodof five years. Recognised educational institutions presenting candidates for CXC Associate Degree in one of the nine categories must, on registering these candidates at the start of the qualifying year, have them confirm in the required form, the Associate Degree they wish to be awarded. Candidates will not be awarded any possiblealternativesforwhich they did notapply. CXC A24/U2/12 i
  • 7. Management of Business Syllabus ♦ RATIONALE The dynamic environment within which businesses operate today present both challenges and opportunities for business leaders. The growth in economic and social needs in most economies also constitutes another area of great challenge. As students proceed beyond the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) level, in pursuit of their careergoals, they must be cognisant of the changingsocio-economicclimatewithinwhichmodernbusinessesoperate. Management of Business students must understand the principles that govern the human and operational interactions within a business, and must be aware of how a business operates within a society. Moreover, it is imperative that students possess a comprehensive understanding of the marketsinthe regioninadditiontoknowledge of the global marketplace. The CAPE Management of Business syllabus provides not only a good foundation for further study of Management of Business and other related disciplines at the tertiary level, but also opportunities for students to function not only in existing business organisations, but also as successful entrepreneurs having developed the required knowledge and understanding of management principles, practices, and skills required to addressmanagerialproblemsand thechallengesfaced by businesses. The syllabus will also contribute to the development of the Ideal Caribbean Person as articulated by the CARICOM Heads of Government. That is, “someone who demonstrates a positive work ethic” and “values and displays the creative imagination in its various manifestations and nurtures its development in the economic and entrepreneurial spheres.” In addition, in keeping with the UNESCO Pillars of Learning, on completion of this course of study students will learn to know, to do, to be, and to live together having been exposed to the values implicit within human rights and democratic principles, among others. ♦ AIMS The syllabusaimsto: 1. develop an understanding of the integrated nature of business organisations and the environmentinwhichtheyoperate; 2. develop an awareness of how global issues impact the development of business organisationswithspecialreferencetothe Caribbean; 3. provide basic information on principles, legal issues, and practices of modern management withspecial reference tothe Caribbean; CXC A24/U2/12 1
  • 8. 4. develop critical thinking skills that involve analysis, evaluation, decision making and problem solving; 5. developanunderstandingof the importance of managementof people; 6. develop skills in communicating information effectively in numerical, graphical and verbal form; 7. provide opportunities for acquisition of prerequisite knowledge and skills necessary to pursue furtherstudiesandcareerdevelopment; 8. provide knowledgeandskillsneededtobecome successful entrepreneurs; 9. developattitudes,values,andethical practicesrelatedtobusiness; 10. developanappreciationof the needfororganisationstobe goodcorporate citizens. ♦ SKILLS AND ABILITIES TO BE ASSESSED The skillsthatstudentsare expectedtohave developed oncompletionof thissyllabushave been groupedunderthree mainheadings: 1. KnowledgeandComprehension; 2. Use of Knowledge; 3. InterpretationandApplication. Knowledge and Comprehension The examinationswill testcandidates’skillsandabilityto: 1. grasp and recall basicfacts,concepts,andprinciplesof managementtheory; 2. understandthe diverse managerial functionsandroles; 3. understandthe impactof workforce diversityonthe managementof organisations. Use of Knowledge The examinations will testcandidates’skillsandabilityto: 1. select and use facts, theories and concepts appropriately in formulating solutions to businessproblems; 2. draw conclusionsbasedonabodyof information; 3. distinguishamongvariouscomponentsof businessanditsenvironment. CXC A24/U2/12 2
  • 9. Interpretationand Application The examinationswill testcandidates’skillsandabilityto: 1. assemble and analyse relevant data and information to make projections and solve problems; 2. draw logical conclusionsandmake recommendationsaboutmanagerial issues. ♦ STRUCTURE OF THE SYLLABUS The syllabusisdividedintotwo(2) Units.EachUnit comprisesthree Modules.EachModule requires fifty(50) hours of instruction. Unit1: ManagementPrinciplesand Processes Module 1 - BusinessanditsEnvironment Module 2 - The Managementof People Module 3 - BusinessFinance andAccounting Unit2: Applicationin Management Module 1 - Production and Operations Management Module 2 - Fundamentalsof Marketing Module 3 - Small BusinessManagement CXC A24/U2/12 3
  • 10. ♦ UNIT 1: MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES AND PROCESSES MODULE 1: BUSINESS AND ITS ENVIRONMENT GENERAL OBJECTIVES On completionof thisModule,studentsshould: 1. understandthe nature andscope of businessanditsrole insociety; 2. understandhowdifferentbusinessorganisationsfunction; 3. appreciatethe importanceof maintaining high ethicalstandardsin businesspractices; 4. appreciate the processof decisionmakinganditsimpactonthe environment; 5. develop an awarenessof theimpact of the externalenvironmenton business. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Studentsshouldbe able to: 1. distinguish among differenttypesof economicactivity; 2. compare the different types of business organisations based on economic sectors and legal structures; 3. explain the importanceof setting businessobjectives; 4. explain the importanceof ethics and social responsibility in setting businessobjectives; 5. discussthe processof decision-making in businessorganisations; 6. evaluatethe impactof globalization on Caribbean BusinessOrganisations. CONTENT 1. Types ofEconomic Activity Classificationof economicactivity:primary;secondary;tertiary. 2. EconomicSectors and Legal Structures Main features including ability to raise finance, appropriateness of legal structures, problem fromchangingfrom one legal structure toanother,advantagesanddisadvantages. CXC A24/U2/12 4
  • 11. UNIT 1 MODULE 1: BUSINESS AND ITS ENVIRONMENT (cont'd) (a) Private SectorOrganisations: (i) sole-trader; (ii) partnership; (iii) private limitedcompany; (iv) publiclimitedcompany; (v) co-operative enterprise; (vi) franchise; (vii) joint venture (legal element governing formation, financing and management). (b) PublicSectorOrganisations: (i) publiccorporations; (ii) statutoryboards. (c) Notfor ProfitOrganisations: (i) charities; (ii) non-governmentalorganisations. (d) Privatisation and Nationalisation. 3. BusinessObjectives (a) The nature,role,and importance of businessobjectives. (b) Short,mediumandlong-termobjectives. (c) Hierarchy of objectives: vision, mission statements; strategic; tactical; operational objectives. CXC A24/U2/12 5
  • 12. UNIT 1 MODULE 1: BUSINESS AND ITS ENVIRONMENT (cont'd) 4. BusinessEthics andCorporate Social Responsibility (a) Importance of businessethicsandintegrity,code of ethics. (b) Obligations to stakeholders. (c) Good CorporateGovernance. 5. DecisionMaking (a) Processof decisionmaking: (i) conceptof decisionmaking; (ii) essential features of information for decision making – accuracy, timeliness, relevance andcosteffectiveness; (iii) significanceof Qualitative vs.Quantitativedecision-making. (b) Stagesof decisionmaking(inrelationtoobjectives): (i) definitionof problem; (ii) data collection –importance andsources; (iii) analysisandevaluation; (iv) formulationof alternative strategies; (v) implementation; (vi) evaluation. (c) Factors affectingdecisionmaking: (i) governmental,political andlegal; (ii) social and cultural; (iii) technological; (iv) economic; (v) ecological; (vi) humanand natural constraints. CXC A24/U2/12 6
  • 13. UNIT 1 MODULE 1: BUSINESS AND ITS ENVIRONMENT (cont'd) 6. Impact ofGlobalisationonBusiness (a) Multinational(growth,advantagesand disadvantages). (b) Role of Government: (i) Facilitating,enabling environment; (ii) Developing necessary legalframework. (c) Consumerbehaviour:Choices, quality,responsibility. (d) Domestic Business: Competition,pricing policy,quality assurance. (e) Trade Liberalisation. SuggestedTeachingand LearningActivities To facilitate students’attainmentof the objectivesinModule 1,teachersare advisedtoengage studentsinthe teachingandlearningactivitieslistedbelow. 1. Conductfieldinvestigationtodeterminegrowthordecline indifferentbusinesssectors. 2. Engage class in discussion on Porter's Five Forces Model for analysing an industry and industryanalysisasa project. 3. Engage class in discussions and debates on types of business organisations to enable students to recognise advantages and disadvantages of one business organisation over another. 4. Assign different students to listen to business news (both regional and international) and make an oral presentation to the class to sensitise students to local and regional developments. 5. Use newspaper clippings on business news for class discussions and students’ journals (on- line journals,blogs). 6. Invite resource personnel from different types of organisations to share information on their organisations. 7. Assignexpositoryandargumentative essaysonvarioustopics. CXC A24/U2/12 7
  • 14. UNIT 1 MODULE 1: BUSINESS AND ITS ENVIRONMENT (cont'd) 8. Assigngroupresearchprojecttofosterteamwork. 9. Conductsimulationexercises,roleplay,videopresentations. 10. Engage class indiscussionof case studies. Teachersand studentsmayidentifyother activitiesthatare more suitable totheirownclass settings. CXC A24/U2/12 8
  • 15. UNIT 1 MODULE 2: THE MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE GENERAL OBJECTIVES On completionof thisModule,studentsshould: 1. appreciate the importance of the application of management theories in the operation of businessorganisations; 2. understand the roles and responsibilities of employers and employees within an organisation; 3. developanawarenessof the effectsof humanmotivationonorganisationaleffectiveness; 4. appreciate the broadformal framework of human resourcemanagement. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Studentsshouldbe able to: 1. evaluate the contributionsof managementtheoriestopresentdayorganisations; 2. explainthe featuresof the formal organisational structure; 3. explainthe theoriesandpracticesof motivation; 4. differentiatebetweentypesof leadershipskills,styles; 5. describe thegroup formation process,characteristicsand importanceof effectiveteams; 6. describe possible causesof conflictinorganizations; 7. assesstheeffectivenessof strategiesused to manageconflictin organisations; 8. justifythe needtocope withandmanage change in the organisation; 9. explainthe importance of effectivecommunicationinorganisations; 10. evaluate the importance of human resource managementinorganisations. CXC A24/U2/12 9
  • 16. UNIT 1 MODULE 2: THE MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE (cont'd) CONTENT 1. The Functionsand Theoriesof Management (a) Evolution of Management theories (principles and contributions to modern day organisations): (i) Classical Model- F.W.Taylor, Henri Fayol,Max Weber; (ii) Human RelationsModel:Elton Mayo; (iii) SystemsApproach –open/closed/synergy/entropy); (iv) Contingency Approach. (b) Functionsof Management(Definition and Application): (i) planning; (ii) organising; (iii) leading; (iv) controlling; (v) staffing. 2. Organisational Structure (a) Classification of Organisational Structure – (Principles, Advantages and Disadvantages): (i) by function; (ii) by product; (iii) geographical market; (iv) matrix; (v) team; (vi) network; (vii) virtual. CXC A24/U2/12 10
  • 17. UNIT 1 MODULE 2: THE MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE (cont’d) (b) Characteristicsof the Formal Organisational Structure: (i) hierarchy; (ii) chainof command; (iii) span of control; (iv) line andstaff relationship; (v) responsibility; (vi) authority; (vii) accountability; (viii) delegation; (ix) centralisation; (x) decentralisation. 3. Theory and ApplicationMotivation (a) Factors that stimulate and influence motivation: individual needs; self-motivation; abilitytomake choices;environmental opportunities. (b) Theoriesof motivation: Maslow’sHierarchy of Needs;Herzberg’sHygieneTheory. (c) Financial andnon-financial motivational strategies: (i) financial incentives: payment systems and their effectiveness; appraisal; job valuationandworkstudy; (ii) non-financial incentives: individual job needs; participation; job satisfaction; jobenrichmentandjobenlargement;opportunitiesforpromotion. (d) Implication to managers: getting the best out of individuals; appreciation of work and appropriate rewardsystems. CXC A24/U2/12 11
  • 18. UNIT 1 MODULE 2: THE MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE (cont’d) 4. Leadership (a) Definitionof leadership. (b) Leadership Theory:McGregor’sTheory X and Theory Y; Trait Theory. (c) Leadershipskillsincluding: (i) communication; (ii) problem-solving;critical thinking. (d) Leadershipstyles(definition,appropriateness) (i) autocratic; (ii) participative/democratic; (iii) laissez faire; (iv) transformational. (e) Informalleadership;itsinfluence on the organisation: (i) definition of informalleadership; (ii) advantagesand disadvantagesof informalleadership. CXC A24/U2/12 12
  • 19. UNIT 1 MODULE 2: THE MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE (cont'd) 5. Groupand Team Management (a) Definition of Teams/Groups. (b) Stagesof Group Development(forming,storming,norming,performing,adjourning). (c) Characteristicsof effectiveteams: (i) commitment; (ii) participation; (iii) trust; (iv) decisionbyconsensus; (v) flexibility; (vi) encouragement; (vii) supportand growth. (d) Forces that influence group cohesiveness (including size, group goals, similarities, diversity,attraction). (e) Advantagesand Disadvantagesof teamsto theorganisations. 6. Causesof Conflict Possible Causesof Conflict: (a) managementstyle; (b) competitionforscarce resources; (c) lack of communication; (d) clashof personalities. CXC A24/U2/12 13
  • 20. UNIT 1 MODULE 2: THE MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE (cont'd) 7. Strategiesto manage conflict: (a) avoidance; (b) smoothing; (c) compromise; (d) collaboration; (e) confrontation. 8. Managementof Change (a) Nature of change:technical,economic,demographic,social andlegal. (b) Resistance to change: fear, disrupted habits, loss of control and confidence, poor training, redistribution of workload and lack of purpose; loss of power, lack of communication. (c) Strategiestomanage change. 9. Communicationin Business (a) Diagram of the CommunicationProcess. (b) Communication channels (including: oral, written, visual, non-verbal); communication methods (including: Internet, e-mail, Intranet, fax, video conferencing). (c) Linesof Communication: (i) formal channel - vertical and horizontal; (ii) informal channel; (iii) problemsassociatedwithformalchannel; (iv) formal channel versusinformal channels. CXC A24/U2/12 14
  • 21. UNIT 1 MODULE 2: THE MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE (cont'd) (d) Barriersto effectivecommunication: (i) selective-perceptions; (ii) attitudes; (iii) noise; (iv) cultural bias. (e) Reducing barriers to communication (including: ensure clear message, choice of channel,managing feedback,improvingphysicalconditions). 10. Human Resource Management (a) The role of the human resource management in an organisation: attracting, developingandmaintaininganeffectiveworkforce. (b) Functionsof the humanresourcesdepartment: (i) Recruitment: - Internal; - External. (ii) Selection: including:application,interviews,testing (iii) Compensation: Various types of compensationincluding; wages and salaries, pension fund, healthinsurance. (iv) Traininganddevelopment: Trainingvs.Development(on-the-jobandoff-the-jobtraining). (v) Performance Management:Performance appraisal: - fairness; - participative; - feedback; - periodic. CXC A24/U2/12 15
  • 22. UNIT 1 MODULE 2: THE MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE (cont'd) (vi) Resistance to change: fear, disrupted habits, loss of control and confidence, poortraining,redistribution of workload and lackof purpose; (vii) The importanceof communication in the managementprocess. SuggestedTeachingand LearningActivities To facilitate students’attainmentof the objectivesof Module 2,teachersare advisedtoengage studentsinthe teachingandlearningactivitieslistedbelow. 1. Lectures, tutorials and presentations by teachers and other resource persons with specialisedknowledge of awide range of contentareas. 2. Engage class inresearchand presentationsbystudents(individuallyandingroups). 3. Engage class in debates and panel discussions on topical issues, for example, strikes, salary and wagesnegotiations,redundancyanditsimpactonindividual behaviourinorganisations. 4. Assignexperientialactivities. 5. Conductrole playor simulationexercises. 6. Engage class indiscussiononcase studiesonmotivation,leadership,anddecisionmaking. 7. Students reflect and express their thoughts and perceptions by maintenance of journals whichare subsequentlysharedwithpeers. CXC A24/U2/12 16
  • 23. UNIT 1 MODULE 3: BUSINESS FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING GENERAL OBJECTIVES On completionof thisModule,studentsshould: 1. understand the roles and functions of finance and accounting in the management of businesswithspecial reference tothe Caribbean; 2. understand the impact of changes in finance and accounting practices on the overall operationsof business; 3. develop analytical and interpretational skills relating to problem solving in finance and accounting. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Studentsshouldbe able to: 1. explainthe variousneedforfunds; 2. differentiateamongthe mainsourcesof finance; 3. explainthe maincriteriathatbusinessesuse whenseekingshort- andlong- termfinancing; 4. discuss the roles, functioning and working of money and capital markets and international financial institutionswithspecial reference tothe Caribbean; 5. specifythe importance of AccountinginformationforbothInternal andExternal users; 6. appraise the differentcomponentsof financial statements; 7. interpretandanalyse keyfinancial statementsthroughthe use of ratioanalysis; 8. explainthe purpose,nature,andusefulnessof budgeting; 9. assess the various methods used by a firm in selecting the most appropriate investment option. CXC A24/U2/12 17
  • 24. UNIT 1 MODULE 3: BUSINESS FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING (cont’d) CONTENT 1. The Needfor Capital (a) Start-upor venture capital. (b) Workingcapital. (c) Investmentcapital. 2. Sources ofFinance (a) Equityversusdebt. (b) Formsof equity:capital andshares. (c) Formsof debt:debenturesandbonds. 3. Criteriafor SeekingFinance (a) Sourcesof short-termfinance:trade creditorsandcommercial banks. (b) Sources of long-term finance: commercial and development banks, venture capital funds,small businessassociations,developmentfundsandfamily. (c) Short-termversuslong-termsourcesof finance. 4. Moneyand capital markets and International Financial Institutions (a) Roles of Regional and International Financial Institutions, for example, CDB, IDB, IMF and WorldBank: (i) provide technical andmanagerial advice; (ii) conduct feasibilitystudiesandeconomicappraisal of countries. (b) Functioning and workings of Money and Capital Markets: working knowledge of Stock Exchange withreference tothe Caribbean. CXC A24/U2/12 18
  • 25. UNIT 1 MODULE 3: BUSINESS FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING (cont’d) 5. The need for AccountingInformation (a) Definitionof Accounting. (b) Users of Accounting Information (Stakeholders including financial institutions, suppliers/creditors,managers,investors). 6. ComponentsofFinancial Statements (a) Working knowledgeof componentsof financialstatements: (i) IncomeStatement:including sales,costof sale,grossprofit,net profit; (ii) Balance sheet: including fixed assets, current assets, current liabilities, fixed liabilities, owner’sequity; (iii) Cash flowstatements. (b) Relation between Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Comprehensive Income. 7. Financial StatementsAnalysis (a) Useof Accounting Ratios. (b) Advantagesand disadvantagesof ratio analysis. (c) Limitationsof Ratio Analysis. (d) Calculation and Interpretation of Typesof Ratios: (i) Liquidity Ratios(currentand acid test ratio); (ii) Profitability Ratios: (Gross Profit Margin; Net Profit Margin; Return on CapitalEmployed (ROCE); (iii) Efficiency;Activity Ratios:(StockTurnoverRatio; Debtor Day Ratio); (iv) Gearing Ratio: Debt/capital employed (Capital employed = fixed assets + (currentassets – current liabilities); Debt= Long term Debt; or Debt = Long Term Debt CapitalExp = (FA + CA)2 (v) Investors/shareholdersRatios:Dividend Yield and EarningsPerShare. CXC A24/U2/12 19
  • 26. UNIT 1 MODULE 3: BUSINESS FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING (cont’d) 8. Budgets andBudgetary Control (a) Type of budgets:cash,sales,production,materials,purchases,labour. (b) Importanceof budgeting (usefulnessand limitations). (c) Budgetary Control(methodsand reasonsforvariances). 9. InvestmentAppraisal (a) Need for investmentAppraisal. (b) Analyticalmethodsof Appraisal: - payback period: average rate of return, net present value (meaning, interpretationandsimple calculationsrequired). (c) Comparisonsof Methodsof Appraisal. SuggestedTeachingand LearningActivities To facilitate students’attainmentof the objectivesof Module 3,teachersare advisedtoengage studentsinthe teachingandlearningactivitieslistedbelow. 1. Encourage students to participate in lectures, tutorials and presentations by teachers and otherresource personswithspecialisedknowledgeof awide range of contentareas. 2. Engage studentsinanalysisof publishedfinancialstatements. 3. Use case studies in order to reinforce learning and provide opportunities for application of techniques. 4. Assign students to participate in field trips to established institutions, for example, central banks,insurance companiesandstockexchange. 5. Engage students in listening to taped materials from various sources, for example, radio and television,(C.B.U,B.B.C),podcasts,YouTube videos. 6. Assign students to read annual publications of professional journals, for example, N.Y.S.E, Financial Times. 7. Invite guest speakers from different firms to discuss issues related to business finance and accounting. CXC A24/U2/12 20
  • 27. UNIT 1 MODULE 3: BUSINESS FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING (cont’d) RESOURCES Barkarr, S. Management of Business, Unit I, Caribbean Educational Publishers. Cole,G.A. ManagementPracticeof Theory,6th Edition, London:Thomson Learning,2004. Hall,D., RobJ. and Raffo,C. Business Studies, Lancaster: Causeway Press Limited, 1993. Plunkett,W.R.,etal Management:Meeting and Exceeding CustomerExpectations 9th Edition, South-WesternCollegePublisher,2007. Stimpson,P.andSingh,K. Managementof BusinessUnitI, Cambridge UniversityPress, 2007. CXC A24/U2/12 21
  • 28. ♦ UNIT 2: APPLICATIONS IN MANAGEMENT MODULE 1: PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT GENERAL OBJECTIVES On completionof thisModule,studentsshould: 1. understandthe operationsinvolvedinthe productionof goodsandservices; 2. developanawarenessof the importance of productivityandqualityinproduction; 3. appreciate the importance of tools and techniques required for production and operations management; 4. be aware of the impact of the external environment on the production and operations function. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Studentsshouldbe able to: 1. describe the majordecisionsinvolvedinthe nature of the productionprocess; 2. explain techniquesinvolved in forecasting; 3. discussthe strategiesinvolved in productdesign; 4. explain the conceptof capacityplanning; 5. examinevariousstrategiesused in production layoutprocess; 6. assesstheimportanceof costing in production; 7. examinethe conceptof inventory management; 8. explain the conceptof lean production and quality management; 9. explain methodsof measuring and improving productivity; 10. assesstheimportanceof projectmanagement. CXC A24/U2/12 22
  • 29. UNIT 2 MODULE 1: PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (cont'd) CONTENT 1. Nature of Production (a) Input (factors of production) throughput (production process) output (finished goods and services). (b) Production Methods: (job production, batch production, flow production and cell production). (c) Location of Production (quantitative factors including site cost, transport cost, labour cost, revenue cost, qualitative factors including infrastructure, environmental and planning consideration,managementpreferences). 2. ForecastingTechniques Forecasting techniques: (a) sales forcecomposite; (b) delphi method; (c) consumersurveys; (d) jury of experts; (e) moving average. 3. Product DesignStrategies (a) Modularisation. (b) Miniaturisation. (c) Integration. (d) Valueanalysis. (e) CAD – Computer Aided Design, CAM – Computer Aided Manufacturing (basic principles). CXC A24/U2/12 23
  • 30. UNIT 2 MODULE 1: PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (cont'd) 4. CapacityPlanning (a) Definition of capacity. (b) Importanceof capacityutilisation. (c) Design capacity. (d) Efficiency capacity. (e) Calculation of capacityutilisation (simplecalculations). (f) Methodsof improving capacity utilisation. (g) Economiesand diseconomiesof scale. 5. Layout Strategies (a) Processlayout. (b) Productionlayout. (c) FixedPositionlayout. (d) Cellular layout. 6. Costing (a) Costof Production (direct/indirectvariable/fixed). (b) Approachesto costing (simplecalculations): (i) absorption; (ii) contribution/marginal. (c) Application of MarginalCosting: (i) break-even point, (definition, uses, advantages and disadvantages, simple calculation of the following: BEP for Output and Sales, Contribution Margin Sales fora desired Profit,Outputfora desired profit and Margin of safety); (ii) drawbreak-even charts; (iii) makeor buy decisions. CXC A24/U2/12 24
  • 31. UNIT 2 MODULE 1: PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (cont'd) 7. Inventory Management: (a) Importanceof inventory (stock). (b) Inventory (stock) controlmanagement: (i) EOQ (Simplecalculations); (ii) JustIn Time. 8. Lean Production and Quality Management (a) Importanceof quality. (b) Dimension of Quality: (i) performance; (ii) features; (iii) reliability; (iv) conformance; (v) durability; (vi) serviceability; (vii) aesthetics; (viii) perceived quality. (c) Techniquesforimproving quality including: (i) differencebetween quality controland quality assurance; (ii) benchmarking; (iii) ISOQuality Standards; (iv) outsourcing; (v) qualitycircles; (vi) TQM including Kaizen or continuousimprovement. (d) Lean Production (link between inventory management, quality and capacity and employeeroles). CXC A24/U2/12 25
  • 32. UNIT 2 MODULE 1: PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (cont'd) 9. Productivity: (a) Definition (expressproductivity asan equation). (b) Factors that impact on productivity including: (technology, training, market demand, competition,qualityof laboursupply,levelof pricing). 10. Project Management(studentsare requiredto prepare and interpretdiagrams of models) (a) Critical pathmethod(CPM). (b) Decisiontrees. NB (Studentsare requiredto prepare and interpretdiagrams of the models) SuggestedTeachingand LearningActivities To facilitate students’attainmentof the objectivesof Module 1,teachersare advisedtoengage studentsinthe teachingandlearningactivitieslistedbelow. 1. Encourage students to participate in lectures, tutorials and presentations by teachers and otherresource personswithspecialisedknowledgeof awide range of contentareas. 2. Engage studentsinresearchandpresentations(individuallyandingroups). 3. Encourage students to participate in class debates and panel discussions on topical issues relatedtoproductionandoperationsmanagement. 4. Conductexperientialactivitiesrelatedtoproductionandoperationsmanagement. 5. Encourage students to interpret issues related to production and operations management throughrole playor simulationexercises. 6. Engage students in online/class discussion on case studies related to production and operationsmanagement. 7. Studentsreporttoclass onblogpostingsand YouTube videospertainingtoissuesaddressed. CXC A24/U2/12 26
  • 33. UNIT 2 MODULE 2: FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKETING GENERAL OBJECTIVES On completionof thisModule,studentsshould: 1. understandthe role andimportance of marketing; 2. assimilate the principlesof marketingmanagement; 3. developanawarenessof the impactof the external environmentforcesonmarketing. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Studentsshouldbe able to: 1. define the term “marketing” and relate it to the concepts of “market”, “exchange” and “valueadded”; 2. assesstheimplications of variousmarketing concepts; 3. distinguish between the micro- and macro- environments in which a firm operates and their effectsonthe marketingstrategyof the firm; 4. describe the elementsof the marketingresearchprocess; 5. assessthe principlesof marketsegmentation; 6. explainthe principlesof productmanagement; 7. evaluate variouspricingstrategies; 8. discuss themajorprinciples of distribution; 9. examine the majortoolsof promotion and theirimplications; 10. discussthe importanceof internetmarketing decisions. CXC A24/U2/12 27
  • 34. UNIT 2 MODULE 2: FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKETING (cont’d) CONTENT 1. The Conceptof Marketing (a) Definitionsof marketing. (b) Relatedconcepts: (i) markets; (ii) value added; (iii) exchange transactions. 2. Implicationsof DifferentMarketingConcepts (a) The MarketingConcepts. (b) The product conceptand implications. (c) The productionconceptand implications. (d) The sellingconceptandimplications. (e) The societal marketing concept and its implications. 3. The MarketingEnvironment (a) Compositionof the MarketingEnvironment: (i) micro-environment; (ii) macro-environment. (b) Forcesin the micro-environment: (i) company’ssuppliers; (ii) competitors; (iii) marketingintermediaries; (iv) customers. CXC A24/U2/12 28
  • 35. UNIT 2 MODULE 2: FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKETING (cont’d) (c) Forcesin the macro-environment: (i) demographicfactors; (ii) economicfactors; (iii) natural factors; (iv) political factors; (v) cultural factors. 4. Marketing Research (a) Role and importanceof marketresearch. (b) Importanceof developing a research plan. (c) Describe the stagesof Market Research: (i) managementproblemidentification; (ii) researchobjectives; (iii) sourcesof data - primary,secondary; (iv) sampling- probabilityandnon-probability; (v) research techniques - focus groups, surveys, in-depth interviews; observation; (vi) analysisandpresentationof results. (d) Limitationsof MarketResearch. CXC A24/U2/12 29
  • 36. UNIT 2 MODULE 2: FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKETING (cont’d) 5. PrinciplesofMarket Segmentation (a) Importanceof segmentation. (b) Niche,target,massmarketing. (c) Basesof segmentation: (i) demographic; (ii) geographic; (iii) behavioural. (d) Consumerbuying behaviour: (i) the buying process; (ii) factorsinfluencing buying behaviour. 6. Product Management (a) The concept of product – core,formal or actual,augmented. (b) Dimensionsof the productmix. (c) Productline and productextension. (d) Boston Matrix. (e) Newproductdevelopmentprocess. (f) Productlife cycle. (g) Brandingand packaging. (h) Characteristicsof services compared to goods. 7. PricingDecision (a) Introduction to Pricing - definition,role and importance. (b) Factors influencing pricing decisions (including elasticity of demand, demand, income,consumerpreference). CXC A24/U2/12 30
  • 37. UNIT 2 MODULE 2: FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKETING (cont’d) (c) Pricingstrategies,including: (i) cost pluspricing; (ii) competitionpricing; (iii) perceivedvalue; (iv) goingrate; (v) penetrationpricingandprice skimming. 8. DistributionManagement (a) Role of distribution in an organisation. (b) Factors influencingdistributiondecisions. (c) Typesof distributionchannels (including direct,indirect). (d) Introduction to logistics strategy. (e) Types of distribution strategies (intensive, selective, exclusive). 9. Promotion Strategy (a) Objectives of promotion. (b) Toolsof promotionandtheirrelativeadvantages: (i) advertising; (ii) personal selling; (iii) salespromotion; (iv) publicity. 10. Internet Marketing (a) Developmentof Internetmarketing. (b) Opportunitiescreated by Internetmarketing. (c) Challengesposed by Internetmarketing. (d) Importanceof e-commerceto businessorganisations. CXC A24/U2/12 31
  • 38. UNIT 2 MODULE 2: FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKETING (cont’d) SuggestedTeachingand Learning Activities To facilitate students’attainmentof the objectivesinModule 2,teachersare advisedtoengage studentsinthe teachingandlearningactivitieslistedbelow. 1. Engage studentsinsimulatedcase studiesrelatedtomarketing. 2. Engage studentsingroupprojectsto fosterteamwork. 3. Encourage students to participate in panel discussion on marketing issues conducted by external resource persons. CXC A24/U2/12 32
  • 39. UNIT 2 MODULE 3: SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT GENERAL OBJECTIVES On completionof thisModule,studentsshould: 1. appreciate the nature of entrepreneurship; 2. developanawarenessof the characteristicsof small businessmanagement. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Studentsshouldbe able to: 1. explainthe nature andcharacteristicsof entrepreneurship; 2. explain the relationship between business organisations and the economic system in which they operate; 3. assessthecriteria for measuring sizeand growth of business; 4. assessthechallenges and opportunitiesfaced by smallbusinesses; 5. describe thetypesof assistanceagenciesofferto small businesses; 6. develop a businessplan. CONTENT 1. The Nature and Characteristics ofEntrepreneurship (a) Definitionof entrepreneurship. (b) Corporate Entrepreneurship(intrapreneurship). (c) Social Entrepreneurship. (d) Characteristicsof successful entrepreneurs. 2. Businessand EconomicSystems (a) Economic systems in which businesses operate (free economy, mixed economy, planned economy). (b) The impactof the economicsystemon businessdecision-making. CXC A24/U2/12 33
  • 40. UNIT 2 MODULE 3: SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (cont’d) 3. Size andGrowth ofBusiness (a) Criteria for measuring sizeand growth: (i) output; (ii) labourforce; (iii) marketshare; (iv) capital structure. (b) Advantagesand disadvantagesof smallfirmsvs.large firms: (i) size and financialrequirements; (ii) the economiesof scale; (iii) strategiesforgrowth; (iv) managementand control; (v) lack of record keeping; (vi) working capitaldeficiencies; (vii) poormanagementskills; (viii) regulation and Legislation. 4. MajorChallenges and Opportunities faced by Small Businesses including (a) Identifyingsuccessful businessopportunities. (b) Sourcingcapital (finance). (c) Selection of businesstypes(soletrader,partnership,company). (d) Determiningalocation. (e) Globalisationandtrade liberalisation. (f) E-commerce. (g) Intellectual property. CXC A24/U2/12 34
  • 41. UNIT 2 MODULE 3: SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (cont’d) 5. Types and Nature ofAssistanceAvailableto Small Firms (a) AgenciesthatAssistSmall Businesses: (i) Governmental Agencies; (ii) Non-governmental Agencies; (iii) Financial Institutions. (b) Typesof Assistance OfferedtoSmall Businesses: (i) financial; (ii) technical; (iii) educationandtraining. 6. Preparationof a BusinessPlanfor a Small Business (a) Definition of a BusinessPlan; (b) ExecutiveSummary; (c) BusinessDescription: (i) legal establishmenthistory; (ii) start-up plans. (c) BusinessEnvironmentAnalysis: (i) targetmarket; (ii) customerneeds; (iii) location. (d) Industry Background. (e) CompetitorAnalysis: who are yourcompetitors. CXC A24/U2/12 35
  • 42. UNIT 2 MODULE 3: SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (cont’d) (f) MarketAnalysis: (i) customerneeds; (ii) wherethey are; (iii) howto reach them. (g) Marketing Plan: (i) pricing strategy; (ii) promotion strategy; (iii) distribution strategy. (h) OperationsPlan: (i) cost of production; (ii) machinery. (i) ManagerialSummary: (i) managementpersonnel; (ii) staffing. (j) FinancialPlan: (i) profitand loss; (ii) cash flows; (iii) break-even analysis; (iv) sourceof funds; (v) businessratios; (vi) assumptions. CXC A24/U2/12 36
  • 43. UNIT 2 MODULE 3: SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (cont’d) SuggestedTeachingand LearningActivities To facilitate students’ attainmentof the objectivesinModule 3,teachersare advisedtoengage studentsinthe teachingandlearningactivitieslistedbelow. 1. Decide on a “product” or “service” company and allow students to determine what each companywill produce oroffer. 2. Assign students to develop a questionnaire to investigate if there is a need to start a companyof theirchoice. 3. Developayearlysalesestimateandacash flow budgetfortheircompany. 4. Establish and operate a small store to sell items used by students in the school, involving the stepsof:ordering,banking,inventory,costandsalesanalysis,sales. 5. Create a listof costs to start the business. 6. Encourage students to work in groups to “sell” specific items to the rest of the class using the sales and marketingmethodsdiscussedinthe class. 7. Studentscritique businessplansandoffersuggestionsforimprovement. RESOURCES Birchall,JohnandMorris, Graham BusinessStudies,Surrey:UnitedKingdom: ThomasNelsonand SonsLtd., Walton-on-Thames,1995. Good,Walter S. Building a Dream: A Comprehensive Guide to Starting a Business of Your Own,Toronto:McGraw Hill Ryerson,1993. Hall,Dave,Jones,RobandRaffo,Carlo Business Studies, Lancaster: Causeway Press Limited, 1993. Hammond,Susan Business Studies, United Kingdom: Longman Group Ltd., 1994. Hanson,Ward Principles of Internet Marketing: South Western College Publishing,2000. CXC A24/U2/12 37
  • 44. ♦ OUTLINE OF ASSESSMENT Each Unit of the syllabus will be assessed separately. The same scheme of assessment will be applied to each Module ineachUnit. Gradeswill be awardedindependentlyforeachUnit. The Assessment will comprise two components, one external component and one internal. Candidates must complete the School-Based Assessment for the first Unit that they write. Candidates may carry forward the School-Based Assessment mark from the first Unit written to the second Unit (irrespective of the mark earned), or opt to complete the School-Based Assessment for the secondUnit as well. EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT FOR EACH UNIT (80 per cent) Paper 01 Thispaperconsistsof forty-five (45) multiple-choice 30 per cent (1 hour 15 minutes) items. There are fifteen (15) items on each Module. Paper 02 This paper consists of three sections, each 50 per cent (2 hours 30 minutes) corresponding to a Module in the Unit. Each section will contain two essay type questions. Studentsare requiredtoattemptthree questions, one fromeach section. SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT FOR EACH UNIT (20 per cent) Paper 03/1 A research paper of approximately 2,500 words, based on any topic covered in any one, two or all three Modules of the Unit being assessed. The School-Based Assessment for each Unit requires that candidates undertake a project which must demonstrate their skills in research, analysis, evaluation and presentationof information. Candidates who, in the same year, register for both Units of CAPE Management of Business may opt to: (a) submita separate School-BasedAssessmentassignmentforeachUnit;or (b) submita single School-BasedAssessmentassignmentfromeitherUnit01 or Unit 02. Candidateswhooptfor(b) must indicate fromwhichUnitthe School-BasedAssessmentassignment was selected. Paper 03/2 Private candidatesare requiredtowrite anAlternative Paper –Paper03/2. Detailsare on page 43. CXC A24/U2/12 38
  • 45. MODERATION OF SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT School-Based AssessmentRecord Sheetsareavailableonlinevia the CXC’ All School-Based Assessment Record of marks must be submitted online using the SBA data capture module of the Online Registration System (ORS). A sample of assignments will be requested by CXC for moderation purposes. These assignments will be re-assessed by CXC Examiners who moderate the School-Based Assessment. Teachers’ marks may be adjusted as a result of moderation. The Examiners’ comments will be sent to schools. All samples must be delivered to the specified marking venuesby the stipulated deadlines. Copies of the students' assignment that are not submitted must be retained by the school until three monthsafterpublication by CXCof the examination results. ASSESSMENT DETAILS External AssessmentbyWrittenPapers (80 per cent of Total Assessment) Paper 01 (1 hour 15 minutes – 30 per cent of Total Assessment) 1. Numbersof Questions All questions are compulsory. This paper will consist of 45 multiple-choice questions. There will be 15 questionsfromeachModule. 2. SyllabusCoverage (a) Knowledgeof the entire syllabusisrequired. (b) The intention of this paper is to test candidates’ knowledge across the breadth of the syllabus. 3. Mark Allocation (a) One mark will be assignedforeachquestion. (b) The total numberof marksavailable forthispaperis45. (c) Thispapercontributes30 per centtowardsthe final assessment. 4. Use of Calculators Candidatesmayuse silentnon-programmable calculators. CXC A24/U2/12 39
  • 46. Paper 02 (2 hours 30 minutes – 50 per cent of Total Assessment) Thispaperwill be dividedintothree sections,eachsectioncorrespondingtoa Module of the Unit. CompositionofPaper Thispaperwill consistof six essaysorextendedresponsequestions. There will be twoquestionsineachsection. Candidatesare requiredtoattemptthree questions,one fromeachsection. The total numberof marksavailable forthe paperis75. Thispapercontributes50 per centtowardsthe final assessment. SyllabusCoverage Each question requires a greater depth of understanding than those questions in Paper01. The purpose of thispaper isto testcandidates’in-depthknowledge of the syllabus. QuestionType Questionsrequireanextendedresponse involvingreasoning,analysisandsynthesis. Mark Allocation Each questionisworth25 marks. Award of Marks Marks will be awardedfor: clearlogical reasoning; evidence of ability to analyse a problem step by step and to apply principles and practices,skillsandknowledgetoreacha logical conclusion; evidence of problemsolvingability; evidence of the abilitytosynthesise information. Full markswill be awardedwhencandidatesmeetall criteria. CXC A24/U2/12 40
  • 47. SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT The Project- Paper 03/1 School-Based Assessment is an integral part of student assessment in the course covered by this syllabus. It is intended to assist students in acquiring certain knowledge, skills and attitudes that are associated with the subject. The activities for the School-Based Assessment are linked to the syllabus and should form part of the learning activities to enable the student to achieve the objectives of the syllabus. During the course of study for the subject, students obtain marks for the competence they develop and demonstrate in undertaking their School-Based Assessment assignments. These marks contribute to the final marks and grades that are awarded to students for their performance in the examination. The guidelines provided in this syllabus for selecting appropriate tasks are intended to assist teachers and students in selecting assignments that are valid for the purpose of School-Based Assessment. The guidelines provided for the assessment of the assignments are intended to assist teachers in awarding marks that are reliable estimates of the achievement of students in the School- Based Assessment component of the course. In order to ensure that the scores awarded by teachers are consistent with the CXC standards, the Council undertakes the moderation of a sample of the School-BasedAssessmentassignmentsmarkedbyeachteacher. PresentationofProject 1. The aims of the projectare to: (a) promote self-learning; (b) allow teachers the opportunity to engage in the formative assessment of their students; (c) allow students to enhance their understanding of the nature of business organisationsthroughlocal studies; (d) allow students to display evidence of careful observation and some degree of originalityintheirwork; (e) allow students to analyse business information gathered and make practical decisions; (f) explore more fully, some areas of the Unit which may not be assessed adequately in an external examination. 2. Requirements Students must choose a firm (or simulate a firm) on which they would do their investigative research project. The project should afford students the opportunity to pursue areas of personal interest. Students must undertake a project which embraces any one, two, or all three Moduleswithinthe Unitbeingassessed. CXC A24/U2/12 41
  • 48. PrimarySources of Data Candidates can use primary sources of data in their research activities. These include informationgatheredthroughquestionnaires,andface toface interviews. SecondarySources Secondary sources of data can also be used. These include newspapers, trade and professional journals, magazines, (such as News Week, Times) and documentation on the firmstudied. 3. Managementof the Project (a) An earlystartto planningprojectworkishighlyrecommended. (b) Each candidate should know the requirements of the project and its assessment procedures,aspart of the orientationtothe Unit. (c) Teachers should guide the candidates in choosing appropriate projects that relate tothe candidates’ interestandthe specificobjectivesidentified. (d) A schedule of the dates for submitting project work (agreed by teachers and candidates) shouldbe established. (e) A teacher should offer guidance in the data collection process and the preparation of the report. 4. ProjectReports A candidate’sprojectshouldbe presentedinasoftfolderor electronically, bearingthe candidate’snumber,name of subjectandthe date submitted.The projectdocumentshould comprise: (a) title; (b) table of contents; (c) introduction: (i) topic/aimof the project; (ii) background. (d) literature review; (e) methodology; (f) presentation of data; (g) analysisof data; (h) interpretation of results; (i) conclusionsandrecommendations; (j) referencesandcitations. The report (approximately2500 words) shouldbe typeddouble-spacedor hand-writtenlegibly. CXC A24/U2/12 42
  • 49. Skillsto be assessed 1. KnowledgeandUnderstanding: candidate’s ability to demonstrate knowledge and understandingof the objectivesbeingassessedinthe Module. 2. Application: candidate’sabilitytocollect,classifyandcommunicate information. 3. Analysis: candidate’sabilitytodistinguishrelationshipsamong componentsof the business environment. 4. EvaluationandReasoned candidate’sabilitytointerpret,make judgementand Judgement: recommendationsappropriatetothe businessunder investigation. 5. Presentation: candidate’sabilitytopresentthe reportusing,where necessary,relevantcharts,tablesandgraphs. MARK ALLOCATION FOR THE SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT 1. Introduction 6 2. Literature Review 10 3. Methodology 6 4. Presentationof Data 6 5(a) Analysisof Data 6 5(b) Interpretationof Results 6 6. ConclusionsandRecommendations 6 7. Communicationof informationinalogical wayusingcorrectgrammar 6 8. ReferencesandCitations 3 9. Overall Presentationof Report 5 Total 60 CXC A24/U2/12 43
  • 50. DETAILED MARK SCHEME FOR THE SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT MARKS 1. Introduction [6 marks] Topic Statement/Aimof theproject 2• Thesis statementis conciseand gives clear direction to theproject • Justification forthe topicshowshow theprojectwill contributeto a 2 better understandingof businessprinciples Background of theproject 2• Background makesreferenceto previouspublished related studies and bearsrelevance to presentproject 2. Literature Review [10 marks] • Literature review providesunderstanding and insightsinto thefirm 4 being studied 4• Literature review providesa thorough treatmentof previously published related studies 2• Literature review makesreferenceto at leasttwo primary/secondary sources 3. Methodology [6 marks] • Research design well defined 2 • Sampleadequately described 2 • Research instrumentaccurately described 2 4. Presentationof Data [6 marks] • Datapresented are relevantto the aimsof theproject 2 • Dataare accurately coded and systematically organized to facilitate data 2 analysis 2• Datapresented in an appropriateformusing tables,charts and graphs 5(a) AnalysisofData [6 marks] • Dataare summarized accurately using descriptivestatistics 3 • Datasummary is meaningfuland related to findings 3 5(b) Interpretation ofResults [6 marks] • Interpretation of resultsis consistent with findings 2 • Results areinterpreted in light of businesstheoriesand concepts 2 • Discussion of results incorporatespreviousresearch 2 CXC A24/U2/12 44
  • 51. DETAILED MARK SCHEME FOR THE SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT MARKS 6. Conclusionsand Recommendations [6 marks] • Conclusionsare logicaland based on findings 2 • Recommendations arerealistic and informed by findings 2 • Recommendationscontributeto a better understanding of thetopicand to 2 generalbusinessprinciples 7. Communicationof Information ina Logical way using Correct Grammar [6 marks] • Consistently used correct spelling 2 • Consistently used correctgrammar 2 • Expression of ideas clear and unambiguous 2 8. ReferencesandCitations [ 3 marks] • Acknowledgessourcesthroughouttheproject 1 • Bibliography forpublicationswritten in alphabeticalorderand includes 1 namesof authors,publishers,and datesof publication 1• Bibliography forinternetsites includes addressof website,namesof authors or organization and dateof access/retrieval 9. Overall Presentationof Report [ 5 marks] • Report is within therecommended word limit 1 • Layoutof the reportfollowscorrect format,and includesa tableof contents 2 and coverpagewith relevantinformation 2• Report is neat,legible and coherent TOTAL 60 marks Paper 03/2 (1 hour 30 minutes) 1. Numberof Questions This Paper is based on a case study incorporating objectives of the syllabus. The paper consists of three compulsory questions. The three questions may be divided into parts. The papertestsskillssimilartothose listedinthe School-BasedAssessment(Paper03/1). 2. QuestionType Each question requires candidates to respondeither in the form of an extended essay or a short paragraph. CXC A24/U2/12 45
  • 52. 3. Mark Allocation The paper is worth 60 marks (20 marks per question) and contributes 20 per cent towards the final assessment. 4. Award of Marks Marks are awardedfor expression,organisationandcontent. ♦ REGULATIONS FOR PRIVATE CANDIDATES Paper 03/2 (1 hour 30 minutes) Private candidateswillbe requiredtowrite Papers01,02 and Paper03/2. ♦ REGULATIONS FOR RE-SIT CANDIDATES Re-sit candidates must complete Papers 01 and 02 of the examination for the year for which they re- register. Re-sit candidates may elect not to repeat the School-Based Assessment component, providedtheyre-write the examinationnolaterthantwoyearsfollowingtheirfirstattempt. Re-sit candidates may opt to complete a School-Based Assessment for each Unit written or may opt to reuse anotherSBA score whichsatisfiesanyof the conditionslistedat(a) or(b) below. (a) A candidate who re-writes the examination in the same Unit within two years may reuse the moderated SBA score earned in the previous sitting within the preceding two years. Candidates re-using SBA scores in this way must register as ‘Re-sit candidates’ and must provide the previous candidate number. Candidates are no longer required to earn a moderated score that is at least 50 per cent of the maximumpossiblescore;any moderated scoremay bere-used. (b) Candidates who enter for Unit 1 or Unit 2, in different sittings, may re-use a moderated SBA score obtained in a previous sitting of either Unit within the preceding two years. The SBA score may be re-used in either Unit, or in both Units, irrespective of the Unit in which it was obtained. Candidates re-using SBA scores in thisway mustregisteras‘Transfer’candidates. Re-sitcandidatesmaybe enteredthroughschools,recognisededucational institutions,orthe Local Registrar’sOffice. CXC A24/U2/12 46
  • 53. ♦ ASSESSMENT GRID The AssessmentGridforeachUnit showingmarksassignedtoeachpaperand to eachModule,and the percentage contribution of eachpapertothe total scores. Papers Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Total (%) External Assessment Paper01 30 30 30 90 (30) Multiple-choice questions Paper02 Essay/ExtendedResponse 50 50 50 150 (50) School-BasedAssessment Paper03/1 or Paper03/2 20 20 20 60 (20) Total 100 100 100 300 (100) CXC A24/U2/12 47
  • 54. ♦ GLOSSARY WORD DEFINITION/MEANING Account for Explain the reasons for, giving an indication of all relevant circumstances. Very different from ‘Give an account of’, which asks only for a detailed description. Analyse Study in depth, identifying and describing in detail the main characteristics. Assess Examine closely, with a view to measuring or ‘weighing up’ a particular situation. Consider in a balanced way: strengths and weaknesses, pointsfor and against. In conclusion, state your judgement clearly. Comment State clearly and in a moderate fashion your opinions on the material in question. Support your views with references to suitable evidence or with explanation as appropriate. Compare Look for qualities or characteristics that resemble each other. Emphasise similarities but be aware also of points of differences. Contrast Stress the dissimilarities and differences between the items in question, but do not ignore points of similarities. Criticise Express your balanced judgement about the merit or truth of the material in question. Give the results of your scrutiny, establishing both strengths and weaknesses. Be specific. Define Give, concise, clear and authoritative meanings. Do not give too many details, but be sure to state the limits of the definition. Show how the thing you are defining differs fromthings in other categories. Describe Recount, characterize, sketch or relate in sequence or story form. Discuss Examine and analyse carefully, giving reasons pro and con, advantages and disadvantages. Be complete, and give details. You must consider all sides of the issue and reach a balanced conclusion. Enumerate State in list or outline form, giving points concisely one by one. Evaluate Carefully appraise the matter in hand, citing both advantages and limitations. Emphasise the views of authorities as well as your personal estimation. Explain Clarify, interpret and spell out the material you present. Give reasons for important features or developments, and try to analyse causes. How far… Similar to questions based on the “To what extent…” approach. Here you are expected to make your case or present your material in the usual way. CXC A24/U2/12 48
  • 55. WORD DEFINITION/MEANING Illustrate Use specific examples,allusions,figures or diagrams to explain,demonstrate or clarify a problem, situation orview. Interpret Translate,give examples of,express in simple terms or comment on a subject,usually giving yourjudgement about it. Justify Prove,make out a case or give reasons for decisionsor conclusions,takingpains to be convincing. List As in ‘enumerate’, write an itemised seriesof concise statements. Outline Provide a framework describing under main point and subordinate points,omitting minor details and stressing the arrangement or classification of the material. Prove Establish that something is true by citing factual evidence or giving clear reasons. Relate Show how things are related to or connected with each other, or how one causes another,correlateswith another,or is like another. Review Examine a subject critically,analysing and commenting on the important points and stages of development. State Present the main points in brief, clear sequences. Summarise Give the main points or facts in condensed form, omitting details and illustrations. Trace Describe in narrative form,progress,developmentor sequence ofevents fromsome point of origin. Western Zone Office CXC A24/U2/12 49
  • 56. CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL® Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination® MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS Specimen Papers and Mark Schemes/Keys Specimen Papers: - Unit 1, Paper 01 Unit 1, Paper 02 Unit 1, Paper 03/2 Unit 2, Paper 01 Unit 2, Paper 02 Unit 2, Paper 03/2 Mark Schemes/Keys: - Unit 1, Paper 01 Unit 1, Paper 02 Unit 1, Paper 03/2 Unit 2, Paper 01 Unit 2, Paper 02 Unit 2, Paper 03/2
  • 57. C A R I B B E A N E X A M I N A T I O N S C O U N C I L ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPECIMEN PAPER MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS FOR MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS UNIT 1 - Paper 01 90 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This test consists of 45 items. You will have 90 minutes to answer them. 2. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. Sample Item Which of the following actions CANNOT be taken by a trade union? Sample Answer (A) Strike (B) Go slow A B C (C) Picketing (D) Lock out The best answer to this item is “Lock out”, so answer space (D) has been shaded. Copyright © 2010 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. 02133010/SPEC 2011
  • 58. - 2 - 1. Which of the following BEST defines the 5. A company which owns or controls term ‘privatization’? production or service facilities outside the (A) The selling of government assets country in which it is based is referred to as to a private business. (B) Businesses operating privately (A) international without state interference. (B) multi-national (C) The transfer of ownership from (C) conglomorate (D) public sector to private entity. (D) export-oriented When a business, public or private, decides to keep decisions secret. 2. One advantage of a mixed economy is that (A) the state provides public goods (B) there is no wastefulcompetition (C) the price of all goods is dictated by market forces (D) the private sector provides essential services for consumers 6. Which of the following is NOT a feature of a free market economy? (A) Long term planning (B) Good worker motivation (C) Inefficient public transportation (D) No restrictions on pollution control 7. Which of the following are reasons for setting objectives? 3. The mission statement of an organization I. To know what to do if things go defines the organization’s wrong (A) strategic objectives II. To monitor progress as it takes place (B) purpose and direction III. To identify how much profit has(C) long-term goals which it hopes to been made achieve IV. To ensure that everything is going (D) strategic, tactical and operational as planned objectives (A) I and II only 4. Government’s payment to a domestic (B) I and III only (C) II and III only producer in the form of a tax relief is known (D) II and IV only as (A) quota 8. The benefits which large firms enjoy over (B) tariff small firms is referred to as(C) subsidy (D) corporate tax (A) economies of scale (B) profit maximization (C) economic wellness (D) goodwill of the firm GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02133010/SPEC 2011
  • 59. - 3 - 9. Which of the following is NOT a criterion for measuring the size of a firm? (A) Labour force (B) Market share (C) Capital layout (D) Capital structure 10. Which of the following are benefits of Caribbean-based multi-national companies? I. Reduced imports II. Repatriation of profits III. Creation of employment (A) I and II only (B) I and III only (C) II and III only (D) I, II and III 11. At what managerial level of the organization’s hierarchy are strategic planning decisions made? (A) Top (B) Middle (C) First Line (D) Lower Level 02133010/SPEC 2011 12. Some objectives of trade unionism include I. collective bargaining II. industrial democracy III. strike action IV. educating its members (A) I and II only (B) II and IV only (C) I, II and IV only (D) I, III and IV only 13. Mrs Stunning, who is a heart patient, declined a job offer as a gym instructor. What key factors were likely to have influenced her decision? (A) Social (B) Economic (C) Human constraints (D) Ecological considerations GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE
  • 60. - 4 - Items 14–15 refer to the following Balance Sheet of General Motors Ltd. GENERAL MOTORS LTD. Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2010 Liability & Owners Equity Assets Share Capital $ 139 600 Freehold Property $ 50 000 General Reserves $ 15 000 Plant and Machinery $ 75 000 Bank Overdraft $ 3 000 Fixtures and Fittings $ 5 000 Creditors $ 1 500 Motor Vehicles $ 10 000 Tax Payable $ 2 000 Stock $ 14 000 Accrued costs $ 900 Debtors $ 3 000 Cash $ 4 000 Prepayment $ 1 000 $ 162 000 $ 162 000 14. What is the Acid Test or Quick Ratio? 15. What is the current ratio? (A) 1.1:1 (A) 2.7:1 (B) 1.2:1 (B) 2.9:1 (C) 1.5:1 (C) 3:1 (D) 2:1:1 (D) 3.2 16. Which of the following statements BEST 17. The human relations view of conflict states explains Mayo’s ‘Hawthorne Effect’? that (A) Once the individual’s need is (A) conflict in organizations is always satisfied it will no longer provide dysfunctional the impetus to action. (B) the best strategy to resolve conflict (B) People only act to achieve their is avoidance goals if they feel they will be (C) a good manager can resolve every successful. conflict effectively (C) If work is not interesting, (D) conflict is natural and inevitable challenging or rewarding, workers and can be positive will not be satisfied or motivated. (D) When management consults with workers and takes an interest in their work then motivation is improved. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02133010/SPEC 2011
  • 61. - 5 - 18. The person who is elected at the workplace to represent union members at a local level is the (A) shop steward (B) branch officer (C) executive leader (D) trade union leader 19. Which of the following management functions assigns tasks and resources? (A) Leading (B) Planning (C) Controlling (D) Organizing 20. A leader can BEST be described as one who (A) emerges from within the group (B) is appointed to a position of formal authority (C) organizes resources to meet the objectives of the organization (D) influences others to perform beyond the actions dictated by formal authority 21. Mark, the manager of ABC Co. Ltd., has been described as an individual who was born with outstanding leadership qualities hence his effectiveness as a leader. Which of the following approaches to the study of leadership can be associated with the assumption of Mark’s situation above? (A) Trait Theory (B) McGregor Theory X (C) McGregor Theory Y (D) F.W. Taylor Scientific Management 02133010/SPEC 2011 30. Which of the following is a reason for decentralization? (A) The need for consistent policies throughout the organization (B) Greater economies of scale would be gained (C) To retain the same business identity in all markets (D) The need to make more informed decisions which reflect different market conditions 31. The greatest scope for increased responsibility and recognition in the workplace is provided by job (A) rotation (B) assessment (C) enlargement (D) enlargement 32. The Production Manager makes suggestions to his superior about ways to improve the efficiency of the department. Which form of communication flow does this represent? (A) Lateral (B) Upward (C) Horizontal (D) Downward 33. Which of the following MUST be present if a team of workers is to achieve its desired objectives? (A) Interdependence (B) Open communication (C) Charismatic leadership (D) Shared sense of purpose GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE
  • 62. - 6 - 26. When the marketing manager advises the production manager on a new product, what type of authority is displayed by the marketing manager? (A) Line (B) Staff (C) Functional (D) Line and Staff 27. When Sonia Green, the Marketing Manager of Sonia’s Shoe Stores, sets new sales targets and develops strategies to achieve them, she is demonstrating the management function of (A) leading (B) planning (C) controlling (D) organizing 28. In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, in which level of needs does ‘open and honest communication among employees’ belong? (A) Safety (B) Social (C) Esteem (D) Self actualization 29. The BCG Banking & Investment Company is planning to computerize some of its services within the next six months. How BEST should management implement this change? (A) ‘Leak’ information and await feedback and train the remaining employees. (B) Offer voluntary severance and train the remaining workforce. (C) Meet with key personnel and await feedback prior to implementation. (D) I m p l e m e n t a r e d u n d a n c y programme with immediate effect. 02133010/SPEC 2011 34. Which of the following types of responsibilities is an organization satisfying when it makes choices and takes actions that will contribute to the welfare and interests of the society? (A) Legal (B) Social (C) Ethical (D) Strategic 35. Which of the following forms of capital is another name for ‘shareholders’ fund? (A) Equity (B) Start up (C) Waking (D) Joint Venture 36. Which of the following is NOT a part of the money market? (A) Development Bank (B) Commercial Bank (C) Merchant Bank (D) Credit Union 37. Which of the following long-term sources of finance is external? (A) Leasing (B) Trade credit (C) Share capital (D) Hire purchase 38. Which of the following is NOT an investment appraisal technique? (A) Cost benefit (B) Payback period (C) Net present value (D) Average rate of return GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE
  • 63. - 7 - 35. If a company is highly geared,it means that 40. The following information is taken from a high proportion of its finance is the books of Louis Thorpe’s business. (A) cash $ (B) loan Opening Stock 5 000 (C) profit Wages 2 500 (D) equity Purchases 12 000 Closing Stock 2 000 36. Which of the following is NOT an item on What is the TOTAL cost of goods sold? the balance sheet of a company? (A) Cash (A) $ 10 000 (B) $ 12 000 (B) Bank overdraft (C) $ 15 000 (C) Wages and salaries (D) $ 16 500 (D) Plant and machinery 37. Which of the following sources of finance is LEAST likely to be used as investment in a new product development? 41. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate source of finance for an entrepreneur who wants to expand his air conditioning and refrigeration business? (A) Bank loan (B) Debentures (C) Share issues (D) Bank overdraft 38. Sunshine Limited keeps records and accounts of all of its financial transactions. Which of the following groups is the MAIN user of this financial information? (A) Suppliers (B) Employees (C) Government (D) Management (A) Bank loan (B) Debenture (C) Share issue (D) Retained earning 42. Machinery cost $ 800 000 and is expected to last for five years and produce an annual net cash inflow of $ 240 000. This investment has an average rate of return (ARR) of (A) 15% (B) 30% (C) 50% (D) 67% 39. Managers of Atlas Ltd. have decided to purchase additional equipment using internal funds. They would MOST likely finance this through (A) hire purchase (B) retained profits (C) a bank overdraft (D) sale and lease back GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02133010/SPEC 2011
  • 64. - 8 - 43. The following table is an extract from the books of Booboo’s Co. Ltd. $ Sales 17 000 Opening Stock 2 400 Closing Stock 1 350 Purchase 12 500 The gross profit ratio is (A) 4% (B) 20% (C) 80% (D) 96% 44. The following is an extract of a firm’s balance sheet as at 31 December 2010. EXTRACT Opening Capital $ 200 000 Net Profit $ 100 000 Drawings $ 50 000 $ 350 000 The return on capital invested is (A) 33⅓ % (B) 40% (C) 50% (D) 80% Item 45 refers to the following table. Net cash inflow from operation $ 46 000 Taxation paid $ 12 000 Payment of fixed asset $ 19 000 Share issue $ 13 000 45. The closing cash balance is (A) $ 2 000 (B) $ 26 000 (C) $ 28 000 (D) $ 40 000 END OF TEST 02133010/SPEC 2011
  • 66. C A R I B B E A N E X A M I N A T I O N S C O U N C I L CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS – UNIT 1 SPECIMEN PAPER 2011 Item No. Key 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 B 6 C 7 D 8 A 9 C 10 B 11 A 12 C 13 C 14 A 15 C 16 D 17 D 18 A 19 D 20 D 21 A 22 D 23 C Item No. Key 24 B 25 D 26 C 27 B 28 B 29 D 30 B 31 A 32 D 33 A 34 A 35 B 36 C 37 D 38 D 39 B 40 C 41 A 42 C 43 B 44 C 45 C 02133010/SPEC 2011
  • 67. TEST CODE 02133020 CAPE/SPEC/2011 FORM – TP 02133020 CAPE/SPEC/2011 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCYEXAMINATION MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS UNIT 1 PAPER 02 SPECIMEN PAPER 2 ½ hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This paper consists of THREE sections. 2. Each section consists of TWO questions. 3. Candidates MUST answer ONE question from EACH section. 4. Each question is worth a total of 25 marks. 5. The overall total on this Paper 02 is 75 marks. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLDTO DO SO. Copyright © 2010 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. 02133020 CAPE/SPEC/2011
  • 68. 2 SECTION A MODULE 1: BUSINESS AND ITS ENVIRONMENT Answer ONE question from this section. 1. AJ Engineering has recently been accused of dumping its toxic waste in a river that runs through a nearby town. (a)(i) Define the term ‘business ethics’. (2 marks) (ii) State TWO reasons why the dumping of toxic waste in a river could be considered unethical behaviour. (4 marks) (b) Discuss TWO ways in which the behaviour outlined above could negatively impact the business of AJ Engineering. (6 marks) (c)(i) Explain the term ‘strategic objectives’. (3 marks) (ii) Discuss THREE strategic objectives that a typical firm could pursue. (10 marks) Total 25 marks 2. (a)(i) Explain the term ‘globalization’. (3 marks) (ii) Outline THREE factors which have contributed to the growth of globalization. (6 marks) (b) Discuss, using suitable examples, FOUR ways in which globalization may impact organizations operating within the Caribbean business environment. (16 marks) Total 25 marks GO ON TO NEXT PAGE 02133020 CAPE/SPEC/2011
  • 69. 3 SECTION B MODULE 2: THE MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE Answer ONE question from this section. 3. (a)(i) State the assumption of the Trait Theory of leadership. (2 marks) (ii) Outline TWO short comings of the trait theory. (4 marks) (b) Sam, the manager of BBF Co. Ltd, has been described by his employees as a participative leader. (i) Define the term ‘participative leadership’. (1 mark) (ii) Discuss TWO advantages and TWO disadvantages of participative leadership. (12 marks) (c) Outline THREE situations in which participative leadership would be useful to BBF Co. Ltd. (6 marks) Total 25 marks 4. Change is a crucial element in an organization’s ability to survive and grow. (a)(i) State THREE reasons for change in an organization. (3 marks) (ii) Outline the main role of the ‘change agent’ in the change process. (2 marks) (b) Outline FOUR reasons why employees may resist change. (8 marks) (c) Discuss THREE methods that can be used to address resistance to change. (12 marks) Total 25 marks 02133020 CAPE/SPEC/2011
  • 70. 4 GO ON TO NEXT PAGE SECTION C MODULE 3: BUSINESS FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING Answer ONE question from this section. 5. Peak Partners manufactures and sells local wine. The company wants to develop a standard cost per gallon to be used as a basis for pricing its products. During the month of March, Peak Partners produced eight 100-litre batches of wine. They used 3 650 kilogrammes of local fruits at $0.98 per kilogramme for the production of the wine. Direct labour costs incurred during the period amounted to $14 775.00 at a rate of $7.50 per hour. The standard amount of local fruits for producing a 100-litre batch of wine is 417 kilogrammes at $1.00 per kilogramme and the standard labour hour per 100-litre batch of local wine is 224 hours at $7.00 per hour. It was determined that the material price variance was $71.20 favourable, while the material usage variance was $224.00 adverse. In addition, the labour rate variance was $985.00 adverse. (a) State THREE reasons for EACH of the THREE variances. (9 marks) (b) Outline THREE reasons why it is important to prepare a budget. (9 marks) (c) Discuss TWO reasons why some managers may NOT support the preparation of budgets. (7 marks) Total 25 marks 6. (a) (i) State TWO differences between fixed assets and current assets. (4 marks) (ii) State ONE reason,other than capital employed, for an increase in capital. (1 mark) (iii) Outline ONE reason for the difference between the gross profit and net profit of a business. (2 marks) GO ON TO NEXT PAGE 02133020 CAPE/SPEC/2011
  • 71. 5 Following are the financial statements of S. Bell for the year ended 30 June, 2010. Income Statement for Year Ending 30 June, 2010 $ $ Sales 40 800 Opening Stock 8 000 Purchases 32 000 40 000 Closing stock 6 400 33 600 Gross profit 7 200 Expenses 1 850 Net Profit 5 350 Balance Sheet as at 30 June, 2010 $ $ Fixed Assets 30 000 Opening Capital 30 000 Stock 6 400 Net Profit 5 350 Debtors 8 800 Bank 4 750 35 350 Drawings 800 49 950 Loans 34 550 10 000 Creditors Accrued Expenses 44 550 2 800 2 600 49 950 (b) Compute, correct to one decimal place, the following ratios for the year ended 30 June, 2010 and explain what EACH ratio shows about the performance of the company. (i) Acid test (ii) Return on capital or equity (iii) Stock turnover (iv) Mark-up (v) Gearing ratio (vi) Net profit margin (18 marks) Total 25 marks 02133020 CAPE/SPEC/2011
  • 72. 6 END OF TEST 02133020 CAPE/SPEC/2011
  • 74. 2 MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS UNIT 1 - PAPER 2 2011 KEY AND MARK SCHEMES Question 1 Specific objectives 4, 3 (a)(i) Definition: Business ethics refers to a set of guiding principles(1)that direct the behaviour of individuals and groups.(1) Definition of Ethics (2 marks) (ii) Reasons why the action is unethical The firm could be taking advantage of loopholes in the laws of the land.(1) They may be aware that it is difficult for them to be prosecuted since evidence gathering in this case could be challenging.(1) In addition, this company could be guilty of improving profit levels(1) (by getting rid of toxic waste easily and cheaply) at the expense of the residents who could get ill.(1) From a moral-rights perspective - the contamination of the water will make it no longer safe for use by the residence, hence denying them to the right to safe drinking water. Stating Two reasons why the behaviour may be unethical 2 marks each (4 marks) (b) Ways in which the behaviour could impact negatively  Eventually, residents will become aware of the unethical  practice and could take action against the firm.(1) This action could take the form of protest action by placarding the firm’s facilities; By taking the firm to court.(1) This could be very expensive in terms of legal fees and fines etc.(1)  In addition, the negative publicity could adversely affect  future sales.(1) Other potential customers could empathize with the residents and brand the company with an uncaring image.(1) They will not trust them to provide products which are safe.(1) Discussing TWO ways in which the behaviour can impact negatively 3 marks each (6 marks) (c)(i)Strategic objectives are objectives that are used to operationalize the mission statement of an organization.(1) They are specific and cover a more well-defined time frame.(1) They provide guidance on how the organization can fulfil or move toward the broader goals in the mission.(1) Explaining the term strategic objectives (3 marks) 02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
  • 75. 3 MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS UNIT 1 - PAPER 2 2011 KEY AND MARK SCHEMES (c)(ii) Strategic Objectives that a firm could pursue:  Diversification  There are basically two types of diversification: Related diversification is simply to add products in the area of endeavour for example, a coffee company going into herbal tea;(1) Unrelated diversification is probably more popular. This entails the company going into a totally new field of endeavour.(1) For, example, the coffee company entering the recording (music) business. The objective of this strategy is to spread its risks so that if one company fails, there is a possibility that the other can succeed especially if the income elasticities are different.(1) The company can achieve this objective by either starting its own company or more popularly, buying out an existing one (merger).  New Product Development  This refers to the situation where the firm believes that its present product (or line of products) is entering the mature stage of the product life cycle.(1) When this occurs, profit levels could drastically fall, and sales will start to decline because people may get fed up with the present product.(1) When this happens it is important that the firm should have created another product (usually related) that could replace the old one.(1) For example, a soft drink company developing new flavours or improvements on the old one.  New Market Development  This occurs when the firm believes that it has exhausted all possibilities of increasing sales from the present market.(1) It would therefore consider changing its promotional strategies, in terms of packaging, pricing, etc. and try to place the product into another segment of the existing market,(1) for example going into a younger age group. Or it could develop a product for the export market. This will result in increased sales which could result in the firm achieving economies of scale and consequently a lower unit cost, leading to higher profit levels.(1) Identifying THREE strategic objectives 1 mark each (3 marks) Discussing THREE strategic objectives 2 marks each (6 marks) Discretionary mark for overall quality of response (1 mark) Total 25 marks 02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
  • 76. 4 MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS UNIT 1 - PAPER 2 2011 KEY AND MARK SCHEMES Question 2 Specific objective 6 (a)(i) Globalization: is the trend towards greater interdependence(1) among nation states and their organizations and people.(1) This is evidenced by increased flow of goods, services, capital and people across national boundaries.(1) Answer must include interdependence or equivalent (3 marks) Factor which contribute to the growth of globalization (ii)  Improvements in technology(1) - including telecommunications  technology and more recently the internet.(1) With the massive increase in the number of persons who are exposed to cable network and the internet,(1) large volumes of information spread quickly. The relatively low cost of telephone calls globally has also increased the ability to connect with the rest of the world.(1)  Convergence of consumer tastes(1) – preference in taste is usually spread quickly and people are influenced via networking such as face book and other media, such as television advertisement.(1)    Education (1)– With the increase in demand for education people have been motivated to explore educational opportunities regionally and internationally. (1)   Increase in travel (1) – Curiosity in discovering and leaning new cultures has led to an increase in travel among countries.(1)  Political(1) – the agreement by governments to remove or  reduce trade barriers and the signing of trade treaties, as well as tax treaties have contributed to growth in trade, and hence globalization.(1) Other factors  One world advocacy   Specialization in trade   Trade liberalization  Outlining THREE factors 2 marks each (6 marks) How globalization can impact organization in the Caribbean: 02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
  • 77. 5 MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS UNIT 1 - PAPER 2 2011 KEY AND MARK SCHEMES (b) Positive impact  Companies that sell global products can reduce costs by  standardizing various aspects of their marketing activities.(1) For instance, a company selling a global consumer good, such as shampoo, can make an identical shampoo for the global market, and then simply design different product packaging to account for the language spoken in each market.(1) Companies that sell a global product can explore opportunities abroad when the home market becomes saturated.(1) (example Captain’s Bakery in Jamaica has now established branches in Cayman and other overseas countries)(1) Companies selling a seasonal global product can use international sales to level off their income stream. (by supplementing domestic sales with international)they can reduce cost per unit – because of increased production levels.  Globalization of production: refers to the dispersal of production activities to locations around the world that are low-cost or high quality producers of a particular good.(1) Globalization of production can offer several advantages to business organizations in the Caribbean. These include access to low-cost labour (1) – a very common way for many firms to reduce production costs and increase profits.(1)  Companies can take advantage of know-how from anywhere in the world. They can access resources that are unavailable or more costly at home.(1) Technological innovations are accelerating the process of globalization making it possible for many products to be made practically anywhere at its cheapest.(1) The use of technology can speed up the flow of information making coordination and control easier and cheaper.(1) Computer technologies are also increasing the competiveness of small Caribbean firms by reducing the costs of reaching an international customer base for example, use of the internet.(1) 02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
  • 78. 6 MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS UNIT 1 - PAPER 2 2011 KEY AND MARK SCHEMES Negative impact  Caribbean businesses competing on the international market may find it difficult competing with larger countries in  terms of cost and quality.(1) They may not have the resources and technology to produce products of competitive price as more developed countries.(1) For example, a small country that manufactures jeans will not be able to compete with a larger country which can engage is mass production, thereby making the finished product cheaper (1)  Brain drain (1)– it is also easy for qualified nationals to migrate to developed countries causing the Caribbean to lose its most valuable human resources (1). Quite often, the financial investment is quite high and is often not recovered. (1) For example, persons who migrate to other countries to study and who do very well are often offered jobs and may not return to their country because more often than not the remuneration is usually higher.(1)   Other ways:    Continuous training of workforce to match-up changes may become necessary but costly    Managers have to learn to manage cultural diversity in the new workplace    Firms may be forced to maintain international quality standards – tied to cost    Firms may face social/economic and political risks while operating in another country.    Labour costs could rise because of international labour standards.  Discussing FOUR impacts of globalization 4 marks each (16 marks) Comprehensive discussion with suitable examples (4 marks) Satisfactory discussion (2-3 marks) Weak discussion (1 mark) Total 25 marks 02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
  • 79. 7 MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS UNIT 1 - PAPER 2 2011 KEY AND MARK SCHEMES Question 3 Specific objectives 1, 5 Assumption: (a)(i) The Trait Theory of Leadership is based on the assumption that certain individuals are born with or acquire(1) outstanding leadership qualities (1) which enable them to become more effective leaders. Stating assumption of trait theory ( 2 marks) (ii) Shortcoming of Assumption - Traits do not stand alone, the appropriateness of a trait, or set of traits depends on the leadership situation - The same trait does not apply to every organization; further studies have expanded the understanding of leadership beyond personal traits of the individual to focus on the dynamics of the relationship between leaders and followers. Outlining TWO shortcomings of trait theory (4 marks) (b)(i) A participative leadership style is one which encourages participation in decision making (1) Defining participative leadership 1 mark (1 mark) (ii) Advantages of Participative Leadership  Full participation in the decision-making process is encouraged. (1) This may lead to better final decision (1)as the staff is encouraged to contribute and can offer valuable work experience.(1)  Research by Hertzberg has indicated that this style of management should improve motivation of staff (1) as they are being given some responsibility (1)for the objectives and strategy of the business.(1)    Workers are usually more committed (1) to ensuring that decisions they have influenced are put into effect successfully.(1)They are more likely to embrace the decisions.(1)  Discussing TWO advantages 3 marks each (6 marks) 02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
  • 80. 8 MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS UNIT 1 - PAPER 2 2011 KEY AND MARK SCHEMES Disadvantages of Participative leadership  Consultation with staff can be time consuming (1)– and can often lead to lengthy arguments and no consensus (1) on some occasions, when quick decision making are required (1)  Some issues might be too sensitive (1) for workers’ involvement,(1) e.g. job losses; development of new products; and other confidential issues.(1)  N.B. Candidates are required to develop points to a comprehensive discussion using appropriate example. Discussing TWO advantages 3 marks each (6 marks) (c) Situations in which Participative leadership is useful/appropriate • It is most likely to be useful in businesses that expect workers to contribute fully to the production and decision-making(1) processes, thereby satisfying their higher-order needs.(1) • An experienced (1) and flexible workforce (1) will be likely to benefit most from this style. • In situations that demand a new way of thinking or a new solution(1); here staff input can be very valuable.(1) Outlining THREE situations 2 marks each (6 marks) Total 25 marks 02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
  • 81. 9 MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS UNIT 1 - PAPER 2 2011 KEY AND MARK SCHEMES Question 4 Specific objective 8 (a)(i) Reasons for organizational changes External forces eg reduction in funding  To address new markets   The need to increase productivity/services   New direction/goals based on perspectives of new management    Need for change in the structure of the organization to respond to changing needs  Any THREE reasons 1 mark each (3 marks) (ii) The main role of the change agent To translate the vision into a realistic plan (1) and to execute (1) the plan. Outlining role (2 marks) (b) Reasons why employees resist change:  The fear of personal loss(1) is perhaps the biggest reason  employees resist change. A proposed change in a job design, structure or technology may lead to a perceived loss of power,(1) prestige, pay or company benefits, so persons having a vested interest in maintaining the status quo,(1) often resist change.  Employees often do not understand the intended purpose (1) of a change or distrust the intentions behind it.(1) If previous working relationships with the persons championing the idea have been negative,(1) resistance may occur.    Employees may resist change if they and their managers assess the situation differently.(1) Often critics voice legitimate  disagreements over the proposed benefits of a change. Managers in each department pursue different goals,(1) and an innovation may detract from performance and goal achievements for some departments and their employees.(1)  Lack of information about future events (1) can cause employees to resist change. It represents a fear of the unknown, and is especially threatening for employees who have a low tolerance for change and fear the novel and unusual. They do not know how a change will affect them (1) and worry about whether they will be able to meet the demands of a new procedure or technology.(1)  Outlining any FOUR reasons 2 marks each (8 marks) 02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
  • 82. 10 MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS UNIT 1 - PAPER 2 2011 KEY AND MARK SCHEMES (c) Methods of addressing resistance to change:  Education and communication (1) have been used when there is a lack of information or inaccurate information and analysis.(1) This method has the advantage that people, once persuaded, will often help with the implementation of the change.(1)  Participation and involvement (1) have been used when the  initiators of change do not have all the information they need to design the change, and others have considerable power to resist. The advantage of this approach is that people who participate will be committed to implementing change, their ideas can be integrated into the change plan.(1) The drawback of this approach is that it can be very time consuming and costly if participants design an inappropriate change.(1)  Negotiation and agreement(1)are commonly used when someone or some group will clearly lose out in a change, and that person or group has considerable power to resist. The advantage of this method is that it can be a relatively easy way to avoid major resistance.(1) However, it can be too expensive in many cases if it alerts others to negotiate compliance.(1)      Manipulation and cooptation (1) is used when other tactics will not work or are too expensive. It has the advantage of being a relatively quick and inexpensive (1) solution to resistance problems. The drawback is that it can lead to future problems if people feel manipulated.(1)  Identifying THREE methods of addressing resistance to change 1 mark each (3 marks) Discussing THREE methods of addressing resistance to change 3 marks each (9 marks) (12 marks) Total 25 marks 02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
  • 83. 11 MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS UNIT 1 - PAPER 2 2011 KEY AND MARK SCHEMES Question 5 Specific objectives 8, 7 (a) Possible reasons for material price  Seasonal prices were better than anticipated   Lower quality of raw materials were purchased    The person doing the purchasing was more knowledgeable of the market and was able to obtain favourable prices   The budget was not realistic   Discounts were received  Stating THREE reasons for variance in material price 1 mark each (3 marks) Possible reasons for Material Usage  The budget was not realistic   Pilferage    Purchase of a lower quality of raw materials hence more spoilage    Faulty machine which resulted in more raw materials being used, could have also affected the production of the finished good  Stating THREE reasons for material usage 1 mark each (3 marks) Possible reasons for labour rate  Higher level of skilled labour was used   Scarcity of the required labour on the market   The budget was not realistic   Effective union representation   Increase in wage rate due to inflation  Stating THREE reasons for variance in labour rate 1 mark each (3 marks) (b) Reason why it is important to prepare a budget  Planning is compelled: Managers are forced to look ahead and anticipate any likely problems in the future. Without planning, the objective may become difficult to achieve.      Performance evaluation is enhanced: Managers are able to compare like items in terms of period. It is better to compare actual performance with budgeted performance for the same period, than actual performance of a previous period. The use of a previous period for comparison would overlook the changes that may have occurred, as well as the inefficiencies of the previous period.  02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
  • 84. 12 MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS UNIT 1 - PAPER 2 2011 KEY AND MARK SCHEMES  Promotes coordination of activities of each other as this information is communicated by way of the budget. It also highlights the relationships between the various units, so that they can be brought in line with each other.    It facilitates the effective allocation of resources so that  managers know when and how to assign/reassign resources, and when to acquire more.  It can serve to promote the commitment of most workers if they have a realistic target at which to aim.  Outlining THREE reasons for preparing a budget 3 marks each (9 marks) (c) Reasons why some managers may not support budgeting  It may lead to unnecessary spending, due to the manager’s fear  that if the budget allocation is not utilized it would be reduced the following year.  It may lead to departmental conflicts as various units compete for scarce resources, as well as units being interested in their own concerns rather than the organization as a whole (e.g. the production department producing even though the sales department is unable to sell the products).    In order to be effective, the standard set must facilitate the greatest motivational impact on the workforce. If there is too much slack it will defeat the purpose intended, similarly if it is too challenging persons will not attempt to achieve it. The standard therefore has to be continuously revised.  Discussing TWO reasons 3 marks each (6 marks) Discretionary mark for well developed discussion (1 mark) Question 6 Specific Objectivies 6, 7 (a)(i) Key difference between fixed and current assets Current Assets are short-term (1) assets that are expected to be consumed or change their form during the next accounting period.(1) Fixed assets are those long-term (1) assets that are used to provide a service or generate income for the business. They are usually used for more than one accounting year because they are acquired to be used by the business, subsequent disposal would not affect their classification.(1) Indicating TWO differences between current assets and fixed assets 2 marks each (4 marks) 02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011
  • 85. 13 MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS UNIT 1 - PAPER 2 2011 KEY AND MARK SCHEMES (ii) Reason for an increase in capital Capital can increase due to profits earned during the period under review. Stating ONE reason for an increase in capital (1 mark) (iii) Reason for the difference between gross profit and net profit Gross profit measures the performance of a business’s main economic activities.(1) However, expenses are usually incurred in generating the income.(1) The deduction of these expenses(1) will account for part of the difference between net and gross profits; other income can also account for the difference between the two figures.(1) Outlining ONE reason for difference in gross profit and net profit (2 marks) (b)(i) Acid Test (1) = 2.509 = 2.509 = 2.51:1 = 2.51:1 (1) This ratio affords a clearer picture than current ratio of the firm's ability to pay short term debts. In this instance, where the ratio is 2.51:1 ,there is the likelihood that the firm has more cash on hand than it really needs.(1) A prudent ratio is often cited as 1:1. (ii) Return on Equity (1) = 0.178 x 100 = 17.8% The ROE indicates how well the firm has used the financial resources invested in it by the ordinary shareholders. In this case, returns seem high and appear to be very satisfactory.(1) However, one needs to compare with the competition to be sure. 02133020 SPEC /CAPE MS 2011