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WTF is it? The new hotness or yet another functional fad?

Scalable Language
 That’s why it’s pronounced Ska-Lah ?!??!

Statically Typed

Runs on the JVM

Hybrid Language:
Object-Oriented + Functional


Make Java more DRY

Allow easy creation of DSLs

Conciseness of Ruby +
Safety of Static Typing

No meta-programming but...
    very liberal syntax

Type Inference

List<String> oyVey = new ArrayList<String>();

List<String> oyVey = new ArrayList<String>();
var hellsYeah = new ArrayList[String];

List<String> oyVey = new ArrayList<String>();
var hellsYeah = new ArrayList[String];
val booyah = 45; // it’s an Int

List<String> oyVey = new ArrayList<String>();
var hellsYeah = new ArrayList[String];
val booyah = 45; // it’s an Int
val doh = booyah / 3; // not a Float!!

List<String> oyVey = new ArrayList<String>();
var hellsYeah = new ArrayList[String];
val booyah = 45; // it’s an Int
val doh = booyah / 3; // not a Float!!
val better:Float = booyah / 3;

List<String> oyVey = new ArrayList<String>();
var hellsYeah = new ArrayList[String];
val booyah = 45; // it’s an Int
val doh = booyah / 3; // not a Float!!
val better:Float = booyah / 3;

// return type is java.lang.String
def fullName = { first + “,” + last; }

List<String> oyVey = new ArrayList<String>();
var hellsYeah = new ArrayList[String];
val booyah = 45; // it’s an Int
val doh = booyah / 3; // not a Float!!
val better:Float = booyah / 3;

// return type is java.lang.String
def fullName = { first + “,” + last; }

If the type seems obvious to you...

List<String> oyVey = new ArrayList<String>();
var hellsYeah = new ArrayList[String];
val booyah = 45; // it’s an Int
val doh = booyah / 3; // not a Float!!
val better:Float = booyah / 3;

// return type is java.lang.String
def fullName = { first + “,” + last; }

If the type seems obvious to you...
 Scala can usually figure it out, too

Liberal Syntax

val semicolons = “don’t need ‘em”
val but = “if it’s not clear”; val you = “need them”

val semicolons = “don’t need ‘em”
val but = “if it’s not clear”; val you = “need them”

def braces(b:Boolean) =
  if (b)
    “needed for multiple expressions”
    “you don’t need them”

val semicolons = “don’t need ‘em”
val but = “if it’s not clear”; val you = “need them”

def braces(b:Boolean) =
  if (b)
    “needed for multiple expressions”
    “you don’t need them”

• if/else is a singular expression

class Read(d:Date, val usage:Int) {
  def +(other:Int) = new Read(d,usage + other)
  override def toString = d + “:” + u


class Read(d:Date, val usage:Int) {
  def +(other:Int) = new Read(d,usage + other)
  override def toString = d + “:” + u


val f = new Read(new Date,10)
val g = f + 20

class Read(d:Date, val usage:Int) {
  def +(other:Int) = new Read(d,usage + other)
  override def toString = d + “:” + u


val f = new Read(new Date,10)
val g = f + 20
val gee = f.+(20) // yuck, but legal

class Read(d:Date, val usage:Int) {
  def +(other:Int) = new Read(d,usage + other)
  override def toString = d + “:” + u
  def later(ms:Int) = new Read(d + ms,usage)

val   f =   new Read(new Date,10)
val   g =   f + 20
val   gee   = f.+(20) // yuck, but legal
val   l =   f later (3600 * 1000)

Mixins (Traits)

abstract class SaneCompare[T] {
  def <(other:T):Boolean
  def >(other:T) = !(this < other)
  def <=(other:T) = this == other || this < other
  def >=(other:T) = this == other || this > other
class Read(d:Date,u:Int) extends SaneCompare[Read] {
  val usage = u 
  def <(other:Read) = usage < other.usage
if (someRead >= someOtherRead) println(”finally!”)

abstract class SaneCompare[T] {
  def <(other:T):Boolean
  def >(other:T) = !(this < other)
  def <=(other:T) = this == other || this < other
  def >=(other:T) = this == other || this > other
class Read(d:Date,u:Int) extends AbstractEntity {
  val usage = u 
  def <(other:Read) = usage < other.usage
// hmmm....what now?

abstract class SaneCompare[T] {
  def <(other:T):Boolean
  def >(other:T) = !(this < other)
  def <=(other:T) = this == other || this < other
  def >=(other:T) = this == other || this > other
class Read(d:Date,u:Int) extends AbstractEntity {
  val usage = u 
  def <(other:Read) = usage < other.usage
// AbstractEntity extends SaneCompare?
// God class above AbstractEntity subsumes it?

abstract class SaneCompare[T] {
  def <(other:T):Boolean
  def >(other:T) = !(this < other)
  def <=(other:T) = this == other || this < other
  def >=(other:T) = this == other || this > other
class Read(d:Date,u:Int) extends AbstractEntity {
  val usage = u 
  def <(other:Read) = usage < other.usage
// AbstractEntity extends SaneCompare?
// God class above AbstractEntity subsumes it?
// these are different concepts entirely

trait SaneCompare[T] {
  def <(other:T):Boolean
  def >(other:T) = !(this < other)
  def <=(other:T) = this == other || this < other
  def >=(other:T) = this == other || this > other
class Read(d:Date,u:Int) extends AbstractEntity
  with SaneCompare[Read] {
  val usage = u 
  def <(other:Read) = usage < other.usage
// now we have both!


•   Separate Concerns


•Separate Concerns
• Precedence is based on declaration order


•Separate Concerns
• Precedence is based on declaration order
• All abstract – just like Java interface
• None abstract – multiple inheritance


val reads = getSomeElectricReads // List[Read]

reads.sort( (a,b) => < 0 )

val reads = getSomeElectricReads // List[Read]

reads.sort( (a,b) => < 0 )

val reads = getSomeElectricReads // List[Read]

reads.sort( (a,b) => < 0 )

      def sort(compFunc:(Read,Read) => Boolean)

val reads = getSomeElectricReads // List[Read]

reads.sort( (a,b) => < 0 )

      def sort(compFunc:(Read,Read) => Boolean)


val reads = getSomeElectricReads // List[Read]

reads.sort( (a,b) => < 0 )

      def sort(compFunc:(Read,Read) => Boolean)


def sortReads(a:Read,b:Read) = < 0

reads.sort(sortReads) // could also use a method
                      // just keep in mind...

Methods are not Functions

Methods are not Functions
but can be passed as Functions

List Processing

class State(val code:String,val desc:String)
val states = getAllStates

// returns a List[String] with the codes (state) => state.code )

// returns true if any state has a code of “DC”
states.exists( (state) => state.code == “DC” )

// returns the state with the desc of “Hawaii”
states.find( (state) => state.desc == “Hawaii” )

// returns a List[State] if states with descs matching
states.filter( (state) => state.desc.startsWith(”V”) )

// Tons more

Complete Access to JDK and Java

val s = new SingletonMetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory()
val foo = s.getOrderForAspectClass(classOf[FooBar])

import java.util.Observer
import java.util.Observable

class AwesomeObserver extends Observer {
  def update(o:Observable, arg:Any) =
    if (o hasChanged)

import java.util.Observer
import java.util.Observable

class AwesomeObserver extends Observer {
  def update(o:Observable, arg:Any) =
    if (o hasChanged)

import java.util.Observer
import java.util.Observable

class AwesomeObserver extends Observer {
  def update(o:Observable, arg:Any) =
    if (o hasChanged)

import java.util.Observer
import java.util.Observable

class AwesomeObserver extends Observer {
  def update(o:Observable, arg:Any) =
    if (o hasChanged)

Goodbye Java’s Baggage

No primitives

Proper F’ing Properties
class ServicePoint(val id:String,var name:String)

val sp = new ServicePoint(”foo”,”The Foo House”)
println( // get, but no set
println( = “Thy Foo Haüs”

Proper F’ing Properties
class ServicePoint(val id:String,private var _name:String) {
  def name = _name.toUpperCase
  def name_=(newName:String) = _name = newName

val sp = new ServicePoint(”foo”,”The Foo House”) = “Thy Foo Haüs”
println( // prints THY FOO HAÜS

¡Adiós Checked Exceptions!
def readFile(f:File) = {
  val is = new FileInputStream(f)
  var ch =
  while (ch != -1) {
    ch =
} // Wow, that was clean!

¡Adiós Checked Exceptions!
def readFile(f:File) = {
  try {
    val is = new FileInputStream(f)
    var ch =
    while (ch != -1) {
      ch =
  } catch {
    case fnfe:FileNotFoundException =>
      println(f + ” not found, dude: ” + fnfe)
  } // All others bubble out, even if checked in Java

Can I get a closure?
class Logger(level:Int) {
  def debug(message: => String) = log(20,message)
  def info(message: => String) = log(10,message)
  def log(logLevel:Int, message: => String) = {
    if (level >= logLevel) println(message)
val log = new Logger(10)
log.debug(“Got read for “ + +
  “ with usage “ + read.usage)
read.usage = 44 read.usage < 10 “low read”
  else “high read”)

Can I get a closure?
class Logger(level:Int) {
  def debug(message: => String) = log(20,message)
  def info(message: => String) = log(10,message)
  def log(logLevel:Int, message: => String) = {
    if (level >= logLevel) println(message)
val log = new Logger(10)
log.debug(“Got read for “ + +
  “ with usage “ + read.usage)
read.usage = 44 read.usage < 10 “low read”
  else “high read”)

Can I get a closure?
class Logger(level:Int) {
  def debug(message: => String) = log(20,message)
  def info(message: => String) = log(10,message)
  def log(logLevel:Int, message: => String) = {
    if (level >= logLevel) println(message)
val log = new Logger(10)
log.debug(“Got read for “ + +
  “ with usage “ + read.usage)
read.usage = 44 read.usage < 10 “low read”
  else “high read”)

Can I get a closure?
class Logger(level:Int) {
  def debug(message: => String) = log(20,message)
  def info(message: => String) = log(10,message)
  def log(logLevel:Int, message: => String) = {
    if (level >= logLevel) println(message)
val log = new Logger(10)
log.debug(“Got read for “ + +
  “ with usage “ + read.usage)
read.usage = 44 read.usage < 10 “low read”
  else “high read”)

Can I get a closure?
class Logger(level:Int) {
  def debug(message: => String) = log(20,message)
  def info(message: => String) = log(10,message)
  def log(logLevel:Int, message: => String) = {
    if (level >= logLevel) println(message)
val log = new Logger(10)
log.debug(“Got read for “ + +
  “ with usage “ + read.usage)
read.usage = 44 read.usage < 10 “low read”
  else “high read”)

val triStateArea = List(”MD”,”DC”,”VA”)
val theSouth = Map(”MD” -> true,”DC” -> false,
  ”VA” ->true)
val perlCirca96 = (true,”Tuples rule”)
val (hasTuples,message) = perlCirca96

val triStateArea = List(”MD”,”DC”,”VA”)
val theSouth = Map(”MD” -> true,”DC” -> false,
  ”VA” ->true)
val perlCirca96 = (true,”Tuples rule”)
val (hasTuples,message) = perlCirca96

      These are actually API calls

val triStateArea = List(”MD”,”DC”,”VA”)
val theSouth = Map(”MD” -> true,”DC” -> false,
  ”VA” ->true)
val perlCirca96 = (true,”Tuples rule”)
val (hasTuples,message) = perlCirca96

     This is done by the compiler
     creates a Tuple2[Boolean, String]

class Read(val id:Int, val usage:Int, val age:Int)

object Read {
  def apply(id:Int,usage:Int,age:Int) =
    new Read(id,usage,age)

val read = Read(4,10,33)

class Read(val id:Int, val usage:Int, val age:Int)

object Read {
  def apply(id:Int,usage:Int,age:Int) =
    new Read(id,usage,age)

val read = Read(4,10,33) // shortcut via compiler
val read2 = Read.apply(4,10,33)

Crazy Awesome - Pattern Matching
def fromEnglish(string:String) = string match {
  case “none” => 0
  case “one” => 1
  case _ => 2

Crazy Awesome - Pattern Matching
def toUML(obj:Any) = obj match {
  case 0      => “0”
  case 1      => “0..1”
  case n:Int => “0..” + n
  case true   => “1”
  case false => “0”
  case “many” => “0..*”
  case _      => “0..*”

Crazy Awesome - Pattern Matching
sealed abstract class Read
case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read
case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read
case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read

def proRate(read:Read) = read match {
  case AMIRead(d,usage,duration) => usage / duration
  case BillingRead(d,usage,days,c) => usage / days
  case CorrectedRead(BillingRead(d,oldUsage,days,c),usage) =>
    (oldUsage + usage) / days

Crazy Awesome - Pattern Matching
sealed abstract class Read
case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read
case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read
case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read

def proRate(read:Read) = read match {
  case AMIRead(d,usage,duration) => usage / duration
  case BillingRead(d,usage,days,c) => usage / days
  case CorrectedRead(BillingRead(d,oldUsage,days,c),usage) =>
    (oldUsage + usage) / days
• properties
 • equals/toString/hashCode
• “extractor”

 • no need for “new”
Crazy Awesome - Pattern Matching
sealed abstract class Read
case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read
case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read
case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read

def proRate(read:Read) = read match {
  case AMIRead(d,usage,duration) => usage / duration
  case BillingRead(d,usage,days,c) => usage / days
  case CorrectedRead(BillingRead(d,oldUsage,days,c),usage) =>
    (oldUsage + usage) / days

Crazy Awesome - Pattern Matching
sealed abstract class Read
case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read
case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read
case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read

def proRate(read:Read) = read match {
  case AMIRead(d,usage,duration) => usage / duration
  case BillingRead(d,usage,days,c) => usage / days
  case CorrectedRead(BillingRead(d,oldUsage,days,c),usage) =>
    (oldUsage + usage) / days

Crazy Awesome - Pattern Matching
sealed abstract class Read
case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read
case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read
case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read

def proRate(read:Read) = read match {
  case AMIRead(d,usage,duration) => usage / duration
  case BillingRead(d,usage,days,c) => usage / days
  case CorrectedRead(BillingRead(d,oldUsage,days,c),usage) =>
    (oldUsage + usage) / days

Crazy Awesome - Pattern Matching
sealed abstract class Read
case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read
case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read
case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read

def proRate(read:Read) = read match {
  case AMIRead(d,usage,duration) => usage / duration
  case BillingRead(d,usage,days,c) => usage / days
  case CorrectedRead(BillingRead(d,oldUsage,days,c),usage) =>
    (oldUsage + usage) / days

Crazy Awesome - Implicits
sealed abstract class Read
case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read
case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read
case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read

implicit def readToSeconds(r:Read):Int = / 1000

def areConsecutive(from:Read, to:Read) =
  (from - to) <= from.duration

Crazy Awesome - Implicits
sealed abstract class Read
case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read
case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read
case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read

implicit def readToSeconds(r:Read):Int = / 1000

def areConsecutive(from:Read, to:Read) =
  (from - to) <= from.duration

Have a Read, but need an Int

Crazy Awesome - Implicits
sealed abstract class Read
case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read
case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read
case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read

implicit def readToSeconds(r:Read):Int = / 1000

def areConsecutive(from:Read, to:Read) =
  (from - to) > from.duration

                                             Needs a Read and gives an Int

Crazy Awesome - Implicits
sealed abstract class Read
case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read
case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read
case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read

implicit def readToSeconds(r:Read):Int = / 1000

def areConsecutive(from:Read, to:Read) =
  (from - to) > from.duration

• Given this and matching, casting is rarely needed

Crazy Awesome - XML Literals
val xml = <html>
    <title>Scala Pronunciation Guide</title>
    <h1>How to Pronounce It</h1>


Crazy Awesome - XML Literals
val lang = getLang
val title = translate(”scala.title”,lang)
val xml = <html lang={lang}>


Crazy Awesome - XML Literals
val lang = getLang
val title = translate(”scala.title”,lang)
val xml = <html lang={lang}>


Crazy Awesome - XML Literals
val states = List(”DC”,”MD”,”VA”)
val xml = <html>
      { (state) => <li>{state}</li> ) }




immutable objects

Message Passing
    Immutable objects
“actors” with “mailboxes”

case class Accumulate(amount: Int)
case class Reset
case class Total

object Accumulator extends Actor {
  def act = {
    var sum = 0
    loop {
      react {
        case Accumulate(n) => sum += n
        case Reset => sum = 0
        case Total => reply(sum); exit

object Accumulators extends Application {
  for(i <- (1 to 100)) {
    Accumulator ! Accumulate(i)

    Accumulator !? Total match {
      case result: Int => println(result)

case class Accumulate(amount: Int)
case class Reset
case class Total

object Accumulator extends Actor {
  def act = {
    var sum = 0
    loop {
      react {
        case Accumulate(n) => sum += n
        case Reset => sum = 0
        case Total => reply(sum); exit

object Accumulators extends Application {
  for(i <- (1 to 100)) {
    Accumulator ! Accumulate(i)

    Accumulator !? Total match {
      case result: Int => println(result)

case class Accumulate(amount: Int)
case class Reset
case class Total

object Accumulator extends Actor {
  def act = {
    var sum = 0
    loop {
      react {
        case Accumulate(n) => sum += n
        case Reset => sum = 0
        case Total => reply(sum); exit

object Accumulators extends Application {
  for(i <- (1 to 100)) {
    Accumulator ! Accumulate(i)

    Accumulator !? Total match {
      case result: Int => println(result)

case class Accumulate(amount: Int)
case class Reset
case class Total

object Accumulator extends Actor {
  def act = {
    var sum = 0
    loop {
      react {
      case Accumulate(n) => sum += n
      case Reset => sum = 0
      case Total => reply(sum); exit

object Accumulators extends Application {
  for(i <- (1 to 100)) {
    Accumulator ! Accumulate(i)

    Accumulator !? Total match {
      case result: Int => println(result)

case class Accumulate(amount: Int)
case class Reset
case class Total

object Accumulator extends Actor {
  def act = {
    var sum = 0
    loop {
      react {
      case Accumulate(n) => sum += n
      case Reset => sum = 0
      case Total => reply(sum); exit

object Accumulators extends Application {
  for(i <- (1 to 100)) {
    Accumulator ! Accumulate(i)

    Accumulator !? Total match {
      case result: Int => println(result)

case class Accumulate(amount: Int)
case class Reset
case class Total

object Accumulator extends Actor {
  def act = {
    var sum = 0
    loop {
      react {
      case Accumulate(n) => sum += n
      case Reset => sum = 0
      case Total => reply(sum); exit

object Accumulators extends Application {
  for(i <- (1 to 100)) {
    Accumulator ! Accumulate(i)

    Accumulator !? Total match {
      case result: Int => println(result)

case class Accumulate(amount: Int)
case class Reset
case class Total

object Accumulator extends Actor {
  def act = {
    var sum = 0
    loop {
      react {
      case Accumulate(n) => sum += n
      case Reset => sum = 0
      case Total => reply(sum); exit

object Accumulators extends Application {
  for(i <- (1 to 100)) {
    Accumulator ! Accumulate(i)

    Accumulator !? Total match {
      case result: Int => println(result)

There’s a lot more to it


Fill Gaps in Electric Meter Reads

6/1     6/2     6/4     6/5     6/8
5 kwh   7 kwh   3 kwh   5 kwh   8 kwh

6/1     6/2           6/4     6/5                 6/8
5 kwh   7 kwh         3 kwh   5 kwh               8 kwh
                6/3                   6/6   6/7
                 ??                    ??    ??

for all consecutive reads r1 and r2
  if r2 - r1 > one day
    fill gaps for (r1,r2)

 for all reads (first,second,List(rest))
    if gap(first,second)
      fill_gap(first,second) + fill(second + rest)
      first + fill(second + rest)

 for all reads (first,second,List(rest))
    if !first || !second
    else if gap(first,second)
      fill_gap(first,second) + fill(second + rest)
      first + fill(second + rest)

def fillReads(
  strategy: (MeterRead,MeterRead) => Seq[MeterRead],
  reads:List[MeterRead]):List[MeterRead] =

  reads match {
    case List() => List()
    case first :: List() => List(first)
    case first :: second :: rest if gap(first, second) =>
       first :: strategy(x,y).toList ::: fillReads(strategy, second :: rest)
      case first :: rest => first :: fillReads(strategy,rest)

def fillReads(
  strategy: (MeterRead,MeterRead) => Seq[MeterRead],
  reads:List[MeterRead]):List[MeterRead] =

  reads match {
    case List() => List()
    case first :: List() => List(first)
    case first :: second :: rest if gap(first, second) =>
       first :: strategy(x,y).toList ::: fillReads(strategy, second :: rest)
      case first :: rest => first :: fillReads(strategy,rest)

def fillReads(
  strategy: (MeterRead,MeterRead) => Seq[MeterRead],
  reads:List[MeterRead]):List[MeterRead] =

  reads match {
    case List() => List()
    case first :: List() => List(first)
    case first :: second :: rest if gap(first, second) =>
       first :: strategy(x,y).toList ::: fillReads(strategy, second :: rest)
      case first :: rest => first :: fillReads(strategy,rest)

(demo with code)

It’s all happy flowers and meadows?

It’s all happy flowers and meadows?
  not quite; a few stumbling blocks

Generics, type-variance, etc. can
 get really confusing at times

Library docs not as extensive as

Still have to compile

Symbol Soup sometimes

Symbol Soup sometimes
  ...but it gets easier

Static typing sometimes paints you into
  a (very dark and confusing) corner

sometimes you just need

sometimes you just need
   monkey patching

Where is Scala now?


mailing lists, irc, a few blogs

One good book, a few others

Online docs improving, but

Spec is surprisingly readable

Java is on the decline

Java is on the decline
and Ruby and Python aren’t the
          only options



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Scala for Java Developers - Intro

  • 1. Scala WTF is it? The new hotness or yet another functional fad? 1
  • 2. Scalable Language That’s why it’s pronounced Ska-Lah ?!??! 2
  • 4. Runs on the JVM 4
  • 6. Why? 6
  • 9. Conciseness of Ruby + Safety of Static Typing 9
  • 10. No meta-programming but... very liberal syntax 10
  • 11. 11
  • 12. 12
  • 13. 13
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. 16
  • 18. List<String> oyVey = new ArrayList<String>(); 18
  • 19. List<String> oyVey = new ArrayList<String>(); var hellsYeah = new ArrayList[String]; 19
  • 20. List<String> oyVey = new ArrayList<String>(); var hellsYeah = new ArrayList[String]; val booyah = 45; // it’s an Int 20
  • 21. List<String> oyVey = new ArrayList<String>(); var hellsYeah = new ArrayList[String]; val booyah = 45; // it’s an Int val doh = booyah / 3; // not a Float!! 21
  • 22. List<String> oyVey = new ArrayList<String>(); var hellsYeah = new ArrayList[String]; val booyah = 45; // it’s an Int val doh = booyah / 3; // not a Float!! val better:Float = booyah / 3; 22
  • 23. List<String> oyVey = new ArrayList<String>(); var hellsYeah = new ArrayList[String]; val booyah = 45; // it’s an Int val doh = booyah / 3; // not a Float!! val better:Float = booyah / 3; // return type is java.lang.String def fullName = { first + “,” + last; } 23
  • 24. List<String> oyVey = new ArrayList<String>(); var hellsYeah = new ArrayList[String]; val booyah = 45; // it’s an Int val doh = booyah / 3; // not a Float!! val better:Float = booyah / 3; // return type is java.lang.String def fullName = { first + “,” + last; } If the type seems obvious to you... 24
  • 25. List<String> oyVey = new ArrayList<String>(); var hellsYeah = new ArrayList[String]; val booyah = 45; // it’s an Int val doh = booyah / 3; // not a Float!! val better:Float = booyah / 3; // return type is java.lang.String def fullName = { first + “,” + last; } If the type seems obvious to you... Scala can usually figure it out, too 25
  • 27. val semicolons = “don’t need ‘em” val but = “if it’s not clear”; val you = “need them” 27
  • 28. val semicolons = “don’t need ‘em” val but = “if it’s not clear”; val you = “need them” def braces(b:Boolean) = if (b) “needed for multiple expressions” else “you don’t need them” 28
  • 29. val semicolons = “don’t need ‘em” val but = “if it’s not clear”; val you = “need them” def braces(b:Boolean) = if (b) “needed for multiple expressions” else “you don’t need them” • if/else is a singular expression 29
  • 30. class Read(d:Date, val usage:Int) { def +(other:Int) = new Read(d,usage + other) override def toString = d + “:” + u } 30
  • 31. class Read(d:Date, val usage:Int) { def +(other:Int) = new Read(d,usage + other) override def toString = d + “:” + u } val f = new Read(new Date,10) val g = f + 20 31
  • 32. class Read(d:Date, val usage:Int) { def +(other:Int) = new Read(d,usage + other) override def toString = d + “:” + u } val f = new Read(new Date,10) val g = f + 20 val gee = f.+(20) // yuck, but legal 32
  • 33. class Read(d:Date, val usage:Int) { def +(other:Int) = new Read(d,usage + other) override def toString = d + “:” + u def later(ms:Int) = new Read(d + ms,usage) } val f = new Read(new Date,10) val g = f + 20 val gee = f.+(20) // yuck, but legal val l = f later (3600 * 1000) 33
  • 35. abstract class SaneCompare[T] {   def <(other:T):Boolean   def >(other:T) = !(this < other)   def <=(other:T) = this == other || this < other   def >=(other:T) = this == other || this > other } class Read(d:Date,u:Int) extends SaneCompare[Read] {   val usage = u    def <(other:Read) = usage < other.usage } if (someRead >= someOtherRead) println(”finally!”) 35
  • 36. abstract class SaneCompare[T] {   def <(other:T):Boolean   def >(other:T) = !(this < other)   def <=(other:T) = this == other || this < other   def >=(other:T) = this == other || this > other } class Read(d:Date,u:Int) extends AbstractEntity {   val usage = u    def <(other:Read) = usage < other.usage } // hmmm....what now? 36
  • 37. abstract class SaneCompare[T] {   def <(other:T):Boolean   def >(other:T) = !(this < other)   def <=(other:T) = this == other || this < other   def >=(other:T) = this == other || this > other } class Read(d:Date,u:Int) extends AbstractEntity {   val usage = u    def <(other:Read) = usage < other.usage } // AbstractEntity extends SaneCompare? // God class above AbstractEntity subsumes it? 37
  • 38. abstract class SaneCompare[T] {   def <(other:T):Boolean   def >(other:T) = !(this < other)   def <=(other:T) = this == other || this < other   def >=(other:T) = this == other || this > other } class Read(d:Date,u:Int) extends AbstractEntity {   val usage = u    def <(other:Read) = usage < other.usage } // AbstractEntity extends SaneCompare? // God class above AbstractEntity subsumes it? // these are different concepts entirely 38
  • 39. trait SaneCompare[T] {   def <(other:T):Boolean   def >(other:T) = !(this < other)   def <=(other:T) = this == other || this < other   def >=(other:T) = this == other || this > other } class Read(d:Date,u:Int) extends AbstractEntity with SaneCompare[Read] {   val usage = u    def <(other:Read) = usage < other.usage } // now we have both! 39
  • 40. Traits • Separate Concerns 40
  • 41. Traits •Separate Concerns • Precedence is based on declaration order 41
  • 42. Traits •Separate Concerns • Precedence is based on declaration order • All abstract – just like Java interface • None abstract – multiple inheritance 42
  • 43. Functions 43
  • 44. val reads = getSomeElectricReads // List[Read] reads.sort( (a,b) => < 0 ) 44
  • 45. val reads = getSomeElectricReads // List[Read] reads.sort( (a,b) => < 0 ) 45
  • 46. val reads = getSomeElectricReads // List[Read] reads.sort( (a,b) => < 0 ) def sort(compFunc:(Read,Read) => Boolean) 46
  • 47. val reads = getSomeElectricReads // List[Read] reads.sort( (a,b) => < 0 ) def sort(compFunc:(Read,Read) => Boolean) Function2[Read,Read,Boolean] 47
  • 48. val reads = getSomeElectricReads // List[Read] reads.sort( (a,b) => < 0 ) def sort(compFunc:(Read,Read) => Boolean) Function2[Read,Read,Boolean] def sortReads(a:Read,b:Read) = < 0 reads.sort(sortReads) // could also use a method // just keep in mind... 48
  • 49. Methods are not Functions 49
  • 50. Methods are not Functions but can be passed as Functions 50
  • 52. class State(val code:String,val desc:String) val states = getAllStates // returns a List[String] with the codes (state) => state.code ) // returns true if any state has a code of “DC” states.exists( (state) => state.code == “DC” ) // returns the state with the desc of “Hawaii” states.find( (state) => state.desc == “Hawaii” ) // returns a List[State] if states with descs matching states.filter( (state) => state.desc.startsWith(”V”) ) // Tons more 52
  • 53. Complete Access to JDK and Java libraries 53
  • 54. val s = new SingletonMetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory() val foo = s.getOrderForAspectClass(classOf[FooBar]) 54
  • 55. import java.util.Observer import java.util.Observable class AwesomeObserver extends Observer { def update(o:Observable, arg:Any) = if (o hasChanged) println(arg.asInstanceOf[MeterRead].date) } 55
  • 56. import java.util.Observer import java.util.Observable class AwesomeObserver extends Observer { def update(o:Observable, arg:Any) = if (o hasChanged) println(arg.asInstanceOf[MeterRead].date) } 56
  • 57. import java.util.Observer import java.util.Observable class AwesomeObserver extends Observer { def update(o:Observable, arg:Any) = if (o hasChanged) println(arg.asInstanceOf[MeterRead].date) } 57
  • 58. import java.util.Observer import java.util.Observable class AwesomeObserver extends Observer { def update(o:Observable, arg:Any) = if (o hasChanged) println(arg.asInstanceOf[MeterRead].date) } 58
  • 61. Proper F’ing Properties class ServicePoint(val id:String,var name:String) val sp = new ServicePoint(”foo”,”The Foo House”) println( // get, but no set println( = “Thy Foo Haüs” 61
  • 62. Proper F’ing Properties class ServicePoint(val id:String,private var _name:String) { def name = _name.toUpperCase def name_=(newName:String) = _name = newName } val sp = new ServicePoint(”foo”,”The Foo House”) = “Thy Foo Haüs” println( // prints THY FOO HAÜS 62
  • 63. ¡Adiós Checked Exceptions! def readFile(f:File) = { val is = new FileInputStream(f) var ch = while (ch != -1) { print(ch) ch = } } // Wow, that was clean! 63
  • 64. ¡Adiós Checked Exceptions! def readFile(f:File) = { try { val is = new FileInputStream(f) var ch = while (ch != -1) { print(ch) ch = } } catch { case fnfe:FileNotFoundException => println(f + ” not found, dude: ” + fnfe) } // All others bubble out, even if checked in Java } 64
  • 65. Can I get a closure? class Logger(level:Int) { def debug(message: => String) = log(20,message) def info(message: => String) = log(10,message) def log(logLevel:Int, message: => String) = { if (level >= logLevel) println(message) } } val log = new Logger(10) log.debug(“Got read for “ + + “ with usage “ + read.usage) read.usage = 44 read.usage < 10 “low read” else “high read”) 65
  • 66. Can I get a closure? class Logger(level:Int) { def debug(message: => String) = log(20,message) def info(message: => String) = log(10,message) def log(logLevel:Int, message: => String) = { if (level >= logLevel) println(message) } } val log = new Logger(10) log.debug(“Got read for “ + + “ with usage “ + read.usage) read.usage = 44 read.usage < 10 “low read” else “high read”) 66
  • 67. Can I get a closure? class Logger(level:Int) { def debug(message: => String) = log(20,message) def info(message: => String) = log(10,message) def log(logLevel:Int, message: => String) = { if (level >= logLevel) println(message) } } val log = new Logger(10) log.debug(“Got read for “ + + “ with usage “ + read.usage) read.usage = 44 read.usage < 10 “low read” else “high read”) 67
  • 68. Can I get a closure? class Logger(level:Int) { def debug(message: => String) = log(20,message) def info(message: => String) = log(10,message) def log(logLevel:Int, message: => String) = { if (level >= logLevel) println(message) } } val log = new Logger(10) log.debug(“Got read for “ + + “ with usage “ + read.usage) read.usage = 44 read.usage < 10 “low read” else “high read”) 68
  • 69. Can I get a closure? class Logger(level:Int) { def debug(message: => String) = log(20,message) def info(message: => String) = log(10,message) def log(logLevel:Int, message: => String) = { if (level >= logLevel) println(message) } } val log = new Logger(10) log.debug(“Got read for “ + + “ with usage “ + read.usage) read.usage = 44 read.usage < 10 “low read” else “high read”) 69
  • 70. “Literals” val triStateArea = List(”MD”,”DC”,”VA”) val theSouth = Map(”MD” -> true,”DC” -> false, ”VA” ->true) val perlCirca96 = (true,”Tuples rule”) val (hasTuples,message) = perlCirca96 70
  • 71. “Literals” val triStateArea = List(”MD”,”DC”,”VA”) val theSouth = Map(”MD” -> true,”DC” -> false, ”VA” ->true) val perlCirca96 = (true,”Tuples rule”) val (hasTuples,message) = perlCirca96 These are actually API calls 71
  • 72. “Literals” val triStateArea = List(”MD”,”DC”,”VA”) val theSouth = Map(”MD” -> true,”DC” -> false, ”VA” ->true) val perlCirca96 = (true,”Tuples rule”) val (hasTuples,message) = perlCirca96 This is done by the compiler creates a Tuple2[Boolean, String] 72
  • 73. “Literals” class Read(val id:Int, val usage:Int, val age:Int) object Read { def apply(id:Int,usage:Int,age:Int) = new Read(id,usage,age) } val read = Read(4,10,33) 73
  • 74. “Literals” class Read(val id:Int, val usage:Int, val age:Int) object Read { def apply(id:Int,usage:Int,age:Int) = new Read(id,usage,age) } val read = Read(4,10,33) // shortcut via compiler val read2 = Read.apply(4,10,33) 74
  • 75. Crazy Awesome - Pattern Matching def fromEnglish(string:String) = string match { case “none” => 0 case “one” => 1 case _ => 2 } 75
  • 76. Crazy Awesome - Pattern Matching def toUML(obj:Any) = obj match { case 0 => “0” case 1 => “0..1” case n:Int => “0..” + n case true => “1” case false => “0” case “many” => “0..*” case _ => “0..*” } 76
  • 77. Crazy Awesome - Pattern Matching sealed abstract class Read case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read def proRate(read:Read) = read match { case AMIRead(d,usage,duration) => usage / duration case BillingRead(d,usage,days,c) => usage / days case CorrectedRead(BillingRead(d,oldUsage,days,c),usage) => (oldUsage + usage) / days } 77
  • 78. Crazy Awesome - Pattern Matching sealed abstract class Read case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read def proRate(read:Read) = read match { case AMIRead(d,usage,duration) => usage / duration case BillingRead(d,usage,days,c) => usage / days case CorrectedRead(BillingRead(d,oldUsage,days,c),usage) => (oldUsage + usage) / days } • properties • equals/toString/hashCode • “extractor” • no need for “new” 78
  • 79. Crazy Awesome - Pattern Matching sealed abstract class Read case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read def proRate(read:Read) = read match { case AMIRead(d,usage,duration) => usage / duration case BillingRead(d,usage,days,c) => usage / days case CorrectedRead(BillingRead(d,oldUsage,days,c),usage) => (oldUsage + usage) / days } 79
  • 80. Crazy Awesome - Pattern Matching sealed abstract class Read case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read def proRate(read:Read) = read match { case AMIRead(d,usage,duration) => usage / duration case BillingRead(d,usage,days,c) => usage / days case CorrectedRead(BillingRead(d,oldUsage,days,c),usage) => (oldUsage + usage) / days } 80
  • 81. Crazy Awesome - Pattern Matching sealed abstract class Read case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read def proRate(read:Read) = read match { case AMIRead(d,usage,duration) => usage / duration case BillingRead(d,usage,days,c) => usage / days case CorrectedRead(BillingRead(d,oldUsage,days,c),usage) => (oldUsage + usage) / days } 81
  • 82. Crazy Awesome - Pattern Matching sealed abstract class Read case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read def proRate(read:Read) = read match { case AMIRead(d,usage,duration) => usage / duration case BillingRead(d,usage,days,c) => usage / days case CorrectedRead(BillingRead(d,oldUsage,days,c),usage) => (oldUsage + usage) / days } 82
  • 83. Crazy Awesome - Implicits sealed abstract class Read case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read implicit def readToSeconds(r:Read):Int = / 1000 def areConsecutive(from:Read, to:Read) = (from - to) <= from.duration 83
  • 84. Crazy Awesome - Implicits sealed abstract class Read case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read implicit def readToSeconds(r:Read):Int = / 1000 def areConsecutive(from:Read, to:Read) = (from - to) <= from.duration Have a Read, but need an Int 84
  • 85. Crazy Awesome - Implicits sealed abstract class Read case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read implicit def readToSeconds(r:Read):Int = / 1000 def areConsecutive(from:Read, to:Read) = (from - to) > from.duration Needs a Read and gives an Int 85
  • 86. Crazy Awesome - Implicits sealed abstract class Read case class AMIRead(date:Date,usage:Int,duration:Int) extends Read case class BillingRead(toDate:Date,usage:Int,numDays:Int,charges:Int) extends Read case class CorrectedRead(read:BillingRead, usage:Int) extends Read implicit def readToSeconds(r:Read):Int = / 1000 def areConsecutive(from:Read, to:Read) = (from - to) > from.duration • Given this and matching, casting is rarely needed 86
  • 87. Crazy Awesome - XML Literals val xml = <html> <head> <title>Scala Pronunciation Guide</title> </head> <body> <h1>How to Pronounce It</h1> </body> </html> println(xml) 87
  • 88. Crazy Awesome - XML Literals val lang = getLang val title = translate(”scala.title”,lang) val xml = <html lang={lang}> <head> <title>{title}</title> </head> <body> <h1>{title.toUpperCase}</h1> </body> </html> println(xml) 88
  • 89. Crazy Awesome - XML Literals val lang = getLang val title = translate(”scala.title”,lang) val xml = <html lang={lang}> <head> <title>{title}</title> </head> <body> <h1>{title.toUpperCase}</h1> </body> </html> println(xml) 89
  • 90. Crazy Awesome - XML Literals val states = List(”DC”,”MD”,”VA”) val xml = <html> <body> <h1>States</h1> <ul> { (state) => <li>{state}</li> ) } </ul> </body> </html> println(xml) 90
  • 94. Message Passing Immutable objects “actors” with “mailboxes” 94
  • 95. case class Accumulate(amount: Int) case class Reset case class Total object Accumulator extends Actor { def act = { var sum = 0 loop { react { case Accumulate(n) => sum += n case Reset => sum = 0 case Total => reply(sum); exit } } } } object Accumulators extends Application { Accumulator.start for(i <- (1 to 100)) { Accumulator ! Accumulate(i) } Accumulator !? Total match { case result: Int => println(result) } } 95
  • 96. case class Accumulate(amount: Int) case class Reset case class Total object Accumulator extends Actor { def act = { var sum = 0 loop { react { case Accumulate(n) => sum += n case Reset => sum = 0 case Total => reply(sum); exit } } } } object Accumulators extends Application { Accumulator.start for(i <- (1 to 100)) { Accumulator ! Accumulate(i) } Accumulator !? Total match { case result: Int => println(result) } } 96
  • 97. case class Accumulate(amount: Int) case class Reset case class Total object Accumulator extends Actor { def act = { var sum = 0 loop { react { case Accumulate(n) => sum += n case Reset => sum = 0 case Total => reply(sum); exit } } } } object Accumulators extends Application { Accumulator.start for(i <- (1 to 100)) { Accumulator ! Accumulate(i) } Accumulator !? Total match { case result: Int => println(result) } } 97
  • 98. case class Accumulate(amount: Int) case class Reset case class Total object Accumulator extends Actor { def act = { var sum = 0 loop { react { case Accumulate(n) => sum += n case Reset => sum = 0 case Total => reply(sum); exit } } } } object Accumulators extends Application { Accumulator.start for(i <- (1 to 100)) { Accumulator ! Accumulate(i) } Accumulator !? Total match { case result: Int => println(result) } } 98
  • 99. case class Accumulate(amount: Int) case class Reset case class Total object Accumulator extends Actor { def act = { var sum = 0 loop { react { case Accumulate(n) => sum += n case Reset => sum = 0 case Total => reply(sum); exit } } } } object Accumulators extends Application { Accumulator.start for(i <- (1 to 100)) { Accumulator ! Accumulate(i) } Accumulator !? Total match { case result: Int => println(result) } } 99
  • 100. case class Accumulate(amount: Int) case class Reset case class Total object Accumulator extends Actor { def act = { var sum = 0 loop { react { case Accumulate(n) => sum += n case Reset => sum = 0 case Total => reply(sum); exit } } } } object Accumulators extends Application { Accumulator.start for(i <- (1 to 100)) { Accumulator ! Accumulate(i) } Accumulator !? Total match { case result: Int => println(result) } } 100
  • 101. case class Accumulate(amount: Int) case class Reset case class Total object Accumulator extends Actor { def act = { var sum = 0 loop { react { case Accumulate(n) => sum += n case Reset => sum = 0 case Total => reply(sum); exit } } } } object Accumulators extends Application { Accumulator.start for(i <- (1 to 100)) { Accumulator ! Accumulate(i) } Accumulator !? Total match { case result: Int => println(result) } } 101
  • 102. There’s a lot more to it 102
  • 103. Demo 103
  • 104. Demo Fill Gaps in Electric Meter Reads 104
  • 105. 6/1 6/2 6/4 6/5 6/8 5 kwh 7 kwh 3 kwh 5 kwh 8 kwh 105
  • 106. 6/1 6/2 6/4 6/5 6/8 5 kwh 7 kwh 3 kwh 5 kwh 8 kwh 6/3 6/6 6/7 ?? ?? ?? 106
  • 107. for all consecutive reads r1 and r2 if r2 - r1 > one day fill gaps for (r1,r2) 107
  • 108. fill: for all reads (first,second,List(rest)) if gap(first,second) fill_gap(first,second) + fill(second + rest) else first + fill(second + rest) 108
  • 109. fill: for all reads (first,second,List(rest)) if !first || !second reads else if gap(first,second) fill_gap(first,second) + fill(second + rest) else first + fill(second + rest) 109
  • 110. def fillReads( strategy: (MeterRead,MeterRead) => Seq[MeterRead], reads:List[MeterRead]):List[MeterRead] = reads match { case List() => List() case first :: List() => List(first) case first :: second :: rest if gap(first, second) => first :: strategy(x,y).toList ::: fillReads(strategy, second :: rest) case first :: rest => first :: fillReads(strategy,rest) } 110
  • 111. def fillReads( strategy: (MeterRead,MeterRead) => Seq[MeterRead], reads:List[MeterRead]):List[MeterRead] = reads match { case List() => List() case first :: List() => List(first) case first :: second :: rest if gap(first, second) => first :: strategy(x,y).toList ::: fillReads(strategy, second :: rest) case first :: rest => first :: fillReads(strategy,rest) } 111
  • 112. def fillReads( strategy: (MeterRead,MeterRead) => Seq[MeterRead], reads:List[MeterRead]):List[MeterRead] = reads match { case List() => List() case first :: List() => List(first) case first :: second :: rest if gap(first, second) => first :: strategy(x,y).toList ::: fillReads(strategy, second :: rest) case first :: rest => first :: fillReads(strategy,rest) } 112
  • 114. It’s all happy flowers and meadows? 114
  • 115. It’s all happy flowers and meadows? not quite; a few stumbling blocks 115
  • 116. Generics, type-variance, etc. can get really confusing at times 116
  • 117. Library docs not as extensive as Java’s 117
  • 118. Still have to compile 118
  • 120. Symbol Soup sometimes ...but it gets easier 120
  • 121. Static typing sometimes paints you into a (very dark and confusing) corner 121
  • 122. sometimes you just need method_missing 122
  • 123. sometimes you just need monkey patching 123
  • 124. Where is Scala now? 124
  • 126. mailing lists, irc, a few blogs 126
  • 127. One good book, a few others 127
  • 128. Online docs improving, but scattered 128
  • 129. Spec is surprisingly readable 129
  • 130. Java is on the decline 130
  • 131. Java is on the decline and Ruby and Python aren’t the only options 131
  • 132. questions? 132