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Physics of PET-CT
    David S. Graff PhD
The Short, Rich Life of Positronium
          What is PET
                                                                  In this instance, the celebration is of
                                                               discoveries about antimatter that enable
                                                               contemporary scientists, engineers, and
                                                               physicians to make everyday use of
                                                               antimatter in ways that would have been

                                                               regarded as impossibly exotic only a few
                                                               decades ago.
                                                                 The sculpture, built in the Michigan shops by
,quot;$-+.#$&.                                                     Jens Zorn, has an abstract quality for the

 23                                                            general viewer; however people familiar with the
 ens Zorn                                                      relevant science will recognize it as a
  now lo-
                                                               stylized expression of the creation and
    Randall                                                    destruction of the simplest atom of antimatter.
West Hall.                                                     Positrons and electrons are antiparticles that
pril 5, 1999.                                                  are strongly attracted to one another.
                                                               Electrons are common constituents of ordi-
                                                               nary matter, while positrons are created only
                                                               under special circumstances of atomic and

                                                                                                                  PET Tracers
                                                               nuclear interactions. Once created, the
                                                               positron inevitably finds itself in the
                                                               company of electrons, and a typical fate for
                                                               the positron is to couple with one of those
                                                               electrons in a mutually encircling,
                                                               ever-decreasing orbit. This two-body system

                T     he sculpture “The Short, Rich Life
                     of Positronium” commemorates the
                                                               is called “positronium” and resembles an
                                                               ordinary atom in many ways. During its

                                                                                                                                    How a
                fundamental research on antimatter done at     short lifetime (only a few millionths of a
                the University of Michigan by Arthur Rich      second), positronium emits light as its orbit
                (1937-1990), his students and colleagues.      shrinks. Finally, the positron and electron
                Its creation was made possible by the          annihilate one another as they convert into

                                                                                                                                scanner works
                Physics Department, by the University’s        a pair of high-energy gamma-rays in the
                Administration, and by the friends and fam-    purest-known example of Einstein’s famous
                ily of Arthur Rich. It provides a permanent,   relationship of mass to energy: E=mc2.
                visual reminder to the University                Michigan physicists, (notably Arthur Rich,
                community and visitors that scientists at      later with David Gidley, and their students
                Michigan have made (and continue to make)      and collaborators) have studied the
                important discoveries.                         formation and annihilation of positronium

                                                17                               News of Michigan Physics

The Short, Rich Life of Positronium

       What is PET
                                                        In this instance, the celebration is of
                                                     discoveries about antimatter that enable
                                                     contemporary scientists, engineers, and
                                     Radiation       physicians to make everyday use of
                                                     antimatter in ways that would have been
                                       risks         regarded as impossibly exotic only a few
                                                     decades ago.
                                                       The sculpture, built in the Michigan shops by
.                                                    Jens Zorn, has an abstract quality for the
                                                     general viewer; however people familiar with the

                                                              PET Tracers
                                                     relevant science will recognize it as a
                                                     stylized expression of the creation and
 ll                                                  destruction of the simplest atom of antimatter.
 l.                                                  Positrons and electrons are antiparticles that
9.                                                   are strongly attracted to one another.
                                                     Electrons are common constituents of ordi-  How a
                                                     nary matter, while positrons are created only
                                                                                             scanner works
                                                     under special circumstances of atomic and
                                                     nuclear interactions. Once created, the
                                                     positron inevitably finds itself in the
                                                     company of electrons, and a typical fate for
                                                     the positron is to couple with one of those
                                                     electrons in a mutually encircling,
                                                     ever-decreasing orbit. This two-body system        Corrections
      T     he sculpture “The Short, Rich Life
           of Positronium” commemorates the
      fundamental research on antimatter done at
                                                     is called “positronium” and resembles an
                                                     ordinary atom in many ways. During its
                                                     short lifetime (only a few millionths of a
      the University of Michigan by Arthur Rich      second), positronium emits light as its orbit
      (1937-1990), his students and colleagues.      shrinks. Finally, the positron and electron
      Its creation was made possible by the          annihilate one another as they convert into
      Physics Department, by the University’s        a pair of high-energy gamma-rays in the
      Administration, and by the friends and fam-    purest-known example of Einstein’s famous
      ily of Arthur Rich. It provides a permanent,   relationship of mass to energy: E=mc2.
What is PET



What is PET?
Positron      Emission    Tomography
What is PET?
Positron      Emission    Tomography

              From CT: tomography requires
                lines of sight over all angles

             Lines of sight     360º coverage

             From CT: reconstruct with
              Filtered Back Projection
Tomography requires sampling along known
lines of sight through patients


What is PET?
Positron      Emission    Tomography
In Transmission tomography, we know the
location of the source and the detector, so
     we can reconstruct a line of sight

              Line of Sight
In Emission Tomography, source is
diffused through patient. How to
     construct a line of sight?
Tomography requires sampling along known
lines of sight through patients

Emission tomography is challenging because
source position (and hence line of sight) is
difficult to find

What is PET?
Positron      Emission    Tomography
A Positron is the antimatter
      partner of an electron

Mass: 511 keV         Mass: 511 keV
Charge: –1.6 10-19C   Charge: +1.6 10-19C
Positron decay makes
        back-to-back photons
                                                     1 keV
                                                 = 51          11
                                               hν            5
                 eV                          y: 0        =+
            51 1k               –          rg :
                                          e ge
                                        En ar     m:
      : hν
          =               511              h entu
    gy : 0
  er ge            λ=
                        -           +    C m
 n r
E a            : h/
 Ch men    tum
   Mo                                             TOTAL
                                        Energy: 2mc2 = 1022 keV
                                        Charge: 0
                                        Momentum: 0
Professor Arthur Rich holds a special place in the hearts o
                                              community. His untimely death in 1990 prompted the
    The short, rich life of positronium       remember his contributions with sculpture.

Jens Zorn PhD, University of Michigan of Positroniu
                         The Short, Rich Life

                                                                                              In this instan
                                                                                           discoveries abou
                                                                                           contemporary sc
                                                                                           physicians to m
                                                                                           antimatter in wa
                                                                                           regarded as imp
                                                                                           decades ago.
                                                                                             The sculpture, bu
            !quot;#$%quot;&'()$*+,quot;$-+.#$&.                                                        Jens Zorn, has a
                 /&0+('&1+23                                                               general viewer; how
            sculpture by Jens Zorn                                                         relevant science
            1998, welded bronze,
            64”x38quot;x20quot; is now lo-
                                                                                           stylized express
            cated between Randall                                                          destruction of the s
            Laboratory and West Hall.                                                      Positrons and elec
            It was installed April 5, 1999.                                                are strongly att
                                                                                           Electrons are com
                                                                                           nary matter, while
                                                                                           under special circ
                                                                                           nuclear interact
                                                                                           positron inevita
                                                                                           company of electr
                                                                                           the positron is to
                                                                                           electrons in a
                                                                                           ever-decreasing o

                                              T   he sculpture “The Short, Rich Life
                                                  of Positronium” commemorates the
                                              fundamental research on antimatter done at
                                                                                           is called “positro
                                                                                           ordinary atom in
                                                                                           short lifetime (on
                                              the University of Michigan by Arthur Rich    second), positroni
                                              (1937-1990), his students and colleagues.    shrinks. Finally,
                                              Its creation was made possible by the
Coincidence detection
determines line of sight
Coincidence detection
determines line of sight
Tomography requires sampling along known lines
of sight through patients

Emission tomography is challenging because source
position (and hence line of sight) is difficult to find

Positron annihilates into back-to-back photons.
Line of sight is between two detectors.
Allows Tomography
physicians to make everyday use of
                                                       antimatter in ways that would have been
                                                       regarded as impossibly exotic only a few

                                                        Positron annihilates into back-to-back photons
                                                       decades ago.
                                                         The sculpture, built in the Michigan shops by
                                                       Jens Zorn, has an abstract quality for the

                                                        Simultaneous detection yields line of sight
                                                       general viewer; however people familiar with the
 orn                                                   relevant science will recognize it as a
                                                       stylized expression of the creation and
dall                                                   destruction of the simplest atom of antimatter.

                                                        Enables efficient emission tomography
Hall.                                                  Positrons and electrons are antiparticles that
999.                                                   are strongly attracted to one another.
                                                       Electrons are common constituents of ordi-
                                                       nary matter, while positrons are created only
                                                       under special circumstances of atomic and
                                                       nuclear interactions. Once created, the
                                                       positron inevitably finds itself in the
                                                       company of electrons, and a typical fate for
                                                       the positron is to couple with one of those
                                                       electrons in a mutually encircling,
                                                       ever-decreasing orbit. This two-body system

        T     he sculpture “The Short, Rich Life
             of Positronium” commemorates the
        fundamental research on antimatter done at
                                                       is called “positronium” and resembles an
                                                       ordinary atom in many ways. During its
                                                       short lifetime (only a few millionths of a
        the University of Michigan by Arthur Rich      second), positronium emits light as its orbit
        (1937-1990), his students and colleagues.      shrinks. Finally, the positron and electron
        Its creation was made possible by the          annihilate one another as they convert into
        Physics Department, by the University’s        a pair of high-energy gamma-rays in the
        Administration, and by the friends and fam-    purest-known example of Einstein’s famous
        ily of Arthur Rich. It provides a permanent,   relationship of mass to energy: E=mc2.
        visual reminder to the University                Michigan physicists, (notably Arthur Rich,
        community and visitors that scientists at      later with David Gidley, and their students
        Michigan have made (and continue to make)      and collaborators) have studied the
        important discoveries.                         formation and annihilation of positronium

                                        17                               News of Michigan Physics
What is PET

                          PET Tracers

                                            How a
                                        scanner works

300× more
lead needed to
   block PET

        diagnostic scan   511 keV
d PET/CT Shielding                                                                  6

only used

                        511 keV Lead

                  How much protection would be
                     afforded by a lead vest?

se rate
ositron-    FIG. 1. Plot of lead broad beam transmission factors as a function of lead
e high-     thickness.
Staff doses from PET
               can be high
          33 mSv/hr                      30 µSv/hr

4 mSv/hr
         Typical dose 1.5 mSv/scan   Typical dose 0.2 mSv/scan
  2 lbs     ALARA<50 mSv/yr              ALARA<5 mSv/yr
PET materials are more
    risky Ci for Ci


                                                  Exposure rate constant


Thallium 201                                  0
               Technetium 99m
                                Fluorine 18
The majority of the patient dose
         comes from the CT scan

                 0.7 rem / scan

1.8 rem / scan
                                   Ref: Beyer T, Mueller SP, Brix G et al.
                                   Radiation exposure during combined
                                  whole-body FGD-PET/CT imaging. 51st
                                    Annual Meeting, Society of Nuclear
                                  Medicine, June 22, 2004. Abstract 1331.
Positron annihilates into back-to-back photons
Simultaneous detection yields line of sight
Enables efficient emission tomography

PET uses penetrating photons (TVL 16 mm Pb)
Potential serious dose from injection and patient
What is PET


                          PET Tracers

                                            How a
                                        scanner works

Type of decay depends
                    on isotope        Too Big
Number of Protons

                                                to ns
                                        y pro
                                  m an              ns
                            Too             ut   ro
                                     n yn
                                 o ma

                             Number of Neutrons
Positrons are created
with β+ radioactive decay


Isotopes used in PET
Number of Protons

                       Number of Neutrons
PET Isotopes have to be
manufactured in a cyclotroron
Production of    18F
Number of Protons

                     Number of Neutrons
Nearly all PET
scans use FDG
  as a tracer
Shows Glucose use
and hence general
metabolic activity
FDG traces glucose usage.

•   Actively brought   •   Actively brought
    into active cell       into active cell
•    Phosphorilized    •    Phosphorilized
•     Metabolized      •        Decay
                       •     Metabolized
Normal PET scan
These PET scan images superimposed on MRI
scan images shows a healthy medical student's
brain function when performing arithmetical tasks at
the same time as being exposed to irrelevant
speech. Some brain areas are found significantly
modulated: (A) Shows bilateral decreases in the
auditory cortex. (B) Shows an increased activity in
the left posterior parietal cortex. Courtesy
and © Karolinska Institute and Hospital,
PET Cognitive Neurophysiology, Sweden.
NonHodgkin’s Lymphoma
41 year old female with a history of breast cancer, status post lumpectomy and
axillary node dissection, and radiation treatment was referred for a restaging
PET/CT examination. Metastatic breast cancer with ovarian metastases
Lymphoma - 56-year-old male
Positron annihilates into back-to-back photons
Simultaneous detection yields line of sight
Enables efficient emission tomography

PET uses penetrating photons (TVL 16 mm Pb)
Potential serious dose from injection and patient
Most scans use FDG as a tracer
Produced offsite in a cyclotron
Traces glucose uptake
What is PET

                                            How a
                          PET Tracers   scanner works

How PET works
A tracer isotope decays and
emits back-to-back photons

Two detectors light up at the
same time

We infer the position of the
tracer somewhere along the
line of sight

More lines of sight localize the
algorithm handles
   noise better
       1 iter!quot;#$    0!()*+/!
                      2 iters        '!()*+/!
                                     5 iters

6#78!        &9!()*+/!        &'!()*+/!
              10 iters       15 iters
/J !F ) +                  ,.F!D-+-.,?!G(*HA!,?-.:!H()C!>+-I(?*/!)C+-1:C!(=,:*/;!@2A!#>C*+*!>C,.)-=!
            ,), ,./
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                                                             +                            <)*   -?+,)(-                         <   -?F
                         !H( .F!
                                ) C! /,
                                                                    .!                            F ! /> .                              !/
                                                cold contrast
   ()),                             >?- :()),
                                       ) !-I! ?!G(
                                                                                                        -)!!B                                  !
!-I! ?!G H
     I(:1 (*quot;3!4 A                           I(:1 *HA!I
           +0/ !/ !I+-= #
             *&!-1 56                              +*/!-I +-=
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    +/!               *) ( 8 *
                          (                                       +(); /*!I+*
                         +/)!; /*!!I+* +/!
                                       1 iter                                 *
                                               . *+,           0
                                                                         !quot; !:*
                                                                            #$ .*+,)*
                     0! ()*+                         ) *F! !()*+                              F
                              /                              F
     quot;#$                                                            2                            !F,)
   0       !                    !                              ,),! /!                                ,!,?
     & 4                       3,DM:+-1.F!B6N%!&9!>?,.*/!          , ?-.:                                  -.:!
       !/12 56
             /*)/ #78                        '!()                        ! H() '!()                             H ()C!
                  !           !                   *+/!                        C !>+- *+/!                             > +-I
                                                                                    I(?*                                   ( ?*/!
                                                               &                        / !)C+ &9!                                ) C+-
                                                                      *+/                         - 1:C ()*+/!                           :C!
                                                                         !                               !

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                  <                                     < -?F
                        !                                     !/
• Given two competing PET systems, which
  would you recommend?

 • The one with better contrast.
 • The one with less noise.
Positron annihilates into back-to-back photons
Simultaneous detection yields line of sight
Enables efficient emission tomography

PET uses penetrating photons (TVL 16 mm Pb)
Potential serious dose from injection and patient
Most scans use FDG as a tracer
Produced offsite in a cyclotron
Traces glucose uptake
Pixelated scintillator absorbs photon and emits light
Light detected by photomultiplier tube
Computer model of patient iteratively modified until
statistically matches scanner data (OSEM)
What is PET


                          PET Tracers

                                            How a
                                        scanner works
Photons from deep
tissue may attenuate
CT measures attenuation

Measure PET and CT at
    the same time
Scatter can add noise.
One of the two photons
scatters in the patient

A “wrong” detector lights up

The wrong line of sight is

   Incorrect information adds noise to image
Too much activity can
          add noise. Randoms
Two decays occur at almost
the same time

The wrong detectors light up
at the same time

The wrong line of sight is

   Incorrect information adds noise to image
Time of flight PET can
           decrease noise
It takes more time for the
photon to travel to the far
detector. (Speed of light:
1 ft/0.0000000001 sec)

Measure the time difference
between detectors

Deduce where along line of    Δt = 1.2 ± 0.3 ns
sight event came from.

          More information reduces noise
                 '()$           !#$%&   !quot;#$%&%!quot;# '()*1              '()*/
                                                           !quot;#$%&%!quot;# '()*+
                 20-.%(%&%!quot;#           20-.%(!quot;#          )0-.%(!quot;#
     20+(CI9J(          '()$

),(-N. #OPJ(

Positron annihilates into back-to-back photons
Simultaneous detection yields line of sight
Enables efficient emission tomography

PET uses penetrating photons (TVL 16 mm Pb)
Potential serious dose from injection and patient
Most scans use FDG as a tracer
Produced offsite in a cyclotron
Traces glucose uptake
Pixelated scintillator absorbs photon and emits light
Light detected by photomultiplier tube
Computer model of patient iteratively modified until
statistically matches scanner data (OSEM)
Noise from Scatter, Randoms
Randoms can increase noise with high activity
Time of flight can reduce noise for large patients
physicians to make everyday use of
                                                       antimatter in ways that would have been
                                                       regarded as impossibly exotic only a few

                                                        Positron annihilates into back-to-back photons
                                                       decades ago.
                                                         The sculpture, built in the Michigan shops by
                                                       Jens Zorn, has an abstract quality for the

                                                        Simultaneous detection yields line of sight
                                                       general viewer; however people familiar with the
 orn                                                   relevant science will recognize it as a
                                                       stylized expression of the creation and
dall                                                   destruction of the simplest atom of antimatter.

                                                        Enables efficient emission tomography
Hall.                                                  Positrons and electrons are antiparticles that
999.                                                   are strongly attracted to one another.
                                                       Electrons are common constituents of ordi-
                                                       nary matter, while positrons are created only
                                                       under special circumstances of atomic and
                                                       nuclear interactions. Once created, the
                                                       positron inevitably finds itself in the

                                                        PET uses penetrating photons (TVL 16 mm Pb)
                                                       company of electrons, and a typical fate for
                                                       the positron is to couple with one of those
                                                       electrons in a mutually encircling,

                                                        Potential serious dose from injection and patient
                                                       ever-decreasing orbit. This two-body system

        T     he sculpture “The Short, Rich Life
             of Positronium” commemorates the
        fundamental research on antimatter done at
                                                       is called “positronium” and resembles an
                                                       ordinary atom in many ways. During its
                                                       short lifetime (only a few millionths of a

        the University of Michigan by Arthur Rich      second), positronium emits light as its orbit
        (1937-1990), his students and colleagues.      shrinks. Finally, the positron and electron
        Its creation was made possible by the          annihilate one another as they convert into
        Physics Department, by the University’s        a pair of high-energy gamma-rays in the
        Administration, and by the friends and fam-    purest-known example of Einstein’s famous

                                                        Most scans use FDG as a tracer
        ily of Arthur Rich. It provides a permanent,   relationship of mass to energy: E=mc2.
        visual reminder to the University                Michigan physicists, (notably Arthur Rich,
        community and visitors that scientists at      later with David Gidley, and their students
        Michigan have made (and continue to make)      and collaborators) have studied the
        important discoveries.
                                                        Produced offsite in a cyclotron
                                                       formation and annihilation of positronium

                                                        Traces glucose uptake
                                        17                               News of Michigan Physics

                                                        Pixelated scintillator absorbs photon and emits light
                                                        Light detected by photomultiplier tube
                                                        Computer model of patient iteratively modified until
                                                        statistically matches scanner data (OSEM)
                                                        Noise from Scatter, Randoms
                                                        Randoms can increase noise with high activity
                                                        Time of flight can reduce noise for large patients

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  • 1. Physics of PET-CT David S. Graff PhD
  • 2. The Short, Rich Life of Positronium What is PET In this instance, the celebration is of discoveries about antimatter that enable contemporary scientists, engineers, and physicians to make everyday use of antimatter in ways that would have been Radiation regarded as impossibly exotic only a few decades ago. The sculpture, built in the Michigan shops by ,quot;$-+.#$&. Jens Zorn, has an abstract quality for the risks 23 general viewer; however people familiar with the ens Zorn relevant science will recognize it as a bronze, now lo- stylized expression of the creation and Randall destruction of the simplest atom of antimatter. West Hall. Positrons and electrons are antiparticles that pril 5, 1999. are strongly attracted to one another. Electrons are common constituents of ordi- nary matter, while positrons are created only under special circumstances of atomic and PET Tracers nuclear interactions. Once created, the positron inevitably finds itself in the company of electrons, and a typical fate for the positron is to couple with one of those electrons in a mutually encircling, ever-decreasing orbit. This two-body system T he sculpture “The Short, Rich Life of Positronium” commemorates the is called “positronium” and resembles an ordinary atom in many ways. During its How a fundamental research on antimatter done at short lifetime (only a few millionths of a the University of Michigan by Arthur Rich second), positronium emits light as its orbit (1937-1990), his students and colleagues. shrinks. Finally, the positron and electron Its creation was made possible by the annihilate one another as they convert into scanner works Physics Department, by the University’s a pair of high-energy gamma-rays in the Administration, and by the friends and fam- purest-known example of Einstein’s famous ily of Arthur Rich. It provides a permanent, relationship of mass to energy: E=mc2. visual reminder to the University Michigan physicists, (notably Arthur Rich, community and visitors that scientists at later with David Gidley, and their students Michigan have made (and continue to make) and collaborators) have studied the important discoveries. formation and annihilation of positronium 17 News of Michigan Physics Corrections
  • 3. The Short, Rich Life of Positronium What is PET In this instance, the celebration is of discoveries about antimatter that enable contemporary scientists, engineers, and Radiation physicians to make everyday use of antimatter in ways that would have been risks regarded as impossibly exotic only a few decades ago. The sculpture, built in the Michigan shops by . Jens Zorn, has an abstract quality for the general viewer; however people familiar with the PET Tracers relevant science will recognize it as a n , - stylized expression of the creation and ll destruction of the simplest atom of antimatter. l. Positrons and electrons are antiparticles that 9. are strongly attracted to one another. Electrons are common constituents of ordi- How a nary matter, while positrons are created only scanner works under special circumstances of atomic and nuclear interactions. Once created, the positron inevitably finds itself in the company of electrons, and a typical fate for the positron is to couple with one of those electrons in a mutually encircling, ever-decreasing orbit. This two-body system Corrections T he sculpture “The Short, Rich Life of Positronium” commemorates the fundamental research on antimatter done at is called “positronium” and resembles an ordinary atom in many ways. During its short lifetime (only a few millionths of a the University of Michigan by Arthur Rich second), positronium emits light as its orbit (1937-1990), his students and colleagues. shrinks. Finally, the positron and electron Its creation was made possible by the annihilate one another as they convert into Physics Department, by the University’s a pair of high-energy gamma-rays in the Administration, and by the friends and fam- purest-known example of Einstein’s famous ily of Arthur Rich. It provides a permanent, relationship of mass to energy: E=mc2.
  • 4. What is PET P E T
  • 5. What is PET? Positron Emission Tomography
  • 6. What is PET? Positron Emission Tomography
  • 7. Tomography From CT: tomography requires lines of sight over all angles Lines of sight 360º coverage
  • 8. Tomography From CT: reconstruct with Filtered Back Projection
  • 9. Tomography requires sampling along known lines of sight through patients Emission Positron
  • 10. What is PET? Positron Emission Tomography
  • 11. In Transmission tomography, we know the location of the source and the detector, so we can reconstruct a line of sight Line of Sight
  • 12. In Emission Tomography, source is diffused through patient. How to construct a line of sight?
  • 13. Tomography requires sampling along known lines of sight through patients Emission tomography is challenging because source position (and hence line of sight) is difficult to find Positron
  • 14. What is PET? Positron Emission Tomography
  • 15. A Positron is the antimatter partner of an electron Mass: 511 keV Mass: 511 keV Charge: –1.6 10-19C Charge: +1.6 10-19C
  • 16. Positron decay makes back-to-back photons 1 keV = 51 11 hν 5 eV y: 0 =+ 51 1k – rg : e ge En ar m: h/λ : hν = 511 h entu gy : 0 er ge λ= - + C m Mo n r E a : h/ Ch men tum Mo TOTAL Energy: 2mc2 = 1022 keV Charge: 0 Momentum: 0
  • 17. Professor Arthur Rich holds a special place in the hearts o community. His untimely death in 1990 prompted the The short, rich life of positronium remember his contributions with sculpture. Jens Zorn PhD, University of Michigan of Positroniu The Short, Rich Life In this instan discoveries abou contemporary sc physicians to m antimatter in wa regarded as imp decades ago. The sculpture, bu !quot;#$%quot;&'()$*+,quot;$-+.#$&. Jens Zorn, has a /&0+('&1+23 general viewer; how sculpture by Jens Zorn relevant science 1998, welded bronze, 64”x38quot;x20quot; is now lo- stylized express cated between Randall destruction of the s Laboratory and West Hall. Positrons and elec It was installed April 5, 1999. are strongly att Electrons are com nary matter, while under special circ nuclear interact positron inevita company of electr the positron is to electrons in a ever-decreasing o T he sculpture “The Short, Rich Life of Positronium” commemorates the fundamental research on antimatter done at is called “positro ordinary atom in short lifetime (on the University of Michigan by Arthur Rich second), positroni (1937-1990), his students and colleagues. shrinks. Finally, Its creation was made possible by the
  • 20. Tomography requires sampling along known lines of sight through patients Emission tomography is challenging because source position (and hence line of sight) is difficult to find Positron annihilates into back-to-back photons. Line of sight is between two detectors. Allows Tomography
  • 21. physicians to make everyday use of antimatter in ways that would have been regarded as impossibly exotic only a few $&. Positron annihilates into back-to-back photons decades ago. The sculpture, built in the Michigan shops by Jens Zorn, has an abstract quality for the Simultaneous detection yields line of sight general viewer; however people familiar with the orn relevant science will recognize it as a ze, lo- stylized expression of the creation and dall destruction of the simplest atom of antimatter. Enables efficient emission tomography Hall. Positrons and electrons are antiparticles that 999. are strongly attracted to one another. Electrons are common constituents of ordi- nary matter, while positrons are created only under special circumstances of atomic and nuclear interactions. Once created, the positron inevitably finds itself in the company of electrons, and a typical fate for the positron is to couple with one of those electrons in a mutually encircling, ever-decreasing orbit. This two-body system T he sculpture “The Short, Rich Life of Positronium” commemorates the fundamental research on antimatter done at is called “positronium” and resembles an ordinary atom in many ways. During its short lifetime (only a few millionths of a the University of Michigan by Arthur Rich second), positronium emits light as its orbit (1937-1990), his students and colleagues. shrinks. Finally, the positron and electron Its creation was made possible by the annihilate one another as they convert into Physics Department, by the University’s a pair of high-energy gamma-rays in the Administration, and by the friends and fam- purest-known example of Einstein’s famous ily of Arthur Rich. It provides a permanent, relationship of mass to energy: E=mc2. visual reminder to the University Michigan physicists, (notably Arthur Rich, community and visitors that scientists at later with David Gidley, and their students Michigan have made (and continue to make) and collaborators) have studied the important discoveries. formation and annihilation of positronium 17 News of Michigan Physics
  • 22. What is PET Radiation risks PET Tracers How a scanner works Corrections
  • 23. 300× more lead needed to block PET photons Typical diagnostic scan 511 keV
  • 24. d PET/CT Shielding 6 only used 511 keV Lead dose q How much protection would be afforded by a lead vest? se rate similar ositron- FIG. 1. Plot of lead broad beam transmission factors as a function of lead e high- thickness.
  • 25. Staff doses from PET can be high 33 mSv/hr 30 µSv/hr 4 mSv/hr Typical dose 1.5 mSv/scan Typical dose 0.2 mSv/scan 2 lbs ALARA<50 mSv/yr ALARA<5 mSv/yr
  • 26. PET materials are more risky Ci for Ci 6 Exposure rate constant 4 R/Ci/hr/cm2 2 Thallium 201 0 Technetium 99m Fluorine 18
  • 27. The majority of the patient dose comes from the CT scan PET 0.7 rem / scan CT 1.8 rem / scan Ref: Beyer T, Mueller SP, Brix G et al. Radiation exposure during combined whole-body FGD-PET/CT imaging. 51st Annual Meeting, Society of Nuclear Medicine, June 22, 2004. Abstract 1331.
  • 28. Positron annihilates into back-to-back photons Simultaneous detection yields line of sight Enables efficient emission tomography PET uses penetrating photons (TVL 16 mm Pb) Potential serious dose from injection and patient positioning
  • 29. What is PET Radiation risks PET Tracers How a scanner works Corrections
  • 30. Type of decay depends on isotope Too Big Number of Protons to ns y pro m an ns Too ut ro e n yn o ma To Number of Neutrons
  • 31. Positrons are created with β+ radioactive decay n+ p0 +
  • 32. Isotopes used in PET Number of Protons Number of Neutrons
  • 33. PET Isotopes have to be manufactured in a cyclotroron
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37. Production of 18F Number of Protons Number of Neutrons
  • 38.
  • 39. Nearly all PET scans use FDG as a tracer Shows Glucose use and hence general metabolic activity
  • 40. FDG traces glucose usage. • Actively brought • Actively brought into active cell into active cell • Phosphorilized • Phosphorilized • Metabolized • Decay • Metabolized
  • 42. These PET scan images superimposed on MRI scan images shows a healthy medical student's brain function when performing arithmetical tasks at the same time as being exposed to irrelevant speech. Some brain areas are found significantly modulated: (A) Shows bilateral decreases in the auditory cortex. (B) Shows an increased activity in the left posterior parietal cortex. Courtesy and © Karolinska Institute and Hospital, PET Cognitive Neurophysiology, Sweden.
  • 44.
  • 45. 41 year old female with a history of breast cancer, status post lumpectomy and axillary node dissection, and radiation treatment was referred for a restaging PET/CT examination. Metastatic breast cancer with ovarian metastases
  • 47. Positron annihilates into back-to-back photons Simultaneous detection yields line of sight Enables efficient emission tomography PET uses penetrating photons (TVL 16 mm Pb) Potential serious dose from injection and patient positioning Most scans use FDG as a tracer Produced offsite in a cyclotron Traces glucose uptake
  • 48. What is PET Radiation risks How a PET Tracers scanner works Corrections
  • 49. How PET works A tracer isotope decays and emits back-to-back photons Two detectors light up at the same time We infer the position of the tracer somewhere along the line of sight More lines of sight localize the tracer
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57. New OSEM reconstruction algorithm handles noise better
  • 58.
  • 59. &!()*+/! 1 iter!quot;#$ 0!()*+/! 2 iters '!()*+/! 5 iters #78! /! ,)*F!F,),!,?-.:!H()C!>+-I(?*/!)C+-1:C! !()*+/! 6#78! &9!()*+/! &'!()*+/! 10 iters 15 iters /!
  • 60. /J !F ) + ,.F!D-+-.,?!G(*HA!,?-.:!H()C!>+-I(?*/!)C+-1:C!(=,:*/;!@2A!#>C*+*!>C,.)-=! ,), ,./ !, ,E &/ !quot;#$ &/ !) ( ?-. (,?!, : !) ()* + <)* -?+,)(- < -?F ,: !H( .F! ) C! /, ,)(- .! F ! /> . !/ cold contrast >-) ()), >?- :()), ) !-I! ?!G( -)!!B ! !-I! ?!G H I(:1 (*quot;3!4 A I(:1 *HA!I 6N! +0/ !/ !I+-= # *&!-1 56 +*/!-I +-= !()* = I!2/* !.- &!() 7 !=* !.-( +/! *) ( 8 * ( +(); /*!I+* +/)!; /*!!I+* +/! *!:* 1 iter * . *+, 0 !quot; !:* #$ .*+,)* !quot;# $ 0! ()*+ ) *F! !()*+ F / F quot;#$ 2 !F,) 0 ! ! ,),! /! ,!,? & 4 3,DM:+-1.F!B6N%!&9!>?,.*/! , ?-.: -.:! !/12 56 /*)/ #78 '!() ! H() '!() H ()C! ! ! *+/! C !>+- *+/! > +-I I(?* ( ?*/! & / !)C+ &9! ) C+- 1 5 9!() *+/ - 1:C ()*+/! :C! ! ! noise &'! & '!( () 10 *+/ )*+/ ! ! 15 <-?F!/>C*+*!B6N%!O!>?,.*/! < < -?F -?F ! !/
  • 61. • Given two competing PET systems, which would you recommend? • The one with better contrast. • The one with less noise.
  • 62. Positron annihilates into back-to-back photons Simultaneous detection yields line of sight Enables efficient emission tomography PET uses penetrating photons (TVL 16 mm Pb) Potential serious dose from injection and patient positioning Most scans use FDG as a tracer Produced offsite in a cyclotron Traces glucose uptake Pixelated scintillator absorbs photon and emits light Light detected by photomultiplier tube Computer model of patient iteratively modified until statistically matches scanner data (OSEM)
  • 63. What is PET Radiation risks PET Tracers How a Corrections scanner works
  • 64. Photons from deep tissue may attenuate
  • 65.
  • 66. CT measures attenuation Measure PET and CT at the same time
  • 67.
  • 69. Scatter can add noise. One of the two photons scatters in the patient A “wrong” detector lights up The wrong line of sight is inferred Incorrect information adds noise to image
  • 70. Too much activity can add noise. Randoms Two decays occur at almost the same time The wrong detectors light up at the same time The wrong line of sight is inferred Incorrect information adds noise to image
  • 71.
  • 72. Time of flight PET can decrease noise It takes more time for the photon to travel to the far detector. (Speed of light: 1 ft/0.0000000001 sec) Measure the time difference between detectors Deduce where along line of Δt = 1.2 ± 0.3 ns sight event came from. More information reduces noise
  • 73. 34567.%8(97:%((;.-4<(=4:>?(@:;.4%; '()$ !#$%& !quot;#$%&%!quot;# '()*1 '()*/ !quot;#$%&%!quot;# '()*+ A/(?4:B(&C5( D4-:C4( B474%;C?( 5.:8%&945( E.;=(FGH 20-.%(%&%!quot;# 20-.%(!quot;# )0-.%(!quot;# ),-.%(!quot;# 20+(CI9J( '()$ A,*/(KLM ),(-N. #OPJ( )(=B(@&9;Q .%R47;.&% !quot;
  • 74. Positron annihilates into back-to-back photons Simultaneous detection yields line of sight Enables efficient emission tomography PET uses penetrating photons (TVL 16 mm Pb) Potential serious dose from injection and patient positioning Most scans use FDG as a tracer Produced offsite in a cyclotron Traces glucose uptake Pixelated scintillator absorbs photon and emits light Light detected by photomultiplier tube Computer model of patient iteratively modified until statistically matches scanner data (OSEM) Noise from Scatter, Randoms Randoms can increase noise with high activity Time of flight can reduce noise for large patients
  • 75. physicians to make everyday use of antimatter in ways that would have been regarded as impossibly exotic only a few $&. Positron annihilates into back-to-back photons decades ago. The sculpture, built in the Michigan shops by Jens Zorn, has an abstract quality for the Simultaneous detection yields line of sight general viewer; however people familiar with the orn relevant science will recognize it as a ze, lo- stylized expression of the creation and dall destruction of the simplest atom of antimatter. Enables efficient emission tomography Hall. Positrons and electrons are antiparticles that 999. are strongly attracted to one another. Electrons are common constituents of ordi- nary matter, while positrons are created only under special circumstances of atomic and nuclear interactions. Once created, the positron inevitably finds itself in the PET uses penetrating photons (TVL 16 mm Pb) company of electrons, and a typical fate for the positron is to couple with one of those electrons in a mutually encircling, Potential serious dose from injection and patient ever-decreasing orbit. This two-body system T he sculpture “The Short, Rich Life of Positronium” commemorates the fundamental research on antimatter done at is called “positronium” and resembles an ordinary atom in many ways. During its short lifetime (only a few millionths of a positioning the University of Michigan by Arthur Rich second), positronium emits light as its orbit (1937-1990), his students and colleagues. shrinks. Finally, the positron and electron Its creation was made possible by the annihilate one another as they convert into Physics Department, by the University’s a pair of high-energy gamma-rays in the Administration, and by the friends and fam- purest-known example of Einstein’s famous Most scans use FDG as a tracer ily of Arthur Rich. It provides a permanent, relationship of mass to energy: E=mc2. visual reminder to the University Michigan physicists, (notably Arthur Rich, community and visitors that scientists at later with David Gidley, and their students Michigan have made (and continue to make) and collaborators) have studied the important discoveries. Produced offsite in a cyclotron formation and annihilation of positronium Traces glucose uptake 17 News of Michigan Physics Pixelated scintillator absorbs photon and emits light Light detected by photomultiplier tube Computer model of patient iteratively modified until statistically matches scanner data (OSEM) Noise from Scatter, Randoms Randoms can increase noise with high activity Time of flight can reduce noise for large patients